#please just zap my brain
That moment when your therapist introduces a new treatment modality you’re gonna try with an acronym that makes it sound like you’ll be getting an electric shock through the head that is going to fix your entire brain,
but then you find out you’re literally just gonna be feeling the feelings and remembering the remembories that you spend every day trying to NOT feel or remember
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pegglefan69 · 9 months
cooking does use up a lot of my spoons but it is SO rewarding on a creative & also just general gustatory level for me that even if it ends up being one of the few things I can do in a day + even if I'm in pain &/or fatigued the whole time it's a VERY worthy tradeoff. Honestly one of the few fibro management strategies that works the best for some degree of temporary pain relief for me is anything that can give a lot of serotonin (since all of my comorbid brain shit means I default to my body making a like Perilously low amount), so Yummy Food I Am Proud Of really really does help.
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king-of-the-mouseboys · 10 months
Oh silly, you get more than just juice and headpats!! After I'm done pushing you to your limits and frying your brain as best I can, I'll make sure to wrap you up in some blankets and give lots of cuddles if you're still feeling touchy. If not touchy, we can just lay next to each other and listen to our soft breathing <3
- 💗
I cannot be coherent about this I am sorry
but um. yes. please. I am actively inviting you to melt my brain into mush and then give me cuddles. I’m ALWAYS touchy so cuddles YES
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flannelepicurean · 10 months
legit avoiding trying to be funny on the internet because i said/did something fucky yesterday in a haze of brain fog and then hardcore dissociated and randomly fell asleep and then spent all night with the brain zaps and some truly bizarre lucid nightmares and waking up doing that muffled screaming thing that i do when that happens and i had to get up at 4am because fuuuuuck that shit and i just don't fully trust my judgment rn.
i'm not even, like, being intoxicated/under the influence or anything, and i've actually been sleeping better and eating better and getting more exercise and feeling basically okay but not like...hypomanic or anything. just had a lil bit of stress happen during an estrogen spike. but if this is what happens when those two things collide...fuuuuuuck that shit. how am i supposed to live my life? :/
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i literally do not have in me to write about this fucking summary about 2001 (and also 1973). i do not fucking care
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minami-ff · 7 months
I Want My Kids to Have Your Eyes
Levi x Reader (fluff, sfw)
what a bold thing to say to your captain.
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Moonlight hung over the hill like a comforting blanket as you both reclined an arm’s length apart on the soft grass beneath, bodies sinking into the earth. The day had been relentless, a gruelling mission that tested every ounce of strength. Now, in the quiet aftermath, you two found solace gazing upward at the summit’s view, shimmering like scattered diamonds against the canvas of the night sky.
The shared stillness remained comfortable, before you posed a soft interruption to the quietude, "Captain, do you ever think about your future?"
Levi's eyes briefly left the constellations above, attention shifting to you. "Yes, it usually ranges from the next second to the next few months. Which area of land outside the walls to explore, how defensive operations should alter for the next month, which day certain intelligen-”
“Captain-” You interrupted, then hesitated, the vulnerability of the topic making your heart race. "I meant a peaceful future, like having a family, kids?"
Levi's brow furrowed slightly. The thought of it was unfamiliar, impossible. "In this war? That’s far-fetched," he remarked, gaze returning to the stars.
A subtle smile grew on your lips as scenarios played at the back of your mind. "I know, of course, but don’t you ever imagine it? A life after the war, a future where Titans are just stories we tell our children." Levi's expression softened, a fleeting hint of wistfulness in his eyes.
"Like sometimes I think if I had children, I’d take them to play by the oceans, make adorable lunch sets," you continued, "how beautiful they would look if they had your eyes…" Embarrassment started flushing up as you realised you rambled on way too far.
His eyes widened imperceptibly, caught completely off guard by your comment.
"WAIT, that didn’t come out right. I didn’t mean having them with YOU, of course... definitely not…" You trailed off, a splash of pink painfully obvious on your cheeks. Get yourself together y/n, what on earth are you saying to your captain?
“Ouch.” A flicker of disappointment crossed his features. Levi cleared his throat, seemingly caught in the unexpected turn of the conversation. "Well aren’t you very in objection to that idea." he snickered, hiding a trace of sorrow beneath his face.
“Nevermind, I’m sorry, please forget what I said." You apologised in the tense atmosphere.
But Levi didn't dismiss it. Instead, his mind seemingly remained lost in contemplation. "How will your children have my eyes, if they don't have my genetics?" Determined to disprove your faulty reasoning.
You chuckled nervously, "I just mean I hope they’ll be a pretty colour, and delicate shape, like yours."
Levi displayed a rare vulnerability in his expression. He had never given thought to the aesthetic of his eyes; they were simply a part of him, a feature he never considered noteworthy. This was the first time he had received a compliment about them, and it left him momentarily speechless.
"At this rate, my most optimistic guesstimate is that I’ll be slaying titans till I’m 60." You broke the awkwardness joking, "in that case I might not be able to have kids, doubt any man would still take my crinkled self on a date anyway."
"Why not?" Levi replied seriously, his voice a soft echo in the tranquil night. "I won't be even a tiny bit surprised if you're still this beautiful at 85."
A blood-bathed blush adorned your complexion, stomach filling with butterflies and warmth, brain connections zapping around - wondering if he really thought that way, or,
“you’re just saying that.”
Levi sighed, “in all your years of knowing me, when have I ever felt obliged to tell a white lie, Comrade?”
"Right…” You muttered, with all sorts of thoughts doing laps beneath your skull, trying to continue the conversation as level-headed as possible. “Perhaps I'll meet my first love at 99,” a giggle escaping your breath as you joked.
Unexpectedly, Levi's response carried a weight that belied the casual banter. "Well. I think people can be in love without being in a formal relationship. You could easily have your first love now."
Your gaze laid upon his side profile, slightly puzzled by his logic, "but how can you be in love with someone without holding hands, saying mushy things, and all that?"
His head turned towards you, a moment of silence filling the air with eyes drilling into yours, revealing a sincerity that tugged at your heart. "I definitely can."
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roseykat · 8 months
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TITLE: Some things are better left unknown
PAIRINGS: Bang Chan x Felix x reader
WARNING: minors DNI with this post or my blog. I create NSFW SKZ related content and I know I won't be able to regulate every single interaction with those posts so please do not engage with my work or page whatsoever.
SUMMARY: a threesome with Chanlix where you’re yet to discover a very sobering truth about the pair of them.
TAGS: explicit language, threesome, oral sex (f!reader receiving), porn with plot, use of the name 'baby girl' and 'angel', swearing, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex but protected anal sex, double penetration, big dick!Chan agenda, praise, slight body worship if you squint, kissing/making out.
A/N: Aussie line fucks hard, bye. (If there are mistakes, I will fix them. Currently running on v low sleep)
TAGLIST: @mal-lunar-28 @luneskies @queenmea604 @kibs-and-bits @kbitties @aaasia111 @fairy-lixie @dreamingaboutjisung
Milk, nori, rice, raw tuna, coffee, yoghurt, bread, and eggs. 
This was all Chan sent you to the supermarket for. All of which could have been easily picked up from the convenience store down the road. Maybe minus the raw tuna which has to be high grade since Chan wanted to make an attempt at onigiri for the first time. However, you would’ve saved an entire trip to the busy supermarket.
Not to mention, grocery shopping sucks in general. At least that is when you’re on your own. In your apartment that you share with your good friends Chan and Felix, two people are responsible for the shopping per week which rotates each time. 
If you’re with Felix, sometimes you both tend to muck around. Not to mention forgetting almost a quarter of things on the shopping list which ends in a stern lecture from Chan. On that matter, if you’re with Chan, it’s an in-and-out task at the store in less than ten minutes. 
Efficient and practically timeless.
Even though it’s no trivial matter, you manage to get through the pointless shopping before heading home to the apartment. These could’ve been picked up at the convenience store, you think to yourself again. A sigh leaves your lips as you unlock the door, bumping it open further with your hip as you slide your shoes off. 
“I’m back. Remind me to buy an umbrella next time-”
Your body freezes on the spot. The bag of items falls from your possession, collapsing onto the floor. Something inside it broke but it’s nowhere near enough a distraction for what is in front of your eyes. 
Maybe you need your vision checked because if your eyes weren’t deceiving you, then you wouldn’t have just seen Chan and a topless Felix who are both making out. The two of them sat on the edge of the bed, still lip-locked until they caught onto your presence.  
For the few seconds you stood there, rooted to the ground, felt the absolute longest.
Neither of them was as internally panicked as you when they noticed you standing there. Nor did they have hundreds of questions zapping around their brains in the span of a few seconds. It was like your entire vocabulary had turned to dust and were blown away because there were no words to describe what the hell was happening. 
Maybe it was a dream. 
“T-That was quick,” Chan stammers with an awkward chuckle, breaking away from Felix, almost pretending like nothing just happened. 
Felix looked like a complete mess. Dark brown hair mangled - clearly from Chan either running his fingers through it or tugging it - the air gets stuck in your throat with those two theories in mind, painting very interesting visuals and an odd sensation in your stomach. 
Chan looked equally dishevelled. There’s a dark red splotch peeking above his collarbone that you had no trouble guessing how it got there. On top of that, his pants were already half undone, and his lips were bitten red and wet, and they both looked so…so…
“What…the fuck…” you manage to speak once your mind has cleared the only one per cent of its capacity to grasp the circumstances.
“It’s not what it looks like,” Felix quickly says as he stands up from Chan’s lap and walks over to you.
It was useless for him to try to take advantage of your shell-shocked state because once your surprise had completely thawed out, your words started coming back to you. 
“Oh my god, what am I even doing?” You ask, clamping your hands over your eyes, ready to head right back out of the apartment. “I’m heading out.”
“Wait!” Chan calls out, arm outstretched towards your direction. “You don’t…you don’t have to go. If you want, you can maybe join us. If…if you like.”
Join them? Blindsided by those words, there was no trouble for the difficulty you had in trying to figure out if you heard right or just imagined what Chan said. Why would he ask you that question? But more importantly, why were they hooking up in the first place? It was evident that there had been something going on between Felix and Chan - unless this was just a new one-time thing. 
However, even if it wasn’t, you had been left out of the secret. Nonetheless, you quickly came to your senses. Whether they hook up or not is none of your business. 
“J-Join you?” You stammer. 
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Chan emphasises. “It’d be rude to not let you in on the fun.” 
You definitely weren’t hearing things, and this wasn’t a dream. 
At first, you can’t understand why you’re even considering their request, but there is one piece of information that sprung to mind and that’s your sex life. It hasn’t been entirely sex-filled as you’d like it to be, not to mention your slight lack of experience with threesomes wasn’t vast - but it also wasn’t limited either, especially after that encounter you once had with two of their friends Changbin and Hyunjin on a separate occasion. Although, they didn’t need to know that at all. 
That being said, this takes the cake. You can’t even comprehend what Chan or Felix are like in bed but, the opportunity seemed too ridiculously hot to pass up. 
“You...you want me to-“
“Like Channie said, if you want,” Lix assures you, interrupting your babbling. 
You aren’t somewhat surprised that Felix would ever want a threesome. He’s had sexual partners here and there in the past, multiple ones at a time. However, Chan never struck you as the type to have sex with more than one person. Even after a year of living with him and getting to know him, he’s still pretty private and exclusive. 
With the matter at hand and the more you think about the prospect in front of you, you aren’t opposed to the idea. So with your brain taking full control of your body, you hesitantly step over the discarded groceries lying on the ground. This is happening. Felix picks up on the right cue and extends his hand out to you as you take it gently. 
He guides you over to the edge of the bed where Chan is still sitting, but as you’re led over, he rises to his feet. There were a few seconds where you’re a little bit bewildered by what’s going on, but when you look into Chan’s dark eyes and as he takes your free hand, you become more centred.
Before you know it, he leans down to kiss you and kisses you good. You’ve never felt anything like it and as Felix releases your hand and sneaks behind your body, your mind starts turning into jelly. He gently swipes your hair to the other side of your shoulder while his other hand freely roams around your waist, underneath your shirt to feel the heat of your skin. His mouth places chaste kisses from your shoulder up to your neck. 
