#please excuse any spelling errors of author's names etc
whatislovevavy · 1 year
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WC: 4.4k
Synopsis: An exploration of why Bucky decided to cut his hair
AN: This has been in my Google Drive for about two years and finally got around/had the motivation to finish this. This piece was technically my first ever piece of fanfiction I ever wrote. My writing mostly pertains to Top Gun and Top Gun Maverick so this was a nice little brain break from that. I thought I'd include the original author's note I put together, having never written fanfiction at the time, just for nostalgic sake and if anyone wants to know just how new to this I was lol. Also this divider is not mine and I was unable to tag the account that made it since it was deleted. This work will be posted on my side blog @sophs-writing-nook.
Original Author’s Note: Hello everyone :) This is the first fanfiction I’ve ever written and I really hope you guys like it because I’m a bit nervous about it. I’ve had this idea since I saw the first promotions for the Falcon and Winter Soldier series and didn't really do anything about it for a variety of reasons. I haven’t seen a lot of fics exploring this concept so I decided to write this on a camping trip in my notes app where I didn’t have reception so I apologize if there is bad grammar, spelling errors, etc. If there happens to be a similarity to another fic, it is purely coincidence and I don’t intend to plagiarize anyone. Please let me know if it does appear I have. I have a lot of respect for fanfic writers and don’t want to disrespect anyone and steal anyone’s work unintentionally. 
Warnings: Blood, Trauma (PTSD), sadness with some bittersweet moments sprinkled in, supportive Sam because that’s a warning in itself. 
None of these characters are mine. Read at your own discretion.
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Bucky had tried finding a routine after coming back: Get up by 7, go on a run make breakfast, try to keep in touch with his friends he had made since coming back, try a new recipe, maybe try online dating, catch up on what he missed the past 70 years, try to forgive himself for all the atrocities he didn't have a choice in committing, make dinner, shower, and sleep by 9.
That's what his therapist, Darlene, told him to do at least.
She wanted him to write in a journal the names of the people and families he wanted to make amends with, things he wanted to explore and try out, and good things he remembered before he was the Winter Soldier.
Darlene had kept encouraging him to keep referring to the Winter Soldier as if he were his own separate person, and not affiliated with James Buchanan Barnes.
It helped a bit with passing the blame, but not by much. He, naturally, chose the last remnant of Steve he had- his journal- to hold these thoughts.
Steve saw the best in him when he couldn't. 
He made an effort to try and forgive himself for everything he did, for Steve’s sake. 
Why Steve had left him, he didn't fully understand. 
It didn't make the "forgiving himself" part any easier. 
If his lifelong friend, who had been with him through thick and thin, decided to leave him now in this time of his broken, mutilated life, what did that say about him? 
Was he wrong about him? 
Did he truly believe he was worth being fixed and forgiven? 
There were small moments of hope that he could be fixed, but they were few and far inbetween.
His nightmares had gotten worse.
If Darlene would ask, he’d tell her, “no, they haven't", "they've stopped", or "I haven't had one for a while.” Bullshit excuses that anybody who saw the dark circles under his eyes wouldn't believe. Darlene knew he was lying and would try to reassure him that their space was safe and it would help him to get his nightmares out in the open.
He didn't think so.
This woman didn't know what it was like to have the same horrific scenarios play out in his mind every time he went to sleep. 
To see himself killing innocent people like he was in the backseat of his mind. 
The blood. 
Their faces, some close friends and others strangers. 
Their pleas and calls for mercy were what always broke him. 
He was forced again and again to witness himself taking their lives and couldn't do anything to stop himself. Forced to use any part of himself for Hydra.
Nothing was spared.
He felt unforgivable, these nightmares were a sign of the Winter Soldier still being in his head, buried and ready if Hydra got their hands on him again. 
He was tired of fighting and worrying, only wanting lasting peace and a full night's rest.
He had started renting an apartment in downtown Brooklyn near where his family had lived during the 40's. It was near the church cemetery his mother, father and sister, Rebecca, were buried. They were placed in the row closest to the street behind the church his family frequented during his youth. 
His parents had passed from old age when he was imprisoned by Hydra. 
A small part of him was thankful for that. 
They never had to learn that their son had done such horrible things.
They lived with the good memories of him.
His sister had passed during the time half the population was gone, the Blip people called it, from Alzheimer's. He visited her once before, but she was in the late stages, and was a shell of who he remembered growing up. 
His little sister Rebecca, whom he protected, opened jars for, teased, and made sure the boys she liked would be good to her, was now unable to remember him. He was told she passed peacefully in her sleep a few months after he disappeared.
Darlene thought that buying an apartment so close to his family's resting place might be overwhelming for him, but he wanted to be close to them and the memories he had.
The apartment consisted of a basic floor plan; kitchen, bathroom with a shower and bath, living room, bedroom, closet. However, he only used the kitchen, bathroom, and living room.
He didn't have many things when he moved in, and didn't feel he needed all the space allotted to him.
He had invested in a modest tv set, a microwave, blender, and a camping mat, courtesy of Sam's encouragement. 
He had tried sleeping on a mattress, but he felt that he was going to sink through into the floor with how soft and marshmallow-like it felt. He always slept on the floor with a few blankets and sheets. 
Sam had the same experience when he came back from Afghanistan.
Sam had tried to help him adjust to things since coming back, and had done a lot for him, including to help him find his apartment and encourage him to try new things.
There were times he had trouble getting out of his headspace to return Sam's calls and initiate with his friend. Darlene had been saying that for a person who allegedly had no one left, he seemed to have a safety net in Sam. She pushed him to call someone other than her and initiate with him. It was another case where he felt she didn't fully understand how difficult it was for him to build relationships, and "get his nightmares out in the open" since coming back.
He had gotten home late that night from the store, buying ingredients to make a recipe Darlene recommended: chicken tikka masala, he thought she called it.
