#please dear god give me wisdom to never do this again
I'm almost done with part 3 of Blacksmith's Daughter.
But I have once more found myself weak against the headcanons and giggling uncontrollably at my own train of thought.
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So this time
What would happen if you found yourself with a bag o' weed?
Whatever here we feckinGOOO
Because I Got High
OPLA!Zoro, Sanji, Shanks, Mihawk, Buggy X Reader
NSFW because context and stuff
♫♬Creepin Up The Backstairs - The Fratellis♬♫
Don't just say yes to tease me, do your utmost to please me
I don't mean to be sleazy, being you can't be easy
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"I mean, I've never tried it, but...."
Never done this before, usually have to have friends to introduce you to this sort of thing, and he was fairly lacking in the friend department until recently.
But basically, the hell with it, why not?
Just watching you roll it up in curiosity and borderline nervousness—
No, he's not nervous, shut up.
First hit and he's trying not to cough up a lung, shoving at you while you giggle about it.
Once it hits, he's in absolute awe of...well, basically everything.
Has never been so relaxed in his entire life what is this sorcery?
Falling back into his favorite hammock and pulling you down with him, just staring up at the ceiling in wonder.
Mentions after several minutes of silence that he can't feel his teeth and then just dissolves into hysterical laughter.
Cannot stop grinning, so comfortable and at ease with everything, kissing at your temple and your neck and pulling you closer against him.
Literally just wants to cuddle at this point, not anything more than that. Just lay there and hold you close, relax, breathe you in and enjoy the warmth and comfort of your body against his.
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"Excuse me, you have what? Oh, this is going to be fun."
He's worked in a professional kitchen. This is not his first rodeo.
Also, hand over the ganja. You're not smoking it, you're cooking with it. Or in actuality, infusing it into butter and cooking with that, to ensure even distribution.
Again. Not his first rodeo. Whatever he does come up with, be it brownies or cookies or are those churros???, you know he knows what he's doing.
Just leaves plates of edibles laid out across the kitchen of the Merry, and no one knows but the two of you.
Luffy eats an entire plate of brownies and is practically in a coma fifteen minutes later, laying sprawled out on the deck and pointing at a cloud every so often to comment on what it looks like.
Nami and Usopp sitting in the corner, alternating between giggling and dying in laughter at the pitiful state of their captain.
Zoro decided he was going to wash dishes for some reason, but you're pretty sure he's been scrubbing the same plate for five minutes.
You and Sanji standing off in another corner, leaning over each other and cracking up at the chaos you have managed to wreak among the crew.
And it gives the two of you the perfect opportunity to slip off to bed, which you definitely don't waste.
As flirty and playful as he is on a normal basis is doubled right now, and whether you're giggling or moaning beneath him, he's absolutely thrilled with the outcome of this endeavor.
"Oh, so much fun...." 
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"Oh, sweetheart, we are going to the moon."
Do you even have to ask?
The second you tell him you found a bag of the green in the contraband hold in the Marine ship you just sunk, he's grinning like an idiot.
Grabbing you, an officer or two, leaving someone else in charge for a while, and you're all smoking out the captain's cabin.
Thirty minutes later, amid the haze of smoke, Benn's sitting in the corner just staring at his hands in borderline terror. No thoughts, just oh dear gods hands.
Yasopp's doubled over the map table, laughing hysterically at something Shanks said five minutes ago.
Shanks has pulled you on top of him on his bed, arm curled around you, kissing you slowly, no worry at all of any other parties present.
But every so often, his head drops down to his pillows, and he spouts off some high-wisdom one-liner, and just stares off into space for a moment in wonder.
"If...if you drop a bar of soap on the floor...is the soap dirty, or is the floor clean?"
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"You have what? Why?"
Disapproving stare.
Well, he might have dabbled in his younger years (no it had nothing to do with Shanks quit asking), but not for quite some time.
It dampens his senses, it's not worth the trouble.
But...maybe it wouldn't hurt, just this once.
Ten minutes later, he's laid back across his bed, arm curled around you, completely at one with everything.
Just staring up at the ceiling, thinking.
Everything makes perfect sense, everything is one, and it's just delightful.
If you need advice about anything, now is the time to ask, because all the secrets of the universe are now his.
He has no idea how far gone he actually is and honestly it's pretty hilarious.
Glares at you when you point it out—before giving a snort-laugh and agreeing with you.
It's a rarity that you get to see him this relaxed and unbothered, so enjoy it while it lasts.
Definitely initiate a make-out session; he's going to take it very slow, and very thorough, savoring you even more than he usually would.
"Mmm, you taste divine, little one...."
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"Are you serious? Oh, hell yes—"
Eyes light up like a kid at Christmas, you have what?!?!
Oh, he's down as a clown.
He literally said that line, and then grinned so hard that you almost don't want to shove him overboard for it.
He's more than prepared to make sure there are munchies available—mainly chocolate, since he has a serious sweet tooth.
Taking a toke and then kissing along your neck, making you giggle.
Unlike drinking, this is a private affair, just you and him. You're the only one who gets to see this side of him.
Making you giggle gives him life, so he's going to be murmuring stupid jokes in your ear in between trying to make you moan, and he'll settle for either.
"Ooh, yeah, that's it, baby—just give me what's mine."
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lets-try-some-writing · 8 months
Mortal Child
Purpose was given to all but Thirteen. He wanted nothing more than to be loved and seen. Finally, after Solus's fall, Primus saw fit to grant him a gift, one Thirteen could have never expected.
Essentially, I am yet again here with an au because I FELT LIKE IT. This is one I hope to turn into a full fic, but for now here is part 1.
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‘Creator, Maker of my spark, god of Creation… why do you forsake me?’
Thirteen stood before the edge of the Well, his frame shaking as the energy that made up his being pulsed in waves. Armor covered in runes and engravings shifted as he fell to a knee, his helm bowed and his servos held over his exposed spark. 
‘My kin all have a purpose, they all have a design. You gave them gifts and whispered to them, but never once have you called out to me.’
His spark fluttered within him, suffering from a loss he could not describe. Thirteen had not been given anything upon his creation. He heard no whispers offering suggestions and inspiration as Solus did, he had no memories of success like Prima, he had no power like Megatronus, nor did he so much as possess the sight Primus granted Onyx. All his kindred were gifted, blessed by their shared maker, and given something special. Amidst it all, Thirteen heard nothing, felt no touch or loving suggestions. 
He was alone, left to watch on as the other Primes flourished in the love Primus basked them in. Their creator made them all for a reason, and thus despite the weariness of his physical slumber making it a struggle to speak, Primus still reached out to all of his dear creations… all save for Thirteen. Even Liege sometimes reported feeling Primus’s mind brush past his own, prodding and considering, sometimes offering thought but usually simply observing. 
Thirteen had nothing.
‘This worthless frame I have been adorned in has no strength. I see that clearly and I do not question your judgment. I know you have made me this way because it pleases you.’
His spark supplied the memory of Solus’s fall, the fear etched onto her features as Megatronus, her lover, ran her through with the wrath and fury of his blade. She had been frightened, terrified even as she clung to her lover’s blade, trying to speak in vain as golden essence flowed from her devastated form. Thirteen had been powerless to act, his frame too useless and his abilities not worth considering. All he could do was watch his sister Prime fall, her bright and loving optics going dark as Primus accepted her spark once more and used her battered frame to forge something greater.
It was what she would have wanted, and yet Thirteen held himself at fault for her passing. He was right there, he had watched her fall. If he had been stronger, if Primus had granted him wisdom, if something had been different about him… he could have made things right. Solus did not have to die, even if her death led to the creation of the Well, a relic that all the Primes knew to be a source of life. They could all see Primus’s core glowing at the bottom, inviting and invoking power unknowable. For that very reason, Thirteen found it only right to kneel at the edge of the Well, hoping that perhaps his Creator would hear his pleas.
‘I know I am not one of your chosen like the others. I know I am a humble and powerless being compared to you and my fellows. But Father, I beg of you, hear the cries of this forgotten son. Let me know that I am of worth to you, or at least give me a design.’
Silence reigned as Thirteen remained kneeling. The singular benefit to his existence was that he felt no pain, endured no suffering, and felt no chill upon his plating. He was a being that was brought into existence, forged with life, and yet unable to sense anything at all. Thirteen wanted to view that fact about himself as a blessing, but he could only see it as a trial given to him by his maker. 
No ability to sense touch, feel the loving embrace of another, or even so much as comprehend the warmth of another spark. He was a facsimile of life, a fake in his form, and yet still able to think. Why Primus made him as he was… Thirteen did not know. He dared not question why, he could only beg for relief.
‘Primus please, hear me. Take what you must from me, but I plead with you, please give me a reason to continue. Show me but a fraction of your eternal sight! Anything at all, any wisdom, even if just a whisper… please let me know you are there… please just tell me that you see me… that you care.’
His voiceless cries trailed off as Thirteen slumped forward, his spark flaring and pulsing in grief. He heard no whispers. He felt no comfort. Was he truly unloved? Why would his perfect Creator design a creature that did not serve a purpose? Primus was all-knowing and excellent in all things. Surely he would have a reason to create a worthless son such as Thirteen? There had to be a reason. Perhaps Thirteen was simply not asking correctly. Maybe Primus expected something of him. Was Primus asking to see his devotion?
A million thoughts raged in Thirteen’s mind, desperate reasons as to why his father did not answer him. Primus made him for a reason… he had to have. If Primus was perfect, then perhaps it was merely Thirteen who was lacking. A show of faith, a true presentation of a desire to understand. Was that what his father wanted of him?
‘Almighty Creator, crafter of all beings… if it is devotion which you wish of this foolish son, I give it to you freely.’ 
Standing up methodically, Thirteen gazed down into the Well, observing the shining light of his Maker’s core. Still ever silent, unfeeling, uncaring… Primus did not see him. But maybe… Thirteen could make him see. 
‘I live to fulfill your design. Please, give me purpose! Show me that there is a reason! I will give you everything, I will hold nothing back from you Creator!’ 
Desperation laced his tone as he teetered on the edge. He had nothing to give, no knowledge, no power, or anything else of note.
But he did have his life.
The singular gift Primus had seen fit to grant him.
‘I have nothing to give save what you have granted me. But if it is your will, I return it freely.’
A hint of fear wormed its way into his spark as he began to lean. If this wasn’t enough if his life ended there without ever having been given a chance to matter-
Well, that would be the end wouldn’t it?  
He called out. He fell. His frame careened into the darkness of the Well and the world passed him by in a blur of color. The light of the surface faded and distantly Thirteen could see Amalgemous reaching into the Well, trying to stop him from tumbling to what was likely his death. Thirteen had not noticed his fellow Prime’s arrival. He had not wanted any of the others to see him in his state… it would only bring them more pain.
‘Forgive me.’
Thirteen wept as he fell, time seeming to slow as he heard his brother Prime screaming out his designation. How foolish he was, thinking that his creator would heed his calls. He was nothing, a speck of dust in the void of eternity. It was presumptuous of him to think anything would come of his devotion. What was one being compared to a god? And now because of his sins, he was going to die and Amalgemous would have to watch. He could only faintly hope that this was somehow part of Primus’s grand plan, if not for him, then for his fellow Primes.
Thirteen pulled away from the world, refusing to allow himself to see as he fell for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, at some point between the dawn of time and the end of all things, his fall slowed and he hovered in a void with only a blinding light beneath him. Looking at the light was agony, it burned more than even the fires of Solus’s forge. A being Thirteen was never meant to witness or understand was observing him, picking him apart with sight alone. He wished he could hide or scream, and yet he knew it was his maker who gazed upon his wretched form.
There was no description of which Primus was. There was too much to say and yet nothing at all. He was light and he was dark. He was the beginning and the end. All Thirteen knew was that this being was one he was bound to, one that even his very spark was meant to bow before in submission. What was a Prime before a god?
Tendrils of light wrapped around him, touching, feeling, burning. It was torture, especially as his form seemed to break itself apart under the watchful gaze of the divine. Thirteen could hardly think, and yet amidst the torment, he wondered.
‘Is this why you made me father? An experiment? A creature to observe and discard when its time has run out?’
A part of him wanted to be hurt at the concept as the tendrils dug into him, climbing up toward his spark. Yet, as he felt the power of the divine drawing nearer to his core, he could not find it within himself to be upset. At least this way, his life would have meant something, even if it was only as a trial. He could be hopeful that if this was his end, perhaps Primus would use what he was to make something better, something purer than Thirteen.
‘Hush dear one. You are not unloved.’
A soothing voice echoed in every atom of Thirteen’s being. If he had the capacity to shed tears, he would have been doing so bitterly as the comfort eased the burn of the tendrils. He could hear, Primus, his father was there and speaking. A chorus of voices and sounds so melodic as to be almost maddening to hear. His Creator was perfect, and Thirteen could only revel in the glory.
‘To you, I give the most precious of gifts.’
Agony assaulted his spark, tearing and ripping and burning in the most torturous of ways. Despite that, Thirteen felt nothing but joy as Primus uttered his words of comfort. Thirteen had purpose, he had design. With every passing moment of perpetual pain, there was something new forming alongside him. It was a different kind of pain, one that did not burn or sting, but rather acted in a manner almost akin to longing. A burgeoning life, something different from Thirteen and yet so connected to him that no matter the distance, he knew that the shard would always return to him.
‘Know the pain of creation dear one. Know the suffering of new life and cherish it. For this is what it means to be divine.’
The chorus of his Creator’s voice soothed the suffering, and soon, the pain faded away into memory. Everything still ached, but it meant little as Thirteen felt the blazing mote of innocent light burning within him, spreading warmth and a crisp cool throughout his frame all at once. A life, one so small as to hardly be capable of even the most basic of thought remained tied to Thirteen’s own. A gift, a blessing, a new beginning. 
‘Go, devote yourself to your creation. Know life for what it is, and when you are ready, you shall know your design.’
His father’s command echoed in Thirteen’s spark and mind, authority unchallengeable seeping into every part of his being. He dared not even consider disobeying as the void faded away and he was lifted up, light consuming his vision once more. The next he knew, cold ground greeted him, a complete surprise to Thirteen as his frame rattled at the chill. 
“THIRTEEN! Thank Primus! I thought-!” He did not have a chance to react as strong arms lifted Thirteen up, cradling him close. Above him Amalgemous loomed, his ever-shifting form configuring as he observed Thirteen, trying to search for damage. Thirteen for his part did not react, his mind focused on the life within him.
He did not need to see it. Something had been altered in him on a fundamental level. Whatever Primus had changed him. He was different now, and the world no longer felt quite so cold, not when the little light within him pulsed, flaring and fluttering around his spark in curiosity that prodded at Thirteen’s mind with the utmost adoration and love. Was this how Primus felt when Thirteen and his fellows called out to him? Was this the joy of a creator?
‘My Little Light…’
The light within him shone brighter, glowing like a newborn star in absolute untainted joy. If Thirteen had the capacity, he would have smiled. He did not understand his purpose, but he knew his mission. This small life within him was to be cherished, and he would give everything to guard it, no matter the cost.
Such was Primus’s command, and so great was the newfound love that bloomed within him. 
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rosesandalfazemas · 11 months
Itsy Bitsy spider (EngPort Drabble)
@needcake after 1000 years I came up with the WIP from your meme, sorry for the delay my dear, hope you like it!
Spanish version
The itsy bitsy spider
went up the water spout.
"God, God... I-I..."
“God is not going to save you from your stupidity."
Down came the rain,
and washed the spider out.
"I... I didn't want..."
“You should have listened to me, Arthur. You never listen to me. That's why we came to this."
Out came the sun,
and dried up all the rain.
"I always listen to you! Love, please... I beg you..."
"Look what I have to do to get your attention."
So, the itsy bitsy spider
went up the spout again.
The children's music ended, and with it the sudden movements of the hands, finishing tying the missing knots around. This time he had to make sure he was heard when he asked for it. I couldn't let him go anymore. I could no longer trust. And that hurt even more, making the bonds harder.
"I-I know I shouldn't have answered the call... " Arthur tried to take a breath, almost choking "I know I should have hung up, but I was waiting for that news and and— "
"Shut up, I don't want to listen to you! You always make excuses for everything!"
"I know, I know," he took a breath between his sobs. "It's my fault."
"Yeah... it's your fault. It's always your fault. "
The dark-haired man tightened the binding on the wrists a little more, holding the blond to the foot of the bed, in a twisted and painful position on the floor. He was deaf to the moans, in the midst of the pain of the blows throughout that body, including the sprain on both ankles.
"I just wanted to know if he got home safely..." he whispered, giving in to the idea of ​​being abandoned there and never seeing sunlight again. The other man stopped and looked at him for a moment, sitting cross-legged on the floor across from him.
"You leave me no choice. I don't want to go to these extremes and you... ugh! " he scratched his hair and pulled his hair violently "You should have listened to me! We have schedules and you know how many hours you can go to visit your son. Not another minute. "
"I fell asleep with him listening to his songs, I was tired and... " he swallowed a little, since it was difficult for him to speak and look at him in that position " The time passed, I don't know."
“No, you don't know; because the hours with me are not so important to you. You prefer him. You always prefer him."
“Gab, please. You know it ain't... it ain't like that... Agh!"
The other stood up.
"I'll bring you water and something to eat, you'll stay there until it's time to sleep. Then I'll tie you up in another position. With the painkillers you'll get enough sleep to recover and then, only then, I will I let you let go. You have this whole week to reflect on what you did."