It feels so heavenly to be sandwiched between them; Felix kissing, biting softly over your skin while Chan continues to explore your mouth. It was impossible to think that just a few minutes ago, you were at the grocery store and now a complete world shift just seems to be occurring within that time frame. 
Chan breaks away from you for a second, kissing you tenderly one last time before sitting back down on the bed and moving up to the headboard. God this is really happening. You’re too deep in it now to not follow him like a lost, yet obedient puppy. You can see that he’s hard and want to touch him so badly but-
“Sit between me and face towards Felix,” he instructs before you can even reach for him. 
Your cheeks burn. While you have no idea what’s entirely in store, your body is getting excited and very obviously, so is Felix. He crawls over to you once you’re snug in between Chan’s legs before he tugs your shirt up from the hem and tosses it aside. Then, he finds your lips and kisses you until you have to silently beg and chase him for it.
Squirming in place, you feel hot and subjugated by Chan sitting behind you - snaking and trailing his hands around your now half-bare body, and Felix in front of him, who’s now gone on to give his supposed man some attention too.
He’s up on his knees with his body so close to you that you can feel the heat from him. Chan tilts his head up from resting on your shoulder and lets Felix take what he wants. The slick wet sounds of them both kissing along with the tiny moans you can feel in your ear, makes you shiver all over. You’re only still comprehending this all, that this is still actually happening. 
“So needy,” Chan says as he breaks away from him, inches away from his face when Felix hears and feels you unbuckling his belt. He straightens back up and consumes how flustered you are, observing the way you blink up at him pleadingly, displaying how badly you want it now. 
Felix smirks, gently grabbing your face with one hand and lowering down just enough to kiss you senseless again. But he cannot stray away from his other plans so frees himself from your lips to help slide your pants off down and discards them to the side. 
Immediately, you can see where this is going. 
“Aw, look how bad you want it,” Felix comments, swiping his thumb over the damp spot of your underwear with enough pressure for you to muffle a whine by biting down on your lip. You do want it bad and already seem to be losing a fight to the pleasure Felix is barely giving you. 
“Don’t tease her too much,” Chan cautions. 
Felix doesn’t seem to hear the warning for him as he helps you shimmy your underwear down. From there, Chan takes over. He hooks both of his legs over yours and separates them to not just expose you for Felix but to hold you down for what’s about to unfold. 
Heat accelerates through your cheeks as you feel embarrassed. At this point, your brain hasn’t caught up with the fact that you never show this much skin, let alone any skin in front of either of them. But that was going to be an afterthought for you when Felix distracts your mind by gently prying your legs open from your bent knees.
Pathetic whimpers slip past your lips as Felix lies down on his stomach, his face inches away from your pussy while he pets and glides his two fingers in between your folds. 
Your head shoots back onto Chan’s shoulder, very narrowly missing his face, “f-fuck…oh my god.”
Without warning, you feel the tip of Felix’s tongue lap a few times over your clit. If it weren’t for Chan acting as a human restraint to hold you down, there would’ve been a solid chance of you lurching forward. His arms are still wrapped around your abdomen, preventing you from moving forward so that you can take what Felix is giving you. 
It’s cruel, but Chan thinks it’s necessary for you to feel everything. Which you do when your hands grip each of Chan’s thighs, nearly squashing him backwards between you and the wall. 
“How does it feel?” he asks you. 
“F-Felix, mmm-” you breathe out his name, unable to answer properly and feel some vibrations from Chan’s chest to suggest that he was chuckling. Mainly at the fact that you weren’t able to directly answer his question. 
But it’s not long until the room quickly fills with your whimpers and moans mingled with the beautiful wet sounds as Felix keeps eating out your pussy. Tingly sensations spread like wildfire throughout every cell in your body from his mouth. It’s gradually becoming impracticable to keep up with his tongue. Not that you’ve ever imagined it before, but he does give good oral, good enough to put your breathing pace out of whack when he sucks on your clit. 
He’s not afraid of enjoying himself either. You can hear and feel his moans reverberate throughout your lower half. It even adds to the sensation of bliss that’s forming a knot in the pit of your stomach. So even though you don’t know, this is as good for Felix as it is for you. To him, it’s like going to heaven. 
What you also didn’t seem to know was when Chan unclasped your bra from behind your back and placed it to the side. His hands went from just holding you to now groping and playing with your tits as your body continued to melt into Felix’s mouth. 
“You’re loud aren’t you?” Chan whispers in your ear, rolling both of your nipples in between his thumbs and fingers to make you mewl and squirm. The different methods of pleasure send interesting messages to your brain that only make that crest of ecstasy build higher. 
You can only mewl until coherent words appear in his brain and out through his mouth, “s-sorry.”
Felix’s head game is so ridiculously mind-blowing that it makes you forget what language you speak.
Chan chuckles, purring into your ear, “don’t be sorry. You just can’t help it can you?” 
His hand circles up to your jaw, tilting it towards his face. He confirms in his mind how much of a mess you are. Cheeks stained pink with a fucked up expression that reads ‘I need more’, to which Chan reaches down and kisses you, sloppy and lazy. 
The velvety feel of your mouth when you open up more is slick with warmth. It’s starting to become more obvious how close you are when you start moaning repeatedly into Chan’s mouth. 
“I’m going to fuck you after this,” he breaks away, just inches from his lips again. 
You never would’ve guessed that Chan was even capable of forming such a dirty sentence. Then again, you never would’ve guessed that you would ever be in the position that you’re in now - having a threesome with your two housemates. 
“I’m…you’re gonna make me cum,” you sob, turning your head towards Chan on his shoulder, almost as if you were trying to escape the expansion of euphoria. He couldn’t help but kiss your forehead, waiting for you to brace for that wave. 
“Yeah?” Chan rouses. “Want to cum for us baby girl?”
You nod, too helpless to form an answer when you’re on the cusp of a forceful orgasm. He underestimated the strength he needed to hold you down, especially when you’re about to cum. So just when he needed to add more force, your body stiffens. Your legs so desperately crave to clamp around Felix’s head to help triage the pleasure, but it’s no use when Chan has you completely locked in. 
Your eyelids flutter, head pressing back further into Chan’s shoulder, “yes! I’m cumming!” 
With ragged, heavy breathing, the all-consuming pleasure takes you by the throat as the pleasure surges without control. Even though you’re being held down, it doesn’t stop your body from quivering. It lasts for what feels like an entire minute – one of the best orgasms you think you’ve ever experienced. 
Felix’s tongue slows down to a snail's pace, licking a few final stripes before kissing his way up your body, from your clit, abdomen, and then up to the base of your throat. His chin glistens as he adorns a smug smile. 
“Fuck…” you sigh out defeatedly, the aftermath of experiencing a volume of pleasure was starting to take its toll. “Oh my god.”
Chan kisses the side of your head, “sound so beautiful when you cum. Lix, switch with me so I can fuck her, yeah?”
“Wait-“ you pause, trying to reorient yourself as you hold onto Chan’s forearm for support. “I wanna ride you.” 
Felix looks down at you, “you sure angel? Channie isn’t exactly small.” 
From that statement alone, it was obvious to you that Felix was speaking from experience, a strong indication that they had in fact mucked around at least once in the past if not multiple times. But it didn’t matter if Chan or Felix for that matter was packing twelve inches, you needed to have something inside you to tame that need of feeling full. 
“I want to ride you-“ you nod to Chan – “but I want you to fuck me at the same time-“ you indicate towards Felix.
Neither of them expected you to be into that. Then again, they didn’t necessarily expect you to join them in bed either so anything was a surprise to them at this point. Chan and Felix can’t deny how insanely hot it is to hear you not only ask for them to do something but specifically ask you to do that. 
“Are you sure baby?” Chan has to ask you for assurance. 
“I can…I can take both of you.”  
Still stunned at your answer, Felix ushers to Chan, “you heard her.” 
He cannot lie and say that he’s not excited, because he is – they both are. So while Felix goes into the bedside table for a condom and lube, you move yourself off of Chan, turn around and start unbuckling his belt and helping him take his jeans off, almost like you’re in a rush. The imprint of his hard dick is enough to make your mouth water, and as Felix said, Chan definitely isn’t small. 
“Easy, I’m not going anywhere,” he chuckles, reorienting himself on the bed so that his head is on the pillow.  
Felix returns with the items he needs to help prep you, taking it as a sign to straddle over Chan’s legs and slowly tug his black boxers down. His cock springs onto his abdomen, the dark pink tip reaching just under his belly button. He had to be at least eight inches. Maybe just under, just.
“Ready angel?” Felix asks, kneeling behind you as you straddle Chan. The position would allow you to not only ride Chan but to take Felix from behind too, a dream so delicious that you can’t help but wonder how it was still all possible. 
“Yes,” you mutter. 
“Okay then,” he replies. 
Chan then holds the base of his cock steady for you, watching you slowly take those eight inches. The tip of his dick gently slots into your pussy, taking your time with sinking down. The warm heat engulfs his length, already sending shockwaves throughout his lower half. 
“That’s it, baby,” Chan says encouragingly, his fingertips delicately massaging over the skin of your things. “Good girl.”
You bite down on your bottom lip at the extraordinary stretch. In the meantime, Felix squirts a dollop of the lube onto his fingers to warm it up a bit before applying it to your hole.
He thumbs over it, sending shivers up your spine. It’s vital to him to make sure that you’re prepped well for him to fuck your ass. So he starts small by slowly inserting the tip of his finger, before gradually using slow yet long strokes, enough to make your head loll back. 
Felix has to express in awe when he sees the result of your efforts to fully envelope Chan’s length, “look at that. You took all of him, angel.” 
You know very well that you have because you can feel him in places that other men in your past haven’t reached. The stretch still sings a bit but it could easily be confused with the gorgeous satisfaction of Chan filling you right out. 
“So…big,” you strain out, scratching your nails down Chan’s abdomen, almost like a cat, just not as painful. 
Meanwhile, as Felix has slowly been stretching your hole out with his fingers, he uses his teeth and his free hand to peel the foil back of the condom packet. He had already freed himself from his jeans when he went to reach for the lube beside the bed so was hard and ready to roll the condom down his cock.   
“M’ready Lix,” you say to him, unable to see the smile you brought to his face from how eager you are. 
“I know baby, just one second,” he replies before aligning his cock with your hole. 
Very carefully and slowly, he starts pushing his tip in. Your eyes flutter shut, steadying your breathing in the process in preparation to take all of him as well. Chan rubs up and down your arm, distracting you from the temporary sting. With the lube doing its job, Felix can continue to push in at a leisurely pace right until he has the majority of his cock wrapped up by you. 
“Doing so well Y/N,” Chan says reassuringly. “Just stay like this for a bit until you’re ready to move yeah?” 
You nod, allowing your body and muscles to relax and ease into the pleasure that’s starting to fade out the burn. It’s difficult to comprehend a fuller feeling than this; to have two cocks stuffed in you to the hilt, and after a few moments of getting used to it, you slowly start to move. 
“Mmm, yes fuck,” you sigh with satisfaction, using your hands on Chan’s abdomen to steady your body as you being to move your hips. “You both…feel so fucking good inside me.”
Your words were difficult for Felix to not listen to who was trying to ward off from thrusting for a little bit until you were comfortable with him starting to fuck you. It wasn’t until your movements became a bit quicker that he began to catch up to your pace. Very quickly did the room turn into a space brimming with moans, wet sounds, and the sound of skin slapping. It was plenty to add to the intense sensation you were hurtling towards.  
Chan’s eyes are fixated on watching your pussy swallow his cock with every long stroke you take on him, “oh my god.”
With his tank top still on, Chan lifts it by the hem and holds onto it with his teeth. It wasn’t just to make sure that your hands weren’t going to be slipping on him as you use his abdomen to support yourself when you rock down, but it was also to restrict a whole bunch of moans that were about to rip through his chest. But even that couldn’t put a lid on the groans and growls rumbling from him. 
“Taking us both so well angel,” Felix says exasperatedly in your ear. 
