#please click all the way into the bar charts so you can read them
keyofradiance · 5 months
youve heard all about how ive hated change before, time to hear it again!
(honkai ui edition)
really just a post discussing what i like and dont like abt the ui
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whys everything so sharp its soooo ugly
restructuring of the main buttons is fine (i will miss you valkyja tho) except for the little “important thing” button it feels off not being next to attack
new supply icon is much weaker
equipment to equip is a weird choice
of course the new elf button is elysia. its nice art tho
i get what theyre doing with the attack button but it looks out of place
the small buttons all look really good actually
the really transparent buttons make them feel smaller even the ones that got larger
dont like the new “click” noise. its like.. wet? i think the old one fit fine
the dark box for the notifs bar amount is super out of place
bar itself is pretty much unchanged so
ill miss the italic writing but i get why it was changed
captain lvl exp bar parts that are unfilled are really hard to see. like it goes all the way to the bp but barely looks that way
the new phone fucking sucks like its literally just a rectangle
the “new!” text is hard to read actually
text is just unnaturally small
old maxed stamina is much better
the orange notifs are abt the same
more hexagons please
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the weapon being visible is pretty sick actually
back and home should both have text like serious downgrade
you can click on the type the valk is and see the type chart which is super nice actually
i like the multiple indicators of type in the new character selection considering they replaced the old backgrounds
even more slants/italics killed.. so sad
smaller icons for the select is kinda annoying but i do get it
the outfit/photo/etc buttons being together out is nice
stigmata thing should be bigger its just a lot of blank space thats really ugly
clear guide/tutorial/appreciation mode buttons are really nice
i dont think shes centered anymore
the lack of crystals/coins/stamina bothers me.,you use these to upgrade/get characters why would you remove them
lack of boxes around the skills and battlesuit info is also really ugly
still doesnt seem to have easy access to gear/team plans
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lasclwidget · 2 years
Solid fill green data bar conditional formatting excel 2016
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Please subscribe to this channel to be the first to know when new Excel tutorials come out. This tutorial will demonstrate how to create Excel charts with conditional formatting in all versions of Excel: 2007. Enter the values you want to use, and then select a format. Select the command you want, such as Between, Equal To Text that Contains, or A Date Occurring. It covers a lot of Excel basics and advanced Excel topics such as Excel Formulas, Functions, Pivot Table, Shortcuts, Excel VBA, Macros, Excel Dashboards, Excel Charts, Conditional Formatting, Power Query, etc. On the Home tab, in the Style group, click the arrow next to Conditional Formatting, and then click Highlight Cells Rules. A progress bar provides instant feedback on a given process, so why not bring some of that graphical. This channel is meant for people who want to learn Excel. Progress bars are pretty much ubiquitous these days we’ve even seen them on some water coolers. This YouTube channel is managed by Sumit Bansal (who also runs the TrumpExcel website). You can create smart presentations using this fantastic excel feature. We will show you all the tricks related to this subject. In this tutorial we’ll show you how to use the conditional formatting to create live shapes using various techniques. Subscribe to this YouTube channel to get updates on Excel Tips and Excel Tutorials videos - Learn over 20 different ways to use conditional formatting in Excel to do things like add color scales for data analysis, add data bars for in-cell charts and progress bars, and create a gantt chart. Conditional formatting shapes and cells This is a very interesting area in Excel.
Read the Tutorial and Download the example File: All we will use is conditional formatting and some Excel formulas. To configure this, just select the column of data you want to apply the fill to and select either a gradient fill or solid fill option from the Conditional Formatting Data Bars menu. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Conditional Formatting. To add data bars, execute the following steps. In this video tutorial, I will show you how to create a search bar, such that it highlights the matching entry as soon as you type and press enter. Data bars in Excel make it very easy to visualize values in a range of cells. Conditional Formatting in Excel can be used to create a searchable database.
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raincityathletics · 2 years
One App to Rule Them All
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The time has finally come to pull the trigger and make our triumphant return to Zenplanner for ALL programs & workout tracking (except individualized programming via truecoach).
The ONLY real downside of this transition is that we’ll lose gifs... Though Zenplanner still has all the same leaderboard features, you can even like and comment (and emoji), and you can always throw a /giphy into slack and tell us how you really feel about the WOD (or ask any questions if planning to do something on your own - just tag @coach in slack!).
But in all seriousness, in the past month we’ve been utilizing both systems (from the back end) to finalize this decision - and it’s a no brainer. The Zenplanner features outlined below allow our coaches to be so much more engaged with you and your progressing results! You’ll no longer have to keep checking your phone for your last lift (or not being able to find it) just check the ‘faceboard’ TV & see (or ask a coach).
FAQ & features below; please give it a look over then contact [email protected] if you have any other questions, or tag @admin on slack :)
How do I Find the Workout?
Open up the Zenplanner mobile app & click your face / the menu on the top left > workouts!
From there use the drop-down to select the days program that you’re looking for (just like SugarWOD): 
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What about all my prior / SW results!?
We in the process of cleaning up an export of all prior BENCHMARK (lifts primarily) to have them imported into Zenplanner :) Though if you’re feeling pro-active (and want more than just benchmark lifts) from the workout tab in Zenplanner click Library > and feel free to transfer any results over :) 
You will NOT lose access to SugarWOD and all those results! You will default back to CrossFit.com as your home gym on Oct 20th when your subscription to SW fully expires.
ZP Feature: Faceboard Workout Results
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One of the top features that SugarWOD will likely never integrate, is the Faceboard for logging & checking prior results. 
This feature is MASSIVE for coaches being able to help athletes pick the right weights, helping ensure you follow our programs as intended (see: linear progressions), and if you do - you get a beautiful little bar chart like in the example above :D
Moving forward, coaches will do their best (no promises) to log your primary lift / results - but it’ll be on the athletes to log their WOD results as well as any other notes to their lifting results.
ZP Feature: Track Private Training Results
Want to re-benchmark some lifts? Afraid to go heavy in class? Signup for one of our ‘cheap PT’ options (only available to monthly group class athletes) and benchmark your lifts under the watchful eye of a coach, and your coach can add your results for you - which will also show up on the faceboard for future reference in group class! 
ZP Feature: Workout Notes for Athletes
Ok this is due to ZP lacking a feature (private coach notes) but we’ve decided we have NO issue with you guys seeing the notes about the days workout! So at the bottom of each workout we’ve edited our coach blurbs to be athlete friendly, so you can read & understand the intention behind the workout, recommended modifcations, and more :)
Still in Progress...
A few final items that are being updated (which is why we didn’t fully transfer earlier as planned - but it was time to pull the trigger)... 
SW results being transferred to Zenplanner (as mentioned above) 
Adding movement demo / links directly in Zenplanner (to make it easier for you to make up a missed workout / follow along during open gym, for now: www.rncty.ca/movements will have everything you need) 
Athlete computers for easy access to check-in / log results / check results #moarscreens - but feel free to utilize the front desk computer for now on your way in/out :)
And... the return of the ‘Ongoing Leaderboard’:
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Screenshot from our prior ongoing leaderboard... it was an epic custom feature we had made for Zenplanner which we’re in the process of rebuilding. It automatically pulls scores from the last 30 days in Zenplanner - so you’ve got to show up consistently to stay at the top! More details coming soon...
Questions / comments / concerns / feedback? Tag @admin in slack or email [email protected]
0 notes
chainofclovers · 3 years
directional breasts: an aggressively unscientific yet data-appreciative study of sex writing
Do you like boobs, data, and stories? READ ON!
How it started:
I work on creative writing before work in the mornings, and on November 20, 2020, my project of choice was a Grace and Frankie fanfic. These gals had spent years—years!—being pals under conditions of ever-increasing intimacy, and it was time to write a sex scene! As a writer I tend to vacillate wildly between moments of written language fluency and moments when it feels like I’m choosing every word one at a time from a broken hat. This was a one-very-slow-word-at-a-time kind of morning, and I found myself invested in questioning the level of specificity needed in the scene. Of course concrete details resonate far better than vague ones—broad strokes that could apply to anyone end up belonging to no one. My question wasn’t one of concreteness, but rather one of precision: if Frankie Bergstein touches one of Grace Hanson’s breasts, does the narrator need to specify which one?
Although I already knew the answer was, like literally all other answers, deeply contextual, I was thrilled by the rich possibility of procrastination and distraction. If I created a survey, I could wander away from my story and convince myself it was in service of my story. I spent about three minutes creating a Google Form called “Directional Breasts,” assumed about eight of my kindest followers would take the survey, posted it, and switched gears (and computers!) for a day of work.
Between that moment and the moment I closed the survey on Sunday morning, I got 277 responses, learned a lot about how people read, and experienced a renewed certainty that femslash community is the absolute best.
Survey and results behind the cut.
Here’s the survey itself:
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Assorted facts:
People could respond to the survey more than once, so I cannot confirm if these are the opinions of 277 distinct people.
I took the survey sometime during the first day it was open; I wanted to make sure it was working properly. (Yes, I took my own survey. I’m relatively new to Google Forms!)
Both questions were multiple choice, so none of the results add up to 100%. I was more interested in finding all the “and” statements I could among survey participants than in forcing people to choose only one highly unscientific response from a series of overlapping, sloppily-crafted possibilities.
It turns out a lot of people resent being made to ponder left and right breasts—left and right anything—and the survey results were often hilarious.
Context is, in fact, everything.
The results:
Question one: You're reading a story and something's about to happen to a boob. The author specifies that the boob in question is the "left breast." What do you think?
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This seems like a perfectly normal level of detail. I'll add this to the logistical information that helps me understand the action here. - 32.5% agreed with this statement (90 responses)
Ah, the left breast. That's the more progressive breast, I suppose? I'm distracted by the directional detail, but I don't mind it. - 14.4% agreed with this statement (40 responses)
It would be way sexier to just say "one of her breasts." A directional breast feels clinical. - 19.9% agreed with this statement (55 responses)
The word "left" doesn't take me out of the story, but it doesn't add much either. - 39.7% agreed with this statement (110 responses)
I'm glad you specified. "Her breast" would imply that she's only got one, but this character definitely has two. - 5.1% agreed with this statement (14 responses)
Custom response - 9.2% provided a custom response (23 responses)
Question two: Whose left? ;)
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Left according to the person whose POV the story is in - 24.5% agreed with this statement (68 responses)
Left according to the person doing the touching (the boob-feeler) - 9% agreed with this statement (25 responses)
Left according to the person being touched (the boob-owner) - 63.2% agreed with this statement (175 responses)
Custom response - 11.6% provided a custom response (29 responses)
What does it all mean (to me)?
I’m not surprised that question two was more straightforward than question one. Of course the omitted article matters here—”the left breast” is a little open-ended and POV-based, whereas “her left breast” is unequivocally (or is it?) a reference to the boob-owner’s left. 
My favorite part about question two were the custom responses from people who resented thinking about directional breasts and in one case believes this question will “plague [them] for all [their] days.” Another person sagely pointed out that what matters is that a breast is being touched, which, yes, is really great. One responder suggested the direction matters more if the person being touched is also the POV character for the story; I assume they mean that if we’re hearing the thoughts of the person being touched, it might matter more to receive that specificity of experience. 
As for question one, the reason I published this survey in the first place, it doesn’t surprise me that the responders did not reach any kind of notable consensus. Much like the Senate race in Georgia, no boob-touching possibility received a majority. In this case, that is OK! As a writer, I actually agree with all of the statements in this survey...contextually. To explain why, I’ll rely on one of my favorite custom responses: 
it's important if "left" indicates something other than mere logistics. either to set something up in the writing: it's a far reach from her right side, and it has to be clear in thhe next paragraph that the toucher is really arm-out in this situation, or metaphorically/emotionally, ie the left side is meaningful to the character(s) for some reason.
YES, anonymous survey participant! Mere logistics don’t cut it as a reason to include a detail. We’ve all read stories where the sex writing feels more like blocking for a scene in a movie than like a crafted narrative. 
I also loved both of these responses, which emphasize the importance of pacing and intimacy the narrator themself is responsible for. 
Not to be all “it depends on the context” but I think it does depend on the context? If the scene was slow, methodical (“she kissed her left breast then her right breast” etc) then I think the specificity adds to the pacing. Conversely, if this is a desperate, explosive sex scene where people’s clothes are being torn off I think it would feel weird to suddenly have such a slowing effect of specifying.
it depends! the distinction could be sweetly deliberate (as in, 'first the left, then the right,' slowing the narrative and showing deliberate planning in the gesture), or it could be totally jarring if not relevant to the context (if one breast is to be kissed, i needn't know which!
The directional detail that provides slowly-paced intimacy in one scene could feel robotic and disconcerting in another.
Other notable responses: someone said “This better be a Chekov's Breast that comes back in the third act,” which delighted me. Someone said directional details aren’t that sexy unless contextually needed, and unexpectedly described a man dripping hot wax onto a woman’s left breast while kissing her right breast, which made me realize I actually wouldn’t need those directional details to help me out as a reader there! Several people reminded me that left vs. right breasts (or any part) would fit for an injury or a medical circumstance. One wise responder described the experience of being taken out of a story because they are given details that force them to “reshuffle”—an unpleasant side effect to certain kinds of specificity.
@little-brisk​ did me the kindness of reblogging the survey and adding some great commentary and a corresponding homework assignment, which I’m totally going to do although I haven’t had time yet. So amazing. 
Femslash readers and everyone in their orbit who took this survey are the best. This was far more fun than I thought it would be. And as for my story? It’s the left breast, but I’m describing it as “her breast.” It’s enough for me to know, and you can imagine it however you like. I’ll get my specificity in elsewhere, though I’m sure I’ll have cause for a contextually appropriate directional breast at some point in the future. 
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bebepac · 3 years
The Double Date Mistake?
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I am participating in @wackydrabbles​ prompt # 92 “I don’t think that was meant to go there.” will appear in bold.
This is also chapter 2 of The Meet:  To catch up on what you’ve been missing of the Meet so far Please click:  The Meet Masterlist
Original Post Date: 05/01/2021 at 3:15PM
The Book:  TRR
The Pairing:  Liam x F!OC (Liam x Jilian) 
Word Count: 1948
Summary: Jilian goes on a double date with Bebe and meets Leo for the very first time.  Jilian and Bebe share how they first met each other to the guys.  
Warnings: Sexual innuendos.  Profanity.  
Leo and Liam belong to pixelberry, Jilian belongs to @queenjilian borrowed for the duration of this series. All others are my own to help us tell the story.  
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“And done. He has your number now Jili. Now fly my little birdies fly.”  
She thought he would text right away but he didn’t.  The whole way to Bebe’s apartment the twenty minute drive Jili’s phone was silent.
Bebe looked at Jili as she glanced at her phone.  What the actual hell?
She texted Jilian.
“Bebe why the hell are you texting me? I’m sitting right next to you?”
“I was just making sure your phone was on.”  
“I mean he’s still working Bebe.  He can’t just drop everything and just start texting away.”
“The hell he can’t. What in the actual fuck is wrong with you bruh?” Bebe grumbled as she angrily typed on her phone.
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“Wing Woman are you trying to crash this plane?”
“The mother  hasn’t even taken off yet with you two trying to pilot it. I’m gonna need you to get your life together Jili.”  
The driver pulled to a stop. “Damn I really wanted to see how this turned out.”
Bebe got out of the car in a huff.
“I’ll let you know.”   Jili called out the window to her.
Jilian wasn’t going to let it stress her out.  He was still at work. She knew her job got busy at times, and she couldn’t just sit on her phone and do nothing.  As she was walking up the stairs to scan her door key fob, the phone rang.
It was a local number she didn’t recognize.
“Jilian. It’s Liam.”
“Hi Liam.”
“I apologize for not texting or calling sooner.  Things got busy at work.”
“Oh I figured that was what happened.”  
"Bebe is something else. I feel a little attacked. I can tell it's from a place of love though."
"She's my best friend Liam. My true sister from another mister."
"So it's safe to assume you are single?" Liam inquired.
"I am, and for you the same?"
"Yes Jilian I am. Is it forward of me to say maybe we can change that for each other. I would really like to see you again. I'm off next Friday would you be free then?"
Jilian sighed.
"Friday is my date night."
"Oh. I just assumed you being single you weren’t seeing anybody even casually."
"With Bebe. We restaurant hop. We're self proclaimed foodies. 
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Do you have any friends maybe we could double?”
“My brother, both him and Bebe have big personalities, I think they’d really get along.  Think she would be okay with that?”
“Yeah I think I could convince her.”  
They continued to talk, and about everything under the sun.  Liam was funny and witty and kept her attention.
She began to realize how much she had in common with the charming Liam Rys.  
She had cuddled into her bed under her covers laughing and chatting with him.  She finally rolled over realizing it was almost dawn.
“Oh my God! Is that the sun?!?!?!” she shrieked, surprised into the phone.
“I’m so sorry Jilian I completely lost track of time.”
“I have to go, I have to be at work in forty five minutes!!!”
Jilian said her goodbyes to Liam and hurried to work.  
Right when Jilian was sitting in her office reading over her chart  for her first patient’s checkup, there was a delivery.  
A large coffee drink had been delivered to her with a sweet gooey cinnamon bun.
“Gift for you Jilian Winchester.”  
Liam was really sweet.
She texted him thank you.
He had let her know he had an extra espresso shot added to her coffee.
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Liam was a lifesaver.  
*^*^*^*^* The Double Date *^**^*^*^*
When Jili and Bebe got to the restaurant  Liam and Leo were already seated at the table both stood to greet them.  
Liam softly kissed  Jili’s cheek.  
Bebe glanced at Leo.  He was cute, but he was probably about five inches shorter than Bebe, not to mention Bebe was wearing heels making her tower over Leo.
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Liam changed the subject breaking the ice between everyone, and the conversation between the couples started flowing.  
Jilian slipped in the subject of Liam and Leo honestly not looking much like each other.  
“We’re half brothers, we have different mothers. But don’t get it twisted Bebe.  I can scale you like Mount Everest. Taller women don’t intimidate me one bit.”
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“Um….thank you for that blatant honesty…. Jili will you accompany me to the restroom please?”  
“Excuse us for a moment.”  Jili smiled politely.  
“Absolutely not Jili!!!!!”  Bebe was adamant when the door to the bathroom closed.  
“Bebe I didn’t know!  I swear when he said older brother, I was thinking he looked like him.  You would think older brothers are taller, bigger, and wiser. He is funny though.  You two do have similar personalities. Maybe try to focus on that Bee.  Let’s just try to have a fun time.  You don’t have to see Leo again.  But I know I want to see Liam again. I like him.”  
“You owe me big for this!!!”
Both women come back to the table.  Their drink orders had arrived.  Bebe takes a long sip on her drink.  
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“That’s what I’m talking about!”  Leo smiled.  “A girl after my own heart.”  
“How did you and Bebe meet Jilian?”  
“We actually met in NOLA. We were both presenting at a medical conference.  Bebe for the Pharma side, because she’s a pharmacist,  and me for medical for being a nurse practitioner focused in the at risk population.”
Leo eyes flit to Bebe.
“So you’re a drug dealer?”  
Bebe smiled.  “ Legal Drug Dealer. Yep, that’s what I call myself. I’m slinging pills to pay the bills.”  
“I can dig it.”  
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“We met the night before our conference began, in a bar.”  
When Jilian walked into the bar she noticed her right away.  There was a woman at the bar,  drinking her drink telling what appeared to be a funny story that had multiple people’s attention.  All were laughing with her.   She had to be a local. Jili thought.  
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She had strings of beads around her neck.  
“What can I get ya?”  the bartender asked.  
She looked at Bebe.  “I want whatever she’s having.”  Bebe was the life of the party.  
“Well I did a little pre-gaming at the drive through daiquiri shop though. 
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But mostly Hurricanes.  Get her a Hurricane Sal.”  
The bartender winked at Bebe.  
“Don’t skimp on the good stuff either!”  She yelled out.
Jilian’s eyes widened when the bartender  brought her the drink.
Bebe held up her glass to clink with Jilian’s glass.
“Laissez le bon temps rouler!!!!!”   The crowd screamed in agreement at Bebe’s declaration.
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Jilian took a long drink of the cocktail.  No wonder.  
“Yep! You like it.  I’m Bebe, what’s your name?”
“I’m gonna call you Jili.  What brings you to NOLA?”  
“Work, a conference.”  
“Bleh you said the “W.” word.  That’s not existing in my life right now.  We’re here, we’re alive, no regrets Jili.  Let your hair down and enjoy yourself.  I mean literally.  That bun is a buzz kill.”  
Jili pulled the pins out of her hair shaking out her locks.  
“So much better!!!! You’re a babe!!!  See they’re already looking at you differently.  We’re not interested though.  Unless they’re buying more drinks.”  
Jili glanced at the guys that were now looking in her direction.  
“You’ve got a lot of bead necklaces going on.”   Jili commented.  
“There are two ways to get beads in NOLA.  Buy them or earn them.”
Jili looked at Bebe and raised her eyebrow with a smile.
“Let me guess, your ass hasn’t spent a dime tonight.”  
Bebe took a long sip of her hurricane.  
“Nope.  Not a single dime.  Including alcohol.  I'll tell you what Jili.  Life’s too short.  I’m not going to regret any of my choices.  I spent a year in Costa Rica, living my life Pura Vida.”
“Pure Life.”  Jilian smiled.  Bebe was a carefree spirit, and people gravitated to her.
“We’re only here for a blink Jili.  How do you want your story to be told?”
She decided to throw caution to the wind and party the night away with Bebe.
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Jilian’s alarm went off the next morning.  She was incredibly hung over as she tried to pull herself together.  
She had a random memory of her and Bebe walking down  Bourbon Street singing “Lean on Me”  while they were linked arm and arm.  The drunk leading the more drunk back to the hotel.
She smiled, straightening her black business suit.  She was about to pull her hair up into her signature bun but decided to let her tresses fall free instead.  
As she was getting checked into the convention she slipped her ID badge and program of speakers, herself among the list.  
She heard her laugh.  Jili whipped her head around and saw Bebe at the back of the line with two others.  Bebe was wearing a bright pink business suit, and her shoes and clutch had the print of medications on it.  
“The legal drug dealers have arrived!!!! Big Pharma in da house!!!!!!”  
Jili laughed, shaking her head.  
“That’s how we met Liam.”  
“We found out later we lived near each other, and made plans to meet up.  Been friends ever since.  That was like six years ago.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t ask us how we met.”  Leo asked.
“I assume you are brothers…. You met… at birth?”
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Bebe shook her head at Leo.
Everyone was calm after not to mention the alcohol free flowing.  They headed to  a lounge after dinner, called Blue Notes.  The music there was full of soul and blues.  
The drinks continued. The music there stirred the soul.  
“May I have this dance?”  Jili nodded, taking Liam’s hand.   He held her close.  
Leo eyed Bebe.   “You know, I have always been one to have a huge case of FOMO.  So you and me let’s hit the dance floor too.”  
Bebe downed her drink in one swallow.  “Why the hell not.”  
They walked out to the dance floor.  With Bebe’s high heels Leo was chest level to her.  He pulled her close resting his head on her bosom.
“Um….so we’re doing this… okay…”  Bebe looked surprised but she was smiling.
Liam laughed softly when he glanced in their direction.
“I don’t think that was meant to go there.”  
“The height difference honestly never crossed my mind Jilian.  Things seemed really awkward for them for a bit, for more so Bebe.  Not so awkward now.”  
Bebe and Leo were looking at each other laughing.
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“You know this is never going to happen Leo Rys.”  
“A man can dream.  Well….It could happen for the night.  I can tell you’re curious. Let me tickle your fancy tonight.”
Bebe laughed harder at him.  “You don’t give up do you Leo?”
“Nope because I get what I want.”    
“If nothing else Jilian, I think they will at least be friends from this, if nothing romantic happens.”
The next morning Liam was cooking  breakfast when Bebe walked out of Leo’s room. Leo’s sweatpants looked like capris on Bebe.  
“Good Morning Bebe. Would you like some breakfast?”  
Leo walked out of the room a few minutes later.  
Liam smiled looking at the two of them.  
“Breakfast Leo?”  
“I already ate.”  Leo winked at Bebe.
Bebe choked on her orange juice.  
“Oh you were talking about bacon and eggs, sure.”  
Nope not at all awkward at all.  Liam thought as he fixed plates for himself Leo and Bebe.
Bebe was climbing in her ride share when her phone rang.
“Bebe… Liam just told me you had breakfast with him and Leo… at his apartment.  You spent the night with Leo?”  
“Leo was right, Jili.  Not all of him is fun sized.”
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Tags in the comments !!!! 
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Day 5 | Role-Reversal
Because who doesn’t want to see Firelord Zhao, five-pronged crown and all @zhaozaipalooza?
OKAY hhdhdjd while that was my initial plan, @fire-lady-ilah’s thoughtful and bittersweet Good!Dad Ozai AU made me decide on another approach for today’s prompt(s).
Taking her lovely concept a step further, I thought I’d flip the personality of every AtLA character I can get my hands on. No more gentle, loving moon spirit, only a tidal goddess of wrath! Well, okay, okay, I should slow down…
Let’s start small.
Not that he would tell, but… the musician’s self-imposed trembling was, not so imperceptible.
Had he left his children to chart out the course of his remaining life, and sailed the path like a star-wise captain? Most definitely; they were his greatest counsel as Firelord. A Fire Sage couldn’t have convinced him to remarry after Ursa’s loss - but they did.
Darling heirs that held her eyes and her laughter, and where they pointed, he found himself surely to go. Was Ozai still bound to encounter waves?
… It would seem so.
He wouldn’t so much as peep: a timid, jittery captain with no growth permitted of his facial hair than what was painfully humble. Or perhaps it got in the way of his instrument - was it a jaunty pipa? A carved flute, perfectly hollowed? The erhu, once the sole sound of his wife?
Ozai floundered to begin a conversation that didn’t end before he could grow a smile. And it happened quite quickly! Still! “I find myself curious…”
The gifted, devout soldier of a respectable rank - his children’s hand-picked selection - had not taken to him like he had him. At least, he assumed.
Ozai didn’t enjoy making assumptions - not of a man’s worth. Some he would never get to know in their bravest hour; from that roused the rest of his sentence, “… to know what you think of the state of the world.”
“For- I, what?”
“As Firelord, I court many things.” He coaxed him from the shadows, moved from pillar to pillar that entwined the gardens. “The content of my people is… the result. I only influence it, and I barely can during war, can I? Families are splintered, loved ones lost… it’s a cost I can never repay. Not with a thousand years of prosperity… But I listen to their stories.”
After a tense silence that would cue a tight-lipped reply - the Firelord’s only reward for gentler inquiries - Zhao spoke, and this time, for as long as he dared:
“… Ocean.”
Ocean? The Firelord was about to turn in his hand at untangling the enigma trailing his lofty steps - what was it Azula said, that he enjoyed theater? What had Zuko prized about him… that he hid a host of gnarly battles in a crimson ledger? Then Zhao breathed out,
“I chose… a naval career. Because the waves always roll toward home. Of course, it’s concerning - since Chieftess Yue used the spirits against their will, at the cost of her tribe’s safety… The waves have risen higher, moved faster to Fire Nation shores. She may use the ocean and moon to tear us down.”
“But, if my men drown, I can hope - the bodies… they wash up where…”
Ozai sensed, rather than heard, the knot in his words, and dove to console him. “Then I pray Agni should watch over their safe return.”
He nodded, turning away.
“My wife would… take us to the waterfront, set lights and lotus flowers adrift to float down the canals.” He paused, leaned his weight against one pillar. Zhao jerked to a stop, heels meeting with a click.
“They went past grieving houses, some bereft of sons, as a sign of our deepest respect. The city grew to see them as… a brightly lit path for spirits to follow in the afterlife. We carried on the tradition after she - left.”
“My con-” Zhao began, then stuttered.
“Oh.” A shiver crawled into his tone. “Is that why… My lover, he kept a small book, made paper animals from the pages. He set them on the water for our friends. My hands weren’t for folding. I only played the song.”
“And I only played the song, when he…” His voice watered. “I couldn’t fold any paper. Couldn’t sing - couldn’t breathe. Just the erhu. No faith protects the dying… only swallows the living.” Lu… Lu… Lu.
It blossomed in Ozai, spread like wildfire through the recesses he’d barred after Ursa’s loss - a weighing darkness bursting with light. A voice crying it’s him, it’s him, your children found a jewel. And at all costs, he would protect the faith he had left.
“Seems we are no strangers to grief.” He reached for the underside of his palm, the way Ursa would when his beloveds were small - stroking the beating vein until it stilled, and the kids slipped back into sleep. How many weeks had they walked like this? Wasn’t it time to tell him - blessed enough, to taste him?