He was amazed at the amount of change he had missed, especially from a grocery store. His family would boil everything with what minimal spices were available, other than the usual salt and pepper. He found solace in trying new recipes and exposing himself to the technological wonders of the 21st century, including learning how to use a DVD player and the iPhone he recently bought. He tried online dating but found it was too overwhelming and made him feel like a fish out of water. Asking people on dates and seeking relationships came easily to him when he was younger before the war, but everything felt so different now. 
He felt so different and foreign to himself. His arm. His mind. He felt like a shell of the person he was before the Winter Soldier.
His groceries were unloaded into the fridge and he started to prepare his dinner. He placed a bowl on the counter for mixing chicken marinade and marinating the soon to be cooked slices of chicken. The chicken slices were placed into a pan on a low heat to begin cooking. They wouldn't take long since they only had to cook halfway through initially. He gathered the spices for the marinade.
The soft smells of turmeric, ginger, cumin, and garam masala reminded him of the evenings he spent helping his mother cook during the summer. His mother would rummage together some cash every once in a while to buy a few sachets of spices from the local grocery. It was an indulgence she took part in that, compared to now, seemed simple and less of an everyday luxury. 
Sure, the spices she would bring home were more mild and less "exotic" than what he had available to him now, but it was the familiar memory of being taught to cook and the soft smells of his mother's cooking.
His conscience told him to use the spices sparingly despite himself being confronted with a substantially sized grocery aisle complete with spices from almost every corner of the world a mere few hours ago.
Maybe it was his upbringing during the Great Depression and watching his parents worry about where the next paycheck would come from.
Or maybe it was his instinct telling him this small semblance of peace he had found in his Brooklyn apartment would be snatched away, and that he needed to savor every new experience in stride. 
Because if he let himself enjoy them too much, it would make the snatching that much more painful.
He couldn't decide.
He finished the marinade and would have to wait an hour or two to start the sauce and cook the chicken. He placed it in the fridge and made his way to the bathroom for a shower.
The warm water felt nice on his warped, scarred flesh around his arm on his left side. The area would often become sore and plagued by knots. Sam recommended warm showers, aloe vera, a massage and spa place nearby, and Advil. The thought of people he didn't know touching his scarred flesh made him feel nervous, so the rest of his suggestions were his go to. 
His scar tissue and long hair were the last physical mark of Hydra on him. 
He was thankful he didn't have to see the red star that had branded him for so many years when he looked in the mirror anymore, since leaving Wakanda.
But there was still his hair.
His hair that had blood, dirt and grime stained into it for his 70 years of service. No matter how many times he showered, he knew the blood would never leave his hair or his hands. His mind would drift through waves of hopelessness in quiet moments like these more often than not.
He dried himself off with a soft towel, changed into a pair of boxers, and began to gingerly apply aloe vera to the junction where his arm met his shoulder. His shoulder was still a bit sensitive after all these years despite the enhanced healing from the serum. Shuri theorized it was because the metal cavity of his arm continuously tore through the underlying tissue. She was able to remove the bits and pieces of metal embedded in his shoulder. His arm was in the healing process, but it would take a while after years of damage even with the serum. After he finished rubbing in the aloe vera, He put on a dark t-shirt and made his way back into the kitchen to finish the sauce.
He carefully prepared the onions, garlic, and spices for the sauce the way his mother taught him to. 
He couldn't help but think about how his parents and sister would have loved to have tried this recipe with him.
He could almost hear his mother's voice in his head telling him to "cut the onions a bit smaller" or "don't let the garlic and onions burn in the pan".
Rebecca's eagerness to try the sauce prematurely with a perfected pout and whines of protest when denied so.
His father's quiet yet strong presence at the kitchen table reading the daily paper and soft scolding of his sister.
Steve drawing in his journal at the dinner table on evenings when Sarah Rogers would be working late at the hospital.
The radio softly playing in the background as a soothing ambiance.
The kitchen window opened to let the aroma of the Barnes’ family dinner wander through the back alley of the apartment building, and let in the sounds of the neighbors' soft conversations, clothes oscillating in the wind on the clothes line, and car engines humming as people made their way home at dusk.
All qualities of his family's evening routine and upbringing he longed for, but took for granted in his youth.
The stark smell of overcooked onions brought him back to the task at hand, pulling him from his thoughts but leaving his buildup of emotions he felt were about to rupture. He added the heavy cream, spices, brown sugar, and let them stir with the marinated onions and garlic. He felt tears start to form in his eyes. Letting the sauce thicken, he turned the pan onto a low heat, and added the marinated chicken to finish cooking. 
He placed the spatula down on the counter top with a shaky hand, placing his hands on the counter to support himself as he let out a shaky breath, blinking away tears that formed in the corners of his eyes.
God, he wished they were here with him. Steve. His mom. His dad. Rebecca.
He wished he had somebody who knew him before the Winter Soldier that could help him to pick up the broken pieces of himself and to become the person he was again.
He wished he could have said goodbye to his parents, Rebecca, and that Steve hadn't left him.
He wished he could've held his parents one last time before they passed, met the man that Rebecca fell in love with and had a family with, and fought harder for Steve to stay with him and help pick up the pieces.
All things that he couldn't do anything about now.
He wiped his tears away and returned to stirring his chicken masala. Thoughts of his family blending with the thoughts of his recipe like the spices and heavy cream in his pan as a cope. Darlene had mentioned that the recipe goes best with garlic buttered rice or naan, so he had bought ingredients for both, but opted for the naan. He turned on the oven, placed some naan from the store on a baking sheet, and into the oven before returning to stirring the contents of the pan. 
He remembered Sam wanted to come over and check in on how he was settling into his apartment, sometime the next day. Maybe he would want to try some of his dish. 
"Initiate, take small steps to initiate". This counted as initiating, right? He hoped so.