His deep yet velvety voice has you leaning back slightly so that half of your back is pressed against his chest. With the help of you turning your head towards his face, Felix’s mouth crashes onto yours, almost tasting the remnants of yourself from before. He kisses you passionately, moaning into your mouth like he’s going to die if he doesn’t. 
“Fucking perfect,” he growls, diverging from your mouth to dive into your neck to suck a few hickies in and groping your tits from behind. “Can’t get enough of you dammit.” 
You sob out as he pinches your nipples, but also when Chan reaches down to your pussy, finds your clit and begins to rub in perfect motions, “god – fuck, I can’t…s’too much!” 
Their cocks hit spots so phenomenally that each time they stroke over them, your holes involuntarily clench around them. Not to mention the total stimulation they were feeding you. 
Felix’s hips haven’t faltered since they started pumping forward into your ass. The upward curvature of his cock seemed to be scratching the part of your brain that is responsible for making your eyes roll back. Chan’s dick on the other hand had you shaking. The length and girth were sickeningly satisfying. 
“Not gonna last,” you whine, still keeping up the same pace when you rock down on Chan and feel Felix continue to thrust in and out. “So close…” 
The hem of Chan’s shirt is long gone from his mouth, already given up on trying to suppress whatever was going to come out, “gonna cum for us again, huh? Such a good girl, taking us both at the same time.” 
Chan couldn’t lie either, but he was close a long time ago, probably the second you decided that you wanted to ride him. Felix happened to be on the same page. He couldn’t get over this entire situation, finding it so fucking hot that even just a dream of it would be a blessing. 
Words start to slip away from your brain once more. Aside from your orgasm swimming towards an astronomical high, you try to cling to that amazing feeling before it eventually disappears. But all good things come to an end. Your nails dig into Chan’s thighs while Felix has one arm barred just under your chest as the other hand doesn’t let up on your nipple. It throws your pace off balance and staggers your breathing when you start reaching that very pinnacle of euphoria. 
“Yes! Fuck, I’m cumming!” You scream out. 
Your thighs clamp around the frame of Chan’s lower half, shaking and shivering in place as the pleasure reaches its apex. Felix didn’t let up on his pace, fucking you all through your orgasm as Chan replaces your motions by fucking upwards and into you. Both of your holes spasm and contract around their dicks, enough to actually make them cum by the time you’ve reached the height of your orgasm. 
“I’m gonna cum, holy fuck, s’too good,” Felix’s head rests on your back, watching his cock disappear in and out of you before he starts to bust inside of the condom. His fingernails brutally dig into your hips when he cums. 
Your moans easily fill up the room once more now that you have no choice but to succumb to the euphoria when your orgasm hits its hardest. Chan’s head tips back further into the pillow, eyes screwed tight shut as he’s hit with a tsunami of pleasure. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he exclaims loudly, his chest heaving up and down as he spills inside of you. He’s lucky that he did because as the pleasure reached a point where it was too much for you to bear, you slowly lean forward towards Chan, their cocks sliding out of you in the process. 
On each exhale your body shudders, like the surges of aftershocks while the pleasure slowly plateaus. From this angle, Felix can still see you contracting, watching Chan’s cum leak from your pussy. If he wasn’t so fucked out, he would’ve had the energy to eat you out again. 
In saying that, he is the first to recover and come to his senses a bit faster than either you or Chan. He takes the condom off, ties it, and discards it in the rubbish bin in the corner of the room before putting his boxers back on. Meanwhile, you’re still panting trying to catch your breath, resting on top of Chan’s body, you feel his hand run soothingly up and down your spine. 
“Such a good girl for us,” he says caringly. “Felt so good.”
Felix sits beside you both at the top of the bed. He cards a gentle hand through your hair, observing your distant expression, “you there baby?” 
You blink up at him and nod, your brain still trying to process that sort of orgasm. 
“When you’re ready, we’ll get you cleaned up yeah?” He smiles softly down at you. 
As the minutes ticked by, Felix lent you a helping hand to stand up when you were ready. Even though you were wobbly on your feet, he still guided you to the bathroom and ran a nice hot shower. Both Felix and Chan joined you in a bid to make sure you knew that they were there, dousing you with as much praise as an individual could get – and they meant every word. 
When you were ready to hop out, Chan fetched you one of his warm jerseys and placed it straight over your body before telling you to hop in his bed while he went to gather up the towels and clothes from the bathroom. Just as he was picking up the last items, Felix caught him right as he was about to walk out. 
“She okay?” Chan asks him. 
Felix nods reassuringly, “out like a light.”
“Alright then,” he sighs contently. “She’ll probably be asleep for the rest of the day.”
“Mm,” he hums, staring at a space just to the side of Chan who picks up on the subtle behaviour. 
“Is there something wrong?” Chan asks as a slight concern balloons in his chest. 
“When are you going to tell her?” Felix asks. 
Chan stares at him, trying to figure out what he means, “tell her what?” 
He rolls his eyes and chuckles, “that you like her, idiot. That we like her.” 
That had been a distant thought for Chan for some time. The possibility of that ever working out between the three of you seemed like a long shot. You only all slept together. There was no depth to it other than that even though deep down, Chan would’ve liked it to be for the sole purpose that he likes you. But it’s not just him.
It’s also the one standing at the doorframe, staring right back at Chan; Felix. 
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nomazee · 2 months
how about.. 4:44am & dr. ratio? 🫡
AUGHH THANK U GWEN i lvoed writing ths..... first time writing dr ratio be gentle on my fragile soul
my 1k event!
When Doctor Veritas Ratio walks into his very-private, very-locked, very-secluded study, he’s greeted with the unfortunate sight of you—sitting on the floor, an easel with a wide canvas set up low to the ground, oil paints sprawled absolutely everywhere. 
“What the hell are you doing?”
A sheepish smile pulls at your face, as if a sweet expression will get you out of the mess you’ve made of Ratio’s personal space. It’s far too late— late? Too early? Regardless. The hour of the night-slash-morning that you’ve decided to paint in his room is not appropriate at all. 
“I can explain,” you say, followed by a complete lack of an explanation as the two of you stew in silence for another half a minute. 
“Why are you even awake at this hour?” Ratio scoffs, stepping around you and your hazardous art set-up as he places some irrelevant stack of books on his (thankfully untouched) desk. “You should’ve been in bed a long time ago. Soon you’ll experience delirium from lack of sleep.” 
“Oh, please,” you argue, swatting a hand in his general direction playfully as you turn back to your canvas. It’s full of nauseating color, clear shapes and lines that don’t blend together in the slightest, vague animal-like forms that overlap with each other. “You’re awake too, aren’t you? Unless I really did hit delirium, and you’re just some Veritas-ghost floating around in my subconscious.” 
Ratio does not get a kick out of your very funny joke. An annoyed huff escapes him, tainted with something like weariness and exhaustion. Your eyebrow twitches. 
“And to answer your first question,” you prattle on, mindlessly scrubbing dried paint from the side of your hand with a wet rag, before picking up a fan brush, “I’m painting. This room is really well-ventilated, which is nice, because it would be a shame if all the fumes got to my head and zapped away my few remaining brain cells.” 
That one gets a laugh out of him, probably because it’s at the expense of your own intelligence. 
“There are a hundred other rooms that are exactly the same as mine,” he argues, finally turning away from his pointless shuffling of materials on his desk and facing you, looking at you while he talks to you—you know, like a normal person would. “There was no reason to infiltrate my own private study for your… painting. The door was locked, too. How did you—” 
“Don’t ask silly questions, Veritas,” and you like the way each consonant of his name clicks against your lips and teeth and tongue, “I have my ways. Does it bother you that I’m defiling your good room with my frivolous fine arts endeavors?” 
“Ridiculous,” his face screws up in displeasure at your assumption that he’d be so elitist to deny you of your passion. He walks around your spread of supplies again, carefully, before kneeling by your side to watch you work. As much as he’s loath to admit, you’re one of his few soft spots, and it shows in the way he traces the lines of your paint with his gaze, and the fact that he has yet to kick you out of his room. “The humanities are just as important as any other field.” 
“Spoken like a true scholar,” you quip, trying to hold back the shakiness of your hands and the swaying of your body. It really is too late for this, but you’d slept through the day and felt much too awake by midnight. Setting up camp in Ratio’s room was a natural instinct. 
“Go to bed,” he says, commanding yet gentle as he tugs a paintbrush from your hand. He doesn’t touch your hands, never really does, but he’s gathering your scattered, wrung-out tubes of paint and the little containers of linseed oil hidden under the easel. “It does neither you nor your artwork any good to be exhausted.” 
“I’m not even tired!” you complain, dragging out your words in a whine as he nudges you with his foot in a wordless command to stand up. There’s something like a cot in the corner of his room (because he does sleep, sometimes, and often it’s between textbooks and files and loose leaf paper) and a cozy patterned blanket that’s definitely yours. 
“You will be tired the second your head hits the mattress.” 
“This is a really awful mattress, Ratio.” 
“Don’t complain,” and his tone is harsh but you know he doesn’t mean it, because he’s pushing you back onto the little sleeping corner and tucking you into the blanket, nothing short of kindness in his hands. “You still have to clean your mess in the morning.” 
Sure, you think, already drifting off. By the time you wake up, you know that your mess will be packed away in a neat pile, floor wiped clean and canvas propped safely against the wall.
gen taglist: @tragedy-of-commons @lasiancunin
fill out my event taglist (pinned) or my general taglist (navigation) to be tagged in upcoming works!
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sarnianightlive · 2 years
stage 2/3 reports my beloathed
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xzaddyzanakinx · 4 months
Study Buddy pt 2
Stepdad!Anakin Skywalker x femme reader
18+ MDNI
Warnings: heavy breeding kink, cheating, stepcest/inappropriate relationships, unprotected PiV, condescending/demeaning tone, manipulation, gaslighting, age-gap, medication/medication alterations, baby trapping, ddlg, innocence/purity kink, praise, reader is over 18
Info: reader acts more innocent/naive than they are, Anakin is just a little bit evil but in a kind of tee-hee he’s so cheeky way, trophy wife? yes please, princess treatment forever
🕊 dead dove do not eat 🕊
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“What?” You asked with your head in a confused tilt.
A blank look glazed over your face as you tried to connect the scattered dots. The post-haze of your orgasm was making your brain fuzzy, Anakin’s cock still buried in your puffy pink pussy wasn’t helping keep your train of thought on its track either.
“Wait. No I’m on birth control.” You shook your head and laughed, he must’ve forgotten.
“Oh, silly girl.” He tsk’d, his hands gripping your thighs. With a low and rumbling chuckle he began tracing slow circles around your bellybutton before slipping between your legs, his thumb teasing your swollen clit.
"You're mine now, aren't you?” He asked sweetly, accompanied by a little kiss to your forehead that had your heart fluttering.
“Anything I want you’ll give me… won’t you?”
“Anything?” You parroted back at him, glancing down to his hand between your legs. “It’s only fair, you do get me anything I want.”
“That I do princess.” He grinned. “Anything for my girl.”
Anakin's eyes bore into yours, a heated gaze of possession. He leaned closer, his breath hot against your neck, his lips brushing against your earlobe.
“My princess gets everything she wants… so it’d only be right if you gave me this one thing wouldn’t it?” He asked, kissing the softness beneath your jaw.
You couldn’t argue with that logic. That was a solid deal. One little request of his compared to the lifetime of spoiling he’d given to you… that was a steal. Besides, you’d always wanted to be a mother, it might as well be now shouldn’t it? Anakin loved you, you loved Anakin, and your mom always said- wait.
“But what about-“ You started.
“Shh, no don’t worry about anything else okay?” He silenced you with a kiss.
“I’ll take care of everything. Just like I take care of you princess.”
His lips trailed down your neck, his strong hand massaging the squishy flesh of your waist and rocking you on his half-hard cock.
“You want to be with me don’t you babydoll?” He breathed out.
“Of course I do Ani.” You whispered, unable to think clearly, not that it would matter if you could.
“That's a good girl." He praised, sucking lightly before biting down ever so slightly, drawing out a moan from you. His hand moved lower, massaging and rubbing your ass cheek, squeezing and kneading gently.
“You trust me don’t you sweetheart?”