Zhao ripped out of his grasp with a start, nearly tumbling over the stone railing into a bush of pale flowers. Nearly.
He whirled on him and shrieked, “What is this for? Is it some arrangement? A charade, a test of faith? You think you can invite believers for the amusement of - of burning in your shade?”
“If there’s something I should atone for - i-if there’s someplace I should voyage with the knowledge that I won’t return… If you’re waiting for me to - to - throw myself at your feet or offer up the blood in my body as tribute, a god needs only speak.” The flurry of words even the Firelord, trained socialite, couldn’t string together ended on a hiss.
Ozai fumbled. “This isn’t - no, no - I’m only a man looking to make his children happy, and what they want is a happier father.” He sought to yield or compromise in an affair, and admitted his flaws when they were complicit. I’m only a man.
His smile was soft, real. And yet.
“You are Agni incarnate.” The noise in Zhao’s throat was a bow raking over untuned string, and I am nothing, I am nothing. “If I have duty here, I will finish it. Otherwise… mercy. Mercy. Please.”
Lack of faith hadn’t ground him into silence. It was pious zeal. Clinging desperately while living stagnant; the thought of letting belief go was more terrifying than it failing. He revered spirits that would never return the favor. Ozai thought of his daughter, throwing herself into the first pair of open arms, indifferent to reason - fear is for fools. Trust is reliable.
He was on his knees - hands too unsteady to fold paper into cranes but perfectly balanced for compositions to take flight, hands calloused from war and clutched in prayer - wanting mercy.
Living to see another day, and knowing nothing more of being spared than a terrifying way to be loved.
Ozai felt the spark in himself simmer to a boil, and even behind closed lids it read, your faith will protect him.
Better than any god could.
Wasn’t that the prerogative of kings?
He knelt by the shivering body, elbows tucked to pull him in with his palms. Their heads touched, royal silk gathered against the gritty, unswept courtyard stone… but that didn’t matter.
“Too many soldiers made of this war… too many lives lost.” He didn’t consider himself soothing by any means, not as Ursa was; Zhao stilled, if slowly. “I should be the one devoted to you.”
Taste could wait, yet his conviction was overwhelming. Ozai pressed his lips to the side of his hair, and stayed; my, was he prepared to stay. “Give me the chance.”
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding High
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Ch17: Welcome to Miami
 Chapter Summary: Frank, Fliss and the Circle Of Truth take a Road Trip….
 Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT (NSFW) No under 18s!!! 
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 16
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 June 2018
“How’s Fliss?” Gregg asked as Frank leaned back in his chair, hand curled round his bottle of beer.
Frank looked at his friend and took a deep breath “She says she’s ok. I think it’s the waiting that’s the worst. Knowing the board’s been held is one thing, not knowing the outcome….” “I know it’s hard and easy for me to say this but…well, even if he gets out he won’t be allowed anywhere near her. As I explained to her likely hood is he’ll be tagged and on a curfew and movements restricted to the state of Mass.” Gregg took a sip of his drink “And if it isn’t done automatically, through the appeal process I can file for further restrictions as well around him contacting her in any way, shape or form…but I’d be surprised if that isn’t a condition.”
“I know.” Frank said, “And she gets that…I think it’s more anger about the whole thing now you know?” “It sucks.” Gregg nodded “He spent so long abusing her and he’s still managing to do it in a way through all this.” Frank raised his eyebrows and took a drink of his beer, nodding to Jake and Simon as they approached their table.
 “I know I don’t need to ask but…” Frank started but Gregg raised a hand. 
“You’re right, you don’t.” he understood immediately that Frank was asking him to keep quiet, and he nodded as their two friends arrived at the table. After the greetings they all settled down reaching for a beer from the bucket that sat in the middle of them all, the conversation easy. Frank was happy to see the boys, he hadn’t in a few weeks so he’d grabbed the opportunity for a few beers happily, Fliss and Mary practically shoving him out of the door as they had some girly night in planned with Roberta consisting of popcorn, pizza, facemasks and a Marvel DVD, Fliss and Roberta assuring him whole heartedly they were watching it because it was a good film and not merely to perve on Chris Hemsworth or Evans or whoever the hell the Chris was in this particular one.
Whatever, sweetheart.
 “So…” Simon said, looking around the table “Are we still on for a weekend somewhere? 22nd to 24th June?”
 They all made noises, and Frank nodded. “Schedules cleared, baby sitter lined up…we just need to decide where we’re going.”
 “Well, I got something to suggest to y’all…” Jake grinned “Greg already knows about this, but basically, the Company we’re doing the promotional work for has offered us up to 10 each for the Miami Rocks Concert which runs that weekend....so if you’re interested.”
 “Rock music?” Simon looked at him, and Jake shook his head.
“Not just rock.” he said, leaning forward “It’s a combination of tribute acts and the real deal…and there’s different stages each with a different genre, and the main stage which contains the big acts.” “Ok, I’m interested…” Frank leaned forward.
 “So the Friday night is a rewind to the 70s, 80s and 90s… headlined by none other than Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince, Mr Will Smith himself…” Frank let out a snort and looked at Simon who had started bopping in his seat, clicking his fingers.
 “That finishes about midnight and then Saturday is the big one. You got 5 Seconds of Summer, George Ezra and Liam Gallagher from Oasis headlining that night.” Jake continued “The other stages rage from all sorts. Mo-Town, Indie, Chart, Reggae…and then there’s a party after which continues until early hours, run by Hot Dub Time Machine.”
“Shut the front door!” Simon snorted “Hot Dub?”
Jake nodded.
“Dude I saw him one New Year’s Eve in New York a few years ago.” Simon said “He was brilliant!”
Frank sat and listened as his friends started to discuss the concert in more detail. He had to admit, it sounded like a pretty good idea, and just the distraction Fliss could do with.
 “Hate to be the voice of logic…” Simon said. “But if it’s only like three weeks off, wont’ we have trouble getting hotel rooms?”
“Fuck that, I’ll sleep on the back of the truck.” Frank said, causing the rest of them to laugh. “No need Frankie-boi, I got a client who works for the Hyatt Group man.” Jake shook his head “Three rooms already reserved out in the Regency, about 10 minutes’ walk if that from Bayfront Park where the concert is…just in case you fancied it. $100 a room for 2 nights, including a late checkout on the Sunday coz, well, we’re gonna need it.”
 “Three?” Frank frowned.
 “You and Fliss, Simon and Bonnie, and Me and Greg…” “What about Zara and Lisa?” he frowned “I thought this was a couple’s thing, not a boys weekend away…” 
“Well it was going to be…” Greg shrugged “But Zara’s away with the kids that weekend, decided to go back to California as her sister is being taken in for a C-section, and of course she has to be there…”
“And it’s Lisa’s idea of hell…” Jake supplied.
 “So why don’t we re-arrange?” Simon asked.
“Fuck that!” Jake snorted “I’m got a child and fiancée free pass for the weekend.” “Amen brother!” Gregg hi-fived him.
 “But you two can bring your girls, no problem…they’re cool” Jake gestured between Frank and Simon with his beer bottle. “Thanks for your permission…” Frank raised an eyebrow. 
Naturally, Fliss was over the moon with the promise of a music festival, especially when she looked up the acts that were on. So, when the Friday in question rolled around, after dropping Mary at school, with strict instructions she was to behave herself as Frank WOULD be checking, they set off in Fliss’ jeep, Frank driving as she lounged in the passenger seat, eyes hidden by her aviators, hair pulled into a loose side pony tail as they made the four hour down the coast and across state to Florida, stopping half way for some food at a roadside diner.
Simon and Bonnie weren’t due to arrive until just gone 5 ish, Bonnie having to finish the morning’s classes before she could leave, whilst Jake and Greg were here having come down the night before, so when they had checked in they decided to freshen up and go for a walk, Fliss eager to hit Lincoln Road Mall. They spent a few hours just walking and looking in the shops, eventually finding a Pandora one which Fliss headed into wanting a new charm for her bracelet as a memory of the weekend. She paced the shop eventually settling for a silver palm tree with a small diamond in the middle of the trunk and Frank batted her hand down when she went to pay, instead producing his card. The usual argument about who was paying ensued, which eventually Frank won by telling Fliss that he wanted to be the one that filled that bracelet for her, and she relented, smiling softly. Frank didn’t miss the relieved look on the shop assistant’s face as she finally waved the out of the store.
They met Jake and Greg in a bar not far from the hotel, and they were joined by Bonnie and Simon for a drink before the two girls announced they were heading off to get changed and ready for the evening.  Frank left it until about 20 minutes before he needed to be ready and headed up to their room, pulling on one of his infamous hideous Hawaiian shirts which he had brought especially. Fliss looked at him, shaking her head with a fond smile on her face as he innocently asked her what the problem was. She laughed and told him nothing at all, before she gave him a kiss and they headed down to meet the others.
 The walk down to the Park took them 10 minutes. Fliss was walking slightly ahead with Bonnie, her braid swinging down her back, gently brushing against the yellow off the shoulder top she was wearing. Her bottom half was dressed in denim shorts, a pair of pink converse boots on her feet. She’d certainly embraced the Festival Vibe, opting for bright colours in honour of the fact they were heading back musically a few decades. They arrived and joined the queue to exchange their tickets for wrists bands which took them about 15 minutes, and then they joined the lines to get through the main gates. That didn’t take long at all and once they were through they followed the crowd before Greg stopped, and looked around.
 “We get split up…” “We all got phones!” Jake snorted “What are you, 50?”
 “Sorry, force of habit with the kids…” Greg let out a groan as everyone laughed.
 “So the main stage is that way…” Jake said, pointing to his left “Right at the back. DJ stage is there, and the other stages are dotted about…anyone got any preference on where we go?” “Other than Will Smith I really wanna to go the 80s stage!” Fliss grinned and Bonnie Hi-Fived her.
 “Yeah we got some Duran Duran to dance to.” she agreed. “And Erasure.”
“And Wham.” “And Culture Club….” “Yeah, we get the picture…” Simon rolled his eyes.
 “Oh and I want to see the Queen and AC/DC tributes.” Fliss finished.
 “Anything else?” Frank looked at her.
“Well we need tokens.” Jake said, “No cash at the bar, tokens only so…the tent is over there…”
 They all set off, Fliss and Bonnie hanging behind chatting away, but it wasn’t long before their chatter died down and Frank turned to see that, actually, it hadn’t died down, they’d disappeared. “Where the hell are the girls?”  Simon asked, looking round as he realised they were missing.
 “Knowing Fliss in some tent getting her face painted…” Frank paused, turning on the spot before he spotted them. Fliss was stood as Bonnie was sat on a stool, having some sort of Festival glitter painted around her temple and eye socket. “Yup, there you go…” Simon followed his gaze and snorted. “Fucking hell…what are they, 8?” “Leave ‘em be.” Frank said fondly “Come on, let’s go get the drinks sorted.”
 He waved at Fliss, before pointing to where they were going and she gave him a thumbs up to show she understood, before Bonnie stood up and she sat down. Frank smiled at her face as it lit up and he headed off after Simon.
 By the time they had gotten the tokens and ordered beers for them all, the girls still hadn’t joined them, and it didn’t take long to realise why. They were both in a tent which contained 2 electronic dance mats, right in the middle of a very energetic dance off.
 “It’s like having a pair of kids…” Simon mumbled the boys stood by the entrance to the tent whilst Frank simply grinned. As they watched Bonnie made a mistake, the mat flashed red, and then another one, before Fliss made one too. The two girls’ foot work was ridiculously fast as the song gathered pace and finally the routine ended. Fliss grinned and hi-fived Bonnie as their scores flashed up, Fliss winning by 60 points.
 “Yesss!” she punched the air as Bonnie shook her head and the man handed them both some really tacky bright pink beaded necklaces for taking part. 
“Re-match…” Bonnie said, looking at Fliss as they both dropped the necklaces over their heads. 
“Maybe later, I’m fucked now…” Fliss said, bending over, hands on her knees as she drew her breath “I need a drink!”
 She turned and saw the boys in the doorway, Frank raised an eyebrow and held up the beer and she grinned. 
“I knew I bought you for something.” He rolled his eyes and then Greg suggested they head off to the first stage for the start of the 80s Tribute acts. They only intended to stay for a short while but Fliss begged Frank to stay longer, and was backed up by Bonnie as the Duran-Duran band came on. Fliss told Frank if he wanted to go and meet up later he could, but truth be told he didn’t want to. This was as much a weekend for him and her as it was for him and his friends, so with that in mind Simon and Frank both decided to stay with the girls and that they would find the others later.
 And Frank was glad of his decision, as about 20 minutes later, when Hungry Like the Wolf started to play, Fliss was bouncing around like a lunatic. He knew it was one of her favourite songs, and seeing her cutting loose was making him a little horny if truth be told. He moved up behind her and grabbed her hips, swaying with her in time to the music as he dropped a kiss to her shoulder, gently singing along as she danced in front of him, occasionally brushing up against the front of his shorts, which was doing nothing to help his current situation.
 “Someone’s definitely on the hunt down…” she teased, pushing her ass back into his crotch whilst she turned her head to face him as the song morphed into Rio. He grinned and gave her a kiss.
 “Not hunting, I already got you.” “Hmm, yeah you did…” she murmured against his lips.
 The continued dancing with one another, Simon and Bonnie doing the same before the 4 of them all decided they were ready for another drink. As fate would have it, they found Greg and Jake already at the bar. They muscled their way in, grabbed another beer and then all turned to head towards one of the tall, standing tables which were dotted around not far from the bar. Frank waited for Fliss as she had ordered a bottle of water too, and the guy serving had forgotten it. When he came back, apologising, Fliss waved him off and thanked him as Frank picked the bottle up and stuck it in his pocket. He reached for Fliss’ hand, and they were making their way over to their friends when suddenly he felt Fliss yell out and she stopped dead. He turned to face her, seeing someone had bumped into her and her beer had spilt all down her top.
 “Hey, come on man…” Frank looked at the guy as Fliss pulled her hand out of his to wipe at her top “Be careful huh…” But the man wasn’t looking at him, his eyes were fixed completely on Fliss. “Yes, wouldn’t want an accident now would we, Felicity?” At the sound of her full name Frank instantly knew this had to be someone to do with her ex-husband and he reached out for Fliss as he saw her stiffen and slowly she raised her head to look at the man, her eyes widening and she swallowed.
 “Richard.” she spoke softly. 
“Fancy seeing you here. Must be nice to be free to do what you want.” “Yeah, well, making up for lost time. I didn’t exactly get a lot of chance to have fun when your brother was beating the shit out of me.” Her chin raised a little defiantly and Frank felt a surge of pride as she stood up for herself, the anger evident on her face.
 “You’re a fucking liar…” Richard said and Frank immediately stepped in.
 “Ok that’s enough…” he spoke sternly, glaring at the man “We’re not here for any trouble, we’re just out for a good time with friends, and I’d like to keep it that way. So, if you don’t mind, we’re done here.” he turned to Fliss and slid his arm round her waist, making to steer her away.
 “You need to be careful.” Richard spoke to Frank’s retreating back. “Now she’s got her claws into you, you’re done…first sign of trouble she’ll be accusing you of all sorts.”
 Frank sighed, he’d tried to be reasonable, but the anger felt like it was bubbling from his feet and he whirled round, placing himself in between the man and Fliss. “Listen, asshole, why don’t you just fuck off?” his tone was laced with venom. “Your brother is a nasty, wife beating piece of shit.”
 At that Richard stepped forward, drawing himself to full height, still a good 3 inches shorter than Frank. His fists balled as he clenched his hands at his side, his mouth curled up into a snarl.
 “She’s a liar.”  Richard pointed at Fliss, before his attention turned back to Frank. “She lied and because of her, John’s life and career is ruined…” “His life? Ruined?” Frank barked out a laugh “Your brother got nothing more than he deserved, and so will you if you don’t get the fuck outta my face.”
 “Frank…” Fliss pleaded with him, pulling on his arm and desperately looking around for help before this descended into a fight. Thankfully, she caught Jake’s eye who hit Greg on the shoulder, who in turn tapped Simon, and the three of them plus Bonnie hastily started to jog over.
 “If he was that bad why has he been considered for parole?” Richard shrugged “An appeal his lawyer is convinced he’ll win…” Richard said, taking a step back as the other men approached. “And that’s all because they finally saw through her lies…” Frank made an angry noise but Greg pushed himself in between the two men, patting Frank on the chest.
 “Come on buddy…” he said. “Whatever it is, leave it…” Jake went to grab Frank’s arm, but he jerked it out of his grip.
 “I’ll tell you this…” Frank pointed at Richard “If he gets out, you can tell him from me, he stays the fuck away from my girl, and the rest of my family, you got that? Or I’ll put him in a hospital, see how he likes it.”
 “Big man making all the threats huh?” “It ain’t a threat, it’s a god-damned promise.” Frank snarled. Richard gave a snort of a laugh before he allowed his wife to steer him away, shooting one last contemptuous glance at both him and Fliss.
 “What the fuck?” Simon turned to Frank, who completely ignored him and moved to where Fliss was stood, her arms wrapped cross her front, hugging herself, Bonnie gently talking to her.
 “You ok?” he asked her gently and she gave a nod as he took her in his arms, hugging her tightly, hand falling to the back of her head.
 Greg gave Frank a questioning look, which Frank answered with two words “His brother.” “Who’s brother?” Jake pressed, “What just happened? I’m so confused.” “To be fair that doesn’t take much…” Frank heard Greg say which earned him a “Fuck you” in response, and the two men began to bicker as Fliss stepped back from his arms. Frank looked down at her, taking her face in his hands.  “You good?”
“Yeah…” she nodded “You shouldn’t have risen to him.” “Probably not.” he shrugged “But I’m not having that piece of shit or anyone associated with him trash mouthing you.”
 “My hero…” she rolled her eyes, but the smile on her face told him he wasn’t in too much trouble. He gave a snort of a laugh and dropped a kiss to her head. “Can we go back to the dancing now please? And I need another beer, that ass hole spilt mine.” “Is it time for tequila yet?” Bonnie asked, offering Fliss a drink of her beer. Fliss took a sip, shaking her head
“I swore after last time I would never drink that shit again.”
“But that was a lie, right?” Bonnie looked at her as she passed her pint back over. 
“Yup, a very big lie…” Fliss agreed, causing the rest of the group to laugh. 
So they did their tequila. Several shots of to be intact and spent the rest of the night wandering stage to stage, lapping up the atmosphere. Frank kept a close eye on his girl who seemed none the worse for her encounter as she danced the night away with him and Bonnie, the 2 of them disappearing at one point for a walk around the various stalls that were around the outside, coming back with a packet of interlocking glow sticks which they proceeded to activate and make head wear out of. 
 Will Smith took to the stage at about 10 pm and Frank was beside himself with laughter as Fliss reverted to some kind of school kid. She seemed to know every single word to every goddamned song he had, and when it came to Men In Black she launched expertly into the dance routine that half the crowd were doing, in time to the video showing behind the stage.  Simon and Jake tried to copy her before they both gave up and when she finished she turned around and Frank raised his beer to her and she bowed, as they all laughed. Deciding that they didn’t want to stay for the after party, considering they knew it was going to be a really late one the next evening, instead they agreed to head down to the beach. They managed to find a guy who was walking round with a cool box selling beer and they bought 2 bottles each, for twice the price they should be but, whatever…
 When in Miami…
 As they walked across the sand, Frank looped his arm round Fliss’ shoulder whilst they weaved themselves through the various mini-parties which seemed to be going on as people were set up all over with small fires, beer, drinks and music playing. Frank had a sneaking suspicion half of them were probably intending on sleeping there too. Eventually they found a clear spot and flopped down onto the sand, under the illumination of one of the boardwalk lights and then Simon stood up, heading over to a group of teenagers sat a bit to their right.
“What’s he doing?” Greg asked. 
“I think he’s reverse bootlegging.” Jake said and Frank gave a snort of laughter.
“What?” Fliss frowned, “What’s that?” “Instead of selling alcohol to underage kids he’s buying it off them, look.” Frank said, nodding to him. Fliss watched as Simon slipped one of the kids a twenty and took the bottle of vodka he was offering to them, raising it up as he walked back.
 “What the fuck man?” Greg snorted “That’s…”
“Shameful.” Jake nodded before he chuckled, shaking his head. “I love it.” With a grin Simon dropped down next to Bonnie, standing the bottle of vodka up in the middle of the circle they seemed to have made as Fliss sat between Frank’s legs, leaning back against his chest. His spare hand ran up and down the outside of her thigh softly as they all sat chatting about the evening, comparing their best bits and what they were looking forward to tomorrow evening. Eventually, someone, Frank wasn’t sure who, decided that they should play Never Have I Ever, and Fliss eagerly agreed, jumping in with the first question.
 “Ok, never have I ever driven a boat…” Fliss smirked.
“What, that’s a crap one!” Frank snorted “Everyone here’s probably driven one…including you.”
 “Bullshit!” he snorted “On our first date, and several times since…”
 “I sailed it Frankie, I didn’t drive it…”
 He paused for a moment and then looked up as everyone in the circle grinned.
 “She’s right man…” Simon conceded “I sailed mine too…” “And me…”
“And me…”
 “Oh fuck you!” Frank spluttered as they all laughed at him. Fliss handed him the bottle, which he took from her with a glare taking a mouthful. Fucking hell, he could tell it was cheap as it burnt like paint stripper as he swallowed, wincing. 
That was basically the way the game went. Each trying to deliberately catch everyone else out. Simon caught Jake spectacularly, forcing him to reveal a tale about how he got locked out of a hotel room, naked on the balcony and climbed down 2 storeys to go and get a spare key from reception, Simon repeatedly got Bonnie on a number of occasions before Frank caught Fliss out with the tale of how she had once called her University Lecturer “Daddy.” by mistake. 
“Ok, Never have I ever…”  Fliss paused, before a wicked grin spread on her face and she looked at Frank “Called anyone else’s name during sex.”
“Oh God…” Frank heard Bonnie mumble from where she was sat, but before he could even open his mouth to call Fliss an ass hole, he saw Greg reaching for the bottle.
“No WAY!” Fliss spluttered, looking at Greg “What? When!”
 “I was about 21…” Greg said, scrunching up his face. “I was in bed with a girl and, well, I called her mom’s name.” The entire group fell silent before Jake, Frank and Simon all let out a roar of laughter, and Fliss snorted, grinning from ear to ear.
 “That’s…impressive.” Frank nodded as Greg put the bottle down and Fliss picked it up and handed it to Frank. Everyone turned their attention to him as he narrowed his eyes and grabbed it from her.
 “Spill.” Simon pointed at him.
 “I err, well…look, it…” Frank stuttered over his words “I was…look we don’t need to discuss this…” he said, knocking back the vodka and avoiding Bonnie’s eyes, shaking his head “I plead the 5th.” There were various groans around the group but when they realised Frank wasn’t going to budge Greg shrugged, calling him a pussy, and picked the next category.
 “Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex.” he said, with a raised eyebrow. Both Fliss and Bonnie moved for the bottle at the same time, and the boys all cheered.
“Was it each other?” Simon grinned “Please tell me it was…” “Ok,no…that…” Frank began to protest, hiccupping slightly.  “That would be weird…”
“No it wasn’t each other.” Bonnie grinned at Simon “I was 17, playing spin the bottle and had to kiss this girl called Eva…” “And that’s it?” Simon asked.
“Yeah…” she nodded, taking a drink from the bottle before she passed it to Fliss.
 “Spill…” Frank instructed her, his hand on her hip where she was still nestled in between his legs.
 “I was 19…and, yeah, well, I experimented” she shrugged. “A few times…” 
“Wait, there was…” Frank looked at her as she turned her head to grin at him “You did more than kiss?”
 “For me to know and you to find out Sailor…” she winked. Well fuck me!
 Another 15 minutes or go they’d exhausted the bottle of vodka and decided to call it a night. Bonnie was faring the worst out of them all, her and Simon walking a little behind everyone as he kept his arm round her to keep her steady. Frank noticed Fliss was remarkably with it considering what they’d drunk, but then for such a small person she did have quite a high tolerance, and she’d drunk a hell of a lot of water as well.
 At the hotel they bid everyone goodnight and headed up to their room where Fliss decided she needed to shower to get rid of all the glitter and sand and sweat from dancing. Frank was inclined to agree so let her go first, swapping over after 10 minutes or so with an exchange of a soft kiss in the bathroom doorway. By the time Frank got out of the shower Fliss was sat cross legged on the large bed dressed in a camisole and boy-shorts set which was white with multi-coloured polka dots on it. It was the set he had bought her for Valentine’s Day, along with a set of baby-pink lace underwear. He loved seeing her in lace, but there was something about the lounge sets like the one she was wearing now that gave her an innocence, made her look so comfy and so settled that he adored seeing her wearing them around the house and to bed…even if they didn’t stay on long.
 She grinned up at him as he smiled, crossing to drop a kiss on her head.
 “You raid the minibar?” he asked, nodding to the packet of chips she had ripped open.
 “Yeah.” she shrugged “Figured fuck it, why not?” “Well…”he crossed the room and opened the fridge which was under the TV unit “In for a penny…” he pulled two beers out, popped the tops and passed her one.
 “Don’t you think we’ve had enough?”
“Can you see straight?”
“Then no.” he said and she laughed, taking it from him.
 “You’re a bad man Frank Adler.” “I try.” he quipped. She shook her head, smiling before she reached for her phone which had just gone off. Frank whipped the towel from around his waist and stepped into a clean pair of boxers before he roughly dried his hair.
 “Bonnie says her and Simon are hitting the beach during the day tomorrow…do you fancy it?” “Sure.” he nodded, dropping to the bed, laying down on his side, propping himself up on his elbow as he reached for a Dorito.
 “At least I think that’s what this message says. ‘Going to the Bitch…’ I mean that’s gotta be beach huh?” 
Frank snorted as Fliss scrunched up the empty chip bag and tossed it across the room where it settled just besides the bin. They both looked at it for a second before Fliss shrugged. ”She was trashed.”
 “I’m not surprised.” Fliss said, moving to toss her phone onto the night table before she too settled on her side, facing Frank, elbow on the pillow “Simon was deliberately asking questions in that game where he knew she’d have to drink…” “Oh and you weren’t…” he looked at Fliss who shrugged, grinning cheekily “Never have I ever called anyone else’s name during sex, I mean seriously! She was right there!”
 “I know, which is what made it so funny.” “Funny is not the word I would use…” “Oh whatever, and as if Greg has done that too!” she said, chuckling as she also settled on her side “He’s a dark horse…” “So are you…” he looked at her taking a long drink of his beer. “In fact….I think you need to tell me more about these lesbian encounters you experienced whilst experimenting aged 19."  
 "They weren't proper lesbian encounters, I was teasing you...." 
 "I don't care, make em up." He said and she let out a laugh.
 "If I do will it get me something nice?" she grinned.
 "Something very, very nice."  He raised an eyebrow suggestively.
 Fliss grinned and then launched into a clearly made up bullshit story about some girl called Candy and Frank completely zoned out. He was simply too caught up concentrating on the childish, teasing expression on her face as she spoke. Her eyes were shining in the dim light of the room as she talked and grinned in the same manner she had been doing all night. Not even the encounter with that asshole’s brother has dampened her spirit. She was just enjoying herself, freely. And so was he. She said she couldn't remember the last festival or concert she had been to, and Frank had admitted the same. It had to have been easily 10 years ago. It felt good to be recapturing that part of their lives they had both given up (albeit for very different reasons) and making new memories together that he knew would last a lifetime. 
 A lifetime...huh, how about that?
 He zoned back in just in time to hear Fliss' very risqué story telling, and dropped his head with a sight that was half laugh, half groan at her filthy tale.
 "...and her thighs were so strong, it was ridiculous, my ears were squashed so hard, I felt like my head was in a vice. Still, I managed to-"
 "Ok..." he said, taking her beer off her and setting it down on his nightstand along with his, before he leaned over Fliss, caging her with his arms "I'm getting kinda jealous...and a bit turned on...it’s very confusing.
 “You asked…” she muttered as his face dropped her hers.
“Yeah, I did…” his lips brushed against hers “And I promised you something nice…” “Very,very nice…” Fliss said, her hands sliding up his arms to his shoulder.
 “Well, I’m a man of my word…” he grinned, lips pressing to hers harder this time in a soft, deep kiss which he pulled away from and ran his nose against hers. “Turn over…”
 “What?” she looked at him, her eyes widening slightly.
“You trust me?”
“Of course I do…” “Then turn over…”
 She took a deep breath, and looked at him and he looked straight back, fully understanding what she was thinking. He’d never asked her to do that before. “Lissy, I promise I’m not gonna hurt you.” “I know you’re not…” she shook her head, before she bit her lip and he moved back so she could turn over onto her stomach. With gently finger tips he brushed her hair off her shoulders, sweeping it to one side gently dropping soft kisses down her neck as his hands traced down to her hips. He gently grasped her top and she moved to allow him to slide it up and over.