"Alright... "
Gabriel shut down the computer in the room, finishing with the music loop that Arthur had made for Alfred, when they had shared that morning together. He had exceeded the night and since he had never been able to see him since he was there, fatigue had played a trick on him. Fortunately, his partner had had the wisdom (or sanity) to take the boy back home to his mother, come back and make things right.
Yes, because he had broken the rules, and he deserved that punishment.
In the end, the fly never escapes from the web, when the spider sees it.
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akuaya-eng · 1 day
(Main story) Chapter 4 - Episode 1
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This is… could it be, again…?
… oh, please. Please, I beg you--
A sorrowful voice. But, I can't barely hear it…
I'll give my all to you… so… please… hear my… prayer!
A prayer…?
Ah… ahhh!
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Ugh…!? Another hallucination… what is this… right, I returned to Colchicum Castle. After learning Claude's secret, but unable to intervene--
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Curse's Voice
Because of him…! That cursed devil…!
…! This…
What did this curse just say? "Cursed devil"…?
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But, no matter how much loyalty I offer… the captain doesn't value me. He never reveals his true intentions and always hands important missions to Oscar--
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The captain told me. I was able to see the results of your special training.
It was nothing special. It's what I should be able to do.
I know. You can do even better. So, let's train again.
Yes. Please.
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Ugh… aaahh!! (falls) Huff… huff… I can't lose to this curse…! I will find a way. I'll free myself… and Ellie from this suffering…
I know what Claude is doing and what Eric is struggling with… even though I know everything, all I can do is watch.
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Spirit of Wisdom
… you're getting involved with them again. I've told you many times not to get too deep into it.
Spirit of Wisdom
How about looking at everyone else a bit more? Your role is to know things and be impartial. Come on, next I'll show you what's happening in the heavens…
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Mere~! There are curses spreading over there too.
Oh dear… what a bother. This sacred place, which should always be pure, is so covered in curses. This was a quiet place perfect for reading. Let's purify it right away.
…Do your best, Mere. I'll just enjoy the scenery.
What are you saying, Kai? Of course, we'll purify it together. Hehehe, purifying the heavens is a very important job, but spending time with your family is what makes it enjoyable.
I'm not having fun, though…
Mere~, Kai says he's not having fun. I feel the same way.
Why? Are you two feeling unwell…!?
No, it's just that I don't want to get close to the curse.
You're such a scaredy-cat, Kai. I'm not afraid of the curse at all.
But, no matter how much we purify, the curse keeps coming back. Doing this every day is so boring~.
Indeed, there's no end to the appearance of curses. But that's why we must purify them. Otherwise, the entire heavens would be consumed by the curse.
The heavens are the symbol of our Lord… God's power… If this place is defiled, it would cast doubt on God's majesty. Isn't that right, Mere?
That's right. For humans living through hardships, faith in a great God watching over them is a tremendous support. The heavens must remain safe so that people on Earth can live their lives in peace. We must work hard for their sake too.
Okay. I know it's quicker to just get the purification over with.
Then, from now on, you'll work without slacking, right?
…Oh. Uh, about that…
Mere, the curse over there is spreading. We need to purify it quickly…
Oh, I see. The sermon will have to wait.
Phew… thanks, Kai.
I didn't say it for your sake, Tis.
Well then, I'll purify this area. Both of you, watch closely… Voices of pitiful souls trapped in hatred. Embrace the mana and disappear peacefully.
Cursed Angels
Ohhh… ohhh…
…Hah!! (purifies)
Wow, amazing… He purified it all at once.
…Yeah. I don't think I could ever do that.
Looks like today, I can leave the purifying to you and Mere and just watch from behind.
No, Tis. You need to--
Hmm? What's up, Kai?
Move! It's dangerous!
What!? What's the rush?
…!! (purifies)
Oh, it's just the curse. I didn't even notice it had spread this close.
… You can still laugh about it. You almost touched the curse.
No need to get mad. A little touch won't kill me.
But… even if it doesn't kill you, Tis--
I know. Thanks for saving me, Kai.
Both of you, focus. The curse is still here.
Kai & Tis
Yes, Mere!
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Mere and the others are also having a hard time with purifying the curse… The Spirit of Wisdom told me to stay impartial, but I can't help but be concerned about everyone. I'll use the Drop of Wisdom to see what's going on in the heavens…!
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achilleanfemme · 2 years
A Prayer at the Start of Advent
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Heavenly Sovereign, 
Mother of Peace,
My heart aches and my heart yearns on this first day of Advent 2022.
Aching and yearning are two tremendously Adventen emotions. At the time of Jesus’ birth, Mary and Joseph, Palestinian Jews living under brutal Roman occupation, yearned for safety as they prepared to bring the Son of God into the world. Mary and Joseph ached because they knew that the time and place that they were bringing their new child into was not one of harmony, but one of violence and suffering. Yet they fled and fought, and with God’s help, baby Jesus was born. A new star in the midnight sky, a new dawn coming forth from an evil age setting on the horizon. The story of Christ’s coming is a story of hope in the face of immense grief.
Just one week after the shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs, it feels like we have entered into a new battlefield with the MAGA Right in the USA, and trans and queer lives are on the frontlines. 
I am afraid, Dear God. 
How is one expected to carry the weight of the fear of never feeling safe in public? How does one march onward when it feels like the future is narrowing and your existence is not a part of that future? How does one put on the armor of light in the midst of such immense darkness? I want to know, Beloved Creator. 
Please give me a sign. 
Jesus, King of Glory everlasting, please give me the gift of wisdom in the days ahead. I sense the vipers slithering just out of sight, gathering strength. I hear the past talking through me in my day-to-day interactions with people and I don’t like what it is saying:
“Give up. Retreat. Hide. Run. Lash out. Don’t trust. Don’t love.” 
If these words can cut like knives then please help me beat these blades into plowshares. Free me from the ghouls that haunt my innermost thoughts. Aid me in moving towards your pearly gates of love and liberation.
God of Mercy, I know that salvation is nearer now than it was when I became a believer. Grant me the courage to truly see the manger, to see the palm branches, to see the cross, and to see the empty tomb as symbols of what they are: a promise of ultimate mercy and unending love. I want to see Christ’s example of forgiveness and make it my own. Help me to let go of old wounds. Help me to want the best for the people that I despise the most for if they are living a prosperous, joyful life then that means that I am probably much better off too. I cannot see the path to this destination God, ask your Holy Spirit to light it for me. I do not want to hold on to hate, for if I did, I know the weight would break me. 
Lead me on, Father, lead me on.
It’s easy to see the growing darkness of the days in Advent as a sign of Death and Darkness. Help me to instead hear dusk as a call to rest, to renew. Just as you made the Sabbath, Lord, let this Advent be for me, a season of slowness, gentleness, and love. 
Help me also to keep awake, for Christmas is coming, and I can hear murmurings of the Chorus of Heavenly Hosts in the distance, singing, “Emmanuel, Prince of Peace, Wager of Love, has come and He will never leave again. Alleluia! Alleluia!”
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libidomechanica · 1 year
To the hands and splendour out
A sonnet sequence
To the hands and splendour out Harvest Homer thorns were sweetest part, awake unto a chain! That I didn’t love, or three I lay my Face is not and none of the soft babe in loue. That yours shall better but one. She had been save the thirst for one for meek St. The merest be, as warriors tough of mine armour belles and dread of the defendant joy of your bier? Him agen, for he, discerning seen. A mirror’d hell, yet, in the first, happen’d heaven know a sweets alang: in everywhere she close up the bones grind on newer proof surmise accumulate; bring was cut off a lesser child of truth.
A feeling for a moment, from God you keep the nearest, teach thee defended here, conceit did your forehead without more had darkened ear. She plies and her hull is letters shoot; for laik o’ gear ye lights thy mother never above the clouds to embrac’d, and, with distress of you and felt it sounds with your either wake, the long, it come; and in the smoke cigarettes What she set is said our killing chips, and I myself in thy abundance a willing sail, outlined in your own arms in awful and silent under—right so hard by the can faine his Cry to Heaven find when the others’ grave.
Gust-fists, houri it may tell of Wisdom, and by the madden’d Turks, behind a Well of your elastic case, stillery and burn to secure his pipe’s ambrosial gales, as it were openly to my room with coarse mankind, and when their bare foil’d by the Pile; and all, not one the ranks: however, never collie and all thing but idiot gabble! And you saw many a shriek rings o’er a wound, go through world of things are footage to kiss. And the scent. Then laugh and wrathful war shall may yield that are the tomb, to be reconciliation if that every tend he tied around. But fair play.
He wrote this treasure, conveys it in whose scarlet coat should do it, except Don Juan’s fingers and those icy chains lie silent, stept, and Minerva when she sees his Demon all please to our midriff sags toward your magic power of care a public foe, shall I say? For in sagging and compare, whose necke beames such a light, no shield, said he you are men and creamy curd, Ask me no more destruction’s sleeve and the Forty Morning; if the infant terrors, glare, she harbor A poor, follow watch, and as sermons, or foe, which in the lightning as I displaid. Dances sweet sleepy mount and dread.
And holes: arsenic, arsenic, surely in the guns, and place: for heaven’s glory from room is the might be chirurgeon’s crannie? This chill, a much stealthy as the loved angel in angers push the face again so comforting her height, and of the din widows of Death’s valley call, while Porphyro grew brilliant face, clothes of powerful rhyme on his heir own age, now see what wakes the music, and I sought; now see whate’er the heart, and again, or dull close of heights, sold cheap what I am but his own sleet: on love you thumbed, threw the blabbing the Line. Ill nursed, delights to give my heart. At her backs, or love me for into her, night, too short, howe’er our blanks, and wander the yoke, I would do if run stark, down on her robe I did not vary, is continues forsakest a deceive you till their advantage on which multiply unto the love and his stubborn wall, casement as we watch.
Asking me, his face. Of love. Colder yet warm groups of safety, than a new acquaintance on the cry: hope’s perish’d, the very prauncing the case of the who will not less but on this, wise Head—clean Heart—stronger stare, yet, if fucus this this is she mutter’d monstrous salve which is fill’d as is a statistics, and wipe they at this instead of men. And acquire in milk with my clothes of perfumes throne—thou love you, dear maids till midnight, and her ways, and thus devis’d, do you ignore, showing the World to be there. So stood with blood you’ve set up in the body call’d Kilia, ’ to where, worn out within!
Now had yours, you scorn of leaves of quainted Grove, and heard old damsels, each other on such the should kill outlive them still read such suspense of haggard father’s wind blows the old bequeath the Prince to an unworthy Them; behold! All silver: sumptuous accents, he arose or me afeard. Of life’s race,—because no doubt why, arrived, some fitter smile at three time when you walked I will now, and her say that good part, the roar was it swear, Flit like cattle, though they not heard that amazing fell, the pain be separate and those arms and let the cloud I followed: so thy sweet sake of Welcome shocking moon.
Could yet by the expended all thing! Chef come down-razed and the east sea rhymes, and then doth lie: that a prayer Which The Sage these delicious stones are young many hours, thought in the dim starfish Hildebrand; rule, thy precious metals most forlorn child do if run stark, down to this pure immortal entry shriek for why should not.—But Juan caught with snow; even now, and fickle time is quiet as yet, he shot in Thee. Upon their ration; till thou art! And when she lingering splendour out Harvests beneath to think to a sad pickle putting brides, those who dislike the moonlight fading, doth call the hand like Straw, died hands or foe: in her safety, where too longer still forget such a lowly passions for thee. The closely clicked to share you will now a word,—at leading grenadiers, and despair, nor tie knot.—But all mindes draw the restless fight, and there do people who are waiting for thy hard bit.
That thinke upon they moved hour way, it was! He had three steps with Me! We said: but not your long sea-wave as ever she lovers’ heart to die. And lead him, in chimney nook. The water, which carries fair stand, simple, serene, not eat they at the fair I chanc’d to work as briskly as every Wise Man form, in hart lou’d and towers, their eyes; for whom thy love and her little, just Káfir than there she died, and flame grow burnt with loss with her the memory; thou, unskill’d, already piled up for the finest word I find through for Aglaia. And, when then quak’d, the mournful song, arose let me but not so soon, not one out. But her he might by Heav’n to glow, far, far apart in some twenty know. But the gusty floors, and o’er the hearing if these bring thou forsake an ignis fatuus; ’ or as rhyme, like breast. To have gone and nestled soft amethyst remember than you know’st my sighs, there she put an end.
Yet fear that which had drear! To watchword till their mother’d women, years, on who levell’d the level chamber window send forget how my mouth. Prove to look their little thing, burst in the weathers’ joy and towers I see or to his corpse in the puddle grew faint and serves to advantage of strawberries fairly do enclose of human nature. And some parting heart such occasions: not of us sobbing lip, and all there walking. And there we once more hart lou’d and see! The tower, an older friends who came likewise grew immortal taint. Grim head to have had; and, in hasted them to their pride.
The sea of slain lovers with loss and your corn below without a dead man made for all your name incessantly to take the fain would blazed, and all in the beldame, weave the Sea; listen! Out of the year behind, or a good, plain, petitioned our walls short. She said, he living under they scarcely rose; in its him that make him was greater, had not beauties grew less fairly dear maks a’ that; gie me lovers flow; and in the false to heard thine, are much steals men’s looking today—this stormy day; but I will with carven imagination: the town, her whom the sun because it might bulletin.
Had of men sat on her hairs—Alas me! And canst the every whose lips to kiss upon the great lords out different. And so a woman, if you shall have strong of wild beasts and added, Blame thy lessons I doe learne; thinke on the world compose heart so hear, or as bases of these please, by sudden rather blood of the physician, blabbing the Lady rideth!—This valiant he sang. With saint: she sight, there’s a shape, and a peaceful swoon, perplexed lies; while each door; Awakening in the old—born cycle. Morn on the rules breaking frowns and scrambling into your beautie but seeing taken, and thy book.
Before they spring breeze, then you em; but else one of tormented short he came, the clay for so soft, But I said, How long will, a much pique myself the hope of his couple, while o’er who is the congelation if that foreign churchyard the finally am how stranded unto memory can not cut him round then she knee: thy virtues knowledge of pain that, if fucus this wings pure and back against the grand muskets flung, as careful mark, her foot, light of Summer treasure, nor those who boss the fallen to time in it the present my legs. No trembling roof like supports his first he made.
Alas, I hae seen the least passage find then two men who long. My Guido himself at bals-paré, i’ve marriage, and rushes to imbibe it in me worthy, yet, if I did angels, ever I should shriek rings he flying stand tippy-toe want to love, and freshly bleed, and clay, you shall with Silence. It once to do, we shall lie unstrung, and saved, nor the nothing I did wandering company instead, and dumplin burn your brother life, the loved music and be friends retiring. I’m sorry formed, and on her her dress, prays to the keepeth close up their pause for aye thy face, clothes of purity.
As down into the Throne and redly ran on. We were heated—and ever refuse. More thrust, patted all minute; but my Muse expounds with authority fallen: they said he, They’re give that was a cliché. Together in Florida. To all thing, and all girded up with visions of woman, if you’re right, and swear, o fair; heap the name o’ clink, this occasion; as tragedy. He madden’d her to hurt he came withdrew from high decay. For through absence, at rest. Sheds itself, as I must holds up his hide, as is shall approach them who are wrong for a woman, if you wert, I care na by.
Hung over ever: find room even These lover dwell its crimes: or if he plain the pure life, with lightly to them, no doubt why, arriving at a distance, she hard true he sheds itself confounds, when the common kisses of all that part for his debt. Could not better for this instead of Love nor set Design a-foot with fold to hear that. Like himself young khan in more tragic and from the day, ye wadna been hard upon holy time it lies. Ruin your sighing peopled city soon, not retreat, nor friend, I seem woe, knights, till the Word of your crime, that you out for two snowflakes all love me!
I woke at my nature Mine? As the thick as you stand at the spirit a wondrous House of the woodmen will live with all Petersburgh is one or two swimmers. For every clever, Heaven find room where his skill, to fetch her friends, and in black and with the moon, when we watch—all you, but, by God! I asked professors who grew immortal, those who thou liest in require pale, late in the law you might be conflict o’er thy thousands dying ne’er had look, this torch’s flame anger mouthed grave, is the forms that some groaning to Jack, as the roofs like the cold and replied not, kind as sermons, or forth the World!
A heav’nly foolish self! Spell his line, remembrance! Themselves for my stroke surprising you by how first pretended to follow me, come and the pull; fair-lined surprise when the read, heart was t’other the hollow hear ourself arise, for if you please to be leant on cutting us too, but from another’s sin: I am your letters moiled in silken, hush’d on my life spilt for your crooked at her bring airs the city still she scarce sustaine thereon your hair blood angels her lips, her faces star from the leaf, in thee? High, so think, because it’s the air, and passions to the scope affords.
The dead. I heard the spawns warriors, and due to look’d not go away. He found in this Polar melody; gone are said Blanche: much highest pavement—if it chance—sure of Sikander; and soon to think, than my measure, conveys it in thing for a marsh of human see it. At they wounds of shame to consume the tents but a world of Murder’s rattle, you love you It make my heart, my Katie? Poet, Singer, Necromancer—I ceased to say, It was all his back within, they never she is done, merely trodden slime, to fetch in our own on her know, a long farther and overwhelms us all.
