spiralatic · 9 months
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Unfortunately I am here with more weird jonmichael art
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girlfoxcock · 4 years
I’m sorry Nathan! You could’ve put your foot down on this Vore thing *ages* ago! Instead you’re getting harassed by this never ending stream of asks because you either thought it was funny or you wanted you lacked the desire to say “stop this please”. I don’t have sympathy for stupid (although admittedly cute and very talented) people!
ya wanna know a secret? it’s all still funny to me. i have a strange power of not being affected by weird ass fetishes (unless it’s like... illegal)
my only issue is that they can get horny (because it is a fetish, the horniness can be implied) and I try to keep the horniness on this blog at a minimum because i know some people aren’t comfortable with that.
in short: if you have a joke about it I find it funny. if you’re getting vorny, like, straight up into it then I probably won’t publish your ask lmao
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dzamie-oc · 4 years
Smaugust 14 - Feathered
A dragoness and her deinonychus friend go out for dinner and discuss having feathers. Then they eat some people. (2135 words)
cw: death, gore, hard vore
Sivarel strode into the restaurant and up to the host. The dragoness sat back on her haunches to raise a paw, digits folding to make a "V" symbol. "Table for two, please," she said with a smile.
"Of course, ma'am," the employee replied. He gathered a pair of menus and handed them to a tall, slender server - probably an elf, or elven in ancestry. "Will this be indoor or outdoor seating?"
"Outdoor, please," Sivarel said, "ideally not surrounded by other tables. Cuz, you know, wings." She self-consciously brought the feather-covered limbs closer to her body.
The host nodded and made a mark on the seating plan, then gave the server a quiet instruction. "Absolutely," the server said with a professional smile, "this way, please, follow me."
The dragoness dropped back to all fours to pad smoothly along behind the elf, through a pair of glass doors, and onto the stone-tiled ground outside. They wove easily around some groups eating and conversing, before the server stopped and gestured to the table. Sivarel thanked them, then nudged one of the chairs aside to sit on the ground, shifting her weight back to sit up and get her front paws off the ground.
"Can I get you anything to drink?"
The dragoness shook her head. "Just water, thanks." After the server left, Sivarel turned away from anything and anyone flammable, held her paws together, and breathed a quick jet of flame across them for quick and rough sterilization. She was far too proud of her draconic form to transform herself just for a simple dinner. After opening the menu in front of her, she slowly extended one wing along her side and began idly fussing with her primaries and secondaries, brushing them into place with small, careful claw movements. When the server appeared with two glasses of water, she refolded her wing.
"Are we ready to order, ma'am?"
Sivarel hummed, thinking for a few seconds. "Still going back and forth between a couple of things. In the meantime, could I start with the chicken strip appetizer?"
"Of course, I'll get that right out to you." The elf made a quick note in their order pad, then walked back away, leaving the dragon to her water. Then, in the corner of her eye, she recognized a certain someone.
"Hey, Siv!" said a deinonychus with a dark red stripe down her back plumage, waving at the dragon.
"Hello, Cerise. I haven't ordered yet, but there's chicken strips coming." She gestured with her head in a path through the door and the restaurant.
"Cool!" The dinosaur tensed and sprang up, easily clearing the fence to land next to her friend. She climbed into the chair opposite Sivarel and opened up her menu. "Ooh, that's a big steak," she commented.
"Did you really just jump up? I can't take you anywhere," Sivarel said with a smile. "I'm thinking of getting the half-chicken. I grabbed a small something on the way here."
"Something, or someONE?" Cerise asked with a mischievous grin.
Sivarel stared at her. "We're in a restaurant."
"Yeah, but you're still a dragon, and I'm still a raptor." Sivarel opened her mouth to reply, but Cerise held up a claw. "No 'veloci-' there, I'm right. Anyway, people are gonna eavesdrop cuz that's what people do. Might as well have some fun at their expense." She flipped through the menu a couple times, glancing at the items. "Split a full chicken?"
"Sure. And yeah, but that doesn't mean I have to play along." The dragoness folded her menu and stacked it on top of Cerise's.
A few moments later, the server returned with a plate of chicken strips. The elf took the order from Sivarel while Cerise took a few strips to her plate to begin eating.
The duo engaged in some small talk for a while, catching up on each other's days, before the chicken arrived. They each took part of the bird, a very brief break in their conversation.
"Oh, I forgot to mention," the deinonychus said after gulping down a bit of chicken, "I went and saw Jurassic Park again the other day."
"Really? Why? I thought you hated its popularization of naked dinos." The dragon smirked and leaned in slightly. "Or did you go to see the naked dinos, you naughty murderbird?"
