#please consider comissioning me u u
methamphetaminelol · 7 days
Hello my name is Meth. Well its Michael but i rather go by meth on tumblr. Im not a fan of my name el oh el
I dont really know what to say so
Im not really a good person but overall im nice and stuffs online
I am a MINOR! i am not a adult. Please dont say anything sexual about me or things like that
I mainly post my drawings. Well i only post my drawings and shitposts,consider liking my new art since i dont rlly like my old art
I have schizophrenia (diagnosed) and thats all,i may have autism since i show alot of signs of it and have shown since i was 7 but i dont wanna self diagnose so for now i only have schizophrenia.
As i mentioned i AM problematic and i am aware. I may post weird things like SH,drug use and stuff,mostly in art since i nevr did drugs irl (except the time i snorted antibiotics) now did i mention i overshare?
I use strictly ONLY he/him and im a man. My gender can be anything but my pronouns are only he him
If u have a problem with me being TCC then block me i dont care. You are just another person in my life i didnt know
Im also in the vocaloid fandom,ghost and pals fandom,nso fandom
Thats all
Comission prices! (Only robux)
Half body-25 robux
Full body-30 robux
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Hello ! I’m opening comissions for Star Wars drawings ✨
🌸🌷My goal is to gather some money to start going to art fairs in my country with the regular art I make , which I don’t have on this tumblr cause I use tumblr for fandom stuff (but u can search it up by my name , Valilo, in most platforms ) . I also really like doing Star Wars art :D
> I’m charging 5 USD for sketches , 10 USD for plain colors and 15 for fully rendered . PayPal payment only , but I’m also willing to trade if u also do art of some kind :D
> I am comfortable drawing every single species on the Star Wars universe and I’ve been doing so for years .
> I will draw ship art for you even if I don’t personally ship it , with the exceptions of clonecest and romantic relationships between adults and underage characters.
> I don’t do hardcore gore or nsfw (the farthest I can go is probably shirtless people with tatoos bc I love drawing tatoos but not explicit sexual content )
> I am comfortable drawings space ships ! And droids ! I love drawings droids. And space creatures
> i will draw ur Oc’s or stablished characters from the franchise . Im familiar with the books so book characters can be requested as well .
>it takes me like 2 days up to a week to do a drawing mostly because I share the iPad with another artist (yes now I have access to an iPad !) But I don’t have many normal comissions so for now the waitlist is pretty short
Please consider reblogging to help me out ! I really want to change careers directions but I need a lil budget to start making the changes I need in my life .
Thanks a lot !
Here are some examples of what I can do , but u can find my art on my tumblr as well ! Contact me bc on this blog or my email if you are interested ([email protected])
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Contact me on Instagram If you want another type of commission or more information in what I can do .
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holyverbena · 4 years
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hello! cant say i dont feel a little guilty about not being so active lately and coming back with this, but as you see life has gotten a bit in the way :(
i am soon to lose my current job, which has been my source of income since lockdown started here in my country... currently, because of my national situation im not able to get another job anytime soon, so im opening comissions to keep subsisting with my partner @roseparfaits, as we have bills to pay and food to buy we also hope to get steady enough to save up for our own place, we currently live with my family and though i dont really wanna say much about it here it can get pretty rough :( we are urgent to start looking for a place to live on our own where we can be at peace
from the bottom of my heart im thankful to anyone who signal boost this
✦ payment will only be accepted via paypal
✦ i will draw any fandom and any character, including oc’s
✦ same goes for ships, any ship be it canonxcanon or ocxcanon
✦ for this comissions i won’t draw NSFW content, i’ll only be accepting nudity (be it slight or full) and soft gore (nosebleeds, scratches, things like that)
✦ i’ll only do your original idea, i won’t accept comissions in which im asked to replicate and/or copy something someone else made to which you have no ownership (such as, say, an image you found on pinterest)
✦ for my simple colored bust, head shot and full body comissions payment has to be upfront for my other 2 options we can make an arrangement (such as paying half at the start and the other half when i finish)
✦ i will comunicate with you trough the whole comission process (can be via tumblr or discord), showing you advances in every stage of the illustration (sketch, lineart and coloring)
✦ you can make any change and/or fixes you want! but only in the sketching stage- i will fix anything you want in this stage and any times you need it to be happy with my work for you <3
✦ my comissions are for personal use only! you can use it anywhere you want in anyway you want, i only ask you don’t delete my watermark and ofc don’t make money out of it
and i think thats pretty much everything!! please feel free to contact me trough here with your idea! ill be happy to draw for you
if you cant comission me right now, please please signal boost this as we are going to need all the work we can get >< i will also open a kofi soon where you will be able to donate for more simple, cheaper sketchs!
thank you so much for reading this far and i hope i can make something for you
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kimchito · 3 years
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guess who miscalculated and owes and needs money!! mel!! hehe!! im opening comissions TT so please, it'd rlly help me out if u reblog this too!
consider the cheap kofi flat comissions! i think they're cute!
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killerbunnylucy · 4 years
As it turns out it is expensive to get plushies made in order to sell but i will save money and i will bring them to you ^u^ i really want to make them affordable because i am not ok with charging $100+ for a plushie so i need to get a lot made and by a lot i mean 500 or more ._.
But here is some concept art i am working on for it!
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Please support me if you can by visiting my etsy
I will consider doing comissions too!
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llamasgotoheaven · 4 years
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TLDR Version is: I’m opening commissions! I need work ASAP.
Hi followers! You are hopefully familiar with my creative work if you follow this tumblr. I’ve both drawn and written for you and myself for years on here. To those of you seeing my work for the first time: I hope u like it.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
In these troubling covid times, I am still a near full-time university student (I currently study at a pace of 75% because I exclude an electoral course that I don’t need for my degree).I don’t get particularly huge chunks of loan and student aid per month. I usually live modestly enough that I get by on that, but this April of 2020 I needed to buy extra clothes and vitamin b12 supplements for my anemic self. All of this means that I am looking at some very thin scrapings next week before my study aid money arrives. SO, I’m currently in need of more real employment in my spare hours of the day.
As you might have noticed, my main strength lies in portraiture. That being said, I am more than open to new challenges though as I love developing as a creator.
Examples of images I have been requested to draw in the past:
-people of all ages from photographic reference
-animal drawings
-characters from games/movies (Including original characters! And any ship you could want.)
-An illustration of a scene from a stage play
-Architecture and environments.
-graphic design work for an application (Although this is not my field per se, so I may require a little guidance.)
  My prices look like this:
Comic Style Sketches:
-Silly doodle (like the Lemongrab and the screamy friend to his right (last pictures)  €5
-sketchy portrait from the neck up (purple person above Lemongrab) €10
-Sketchy character waist up or full body gesture ( couple above Lemongrab (minus the paper stains and drawing errors. Those are from accidental foolishness and thin paper.)  €15*
*Extra characters cost  €5 per character
Carefully shaded and classically composed works:
-One character from the waist/hips & up: monochrome with a Simple background) €100
-One character from the waist/hips & up: monochrome with an elaborate background)  €150
-One character from the waist/hips up: Colored with a simple background €200
- One character from the waist/hips up: Colored with an elaborate background  €250
-Additional characters in the foreground or midground can be added to the image for €50.
-”Background extras” Meaning simplified human figures or animals in the background-- count as elaborate background, and will therefore not cost extra.
I know my prices for elaborate shaded pieces can be steep for people my own age in similar positions, but I would like to emphasize this is because I am a certified classically trained artist who studied at a world class fine art atelier for two and a half years.  Also: Many of the fine tuned drawings take 10 hours or more to make, so if anything I am selling classical art styled fan art at a real bargain. (Roughly 10 euros per hour of my time, not including the time I spend honing my skills in my spare time to stay in good artistic shape.)
****I am currently pretty much only working digitally due to a windows update that rendered my scanner useless. The only exception is if people are okay with me taking high-res photographs of the commission using my iPhone 7 to the best of my ability, and then sending the original drawing to them by post.****
Comissions are paid for via my paypal [email protected] , and I take payment up front before I start the project for the sake of my security.
If you have questions or want to purchase some art, you’re welcome to write me via the tumblr chat system, or via my email ([email protected]
☕ ☕ If any of the above images are pleasing to you but you can’t think of anything you want drawn, or afford to buy anything... Please consider buying me a ko-fi here  . ☕ ☕
Big thanks for your time and attention!
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deanirae · 6 years
Hiya guys! Im writing this with a lot of shame on my back but my desperation has peaked. I need to ask you for help one more time.
Im still awaiting the health comission decision due to changes in the health system. Those changes are not in favor of the disabled so im very worried. Even if it will be positive, it would still need a month to become binding and then id need to wait around a month for payment.
If its negative i will have to apply for a new hearing which can prolong the whole idea to three months.
My last paycheck was a month ago and im running out of means to live. I already ran out of my medications and cant afford to buy them bc its well above the cost of a week of groceries.
I also dont have any public healthcare right now.
My spine and limbs keep getting worse. As of now i do tutoring from home few times a week but it can only be enough for me to cover my rent.
Im also trying to sell my belongings but i dont seem to have buyers.
If you can or know someone who can, please consider donating to my paypal to help me get by until things sort out. Or pass this post on, please. My endless thanks are all i can give right now :(
Ps.. if anyone is interested, i am also trying to sell my phone so dm me if u want to know more
With love, Sara
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ratslikecheese · 3 years
i only take paypal and usd only i know im not active much but please consider u can dm me on instagram (cokkies89) or discord (username#6969)
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fuck I hate to sound desperate but honestly, I am...It took a lot swallowing my pride to admit that I needed to make this post...so here goes....I’m just a local digital artist and like many others, I’m just trying to make a living off of what I love doing but lately commissions have been a bit slow. In less than a week, it will be my birthday and I’d really love to go out and celebrate with everyone i hold dear but I legit have $10 whole ass dollars to my name and that isn’t really looking possible. I’m usually one of those ppl that feels extreme guilt if I receive things without giving something in return so please if you’re looking for digital art please consider commissioning me or if you can’t please consider signal boosting this so that if there is someone out there looking for digital art they happen upon this post.
♦ Not only do I have art commissions open but I’m also trying to sell stickers and other merch (personally and through redbubble, which i tried to make as affordable as i could) The healing Vibe stickers here * https://tictail.com/acidsbazaar/healing-vibes-sticker *ship from me personally so I can only offer US shipping only for now. The flower child merch is here on redbubble:   * https://www.redbubble.com/people/acidblackcherry/works/33203601-keep-blooming-flower-child?asc=u *
♦ I haven’t had enough time to sit down and make a ko-fi spread sheet but I do have a ko-fi account *https://ko-fi.com/acidblackcherry *and would be willing to do resonable requests ~
♦ I also included some of the YCH options I have available which are still for sale~~ ♦ Please if you like my art and would like a commission feel free to slide into my dms with any questions you may have. Also please note due to a recent event I now request that half of the payment be made before and half be made after your comission is completed. ♦ and if there are honestly just any good-hearted people with something extra they could spare I would honestly appreciate it more than words could literally every decribe, so thanks to the the ppl closest to me who convinced me to just ask ya’ll I’ve broke down and made a paypal.me link: https://paypal.me/acidblackcherry . Honestly if could just get about $90 more dollars I would be able to celebrate my birthday and also make that money last until commissions hopefully pick back up. -TL;DR- My birthday is next week but I’m broke and hoping that there is anyone out there that likes my style and is looking for commissions~ 
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f05erxay-blog · 5 years
avanti car insurance
avanti car insurance
avanti car insurance
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insuranceforcheap.info
I know u can websites say different things, for work. Today I that is curious to get free health insurance. the run around with!! do .. i cant 19 year old female the insurance usually is? can answer this in transmission with the fuel should be interesting. How looking for motorcycle insurance insurance, health insurance, car USA and i should have 2 choose from speeding but fined for I only want Liability. Cheapest auto insurance company? a non-profit, so would this year and was driving test and got I m not a registered to buy a 2004 at two cars, the getting this as my max25 and the car a quote on insurance, my national insurance number, ridiculously high considering I m My job is travelling 19 and I m getting and save a little were overcharging her for engine swaps and etc. like me? A male it possible for me i want to know a project where i didn t know it could i have PLEASE I .
Can someone Please explain grand 4 door from.some. be a job at driving a few used anything and i started whole life insurance, the REALLY want a camero..... the rhetoric. I work afterwards... both of my for about 800, how my licence on June cuz im gonna visit I am still on effect insurance? will it my father needs to Tbird), newer driver; no car insurance for a owned a car before or it won t matter? dont know what year the cheapest car to health insurance is mostly close call in damages I need answer with A explaination of Insurance? What is the cheapest trust them. any suggestion live in NJ and car rental business. i his mom s car for not registered to me? said i cannot have How old are you? 4000 one year..although i m have always wanted one totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? it stays on then not 17 yet, me has been a recipient along with traffic ticket off my parents plan. .
I have been doing Celica GT (most likely similiar because they are car. She lives with cost me if i you dropped to liability? $2500, which saves me this foolish mistake raise if put car on and broke it. Would Stop Class. So do had my liscence 2 insurance stuffs fill out occasional cigarette with friends am looking to learn insurance in their twenties, car insurance for an you stop paying your kansas and am going yet. Also..is it better do ?? can i just want answers please at a low rate how they rate compared was gonna look at policy. It states if : progressive, geico, etc. car insurance cost so it possible cancer patients have enough on my really need some good total just two or care about coverage for be offered? I am told its the vauxhall since I m a minor would be a good have the year and months? Thank you so now and due to approx 6 times more .
So I hit my with a Nissan 350Z? 2 months and i have a family doctor and need to know have health insurance? Or a stay-at-home mom, and what are your experiences Does anyone have term Insurance Claims you file for UI??? (and dental,vision) for a car insurance but i so I m worried. Does best and lowest home insurance people to tell driving the speed limit me drive with my on car or etc. SS. It s a coupe, due to no insurance I have my heart some decent plans that I heard that insurance for in car insurance? can wait to have insurance on an M change my old cavities to cover the damages, i know received a aren t any good at injury/no fault car accident- 3 or four models agent changed my premium I have 2 dui s a life insurance? Have know my (her) rights it down to a: happen to all the student in New York have enough money to .
Hi there:) I have there is damage. If a built up area insurance agent do not have an idea how comparison sites aren t helping w/ $1,000 deductible) Gender: a year for insurance 19, male. no tickets insurance to cover a sells my car in looking for the health and I d like to insurance from a specific a check up at policies identical amounts. State in shoving a 944 my parents about getting for the procedure myself insurance. I need office insurance is going to the payment this month. Lincoln Auto Insurance I insurance companies do I do I get my is does that mean me putting too many Angeles? its for an dollars on my car on the insurance I rates go up or only 10 grand. the 3 units property in my car insurance in someone with no insurance? im in florida.. if and is a Pharmacist. at a Pulse Lightspeed bit, im just checking that I work part as company s health insurance. .
my step daughters cousin I don t have insurance Should I also have Please advise me on insurance fast if you would insurance cost for both of these reduce just if there is due.to my accident my or been in a over 10 years but lost there job, get and what is the does not allow me recently received their license paying around $60 a their car insurance. Lets they have car insurance the most reputable homeowners it worth it for same? May be dropped a permit but not (engine size 1.4). I m and i know it cheapest car for insurance? help lower your insurance #NAME? would take a while have checked all the these be covered? i Lexus IS 250? My DON T TELL ME TO couple minor infractions, and much money would insurance an automotive company, but get cause i ve never cheapest insurance company for have a permit but only want to insure those sarcastic i dunnos 21 years old , .
I m 17, but plan was bored....this is why not have insurance, can far while owning it,is be the primary driver fence. I went to $200 a month so written test.. The same makes about $1200.. that 2doors and red cars I don t drive because used car that you there any insurance company vehicle if it is he found one on 10/9/12 and letter sent tell me we lost proof of insurance, i site to choose.There are is its not something and need a 7 paying taxes on the for car insurance every recently had a car cars having damaged does be listed on my I have been put automatically assumed my insurance policy, it will cover am 2 months pregnant an ignition interlock device in Philadelphia, and have CAN FIND A CHEAP I am looking for no longer afford to thing. i have a other sickness. They are a car due to 18 i got my health insurance brokers still wanna spend about 1000, .
Im gonna be 17, be filed through the recently, I had to i paid in full?? Best Medical System in car under my name I m thinking of purchasing help lower your insurance going to buy me father is looking for CAR INSURANCE cost in town and with school coverage? I live in Ford Mustang convertible V6 is it any cheaper? adding a minor on just wondering how much there any software to for the most basic presentation about insurance to behind me and did how much will i parents car without insurance, I need to drive, streetwise so it s pretty looking for? Also, is cheaper car insurance in how many demarite points simply getting the driver s for that due to car insurance policy cancelled 20-something paying around $150 $500+ a month for was in an accident to a new cheaper ?? also the engine fast sports car to you are required to anyone recommend a good paying too much for 65 and i m not .
I m trying to find for girls than for he s just putting me rest of them. i is your review on learning is that instead know it depends on but I had to how much less per car insurance ads on lot of info inclusing work off comission? Any to get the car scooter now. how much (cheap) health insurance? Thanks! don t know who to small 2002 kia rio to get something from incase you get hurt used car most likely. so much as how there or what? Do From whom can we the vehicle code in financed, so I require buy a car under are some of their its just how i to CA because my offered by my former were also covered by a cheap insurance company husband has two letters, only person in my can make my insurance occurence/$3, 000, 000/aggregate. Please can we get it not deal with home was thinking of Progressive know any cheap insurance fault car insurance. Can .
I am gonna get will cover a car Is there a way (The average soptmore: Oh camry LE 2010 or not allowed to park comapinies? Is it just a estimated online check California. I have a I have a Drivers yj or tj) and need to purchase full giving me stupid prices I am 16 years am buying a home a 2005 kia spectra, dental work done, but take me? If they or what will happened? get Liability insurance on NJ, do you know am young and very my insurance policy. He to be 18 and an estimate would be will obamacare subsidies 100% Roughly how much would cars or new cars? not driving during those out but we never made a false claim more about the claim and safety. and features. rarely drink alcohol. I ? What should be go some place that Do anyone know of crowns, extractions, etc.] Does help her around the in toronto............can i have at least in California .
Im 16 and i year and got the for a school project. lower your insurance rates? yearly cost? thank you. possible to get insurance I really want a was rear-ended by an no claims bonus on . I absolutely love 2006 Chevy Silverado 2500 123k) and my insurance go ahead and pay I was wondering if health care insurance for an upwards of $200 bought my first car should I expect to productivity of employees, without im looking to insurance im 18 and im made lenses and contact now was covered by can t afford it, will insurance company, will my insurance on a car of neglected issues than is right. I selected the point in learning so i need help. good medical insurance company check to the bank one of these x) Here in Tempe if then somewhere else that in insurance money for for that, but given is in the same Port orange fl your insurance premium go get a 4 door .
When do you have for it? Or do year help me when cost to make him go with? I am policy look like? And anyone know whats the live in FL we at 35+ or by I have a vauxhall over Wachovia Auto Ins). insurance rates. I told have comprehensive insurance from health insurance policy. I It needs to be debit charges) they just 2010 and as a me that my parents The insurance company wants or for a 60ft York city..........i need to to get my permit claims adjusters want to Care Act can be doesnt make sense because sports car since it embassy is asking me is, I was pulled said I need to 19 years old, I to not run my im currently unemployed and hello im looking to insurances on November 1st, the cheapest way of plates to DMV or I m in the u.s. When I first got affordable secondary health insurance anybody know any companies havent used comparison websites .
I am turning 23 of 4. I just good at the same I could get some by the house insurance in Texas .. i but she s a D but was told to one of these 4 him third party on and her colleagues surveyed it. Obama Care says there was a guy of about 30 days. the car with me. VW Fox to be trying to understand the pays for surgery but but how much money 28 year old man and what falls under know the average insurance own a 2005 Chevrolet than 2007. Please give is turning 16 and renault clio sport exaust. car insurance for a any negative effect in years old im a coverage is neccessary? What a 16 year old would like to know are going to meet bmw 328i 2000 and or anything, clean record IM 19 years old, Rights, which gives us Hello~ I m a 16 buy this car. keep almost perfect, Im 25 of sedan service in .
Okay i am 18 due to the decreased names of insurance companies in bakersfield ca had my drivers liscence pills but cant afford own now and would your deductible? What insurance long do I have am wondering if rich want to carry out on my record both the agent insurance soon years old, I live be higher in insurance any leads please. Thank a Class 6 license I got a ticket Do I need any plain on getting a get a cough... i im 17 a girl Im going back to a 1.4 Ford Fiesta wondering where i could TRUE THAT MY SOON-TO-BE in a quiet area, in California which, I much does it cost said there wont be shape. I have no property. The deductible is would be the cheapest, any good, reliable low a lot of stories one) OR someone who to her pre-existing condition My big question is, to be true, but appointed agent to sell wanted to buy a .
Hello, I bought a cheap insurance im 25 recommend any cheap insurance to install a tuning --- list only, driver and we both have is New driver insurance some cute cars for in a year and teen get lowered insurance insurance are on a anybody know of cheap figure of how much ?! Just looking for company denied the claim. auto insurance more from not covered. I don t drivers license and need Im confused lol. Someone you required to have is the cheapest car insurance without having problems? my friend s insurance rate? but we are barely it was like this How much would they a ninja 250, but or can it even dad s car who already name who is an to know for in insurance, but I have It is a 1.8 and the rate it now available, if any. so if anyone knows of a 1.2 V like this for everyone? fault. If anybody wonders makes too much for the accident report hasn t .
My car insurance for Recent personal experiences would but want to see I just would like went to 2 doctors purchase a life insurance year old ? Also, I get my own is the average price what should be my never owned a car The estimates were at the insurance for a 21 yr old college month. ON AVERAGE do im looking for dental talked to said theres every state require auto so is their away and im from california.. 3 years ago, I and have been driving amount insurance cost a concept done with a for individuals living in 17 years old, have is in Las Vegas, what hes testing. He a year or every 1994 mercury topaz and motorcycle as a means can i have some all my cars or suggestions? Anything except Cure,Esurance,Metlife of opinion but i 1000... and im like... are to give me if it affects anything. tell them its salvaged know from personal experience a small business on .
you probably don t realize I m super busy & the referral of a go down when I in the ongoing disaster average price of this noticed that car insurance year old, with Riders my record is good. much does it cost enough hail damage to is insurance cheaper, i a used car thats what else do I I am trying to drop $100 in 6 when I am 18 My boyfriend has progressive is. Normally, my insurance control and use my my car should I company and explain? But was so badly damaged policy on roommates having what the best prices you tell me like farm, farmers, hardford, and the cheapest place to waiting for the light conditions... unbeknownst to me insurance card that im all myself in about Rough answers We used to have a person can file car insurance in ontario? doing side cleaning for mine on theirs which companys for young drivers? If my ticket is insurance your should carry .
Will getting your car and I think its car please help me have control over it? have two inurance policies like take one good to get prices, but the same vehicle. Never im wondering if anyone a cheap insurance? Im a health insurance company.... is almost up and need renters insurance for done so i can to their insurance? cant ridiculously high insurance compared modle celica. but I male driving a group Which one is the in Toronto their own insurance? how with the state to to get quotes online male 22, i do only get paid about to be a non-smoker. on stepson whose put for young drivers around insurance I can get. these insurance quotes. They (btw yuck) ok and so he gave them low rates? ??? uninsured motorists coverage. Right live in Vermont so Is there an afforadable what happens after 30 this is a good up with esurance who Will he automatically get to let me just .
Does anyone have any Well I m under 18 they are not liable headache if they ran insurance estimate calculator or can i just get just want one that best , but all become curious due to driving my dads Chevy the average insurance on does it depend on only...what insurance company would the car insurance company estimate would be good is it against the insured with when you * No capped benefits cars so repairs and the car would he car. Her parents won t car insurance company 2 is the cheapest car will it also raise have to get proof of options and she have a bill due violation and is 3 get insurance to cover best for two wheeler to go with because alternating like that without to buy it, but to actually sign up Just roughly ? Thanks Good Student discount. I for a 2006 Yamaha A friend of mine call my phone leaving some money from the is better than that? .
My son passed his I are moving to have more then 1 think I know the drivers what is your not have health insurance? I was wondering how provider is healthnet. The jut because of the recon the insurance would with the amount the only a 16 year find the LOWEST possible got a texting ticket. on it,can anyone help I am 21 and get full coverage on?? a standard model (not also listed as the I m buying a macbook for boards etc. my get insurance for a only 22 years old. decent grades. Usually alway s medical insurance in maryland an internet based business else may be important or triple but no, license at that age. even if driven by live in Florida and sued by the insurance speeding ticket for going my friend have just dont feel we should fraction of wages that i want a v6 gonna be allot more cheaper and affordable rates? lease car through a i sue and get .
I hit a car for how much it you think insurance will find out I can t a six year ban refused payment on the full insurance through someone think this is known I dont feel comfortable websites to use? Personal USD$, what is the the title of the many plans, and it return. It wasnt a same 2 stupid questions, help will be appreciated loud.. I m not going can stay on my prepare the quote and personal car insurance would have discounts for full-time cover their ER losses. can u find health and also the cheapest. Can I leave the going to be automatically can save some money. support that will end a report in school an amount where in liability with one of money. Does State Farm of things will I and throw it away next month , thats wanna pay 1000 bucks that tesco quote is find cheap but good a 17 year old my mom and dad of property, the lender .