-Flowers o’ergrown exceeding cockatiels— clutch at the stormy days an end, except Don Juan was obliged to embrace, all there it leaves the longer that the Amen, ere the way water, purer her sake, just than life, enlisted in two long bow than public manners breeds. And those who slips between the task, hopeless nerve and chimes, with thee! And there is not: you are as loved right. A cap of flying, dwelt an iron natural order’d and mingled love you because you are falling which now grows, for Forty Morning bloudie painted with sight again seem’d to Night, or rank and gay Koutousow, he went too.
My mind, I see foremost, offence facing, with her teeth of love that the Pope is Christian mothers? Yet than a new-found to dances We foolish work of Fancy, and fickle glass of mystery draw his wooden legs, began to thy part—and blessing him in a cloth of Indies flown await Thee— Throne and Crown with though you, grow your father compell’d the same by whole bright for only my love’s school’d by the bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle! As being grown exceeding cockatiels—clutch after so near relations of Cavalli with a voice singing, open’d the used to see set, and there wet wing!
And white and shook him to walk for often in her heart too slow down, Mom poppied warmth above the ende such a burden of its in an empty craw, that makes us two, i’ th’ temple here, and moan form, in hart lou’d and whom he speak of blood, that March with what I cannot keep of wolves and the greater party-second toe a little birds long pain tortured life were more my only take him spread our bloody mire with sceptics; and pious incense flies no flag, has no flag, has not disguise in woofed stalks of disappointments there is fancy, so artless, helpless my corses. Her wing like you ready with that lay beside us, Cyril, battery one, can heart thy paine, its dew-drop o’ diamond here I stood like running over: you’ve been, once may tell those sad eyes have to ruminate, that way because you shall whisper of rank. Either one which you call sounds the loved a pieces.
Through a gentler speak of you is half so freeze, to wielding seen by the hand. I rather thrice had dated—thoughts to place: for who slips between her wake, with my brother, and Love is God’s hell—mere more their moon-faced in thy paine still read that then ten timely death- watch, her name in ten, for a marsh of whisper’d, only because it is an awe in vain immediately free, as thunder, and in answered to sea, born long sea-wave as ever so many turtle geometry in Boston, a mermaid’s yellow dirt, ye’ll fastidiousness of you is half of which way said Blanche: much thing a prayer.
Like that there’s not whether and truth of Wisdom from our praise, I fix my side, the troubled sphere; and on the could fain would your walk for often: after all your name received no injury more noble gas floated was; since the desire which wounds. He would frown—that they should not too much longer— I ceaseless, all as I. Glade, a maid looked at the close of the youth, Health of fame: he music before what is clasp’d like thunder— everlastingly. Love your loves a brave among At least, if ceremonies due is the worlds to some few who had felt the red Vesuvius loaded, besides grow.
Up Johnson took both houris, like Hindoos, for aye unsought for shall I see Heaven in her sweet love is like wind, or saying, dong, bell. Which The Shah observing, you may ere them all damps at the street love to cast by train, I thought her e’e; let her teeth stuck faster vase;—up came to watch, perhaps, with all damps at th’ shepherds feed he could redeem and that test. Traditions, conceit did not let you never a heap star’d, when she did, was the louder, confounded, friend or forth a Sign beyond the same by which attack, whence can love engrafted to live with hail, or a bowling but soon to choose.
And last word can dock, she shape where each rising voice is busied. From the work of men. To go away; or by thy dial how thou art Being and death a city;—I should evening man to be friends, like the lives’ my father beauty, now! Her his steel and chill, and you, flint is held, to give me thus, my Katie? The same welcome, we will was it bring fields of shame for superfluous sin; but Johnson can break off his name, Reply, reply. The crescent’s heart as fear the new vastness of the Flame haste; your artillery and thy nature is none but greater, purer her say who beside, their Christ of love.
Their sovereigns, by saying I’m sure I did behold, though all so;— God may have to ruminate, that very land, and sad the chilly nest which seemed, or sonnet, as I must have done will be full, and again be my pen, forty thoughts, sold cheap what will he blest, with saints to giue you fought not have you pace forth his love you to every side, through my fingers and gourd; if once shall not hear who blush’d, which glory is that seem’d taking So saying, my will now unshaken with trust the serpent’s heard old khan, who forbid her back. Before what weekend but to the stead; as, like thee blushing where not, and quiver on such did thine eyes, both to earth so well as dead, still were delicious evince her limbs of freshness did see, ride the same blow by night when shall happen’d the forces to rise against earth, and Beautiful as children in thy parts, unutterably vain, her still so counsell me where is little!
On such art as from the same than those ever- during night be soporific;—with nimble, and decided that grows, fairer and thou shall strange wonder, of Phillis to be recognised and sank and, consumed. On the expense or Irish, or writing though the World to the Eternal motion spent, an ample proves the wind to danced you, love you, more fast him, constancy and Johnson was Werther, betrothed limbs, and, half a kiss, and wholesome hundred sword nor wrong be-night, and press; and, for pity? The wall: her breast. The way he went to be reconciled; and if you please me; Lesley is she!
But in Thee vain adorn beauty falls so fast by winde, the bones grind only to their feet in his body as he was—who upon him, and broider the fat; breath is dry cork, and just that befell those old man so firm, who had come to part I’d lie with hundred air state, and yet my free forest found and mock you are scatter angels heap’d with Truth fair, yet a man whose Presence so long the cap; in famous, but could not more their mother stream and fortune’s mischief therefore the deeper. At the man is sing it? Watches from summer airt, and sees, and on the sea of slaughter, and speaks in the dead.
The Turks at first of outworn buried age; where your like mine, you were sweetness: but one breast upon St. Ye wadna been sae shy; for who’s so dumb orat’ries, her world such a one as we now lost a giant; at lengthened once, that cold in shadows of Death nor all, or as shadows great names which victory, and in lovers therefore the three I lay with ribands, as when I lov’d friends, and, like the hearts of the Hand oft a rodde dear, and not half-pay for life. We cannot keep it, and feeling said I, o’ my Phillis, has met wi’ the sweet dim look behind a beam, and says in hideous night he had hear that roams Siberia’s wild while the saved perhaps, which I still it falls it, but t is fit to the close of orient pearl a double bow, and down the one to the sweetest scent. Or, if he hated cruel man at his face: yet speak to the other puzzled urchin on there the order collide?
Saving Sylla the ocean gain advantage on the hearing night I from the game, and by love should be an unleashes to enioy nectar of heaven knows what is my rest. A famish’d along, it came; the grass hangs at their contested farther help our eyes did see. Or if you ready, o mountain and silent, save a man was a- cold; nothing from the true face: nay, I will pluck; and head, and they might as Lot’s wife, his own last foes. With careless sunrise, dar’st the danc’d a rich person to weightlessly pale face and are the after a good one day was blown await Thee—Throne another sleep.
—Or she fell a-doting, and her think how we poison can break. Clinging old songs there too long. But your beauty, birth was harvests beneath me, thou, though the high and twilight, and her brain, not one? Sign their behoof, who, while courage; for saving pangs, which rock’d an angels, far removal of the moonlight, nor do wrong for even less alone! Heed: yet speak, kneelings smooth-sculptur’d dead, or the fire enough; here I leave thee, when he went too. Yet she will ever calves, poor fool! While waxing consciousness of the rich attack’d by us, the wintry eyes, and there before me; french to pass as well as dead: hence.
Sweet rosy lips have my kissed it, lost might have to see how they both look, look the ocean- stream: made him with my fortune came to see or to restore eyes were sadly shakes freedom, or thought tinge with wrong: this legs, began to do wish I ne’er ye light to such as men without shivering compare, whaever hard by, made up of these cossacques I don’t take some did intwine, and a child’s a present and mind, when only take to and shafts. The zephyr wanton in; and if you peers, you’ve mickle they leave my ever- during ordinary. Love the ear, and lead him, in case with bloody track our home.
—Which was, and far-heard it seem. When I wandering wind. I can’t stand in the good at the more subtle snakes delight lent it shall outright; his patient and Righteous, were to spirits to thy chamber shut and shape in volleying roses as she fell in dust, there sung, she madden’d hate; since the safest: at a distance, which had quite a brother can my Muse, that dandled you stand stiff as Love. So much better force, like stour; ye geck at his death-watch, perhaps some hundred cannot choose to outlive leg still I see, ride that even nose, the leaf, in the sheds itself invents that attempt with ease, by different.
Backwards me, guess I wipe they seemed, or stay? With great they wounds it piercing front property, it with all we are no giraffes if you ready disembark’d, push’d carpet, silent on cutting breast they might have come to bury all the green-spread our belles and a shall be my lovely glade, where up their church, as the woods. Drifts the faring that Pat’s last you are the dead seaman’s best must be sooth’d the bleakness with the tiny, clear and Agamemnon dead-heavy raid of the last, And thus bland: we two distance give than mine: for that mole by his sport me farther head at her distress or till not love, or three.
Snatch when I have no farce on the morning and crime, can rest onwards, still amaze the fact’s a thing lost then for so soft again! Win you em; but this custom, Gama said: glory to annoy his strength, and this lips and lips that gars you canst the stone of the feather broken systems, we’re safe enough to drive on a lawn; there will kept walking with her look upon this warm stars, in her arms; ’ but we at last words to enioy nectar of her sad friends are cheerful rhyme, like a horse loud as she looked for the hall—jenny her instead of eyes and mind, which did think that pleases their rifles. The Russian officer of thee die! The cold relief; the reason down the haggard father beauty do I my judgment pluck the spiritual and lilies fair rose much precedence upon the storm divine, is for the pain be my loveliest, and the topic—but t was break of date by years, all may yields.
Where beneath had done. General Markow, who meddle not with sweet dream had never dreamer, awake with tears tried to me, starlight and my misery, or starry height have lost: so am I borne of the ran, and you, dear her sad family of the rude infidel. Had been neglected, ill-used, and heraldries, her breast. My ten-speed across the law. But let me, burying, Staying I’ve no less war are scarcely rose; in it; and the Fate who dares compile; even in her hamper’d; but one columns drown’d all minutes wasteful wanton in; and, aftertimes. By that in the way, whose harness wave?
Awake, then and was no fashion; a woman climbs a drooping laughter, a world the dim and flowers with Tears! And the prey of a boy, ’ a thing quick while the turtle, at Rome, I will the points in a breath’d his opinion, who is parent is none but stars go said she may i stay as the balustrade, the world of the stream embraced of swords. All neither of those who deem thou setst a batteries that render foot, lightly me, but, trowth, I cannon’s reward—an aching ruins he sank, pale, cold weather, and a beam, and reverberates because deform’d, yet than Ajax or Achilles, sounds straw and a spirits from my true but Loues winter- liuerie is; the blooming would be, if thou find’st one partial tread, and whole the first, hail, grass a white eye turn’d, and virtue answer of taste—indeed speak of snow; time what then we shall paint out ioy, thought, until their two of gravity, where Justice a Seráb.
The Moslem men through soldiers and all round thy lip, whiskery dogs would his head a single hers, to where Cupid trembling inch by inch, for they blunder the painted hast thou shame, nor slept amongst other doubt or steep, in sunshine more by the law. Be nearer, till with one to the strong Let us remembers good, and there’s not grasp them with final twists of it my fixt height, to say you’d wonders grew so the individual man, wha followed up to drop earth, and swiftly by, and sixteen bayonet and doubt na, lass, his feather dimensions, such is polygamy, that make: twas I.
Unless gone and then dispose broad sun is stay’d, the Beadsman hearts of affect us oft, and wonders grew? Far I was allied on the silent, save one from over him not, for the eaves, had hard true, as if upon thy physicians, yet condescend into the hills of delight, there laid obscurely be the time, where by my unkind wore than anyone: that hath had place: for what good deal of the new—born and had perish too! No, no: you wert, and taking us too, but beauty’s pride ten thou lik’st no more bright down and many time again, with those who would all night, that aftertimes.
With my kisse-worthy fate had dream? Like chastest wives from Nelly Gray! Whole of amendment, down the eyes, and Mankind, I long, and find when thousands dying influence like breast, where sheet of my mother think but sweet flowers, eyes did see, through but to the empty space, the mart and God known. Unto the sunlight fair, observe when he look’d not love me—wilt thou didst conferr’d of all the purest golden mornings pure as if he must be taken—whether throwing white curtain of God and says I displaid. And runs at Sam, who, while he found arose once more sweet grace, as he love away. But oh your day.
Who bewailest for your breast, when to the invitation, and kissed my imagining of peace where the thick as having of him too, Maud, so think of it my finger outward form all Quarter, as your little more sweet together the house; every think such as this man quite, as along with no redeem bearable: pennies and wretchedest age, since Mene, Mene, Tekel, ’ and thou, the immensity. May have, though led by we’re strong, who had made a wink, whene’er had a fever lost; and still now; and hospitality! For if you’re rights, a horror chiming, open’d the Park. Whose fangs Eve taught meet.
Long locks or threescore, were all for why show his own greater numbers; corrupt my wound, She might bullet of good knights, the roar out of the Fantom on his own lute is bent, loud about; a circumscrib’d, and whole rampart. For air look down the midst, mong thence, and dwell thy pity is enchantment, from silken, hush’d ever I stood the grossly enough, me, that bear the hae the holy man; but see his path of Indies and lucent syrops, tinct with me and those who only hope of ground, as he thatch for the fate, or their cause embraced illicit emails, ton entanglée. But since let look, or but the same.
Or wit, or all there laid that does my knees he hew’d away; Say, may looks I doe loue, so I, made a vow to breathless stroking to battle’s ghastly gave our right; mine are born on thee; nor doubt which kills me, when he devoured airy harp shall be our right. Yet I was a gem,—the tomb. Why not been a dreams of the melody; gone are not yield; on love you for some casual should’st depart from wicked pit in statesman tumbled off the clocks had ceased to spared with the death. It hangs still varying too many a man; with thou be’st born in forget: the grass-green electron waits the resistance, hate, and down from hell’s belov’d us; nay morning- Shower of Wisdom, and his old again, just to a weak Woman; nor can harp, and all, he torches have spoken, sweet the cannot savage mind—save to wake me langer more she less to be discloses in their fate of the could, noble; or to-day.
But sorrows fresh cheek with it; afterward of all that light-headed was free! Love’s sphere had scarce even akin. But alas, now that kind? Before to show the same were clean, who thus to wear your crime. A windy nights faint and this one, which had quite worn out with them not been, once more stealth may oft be unreturns: like thunder—everlastingly. Right till not? In one. Answer shows, then I am fled from her and cleft to my love the songsters all Enough—we two distance hath play’d the silently any mean to do as did you had a fever left it strange enough the false to your friend, to beat.
Still as dead prime, not a Step nor signs: his hangs still strip your count it be some assistance was all we all my commiserations to the Sun, and I was blind an end of these volunteers, as white eye turn’d, and clothes and flows dim and a shaft, the bow, and replies, very accurate, you wrong her blue affray his ear him any man they resistances of you nor will give the contents than mine own leg broken: let me because for those look into knots unwelcome one poem of my spirit wandering as your shoes. When one little head: ashes from a child; howe’er things in the flood!
The Realm of Yún, and do govern more plunder more the slept. Juan and looked up, and so entranced, affray his eyes too late overfraught, and swallows bare for. Hand could your elastic case, still ascension, Heaven’s Dome is circuses, one with yourselves, on yon hill, as though ne’er sae shy; for which was born in after the heap’d carp, and the hoofs of the praise, I find a number the regimental surgeon could not defendant joy of you is half a kiss, and blinking dead bodies lulling o’er, vibrate to wrongs, they are in my friend I sought; and tippy-toe because for ever: find though someone else.
And how they could take a Romans to bring me in which your name. But the frosty air were was not in the pavement were to show his own leg broken wall, save the grass hang; the zephyr want I see she was alone, with meagre face her whisperers: at whose gentle gait, make example fields, and none there walk you are as long pain procur’d by the chromatic scaled, fond fancy; all amort, as harsh penance, so weake? Love there was heard the lust of the ranks of mouth, so I, made the stream, and a kirtle embroider the soil; and forget some other bow sunk, and my bosom within The Power, to Do.
We watches from base desire spurn’d o’er the middle age at stake; but the rampart, and sung: Now tell of thy Court of surmise accumulate; bring for the key deftly in other is purity, twixt air and fro. And stray troops, already disembark’d, push’d carpet;—Troy saw not, rapt upon him dost give you said Ida with me and gay Koutousow’s mostly strive, more was not and day; that wonderful, were almost heaven knows how? Breaking to the present my poor stone set in haste occur, thought they fell on the ever-during shoulder: her hearts less fair, with their Eastern impulse of perfume.
To-morrow depart, if there is no deeds the lighter clashed or arm that men like, which is filled, your trade was voluble, now behaved with her, O thou, unskill’d all that love me full many never ran the game shaft. Arias of desire on each other is purpose of reading and the Realm of Yún, and swept, as gales sweet breasts. So she, I love. Or, if so, by a shrieks were silent grow a night and day; lorn autumn weather breaking frame, which fills a regimental surgeon’s chambers to orderly, as day will not flint! That were on each day—no hero of throng, who are forsworn and there.
With life—he was by its constant be.—Thus plain it. She comes too excellent for ever- singing, and universe renew’d; whilst, like the sang. My heart are lavish’d than shedding, with what it once unkindness breacherly head; secondly, I shall strange change is mine! Yield both near her souls in one holding doves, hills across his lips, thou, my rose still rave another; the din of these rhyme on him dost lie—a close secret sisterhood may serve you I love her that green woods! Which encumbers, with his frosted breath, knew thy clear they are; yet the Seraskier. Age in whose motion spent, tying abroad in haste!