His chicken masala was well blended and deemed done. His naan close behind. He placed a bowl and plate on the counter, served up his recipe and naan, and sat down at his two person dinner table, and prepared to eat. Darlene had told him that making a makeshift taco with the naan tasted good if he opted to not make the garlic butter rice. He took his first bite and let himself experience each incredible flavor. 
He would definitely be making this recipe again.
Maybe he could make a batch for Sam. 
It would be a small way to return the favor.
He made his way through his dinner, and would start heading to bed soon. It was almost 9 anyway. Shuri told him that consistent good sleep would also help him heal mentally along with his therapy and the treatment she provided.
He made a mental note to try making the garlic butter rice, thank Darlene for the recipe, and ask her if she had any more favorite recipes he should try during his next session.
He brought his dishes to the sink, moved to the bathroom to brush his teeth, and shed himself of his shirt. Sleeping shirtless was normal for him both during the war and after getting the serum, finding that he would warm up easily and end up tossing and turning in the night. 
His escalated body heat helped him to survive the frigid Siberian winters during his imprisonment, but not the mild to warm summer nights in Brooklyn.
Laying on the hardwood floor with the lights out left him with his thoughts. He remembered the nights he and Steve spent laying on couch cushions on the living room floor of his parents apartment. 
The nights he and his sister would read The Hobbit under the covers of his bed when they were younger, while their parents thought they were sleeping. 
He liked to sleep with the TV on at a low volume and the window opened so he wouldn't be lost in his thoughts for too long. 
He didn't have as much trouble falling asleep as before. Darlene told him to take deep breaths while resting his eyes and had gotten better at it since seeing her. 
Breathe in for 5 seconds, exhale for 10, and repeat till he felt calm enough to drift to sleep.
He steadily awoke hours later, feeling warm and groggy.
 It was quiet. 
The TV was off and the window was shut. 
He was none the wiser in his hindered state of being as he lifted himself off of the floor and trudged to the bathroom, the soft sound of his bare feet pattering on the wood floor like rain drops on a window, encompassing his apartment in a soft echo.
He turned on the soft bathroom light and twisted the cold faucet on, leaned down and scooped cold water in his hand, and poured it on his face. Supporting himself by his forearms, he closed his eyes and relished in the feeling of cold on his face and cascading down his neck. 
The water felt warmer now and had a distinct iron smell to it.
He opened his eyes and was met with his hands drenched in blood. Blood flowing into the sink from the tap. 
He slowly turned to meet his reflection. Met with the cold, dark, blank eyes of the Winter Soldier. The blood stained leather vest, black muzzle, and the long brunette hair stained black from blood falling over his face. 
He was there with him, as clear as day. 
He felt a stark and deep rooted sense of fear awaken and burrow itself in his chest as he quickly retreated from the sink, pressing himself against the opposing wall. Eyes wide and breathing heavy, he felt the walls of the bathroom constricting him.
The Winter Soldier reached out his metal arm, severing the separation between the mirror and his bathroom, and brought it down onto the counter top with a resounding crack, small remnants of the cheap countertop tumbling to the floor. He lunged for the door and twisted the knob but it wouldn't budge. Desperately, he tried to break down the door, knuckles bleeding and eyes teary. He could feel the Winter Soldier getting closer to him and was too terrified to turn back and face him. He broke through the door with a splitting crack, splinters in his hands. Awaiting on the other side was a long dimly lit corridor lined with bars and cold concrete walls. 
His heart stopped. 
He knew this corridor. 
He would always know this corridor. 
He didn't want to go forward, but he had no choice. Breaking into a sprint, not looking back and praying he didn't trip over himself, he felt a sudden, strong grip on his leg, pulling him backwards. Landing on the hard concrete with a groan and turning himself to face his captor: Two dark, army clad figures awaited him. He shuffled away from them as fast as he could but couldn't get to his feet fast enough to avoid being dragged to by his feet towards the bathroom. His screams echoing off the walls, and hands burning from friction against the cement floor at his attempts to escape their grasp.
He couldn't believe what was happening, he thought he was free from Hydra. 
Free from these corridors. 
Free from the chair.
He felt his nails fruitlessly catching on the small ridges of the cement floor as he was mercilessly dragged. The hallway enclosed in darkness behind him and the bathroom light ahead of him, serving as a beacon of pain and suffering. 
He was left on the bathroom floor, shaking and crying, accentuated by the sound of the slamming of a steel door. His teary eyes searched for the figures but found none. Instead, his eyes landed on the dull gleam of the worn metal frame in his bathtub, tinged with small droplets of blood, smoothed down edges, and strained leather straps.
If he wasn't sobbing before, he was now. He felt so trapped, his heart beating out of his chest; his lungs made of tin, unable to expand.
His shaking frame was folded on the floor by the bathroom door. A few moments of silence flooded by the drops of his sink tap and his attempts to catch his breath. 
Abruptly, a handful of his hair was grabbed, his body dragged to the chair as he let out seethes of pain and cries. 
He was held down in the chair as he was strapped in by faceless, dark army figures. Soft whispers and murmurs of pleas for mercy and forgiveness settled around him, originating from every vent and faucet in his bathroom, nestled their way to his ears. 
They grew louder and droned out the sound of leather going through buckles and the mechanical "wrrrrr" of the head plates assembling towards the top of the chair. 
He struggled and screamed, but it was no use. 
Trapped in the chair, no chance of escape; Limited by his mind and not his body. 
He anxiously waited and dreaded for the excruciating pain of electricity to course through his body, to hear the words Hydra spent so much time and care to drill into his mind.
But both never came.
He awoke with a startle, eyes wide, body and blanket soaked with sweat, lungs gasping for breath. 
His window open, letting in his neighbors everyday routine squeeze into his apartment. 
The TV on a low volume, playing auctions for nic-nacs and heirlooms people didn't find use for. All drowned out by his racing thoughts and attempts at breathing.