“Uh-huh.” You nodded, starting to slide up and down his cock as it grew harder inside your cum-coated walls.
“And you know I only do things to make you happy, keep you safe… only ever things that are good for you right?” He asked while pinching and rolling your clit between his thumb and forefinger, the one little movement sending a *zap* straight to your brain.
“I know Ani.” You mumbled, leaning in to kiss him.
He chuckled, smoothing your hair from your pretty face, peppering your soft skin with sweet chaste kisses.
“N’ you trusted your daddy enough to help you with your medicine every night didn’t you?” He asked, slowly moving you both so that you laid flat on your back with your lower half held up by his muscled arms.
“Yeah I did- do I mean.” You nodded, eyes fluttering shut while your bottom lip was trapped between his teeth. The change of position was a heavenly new angle. His massive palms on each ass cheek, keeping your lower half suspended so he could kneel between your legs.
“Yeah you do don’t you pretty girl?" Anakin chuckled, his voice rich and deep.
“Cause you’re alittle forgetful right?” He teased, and you nodded with a giggle.
“So my girl didn’t even notice when I stopped giving her that little pill huh?” He cooed, not giving you time to think before sucking his thumb and covering it in spit to swipe over your hardened nipples.
“N-no I didn’t.” You gasped, eyes rolling back in your head at the dizzying stimulation.
“That’s right baby. Just another reason for you to let me take care of you right sweetheart?” He said, his voice honey smooth.
“Y-yeah Ani.” You nodded. He was right. You could hardly keep up with your own things, let alone remember to do something like taking your medicines. You couldn’t even do your homework by yourself, you needed him, he took care of you.
"That's a good girl." He praised, his hand moving back to support your weight as he began to thrust harder into you, his hips slapping against yours in a rhythmic beat.
"Open your eyes and look at me." His command broke through your haze of pleasure, and you did as he asked.
"Isn’t it nice? Knowing it’s all taken care of for you?" He asked, his breath coming out in short, ragged gasps.
You felt your stomach tighten up, your hands smacking the carpeted floor and searching for something to hold onto. “Y-yeah Ani… I- I think I’m gonna- oh gods.”
“I know baby, I know.” He said, low and soothing as he rocked into you.
“You need me to make you cum don’t you?” He smiled softly. “I will doll, don’t worry. I’ll take care of you in every way. Always.”
“Treat you just like the princess you are m’kay?” He moaned, his forehead resting on yours as you whined and wrapped your legs around his waist, crossing your ankles to rest just above his ass. “Gonna fuck you full alright baby?”
“Gods… please?” You whined, nodding your head. “I want you to… please I want your cum.”
“Damn right you do.” He groaned, a triumphant grin on his lips.
“Gonna make you the prettiest little mommy.” His hips stuttered, resuming his previous quick circling of your clit with his calloused thumb. “that’s it, come on sweetheart I feel it. I know you wanna cum don’t you?”
“Yes!” You cried out, back arching, legs shaking as you squeezed his cock, your pussy fluttering.
"That's it baby girl." Anakin growled, his grip on your hips tightening as he pounded into you harder, faster. "Cum for your daddy."
His cockhead slammed against your G-spot relentlessly, the thick tip brushing against every ridge along the way.
"You're so fucking tight, so goddamn tight." Anakin groaned, his eyes glazed over with lust as he neared his own climax. “Like I’m fuckin’ a vice when you squeeze me like that baby.”
“Fuck. God you’re so fuckin’-“ He cut himself off with a low groan, his hips flush to yours “take my cum baby, damnit”
You felt his cock twitch, leaking hot semen deep inside you, rope after rope painting your walls a creamy white.
Anakin’s breath was shaky as he rocked into you slowly, like he was trying his damndest to massage every bit of his essence into your used and abused cunt.
“You’re so pretty.” He breathed out, looking down at you with a crooked grin. “you know that? All red in the face, panting, cute little fucked out cunt…” He let out a chuckle.
“You feeling okay doll?” He asked, gently swiping some drool from the corner of your mouth with his thumb and bringing it to his mouth to lick off.
“M’ feeling perfect.” You sighed, too exhausted to move.
“Good.” He laughed. “I need you to stay right here okay? Don’t move.”
He slowly slid out, dripping cum and juices onto the floor beneath you. Taking great care in propping up your hips with a few pillows. He slipped his boxers back on and patted your tummy before walking to the kitchen.
“You gotta lay just like that for at least 30 minutes okay? Gotta make sure all that hard work sticks don’t we?” He teased.
You giggled, blissful and giddy in your after-orgasm glow. Anakin came back with a water for you, helping you prop yourself up on your elbow to take a sip.
“Here, you need one of these everyday now okay?” He showed you a large bottle of gummy vitamins. “You go ahead and take one now, I know you’re picky. So let’s see if you like these ones and if not I’ll get you some different ones.” He smiled, popping one of them into your mouth.
They were a bit tangy, but overall not terrible. You gave him a thumbs up and swallowed the rest of the vitamin before letting yourself collapse back onto the floor. Thankful that you were naked and equally thankful Anakin had the forethought to turn on the overhead fan when he’d gotten up.
“Do you need anything doll?” Anakin asked sitting down near your head and picking it up gently to rest on his thigh, carding his fingers through your hair.
“Mmm… no.” You sighed, leaning into his loving touch. One hand of yours reaching above and behind your head to run your fingers along his bicep.
“Alright sweet girl. You just relax okay?” He beamed down at you, pride etched in every line on his handsome face.
He flipped on the Tv, searching through the different channels until he settled in a shared favorite of yours. A true crime drama, The First 48.
“Oh hell yeah this one’s new.” He said setting the remote to the side.
‘Oh that’s nice.’ You thought as you turned your head to watch along with him. ‘They usually only show new episodes at 5:00… 5:00?’ Your eyes flew open.
“Wait…” You thought for a second, looking over at the clock. “Moms gonna be home in like 10 minutes Anakin!”
“Huh, would you look at that.” He said calmly, a tiny smirk curling his top lip as he heard a car door slam shut. “I think she’s home early.”
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lovelyghst · 5 months
it should be criminal how könig switches so easily from edging his pretty girl to sobs and tears, to overstimulating her til she can’t think.
he'd be so tauntingly sweet with it, too, which is the worst part. you would even admit he knows you better than you know yourself, your own body, maturity and all. he knows your signs for how you're feeling, all of the tells that warn him you're close. how your chest begins to heave in short bursts, drawn out moans turning into small, consecutive, and absolutely desperate whines. smaller fingers digging into his scalp, trying your best to pull him back when he breaks contact but to no avail. he just finds it all to be so, so adorable.
he'll have you on your back, ensuring you're in your most comfortable state before even thinking of taking off your clothes. massaging your tense muscles, resting your head on a soft pillow before stripping you of his shirt you wore along with your shorts. sparing a moment to tease you over the fabric of your soaked, cotton panties, even tonguing its wetness before peeling them back to reveal your sweet, little pussy. he knows you're sensitive today when you wince at just the cold air alone, meaning this will be all the more fun for him.
“do you need a break?” he asks, which instantly zaps energy into you. a break is the very last thing you need when you’re so close.
“no—! no, please… wanna come, i- i need to come, please, könig...”
"awe, baby..." he deters his eyes for a moment to check his watch, tisking his tongue when he reads the little dial. "it has barely been twenty minutes. don't tell me you've already had enough, now."
"just wanna come," you beg and plead. "promise, just once and then you can do whatever you want."
his large and rough hand languidly rubs up and down your thigh, a seeming attempt to soothe you that really only gets you more worked up, making you huff out in frustration. "but you've lasted far longer than this before. thought you wanted to be good for me today... what has you tapping out so early, sweetheart?"
"...'m not tapping out," you mutter in a contesting tone, with that stubborn attitude of yours that always makes him smile.
his lips pull tight, a corner going upward. "so you want to continue?"
you wipe beneath your eye with the back of your hand to catch a fallen and skin-tickling tear, reluctantly nodding your head with a faint hum. throwing your head back against the pillow defeatedly, sulking along the way. usually he prefers to see your face, but he knows how overwhelmed you can get during these moments.
he coos to you proudly nonetheless: “that’s my strong girl.”
it hurts, but it hurts so fucking nicely when he's the one controlling it. it aches so wonderfully when you know that what's to come afterwards will be far more than rewarding, even if it makes you sniffle and stain your face and the pillow beneath you with tears.
and finally, finally… he allows you to finish against his tongue. he tells you to come, promising that it’s not another mean trick, and your body listens decorously. ears ringing and vision going blurry as your orgasm hits you harder than ever - because that's his goal, each and every time, to see if he can drag it on a bit longer than the last.
nothing beats the white noise in your brain, buzzing in your teeth and stars in your eyes whilst he watches you come undone, blown out hearts in his own gaze. every bit of it is addicting; the high you get from the overstimulation, how he keeps you on your toes and never knowing if the next time he audaciously makes-out with your messy cunt will be the last. the way you squeeze your thighs and lock him in but simultaneously try to squirm away. his favorite part is when you do somehow manage to escape his hold just to turn around and instantly begin apologizing profusely, begging him for forgiveness and more because that brain-melting stimulation is just too good.
and it’s all just so cute to him. your anger towards him, your drunken dumbness that sparks when he first shoves his tongue in you; he doesn’t like to think of himself as a sadist, but christ, would he be lying if he said the image of you all edged and fucked-out with a mushy brain doesn’t leave him so utterly satisfied with himself.
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pillowspace · 2 years
AYO drop fic recommendations
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Sun & Moon Fic Recs
Press the read more for recommended FNAF:SB fics with a major focus on Sun and/or Moon!
Current number of fics: 43
Last updated October 24th, 2023
To be updated (with announcement and by my own personal choice, please don't request fics to be added to the list. Recommending me fics to check out is allowed however!)
Word count and chapter count are only accurate so long as I update the list accordingly. Check the original for accuracy
If you are the author of a fic, you can ask your work be removed from the list. Everyone should be comfortable
No sm//ut
Table of Contents - 1. Animatronic Daycare Attendant Fics, 2. Other Roles or Species AU Fics, 2a. Other Roles, 2b. Other Species, 2c. Other Species (Mer), 3. Updates
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Animatronic Daycare Attendant Fics
Solar Lunacy by BamSara | @bamsara
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Sun/Reader, Moon/Reader, Moon/Sun/Reader, Glamrock Freddy & Reader, Glamrock Chica & Reader, Montgomery Gator & Reader, Roxanne Wolf & Reader
You weren't a technician, you weren't a security guard, you weren't a daycare assistant. You're just an employee. Staff. The ‘jack-of-all-trades’ employee with mediocre at best skills and specialty in none, tasked with doing miscellaneous jobs that robots couldn't do and human staff couldn't care to. The job is unpredictable, but it pays good and it's relatively easy.
Except for the part where all the animatronics are more sentient than you thought, and you're roped into a mystery surrounding the Daycare Attendants, who are bit too curious about you for your liking.
You don't think this was in your employee contact.
M | Words: 225,814 | Chapters: 16/?
Saturday Insomnia by BamSara | @bamsara
No Archive Warnings Apply, Sun/Reader, Moon/Reader
The animatronic tuts at you. “No, silly, not for us. For you.”
You raise an eyebrow.
Sun places one hand on his chest. “The Sun and the Moon, and…” He points to the shirt’s design, and then to you. “-and the Earth!”
It takes you a moment to process, but when it dawns on you, you fight back a snort unless you want to make an ungodly noise in the middle of the quiet thrift store. “Oh god. That’s corny. Like, REALLY corny. That should be a crime.”
Sun just hums and nods as you revel in his ‘genius’, arms reaching out to take the bundle of clothing you’ve been holding and carrying it for you. “There’s nothing wrong with the clichés. You’re just jealous because we’re as clever as ever.”
A comfort fic showing domestic life with the Daycare Attendants. Set somewhere in the future timeline for Solar Lunacy, but can be read stand-alone.