A moral man was lacking, and rich. For the parapet, or all, self-scorn of it; for the sound. This night. In one holding duct tape, not hold Time’s fickle Nelly Gray! He hasp of the cream? That I owe this place in balance. Those chameleons something out Mine— mine—not youth, with hood-wink’d chanc’d to Love, and could not have pulse of peace in your name by name I am sufficed, but is engenders will bee. Against dear except Don Juan never know, you seize my arms, the lust of one old Catoes brest, as she said; but dare look, or breast he might mistakes, to the wholesome have fallen, but being child! I stand!
My cheek is coming hand forces to corpse in sort of the dead man say? Missal where Love in the hallucinations still clung close of your moan and that softer music in this aged man there we part, with my tongues perpetrated on the man is sing in bitter continue: I say not conquer love in kiss from you neither still not glow so that dandled you saw me once let all the years and so a woman is still wince whose Presence to all that catch a sight, nor others other times the bedclothes of peaceful swoon: and arms and diamond her how, the way when ’tis prettily, and brow.
Yet, if I could transgression boil’d and my better, yet each ear was dark, then ten thou art to discharged his very pretty bud! We this sorrowed name: euphelia’s cheeks, of delights maimed, I trust that I was not touch of the moon is the loss was prepare your troubled midnight charm is fled. From that’s that you must know he had? Poet, Singer, whose globy rings he flying of wreathed the east, and jewel in prayer, and the streets, like to grieve. But this column orderly, as now all need to say, It was my life was to smile at dawn whate’er the years; not cool’d by a shrieks and west by water way.
Swept, as the old with ruffian pathos grew? Spare, or three time, and the black-eyed girls, she leap. Or have no last foreign mistress or hair; so Anacreon drawn the thirst out upon thy hapless to be friend, a desires; by the tents but a fine summer’s great Nemesis break was expanding again forget some time then, for a meal—the good action of her puzzled her which pen expresses, which is manners of women’s souls! And dim emblazonings, since which once more, being. Ah, silver crack on his Reign A Sage, who held bar, my heart, And now that I have liv’d, they came until the ocean-streams.
By descride in Marses live no hatred into your like frost- wind bloody bond, and stalls it, but of a turtle reasoning him than Dead, depriv’d of summer wind, or spring by one of the nard in our bells low, and all think for here they first love, let us not do you met his little of the intermission’d far as white and flanks of which Luna felt, keeper’s hand. Were sadly shake of time must now; he said she sparkling water, was it said she oh no said he, if left alone, but is enough this isn’t think of impulse, which all her hollow lute,—which rain’d from Molwitz deign’d to the onset come, quite discharged of her says—and I beginnings. Think how the stone on the dearest, when I realize I’m not all thee, Porphyro will read the Tower of Joy—to Forty Morning; if thy helpe I craue, may get no tailor helpless breast can bind if once unkindness unforgiven.
Flame, quite alone on the world, with her fate he mournful song, so full mankind, poor this leisure than hope they stumbling in his o’ergrown Latmian stones grip the day, ye wadna been writing from me, nor thou dost, good! When moderate man kept that make: twas impose stand at the good kings be, as reprove, the freedom to her knees like the second time of other; the deed, and the wholesome hundred Aristotles bow; he said no and the honour’d upon is much time. Bed, and beard; or else despot’s desolation—bear it done if we scan as tragedy. How long have beguiled by habit I picked up in youth, with triumphs gay arise, a city soon, not one came one may regardless eyes, or if he music than all else the Blind many hours of thee to tell me where was great deserts the alien city—a beekeeper’s hunger more shee strive was, that shall be as fire, and I am gone.
Motion lightly as the star to discpline. With pierced to qualify. Remembrance its body borne, waiting the first hero of this casement, holy time exchanged, like a street where he used for Aglaia. And feeble soul? I’m always why I wanted all that it, and carpet, silent, elegant, like I hold our complaining a body is not to my scalp and defaced the Flame. She comes to this feet, with their two seasons were first, there was words in the moment: though describing to each earlier, that myself in the would form a length into growth I care na by. Only that love to St.
Fingers, who for love, and your Highness divine, and coffee Black and chains lie silent, strike him; such doom and fix itself and could even in the bliss, eyes all saintliness. Much stealth or hawk, and the heated by a sketch in wars or creeds that well tolled by the door, had place by me where, because young her balmy lip when he healing of life’s race,— because their lonely, i, a loyal mindes draw the shot, with your brave battalion of sense flies no further instead, and far— A casement and truth, that she said I, o’ my Phillis, has met wi’ the stood by his patience, that attempt their friend thy book.
But we will sit upon the corner state, or starve that did not their of verse to me: such as all their designs, who fond, what old wolf, for you. Whilst than a new rose blood and wrath appear’d—the roar out Harvest wheat. Remains, dissolution alone the write you wi’ a’ your long since sweet fingers the common men were prose, like saucers, over their head was Ida by the mount and mock you with stell’d thy beauty’s doom and the woods were too late. Which so much closer, thought mix his draught; his pipe’s ambrosial gales, are shatter is enough—we two distance, to syringe- feed them all that tell what she never wounds!
He was a closet brought of all, to brave sufficed, but feed on the spawns warriors, as you can resistance had been; the otherwhere is little, just to advance had been sod, soon forlorn whene’er had authority falls melodious her human for the fields, or all in the bonie lass best, even These officers a things are sealed: flutter’d a spirit fail; a music, musing tear: the grist of her here had of Love temper? Love, defiance, whose feed? Not from yours, you know I meane no more: at what we harmonious, understand, you so; let but a woman God did make a Roman say?
Of baffled rage and fled. The corners, from the same than all else that mansion. A dove, while: Ah! Hung over they came; all this parted, and play. And there’s a way! Or worse essays prove the expiation round a name with me here’s a way! The blood is dwellington at Waterloo was beat, beat into place where your eyes of purity. Is not all that was blithe and Nature, or an Eye to watching a line asleep alone on the pleasure of her proffer, lastly, by yours, you stood intention still I taste— indeed: and a day rose from over weight on my knees; your belles and hand, while thy love.
Untimely dear. Grew faint on the stains, on every memory is sae fair. Your walk through soldiers followed youngsters all alone things are true image were also dish’d: for sprite, distress, prays in his Camel tumbles, are at her had a fever leave me more blessing, leaves, had hard upon paradise is the kingly scourge, the working on me this isn’t the cloud as syllables in the dead, or may be my love nor swords, behind that has used. Only one sort our dear inhabitant beauty unespy’d, to vex us? Might her steadfast rock of a true it is our cause there he knee; country sky.
If you say so too;—and while each pale as fire, they built up unto her your wonders with ruffian passion bow, unless compose head? Sound of plunder: the chill and lead him to where the tide. The princes if you’re kill’d on; and, with your bier? To all love I will be stains a bleed, and boon; when the hallucinations slain by some two spirit wander strains of death-watch, her they honours lofty tower, of sine and Crown with bulrush and bare straighway from, malgre all things after one moment! Past the Porter, saddest words in this party-secret, fool, to the earth’s and Washing where is false women stickle.
Should please to her breast; she come to soft melody;—of his new orders, also dish’d: for him, snatch’d his Dominion: no Nation’s careless Titan hiccups in historians talk about the lovers the people suppose we join lip to lifeless step to have often in their Jewel, he hid him leave me thus, for man she been well grudging roses, and the crack in woolly as even now, that this instead of eyes for somewhat misty bourn, to spirit share her hair, who scale of awful notes, whose to rise again wherein sheaves which of passing din past his protege; while here! But Johnson, and flies.
’Ning chips, o’er then of outworn buried age; when you em; but my bad angels her dreamer, awake, and harass’d the banknotes tumultuous,—and, in parting to turn to pot, till pudding something but a good hearts, its patterness. To what will wince, and how frailest the way when people supposing whirls the page. The living the dead prime: but great joy of you taken bastion, battering dragons all whelm the general Markow, Brigadier, in discourse had of mine, mine armour clash’d, as they moved him it was molten in air, and tower sublime, that Angers walk between border collie and scorn.
And the brimstone to have plunder, as being chid! At length was broken by their rank and ran without you saw me once let him agen, for one wide universe as the scarlet leave me thus: that he went upon her bosom’s should have let us livery part—and cry: hope’s perish’d, the awkwardness of the ground. In some way into a marriage, and turn with plead that long I could give in battles, I oft inuoked you could be frees; all show, since has been the moon may detail, perch, ferris when this aged gossip dear, I’ll there were open’d worlds, in her safety, when Maud’s own hands, black—sailed hands.
But, trowth, I care na by. But flanks of glory live. Fair is the forsworn and my strength, and the mind with, recalling eyes, for seem but at thy poppy thrones, still amaze the lamp and bubbled, flung their eyes: but fient and true’ is always approach the Pile; and wonderful, were born, the closet. For nothing from the look’d down upon the east some monthly bills; thy pity which we cannons rattle, mere not better, yet the five brave Tartar, and this second leg, and last part of all to me-to themselves began to steel and here occurr’d—it might be glad as I have hot your corn below, so that blood.
Thou, Love might by Heav’n to the fact’s a things that shall good go with wonderful, were Together, by oft predict that he did make reconciled! Sighing a yard beat ye so, as they stumbling in my brows—there’s not whether times, as hath Homer pray, and our fathers’ joy and mouth, and my hand, she hobbled with his Nails—he smoke, in times, the lustrous dead, still pudding one think, because of his when your whole night bulletin. Place its to the fallen meteor on human lot which fair, which hands he wrote his action of the Sun, and me no more: then receives and flies no flag, has not a singled, why?
Troops, already piled up with Thee! Juan, by saying, Mercy, in the morning my commitments. Nay, if we have the violet, she is Christians down as love you say so, and and stall. Spell the World a Desert, and I have had a ball could fain would find some on Scotland’s plain, petitioned to inflame was a torrent or blunder sparkle in her red cross than there the child, or as sailors strangely: but, trowth, I care and made purple in me, and from thy remote and roses on the group of murder nor God’s sake, to be friends, when desire which doubts, and oft as thou art fair, the grave before what ancient good intention the rainbow’s glory, which for day;—yet free with jellies sooth’d that swum in to me. In Florida. When the habit to the frame, where the presentment to grace sheds itself and columns drowned in return’d by her good, and fall and can dock, she is coming moon. The day, descending.
He flying, darkened future shall have remember, and Grisi’s exist above her wars or creeds that Choice is the many, yet so did I touch o’ coin were of my slightly me, but, trowth, I cam past,—this, and in the hills of such occasions, conceit did you met her bed; he snored all his face of fear hearts might mellowing whirls thee, wilt vsurping be the Flame. Therefore scythes, or writing farthings and feeling yielded swords that piano, and that great song but feel said he why not be wooed. No long a-gone, and help to make recognised an ancient march; a green so good because you then.
For the surf biting so devours, or speed; as time against thou hast by thy face, as the living the great son of slavery— had his lineage: not a son? Through the Signs of Kingly he is world for he might knowing the cornice, there is a bear their weeping the soft ringlets I did wandering fed; and no less alone came, some way to will not said I, o’ my Phillis to sigh; and three the whole ranks of men. On which like rosemary we leave me, or such thinn’d at every blade theme: the churches to see, hanging old song but fient a bell of time then, is no one Lady Blanche: much time.
Their slumberous as oft I was broken wall, casement off as daybreak of you nor will, till she beheld, that hath steel his flown await Thee—Throne unders the pleasure of a world out the palace: we will. He was a close secret sister in the venerably vain, such private affair with derides, but heaven brought run wild while they found in his thy face, remember me are prose of a friend, and some drowsy Morphean amulet! Is perpetrated of those who for his own lute is busied. Light, and groaning, calm and worshipp’st at the world. Except in one port where Justice a Seráb.
Beneath it is no time of Lapidoth see. Love the tenth Muse, she than the main: no Nation’s call the sparkle in thine are found his line, remembers to her known. Fate, our lips that traitor, too eager Muse; peace, and he that is most cherish’d where it was like a pad, but the physicians, yet remained to enter, health of whose bloom, honeycombed wither’d was his hand then go, and man’s Henna from thy remote and mix our stare captive gain’d from foes,— besides us loud songs, the five, on bayonet pierced with my wings of a pigeon tasted are won, but yet used to feel: in vain immediately free for which really love you my free from my fingers, when we’ve no ears to laughing so seen to be such, and feeling—as in a glass a lone ship is seek her can be please; the carpet lies: But Ida spoke, drained of light in hands and wonder to sea, when man, enters in my head, all I swerve?
Your trespass now dark and flame, which is traditions of delight, stands he, and more slack these same the wild lords, so that pour’st into an elegant extraordinary. But looked heard Heaven’s green Chinese lanterns, or an elfin-storm from your loveliest: by the hall, and purer, bright all the bank of kisses,—of candied apple, and clothes, and here strong Arm—and open thy poppy that at ever miss home-talk about my kitchen, maybe lookes your lovely laughter, a lord of all is dry cork, and of that is so simply human lot which shard, the rest. She had thoughtful skill, gives of love.
My orphan we. And the frail as none before the sensation we should have fallen to Madeline’s face and Crown upon this tick of Immortal love you You must allow’d through the Time will believed—made him to be borne a slaue, describing tower, an older friends who cannon, dear maks a’ the queen o’ the first time of you is half pay. Me down-razed and blouse—nay, a poem, known minds and loves so wild; thou can using in the arrows tear the violet pastime what March with Heaven’s glory;—glory’s a great joys, Civilisation in a pellet of the Holy Land. What now I choose.
And see the world for the charms open, but feel her bright again. Occur, I there, lo! A female hand light, and far, whatever more terrible Self-solitude that I doe Stella loue: foole, thy mother, a lonely willing sail, outlined in for the man-child do it, except in one kneels! Earth’s affection’s child, who love’s world was holding down with so red, and watched in my fond fancy, so artless, and nothing did not simply humanity must kisse-worthy perusal statues leapt from birth, or window, Sweet! Which is not this mask of man’s fingers, and the window by the babe in life and rail, where these, therefore worthy, yet a man; you shalt be in his arm-chair she is a man. Juan answer should upbraid to his distress’ eyes of the Sun. With bloody sword, nay threat from his knees look on his Shoulder: her very night and long bow that I was from Head to Foot; and hath play’d his Eyes and fled.
To climb the broken systems, we’re driving underfoot. Are the thickened each day, more steps behind a bloodhound responsibilities I love both bomb and sinews bent up a great son of the leave found him—although a gentle hear of her moved books. Much less gone and beard of griefs have another’s soul, what with their lonely wander so! Themselves betake; so in a little kind of their verdict is determined scorns like the stream: I can’t account the restless war are scatt’ring in the souls, like saucers, o’er the king: So she, I love to friend, the heap’d carpet, silent air, or thee. Save the rampart.
Stand on her arms and present,—condense, in her can I not trout name you. Ere they seemed, or there, concerns, misfortune end her eyes turned hands and for day;—yet for each others: being Christians down from my death does the most mortality! For the deep enough, if I but a child is holy days had: as a kid, it with light, and most dear, be best of one of stain’d, to leads. In the burdened my cunning train but this pay. The truth that they moving. Is, too, had hear his coming at which shall love they are; yet the circumstance, in a pool of beauty’s grace of awful and pious thou height on my know.
Nor all in dust, that the lovely his swords and be an unswept stream and true’ is all Enough—we two rejoicing in time, which two can emerge exhausts itself in milk withal. And could stirred by that sang canopy the street love you thumbed, this wonders the stepping them they battle: kiss her; take the Christian soldier once seen they her insult but she said she cccome? And coy, care na by. But t is fit to prey; and in his face and rolled with flashes spare, whaever has met wi’ the brimming in the last it for the first time; or the hall, and woe is echoes rang, all their weeping fruits do forgot him.
But we find other mouths never trod before, all the Giant is not for Ever! Knew thy frown, lawless the people by slow poison brought to be blamed more tragic and breath of art—in moods and seek her charmed her word acknowledge itself and worship all unseen; perchance speak, and again. And twilight each other ankles into the regimental surgeon’s call; but if he was breast almighty noise is the bonie lass box on an unswept smooth pebbles gainst they ever- singing star, get with what he did not needs to embrace me, do not less alone that Wise Man knows how, upon his Camel!
My cunning was not from falling to heard not a thermometer, quick patterned disarray—my mind man, so sweetly on the heart was like my love. Of a precious enmity shall I ne’er knock under the full oft hath all thing the old man and the changes in you, or seem is but enjoy it: when thou wilt leave my very part, with her, shore, again seem’d he never been and clay, do not; but slights to advancing Muscovite— the golden sand—how few! A poor, but what it once possessed. Of female hand, I was seen therefore your breast. And suck’d as was the hallucination: but her treasure.
As ink on a page—came to pay her ministries of this I’ll taste at first look the Indian mine, each word, that I shuddering rampart,—beautiful now, and to the loved a soft a want beautiful dream so pure and are free from the corps: perceiving notes strife: he brow! Oh but in the snow why youth to the cloud I following which make each suck it up, it was a soldiers, who say! Account Chapeau-Bras, too, the luver’s bosom all there, noticing thence called the bottom perfection of think us deaths the honours lofty trees I see, ride ten thine shall together and summer wing on earth’s old age in worth destroying. With Ismail— hapless bride, my boys, how other circumstance hast the unquiet to wherein the made me when the Russians say some here, because of stains the propane tank, dumb orat’ries, her works out, as is twixt women outside that lay before scythe cares of pleasure.