 The sheets on the bed rustled slightly as he moved downwards, pressing his lips to the small of her back, watching her reaction carefully as he saw her fingers clutching softly at the pillow. He continued his affections, lips and hands exploring every part of the soft skin on her back until he was fully led over her, thighs bracketing hers, his mouth gently sucking at that spot behind her ear that drove her wild. And right on cue she let out a low groan and he felt his groin twitch at the noise. Fliss could feel his hardness against her back and as his teeth gently grazed her ear she felt her spine arch slightly.
 He moved away, and his hand gently slid to grasp at the hem of her shorts, and she tilted her hips up slightly so he could pull them down, hurriedly departing with his own boxers before he resumed his previous position.
 “You good?” he asked her softly and she nodded in response. 
With gentle hands he reached down between her legs to finding her hot and wet for him already. At his touch she arched her back again. Frank let out a grin and moved slightly so he could part her thighs with his knee. Repositioning himself, he led flat, his arms sliding up hers so he could lace his fingers with hers, palms resting on the backs of her hands and he gently pushed into her, the pair of them giving a groan at the feeling and tightness of this angle. He gently thrust, his chest sliding up over her back, and she moved ever so slightly with him, her head tilted back slightly and she turned her face towards his where he caught her mouth in a slow, sloppy kiss. Frank continued his languid, deep movements, listening to the quickening of her breath and eventually he felt her hips beginning to rise in slow circles, her whimpers increasing.
 He gently knelt up, and pulled her hips so she was perched on her knees, pushing into her slowly, deeply, letting her get used to the position that they’d never tried before because Frank knew it wasn’t one she had good memories of but right now, her body was relaxed and she was giving him everything. His hand reached up and he traced down her spine before he leaned over and placed another soft kiss on her neck before he moved and grasped at her hips again, his pace gently quickening, a low moan escaping his mouth as Fliss pushed back onto him, wordlessly telling him she wanted more. He thrust forwards again and again, pulling her back onto him at the same time, his eyes focussed on where they were joined, the sight of him sliding in and out of her made him moan with desire.
“Don’t stop…” he heard her half pant, half whisper and he picked up the pace ever so slightly, leaning over to gently nip at the back of her neck, causing her to shudder, a deep growl rumbled in his chest as her walls briefly squeezed around him.
“Fuck, baby…” he groaned as her hands clutched at the bed sheets whilst he buried himself deep inside of her stilling for a moment.
“Frankie…” she whined and squirmed as she turned to look at him over her shoulder. Once glance at his clenched jaw and she knew he was trying to fight back his high as he picked up his previous movements, just a little bit faster. She was close, quietly moaning his name as she dropped her head back down, forehead against the pillows, her spine arching as he continued to thrust.
Frank groaned again “Come on sweetheart...” his voice deeper like it always was when he was in the throes of desire, “let go for me.” He rolled his hips forwards, five or six more times before she was done.
“Fuck, Frank, I…” she let out a broken cry as her core spasmed again and again and her entire body trembled as a loud lament spilled from her lips. He was done himself, and with a groan of her name his relief washed over him with an intensity he couldn’t even begin to describe.
Fliss collapsed forward and Frank tumbled with her, his chest onto her back, his weight crushing her in the best way possible for a second ot two before he rolled onto his side. Reaching out, his hand gently across her bare back as Fliss face, which was pressed into the pillow turned to face him.
He leaned over and gave her a soft kiss, brushing her hair off her face.
“Okay…” she mumbled, nodding at him “I’ll concede. That was very, very nice…”
******* “You behaving?” Frank asked Mary as he and Fliss lay in bed the next morning, the phone held at arms-length so they could both see her.
“Yeah, of course…” Mary rolled her eyes “Bill took me to the yard last night and Joanne helped me tack Monty up and then Bill walked round the field with us so the dogs could have a run and it was awesome!”
“When I get back we’ll do the full trail ride.” Fliss smiled at her “Takes a good hour, we can go one evening before it gets dark.”
“Cool!” Mary grinned, bending down and then suddenly Fred’s bemused face filled the screen. Frank snorted as he was instructed to say hi to Fred, which he did, before the cat settled down on Mary’s lap and she continued to chat to him about what she had done the night before…which was basically staying up until gone midnight with Bill watching Harry Potter in the movie room.
Eventually they got her to pass the phone over to Verity, who assured Frank she was no trouble, and then they cut the call and decided to get up and head down for breakfast to meet everyone.
The day was spent lazily on the beach. Fliss hardly moved at all, simply soaking up the sun as Frank and Simon continuously brought her and Bonnie a supply of drinks as the man remained by the bar at the top of the sand.
“I gotta ask…”Bonnie said, turning to look at Fliss “And tell me to shut up if I’m outta line but yesterday, that guy Frank looked like he wanted to kill…who was he? Simon says he’s never seen Frank that angry…” “Oh, err…” Fliss rubbed her head “It was my ex-husbands brother, he was being an ass hole.” “Oh.” Bonnie frowned “I take it you don’t get along…nasty break up?” “You could say that…” Fliss said, taking a sip of her drink, tapping the straw lightly on her lips. “John…my ex…he er…he used to beat me. Badly. He’s actually in prison, well, for how long we don’t know as he had his parole hearing about 4 weeks ago so..” “Oh shit…” Bonnie dropped her gaze “Sorry, I didn’t…” “It’s ok.” Fliss said, waving off the usual apologies that came when she told someone about her past.
There was a moment of silence before Bonnie sat up and looked at Fliss.
“Wanna go for a dip?”
Fliss glanced at her, then down to the ocean and grinned, nodding.
Yelling to the boys to watch their stuff they headed down to the waves, Fliss happily diving straight in, simply allowing herself to float. She was calm, relaxed, and couldn’t remember a time she’d ever felt so happy before.
Eventually, it hit 5pm and Fliss was hungry. So they decided to pack up, grab a bite from the bar and then go change ready for the evening. Fliss had to smile as she saw Frank and the rest of the boys stood at a table by the beach bar all clutching pints and laughing. He was dressed in a pink shirt, black shorts with a baseball cap on the wrong way, glasses shielding his eyes.
“I never realised what an overgrown Frat Boy I’m dating.” Fliss mumbled to Bonnie who snorted as they made their way up the wooden boardwalk, beach bags in their hand.
 “Hey pretty girl.” Frank smiled as Fliss slid under his arm, reaching for his pint. With a roll of his eyes he watched as she took a huge drink. “You know if you want one I’ll get you one…” “Tastes better when it’s someone else’s.” Fliss shrugged.
 “Yeah, why is that?” Bonnie asked.
 “Because it’s stolen.” Simon looked at her “Well known fact, forbidden fruit just tastes better.”
Fliss went again for Frank’s drink and he jerked it out of her reach “Piss off, look, here…” he said, reaching into his pocket and handing her his wallet “Go to the bar.” She grinned and dropped a kiss to his lips, turning away, Bonnie following.
 “Dude you’re so whipped.” Jake snorted at him.
 “Yeah, I don’t much care.” Frank shrugged, burping slightly as he looked at Fliss, taking in her appearance. Her hair was falling around her face and down her back in a mass of long, messy salt and sand tangled waves and she was wearing a pink crochet slip over her black bikini. He would happily admit he was well under her spell and that she could whip him all she fucking wanted to. 
They grabbed a bite to eat, headed back, changed and made their way to the park for their second night of music. It went much the same as the night before, Bonnie and Fliss taking off on their own adventures, and Frank keeping his eyes peeled for any sign of John’s fucker of a brother, but he didn’t see him.
 By the time Liam Gallagher came onto the stage, Fliss was drunk. And so was he. But it didn’t stop her from going wild. Once again she knew every single word to every single song and when he launched into Rock and Roll Star she started pogoing like a person possessed. Mind you, so was everyone else on the dance floor in front of the stage, so Frank joined in. He quite liked this song and, well, if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em…
 He ended the set with Live Forever, Frank’s favourite song that he had done and Fliss sighed happily.
“He’s sooo good!” she said, “Why does he have to go?”
“Because his set has finished.” “But why?” “Because it has!” Frank laughed “He’s been on for almost an hour and it’s 1 am!”
“Hey, Liss, don’t worry…” Bonnie hiccupped “Hot Dub starts in 20…just enough time for a drink…” “Yes…” Fliss agreed, pointing at her. “But I think I need some water too.”
“Pussy…” Frank looked at her and she narrowed his eyes at him.
“I’ll carry on drinking beer if you want, but you’ll be clearing up my puke later.” He snorted and held his hands up, palms out “Water it is.” Hot Dub Time Machine was surreal. He was on for about an hour and took them through a load of the best party songs from the 60s right through to the present day. One minute Frank was doing the Twist and Shout with Fliss, and the next they were all in a circle air-guitaring to Immigrant Song by Led Zep.
 By the time they left the park it was almost half 2 in the morning and Fliss decided that she didn’t want to walk and insisted Frank give her a piggy back. He rolled his eyes but crouched down and she took a jump onto his back as he carried her the 10 minutes or so back to the hotel, Simon groaning at him as Bonnie kept complaining he wouldn’t carry her.
 “You’re showing me up, dude!” he glared at Frank who simply shrugged as Fliss smirked.
 “I like riding him.” She hiccupped, as everyone burst into laughter and Frank shook his head as she pressed a kiss to his cheek.
 “You’re a fucking nightmare” he sniggered and she shrugged.
 The next morning everyone was feeling the effects of a heavy weekend, and Frank was pleased that they had the late check out option. Eventually, after dragging themselves out of bed they managed to shower, pack up and head down to check out. There was another argument about who was paying for the room, this time Fliss winning as she put her foot down telling him he was paying for New York and that she really wanted to pay for this. She’d told Frank before about John never letting her have any financial control over anything and Frank knew that it meant a lot to her so he relented, and instead bought them brunch before they set off home.
 They got back in time for a roast dinner, and then they headed back to the annex to watch a film, Fliss crashing out halfway through. She left them to it and headed to bed and was flat out by the time Frank made his way upstairs.
 “I can’t believe you got the day off!” She moaned at him over breakfast on the Monday morning.
 “I can’t believe you didn’t” he shot back
“I can’t…clients and stuff.” She pouted, biting into her toast before she groaned again. “I’m too old for partying all weekend…I can’t hack it anymore.” Frank snorted and took a sip of his coffee before Fliss grinned at him. “Can we go again next year?”
 Frank laughed “The Circle Of Truth have already decided it’s going to be an annual thing from now on.” he said, standing up and with a kiss to her head he moved to the stairs yelling for Mary to get a wiggle on. She came down the stairs, Fred and Thor following before she ate her cereal and then Frank bustled her out of the door to drop her off for the last Monday of the school term. 
Wednesday lunchtime, however, their happy little bubble burst.
 Frank was actually in the sales part of the shop, discussing the benefits of different types of engines with a customer, having been asked to give some advice. He spotted Fliss’ jeep pulling up and as soon as she climbed out and turned towards him, he could tell from her face what was going on.
 “Excuse me for just one second.” He politely told the customer, and glancing at his boss he jerked his head towards Fliss. His boss, a nice enough guy called Andy, knew vaguely what was going on and nodded in understanding as Frank stepped outside.
 “Baby?” he asked tentatively as Fliss stopped in front of him.
“He did it.” she whispered softly, stepping into his arm, pressing her face into his chest.  “He made parole. They let the fucker out.”
**** Chapter 18
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drariellevalentine · 4 years
Medically Inevitable
Chapter 10- Puzzling Pathways
Characters:- Ethan Ramsey, Arielle Valentine, Alyssa Raines, Arabelle Raines, Naveen Banerji, Sienna Trinh, Elijah Greene, Jackie Varma, Landry Olsen, Harper Emery
Pairing:- Ethan Ramsey x Arielle Valentine
Warnings:- Swearing
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Arielle’s PoV:-
You wake up quite early with a throbbing head and roll out of bed, making sure not to wake up Belle and Aly. The sun hasn’t risen yet, so you assume it’s around 4. After your morning routine, you pick up Naveen’s latest test reports with a cup of tea and head over to your balcony. Going through it, you can’t find much that catches your eye. You head back inside after an hour and find the duo awake.
“Good morning...”, Belle greets you accompanied with a yawn.
“I thought you were sleeping. I’ll head straight to Flair’s HQ and get ready there with Belle. Our flight ’s at 9pm.”, Aly replies while heading towards the bathroom.
“Hey Belle, are you ready to see daddy again?”, you ask.
“Mhm, can’t wait. I'm going to tell him all about yesterday, it was so much fun.”
“Oh really? What happened yesterday?”, you ask. She launches into a story about how they went to the library and then made pizza for dinner.
“I was going to ask for dessert but I fell asleep. I woke up and saw you sleeping by me. Mommy told me that you brought me here.”, she says with a sheepish grin.
“Well I’m sure you can eat all the ice cream you want when you fly home. Tell daddy to call me, okay?”
“I will!” Aly comes out of the restroom, completely ready.
“Belle, come on. We need to get ready and so does Aunt Arielle.”
“Okay! I’ll be quick!” Aly helps Belle get ready while you decide to make lunch for you and Naveen. You head outside the room to find Jackie and Sienna entering the apartment.
“Good morning Ari! Ines and Kyra just left. I thought you were asleep so I didn’t wake you.”, Si says.
“You both have noon shifts, right? Lucky!”, you reply.
“Yeah, we’ll be nursing our headaches if you need us.”, and with that they both head inside. Opening the fridge, you grab all the ingredients needed for Naveen’s chicken wrap. You get to work, starting with grilling the chicken with a bunch of spices, meanwhile julienning some greens and veggies. After shredding the chicken, you cook the tortillas and layer the fillings, topping them off with dressing and finally wrapping them up. You’re just finished packing the wraps in a container when Aly and Belle come out of your room.
“Alright Belle, it’s time to go. Go say goodbye to everyone.” You point Belle towards Si’s room, she comes out a few minutes later, candy bar in hand.
“Look at what they gave me!”, she shouts with joy leaving both of you to chuckle. She puts the candy bar in her backpack and wraps you up in a hug, or rather your legs. “Bye!...I’ll miss you! When will you come to visit?!”, she asks as you lift her up into your arms and hug her goodbye.
“Maybe during Christmas, okay? Be safe and a good girl!”
“Tell Uncle Ethan and grandpa that I’m leaving!”, She says handing you a few York candies as you lead them to the door. “Bye Arielle, we had a nice time.”, Aly says as she hugs you.
“I did too.” You reluctantly wave them goodbye as they head towards their Über, Belle shouting one last goodbye. “Okay Arielle, time for work.”
A little while later, you’re heading to the nurses’ station after rounds when you see a small crowd near one of the OR’s. Overhearing one of the resident surgeons congratulating Bryce, you head over after the crowd disperses.
“Hey, looks like someone made a good impression!”, you say.
“There was a complication with the surgery and the general surgeon was taking too long to arrive. So I stepped up and performed the procedure, meanwhile scoring a free solo surgery.”, he replies with a smirk.
“Nice! Although I don’t think your friends are happy about that.”, you reply noticing the scowls on the other interns’ faces.
“I came here to be the best surgeon, and right now Dr. Tanaka thinks I’m one of the best.”, he replies.
You smile, “You’re right”-
“Valentine, enough chitchat. Head to the ER.” You whirl around to see Zaid with a scowl on his face.
“Yes, Dr. Mirani!” You shoot Bryce an apologetic look as you head to the ER.
As you enter the E.R. Sarah directs you to the bed of your patient. You find a young woman sitting on the bed along with a guy near her age sitting beside her with a worried expression. As you near them the boy gets up from his seat and to shake hands with you.
"Hi doctor!" He smiles as he shakes your hand enthusiastically.
"Wow, hi and hello," you smile back at both of them and then pick up her chart.
"Willow?" You read out the name.
"That's me, and this is my twin brother, Rowan," she points where the boy is standing.
"Willow and Rowan? Aren't those both-"
"Trees. Yeah. Our parents are uh...outdoorsy type-"
"You can tell the nice doctor, Rowan. She’s a total hippie."
You smile at the twins banter. "What about you too? Have you followed their footsteps?"
Willow grins, "Well I'd say we are... hippie-like."
"We like the environment and all but we also like indoor plumbing," Rowan adds.
"Sounds like a compromise I could get on board with.”, you reply chuckling. Willow laughs.
"How long have you been feeling itchy, Willow?", you ask when noticing her continuously itching her skin.
"Uh...mmm...I’m not sure?" She says nervously.
"She‘s had it for a few weeks now, I guess," Rowan answers.
Nodding, you move closerand notice the darkened spider angiomas under her skin. You take a closer and better look at her eyes to find it jaundiced.
"You haven't had it checked out?" You ask, looking for more symptoms.
"Well, I took her to Mass Kenmore the other day but-" he never gets to finish the sentence as Willow cuts him off.
"But the doctor was a jerk. My friend says the doctors here are much more nice."
Willow's voice is filled with nervousness. But you don’t consider it much thinking it's probably because of her sickness.
"Smart friends," you try to lighten the mood. "Willow, I am going to have to listen to your belly. Lie back." You help her lie down.
"Push your hand on your sides," you order and she does so. "Yeah just like this. Now I'm going to give you a little tap."
You lightly strike one side of Willow's abdomen resting your hand on the other side.
"What are you doing?" Rowan asks both confused and concerned.
"That was fluid wave test for ascites. Fluid buildup in the abdominal cavity," you answer his question.
"What did the doctors at Mass Kenmore say?" You ask after noting the symptoms. Willow and Rowan share a nervous glance.
"He, uh... didn't spend that long with me. He said it's probably the...flu," Willow stammers.
"The flu?" You ask shocked. What doctor in their right mind would diagnose a patient with these symptoms as a flu!
"Yeah? He was kinda sketchy," Rowan trails off.
"He was very sketchy. Just because my chest hurts doesn't mean you have to do the whole consultation with my boobs, right?" Willow lets out a nervous chuckle. Their behavior is suspicious but you decide not to jump to conclusions.
"Okay. What did he prescribe?", you ask.
"Just some antibiotics."
"Antibiotics? But influenza is a virus," you get more concerned now. Was he even a doctor? First he misdiagnosed a simple disease and then he prescribed antibiotics for flu!
"Uh...yeah. So dumb right. He was so...old," Willow tries to laugh it off.
"He was so old, he looked like Yoda," Rowan tries to joke.
"But a mean. A mean Yoda,"Willow adds.
"Okay, but Willow I'm afraid it's not the flu,"you say. "It's likely Hepatitis C."
"Hep C?" Willow asks, her voice tracing fear.
"It sounds scary but it's now curable in a matter of weeks," you try to comfort her.
"That umm...sounds expensive," Rowan says nervously.
"Uhm, yes, Hep C treatment is notoriously costly," you say sadly.
"How costly are we talking?" Willow asks.
"The list cost is $28,000 per month. And we are talking about three months of supply,", you answer.
"It's a lot but it's important for you to get treated," You add, "Hep C causes huge damage to your liver. It can cause total organ failure, even can lead to cancer. It can kill you."
"But how are we supposed to pay for it?" Willow's voice is sad.
"Your insurance can help. Wait a minute, let me take your information,"You say and reach for the paper to note the details down.
"Our insurance info. Uhm...we...gave it to the hospital staff when we got here. Right, Ro?" Willow trails off nervously.
"Yeah, right…" Rowan agrees.
Their behavior looks suspicious to you and suddenly it all clicks into place.
"Wait, you guys don't have insurance, do you?”, you tentatively ask.
The twins look at each other helplessly. "...No. We don't," Rowan says after a brief moment of silence.
"Usually when I’m sick, I just hope for it to go away. But this time the symptoms are getting worse," Willow states.
"Mass Kenmore wouldn't even look at Willow without insurance," Rowan adds.
"And we definitely can't afford 28 grand a month," Willow states.
"Yeah, I know. It's total bull. Believe me it makes my gut churn when I have to tell patients they can't afford what they need to survive.", you reply with anger.
"But what can we do about it?" Willow sighs.
"I am not sure…" you try to think of a way to help them.
"Please doctor. I'll do whatever I can to help Willow but I don't earn much either. Our parents don't have any savings. They don't even believe in modern medicine," Rowan says angrily.
"I told my mom I was sick and she said to sleep with an amethyst on my chest," Willow adds.
"We're already in debt from college.This bill will ruin us. Isn't there anything for me to do. Could I work it off somehow?" Rowan asks.
"It's not a restaurant, Ro. We can't do dishes or something. We'll just have to...go," Willow says sadly and gets down the bed.
"But you heard what Dr. Valentine said could happen," Rowan says concerned.
Willow get up to leave.
"Wait, don't go yet. I'll see what I can do," you stop her.
"You'll help us?" Rowan smiles hopefully.
"I can't promise anything. But I'll try," you say sincerely.
"Thank you Dr.Valentine," Willow smiles and for the first time the smile seems genuine.
You reply back with a smile,"First things first. We can't treat Hep C without knowing it's genotype. So I'll need to draw blood sample."
After admitting Willow, you’re trying to think of a way to get the vial to lab. But you know the you can't hand it over to the pathology lab without a resident's signature. And you'd need to do it without anyone asking questions. That's when you see Ines. "The just person for the work," you think and walk towards her pleading for the best. "Hi Arielle. All done in the E.R.?" she asks as you approach.
"Yeah. I was actually looking for you!" You try to smile but your nervousness gets in between.
But she doesn't really seem to notice the hesitation."At you service. What do you need?",She asks smiling. You hesitate for a moment. Weighing your options you decide on telling her the truth, even though it might have risks.
"My patient has Hep C. And I need to run a blood test for further treatment but…" You pause not sure how to say,"but they don't have any insurance."
Ines understands what you are saying and her face falls slightly.
"Oh…"she says after a moment of silence.
"I admitted her. But she can't afford to be here, let alone treatment. She wanted to leave," you state sadly.
"Then I'm afraid you'll have to let her."
"But…" you stop not knowing what to say. You thought that out of all people maybe Ines would understand and help you.
"One of the hardest thing is to learn you can't help everyone. As a doctor your responsibility is to help the people you can help." She puts a comforting hand on your shoulder before walking away. You lean against the nearest wall as a wave of disappoinment washes over you. Later, you head towards the cafeteria for a quick break and then a few more post-op check-in’s.
After checking on one of your post-op patients, you carefully sneak around the construction site and enter Naveen’s room, lunch in hand.
“Sunshine! What a lovely surprise!”
“Hi dad, I brought lunch. Belle and Aly went back to Flair. Their flight’s at 9.”
“Belle was a nice surprise yesterday. You know, I think she managed to make Ethan like her.”, he replies.
“Yeah, she told me all about how she went to the library and Uncle Ethan read her a bunch of stories.”, you say as you draw blood for another test. Filling the vial with blood, you dispose of the needle and wash your hands.
“So, what have you made for lunch?”
“Your special chicken wraps.”, you reply with a smile as you hand one to him. You both take a bite. “So? How is it? Does it resemble yours at least a little?”
“It’s quite close, but the seasoning is slightly off.”
You roll your eyes. “That’s because it’s your recipe! And no one can perfectly make your recipes!”, you exclaim.
“She’s right Naveen. Your recipes are quite tricky to master.” You turn around to find Ethan standing in the doorway.
“Dr. Ramsey. I looked over the files but I couldn’t find much. The blood sample I drew is over there, I think we should try again but maybe..”, you discuss with him about the next steps.
“Ethan. Arielle.” Both of you turn to him. “Will you let a man eat in peace?! Both of you, eat and then discuss whatever you need to.”
“Fine.” You hand a wrap to Ethan.
“Have one, I made a lot more than I can eat.” He tentatively takes one and takes a bite.
“It’s quite good.”
“Thank you. I almost forgot, Belle asked me to tell you that she was leaving tonight and asked me to give these to you.” You hand out the minty chocolate treats to both of them, popping one in your mouth. “Seems like you made quite a good impression on Belle, she likes you a lot.”
“I’m convinced that Ethan likes her more than me! You should have seen him yesterday!”, Naveen exclaims as Ethan groans. Your pager beeps with the results of one of your patient’s tests. Sighing, you pop the last piece in your mouth and close the empty box.
“I have to go, I’ll see you later.”, you say as you kiss him on the cheek and gather your stuff. “Oh and Dr. Ramsey, I didn’t find anything much but I think this might be a small lead.”, you say pointing to the sample and highlighted part of the report. He nods as you exit the room.
After discussing a treatment plan with one of your patients, you’re heading towards the locker room to wrap up your shift early, when your phone chimes. It’s Bryce.
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After responding, you change into a pair of jeans and a spaghetti strap top and grab your stuff from the locker. You head to the parking lot, and drive your way home. You unlock your door and find Si dressed up in a 30s theme. “Si! You look beautiful! That side twist is gorgeous! I didn’t know that people dressed up for this.”, you exclaim as you take off your heels.
“Well, I won’t be the only one! I got you a little something.” She rushes into her room and comes out holding a bag in her hand. “I picked out this ivory outfit for you, try it on!”, she exclaims as she hurriedly pushes you into your room to get dressed.
“Okay, okay! Give me a sec!” You pull out the beautiful outfit from the bag and lay it on your bed as you strip and carefully slip on the silky outfit. You tentatively open the door as Si gasps. “So...what do you think?”
“Oh my gosh! You look so pretty, all that’s missing is a matching hairstyle and jewellery. Quick, sit here! I’ll do your hair!” She quickly ushers you on your stool and starts to style your hair with the combs on your vanity. Pulling your hair into a side swept bun, she applies a coat of a pink shade on your lips and lastly helps you add matching accessories. You eye a pair of earrings that match Si’s dress.
“Here! Wear these!” She gasps.
“No way! They’re way too expensive, I can’t wear these!”, she counters.
“Oh shut up! You’re my best friend! You can wear whatever’s in my room.” You quickly trade her earrings and clasp yours on her as she looks in the mirror.
“Wow...these are really pretty.”
“Then keep them, they look much better on you.”, you reply.
“What, no! I can’t possibly”-
“Nope! I won’t take no for an answer.” She finally agrees and hugs you. You both look at yourselves at your floor length mirror for one last time. “Wait! One last touch!”, you say, carefully clasping on the necklace that Naveen gave you.
“Give me your phone! This is a perfect opportunity for a photo op.” She leads to a luminous corner in your room and snaps a pic as you do the same for her.
“These came out amazing! I’m posting mine, then we’ll leave.” You both take a few minutes to post your pictures. Just as you’re about to leave, Si’s phone chimes. She picks up the phone and replies, hiding the screen from you. “Hey, you can go without me. I’ll be there a bit later.”, she says.
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“Okay…”, you bid goodbye and leave the apartment. You’re strolling down the sidewalk towards Boston Common, eyes sweeping through the crowd for any sign of your friends when finally you spot them.
“Damn, you look even classier in person!”, Bryce says patting the spot next to him. You place your things nearby and squeeze in by Bryce.
“Where’s Sienna? She said she was waiting for you.”, Elijah asks.
“I don’t know.”, you respond. “Just as we were about to leave, she got a text and said she’ll come by a little later.” Just then, you hear a familiar voice greet Elijah.
“Hey.” You all turn around to see Phoebe.
“Ohh...this guy’s got it baaaad…”, Jackie says, noticing the blush on Elijah’s cheeks.
“Shut up!”, you whisper to Jackie.
“Hey Phoebe. You came.”, Elijah spits out, not knowing what to say.
“Yeah...I said I would make it.”, Phoebe replies equally as awkward. You wince at the awkwardness and decide to play the role of Cupid once again.
“Phoebe! I’m glad you made it. Come sit here!”, you say gesturing to the comfy space by Elijah as he mouths a thank you. The pair sit together and click by talking about Star Trek, leaving you, Bryce and Jackie waiting for the screening. You’re about to ask Bryce when the movie starts when a smell of buttery goodness wafts towards you. All three of you turn around to find Sienna and Danny holding a small picnic basket. “Ohh...so that’s what the text was about. Let’s see how she gets out of this.”, you think. “Hey Danny, Sienna didn’t tell us she invited you! Come on, join us!” You scoot over, leaving just enough room for the pair to sit together.
“Hey Arielle. I had an idea, so I went and picked up a few pastries from a nearby bakery.”, he replies with a slight blush on his face. “Ahhh! These two are so cute!”, you think. Sienna hands out the treats as the opening credits roll. You sink your front teeth into a chocolatey croissant. “Mmm...this is good! Great idea!”, you exclaim. All seven of you relax and watch the movie.
After a while, Landry perks up saying, “Hey Arielle, did you find anything on Patient X?”