M | Words: 9,061 | Chapters: 1/1
copper cogs rusted through by Borashore | @paper-lilypie
No Archive Warnings Apply, Moon/Sun/Reader, Moon & Reader, Sun & Reader
A year after the fire, Fazbear Entertainment graciously announces its plans to reopen the grand Pizzaplex installment bigger and better than ever, causing a stir amongst everyone nation-wide, including your small, mundane town, set in the outskirts of anything modern, luxurious or relevant. As a mundane civilian of said town with other things to worry about, you barely wink an eye. Rent is a constant nuisance to meet, one of your jobs might get terminated, raising three siblings zaps both time and energy, and coming to terms with the fact you never grew up to be somebody in life becomes an impossibility every other day.
Nonsense like Fazbear Entertainment has never been something to think about.
That is… well, until you mistakenly bring one– sorry, two– of its titular characters home and add more problems to your list.
Can’t catch a break, can you?
M | Words: 37,458 | Chapters: 3/11
Twin Animatronics With Too Much Time on Their Hands by aug325, CephalonGhost | @dana-chan-the-control-brain @twinanimatronics
No Archive Warnings Apply, Moon/Sun/Reader, Moon & Sun, Moon & Reader, Moon/Reader, Sun & Reader, Sun/Reader, Daycare Attendant/Reader, Daycare Attendant & Reader
Takes place after the three-star princess quest ending where Sun and Moon are the only intact animatronic left.
Fazbear Entertainment decides to capitalize on that and try to make money off the daycare again by making the dual animatronic into two. Clearly no problems arise from this because robots can’t suffer mental or emotional trauma, right?
Sequel to: Lofi Beats to Capture Children to.
M | Words: 226,447 | Chapters: 26/?
Lofi Beats to Capture Children to by aug325 | @dana-chan-the-control-brain
No Archive Warnings Apply, Daycare Attendant/DJ Music Man, Moon & Sun, DJ Music Man & Moon, DJ Music Man/Moon, DJ Music Man & Music Man, Vanessa A. | Ness & Daycare Attendant, Vanessa A. | Ness & Moon, Vanessa A. | Ness & Sun, Vanny & Moon
The Daycare Animatronic was different from the Glamrocks. They didn't match the 80's austenitic, and their drastic shift in personalities.
Sun seems to be a nervous trainwreck who sobs to pieces if left alone for five minutes.
Moon seems intent on punishing anyone they deem a "rulebreaker"
And with Moon's inherent violent tendencies, it almost seems they were made with the intention of capturing intruders of the Pizzzaplex first, and being a Daycare Attendant second.
Who made these things? What kind of messed-up person was the guy who made them...
Why make the Daycare Attendant and the NightTime Security for the building the same animatronic?
It just doesn't make sense.
Moon was the head of security of the entire Pizzaplex at night. It was only natural they had to meet the 'bouncer' of the Dance Floor eventually.
(Or: A small stupid fic about Moon and DJMM becoming frens and goes into details of Sun/Moon's origin. The Glamrocks also appear and be frens. Eventual child death to come)
This is a Direct Prequel to "Twin Animatronics with too much time on their hands" So I recommend giving it a read <3
T | Words: 151,036 | Chapters: 16/?
Visions (Or Lack Thereof) by DeeplyJuniper, Glitched_and_Unnamed | @sleepyjuniper @azure-aura321
No Archive Warnings Apply, Moon & Sun, Daycare Attendant & Gregory, Glamrock Freddy & Gregory
This place is not like he remembered it. Neither is Sun; his brother seems panicked and shaky- and relieved to hear him.
To Moon, this all seems like some elaborate prank. One minute he was doing his job, watching over the children, and listening to Sun from their shared consciousness. The next, he opens his eyes to find the place he loved and cherished has fallen into disrepair. Abandoned. Rundown. His brother says it's been months.
He doesn't remember what happened in-between.
G | Words: 100,459 | Chapters: 14/?
Permission Slip by thedemonsurfer | @thedemonscrawler
No Archive Warnings Apply, Daycare Attendant & Gregory, Glamrock Freddy & Gregory, Gregory & Sun, Gregory & Moon, Moon & Sun
Gregory gets dumped off in the Daycare as a 'lost child'. When he shows back up after closing, convinced that the security guard wants to hurt him, Sun decides to do whatever is needed to help him escape the Pizzaplex. This turns out to be a much bigger ordeal than anticipated.
Freddy is on lockdown. Chica is eating garbage. Roxy is talking to herself. Monty is tearing apart anything that moves.
There is a rabbit in the Pizzaplex.
Something is wrong tonight.
T | Words: 165,760 | Chapters: 13/?
I see you, Sundrop! by ShiraCheshire | @shirajellyfish
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Moon & Sun & Original Character(s), Sun & Original Character(s), Moon & Original Character(s), Daycare Attendant & Original Character(s)
With nowhere else to go, Riley returns to the place they spent their childhood- Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. When they discover that something is very wrong with the animatronics, they're forced to take shelter in the Superstar Daycare.
Considering that their favorite hobby is analyzing and understand how animatronics work and think, Riley is thrilled at the chance to get to know the Daycare Attendant. Too bad everything had to go wrong first for them to get here. At least they're safe in the daycare, right? No health and safety hazards here in the Superstar Daycare absolutely none no siree.
AKA mostly a whole lot of playing with and getting to know Sun- As long as the lights stay on, anyway.
(Not a fan of longfics? Looking for something shorter but still satisfying? Chapter 11 and chapter 32 both work as early stopping points if you wish)
M | Words: 462,502 | Chapters: 103/?
404: Personal Space Not Found by CrazedAuthor | @crazedauthor
No Archive Warnings Apply, Moon/Sun/Reader, Sun/Reader, Moon/Reader, Daycare Attendant/Reader, Glamrock Freddy & Reader, Glamrock Chica & Reader, Roxanne Wolf & Reader, Montgomery Gator & Reader
Being an anxious mess one bright light from a breakdown wasn't easy, nor did it grant you many friends. Still, you were getting by as a hermit only leaving your apartment to go to class. That all changes when you start working at the Pizzaplex as a staff member. Working in close proximity to such advanced robotics? It was every future engineer's dream. Working for such high pay in this economy? It was enough to make a poor college student cry. Despite the change in routine, you're content to go through with it, thinking you'll blend into the background and disappear, never to be noticed by human or animatronic alike...
You thought wrong. The Daycare Attendants and the trouble that surrounds them will RUIN YOU.
T | Words: 81,109 | Chapters: 7/?
(it was, in reality, not fine.) by bones_of_a_rabbit | @bones-of-a-rabbit
No Archive Warnings Apply, Moon & Sun, Sun & Reader, Moon & Reader, Moon/Sun/Reader, Daycare Attendant/Reader
You're the new tech/repairman at the Fazbear Mega Pizzaplex, unfortunately. Your first task? To make the Daycare Attendant into two separate animatronics. It's an amazing opportunity, really, and there is nothing you love more than getting a chance to really work with such tech! The only bad part is that you don't know how to tell anyone that you just might be in over your head. (You are extremely in over your head.)
(Just a silly feel-good fic, AU where there is no Security Breach, no William, no murders, etc. Sun and Moon fall in love with you, a well-meaning but honestly naïve and easily-overwhelmed little dummy)
(BTW THE TITLE IS MEANT TO BE A RUNNING JOKE FROM THE FIC there isn't gonna b some big angsty plot twist. most likely)
G | Words: 99,238 | Chapters: 10/?
Ventura Highway by MadameMiz | @madamemiz
No Archive Warnings Apply, Moon/Sun/Reader, Sun/Reader, Moon/Reader, Moon & Sun
You are an idiot who, in the eyes of the law, just stole a multi-million dollar piece of AI animatronic technology from a highly controversial company.
Now a fugitive, you weigh your options, and with few choices available you decide going on the run is your best bet.
Time for a road trip.
T | Words: 28,356 | Chapters: 6/?
The Night Shift by Certified_Handler | @certified-handler
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Moon/Sun/Reader, Moon & Sun & Reader
You expected there would be plenty of changes when Fazbear Entertainment purchased the childcare facility where you work. What you didn't expect was everything that came after...
M | Words: 214,610 | Chapters: 44/44
(and when you speak) angels sing from above by ranchdiip
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Sun/Reader, Moon/Reader, Moon/Sun/Reader, Moon & Sun & Reader, Glamrock Animatronics & Reader, Glamrock Freddy & Sun
“Fine,” you spit. You’re still shaking, but the fear is mixed with anger now, a bitterness that follows all of life’s unfair balances. “Fine. Whatever. I won’t tell anyone that Fazbear is letting a criminal run free and paying for his treatments to boot. But what the fuck do you want me to do about this thing?”
“Work on it,” Margaret says. She doesn’t acknowledge your barb, probably for the better. It still burns you. “Figure out how you can decommission the Naptime Attendant without damaging the Daycare Attendant. It’s the Naptime’s that turned violent, and we can’t return the animatronic to the public until it’s gone.”
“You want me to get rid of the half that saved a little girl,” you scowl.
“I want you to get rid of the half that put a man in the hospital.”
“I’m not a software engineer, Mag.”
“You are, now. If anything happens to you, tell me. You know I’ve got your back here.”
You’re starting to wonder if that’s true.
Last week, the recently debuted Daycare Attendant put a man in the hospital. Corporate has decided it's your problem, now.
M | Words: 30,251 | Chapters: 6/?
First They're Sour, Then They're Sweet! by lunargalaxies | @smallergalaxies
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Moon & Reader, Moon/Sun/Reader, Sun & Reader, Moon/Reader
You’re one of a handful of night time security guards at the pizzaplex, and a certain animatronic has taken a…liking? to you. At least you think so, it's hard to tell when he almost never talks to you and just follows you around on your shifts. If it wasn't so creepy, you think it could actually be a little cute.
T | Words: 16,030 | Chapters: 10/?
Our Orbit is Elliptical by Sycopomp | @sycopomp | in association with @madame-mongoose
No Archive Warnings Apply Sun/Reader, Moon/Reader, Moon & Sun, Moon & Sun & Reader
The Daycare Attendant is very protective of his role in the Superstar Daycare; he was made for this job, after all, and he finds it insulting that management seems to think he needs help. They insist on saddling him with human assistants, over and over, no matter how many quit. Not that he does it intentionally, of course... but if they can't handle the stress, then perhaps they aren't fit to be working with children. Hmph.
You are the new Daycare Assistant at the Superstar Daycare! Despite some reservations, you're determined to do your best and prove-- mostly to yourself-- that you deserve to be here. You're inspired by Sun and the ease with which he gets along with the children, and you hope to impress him with your go-getter attitude and unflappable confidence! (Even if both of those things are about as flimsy as construction paper...)
aka: Sun is passive-aggressive to his new assistant, whom is so determined to do a good job that they're too oblivious to notice.
T | Words: 15,337 | Chapters: 1/?
Holding the World by StarvingMe | @anangelcalledinquisitor
No Archive Warnings Apply, Moon/Sun/Reader
You were new, dressed in your little uniform, jacket, slacks, collared shirt peeking out, plastic little nametag with your name scrawled in large, friendly letters.
(Pregnant Reader AU with Automatons)
M | Words: 99,699 | Chapters: 27/27
rises the moon by paris_23 | @paris-23
No Archive Warnings Apply, Moon/Reader
You hear a door creaking, but it isn’t enough to pull you from your spiraling panic, hardly even grasps your attention. It isn’t until you hear a bell jingle that you force your head up and your eyes open. And it’s… Moon. He’s standing in front of you, watching as you quiver and stare up at him, tears staining trails down your face.
He sits down next to you, criss-cross, not touching you but still close. His voice is raspy, just like always, but softer, quieter, as he says, “Poor thing, out here on their own. Should know not to wander in the dark alone, little lamb.”
Moon helps you through a panic attack
G | Words: 2,451 | Chapters: 1/1
Stare at the Abyss; It Might Look Back by characcoon | @characcoon
No Archive Warnings Apply, DJ Music Man & Sun, Moon & Sun, Sun & Reader, DJ Music Man & Reader, Glamrock Freddy & Gregory, Sun/Reader, Moon & Reader
You blink at the offended new light source aimed at the far wall of the pit, flickering constantly and making your eyes hurt. You smack it in your palm until the batteries move back in place and the light stops flickering. You point it up and down the well again, considering your options of going forward or going home, putting all the cards at the table so you can make a decision.