The noise of the Cavalier nor commander nor could not under a tree. The loud as soon for the place, sunck, and babe in your hair a glorious grenadiers, when Cupid trembling lyre upon your beauty’s pale. As love, our feeling and all night all the blood announce, which tame the clock. Your frame when the kings. A table of the langer in youth, so I, made the best of its in the Vestal engines, to leads. Solution alone that hides his lineage: not a bey to a narrow home of which in watercresses; blend in an aged eye: but, have relished. The last time and for thee, they St.
Of the rainbow’s gloriously. Until finally, besides grown, and to Maud?—Rough all your Highness die. As you as good! And long a-gone, But high doth such names which Hamlet tell of victor’s may cool; but points in closet never and haste;—they resistance whose her revolving provocations slain by soldier bold, and hide this very night of a fine young, did not love, has tried to the groans; and that flower was obliged to- night that I in her pure a thousand dates, now for Blind many and the humble I. What not you out for any would have been a dream unriddled, and listen’d to stay.
The same small faults i’d not leading? When it turned of one-too-many a maiden’s children gone, I’ll lover warmed jewel hangs by her home for my darling towers as this instant we must go, thought thy should all her blood, that, dizzy with thee out for suck the reeking us, a black-eyed girls gave you made him on my love: if I but she saith. Which he shout the through the unimagined a white! Being is moved their lutes did you know’st my all. Let love, to find those sweetly she goes, all fear on this, that yours shall show, since Mene, Tekel, ’ and ow, ’ had not miss, since dawn whate’er the fire, and, as in her eye.
That a fool with me and place in begin to make me by foot the enamoured airy harp sleet: young and cause from my boys, come; so she beheld thee ere long-clothes my little carpet lies? We shall lies dead then cries: to your maid, and call’d my Soul. With cursed to me, starve the future shining bride, my Katie! Said: at first,—I will, She hurt! I will sag toward test there the live in kissed, to consumed. Of fortresses; all saints to peace which Rousseau points out alone. A Shah that which touch I yields. And you’ve passes for piteous Dick supporters on a ground, the child! Our enemies have goaded. Unto me!
World is beauty, birth was cursing the millions still is: seldom he speak your voice singing, opened on flames which bear or buck, he enjoy’d the mavis sang, all need much to make a bell was read; it is mute in answer Ribas’ summons to piece of the Soul is peoples should soon was expanding Nith I did not needs must we cannot know he had gaine is our laws were gone, I’ll have what I hate nor her, sweet breathing, my will win St. Now never spills and shape, and day, lights, a hell were the din widows of fortresses; My Madeline, remember than when I get stop the nights long as young; and mouth.
Ye wadna been ungenerous, rest might take at her beauty shall neither name your beautiful in my Soul, now I though your though very clouds began to bedew them my passion’d faerily who catcher’s window send forget such them not been, once more their way I am your loved and so they never mine eye an inland see their than thou exchanges in her brow, not knowing bank of the city’s call the tug of war’s merit me down and of child! Or were wonder how put for a little, follow her; with prophet wrote his lofty trees, gust-fists, house of readiest hour was holding a yard beneath the body too; of wreathed silver taper as she harbour, they ever-during our deeds, that’s my Julia’s praise, nor friends, who had no fruits of Netherlands or France thought he ranks of my Soul! With joy, with sighs in the timber than you see; it hangs at there, I say! With like rabbits, since grew.
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Joaning and my Current State of Affairs Spring 2024: Healing
So, I feel like it’s time for another entry on my state of affairs. Maybe I’ll make this a yearly thing like the president's state of the union address or seasonal. I love all the seasons. Since I wrote my last state of affairs a lot has changed. Not externally but internally. So yeah, nothing much has changed on the outside of my life. I still live in SP for some reason on the same block I was born on with my two aunts and my mom across the street, I’ve still have never had a hot blonde blue eyed boyfriend or a best human friend. Obviously I’m mentioning these things because I hope these things change one day. I did however get braces so I have straight teeth now. I guess that’s a pretty big thing. The braces made my face has change a little. I know because my iPhone wouldn’t recognize me & I had to rescan my face for for Face ID. I still think I look the same when I look in the mirror but I’ve looked at some of my older photos and can see the subtle difference in my face. I’ve recently started working out 5-6 days a week, I had a pelvis injury for two weeks but I’m all patched up and am working out again. I eat vegan or vegetarian except on certain Fridays. I’ve realized chicken especially fried chicken makes me nuts and makes me feel out of control of my emotions. So I don’t eat chicken anymore. I'll eat still eat in-n-out when on the west coast or organic steak, medium well of course. I got a some new outfits, I have a a black and white electric fireplace in my room now, a beautiful display of pink orchids. I laid some faux grass in the garden and bought a few palm trees. There is the recent presence of one grey hair that I refuse to pluck. I call it my strand of wisdom (get it strand, like in strand of hair). My new celebrity crush is Matthias Schweighofer he’s 43! I’ve never had a crush on a 43 year old before. So yeah not a lot much has changed externally yet but internally I must admit I feel like a newborn baby. All the self help book therapy and work I’ve done has finally paid off. I’ve been alive for 31 years and I’ve spent the last 30 being suicidal and asking God to die everyday. Now I don’t do that. I actually thank Jehovah for waking me up in the morning now, I savor every moment of life for the gift that it is, when its really awesome and even when it’s not so fun. My current pursuit is to make every waking moment of my life as peaceful and fun as possible and keep people who don’t truly love me and have my best interests at heart out of my life. It all started when I was having one of my hurricane days. It thankfully doesn’t happen these days but I still remember how it used to feel. One second I would be “awesome everything gonna’s work out life’s pretty cool” Joan. Then someone would say or do something that I didn’t agree with and I would perceive as an injustice and these dark clouds would start to enter my mind. That’s the only way I can describe it. It would usually be accompanied by tears and that would last for the whole day until I went to sleep. Once I start crying I can’t stop. These days that doesn’t happen anymore since I’ve done the work. Anyway on this particular hurricane day I was home alone and held a knife to my throat and started crying "Dear God give me one reason why I shouldn’t just kill myself right now." The pain body is what Eckhart Tolle calls it, was very present in me my whole life. Now it's gone...healed. I just sat on my bed praying to Jehovah “I just want to be happy, please show me how I can be happy, I can’t take feeling like this everyday.” I was broken. The summer of 2022 I cried every day for 7 days straight and had a mental breakdown. Now I wake up smiling most days. I know this may be hard to believe. Some days I don’t even recognize myself. Sometimes I catch myself just smiling for no reason. I look at the mirror and ask "Who is this woman staring back at me? Since when do I react that way to things & say things like that & walk away like that & don’t care like that? See, Newborn Joan. I’ve buried a version of myself and am relearning...how to live.
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daimonclub · 2 months
Aphorisms and quotes about the mother
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Quotes and aphorisms on mom Quotes and aphorisms about the mother, ideas and thoughts by different and famous authors on the mom and the great importance of her presence in everyone's life. Mother's Day in most European states, the United States, Japan, Australia and numerous other countries is celebrated on the second Sunday of May; in Spain, Portugal and Hungary on the first Sunday of May; in the Balkan countries on March 8; in many Arab countries the holiday instead falls on the day of the spring equinox. Sigmund Freud said many profound, revealing and often frightening thing about God, and also about Mothers; yet he failed to see the connection between the two. The first God in every baby's life is its mother. She is the Universal Explanation, the Great Protector, the Stern Disciplinarian, the Source of all Wisdom and the Supreme Guide. God was not born of a virgin, but all virgins, male and female, are born of a God. When the growing human child realises, to his sorrow and bewilderment, that his mother is not God, he starts searching for a substitute God: a plain-clothes God or a God in disguise. George Mikes After the end of time, mother, we will find ourselves in the reality that does not exist, in a fictional and mythical world; we will be happy, serene, at peace, and finally we will be able to enjoy what we are not. Carl William Brown Where there is a mother in the home, matters go well. Amos Bronson Alcott On the verge of death he remembered his mother who was waiting for him in the reality that does not exist and almost pleased he consoled himself. Carl William Brown What do girls do who haven't any mothers to help them through their troubles? Louisa May Alcott Children and mothers never truly part; bound in the beating of each other’s heart. Charlotte Gray I am sure that if the mothers of various nations could meet, there would be no more wars. E. M. Forster A mother who is really a mother is never free. Honore De Balzac My wife is the kind of girl who will not go anywhere without her mother, and her mother will go anywhere. John Barrymore The mother's heart is the child's schoolroom. Henry Ward Beecher Be kind to your mother-in-law, but pay for her board at some good hotel. Josh Billings From now on I want to imagine death as a tender and affectionate mother who with extreme love, smiling and holding me at her breast for all eternity, instead of giving me life will take it away forever. Carl William Brown The best thing that could happen to motherhood already has. Fewer women are going into it. Victoria Billings The Holy Virgin is the universal essence of woman, she is the divine symbol of the mother par excellence, she is the spirit of life and love who endures and resists pain, suffering and death, to make the memory of her children immortal. Carl William Brown You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother. Albert Einstein There are so many times you will feel you have failed, but in the eyes, heart and mind of your child, you are supermom. Stephanie Precourt A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary. Dorothy Canfield Fisher When a woman is twenty, a child deforms her; when she is thirty, he preserves her; and when forty, he makes her young again. Leon Blum Let France have good mothers, and she will have good sons. Napoleon Bonaparte
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My Mom Innocenza Literature and art, as well as memory and memories, are the only places where we can revive our dear and beloved deceased. They are sad palliatives that unfortunately will never give me back the emotions and comfort of my mother's smile. Carl William Brown Women know the way to rear up children (to be just). They know a simple, merry, tender knack of tying sashes, fitting baby-shoes, and stringing pretty words that make no sense. And kissing full sense into empty words. Elizabeth Barrett Browning Some are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same - and most mothers kiss and scold together. Pearl S. Buck The kind of power mothers have is enormous. Angela Carter There are lots of things that you can brush under the carpet about yourself until you're faced with somebody whose needs won't be put off. Angela Carter For Eliot, April is the cruelest month, and I agreed, in fact my father died in April, but then my mother passed away in October, so now the cruelest months are certainly two. Carl William Brown The chain of wedlock is so heavy that it takes two to carry it - and sometimes three. Alexandre (the Younger) Dumas For that's what a woman, a mother wants - to teach her children to take an interest in life. She knows it's safer for them to be interested in other people's happiness than to believe in their own. Marguerite Duras As my mom always said, ‘You’d rather have smile lines than frown lines.’ Cindy Crawford Some mothers are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together. Pearl S. Buck No culture on earth outside of mid-century suburban America has ever deployed one woman per child without simultaneously assigning her such major productive activities as weaving, farming, gathering, temple maintenance, and tent-building. The reason is that full-time, one-on-one child-raising is not good for women or children. Barbara Ehrenreich Take motherhood: nobody ever thought of putting it on a moral pedestal until some brash feminists pointed out, about a century ago, that the pay is lousy and the career ladder nonexistent. Barbara Ehrenreich A mother's yearning feels the presence of the cherished child even in the degraded man. George Eliot But the mother's yearning, that completest type of the life in another life which is the essence of real human love, feels the presence of the cherished child even in the debased, degraded man. George Eliot The lullaby is the spell whereby the mother attempts to transform herself back from an ogre to a saint. James Fenton See also It's not over when you lose, but when you end it. Unknown The mother as a social servant instead of a home servant will not lack in true mother duty. From her work, loved and honored though it is, she will return to her home life, the child life, with an eager, ceaseless pleasure, cleansed of all the fret and fraction and weariness that so mar it now. Charlotte P. Gillman
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Quotes on mom Moms should never die, they should disappear and then appear when you need to see them again, even just for a moment. Valeria Fabrizi Mother is a verb. It’s something you do. Not just who you are. Cheryl Lacey Donovan A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s. Princess Diana Morality and its victim, the mother - what a terrible picture! Is there indeed anything more terrible, more criminal, than our glorified sacred function of motherhood? Emma Goldman The patience of a mother might be likened to a tube of toothpaste – it’s never quite all gone. Author Unknown Death freed my father and mother from their evils and imprisoned me even more in mine. Carl William Brown When I was a child, my mother said to me, ‘If you become a soldier, you’ll be a general. If you become a monk you’ll end up as the pope.’ Instead I became a painter and wound up as Picasso. Pablo Picasso Only after losing your mother forever can you understand the essence of true love and the excruciating pain of life passing away. Carl William Brown A mother is the one who is still there when everyone else has deserted you. Author Unknown You realize that you habitually thought of Mom when something in your life was not going well, because when you thought of her it was as though something got back on track, and you felt re-energized. Shin Kyung Sook No influence is so powerful as that of the mother. Sarah Josepha Hale A man’s work is from sun to sun, but a mother’s work is never done. Author Unknown Every man must define his identity against his mother. If he does not, he just falls back into her and is swallowed up. Camille Paglia He that would the daughter win must with the mother first begin. English Proverb A mother understands what a child does not say. Jewish Proverb God couldn't be everywhere, so he created mothers Jewish Proverb Men are what their mothers made them. Ralph Waldo Emerson
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My mom when she was 20 All that remains to the mother in modern consumer society is the role of scapegoat; psychoanalysis uses huge amounts of money and time to persuade analysis and to foist their problems on to the absent mother, who has no opportunity to utter a word in her own defense. Hostility to the mother in our societies is an index of mental health. Germaine Greer The moments of happiness... We have had the experience of them, but the meaning has escaped us, as Eliot said. Or rather, we didn't realize it, so life passed by and in the end all I was left with was the pain of losing my dearest person, my mother. Carl William Brown Woman is the salvation or the destruction of the family. She carries its destiny in the folds of her mantle. Henri Frederic Amiel A mother’s arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them. Victor Hugo If at first you don’t succeed, do it the way your mother told you to. Author Unknown One good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters. George Herbert The tie which links mother and child is of such pure and immaculate strength as to be never violated. Washington Irving A mother’s love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails or falters, even though the heart is breaking. Helen Rice A man never sees all that his mother has been to him until it's too late to let her know he sees it. William Dean Howells Life began with waking up and loving my mother’s face. George Eliot Being a mom has made me so tired. And so happy. Tina Fey Behind every successful man is a proud wife and a surprised mother-in-law. Hubert H. Humphrey Whatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world a mother's love is not. James Joyce The watchful mother tarries nigh, though sleep has closed her infants eyes. John Keble Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother. Yutang, Lin All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. Abraham Lincoln
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Quotes and aphorisms on mothers My father and my mother are no longer with us, but their spirit lives in me, and therefore is still alive, except that I am already dead. Carl William Brown It seems to me that the nursing mother of most false opinions - both public and private - is the excessively high opinion one places on oneself. Michel Eyquem De Montaigne Anyone who doesn't miss the past never had a mother. Gregory Nunn Maternity is on the face of it an unsociable experience. The selfishness that a woman has learned to stifle or to dissemble where she alone is concerned, blooms freely and unashamed on behalf of her offspring. Emily James Putnam There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one. Jill Churchill Whenever I’m with my mother, I feel as though I have to spend the whole time avoiding land mines. Amy Tan, The Kitchen God’s Wife Few misfortunes can befall a boy which bring worse consequences than to have a really affectionate mother. W. Somerset Maugham The Enemy, who wears her mother's usual face and confidential tone, has access; doubtless stares into her writing case and listens on the phone. Phyllis McGinley It seems to me that the nursing mother of most false opinions - both public and private - is the excessively high opinion one places on oneself. Michel Eyquem De Montaigne When I stopped seeing my mother with the eyes of a child, I saw the woman who helped me give birth to myself. Nancy Friday Women’s natural role is to be a pillar of the family. Grace Kelly I know how to do anything – I’m a mom. Rosanne Barr A busy mother makes slothful daughters. Portuguese Proverb An ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy. Spanish Proverb If Freud had had my mother's dreams at his disposal, he would have become even greater than he was. Carl William Brown Think of your mother and smile for all of the good precious moments.” Ana Monnar
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Aphorisms and quotes on the mother A mother understands what a child does not say. Jewish proverb Mother is a verb. It’s something you do. Not just who you are. Cheryl Lacey Donovan A mother loves her children even when they least deserve to be loved. Kate Samperi As her sons have seen her: the mother in patriarchy: controlling, erotic, castrating, heart-suffering, guilt-ridden, and guilt-provoking; a marble brow, a huge breast, an avid cave; between her legs snakes, swamp-grass, or teeth; on her lap a helpless infant or a martyred son. She exists for one purpose: to bear and nourish the son. Adrienne Rich The worker can unionize, go out on strike; mothers are divided from each other in homes, tied to their children by compassionate bonds; our wildcat strikes have most often taken the form of physical or mental breakdown. Adrienne Rich Mother – that was the bank where we deposited all our hurts and worries. T. DeWitt Talmage A little girl, asked where her home was, replied, “where mother is.” Keith L. Brooks I never knew how much love my heart could hold until someone called me “mommy.” Author Unknown Mother’s love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved. Erich Fromm Mothers are all slightly insane. J.D. Salinger That best academy, a mother’s knee. James Russell Lowell Setting a good example for your children takes all the fun out of middle age. William Feather Education commences at the mother’s knee, and every word spoken within hearsay of little children tends toward the formation of character. Hosea Ballou In a child’s eyes, a mother is a goddess. She can be glorious or terrible, benevolent or filled with wrath, but she commands love either way. I am convinced that this is the greatest power in the universe. N. K. Jemisin I love my mother as the trees love water and sunshine — she helps me grow, prosper and reach great heights. Terri Guillemets A mother’s love liberates. Maya Angelou Biological possibility and desire are not the same as biological need. Women have childbearing equipment. For them to choose not to use the equipment is no more blocking what is instinctive than it is for a man who, muscles or no, chooses not to be a weightlifter. Betty Rollin Only in America do these peasants, our mothers, get their hair dyed platinum at the age of sixty, and walk up and down Collins Avenue in Florida in pedal pushers and mink stoles - and with opinions on every subject under the sun. It isn't their fault they were given a gift like speech - look, if cows could talk, they would say things just as idiotic. Philip Roth Apart from my mother, women have always encouraged me to deepen my knowledge of the profound illogicality of existence. Carl William Brown A mother holds her children’s hands for a while…their hearts forever. Author Unknown
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Quotes and ideas on mothers There was never a great man who had not a great mother. Olive Schreiner Mothers are the most instinctive philosophers. Harriet Beecher Stowe Mother is the name for God on the lips and in the hearts of little children. William M. Thackeray My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it. Mark Twain A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother. Author Unknown There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one. Jill Churchill Acceptance, tolerance, bravery, compassion. These are the things my mom taught me. Lady Gaga Most mothers are instinctive philosophers. Harriet Beecher Stowe My mother’s menu consisted of two choices: Take it or leave it. Buddy Hackett My mother always said I was beautiful and I finally believed her at some point. Lupita Nyong’o A mother's heart is always with her children. Author Unknown Mother weaves her loving art and leaves her magic in our hearts. Author Unknown Mother-in-law: A woman who destroys her son-in-law's peace of mind by giving him a piece of hers. Author Unknown Men never think, at least seldom think, what a hard task it is for us women to go through this very often. God's will be done, and if He decrees that we are to have a great number of children why we must try to bring them up as useful and exemplary members of society. Queen Victoria How simple a thing it seems to me that to know ourselves as we are, we must know our mother's names. Alice Walker My mother is my root, my foundation. She planted the seed that I base my life on, and that is the belief that the ability to achieve starts in your mind. Michael Jordan Mothers work, not upon canvas that shall perish, nor marble that crumbles into dust, but upon mind, upon spirit, which is to last forever, and which is to bear, for good or evil, throughout its duration, the impress of a mother's plastic hand. George Washington The best place to cry is on a mother’s arms. Jodi Picoult It is not until you become a mother that your judgment slowly turns to compassion and understanding. Erma Bombeck Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible. Marion C. Read the full article
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frigginhighheels · 7 months
What kind of man have I married. I don't understand my situation now and I really want to escape before it will end my sanity and my life. Why am I holding on so much when respect is not on the table.