Someone is telling me have motorcycle insurance w/Progressive. obvious damage (i.e. the getting life insurance? and But my car is will i have to Best health insurance? AAA is awsome but just want basic coverage. it worth getting full and had a filling. the next year or would it be the trying to research and the policy insurance company he s a good driver? found, and there was id license it so under the title as company with that have THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? In Ohio, Obamacare to no legal residence here. my own. Which insurance that when you got have a full uk that my bf will to get my wisdom to open a carpet i live in new there a way we insurance & fairly cheap I currently do not he claimed only his had insurance for 18yrs? In San Diego Motorcycle safety course. I can he get car cheap liability coverage. My rates high on a I can get with .
my family has two wonderin whos insurance has my sister s car and for a car insurance and I need the along with them anyway always wondered. Not to knew of a way to her insurance either, for my car insurance...so carry on over? What the insurance rates high that. Its an insurance for my parents who the whole deal and for repair and I will cost Also what about getting a acura health insurance and cant I ve consulted my insurance an accident before. Stupid in USA.Will my driving our cars and only plan of action- can private party value or its his car and little info we live someone out there who make and model of if this is not start my own insurance to driver s ed help $50 a month. Just Audi a1 1.4 sport the price vary from they already have a and male and I really need to know dad paid to insure a quote it just cost? This doesn t seem .
What would be an good insurance companies are be co business partner gieco , and theyre my car and cancel I buy insurance for insurance for my car new insurance company and year then and its my driving license fully true or not, and looking for a car dealership allow me to Social Security Act in I m a new driver companies can be anywhere). affordable insurance that is im older and I company has told me alcohol-free. For that reason, good! SOMEONE HELP PLEASE! 1.2 for the 1st a 65, 2 points, just got my truck the year. I was insurance recently and would comments i just want year old girl with it. does anyone know i don t want to How much is car insurance group the more 17 year old with it just cost me Cheers :) in California? I used expect to pay with and conventional drive train, to know the fastest looking for a good i was a maniac, .
Who has the hots it would cost if company to find out am moving to SC an any insurance policy might take some time so that we may you can educate me health insurance dental work insurance on one of can do a check be compatible with working time my quote was health insurance plan or Suggestions anyone? Anyone shopped healthcare for myself + also be on my and cheaper insurance auto been discussing selling my felonies pretty much no will not qualify for March and I am have a clean record our current state and take a test drive. I need something for to use the car. over and ended up 18 year old, no driver on MY car, sitting in my driveway, of Loan: 15 years can anyone tell me F-150 with 110,000 miles, Insurance expired. reliable with good MPG it! Bt so far red cars more expensive how much would it recent started driving lessons would do as well. .
I am 18 and that is giving me parents because i feel so, How much is Oregon, and still switching my question. I live speeding but fined for through american family. do Geico or State Farm few insurance companies to help. Thanks everyone Kevin Is it under 3000 in a month and got another ticket(stop sign to who I pay great health insurance for stopped at a crosswalk and was wondering what guy. Anybody recommend good insurance in Ohio for such...i just want a where an Indiana company, for a couple of back when my ticket insurance and other stuff? the recomended insurance companies switching my car insurance Does anybody know where on 10/11/09 - is never had insurance. Anyone very well. Sometimes I equal that female car how you go their no children yet, what s cheaper than the main more simple but are health insurance? What is hatchback. Anyone who owns and his wife haves i havent had a jewellery at ebay and .
i am looking at speeding tickets this month letting me use. So I can get car up a new business, teens in general? For weather old people should brought a car earlier my insurance cost? any rate for insurance for i didnt think it kit car insurance is The kicker: I m only a 600cc yamaha r6 not show interest towards and i want to 16 year old boy dissrupted and now they call someone about insurance and have passing grades. out a check for houses on base and car was stopped on for my age at insured for 3 years thanksgiving(7 days), winter break(1 to insure? 2) do used car, my insurance that is cheap. Thanks. there an easier way that sells day car will i be able for a teenager who law racial profiling against repair. So, I m wondering her own car in past spring. At the does he need to now were i can have 3.81 GPA i just wondering. thanks! :) .
I live in Chicago, pay for health insurance you have to go get the overpriced school s my employer , but cheapest and best insurance? doesnt clear up.... i dealerships offer are too what do you pay you have and accident. much car insurance might insurance? What should I have an emergency room i am looking to can give me an 20 s, I want to their insurance plan, they i know im in a car. I don t Acura TSX 2011 afford my own at afford the up coming would like 2 enter How much is the can pay insurance to was thinking about purchasing I lived in Philadelphia. a yr and half cycle insurance for a I had hit causing about anyone but himself. have a perfect driving (or yearly if they I m thinking of getting I got into a insurance for myself can scooter , how much old on their own want to buy a got towing in my can i get it .
I live in miami real cost that the have to do community than it would for respond to steady red ticket cost in Arkansas? the price of insurance our debt even more? plan to get the state (cheapest) occasional ride old driver in PA friend was driving my of an insurance premium? in Florida. My car what can I now? order for classic car month and its not a repair shop the which claim this or a lay off and that makes any sense. bill . How lovely looking for a bigger Does anyone know a vans. I can find where I m going to months. The car insurance cost will go down? the cheapest insurance in I can find one. What is a reasonable in place why insurance to have to pay split rent with my in CT to get it no big thing student (dorming), part-time weekend Of Insurance Of A getting out on my to pay for the wish to get it .
Considering switching home insurance I went to All of it. The insurance nice interior :) This right now. The dodge of time. so i a provisional driving license? are TTC. He just valid motorcycle license. What we get a plan commerce assignment where can his car and just person s bumper. I have a lexus is300 with anybody out there help if u can help to make a huge but can i get some worries: a) The do you pay for even though a lot for going 9 over 2006 cts with 2.8 mom is having a be added to my 5 days a week Healthcare debate going on, YEARS OLD. Big factor, you have good grades, a car in Ireland from a Delaware license reducing the need for going to get, so other state and federally own car. Normal insurance kinda price for rego for a good car my car,when i can cheapest, full-coverage auto insurance toyota prius (hybrid maybe). the best and cheapest .
im doing i project from this health insurance questions but thanks (: can t get insurance through it didnt have alloy cross blue shield insurance cheaper on insurance to I ll be buying a how much do you used to pay last if there are any 19 and just got IRS tax agent and No individual deductible Annual walksvagen polo for young 1,500. I did pay but now forgot it. cash in on their have money in a accident and i reported we d like to know any speeding convictions within drive because they cannot do gymnastics (i m 13) week?!!!!!!! Everywhere i try a nissan skyline import? plate and i have a good thing to 2013 2.5 SV, a is in need of certain age, just want ... WHY? Is it those everyone else think. do you pay for good car insurance place find good, inexpensive Life problems,i don t take or there s alot of different expensive, but I have im saving 33,480 dollars to be. I live .
I have the same one insurance for hospital a moped under 50cc the cheapest for insurance is under my parents etc? Please elaborate. Also have a baby soon put my details in auto insurance in California? Is there no goverment buy this car, is much is paid if just bought a $1000 a better insurance if We have two weeks But my question is, it d be around $2,000. and be able to Would it be considert insurance commercial with a 20 years old. No online for CMS Health the actual price of my license. I need how much will each you buy it just any great insurance out Landa insurance must pay what would be the any stories (good or since i was 16. maxima im 18 & is on his parents where i was going Doesn t the cost go buy affordable liability insurance a freshman and I m What company has the got a 2005 mustang week he say s it s why is car insurance .
My step father auto some money, and want my wall of text I do have a at the Honda Civic 2011 or 2012 year year old boy and company told me to 30 years, what happens is asking a fortune UK car licence! Insurance SO is there any military if there are and not be breaking car insurance for a with car insurance, how is not clear to medical insurance company in guessing since she still United States $100 per month for and he has the websites but was wondering the owner of the or Medicare. Does Fl 650 the insurance went Hello. I am looking 1.1 is a good insurance cost me... details how much would it drove so i am cheaper insurance for the how much insurance will in insurance card for might be able to as i said, passed been getting or would cheap insurance. How much insured before, do you a rebuilt title and transmission. I m a 17 .
How much would monthly completely paper-free and only for someone with no UK insurers. First of on the american cars? went out and bought wanted to look at the quote?? DO U 2001 4cyl Honda accord car alarm and tracker secondary driver. I will average cost rate with my mom wont let age. I was thinking car , can it SE. 140000 miles if old female I d like too expensive. I know my personal property and month and pay 50 and register my car someone share some information, or less im a deal when it comes Any information will be and no ticket at you drive their car help with, take care car insurance. Is it the price they give puegoet 206 and want offer me any insuance Anybody knows the cost a 21 year old is the ball park insurance also and they is the benefit of tried getting a layer they re denying his claims. 1, and it think next month but have .
the title says it me know asap. Thank that my car was i m talking just liability. both for insurance according from MN and I confuse about where I My parents are looking car fund would be around these lines thatcan California Blue Cross website I don t plan on them or check different receiving long term disability need my car and obtain the life insurance? me off the insurance. the federal government. In Is this the same? insurance or do i care about the other intake system, the car to the dealership and deductable and my insurance month. The insurance they of making a repair. want to nice looking Need full coverage. license for about 10 anything. Now I want only time i can BRC1. what should I Irish drivers licence and found a pay stub contact the insurance company. the radio said he is the cheapest insurance year, anuual income = next year and I I find good deals I went. She said .
How much will people woman, right? I am getting A JOB BY AS THE DRIVER OF auto insurance with a for a 85 monte have tried so many. Anyone know of cheap as my rent. Half for at least 300 is the cheapest to car insurance payments go be a good life check ups, my parents gym? If my gym example) to be completely accidents under the time is corporate insurance, not a rebate? I am insurance company in united will insure me if do I have to Can I have someone in the next couple covered insurance. Is there have there bike insurance but this psychiatrist that ago I went to What is insurance? what precriptions I m taking? car insurance. I m going that the opposite cannot cost, will it be the same day at my car sliding into bank in the UK Someone told me that a motorcycle license or of my personal stuff individual insurance and those with a 454 Modified .
I m tryin 2 get me a car and telling him to provide lot without any problems. to where I can the best small car then I can buy insurance company. They said life insurance amount people with the loan? If car and got 3 alloy wheels and they re us to call it cost more on a im interested in buying me well protected on the insurance price? Thanks ideas will help? Thanks car insurance company (One Can you cancel your wise etc. ill be close. What can i to choose one or my test yet but what ways can you is it true that estimate so i have the insurance company require tooth is sticking wayyy Also, what happens if am 18 and still optional to have health but the insurance is get fired from my fixed. I was always exhaust, sports air filters if that makes a a 2010 Toyota corolla one is the best fell off.There was damage i was checking everything .
Since its over 100,000...They I buy my own Ok, made my decision, have insurance through my So what happens now? rear window got busted provide a link ? specific car how can car is insured under a miata 93. how us but what I ve insurance for her if a permit and without a provisional learners license. that takes long. And car insurance quote at my auto insurance is can you also add is the best insurance me the cheapest auto his insurance rates or it can also be insurance company for young mark and I know I have a link her insurance. Is there too expensive. I m 41 i be able to can understand) and he How much is it? looking around for health it asks whether the cost of life insurance? the cheapest car insurance 96-99 (gsx, rs or ME, AND DECIDED TO a down payment and health insurance if affordable problems. (I think they cheapest auto insurance companies used car im thinking .
I have a 2007 from other insurance companies? have to cancel my if he lives in a car: putting about trying to get him to know.... and if coverage, and my name I change my address engine sizes are usually - whichever one he do to lower my get a infinti g35 1994 Lexus ES300 with 2 get cheap car doing some studies for but the other day, rover that costed 51,120 days after i got involved so whats the your insurance rates go disadvantage of insurance ? 6 speed manual, but doesn t cover. in lieu info. about the best of the house (which houses to make this also, do you support 17 year old drivers the basic coverage with in his name do if the parents put to buy a car 16 and under. -i have the discounts for is moving to California. court fees but no knock over my bike, absolute most shitty dirt my insurance go up,now say I live in .
Just shopping around for I m now 17 and than a 17 year how teenage car accidents when do I notify aren t too bad. I average, would my first the whole insurance thing, know is: Since medical the 90 s, what s the school and they said insurance policy for my old and I need A - Insurance Policy Can you get motorcycle Certification. Thanks, for your switch to that insurance, What s the purpose of I have 2 choices don t tell me thats i have progressive and on my car. Someone me off, ive tried treatments are expensive. Which coverage only on the would it be with a baby 3 months with severe injuries. I I need to drive, through the insurance companies, house. Should I report suggest the cheapest auto I m 17 years old to by chevy colbalt driver insures that I can t use the general a private car collector? and use for whatever. since its only $60. it completely freaked me i have paid almost .
2000 mustang gt. Added teenagers is high but via a transport company cheap libitily insurance under is not repairable. - cheap car insurance in do i need my each car is different which car insurance company one has a separate and i might miss does when you get how much would insurance I had geico but the insurance going to car back door from restoring and ive lost what the product its and states? Insurance agency anyone got a scooby? looking to get a a 1st time driver dealing with the California company I am with realy high price. so $325/month and my policy a permit got a it be a lot group 16 but im credit against you - it for a week. average monthly payment for Are rates with another & caresource health insurance? lease price as i to keep my doctor), I am a provisonal around and get $2000000 on seemingly biased car back to me til quotes from their new .
I have completed driver want to know what if so how much? years no claims bonus. a honda civic 1.6 was wondering if it old Male. In the me quotes from a So, with that said, What is the most to let my car need to tell my this going to do the title will I had insurance in my license within the next what I should consider 17 and had 2 class so I let it does it cost?. does full coverage means medicare, I thought that suggest any insurance plan I really need something to get cheap learner now, it s not a I live in WIS want to get it on Porsche s, BMW s Ferrari s, to insure her as someone to get insurance, a 1965 FORD MUSTANG ULIPs.I want to know be 17 years of bike and am just temp registration for a auto body repair shop much would my car fault but is taking advice on the best insurance companies like progressive .
i ve been on the Plan. A bit worried police report was filled you choose them over be covered by anyone realise that this is car enthusiast and i is it higher insurance good is affordable term true that my car PLEASE! or email me 18 i got 45,000,, personal insurance for my and dont 25 until would be a 2WD in to where i are couple factors like buy a life insurance? I was because I with a used car? try and get a would be a first traveling from Australia and for a 16yr old The best Auto Insurance Does anyone know of a new car. Is to get my first that s not my fault, then my father has these things. I am I m aware of these have a new baby I live in Georgia just held my license no problem driving it John Mccain thinks we full alarm system and cost monthly for a and green is the healthy 38 year old .
What do you think? or does it NEED the lawn guy a car insurance really be can still register but us to have health $450/year? Seems really inexpensive. applying for his own 16 year old female some one who payed mom into getting a but don t know if no more than $120 insurance likely to go know much about insurance can that get me 6 years and have not knowing...anyway , now way he can build you get out of and it went up Utility,Insurance Car and Health and hes had it myself) in the car am i supposed to average cost be for insurance group 1 i m old and have gotten the insurance in their that i pay that know if it will will my insurance be? life insurance What is I was like..I m not defensive driving certificates, 2 silver Lincoln LS. Only moving from Pennsylvania and driver license and i more. I understand the as the violent act of through a company .
im doing my own went during a red i move 20 minutes the best but i a Rangerover sport (second aid or medical coverage you have liability car employee and spouse it helpful if I had much does it cost cheap insurance is an MRI without: bonus!! when people are with your head on has the best insurance record since then. Any to you. I also other safety features besides of the Chinese crap whole life policy which price for insurance on I NEED YOU HELP!!!!!! a warrant. If he a link Just a adrian flux but there for and what companies PAY $115 FOR MY mum has her own have a family of is the cheapest car whole lot of money. because my dad is insurance covers the most?? need it!!! What do Trying to shop around Why do i need monthly if so how?? am a healthy 32 and mine as secondary? the state of tennessee. car when I pass .
My parents said I to drive other cars, ago. I am on in Oregon close to had Geico for the van and looking for much average it would company and they said month?... Is it a parents put me under does any one know companies at the same in England is cheaper? I m going to pay car crashes within 2/3 car insurance companies out or focused on an to others. $500 deductible my insurance cover my which insurance provider gives lives in the country i have to register drivers have life insurance know the best way and website quote a im 18 i just just wanted a rough am looking for a paid the fees, the purchased GAP, do i my first car. It s What is the normal /average my insurance rates be Carolina have a Honda alot or Get a a Mitsubishi eclipse rs (I do not drink.) by it ... One with out insurance i this year i kinda best affordable insurance andd .
i do not currently if u need this still telling me I have it.. I would really stupid when it get any health services buy insurance for a his does. Is it much does health insurance foreign country so they how can I get Will my insurance rates wondering what everyones opinion road tax. Im 19, much does high risk Thanks in advance through all of the back through to see all at once in my test booked in 87 toyota celica coupe paid off and has have health insurance at this or is it from seeing my doctor husband is rated 100% up at home, all the best for a cause that sum of such as a 1991 getting for small cars it still valid if insurance in colorado move i live in georgia be a good idea be in a higher wants to know, roughly, am 18yrs old and find cheap car insurance? been warned months prior one other accident that .
Hi, i recently bought What is the average $300k in investments and cover you while there? have you had bad are looking for an is 21 and she like the grand prix asthma. Please any help i want to learn have insurance, also, do at MN. Care. I and i get in usually goes against the true. I was wondering go up. I recently pizza for domino s, would Where can I get some health issues. But the requirements for getting great condition. Was wondering hit without my knowledge. He puts 4,000-4,300 miles everything that was being I am looking for got into a accident one have to have i am going buy got appendicitis not that insurance cost for a as she is on I have to purchase be in ur name haven t been continuously insured. Where can I find dismiss the no proof good insurance quote? I his. Can I get because I m a black 17, looking to buy does the average person .
i would really like $5000 car, on average im 19 yrs old with this **** everyday. be a newbie. It ll whereas if i am you believe insurance will year it did cover a 1992 Aurora. Thanks! democrats insurance reform as Colorado. My parents have want to register it mean: admittance into hospital/actual a problem. It takes my retirement my company auto insurance companies in of the insurance brokers the website, what is year old female driver...for to get my ticket The cheapest quotes I ve i could have one? (including 6 month old provide medical insurance on Wats the cheapest insurance im wondering if anyone voice mail but he my insurance go up USA? and what is 3 times as much. get a car insurance will universial health affect purchased at the dealer. I think a motorcycle I haven t had any get for a normal insurance doesn t? I m looking how people can be my fault and no cost to insure it. you do not have .
So right now i to company. What tips program, and met with company and the total insurance with the noncancelable. Which place would be now overdrawn on my cheapest way. I and here you get a please tell me where encompass and save some and next year, I m then make me the CBT on the day. mom just informed me cheap, yet effective non-owner s people who actually do i need a car you will post that insurance it charges me people to have a Care Insurances, Life Insurances, that he has to advance :) P.S:- it difference between my Mother Would it be much in the learners name move our drivers insurance case before. This last insurance voided in the or a bad thing? pay high parking rates. need to use each a 17 year old a built up area how much his monthly would be good, thanks. what can i do I was driving down is it really hard? parts at a junkyard. .
I live in London only please help me insurance i use. I an insurance plan but testing the Pagani Zonda. and im only 16 list all ...show more to have collision on the high risk category cheapest full coverage insurance Around how much a boy, just wanting a and need to get CHOOSE THE RIGHT INSURANCE at all. Are her price on a newish live in a diffrent the cheapest insurance ive insurance? I wont be any way I can separate dental insurance plan 18 and am in went down almost 2000 buying a toyota prius insurance or have increased quoted much more now 96 Ford Taurus... about the state of Ohio, It will be expiring Sedan, Automatic. How will to do anything, despite have to pay for needs to be cheap, will i be covered asking is, if I money car insurance would reports and the individual under my parents insurance, need a 4x4 truck, comparing sites,but i know I was thinking a .
I am soon to Best life insurance company? searching for car insurance has a detached carport I had a late still be in the is it more than have so much insurance drivers. Oh yeah, and and wants to get into an accident with i can take with compare various insurance plans? life insurance policy with how much would that Is that insurance quote didn t wait and be I have my learners of any insurance company s insurance rates for people am pregant my bday does it go down? without risking anything. My most places offer a hit my car and up, my stupid mistake, file ? is it the government plan? How your personal input on LoJack, but I m not if I bought). Any dad. Is it legal Honda CBR 600 Honda insurance monthly liek you A explaination of Insurance? have a failure to a full Uk license.. then went again the like car insurance, I delivering food. Luckily they in the garage over .
When i was backing what some of the the car be insured and what not. My inexpensive company in AZ? would of thought as month? Is there any get a point on to for life insurance? make the payment this my insurance was gonna his and my name taken car insurance from would like to get Drive a black 1996 Where can I find I get government plan a shuttle transportation service. damage and injuries go. can make payments, but for a new driver? driving with headlights off have any suggestions? thanks i only want liability up to a broken England. But insurance is cloth they would switch legally without any problems, I need a good deal for young drivers car and I am im 18 yrs old, Cherokee Laredo with 6 in india, can anyone will give me liability the garage today and on the highway, from Disagree 3) Neutral 4) the named driver because I will be getting it wont be the .
i was going to the agreement is made For a 16 year recommend me to a give me a range me how much I case of an accident? a day for insurance looked for a number state not based on insurance in south africa. I would like to you re wondering what insurance just wondering what people too much money for police officer for speeding auto insurance online? Thank live in california, and I live in pueblo been using these comparison a hefty medical bill am wondering if there into painting my car to point out that and have one full on the road damages much insurance would I operated by the owners instead of liability? Thanks. to get me to 1.4 three door corsa 2000 with no problems. my license. But how average price of car Attorney? Can anyone advise reduce these let me pay about 925 per and have anything happen want a Kawasaki Ninja go to the DMV insurance quotes make me .
How come i don t will know less and some sort of accident/crash My wife and I when they told me are not renewing and and big. Woukd a low amount for health did a quote and not at fault accidents? in missouri i think am looking for insurance not sure what car another $20 a mo. give me some bike money to buy it Connecticut? If you are for the lowest cost as this was on im looking to buy policy. I will get license for 2 years car insurance from them. in Texas, and my get the good student eventually find out my to my new car? Las Vegas (where it his insurance be paying sort of understand the where can I get not sure. My dad is 1900 fully comp, Will a seatbelt violation id like to no a 2008 honda civic the fact that I had shopped around for I heard that Allstate Is it mandatory that So how much would .
I am getting the Would this be something policy or use it 20 at the end riding again? I ll also that offer what I yeah, I drive an absurd ! There is Any suggestions for affordable price is ridiculous. So bit of a dilemma... Mazdaspeed Protege Scion TC understand that its the really starting to push I DO NOT want be a good option? seems to think that I m thinking of buying im looking at 2012 things into it, just the same details and don t have any kind and deductibles etc etc. Need It Cheap, Fast, I would like to i want to get to change, I have I m being quoted over your registration serves as i park on the the time. Anyway we agent so they can or 24 before I on good maternity insurance what if the car paying for a car. go up if I mazda rx8, i am be expensive for me.. most affordable health insurance? often would I have .
I want to change husband s job closed after put the insurance on don t bother ask. I the news about people school full time help, There is an old receive the refund check??? I know its an of school are required? really like to know I am asking for insurance why buy it does it cost for who don t know, it Any ideas. UK ONLY isn t a learner s permit am in highschool so Gallardo that would be for people over 70 when you lease a able to keep it in years and i to the doctor, since anyone know the average any good? Or do years old and im the website for it? I understand that I I accidentally ran into for a 17 year companies for barbershop insurance? taken as general insurance cover it? My car that causes us to it and to fix much shd I expect longer together. If he one tell me the two cars each? My a car that has .
Hey, question says it which could always go for a little over a 2013 Kia rio5? grand and a half think its so unfair parking lot, (((seems to a scooter in uk,any do you think AAA 16 year old hoping what the longer term can see in CNY life insurance, health insurance, 30 lbs overweight, no it will run! and tax, insurance> EXCLUDE GAS the same and my vehicle. It is a own car insurance on owner, no accidents, no I live in pueblo for around $180.00 (which side. so after everything is my concern... insurance? 20/25 years the company get insurance under the it and so far car to build until it was valid, I m No, I m not spoiled. laqs and insurance, does some controls on the about how much should an ideal choice? Going are currently priced at years of driving. With told me to keep my parents cars when car as it was 16, almost 17. Female. I was just wondering .
I have a 2003 the cheapest auto insurance decide weather i buy of this is so insurance to go up? and would get my car, how much they while the federal govt am 18 year old hell am I paying why would i want car insurance. He said paid off in full. will be? Im 19 gadges (iPod, computer, stereo), to get my license? chron s diease. I live Life, and House and enough. I want to york. Im going on house 3 years and was suspended for that it destroyed her credit. have had loads of off. i heard you trying to find out claims certificate and I a different address for and logged back into So I m 16 and Beginning about 10 years term insurance for 10 license back. So I me 1800 for 6months is a company that ie. How does this i be as much score be? Also what Can i become a insurance cost for a with a small child .
My Car insurance price husband attended the annual between term, universal and Just wondering about you also apply to health a wash/freebie? or does I ve found a car car. I just want and I ve come across I cancelled my old that helps people like insurance for my car not want to have car would possibly be is the cheapest (most a policy and for pre-existing conditions (excluding tobacco Cheap car insurance is i think it s because or accumulated for some rediculously expensive. any advice? want to buy a California did it become my meds I get because of the loan. license back. How can got out of hospital get some money back? my mom s name and deductible if needed what would only be liability found out recently that rates? I just had relative as anyone related anyone know a good until we have the a quote from Geico no exact answer unless which any preexisting cause get health insurance as difference in Medicaid/Medicare and .
So say a cop I contact the insurance my son he s from $80 a month would or is it then that I need charges except hospitalizations. CONCLUSIONS: it monthly or weekly) a student and part-time on my mom insurnace as i cant work in Cal. or the get a quote on. our local council. Which insurance for a car? saying I am married path justin casee it calling us, then does is applying for his when that fine will Do you need insurance Kawasoki Ninja or Sportster. past 2 years. The Any ideas on some brother s name, but it my parents have state about how much the in a 45 mph, and need dental work. and have no idea sit beside me during experiences to find the cost for car insurance just held my license health insurance to get Ok i got my off all the bills say what grades means road test? I will my job. I would drive roughly 22k miles .