The blanket pooled around his waist as he shifted to lean against the wall, closing his eyes and trying to focus on his breathing. 
He needed his hair gone. 
Like a wounded animal, he made his way to the bathroom with shaky breaths and uneasy strides. He flipped the bathroom light on, feverishly opening and closing drawers to find what he needed most.
A pair of scissors.
A raspy sigh left his lips as his hands met the plastic frame of the twin bladed tool.
His eyes shifted from his reflection to his hold on the scissors. 
Carefully, he brought his metal hand to his hair, extending one of his many locks of hair.
His eyes drifted from the lock of hair to the metal blades that almost fully encased it. 
He watched as the lock frayed till it was severed completely, feeling the freed lock in his hand and watching it fall to the counter.
A sigh of relief left his lips as tears pricked his eyes as he met his reflection in the mirror. 
His tears were flowing fully down his cheeks as almost the entirety of his left side was covered in frayed, unevenly cut hair. 
He gingerly ran his flesh hand along his head, relishing in the short tufts of hair, and began repeating the same frenzied cutting on the other side of his head, and towards the back
If the tears weren’t flowing before, they were now. 
He placed the scissors onto the hair ridden counter with a clang, keeping his relieved gaze on himself, feeling his chest wrack with sobs, body slowly crumbling against the sink and to the floor.
He had never felt such relief in his life. 
His hands ran over the chopped hair, savoring the uneven patched of hair, his head laying back to rest against the wood cabinet below his sink,  eyes fluttering shut.
Muffled knocks softly rose his mind from the depths of sleep. 
He let his eyes adjust to the bathroom light, feeling his neck ache from how he slept against the drawers of the cabinet. 
He rose up to his feet with a groan, trudging to his front door.
His front door opened with a click.
“Hey, man-woah.”
He rose his eyes to meet Sam’s wide ones, giving him a small smile, “Hi, Sam.”
Sam swallowed.
“Late night hack job, huh?”
He gave Sam a tight-lipped smile, nodding. 
Sam’s lip quirked. 
“I, um, I made something for you if you’d like to try it.”
Sam watched as he rubbed the back of his neck with his flesh hand.
He moved from the door, leaving it open for Sam to come in.
Sam carefully stepped into his apartment, taking in the rumple of blankets on the livingroom floor. 
“It’s chicken tikka masala, my therapist recommended it.”
Sam took the plastic container he held out for him.
“Thanks for this…We should go get you a haircut. You can’t be walking around Brooklyn looking like you had a blender cut your hair.”
His lip quirked, nodding.
After a few minutes, he met him back at the front door in jeans, a t-shirt, and his bomber jacket, and glove.
“Ready to go?”
He wordlessly nodded, closing, and locking the door behind them. 
“Alright, what do you think?” 
The hairdresser adjusted his chair so he could see himself fully in the mirror. 
He could feel his eyes glaze over.
His previously poorly chopped locks were no where to be found, replaced by almost buzzed cut hair with a bit of length towards the top. Barely enough for anyone to get a good grip in.
“It’s perfect, thank you Melissa,” he muttered to the woman that gave him a kind smile in return. 
He tried to hand the man at the cashier station some cash, but Sam interjected with his card.
He looked at Sam with slight bewilderment.
“You’ll cover me next time.”
His lip quirked, as Sam nudged his shoulder as they made their way to the exit.
He stopped in front of a window for a store on the way back to his apartment, seeing his reflection in the storefront.
And for once, he didn’t have a deeprooted distaste or fear of what he saw. 
It almost made him cry.
He needed this.
His long hair gone. The last remnant of his time in Siberia, of the shackles that held his mind down under water like an anchor, gone. 
Out of sight. Out of mind.
Sam stopped a few paces ahead of him.
“You wanna stop in?”
Sam’s voice broke him from his trance.
He gave Sam a small smile.
“No, just taking it all in.”
Sam gave him a comforting smile as he caught up with him.
They continued on to his apartment to give Sam some of his chicken tikka masala, running his hand through his hair periodically with a smile on his face. 
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anxious-acushla · 5 years
Books I Read in 2019:
***Favorites will be marked with an asterisk. If you’re looking for a book recommendation, let me know what you like to read and I’ll try to steer you in the right direction. 2019 was such a good year for literature! 
Self-Help/Feel Good/Business
Moment of Lift - Melinda Gates
*Traction - Gino Wickman
*The Deepest Well - Nadine Burke Harris
Girl Stop Apologizing - Rachel Hollis
Present Over Perfect - Shauna Niequist
Non-Fiction (Memoirs, etc.)
Educated - Tara Westover 
Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck - Mark Manson
***Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland - Patrick Radden Keefe
*Stay Sexy and Don’t Get Murdered - Karen Kilgariff & Georgia Hardstark
Chase Darkness With Me - Billy Jensen
Becoming - Michelle Obama
Mindhunter: Inside the FBI’s Elite Serial Crime Unit - John E. Douglas
Kick - Paula Byrne
The Other Wes Moore - Wes Moore
Know My Name - Chanel Miller
*Conversations with RBG - Jeff Rosen
*Women Who Run with the Wolves - Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes 
Shrill - Lindy West
*An Unquiet Mind - Kay Jemison
Only Plane in the Sky - Garrett Graff
Tattooist of Auschwitz - Heather Morris
Cilka’s Journey - Heather Morris
Ninth House - Leigh Bardugo
The Guest Book - Leigh Black
*How Not To Die Alone - Richard Roper
The Girls - Emma Cline
*The Topeka School - Ben Lerner
City of Girls - Elizabeth Gilbert
*Red White and Royal Blue - Casey mcquiston 
The Only Woman In The Room - Heather Terrell
Turtles All The Way Down - John Green
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine - Gail Honeyman
Crime/Thriller (Fiction)
*Disappearing Earth - Julia Phillips
The Wives - Tarryn Fisher
The Guardians - John Grisham
*I Am Watching You - Teresa Driscoll 
The Dancing Girls - MM Chouinard
When We Believed in Mermaids - Barbara O’Neal
Girl Last Seen - Nina Laurin
Political (Non-Fiction)
Blowout - Rachel Maddow
A Warning - Anonymous
Fear: Trump in the White House - Bob Woodward
All The Single Ladies - Rebecca Traister
*Fierce Fairytales - Nikita Gill
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lil-red-horror · 4 years
A Caring Heart - Slashers x Nurse!Reader
Warnings: Violence but it’s not that big!