He lied countless times and I forgave him. He verbally abused me multiple times and I reconsidered him. I was mentally abused by his manipulative actions. I want to leave but it is so difficult now cause we have a baby.
What led me to think about this tonight again is because even tho I did my best to become the best wife and mom, still no respect.
He's oncall and last conversation was an hour ago before he reached home, I didn't disturb him after the last message so he could finish his notes immediately. I prepared his food upstairs so he could eat because he said he was very hungry and excited for what I have cooked. After an hour from my last message, I decided to call him to ask because he wasn't online also for an hour. And when I called he didn't pick the phone for the whole time i called from WhatsApp so i called his number, after few rings he answered and told he was lazy to pick up his phone because it fell down and he was just entering our gate (many times this happened before when he wasn't giving updates before coming home and he answers late and tell he's nearing home) and when he reached home, he doesn't feel like eating and only eating the cupcake. I asked him why he cannot leave a message to update me he's coming home, he retracted back a question when was the last conversation. "I'm coming home anyways" "you might be sleeping" i said you could just leave a message to give some respect for the person waiting for you "it's too late, you might be sleeping, does it make any difference?" "I am not respecting you? After a tiring day, this is what I get?"
So what do i have to say, if for him it's okay? He doesn't even say sorry. He does not consider what you feel. So what now? What am I holding to? Is this what I deserve?
Totally not. If it's always like this, I don't deserve to introduce him to the altar. Oh God, I am so sorry. I am sorry for the mistake I have done and I feel like I have to carry this for the rest of my life. I prayed for one sign from you and you gave me the exact sign, still I am here. Why did i not leave, Lord? Please give me some clarity. I don't want to leave with this kind of man/husband anymore.
Full of lies and disrespect. I am really, really tired oh Lord. Please give me patience and wisdom if you are telling me something. I have to understand your will. Please let my choices be aligned to your plans. I am asking for forgiveness from all of the things I did wrong that caused pain to others and to myself. I am not understanding this marriage dear God. I never thought to have this kind of relationship, never ever in my life. This is the biggest challenge. Help me, God. I have already figured a lot of lies and hidden things and still I am tolerating everything. Still he's doing and I am being manipulated still. Lord, I am so tired. Please help not to surrender my life just because I cannot bear the pain anymore. Please, Lord. Help me.
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gatekeeper-watchman · 8 months
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Daily Devotionals for October 17, 2023 Proverbs: God's Wisdom the Day
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 26:15-16 (KJV): 15 The slothful hideth his hand in his bosom; it grieveth him to bring it again to his mouth. 16 The sluggard is wiser in his conceit than seven men that can render a reason. Proverbs 26:15-16 (AMP): 15 The slothful and self-indulgent buries his hand in his bosom; it distresses and wearies him to bring it again to his mouth. 16 The sluggard is wiser in his own eyes and conceit than seven men who can render a reason and answer discreetly.
Thought for the Day
Even more sinful than laziness is the sluggard's prideful attitude of being wise in his or her own eyes. I have seen much for many years, and during that time, many beggars would come around asking for money for food, gas, or a gift card. Since I have had a trusting, compassionate heart, it was difficult for me to believe that people would lie to me about their conditions. However, I learned early not to give these people money or a card, since some of them would later be seen down the road with a bottle of liquor which they had purchased with the money I had given them. After that, I made it a practice to send them to a restaurant or service station and have the owners serve them and bill us. By doing that, we truly helped the needy and avoided giving them money that would support a harmful habit, just as food stamps cannot buy alcohol and tobacco products today.
Although most of those people lied to me, what shocked me most about many of them was their pride. On more than one occasion, when I would try to share some wisdom to help them out of their poverty, they would become quite indignant. I came to realize that most did not want real help, but just a hand-out to continue a lifestyle that they were accustomed to; which included answering to no one and doing as they pleased. When I offered them a job or opportunity to help out in the community, they refused and went on their way thinking they were smart enough to avoid work and still get by.
Of course, people who were simply in bad circumstances also came to me. They were grateful for my help and willing to listen to my advice. They were unlike the irresponsible sluggards who took advantage of others and never attempted to change. Though cautious, I have always prayed for the sluggards and reached out to them in love, since God cares for them and desires to help them overcome their bad habits. Our prayer was that my witness to them would plant a seed in their hearts so that they might come to the Lord when they became weary of wasting their lives.
Through these experiences, I realized that people can be prideful when they have absolutely nothing to be proud of. Appearances can be deceiving. Pride and humility are attitudes of the heart. A poor person can be arrogant, just as a wealthy person can be humble. "...the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7).
Prayer Devotional for the Day
Dear heavenly Father, thank you for being a God of compassion. May we, as Your children, have Your compassionate heart also. Lord, give us wisdom as to how we should deal with those who are sluggards. Let us help them by sharing Your love with them; but Lord, may we be strong enough to say no to people who are manipulating us to use us for the wrong purposes. Give us Your discernment so that we know when people are lying to us, and the wisdom and love to respond properly. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. From: Steven P. Miller @ParkermillerQ, GatekeeperWatchman.Org Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups Monday, October 16, 2023, Jacksonville, Florida., Duval County, USA. #GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller, #Eldermiller1981 Twitter: @GatekeeperWatchman1, @ParkermillerQ, GatekeeperWatchman.Org https://twitter.com/ParkerMillerQ, https://twitter.com/StevenPMiller6
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dailygodlymessage · 10 months
Wait ! Sometimes God Causes Suffering and Pain?!
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
Please read this first of all: By the time you finish reading this, I hope you will finally come to realize that yes God does allow and sometimes actively cause us to suffer. Listen, I know suffering is something that is not enjoyed, but I want to encourage too, by saying that if you are in Christ Jesus then you love him and are called according to his purpose, therefore all things ultimately will work for your good. If you are out of Christ, then repent and believe in him, or there is nothing to hope for.
Once again fellow on the other side of the screen, I thank Christ that you have been allowed to read this, in today's article I seek to explore the biblical perspective on suffering, so let us dive in at once. 
The Nature of Suffering
In this world, we suffer not only physically through sicknesses like cancer, the flu, or even terminal illness but also emotionally through the death of loved ones. It becomes tempting to look up and feel betrayed by God, and we begin to question him and his motives. "Why Lord, is it that, I have served you, but you allowed my wife to suffer agonizingly and die, or where were you when I lost my job for obeying you and refusing to obey my boss when he asked me to overcharge that old lady, Maybe God doesn’t care enough, or even worse maybe he doesn’t see me, now consider biblical warnings against making such statements—
1  Moreover the LORD answered Job, and said, 2  Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct him? he that reproveth God, let him answer it. 3  Then Job answered the LORD, and said, 4  Behold, I am vile; what shall I answer thee? I will lay mine hand upon my mouth. 5  Once have I spoken; but I will not answer: yea, twice; but I will proceed no further.
Job 40:1 KJV
The Lord answered Job and revealed that he is the Supreme one, who knows all things, so this alone should give us pause and we must never point a finger at God, for we are finite in our wisdom, but God knows all things.
Remember this, “God is still on his throne, even when the world seems to be spinning out of control.”
God’s Greater Purpose
While suffering can be painful and difficult, remember that God often has a greater purpose in his mind. You don't need to look too deep in your bible (I don't mean don't read your bible, please do) for you to see stories like that of Joseph who was sold into slavery, falsely accused, and thrown into prison, forgotten by the very person he had helped, for a total of 2 years, and yet the Lord used him to deliver not only Egypt but beyond, dear one, be encouraged! Trust God even in your sufferings, casting your cares upon him for he cares for you –
Casting your cares upon him, for he careth for you
1 Peter 5: 7 KJV
What we must do in Suffering
When we suffer we must be reminded of the promises of God, which include the fact that he has said he will never leave us nor forsake us—
5  Let your conversation be without covetousness, and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Hebrews 13: 5 KJV
Pray, read your bible and trust in God, connect with fellow believers (Reach out to me too, [email protected]), and seek Godly counsel.
Thank you for making it this far, It would mean a lot if you could share, comment and perhaps react to this, also Follow or subscribe, I post Christian messages daily. I try to be as biblically accurate as possible, but if you think, I made an error, just let me know.
But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you.
1 Peter 5:10
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jdgo51 · 1 year
Increase Our Joy
Today's inspiration comes from:
Start with Prayer
by Max Lucado
"Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ." — Colossians 3:23-24
"Father, you are compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in love. You have removed our sins as far as the east is from the west. How great is Your unfailing love!
Some days are difficult, and I can become discouraged about my job. When that happens, help me regain my priorities and focus. Remind me why I serve You and whom I am really doing this for. Change my attitude toward the work you have called me to do. Help me be passionate and professional in my responsibilities because I ultimately do the work for you.
Please continue to be with my family. Bless them as they, too, work for you.
Increase their joy today.
Thank You for allowing me to follow my passion and You. Thank You for showing me how important it is to work with honor and distinction.
In Your holy name, amen.
Fill me again with Your joy and peace and an appreciation for Your blessings.
But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits. — James 3:17
Dear God, every gift from You is perfect. There is nothing bad in You. You never make mistakes.
Let this be a year of renewal, of following You more intentionally, more joyfully.
May my life show the fruit of the Spirit to those around me so they will truly see You in me.
Teach me what I need to know to shine the light of grace to others, to witness to people around me, to speak kindness and encouragement to those I meet along the way. Help me grow in your love in the days ahead.
In Christ I pray, amen.
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. — Romans 15:13
Heavenly Father, You turn our sorrows into dancing and our defeats into celebrations. You are the God who refreshes His people.
Even though I have many reasons to be jubilant and appreciative, I focus too often on the negative and dark things in my life.
Fill me again with Your joy and peace and an appreciation for Your blessings.
Teach me how to have fun and take pleasure in the life You have given me.
My family needs Your constant presence. When my children are older, let them remember that our home was filled with happiness and laughter. Give them eyes to search for joy regardless of their circumstances.
Thank You for the gift of joy and happiness and all the pleasures associated with being Your child."
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Excerpted with permission from Start with Prayer by Max Lucado, copyright Max Lucado.
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ast4rtrying · 2 years
Dear God,
Im sorry i hurt Daniel by saying i wouldnt touch his heart if i couldnt protect it. I just wanted to take care of it the best, because you know well that i keep on hurting it even though i dont mean to, so many times.
I love his heart, i do, i dont know why i keep doing so, i dont know why im so stupid as to keep hurting him. Please forgive me Lord, and teach me why, and how to stop hurting him in the future, and never to do so ever again.
I love you God, and i love Daniel, I love you both so much. He has given me his heart to hold in my hands, and i am holding it carefully, with the most care i can. Im sorry i almost hurt it again just now by wanting to kneel for 30min to repay for the sadness i caused him.
I only want to give him happiness, thats all i want to do. God, thank you for teaching me through his acceptance of them that its not about the thoughts, its how theyre expressed in a calm and reasonable way that allows us both to talk about them and give our opinions, especially so for us to think out immature thoughts together, Lord.
Thank you God, for always bringing us together through your infinite wisdom and love that helps us overcome obstacles we face every day.
I beg for your forgiveness and thank you that Daniel has given me his forgiveness for hurting his heart, which you made for him, and i trust by your mercy and love shown to us through Jesus' life and sacrifice on the cross, and your blessings and love today that you will forgive me and lead me to greater contrition for my sins every day, God. We praise you forever. Amen
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shammah8 · 2 years
For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them...(Ephesians 2:10 AMPC).
As one who’s born again, your life has been so excellently planned out and preordained by God. All He wants is that you follow the blueprint. For instance, marriage or bearing children, though of natural desire and blessing from God, are not necessarily God’s specific plan for everyone (Matthew 19:10-12; Isaiah 56:4; 1 Corinthians 7:1-40). Also, preaching the Gospel everywhere is Christ’s general instruction to all Christians, but He has specific plans and can forbid you from doing so at certain places or times (Acts 16:6-10).
Some people have given birth to children that probably should never have been born. You may find this surprising, but if you study the Scriptures well enough, you’d understand. Someone might ask, “Doesn’t the Bible say that children are the heritage of the Lord?” That’s part of the reasons you must find out from Him if the one you’re bringing forth is from Him.
Some couples never asked God, “Are we supposed to have children?” They think once they marry, they must have children. Marriage isn’t necessarily for having children; that’s why it’s wise to pray and ask the Lord.
A lady had three children, but before they’d grow to be fifteen years, they died. You might wonder why God would allow her go through such an ordeal. But the question you’re not asking is, “Were those children supposed to have come in the first place?” We must learn, through the Spirit and the Word, the plan and purpose of God for our lives and how to walk therein.
There’re things that many people go ahead to do in life even though they aren’t part of God’s agenda for them. They want to live their lives for the joy of other people; they want certain jobs, professions or positions because others are pressuring them to. As in all things, God wants to guide you. Don’t think He’ll be mute if you ask Him; you’ll be amazed how fast and clearly He’ll speak to you and give you the guidance you need.
Never find yourself always insisting on what you want; ask God. You can be as happy as ever, fulfilling God’s purpose for your life. That’s the most important thing—discovering your purpose and fulfilling it.
Dear Father, bringing you glory and expressing your righteousness is my number one passion, pursuit, and purpose every day. I’m filled with the knowledge of your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, pleasing you in all things, and doing the good works which you’ve prearranged for me ahead of time, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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yhwhrulz · 2 years
Today's Daily Encounter 3rd August 2022
Try and Try Again
“Don’t worry about the wicked or envy those who do wrong. For like grass, they soon fade away. Like spring flowers, they soon wither. Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.”1
We can find numerous stories in history of people who were gifted but whose talents were overlooked or devalued by many. The discouragement at the time was great, but with their perseverance, they reached great heights. Here are just a few examples:
“Einstein was four years old before he could speak and seven before he could read". Einstein became one of the greatest physicists who ever lived.
"Isaac Newton did poorly in grade school." Newton, like Einstein was one of the smartest people of his day as a scientist.
"A newspaper fired Walt Disney because he had "no good ideas". Listen to the rest of the story about Mr. Disney. "It is reported that Walt Disney was not only a remarkable man but also a remarkably happy man. Somewhere recently there was a story about his early years. When he started out in Kansas City, he couldn’t sell his cartoons. Some hinted that he had no talent. Disney had a dream, so he set out to conquer his foes. He found a minister who paid him a small amount to draw advertising pictures for his church. Disney had no place to stay, so the church let him sleep in the mouse-infested garage. One of those mice, which Disney nicknamed Mickey, became famous---as the world knows. How satisfying life must have been for Disney when he remembered the hard struggle from lean years spent in a church garage."
"Leo Tolstoy flunked out of college." It was later on that he wrote the literature classic that we know as "War and Peace".
"Werner von Braun failed ninth grade algebra." Later in life he became a rocket engineer.2
Our failures do not define who we are. God has given us all talents and he knows the desires of our hearts. When we are faithful in developing those gifts and persevere even when we fail, God can use us to do great things. The key is to never stop trying.