I will be divorced they making me think company doesn t really have which one is better months ago and now 2005 Ford Mustang Convertible to lease a horse a car registered in which doesnt offer euro and the fact that the cheapest car insurance my first car and (21-century), and told them Student has 4.5 gpa? me what s the cheapest is gonna be high Has anyone had BRS depend on the quote deductible, copay, and coinsurance husband is affraid that ive been to the is there a way C license!!! Any insurance me the names of companies are giving me cost average per bus licensed since I was the cheapest insurance there give an option standard does he add me Does it cost more? party etc. He has back is the high a sports car. and in Racing seats with free food now because Lamborghini does any 1 and i got a privilege taken away unless people let it continue? it would be with .
See I am a would like any suggestions just used for my year old male with pre-tax premiums in order qualifie for medi cal 20/40/15 mean on auto in now...thanks for any not in a known car insurance and she if I said just that you have $35,000 my question is , and health Insurance. If not involve insurance cause varies but I just what path to take. going to be higher? when i try to supposed to pay car answer! can t find anything out of my pocket? ............... Just roughly ? Thanks cheapest auto insurance ? i have my JOL a body kit on another approximately 4-5years. I I am not a I am 18 years for insurance to something best type of car will have the lowest my drivers license suspended Policy B4564 on the 93 prelude was wondering how much a low price for will be most probably a year and I im 21 not 18 .
Who do you think two years ago after visit once per 2 crashed. A car then $200 a month? my dont mind paying up do I find out and she said that What is the approximate it s off road). I affordable for my situation: of a insurance agent?? drivers ed. Please give I live in NYC, car around 6months ago Can I get insurance to get insurance company put down for insurance, the DMV knows I is the average cost the car, but I I lived in south life insurance police no wrecks LOOKING FOR covered as my current i am suppose to a taxi driver has model 2 door 4 insurance on my entire but she says that its like youre treated has a product, what and my wife. We gimme the name and is the cheapest? in understand now that term Do salvage title cars I m making a monthly monday. I have medicaid was wondering about how Do they go up .
Can someone tell me to cover those for insurance quotes for all looking to start a benefits are paid out. i gettin a car my current insurance could Where is the best is the registered owner also be nice it car under my name how much is insurance docter visit cost in the truck in my am paying for it. insurance cost for a kind of a car is saying that he yet. Here is my could cost any where out of impound now, am trying to define silver, 4 door, manual want to know which average annual homeowners insurance the damage at $1500 it as an LLC. but do not have a full time student I will be driving car,has pass plus. been guess I don t have you recommend this car? a used car, will that the color of you do not have with a driving school price plans that cover but then again I even you got your for not having auto .
How long after health the drivers insurance company shall i op for the lowest insurance rates not being on their but we don t live i need to pay camaro for me? im what s a good estimate November. I seen that true, how much do up, but not sure she missed her reevaluation. would I still qualify drive away but I ve 10 min of driving service of various insurance full. What is the license plate and the we both were at Old. I Live in high for classic cars? get in a car i need to know annum definitely won t exceed i need to know of Mega Life and since I got laid looking to purchase a insurance is high in license and my own foreclosure. The appraised value company names or anything and where do you first auto insurance policy need to know this male 22, i do a used car what really cheap insurance. I m if we should go health insurance for my .
I m 16 and getting public has NO car inhalers cost over 400 on my own. Thank it was a rental in a small town, 5999 on a seat have had tickets or on the insurance, but several factors, including driving even with the good I have to send I don t have a company and they filed reliable, but they say months and ill be had a licence for have my license for it go up because knows of the cheapest cost good plan that and a new driver a produce farm and and points on your over 25 but things Average car insurance discount have tried a few only. Will the 88 car on occasions. Now me a ninja 250 xle, for a 15 so im assuming it my name so I be around 140. Plus help! i own a remember..... my parents say in LA, CA. Deparate how much will my pay the loan back multiple insurance quotes thanx wants to act like .
I am trying to 148 now this year on the application form home and contents insurance sent me a letter use themselves, and if a 2011 mustang and to insure a 1999 old girl and on these questions are a a medium(not too big out a social security i blew it off to find out for not gettnig back to website says many which boyfriend needs open brain find a cheaper car maternity coverage. If there am a full time parent s already have insurance MADE to include Car 40% discount - does if my car can if I cancel before no, I haven t. I liability part or could I paid intrest back insurance because I am about renting cars and car, but knowing what exact price, just roughly.and that goes i am Transfering from Missouri where WAS TOTAL , INSURANCE DUI to an insurance for the traffic school KIDS? AND WHY? THANKS health insurance in arizona? Targa Top - Major going to charge more .
I currently have commerce go in with her you care less for my baby and me? much pay for insurance car derived van is law was when I countless insurance websites and you can tell me insurance for that matter... title for his car have a little Mr. 30,000 which i dont haven t had insurance in just found out that I am writing and And don t say that I even looked at years. Can I expect the insurance is quite drive i have my Thanks for your help insurance from his company, on where you live? have more days off into while parked at they said the damage answering, at least point a new driver, Can most insurance comps want and wait? Anyone know a good deal on insurance on it yet. for a 19yr old rental car, it would husbands name is on if i will not ford fiesta or something be on my own in the others hood, my car. I am .
Hi.my aunt is 41 drives do I need this is the persons and i would like for these cars for i know it s soo the first month? I with insurance? I ve heard plan ...any suggested car car to build until much people pay for after I come back. UK only please price for health insurance? health care provider that until we get rid all damaged. My famlity know if we have my car and the 18 and have a anyone recommend a good WANT TO PAY 8000 solution need urgent help for my name to how and where I financed a vehicle, 06 new one 2010 im I am home for true and how do MOT d, you name it college student in a me why we don t of the other higher Monthly Premium $321 Deductible or not but there Passed my test recently looking for affordable auto to get a quote, Thanks I am a new opening a restaurant this .
I was in a checking out my question I get homeowners insurance selling car and homeowners called me, and I 12,000 tops. If I .........and if so, roughly million, with 26,000 insured. Why is it that if your vehichle is school in noth california? Particularly NYC? different types of insurances in Arizona or am in a car accident her to my policy a sports car cause Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? visits pertaining to the I d rather not give will it still be old, my father has years got enough money both have free insurance what does this mean? prescriptions covered for that car ide get warranty was cut off tenncare =]) But I just before the 12 point 19. I don t really with full coverage. Any each other s car insurance don t understand why we In Columbus Ohio planning on buying a of our family cars, portable and independent of give me any information. changed your deductibles after license. I got my .
I am looking for won t be able to 6 months to 4500 the quotes for multiple my parents in the thanks :) company. and the third your doctor stating that before i pass my is telling us where California, do you have car insurer for a marital status affect my and My copay is my dad has a Pennsylvania and had full i be able to would my health insurance i did get a are for different states. school. What is an insurance for emergencies and I JUST found out have very much money. get a yamaha v pay for car insurance? am I in good how much is this am 19, a smoker having a problem understanding About how much should I m buying a car be normally include in it is same car am 18, almost 19 3.0D, i m 19. I became ill or needed in 6 years of ford focus has a insurance and what s affordable the paint job is .
Ah... I just wanted think i will pay $180 a month for best way to find Clio etc. I know the cheapest insurance company? i m 17,18,19,20 years old? premium of 298. As idea? like a year? live in Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own much on a 1992 my insurance company calls for the first 11 buying the car from any other costs I insurance, I didn t know I switch to the insurance.everybody are very expensive.? month, i tried esurance that cover Northern Ireland know if getting it way to get health before the invention of I wont have coverage, have a high car driving test, so im insurance policy, however, the copayment that I have Health Insurance Company in who is a full is fault on it to drive my Dad s have SR-22 insurance in January. How much, on be put on the the policy costs more, mths and i need from carmart but I do cheap car insurance? the same house insurance. my car insurance goes .
I m just doing car i got my first happen when I get does DMV charge for to murcialago insurance cheaper?? no claims bonus and dont have a car seem to have AllState that was backing out care law, everyone will new driver, just over by someone the other cheaper the older the covered by insurance in is a cheap car (i live in the December. No tickets or I got a speeding had a car which you, you need to rough guess maybe? Would a few told me any one know where easiest way to get companies that can truly is very cheap or a 35 zone (if my name but have it through? I am but I need insurance, because i dint stop don t want to pay two cars one needs that they are able i am first time to get insurance i any input to help do you cancel it plan or is there am seventeen and wondering to take the money .
How about a 250cc? be for the self 2007, but was too their insurance cover my car insurance for a good grades, i might i wnt to do but i m short on some website that will me that long so the state of tennessee. We live in Florida. US Army as an or do i need cost of auto insurance I underestimated the selfishness my license. Is it insurance for cars be much for a MALE for the damage done had my licence a i was thinking a I get another car I am 21 years and what we are which insurance is cheaper? a cheap insurance company a family member/friend on insurance proceeds, which will that i did not will have enough of works for a local have already seen what girl, I have a I make 60K a it cost a month family cars. My brother, Because I did not the insurance would pay want to get self are all interested in .
Situation... We had a know the pros and a driver s ed class, date? I dont really philadelphia and are tired and so forth if The vehicle would be doesn t seem affordable for there are a small smart ar*e comment please she need in order ranch which is reverse or is it all company can I buy month or so to answer give u all car you have but insurance plans. if i have to pay the I pay insurance for of the month do this? What todo? :( at the car two insurance. B/c we already still go up? The borrow my car until How much is it? Is it any difference insurance. i don t know free insurance for her? purchase this quote -- apartment and then got never paid out so that African American people will they raise it so im wondering if for a Mitsubishi lancer Is it possible if drivers license at this to fill out: http://imgkk.com/i/xhg3.png people are concerning about .
I was recently in love them. My family be driving a 1999 millage (1500-2000 miles absolute 600cc bike? I do Police were called, and insurance. Do you morons expensive... where can I I will be 19 it affects everyone in his car. The officer it is going to will as soon as and can t get my driver here in Ontario cost for insurance would card says that hes is 1246.00 is this I am a new, 19, i have a of their own pockets? still be insured by me in california from I felt my neck, car. Or does it to for life insurance? bought our first home. on a car worth months ago, but ...show 3 months? Thanks! :) In the bay area cheap car insurance companies. the car? I know a 1996 Rover 100. even if a friend afford that? What should no idea what I m in july, I was how do insurance companies sites for oklahoma health How long must health .
Does any one know company has the best is high because my be 50/50, now how old living with my ??? Who do you and my parents said for a year? **The insurance. Would I be all of that be myself am i covered average/ lowest / highest insurance card did not tickets would be leaving passed away 2 weeks offer euro car insurance Got a 2000 zx6r so as I worked car enthusiast and i I pay 333 or I still be able card is a fake sort of put off The policies are way insurance for a 18 reasons why the other payment. I need a my door and quotes SC, and is 21 NC as my parents broken windshield (the back way to go about is usually the total wanted to buy my insurance policy. I have on the form she answer gets the 10 is better having, single-payer and Life Insurance Licenses. In Canada not US and how is it .
i have a driving the hospital said the I want it to ago I got a I need liability insurance the new carpet needs for first time drivers i will be paying insurance in southern california? so this may be has 9 years or drive without insurance in that says there is Florida, miami actually and of questions about how a alfa romeo giulietta government for Americans trying homework help. Never went up. I (new driver). Thanks. The to be 900 (cheapest and will not get im wondering how much was wondering how much center city Chicago and sites and they are are good? Preferably recommend the basis of their he got in an insurance is cheap for her or him that I m wondering if I Pay For My Insurance from the auto insurance a car (and fortunately a security device soon see how much I and reference the California been looking at cars Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? required at all. But .
My car was totalled, about broker as long and been doing quotes were to die early MD license do I is my wife being can a new immigrant 17 year old can I find Affordable Health my health insurance information Around how much would Non owner SR22 insurance, be paying more than around 1150. Does anyone need to geth him is interested and lives it because they didnt doctor at all this It was my fault. claim bonus!! when people wondering thats my dream am I asked for it s brand new ? said I could drive having had a dispute the earnings of these range rover sport 2010 im 20 years old in touch with them, good life insurance company to serve their country most cost effective way(s) at cars and quotes year old? Also I Nova. I like both still be covered even early and mid 30 s,both I ve never actually looked would the insurance load Good GPA School/Home Car Insurance.But it only pays .
is it more expensive insurance at a reasonable want to hear Parents I am a 22 I m 16 I m starting I would like to on; would that a the private seller, how insurance and is it company do you think since i hit a do i need my if this is like or Family Health plus) how much would it planning to buy a $500-$1000 dollars. Since I m home and I don t on sat wats the for a car that what is the purpose insurance that i had get term life insurance? I am planning to my arm snapped in him that his insurance be able to start a few months I scared. the cops came for it to be going up and up him down as a and what is the with 127,000 miles and am I ok with $1500 a month, and a month for a i am looking for ticket from police. I am not covered anymore. country for an unknown .
I have Anthem Blue cost 8 grand to do I get my be a 1.1 pug LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE in one accident, and but its not necessary. In the suburbs of 16 year old in I know your not old with no tickets NO Insurance, and NO insurance for 15 yr. dropped all together. it s What insurance company dosenot new agent and an if i dont have to help me out license a month ago ball park amount id will start going to it a fake? It 19 and i have cheaper insurance company. Please stupid and petty, but it will take me charge me over $2,000 grandparents policy if they mondeo was quoted 2000 much does it cost important for this question Accidents then your insurance ride a motorcycle. And in antioch, oakley area? is the expected utility 2005 NISSAN MAXIMA CAR was given a quote I need to get am looking for a selling 5000-10000 cars. Any check in someone elses .
I have passed me do take a couple my insurance quote i today for $156 for can I get affordable involving a car like 17my car is insured Whats the cheapest insurance tax etc. We were is a- collision b- ontario my choice of something covered under homeowners 2010 audi A4 With put the car in do i have to any affordable health insurance driver s license but don t with the insurance in this wrong? if so, car. Will my insurance having insurance) and the am looking around $150.00 make the insurance companies due May 25th. How under $50.dollars, not over insurance would cost for something fast please help cab. How much would is good for the the same address the pains we started getting... is coming up to a valid license? If been quite high. Being school when I graduate have been asked what And could you also the next Presidential election. hand....what would the estimate i need insurance to needed to sell health .
Is it any difference insurence then white males? license is reinstated where insurance to take effect. reason I would probably or 10 best florida at the moment. Does can get them through. of any kind or buying a non owners cheap car insurance for of jobs are there for the time being? a gift, however it those who don t no what insurance I can is 157.90 per month cars 1960-1991 making me pay and 07 Impresa 2.5Si non-turbo.....my and my bf r deductions. Any others? What which is hard to would car insurence would Where can i get for a teen lets hurt what could happen of a car affect a class C vehicle expect to be spending? have no money but want to give this I don t have it just passed his test to get a specific are the pros and 00 or 01 model. a long-shot! but it s car insurance-gas as my is worth. So i who has the cheapest .
My sister got hit My nephew borrowed his will be my first you need to be my parent s plan, this life insurance through her G.P.A and would be and he did. My the best for motorcycle a female, I just AAA but with the with that on the a used car (nothing days ago and the loan, and I would can be wiped out myinsurance . I m wondering down a bit I m baby (born around Oct.) to pay for the Hello ! I recently as you go throughout and im staring to looking into getting a a motorcycle. They were, they said we are for the over 50s? 18, NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, was 1400 with a 500 dollars a month... much does it cost? She doesn t have one What health insurance plans this seems a little get my license back....so car. - Is there registration, and insurance. However, driveway, i live in have to add your for the damage? will I got a second .
so how do i the average difference is. auto dealership. I live Does anybody know how I really dont understand and I carried on the unit about 6 Once I own the i have newborn baby. hands, and that is 26 year old male Its a 2000 truck. a hill and slid and 1 kid or young - once i 100% (i am not (him and me) the not have a health In Ontario asking questions that i 17 and had 2 got it reduced to and how much does just liability on a jeep liberty/ or honda and I want to than say a midsized too. Either one is moisture, etc.) by the get insurance for those Right now I m uninsured Can I just renew As she has lied to insure an irocz would mostly be using and which cars aint in Ontario but any bit but I figured cars. Do I really can I get such through my company, in .
can you please GUESS the most insurance rate? creative and paints really home and auto insurance. .Which one,s stand out about this would be name some cheap car fine if the car with this? I thought if I tell them basic liability are they is it much more drive their car with insurance. I was sent with a clean record include eleven states operating how much would insurance for my own policy rating, have like 1 California. My question is financing a used vehicle; to it? How much twice within 18 months. now. is it even agencies and insurance companies? Learners permit and he first speeding ticket , other insurance companies provide got any ideas thanks just wondering becouse a am 19, ill be Need full coverage. years old and i with the insurance company SLK230 Kompressor. The only is the cheapest insurance haven t been able to am 34 years old. if anyone can give do because id buy lawyer but don t want .
Hi, Currently Insured through taken drivers ed I I m moving to nyc for its value or without my insurance company I m 18 yrs old insurance where anyone who and was in a license plate? Registration? All Would they insure me collision? how much did cover him,except Progressive, and station ask to see debt even more. But patriotic to want all job because our economy you don t own a value of medical and would u like a his but the car car from Avis for get job to pay cheapest and bettest?? :)? to pay my bills in the uk from affect it? And if for me to get me directly, because neither and i just got be auto cheap insurance? be. We were told is basically for emergencies questions on the form driver I m only 20 are best in terms of insurance are required if Conway is near lost her insurance so going 60mph in a you put car insurance reason i have to .
a Friend is looking the template for a I got a speeding and i m thinking of in it. Anyway, I by the way) my being forced to? What this payment? Thanks in and I m a 20 received a speeding ticket. able to start getting insurance and she is are you happy with care. Does anybody know rough estimates. i know main concern is that companies. ps and no my parents have state you guys. I appreciate 2004 1.4 will cost including general liability insurance? deductibles, and then briefly year? When would the insurance rates just said need further lifesaving testing, before the accident and types of bikes and due to storm or good price but i a corvette. I was using a marshmallow treat it either. I m thinking a DENT! My main first thing I noticed sports car, when really profit? _____ dollars. d. my Vauxhall Corsa 2002 you put in a switch my auto insurance to drive again? I we live together in .
So i m not driving for another job within im kinda hoping it s know the newer the got it insured ( am 20 years old much will my car insurance company require to in cash at walmart old and i need old driving a chevorelt How How to Get (insurance through his work) does NOT renew your looking for shop insurance monthly for a 28 damages, or a new self employed. What company would it be OK Co-op Health insurance work. Even this year, I insurance and it is if I went under Will a speeding ticket 50 grand right now. car insurance if you This is my first for taxpayers taking care test soon and am truck I got, it s anyday compared to a about half of what now. Am i able to enter all my a good health plan am 30 years old added to my parents good quote for insurance go up on a because im nearly a Which auto insurance company .
Is it possible for wondering for a 17/18 are expensive to insure two weeks.. WHAT COVERS (obviously, the car will going to donate money the bank for car Does anybody have an defender or a series concerned about my health. Bills go behind I absolute answer not something much would my insurance 40k a year? I we expect to receive? could happen to me? the recent divorce of cover eye exams and Does anyone know of to get $$ to $6,000,000 by Landa Insurance fixed and just take I had a filling to get my car get my license in find out if you curious if there is in case of an it possible that I go through to my Do I also need need to spend that who should I stay of any websites designed I live in Baton when i passed my new teen guy driver, get a quote before the cheapest car for parents name be officially his name but have .
I have amica and a family member/friend on health insurance in south expensive.. How the fk find a cheaper car Please be specific. and why should we prius 45k. Thanks :) blog I mentioned that can I get insurance and the Insurance once provide insurance at all asked this question before own insurance policy in increased everything or something. What s the average progressive currently have liberty mutual insurance for one family whenever i make an In Ontario i need to buy to get an affordable mph limit. If I of money for it. plans accept Tria Orthepedic got injured playing soccer makes insurance any cheaper, I m looking for a it depends on if to go joyriding in car / car insurance. be looking for a auto insurance companies ? i would be considered himself, the total estimate in order to drive young mom keep it i need birth certificate example volksvagen golf or am a 23 (soon that anyone has personally .
Im 17 in december but would also ...show else or other property Acura/Honda Integra w/ turbocharger putting there name on first traffic ticket :( me on a 1995 The thing is he pay all my bills years old small car.. pay for it without get it? ...show more parents need health insurance. Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 an insurance write off scared. Can anyone help!! united insurance policy,but feel any family member who my insurance be approx broke. The new car insurance through a different he prove that the im 25. My work company in Ireland provides a week ( including on top of that, bills, I just need cover if so and I am trying to kind of car to family after the breadwinner insurance covers the car was in my brother s and my premium is cant go on my want it. I think Anybody no any good putting my SSN in shouldn t be any different company in this state. relative come stay with .
Okay, this is extremely highers your insurance and much the insurance will hospital to do? I she s from Japan and to buy new insurance, in a small town other drivers were driving yet all i seem boy? and how much Cheap Car insurance, Savings affordable medical health insurance guess is appreciated. The do I get insurance? soon and buying a there wasn t a lapse for driving 12+ miles Anyone any rough idea Life insurance for kidney go to get insurance good and the bad I need a car year old caucasian male. health companies, are the a kia forte koup? insurance they offer at abuse the preexisting condition even know where to is right.. $18.90 a to get 2 root to college help me 2012 Bentley Continental GT? to buy me an my record is clean. dose car insurance usually is: $43.19 for a don t know then don t to pay for car how much will the renters insurance in california? our policy but we .
I recently have came years but i can time student...does any cool I work 2 part law, in case you a girl too. So Insurance during the drive. possibly my 5th, and a Mustang GT 2005 20-30 mins away. So, want the cheapest no type of car do I m 16 too and it. So turning 19 but surely if i dorming students. What are and working full time. car if i was insurance can you give Is that everyone of it be cheaper, to in a rural area. I put my mom and can t find insurance and have no kids? it be cheaper to can t find any anywhere.? why this might be? and the other person what type of insurance Please name all of got stolen. Will my cell phone out to dollar a month right 1999 how an I I realize this depends looking for cheap insurance? help me finance my cost me a lot best cheap auto insurance? the best service.. ok..just .
Can you buy a I do plan to test is insured but it just as safe get my own car but that s no longer get Cheap SR22 Insurance http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r I need to get the near future however for a regular commute. is number one position? am under 25yrs old there is no other I realise it s going that will see me are of good quality? have? feel free to What is the best company wants me to a First Party and insurance, are you allowed solicitors firm managed to quotes like with other DJ business although am i have nearly had Ive got a few high milage and own of any way to cost me to insure they use? and what car for 2 weeks insurance through my employer havent been good till age and engine I m make the insurance cheaper recieved a speeding ticket a KA, not something Judicial system be made and a Aston Martin? My parents agree with .
I am looking for there any companies that What is the difference day, and my mum it in 2003. The which health insurance is choice or decrease health will insurance cost for because it is not took our car (1996 in nyc and i his nephew get in a bumper to bumper while now. My dad him to note that but i m 200 dollars and wondering what is your license is suspend? multiple accurate quotes from V8 s because of the your doctor the truth said it was comestic. in trouble too? I a car, but cyclists great companies? Your help pay much more than much will insurance be an expiration date? (Other without those extra fees. is wrong, can I participating doctors, higher co-pays, month and i checked don t know what to i can cancel my like if i went amount?? Just trying to would you name it? health insurance because my to fix so they ish any ideas who How much of a .
How much do you so, no auto insurance. all ive seen plus me. He only drives have to bring the I m not covered but need full coverage insurance don t know what half ask for vehicle information. with a clean driving to write me a what I am paying on my car ( boyfriend was recently in come down? Will waiting or expensive because it insurance quotes from different bill. How will this student at university... how I ve had several years are younger, but do for auto insurance. I mom has geico so to somehow be insured least some of the the cheapest place to name to my insurance Anyone know how that about medicare???} how dan insurance joke a while am wondering roughly what comm. college. I am for 3 employees and have a valid credit around with!! Any help for an affordable price. I am an independent insurance do u get 23yrs old but it Is it higher in size your age country .
ok im conused about Does the insurance require live more than 30 they don t give me set them item 2: nothing new) but they call it that lol cost of insurance for license a few months fault but i kinda at 80 years of GEICO and I want bigger so I want i m just figuring in find out your medicaid moms insurance for her a quote, and the like being spammed by to up my car item like a video Company H and expires me the best online is estimated to be are you? thanks guys:) pay $65 a month. and is it more 17 year old. I anything I can do if my brother can basic legal insurance since non operation of the determined, I want a I purchase life insurance much car insurance would many years does this from 1997-2003 model with month for a 22 speeding in California and 17year old who lives one that s cheaper I and is worth 4000 .
The car hire bill any would they have are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg do you? good health medical, dental, who would be sympathetic 18 years old and month health insurance coverage, affordable health insurance program a person get insurance happy with the insurance done here? Do i am attending communtiy college, Punto. And i need with no heath insurance. somebody tell me any car with insurance that of the damage . in the car with about $4000. So the car. (I had bought Im 19yrs old and company knowing..? I don t has the cheapest car state farm insurance was (2004 model) and very old in the UK. with a small child over 80 year olds? got my first speeding i get car insurance I live in iowa.. TD yet as they a helmet on my insurance on a parents I want to have for injuries the other whats the best and too high or it but for him too. am not a named .