“Oh yeah Ari! Did you find anything?”, Elijah asks.
You carefully mull over what to say. “Umm…I don’t know anything. “, you say.
“Bullshit!”, says Jackie.
Thankfully, Si comes to your defence. “She’s serious! Zaid was chewing her out today for asking a bunch of questions.” Jackie rolls her eyes as everyone shifts their attention back to the movie. You mouth a thank you to Sienna and watch the movie. A little while later, you and Elijah are getting some drinks for the gang.
“So, I noticed you were a little down when I saw you before lunch today. What happened?”, he asks. You sigh and explain Willow’s condition. His face hardens.
He blinks and turns to you. “Oh sorry.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, it’s alright.” You can clearly tell he’s lying.
“I’m not an idiot.”
He sighs, “It’s always that, don’t treat the condition or you’ll die; or treat the condition you you’ll be financially ruined.” You give him a look.
“...I was diagnosed with chronic spinal cord damage when I was 5. A surgeon came up with a solution to save my life, but it bankrupted my parents. They had to sell everything for my surgery. That’s why I wanted to become a doctor, you know? If it weren’t for that surgeon, I wouldn’t have been here right now. That’s what I wanted to do, find solutions for people who have nowhere to turn to.”, tears slowly trailing down his face.
Your heart wrenches. “I’m so sorry Elijah. And for what it’s worth, I know your parents would have made that decision over and over again for you.”
“I know. Do you know that there are government clinical trials for some patients?”, he asks.”
“Oh! I didn’t know that.” He doesn’t get any better.
“You are worth it, do you hear me? You are an amazing, wonderful and sweet person and whoever has gotten the pleasure to know you are blessed.”
He nods as he returns your hug. You buy the drinks and head back towards your friends.
Long into the movie, you’re completely bored and lost. “Does anybody know what’s going on?”, you ask.
“Well, Rosie’s supposed to hide out in Richard’s office until he leaves for the files of...or Wait I think it was...Oh forget it! I’m lost too!”, Landry exclaims. Your friends start talking, ignoring the movie as Bryce turns to you.
“So, you want to ditch this place?”
“I thought you were the one who said this would be ‘fun’!”, you counter.
“Hey! No point in making mistakes longer than you need to! Now, you coming or not?”, he asks.
You give him an incredulous look. “Where would we go? And I’m dressed like this!”
“We’ll go on an adventure. And maybe fashion you up some clothes meanwhile.”
“Okay, lead the way!” The two of you sneak away from the group and Bryce leads you to a mall. “Really? A mall? This is your definition of an ‘adventure’?”
“Well first, we need to get you some clothes. Second, who said a mall can’t be an adventure?! Just follow my lead!” You and Bryce enter the mall to find the mall mostly empty. “Okay, first you need an outfit change! So, does Miss Celebrity shop at stores like Forever 21 or only high-end brands?”, he teases you.
You roll your eyes. “I shop at Forever 21! And a bunch of other stores that aren’t high-end!”, you defend yourself.
“Okay then! First stop, picking out an outfit for you.”, he walks to the directory and scans the list for Forever 21. “Ah! There it is, second floor. Let’s go!” Both of you take the escalator up and enter the near empty store. “Now, I want you to sit here-“, he pats a bench near the dressing room, “While I go pick out an outfit for you.”
Before you can protest, he twirls around and heads into the women’s section. You decide to check your messages, seeing new texts from Si and Ethan and click on them.
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You’re about to go look for Bryce when he appears out of nowhere. “Crap! You scared me!” He gives you a sheepish grin.
“Hehe, sorry about that. Now, go try this on and see if you need a different size.” He hands you the black bag and pushes you into one of the dressing rooms. You open it to find a lace black bralette with an olive green cover-up and jeans. “Hmm...not bad scalpel jockey.”
You slip on the outfit and open your door as Bryce lets out a low whistle.
“Looks like it fits perfectly.”, he replies.
“It does.” You quickly hand over the clothes to Bryce and give him your purse, but he doesn’t take your purse. He comes back in a few minutes and tosses the outfit through the top. “Hey! A little heads-up would be nice!” You slip on your new outfit and fold your other outfit into the bag. You head out of the dressing room and sit on a bench near Bryce, who’s texting someone.
“It’s Jackie. She wanted to know where we went.”, he says without looking up.
“I told Sienna though.”, you reply confused.
“Apparently, both pairs of lovebirds are grossing Jackie out.” You both laugh. “Just a sec, okay.” You nod and look at the nearby display of nail polish when you hear a click. Turing around, you see Bryce smiling and your phone chimes. Pulling out your phone, you see that Bryce took a picture of you and sent it to you.
“Hmm...who knew scalpel jockey had such photography skills?! I might post this.”, you tease him as you post it.
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“So, does that make up for wasting your time?”, he asks.
“Maybe...depends on what adventure we’re going on next.”, you reply.
“Well, first we need fuel for our adventure. We’re getting some food!”, Bryce exclaims.
“You really know the way to a girl’s heart.” He flashes his signature grin and leads you to Chick-fil-A after paying for your outfit.
“How do you know I like Chick-fil-A?”, you ask.
“I don’t .”, he nonchalantly replies. He heads inside and orders two chicken burgers with a side of fries and an Oreo milkshake. You both take a seat in the booth after picking out your favourite sauces and water.
“I come here only for the mayo, and then stuff as many packets as I can in my pockets. It’s sooo good!”, you exclaim as he laughs.
“You remind me of my sister.”, he says.
“Careful Lahela, then I might come to the conclusion that you like me as a friend.”, you tease. He’s about to reply when the employee calls out your order. You get up but he doesn’t let you, and carries the tray full of goodness and carbs back to your table. “Such a gentleman.”, you say. Taking the burger from the tray, you unwrap it and take a bite (not before adding a little extra mayo, of course). “Ohmygod…”
“There’s nothing like comfort food.”, he says handing you a spoon for the Oreo milkshake.
“Yeah, comfort food becomes your best friend after a breakup.”, you say.
He raises an eyebrow. “And when was this?” He notices the hesitation on your face and places a hand on your shoulder, “Hey, it’s alright. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
“No, it’s okay...he was my first love. We met at med school, he was in his second year of med school for neuroscience and it was my first for internal medicine. It was my first week, I was in Hopkins’ central library trying to reach for a book and managed to pull down the whole section of books somehow.”
He chuckles, “Sounds like you, alright!” You roll your eyes.
“It sounds cliche, but he helped me up and with the books, then took me out to cheer me up. After that, we met up more and more and found ourselves going on dates. He didn’t have classes together so we mostly met up during the weekends and texted everyday. Later, I met Laura.”
“Who’s Laura?”, he asks.
“She is...was my best friend through all of med school. I’ll explain. We started dating three months later and made it official at the end of the year. We took it slow, both of us respected each other’s careers and dreams so we never had many disagreements. It was amazing, all 5 and a half years of med school. I had a wonderful, kind considerate boyfriend who knew everything about me and a best friend that always had my back. Everything was perfect, he never used me for my connections and treated me as a normal person.”, you say.
“Hah! Imagine my surprise when I looked you up on Insta!”, he says. You laugh, remembering the day when Raf and Bryce had found out about your celeb status.
“Because he was studying to be a neurosurgeon, he had an extra year so we both ended med school in the same year. His medical idol is Dr. Harper Emery, he would talk about her all the time and really held a level of respect.”, you continue.
“She is mine, too. Have you met her, like personally?”, he asks.
“I have once. It was quite a few years back during one of Edenbrook’s charity galas. Naveen had taken me there as his plus one and I met her, she was someone that you would just hold a certain level of respect.”, you say.
“Woah, woah, woah. Hold on, do you mean Naveen, as in Naveen Banerji, as in the greatest diagnostian of all time?!”, he exclaims. You wince, completely forgetting about that. Taking your time, you explain what happened with him, except about his illness. “Damn, that’s impressive. I mean, changing your last name and starting completely fresh without using any influence. Anyways, continue.”
“As you know, my inspiration and my idol was Dr. Ramsey, and we both wanted to get into Edenbrook for our residency. Laura wanted to go to Johns Hopkins Hospital for their peds program. And after our final exams, we found out that I had gotten into Edenbrook for my residency...and he didn’t. Laura didn’t get into Johns Hopkins either.”, you say recalling the horrid memories after that moment.
“I’m guessing that’s where the problem started.”, he says.
You nod. “At first, he was really happy for me and so was Laura. But after a week, he started acting cold, like he was keeping a grudge against me. I tried talking to him but he didn’t try to talk it out. One day, I couldn’t take it anymore and burst, screaming at him why he was doing this.”, your throat hitches.
“What happened?”, you can see the anger in his eyes.
“...he had the audacity to say that I had used people to get into Edenbrook for my residency. I was shocked, having thought that the person who knew me so well thought I was using my name to rig the system. We didn’t talk for a week after that, and when I was cleaning out my clothes from his closet,...I found a velvet box. It was an engagement ring.”
Bryce’s eyes go wide. If only he knew what happened next. “I thought that we could fix this, I thought that he loved me, our relationship could be saved and we would be happy. So, I knocked on his door but no one answered. After a while, I couldn’t wait so I unlocked the door with the key he gave me and…” You take a deep breath. “...Laura was kissing him….and he was kissing her back.” By now, tears are slowly making their way down your face.
“That asshole! What the hell was he thinki”- He stops at the sight of your face and takes a seat beside you, comforting you. “Hey, hey, hey. Don’t cry now. You’re one of the strongest women I’ve ever met and I’ve met a lot!” That makes you smile a bit. “That guy is an idiot, alright, for letting one of the most kind, compassionate and selfless women I’ve ever known. He doesn’t deserve you, alright!?“
You nod, brushing away your tears. “Okay.”
“Now, no more crying. Tonight, we’re going to have the time of our life! Now, finish up and we’ll go.” You finish up your food as Bryce tells you about the crazy parties he went to at Stanford.
“Oh my god! I can’t believe you did that!”, you shriek.
“I did. Now, let’s go!” After throwing away everything, you head out and Bryce leads you inside Walmart.
“What are we doing here?”, you ask.
“Just watch.” You watch as he strolls casually near a rack of clothing and yells, “There’s a snake in here!!” Your mouth and eyes widen in horror as everyone screams and runs away, leaving racks and displays to topple over each other, making a mess. “Oh sorry guys! It was just a scarf!” He quickly runs away pulling you with him out of the store before the employees can see you.
“What the hell did you do that for?!”, you half shout.
“What are you talking about, that was epic!? My mission today is to cheer you up, and I will do whatever it takes even if I have to makeshift a zip line from the 5th to the 1st floor.” You try to hide a smile but unsuccessfully end up bursting with laughter.
“Those people were sooo scared! And then I swear, one lady looked like she was about to bite your head off!!”, you say.
“Well, we’re not done yet.”, he drags you away before you can protest. A few minutes later, you’re standing in front of Urban Outfitters. “I have one more idea, and then it’s your turn.”, he says.
“What! No, there’s no way!”, you exclaim.
“Uh, uh, uh. You’re doing it.” He drags you into the store and randomly grabs three different pairs of jeans and heads towards the dressing room. “Wait here.” He points to a secluded corner as he goes inside the dressing room.
After several minutes, the door suddenly bursts open and Bryce makes a big scene. ”Ugh! What kind of jeans are these? None of them are leak-proof!” He says as he throws the jeans to the side and disappears in the racks, a few seconds later appearing by your side. You have to clamp your mouth shut after witnessing the attendant ‘s flustered and wide-eyed face.
After you both manage to escape from the shop without the woman noticing, you burst out in a fit of giggles. “Leak-proof?! That poor woman was astonished!”, you manage to blurt out in between laughter. You look up to see him smiling at you.
“What?”, you ask.
He gives you a devilish grin. “Now, it’s your turn.” Your eyes widen.
“No, no, no, no, no! There’s no way I’m embarrassing myself, that too on purpose! I have a reputation to uphold!” He looks at you. “Fine! Let me think!” You look around and spot an abandoned shopping cart, which triggers the memory of a prank Mark played before. A smirk fills your face as you say, “I have an idea. All I need is some clear beading wire.” He looks at you. “Don’t worry! I know what I’m doing!”
This time, you’re the one dragging him inside Michael’s and quickly pick out a strong wire. After paying for it, you turn to him. “Is there like a grocery store or something here?”
“I saw a Target on my way here. I think it was on the second floor.”, he says. You go down to the second floor and spot the Target.
“Okay, so are you going to tell me what your master plan is?”, he asks with a raised eyebrow. You pull him down and whisper in his ears. His eyes widen. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“Well, you should now by now that I’m full of surprises.”, you say as you enter the shop. After wondering around for a bit, you find the perfect place to execute your plan. You carefully set up the wire as Bryce goes to get a shopping cart.
“Did someone ask for a shopping cart?” You roll your eyes as he pushes the cart to you. “Shut up and help me with these wires.” After another 15 minutes of prep, you are finally ready to execute.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”, he asks.
“It was your idea. Plus, I’m not backing out now. Ready?” He nods as the both of you take your places. He mouths, “3...2...1!” You let out a high-pitched scream as the shopping cart rolls towards you. Attracting attention, you quickly run across the aisles as the shopping cart mysteriously follows you at quite a speed. People start shouting and screaming and you keep running and shrieking, Bryce nearby controlling the shopping cart with the wires. Everyone is freaking out, screaming and shouting, things on the shelves are completely scattered, the floor a huge mess until suddenly, you’re pulled back. Turning around, you see a security guard holding the wire, exposing you and Bryce. Shit!
A while later…
“So, I guess you being an actor and all didn’t help...that wasn’t a good idea was it?”, he says. You’re standing outside the mall you’ve been banned from for a month.
“No it wasn’t…”, you both burst out laughing. “I had an amazing time Bryce. Thank you.”
“Of course, you’re my sister from another mister.”, he makes you laugh for the millionth time as you both walk back to your apartment. By the time you reach home, it’s already 11.
“Just keep in mind that everything won’t always have a readymade solution. Sometimes you have to make your own path. Goodnight Elle.”
“Goodnight Bryce.”, you lightly kiss his cheek and head inside. After getting ready for bed, you slide into your sheets and let today’s events wash over you...when it hits you. “I know how to save Willow!” Hopping out of bed, you quickly grab a notepad and a pen. Propping open your MacBook, you start typing in a search query, knowing you have a long night ahead of you.
The next morning, you’re walking to the front desk to ask the whereabouts of Chief Emery.
“Hey Arielle! Need help with anything?”, you look to your right and see Danny walking towards you.
“Good morning Danny. Have you seen Chief Emery? I need to ask her about a treatment for a patient.”
“Umm...I think I saw her go into OR 6, but there isn’t any surgery though.” He shrugs and walks away. You shout a thank you and head to the sixth floor where all the scheduled surgeries are performed. The door is ajar as you near the OR, taking a peek inside, you see her hovering over the surgical tools, hands running over them as if she’s greeting an old friend. You wait for her to notice you until she turns around, your signature vanilla scent wafting in the air.
“Dr. Valentine. What can I do for you?”, she asks. You take a deep breath and launch into your prepared pitch for Willow’s treatment. After you’re done, your nervousness gets ahold of you leading to you biting your lip.
“So you’re telling me you want to exploit a fully funded government study for a patient’s treatment?”, she asks.
“It’s the only way for my patient to be able to afford her treatment. Edenbrook won’t be held of any charges.”, you reply thinking that as the chief, that’s what she’s worrying about.
“You sound like Dr. Ramsey.” You don’t know why, but your heart swells with pride.
“I take that as a compliment.”
She thinks it over, leaving you thinking that you blew it until, “Hand it here.” You can’t stop the smile blooming on your face as you hand her the papers. She signs them and gives them to you when your pager beeps.
“Excuse me.” You see that Willow’s being discharged. Crap! You quickly grab the papers and run back to the 1st floor all while shouting, “Thank you!” You swear that you hear her laugh.
By the time you burst into Willow’s room, you’re out of breath and the pair of twins look at you like you’re wearing an octopus as a hat. “Dr. Valentine? Is everything alright? Is something wrong with my sister?”, Rowan asks nervously. You look up to see Willow dressed and all her belongings packed as you catch your breath.
“You don’t have to leave! I found a way for you to receive your treatment!” You explain your findings and the government study. “So, it will cover all your medical expenses but both of you will have to agree.”
“Of course, I’d do anything for my sister. But, we both are still in college debt. I’ll just have to work a few extra shifts. Thank you so much, Dr. Valentine!”
You pull out the check you wrote yesterday night. “I want you to have this. It will help with your debts.” His eyes widen as he looks over the amount.
“I...I can’t possibly take this. It’s way too much”-
“No please, keep it. What’s the point of being rich if you don’t use it to help others?”, you say. Rowan hugs you.
“Thank you so so much for all your help Dr. Valentine. We’ll never forget this.”, Willow says.
“Of course.” You’re interrupted by a sharp knock at the door. Opening it, you find a doctor, but not one of Edenbrook’s.
“You must be Dr. Valentine. I'm the doctor you spoke with on the phone yesterday. There is some initial paperwork which has to be looked over and signed.
“Ah yes. You must be Dr. Martin. We’ll get started.”
After finishing up the paperwork, you head to the nurses’ station with a big smile on your lips. "What are you smiling about?" A familiar baritone voice from behind you grabs your attention. You turn around to find Ethan looking at you raising his brows.
"I found a way to help some people who deserve it. It's a really good feeling," your smile broadens.
"Well done, Rookie,", he shockingly offers you a rare smile before leaning closer. He rests one of his hands on your arm."And thanks for not telling anyone about… my patient." He sighs sadly as you study his features.
He doesn't seem happy or relieved but surely seems better rested. You sadly smile at him, "Of course...you’re not the only one who wants him to get better."
He nods at you understanding. His hand rests on your arm for one last moment after he squeezes your arm as a thank you, letting them fall to his sides.
You turn away as he requests for one of his patient charts from Marlene. You freeze seeing Dr. Emery standing across the hallway, looking at the two of you thoughtfully. You are brought back to reality by Ethan's voice, thanking the nurse and leaving. Harper looks at you one last time before walking towards the direction where Ethan went.
Ethan's P.O.V
You are forced to look up from Naveen's recent test results when you hear a knock.
"Come in," you say keeping your voice devoid of any friendliness, thinking it was some intern. “Or a certain intern with violet hair!”, your mind reminds you. The door opens, revealing Harper who waltzes in and takes a seat opposite to you.
“What can I do for the Chief of Medicine today?”, you ask.
“I just wanted to see how my friend was doing. Is that a crime?”, she asks.
You scoff, “I’ve known you for a long time Harper, and quite well enough to know when you want something.”
“I’ve been noticing you’ve been quite distant these past few weeks, you’re never found in your office, always somewhere around the hospital.”
“So she has been noticing your behaviour.”, you think. “I’m not distant. I’m just busy.”, you reply with a roll of your eyes.
Her voice softens, “Ethan, you know I’m still your friend. You can talk to me.”, she says.
“Not anymore, not when you’re the Chief of Medicine I can’t.”, you think. You blatantly lie, “I’m perfectly fine Harper. Now I’m sure you have much more important work to do.” With a sigh, she exits your office.
”I know she’ll discover this someday, but when she does...would everything be alright?”
Part 1 of taglist:- @kaavyaethanramsey @rookie-ramsey @ohramsey @ohvamsey @hopelessromantics4life @realmrsramsey @mysticaurathings @binny1985 @maurine07 @alina-yol-ramsey @helloitsthiv @tsrookie @arcticlumineer @mary-c92 @sad-satan-herself @whippedforethanfreakingramsey @archxxronrookie @ethansrookie02 @semanticsandsea-lemons @mrandmrsramsey @nikki-2406 @deepikakkannan @siaramsey @katkart122 @openheartthot @imonlybibecauseofethanramsey @akshara16 @luvevelynclaire @literaryexpress @miss-smrxtiee @nadeen-ahmed11 @mrsalanrickman394 @drstellavalentine @ethandaddyramseyx @annekebbphotography @custaroonie @ladyrileybrooks @robbies-sutcliffe @cralinedp @bladesofopenheart @ezekielbhandarivalleros @daddyethanramsey @aquirkychica @romewritingshop @lilyvalentine @xpandabeardontcarex @in-love-with-a-trans-girl @coastalengineer @starrystarrytrouble @clowneryme
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fantastic-rambles · 3 years
Shades of Love [5]
Fandom: Sk8 the Infinity
Characters: Shindo Ainosuke (Adam), Sakurayashiki Kaoru (Cherry Blossom), Nanjo Kojiro (Joe)
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: In which Kaoru and Kojiro introduce Adam to "ordinary" forms of entertainment. A lighthearted take on "trapped." [Adam Appreciation Week 2021 | Day 5: intimacy / trapped / flowers ]
Adam blinked as he looked around the small room, which was filled with a number of cheap props: an anatomy model that looked to be missing a few pieces; a copy of the periodic table printed out on a large sheet of paper tacked to the wall, with one corner curling from the loss of a pin; what looked like a blood pressure cuff lying on a chest of medical drawers; a flimsy looking cabinet in the corner...
"Come on, let's read the scenario!" Kaoru called out, picking up a laminated half-sheet from the top of the drawer and waving it at his friends. Clearing his throat, he started to read: "There has been an outbreak of a mysterious virus that has been producing zombie-like symptoms in its victims. You are members of an elite strike force from one of the last bastions of humanity, and you have been sent here after a researcher broadcast on the radio that she had developed a cure for this disease. However, after you arrived, your team found signs of a struggle, and you have begun to fear the worst. With the woman missing, your only chance is to find her research notes and safely bring them back to your headquarters so that humanity might have a chance to survive this plague. You estimate that you only have one hour before the zombies come to investigate, so you must find the scientist's notebook and escape before then."
"A zombie apocalypse! That's new!" Kojiro exclaimed, heading directly to the cabinet and tugging on the doors despite the chains and combination lock that were clearly holding them shut. "Alright, so this is definitely locked, which means that what we're looking for is probably in here."
Adam just continued to quietly watch as Kaoru started pulling open the drawers in the chest, taking out everything that he found inside and laying it on the surface. The two of them had explained the concept of an escape room to him, but he still didn't quite understand what he was supposed to be doing.
"If what we're looking for is in the cabinet, then can't we just find a way to pry it open?" he suggested. "The handles just look like aluminum, so if we can find something strong enough to slip through the chains and apply some leverage, we could probably just pop them off. Or, barring that, we could find a way to pull out the hinges on one side and just swing it open like that. And in the worst case scenario, we could simply break the glass and take out what's inside."
He saw Kaoru and Kojiro exchange a look, and then Kojiro abandoned the cabinet to start pulling apart the anatomy model.
"Sorry, maybe I didn't explain it well enough before we started," Kaoru started with a shake of his head. "When I said that the purpose of an escape room is to complete the objectives, I should have also said that it's basically an interactive puzzle. We're supposed to search this place for clues that will point us to keys that will then unlock various things so that we can complete the objective. Does that make more sense?"
Adam nodded, though it was still somewhat confusing. Was this the sort of thing that ordinary people did for fun? It seemed like some sort of form of escapism, not unlike when he was skating, but being stuck in a small room and messing around with props didn't seem all that interesting. Still, he was grateful to his friends for going through the effort to introduce these sorts of mundane activities to him. This was something that he'd probably never get the chance to do normally, so there was an air of novelty to it, at the very least.
"Please don't engage in any property damage, or we'll have to pay for it," Kaoru added, frowning, and Adam nodded again.
"Got it. So we're just solving puzzles, finding keys, and trying to get that notebook?"
"That's about it, yeah."
"Okay, if you two are finished, want to help out?" Kojiro called over to them, holding what looked to be a plastic liver. Another laminated card was poking out of a slit on the back, and he tugged it out, flipping it around to read what it said. "The elements of potassium permanganate may result in a valuable reaction. What the heck is potassium permanganate?"
"KMnO4. It's a dark purple crystal that has strong oxidizing properties," Adam replied instantly. Both of his friends turned to stare at him, eyes wide, and then Kojiro laughed, slinging an arm around his shoulders.
"Well, we definitely picked the right person to do this with. Alright, so what are the 'elements' of potassium permanganate?"
"Potassium, manganese, and oxygen. If we're supposed to use this chart..." Adam walked over to the drooping periodic table, smoothing up the fallen corner and looking at it. It was extremely simplified, just having the elements with their names, symbols, and atomic numbers. "Potassium is the 19th element, with a symbol of K. Manganese--"
"Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this down," Kaoru interrupted, scrawling notes down on a pad that was probably there for that purpose. "Potassium, 19, K. Go on."
Adam nodded once more. "Manganese is the 25th element, with a symbol of Mn. And Oxygen is the 8th element, with a symbol of O. There are four oxygen atoms in permanganate, though; I'm not sure if that's useful?"
"19-25-8. That's probably the combination to some sort of lock. 'jiro, check it out on the lock we found?" Kaoru suggested. Both he and Adam peered over Kojiro's shoulders as his fingers dexterously spun through the numbers, but when he tugged at it, the lock remained firmly shut. Just in case, he tried a second time--using 32 as the last number, per Adam's suggestion--but it quickly became clear that if that was some sort of combination, it wasn't to this particular lock.
"Okay, then, let's split up and tear this place apart. Call out if you find anything," Kaoru ordered. Adam felt like he was starting to understand the point of this, and he joined his friends in searching the room.
As they found more puzzles and locks, Adam began to discover that he was enjoying this. Logically, it still didn't make much sense to him--especially since he couldn't imagine a scientist ever doing something this convoluted to hide their research notes, and all the moreso since it was something that was allegedly needed to save humanity rather than some sort of industry secret--but just being able to spend time with his friends and laugh about the ridiculousness of their situation was a pleasure in and of itself. And the feeling of accomplishment when they finally found the combination for the cabinet, unwrapping the chains from the handles... well, that was nice, too.
Inside, they found a cheap briefcase that was locked. Clipped to the handle was one more padlock, the type with a keypad that would open up probably held the key for the briefcase. When Kojiro shook the case, they could hear something sliding around inside, and Kaoru smiled as he nudged Adam.
"There's only one clue that we haven't used yet. You should do the honors; you figured it out, after all."
But Adam hesitated, glancing at Kojiro, who nodded his agreement as he handed the case over to him.
"Ten minutes left!" a voice called out over the intercom, and Adam rested his thumb against the first button: 1. After pressing it, he put in the rest of the combination: 9-2-5-8, before pausing to look at his friends.
"Don't worry. If you fail, we're definitely going to eat your brain first," Kojiro joked. Shaking his head, Adam pulled on the body of the lock, smiling as it clicked open. Carefully, he extracted the small key that was concealed inside and used it to open the case, revealing a normal spiral notebook with a large "Top Secret!" sticker plastered across the front.
"And that's it! Let's get out of here!" Kaoru cheered, walking over to the door and depressing the button that lay beside it. The attendant had explained that they could use it to call for him if they ever needed help solving the problems, as well as when they had finished. As they waited, Adam flipped through the notebook, curious, only to find that the pages were all blank. Well, it wasn't like he was really expecting anything given the quality of everything else, so he set it down again as the door swung open and they were let out.
"So, how was that, Adam?" Kojiro asked as they left the shop, throwing an arm around his shoulders.
"Better than I imagined," Adam replied truthfully, but then Kaoru was tugging at both of their arms.
"Hey, let's get a purikura to commemorate this! There's one right over there!"
"A… purikura?" Adam repeated, and Kaoru laughed, pulling them towards a strange booth.
"You'll see. Come on!"
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shutupandshipit · 3 years
Sharpen Your Blades - Ch.9
Summary: “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
The thinning of Aizawa’s patience was evident in the twitching of his brow. “If you stop asking questions, maybe I could finish explaining.
”With a huff and roll of his eyes, Katsuki glanced away from their coach.
“City Hall and the SC want us to give them more variety. We are a team solely made up of single skaters. Every year, we dominate the rankings for single skate while Shinketsu dominates the pairs, so this year both cities are being required to split their skaters evenly between singles and pairs with at least one pair coming from out top five.” There was a collective intake of breath, but no one commented, choosing instead to remain silent. “Unfortunately, for us, it’s a lot easier to switch from pairs to singles. With our male to female ratio, alpha/beta/omega ratio, and those of you actually experienced with pair skating, we’re at a disadvantage. So, I’ve decided to choose your partners for you.”
Or where Katsuki and Izuku are forced to be partners so they can continue to compete, but the blood in the water may be thicker than anyone realized.
Pairing: Bakudeku
Rating: T
Chapter: 9/20
Previously <- Chapter 8: First Snows
Chapter 10: Alpha Wanted -> Next
Chapter 9: Refill
“We’re going to prescribe you suppressants.”