Author’s note:  Please know this, if there is any errors with the story either a grammar or spelling error, I’m so sorry. :( My English isn’t the greatest and i’m trying my best. So, if you see one, feel free to DM me about it! I won’t mind.
                                                         Chapter 3
     You leave the parking lot after parking your car. You head towards the building, feeling a bit uneasy. Thoughts cluttered your head, “What if they don’t like me? Will I be a good nurse to them? Can I truly help them?!?”. They all go away when you finally reach the door. You let a small sigh before thinking one last thought, “You got this Y/N! You can do it, don’t doubt yourself. Just go in and do your best.”. You give your best smile before opening the door. Right as you come in, you see red lights flashing and people running around everywhere. “Well, this isn’t what I expected…”. 
     You see a man run by and you decide to stop him. “Um, excuse me sir. What is going on here?”, he looks at in a surprised, worried face. “Ma’am I don’t have a lot of time to talk. A patient in the cafeteria just started a fight and I must go out there. Just stick tight right there, someone will help when this is over. Now, excuse me, I must go!” He leaves in a rush to your left in a big hallway. After time passes, the lights stop and men and women stop running back and forth through the halls. Your worry seems to calm down a bit. 
     You wait in the lobby for someone to come and help you. You then notice the man you spoke to earlier come in with another man. The two men come up to you and greet you. The man you spoke to earlier was blonde with deep blue eyes. He wore the normal for a doctor. A white jacket with multiple pockets, a button up shirt with a tie, and some business suit pants. He had a badge that read “Heath”. The man beside him wore the same thing as him. He was a brunette with brown eyes. His badge read, “Hernandez”. Heath pulled out his hand to shake yours, “Hello, you must be the new nurse. I’m Jake Heath, what’s your name?”. You shake his hand and respond back quickly, “Oh, yes. I’m F/N L/N!”. Hernandez then pulls out his hand to your hand also. “Well, Y/N, I’m Justin Hernandez. Jake and I will be giving you the tour, work schedule, let you meet your soon to be patients, etc. So, let’s go shall we?” He smiles at you, which you smile back at him.
“Maybe I shouldn’t be so worried after all.”
Taglist below! (If you would like to be in the taglist, DM or send an ask to me!)
@beyond-thescene and @reneuv 
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7livky · 5 years
Dionysus - Park Jimin
English is not my native language. So please excuse the grammatical errors, spelling, etc. that might happen in this book. You can also just point out any mistakes I made so I can edit them later.
This story will be Jimin centric. BUT this does NOT mean that the remaining members of the group will be omitted completely. This is a BTS fanfiction and therefore every character will play an important role.
There will be some mature topics and content. These can include:
Vulgarism (strong expressions or insults)
(But of course also topics like love, adventure, fun, etc. )
Both in real life and in this book, the seven characters are singers, songwriters, dancers and producers. The group BTS is just as well known as in reality. But temporally one is in the future (understandable only if one starts to read it.) The names of characters are obviously those of the BTS members, also passages from their lyrics are used.
NEVERTHELESS, my works are written exclusively by me and original. So, I do NOT give ANYONE permission to use my story in any way.
Reprinting or reproduction in any form (print, photocopy) as well as the storage, processing and distrubtion of any kind, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.
All rights reserved.
"Army. You're the best thing that could ever happen to us. It hurts us to have to share this message with you. We know it happened all of a sudden. Not once would it have occurred to us that one day we would have to sit here and share a message like this with you. But BTS will go its separate ways from now on."
"You are the reason this k-pop group has grown into a beautiful family. You have shown us what love, strength and pride is. Without you, Army, we would never have known what it felt like to be loved by such loyal, kind-hearted and beautiful people as you. You are able to conjure away our fears and weaknesses. It would take hours for us to give you all the reasons why we love you. Why we are so grateful to you. No excuse, no excuse, nothing can make up for it. BTS has been around for five years and we wish it would just do it to infinity. But it doesn't work anymore."
"You are our heartbeat that keeps us alive.
So please never stop beating for us."