Turning around, wanting to pace for a bit since it helps you think better, you're greeted with a whole thing standing right behind you.
The color quickly drains off your face and you get cold, holding your breath for dear life as the light from your torch illuminates a face. Round like a dinner plate, singed and cracked, with a Cheshire smile stretched from one side to the other, black eyes that seem to suck the light out of the torch, framed by a shredded, poorly patched up blue hood. You don't feel like moving the light or your eyes away from the animatronic, so you can’t see the state of the rest of its body yet.
The thing isn’t moving. Neither are you.
T | Words: 27,900 | Chapters: 11/?
Don’t spare your gaze by acrylicArtsy | @inazumaneko
No Archive Warnings Apply, Moon & Sun
With a huff, the daycare attendant sat up fluidly, and began heading to the sink to wash off what glue he could.
He was halfway there when the smell had hit him.
At first, he was confused. His systems halting, trying to place what this new thing was. He was getting multiple results at once, and it was almost dizzying how quick the sensory notifications came:
Barbecue, fireplace, fireworks, chimney,
What was happening? Why did he sense smoke? What could be causing this?
Fire. below. MOVE.
Or: Sundrop realizes the building is on fire, escapes, and tries to figure out his purpose in the big scary world.
(Active updates)
T | Words: 45,671 | Chapters: 14/?
To Err Is Human by TheNerdyBirdy14 | @birdy-boogaloo
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Moon & Sun, Moon/Sun/Original Character(s), Moon/Sun/Original Male Character(s), Moon/Sun/Reader, Daycare Attendant/Original Character(s), Daycare Attendant/Reader, Glamrock Animatronics & Original Character(s), Glamrock Chica & Original Character(s), Montgomery Gator & Original Character(s), Glamrock Freddy & Original Male Character(s), Roxanne Wolf & Original Character(s)
Jack Harley just wanted a nice, simple job that paid well. He was sick of working two other jobs to make ends meet. So when Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex began looking for someone to manage the Daycare area, he leapt on it. It was just a little mechanical work and playing with kids, right? Shouldn't be too hard.
But there's something going on under the surface: animatronics with way more intelligence than they should have; secrets that come out when the lights go down; and to top it off, a virus with a vengeance infecting it all.
Is there a way to fix it all? Or will he be another victim broken by the company's dark past?
//OC-centric, slow burn romance, giving the animatronics the happy ending they deserve, plot fixes, short chapters\\
M | Words: 87,171 | Chapters: 16/?
Celestial Syzygy by Pterolem | @echoingkarma
No Archive Warnings Apply, Moon/Reader, Sun/Reader, Moon & Sun, Glamrock Freddy & Reader, Montgomery Gator & Reader, Glamrock Chica & Reader, Roxanne Wolf & Reader, Vanessa & Reader
You're the human staff of Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, and one of the only two you ever seem to see, there to be a comforting and familiar face for the guests... and just to do what you're told. At your side are several very tall animatronics who mostly want to help you settle in.
Good luck, reader, and please enjoy your time working for Fazbear Entertainment. Don't forget all those waivers you signed when you started working for us! And forget what you hear or see in the night; its not relevant to your job :)
M | Words: 70,541 | Chapters: 18/18
you move to dayshift but aren't paid any more, go figure by tuzesdays | @tuzesdays
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Moon & Sun & Reader, Moon/Sun/Reader, Daycare Attendant/Reader, Sun/Reader, Moon/Reader
You never, never wanted to be on dayshift. All those children running around, being loud and messy and eugh... but that's what corporate scheduled you for, and they're the ones that write your checks, so. You weren't expecting to get along with the daycare attendant, but that doesn't mean you want to stay on dayshift just to hang out with them.
Too bad you can't back out now.
T | Words: 121,367 | Chapters: 21/?
So(u)l by Strawbubbysugar | @strawbubbysugar
No Archive Warnings Apply, Daycare Attendant/Reader, Moon & Sun, sun and moon/reader, Sun/Reader, Moon/Reader, Montgomery Gator & Reader, Eclipse/Reader
It will take every single sign the universe can throw at you to realize that you are capable of being loved. Specifically, by an animatronic daycare attendant.
Check out @strawbubbysugar on Tumblr for art related to the AU, and to participate in polls to decide what happens next!
NR | Words: 134,362 | Chapters: 70/70
What's It Called When Light Hits a Prism? by TooManyPsuedonyms
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Moon/Sun/Reader, Moon & Sun
The PizzaPlex has been running--and the Management needs a new operator for one of their salvaged animatronics.
You are just trying to live independently, so of course, you'll take the job.
You have no idea what you're in for. Granted, you never really know what you're in for, but this can't be much different than working with regular human people... right?
M | Words: 161,198 | Chapters: 39/?
Other Roles or Species AU Fics
--- Other Roles (machines in total alternate circumstances. This may include former daycare attendants if the primary role has changed. Former daycare attendants who have more so only lost their role do not go here, they still go in Animatronic Daycare Attendant Fics)
Sleuth Jesters by NaffEclipse | @naffeclipse
Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Daycare Attendant/Reader, Moon/Sun/Reader, Moon & Reader, Sun & Reader, Sun/Reader, Moon/Reader, Eclipse/Reader, Eclipse & Reader
M | Words: 174,134 | Works: 15 | Complete: No
- Due to being a whole series rec, here's the first work details:
Share the Cuffs by NaffEclipse | @naffeclipse
No Archive Warnings Apply, Daycare Attendant/Reader, Moon/Sun/Reader, Moon & Reader, Sun & Reader
“If I may, Detectives, I believe that the score is set at a tie on how many times you’ve both let me slip away under your watch.” You grin at the sun and moon like faces of your opponents in this game of cat and mouse. The narrow slice of Detective Moon’s gaze becomes threatening, where Detective Sun curls and uncurls his fingers in anticipation of whatever scheme you’re concocting.
Detective!Sun & Detective!Moon x Vigilante!Reader (SFW)
T | Words: 4,084 | Chapters: 1/1
Bethroned by Strawbubbysugar | @strawbubbysugar
No Archive Warnings Apply, Daycare Attendant/Reader, Moon & Sun, Sun & Reader, Moon & Sun & Reader, Moon & Reader, Moon/Reader, Sun/Reader
The Human Kingdom of Porphyal has long been at war with The Kingdom of Atomata, a strange land filled with sentient automatons. The cause for the start of the bloodshed has been lost to time, but it will soon be drawing to a close with the arranged marriage of the Heir of Porphyal and the Heir of Atomata, set to be wed when they reach of age, uniting the Kingdoms in peace at last.
Though it is uncertain if the temporary truce will last long enough to see this come to pass.
NR | Words: 58,168 | Chapters: 34/?
Ghost in the Machine by Qwille | @venomous-qwille
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Moon/Sun/Reader, Daycare Attendant/Reader, Moon/Reader, Sun/Reader, Eclipse/Reader
You are not strong in the Sight. To you, the supernatural has become the background noise of a mundane and lonely life. You have no interest in becoming involved with ghosts.
But they have every interest in you.
When your eccentric great uncle offers you a job fixing the ‘jewel’ of his collection—the original Fazco Daycare Attendant—you expect a challenge, sure. This was undoubtedly going to be the biggest project of your life. You expect pain, mistakes, and late nights aplenty, and you expect an excruciating learning curve.
You do not expect the other Daycare Attendants.
This is a story about love and memories, about secret things and ghosts.
How can you know what to live for when the world you were built for is gone?
M | Words: 69,063 | Chapters: 7/?
--- Other Species
Apology Flowers & Blooming Hours by daunsun | @daunsun
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Sun/Reader, Moon/Reader, Moon/Sun/Reader
Google Maps knew some of the most niche places, really. Oh, you need a very specific kind of food? Here’s a location five minutes from you! You’re looking for a pot of a particular kind of flower and have never explored the area around your apartment complex outside of work? Great! There’s a flower shop two blocks down! Of course, that exact question is what led you to the looming brick shop in front of you. It was a rather quaint place, sure, but it was on one of the busiest streets in town, meaning you only received stares for standing in front of the flower shop and getting in the way. According to your phone, the place was called Daylight-Goodnight Blooms. You figured it was called that because of its night time delivery service, which apparently isn’t a common thing for stores, especially flower shops.
It's not everyday you see a grinning and smiling talking sunflower. Neither is it everyday a grumbling moonflower shows up to your doorstep with... a bouquet? Things were already stressful enough, so surely you were losing your mind, yeah?
(An AU I made that apparently people liked, so I'm writing a tiny fic on it I guess. I have a bunch of ideas. >:D )
T | Words: 9,868 | Chapters: 2/?
Bug Love by TheOHNOCorral | @theohnocorral
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Moon & Sun, Moon/Sun/Reader, Moon & Sun & Reader
Sun and Moon are what remains of a vast pantheon of gods. Only able to save themselves by making a pact with each other and binding their bodies together and the moon and sun themselves. They watch over what is left of the vast forests they once protected. They know that one day they will waste away, unable even to hold on to each other.
Now here you are. Things haven't gone exactly the way you'd hoped but you've got another field position and it's looking up from there. Now if you can manage to keep catching bumble bees, not eat anything poisonous, and make the mortgage, you'll be fine.
Curious that you always catch more bees than anyone else on the study. Curious that you never get ticks, or chiggers, your bag never rips open, you've never been stung, never fallen in the woodland brush. You think you're just lucky for a while. Then you step on that hornet nest. Well. You'd always had a thing for local cryptid lore.
G | Words: 43,561 | Chapters: 17/?
Cryptid Sightings by NaffEclipse | @naffeclipse
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Moon/Sun/Reader, Moon/Reader, Sun/Reader, Eclipse/Reader, Daycare Attendant/Reader
Perhaps this would scare a person, being all alone in the woods in the dark, but not you. You’re too intertwined with the paranormal and inexplicable. It’s in your blood. That doesn’t mean your heart won’t pound with terror when you face something with fangs and hungry eyes for flesh, but you don’t run away, and that’s what matters most.
You will face the monsters.
Cryptid!Sun/Moon x Cryptid Hunter!Y/N (SFW)
M | Words: 253,823 | Chapters: 21/21
Celestial Sundown by clutterspace | @pillowspace
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Sun/Reader, Moon/Sun/Reader, Daycare Attendant/Reader, Eventual Moon/Reader, Eclipse & Reader, Eclipse/Reader
There was something slumped beneath a tree, and you had no idea what it was.
The sunlight shone brighter where it laid, despite the leaves above not differing from any of the other foliage.
It was such a small thing to notice in comparison to everything else, but it brought a small hysterical giggle out past the lump in your throat as it finally clicked in place what you were seeing.
It was a god.
You are a peasant living in the middle of the woods, Sun is the god of day you brought back home with you, and Moon is the god of night tucked away in the Celestial Realm.
T | Words: 83,805 | Chapters: 7/?
- hey! Celestial Sundown is my fic! My followers recommended that I add it to the list
--- Other Species (Mer)
For in Safe Horizons by Anonymous | @horizonandstar
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Moon & Sun & Reader, Moon & Reader, Sun & Reader, Moon/Reader, Sun/Reader
It was supposed to be a normal expedition like any other, but something goes wrong and the ship crash-lands. Now you’re stranded on an ocean planet with no way of going home. How long can you survive until you can call for help and leave this planet?
For the first time in your life, you’re alone.
As alone as one can be when two alien creatures follow you around, anyways.
T | Words: 28,630 | Chapters: 8/?
The Sea Jesters are Real Science by MatosaurusRex, sixty_nine13 | @frizzybearprteam
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Sun & Reader, Moon & Reader, Moon/Sun/Reader, Moon & Sun & Reader, Sun/Reader, Moon/Reader, Moon & Sun
You stare into the glass. At first you see nothing, just a greenish-blue landscape, peaceful and ordinary. There is nothing special about it... Or so you think. As the seconds pass, two figures become more and more visible, slowly growing from two distant dots to two large figures, easily two metres tall. The two creatures stare at you, and you raise your hand, slapping it against the cold glass that holds the creatures trapped. These two beings, which until now had been considered to be legends, raise their hands to clasp yours as well. The most wonderful living beings in the world stand before you, separated by thick glass, suffering every day at the hands of greedy people.