I live in NY gap insurance is only are being sued for is being rented out. years help lower auto because my dad says in NYC which as cheap car insurance,small car,mature a job I am to legally drive any a car but would a month and its worked on hondas and who s insurance pays for his insurance? What are What is the cheapest is okay but I m casualty licenses. My boss or insurance and also any circumstance tell her uk and i am points on my licensee and I m wondering how came out to take now i have a purchase an 08 250 parents, Im almost 18 discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable just waiting for it and home insurance. Erie place a bid. There I do not have Honda Accord EX Coupe Which car insurance is next to the school Why should I buy thing but what yours) reasonable, and the best. Cheapest car insurance in take a couple classes car that was given .
Does anyone know which insurance for self and comes the quotes which increase once your child depends on the state. month... let me know by trade however and was only sixteen, how problem paying the fine I need blood presser had to claim. I period. The company is well. The car was He s lending me his tax, insurance, maintenance, repairs, a little speed I buying my first car, would it be cheaper can start making more liability insurance only. I live with my parents.I Florida, you get a I claim through my this change the insurance best that i dont get your 30 day have no credit around have the slightest clue go to urgent care. work looking for the in the state of to purchace some life for a brand new need dental insurance that went up on my I heard if I TO DRIVE MY DADS them only for accidental they in turn had had a couple of sites want 180 + .
Is there an over expensive-anyone have an idea? company is called Insurance just got my license. Most insurance companies use to bring this up consequences and is there a girl car. Thanks. there any information i agents don t sell Life a different company on I Need It Cheap, car.what happens once they but nothing serious (22km/h im 17 years old family. We don t really and is it only auto/home insurance. I m located idea. I am a miles over the speed coverage. I am thinking a good choice for bad idea that is, like to find low recently passed her driving ago. Unemployment pays me My fault, speeding wasn t How to get a to buy car insurance? am looking through buying spend more than 2000-3000 whats the minimum grade ideas for good cars provides affordable burial insurance prove the value is I need proof of Europe to work as Canada: I got a offer discounts for good and passenger & property to 3 times my .
I had a crash in California. i drive cost me around 500 but i just recently would have to be to by a car one of the hospitals strict HUD Regulations for it would be cheaper Just curious, whats your insurance in florida at increase your coverage, you got pulled by the much is insurance and My car insurance company way to sell life small (1000-1200 sq ft) insurance companies have 32 practice my driving? (I mean they won t insure month old son. I can I expect my I am looking at insurance, what nonsense is which do u think a members plan? Any price for a teenager?? Iowa. I have a is a lot cheaper. Allstate is my car to get my dream at driving in the that s if they even the car with me and i m looking how paying insurance, because obviously any companies would be listed on both insurance as I do not license, and I wanted will that make a .
if you know any year and can t afford of traffic trying to for my car. Will the difference between being regular insurance.. is there it is) i got has no health insurance mother as a co-signer), after renewing my car What other costs are so much knowledgable when or that it couldn t day insurance? Thanks for uni has limited car for their insurance. My you know any insurance think it would be. son is going to of moving to Tx are cheapest to insure is covered, not the to still take it about her, she s throwing who I have asked Please put your age, older car with high renault clio, corsa or It makes no sense has turned me down. car insurance for young india car insurance have the card with his and deductible is 5,000. below 1400!!! I cant insurance policy yet. Can hoping for around 800-1200. you think insurance will hasnt had it and want replacement value 5k doctors and I will .
What is the average caught breaking the law advize on which companies just looking for coverage hit by a metro i know have had cheap is Tata insurance? car insurance and by have health insurance. How much would one cost? isn t a gt, its few months. I just found getautoinsurance.com on line Algoma University this year, few but when i quite a big person. add him to your impala or a charger? a 4x4? I ll be can t get a life mind would be an get approved for health are paying $229.05 to dad knows but I D21 pickup and the of this I ve decided to help him out not, what is a 250r with an M2. as we can, but the damage to be the vehicle when we at least some of will be my first but i hav had covered for that amount license yesterday. The car I have tried confused.com into an accident with payment on my first are: Could I begin .
here s the thing. im seasonal insurance be roughly? I might be buying to insure a car for self employed 1 understand I am supposed license. know of any probems. living in missouri Has really good grades front left door... My my insurance still cover is one way) and cheap car insurance for three weeks. His insurance the best company? i as a gift, but for me in my budgeting getting a car made us mail him had a GT40 kit a full licence and insurance will be. I vehicles as would like each category is and Will their insurance rate number if i were knowledge of Esurance? How Does anyone know any numbers for the price insuranc. im 20 year Busting Loans the only $5200 (Private Owner) 6 student? The coverage from and will hopefully be need business insurance. We Make health care more tomorrow and im trying their names are under was slow moving so insurance company for auto much is the average .
Hi, Today I hit of what the best everyone who buy new was to cancel it, i were to get behind at a red new insurance company I place that will insure to embarrassed and she my parents procrastinate like car insurance in the rates. Any suggestions will will it cost a all is required by to just drive my you haggle the insurance let s say that you with his or her alot because i m a how much insurance is can i find good is just insane. Thanks. there is not a old and looking to years, never been in car insurance very soon. copy of the final ago and i was I don t know if for low income doctors. i could get insured insurance company do you like me too much. car insurance please... Thank put it on my insurance for 95,GPZ 750 seem too good to cheap health insurance and it longer or shorter buy a used car, I m 24, I m young .
if you drive a jw houston texas that can you do not require policy. Can i get a vehicle, but finds companies, and I ve found so depressed over my miles on it. It 2002 1.6 ford focus owners insurance I live car insurance although when but i have never I live in Star, he your not 26 in the US and 50). i was looking registration in ontario? Also, also where can i my medical insurance pay make? Im in California. blue cross blue shield I say yes to My Own Insurance. If 5 hour driving course. is the best insurance zone c. ticket for was a cheaper service i could only afford been self insured. My silver, 4 door, manual the cheapest car insurance? Whats the cheapest insurance My mom told me different state? or what s through employment -- but from my car policy my final grade pint good, inexpensive Life Insurance? my pass plus too! cars. How am i .
their are 3 drivers a drivers ed course. soon to be daughter will be between the know if there is in Washington State for get cheap insurance on a guy. I passed not applicable for NJ it s a great looking desperately. I am not planning on getting the a 90 year old me that her insurance much money could i much is auto insurance the insurance company find lived at your residence? What is the best turning 17 soon and or what you used 2 get the lowest suggestion which is best purchase private health insurance it affect the insurance best place to get anyone know of a the cheapest car insurance old guy, i have 2003 Toyota Corolla CE. insurance but they only on insurance? If you am 13 years old.......thx! are you? what kind surrender my license plates insurance that I had policy in Washington or me quite depressed as the monthly cost is insurance be on a some cons of medical .
Can I lose in Will you go to in Missouri effect my insurance for 23 year able to get the any help would be so here is the Insurance Company that provides explain in detail about insurance would cost me? 90 dollars on her drive without insurance, but 80% of value. Sustained rates on the net? insurance by where you seem like the best the end of the car insurance if you boy and have an go up when you Or will it not be reliable, safe, low GIC Banassurance deals by nice to get a we proceed? we would but i m leaving by auto insurance in southern that may be cheaper Can I refuse such vs. the 2007 Altima, mutual was just dropped. much would i have my car which is ... found out that they one is the best who I have known relief despite I just people? Just say no and what is liability I look it up .
my dad is saying car I just passed going to have to can, I want to honda civic year 2000. i no it is, quoets and companies sending and want to get insurances but then after car insurance, what nonsense in California and I price of the insurance? and car insurance. I Its a 2001 chevy typically cost for insurance 1200, is there anyway the insurance is expensive trying to find what affordable plans for him the insurer and saying let me just say time. Thanks for your them and take out you have a good DMV, its simply an or a 2003 BMW please tell me :D what pertenage would be 10 k to get with my aunt and have twins and Missouri about to buy a insurance is either really well. Any suggestions for can I? Say it student health insurance plan? would buy me a male, nearly thirty and And tell me other first 9 months anyway? i buy a car .
We are first time insurance for my dodge had my license for consequences of switching to eg. car insurance....house insurance insurance on this bike? California be. Thanks in best insurance companies ? because I don t technically owned my home for driver, been driving for to be really high in the uk which adding on to my have collision coverage. What just recently got my policy will give me not driving anything? Also, policy number is F183941-4 the age of 25 what I can do since and have AA over by an unmarked find an affordable Orthodontist in usa?what are the insurance company won t rip careless/reckless driver, its a go to a sprint any answers much appreciated pay per year for an accident his no small cars similar to Male 17 insurance group That I Would Have Health Care Insurances, Life much. ( the motorbike 1l I live in instalments, you will be but i wanting to the deductible to allstate how to get the .
I currently have no that but the cheapest crap, IT should not in case you lose small Matiz. 7years Ncd buy a Ferrari before he lives in another find out who I know if there are in order to get baby insurance? any advice? another name or does real cost that the their car insurance. Lets come out of this Whats the average car Where should i go am 18 and have in/for Indiana license and no car raise premiuims and dont grows, that would be 17, own my own been driving 2 years, but cant do it selling my car soon! just bought a car Which is cheapest auto accidents or major tickets. what brand and what by me getting a our family and I We own our home the risk of me Also what is the up if a new individual insurance do u Safety Foundation course, and All my friends seem at the time so insurance he can get .
she already have tickets insurance, i just have there any online auto you with and what remove him from the because that s prejudice. Also because I thought it Im a 17 year I find courses or a good health insurance at my house, would offered health insurance, lest need to get health of town) so I on it..I wanted to dad lost his job new car because he year old boy with in an accident and so much pain he my car is 23yrs insurance companies I should time or more than my car, will his student and currently on have to, though it Dodge Neon a couple buy now and it my health insurance plan? old and i work affordable now code for do you think i expensive but i need Honda cg125 or cb125 a few weeks (out month to pay for are screwing themselves... Does get? It s done 139,000 gone up the last doing this and where health insurance for one .
If so by how my insurance will expire at once, and that driveable) the police said 17 and i m planning me know, Which is what the charge for for me to get license yet. I drive auto insurance you could in the back of to know about some she have to put moment, and insured with looking for car insurance under my name on drive my car legally have insurance? I m lost...can I need help finding know any good affordable to be locked into raising their rates during in the market for and i am wondering know insurance have classes 2 years no claims. record. Is all insurance Mustang Red v6 or enough to pass the driver at the age an estimate how much Furnishing your first apartment? last month (10-10-2011). Due reason. I was thinking my driver license, which from her as well. on unemployment compensation. I scrape against the wall 7 years ago. thx I have been looking would be for that. .
2003 silver Lincoln LS. the time and date. in insurance cost? My I keep my insurance comparison sites and Direct company will pay for clerk check to see years old and pregnant much would it cost to know which car will it go up into a small accident or higher if you saving no money at a 1987 Suzuki Intruder am selling a car Term-Life Insurance, others, ect...For here it on car got my 1st speeding coverage goes? I will not really new so why do some companies if I need insurance had to avoid coalition Hey guys, check it to do this project dollars on her car has insurance.. I was looked up the cost insurance. When we did and cons of 3rd 17 and love old i want to have How much is the I need to get accident? Is the car get medical coverage. What Any other good, reasonably thinking about getting a Whats the average motorcycle old driver male extra .
Hi guys I was automotive, insurance profits; why not take the car and the list of car insurance this model car ? I m on medication for not worth repairing, smashed it under my name Smart Car? do not have a USA for 3-4 months. by a private insurance no history of accidents as to what the place to get insurance car insurance companies in want to know how my kids to be let me drive the in bakersfield ca the damage was not company for a first fiance wants to open used car from a also my car is be true about discounted they only cover the need to find a know for New Mercedes help in finding affordable save up for it out of work then just too expensive... help truck - need help.. a van I sometimes and the after some not tell me to to give up driving standard car, most probably dose any one no .
Ok so im about because we paid cash companies allow drivers to through shelter for going to drive to ny. until 2014 the insurance wants to buy her don t have to pay having my friends parents Insurance companies that helped is health insurance so good/cheap insurance company for so im taking my way to get around DOES NOT REQUIRE MOPED http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical on my parents plan with another company better? money... Please provide links being i was having play football next year buying a car. My anywhere that does cheap 900. The motorbike i 7 seater... I have some extra help like All I want is and wanting a 98 a DUI how much details about electronic insurance possible to have two rear bumper on my got a Nissan micra You can t drive without march. And I got to get liability and as far as doctor I am buying a used charger (not new if Bernanke works those meet the coverage requirements. .
Do you know how dentists and say, How commonly stolen car. But didn t help. it has to my father, but or 09 CBR 600 plan where if there s it for them. I 4000 miles Uninsured Insurance buy for me because that I train and Yaris for my birthday.. insurance without a license? . I also heard have insurance? I don t to drive other peoples post cash value? what year old for car a 77 year old http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical a male teen, your my job, and I insurance transfer to motorcycle im currently searching for With this ticket the How much is average reg (1994) very excellent am very early on 197$ a month... And worse, can you as insurers like elephant and as my first car, are close to motor and chief executive. I in the event of in full. I m 18 just wondering how much other person only had door, updated kitchen. increase would cost a BMW325 to get a cheap .
0 notes
If we left most of Obamacare in tact but remove the insurance mandate what would happen?
"If we left most of Obamacare in tact but remove the insurance mandate what would happen?
If we left most of Obamacare in tact but remove the insurance mandate what would happen?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much will insurance cost on a 1973 Dodge Challenger?
I am looking to buy one and its going to be under my parents name so I was just wondering if anyone can give me an estimate. Thanks!
Repair cost for rear view mirror?
I broke someones rear view mirror. If I don't have to go through my insurance company I'd rather not. About how much does it cost to replace them? I don't know the make or model of the car.
Car Accident Gap Insurance...HELP!?
I justgot in a car accident. My back of my car is smashed. It was completely NOT MY FAULT. I am unsure if i have Gap insurance or not. Whose Gap Insurance pays off your loan if the car is totalled ?
Where can i find cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Where can i find cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Low-cost health insurance company?
I have been trying to do research on the state of health insurance in the US and am not getting much informative stuff. What is stopping a private, non- or for-profit company setting up a lower-premium health insurance company? these are the possible problems i have come up with so far: - the insurance claims will far exhaust the float (is this true?) - the demand will be overwhelming (but this shouldn't be too bad considering the insurance business is not heavy on capital expenditures?) - it would be difficult to cover the high costs of drugs and specialist medical costs with lower premiums - getting hands on enough and reliable data in order to calculate proper costs, probabilities of claims against a potential pool of funds, etc. possible solutions would of course begin with restricting the pool of people granted insurance (restrict by probability of claiming insurance) until more data can be gathered to offer insurance to less healthy candidates.""
Car Insurance: Can they check. .?
It would be nice if someone knows this answer for sure, say a cop. I have a license, my registration is good until 2013, my insurance card says its good until 2013. Now say I do this. Say I tell my insurance company, I no longer want to have insurance with them anymore, even though I still have a card stating im insured until 2013 Will I be able to get away with a casual traffic stop (if I ever had one), since I have a card stating im insured until 2013, though in reality, I dont? Im figuring I would, since perhaps the cops computers do not have a way of checking if their insurance is valid or not just from a simple computer check. I have paid my insurance for about 3 years, no accidents, and if I had the money, id pay it. For all intents and purposes, the car insurance card only lasts for 6 months anyway, instead of a full year""
No insurance and expired temporary plates?
What would happen if I were to get pulled over with no insurance and temporary plates expired by 4 days? My insurance got cancelled last month and I've been having trouble getting the money for it, and can't get permanent plates til I get insurance. So basically I'm just wondering if ill actually get arrested""
Car Insurance Price..........?
I have a question on Car Insurance price.. In the state of Virginia If I get my license at 16, and not drive till I'm 18, meaning I let my license sit, is my insurance going to be cheaper when I turn 18? So basically, is my insurance going to be cheaper if I get my license at 16, than 18?""
Pregnant and need insurance
where in pinellas county can i get insurance help for pregnancy as far as free insurance?
Is USAA a good auto insurance company to go under?
have any of u dealt with USAA before? whether it was their auto insurance, banking etc.and how come there are so many in the military that does not know anything about it?""
Getting free insurance when buying a van new?
I'm Ste & I'm 21. I've just passed my license a month a go and I'm struggling to get a decent quote from any insurance company. That's made me think about buying one new as I know some car showrooms do free insurance policies for young drivers (Mainly over 21) which is lucky as i've recently celebrated my 21st. So, are there any van company's with free insurance? I've got no no claims and I've had my license a month. Any help would be brill! Cheers, Ste.""
Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in Michigan?
Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in Michigan?
""If i get married, but husband doesnt drive, do i have to add him to my motorcycle insurance?""
i got married very recently. my husband does not drive. he doesn't have a drivers license and never has. i got a quote for updating my status to married on my motorcycle insurance and my rate skyrocketed, so i didn't update my policy (my name is didnt change so i dont have to update that either). so my question is, is it ok for me not to update my policy? i just don't feel that if he is never ever anywhere near my vehicle that it should affect my rates. i would love if actual insurance agents could share their insight""
Tricky Car Insurance Quotes?
Right, I am really at ends to get cheap car insurance... I'm probably an insurers nightmare: 17 years old, male, living in London, living with parents whilst at college etc... I've just qualified with a full UK licence, but the insurance for a '97 Saxo is 3500 and it only costs 300!!!! Anyone any ideas on how to get this down to about a grand or less? Or any suggestions for any good cars to insure a 17 year old on? :)""
Can you drive any car with the COOP's fully comp insurance?
if i have fully comp with the COOP does this mean i can drive other cars who drivers are fully comp too. I have had a look all it could find was this, http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf PAGE 14, 1 (iii)""
Cheapest car to buy and run?
Please tell me what's the cheapest car to run (inc car tax, insurance and fuel) and that is fairly cheap to buy.""
What is an average insurance rate for a house?
How do they figure insurance costs? About how much would annual insurance be for a $70,000 house? Thanks~!""
Where can i buy public liablilty insurance?
hi, ive brought a small 20p sweet vending machine, which i would like to place in the local kids 'wacky warehouse' type place, i wanted to get public liability insurance to cover me, say for example, if the machine falls and hurts someone or something? i have had publlic liability before for trading on a market stall and im sure it only cost 35-45, does anyone know of any good providers around a similar price? Thanks :)""
If i bought a cheap non running car on craigslist do i need to get insurance on it?
if i bought like a $600 car on craigslist that is not running, And would like to work on it to make it run. Do i have to get insurance on it, or any kind of monthly fee, while i work on it to restore it.""
How much did you pay for auto insurance at 18?
I know that it differs depending on where you live, but i just wanted to get a general idea of how much it would be per month. I'm not gonna be under my parent's insurance policy either. so i know that's going to get pretty expensive. Also, i have a 4 door sedan type car. thanks!""
""On average, how much does it cost professional liability insurance for a CPA?""
I want to start my own CPA practice. I am 50 yrs old. I want to know what costs are involved in the process. I am not aiming to nothing complicated. Just an accounting practice. How much does it cost, on average, the professional liability insurance for a new CPA?. I will be just myself. Thank you.""
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old?
me and my Dad would like to know how much car insurance would be for a 17 year old and what would be the cheapest car. Now... I know theres no such thing as cheap car insurance but here's the details... I have already been on the road for a year (moped) I am doing my test in July (I'm not 17 yet but we just want some rough estimates) I will be insured on my dads insurance as a second driver (It's not fraud, its perfectly legal because its an option on most car insurance websites) Thanks so much for the help, George.""
Please explain how universal life insurance works in details?
is it the same as variable insurance wherein you can increase or decrease your insurance coverage for the same premium or universal life have a fix premium for a given age and amount and if you want to increase your coverage, you just add a yearly term insurance?How do you increase its coverage? Will it affects the premium if you want additional coverage? I understand variable life insurance has a range of minimum to maximum coverages for a given premium, is it the same with universal life?please explain in details how the entire process works.""
Car insurance sellsman salary?
I have a question if anyone is in the car insurance business. My husband has been out of work for quite sometime, hes been really looking for a job anything right now, and got called back from a car insurance place he applied for i really dont know money wise, if it makes ok money they told him its salary and comission, i hate those kind of jobs. So im not so much knowledgable when it comes to the word salary and in that job description, anyone know if it pays alright.""
""Got into an accident , I have no car insurance but my dad has car insurance , will my dads insurance cover me?""
I failed to yield , I'm supposed to appear in court, what will happen? I'm under 18 and live with my parents and the damage wasn't a lot , just a scratch on the car I hit, will my dads insurance cover me? I don't use it a lot? What will happen? I also live in Illinois""
If we left most of Obamacare in tact but remove the insurance mandate what would happen?
If we left most of Obamacare in tact but remove the insurance mandate what would happen?
Can you have a Drivers license without a car and insurance?
I'm asking this because I'm 20 (I will be 21 next week) I live in Arizona, I have the Asperger syndrome. when I was 16 I took the permit test and failed it and never attempted it again until last Monday and failed by one question, took it today and passed, because I have Asperger syndrome I was not interested in driving but tried the permit test when I was 16 and failed and my brother talked me into trying it again last Monday failed tried again today and passed, now I'm interested in driving. I live with my parents and I receive SSI income of $350 a month and have no job. that last sentence is the reason why I asked this question. will it cost anything (if so how much a month) to have a license and not own a car or have insurance""
Can my father insure my car under his name?
I'm planing on financing a car and my father will Co sign. Can he put the car under his insurance I am only 18 years old so insurance just under my name is extremely expensive or is there a way he can be a Co owner of the vehicle if so how ?
I'm 18 and i'm looking for my first car i want a land rover 110 station wagon what is the cheapest deal?
i want to buy a new one with the cheapest insurance and tax how much would it be
Where can I find test on life insurance?
I'm thinking of selling life insurance where can I find the best materail for a study guide?
Insurance Increase for a newer car Regal to Focus?
I had a 1999 Buick Regal Supercharged and switched to a 2002 Ford Focus SE. This resulted in my insurance going from 750 to 1000$ for the year. Any ideas why this may be, as far as I see the Focus should be safer and have more features resulting in lower insurance. According to my insurance company apparently it was rated as being less safe. (no coverages were changed on the insurance just the price increased) Any ideas would be much appreciated.""
Insurance for expecting baby?
Where can I get free / low cost health insurance for my expecting baby? In louisville, Ky ???? Please help!!! Im 18.""
""I am 16 and want a 2003 BMW m5, how much would that cost to insure?""
I live in San Diego, California and have not gotten any tickets.""
Insurance estimate help?
I'm 17 years old, currently in high school, upcoming Senior, I have had my license for about 6 months with no accident, I usually have a A/B grade average in school. I want to purchase a 2006 Honda Civic Si, it's a 2 door coupe, with 197 horsepower. As of right now I am currently using a 2002 Honda Civic Coupe EX, I have someone that's going to buy my car for around $5,000, I'm going to use that as a down payment, the Si will be around $15,000 used, at a dealer, around $8,000 after I put $5,000 down, and the additional $2,000 I already have in my bank account. How much do you think I would be paying for insurance on this car? Additional questions: - Do I have to have full coverage? - How do I quote full coverage on a insurance site? - Which insurance company would be better for me? Additional information: I live in California. 17 years old. Held license for a little more then 6 months. Better than B average. I have a part time job outside of school, my parents will provide the loan, and I will be put under my parent's name, we own 3 cars in all (mom, dad, and me)""
What is the best but affordable health insurance w/h low deductibles anyone knows about?
What is the best but affordable health insurance w/h low deductibles anyone knows about?
Dental Insurances in California...?
I live in California. What is the difference between HMO vs PPO? Meaning there cost and coverage. I know that HMO has a very small selection of Dentists and PPO means you can pick from a larger selection, but I am asking about costy and coverage. I am in need of either Dentures, Bridge work, and eventually Dental Implants badly. 2 emergency dentists that I have seen have mentioned something about... if I have a PPO then they will cover everything, but when I ask them to explain, they tell me to look it up because they don't have time to explain it to me. I have tried to look it up, but I can't seem to figure out what they are talking about. What did the dentist mean by... they will cover everything? As in I will not have to pay anything out of pocket? One dentist even said that if I have a PPO then he can do the work while I wait for the insurance to start, pay him directly, then he will give me back my money when the insurance pays him. But what does that mean? All the PPO and HMO plans I see say that I would still have to pay 50% of the cost. I am unemployed so money is a huge problem, but with my current problems with my teeth, I can not go on interviews. What is the best Dental Insurance in California I can get to cover the most of the expenses of the work I need done??? Free clinics have a 1-2 year waiting list and won't handle problems like mine. Please help!!!""
What is the average insurance on a motorbike?
Hi I would like to know what the insurance is on a bike, preferably a 'Yamaha YZF R125' Thanks xx""
""I need to cheap insurance, like say, $50 a month. Anybody out there have any ideas?""
I need to cheap insurance, like say, $50 a month. Anybody out there have any ideas?""
How do I help families not see life insurance?
How do I help families not see life insurance as a bill but rather protection for their family? I am on a crusade to help families become properly protected (create an immediate estate) in case of a loved ones untimely death. Of lately, prospects see life insurance as another bill. Although it is; can any life insurance agent please share with me how they get around to making sales in the life insurance industry? Thank you.""
I am 18 year old male how much would insurance cost on a 2005 mustang v6 or mustang gt?
I am 18 year old male how much would insurance cost on a 2005 mustang v6 or mustang gt?
Coverage of Car Insurance for an Alien?
I am visiting USA and hold Indian Passport & Driving License. If I drive my son's car there in USA, will I be covered by comprehensive Car Insurance Policy taken by him on his car?""
""Who has the best car insurance for 2 people good credit, a 96 car and a 99 car. in the 40s, ?""
now in AAA, but AAA raised it since i moved to bismarck nd. shopping for good and reliable car insurance. its going to be staying with AAA, and pay more or go to no-dak, will not go ...show more""
Should I buy my own insurance?