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freewhispersmaker · 7 years
Term Paper Assignment Information This course covers a wide range of Operations Management topics facing contemporary organizations. The purpose of the Term Paper assignment is to synthesize learning from the entire course and to apply academic theory to real-world practice. Your assignment must reference textbook and at least three scholarly / peer-reviewed articles. You may also use a company’s website, printed literature, and personal interviews with employees as source material. If you interview any company employees you will need to receive the approval of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to the interview taking place. The IRB can walk you through the approval process and answer your questions to help ensure that the interview will be conducted appropriately. Assignment Description You may pick any ONE case from the list found below that deals with Operations Management issues OR you can use the Webster Library’s article databases, internet search engines, or other resources to identify alternative cases. If you choose to NOT use one of the cases found below and use an external sourced case, you MUST submit a summary to the instructor for approval no later than the end of Week Three. Your paper MUST follow the APA Style® format and be approximately 10 pages in length; excluding cover page, diagrams, tables, references, and appendices. See layout requirements below. You MUST use Microsoft® Word for your paper’s file format and use this naming convention lastname_casename.doc ( – 5 points for improper file naming). If there are questions in the case, answer them. View the case as if you are the Operations Manager, or CEO of the company. Look up the company on the internet and research them. What kind of analysis tools can you use from your textbook to help you support your conclusions with the case? If the company is foreign-based, then how does it operate differently than a U.S. based company? Make sure you review the Web Links found on the Homepage for additional resources in preparing your assignment. The assignment is due no later than the last Friday of the term at 11:59 pm CT. ( – 20 points for papers submitted after the due date but before the following Tuesday; no papers will be accepted after 11:59 pm CT on Tuesday….a Zero will be entered for the grade.) Assignment Learning Expectations Communications: The written component offers substantive and concise description and clarity in content, language use, grammar, organization, sentence structure, and supported by APA formatted references. Critical Thinking: Provides reflection and applications of business concepts, analyzes, synthesizes and expresses the complexities in a given business problem, and gives consideration to alternative systems of thought and solutions where applicable. Problem Solving: Analyses the underlying causes of the situation by collecting and assessing relevant information, evaluates possible courses of actions, and concludes and defends appropriate solutions and recommendations. Ethics: Considers concepts of ethical dimensions to the examination of the business problem and analyzes and evaluates ethical issues in defending solutions and recommendations. Diversity: Considers the impact of cultural and economic issues as they relate to the business problem and explains the potential consequences of diversity in defending solutions and recommendations. Integration: Integrates interrelationships of the business problem issues, ethics, diversity, and global aspects with analysis of the possible courses of actions and recommendations. How will the assignment be assessed? Each component of the Assignment content requirements – Title, Abstract, Introduction; Methodology; Results/Discussion; and References described in the APA Style guidelines will be assessed based on the Assignment Learning Expectations above. The grading scheme and assessment criteria are shown in the term paper rubricPreview the documentView in a new window. Students who are discovered cheating or committing plagiarism will be awarded a failing grade for the course, and may be subject to discipline or dismissal. If you have any doubt about the definition plagiarism, or need examples of plagiarism/academic dishonesty, please visit Webster’s Student Plagiarism Resources site. If you need additional help, contact the Writing Center. Ignorance of the definition of plagiarism/academic dishonesty, university policies, or course policies will not excuse students who commit plagiarism or academic dishonesty. Webster University uses a tool called TurnItIn to help faculty identify plagiarism. Submitting to TurnItIn TurnItIn creates an “originality report” that matches text from your submission to text from academic databases, the internet, and other student papers thus assisting the instructor to identifying if text is a direct excerpt from another source. This originality report is available to you, so that you can ensure all non-original content in your paper has been properly cited and quoted before final submission of your the paper for grading. You can resubmit your draft paper to TurnItIn as many times as necessary to reduce the similarity percentage. Assignments submitted for final grading with similarity percentage higher than 24% are subject to a grade reduction as determined by the instructor. Please review the WorldClassRoom FAQ on How to Submit a TurnItIn Assignment. Writing Guidelines Each page of your paper MUST include the title of the paper and the page number. Use the header/footer function in Microsoft Word to insert the required information at the top right corner, starting with the title page as page 1. ( – 1 point for each page in error) Your paper MUST follow the APA guidelines and layout below, including types of headings, flow of information, and what content to include: Title Page (5 points) Abstract (5 points) Introduction (30 points) Begin with an introduction, including your thesis statement. The Introduction answers the following questions: Provides background information What is the thesis or main idea of the case study? What are the relevant key points about the organization? What are the relevant key points about the situation? What are the ethical and diversity issues related to this case? Method (60 points) At a minimum, this is to be a main section and heading in your paper. You may use additional major headings if you wish, and you will probably also want to use subheadings. The Method section answers the following questions: What is the situational analysis of the problem or issue? (A SWOT analysis is suggested here.) What are the causes/effects of the situation or problem? How did the problem or issue evolve (overnight or overtime)? How can course concepts be applied to provide greater understanding of the situation? How will ethical and diversity issues be addressed? Results/Discussion (60 points) At a minimum, this is to be a main section and heading in your paper. You may use additional major headings if you wish, and you will probably also want to use subheadings. The Results/Discussion section answers the following questions: How can the problem or issue be solved? What specific recommendations can be made for improving the situation? Using course learning’s, explain your rationale for these suggestions . How will these recommendations, if implemented, enhance organizational effectiveness? How will ethical and diversity issues impact your recommendations? References (20 points) Per APA, start the “References” section on a new page after the last page of your last section of the paper. This heading is centered. List your reference materials in alphabetical order by author’s last name using a hanging indent (first line of each reference is flush with left margin, and additional lines of that reference are indented as a group a few spaces to the right). In preparing References, consider the following: Have you used proper APA Style in your References section? Be sure you have given credit to the source of ALL borrowed information, whether quoted directly or paraphrased in your own words. See the following resources for additional