How long will they resist this?
((This fic was inspired by Tumblr shenanigans and merMAY! Thank you all for inspiring us to create this <3))
T | Words: 121,792 | Chapters: 27/?
Celestial Omens (that really like Fishsticks) by BamSara | @bamsara
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Moon & Sun & Reader, Sun/Reader, Moon/Reader
When you are ten years old, you find two creatures, bloodied and injured, trapped a net on the beach near your home. You save them, make friends with them, and return them to the sea, leaving you to wonder later if your friends with the Sun colored scales and fins that shone like the full Moon were real or imagined up by a childhood of loneliess.
Time passes. You hear stories of monsters, Sirens in the water, one that is a good omen if spotted, promising your safe voyage as long as you respect the rules of the ocean, and one that sinks ships and eats people for fun. Just folktales meant to scare children.
A decade later, they return the favor, though they don't plan on leaving you so easily this time.
(A 3-part Sun & Moon x Reader fic for Mermay.) (Title subject to change)
T | Words: 23,822 | Chapters: 2/3
Song for a Siren by SolarRush | @solarrush
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Sun & Reader, Moon & Reader
As a kid, ever since you attended your first show at the Faz Aquarium and Research Center you were determined to become like the mer handlers you admired. Now fresh out of college, you've made it to your first day at the ARC!
It's not quite as....glamorous...as you expected.
An abandoned exhibit and its inhabitants stir up questions about Faz Corp's true intentions, and you find yourself caught in the middle. Can one person change a bleak future, or will you be sleeping with the fishes?
T | Words: 23,162 | Chapters: 4/4
I Watched You Become a Stranger by IcedMetalTea | @icedmetaltea
No Archive Warnings Apply, Moon & Sun & Reader
You work at one of the few aquariums cleared to house merfolk as a handler for twin mers who live in a sort of petting pool targeted at kids, as they've proven to be harmless to humans through the years. You spend your days taking care of them and supervising their interactions with the public.
You arrive at the exhibit for your early morning shift and, as you prepare for the day's visitors, the automatic door to the room malfunctions and slams shut while you're inside. You find yourself trapped with no sources of food, and the two creatures who have a very big appetite.
T | Words: 6,748 | Chapters: 1/1
Scars and Scales by intistone | @intistone
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, just platonic stuff ye, Family Fluff - Relationship, Sun & Reader, Moon & Sun, Moon & Sun & Reader, Moon & Reader
You were doing fine as a diver, despite the nosy neighbor/best friend and dog that was certainly going to be the end of you. All was well, in a weird way
Then the storm came.
And the tides rose.
And you met a monster
Two of them actually, and they were anything but.
You have no idea what to do, no idea how to help, and clearly no idea now broken they are.
But you can't keep them safe forever.
Your past is catching up to you faster than you think.
NR | Words: 163,547 | Chapters: 14/?
Fish Out of Water by Imagine_Darksiders | @imagine-darksiders
No Archive Warnings Apply, Daycare Attendant/Reader, Sun/Reader, Daycare Attendant & Reader, Moon/Reader, Moon & Reader, Moon/Sun/Reader
'What you're looking at is...
Well, quite frankly, it's impossible.
There's a face hanging above you, Lovecraftian in proportion – taller and wider than you are long, with features about as adjacent to a human's as one could possibly get.
For the first few seconds, you remain frozen to your spot, unblinking, half expecting the grinning visage to fade away as sobriety takes you back into its safe, sense-making embrace.
A pair of milky, white eyes peer down at you, hanging in the expanse of yellowing skin, like twin pools of alabaster paint. You'd hesitate to even call them eyes, but then, the damn things b l i n k.'
M | Words: 26,589 | Chapters: 4/?
Within a Sun and Moonlit Cove by shadow_oblivion
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Moon & Sun & Reader, Moon/Sun/Reader
You witness two mer hatch, and spend the entire summer with them. But at the end of that time, you get the mer to the sea before your family moves away. 20 years later, you are in desperate need of a break from your busy life. Taking a vacation to where you lived when younger, you fondly remember the two tiny mer, and hope they are doing all right wherever they are.
When you wander the shore near your hotel, during the day or at night, you start to find little trinkets here and there, along with an occasional dead sea creature. You might dismiss the odd sight as coincidence, until the items start to line the shore in the direction of a secluded cove in the distance.
T | Words: 40,981 | Chapters: 12/?
Pisces Caelestis by S_V | @sortvaniliekrans
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Moon/Sun/Reader, Moon/Reader, Sun/Reader, Glamrock Freddy & Reader, Roxanne Wolf & Reader, Glamrock Chica & Reader, Montgomery Gator & Reader
Underneath the glowing eyes, a great maw opened to hiss at you, baring several rows of needle-like fangs, wicked looking and sharp and also glowing in the blacklight. As the thing hissed, the cries started up again, more frantic this time, and accompanied by- it almost sounded like scratching?
And it was coming from behind you.
The bleeding creature had never been the one wailing.
NR | Words: 76,588 | Chapters: 13/?
In Deep Dreams Between the Waves by NaffEclipse | @naffeclipse
No Archive Warnings Apply, Daycare Attendant/Reader, Daycare Attendant & Reader, Eclipse/Reader
You see a fish, but the fish isn’t really a fish, because he looks up at you with big yellow eyes, wide with fright. Large black pupils dart around frantically. He’s small, less than half your size, which surprises you. You know mers are supposed to be big sea monsters that sink boats or cause storms, but you don’t see a monster. You think of a baby while staring at his chubby round face, creased with fear, and his small tail.
Mermaid!Eclipse x Reader (SFW)
T | Words: 55,644 | Chapters: 5/5
Song Fish Amid the Stars by NaffEclipse | @naffeclipse
No Archive Warnings Apply, Daycare Attendant/Reader, Sun/Reader, Moon/Reader
A pang hits your heart, going out to the little fish struggling to escape the cruel and entrapping lagoon.
But they look like mers. Sea monsters.
Mermaid!Sun & Mermaid!Moon x Reader (SFW)
T | Words: 69,362 | Chapters: 6/6
Crush Depth by NaffEclipse | @naffeclipse
No Archive Warnings Apply, Daycare Attendant/Reader, Eclipse/Reader, Sun/Reader, Moon/Reader
You stare out the forward viewport—the window. The sub’s only window. Blood splashes against the thick glass. It is human blood. It fills an ocean on Moon FZ-87. The atmosphere is dark and barren, speckled with the ghostly light of stars that have been gone for decades.
This is the last view you have of anything above the blood ocean surface. Futility sinks roots into your ribs.
DCA x Reader (SFW)
M | Words: 25,182 | Chapters: 10/10
Sleuth Jesters by NaffEclipse was added to the list, categorized under Other Roles! - 9/30/22
Celestial Syzygy by Pterolem was added to the list, categorized under Animatronics Daycare Attendant Fics! - 10/13/22
Cryptid Sightings by NaffEclipse was added to the list, categorized under Other Species! - 10/24/22
you move to dayshift but aren't paid any more, go figure by tuzesdays was added to the list, categorized under Animatronic Daycare Attendant Fics! - 11/2/22
Pisces Caelestis by S_V was added to the list, categorized under Other Species (Mer)! - 5/23/23
So(u)l by Strawbubbysugar was added to the list, categorized under Animatronic Daycare Attendant Fics! - 7/14/23
Celestial Sundown by clutterspace was added to the list, categorized under Other Species! - 7/14/23
Bethroned by Strawbubbysugar was added to the list, categorized under Other Roles! - 10/22/23
Song Fish Amid the Stars by NaffEclipse was added to the list, categorized under Other Species (Mer)! - 10/22/23
What's It Called When Light Hits a Prism? by TooManyPsuedonyms was added to the list, categorized under Animatronic Daycare Attendant Fics! - 10/22/23
Crush Depth by NaffEclipse was added to the list, categorized under Other Species (Mer)! - 10/22/23
In Deep Dreams Between the Waves by NaffEclipse was added to the list, categorized under Other Species (Mer)! - 10/22/23
Ghost in the Machine by Qwille was added to the list, categorized under Other Roles! - 10/24/23
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rosedom · 3 months
Why am I sending you thoughts when I have my own blog where I can write them? Irrelevant question it's because you could write it better than me anyways
I'm down so fucking bad for Kaveh literally constantly 25/8 he's on my mind he'd be so SO GOOD and so sweet and just an angel, I know it in my heart of hearts he'd be SUCH!! A good boy! And in my heart of hearts I also know he would be a Very Big Fan of being called a good boy! Because that's what he is and yes, tell him so he deserves it!! But all I can think about in my dirty little brain is eating him out nice n' slow, savoring it, savoring him, and he's almost in tears because he can feel how much you love him and how much you're putting in but it's just barely not enough and he's been so close for what feels like hours and he's so close to begging but he opens his mouth to whine and he gets maybe half a syllable out before he clamps his mouth shut again and you're like ??? and you pause to look up at him because hey whats up but he shakes his head and tries to push your head back down but you resist and tell him no, really, whats up are you okay? and he just gasps out, voice wrecked, "Want- more, wanted more but 'mnot gonna ask, 'm a good boy, promise I'm your good boy, I can take- I wanna take what you give me, please, just- keep going, please?"
hehe hope you enjoy Rosey <33
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ngghh yes !! yes yes 10x yes !!!
kaveh's so bold, in every way—outside, inside. he is the light of kshahrewar and he knows it; but in bed, with you, he can't seem to fully grapple how he is your good boy. you have to change that immediately, don't you?
and what better way to do that then to get him at his most vulnerable—your tongue lapping at his cunt, his chubby cock sat right in the soft dip of it.
saying, "of course you're my good boy," right as you lick at the hot jut of his cock. "you're always, always my good boy." each praise, each lick—it all sends zaps up his spine, and it makes him writhe.
also, there's simply no way that you'd leave kaveh with that doubt; he can ask—he can ask and ask and ask, and he'll get it, with you. "anything you want, sweetheart, i'll give you it.
don't hide that pretty voice of yours either—for me?" for me? because kaveh'll have to understand that this is something you get off on, too. pls pls give him as many orgasms as he wants, 'til his pretty brains melt out of his pretty head.
his cunt n' cock will both be a ruddy-red mess on your lips, and so too will his cheeks be a puffy pink from the thick trails of tears running down them . . . begging and dacryphilia, i love u <3
i enjoyed this SO much, omg. pls pls write !! use ur account !! i will follow u !! please do not compare urself to me—u have the same capabilities as i do. u will never grow if u don't try !!
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wrathkitty · 14 days
Short Debts Make Long Friends - Chapter 19.3 snippet!
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“I’m going to take care of you,” he breathes, moving overtop of you as you lay back. “You’re going to let me. Say it.”
You don’t seem to quite know how to respond – not much of a surprise, he’s never behaved in this manner before, but you reach for him without hesitation when he lowers himself between your thighs.
“Say it, cyare,” he urges, sliding an arm under your hips. 
You manage a faltered, “I’m going to let you –”
He doesn’t wait for you to finish, roughly pulling you forward to slot your pelvis against his. 
“It’s just you and me right now,” he continues, voice straining as he rewards you with a slow thrust. He dips his head, grazing his nose from the hollow of your throat, up to your neck and along your jawline, and murmurs into your ear. “Don’t think about anything else.”
“I won’t,” you promise, and gasp when he drives against you again, harder. 
“Nothing else,” he repeats. “Just this room, just this bed — just us.” 
“Just us,” you echo, panting now.
“Good girl,” he breathes approvingly. 
Short Debts Make Long Friends - An overeducated, underpaid millennial finally gets to go on her first adventure.
LoOk, it iS an pOem !
"I hate the plot gremlins oh yes I do
this is the end of the haiku"
(I did a trial of a new antidepressant right after I updated SD last month. Pros: Titrating up to the full dose was akin to tripping balls resulted in some very productive text conversations between myself and colleagues.