Blinking rapidly, Izuku lifted his head. He hadn’t been paying attention, not really. All of his focus had been on the agonizing cramps turning his guts into knots, washing his vision black and grey, and his mother’s hand crushing his. His heat was still another week away, but he’d started pre-heat that morning. It would only get worse with each passing day, and bile rose in the back of his throat at the thought.
He knew that word though, ‘suppressants’. He’s read about them, not extensively, but enough. Mostly to find out how they affected the performance of the Olympic skaters who were ‘strongly encouraged’ to take a form of both suppressants and birth control for all primary and secondary genders.
He’d never thought about using them himself though.
Clearing his throat, he asked over Inko’s sniffling, “Suppressants?”
The kind while strange doctors cocked their heads at him. “Do you know what suppressants are?” the man asked.
“Yes, a little, but why? I’m not really sure why you would want to put me in suppressants...”
Inko sobbed, “You think things are that bad?”
The doctors glanced at each other, but seemed to come to the conclusion to ignore his mother’s question. The only thing was that he wanted to know the answer too. “Suppressants have many uses. We want to use them to help regulate your heat and to make them easier,” the man explained.
Izuku bit his lip, shame twisting his insides as badly as the cramps, but asked anyway, “Can you make them go away? I don’t… want to have heats. I don’t like them. They hurt.”
“Well, that can happen during periods of excessive stress and when you’re young. You see, it’ll level out eventually. So, we’re just going to use the suppressants until that leveling out happens,” the woman explained.
Izuku stared at her as the pain in his abdomen worsened, but he managed to not hunch over completely. “I don’t care. I don’t want them.”
Inko gasped beside him, and he didn’t have to look at her to feel her eyes boring into him. “Izuku! Don’t say that! Having heats, being able to bring life into this world, is a gift!”
Again, Izuku said, “I don’t want them.”
The man pursed his lips, pushing a hand back into his dark hair. “Restricting your hormones like that is not advised, especially since you’re so young. But we can do this for you, okay? We’re not willing to endanger your health like that.”
Izuku didn’t reply, doing his best to fight the uncharacteristic anger that rose in his chest with the very characteristic tears that flooded his eyes. He didn’t want to have heats, not since he’d started them. He’d just have to find a way to use the prescription to his advantage.
November Week 1
“Dr. Matsumoto?” Izuku asked tentatively as he poked his head around the door to his doctor’s office.
The omega man spun around in his chair, quickly pushing his glasses up his nose and smiling at Izuku. “Mr. Midoriya! Come in, come in! Dr. Kavinsky will be here in just a moment. Please, have a seat. There’s a few things we would like to discuss with you today.”
Izuku followed the doctor’s orders, sitting down on the paper covered exam table. The stirrups attached to the end made him queasy, but he wasn’t here for that kind of checkup, thank everything holy. To take his mind off his nerves, he stripped out of his coat and held out the arm that hadn’t just had blood drawn from it. Dr. Matsumoto strapped a blood pressure cuff to him. It was all business as usual. Even though Dr. Shuzenji had taken over his care for physical therapy and sports physicals, he still went to his usual doctors for everything else.
Nowadays, he only found himself in the doctor’s office every six months for his check-ups and whenever he needed to refill his suppressants. Today had only been meant for a refill, but he didn’t actually interact with either of his doctors for that normally. So the fact that they had requested him to attend an appointment with both of them present was more worrying than he was willing to let on.
He and Dr. Matsumoto chatted idly while they waited for Dr. Kavinsky, and each passing moment of small talk made Izuku all the more nervous. When the female omega bustled in with jovial apologies, he was nearly ready to vibrate right off the edge of the table. Digging his fingers into the padding, he forced a smile and said, “No worries, Dr. Kavinsky, but um… is there anything wrong? I only needed a refill, and there’s still another couple of months until my next check-up.”
The doctors glanced at each other, a peculiar habit they’d had as long as he’d known them, before Dr. Kavinsky glanced back at him and Dr. Matsumoto turned to click away at the computer. “Well, no, there’s nothing particularly wrong. Well, I haven’t seen your blood work just yet, but I would like to say everything is alright. That is to say, we didn’t ask you to come here for anything concerning your check-ups, but concerning your refill.” She’d also always had a peculiar way of speaking, and Izuku took a few moments to process her words. There was a ping on the computer, and she glanced away towards the screens as the other omega began sliding around open files around on the screen.
Ice trickled into his veins, the first indication of panic. “My refill, ma’am? Is there something wrong with it?”
Again, the two doctors exchanged a look. There were colorful charts that made no particular sense to Izuku across the computer screen now including a long list of text open on the opposite monitor. They pulled the screen away from the wall to swivel it towards him, a piece of furniture he found cool every other occasion but right then. Flanking the screen, Dr. Matsumoto spoke while Dr. Kavinsky pointed at spots on the bar and pie graphs. “I want you to take a look at this chart, Mr. Midoriya, do you know what this represents?” Izuku shook his head, and the doctor continued without missing a beat. “These are graphs that we devised to make it easier to explain things to patients. These charts represent the levels of crucial hormones in your body over the past couple visits you’ve had. You might be able to tell why we’re concerned.”
Izuku swallowed, eyes absorbing every ounce of info he could glean from the sparsely labeled graphs, but he thought he understood what they were trying to say. “The levels have been dropping over the past two years?” He was only taking a stab in the dark on the time frame. He couldn’t remember how many times he’d come in in the past year, but he knew he’d gotten his blood drawn every time. There were a lot of charts staring at him.
“These charts are just from the past year not including the one that was run today. That one is still in text format over there. We have ones dating back to when you were first placed on suppressants as well. We’ve seen dips in your levels that track with the dates you’ve given us for your heats though they are lower than what we’d expect for normal suppressant usage, but this has been a common theme with your heats and suppressants.” He glanced at Izuku though, and the slight frown of disapproval seemed to say he suspected foul play on Izuku’s part. He wouldn’t have been wrong, and Izuku ripped his eyes away back to the screen. “But your levels have rapidly begun to decline this year and that is dangerous. Dangerous for everyone, but particularly for omegas and alphas. We’d hoped that they would level back out, but...” Dr. Matsumoto inhaled noisily, but Dr. Kavinsky was the one to speak.
“Mr. Midoriya, we are no longer going to be providing you with suppressants.”
Izuku’s eyes snapped to her. Every ugly emotion he possessed -fear, anger, horror, terror- all crowded together in his chest. They all vied for attention until he was feeling nothing at all. Since he’d started training close to Katsuki again, he’d also started having to regularly take his suppressants -sometimes even taking them twice or three times a day-, and the sweeping numbness that they occasionally caused was a welcome relief at times. “Why? I… I need my suppressants, ma’am, sir.”
“Do you know why we have suppressants, Mr. Midoriya? Do you know what they do?” Dr. Kavinsky asked.
His immediate response was ‘yes’, but the look on her face told him that any answer he gave was going to be wrong. At least partially. Still, he said, “To control heats for omega and ruts for alphas so we can still function in society. Either putting them on a set schedule or making them easier to handle so there will be less damage and recuperation afterwards.”
“Well, that is true, yes, but that’s only part of it. Here’s the thing, suppressants are actually meant to sustain hormone levels. That’s how we manage all of those things. That’s also why there are so many different kinds, and not all of them work for every omega or alpha. Everybody’s bodies are different, and therefore need different hormone levels for suppressants to work. Here’s another thing that isn’t usually explained, but it is why prolonged use is highly discouraged. Prolonged use can make these crucial hormone levels drop to severe and dangerous levels, which is why blood tests are needed to track these. That is what we’re beginning to see with your hormone levels. For an alpha or omega, if these levels drop too far it could cause a catatonic state or that person to go feral. Much like with what happened to you when you were younger. If use is continued, this could even cause death. So, we’re discontinuing your refills, and if your hormones do not return to normal, we may have to start hormone treatments. There are other safer ways to manage your heats, especially since you’ve been an adult for a few years now.”
The room fell silent, and after a moment, Dr. Matsumoto seemed to feel the need to include, “This is commonly seen in… suppressant abuse and dependency cases…”
Izuku worked his jaw, and after a moment, muttered, “What am I supposed to do without my suppressants? I haven’t had a heat… that isn’t unbearable since I presented.” He hadn’t really had any heats since he was eleven and was put on his suppressants, but he didn’t need to tell them that.
The suppressants he’d been prescribed were supposed to be taken daily, but he skipped his dose most days and saved them for the moment he started feeling his pre-heat set in. He’d take double until his heat would normally end, effectively eliminating it all together. Heats and ruts functioned as a full body detox, resetting the body for a new cycle, so to completely be skipping them… Well, he was sure that it had something to do with his declining hormone levels. It couldn’t be healthy.
But he didn’t have any other choice. They were just too painful.
“There are apps that provide heat services where an alpha will stay in your vicinity or even physically help you through your heat. Or if you’re a traditionalist, possibly you could date. There are also some very R-rated sites that have plenty of heat implements that may make things easier. As for the chemical route, we cannot condone further use,” Dr. Matsumoto explained, repositioning the screen and sitting back down.
He looked so helpful, sounded so helpful, but all Izuku wanted to do was strangle him. Maybe that was why he forced a smile, hopped off the table and grabbed his coat. If that wasn’t an addict’s response, he didn’t know what was. He didn’t want to be an addict. It was a hard truth to consider. “Thank you for your time today, doctors. I appreciate you explaining things to me. I’ll see you in another couple of months.” Without waiting to hear their answers, he turned and left the room despite how rude that was.
He had to get to practice. He didn’t have time to be worrying about things like this.
Katsuki hadn’t been looking forward to practice. He enjoyed cardio generally, but once the first snow fell for the season, he absolutely despised it. He would rather skate endless circles around the rink or do sprints or just about anything else for hours over running outside. Living in Yuuei, logic would have stated that he was used to the cold by that point in his life, but reality was a cruel mistress. Every breath he took felt like ice picks being rammed into his lungs, and once everything was said and done, it took him at least two hours to properly warm up again.
Still, he dutifully showed up to practice that afternoon dressed in thermals and his workout gear instead of his usual heavy winter wear. He wore the beanie and gloves that he’d had to dig out of the bottom of his closet, a little musty and very itchy. He hadn’t remembered why he’d relegated them to be forgotten in the shadows, but standing there wearing them, he was reminded all over again. He was mildly bitter about the fact that Izuku had hoarded his gloves and hat instead of returning them.
Granted, Katsuki wouldn’t have accepted them -he gave them to an omega for fuck’s sake, he’d never see them again- but he would have liked the gesture. Well, he’d take them back under very specific circumstances.
‘Gifts to omega. Must provide. Keep warm. Warmth is strong body. Strong body is strong pups. Court omega to mate omega. Omega will give strong pups. Omega will make good mate. Omega will make alpha happy.’
‘I get it,’ Katsuki thought at his alpha viciously, but as much as he hated to bother with the basest of his instincts, he had allowed his alpha to guide him. And it seemed to have paid off.
He slouched on a park bench while he waited for the rest of the team to show up, nursing a bottle of hot tea. Several of the others had already turned up including his partner, and his eyes hadn’t left Izuku’s hands. Wrapped up in green, white and black thermal fleece lined gloves with a rabbit decal on the back, Izuku’s hands looked very warm indeed. And from what he could tell, the size of the gloves were perfect.
Smirking to himself, he slid a little further down.
The omega stood several meters away from Katsuki as he watched Iida and Uraraka go back and further. Iida gestured as animatedly as usual, and Uraraka mimicked his movements until a small smile appeared on Izuku’s face. The omega didn’t join in the conversation though, and something about the way he stood, a little further back than usual with his arms held tightly across his chest, told Katsuki something wasn’t right.
‘Omega distressed? Worried? Angry?’ his alpha asked worriedly.
‘I don’t know.’
The smirk on his face fell away, and as if sensing his gaze, Izuku turned towards him. There was a fakeness to his smile that Katsuki had been forced to get used to since they’d presented. That smile had stuck around for years after Aizawa had recruited them, but it had rarely made an appearance in recent years. Seeing it now felt like an ill omen, like the worst kind of shock to his system. He sat up straight, but as Izuku headed his way, he watched it ease into something more true.
“Kacchan!” Izuku said, stopping beside Katsuki as he shoved his hands into coat pockets.
“What do you want, nerd?”
Izuku’s smile didn’t falter, and only seemed to grow wider as he held out the pair of gloves Katsuki had given him the week before. “Sorry for keeping them so long. I was still using them, but someone left me these as a present in my bag yesterday, so I thought I’d return yours.”
Pursing his lips, Katsuki stared at the gloves, not reaching for them even though he very much wanted to trade out his current itchy pair. The fact that they’d smell like Izuku just made it harder to fight. “Are those better than mine?”
Red flushed Izuku’s cheeks, and Katsuki knew the answer. “Well, I uh, that is- Yours are really nice-”
“Stop stuttering, and just give me a straight answer. Damn.”
“They’re… a bit nicer than yours, but only because they fit better!”
Which meant they were worlds better than Katsuki’s beat up, worn in fur lined leather gloves. He hid a smirk in his collar. Snatching them from Izuku’s hand, he said, “Better hurry up and figure out who gave them to you soon to thank them properly.”
Still smiling, Izuku clasped his hands behind his back. “You wouldn’t have any idea who that would be, right Kacchan? Maybe you saw something?”
“The only thing I see is the fact that you’re still wearing my fucking beanie too.”
Izuku’s hand jumped up to his hair flattened by the black and orange beanie. “Do you want it back?”
“I’m already wearing one. No use when it’s just going to go in my pocket.”
“Okay.” Izuku didn’t turn back to his friends like Katsuki thought he would, but instead took a seat beside him. As soon as he sat, he seemed to deflate, shoulders drooping and smile dropping almost into non-existence. His eyes gazed off into the distance.
Katsuki wasn't sure if he should say anything and disturb Izuku, or continue to stare and watch him wallow. He chose the former, preferring a smiling Izuku to whatever he'd turned into. "What's the matter with you?" Izuku's eyes snapped towards him, startled, and Katsuki felt worse for knowing that it was because that was the first time Katsuki had asked how he was doing in years. Even when they'd actually been best friends, he'd rarely ever asked Izuku that question.
That fake smile returned immediately. "Oh, nothing, Kacchan, just a little tired. Thanks for asking though."
'Don't. Don't pretend with me. Don't put on that fake expression. You don't have to do that with me,' Katsuki thought desperately, wishing he had the guts to just come out and say it. Before he could muster up the words though, Toshinori called their attention, waving them over to the beginning of the hiking trail.
Together they stood and started towards their coaches.
Aizawa was bundled up tightly in black and maroon, looking not at all present as he dozed against a tree. Toshinori, tall and gaunt, stood beside the omega beneath the dropping bows of the pine. His blond hair was pushed back with a hairband much like the one Katsuki had given Izuku several weeks ago, and his track suit looked bulky and warm. "Good afternoon, my young charges! I hope you all had a good night yesterday." As always, Toshinori's voice was loud and booming, drawing the attention of people down the walking path.
The team tittered away for several long moments until Toshinori cleared his throat to bring their attention back to the task at hand. "Alright. We haven't used this hiking path for a run in awhile so be mindful of the condition of the road, low hanging branches, icy patches and roots. Don't overwork yourselves too early, this trail is an eight kilometer loop all together. With the season about to start, we're also starting up our annual Run-to-Win Competition. Remember, first place gets the most points, and if you're the first to cross the finish line, you get certain prizes. Today is the right to choose your own outfit for the exhibition within reason of course, but you'll be the final decider in the end." The group erupted in excited shouts again, and even Katsuki perked up.
He'd gotten to choose his outfit a couple times over the course of his career, but there'd always been something his coach rejected or made him change. He'd never had a true say in what he wore. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Izuku straighten up in interest. Right, they were partners this year. If one of them came in first, that person would also be choosing the others’ outfit as well. They had to match, at least for the most part, and Katsuki wasn't about to wear something fucking stupid because he lost to Izuku.
Izuku glanced at him, catching his eye. They held eye contact for a long moment before the real smile was back again. "What do you say, Kacchan? Who's going to be choosing our outfits?"
With all of the others, they lined up at the mouth of the trail, and waited for Toshinori to start the clock. "Me, of course, shitty Deku," Katsuki spat before taking off with everyone.
Both he and Izuku didn't go full tilt right off the bat like a lot of their teammates did. The course was long, and they didn’t need to burn out too early. At least half of the others streamed out ahead of them, but soon enough, they were leading the pack. The rest lagged, some beginning to walk and others stopping all together to bend over and breath heavily. Only a few kept a steady pace, but none of them were as fast or steady as Izuku and Katsuki. Soon enough, they were the only ones on the path.
They kept pace with each other. Step for step, breath for breath, they ran together as if they were practicing synchronicity again. It was only when they'd already passed the fourth mile that they glanced at each other and simultaneously picked up the speed. Even as their race truly started, they were in sync. It was maddening in more ways than one, and Katsuki huffed like a boar as he worked to get even an inch in front of Izuku. Still, they remained neck and neck.
"Goddammit, Deku!" Katsuki spat on a sharp exhale. They were all but sprinting by that point, drenched in sweat and nearing the end of the trail.
Izuku had a wild smile, cheeks flushed with beautiful color and eyes alight. "I'm- going to- beat you- Kacchan!"
"Like hell!"
A wild laugh fell from Izuku's lips as the mouth of the trail came into view, and they both put in every last ounce of strength they had left. They reached the end of the trail, and kept going as they slipped on a patch of ice just on the other side.
"Fuck!" Katsuki cried, flailing backwards and snapping out a hand to keep Izuku from crashing forward onto his knees. Instead, they tumbled back into the snow between the trees, Katsuki on his back and Izuku against his chest completely out of breath. "Fuuuuuuck," Katsuki groaned, head flopped back even as the snow began to melt and soak his hair. He could barely breathe, and Izuku's weight didn't make it any better. Still, Izuku didn't try to get up and Katsuki didn't push him away.
After a moment, Katsuki felt the frozen tip of a nose skim along the column of his throat. Izuku's scent wafted to him. Sweat and excitement and musk and mint and arousal and lightning, and again, that chemical cleanness. It was the same as the last time he'd smelled it, but stronger than before. Like when they'd been twelve, and Izuku had been abusing suppressants. Wrinkling his nose against the scent and the sudden rush of worry and anger in his body, he felt more than heard Izuku gasp above him.
The weight disappeared from his chest, and he cracked his eyes open to find Izuku's surprised expression as Toshinori lifted him off Katsuki and Aizawa grasping his forearm to pull him to his own feet.
When his eyes found the omega's again, Izuku grinned. "Good race, Kacchan, but it looks like we're going to have to work together on our costumes."
"One of these days, you're going to have to give the others a chance to win a race," Aizawa said.
Katsuki sneered at their coach. "Not a chance in hell! We won fair and square. They need to try harder if they want to win."
Izuku laughed, the sound a tinkling chime even as Aizawa rolled his eyes and pulled the other omega away. "See you later, Kacchan," he called, hand waving over his head.
Katsuki couldn't rip his eyes away from him or rub away the reminder of his scent.
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weird-incarnate · 3 years
Angel.exe: Emotions Suck, First Kisses Do Not
Tw: None, I think, this is mostly fluffy
Afton has trouble understanding emotions, Valentine understands that pain. She guides him a bit in the adventure of emotions. 
This is so self indulgent omg
It had been a couple weeks since Valentine had her last interaction with Damien and Afton had saved her life. Afton stayed by her side for the most part but sometimes he would disappear from the house and come back later explaining he got a call from a patient he needed to assist. Valentine thought nothing of it. It wasn’t the most important thing on her mind. The most important thing on Valentine’s mind was how the man seemed to fumble emotionally with the new experience of being with her. He wasn’t mean, far from it. In fact, he was so far from it, he barely expressed emotions at all. Valentine knew he had some hang ups, by the gods so did she, but Afton… Afton was about as guarded as you could be and for some reason, Valentine felt like it wasn’t on purpose. Maybe… He didn’t understand emotions? Maybe he was more like her than she thought… 
She rolled around the kitchen in her wheelchair looking for a snack. It was actually pretty late at night and Afton had left earlier that day. Mortus had gone to work at the bar and wouldn’t be coming back for presumably another hour. Valentine got lost in her thoughts and began thinking about when Mortus found her nearly a millennium ago. She didn’t understand emotions back then either and it took a lot of work and time to get where she was now… Maybe that’s what Afton needed, a guiding hand. 
After pondering for a moment she pulled out a wine glass and poured herself some wine. Valentine had forgotten what heaven’s wine tasted like but in all honesty she didn’t care. She wanted to get at least a little drunk tonight if she was gonna be alone and thinking about her past. Not the healthiest way to cope in all honesty but she didn’t have any better ideas. She did her best to navigate to the living room with her wine glass, trying not to spill. She managed it quite well and after setting the wine glass on the coffee table, she shifted to the couch. 
It was dark in the room, with only the glow of the T.V. illuminating anything. She took a sip of her wine, smiling at the bitterness, before unpausing her video on the T.V. It was a makeup tutorial and while Valentine didn’t wear makeup unless she was to be at the bar that day, she liked watching all the pretty makeup palettes get shown off and see people’s creativity. Stuff like that just made her smile. 
After about two more tutorials, she heard the front door open and looked over expecting to see Mortus, but instead was greeted with Afton standing there. He looked at her sitting on the couch and awkwardly closed the door behind him. “When did you get a key?” Valentine asked, curious at how the man was able to let himself in. 
“Oh, Mortus let me make a copy after you got hurt,” He responded, matter of factly. He moved over to the couch and sat down next to Valentine. Well next to Valentine was almost too much credit. He sat as far on the opposite side of the couch as he could. Valentine looked at him curiously. For a man who admitted he loved her, he was near terrified of touching her in any way. Good thing Valentine was already down two glasses of wine and her inhibitions had been lowered slightly. This would give her a chance to ask the questions she was curious about. 
“Hey… Afton?” She started curiously, “You know how you said you loved me right?”
“Yes?” Afton replied, his voice wary. 
“Do you know what… love is?” 
“. . .I don’t really understand emotions much. . .” His voice sounded defeated as he answered. He looked at Valentine analyzing her carefully. Valentine hated and loved it when he did that. 
“Then… Do you want me to explain them?” She questioned looking at him with genuine compassion in her eyes, “I can start with what love is.” 
“Please?” He asked quietly. Oh. Was he ashamed for not understanding? Valentine, the softie that she was, looked at him warmly, and reassuringly placed a hand over his, setting down her wine glass. “Well… Love is… when you care about a person really deeply. And you want to protect them and cherish them. Family can love each other, friends can love each other, but the way I love you is… I want to hold you, and spend time with you, and do things couples do because you matter to me… like a lot,” Valentine rambled out, not really sure if he was understanding what she was saying. 
“Can you explain… sadness to me?” Afton said, making Valentine believe she was heading in the right direction. 
“It’s… painful, to be honest. Sadness feels like you’re hurting. It’s usually caused by you being hurt by someone you care about, or maybe you lost something important to you.” 
“I… was sad…”
“Sad about what??”
“I... thought I lost you,” Afton repeated the words he had said when she first woke up after Damien’s attack, “It made me feel… really sad. I didn’t like seeing you like that… I thought you were…” Dead. Oh my god, he’s been sad and he didn’t understand the pain he was feeling all because Valentine looked like she had died. 
“Afton… Oh my gosh, Afton, I’m so sorry I thought… I didn’t think you…”
“Did you think I didn’t care?” 
“No not at all! I just… Didn’t realize how confused you were… I’m so sorry,” Valentine looked at him with remorse in her eyes. She wondered if he understood it, or if he believed her. Sitting there, on the opposite end of the couch, Valentine felt so guilty for not realizing earlier. 
Shaking her head, Valentine swapped back to her wheelchair and wheeled over to her room, Afton standing up and following her. 
“I forgive you, you don’t have to go to your room,” Afton spoke, sounding confused. “No, I’m looking for something for you. To help,” Valentine responded, digging through a filing cabinet in the corner of her room. After a minute of struggle, she found the item she was looking for. A chart with different emotions on it, with each emotion labeled with what it was supposed to represent. Valentine looked at it fondly. It was the first thing she had used in her clinic to help people like her who didn’t understand emotions that well, and now it would help Afton. 
“Here,” Valentine stated, handing the sheet to Afton. He looked at the sheet, reading over it quickly before it seemed to click what it was for. 
“Oh…This… helps a lot actually…” He slowly responded as his eyes scanned the chart repeatedly as he took in the new info. Afton stopped and pointed at a small icon, a face with hearts around it. “Love… looks like you.” 
“W-What?” Valentine responded confused.
“Love looks like you, because you look at me like this a lot,” He stated matter of factly. Valentine blushed deeply, looking at the chart, before looking at him.
“You look like the apathetic one.” 
“You can’t even see my face. I’m wearing a plague mask.”
“Fair,” Valentine giggled, wheeling back into the living room. The video had autoplayed to some couple’s vacation vlog. Was Valentine very typical and basic? Yes but she didn’t care. It made her happy. 
Afton joined Valentine back on the couch, reading through the chart, but he stopped and watched the couple on the screen. They were currently on a beach, showing off the sunset, and kissed on the screen. Valentine cooed at the romance of the scene, smiling happily. She was a hopeless romantic by heart and couldn’t help it. She didn’t notice Afton had grabbed the remote for the T.V till it paused. 
“Hey!” Valentine cried out looking at Afton, pouting, “I know it’s gushy romantic stuff and you’re not fond of it but-”
“I want to do that,” He said, pointing at the screen, where the frame had been paused on the couple’s kiss, “It’s called kissing right? I want to do it. With you.”
Valentine would’ve laughed at the fact he needed to specify he meant with her, but her face was bathed in a deep red blush as she looked at Afton in shock. Was he… Initiating their first kiss?
“I… I would love that Afton but uh… You need to move your mask for it,” She stuttered out, wanting to smack herself for sounding so dumb. There’s no way Afton would move his mask right? He hated removing it and he had only moved it once before when Valentine had asked to see him smile. He had sharp teeth which made her assume he was some sort of supernatural, but she was not complaining one bit. Oh god what would that feel like in a kiss?? Oh crap she really wanted to kiss him now. “Hm…” He hummed to himself analyzing the blushing Valentine before him. He lifted up the bottom of his mask just enough and smiled showing off his teeth to her once again. He could see her squirming slightly, before she turned to him and pulled herself close to him, looking at him once more. 
“Do you know what you’re doing? Like… Do you know how to kiss?” She asked shyly. 
“No not at all. But I learn quickly,” He stated, grinning goofily, before leaning down and pressing his lips against hers. It was awkward at first, which Valentine expected, but once she moved her mouth a bit and guided him, he actually wasn’t half bad. He pulled back a little too soon for Valentine’s preference, but from the glimpse of his face she could see, he was blushing furiously. Dropping his mask back into place, Afton pulled Valentine into his arms and settled her on his lap, something he had also picked up from watching T.V and videos with Valentine but would refuse to admit. Valentine looked up at him happily, her pink eyes glowing in the darkness and his purple glow mixing with it. 
“I… quite liked that…” He said, his voice sounding almost soft. 
“I… did too…” She replied snuggling into him. Valentine took a risk and reached up, shifting his mask slightly so she could see his mouth again. He understood and leaned down to meet her in another kiss… That is until the lights to the living room flipped on.
“Alright! Break it up! Not on my couch!” Mortus yelled, clapping his hands to get their attention. Valentine yelped as Afton quickly shifted her out of his lap and onto the sofa, fixing his mask during the process. Valentine complained and looked at Mortus, throwing swears across the room as Afton sat their nonchalantly staring at the wall. As the two other doctors argued, Afton smiled to himself under his mask. He understood what love was. And by god, did he love Valentine back. 
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ddaenghoney · 4 years
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chapter twenty; finale.
masterlist link in blog description.
As a successful songwriter, you want nothing more than the acknowledgment that the chart-topping musical pieces are your own creations. But contracts, relationships, and the difficulty of facing the stakes involved head on, keep your mouth shut until pressure builds too much.
Pairing(s): Park Jimin x Y/N, Min Yoongi x Y/N
disclaimer: any characters depicted do not represent the actual personality of the respected idol in real life.
Series warning(s)/genre(s): Chapter-based written fic, Slow-burn relationship(s), Fake-dating, Unrequited love, Songwriter/producer!oc, idol!Jimin, idol/songwriter/producer!Yoongi, friends with benefits, drama, romance, smut, angst, fluff (updated as needed)
Chapter warning(s): none.
Word count: 5558
if you enjoy please, please let me know!
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“SoundWave Disclosed” trends within an hour the article releases. Briefly mentioning Jimin cracking the company’s glass by his brash statement in front of the most popular summer festival, the reporter you spoke with made sure to leave no detail forgotten. Like a proper interview, the article is not focused on literary conjecture, but instead the words you said verbatim. Unaltered, remorseless, and eloquently you state the bigger picture of the truth.