information: OWL Purdue OWL Purdue paper example Diana Hacker’s examples of paper’s reference section View an annotated version of an actual BUSN 6110 term paperPreview the documentView in a new window Appendix (if needed) If the case was not on the approved list, provide evidence that approval was granted by week three. If outside interviews were conducted, provide evidence of IRB approval. APA Style Format (20 points) In general, pay close attention to proper writing mechanics including language use, grammar, spelling and sentence structure. ( – 1 point for each error) Before turning in your final paper, make sure: Your key points are clear and the information is well-organized as described in the term paper rubric. Have someone proofread the entire document. Eliminate grammar errors, run spell check, review page formatting requirements, file naming requirement, etc. Additional Resources If you need assistance with writing your paper, you can submit your paper to the Online Writing Center well in advance of the due date by clicking here. If you submit your paper for review by the Online Writing Center, budget several extra days for the review process and the resulting revisions. No students will be excused for a late paper due to the Online Writing Center’s turnaround time. Online students can access Webster University’s Library to search for/request books and articles. If you do not know your 7-digit Webster ID number, needed to search databases, click here. Examples of peer-reviewed journals include, but are not limited to: Harvard Business Review, Purchasing, International Journal of Production Research, Management, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, American Journal of Economics & Sociology, Journal of Economic Issues, The Sociological Quarterly, British Journal of Sociology, etc. See the Webster University Library “How To Video” on identifying peer-reviewed articles. The following are examples of secondary sources (those relying on others for their evidence) and cannot be counted toward your three sources due to hearsay, opinion, or lack of factual evidence: Time, Newsweek, U.S. News and World Report, Ladies Home Journal, Reader’s Digest, New York Magazine, etc. If you find information from secondary sources that would enhance your project, be sure to have the sources approved by your instructor. List of text Case Studies for Term Paper Number Chapter & Page Case Title (Select ONE from the list) 1 Ch-4, p.106 Product Design Project 2 Ch-7, p.163 Circuit Board Fabricators. Inc. 3 Ch-9, p.218 PIZZA USA: An exercise in translating customer requirements into process design requirements 4 Ch-10, p.258 Processing Customer Orders 5 Ch-11, p.292 Analyzing Casino Money Handling Processes 6 Ch-12, p.313 Quality Management – Toyota 7 Ch-13, p.342 Hot Shot Plastics Company 8 Ch-14, p.369 Quality Parts Company 9 Ch-15, p.396 Distribution Center Location 10 Ch-16, p.420 Global Sourcing Decisions 11 Ch-18, p.485 Forecasting Supply Chain Demand – Starbucks Corporation 12 Ch-19, p.510 Developing an Aggregate Plan – Bradford Manufacturing 13 Ch-20, p.552 Inventory Management at Big10Sweaters.com 14 Ch-21, p.584 An MRP Explosion – Brunswick Motors 15 Ch-22, p.615 Keep Patients Waiting? Not in My Office 16 External Source Use Webster library’s article database, Internet search engines, or other resources to identify alternative cases and submit a summary proposal to the instructor for approval no later than the end of Week Three. You may also use a company’s website, printed literature, and personal interviews with employees as source material. Submit a summary proposal to the instructor for approval no later than the end of Week Three. DO NOT proceed without approval from the instructor and the Webster University Institutional Review Board (IRB). It is your responsibility to obtain IRB approval and submit the summary proposal to the instructor with IRB approval.
Term Paper Assignment Information This course covers a wide range of Operations Management topics facing contemporary organizations. The purpose of the Term Paper assignment is to synthesize learning from the entire course and to apply academic theory to real-world practice. Your assignment must reference textbook and at least three scholarly / peer-reviewed articles. You may also use a company’s website, printed literature, and personal interviews with employees as source material. If you interview any company employees you will need to receive the approval of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to the interview taking place. The IRB can walk you through the approval process and answer your questions to help ensure that the interview will be conducted appropriately. Assignment Description You may pick any ONE case from the list found below that deals with Operations Management issues OR you can use the Webster Library’s article databases, internet search engines, or other resources to identify alternative cases. If you choose to NOT use one of the cases found below and use an external sourced case, you MUST submit a summary to the instructor for approval no later than the end of Week Three. Your paper MUST follow the APA Style® format and be approximately 10 pages in length; excluding cover page, diagrams, tables, references, and appendices. See layout requirements below. You MUST use Microsoft® Word for your paper’s file format and use this naming convention lastname_casename.doc ( – 5 points for improper file naming). If there are questions in the case, answer them. View the case as if you are the Operations Manager, or CEO of the company. Look up the company on the internet and research them. What kind of analysis tools can you use from your textbook to help you support your conclusions with the case? If the company is foreign-based, then how does it operate differently than a U.S. based company? Make sure you review the Web Links found on the Homepage for additional resources in preparing your assignment. The assignment is due no later than the last Friday of the term at 11:59 pm CT. ( – 20 points for papers submitted after the due date but before the following Tuesday; no papers will be accepted after 11:59 pm CT on Tuesday….a Zero will be entered for the grade.) Assignment Learning Expectations Communications: The written component offers substantive and concise description and clarity in content, language use, grammar, organization, sentence structure, and supported by APA formatted references. Critical Thinking: Provides reflection and applications of business concepts, analyzes, synthesizes and expresses the complexities in a given business problem, and gives consideration to alternative systems of thought and solutions where applicable. Problem Solving: Analyses the underlying causes of the situation by collecting and assessing relevant information, evaluates possible courses of actions, and concludes and defends appropriate solutions and recommendations. Ethics: Considers concepts of ethical dimensions to the examination of the business problem and analyzes and evaluates ethical issues in defending solutions and recommendations. Diversity: Considers the impact of cultural and economic issues as they relate to the business problem and explains the potential consequences of diversity in defending solutions and recommendations. Integration: Integrates interrelationships of the business problem issues, ethics, diversity, and global aspects with analysis of the possible courses of actions and recommendations. How will the assignment be assessed? Each component of the Assignment content requirements – Title, Abstract, Introduction; Methodology; Results/Discussion; and References described in the APA Style guidelines will be assessed based on the Assignment Learning Expectations above. The grading scheme and assessment criteria are shown in the term paper rubricPreview the documentView in a new window. Students who are discovered cheating or committing plagiarism will be awarded a failing grade for the course, and may be subject to discipline or dismissal. If you have any doubt about the definition plagiarism, or need examples of plagiarism/academic dishonesty, please visit Webster’s Student Plagiarism Resources