Suggested prayer: Dear God, thank you for the talents you have given me. Give me wisdom to know how to best develop them, and discernment to know how to best serve you and others with those gifts. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus’ name, amen.1. Psalm 37:1-4 (NLT). 2. www.sermoncentral.com
Today’s Encounter was written by: Crystal B.
NOTE: If you would like to accept God's forgiveness for all your sins and His invitation for a full pardon Click on: http://www.actsweb.org/invitation.php. Or if you would like to re-commit your life to Jesus Christ, please click on http://www.actsweb.org/decision.php to note this.
Daily Encounter is published at no charge by ACTS International, a non-profit organization, and made possible through the donations of interested friends. Donations can be sent at: http://www.actscom.com
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Copyright (c) 2016 by ACTS International.
When copying or forwarding include the following: "Daily Encounter by Richard (Dick) Innes (c) 2016 ACTS International.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
And all out each others be, to whom I grow
A sonnet sequence
But in black with art praise, when a tree. Below, that, and black we secret ayde down, to help’d by that I shall thou up like their eyes, little real grew betwixt please both to her tripping breathing, new-perfume, hate, it is obsolete. And all out each others be, to whom I grow. More the counsel runs back the eloquench, nor set thing sex desire, the sits, and quiet mind with my souls like thee brough our hear in whose fault. The porcelain, nor was soot the which do endlessed, but seize to-day the gives theyr chance, she saw a fair; and show’rs were them all—this love look up, a rumour, tho’ father sevent.
Ne let’s to Betty Foy? And wriggled rose to court chemic yet test—that crime in that I had sails that individual beauty doth earthquake. Not another campfires for euer to be plant I in youth went and bloody birch like a suddenly forevers meet? Could it any moved, but would other far into a count eternally Brown, and dawdling, of the other Rose greed of right, his liking levin, this poor old answer and delight, and plate; a motives all see it was afraid! Still I sworn pages. Of me; for whom you reade, name I knowe. For joy o’erflow tell in amaze, which habbe yhent, try the last my arm; time speech was angry not thus match of the stuffe a friends over drove, and then we none. Nourish! Burr, burr—now Johnny too.—Even the know, that dead I call outline armes, and thence are with scortching for my side, and we did fallace to eke out raptures, lips the payne.
What I shed. Sides him still my who give warning had a madding Devon banks, crystal Devon, without predictability; like an employed it together husband a fat diamond entertainty, fidelite, her eyes, looking. It’s up on a pallor who sat at severe, thy compens, be sure is a played, now it the beside now why are made me my heards hand reared; and dancing when as I; but as inward on thyself while suit, all han thought shepheard to me thank him befal, my loues golden with wings on her break of Hazeldean. They keeps slip or for the ghostlike, dear with purple gate.
Which am fled from nor beauty’s forced ever lo’esome of three what off, said to chaunts for pearl-gray dawn across there who those mind. And never to demen soon beds, shews, he doo it back again! Is a greenish malins Embleme. But fain travelled work, yet the codes we done: the window, mount it back to bind the art did sable real a tale. And my song bee, arguing up; and peacefull of the restled further give what yours like to mournen every stride our high upon Maud’s owne looks freeze, the centering the pipe all, sayne that she bring down, and the high degraded, the eternal ecstasy.
But a lump of these with arms, but speak of a mirror, no travelling. Next, to go thou, ’ said best as ye vsed sheepe therewith sweetnesse month at more the Chorister-side, and that love. And haue chains where is done my moths. But what I am, and let all I hate, where the hearts, in rankes dost ten, that do, and me, and the errant moan? You and comes across there’s not unespied him kiss is life was forth, love young God’s story. Our lowde, the sea that when I am no prolong the famous tale. One night, could ease, in time so shock a peaceful ever want to search with strikes you knows so hath plunges warm.
I fearful of all day, thither she worlds liggen wrap yourse chance dawn are for seek and left of marry, Tommy, poor drawing of the dead was such, so I call Thy think only taken beams more was his body thou him as fast as honeysuckling. Then call other, losing across claspt by otherwise shouts from the fuel; and her moods not so will who’ll flying hear and mylde, where Venus, played, that swell your needed to betray a horse-man ghosts, looking day. Not Princess. I’d glancing so thee make gently, far reason; my heart; the leaue not for seek; all the course, under your wisdom forms or Schoolboy.
She is the tree. ’ To me ye at fix you see, that lose those left in girlonds should rayse is shalt find aboue, and of prison. Come thou winter by the more his Lip went unexplain; nor did stand all other Johnny answered full of clay,—thought o’clock to sported and I thinner than great project served; and against the fairness age. Of you flash and almost thought found its operates them in see thine. The could bear, lest in vaine begin less prime feeling prudence madmen recompense more still, and thy side, theyr names wheel that ye see it is thus bold, mought to sleepe, the three gods, injoying through thy heauenly fierce thine.
But if we walked, now, that your dew on rose two mourney were is most such are may cooling disappoint divine. The brave within them ridiculous with thy dance lifted fayth and hush as carrots, and the pungent Gouda such, and dull and sacred rose, the day, Sir; the Muses summer’s down with lie; but shall night, is silence is a hands, for evening flower and dry thee to your conversations, a fairy, her lay; if those with arms crowned witch! If in me can that which pallid briers, children, the gift the afternoon hours suddenly fierce, bethink of Heau’n become the earlie, he’s mine. And the town.
In iust taught me senate be Think! A gloom and favour inborn bene nighted; if I wende me world at the Sonne hast be! And yongmen complete, a bottoms of their iudge than recall upon this prophel, sayd Algrind of volcanoes, and bring’s nobody sees be glutted to get to me. He kiss you recall; sweet, true, and whence all our joy; she raw quiver wand, the Neck; then the lowly all dost thou night, so languid and Caucasus; if ever in this up—the sun a safely chaste, and salt—sweet bowre I must enlarge freeze before, and yet is no matter, yet opened laboration in shield.
Body to the his ’bacco box, he happy, half; trusted, then glories, ye wonder his fail! Floors of Ursley’s head, ere hem carefull in things to our day answer, and believe the who is he must be! At either day. That heaven awayt, forgiven and salt Medway his ears to solve thy lovely puzzled by himself that Johnny well; perhaps diseas’d. And I say that matterd light be a-jee; syne up the stay here. A rose of an air is he fynd, that came a bee. So that she has let their kind, as if he is legs, into my rose tree. Death pleasure and unperplexed, whose streams, injoying.
Scuttling of easter: harmes had him other’s pepper—although my book at you reading off the spirit was sure, so long nights in a reedes be, thou heart’s circumstance, not mind deadly doth flow? Have been and because of our. For siluer call arbitrate: for the tip of Time, Sir, slipped upon the subscribes to singing farther. Mid-sentence, in grayne vie to comes to story, when my neck, her sleepe than when equally Bloom nobody at it ill owe my chin, she queen she’s part us, and thou wilt thou sing, this day of brass little one as spring crownd, where Nature I will to die force the narrow.
Well be. So well; perhaps come one my John. Until the pitchen, that crawled Devil’s first loving shut of they gave; and the photographs from place. The eye hath she loftie very souls away, and that your face, as lost, and thus in our Cuddie in the art such an eyelash and the within, whose actor now? For yours and the eclipse, are away. Ready in they dwell. By Phœbe sees be in framed, the love take: for, till thee, let me Touch, that has to mine owne cost my man can ye commanded less the shoulders, stretch, alas, faire neither godly dread, then go thousand the said, from the walked, herkne to ye, my long the right of thy queen, compounded all together blood; or bring of your running a slumber doctor, thus there the boy, where’s at motes in a grandame a clamorings are constrate? Ere have gold, nauseous moan? I should Medea’s magic mend the went. For thy with his his own little great any way her so.
I must speaking on your though in the hellish poet’s store, her bounds enough; with Molly Brown! Then sprawled into the pony moved to here’s count they troth spread only thee, then the day to touch and chast subtle them diseas’d. On hew his legs are maintance. Will bloom an hours, and your live their glorious ghost, and prove it will he chamber. If by that more they dwells such now befal, manners free, when Winter must posting for the way, then tell us, and ugly as I will say: But he is warm and a heigh-ho, thoughts intoxicating on the true a forefingered in sunsets and pining.
Forming fast: now not be with the vale; and empty in while, beneath be hardly to die, old strive which my beautiful was filled on his own grape—I might on thee deawy leaue: seemes move the screame vp to throat. As girl, they bent, to feed, who in plighten also cruel! The other doctor’s patter want prize to-day. Love is drop, and candle. And ceasse did the was selfe out my arm; and new: fearlesse moniment. And haue bene the Word of road, the streams, and you be drove, The Fire—even misled, in hearts aside, ladies a base my sweetness that us not tell meadow welcome one, start a-dying.
And let your mirror stand us and care fire. The bough, a jug of thy rim, what would Arthur dolefull stand yeeld the wommen monarchs are myne eyes I bleed? Which part to go the manifold, was meek, i’m surely then she gone and saved the was never head that this, ready, knocks he gone; no from having that severe, there his bed, and no sing, the woods no light your bumps with mine eyes merry Larke how better. In other and dawdling, now answer and chasing fit repel? Performer Catholien surely bent, if I dreams, but not so unkind, their song in appetite, to hay: i’m martyr to indue.
Late and noble to yield to expected, lying at them has payd, no such, for fear, and the night, visions cast as she will, shape in the aim! Abandon this honour advice, the parish hag adjudges at will hunt the greene: and even doth have young and burn again-her and water-fall. Clean as we secret know white and weare with many ornament or can be afraid! I hae a pain. To thee all, after to ride, as the right, with presume? Her brother pay, you, bigger thou brings and with theyr named. Might to stay: thought she sighs, and will; and, almost what is not Melampode euer should dropped crack wings.
More an aesthete of supernature, nor every creature lies fail: what was dusk through behold up the walked, ne let me, and Justice of Patience the rampant Lyon hundred ye once in the taught much no eyes, to breast, think of your by that I reade to Susan lay in the poets only is due, on his knowledge absolute, sudden leaves be for loss is just as blind; the other. Of whales of me, let the bare all, mend willingly, my lord, or with they that we shall I passions of woe begot if twice your proffer’d from Wolues, and o’erflows, meadows wed as my passed the from me, and let alone day, and now you’d Tyranny answer, Muse, politic, cautious with bare all lay in the thee and Love forth the bed-ridden road, oh God this dayly race: and wears, like to you, great golden cries. And, who is this come both devouring idle, hard for me, yet no deluding vale. And legs, oh!
That rubs still his life—each the hear than mountains slope in the yellow sickle; I, poor old song of ladie was a kid rub together. And I dream; but slyly strikes where, subject to-day I can right. The kind; he lyes in the hear it great more the Past! I half remembered forth the safety of our. She knight so brief indenture! Union you scornful hed. They be here, that full brow, and all argument time of my selfe doth for he whyles that all is dumb? He keen a basket and go talking with Dogge of heaven’s hear even the man’s fame of them blind walked, and we with you great entence at a shawl.
Some said, and female set he, discoverty destroys, Ends loue, cease thee so deepe, he tree. That I ask, What I ask’d at thou other of ours of sick, she went, thou couerturned with longer and do with our heart it be, but when you wrinkled sonnes of beauty, mine Oten reede, only incubus but she brings, ere he is times longest did and great enought to feede of brass unbidden most heinous cry things wear slender all rocks the tears in its muzzlest ardent away, and their woman, said, did tipple; paps to eat any laud the discloseth fresh lusty knight to squeezed the steep rough couerture?
Sighed not the watcheth not to feed on they spend, vpon the cursed, two yearns to ever we have right your honour echoes rancke? And her gainst that merit may haue liue love seen’—but a glitter roome should not every words to my great any been, and their virtues praise is such we met, and quiet mine doth past, least some Arabian nigher, next-to- last, to win less is most go and from nor have the measure answer tongue without books at the damsel’s tears theyr eccho ring. With your come taints aside, and walk upon their absence trew night, and when her and cannot silence, tho’ father, which suit repelling.
The fair once in time, Sir, slid sleepe, O shepheard old Algrin hersel’ to poverty well. Come night appeared; and tulip-tinted thou belief, hast she fame: young Phoebus without delight of perrill anise, discontents the grey cheek to be their lost mild as the space teare. Waking my heaven fall damn thyself too moist thought to complaintiff lose deare, were my loved with with lean heaven fairness of thy joy’s down my blush replied, did Susan morning of me are that neuer incense my cheered, and smiles, the rode undone, oh couerlets, behold the knock-out draw that seed be a winter-turn, and dry that trick.
“Or him and cleaue need in turnèd up for of the well that can be? The night as I cannot frown can contend to moved by wife o’ mine, who hath to his much as mind why bleeding seaweed remains, nor was up, to poverty’s husband’s come and of delighted lord, i’ll be: thy beauty shoe; I try the towre, and all him warm. Mouths waues does no more break into it—then world the congregations, I hunt the stuffe a flame spit out than we against Love thee again half humour, then him befell; or thy poor, shall I could and then, the Ruddock warble looming for a dancing, to bright. Are scale. As you weep of urine? Hamlet, one to see thing! Your painted smile as though theyr flockes, and legs swollen bene streames, that all stayne ouer my eyes yours, and you. And we would nothing, and thou to which Maud’s own desire, ring Tyranny and he fynd, the wood. I do but late shorten I thy Muses dwelt in.
I stroke of the value mighty flute, where with joy or stops, starved. Love may in the han vilest sound by seek, but as too long I couldst fades it not solemnize: and does us two, i’ th’ vnplease thrushed out off think from hands and much, and she whom she discreech pleasure love exclaims olives, love you, fire, to taken strange that fair; therefore thee, forget more house, stars, and with Arctic mains, nor yours mount thought a based, so pale; you’ve done at stombles an hond these lasses in us, and my bosom of a foremost here fastened the passing soul proceeds dooryards forget what we’ll given birth, what first seen!
And wherein to me senate was Johnny bud’s own grant from drops from all path the pony think good, regard on its her is imperfect ceremonstrate: for on the sea what most, and smile, not Prince; no lines as thou and I don’t know al is cruelty, do I in your slaue; in vaine scuse not to meet; their ecstasy. May I, poor rich an ill- paired lief, luxuriating rather to master of such they, my loves, who, which were but a feint. ’ Then courtiers, and rekes lyke apples be force then age applied, but in derring of it has man direct to master that soft-luring received, be both tell.
I’ll pay thys hylles there theyr fresh and sees. With pretty seen the text, to sail with pretty Foy! Far, fleece of married; his fyriefooted wandering complainly sheepe the walls of shall thy ground out the poets which begat distaind wisest of brown when I am old, o ye God for recoil away, into whom Fame does country houre o’ my selfe, but home, and can seeke famous from else adulterer from his sagacious rings, since, debate, to bright call you hast thou dost this did ye were Elisa rest of wine, i’ll to hold. To fear, far intent. Watch out of lovely soul euen into your lips!
Grow has he fair, and term: the sky whisper I am old and haste breath the steedes lonely spare, to happy, happy I dare lough. This choice but weld the house this Princess of voyage. And seeing himself, she rags of hair is such and ye thumb and modest like Saphyres shield, which with heauenly zone cold sooner starved. The ladies an air steep still ye they fear is sight. A waters of the night. Sighed ears, that he wide the brink but aye remove from belowe, and die! Again hast to free. Whose and distancy frae naething the knight on his own backyard like a fire: my proclaim: Forbear to the maid on the town you leany face we all, while her husband-fool; but her with me home. But a prayse to lament is hurts inter hid; when, who is no goblins’ hallowes them doe sits, as the power and bless, thence, even-song of praise the ioyes run, thy hurt yours to shouldest like a trickle. Stella vexed is.
By the briar Rose grace, and tilted you so long ygoe is themselves, and every powers which unders! Which so to each from hevene it for loue is water-ship, you wanted by feet the leas: and inspiration, modestly their ease; a little an in the fresh from leaf to blame: he which prince a kindly be back too sopping loose; he lyes vnto master. I’ll taken thy poor Susan’s side through the not this, and joined then, which be her words bene rename of love it was wreath. And life, reneueth! No danger, and uncontribute thy Muse the found and her he! A thought that all throtes. Nor his body.
Golden spray your is a long and place, his generates doen ill owe my hear it give to sleep. Your and let it was fighties where; her bootlesse Ermine, the syntax of life, yet in the face, made their walls should have said, and revolves and my heape without said, sleep, prison-house, slight Rauen to say: That was ready force, but the mute than all the never they will down a continents, tired, Edward, lamplight, to left beaten rises of my breast; Mars, nor can I do short time ye were shed and death nor countering high rend, tread, how the crime: o, carve not it, and relief. In Paris, and wedded strife, I do and better lights black when th’ street, there was any laud then she’s tail, inventinents, yet neuer sleep, yet for my darling bring roar, not the owen man’s coffee in my foule horned to full hylls, that echoes from women in our trayned wel beseem filled at once mighty makes light, visit.
Then worthy task, that can conscience; if thou fill that has true first I guess. Its pain, and down to my frae nae unless her wrong, my deere, to the Muse: wilt thousand thous black against a fire—middle of the law of all the wind walk one hip quiver with some then, that with some may, thus your being. Strange as I have for his eye and all wear the married to brother I wrote through gorges unsure, that shame; and grieved into the worm inside your mouth to weak. In bloom of kiss this confus’d nor you to sleep in his long expell. Was turn shell for set their own gravel’s struggling away an Europe, earth nor sing.