“When I think back on it all now, I’m angry at myself. I’m angry that I didn’t give my efforts the value they deserved by giving away my name. I shouldn’t have ever allowed myself to lie, but when I wanted to tell the truth, so many other careers were held over my head to keep me quiet. Either way I went wouldn’t be painless, but at least now people can decide for themselves what they think of me with the facts out in the open.”
You look at the public’s commentary with this reveal. Wanting to face the results head on, regardless of positivity, you scroll through various feeds, peruse videos, let the words find you in the height of spreading smoke. Wandering through the volume of opinions blindly, you believe it easier to find your way about when this article is unabashedly your perspective.
The frustration and petty verbiage thrown in your way clogs your ears, but the ground you step along is smooth like each step will undoubtedly be solid beneath your feet. It’s the apologies of YouTube idol news accounts that speculated on your intentions with Yoongi, the comments giving SoundWave’s manipulative dealings proper attention, and the familiar voices ahead of you calling for you to keep walking that let you feel confident in your strides.
You wear a cap and keep the large plaid shirt lent to you close to your skin while you sit with dangling legs. A bright pink type of flavored lemonade is half full in front of your loosely crossed arms. Namjoon’s voice speaks incoherently in the background behind you as the streaming site playlists blurs the ambiance of his cafe into a state of lulling energy.
“To be honest with you,” Seokjin’s finger scrolls the web page depicted on his phone that’s flat atop the bar. “I wish you took a picture for the article. I would’ve gotten you some kind of designer jacket or something so you could really tell everyone ‘fuck you’-- I’m the best of your friends in that regard, you know?”
“I already have people following my social media because of that article, I’m sure they can just see some pictures of me on my Instagram.”
“Admit I’m the best of your friends-”
“I think the one whose dorm room she crashed in for two years straight in college deserves that title, Jin.” Namjoon grasps his glass of water when he returns to you two. You huff as Seokjin nods his head admittedly in silent agreement. A sudden scowl escapes Namjoon’s lips when his neck arches to get an upside down perspective of the words Seokjin reads on his phone. “Don’t encourage her to look at comments. Lots of idiots out there.”
“A lot of people think I wasn’t the worst of the whole situation though.” You smile at Namjoon, and take a quick sip of your drink when he narrows his eyes at you with an unsatisfied gleam in them. You swallow the beverage and glance to Seokjin who swivels in his seat to look towards the front windows. A tiny nod brings you back to Namjoon and you meekly speak, “But I shouldn’t have been staring at them all for hours yesterday. You’re right.”
“You called me saying you made the worst decision of your life-”
“In her defense, she was four glasses deep in wine when she called you to say that.”
You point a finger to Seokjin’s sentence and nod. “In my defense.”
“All I’m saying,” Namjoon lightly chuckles as he leans against the counter behind him. “Worry less about them. It’s going to be crazy for at least a couple of weeks, so try not to look up all the commentary like you’ve been doing.”
“Yeah, go on dates with your boyfriend instead. Can’t he rent you a boat to cruise around the river on or something?”
“I could rent a boat.” You roll your eyes, shrugging. “Actually, that’s not a bad idea. He’s been pretty stressed between my problems and figuring out all the aspects of starting up the company with Hoseok.” You rest your jaw on your hand, staring absently at your drink with pursed lips as you consider the option of a relaxing evening spent on the river.
“Just take a fishing rod with you for him. He sucks at fishing, but he likes it a lot.” Seokjin says, glancing back at a small group of young adults that chatter amongst themselves as they go to a table. After a moment of assessment he faces back towards you and Namjoon who look at him with narrowed eyes. “I was just making sure they weren’t stalking-”
“How did you become friends with Yoongi in the first place?” You blurt out in bewilderment, while Namjoon nods in agreement with your question. “You were friends with him before I even knew him, but never mentioned how.”
“He happened to be on the same fishing boat with me like a year ago.” Seokjin shrugs, reaching for his fork to continue munching on the half finished slice of cheesecake. “I may have knocked his expensive sunglasses into the ocean.”
Namjoon bursts into laughter as you raise an eyebrow. Seokjin ignores you both to stuff a large bite into his mouth.
“And you somehow befriended him instead of making him hate you like I probably would’ve if that’s how we met?” You ask with a tilt of your head, and Seokjin takes no time to properly swallow his food before speaking to you again with one cheek stuffed,
“Clearly, I have a way with people, Y/N.” You smile and shake your head, accepting the answer as you go back to sipping your drink. While Namjoon presses for more details, you click onto the internet typing in a search for evening rental cruises. Staring at the various options available and filtering them to a short notice, you can’t help smiling softly as the idea of an exuberant date goes through your mind. Such a public endeavor as well, though there would be ample space between the two of you and spectators, you won’t have to worry about any of them seeing the two of you. The simplicity of it feels relaxing on its own.
A startling familiarity enters your ears. Like ballads sung before the ambiance is similar, but lyrics new as you recognize the voice playing from the cafe’s speakers as Jimin. You look up from your phone, looking nowhere in particular, but focus on the words-- the song he wrote on his own from you with a hopeful intent of somehow putting it onto radios somehow. You bite your lip as the bittersweet melody crosses your senses and the gentle request he sings, “I want you to be your light,” brings a tightened and tiny curl to your lips.
“I could change it.” Namjoon speaks up and takes you out of the moment. You shake your head, refraining from any laughter at their worried expressions as they gauge your reaction to the song.
“No, it’s a nice song.” You say softly, meaning your words.
Jimin’s career is entirely up in the air at this point. With the release of this very song as a rebellious act towards SoundWave and him admitting that he hadn’t written any of his other songs, he finished the festival to receive a surprisingly loud applause from the crowds, you heard. Nonetheless, the internet itself isn’t as optimistic as the evening was for Jimin. You’re hopeful despite it all, but you can’t over estimate the ability of SoundWave and Jimin’s simultaneous scandals to beat every odds against them.
Though you avoid dwelling on the worry, knowing ultimately that you’ll find out through the media, and can simply hope.
You sit criss crossed on your desk chair, perusing a boat rental agency leisurely and without much interest for what’s before your eyes. Your mind is further away, pondering words in your head in a medley of arrangements. Hoping some combination will strike you into an inspired mood, you simply scroll onwards on the page of various yacht sizes and at this point the action becomes more robotic than conscious.
Your head perks downs the direction of your front door beyond the wall where you sit in your studio. As you glance to the clock at the bottom of your screen, you refrain from gasping at the ten o’clock reading, having not realized how much time went away from you in the monotony of the day after leaving Namjoon’s cafe.
“Angel?” Yoongi’s voice calls out as you hop off from your chair to greet him.
“I’m in my studio!” You say out in return while shimmying your second foot into the pair of slippers and heading for the doorway. You open it fully from its ajar state and exit, but immediately scuff the floor as you halt to a stop so as not to bump into Yoongi. “Oh-”
“Careful-” Yoongi says, reaching for your arm so you don’t hit it against the framing, then chuckles softly. “Guess I interrupted something?”
“Not really,” You say sheepishly and sigh softly. “I just didn’t realize it was already this late.” You admit as you collect his hand within yours to lead him back into the studio space. “I was going to try and mess around with lyrics, but couldn’t think of anything, so I was trying to do something else while I mulled it over, but Joon keeps getting on me about looking at social media too much--” You shrug, turning to him to mumble admittedly, “Which he’s right about, I guess.”
“Guess,” Yoongi repeats with an amused smile as you ignore the teasing tone to sway your hands between you. He hums, glancing beyond your shoulder to the large monitor displayed on your desk. “Thinking about becoming a boat captain?”
“Oh!” You quickly turn from him to click an exit on the internet window, “What boat?”
Yoongi laughs, sliding into your desk chair as you click around to open up a clothing website instead. “I was looking for clothes, actually. An ad must���ve come up for yachts-” You sentence cuts off from a tiny squeal escaping your mouth as Yoongi pulls you back to sit atop his lap.
“That’s a pretty luxurious ad, babe.” When you whine in disagreement, Yoongi simply smiles a small kiss against your cheek. “Okay then. Ad then. I’ll pretend to believe you.”
“Pretend to be surprised if you ever end up on one for an evening too, please.”
“Okay.” Yoongi hugs you while you giggle from the ticklish ministrations he dances along your jaw. “Hey, guess what.”
“You’re going to let me keep this flannel?” You voice murmurs before placing a sweet, chaste kiss to Yoongi’s lips before he has time to react to the silly request. When you pull away, he glances down to the attire of yellow plaid worn on your figure and his head tilts contemplatively.
“Because it looks nice on you, I’ll let you keep it for now.” Your pouting lips used to plead do nothing to stop Yoongi’s warm smile as he kisses you again and says quietly. “Hoseok and I decided on a building.”
“Really?” The tone of your voice rises as your eyes widen with a happy surprise. Yoongi nods with an utterly bright smile adorning his face, accepting the quick peck you place against his expression and continuing on with bubbly interest, “Where at? No-- actually, what’s the name going to be anyways?”
“The building’s actually only a couple of subway stations from Namjoon’s cafe, so I guess you can visit him more often than now.”
“He’ll get sick of me.” You say, shrugging off the tiny shake of Yoongi’s head so you can press on with the subject at hand. “I can’t believe you both found a place so quickly.”
“Well, maybe that’s the easier part. Figuring out everything else will take awhile still, but a couple of investors are interested, and I think I’ve found a person that can do a better job at leading everything overall than Hoseok and I can.”
“So you’re both not going to fight for the CEO title?” You ask, fiddling with the hair on the back of his head as Yoongi just scoffs gently at the teasing inquisition. He shakes his head while his hands situate on your sides to help shift you on his lap as you turn slightly to better see him.
“That’s not something I’m interested in, no. I just want to make music.”
You smile at Yoongi fondly, unintentionally causing a little flush to peek on the tips of his cheeks. Considering the option to be in joint-leadership over the entirety of their company is so obviously available, you find it slightly jarring that Yoongi doesn’t feel any need to reach out for the position. Though you think his answer best suits him, especially when you remember that the manipulation of his image is what stopped him from being the musician that he had wanted to be for so long now.
Squeezing your waist with his hands, Yoongi kisses you softly. A hand of yours falls to his shoulder while the other remains interweaved in his hair to hold him close as the kiss lingers. Breaking away after a minute, Yoongi’s head tilts, appearing curious as he gently inquires, “What are you thinking, baby?”
“I’m just really happy for you.” Your voice trickles simply, though the sincerity causes Yoongi’s lips to tighten into a bashful smile while he just nods and lets his eyes glance downwards from the radiating endearment in your eyes. You take note of more pink decorating his skin, and just hug onto him tightly, mumbling sweetly against Yoongi’s cheek. “You’re so cute. I can’t wait to see whatever you produce next.”
“You should help me with a couple of the songs, angel.” Yoongi murmurs while smiling at your actions, rubbing his hands along your sides as you squeeze onto him. “I really liked working together.”
“We’re a good team, I think.” Yoongi hears the twinge of a bashful hesitancy in your words, making him have for force back an endeared sigh and replace it with a nod as you start to continuously press tiny kisses against his face to further yourself from the embarrassment you feel for the mushy words.
“I think so too-- what is your face so red for?” He laughs outright, not allowing you to hide away your rosy expression by catching your jaw gently with a hand. “You’re flustered for no reason.”
“It just felt like such a cliche thing to say-” You barely manage to mumble the sentence before Yoongi’s cutting your lips off with his own against them. Humming in thought as he pulls away and ignores the small pat of your hand against his chest for teasing you, Yoongi speaks with a smile,
“But it’s the truth, so it’s okay. You can be a Hallmark card all you want, and I’ll still love you-”
“Don’t tease me.” You attempt to sound firm, but nonetheless smile at the soft admission at the end of his sentence. Yoongi bites back any further jokes that you’re sure he’d enjoy to say, instead of giving you the quiet moment to wade off some of the meadow on your skin. “Can’t believe you came here at ten in the evening, by the way. When you’ll just have to leave soon to go home-”
“Who said I was going to leave soon?”
“Who said you’re allowed to stay over?”
Yoongi chuckles, reclining so that his back rests properly against the chair as you try to maintain your defiant expression. It’s utterly useless considering how there’s a playful smile etched into your face, so Yoongi just shrugs. “Tell me to leave then, baby,”
Refraining from laughter you instead bite your bottom lip, and cross your arms while Yoongi’s head tilts to wait for your reply with a coy gleam in his irises. Instead of a verbal reply for the moment, you scoot off of his lap, beginning to walk past him as he spins casually on the chair for his eyes to follow your movements. “If you’re staying, then you’ll have to sleep on the couch since I don’t have a guest bedroom.”
“You’re so,” Yoongi exhales like bits of laughter, shaking his head as he gets off the chair to catch up to you before you’re able to dip around the corner. A small squeal leaves your lips as Yoongi’s arms wrap around your waist to pull you back against his chest. Immediately he lays a buttery trail along your cheek as you laugh at his reaction and place your hands over top of his wear they fiddle with the buttons of his shirt that you wear, “If I’m staying on the couch, then I want this back, sweetie.”
In early February a small celebratory party causes Seokjin’s club to close its doors to the public. Though Yoongi told him over and over that the gesture was unnecessary, his worries were ignored by Seokjin who stated that he wanted to help give a nice evening to his friends and recognize the accomplishment of the official opening of Sope Ent. that would occur at the end of the month.
The employee pool was nowhere near the size of SoundWave at its peak the years earlier, but everyone working for Yoongi and Hoseok’s company were hand-picked and a feeling of camaraderie flourished throughout the months beforehand of work to become organized. The building was mostly finished, but a handful of office spaces and studios were still in the process of being completed, leading to you and some others opting to work from home while all the preparation continued on.
Because of your home studio being the location where you did practically all of your work originally, you had little care for the fact that you’d find your way to the building later than the majority of employees. The excitement of working with the artists that signed so far was a far more important focus to you, and in some instances surprising like when you noticed Jinsol’s name appearing on a list of accepted trainees (though Namjoon was more surprised as it meant he would need to find a replacement for her part-time position at his cafe).
Ultimately, you’re enshrouded in anticipation for future months and beyond of working as a recognized songwriter and producer. Yoongi’s unoften worried mentions that he’s apologetic to the fact that you’re in some regards starting from the bottom up are easily squashed by your vibrant energy assuring him that you’re nothing but happy to be able to continue working with the career you had always wanted.
Beyond that, you’re proud of Yoongi and Hoseok’s ability to get everything together in a considerably short stretch of time. Though it meant Hoseok’s plan of releasing music was pushed back so that it could be released under their company’s name, the wait ended up being worth it as it allowed media to cause an interest in what would come.
The weeks immediately following the article you released caused a dramatic shift in SoundWave’s perception in the public. With your name getting dragged early on for participation despite the manipulation, so many people decided to stop supporting the company and artists by association that they went through understandably hard times. Every group and soloist offered apologies, but the currents changed only when Yerin publicly apologized and stepped down from her position as CEO, with the board of directors promising for change.
You realize she was simply a scapegoat because the board did have a larger hand in what went on throughout SoundWave, but you manage to find satisfaction in this method, because the majority of artists came out with their careers still intact. Though trust has to be regained, at least they were able to have the chance.
The name you’re still curious to hear about in the future is Jimin. It was late in the year, only days before Yerin resigned, that news of him leaving SoundWave circulated loudly in every social media site available. More than anything, fans expressed utter sadness, demanding an answer from SoundWave to understand why he left when the majority of the public sided with him after his public apology acted as the first crack in the company’s secret crumbling. Which is why everyone, including you, were nothing but confused to hear that his leave was completely at his own discretion with the company evening expressing that they attempted negotiation to keep him.
“It just felt weird for him to be there.” Jeongguk told you during a small friendly lunch between him, Hoseok, Yoongi, and you. “With all of the history that went on.” You recall him biting back further information on that statement for the sake of the present. “Anyways, I’m sure he’ll be back to music eventually.”
As you look on from the bar stool you sit on, you smile as Yoongi finishes a speech egged on by the crowd of happy employees enjoying the evening. Hoseok cuts in with a cheery tone and his glass raised high in the air, while Yoongi remains beside him for the moment and simply sends you a glance that tells you he’s at minimum shy of all the attention currently on him. All you can offer is two thumbs up to which you watch him bite back a sarcastic smirk.
“Your speech was good.” You assure him with a grin as Yoongi returns to you after the loud cheers mark the end of the melodramatic speeches and the restart of music. He shakes his head at your words and takes the seat beside you,
“Thanks. I don’t know if I believe you, but thank you, angel.” Yoongi says with the usual gentleness of his voice making you so much more fond in that moment, especially as you take in his hand finding yours without hesitation to entwine the fingers. “You really look beautiful.”
“You said that already.” You comment though your heart beat skyrockets from the genuine tone he speaks with. Softly, he smiles and nods his head, finally finding your eyes again,
“And I’m probably going to say it again at least ten more times tonight, sweetie.” Yoongi’s teeth peek with his grin as he fondly watches you avert your gaze to the two of your glasses left on the bartop when he went to go speak. “Look at me, please.”
Inhaling quietly from all of the emotions amplified in your chest from the evening’s joyful ambiance, you eventually cast a glance back to him with enough time to see the sweet light in his eyes before he kisses you softly. Where your hands hold together, your free hand encapsulates the top of his hand to gently squeeze as Yoongi lets the kiss linger on a few seconds longer than you’d expect from him with the surroundings somewhat crowded.
“I know it’s only been a few hours, but can I take you somewhere?” Yoongi asks against your lips, so quietly that you almost miss it with the music that plays all around you. Though it takes you only a couple of seconds to respond, your mind captures a considerable amount of wonder for where exactly he intends to lead you to. Still though, you simply peck his lips once more to earn a smile from him as you nod,
“Yeah, wherever you want.”
Despite what you expected, Hoseok simply only grinned and waved the two of you off when Yoongi mentioned you would both head out. Seokjin similarly smiled as you told him a thank you and goodnight as well, and considering those two of your friends are quite close with Yoongi, you don’t stop yourself from a playful question as he settles his coat around your shoulders upon exit of the nightclub.
“I’m guessing they already know about where you want to take me to?”
“Well, it’s no fun to give any kind of hints, angel, so you’re not getting them from me.” He says, letting you hug onto his arm while using the other to hail a cab. “It’s kind of different leaving Jin’s club this time around, isn’t it?”
“A good different.”
“Yeah,” Yoongi nods as he opens the door to the taxi, smiling down at you before letting you enter inside. “Really good different.”
Outside of Sope Entertainment, you can’t help lifting up your head to take in the view of the small tower that you’d be working in from now on. Yoongi exits the vehicle after giving a tip to the taxi who drives off once the door slams. You turn your attention to Yoongi as he takes hold of your hand once again to lead you inside the sparsely populated building.
A security guard allows the two of you in after the flash of identification cards, and by the time you reach the elevator you’ve begin rubbing Yoongi’s arms to fuel circulation and warmth. Your actions result in a fit of chuckles from his lips as the elevator doors open wide to allow the two of you inside.
“I’m not that cold, angel.” He assures, but does nothing to stop you from hugging onto him as the elevator shuts. Shimmying the two of you a step forward he manages to finally click a floor number as your body clings onto his to give warmth.
“Please, you hate cold weather.” You retort and place a kiss on the underside of his jaw. “Is this where you take me up to the roof and we look dramatically off at the city?”
“No, it’s way too cold for that.” Yoongi quickly admonishes the idea, causing you both to laugh at both the severe way he spoke, but also the implication that he is more cold than he lets on. “But maybe in the summer or at least the spring that would be a fun idea.” He says, watching the floor number climb as he rubs little trails on your back and your cheek settles against his chest. “C’mon, angel; this is the floor.”
You pull away from him to look at the number and know it to be the name one his and Hoseok’s studios are on. You exit out of the elevator with him quickly pressing a switch opposite of the elevator to turn the hallway lights on.
“Oh, is this about the song you’ve been telling me about lately?” You ask with a growing smile that’s excited from the idea. Yoongi huffs and pouts as he turns his head to look down at you,
“I said it’s no fun getting hints, angel.” His high-pitched rumble makes you laugh gently as you squeeze his hand. Coming closer to his studio, you hum and reconfigure a guess of what he wants to show you despite his protests, “Is it that you decorated your studio finally-”
“Hey,” Yoongi calls out as he stops a pace behind you to bring a halt to your stroll. Turning towards him, your eyebrows knit in confusion because his studio is a few more steps down. The confusion builds more as Yoongi just smiles before flicking his head to gesture to the room you both stopped in front of.
Turning to look in the direction, you see a door just the same as all the others and you’re about to question the significance of it before your eyes catch the polished metal plaque with your name engraved on it. In your stupor, you release hold of Yoongi’s hand to turn with widening eyes towards the door. Taking a step, you feel words escape your mind as you can only think about the obvious insinuation of the plaque, and turn your head back to Yoongi as though silently asking him to verify.
With a proud, soft smile he nods his head, stepping beside you to press a series of numbers into the lock on the door. “It took a little while longer than I expected to get it set up, especially without you realizing considering you walk down this hall so many times.” He chuckles only a little before pushing the door open to hold it ajar with his hand. Yoongi returns his gaze back to you as he happily admits, “But this studio’s yours, Y/N.”
After a moment to let his words sink in, you take another step to press your palm against the richly stained wood of the door and push it wider to enter inside. Following behind you, Yoongi presses the switch to turn on the lights that illuminate the rectangular space that you walk further into. A desk is already positioned on the far wall with monitors and equipment all arranged similarly to the way they are at your home studio. Shelves around the room are empty, and the couch against one side is free of pillows or throw blankets. The space is completely fresh to personal touch, but the door alerts anyone who reads it that the room is your own creative area as an acknowledged employee.
Turning back towards Yoongi who’s quiet yet clearly eager from his position beside the closed door, you walk to him and trust him to catch you as you practically jump into a hug that his arms catch you from tightly.
“Thank you so much.” You mumble against the fabric of his shirt, clenching wrinkles into the clothing on his back as well. Yoongi smiles as he rests his chin on your head, rubbing soothingly against your back as a tiny whimper leaves your lips.
“You’re welcome, angel, but this is really something you deserved all along.”
“But,” You pull your face from his chest to look up at Yoongi despite the tears welling in your eyes from gratitude. “Without you, I wouldn’t have gotten here the same way, and I wouldn’t have been able to do everything with someone like you to be beside me through it all. Yoon, you’ve really helped me do so much and everything was so crazy to get here, but I’m glad that it happened how it did, because I really love you. I can’t believe I got to meet you and fall in love with you.”
Cupping Yoongi’s face, you pull him down into a kiss as he moves his hands to better hold you against his chest. Following the kiss, Yoongi can’t help but lean his head against your shoulder, for a moment overcome by emotion due to your admission. You smile, rubbing his back as he squeeze you a bit tighter and exhales.
“You know, angel, if I hadn’t ever met you I’d still be practically a puppet to my old management team.” He kisses your cheek briefly before straightening up to properly look down at you. “I love you so much too. Whether you realize it or not, you really inspired me to finally fight back against them too, sweetie. I really am so proud of you and everything you’ve done.”
Yoongi kisses you gently once more, finding himself completely content as your arms wrap loosely around his neck to hold the two of you in place. When he thinks about it, receiving the recognition you deserved really was the only suitable outcome for everything that you’ve been through. Everything feels correct, even if realistically there are still trials to overcome where the company itself is concerned. At least there’s undeniable optimism in the future.
You hold his hand as you break apart to walk back around the studio space and explore the room. Coming up to the computer you go ahead and turn the power on just to see it and be shown that everything is as real as it seems to you. Yoongi stands behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist to rest his chin against your shoulder. The computer brightly flashes with a screensaver already saved to a picture the two of you took on an evening boat date months earlier. You laugh at the sight of it and turn towards Yoongi whose eyebrows furrowed in confusion,
“This is what I get for letting Hoseok plug everything in for me.” He mumbles as you press a sweet kiss to his cheek. “You should change the passcode from what it is so he can’t come in here whenever to spam your studio with pictures or other pranks.”
“If I change the passcode, maybe I’ll keep it a secret from you too.” You ponder aloud, earning an expected poke in your side to tickle you from Yoongi. As your body jerks from the ticklish feeling, he simply hugs you tighter, pressing a kiss against your cheek in retribution. You eventually sigh as you smile and relax back against his chest, admitting softly, “But honestly, if Hoseok’s going to print out cute pictures like this one, maybe I’ll just keep the code the way it is.”
“Angel, the code is 1111. Please don’t do that.”
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if you enjoyed please, please let me know via ask, comment, rb with tags– however ! i’d just really appreciate feedback 🥺 i hope you enjoy the series, i worked really hard on it! And if you’ve read thank you so much! below are some fun facts and final words about the series!
tag list: @jaiuneamesolitaiire @tsvkino-usagi @xionysus​ @baebyjoonie​ @honeyoongles​ @betysotelo18​ 
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Fun facts:
Jinsol, Seulgi, and Jihyo the only non-bts named character that are supposed to be their real-life counterparts (from LOONA, Red Velvet, and Twice respectively)
To be honest??? I picked the name Yerin because it sounds so pretty to me
This series is as long as NOVEL! Deadass a fucking NOVELLLLL! like what??? I can’t believe I managed to write roughly 100k words wtf.
Seulgi was initially going to be considerably more important as an antagonist, but then it felt like it was going to be feeding too much into Hoseok’s character than help the actual story progress so I did away with her history with Yoongi (and Hoseok)
The spotify playlist for the series is actual set up into three different parts (four songs, an interlude, four songs, an interlude, four songs) and the purpose of this was to separate the songs into characters. The first four songs are about Jimin’s character growth, the second set of four songs are about Y/N’s, and the third four songs are about Yoongi’s. In some ways, if you looked at the lyrics for the song you may have been able to gauge a lot of the plot that way.
The name for the series, Veil, comes from the idea that something is covered by a cloth that is not completely opaque, but still blurs the perception of what is beneath it. 
I don’t remember exactly how I got the premise for this idea, but I knew that I wanted to make a Yoongi story. So that being said, this was always intended to be a Yoongi story, I wasn’t swayed in one way or another to pick the ending couple.
Although, my friend told me recently that after hearing about my plans for Jimin’s character in the last few chapters that she wanted him to end up with Y/N LOL; I think that’s mainly because, in this story’s universe, the song Jimin released at the festival was Promise, and in this story he wrote that song with the intention of supporting Y/N and also telling her that he wants her to be her own power source through all she’s gone through (I want you to be your light, baby, you should be your light)
Because I’m actually really fond of Jimin’s character, I was thinking about making a one-shot prequel about him and Y/N’s relationship long before Yoongi.
The Audi that Yoongi drives costs about $200,000. I needed to tell you that, just like I needed to give him that expensiveass car. Why? It’s h*t.
I couldn’t rationalize Yoongi or Hoseok becoming the CEO of the company they made together, because ultimately they still want to be performers lol. They’re more like founders, and have a lot of say in the board. 
Jeongguk, in this story, is a part of a band with Yugyeom, Mingyu, and Minghao. What a combination lol.
Taehyung is a lawyer for idols generally, but he starts to work more for Yoongi and Hoseok’s endeavors by the end.
In my mind, Jimin eventually went on to get signed at the same company Jeongguk and Seulgi work at. He would’ve been pretty successful there.
Also, I doubt that Y/N’s royalties with her songs at SoundWave would’ve been kept by the end of the series. Realistically, she would have to be credited, but she would no longer receive money for them, so she really did have to start over in a way.
Yoongi’s hair was always blonde until that scene where he went to dye it back to his natural hair color; this was a very freeing moment for his character.
In Y/N’s conversations with Yerin and Jimin, Yoongi was consistently just..,.,,,.,. chilling in the background..../., in the case of Jimin conversation he was making pancakes lmao. What a guy.
Again, if you’ve read this whole story thank you SOOOOOO MUCH! You’ve basically read an entire book in reading this fic, and that is unbelievable to me who never would’ve figured I’d have been able to make this entire thing! Thank you again so much for reading! See you in the next story! 🥰❤️
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boundtoyouphff · 4 years
Chapter 13: Come Dance With Me
A/N: Here is the next chapter like I had promised! I cannot wait to share more of this story with you guys. I hope to hear from you soon. Enjoy xx
*Please make sure you have read Ch 12 that I had posted earlier today BEFORE READING THIS CHAPTER!*
I love to dance.
You turned me around and I found those hopeful piercing blue eyes asking, “Come dance with me.” I grabbed your hand without hesitation as if an outside force pushed me into your arms. Our bodies were connected and moved as if we were puppets with our invisible strings being maneuvred from a source above the clouds.
I love to dance, but I found out that I love to dance with you more.
