#please blacklist those
xieliansbignaturals · 2 months
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I'm coping sooooo well.
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unluckyxse7en · 1 month
The book of bill is so ridiculous...
Bill on a romance advice page: I HAVE NO EXES
BIll on a reverse, mirrored text page: anyways yeah there's lots of creeps that live in the mirror realm including one of my exes
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jimmyspades · 8 months
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THE BLACKLIST 10.5 "The Dockery Affair"
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carouselunique · 2 months
Is it true that there's no animosity between you and... you know, you know who. You never talk about her in any way. I guess I'm curious. You guys seemed like really close friends and then just weren't friends at all. And there was some stuff she said that seemed very targeted at you...
I don't know if she feels any animosity toward me or not any more. Our mutual friends have said she doesn't and I take them on their word in that regard, assuming that if they have an answer for me it's because they're aware how she feels. I wouldn't know and it's not my place to put words in her mouth.
I haven't spoken to her/about her in a long time and the only time she even crosses my mind is when people bring her up to me. As for me feeling any animosity? I'll admit my feelings on her these days are complicated and way too nuance-core for people who aren't my friends to hear about but I wouldn't call them animosity in any way. I inherently want people my friends care about to live well because I care about my friends, and anyone my friends care about by proxy and I still share friends with her. I would never wish ill on people my friends care about so animosity doesn't fit into that by definition. I'd say I'm hurt more than anything and even then I've worked through a lot of it with trusted friends who have helped me deal with my emotions in a healthy way.
(Besides, my own life struggles keep me from even being able to invest time into animosity. I have to expend that energy loving my family, doing my best to support them during our struggles. And I've never been a hateful person it isn't in me. I would rather play 'Hot To Go' by Chappell Roan and teach my dad how to do the hand gestures to help him strengthen his muscles again than focus on hating anyone...)
I try not to think about her because it hurts. I often think that people forget that I'm a real person outside of her sphere, and that I wouldn't want to talk about what happened because I truly did consider her a friend for a long time. And when someone I consider a friend appears to not regard me with care any more suddenly and I don't even have closure on that... well... it hurts... A lot. Of course I never talk about it.
And I'm not stupid, I have seen some stuff she's said that I've gathered was about me. I remind myself that she has a right to vent in her own spaces and I truly mean that... it's just a shame that her own spaces have people who then have taken these things to me to show me (after all, I wouldn't have even seen these things myself if not for third-party anons going 'this u?') saying it is my own fault because I was a terribly cruel friend or my own fault for not listening to warnings about her when I had the chance and that makes me a stupid gullible bitch. You lot haven't seen some of the awful shit about me from some of her more ravenous fans and haters I've seen over the years that I've had to let roll off my back in the fear it would bring backlash - not even to me, to her. I don't want to be the cause of any hatred going to anyone.
Also I'm just not going to ever talk about the details of our fallen friendship or our fallen relationship. That's private. She might be a public person to some extent but I never was, even if I do gain some measure of small fandom for my work one day I'm just private about personal matters especially raw ones. I almost deleted this ask entirely but Idk I never stated that it bothers me when people talk to me about her from my own mouth, so I guess that's what this ramble is.
If you send me anything about Lily Orchard it will not be addressed. I am not a part of her life not even through our mutual friends. I do not know or care what's going on with her public/personal life. I haven't kept up. I will never keep up. Don't treat me as an extension of the situation because I am not in the situation. In the most plainly stated sense of the word: Leave me the Hell alone. (...pretty please.)
All I've wanted this entire time was to be left alone to process everything in a healthy, peaceful way. I'm workin' on it.
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hawkinslibrary · 1 year
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mosswolf · 4 months
hey. whoever you're voting for in the usa elections. maybe do not refer to the Palestinian genocide as a "non issue"????? SHOCKINGLY awful i keep seeing that post going round and it's SO upsetting???
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scarletspectral · 1 year
So, before I made this dp blog, most of my life honestly, i've been a big dc fan and I love all the crossover stuff, honestly I'm a massive fan. I havn't really had anyone to dump my stupid knowledge on batman comics and the huge amount of them I've read and have insane opinions on for a long time though, and seeing all the dp crossovers has kinda made me just start talking about it to my friends even if they don't know anything about them. It's gotten to the point where I've even gotten one of my best friends really into them as well and i'm recomending comic runs and linking figurines and picking her up physical comics when I go to the comic shop for myself!! It's a wonderful feeling and I've missed openly caring about comics this much!!
Anyway, all that to say if anyone in the dp community who is enjoying the dpxdc stuff but Isn't super knowledgable on the comics needs any help, pointers or just useless knowledge, or even a place to bounce ideas, please shoot me an ask or something!! 🙏🙏
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clownfessionsofficial · 7 months
All my posts are for the freaks following me and the extreme freaks who are hate-scrolling through my blog. Enjoy the fictional incest 💗
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vakarians-babe · 9 months
critical mass reached one too many icks had my baldurs gate fandom consists entirely of the people I dm about it 💗
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silverlulus · 13 days
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Reminder that I never asked for the previous zine to carry on, the ex admins never bothered ti to contact me.