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Cons: Meds zapped the creative part of my brain. It's not an unknown side effect of psychotropic medication, I was able to switch to something different and I think it's a better fit, but OMG. Please send good vibes and remind me why I need to finish this story. I deal with writer's block constantly, but this is a different beast completely and it's freaking me out.
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strwbmei · 2 months
i love bottom ei BUT UGH TOP EI??
i think im mentally ill for this but oh gods please hear me out💪💪
i want ei to strangle me while electro surges through her fingers finger she pounds the ever living fuck out of me to breed me bonus if she has a dick percing to zap your cervix everytime you try saying something snarky despite the shock at your neck and the hand squeezing your neck enough to keep you silent
“how’s that? hm? Baby you always have to be so cruel dont you? I dont mean this my love.” she’s reassuring you as you feel her other hand squeeze your hip. its tight enough to give you another bruise to look back at in happiness
who knew the same woman you ride and give head to could be so domaineering when she had the chance? sweet and shy yet so fucking good at making you sob and smile at the same time
“Love you’re twitching stop moving or i cant make you m-.. feel good.” she pants out shes a bit like a puppy when she wants to be though you felt a snarky remark bubbling up but you couldnt speak this time you knew you had to be silent otherwise it’ll be worser for the only source of light in the room to grow bigger and hurt your neck more with its shock
The piercing being used as a conductor for electricity is actually so genius.
Ei really doesn't want to hurt her precious darling, but what else is she supposed to do when you treat her as if you're above her? When you take all that she gives you for granted?
Ei is a goddess. Your goddess, for that matter. She doesn't ask that you bow your head to her or grovel at her feet, but why must you always disrespect her so? Has she not been good to you; given you everything you wished for as soon as you said the word?
No, she has been lenient. Far too lenient. Perhaps Ei's (admittedly) special treatment towards you has led you to think that the two of you were equal when that couldn't be farther from the truth.
Everything that you want to do, you can only do because she allows you. As long as you are in Inazuma—in her territory—this will always be the case.
Did you really think that Ei, a trained warrior and an Archon, couldn't break free of those flimsy ropes you had always liked to tie around her wrists? Not for a second did you have her cornered and helpless. Ei thought you understood that, but it seems she was mistaken.
It's so easy for her to pick you up, bend you over, and fuck you until you're apologizing and begging for her to slow down. Even easier for her to make you cum until your brain is turned into mush from the overstimulation.
And what better way to drill that into your head than to actually do it to you?
"My love... Stay still, hm? You know I don't wish to hurt you." You squirmed around her pierced cock, the metal acting as a conductor for the gentle yet tantalizing jolts of electricity that traveled up your spine. The piercing at the tip of her dick was just a joke you started at first, but you were pleasantly surprised the first time you saw it.
"Bullshi-" You half shriek in pain and half moan in pleasure as a sudden surge of electricity hits you. "Have you not earned your lesson?" Ei frowns. She doesn't want to see you in pain. Moreover, she doesn't want to enjoy seeing you in pain.
Still, if this is the only way, Ei has no other choice.
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yandere-writer-momo · 6 months
Baki Christmas continues with Jack Hanma as the Nutcracker! Merry Christmas to @tearslikeglass-blog 🎄
Yujiro as the mouse king is the most cursed thing ever but please bear with me 😭😭 this is loosely based of the Nutcracker Barbie movie.
Yandere Baki Shorts: The Nutcracker
Yandere Nutcracker Jack Hanma x Afab Reader
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(Your name)’s aunt had gifted her a nutcracker for Christmas. A simple toy that didn’t seem stellar, but it warmed (your name)’s heart regardless. The wooden figurine was quite large and had on a black and red uniform… the nutcracker had such striking cinnamon eyes and blonde hair… (your name) had never seen a blonde nutcracker before.
“Take good care of him. He’s special.” (Your name)’s aunt winked at her. “He’s a little rough around the edges, but he has the heart of a prince.”
(Your name) chuckled at the memory as her fingers gently combed the blonde tuft of hair on the nutcracker. “A prince, huh?” She gently placed the nutcracker on her nightstand before she retired for the night. The young woman smiled as she drifted off to sleep. If only that were true…
In the early hours of the morning, she woke up to a loud crash coming from the living room. (Your name) quickly sprang up from her bed and ran towards the Christmas tree where her once inanimate nutcracker was now fighting off an ugly mouse with his fists. They brutally punched each other and her nutcracker was losing. The small toy laid on the hardwood floor in defeat. She quickly swooped in and flicked the mouse away from him before he smashed the nutcracker’s face in.
Before she could further assist her nutcracker, a strange magic encased her body and shrunk her down to the size of a mouse. The mouse was now a muscular man with tattered mouse ears atop a mop of messy crimson hair. He gave her a wicked grin and a wink before he scampered off, which caused the nutcracker to punch the ground in anger
“Great… you let him get away.” The nutcracker hissed as he rose up. The blonde looked less like a toy and more like a man. He stood at a massive height and was a wall of pure muscle but he was still made of wood. He was s lot more intimidating up close… “Did he zap all your brains away? Stop staring at me, it’s weird.”
(Your name) quickly composed herself and gave him a bow. “Oh, I’m sorry. You just look more like a man now rather than a toy-“ the blonde scoffed as he waved her off and tried to follow after the mouse king, but the mouse hole didn’t open a portal when the nutcracker walked close to it. “Just great!”
(Your name) walked over to the mouse hole, a bright light now shined into their faces. How on earth was this possible? “It seems we’ll have to travel together to go after him…” (your name) turned to the blonde with a smile. “I’m (your name) by the way.”
The blonde pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. He really didn’t need any extra baggage at the moment but it seemed he had no choice but to tag her along so he could get his revenge. “I’m Jack… stay behind me at all times. I don’t need anymore trouble.”
Jack then leapt through the portal, which made (your name) frown. He was such a joy.
“So what is the goal?” (Your name) followed behind Jack who told klong strides ahead of her, his guard never down once. “Is there someone we have to find in order to defeat that mouse?”
“That mouse is my father, Yujiro.” Jack sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose again. “And I have to find the Sugar Plum Fairy so I can become human again. Not that it’s any of your business.” (Your name) sighed as the blonde nutcracker continued to trudge ahead of her through the snow. She shivered from her lack of clothing which made the nutcracker pause mid stride. “Let’s stop at the nearest village for supplies. I don’t want you to be dead when we’re not even halfway to the castle yet.”
What a gentleman. Jack threw his coat around her and scooped her up into the crook of his wooden arms. His wooden body did little to warm her but his coat helped her warm up a bit… he smelled like pine.
The first week together was rough. Jack walked too fast and he was very bossy. Sometimes he’d pick her up by the straps of her backpack and carry her like some sort of purse dog. It was humiliating.
Despite being made of wood, Jack still required sleep and food. She wondered if every part of him was made of wood, but he’d always push her away every time she tried to put her hand over his chest. “Don’t touch me, I bite.”
She did her best to try to get close to her only companion but he wasn’t much of a conversationalist. They had no similar interests… not that Jack shared much about himself. It was like talking to a brick wall that insulted her half the time. It wasn’t uncommon for her to wake up in the morning to see the wooden man vigorously training his wooden body to the point of splintering, but he’d somehow magically repair himself whenever she’d touch him. It was very strange to her and Jack just made it seem like it was something he could do without her… but why didn’t he repair himself prior to her arrival? Maybe she didn’t actually have powers and she was going crazy… yeah, that made sense.
The two spent the next four months together tracking the sugar plum fairy but their search seemed fruitless. (Your name) could tell Jack was getting frustrated when every lead they had lead them to a dead end.
Jack constantly protected her from Yujiro’s minions, but he’d get defensive whenever she thanked him. Sometimes he’d even make comments on how weak she was, which hurt her feelings… she couldn’t wait to finally be away from him. He was so mean
Jack saw her as frail and weak but a part of him couldn’t help but be so protective of her. Perhaps it was because she’s been his only companion in the last few years of his life? Or maybe it was how kind she was to him despite how cold and standoffish he was? Jack didn’t understand himself…
(Your name) tried to be civil with him, even friendly but the wooden man still remained as cold as the frozen wasteland of this world she was trapped in
Jack constantly pushed her away whenever she tried to sit or lay beside him for comfort. He never even thanked her for half the meals she’d cook for the two of them… he was nothing but a brute. She looked forward each day for the day she could return to her world. Where she’d no longer have to be around him
Occasionally he’d carry her bag for her, but it was only so she ‘wouldn’t slow them down.’ Jack was aggravating to be near but (your name) slowly began to stop talking to him unless it was absolutely necessary. Jack wasn’t too happy about this change… not that he’d ever voice it.
The two camped a few miles from Yujiro’s castle. The young woman frowned as she glanced at the dwindling fire. It was finally near the end of their lonely journey together
“I think we only have a little bit of time left together.” (Your name) smiled softly at Jack who grumbled as he ate the soup she made. The blonde as stiff as ever. (Your name) sighed as she held her knees to her chest. “I’m looking forward to finally going home.”
Jack froze as he glanced over at her solemn form, his cinnamon eyes narrowed at her. He didn’t say a word as she shuffled to wrap her blanket around herself to sleep for the night. She didn’t utter a single good night like she used to and it upset him a bit. She would be going home wouldn’t she? Jack knew he should be happy about it, he’s wanted to be rid of her since the day they started this journey together… so why did a part of him not want her to leave?
Jack almost audibly gasped when he felt his heart beat for the first time in years since he’s became a nutcracker. Why was his heart beating again? Jack didn’t understand the feelings he felt in this moment. He felt so strange, it was a feeling he hadn’t felt since he was a child… he couldn’t be in love with her, right?
(Your name) noticed the smallest of changes in Jack. He’d stand closer to her whenever they’d travel on foot, he even began to carry her in the crook of his arm so she’d ’stop being so slow.’ She appreciated it but she was also a bit frustrated with his treatment of her. Why did Jack always make her feel so useless?
After another week of awkward travel together, they finally arrived at the castle. Jack set her down and charged straight for Yujiro in a fit of rage. His fist swung harshly into the mouse king’s face, but Yujiro only smirked at him. “All these months after me and you’re still so weak.”
(Your name) watched Jack continue to punch Yujiro despite the way his wooden arms began to splinter from the force he used. (Your name) nearly cried when Yujiro grabbed Jack by the scruff of his neck and threw him against the wall. The terrifying man turned to wickedly smile at (your name) who shivered in fear. “See? At least one of you know your place.”
Yujiro walked over to Jack, a cruel smile on his lips as he held his hand up high to crush the nutcracker once and for all but (your name) rushed forward and threw her body between them. A bright flash of light shined over them as Yujiro was reduced to the form of a mere mouse and Jack was now a man.
The blonde quickly sat up in disbelief as he reached out to crush the mouse in the palm of his hand like a grape. His breathing ragged as he glanced over at (your name) who began to cry.
“Why did you-“ Jack couldn’t utter a word as (your name threw her arms around his neck and sobbed. He remained motionless as his shirt became damp from her tears.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” (Your name) cried as she clung to him. “I just didn’t want you to die.”
Jack frowned as he wiped the mouse guts onto his pants so he could hold her. His heart hammered in his chest as he pulled her close. She cared about him? But he was so mean to her…
This whole time she was the sugar plum fairy, she was the one who was able to help him defeat his evil father… how could he be so blind to it all? Of course she was the sugar plum fairy… which meant she was destined to be with him right? They were meant to be together.
Jack buried his face in the crook of her neck and inhaled her scent. Had she always been this small and warm? So frail… she needed him to keep her safe.
(Your name) glanced over at the portal that opened up before them, one that was just like the one they leapt through all those months ago… she could go home.
(Your name) tried to pull away but Jack held her even tighter like a boa constrictor. “Don’t go.” He whispered as he shook like a leaf. He didn’t want her to leave… he didn’t want to be alone again. “You could stay here with me in this castle. You could be a princess.”
(Your name) frowned. She didn’t want to be in this world any longer and certainly not with Jack. It didn’t seem like he was able to make up his mind about how he felt about her until it was too late.
“Jack… I’m going to head home now-“ Jack suddenly pulled away, his cinnamon eyes stared deeply into hers. “This is your home.”
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