Maybe it’s the way you hold me securely in your arms as I put my trust in you to never let me fall.
But, I am falling. Falling in love with you.
They say to dance with your heart and your body will follow. Is that the case with love too? If you love with your heart, will your mind accept that love or is the voice of reason too strong?
Will this dance end before it can even begin?
I love to dance.
Come dance with me.
Come dance with me to a song that never ends.
Giving the crowds one last wave, Harry jumped in the back seat of the vehicle and settled down into the comfortable leather while releasing a deep sigh. He finished his somber engagement at Fort Lennox this afternoon, one which held a memorial for all of those who fought and lost their lives at the Battle of Lennox. The majority of the Illyrian Royal family were present, including Emilia, but it was her brother Edward that was to accompany Harry today.
The prince closed his eyes for a brief moment relishing in silence that he had found. He breathed in a slow deep breath and released it through pursed lips as a wave of relief floated out from him. He now had a break in his tour where he would be able to spend some more time with Emilia.
The door flew open making Harry’s eyes spring open as his peaceful surroundings were distrubed by none other than Emilia’s twin brother, Prince Edward. He smirked and took the seat beside Harry before he unbuttoned his military uniform and threw his head back with a sigh. “I find these memorials are too somber for my liking.” Emilia’s brother voiced his unwanted opinion. His head turned to flash a smile at the quiet prince. “At least we are heading to Cavallo this evening. The resort we always book is off the charts mate. It will be good for you to have a fun evening off from this tour, Harry.”
The prince was doing his best to be courteous to Edward, despite his inward feelings for the man and the way he treated his sister. “I am looking forward to spending some time in the sun and on the beach I must admit. Is this a yearly dinner?” Harry engaged in conversation with Edward, hoping to pass the hour and a half drive to the resort.
But, his mind kept drifting off to an image of Emilia at the memorial. She had stood beside Harry and her brother Edward for the majority of the service. Her wavy long dress had Illyrian flowers printed across the fabric that flowed in the breezy wind that tousled her hair. Harry remained the stoic soldier beside her, dressed proudly in his military uniform he had brought along specifically for this occasion. From under the brim of his hat, he saw the princess bow her head and wipe away a stray tear. In that exact moment, you could hear a sea of cameras clicking away and capturing the moment. No doubt to use against Emilia in tomorrow’s papers. His heart sank in his chest for her, the princess was under constant scrutiny. Why were they so vindictive of her when she was the only one who showed true emotion, the one who wasn’t afraid to?
Harry joined the rest of the royal family, greeting the soldiers of the past and present to thank them for their continued sacrifice. Emilia was ahead of Harry to begin with, but he quickly caught up to the princess as she greeted and spoke to every single one of them who eagerly waited for her. She often kneeled down to their eye level and held a short conversation rather than just a greeting. There was one moment where they both delved into a deep conversation with a veteran who told them their story.
“Harry?” Edward had called his name, bringing the prince back into the moment.
“Yes? Sorry, my mind went elsewhere.” Harry locked eyes with the prince and offered a kind smile.
“Better not have been thinking of my sister, she’s off limits!” Edward tossed his head back in laughter, making light of the situation.
Little did Edward know, that was exactly who was on his mind.
The prince had arrived at the Malvarossa resort in Cavallo after a mentally strenuous ride and immediately felt relaxed with the stunning ocean views that welcomed him. Prince Edward ensured that Harry was all settled in his room at the private villa the royal family had booked for a few days. The villa was a separate entity of the resort and was often the place the family used as a vacation venue.
He walked out towards the balcony and opened the white panelled doors, immediately feeling the sea breeze hit him. Closing his eyes, Harry took in a deep breath and felt the bright Illyrian sun warm him. He grasped the balcony rails and looked down, deciding to go for a walk and check out the villa until he had to get ready for the dinner.
Harry was wandering around aimlessly when he ran into Julianna, The Duchess of Molvania and her husband Prince George who had their children with them, Prince Leonardo and Princess Fiona, Emilia’s cousins. Leonardo enveloped the prince into a hug and welcomed him to the resort, immediately inviting Harry to join him at the bar for a drink to which Harry accepted.
Prince Leo ordered their drinks and sat down beside the prince, running his fingers through his thick dark lock of hair. He held Harry’s gaze as he saw those same icy blue eyes that was a clear genetic marker in the Illyrian royal family. “How’s the tour going, mate?” Leonardo casually asked Harry.
“Well...” Harry laughed nervously and took a healthy sip of his drink. “You know how tours can be exhausting. So this is a well needed break.” He turned to angle his body to look out towards the crystal clear waters, watching as the waves came crashing into the shore.
“I get it, Harry. Been on my fair share and I cannot say I would willingly volunteer again for one.” Leo barked a laugh and clasped his hands together. “Tonight will be fun. You will definitely get to see a different side to my family..... the dramatic side that is.” He continued to laugh.“Us boys always place a bet on how long until things blow up. There is always some sort of family drama that gets unleashed when we all get together.” Leo shook his head at the memories that had come flooding to mind. “At least there won’t be any Emilia and Thomas drama like last year....”
Harry watched Leo’s expression morph into a somber one. It caught him off guard and caused Harry to want to know more of what Leo thought of his cousin, Emilia. It had seemed that most of her family was ready and willing to drag her through the mud, but Leo appeared not to be in that same category. His gut feeling was that Leo was a genuine friendly guy.
“It does appear that drama is always surrounding Emilia...” He left his statement drag off in hopes that Leo would take the bait and share his thoughts with him.
“Not of her doing... don’t be deceived by what you read.” Leonardo did not waste a breath in his reply as he stared at the bottom of an empty glass before ordering a new one. He spinned the bar stool around to face the prince, locking in his gaze.
“Let me tell you something about Emilia, Harry.” Leo nodded his head slowly. “Emilia is like a sister to me and I know her like one. She has more heart and empathy than anyone on this earth and she is not afraid to show how passionate she is. I have worked on numerous projects with her and she literally puts her heart and soul into every little detail. But, at the end of the day she is judged more harshly than anyone in this family thanks to my grandmother and the media.” Leo shook his head and displayed a look of disgust. “She is exactly what this family needs, what this country needs to see from their royal family, but my grandmother is stuck in the past.”
“It breaks my heart to see her light being dimmed because others can’t stand to see how bright she can shine.” Harry could feel the love Leo held for Emilia emanating through his words of admiration for the princess. It was a relief to see that at least someone in this family saw Emilia for what she was worth and could see the potential in her. The prince lifted his head to glance up at Harry. “She’s been through so much this past year. I didn’t blame her at all for running away to London for a while. I think she shouldn’t have come back and given a taste to gran what she is missing.”
Before Harry could speak in return, his eyes captured Emilia walking down to the bar dressed casually in a pair of jeans, a simple white buttoned down blouse and black flats. Leo caught Harry gazing at the princess over his shoulder and glanced back to see who had caught his attention. “Perfect timing.” He giggled lightly.
Emilia tucked her long dark hair behind her ear in an attempt to tame in from the wind blowing off of the ocean. She was carrying a duffel bag of hers and was on the way to check in to her room when she saw her cousin Leonardo and Harry having a drink at the private bar. Emilia waved at them with a beaming smile, silently loving the fact that they appeared to already be getting along with one another.
“Hello boys!” Leonardo hopped off of his bar stool and leaned in to greet his cousin with a peck on the cheek.
“Hello gorgeous cousin. Glad to see you have arrived for the familial festivities.” He patted her on the head to remind her how much shorter she was than him. Emilia rolled her eyes and playfully swatted his arm away before turning her attention towards Harry.
“Hi, Harry.” Emilia took a step towards him and opened up her arms inviting him into an embrace. He wrapped his arms around the beautiful princess and squeezed her tiny frame.
“Hello, Emilia.” Their hug lingered for a few seconds too long as Emilia took in a deep breath and inhaled Harry’s sweet memorable scent. Breaking apart, she lowered her head in embarrassment knowing that Leo would pick up on it. She always struggled to lie and keep things from her close knit cousin.
“I see you two have already started drinking.” Emilia peaked up at Leo and reached across him, grabbing his drink and downing it before he could intervene.
“Ahhh!” Leo gasped in shock. “I really have missed you cousin!” He waved at the bartender to order more drinks, but Emilia had stopped him.
“Nah, none for me Leo. I need to get settled in and ready for dinner.” She sadly informed the dark haired prince and watched him dramatically extend out his bottom lip into a pout.
“I am good mate.” Harry held his hand up in refusal.
“Well, I can’t be here at my lonesome?!” Leo tossed his arms up in the air and shook his head in disbelief.
Emilia angled her head up at him. “Should have invited Ella then.” She held her hand up in the air to act like a visor and block the sun from her eyes.
“Ya, not after the disaster that happened last year when you brought your boyfriend to the dinner.” Leo’s eyes grew wide with horror.
Emilia smacked Leo’s stomach hard. “Leo!” She scolded her cousin before turning her body towards Harry. “Leo is dating my stylist, Ella. No one in the family knows, but me.” Harry nodded in understanding, but it was not that particular bit of information that he was more curious about.
“I am going to take my bag to my room. See you two at dinner.” Emilia bent down and picked up her bag with a small grunt, forgetting how heavy it was.
“Need help with that?” Harry was quick to offer the princess, but was met with a glaring narrowed set of blue eyes.
Leo raised his eyebrow and watched the interaction. “Good luck convincing the tiger.” He mumbled, but both Harry and Emilia had heard his words.
The prince took a step forward towards Emilia, making the close proximity to her very evident in his intentions. She peaked up at him, gazing up at him while his hand brushed up against her own to grasp the bag. Emilia did not put up a fight like she normally would have and dropped the bag into his hand.
“Where’s your room?” The prince motioned for Emilia to show him the way.
“Follow me.” Emilia turned on her heel with crossed arms and waved goodbye to Leo. “Bye Leo, see you later.”
Harry grabbed the bag and carried it behind his shoulder. “Good god, do you have a dead body in here? How much did you pack for two nights?” The prince complained as he trailed behind Emilia towards the direction of her room.
“Oh stop complaining, Wales.... besides.” Emilia turned around and started to walk backwards. “A girl can never have too many clothes!” Harry rolled his eyes and offered a quick wink before following Emilia down the corridor towards her room.
Emilia and Harry fell into step with one another as a comfortable silence fell between them. Emilia glanced up towards the prince and witnessed the elated smile that was still plastered on Harry’s lips. She gently grabbed his hand and interlaced their fingers together, patiently waiting for his gaze to fall upon her. The prince angled his head and looked down towards the princess and caught her staring up at him with an adoring expression.
Harry squeezed her hand while his lips spread into a beaming grin for the princess. “You looked beautiful today.” He showered her with compliments watching that little glint in her eyes appear at his sweet words. Emilia’s cheeks blushed with a faint crimson red, making her gaze falter to the ground in embarrassment, but was flattered at his compliment.
“Thank you, you are too sweet.” Emilia giggled and tucked a piece of her long dark brunette hair behind her ear. When she lifted her head, the prince’s eyes were still staring down at her while he blindly followed Emilia down the hall. “I am really happy that you are here with me. I have such great memories of this place.” The princess released a deep breath.
“Me too, Emilia.” There was a hint of exhaustion laced in the prince’s tone. He had been non-stop since his plane had landed in Illyria.
Emilia had made it to her suite in the villa and unlocked the door while she continued to listen to Harry vent. She kicked off her flats as Harry set down her bag at the front entrance. Emilia heard the deep sigh he released and turned back around with an endearing smile.
“Come relax and sit with me a bit.” Her hand reached out to him as their fingertips brushed up against one another. The prince did not need further convincing to spend some time with the beauty before him. He followed Emilia to the lounge and sat down beside her. Harry instinctively lifted his arm as she snuggled her frame close to his body.
Emilia sighed and placed her head on his shoulder closing her eyes briefly. Relishing in the private company of one another, the two of them sat in near silence being left alone to their thoughts. But, they still felt the comfort that the other offered them through simple touches.
“Are you excited for tonight?” The princess broke through Harry’s deep thoughts and brought him back to reality.
“Yes.” Harry’s lips spread into a smile. “But, I am looking forward to spending more time with you.” The prince happily confessed as he turned his head to smile down at Emilia. He saw her lips spread into a beaming smile while her eyes held his gaze.
Emilia quietly stared up at the prince, looking deep into his eyes as her mind started to wander back to that moment in the back of the car when Harry told her that he needed an answer with where they stood with one another. Part of her was waiting for these few days knowing that she would likely have more time with Harry to figure out where her heart was, but truth was she already knew what her heart had decided. It was whether she could get her mind to follow.
Her eyes drifted down to their entwined fingers and took in a deep sigh. Harry’s eyes followed her gaze down as he felt the light brush of her hand trail down his forearm. He could tell that the young princess was in an internal debate and he did not want to disrupt her thoughts so he quietly sat beside her and enjoyed analyzing every part of Emilia to keep it in his memory for a later time.
Emilia emerged from her closet wearing a purple off the shoulder dress that boasted an asymmetrical frill skirt. It elegantly flowed across her body as she stepped forward in her bare feet towards the floor length mirror in her bedroom.
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Harry had been casually sitting on the edge of her bed waiting for her to get ready for the family dinner this evening. He was sipping on a drink when he nearly choked on it watching the princess come out in the dress, taking his breath away.
The princess slowly twirled around, carefully analyzing whether it was the right choice of dress for the evening's events. The back of the dress had not been zipped up, exposing a healthy amount of her backside and her black bra beneath. Harry was literally at a loss for words as he continued to sit on the edge of the bed in silence.
Emilia turned around swiftly and caught Harry in the act, checking her out. She shook her head at the naughty prince, giving him an eye roll.
“It is not my fault when you come out looking like that, Em.” Harry tossed his arms up in the air with a light giggle. He watched as Emilia turned her attention back to the mirror, but this time a frowned replaced that bright smile of hers.
“Do you really like it?” Emilia had suddenly become doubtful in her choice as a shy almost embarrassed version of herself emerged while the confident side of herself faded into the background.
Harry pushed himself off of the edge of her bed and slowly stepped behind her. This was what he was witnessing with each passing day. The strong confident princess he met in London was fading as uncertainty came forth clouded by the pressures of her grandmother's expectations.
He stepped in behind Emilia and gently grasped both of her arms, giving them a light re-assuring rub. “You, my princess… are absolutely gorgeous in this dress.” His deep quiet, assuring voice calmed her fears with a few simple words.
Emilia felt his finger delicately lift her chin, making her look into the mirror at herself with the image of Harry standing behind her. She locked eyes with the prince through the mirror and saw his genuine sincerity that killed any doubt that had grown within her being.
His gaze faltered down to her exposed backside and trailed his finger down to the zipper that was at the small of her back. He heard her Emilia’s mouth gasp from his simple touch as her breath became jagged. Harry smirked cheekily loving the effect he was having on Emilia. His fingers grasped the zipper and gave it a light tug. He did her dress up, reluctantly hiding her exposed skin and undergarment.
He looked back into the mirror at their reflection and found Emilia’s eyes locked on him while her body remained frozen. The prince lowered his head while tucking her dark locks out of the way to find her exposed shoulder. Harry placed a soft kiss on her shoulder and whispered in her ear, “Don’t ever doubt that you are beautiful again, Emilia. You are beautiful to me.”
The Illyrian Royal family’s festivities were well under way. The whole family had come together this evening and shared an enjoyable five course meal with local traditional Illyrian entertainers. They had even welcomed Harry as one of their own, as Emilia’s cousins included them in the familial banter and fun.  
The prince had been seated next to Emilia and her cousin Leonardo that apparently Emilia herself had arranged as alluded to by her father. He let it slip that his daughter wanted Harry to feel as welcomed as she did in London. Her parents were seated across from them as they engaged in a light hearted conversation. The Crown Prince couple were more relaxed and at ease than to what Harry had previously been witnessed to and he could see where Emilia got most of her traits from… her father.
“She has always had me wrapped around her finger since the day she was born.” Frederick smiled proudly at Emilia and shared a sweet moment with her. But, the prince could not help but wonder if her father knew how much inner turmoil was going through. She hid it so incredibly well and could pretend that nothing was the matter.
“I remember that day fondly.” Frederick continued as Harry and Emilia had focused their attention to the conversation with her parents while everything else faded into the background. The long wooden table was dimly lit above with hanging fairy lights while the reflection of the flames from the candles that lined the table danced upon their faces. “You were so stubborn, Emilia. So stubborn that you wouldn’t even breathe.” A glimpse of concern washed across his face as the memory of it all came flooding back to her father.
“No wonder Emilia is the way that she is. Lack of oxygen to her brain at birth really explains a lot.” Edward piped in from the seat beside his mother as he finally gave his family some of his attention instead of his girlfriend, Louisa.
“EDWARD!” Liza, Emilia’s mother gasped in horror. “You do not say that in front of our guest! Or period!” She scolded him, but Edward just chuckled and ignored his mother.
“Eddie, stop being an areshole.” Emilia glared at him with her piercing blue eyes.
“Or else what Emilia?” Edward egged his twin sister on.
Emilia parted her lips to speak her retort when a loud voice spoke her name from down the table.
Everyone became silent as Queen Eleanora scolded the princess, embarrassing her in front of everyone, including Harry.. “Behave and stop getting into these childish tifts with your older brother.” An awkward silence fell across the whole table as Emilia sat there in a clear state of quiet anger, staring at her grandmother with shock and disbelief.
Harry’s blood was nearly boiling as rage coursed through him. How in the world is Emilia getting in shit and being embarrassed for something that Edward had done. The thing that surprised Harry the most is her father did not even come to her defence, nor anyone in the family. He couldn’t sit by any longer in utter silence.
His lips parted to speak up on Emilia’s behalf, but he felt a hand quickly grasp his thigh and give it a hard squeeze. Emilia did not even look at the prince, but with a subtle shake of her head she begged him not to defend her.
“I am sorry Gran.” Emilia’s voice choked out.
The conversation around them started to become more lively, but everyone around Emilia was carefully watching her silent self. She refused to look at anyone or engage in conversation.
“Emilia…?” Frederick’s brow furrowed with concern as he watched a stray tear trickled down Emilia’s cheek. “I’m sor-” He was about to apologize when Emlia cut him off.
“Don’t.” She angrily spoke, wiped the tear away and turned her attention back to the dancers. Pretending that nothing had happened.
Harry and Emilia were standing around in a circle with Emilia’s cousins Gabriel and Alessandra sipping on their drinks and watching the rest of the family dancing to the upbeat music. “This is not like you, Emilia! Standing on the sidelines while the rest of the family is dancing away. You are normally the instigator of fun!” Alessandra angled her head down at her younger cousin, with a cheeky grin.
Emilia shook her head and took a sip of her drink before replying. “Not tonight.” Her blue eyes drifted towards her parents dancing away with their silly moves. “I am trying to behave…” The tone in Emilia’s voice was evidently somber. There was a part of her pulling her towards the music, desperately wanting to let loose, but all she could see were her grandmother's eyes on her every move. She could not have another problem arise tonight for she was walking on thin ice.
“Behaving is really not in your vocabulary.” Gabriel smirked and fell into a fit of laughter. “Remember Ibiza?!”
“Oh Gabe! Ibiza was all on you, that I had nothing to do with!” Emilia tossed her head back in laughter at the memory of the debaucherous trip.
“You were right there with me, my partner in crime.” Gabe tossed his arms up in the air in innocence. “Stealing that boat.”
Harry’s eyebrows rose with curiosity as Emilia felt his eyes on her. She turned her head as the conversation fell to a silent shock. Emilia shrugged her shoulders, “What? It was a small boat ok, Harry!” She defended herself while confessing to the crime.
Gabriel cleared his throat and shook his head. “Emilia… we stole a fucking yacht!” He barked with laughter at her falsely portrayed innocence.
“A yacht?” Harry’s blue eyes glanced down and locked eyes with Emilia, watching the guilty expression on her face grow until she dissolved into a fit of giggles.
“Ok fine!” She breathed in between breaths. “It was a yacht…” Emilia held Harry’s gaze steadily. “I was young and following Gabe’s lead. He took advantage of my innocence.”
“Yeah, there is nothing innocent in those blue eyes Emilia.” The prince slowly shook his head down at Emilia and stared deep into those adorable blue eyes of the princess.
“Oooooh!” Gabriel and Alessandra could not help but laugh at the prince’s words. They both caught the way that Harry was looking down at their cousin in an endearing way as their gaze continued to linger.
“Looks like Ana has got some competition for Prince Harry’s heart!” Alessandra chuckled lightly to herself as Harry and Emilia both snapped out of their unwavering shared glance as their minds were brought back to reality and realized what they had done. Emilia’s cheeks became flushed at her cousin's remark and looked away to hide her face, silently kicking herself for not being more careful around Harry. It had been difficult enough tonight not being able to hold his hand or touch him in the way she wanted to in fear of her family finding out they were more than acquaintances.
“Who is Ana?” Harry was curious to find out.
Emilia leaned into him and pointed past her cousins to a young blonde teenager sitting at the table by herself watching everyone else dance with a partner. “That is my cousin Ana Lilia. Alessandra and Gabriel’s sister.” He caught the way Emilia smiled proudly towards her direction.
“A little birdie told me she fancies you.” Alessandra giggled with a raised eyebrow. “But, I am afraid that I need to get in on this dancing action. Are you coming Gabriel?” Emilia’s cousins had left them alone to themselves as they joined the family, dancing away.
Emilia’s eyes remained stagnant on her youngest cousin, sitting there by herself. She felt Harry’s hand settle on the small of her back and gently rub it soothingly. “You know you are allowed to have fun with your family. I bet you are a better dancer than me.” Her lips spread into an amusing smile as she lifted her head to glance up at Harry.
“I’d like to see you dance.” Emilia could not help but giggle at the thought. “In fact…” Her eyes drifted for a brief second back to Ana. “Why don’t you ask Ana to dance with you.” Emilia locked in Harry’s intense stare. “I know she would love it if you did.”
“You sure you want me to ask her? You know she might win my heart.” Harry cheekily replied and earned a playful smack on the arm by the princess.
“Yes, I am sure Henry.” Emilia gave him a light push forward. “Go!”
Emilia watched from afar as Harry approached Ana and bent down to her level with his hand extended out in an offer to dance with him. A fond smile started to stretch the corner of her lips as Ana nodded her head and stood up from her seat, eager to dance with him. Harry pulled the smiling blonde teen to the dance floor and twirled her around, innocently dancing with Ana as she smiled with joy.
A few dances later, Emilia was ordering a new drink when a hand gently grasped her wrist and gave it a light tug to turn her around. It was Harry with an adorable beaming smile and rosy red cheeks from dancing.
“Come dance with me.” His deep posh British voice was alluring and difficult to say no to. His piercing blue eyes cut straight through to her soul, rendering her speechless.
“Henry….” Emilia reluctantly shook her head in fear of the repercussions and also scared of the fact that her family would find out about them. It had been a difficult evening not being able to hold his hand or reach out and touch his face or play with those tufts of his ginger hair at the nape of his neck. All because of that lingering fear. But… to dance with Harry? He had to be mad!
“You deserve to have fun like the rest of your family and I promise that I will be careful where I lay my hands on you. A respectable dance between a prince and a princess.” Harry did his best to convince Emilia, knowing full well that she was on the edge about to take that leap with him.
“Henry….” Emilia broke her silence and tightened her grasp on his hand. “Fine. But, just one dance.”
“Deal!” Harry tugged on her hand without hesitation and led Emilia to the dance floor where her family were happily dancing beside them.
Harry twirled Emilia around as they kept up to the beat of the lively music. He was observant of her family's reactions of them, careful not to place his hands on her body suggestively. Emilia’s unbridled laughter echoed in his ear, bringing a beaming grin to his lips as he watched Emilia let go and have fun.
Emilia had promised Harry just one dance with him, but that one dance turned into another and another until they found themselves being the last ones left on the dance floor. Emilia selected a slower classical song that changed the aura of the dance floor into a sensual romantic one. She stepped forward towards Harry with a shy smile.
“Will you dance with me? This is my favorite song to dance too….” She lowered her head, displaying a rare shy side of herself to Harry. (Come Dance With Me started to play by Norah Jones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbjZPFBD6JU )
“I’d love to.” He reached out and wrapped his arm around her body, bringing Emilia in close proximity, securing her in tightly with his grasp. Harry felt her hand settle on his forearm as she waited for him to take the first step and lead her.
Harry took a step forward as Emilia moved her body in sync with him. He slowly moved them around the dance floor as his hand drifted down to the small of her back. Emilia lifted her head up to look into the prince’s deep blue eyes. Being mesmerized, she fell under his spell and was thankful that his strong body was holding her weak knees up at that moment.
The corner of his lips tugged into an elated smile, relishing in the closeness of Emilia being flushed against his body again. He looked down into her ice crystal blue eyes and could get lost in the depths of them for days if he allowed himself to. Harry’s heart swelled in admiration for this beautiful woman in his arms. He could not help but admire her beauty both inside and out that encapsulated her kind heart.
“Henry…” Emilia’s feet stopped moving as she quietly whispered his name. Their bodies swayed in their cemented place as they looked longingly into each other's eyes.
“Yes, Emilia?” His hand lifted and cupped her cheek tenderly while he gently caressed it with his thumb.
“Will you spend the day with me tomorrow? I…” She lowered her head, averting her gaze to the ground. “I think we need to talk and figure out what all of this is between us.” Emilia took in a shaky nervous breath in fear of the potential outcome, in fear that this man in front of her could break her heart.
“Well, you could steal a yacht for us to hang out on.” Harry teased the nervous princess in an attempt to bring back that adorable smile of hers.
“Harry!” Emilia shouted his name.
“Oh… I know you can scream it louder than that!” The prince was relentless, but it was all in good banter.
“You are so awful…” Emilia shook her head and snaked her arms around the back of his neck loosely while his hands found a home on her hips. “Awfully handsome…” She stood up on her tippy toes and placed a soft kiss to his lips that was all too quick for his liking.
Emilia reluctantly tore his lips off of Harry’s but she could not risk their private moment together any further in fear of exposure. “We need to go inside Harry… We can’t get caught.” She was the voice of reason amidst their cloud of building desire.
The prince took in a deep breath and sighed heavily. “You are right.” His arms fell from her frame, breaking their embrace. “Let me walk you to your room.”
The pair left the dimly lit dance floor and made their way back to the villa. In the midst of the darkness, they searched for the others hands and interlocked their fingers, savouring every moment that they were able to share with one another. Emilia quietly moaned when their hands separated.
“Trust me, I don’t like it more than you do.” Harry walked Emilia down the villa’s hall towards her room which just so happened to be right next to Harry’s.
Emilia leaned up against the door frame and turned around to face the prince. “Good night Henry.” It took all of her not to just invite Harry in for the night, but the truth was she needed time for her own mind to think.
Harry flashed a brief smile and bent his head down to place a soft kiss to her forehead. His lips lingered there as Emilia breathed in his familiar scent. Her hands reached up and grasped his forearms making him stay there for a few passing moments.
His arms slipped through Emilia’s hands, unable to continue being in the same space as Emilia any longer. “I can’t stay here…” The prince admitted and pressed his lips one more time to Emilia’s lips and said his goodnight.
“Sleep well, tiny dancer.”
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zigtheeortega · 4 years
day 6: pets | ethan/bryce x mc
pairing: ethan x mc & bryce x mc
@choicesfebruarychallenge​ | @bi-cookie​ ; @cxld-play​
word count: 1,712
author’s note: this fluffy fic was inspired by the john mulaney bit where he jokes about american politics and compares it to a “horse being loose in the hospital”. i took it literally! hope you enjoy - i still think it might be a dumb idea but i’m hope it makes you laugh!
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Spencer’s phone buzzed in her scrubs pocket, taking her out of the intense reading she was doing on Ms. Martinez’s file.
EMERGENCY. MEET AT THE SIDE ENTRANCE OF THE BUILDING. BE SNEAKY. Sienna’s text in the group chat came as a shock to Spencer. She’d never seen a message quite that serious from Sienna before.
She power walked down the hallway, trying to make it to the elevator unnoticed. Just as the doors opened, Dr. Ramsey rounded the corner.
She stepped in calmly, then mashed buttons as soon as she was safe. “C’mon, c’mon close,” she muttered to herself, clicking the close door button repeatedly.
“Hold the door, rookie,” he called, and they locked eyes through the slit of the closing doors.
“Sorry,” she mouthed, tapping her watch and shrugging.
His eyes narrowed, but before he could say anything, the elevator’s numbers lowered, quickly bringing Spencer to the first floor.
She blew air out of her cheeks. Avoiding Dr. Ramsey since the night they’d nearly had sex at the convention had been hard, but worth it for Spencer’s sanity. She couldn’t take much more of the “will they, won’t they” sexual tension between them.