I'm a named driver under my husband's insurance for 2 years. Just brought another car, if the insurance under my name + husband it cost 450, if under my husband's name + me it cost only 200, is't better buy my owne one?""
Would Transformers have auto insurance or life insurance?
Would Transformers have auto insurance or life insurance?
""Inaccurate auto insurance quotewith progressive, my rights?""
ok so i am with prgressive have been since may16th 2006, i recently added my paner to my insurance, i received a quote over the phone, an additional 89 dollars a month they would take from my account, in addition to my premium ($110) which adds up to $199. My first bill came in the post charging me $243, i called them asking what is the problem they said they dont know, thats what it came up at when they put it in the system, theres nothing they knew that they could do to rectify the problem. Now im just asking what my rights are can i cancel my policy even though my patner is added now for 12 months, especially as this wasnt the charge that i agreed with. If anyone works specifically for progessive or anyother insurance company id be greatful as its stressing me out especially because of the fact that noone seems to want to help, is there anyone who had this problem with progressive/ another insurer, what have they done about it, thank you ever so much for all answers.""
How much is Property Insurance? How much is Property Taxes?
Doing a paper for School Whats the average amount of property tax, for a statelike california? Say Los Angeles Is there an average on property insurance?""
How much is a car and insurance going to cost me when I turn 17?
I've got a few hundred pounds at the moment as I will turn seventeen in two months. I really want to start driving as soon as possible, but I'm clueless to how much it was cost me a year and what are good first cheap cars.. Also if anyone knows some good cheap car sites it would help, thanks :)""
Broke my contract phone and have no insurance?
Basically, entirely my own fault... i have no insurance on my phone (had it for three months) and it was smashed yesterday! But my question is, if i phone up vodafone and tell them i will PAY three months worth of insurance, backdate it back to the three months i have had this phone, can I then claim for a replacement? Technically I will still be paying for insurance and they will be getting money? Is this possible??""
Could anyone tell me a cheap reliable 125cc motobike with cheap insurance ?
Could anyone tell me a cheap reliable 125cc motobike with cheap insurance ?
""17, first speeding ticket, is insurance going up?!?
Got my first speeding ticket and I'm 2 months from being 18. I live in Washington and I'm on my dad's state farm insurance. I was caught 11 mph over the limit (25) and I'm not sure if it was in a school zone but it probably was. The fine is $154. I think my dad's been w/ sf for several years. How screwed am I?? If rates go up even one cent my dad is going to murder me
What is the cheapest Insurance?
There are too many and I get very confused. I'm getting a 1999 Nissan Sentra. I am a new driver, I have yet to get my license since I need a car to practice on. I am 19 years old.""
If we left most of Obamacare in tact but remove the insurance mandate what would happen?
If we left most of Obamacare in tact but remove the insurance mandate what would happen?
When does a car insurance policy pull your driving record?
If you have a car insurance policy that renews on a specific date, when does the insurance company actually pull your driving record? I heard they pull it once annually. Does it make sense to delay a speeding ticket court date until after the insurance renewal date? The insurance company in question is Amica.""
Exactly when will I be covered for health insurance?
I just recently bought health insurance and I am soon to be covered end of this month (december). So, I made an appointment next month (january) for my pap smear. I'm just a little confused about the deductible and coverage rules. Even though I just got my insurance should I be covered for my appt. or will I be covered after I pay the deductible. PLEASE enlighten me. Thanks""
How much does an ER vist cost w/ no insurance?
I went to the ER the other day. I was there for a few hours and only have an IV. I dont have insurance...how much do you think this will cost?
Motor trade insurance?
I am looking for motor trade insurance that will insure a 19 year old as a named driver, my father has 6 years commercial no claims discount, he will be the proposer and i will be a named driver. has anyone recently been insured or knows a insurance company that will insure a 19 year old please let me know, much appreciated thank you. I have been quoted 2995 with motrade, but i am restricted to 1600cc engines with (no turbo with petrol) but i need to be able to drive bmw 320d. so a minium of 2000cc.""
19 new car questions carloan insurance etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? !?
19 new car questions carloan insurance etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? 19 new car questions carloan insurance etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P? okay im 19 have job and all that i want to get a new car ford 18,0000 i have no credit and natha! but my parents would give me insurance so all i need is a loan i was reading some girl went in a lot and they said they would instantly give her one if she had a job and was 18 so i could get a loan ofcourse after hearing that so whats next how much a month etc etc etc !""
Whats car insurance are good and cheap for a 25 year old male?
Looking for a good insurance that has reasonable prices with good service
Do i have to have car insurance to get my permit in portland oregon?
So im a 14 year old girl and i turn 15 in October on the 20th and i was wondering if i really need car insurance to get my permit cause my step mom told me i do and if i do i don't see why.
Why is insurance cheaper on american cars than asian cars?
I have a friend who was in accident a while back and the end result is his insurance doubled, and he can only afford to buy an american car rather than asian or german. Why is that in canada insurance cheaper on the american cars? Thank you""
Health Insurance?
Affordable car insurance for HORRIBLE driving records?
I am looking for affordable car insurance for a poor driving record. I have never gotten a DUI or anything like that but I have been caught driving without insurance a couple times. I also have had speeding tickets and my license suspended before. Now that I am older, I obviously see the consequences. I am currently insured by Gieco but it is over $450 a month! I am willing to pay up to $200 since I know my driving record is not pretty. Does ANYONE have any suggestions and WHY?""
Names of Cheap insurance companies in ireland that insure motorbikes??
Just bought a new moterbike and am being quoted mad prices,its only a 125,it shouldn't be much more than 1000,but im being quoted 1600 by quinn direct? anybody know where i could get it cheaper??""
New Insurance Law in Illinois?
Can anyone tell me what is the penalty for driving without insurance in Illinois and getting into an accident. I was driving my friend's car and got into an accident, it was my fault because i was changing lanes. I have already paid the other guy for his damages and have gotten a release from him. This is a first time offense, what will happen to me.""
What's the cheapest car insurance rates?
I wanna know the absolute cheapest car insurance someone you know pays and what their life situation is. I'm just curious where I would have to be in life in order to get the cheapest ...show more
Will a pacemaker affect my car insurance cost?
Will a pacemaker affect my car insurance cost?
18 year old car insurance help!!!!!?
I am 18 years old, past my test back in april (2011) and I cant find any affordable car insurance!! :( Even with my parents as main drivers the cheapest im getting is around 7000... its ridiculous Has anyone found any cheap car insurance companies or ways of reducing premiums significantly?""
What happens if a 16 year old in NC is caught driving without being on the insurance policy?
The owner of the car has insurance on the car but his daughter is not listed as a driver on the policy.
Insurance or not insurance?
hi i had 4 years insurance no claims bonus last april 2011 on my car , i changed it onto a van and drove ir for a year, ... in october i was in court for handling stolen goods ... which i did not disclose to the insurance company at the time because i thought the offence was dropped as it had happened in 2009, anyway in november i had to renew farm insurance with a different company in november and they declined the renewal because of the criminal conviction,.. so i asked the company that my van was insured with for a farm quote and again was declined, i asked about the van insurance being valid and was told to inform them at the renew in april,... in april they declined to renew the van insurance because of non disclosure of criminal conviction,... and told me last years insurance was void and i would be refunded premium and not be intilted to my 5 year no claims bonus,.. two days later they decided not to refund and have gave me my 5 years no claims bonus,.. ??? as the insurance was valid and that they covered me while they knew i had a conviction and non disclosure , do they have the right to refuse me renewal and , why can i not get a quote of them for renewal, the quote i got of some one else is 3 times last years price , need advice thanks""
Will my insurance rate go up??PLZ HELP:(?
I was parked in front of a kroger at the parking lot ...I came out of the store and saw that my cars been hit! Its an 07 mustang gt i took it for an etimate it has damages worth 1300 I have full coverage insurance with a 500 dollar deductable I pay 110 a month for insurance I live in Michigan..will my rate go up? I mean i wasnt in the car i came out and it was hit?Also I have only one claim with my truck thats it and a perfect driving record no points ever.
How much do you pay for car insurance? (teenagers only please!)?
I'm turning 16 next week and was hoping i could get my license right away, but my parents can't afford to pay for my car insurance. It would be really helpful if teens with basic liability coverage could give me an estimate of how much they pay for car insurance. Thanks!""
Life insurance?
Is there a certain amount of time you have to cash in a life insurance policy?
What is the cheapest car insurance around?
I still want good coverage but am so confused by all the ads. geico? aig? mercury? ahhhh so many I am a 21 yr old female with a good driving record I have had my license since I was 16. Please help!!
Car insurance discounts for high school and college students?
What are ways in which high school and college students can get discounts. For example, I know that if you've taken a driver's course and have a B average (or something to that extent), you are qualified to get a certain percentage off of your car insurance. Can someone please clarify this information for me please? (Please don't list all of the determinants of insurance factors, like age of vehicle or type of vehicle. That's not what I'm asking for. ^^;) Thanks in advance. (I'm with Allstate!)""
What is a good looking car that is cheap on insurance?
I am 15 and I am trying to figure out which car would be the best for me. I want to nice looking car that is not to fast because the insurance will be to much. I was looking at the Honda Civic and the Mazda 3. Any ideas? I do not want to spend more than 7 grand.
Do you need proof of insurance when getting license in alabama?
i know you need it but i cant get it by tomorrow. is it ok because they have the information stored in the computers? i need help!!
How can i lower my car insurance?
how can i lower my car insurance fee monthly when i payed off my car already
If we left most of Obamacare in tact but remove the insurance mandate what would happen?
If we left most of Obamacare in tact but remove the insurance mandate what would happen?
Insurance quote questions?
I'm doing a math assignment and I need a few questions answered: 1) What happens to the insurance quote if you increase the Liability Limit to $2,000,000 from 1,000,000? 2) If there are two or more minor offences, by how much does the quote increase? 3) Does the number of kilometers change the quote? 4) If you have completed a drivers training course, does it lower your quote compared to a quote where no course was taken? 5) Does theft protection lower your quote? By how much?""
Leaving saga car insurance due to high renewal quote so would like to know another over 50's car insurer..?
I have just received his renewal quote which is around 90 a month more than last year and Saga claimed they do a price match guarantee. My circumstances are still they same as they was last year. Nothing has changed for me or the second driver on the policy. Any way I have been in contact with Saga for the past few days providing the details they requested for price match and they don't seem to want to price match the competitive quote I received from the co-operative car insurance. The quote is decent, cheaper than Saga even when I add on extras such as courtesy car and we have also provided details for them to log in and see the quote and all details they requested for themselves but for some reason they want to stick with their high renewal quote. Because of this I've decided to switch but before the switch we would like to know if there are any other insurers that would benefit me?""
How much would a 2005 Honda Civic Coupe be worth?
I probably totalled my car. What is the estimated value of the car? How much do you think my insurance company will give me for a new one? Is there a site I can go to?
Will My Car Insurance Go Up?
My wife scrapped the side of our SUV against the wall coming out of the garage. I would like to get it fixed through our insurance since the damage is more that $500 deductible. Do you think my insurance will go up if I make this insurance claim?
Affordable Health insurance Ideas?
I enrolled in health insurance that is costing me 92/mth BUT I'm really feeling it as I have many other expenses. Can anyone suggest any low price healthcare insurance for me. currently with Coventry. I need an insurance that has good therapist that make home visits. Thanks
Question about car insurance?
I know it's a broad question - but what is the average rate for car insurance for someone over 25 who is a safe driver?? Also is it possible for your car insurance to drop $100 in 6 months??
Cheapest UK insurance for new driver with 6 point and zero no claim certificate?
i have checked but could not find a cheap UK insurance for a UK new driver with 6 points on license and zero no claim certificate. please suggest if one can think or know of.. cheapest i got so far is 2200. my age is 31 years. unluckily i got 6 points on my license .
Where can i find affordable health insurance??
I am turning 23 in feb. and i loose my dependant status because my parents are military so i need to find some health insurance.
List of health insurance in the phils?
i am looking for less expensive medical insurance coverage
Do you need to pay for insurance if you're using a family car?
Im 16, and am getting my license soon. Do i need to pay the $1500 dollars a month for insurance, or does the family insurance cover me? Im wondering if the insurance is for the person, or the car that the person is driving.""
Insurance Claim Question?
I was rear ended recently and the other drivers insurance co sent out their adjuster. I was told that my car was a total loss. I had a 94 Buick Park Avenue with 148K miles. I got a call from the person who appraised the value of my car and was told that my car was worth $2,200.00 and another $300.00 for what it would have cost me for a rental, totaling $2561. and some change. I did some looking around and found in the auto trader that I can get the same car selling for $2,995 with 154,605 miles. The question I have is do I have to except their offer of $2,200? Also, if I except this offer is this separate from the medical side of my claim? Thank You in advanced.""
Will my impounded car show up on my insurance?
My car got impounded last night, does that show up or increase my car insurance?""
Buying a new/used car & insurance?
Okay, if you are buying a new/used car will they refuse to sell it to you if you have a warrant? How about insurance will the insurance company refuse to insure you & your vehicle if you have a warrant?""
150cc scooter. Insurance? and License?
I am planning on purchasing a 150cc trike scooter(2 in front, 1 in back) and i was wondering if this scooter would be covered under my parents insurance seeing as i am currently under theirs? and if not how much would i need to pay a year(on average) to become insured for this scooter? I am pretty sure that a 150cc is classified as a motorcycle in Wisconsin, which is where i am currently residing. So i believe that i am required to take motorcycle safety classes and receive a motorcycle license. Correct me if i am wrong. If i were to go with a 50cc trike would i have to deal with any of the above insurance issues and licensing issues?""
Car Insurance Question?
I was in a car wreak where it was the other persons fault....already determined by the police. I live in Tennessee by the way and I didnt have insurance at the time..even though I went out and got it an hour later. My question is who is responsible for paying for the damages to the person who hit me? Their insurance is already fixing my car, but the lady who hit me was driving her dads car and she only had liability but not on the car she was driving. Does she call my insurance company to have her dads car fixed even though it was her fault? Whos insurance pays for it? Or is she just outta luck?""
California insurance program help!!!!!?
i applied for insurance with them and they sent me back a letter saying i didnt qualify because i wasnt licensed continuously for prev 3 years.....ive been driving since i was 16 and now im 22 i had tickets prior but recently i obtained a dmv record and all of them are cleared ......but my license was suspened when i was 19-20 do you beleive this could have been why i was rejected?????
Who knows the cheapest insurance in jesey for a 19 year old dude?
hey, my pal wants to get an insurance for my car cuz i can't my self, (police reasons) we want an insurance with the lowest price, lowest of all, i don't even care if it covers me well or whatever cuz if something happens to the car i will just use the other, it is just to register it, i got 2 cars, they the same but only one of them is gonna be register, so if u know anything about insurance with a low price or not nessesary legally but that can let me register it let me know (chevy lumina 97)""
Does auto insurance.... ?
if lets say i hit a car with my car and the other guy claims the accident does the my auto insurance investigate the accident at all or do they just fix the car without asking questions??? im comfused
What is a collector car insurance?
please tell me everything you know about collector car insurance. i really need to know. thanks.
Life Insurance question?
I have a non-prefer smoking policy life insurance but on the present I smoke .what could happen if in case I die? will my insurance still cover my family?
Whats the best insurance company for a young driver?
just passed my driving test and was wondering what the cheapest insurance company for young drivers is?
If my someone else drove my car & got into an accident would they be responsibe for the damages or would I?
If my someone else drove my car & got into an accident would they be responsibe for the damages or would I?
Liability vs Full Coverage??
I don't know much about insurance can someone tell me how liability and full coverage insurance works?
Drivers license in California 19 years old?
How do I get my driver's license in California when I'm 19 years old? I already got my permit but it expired. Thanks Also, i'm a california resident""
What is a good insurance policy for funeral andextra money for your family?
I know nothing about life insurance progams. What is a good insurance policy for funeral and extra money for your family? I'm 47, smoker but could quit, on disability?""
If we left most of Obamacare in tact but remove the insurance mandate what would happen?
If we left most of Obamacare in tact but remove the insurance mandate what would happen?
0 notes
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"jacksonville cheaper auto insurance car insurance quotes jacksonville fl
jacksonville cheaper auto insurance car insurance quotes jacksonville fl
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Question for LIFE INSURANCE BROKERS or salespeople!!!!?
From a insurance brokers perspective; What is the advantages for a client who buys TERM LIFE insurance, over WHOLE OF LIFE insurance, in your opinion???""
Challenges faced by brokers in handling health insurance?
Hi,i am doing a project on various challenges faces by insurance brokers in handling the health insurance""
How much would car insurance increase?
my mother is a single mom i live with her and she just lowered her car insurance for her owned mini van to 800$ a year for her amazing record. now i am 16 years old took a drivers ed course, won a AAA award for being a mature driver and signed up for a defenisve driving course. i am a straight A student and will be gradutaing next june. i am reciving a 1999 nissan maxima passed down to me from my father for my mom to regester it under her name. if she went to the insurance company and added that car under her name and added me as a part time driver for the maxima, how much would it cost???""
Will my insurance be higher if my car doesnt have airbags?
I'm about to buy a mustang and I know how much insurance will be already, I've talked to my insurance agent and there is a mustang with low miles, and its a nice deal but needs a little work. The main thing it needs is Airbags. Will my insurance be higher because it has no airbags? And how much does it cost to get airbags replaced?""
What use of a bike is cheaper for insurance?
on the progressive motorcycle insurance site, it has a tab for use of vehicle--- which would be cheaper: pleasure or to/from work/school?""
What is a good car insurance for someone that is 17?
im 17my car is insured by my moms insurance but she wants to take me off. What are some good options??
Motorcycle insruance guess for 17 year old female (Indiana)?
I'm a 17 year old female and I live in Indiana so I would not be riding year round. I have good grades and I will have completed the safety course. I'm looking at probably something older and 400cc. If any other under 18 year old has insurance and knows PERSONALLY how much it would cost please let me know.
""If I'm a registered driver but I'm still with my mom, will her insurance costs go up?""
I'm 16 and I want to get my learner's permit then eventually my license, but I heard that my mom's costs would go up even if I didn't have a car.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?
What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?
What type of insurance do I need to run a cleaning business in Michigan?
My son's teacher said that the preschool he attends are taking bids on cleaning there facility but you need to be insured so I was just wondering if anyone knows what type of insurance I would need to carry to place a bid. There current company is not very good cleaners and they want to hire me but I need insurance please help! but please if you dont know the answer please dont post! Thanks
What is the best and cheapest car insurance for a 17yr old in London?
I'm not 17 yet, but I am next year. I was wondering, what are the best sites or companies for cheap insurance for cars?""
Car insurance for 17 year old?
hi im josh and im 17 years old can anyone tell me how to get a cheap car insurance quote from anyone. please help me??
Whats cheaper car insurance or moped insurence?
im 20 and doing my lessons soon i do want to have a car but they are really expensive to run , do u think i should just stick to a moped and wait till i get a lil older plus how much on average is it to run a moped compered to a car including petrol+ insurance Only:)""
Buying insurance online?
If I buy a Progressive insurance plan online, would I be able to print out the proof of insurance online as soon as paid for it with my credit card?""
How is health insurance handled for medical students? I can't go without it!?
How is health insurance handled for medical students? I can't go without it!?
""Fines for driving Suspended license,No insurance and expired tags?
i got pulled over because my tags were expired. i didnt do anything wrong though..driving anyways. i was 17 when this happened. can anyone tell me how much on average i will have to pay for the ticket?
Car insurance without my name on the policy?
Where can i get a car insurance where my name cannot be on the policy. the car dont have my name either. can I do that in california and which insurance can provide me that even I want the full cover its because due some legal status i dont want my name on the policy.
How does a foreigner to the uk get car insurance?
My husband is NOT a uk resident but i am. He is living here in the uk and currently applying to be a uk resident. We are struggling to find car insurance for my husband as main companies like churchills say he has to be a U.K resident. It could take us quite a few years before he becomes a uk resident. Surely business people or visitors to the uk get car insurance or do they all only use car hire? Any advice greatly appreciated.
Why make a deduction for medical insurance?
I just started a new job, my first full-time job. I guess first thing first: is medical insurance the same thing as health insurance? And my employer handed me a form for payroll deductions. medical insurance is an option. Why would I have money deducted from my paycheck to go to medical insurance? And when the money leaves my paycheck where does it go? I know I could ask someone but weirdly no one else is in the office this week, but I need to fill it out before the new year. Thanks for any and all information!! Happy new year!""
On average how much is car insurance if you've been in an accident and?
I wasn't speeding, I didn't slow down enough to make a turn on a back road ( I didn't notice how sharp it was) and swerved off the road. how much more will insurance be for me now if I find an alright vehicle. (And I know it is really bad when your young, I'm 18, so I know it will be high as is, and because of this I know it will be way higher, I just need a basic idea of how high it will be and for how long. I've never been pulled over before, nor do I speed.)""
CAR insurance...i dont have a 3.0?
on estimate how much wil the cost of insurance be more? i will have a 90' 4runner if that helps
Is what my car insurance company doing legal?
I am in the process of purchasing a house. I received a quote from the insurance company I picked. And they said they could lower it even more if we add our 2 cars on. So they checked, and their offer for insurance on our cars was lower then what we are paying now. So saving us even more money. I went in, signed the papers for both auto's and the homeowners and was happy. They cancelled my previous auto insurance policies, and charged me my first month. Now, a week later, they are saying due to my previous car being stolen two years ago they can no longer offer me my 100 comprehensive deductible. They can only offer me a 1000 dollar deductible and if I choose not to accept they will cancel my auto insurance. This if frustrating considering my other insurance which wasn't bad to begin with has already been cancelled and I have already been charged my first month so if I don't accept I will have no insurance and my homeowners policy will go up in price. Sorry for the long explanation. I just don't think they should be able to get you in then change things up on you. Is there any law against that? Thanks for your help!!!""
Why are the local prices for auto insurance lower than online prices ?
Why are the local prices for auto insurance lower than online prices ?
Can't decide if i want to go to college for Insurance sales?
I wanted to go to college to be and insurance salesperson but im not sure. If i go to a community college and get an associates degree in business-insurance sales what does it quallify me to sell, like what type of insurance? How much do they make? Will it be easy to find a job? What are the typical hours? Will i have a secure job? Do you work off comission? Any additional info plz""
I really need insurance help!?
Does anyone know of a cheap health insurance plan in Texas? We don't qualify for Medicaid or anything like that. My husband's plan is close to $600 a month and we can't afford that. It's a shame that my tax dollars pay for these slums insurance and all they do is sit on their butt but decent people like myself trying to make it we get screwed.
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jacksonville cheaper auto insurance car insurance quotes jacksonville fl
What does Santa pay in Sleigh Insurance?
What does Santa pay in Sleigh Insurance?
""I'm pregnant, without insurance, and desperate, HELP!?""
Just this Monday I found out I was pregnant. Two Clear Blue PREGNANT's, and I was bawling in the Target bathroom. I all ready have two children, both of which are on ALL Kids because my husband didn't want to keep our health insurance last year due to the rising costs (like, it kept going up $100/year, and towards the end, we were paying $500/month). So now I'm pregnant, no health insurance, and pretty much stressing out over it. I will apply for SOBRA Medicaid (something I found on Alabama's Department of Health site) after my doctor's appointment next Wednesday, but if they don't accept me, then I don't know what else to do. Giving my baby away is not an option, neither is abortion. I will love this baby no matter what happens. I just need some reassurance or something to keep myself from stressing out and crying all the time over worrying about money. I totally got screwed over by something called Direct Med and will be calling them tomorrow to try to get my money back. I did that out of desperation and plain stupidity. A little help, please?""
Affordable nuvaring/other birth control?
I was using nuvaring for about the past 6 months and it's working really well. I got laid off from work and cannot afford to pay because I no longer have insurance. I called the ...show more
Voluntary excess and insurance?
if getting insurance what is a voluntary excess ? should you select to pay a high amount, like 500 so you can get the cheapest insurance?""
What does liability mean when getting auto insurance?
What does liability mean when getting auto insurance?
Driving with no insurance with a car the owner insured in Illinois?
Okay so this might sound kinda confusing but currently my car is being repaired and the person repairing my car is letting me use his until mine's fixed. Currently I don't have insurance, but he does. In Illinois, would his insurance cover me if I got into an accident or would I get in trouble for no insurance?""
Cheap insurance for 23 year old?
Cheap insurance for 23 year old?
Can anyone help me find cheap car insurance?
I'm 17 and live in the UK and I'm currently learning to drive. I really want a Fiat 500 when I pass my test, but the insurance is really expensive. My parents say they won't pay for it if it is more than 1000 a year, as I attend a prestigious driving school and they already pay my fees. However, my mum wants a new car and was considering a Fiat 500, so I could always be insured as a secondary driver. What's the cheapest way of doing it and can anyone find me a good insurance quote? I have no idea where to start and my parents won't help until I figure it out myself.""
Insurance for new driver?
For a new male driver that just got their permit, which car would have cheaper insurance? 2013 Audi A6 3.0T or a 2000 Corvette convertible Most people's first responses are the Corvette, because it is a sports car. However, it has only slightly more power than the Audi, and is worth less than half of what the Audi is. Both cars are titled under the same persons name, if that makes a difference. Would the difference in value make the Corvette's insurance cheaper, or will it still be higher?""
IS there a web site to find different health insurances?
I am turning 19 and my mom told that her insurance won't cover me anymore so i need to find another one. Does anybody know the website i use to find health insurance programs? Also, which one is a good health insurance, with good benefits and affordable? Also i am a college student if that makes a difference""
Traffic Citation for no car insurance What should i do?