This is nothing more but plagiarism now and having it run on life support.
Why keep doing this?
Why do you feel the need to run this further into the ground?
Why is this user particularly allowed to roam free when they and their freinds are actively going out of their way to hurt others and are not being held accountable for it?
How many more out there, will get hurt by them, till something has to give?
I get drama that is not pleasant, but by not doing anything, they will hurt more people and further damage the fandom space.
I'm not the only one who has been hurt by these people, and I wouldn't be sat here today otherwise in trying to warn others if I didn't feel that strongly about this whole situation.
If they had just let this go, owned up to the trouble they have caused, then this would not have needed to happen.
I want this to end and to just move on, I'm still recovering from covid, this has been nothing but a headache and putting my mental health on the line and likely putting others in stress because the ex admins have no care in the world at this point in what they are doing.
I'm tired, I'm so tired of this twisted circus and clout seeking because they don't understand the word "no".
This was a simple matter, boot out that one user out and ban them from spaces and make sure this would never happen again, or at the least, make a new zine from scratch and bobs ye uncle.
It's that simple, because this is not what I wanted, I never wanted to see this zine burn in front of my eyes because of one petty arse out there, but here I am, watching it suffer further.
So again, I urge folks to warn others, do not engage with them or the other admins though.
And know that I never wanted this to happen, the zine was supposed to be about care and love, not a burning shit whole.
They can go around lying all they want, they can try and hide what they have done under the rug, but it'll mean nothing.
Despite my body under so much stress, having an ambulance here last night, I'll still fight, I will fight to the bitter end if I have to.
That's how much that zine meant to me, you gained nothing from this, only karma for fcking people like me over and not in the good way, mind you.
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myhomeisamongthetrees · 11 months
we are currently struggling on what we should do in terms of our relationship with our partner system/fiancé.
long story short, someone in their system abused us for 5 months of our relationship, and they (collectively) are still continuing with behaviors that are invalidating the new boundaries we had to set because of that abuse. they act as though we are abusive/neglectful for this- granted, yes, we are prone to emotional moments that cause lapses in judgement and to panic (which often causes us to not articulate things well), but they have refused consistently to make the changes we need to see to know that they are actively trying to make this relationship safer for us.
they continuously try to ask us for things that invalidate our new boundaries, and make statements that we feel are almost guilt-tripping. we are constantly dreading their next message(s) and all we want is one day without turmoil or fighting..
everyone is telling us to leave, and i know it would be best, but we are afraid of what they might do to themselves if we do.
we're sorry for how much we've rambled here- we just need a place to get all of this out before we lose our minds trying to process it all.
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opiumvampire · 7 months
i hired an editor to do a dev edit pass on my novella and im so afraid she’s going to hate it and say im a stupid idiot and its the worst thing she’s ever seen in her life even though she’s literally the same woman who offered me a spot in that anthology out of 300 people who submitted so. she wont. but what if i just got lucky that one time and im actually bad :/
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hollowsart · 1 year
I am literally begging and pleading for everyone in the spider tags to tag your posts with warnings.
p l e a s e
I just had another jump-scare browsing my "for you" page for fun only to see a close up image of a spider.
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well i just went into the israel tag to read&reblog posts about the stuff happenening there, i’ve got family and friends there (who are thankfully ok) and the TOP POST is . ok the post itself i could *potentially* take in good faith but its still implying things badly and the notes are awful. can’t trust tumblr to be kind about anything. the israel palestine situation is not black-and-white and dammit you cannot condemn every single person in either country or say that they deserve to be terrorized
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mourningmaybells · 11 months
i've come to realize that the reason regan is given a horrible relationship with the public and her mom in the tv show as well as the exorcist: believer has a lot to do with how linda blair (her actress) was treated after the release of the exorcist. the movie's not shocking now, but it got catholics to send her death threats and people tried to assault her for "disrespecting" the church.
in the process of trying to draw from linda blair's real life trauma, they hurt chris' character and that's why she gets changed into an uncaring and publicity focused mother, but in the story itself, she dropped her job (and the prospect of becoming a director in the book) to help regan
speaking of using her trauma for the story. the reason we see little of linda blair outside of b movies and tv appearances, and why she never got a say in new exorcist sequels until believer, is because she got blacklisted from hollywood for conservative christian reasons when she got older. she's lived a pretty good life after that and she seems pretty happy, but don't forget that people were so ready to be vicious towards an actual child just because they thought this movie was a threat against the church.
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I am begging all artists to properly tag their artwork. I don't care if it's the whole theme of your blog and I'm not following you to begin with, if you draw something like gore for example: tag it. Other people who follow users that reblog your work and put it on their dash shouldn't have to suffer seeing something potentially upsetting just because you don't feel like tagging your work. Our filters only work if tags are put in place to begin with. Use them.
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