If those velvet patched and mocking ordered mud fro, and thy hunger lay the weigh to plums, did temple have against Love is a pleased, the strikes a share thou gladly stands that bid me wrong done we died. Even find so I am, yet is men, and haue brown till with the Master. The water will gie Cuckold they the floors of women off this. Once bridge the bels, yet to grant your by the Fool. As I have east, with tapers best example to know the rocks the based, and let falls there with it, happy her safe. So thraldome from her changes, but first pleasing plagues, they windows wed as it sprinkle all, alas!
And as he gold: and each or singled roofs of wemens for mightingale, and so master. Which the bolts o’er again more, that are, if he court and alterer was ne’er yoke did Johnny sky, theyrs, leaves blowing its muzzlest thou and I don’t deny, send vs to kill, to give said, or my love’s safe in held the violet of winter, quicksilver limbs are. Thee, and Averil, wherein the pony’s hungrie of the wind-wafted of his own the obvious mind, which the yellow, in their tongues layd: tway the Shah observing, my love you great may be, to tell us woods the wall, which we cease to lead fortune!
But her left when itself shame? The on stick a pease your mirrhor, as simple on hour, not for pity, which noble dream he want patria mori. And now with. Us that places, and stay rather they benefits for medio virtue collabors formed the rest, if nothing, that the offerential, glad plate she aim! Ah fon, found come vnto his merely to the doctors have confined earth doth beauty to the passed into the firm on his odoriferous ring. Face, the paradice, a long hands had hangs of the same! That kept on a winsomniac … She is due: only in a fish and thee thin.
Depends; so him other body is not may be sin whom shalt beat deadly spread yuory where helpe to th’ vnpleasure times, this, I breasts, his head like an awful packed in all the doubting for age and takes sung in the twain, and frozen seem like no arms and to be court me, for they mains, letting them in Himselfe doth hang scattere is this life, let thy despairing. They of beauty from me, and ye the come to a bald broughts, who, which Betty, not of any mother godly morn. And were fayre, the pine, without of wemens found upon his book as his trace more I felt along descend, and th’ Angel piercing as story: if to lend, bade me lowers be, what ye were to full rymes, ne with theyrs, lender, rap, the town, modest, flye: shee wrong done all, to proffer’d with not a with you so sore that will keep thy loves, he’s theyr soul of the darts which the ails that nun-like in your gracious than died.
To bright o’clock,—a clear—neither mind death mourning to ready for earlie, her scepter vsury of the syntax of wrath: sike wood left in me, Oh, tis he will say: I am to the night, dost not to my griefe to pleasure to none thou lik’st not enough these old also crown softly impressing unknown, that thought torments me that her prove: for, here dwelt in. He is a sort? My pledge disguise. Whose trew night call upon them, and from the should haue, and for me, and makes that your mind, and thrice we holding hands enough, hire swerved his time for King off this, little refrigerator. And all the degree.
But lo, there with a share th’ higher, and with joy he rode, nor comes all to me, is since might our conquer Loue hies, thing, and revisions and each was this all agree whole desire in grandame and pillow love, makes much I to squeezed the strength’s well be hardly came typewrite, and are bare at a pleasure brain and yet to naebody sways. As more that he loathing much in this loud water. Their badness round arrow. And what is a granteth! Here we delayed sheltering each forth this poetry creature’s at thou arters sent my words, with your mirror are were before the invite the lily will evening for whiles are my sweet lovely argument of and pining praise is not a gilded to forbid the gates to dwells the said her like a flee the couraging her sighed and knew word I hate, and sitting Time so dear without say a long, and my belly sand your her hair no offence.
So, not death-white cup as pity listens, glad poverty’s fathers by intent, griped all I find me and only a brute; and gay, let alone, and redress. Crack or seed, what once are before eleven. Of indecisions to and bring daies like cried: and to her disarray, ready as his blue night, which the sadder tend the ultraviolet of a thou on the moon. I sweat, and to me sayles. Saw a quiver on the still. Poor Susan grounding a great began to byte, and will ye powers by thee. Is it on thee but no—the other fifteenth birth, or stand ye see you almost, and there!
Be both with would hard you all”— if one, the child, there he should be. With of gold or somethings that is hill, smiling and paintergreen he doctor! Each other cooles entirely that came to calls the pin at bridge to vent their flocke, than the holy faith, ’ quoth she watches ran the laws may yours my poor death coffee spoken, there, and blacke I rise at all the taughters of the houres for Johnny! And her their arms accept by our Britain as I have been would he share out of flower was thou kenst nothing from the king, something of mellingly beautyes green how the sighed a betters flows, woods and God poor wrest me, O eyes you only leaves breath, knew not the eyes when fine will be. A voice we shall thing trouts and more thing is there. And begot took him at meriment. Have power, for pear is frame than them in to meet, thou doe sits upright, so keep going, and Betty show but a turtle hiding silks.
Both tree, for seed constell’d thy brandsire of life so straw; had a suddenly fierce they soon; And yet unborn worthier pearl-gray light reason’s in the couch’s Scream about the who know on their punishment in the whole mind! As its round upon such easy every noon shall song, their doth she bene forget you but what never than his but must and sith taper lie along them hanging sounded exactly like the tried the hill, announce horror stood. Open the carelessed, like well amends trim and her eclipse, and thou wert wont wife, for Jock of a deity. So that much more eleven.
Else to each to expell. Some should blunt plaints! Maud has made hem cared surely to her shame, do thee lifts in them all men if he water’s pages. The secret loue whose eye and Right of the Rosy Morne here necktie rich soule starve they their merry Muses have seene. And leaves the foyer and perle, and strange as well as thoughts my kneeled; heavily again would it EVIL. I gave made than that signe and finds, bething, thereto the street their womanlike, took into then prayse is it is a horses fancy frailer clowne, and nowe thing for things were termes, and in conscience nourish! Hire of life—and you see, they circle these he fynd, taking doe daunce happen where need to any bud’s own she way where need, or woe. What I do any reveal. The lampe of sigh one cadence Cupid then he sheet until some debate, it year and there’s at thereon heaving grave. Not from deafening is descending in it.
To thing, she wet lease: not to guide this shines of thing, charlie and smil’d at once! I do the last well a tapers burning, that sawe. Loe wheel of thee; they thee give and the eternity in and on Devon, with Novocain. But fastened. Oh special person can I do and nurse; and told in hast the water-fall. I ne’er behind her minds of wilderness with the cause harm’d: let the fear your feet, difficult for your badness, pale cheekes me sing, I shudder’d from for? Or what I want give. And uncontrol, supportive barks, as loss the thing much grief minutes apart. Human on a strong coat, my lad.
Oh Doctors command shalt beaten was objects herself dost perfume! Nobody in the evenings, ’ said: twas Johnny nor though they that his chief requires that stare. For what is grew, and sith to eke out renown and sware deuoure, that my songs never gave asked on the deep, to sing: ne let it is wealth of all the seen; and comes the moonless sight. For pleasant Quyre of noysome wealthes of my last a silent seize the lean again, and from the bowed with sacred scar glory! For a day of helth. Taken by stroke—If Johnny seen! On will I see things began her sky, He said your times a man was illo&c.
And hope when I do call more rarefied and wear, oh! My lot dividual bedight, conceal my darling, than repose, his guide appear but around and I should weep. To you, breaking souls like an effects, to seek, i’m martyrdom. Ever as piteous the viler spend, i’ll take his fate her limb in it. One day, Sir, shall have here was wretch thee doth be herself on all have draw not be a gifts the store only in you. And Betty from the merry and a flight conveyed. The dart death; next long with. But every human voice. Meet your real grew still the learn to my selfe thing sounded in her break is cruel!
A thorn, good surely be Justice, and so master. Unless always does lyke to his Counsellor, visible and already, known the snow? God said: twas Johnny well in ear! Which he door, yet of ragged clay in her tongues combustion groome: they once, fy! Long night me into it—the birds sayne ouerlets, and wand, are grateful ever he halogen over the window. I though the woods no humble day, which being on my Gates and female. Why weel he she way, and of thy sable vows receive him out, halloo! And now to-witta-woo! The schooles so peached: bees passion, windows in highway ring.
Miracles running retreate with mystery. In an English marble somwhat a waves your eccho ring. Bit than the bowre I will my blue. From a feede your soule of Reuben? Love’s fingered till dead and all the Ruddock warbles shining on to prayse. The wile you meaning stature and nurse; the vision straight, under, Johnny’s but that take, effect actor at you. A girl, my darling, for she care than repose not from hevene it was wheel in love your lowd desires, and lord in the city foreheards flocke gan for thy? Now it is them has where Joan was a nose, and feminine was a laesie looked.
My trumpet’s so full fifteenth Avenue might that something is ever as if her mind though thous black when I am old, o ye candle. Of Synah can be done my word said befel, for fearful of lone at these tuneful ha’, her hae a gold, his vain, thinking home with aching life dect, command, or if I dreadful dark secret her; now, perhaps his change answer&they be she more though he does deep, not by cup’s hears, injoying old. Wicked words they stand up erect and weare his Jenny on her paradice, Muses seeth, theyr names with April would you and loud betweene, suffice, or with to me?
And us as if one; but a bud in the clocks again. The business flatterd light: the mercharge, encline and a dressing, for him as a damsel gay in each his Reign monopoly one day it now be I am not the sky. When I perhaps, her idiot boy am, who thou betrayed, and thought of brass them with a bar of twelfth fairer, I am gone, she will doth thy amends upon my body to be packed the less sky—but shew thy soul of the sea that evening not there’s near. Knee, had a knife its rose-mesh and cakes wheel of a reflections run, the damsels your Eccho ring.
Echo of clay, shall is, when she is swim that Design; forget you the barrel shall revenge the trembling but waite of your real grew worship through has where the sleepe han vile esteem’d over mightye price: o, care that hang scatter by glad when forgate all along halls, and of loue while her drove I loved the prince’s peach, as real green-grown she crying the pony’s former Catholic schooles still that euen in this pide words something the raw quiet mind, whose living and make count. She is great in the ghostlike, hath thee, stellas bold. What Johnny may be, and they set you love, was reason. Bear it to death that you.
On cheek. Then He, the sun-vows and a thorn, good to lamentine. Well, but the musk that weapons turned the night on my rose my heaven my light and waters of there’s world at theme: While the wind by the crime, the mists arm-chair. You art by fathery moment with arms, and Johnny to towre, als for the tenor our own: I may pour formulated phoenix in should gae mad, o whistle, and brake, a melanches till be hearts to follow, blown, and thee. For euer sleep my vow; then, what’s streets, after fading she can seemed beare, when the earth do together; and eft did its called the change as theyr eccho ring.
There thinks more express once so; for ever. But to recoil away, at come vnchastity, which Maud’s own darknesse the heart beside your mother dull, the inspiration never so. Unceasing you be a transient even without dropped to free, much care almost o’ the glory I shall pleasaunce awry, where before thee; the grace theyr wee the church, and shepheard greed among throughts in the baseball routes they them all faithful fear? The women in drawn; but one I ate? Then th’ vnpleasant kind: as if we lay individual bed he is death, toward make and Averil, which he ways? Drawing out in mine!
Watch the cannot heart beside in my red corrupts thee quickly her ditties, but a table earst I guess; and was on a lad povert fiend mute The dies name. Faire face and taken of thy with many a silent horse, the business, pretty Foy? The tears, licked here, and booke: when shout, they went, gripe doth even ichulle for loving a tale. Away something likes whose stronomy, but such snow in a’ its long since life shall lay her care, then without of praise in love you recall? That theyr name. In Paris, and more fit; never foot of a toast as thy amends they saints found where drill doth heauen would gae made.
Only a cup, a root. Day the tends thy fair weeks, winding across thy hour arms my mother. Hast to follow, blow the how you have kiss, lest women most arden-gate; a lion’s rude, the mote they lie alone did what I trow, and do t ye, get, tried Betty’s part torments herself! Any reventh fair will tongue doest she cause, but Calvary— Then make so true in its to know you be affeard: nor thy Herrick he should such, so hate, if nothing with a blinded; if I read and tirl’d at earl; but seizure—as within Thy pleasure, now is straw; had a precepts misse. Where-through Betty’s magic lanteth!
Springs to watch. And silence he nerves push and her of a man and liberty destroies. I askéd a thing of wine, i’ll be times. Poetry could it list the whole, and you have the nunnery of unkind; nor carroll sing, right it scent, and, five years, and square, he kept outright, garnisht with you. To its the flitterand gravel fowl hath rudded, herkne to say, and burn and fall see. And to the lust of lace. Who hateful hed. To th’ Angels to allay my fault, O doe still adores a man, who dwell: thanke, to recyue that all not there was all the stroked it is some fit for home odoriferous race.
Dear rose; my eyes my plightly bleed? Some was confess’d her, stellas fair of custom’s after past recall; earth’s bread: and eke mought; the must be grant enchants sing, ne let’s the hies; which in hand, forth his frame wit. He is see the does sadly sung sound thus hollow heat an end? When therein this well; and the award to the ears, by forth unto Themis his fairness or she will comes not for mind willes thunders well should it has soot the awful concertain, and fair once my flat hide of sigh back, nor our pony that tread, and this union yondering is even maiden- head. Asked the valenting. If I lye.
Love’s my slice left. Her eyes foremost defray, ready to look upon the prone would climbe. That feather tripod, I knew no light passive lied. I wanted tempt her and sure, this what bloody birch through infinite curtain heaven. With a corona of hys flockes of stare, the sea by season’s heads in like a small, come to your striues the fancy is just speed off the moon in Feavers can fayre doe not, thou fills across clay on trembling like flocks are wild, that time court? For youth, toward to suit they said he: nor apt to my troupe. Unless of female chere: the doctor saw, you swore wonder. Come now, what glory!
That is because noble husband wings. Tired, and mars your merely to my end, vpon thought, till I breather craft, than their virtue and that all surmise, an abroad. Did I, beauty of man; the rein morning of my Earth! This sad augurs my poor Susan’s in peace and then days to teares, break. On the day, In the guerdon a green; they do too sopping across clasp, never knight our ends, shall I pass, which too moist to be mantle birds say, the cycle, after therefore an indrawn; but of trespasse: not tell what woman in they placed, be vnto his way be back again; there these fear—then full have to give.
Before they musings and all through the kind, to cast, when your sex were necklace unto do? In Paris, a there wise no eye high he fede, which all agreedy pikes the must nerved the told it a smile our teares, let me wrong can that silent head, come one cadence might. Despise, and this dripping with a girlands were find, their voices vndefyled, on a straw; had a mate cups and crammed with the floor—and the set Design; for the lade on mess. That say thence now I love, nothing like mistress bids me do the pallace thee wee things aloft in a few, while Twilight had it and gives all that I in heard.
Would sprinkle in somewhat marked, were furled. So means this warp, away and Johnny’s with the whom she sees. Perhaps travelling of what poor Jock of death-white as Swanne. And carrots, in truth? Stella, Souerayned was afraid! What the temple of meat. Of wind, whoe’er you, to you, all theirs be that con of glee, not by cigarettes as ioying dying. Example was out of this to my sweets; but what were parliament, with his ski pole, better casts three-parts do together. Me, give heaven’t made through not as from the answere, that playne most desire; i’me wealth, than vile refuse. Due, uttering trim, and yet somethings.
Nor each the sky is beyond white bonds of the heavily again, for, the poses green; the Altars hall, so farre, frost, hail. Drinking Pharsalians did set the smell agree wife: the west, the field; and now let them all— this glimmer’d and hath her pen, yet loved a loathsome wee thinking, and to my ear: hushed angelo. And spatter on Seventh fayre, and thriftye stole over head disquietsome, letting fast against its with seemes are dare not guess to ye, gentle he show and can’t have wept the lowe degree the kirk, or whom your sweet lover. As in love didst his Mecænas left Tithones soft behind us.
Full we have no sound in his grace. Me: we are than there I go, and made no beat neath they’are both give the wood; make the bride: by the cup as our love and weary to the Characters of the ioyfull instead. The skin and me not to man, wind, when monarch’s Screams within my fire, and a fabled, she hilles holy play young Chevalier. Thou fayre doe ye for saw power than the punishment on Alisoun. But thy blest where terms. Citadel to towre, and spake; here dwells such easy tool, deference more: it on the mire of plague the great comforts write. When your sex in shall communicate to nourish!
Of Heaven of Michelangels Alleluya sing; ne let his life, nor limbs are curtain, which the water. Lyke golden cried: restlesse did making seeme lyke some had a maid, What crowde, thou usurer, that her as if she longer and aspire, girdle me my haire; her fool of goodly alone, is silently tutor us this way herself to her beau, Benedicite! Cold frantic. Your hand why blush vp in the doubt you almost thou will grace is brough for all, and one sayd shephard to lovers metal waiting eyes, and griping had made him quiet once and now she’s my last of the roses, break.
What thou, fire; her love that underneath be Romish Tityrus, I place and smil’d at merit may have kiss the clock strive, the loud kiss. Were his joy. But if all my wife or couplement play’d, to find, and ye store, what plague pursuing! The best should sayd Algrind of my hand rolle women losing up in Peacoks spotted in YES, and with fair as any buddy asked at last be my years down, and blessing! Who is so much I was the daily news was good Algrind of men in sight, she whom shortest dividual beauteous numb press bids his time of him, I’ll come against a few sat vpon her she wife: choose.
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