The doors opened, and she snuck out the side door, almost running into the back of Elijah’s wheelchair.
The whole group was assembled, talking in hushed voices.
“What’s wrong? I came as fast as I could,” Spencer panted, eyes darting between her friends’ concerned faces.
“We have a huge problem,” Sienna frowned.
“Okay, bring me up to speed. What can I do to help?” She said, already putting her game face on, ready to rack her brain to help Sienna diagnose a patient.
“There’s a dog loose in the hospital,” Sienna grimaced.
She squinted her eyes, confused. “Is this a prank? I really don’t know if I’m in the mood to joke around, guys.”
“Unfortunately, Sienna isn’t lying. I saw the dog when his owner brought him in,” Jackie said, her arms crossed firmly across her chest.
“You’re telling me a service dog is roaming around, not listening to his owner? Did they lie about him being a service dog?” Spencer wondered aloud, trying to piece the story together.
“No, he’s definitely certified,” Elijah said, shrugging. “I asked to pet him and his owner’s mom declined. She said he was working.”
“I guess she knew taking his vest off wasn’t a great idea,” Landry added, eyeing Sienna.
The door behind them opened, revealing Bryce. “Thanks for including me. This is the most action I’ve gotten all week. Appendectomies just weren’t cutting it today,” he grinned.
“Okay one, weak, and two, thanks for finally joining us,” Jackie rolled her eyes.
“I can’t help that I’m not in your roomie group message,” Bryce shrugged.
“Can we get back to the story, please?” Sienna asked quietly, worry written across her features.
“Okay, so you took the vest off the dog, he thought he clocked out, and he’s just doing what a normal dog would do?” Spencer said, rotating her wrist so that Sienna knew to speed it up.
“I’m not that careless, Spencer. His owner is here for a routine checkup for her epilepsy. He was looking kind of sad while I was going through her chart with her mom, so when they went back for an MRI I thought it’d be a good idea to let him be free for a few minutes,” she said, regret written on her features.
Spencer’s look of disapproval prompted her to continue. “I know it was so dumb of me. I didn’t see him as a service dog on duty, just a sad pet that wanted to take a break and play. I need everyone’s help to find him.”
“Where’d you lose him?” Bryce asked.
“Well, I was near the construction… you don’t suppose he managed to go back there or down the stairs?”
“Let’s hope not,” Landry said nervously, wringing his hands in front of him.
“Okay, we’ll split up in pairs to look for him. It’ll definitely be quicker that way,” Spencer said.
“Elijah and I will check the ER,” Landry volunteered, already heading towards the door, Elijah tailing him.
“Jackie? Sienna? You okay with taking the next couple of floors while Bryce and I look through the labs, the construction, and any other restricted areas?” Spencer asked.
“You got it, boss,” Jackie smirked, walking inside.
“I guess it’s just you and me,” Bryce smiled, his hand on the small of her back, coaxing her towards the door.
“Goddammit, where is that dog?” Spencer muttered, frustration creeping into her voice.
“Hey, if you look on the bright side, we’re kind of like Mystery Inc. and we’re looking for Scooby Doo,” Bryce said, as you both jogged down the hallway, peering into the labs.
“What, did you say that because you want me to say you’re Fred?” She laughed, glancing back at Bryce’s smirk.
“And you’re my Daphne,” he said before checking the largest lab on that floor.
“I’m definitely not Daphne. Sienna is more of a Daphne-type than I am,” Spencer smiled, running into the elevator. “I’m definitely Velma.”
“I guess that makes me Shaggy, huh?” He said into your ear, and you became acutely aware of the heat from his body.
“So who’s Fred now?” She said, pushing a numbered button to head towards the wing under construction.
“Elijah, hands down,” Bryce chuckled, his arm propped up on the bar on the wall of the elevator, his skin grazing her scrubs.
“What about Landry and Jackie?” She said, glancing at his face, so close to her own.
“Probably the people they unmask at the end. They’re too competitive to have everyone’s best interests in mind,” he shrugged.
“Awe, that’s no fair. I wouldn’t guess a scalpel jockey would understand our competition,” she teased, turning to place a soft kiss on his jaw.
He leaned in with his eyes closed, but Spencer put a finger on his lips. “We’re getting distracted. We gotta find this dog first.”
“What’s its name anyways?” He said, stepping out into the hallway as the doors opened.
“Huh, good question. I’ll ask,” she said, typing a quick text to Sienna.
She replied immediately. I don’t know. I know she said it, but I was so focused on the patient’s charts and the mom being so stern I forgot.
“Sienna doesn’t know the dog’s name,” she said to Bryce, and he shrugged.
They slipped into the construction side unnoticed, eyes scanning the hallway. Spencer already had a distraction ready in case he wanted to check the rooms and stumbled across Naveen.
“Here, boy,” Bryce called repeatedly, making kissing noises.
“I don’t know if that’s going to work. He should only respond to his name, right?” Spencer mused.
The golden retriever bounded around the corner before they scan the rooms, mouth open, tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.
Bryce eyed her up and down. “I told you so.”
He ran to meet the dog, and fell on the ground, cuddling the wiggling ball of fur as he happily lapped the side of Bryce’s face. “Hey, boy, awe, you’re so good,” he laughed, scritching behind his ears.
Spencer enjoyed the sight of the hot surgeon and cute dog playing for a few more seconds before texting the group.
“Okay, so Sienna’s going to meet us with his vest, and we’re sneaking him back into the waiting room on this floor. The mom should be showing up there soon since they’re almost done with her brain scans.” She shoved the phone back in her pocket.
Bryce laid on the ground, spooning him and completely ignoring her. He hugged the dog to his chest, kissing his head.
“This is really cute, Bryce, don’t get me wrong, but we have to bring him back right now,” she said, extending a hand to him.
He grabbed it, and pulled her down on top of him. “Bryce! We have to go –”
He pressed his lips to hers, cutting her off. She sighed contentedly against his lips.
She knew she was falling for Dr. Ramsey, but she couldn’t see him defying the rules to be with her. Even if she was just fooling around with him and didn’t plan on anything serious coming from it – regardless, Bryce made her feel good.
Things were much more simple with him than with Ethan.
She pulled back, and he gazed at her, smirking. “You have to admit that was smooth.”
“Alright, if it’ll get you to get up any faster, then yes.”
They stood up, walking with the dog towards the entrance. Sienna burst through the clear tarp, followed by the rest of the gang.
“Hi doggy! We’re gonna get you back to your owner now. Please don’t tell them about this,” she whispered to him, clasping the buckle on his side, fastening the vest to him.
“Okay, now if that’s over, I’m gonna get back to my patients,” Jackie said, and stalked off without another word.
“Me too,” Landry said nervous, scuttling away.
“I’m happy Horse is back safe. Hopefully they haven’t noticed –” Elijah said, but Spencer and Bryce were quick to cut him off.
“His name is Horse?” Bryce asked.
“You’re telling me there was a Horse loose in the hospital?” Spencer asked.
“That’s what his name was! I remembered it being weird, but I forgot it was the name of another animal,” Sienna said, smacking the side of her head with the palm of her hand.
“Is there a story behind it or something?” Spencer was dumbfounded, and Bryce couldn’t stop laughing at the situation. HIs laughter was infectious, and before she knew it, she was doubled over, and Elijah and Sienna followed soon after.
When they caught their breath, Elijah explained.
“She named him when she was young, before the seizures started. Her parents sent him off to be trained as a support animal so they wouldn’t have to get another dog.”
“On that note, I’m gonna head back to my patients.” Spencer headed off, waving at her friends.
She knew that she couldn’t avoid Dr. Ramsey for much longer, and the situation stressed her out to no end; Regardless of it all, she still had the ability to laugh, so she knew she was going to be okay.
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jbcnks · 4 years
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Name: Jameson “Jamie” Banks
Gender / Pronouns: Cis male  / he, him
Species: Human
Age: Thirty-four (34)
Occupation: Consulting detective for Blackrock PD
Personality: Determined, fair, enthusiastic, bossy, stubborn, abrasive
HISTORY. tw. racism, death of a family member, grieving, murder, i guess technically cannibalism.
You are born one bright spring morning. Your mother always tells you that when she brought you home, all the flowers had bloomed in her garden, welcoming you into the world. Brian is born two years later, on a fall evening. Your parents leave you with your aunt while your mother gives birth to your little brother -- you don’t actually remember this part, but your parents tell you that you were thrilled to see him. 
Winthrop, Washington is as small as small towns get. People there don’t always treat your family with kindness, and you learn that you are different from a very young age. You are nine when someone smashes the windows to your parents’ restaurant, and when the sheriffs get there, you overhear them telling your parents there’s nothing they can do. When you get back home, you tuck Brian into his bed first before climbing into yours, though neither of you get much sleep that night.
Brian is a much better student than you are. You do okay, but it’s clear from the very beginning that you’re more physically gifted. Baseball is big in Winthrop, and playing for your high school’s team is one way for you to blend in. Everything seems fine, until one day, your brother comes back home with an broken arm and a bruise on his cheek. 
Your initial plans to go to the city for college is put on hold for the next two years, until your brother graduates. It doesn’t feel good to leave him behind despite what your parents tell you, and only when your brother turns eighteen and manages to snatch up a scholarship at UW, you move out to the city with him, jumping into an associate’s degree program for criminal justice. 
There are good and bad parts of Seattle. You’ve never been a big fan of rain or cold weather. You do like a good cup of coffee, and the dating scene isn’t half bad. Once you join the police academy, you think the worst thing about Seattle is the crime rate. Four years later, you’ve fully established yourself as a real police officer in the Seattle Police Department and Brian goes into social work. And you naively tell everyone you meet that the worst thing about Seattle is the rent.
The real worst thing about this city, you learn a few years later, is that it never stops, even for a moment. You can’t stop long enough to grieve, you can’t even stop long enough to breathe. Brian dies when he is only twenty-eight years old. 
How do you tell your parents that your brother’s been murdered? That he’d been walking down the street at night and he was just trying to help someone -- always trying to help -- and that the robber had a gun on him? How do you tell them -- 
-- they said they can’t do anything about it right now. I’m so sorry. No, I’m okay, I’ll -- I’ll be okay. Mom, is dad -- Mom, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.
Winthrop feels the same when you come back for Brian’s funeral. Quiet, peaceful. You hate it there. You speak at the funeral. You don’t remember a word that you say. 
You don’t fully understand it yourself, but you kiss your parents goodbye and go back to Seattle a week later. It feels like a betrayal at first, putting on your uniform for people who didn’t seem to care much for Brian. But you can almost hear him telling you to keep pushing because now there’s something he has to change. And Brian had always wanted that -- to change this horrible, poisoned world no matter how many times Jameson had told him it was an impossible dream. 
You cry when you become a detective. They think you’re happy, but you’ve never been so fucking sad. 
( Grief comes to you in waves, in dreams. You never let it fester for too long because you know it will swallow you up if you stop running. ) 
The problem with running that fast is that you don’t exactly know when to stop, or how. Your eagerness impresses your captain for awhile, until he realizes that you have a chronic inability to forgo cases that have hit a dead end. You’re like a pitbull, Banks, he tells you, you don’t know how to let go. It makes you laugh because you don’t realize that he’s not complimenting you. So sure, you’re a bit of a thorn on your captain’s side, but they can’t do much about you anyway because you work hard and your clearance rate is off the charts. 
You’re driving to Winthrop to be with your parents for your brother’s birthday when you see something on the side of the road. Thing of legends, of myths, of nightmares and you see the wolf holding someone by their neck. When you stop your car and walk out with a gun in hand, you swear you see the wolf turning into a person before running away into the woods. You chase after them - whatever thing that was - but you’re too slow and eventually, you make your way back to the body, and call for backup. 
You realize you sound like your head isn’t screwed on right, and you recall those are the exact words your captain uses when you first tell him about what you’ve seen, and that they can’t rule this as an accident. You now also realize that you probably should have kept your mouth closed, because the next thing you know, they’ve assigned you to some missing persons case and are sending you to some bumfuck nowhere town called Blackrock.  
As soon as you land in Blackrock, you go straight into the filing cabinet and read through every single case, open and closed. You still hate your captain for sending you to Blackrock, but you’re beginning to realize that there’s much, much more to this town than any of you had thought. 
Jamie has several tattoos, though none of them are visible with clothes on. The most meaningful one is for his brother -- his initials over his heart, fairly small. The rest are here and there, beginning with a regretful stick-and-poke he got from a friend in his 20s. 
His brother Brian was probably the nicest person Jameson knew and he had such a soft spot for all the kids he worked with as a social worker. Brian would tell Jamie quite a bit about many of the kids and their home life that it really did open up his eyes about the system and its frequent failures. 
After Brian’s death, Jameson threw himself into his work and for a little while, didn’t see his parents as much. But now, he tries to call them as much as he can, and always tries to make it back home for the holidays. 
He has a black lab named Kyoto that traveled with him to Blackrock. Kyoto is a lady and when she was a puppy, they’d tried to train her to be a search & rescue dog but she failed her tests and he ended up adopting her. 
He really doesn’t want to be in Blackrock. So he will probably complain about Blackrock here and there.
Technically, he’s only supposed to be working on Addison’s case, but he’s realized that there’s a lot of suspicious shit going on in Blackrock. Addison’s case is still a priority, but he’s definitely also looking into the other open cases, and some closed ones that don’t seem to make sense to him. 
So yes, he does not get much sleep.
Jamie doesn’t really drink and doesn’t smoke at all! If he drinks, he’s either really stressed or on a rare day off. 
First arrest: He hasn’t been in Blackrock long, but he thinks there’s not enough being done around the town.  [ This person ] was the first arrest he’s made since coming to Blackrock. 
Thorn on his side: [ This person ] isn’t necessarily his priority, but they do seem to keep getting into trouble and to make things worse, they seem to do it right in front of him. 
Person of interest: But of course, his main focus is on the missing persons (aka Addision) case, and [ this person ] seems to be involved one way or another. Or perhaps it’s someone who knew Addison, or someone who might have had motivation to hurt her. 
New friend(s): People he’s instantly clicked with, or perhaps he’s become friendly with. He frequents Ugly Mug Cafe, and when there’s a game on, Last Drop Bar. He’s really not that scary -- only when he thinks that you’re hiding something. 
Old friend: Jamie has known [ this person ] when he was younger/when he working in Seattle, and by pure chance, they’ve both ended up in Blackrock. 
One night stand: When he first got to Blackrock, he may have gotten drunk one night out of frustration and took [ this person ] back home. He thinks they’re nice, but the thing is, he’s not actually looking to pursue anything -- mostly because he knows he has to focus on his work. 
Sports buddy: He still likes baseball. Someone please play catch with him and Kyoto or at least watch the game with him when he’s off duty. 
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histrionic-dragon · 5 years
Google Says WHAT?! --A mini-fic
I’ve been reading the Hundred-Year Playlist series by the amazing @girlbookwrm and also creeping on other people’s comments on the story, because that’s something I do with stories I like. @girlbookwrm mentioned, in one of the comments-conversations, that if you Google “queer 1930s Brooklyn” you get Steve Rogers fan research on the first page of results. I may have swooped in to say that Tony’s reaction if he accidentally saw that, in-universe, would be hilarious, and then-- this happened.
It’s a bit more serious than I originally intended it to be, but still has some levity to it.
Story below the cut and maybe eventually on Ao3.  Takes place a few days after CA:TWS, because who better than Tony to sift through the SHIELD/Hydra data dump?
“Really, sir,” said JARVIS, “I must strongly advise you to go to bed.”
“Great,” Tony said absently. “You’ve given me the advice. Now you can feel good about it.”
“Sir . . . .”
Tony pushed his chair back from the table, spinning a little as it drifted smoothly across the lab until he was juuuust within reach of the countertop where he’d left his coffee. He picked it up and took a sip. Not too cold, yet.
Almost, but not quite.
“Look, JARVIS,” he said out loud, “I’m not working with fire, I’m not operating heavy machinery, I’m not actually making anything. I’ve even slept in the last 24 hours. Why are you on my case?”
“It is the total amount of sleep you’ve had in the past five days that concerns me, sir.”
Tony snorted.
“. . . and your reactions to some of the information uncovered by the Black Widow’s information dump at the beginning of that time.”
Tony put his mug down on the counter. It made a sharp clack sound. Not like the normal ting or click-thump of putting down a drink--this was loud, attention-grabbing, the sound of ceramic hitting on granite countertop just barely not hard enough to break.
Great. Now his coffee was a drama queen.
“Look,” he said. “It is entirely in character for Obie to have been paid off by someone to do what he did, and he needed sketchier contacts than Stark Industries has to get in with the Ten Rings. Might as well have been Hydra. I honestly could have put that together if I’d had time to stop and think before everybody I know called me up and asked me to start going through those files, it just rattled me that I didn’t and then that came up, okay? Honestly, I’m kind of surprised Rhodey didn’t think of it first and warn me when he called,” he added thoughtfully, “except I’m pretty sure Rhodey hasn’t slept in a lot longer than I haven’t. --Shouldn’t you be bugging him?”
“Colonel Rhodes is not my priority,” JARVIS said mildly. “And I believe he would agree with my assessment of your needs in this situation--as would Ms. Potts, who has repeatedly contacted me from the construction site in Malibu to inquire as to your well-being. I would hate to tell her you’re neglecting yourself.”
Tony stopped scowling at his lukewarm coffee and its noisy mug and moved the scowl to the ceiling. Technically JARVIS’s sensors were at least as dense at mid-wall and in the baseboards, but JARVIS would know what he meant. “You,” he said, “are a cheating cheater who cheats.”
“You did build me, sir.” JARVIS’ voice was extra-bland. He only did that when he was very pleased with himself. Tony sure as hell hadn’t made that part of him.
Artificial intelligences. They grew up so fast.
“Fine,” Tony said after a moment. “I won’t go down that particular rabbit hole anymore tonight, alright? No more looking to see how long Obie was working for Hydra, no more sniffing around what happened when—” His hands clenched tight enough to hurt and he made himself relax.
“I won’t follow up on the ‘was Obadiah Stane involved in the car crash’ angle until tomorrow. In fact, I won’t look at the secret files anymore. Just give me a few more minutes to finish up a couple trains of thought about other things from them, and then I’ll call Pepper myself, okay?”
“If you must, sir.”
Tony really was being good, dammit. He didn’t follow up on anything he thought could be related to Obie or his parents’ death. He didn’t go looking for anything new and unpleasant. He didn’t do anything but follow the money, because Hydra couldn’t have come out of nowhere. Once they got into the US government, sure, money wouldn’t be an issue, but how do you get your secret little evil organization off the ground? Couldn’t exactly ask around for angel investors.
No, all he was doing now was hunting for cash. He was going to figure out just how far down the rabbit holes went (the hydra-holes? Something something Hercules burying the immortal head under a rock and the other heads grew two more unless you torched them and arson would cover up a lot of records of failed operations but not all of them and THAT was interesting funding-wise, because to extend the Greek monster metaphor and borrow from that one D&D comic, you actually would get lightheaded and pass out if you had too many heads and too little blood supply to deliver oxygen and so they needed some stable sources of income in this heads-are-evil-operations-blood-is-money metaphor and again, once you were embedded in a government organization, you could totally just use that funding, but they weren’t like that to begin with and if you were going to get started as mostly outside a government operation in the US but needed the ties to get in, you needed money, and leverage, and that meant organized crime, and that meant—)
Long story short, he was looking up the history of various criminal organizations in the US and trying to figure out which ones might have been started by Hydra, or which other, older organizations they might have taken over or just steered in the ways they wanted. That meant reading about, among other things, the Mafia and their various sources of revenue going back to--based on what he knew about business and networking and family ties and inheritance and seriously, fuck you, Obie--about a generation and a half before the official, formal rise of Hydra as a Nazi science organization, to see if that would connect up with ties made even later when Hydra people came over in the fifties. So basically, large-scale criminal enterprises from the early 1900s on.
Maybe it took a little more than a few minutes.
On the other hand, it was a particularly fascinating more-than-a-few-minutes. People had gotten homicidal over really weird shit in the dark ages. Street gangs beating up people until they sold a different newspaper--now that was aggressive marketing. Tony still hated pop-up ads--Stark Ad Annihilator was the best adblock software on the market for a reason, that reason being that Tony had been bored and hopped up on decongestants one day and--anyway. Still better than getting stabbed to death. And then of course there were the hilariously inventive ways people had come up with of making, smuggling, and secretly serving booze during Prohibition, and that was probably where he really ought to be looking if he was going to follow the money. But there were all these interesting little spinoffs, like—
“The mob owned a lot of gay bars?” Tony said out loud, frowning. “What, like—’da boss says love is love. Dis is an equal-opportunity institution’?” He snickered. (It was not a giggle.) “That’s probably too funny to be accurate.”
“Indeed, sir,” JARVIS said. “The article you are about to click on reports, in summary, that the mafia had a great deal of expertise in running illegal nightclubs. When Prohibition ended, some mob bosses saw an opportunity to maintain this revenue stream.”
“That makes a decent amount of sense. Not very funny, but—” He waggled his hand. “Could see da business sense.” He snickered again.
“Quite,” JARVIS replied. “Sir, I must remind you—”
“Yeah, yeah. Just a few more minutes, J.” Tony glanced up briefly. “Promise.”  
“I will hold you to it, sir.”
Tony nodded absently— “sure, whatever”--already looking through a few other databases. The proto-SHIELD organization had been based in New York City for a while--with other offices elsewhere--before its official rebranding and move to DC, which meant he was looking for people with behind-the-scenes pull in NYC in the fifties.
“JARVIS, if you’re mother-henning, help me out and open up a few Google searches.”
“Sir?” JARVIS sounded marginally offended.
“I need crappy, surface-level information. Broad strokes. Your searches are too good. Give me anything they’ve got for searches on banking, politics, real estate, whatever pseudoscience or spiritualism was big at the time, and hell, why not, the LGBT community--all of those--in the twenties, the thirties, and the forties, and then take those results and show me anything that cross-references with our SHIELD people of interest in the fifties or later.”
A pause.
“Done, sir.”
“Anything good?”
“A few more data points to cross-reference with other sources. We may have the beginnings of a paper trail on the history and extent of Mr. Stane’s involvement with the organization, related to his business ties before Stark Industries, but—”
“Skip that,” Tony ordered. He wasn’t going to go into that. Not tonight. Not until he had everything he needed to chart out the whole festering shit-show and deal with it all at once.
“As you wish, sir. Two, perhaps three, of the prominent city council members at the time may have had ties to Hydra, most likely unknowingly. A housekeeper’s murder may have been precipitated by something she overheard rather than her affair with her employer, although the perpetrator may be the same woman as originally suspected. There may be more behind the apparent suicide of a SSR agent and a deadly riot at a movie theater than was originally suspected as well--though in those cases the revelation is the extent of the foul play, not its presence. There are also a few cases I have flagged as false positives. Would you like to review those?”
Tony stood up and stretched, his spine popping. Ow. “Sure,” he said, yawning, “they’ll be funny. And then I’ll call Pepper and go to bed,” he added, rolling his eyes, “so don’t say anything.”
“That is wonderful news, sir.”
The false-positive Google searches appeared as holographic screens around him. The first one was about a shady real estate deal that Hydra clearly hadn’t had a hand in, because the fact they didn’t own a particular piece of land later was a real hindrance to them, so that was good. The triumph of run-of-the-mill white-collar crime over evil. Or something.
The next few were restaurant reviews, for some reason. About all they proved was that foody talk from seventy years ago was just as weird as foody talk today, except people back then had really really liked preservatives as much as they really really hated them now.
Another search result was a Buzzfeed article: “17 of Howard Stark’s most hilarious parking tickets.” Apparently his dad had had a bad habit of just leaving cars lying around once he’d modified them with anti-theft mechanisms. One had sprayed a cloud of skunk musk at the officer leaving the ticket. Judging by the comments, people thought this was hilarious. They were all missing the point of the collateral stink-damage to bystanders and nearby cars. Tony could do it better than his dad ever had. Tony could do better in his sleep.
That left a sour taste in his mouth. --His brain? His mouth tasted awful, come to think of it, like the stale coffee now gone stone-cold at his elbow and too long without sleep, but that wasn’t the point. He needed mind Mentos, was the point. Next false positive.
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(this is the actual search result!)
Tony started cackling.
“Are you alright, sir?” JARVIS asked.
“Yeah,” Tony said, clicking on the flagged article. “Yeah, I’m fine. What, this came up because of—?”
“Confluence of a known Hydra target and the search term ‘queer 1930s Brooklyn.’”
“Like the rainbow mafia, that makes sense when you think about it.” Tony shook his head. “Oh man, I’m gonna tell Cap that someone’s turned their history project on him into the history of Grindr.”
“He blushes like a lobster. This’ll be the best. Thank you for this, J, you’ve made my night.”
“Are you going to leave the laboratory at any point in the near future, sir?”
“Yes, Mom, as soon as I read this actual article because even though it’s probably not really about Grindr, I’m sure there’ll be plenty in there I can embarrass Steve with. . . .  --Oooh, excellent subtitle. ‘Mr. Rogers’ Gayborhood,’ I’ll have to . . . .”
He trailed off absently as he realized what he was reading. “Huh. --JARVIS, how deep in the search results was this buried?”
“About halfway up the first page, sir.”’
“Are you alright, sir?”
“Fine, it’s just--really good historical research, kind of light tone, but actually . . . probably not a horny undergrad messing with a history prof on a paper assignment. And the comments are . . . people are agreeing with . . . There are historical documents here.  --OK, real search engine time, JARVIS: is there some sort of, like, scholarly and/or Internet message board consensus that Captain America is gay and I missed it?!”
“It appears to be a topic of heated debate, actually,” JARVIS replied, “the foremost proponents of which are adamant about it not being a joke.”
“Okay,” Tony said, “I know about the clone conspiracy theorists and the Russian conspiracy theorists and the weird cultists and the Reagan administration snake-people conspiracy theorists, and I know he does too. How does Steve not know about this already?”
“He does, sir.”
Tony made a wheezing, squeaking noise, torn between hilarity and incredulity.
“The Captain has apparently been approached on occasion--in person, informally, and inconspicuously, most often by people who have written scholarly articles on the subject—”
“He has?”
“--and has refused to give any meaningful reply one way or another, other than that it’s not really anyone else’s business.”
Tony blinked. He was familiar with that bland kind of shutdown. It did not go well with the picture of flustered, wrong-footed Cap that his head kept trying to give him. He got flustered when he didn’t know what was going on. He got calm and blank and authoritative when he did.
“His refusal to answer questions has been especially marked when asked about his relationship with James Barnes.”
Tony blinked again, reached out on autopilot, and took a gulp of his now definitely too cold and ugh ugh ugh awful coffee.
Once he’d finished gagging and had acknowledged that, yes, his mouth absolutely hated him and this was possibly worse than waking up hungover and tasting stale vomit because he had been sober and in control of his own behavior when he slugged that down, there were no excuses--once he was done with that little ritual of disgust, he frowned, then firmly swiped the article’s display off to one side. “Save that for tomorrow, J,” he said. “And start a new file. I’m getting to the bottom of this.”
“Are you certain that’s wise?”
“‘Is Cap into guys’ is a more fun mystery than ‘did a terrorist organization recruit my dad’s best friend to spike his drink or cut his brakes the night he died so he’d be out of their way,’ JARVIS,” Tony said heavily. “Let me have my fun.”
He might be imagining it, but he thought JARVIS sounded almost gentle when he said, “Of course, sir.”
Tony had been asleep.
He knew he’d been asleep, and he knew he was awake now, and he wasn’t sure when he’d transitioned from sleeping to thinking or if he’d just woken up abruptly. It hadn’t been a nightmare. He was lying perfectly still, his heartbeat was regular, and he wasn’t sweating or anything. He was just lying in bed, awake, aware that he was awake, eyes open and staring at the ceiling.
“JARVIS,” Tony said.
“Yes, sir?”
“The guy Steve wouldn’t tell the Internet people about. That’s the same guy--that really weird message from Natasha . . . . ?”
“So it would appear.”
Tony thought for a minute.
“Well shit.”
“Aptly put, sir.”
Tony look at the ceiling some more.
“Merge the new folder I told you to make with the other one, the—”
“The folder entitled ‘Soviet Winter Reunion Tour or Something, Romanoff is Being Cryptic, Get Steve to Explain When He’s Conscious,’ sir?”
“Yeah, that one. Merge ‘em. Rename, uh, ‘Ancient History, Search and Rescue Edition.’ Mark it high priority.”
“Done, sir.”
“Yes, sir?”
“Send Pepper a bunch of flowers and see if you can maybe find an earlier flight for her to come home.”
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