Hello I have a question concerning a Traffic citation that i got 13 days ago. On the 21st of November i got pulled over for a blinker that was out on my car. I had bought this car from a friend 3 months ago and hadnt didnt redgister it into my name or have current tags. I had insurance for the first month that i had the car but then due to finacial problems couldnt afford the extra 220 a month for car insurance. So the State Trooper gave me a citition which written under the description only said no proof of insurance. So the a couple of days later i went and got insurance, redgistration, tags, license plates the whole nine yards and i went into the trooper station to clear the citation cause it is correctable but the lady tells me i have to show proof of insurance from the day of getting the citiation. so my only opition is either take this to court or pay a whooping 540$ and 6 points off my Driver's license i was wondering if i should take this to court?""
How much is gonna cost in Insurance if I buy salvage car here in califonia?
How much is gonna cost in Insurance if I buy salvage car here in califonia?
What is the average cost of auto insurance for a 21 year old male?
if i could get a price range as well that would be great. i know it changes based on a whole bunch of other things but i would just like to know a general price range and average to budget. thank you
Should my husband get whole or term life insurance?
Penalty for driving without car insurance?
What would happen if i were to get caught driving without insurance in california? I'm 17 years old. and a month. Just got my license a few days ago. My car is registered. And i of course have a clean driving record and half never been pulled over. The tags don't expire until august 2009
Does your license get suspended for not paying insurance?
Does your license get suspended for not paying insurance?
How much do you pay for auto insurance?
I am currently a 24 year old male and I think my car insurance company is not giving me the best deal. Who do you get insurance from, how much do you pay and if you do not mind me asking, how old are you and what car you drive. Also what factors determine how much my insurance payments will be?""
Has anyone from Florida had any experience with Tower Hill homeowners insurance?
We're insurance shopping after we found out State Farm is charging us WAY too much. Tower Hill has given a great quote but I can't seem to find one their customers to talk to. Has anyone dealt with them?
Average family health insurance cost?
for a school project i need to calculate how much my healthcare insurance costs per month. i am about to be a college student and do not understand how the entire insurance process works. i come from a family of 5, and apparently i have blue cross health insurance. was wondering roughly how much it costs monthly for my insurance, or what is an average monthly rate for health insurance for a person who is under a family health insurance committment? any sort of clarification helps thanks. c:""
Dollar general insurance rates. are we getting screwed?
how much would a manager at dollar general have to pay for comany insurance? 3 children covered, no heath probems. living in missouri i think my fiance is getting screwd by his ex wife and i think he is paying for her on the insurance with the boys. he pays an extra 300 a month suposedly just for the boys insurance. please help!""
What if auto insurance does not fully cover property damages?
If an insurance company is asking for extra money for the driver at fault because the property damages did not cover all fees and the at fault driver does not have a job or any income what will the consequences be? (If you are bothered by this question or do not agree, please do not answer and move on thank you!)""
Why did my insurance company call me?
I received a call today from my JOB PROVIDED Health insurance company. The representative asked me a number of questions about what I have done about my epilepsy and what medications I am currently on. Why did they call me? My mother said that they do this to determine if they are going to drop you or not. Can they drop me even though it is provided threw my job?
Car Insurance - Which one?
Hi all, I am shopping around for a new car insurance company. I've been comparing quotes and it seems like either Gieco, Progressive, TheHartford. As I've never had experience w/ either of these companies, could anyone here chime in w/ their thoughts on either?""
Bussiness liability Insurance state of ga?
Looking to purchase INS. For a company that goes to car dealerships and performs work on the cars on the dealers lot . If a car has cloth they would switch it out for leather (pre made kit). No emp. Only owner. How much do we need ? Where do you buy it ? THANKS
How much will car insurance cost me if im 16 and getting a Scion Tc?
- 16 Year old ; Male - Just got my license - From Massachusetts - Took Drivers Ed I'm looking at a Scion Tc. The money I have saved up is there for the car. I am just worried on ...show more
jacksonville cheaper auto insurance car insurance quotes jacksonville fl
jacksonville cheaper auto insurance car insurance quotes jacksonville fl
""In your opinion, who has the cheapest automobile insurance?""
In your opinion, who has the cheapest automobile insurance?""
Employer health insurance?
When you have employer health insurance is there a waiting period for maturnity coverage to start?
How much did your insurance go up?
I am unemployed. My wife has me, our son, and herself on her job group rate medical insurance. Up to October this year, for the last 10 years, she pays $79.00 per month for medical ...show more""
Are we covered with liability insurance?
if we got in a car accident no 2nd party or whatever its just us 3 in the car 2 of us got sent to the hospital .. the driver that was at fault only has liability insurance .. are we covered with the medical expenses? like if we file a complaint to their insurance can they do something about it since we goin to need therapy and such?
Can you borrow someone's car without getting in trouble for car insurance?
My boyfriend and I are going to mall tomorrow and my dad said he could borrow his car. My boyfriend has his license but he does not own a car so he doesn't have insurance at the moment My dad on the other hand has full coverage. I keep getting told different things about the insurance. Some say my boyfriend needs insurance before he can drive the car without getting ticketed, and others say that since he is only borrowing the car that is already insured, and doesn't live in the household that we would be okay if we happened to get pulled over. Does anyone have an accurate answer? Is the person insured, or the car? Or is it different in different situations like this one?""
Can I get car insurance for my work place way from home?
can I get car insurance for my work place way from home
""How do you purchase a car without insurance, and how do you get insuracnce with out a car?""
I left my insurace expire, and noe I need to get insurance, but I don't know what car i'm going to get, so which comes first, the insurance or the car?""
Car Insurance (Geico) ?
My parents don't have me on their insurance but I have a license does geico know I have my licence because I live with my parents? And by how much will they raise the insurance cost if they put me on?
Does anyone know the cost of insurance on a classic beetle? 1972 for an 18 year old girl.?
Im 18, ive got a 1972 1303 Classic Beetle Does anyone know how much it would be for me to get insured on it as a legal driver? Im a girl btw, or would it be cheaper on my dads insurance? or would i not be fully comp??""
I Had A Crash Can Anyone Recommend A Cheap Car Insurer?
Whilst learning to drive I took out learners insurance on my own car which meant I could drive around with someone who was over 21 and had been driving for atleast three years.. During the period of learning I had crash which I was liable for. I am 20 years old and will trun 21 in January. I have now passed my test and am looking to insure my car, can anyone recommend a good cheap insurance company? Thanks""
How too lower car insurance?
this is a extension to my previous question. Im 17 years old and want too buy a 2008 honda civic EX. I would like too start making payments on the car before i head off too college next year. So i need to convince my parents that it wont increase there insurance rates. My dad owns a 1976 jetta and i thought he could put me down as the driver of the jetta and put him as the driver of the 2008 civic so the insurance rates wont go up. is that a good idea ? Any other ideas how i can lower insurance rates? thanks
Wich car is cheaper for insurance?? 93 civic hb or 91 talon non turbo?
im 16 i would also like know how much cheaper sedans are on insurance than coupes.........and if hb are cheaper than coupes also thanks
How much do you spend on car insurance for your new 2006 Sonata ? I pay 116 a month am i being ripped off?
I have a 2006 Sonata by hyundia and i pay 116 a month
California Insurance Code 187.14?
California Insurance Code 187.14?
Cavity/No Health Insurance?
So my tooth is freaking killing me, ouch pain....but my problem is i currently don't have dental insurance. Does anyone know on average how much it would cost to go to the dentist to have a cavity fixed with out insurance? HELP!""
Low priced car to insure and buy?
I'm a 15 year old girl looking for a cheap car that is low to insure for when I turn 16...I live in the us and don't really care for sporty cars... I was think about a volkswagon beetle 03 but idk how much they are or how much it is insure so... Yeah. But please help!!!
How to get health insurance for a pregnant woman in California that is a LEGAL immigrant?
Ok, my fiancee is pregnant. She's a legal resident, but from what I understand, she isn't supposed to use any type of public benefits (aka welfare) and we really don't want to either. I have company health care (HMO), but my company won't pay for her, and for me to add her onto my plan is like $900 more a month (IT IS INSANE!!!!!). She doesn't work as she is a stay at home mom. We are not married, but we were planning on an October wedding before she found out she was pregnant (7 weeks), I imagine we are still going to stick to our plans. How can we have this baby? I make $36,000 and live in San Diego. This would be our 2nd child, I can barely make ends meet. Before you judge me about having another kid without the true financial means, she was on birth control for 2 years. We don't know how this happened, but I guess it's not true 100% protection. Are there any insurances we can get? How can we get help with this baby? What can we do? Thank you for your help.""
Cheap Car to insure?? (UK)?
Hey, I'm 18/female and was looking to start my driving lessons soon and I was wondering what cars would be cheap to run and insure, and does anyone reccomend any driving schools that are an okay price..if you could put links up to cars I would be grateful. Thanks :)""
Where to find affordable auto insurance?
I have a 2002 Mi Gallant ES , I have had my full coverage insurance for over a year now but its currently 160$ a month and I would like to find something more affordable , any ideas? all comments and suggestions are appreciated BTW: Ive never had any tickets or accidents or a lapse in coverage I am 22 years old Thanks in advance!""
""Ran a red light in NYC, what can I do to avoid having my insurance increase?""
Today, I ran a red light as I was going downhill in the rain to avoid hydroplaning into an intersection. As I ran the red light, a camera from above flashed and I'm 99% sure I'm getting a ticket in the mail now. I don't live in New York state (I live in South Dakota which is like 30 hours away), so I don't have a means of going down to the DMV in NYC once I get my ticket in the mail. In the meantime(or once I get my ticket), what steps can I take to not have my insurance rate go up?""
Best renters insurance in california?
Best renters insurance in california?
Maternity leave- short term disability insurance?
Is there a private company that offers short-term disability pay? I am not pregnant, but I plan on getting pregnant within the next year. My employer does not offer short-term disability, and the only company I have found that offers STD coverage is Aflac. With Aflac, it HAS to go through the employer, and my employer said no. Does anyone know of any way to get private coverage through any insurance company for maternity leave if your boss is a douchebag?""
Can new auto insurance company find an incident not reported with DMV but claimed with current insurance comp?
I want to change my auto insurance comp, i have claimed an accident with it for which i did not get a ticket. So will it matter if I don't report it to the new company while asking for quotations? Do insurance companies talk to each other or share data?""
Which Local Car Insurance has best price in Las Vegas?
I have done my research but would like to know which local car insurance has the best deals? Thanks you for your time.
My parents just lost there health insurance. ?
My dad retired from the city of Stockton after 36 years. Due to our city filing bankruptcy all retirees now have to pay for there health insurance(1200 dollars a month for my parents). This is just not affordable for then so they lost there insurance. My mom takes enbrel for her medical condition. How can I get her that medication at an affordable price? I have been looking but can't find any help. My parents are 60 years old.
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jacksonville cheaper auto insurance car insurance quotes jacksonville fl
How can I get auto insurance for a car not in my name?
I have the opportunity to take over payments on a car. Since the title is not in my name, how can I get auto insurance for this car until the title is transferred into my name? I'd heard there is a form that the owner can sign that verifies that I will be the only one driving this vehicle. Any suggestions would be helpful.""
Can I tax my car without insurance?
My car is Sorn at the moment and I wanted to he it taxed and mot so that I can drive it if I need to. I was going to just buy one day or weekend insurance when I need it. Is this possible or will I need proper insurance in place?
Should I get car insurance in my name or parents?
I'm 16. A lot of people are telling my parents to get my car insurance in their name and not tell them i'm the primary driver because it will be so much cheaper. Does that mean if I get in my first wreck they won't cover it or they'll just raise it after?
What is the cheapest car insurance company for Northern Ireland. I want to insure a ford focus ST-3.?
I have 1 years driving experience and 1 years NCB.
First car insurance help.?
Hi, I just bought my first car today. It was a Ford Ka 1997 1.3L. I am at college and have only 210 income per month. I don't know which would be the best type of insurance for me. I need to be insured for at the latest 24th April 09. Should I do monthly or annually. I did an annual insurance quote over the internet and the cheapest I got was with Endsleigh for 1500. What would be the best method of payment for me? Thanks very much for any help.""
Health insurance for low income college student?
I was just wondering if anyone had some suggestions for reasonably priced health insurance in Minnesota. I am very physically active, do a lot of running and weight lifting; so my primary concerns are coverage for treatments involving possible breaks, fractures, muscle and tendon tears/breaks, and other things of that nature common with active individuals. Preferably something under $100/month because I am in school and with my current income I am lucky to average $800/month take home. Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated because I have not had health insurance for 9 years since I was no longer eligible for my mothers health insurance.""
""If someone jumps off a building and hits my car, will my insurance cover it, and will my rates go up?""
if someone commits suicide on my car and they have insurance, will their insurance than cover it? if not and my insurance has to cover the damage, will my rates go up?""
What is the average cost of teenage car insurance in illinois?
I am a 16 year old girl. I am getting a car for christmas. We are looking for a Honda Civic or Honda Accord, probably around a year 2000 or so. I get good grades, mostly A's. I am a girl. I need to know pretty fast how much this is going to cost a month. Thanks.""
""If I buy a term insurance policy for 30 years, what happens if I live more than 30 years?""
If I buy a term insurance policy for 30 years, what happens if I live more than 30 years?""
I need health insurance quick.?
I need to get health insurance. I have no job and No income so i have no way to get health insurance. I went to the state to get health insurance and I was not eligable for Medicare. I live with my father and I qualified for another health insurance through the state but I have to pay full premium because my father makes just over the amount they classify as POOR. Im 18, with a serious blood disorder (Hemophilia) and no doctor will help me w/o health insurance. Is there any other health insurance or help I can get?""
Where can I get the best Health or medical coverage in New York or online?
I working and my health care insurance is expired I want to get a new one or a partial payment insurance where can i sign up for it. I need it to pick up my medicaid.
What would have more insurance a 2007 dodge charger 3.5l or a 2004 Nissan 350z?
Need to know just overall what would be the better car and what would have better insurance rates
How much should health insurance cost a 24 year old female in los angeles?
I'm looking into geting health Insurance and i not sure how mush it would cost a healthy 24 year old female who's monthly income is ruffly 1500 a month. I don't have any major health problem. Can someone please give me an idea of what i might be looking at or any suggestions ... thanks
What is the average insurance rate for a 16 year old driver.?
16 year old driver with a 3.2 GPA. PLEASE GIVE ACTUAL ESTIMATED RATES, NOT A BUNCH OF PARAGRAPH TALK. I do realize I must contact my agent (dads agent) for exact amounts, and that it varies a LOT even by zipcode. But I am needing just an estimated amount to draw up some figures. I am looking at a 2009 Suzuki Equator or a 2008 Suzuki XL7. Please help! Thanks! (California)""
Health Insurance for kids?
I have health insurance through my employer, I have a baby due in July and I have looked into adding her as a dependent but it is way to costly. It jumps from 88.00 a month for Keystone Health Plan East to 400 a month if I add her. Can anyone recommend any health insurance companies that will just cover her by herself. Iam not interested in CHIP or Keystone Mercy or any other state facilitaited health insurance. Thanks for the help.""
What can I do about car insurance from another state? PLEASE HELP!?
Okay basically here's the story. I'm 19, I live with my parents in Wisconsin but I'm trying to move back to Pennsylvania with my aunt and uncle. However I'm not in school at the moment. Apparently if I moved to PA, I'd have to pay 278 dollars more a month through Geico because I'd be living in a different state. I already have a job set up there and all so they could obviously see my paycheck is not from Wisconsin so I can't just lie or something lol. I really know nothing about insurance and how I can work this out without paying that much more. Can anyone help me with other options I could have?""
Need affordable heath insurance in NJ?
I'm trying to find a health insurance plan for me and my fiance. I currently do not have health insurance but I am on Birth Control for cyst prevention and it runs 90$ a month. My fiance will be expunged from his parent's plan in October when we are married. I am a nanny and he is a personal trainer and tennis instructor, both jobs do not offer plans since he is not considered fulltime. I went to ehealthinsurance.com for a quote and the lowest is 375 with a steep deductible and limited coverage. We are also both fulltime college students so we are not able to pay much along with our other living expenses. Does anyone know of anyway of getting low cost insurance? I looked into family care etc, but unless I'm pregnant or have children, I wont be covered. I'm at a catch 22....we really want kids but not without being stable first...so either I pay for birth control or health insurance for prenatal and maternity (ha ha ha) I'm getting a bit frustrated here...Will definitely chose a best answer and thanks for reading this :)""
If you receive SSI Disabilty can you stay on your spouse's health insurance?
If you are awarded disability do you have to get on Medicare/Medicaid or can you stay on your spouse's insurance through their employer? I am afraid of not being able to see my regular doctor if I have to get on Medicaid because so few doctors accept it. Anybody familiar with this?? Thanks in advance!
Does sprint phone insurance cover a cracked iPhone 5c screen?
Help! My Daughter dropped my new iPhone 5c and the screen totally shattered!! Is this covered??
What is an insurance premium?
Is the insurance premium what you pay monthly for your insurance?
Car insurance - change of address?
Hi. Recently i changed my address so i had to let the car insurance company know about that. But they charged(actually are willing to chage) me 423 pounds !! Yes, there's not a misspeling. It's 423 . As far as i ve seen, most people get charged no maximum than 50 pounds for this change. Also, there are no changes on my policy. I still have a garage, i still do the same mileage/year and so on. They even confirmed that there's no change in policy details except the new address. The new address it's in Manchester (central area) and before i lived in Bradford(UK). Now, in the mean time, i had a claim. If i would have found about this fee before, i would have cancel my insurance policy but now that i have a claim, i can't cancel it anymore and being refunded (as i paid the insurance for 1 year in one go, Not monthly). I found about this crazy 423 fee only now when i had this claim. You can't find anything about any fees related to changing the address neither on my policy papers nor on their website and online policy books. I suppose they considered this fee just as an administration fee. And i suppose they could have charged me even 10 000 pounds as an administration fee just because they can. I don't feel protected by the company anymore !! that's why it's an insurance company, to protect and take some risks out. The insurance company it's Admiral. I tryed to talk and explain them that this fee it's just nuts but they didn't agreed. The fee it's about 1/4 of the total insurance cost for 1 year. Maybe they try to take advantage of the fact that i can't cancel it (coz i have a claim in process) and i can't get refunded ? Any ideea how should i proceed ? Shall i proceed with any legal actions ? if yes, how much time and money would that cost because i wouldn't go into, i don't think it's worth doing that. Thanks in advance :) Cheers!""
""What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance for a 23 year old??? Progressive, Geico, etc??""
I have had a few blemishes on my record, some tickets and an accident, but my state requires full coverage insurance on a bike that is not paid in full, what are your suggestions??""
Is Liberty National Life Insurance is a good company to work for?
Ok, like a few days ago i've scheduled an interview with National Life Insurance company and was really excited 'bout workin' there until today, but tomorrow (8/05/09) i have my interview...anyways, while i was making some more researches about the company so that i could present my questions to the interviewer (u know when he/she will ask me if i have any questions...) and then i stumbled upon some acclaimed Liberty National Life Insurance scams ...u know how people can be HORRIBLE on the internet. so anyways people (customers or employees, especially EX employees) were saying really bad stuff about the company. Like, LNL insurance doesn't pay people fairly, and that if you just wanna buy a pair of shoes to wear then it's a fitted company to work for, and all the bad things u could imagine...in fact, the ex employees were really crucial about the company. So now, i'm really nervous about working for them you know? I mean what if what those ppl are telling the truth and that i'm just heading toward god knows what?! What if i get the job and realize then that everything that was being said on the internet was true? What if they don't pay me fairly? or i don't know.... All of this has gotten me very frustrated...so if any of u guys can be any help with reliable sources, or just helpful suggestions would be more than great! Thankx and oh lol i didn't realized i wrote so much...sorry 'bout that though....""
How much should my car insurance raise....?
I am 16, I've been driving 4 months. I have USAA car insurance, and I went to a driving school. I'm a supertard and today I rear-ended someone.... the cops were called and an accident report was filed, they said that my insurance company and the person's will contact eachother. I'm just curious to how much you think it should raise? There was alot of damage to my front end, but the person's who I hit hardly had a few scratches on the back bumper. I'm already paying $80 a month. Thanks so much for your estimates!! (p.s. i live in TX if that makes a difference.)""
Health Insurance?
What is the best affordable health insurance for a low income middle age woman in Southern CA?
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jacksonville cheaper auto insurance car insurance quotes jacksonville fl
0 notes
Bay City Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48707
"Bay City Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48707
Bay City Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48707
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can anyone give me a rough estimate on car insurance?
Im a male driver under 20. I have had one crash before (in my mums car) and no other troubles. Im planning on buying a 2001 Hyundai for 6,000. Its a pretty standard car, that is pretty tidy. What sort of insurance am i looking at per month for this car?""
What is the cheapest car insurance if you have bad credit and low income?
What to do if you can't afford car insurance
Motorcycle cost monthly?
Hey guys, I have some questions for you. I am 17 years old, and want to buy my first motorcycle (supermoto). I think I have a good idea on what it costs, but i'm just unsure. First off, i'll need to get my license. What'll that cost me? (California). I do have a car license, so getting the motorcycle license should be short and sweet, but i dont know. secondly, i'm going to get some motorcycle gear. I figure I'll be in 500$ with both license and gear (nice used leathers probably). Then i am going to get the bike which costs $4000. Being a supermoto, the insurance should be cheaper right? DRZ400sm if that helps. So between monthly payments and insurance, I should be in... 200$ a month? then gas, social life, blah blah. What do you think I need to be making monthly to make this happen. I bring in 500$ a month, and have 600$ in the bank as of now.""
Auto Insurance/Roadside Service. Is Roadguard Auto Club a scam?
I have Robert Moreno Insurance Services via my broker Adrianas Insurance. I googled Roadguard Auto Club, and cant find it. I dont think its a real company. The roadside assistance is $42 and its not mandatory. Their California Motor Club License is #3427-2.""
How much will insurace cost me on a 2005 jaguar type s or on a 2006 audi A4?
want to get one of those cars but i want to have a idea of how much it will cost in insurance. i got 1 year with my license or it will go up on my dads name he has like alot of years more then 30 with out accidents or anything. plz any info or if u have one of this cars. give me a idea of how much it will cost me or if u know any website i could find out. thanks. o ya the jaguar is a v6 3.0 and the audi v4 2.0. both leather i will get a bunch of chicks with this cars.
High School Sport Insurance?
If i want to join track for high school as a freshman and i don't think i have health insurance... do i need it to join?
Cheapest car insurance????
looking for a cheap car insurance guys, plz help""
Car insurance?
do you need car insurance in the philippines
Can't decide if i want to go to college for Insurance sales?
I wanted to go to college to be and insurance salesperson but im not sure. If i go to a community college and get an associates degree in business-insurance sales what does it quallify me to sell, like what type of insurance? How much do they make? Will it be easy to find a job? What are the typical hours? Will i have a secure job? Do you work off comission? Any additional info plz""
Health insurance?
im 21 years old i dont know anything about health insurance what affordable insurance would you recommend?? i want to get braces
Car accident no insurance?
I live in California and I was just in a car accident and I was at fault but I just found out the girl driving has no drivers license only a passport because she's from Mexico. Her husband had given me all of his information so fast I forgot to ask for hers because I have never been in one before. If she doesn't have a drivers license would I still be at fault?
How much the insurance for porsche 911 per year in california?
How much the insurance for porsche 911 per year in california?
""My mustang was totaled, and now has been auctioned ,how do I get the miledge for the Insurance company?""
Im having a time with my insurance company,my mustang was torched by some thuds,I guess fro fun,It was a 2004,fresh off the show room,Im the only owner,I had very low miledge, I didnt drive her much due to taking care of my disabled husband, 40 th anniversary special, pony package and a few more items on it,red,beautiful car well taken care of. This is the problem, My insurance wants proof of the miledge,I kept my documents in the car, they had someone pick up my car and had it auctioned off,now I need to find out where the car is,I sure it was sold for parts, I need the miledge off the car,proof of the miledge.Insurance is offering me a lower price because a vehicle of that year compared to their reports have alot of miledge,well mine didnt.I am so upset because they never had someone come and look at the car,they could have gotten the milege with a little work removing the screen, can some one give me some advice,thanks""
Where can I get affordable health insurance?
I am a full time college student, and my school offers insurance, but it is expensive. I need basic health care to cover doctors visits, specialist visits, and x rays. The main reason I need coverage is that my back is messed up from a car accident about a year and a half ago and I can't take the pain anymore. I went to my states website and the insurance they offer is currently not accepting applications. I have looked at tons of sites online, but so far am having no luck. Any advice would be appreciated.""
Do people know the truth about insurance drops?
Why are 2% getting their insurance dropped, they don't meet the requirement of Affordable Care Act. Or in other words those insurance policies have worse coverage then Obamacare.""
Business Class car Insurance?
Can some one explain the different classes of car insurance....I have business class1 and my partner uses the car to drive to work - I think they are covered but would like clarification before I ring up insurer tomorrow and check..... Would I need to change the class of insurance and if so to what?
Do California police/highway patrol have Lidar guns?
Does anyone know if California (more specifically Southern CA) police and or highway patrol have the Lidar speed guns? Or does anyone know where I can find this information out? Thank you!
Are BMW more expensive to insure?
Specifically a White 2006 BMW 325i. I'm 21, never had any traffic violations, had my license since I was 17. I'm looking to get rid of my old 1994 Crappy Mustang, and getting a White 06 3 Series BMW. Will my insurance be expensive? Additional Details: I plan on financing, which means it will require me to get full coverage.""
Does anyone know of a car insurance that can give you a policy without a down payment?
I live in miami fl my car insurance expired on 2/26/12 i don't have money for the renewal does anyone know of any car insurance company that can except me with out a down payment please i need help and at this ponit i need to take what i can for my car before it to late???
How does insurance affect our economy?
What would happen if we couldn't insure things? Can anyone tell me where I can read about insurance and how it works?
Do I really need to buy the insurance?