site. If you need additional help, contact the Writing Center. Ignorance of the definition of plagiarism/academic dishonesty, university policies, or course policies will not excuse students who commit plagiarism or academic dishonesty. Webster University uses a tool called TurnItIn to help faculty identify plagiarism. Submitting to TurnItIn TurnItIn creates an “originality report” that matches text from your submission to text from academic databases, the internet, and other student papers thus assisting the instructor to identifying if text is a direct excerpt from another source. This originality report is available to you, so that you can ensure all non-original content in your paper has been properly cited and quoted before final submission of your the paper for grading. You can resubmit your draft paper to TurnItIn as many times as necessary to reduce the similarity percentage. Assignments submitted for final grading with similarity percentage higher than 24% are subject to a grade reduction as determined by the instructor. Please review the WorldClassRoom FAQ on How to Submit a TurnItIn Assignment. Writing Guidelines Each page of your paper MUST include the title of the paper and the page number. Use the header/footer function in Microsoft Word to insert the required information at the top right corner, starting with the title page as page 1. ( – 1 point for each page in error) Your paper MUST follow the APA guidelines and layout below, including types of headings, flow of information, and what content to include: Title Page (5 points) Abstract (5 points) Introduction (30 points) Begin with an introduction, including your thesis statement. The Introduction answers the following questions: Provides background information What is the thesis or main idea of the case study? What are the relevant key points about the organization? What are the relevant key points about the situation? What are the ethical and diversity issues related to this case? Method (60 points) At a minimum, this is to be a main section and heading in your paper. You may use additional major headings if you wish, and you will probably also want to use subheadings. The Method section answers the following questions: What is the situational analysis of the problem or issue? (A SWOT analysis is suggested here.) What are the causes/effects of the situation or problem? How did the problem or issue evolve (overnight or overtime)? How can course concepts be applied to provide greater understanding of the situation? How will ethical and diversity issues be addressed? Results/Discussion (60 points) At a minimum, this is to be a main section and heading in your paper. You may use additional major headings if you wish, and you will probably also want to use subheadings. The Results/Discussion section answers the following questions: How can the problem or issue be solved? What specific recommendations can be made for improving the situation? Using course learning’s, explain your rationale for these suggestions . How will these recommendations, if implemented, enhance organizational effectiveness? How will ethical and diversity issues impact your recommendations? References (20 points) Per APA, start the “References” section on a new page after the last page of your last section of the paper. This heading is centered. List your reference materials in alphabetical order by author’s last name using a hanging indent (first line of each reference is flush with left margin, and additional lines of that reference are indented as a group a few spaces to the right). In preparing References, consider the following: Have you used proper APA Style in your References section? Be sure you have given credit to the source of ALL borrowed information, whether quoted directly or paraphrased in your own words. See the following resources for additional information: OWL Purdue OWL Purdue paper example Diana Hacker’s examples of paper’s reference section View an annotated version of an actual BUSN 6110 term paperPreview the documentView in a new window Appendix (if needed) If the case was not on the approved list, provide evidence that approval was granted by week three. If outside interviews were conducted, provide evidence of IRB approval. APA Style Format (20 points) In general, pay close attention to proper writing mechanics including language use, grammar, spelling and sentence structure. ( – 1 point for each error) Before turning in your final paper, make sure: Your key points are clear and the information is well-organized as described in the term paper rubric. Have someone proofread the entire document. Eliminate grammar errors, run spell check, review page formatting requirements, file naming requirement, etc. Additional Resources If you need assistance with writing your paper, you can submit your paper to the Online Writing Center well in advance of the due date by clicking here. If you submit your paper for review by the Online Writing Center, budget several extra days for the review process and the resulting revisions. No students will be excused for a late paper due to the Online Writing Center’s turnaround time. Online students can access Webster University’s Library to search for/request books and articles. If you do not know your 7-digit Webster ID number, needed to search databases, click here. Examples of peer-reviewed journals include, but are not limited to: Harvard Business Review, Purchasing, International Journal of Production Research, Management, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, American Journal of Economics & Sociology, Journal of Economic Issues, The Sociological Quarterly, British Journal of Sociology, etc. See the Webster University Library “How To Video” on identifying peer-reviewed articles. The following are examples of secondary sources (those relying on others for their evidence) and cannot be counted toward your three sources due to hearsay, opinion, or lack of factual evidence: Time, Newsweek, U.S. News and World Report, Ladies Home Journal, Reader’s Digest, New York Magazine, etc. If you find information from secondary sources that would enhance your project, be sure to have the sources approved by your instructor. List of text Case Studies for Term Paper Number Chapter & Page Case Title (Select ONE from the list) 1 Ch-4, p.106 Product Design Project 2 Ch-7, p.163 Circuit Board Fabricators. Inc. 3 Ch-9, p.218 PIZZA USA: An exercise in translating customer requirements into process design requirements 4 Ch-10, p.258 Processing Customer Orders 5 Ch-11, p.292 Analyzing Casino Money Handling Processes 6 Ch-12, p.313 Quality Management – Toyota 7 Ch-13, p.342 Hot Shot Plastics Company 8 Ch-14, p.369 Quality Parts Company 9 Ch-15, p.396 Distribution Center Location 10 Ch-16, p.420 Global Sourcing Decisions 11 Ch-18, p.485 Forecasting Supply Chain Demand – Starbucks Corporation 12 Ch-19, p.510 Developing an Aggregate Plan – Bradford Manufacturing 13 Ch-20, p.552 Inventory Management at Big10Sweaters.com 14 Ch-21, p.584 An MRP Explosion – Brunswick Motors 15 Ch-22, p.615 Keep Patients Waiting? Not in My Office 16 External Source Use Webster library’s article database, Internet search engines, or other resources to identify alternative cases and submit a summary proposal to the instructor for approval no later than the end of Week Three. You may also use a company’s website, printed literature, and personal interviews with employees as source material. Submit a summary proposal to the instructor for approval no later than the end of Week Three. DO NOT proceed without approval from the instructor and the Webster University Institutional Review Board (IRB). It is your responsibility to obtain IRB approval and submit the summary proposal to the instructor with IRB approval.
Term Paper Assignment Information This course covers a wide range of Operations Management topics facing contemporary organizations. The purpose of the Term Paper assignment is to synthesize learning from the entire course and to apply academic theory to real-world practice. Your assignment must reference textbook and at least three scholarly / peer-reviewed articles. You may also use a…
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