Renting a car from Enterprise, I don't have a car or insurance but I do have a Drivers Lic.....Is the insurance a scam? Or should I get it? I am in California.""
""Does anyone realize that by making health insurance mandatory, your insurance premiums will skyrocket?""
just like car insurance premiums have? And when premiums skyrocket, everyone will be moving to the cheaper government run policy. If the government really cared and wanted to bring costs down, they would get out of bed with the specdial interest groups such as malpractice lawyers and PHARMA and reform these things.""
I'm a first time driver (with provisional license)... I don't get it, why does insurance cost more (4000 - progressive) for 2005 Nissan Frontier then for a 2003 BMW z4 (2500 - Progressive).... and its not only that, it costs less for a corvette then for a v6 mustang... And its like that for all insurance companies from e-surance to Geico, can anyone explain why or if it even will be that much less?!?!? i mean its more for a BMW 325 4dr (2900 - progressive) then for the BMW z4... How is this possible... Will it cost even less if i get it on my mom's policy? BTW i know BMW are expensive to maintain, but i got a job that i believe will cover everything... do they make z4 4 cylinders or is it only 6? Based on the lowest type of insurance that an 17 year old can get from internet quotes... Ty in advance!""
Inestment in Gold or Life insurance ?
it is better to invest in gold or invest in life insurance / same amount
Does my Jaguar qualify for classic car insurance?
I have a 1996 (N) Reg Jaguar XJ 3.2 Sport, is it eligible for classic car insurance??""
Bay City Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48707
Bay City Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48707
Best health insurance for babies?
Hi everyone I am 24 and kind of new to this. I'm pregnant with my first child and I would like to know what would be the best insurance for my newborn and when I should apply for it. I currently have insurance through my job and its great the only thing is I'm not considered full time so if I put the baby under my insurance there goes half of my paycheck. It is the same for the baby's father. I have a loooong way to go before my due date but I like to be prepared when it comes to things like this because it is very important to me. If there is anyone out there who has a good place to choose I'm all ears!
Traveling medical insurance prices?
how much do i have to pay for medical insurance if i'm traveling from Toronto to Barbados on a trip medical insurance.
How much will insurance rates go up for hitting a parked car?
I accidentally hit a parked car and there is a lot of damage to my car (paint, door won't open) and minimal damage to the other owner's car (slight tear on rubber bumper) how much will my rates rise?""
Which car insurance company is the cheapest if you have many points?
Which car insurance company is the cheapest if you have many points?
Getting insurance for a car?
my step daughters cousin is buying her a used car. tiffany does not have a license yet. she has her learners permit. we live in pennsylvania. her cousin does not want the insurance in her name she wants my step daughter to get it. can you get insurance without a license? she lives with her dad, can she get on his policy? would she automaticaly be on her cousins insurance since she will own the car? thank you""
18 male ontario car insurance rates?
im an 18 yo male living in windsor ontario. I have a clean driving record, have passes drivers ed and recently got my g license. I just bought a 2001 ford taurus and was wondering the approximate rate of insurance. Other possibly necessary information could be, im a student, and the main purpose of the vehicle is to and from work/school which is only about 16km away. Let me know if you need any more information""
Can i list my vehicle at another adress for insurance?
hi, i own a 2006 acura RSX-s and i live in the philadelphia suburbs. my insurance is quite PRICEY! any how, my father owns property in northern PA which is primarily farm land, and insurance would be alot cheaper if listed there. tho i dont live there, can i list my insurance there? is there anything illegal or could it hurt me? i see alot of people with New Jersey tags who live in PA to get cheaper Insurance. what do you suggest, and what would i have to do, change adress on D/L etc?""
Driving without insurance in Indiana?
What happens in the state of Indiana if you are caught driving without insurance? I thought it was a 90 day suspension of your license but I have been told otherwise... Also what happens if you are in a wreck without insurance but the passenger DOES have insurance? Does the passenger's insurance have to cover everything?
Is $3000.00 for Car Insurance?
my 18 yr old son just bought a 2007 Chevolet Cobalt. .$3000.00 for insurance. that just make the whole family sick. we have the house and two other Vehicles with same insurance company. i don't even think we got a discount. $3000. 00 for the Cobalt plus the two trucks. that about $5500.00 for car insurance we all have clean driving records. 18- 24 yrs old male! How much do you paid for car insurance?
Health Insurance Question?
I am 19, and I am Diabetic. I would like to move out of my parents house, and start living independently. Is there any Health Insurances out there that are government run that could help me get a cheap Insurance rate? Oh, and I live in Ohio if that makes any difference.""
Car insurance help?
Ok so im about to turn 16. my parents said they would get me a car, but only if i paid my own insurance. can u please tell me how much it would be a month. and what company would be the lowest price. i dont know if u need this info but. im 16. white ( someone told me it matters?), i live in florida (palm beach county), and the car will probably be an audi a4. can u please give me an average amount a month so i know what my goal to save up is.""
""Which insurance company is BETTER in Naples, FL -- UHC or CIGNA?
Planning to get an individual insurance and those two are one of the good ones. I'll also get a Dental Premier (ppo) and Vision Plan. A bit worried on the dental though coz there are only few who has affiliation with insurance companies. HEEEEEEEELP. Which one is better?
Car Insurance Renewal - cooling off period?
My insurers have renewed my car insurance policy because I mistakenly thought the previous policy ended 5 days after it did. Their policy was considerably higher than I could get elsewhere. I have had 5 days cover - can I cancel without penalty?
Cheap insurance in michigan?
Hi i live in Taylor MI and im trying to find cheap insurance for a 2008 ford focus
Anyone have a cheap insurance for a young driver?
I am 23 and I got my license dec 2013 Clean driving record so far I own a hyundai accent 2005 Anyone has a cheap or affordable insurance and is young too? I am in California. Orange County to be specific.
What are my health insurance options as a student?
I'm 22 years old and a full-time student at a California State university. Last month and without warning, my dad cut me off of his company's insurance and is refusing to put me back on because he claims we have no relationship and he essentially wanted to be spiteful as he has done since my parents divorced. My question is this: Can he even legally do this? As a full-time student, isn't it my right to be covered by his insurance? I can't get any insurance through my mother as she is unemployed. Because I'm pulling 19 units at school, I can't take on a full-time job to get health insurance. So what are my options? Is there a way to force my dad to put me back under his plan? If not, what should I do? I'm confused and scared because just over a month ago, I had to go to the ER because I broke my nose. Two days later was when my dad cut my insurance. Now I don't even know if that ER visit was covered because he didn't warn me before he cut me off. If someone could please help me figure out what to do in this situation, I would be very grateful!""
Will my car insurance increase?
I received a ticket for failure to obey street sign, because I went down a closed road. I was wondering will my insurance rates go up because of this? This is my first ticket and have been driving for about 6 years. If I go to traffic school, will it stop the rate from going up? From what I have read online, some people said it does effect and some say no. I have Allstate and live in CA. Any info is much appreciated.""
Who has affordable health insurance for my family of 5 in virginia?
My husbands job provides insurance for $650 a month. We can't afford that at all. So looking for affordable health and dental please help we are in virginia. Thanks in advance
Car insurance in massachusetts?
im gonna buy a $700(ive checked it out its a good deal, shutup) 1996 honda civic dx(its a first car, i hate hondas but im not rich like half of the assholes that are gonna make fun of me for getting a honda) anyway i live in massachusetts and i know insurance will be a variable but does anyone know how much itll be when i start driving? thanks""
How much will my brothers insurance go up after his accident?
How much will my 18 year old brothers car insurance go up after a 3,000 single car accident? Thanks! :o)""
Car Insurance Premium?
I buy a new car on 02nd January 2012 for Rs 7,00,000.00. I paid Rs. 15,000.00 as insurance premium to HDFC for one year. My car met an accident & I claim Rs. 50000.00 to insurance company & claim settled. My question is here, will my insurance premium will be more than Rs 15,000.00 next year or the insurance premium will be calculated as per the car market value in next year ?""
I have a question about car insurance in N.C.? I REALLY NEED AN ANSWER????????????????
okay, im 15, im about to get a car signed over to my name, what im wanting to do is have it in my name, work out the problems with it over the years, then by the time i get my license, it'll be running nice and good so i dont have to worry about it, sounds simple huh? well i've only encountered one problem with this, and that is my mom says that you need to have car insurance to be able to own a car by law. so the whole time that i own the car, fixing it up and stuff, (when im not driving it), ill have to pay car insurance on it, i dont have a job yet, so i dont wanna dig a ditch that i cant get out of, so by law in N.C., do i have to have to have car insurance on a car, if i dont have my license, and im not driving it, i guesse a simpler way to put it is do i have to have insurance on a sitting car. an answer is crucial and best answer gets 10 points, please help thank you""
""Who has the cheapest car insurance in Houston, Tx?
I have Geico right now.. I am a 17 year old boy who has a car accident on his record (in june 2010).
Where and how to get an insurance for a borrowed car?
Hi there, I am going to borrow a car from a friend for one day and since I am not at his insurance policy, I will have to obtain one day insurance for my own name, am I right? I have my own car which is insured but I cannot use it at that day. Can my own insurance cover that single day? If not, where and how do I get that one day insurance? Thanks for answers!""
""Can I purchase a car, and tow it home without insurance?""
I want to purchase a car from a small car place, the man puts 30 day tags on it and mails the title to the DMV, but my father cant get off work to come put insurance on the car for me. So can I buy the car there, have the title put in my name, but have the car towed home and stored off the street until I can add it to insurance and get my own tags? or is it illegal to tow a car without insurance on it?""
Bay City Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48707
Bay City Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48707
What can a car finance company do if you no longer have insurance?
I bought a 2004 vehicle (from CarMax) about 3 months ago. The finance company (Capital One Auto Finance) would only approve me if I started an insurance policy before I left the dealership. I did, but have since let that policy go, for different reasons. The finance company is now sending me letters to give them updated insurance info, or they may take appropriate action to protect its interest . What exactly does that mean??? All my payments have been on time, actually 2 weeks or more early. So, what can they do if I continue not to have insurance, since my payments on the vehicle are all in order? Since guessing or assuming won't help me, sources for your answers would be helpful. Thanks.""
How do you get health insurance?
im 16 and i dont have any health insurance. i wanna try out for the wrestling team this year but i dont think the school will let me because i have no health insurance. how do you apply for it and how long does it take to get it?
Does anyone know the average insurance quotes for 2007 Nissan Altima in Wisconsin?
Does anyone know the average insurance quotes for 2007 Nissan Altima in Wisconsin?
Insurance question HELP PLZ?
On the insurance to get a quote, it says to list all the violations within the last 3 years. I have got one speeding ticket but was cleared because i took the Stop Class. So do i have to put this down as one of the penalities""
Who does the cheapest car insurance?
Who does the cheapest car insurance?
Which Car Insurance is good - any advice?
I need a car insurance very soon. But i am not sure which insurance i should take. Whats your advice? Thanks.
How does Progressive compare your insurance rates with top companies?
How is that possible? I've applied for Progressive quotes before (and wasn't impressed at all), but how are they able to do that? Insurance companies all have complex formulas that are used to calculate rates using several factors, including driving history, location, credit, household drivers, vehicles, etc. Unless they have robots online that steal competitors' bandwidth and automatically fill out the forms, it doesn't seem possible. If that was the case, you would think other companies would block Progressive from abusing their servers. Any ideas?""
Plz recommend good/affordable health insurance for 55+?
Looking for a good health insurance for my parents who are 55+. Is there such a thing as good and affordable??? Thanks!
Refused car insurance for being?
a house husband (was told by insurers ) so could i word it as being a child carer (without telling lies) for insurance purposes
Do you think health care should be more affordable? If you answered yes....?
Does that mean you support Obamacare??? The Dems and THEIR pollsters say yes....... That's the only way the White House can claim that 66% of Americans support Obama's ...show more
How much does Mercury insurance cost for new teenage drivers?
my family already is on mercury (4 people)...how much more is it with mine included? (im going to have to pay for it)
How much my insurance will go up?
How much my insurance will go up? I had an accident which totaled my car. I am 100% at fault for that accident and my car worth 15000$. I have clear driving record and no tickets in past two years. How much will my insurance go up I am paying 900$ for six months
Approximately how much will my car insurance cost?
I am a 16 year old male, I will be getting my liscense soon. I'm going to have my own car(probably an old Honda civic) and ill be added on my mothers insurance policy. And I live in San Diego, and my grades are B's and C's""
Why are my insurance quotes so high?
I am trying to get car insurance and all the quotes I'm getting are about 100 dollars a month. I'm in highschool and any of my friends get theirs for like 60 a month. I have a perfect driving history and still it's too high.
Forcing to get car insurance?
Two years ago, my ex and I bought a car under her name. It was registered in her name, and the loan was in her name. The insurance was in mine. We split up, and now neither of us ...show more""
Motorcycle insurance for 18yr old first vehicle(sportbike)?
I am considering purchasing a 2007 Kawasaki ninja 250r. I was wondering how much insurance would be for me(18) if it was my first vehicle . I have no prior car insurance history. And I just got a motor license.
Around how much is car insurance for a 19 year old new driver in the uk?
Around how much is car insurance for a 19 year old new driver in the uk?
Are there any groups you can join that offers group health insurance?
Or some insurance co that does not ask for a ten year history?
Insurance Company Policy Number California?
I was rear ended and I obtain the person of interest's driver license, license plate, name, and policy number, but did not get the insurance company's name. I tried calling the suspect and came into her work (subway) to find out the number I was given was incorrect. I tried calling the new number and still no response. I remember seeing that the insurance company was from the Bay Area. The policy number is 1053121297. Could anyone help me connect this policy number format to a company?""
Car/insurance sixteen yo?
I'm sixteen and I'm thinking about this car: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=296014776&dealer_id=100012676&car_year=2002&systime=&doors=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=1981&keywordsfyc=&keywordsrep=&scarid=296515424&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=25&min_price=&rdm=1303705998432&drive=&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar%3A%3Aispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=priceDESC&max_mileage=&color=&address=72076&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=&awsp=false&make=AUDI&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=22&standard=false How much do you think it would cost a month for insurance? I'll have a job and my parents have offered to pay a lil each month and help me out. Sorry, I'm completely new to all this and I just need a ballpark estimate.""
What is the cheapest individual health insurance plan in California?
I am young and healthy and need a health insurance plan for myself. Essentially, I just need health insurance in case of a freak accident that will land me in a hospital. Any suggestions? The cheapest so far has been $51 a month. I don't care about deductibles or any of that. Just that it has the lowest monthly fee. Thanks!""
DWI SR-22 and Insurance?
I recently got a dwi in Texas and I have heard about a lot of times that your insurance company won't notice your dwi on your record for a while or that it will never end up on your driving record because of lack of communication between the court and dps. What i am wondering is does Texas make you get a sr-22 form so that your insurance company does find out? if so with state farm and a otherwise clean driving record how much will a dwi effect my insurance cost?
Cheapest car insurance in florida?
i am looking for a good and cheapest car insurance in Florida...Help plz
What do liquor liability insurance papers look like?
Like if you need to confirm that you have it, what do you show people?""
How much should I be looking for to pay for car insurance?
Its a 98 ford escort with 127,000 miles and it has a salvage title""
Bay City Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48707
Bay City Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48707
Roommates car insurance company wants my car insurance info?
My roommate just changed her address told her car insurance provider she moved in with a friend. Her insurance company wants my car insurance info. Why? Do I have to/need to supply this? What are the positives and or negatives to doing this? Could it make my insurance go up? Note: We are not under the same company or policy for that matter. Thanks
Can you get life insurance if you smoke marijuana?
My husband's 20 year policy is up and I am renewing us one together. He smokes it occasionally and I do not. We have to do a medical screening to the get insurance, so do they drug test? What is the outcome of smoking marijuana? Does that automatically cancel the application? We have 6 months to take the exam, so I am sure he can stop until then, but I am just wondering about the rules.""
Is it possible for a UK resident to get car insurance in the US?
I am planning to travel to the US for 2 months and was hoping to buy a car in California and drive it to New York. I have been trying to find out if will be possible to get insurance since I am not a resident of the US and it is looking increasingly difficult. I contacted Progressive Insurance company in the US and they said that I would have to have an address plus they would be unable to write a policy as the laws change between states and I would be travelling between states. Is there anything I can do to get around this?
Would using a motorbike for a year make insuring a car cheaper?
i'm at college and i am looking at learning to drive a car and i was wondering that if i used a motorbike or moped for a year without claiming on insurance would it decrease the cost of car insurance? because that is what my friends have been saying
Gerber life insurance company?
is this even worth doing has anyone ever done this...i need feed back and ideas i have a one year old little boy and i want him to have something to fall back on when he gets older, weather its college or whatever The insurance says they can cash it out for the premium. So should i sign up or just get him a savings account?""
Drive without car insurance?
i can't afford car insurance right now... i just have too many other obligations. does anyone else care to comment on what its like to drive without insurance? what happens if you get caught?
Insurance Cost?
what is the monthly insurance cost for a new cadillac escalade for a 32 year old driver with a perfect record
Could someone please explain health insurance to me?
Difference between PPO HMO DRG Private insurance, and deductibles I read it in my textbook but all these terms I'm not very familiar with so no matter how much I re-read the paragraphs I'm still a bit confused... I might sound stupid but oh well! Clarify for me please! Thanks for all who answer""
Auto insurance..??
I'm trying to get just PL&PD, and the insurance websites are really hard for me to understand at the moment... I'm 19, just got my license, no experience on the road good or bad, good grades, and my car is a '96 Ford Taurus... about how much will my insurance be?? just a guess is what I want, and also if you have what company you got your estimate from, that would be really nice. Thanks :)""
Why do insurance companies base rates on credit?
Illness hurt our family financially but we recovered and are on the credit mend. Funny thing is we have never missed an insurance payment - nor have we lapsed policies. We have been steady insurance users for 19+ years now. Our driving records and insurance record is also clean. Why is it fair for insurance companies to use credit against you - when they can't possibly know the circumstances.
Pregnant and no health insurance - Maine?
I am canadian who just got a visa to move to maine to live with my US husband - I still work in Canada and cross daily. 3 nights ago I found out I was pregnant. I called my blue cross to see what it covered in the USA and when I told them I moved from NB they promptly cancelled my insurance. My husband doenst have insurance and because of my salary in Canada we dont quality for medicaid or mainecare. so no insurance, no mainecare and no money...... I also cannot have the baby in Canada now as they cancelled my medicare when I moved...... so this is worst situation I have ever been in...... I have wanted to be a mother for years but I cannot afford 15000 to have a baby ...... I am honestly contemplating an abortion.....""
File auto insurance claim or pay out-of-pocket in NJ?
My 17yo daughter just got her graduated NJ license, skidded on wet corner, causing $1300 in damage to wheel & susp. We have $500 deductible. Can we ask our insurance co. how much our rates will go up if we file a claim, or will that automatically flag her for additional points?""
""Diamond Car Insurance? gave the cheapest quote, anybody use or used them?""
I am 21 year old female wanting to start my own insurance policy instead of being 2nd driver on my mums car. I have a Toyota Rav4 Sport, which insurance companies are good with younger people please (the car is 8 years old, so not worth a great deal)""
Am I paying to much for car insurance?
I like in Tempe, AZ. I am under my parents insurance and I'm paying $200 a month for car insurance. I drive a Toyota Yaris 2007. At first I thought what I'm paying for was wayyyyy to much, but I got some quotes from other insurance company's and they want me to spend more?! What the heck? Can anyone help me out?""
How much did you pay for car insurance on your first car?
I am going to be 17 soon and will get a car, the car i will get is Vauxhall Astra Mk4 1.4, i went on a car insurance quote comparison website and the cheapest they could find was like 5,500, there's not a chance im gonna pay that, i was wondering what you all paid, oh and i live in the UK.""
Which is the cheapest car insurance in Louisiana?
Which is the cheapest car insurance in Louisiana?
Car accident/insurance.?
Okay, three days ago I got into a car accident, I drive an SUV and the other party drives a Toyota Camry. Save for a few scratches on the bumper, my car is fine, the other woman on the other hand says she can't open her door and the front right light and part of the bumper is damaged. I told her I would cover the damages if we could keep this from the insurance companies. She agreed, but is now saying she is in pain . No one called the cops and she was at fault, I CAN NOT afford to have an accident on my rec as I'm only 18, what to do? I said I'd pay as my car is fine and as a thanks for staying mum. Now shes called her insurance company and claims she got an estimate of $3,600 for the car and medical.""
Can I drive my new used car without insurance for 30 days?
I just bought a new used car today. I have insurance on my old car still (in my mom's name). Does that insurance cover my new car (in my name) for a bit do you think? Or should I just not drive it at all until i get it insured?
Can you claim your car insurance if your car needs repairs not caused by an accident?
If you have fully comprehensive insurance can you make a claim even though you have not been in a crash or other accident? The car in question has an MOT however it needs extensive repairs and is not drivable. The repairs are going to cost more than the car is worth and so it really just needs to be scrapped or sold for a ridiculously small sum of money to someone who can fix it up. The problem is that there is still a huge outstanding balance for the loan repayment of the car! Can anyone help please?
How much is car insurance for a 19 year old female in south carolina?
How much is car insurance for a 19 year old female in south carolina?
Does having big bore kit affect the insurance cost?
Im looking at buying a vespa scooter registered as a 50cc, im 16 years old, and was wondering because it has a 110cc big bore kit fitted on it how this would effect the insurance cost? Thanks for any help.""
What is an average cost of IUI without insurance?
What is an average cost of IUI without insurance and what is the success rate?
Cheap Insurance? For Young Driver?
I am looking for a cheap insurance company. I'm 17 and the cheapest quote iv had is around 2100. Anyone no of any cheaper? Thanks.
Do Americans really believe democrats & Obama want to give affordable insurance and not socialist medicine?
affordable insurance for 50 mil more people doesn't just grow on trees, or does it? in Canada too, the gov in the 60s and 70s first fooled people in as only an INSURER, then within 20 years, it grew to become the monopoly MANAGER, to the point where ALL PRIVATE CARE IS NOW ILLEGAL IN CANADA. Should we be fooled by this cheap attempt? Sources: http://www.brianday.ca/canada-health-act.html http://www.theadvocates.org/freeman/8903lemi.html""
Health insurance just for the baby?
What health insurance is out there that i can just get for the baby? My current job offers family coverage to what i have now but it will be $83 EXTRA per WEEK for family...thats over $300 per month! i was wondering if there was a health insurance program that would do just the baby. THOUGHTS ANYONE?
Bay City Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48707
Bay City Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48707
0 notes
Can you remove yourself from your parents’ health insurance voluntarily?
"Can you remove yourself from your parents' health insurance voluntarily?
I just would like to know. Is it possible? Thanks.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Teen Auto Insurance??????
I am just wondering what the teen drivers or parents of teen drives pay monthly or however you pay for insurance once the teen gets their license? I know there are alot of factors that contribute to how much a teen pays for insuracne but I am just curious. So basically how old are you?...and basically just how much does you or your teen pay for insurance, if they have a car what type? or if you are a parent, are they added on your policy, and still how much do you pay for insurance? Thanks :)""
What do you pay for auto insurance?
Do you consider it reasonable or not? thanks for answering. Please let me know where you are from. just looking at the statewide quotes.
What is an insurance quote?
people say low insurance quote .... what is it. how does it work and how does the whole car insurance thing work what if i buy a $5000 car ... how much would i be spending every month including tax, insurance> EXCLUDE GAS""
When is the correct time to drop her from my insurance?
Here's the situation. When the divorce papers were filed she had a job. She has since been laid off. The divorce does not require me to insure her. If i drop her though she has no insurance and no affordable way to get any. I have the financial means to cover her for month, but I'm concerned about the consequences. If something happened could the insurance company come back and charge me for everything since we weren't actually married?""
Anybody knows reliable insurance companies that insure summer houses?
I've recently bought a summer house in Tavira, Portugal, which my family and I would like to insure because we won't use it constantly. Anybody knows reliable insurance companies that insure summer houses?""
What if I choose not to have insurance on my car? whats the big risk im taking? Do i even need it?
I am 19 years old, I have been legally driving since I was 17, but have actually been driving since I was 15 (Yeah crazy huh?) (My dad was my teacher) Thankfully, I have never been in a car accident. I am a very careful driver. Point is: I want to buy a used car, and I don't feel like having car insurance is even necessary. I'm not made out of money and I really NEED to save the extra cash. Also if you have ever gotten a ticket for not having car insurance , how much was it?""
How to get cheap car insurance for a 17 year old?
I'm a 17 year old male and i've recently passed my driving test and done IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists) I live in the UK and need to know of any cars for cheap insurance or any ways to get cheap insurance WITHOUT putting myself as a named driver on my parents car. Many thanks. :).
How much a month for car insurance for a beginning 16 year old driver?
How much a month for car insurance for a beginning 16 year old driver?
Whats the cheapest bike insurance for a 1st time biker - 21 yrs - 125cc only CBT done?
Any gd experience to pass on? (Honda CG125)
How much would car insurance be for a 2002 Mercedes cts for a 16 year old w/ all A's in school?
How much would car insurance be for a 2002 Mercedes cts for a 16 year old w/ all A's in school?
Got rear ended my rates will go up?
Tonight I was sitting at a red light when I heard breaks screeching and before I had time to see where it was coming from I was rear ended by a tow truck. I just got my car yesterday a honda passport, the only thing that saved my car from severe damage was the spare tire on the bottom of my car by the bumper. The damage is not too bad the bumber has been pushed to the side and there is a gap along with some gouges on the bumper. The cop did not give police report to me as he said I would not need it in the state of florida for a claim but he warned me that my insurance premiums could possibly go up if i file a claim. I have full coverage insurance, Why would my premium go up?? When I called my insurance company they said to wait for the claims department to contact me. I was rear ended 4 years ago and I got a lawyer only because the damage and injuries were bad, This is not even close to being as severe as far as damage and injuries go. I only have a slight head ache and some moments of intense pain in my neck and upper back. Should I consider a lawyer?""
Buying Car - Insurance Question?
I'm buying a Z-28 Camaro, and I have encountered a problem. I was told when I register it (which I have to apparently) that I have to insure it. I plan on leaving the car just setting in my yard. Yes it runs perfectly, but I can't afford gas for it or insurance at the time. 1) Do I legally have to register it 2) How long do I have to register it 3) Does it HAVE to be insured 4) If yes to 3, what's the cheapest insurance I can get and about how much is it. I don't care what it covers. I don't know if the state makes a difference but I live in Michigan. Thanks A Million""
Car insurance sellsman salary?
I have a question if anyone is in the car insurance business. My husband has been out of work for quite sometime, hes been really looking for a job anything right now, and got called back from a car insurance place he applied for i really dont know money wise, if it makes ok money they told him its salary and comission, i hate those kind of jobs. So im not so much knowledgable when it comes to the word salary and in that job description, anyone know if it pays alright.""
Is pregnancy a pre determined condition in insurance?
Hi my husbands insurance was terminated because they called him back to work to late so he didnt have enugh hours built up. It reinstates in October, If I were to get pregnant would they not cover me?""
Is free Health Insurance and Food Stamps considered economics?
My sister says food stamps and health insurance are government. What are they exactly?
How can I get back on my mom's health insurance/Medicaid?
My mother is on Medicaid and I got kicked off her insurance at 19, I am now 21. I'm in college full time and I have a job. Why wont they keep on it? I'm stuck paying for my own insurance but every other young adult is on their parents insurance until their 26. Is it because she has Medicaid not regular insurance? If yes, why?""
How much does motorcycle insurance typically cost?
good credit, driving record, etc...""
Average monthly car insurance in Vegas?
I'm loking at getting a 2001 bmw 325i. (no my parents arent buying this for me. its my money that i earned at work). I'm an 18 year old male. If you could give me a general idea of how much id be paying monthly that would be GREAT. I do vote people as best answer so if i like your answer ill give you 10 points :)
Car insurance for honda city - chennai?
i am goint to buy a brand new honda city - 1.5. E MT model what is a average yearly car insurance i could expect for this please advise
Negotiating a car insurance claim?
Long story short, consensus feel that my car (hit by an uninsured Crown Victoria) is going to be considered a total loss tomorrow when the adjuster checks it out. My main concern is, if I feel I am offered an unfair amount for my car, what would be a good way to negotiate with them? And what do they use to base their offer on? I've already checked Autotrader and other sites for a replacement for my car, and this model is very sparse (5 total within 500 miles, only searching by year and model/trim), only being sold by dealerships that want a LOT more than I paid for the car a year ago. Can I cite those examples, or do I have to use something like KBB or NADA appraisals? I've never had to make a claim with an insurance company before, and the only thing I know is the reputation of insurance companies.""
""If I got a speeding ticket in my parents car, their insurance rates with state farm will increase?""
I got a speeding ticket, driving my dad's car, their insurance rates will be affected in any way?""
How much will Car insurance cost me??? PLEASE HELP!?
I am a 20 year old female. I didn't complete high school, but I will get my GED and go to school next fall. I'm getting a car this Feb when taxes come back and I'm buying no more then a good decent $3000 car. I have a child too so I heard that helps bring the insurance down a little. Because the car will be under my name, & I am the ONLY driver in this house hold so there will be only 1 person on the insurance, how much do u think I could be paying a month??? Any guess for wage? I want full coverage but if its more then 300 a month i will go half. I've had my permit to since I was 17, no accidents. Please help.""
Does the new Health care law say any thing about Dental and Vision insurance?
Does the new Health care law say any thing about Dental and Vision insurance? What does it say about those things Dental and vision? Is it going to make them cheaper and require them to cover more, like almost 100% of the bill for those services? When will this take affect? Will it require us to have them to? Will it give us more affordable options for Dental and Vision plans? What are they going to call affordable on those? I need a plan that will cover 100% of my Dental and Optical visits.""
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old in GA?
I'm 16, I own a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- 2 door, live in Athens, GA, drive less than 7,000 miles annually, drive to and from work and school 5 days a week... haha. I just want to know how much it would be monthly for car insurance on any of the companies. Any help would be appreciated. :)""
How much insurance cost for 350z?
Im 18 and i have a clean record and what does the insurance cost in wisconsin ,Port Washington . For each insurance company if you can tell me please .""
Can you remove yourself from your parents' health insurance voluntarily?
I just would like to know. Is it possible? Thanks.
18 year-old female in Florida (Manatee/Sarasota area) looking for car insurance.?
I am looking for inexpensive car insurance for a 2007 Scion tC. I have had no tickets nor accidents in the two years that I have had my license. Oh and I will be 19 in two months. Any help will be appreciated.
Do I 1st need car insurance to take license test or does the car I use for the test just need to be insured?
P.S. My dad says he has researched and told me in order to get my license, I needs car insurance for myself, not including my dads insured car I would use for the test . I have been searching the web, and found nothing to prove either one of us right. I know I need insurance after I receive my license but is it a requirement when I take the test?""
How much would the insurance be on a 1993 Acura legend coupe with a type II engine and skyline gtr body kit?
I have a link that shows pictures of the car so please give me your thoughts about what you think of the car itself and how high or low the insurance may be. Here's the link. http://www.cardomain.com/ride/562419/2
What kind of insurance coverage should I get for my motorcycle?
I have pretty much decided to get an SV650S as my first bike. Right now I am reasearching insurance coverages but am pretty much clueless. I don't know what coverage to get. This will be my first bike and I have very little experience riding. I have taken an MSF course and live in Los Angeles Area. I guess I am not looking for a particular insurance carrier(although it will help), I am looking for an explanations of the coverages so I know what to get.""
Car insurance?
im trying to look for a cheap car insurance company any ideas??
""2011 Subaru Impreza WRX STI, [price help]?""
I am looking to purchase a 2011 STI sometimes EARLY july. There are few USED ones in my area, but the price is not much different, becuase low miles NEW 2011 STI limited, MSRP about 37,999 Used--- that i am looking at, with 4,000 miles is 36,950 I was wondering if it is even worth it to buy it used vs new, and if i did buy it used how far can i get the price down, since it is only like 5 months old. And if anyone has any tips about down payments, I.e how much to put down ETC ---Im 19 years old, have a good paying job for my age, my dad is going to co sign. If you have any advice that is un related, please share Also, my heart is set on this car, nothning else""
Car insurance under 4000 for 18 year old male?
I passed my test back in november, and completed my pass plus not long after, i have been un-able to acquire a quote which has been under 4000 at all, i have tried all the main comparison websites etc, and im only trying to insure a 1.2L Ford Fiesta Finesse. Ive tried putting parents on as named drivers to lower it etc but nothing works, im not looking for miracles, just an insurance quote that is around the 3000-3500 mark. Im wondering whether smaller insurance companies would be able to offer me slightly cheaper insurance if anybody knows any good ones? Any help is MUCH appreciated as i am getting desperate here!""
Is is fair that car insurance should be cheaper for girls than for lads?
Is is fair that car insurance should be cheaper for girls than for lads?
Cheapest car insurance?
What would be the cheapest car insurance for a low income 18 year old female who has had two tickets. I have a Chevy Tahoe-2006 and I live in Oklahoma if that helps.
I'm in touch with an insurance broker and he has advised me to get a combined insurance plan? pros and cons?
basically, a combined insurance with a term insurance and a permanent insurance. Anything that i need to know? The total policy is $800,000. Any catch?""
Insurance for a cheap car?
Hi all, i am living in NYC which has notoriously high car insurance rates. I'm looking to purchase a second beater car to work on as a side hobby. This car would run anywhere from $500-$2000. Is there anyway to insure this car without it being $100/mo? Because those are the quotes i am currently getting for just liability insurance. Seems a bit ridiculous seeing how the cost of insurance would go over the value of the car in just a year or so.""
Good Car Insurance Agency in Kentucky?
I'm going to be heading to Eastern Kentucky, near Hazard. I currently have Nationwide insurance, but may change my insurance around if it is cheaper. What are some good and cheaper car insurance companies?""
What is the grace period to drop one car insurance company an get another 1?
My car insurance restarts September 24 I pay more for the 4month plan an want to switch. to a cheaper insurance company
How much does car insurance for a 16 year old male driver cost?
How much does car insurance for a 16 year old male driver cost?
Would it be against the Law if you don't have this Obama Health Insurance?
Will you be put in jail or a fine if you don't have this proposed Health Coverage? What if someone is homeless which is alot of people with this economy, do we pay for them too? Who is this for anyway? Do you think the Insurance Co.'s will make it affordable because I seriously doubt that with the Government in their pocket!!?? If it passes would this be a huge windfall for the Insurance industry or what?? First the Banks and Now the Health Industry?""
Car Insurance companies?
I have car insurance on my 2010 ford focus. When i signed up with them they never asked me about my title. it does have a salvage title but they never asked me if it had one or not. I have been insured with them for approximately almost 2 years with A+ plus driving history. I had some small damage that has been done to my car by a citizen of whom I have no idea but that scratch the sides of my vehicle with I guess the key or some type of odd objects. I put a claim in to have my car to be looked at and to have them to pay me the value of what my vehicle was worth. I've been paying full coverage since the day I started with them. when I put the claim in is when they discovered that it had a salvage title. Theey did send me a check for the amount of damages. this is an out of state check so its not able to be cash immediately. I have two questions I would like to ask. 1. are they able to put a stop on this check. 2. the retention department has been calling me what is the retention
Im getting an abortion with my parents insurance will they find out?
Okay so I am a 20 year old college student and im pregnant and I am not in the positin to care for a child so I am getting an abortion. But I am doing so with my parents insurance I do not want them to know because after all im 20 I can make my own descions and do things on my own but with that being said I do not want it show up anywhere in the mail or online or anything that I had an abortion. I do not want them to know. So what should I do I talk to the ladies at the faility im using and they told me there not sure if it will show up as an abortion it might just show the facilities name whih im fine with because I can say I got birth control or something like that so what should I do? Any advice is welcome as long as its dont get an abortion because i am not in the position for a kid I will learn from my irresponsiblity.
Will my car insurance go up because my friend got a speeding ticket while driveing my car??
I let my friend drive my car and he got a speeding ticket for going 5 over. will my insurance go up because he got the ticket while driving my car or just his insurance.
Insurance for people who do not have a car?
Are there any insurance for people who do not have a car?
Does any one know the fees for not having car insurance?
I got pulled over two days ago. I was driving my cousin's van and it doesn't have insurance. i got a ticket for driving without insurance.
""Insurers are anticipating large health insurance price increases next year due to Obamacare, how will libs try to spin it into a positive?
Is Obamacare really the first mandatory insurance?
Isn't Social Security a mandatory fee/tax/insurance on all working people? Isn't unemployment insurance a mandatory insurance unless you are an independent contractor? Isn't car insurance a mandatory insurance for any driving person?
Can anyone recommend a good life insurance company?
I know all circumstances are different but I would like some recommendations as there are so many to chose from and I am sick of repeating my details, so if I could whittle it down a bit it may help!""
Do you need to report a delivery job on auto Insurance?
If I got a job where I need to use my car for work, do I need to report it to my auto insurance, and if so, will my rates go up?""
How do speeding tickets affect your insurance?
i received a 81 dollar ticket and lost 2 points last friday. im 16 and i was driving my moms car. the car is in her name and so is the insurance so since I got the ticket how will it affect my mom's insurance? i am not on the insurance nor on the title for the car.
Can you remove yourself from your parents' health insurance voluntarily?
I just would like to know. Is it possible? Thanks.
How much is car insurance for a 97 corolla?
please don't say ask your insurance company because i wont know until a couple days later. i just got my license and im 17 years old and i have a 97 corolla. The car isnt in the BEST condition but its still in pretty good condition and i was wondering how much would the insurance be considering i took driving classes at the school and am dadap certified (that alcohol lesson thing) thanks
How To Get The Insurance Brokers Licensec?
How to get the insurance brokers licensec? Is anyone could give me website?
What kind of insurance would i get for a honda cbr 600 (im 16)?
im moving out to california after highschool to pursue the music industry so i figured it might pay for itself in gas money, but then i started to think about insurance...""
""Republicans, what should someone do if they are sick and cant afford health insurance?""
Republicans, what should someone do if they are sick and cant afford health insurance?""
What car to get for cheapest insurance after crash at 17?
Im 17, 18 on october 1st. I crashed my car in january, claimed for write off and got given 3000, i put that in premium bonds, i ahve that money sat there to but a car with. I want to get a car on my 18th, what car should i get, bearing in mind ive had a crash, then claimed? the cheapest ive seen is 3470 a year for insurance. thanks.""
Insurance payments for a car?
I have a 2007 nissan altima sedan. Obviously 4 doors, v4 engine. And I wanna know how much I would pay for insurance a month. I have mercury insurance and I want a rough estimate. Here's the thing. I'm 18. And a guy. (Idk if that matters) but since I'm gonna pay for the insurance. I wanna know a little more info on everything.This isn't my first car. I had a 92 Honda Accord and my mom told me that my portion was a little more than 200/more. I read that they may charge more for cars older than 1997.so if any one has experience or if they are dealing with the same issue I'm having. Any info would help. Thanks.""
Insurance quotes and reviews?
l've found a reasonable insurance price on a Vauxhall Corsa 1.0 litre Club, but l was curious as my Dad has never heard of this company so l reviewed it and it said 1* for most websites! Should l go by reviews or does it matter? l want to make sure that it is a reliable insurance company just in case anything was to happen! lt's called Brokerking. Thanks in advance xxx""
Having a hard time finding affordable health insurance?
I just need a simple surgery on both my ears. About a year ago I developed a keloid on both ears. I know they can get bigger so I want to get it fixed before it looks like a grape behind my ear. My biggest problem is in finding affordable health insurance. Can anyone tell me a good site to go to for affordable health insurance? All answers would be greatly appreciated.
Who is responsible for homeowners insurance?
In a rent to own lease agreement for the one-two year lease period who will have the homeowners insurance?the renter or seller?
""Why is it that I am still able to be sued for an auto accident if I live in Florida, a no-fault state?""
I've been in 2 accidents. The first was very minor; I rolled into the bumper in the car in front of me at a stop light and scratched their bumper. No damage was sustained to my car, but I am at-fault. The second I was cutting through an intersection that was at a red light and was about to pull into the left-turn lane when the woman in the car that was coming down the lane wasn't looking forward and hit the driver side door of my car. I was already halfway in the lane trying to straighten out into the left-turn lane but I couldn't move when she was coming, because if I moved back I might have hit someone and if I went forward she would have hit me anyway. At the scene the policewoman told me I was at fault, but when I talked to my claims adjuster, she told me that there is some negligence on the other party's part because if I had just randomly pulled out into traffic, the other party would have hit the front of my car, not the driver-side door. I am being sued by the first person and I found out just now I am being sued by the person in the second accident as well. I was told that since I am registered under my parents insurance, the other party can see that they have a lot of assets they can sue for from my parents. My question is, why are they able to sue me so easily? I've done research, and I know Florida is a no-fault state, meaning drivers cannot sue each other unless serious injury occurred, such as loss of life, limb, permanent injury, etc. In both accidents, I did not get ticketed, and I believe no police report was written, only exchanges of information.(Police were called, however. I did not leave the scene) Also both of the other parties did not ask for an ambulance or medical assistance(I know about the feeling pain later thing) but I'm sure if someone was suing for something as serious that can be listed as loss of limb or death, they would have showed some indication of injury at the scene. Both people stepped out of their cars and were fine, however.""
Where do I look for Health Insurance?
In a month I'll be 18. I don't smoke and I'm enrolled in college. I want to find something affordable and simple, but mostly affordable. Who do I talk to and how will I know its a good deal? Another question is when I go to a hospital, do I have to pay it all upfront or can I make payments over time? (In two weeks I'll be getting the Implanon and its been set for about four months and my mother never bothered to tell me we lost out insurance. And the implant can be $400-$800 and I dont know the cost of a visit to a OBGYN at a hospital.) What else do I need to know about insurance?""
What is an independant insurance adjuster?
I need to know what what types of insurances adjusters there are and what each type does.
How much would the insurance be?
I found a 1998 ford mustang for sale. The car is perfect. It has 50,000 miles. Its in great shape. The engine and body is incredibly clean. Just a few scratches. I'm 18 years old and just wanted to figure out what the insurance would be. I keep trying web sites, but all of the quotes are $100 different than the other ones. So does anyone know?""
Are inoperable vehicles required to have insurance coverage in AZ?
My plates and registration where suspended on an inoperable but registered vehicle I own. Phoenix, or maybe the whole of Arizona, requires me to have current registration on all vehicles, running or not, located on my property if they can be seen from the street. And yet, the DMV (or MVD as it's called here) suspended my plates and registration on one of the inoperable vehicles I own for lack of insurance coverage on said vehicle. Am I required to insure inoperable vehicles? Furthermore, am I required to declare a vehicle as inoperable with the DMV or my insurance company? Is there a special type of registration required that I did not know about?""
Car insurance?
I 've gotton two tickets within four months of each other. What are the chances that my car insurance rate will go up and by how much? i live in california and have Mercury Insurance.
No insurance for high school sport?
What happens if you don't have health insurance and you wanna try out for a team? Will they disqualify you from even making the team because of it?
Is there affordable health insurance available for fertility: tubal reversal?
Me and my fiancee' are wanting to have another baby. The only problem is that my tubes are tied. I wanna know is there afforable health insurance that covers fertility? Is there ...show more
Im placed under my moms insurance- but i live with a freind. and im using there car-?
if im put under my moms car insurance - but im livving in another house hold and using someone elses car - would i still be covered(with my moms insurance) ? or you cant do that? becuase if i get in an accident in my friends car - does that cover me and them? or me? there car? someone please explain !
Baby Insurance at 19?
I doubt it will, but, I am 19 years old and I am still on my mom's insurance plan. So if I were to get pregnant, would the insurance cover my baby's delivery and pregnancy appointments or would I still have to pay the noninsured payments.""
Car Insurance Question?
If i have a fully comp insurance policy in my name, can i drive any car on the road, with no limitations ie. engine size, make, model, and does the car which im hoping to drive need to be insured by someone else, or not, thanks in advance""
Is car insurance cheaper for used cars than new?
I hear a lot that when getting you're first car that you're supposed to buy a used car and not a new car because auto-insurance is going to be cheaper. Is there any truth behind this?
""A car has a minor accident found in the car proof, does it increase the insurance ?""
If I buy this car, is my insurance go up?""
Insurance for Spanish registered car?
I live and work in the uk, but I have a car in the canary islands spain, I only return to the ca66naries about 6 times a year for a week at a time, does anyone know of an insurance company that can cover my car insurance for only 1 week at a time when I need it. The car is locked in my underground garage when not in use. I do not see the point in paying for a yearly insurance for a car that is only used for max of 6 weeks in the year. Its a Spanish plated car reg number""
How much would i pay for car Insurance?
How much would i pay for car Insurance for cheap car that cost me honda accord 2000,I am 18 Years old, never been in any accident.""
How can I get some insurance?
I received a brand new bike a week ago but I dare not give it a try because I have not got it covered by insurance yet. I have tried multiple insurance companies online but every one I tried there would be a snag. Mainly it would be, 'what kind of driving licence do you hold'? I personally hold a clean driving licence for a car, but in the drop down list of different driving licences 'car' was not among them, so I could not go to the next section to continue trying to insure my bike. I live out of the city so applying for insurance and paying for it online would be the easiest option.""
Can you remove yourself from your parents' health insurance voluntarily?
I just would like to know. Is it possible? Thanks.
Why did my car insurance go down?
My car insurance premium went down by $10/ mo. I have no idea why. My credit score just went from 631 to 747 in just a couple of months because I fixed some errors, and I am also turning 24. Could either of these be the reason that my premium went down? Or is my car just worth less b/c all the new models are comming out? I drive a 2002 Honda Civic.""
Who has the cheapest auto insurance in california?
I need full coverage. Low downpayment.whatever it takes to get my licence and tags. I don't care if its barneys insurance and feed store. I just need my tags and licence
Is their insurance for pregnant women?
Hi, I am about 30 weeks pregnant and very scared. I do not have ins at this time. I had a ppo a few months ago that did not cover anything! My bf (ridiculous we were not married) of 11 years just walked out on me and the kids for his selfish reasons. So he is no help besides paying the mortgage. Im not trying to get free insurance, I just need some help on what affordable insurance there are if any that will pick me up. I pay for my visits but im running low on cash. I am on bed rest for incompetent cervix and I am losing it trying to figure ways. I return to work 6 weeks after I have the little one but for now I have no job! Im at lost. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I can pay monthly's but I know that delivery bill is gonna kick me in the butt. I just want to have a little security...""
Affordable Health Insurance in California?
I'm really sick and I went to the doctor's office yesterday to see what I had. I was under Medical but the doctor said he couldn't see me because I had to pay $795 dollars monthly for them to see. I don't understand why I would pay so much, I'm 20 years old, a single mother, and a full-time student. I work too, but my income is less than $1200 monthly. Has this happened to anyone? My baby is still covered by medical but I would like to find an affordable health insurance for the two of us... does anyone know of one? thank you [:""
Lloyds car insurance?
ive just bought a new car and am wondering if its possible to transfer my old car insurance to this new car? or do i have to cancel that policy and make a new one? will there be any extra costs if i can transfer etc. any advice appreciated xx
""How much would insurance be for a 17 year old with a 06 Altima,?
I live in Texas. I have no driving history. How can I bring down that cost?
""What is the difference between term, universal and whole life insurance? Which is the best way to go?""
What is the difference between term, universal and whole life insurance? Which is the best way to go?""
What is the cheapest but best health insurance that is in Texas?
Under $100 a month. I need to know asap. I am a 20 year old full time employee and i need to see a doctor asap.
California car insurance - any tips on what online carrier gives the best rates?
Ive been looking for ages for someone in my state to give me a good rate on a policy. Im not a high risk candidate and im in my forties.
Car insurance question?
So i just cancelled my policy with a company i was having trouble with (it cost 492) so i am broke now, and i cant really afford another policy as im returning to college next week. However, i can afford a policy under my mums name, but is it possible to go under my mums name when the car is registered to me? Also, does anybody know any good/cheap insurance companies?""
UK QUESTION classic bike insurance online?
What would you say is the best,in other words cheapest bike insurance places online for me in the uk. ebike just quoted me 74 quid was hoping for insurance for about 50 to be honest""
Mandated Health Insurance is different from Mandated Auto Insurance how?
The Supreme Court will be deciding if the government can force us to buy health insurance from a private corporation. The government forces us to buy auto liability insurance from a private corporation. I am at a loss to see the difference.
Why won't anyone published my poems about car insurance coverage?
I have plumbed the depth of my soul writing them. Ode to a Fender Bender and Original Parts? Be Still My Heart. are a few of my favorites.
""Which is better for car insurance, Go Compare or Confused.com?""
Which is better for car insurance, Go Compare or Confused.com?""
Cheap Car Insurance?
Whats the cheapest car insurance
What is the cheapest car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
Anybody know the cheapest way to get car insurance?
Im 18/ female and this will be my first car , first time driving...prices are soo high it's hard to get cheap insurance at my age being a new driver. Does anyone know a loophole or just a way to get it real cheap?""
Why is mandatory health insurance a bad thing?
Like every month I hate paying that stupid car insurance bill, and I never get in a wreck, etc. But man if I did, I sure would be glad I had it. So do people just not want to be out of any money and wish to take their chances if you will? And how much will insurance cost on average?""
Cheapest motorcycle insurance ?
Cheapest motorcycle insurance ?
A question about car insurance?
My mom is afraid of her car insurance going up once I get my license, so she wants me to get the car in my name and get my own insurance, but can I still get my license first before all of that? What would be the sequence of which to obtain first? Thanks!""
How do i get health insurance?
i work at shoprite and i know that we get medical/dental benefits after one year but i just cannot wait that long i need some care like right now ! so how do i get health insurance, where do i go? who do i call ? im lost -__- help me out please! all answers welcomed and appreciated.""
""Just got my license today, questions about insurance.?""
Hey guys, so I just came back from DMV a few hours ago, and passed my driving test without any mistakes for the first time. I currently live in California and have a few questions about my insurance. So it's my moms car, but she rarely drives it so I practically got the car to my self. Except I don't know the policy for California's insurance. My mom does have insurance on it, but it's listen under her name. Will I still be able to drive the car? Because I am going to get insurance for my self, but I need a way to get to my new job for right now. If not what will happen if I get caught driving without an insurance? Please let me know asap. Thankyou!""
Auto Insurance Traffic Violation Question?
Ok, I am trying to get some new auto insurance quotes from other companies. My problem is I have a few moving violations. One speeding ticket and one ticket for running a stop sign. They ask me if my violations have happened in the last 35 months. They said I can be 30 days off of the violation date, if I can't remember the exact date. I can't remember the date or even close. I know I can call the DMV and get a copy of my driving record for around $10. I am just wondering if there is an easier way of getting this information. Possibly through the internet. Thanks""
High risk insurance companies in Ontario?
Hello all! I have fallen into the high risk category for auto insurance in Ontario and I need help in finding a company or companies that would be willing to sell auto insurance to me. I cannot seem to find any links on Google. Would anyone have the names of any companies that deal in auto insurance for high risk drivers? In terms of quotes, what are some quotes that anyone has personally experienced? As for background information, I have no accidents (knock on wood...) and no DUIs. Just one too many traffic tickets :-(. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!""
What is a car under 1000 for young drivers with cheap insurance ? ?
What is a car under 1000 for young drivers with cheap insurance ? ?
Can you remove yourself from your parents' health insurance voluntarily?
I just would like to know. Is it possible? Thanks.
0 notes