Cerise glanced away. "Aren't we in a restaurant or something?" After another second of being smugged at by her friend, she rolled her eyes. "But no, I'm guessing they wanted to make dosh on concessions, so they offered ninety - yes, NINETY - percent off to dinosaurs. Got plenty of feathery butts in seats, I'll say that much." She tilted her head. "Or, at least, plenty of seats filled with feathery butts. I think the t-rex ended up taking, like, half a dozen or so, between her rear and her tail. Polite enough to sit in the back so us smaller folk could actually see every inch of Jeff Goldblum..."
"Well, eye candy aside, how was it? Quiet theater, or did you get one of the fun ones?"
"Oh, nobody there took the movie seriously. If there was a dino whose species appeared on screen, there were 'constructive comments' about the scene thrown about." Cerise grinned, silently recalling some choice arguments between the velociraptors and the utahraptors. "Plus, one of the non-dragons sitting near the rex kept talking about the differences between book and movie, which was at least more interesting than wondering if Rexy in the movie was going to eat the obvious protagonists. Dunno if it was the catfolk or the... dolphin next to her, though."
Sivarel swallowed the last bit of meat on her half of the chicken. "...dolphin?" she asked skeptically. "Oh, by the way, let me know when you're done. I crave meat."
"It was a dark theater, okay? Vaguely dolphin-shaped blob. Only got the catfolk cuz they meowed." She took a quick break to wolf down some more chicken, and Sivarel mimed asking for the check to the server, then the small dinosaur continued, "anyway, all of this was supposed to be a lead-up to: you've got feathers, I've got feathers."
The friends shared a quick smile and said together, "mine are prettier," and laughed.
"Anyway, again. We have feathers, but not, like, a ton. If you had to choose between being naked, and being as fluffy as an owl, which would you pick?"
"Easy," the dragoness replied, crunching on a bone, "I have a minimum comfort temperature, and no maximum. I will be the fluffiest dragon you ever did see, and I will be comfy forever." The server set down the bill, and Sivarel quickly placed enough coins to cover the cost and a decent tip before pushing it back towards the elf. "Keep the change. Anyway, Cerise, let's hear your answer. Big feathers or no feathers?"
"Joke's on you, I came prepared. No feathers, but I would have to hang out with my dragon friend a lot during winter." The deinonychus did her best sad-puppy impression. "Surely my bestest dragoness friend Sivarel wouldn't leave me to become a raptorsicle?"
Their conversation briefly halted as they wound their way back through the restaurant and said a polite goodbye to the employee at the front. "Anyway," Sivarel continued, putting on a silly voice, "Missus Owldragon, how many licks does it take to get to the deinonychus-filled center of a Cerise-pop?" She draped a wing over her friend as they passed a small grove, and pulled her in. "Let's find out. A-"
Suddenly, an empty two-liter bottle bounced off the dragon's head with an audible "donk!" She whirled and glared at where it came from. "Really?!" she shouted, only to hear a guy cheer and call, "ten points!"
The dragoness took a deep breath. "Cerise, my wonderful murderbird friend?"
The deinonychus swished her tail slowly, building excitement boiling off in the form of energy. "Yes, Sivarel, my sister in feather and scale?"
Sivarel bared her fangs - for it could not really be called "grinning." "I'm feeling a bit peckish. Shall we see about a second course?"
Cerise followed suit, crouching in preparation. "Why, I thought you'd never ask."
Cerise darted swiftly between the trees, darting back and forth like she was running the slalom at a dog show. Sivarel, in contrast, sprang up, soaring over the tops of the trees with a few powerful beats of her wings. She watched with keen eyes as the smaller dinosaur wove through the trees, screeching a challenge. The humanoids, not nearly as nimble as the deinonychus swaying her tail with each turn, quickly made for a clearing in the trees. Unfortunately for them, clearings were exactly what Sivarel loved to see.
She folded her wings and dropped like a stone, landing with a heavy THUD right in front of them. The first - a human - she caught his head in her mouth, sending him into a blind panic as a quick kick with a foreleg sent the other - a tiger catfolk - right into Cerise's path. Between the difficulty of subduing a struggling meal shortly after eating, and the need to avoid attracting too much attention with screams, the dragoness quickly made up her mind. She clamped down firmly on the man's head and jerked her own head quickly to the side. There was a snap, and the human hung limp in her jaws. Meanwhile, her dinosaur friend had come to a similar conclusion, and had leapt up to cling to the tiger's head, rapidly kicking to tear out the woman's throat. The catfolk, however, had better reflexes than her human counterpart, and successfully threw the little dinosaur off... before falling back, herself, rapidly suffocating and bleeding out.
Cerise wiped her claws on the feline's fur, then looked up at the dragoness. "I'm gonna go scuff up some tracks. Back in a few." And like that, she trotted back into the woods, pausing occasionally to kick around the grass, dirt, and leaves.
Sivarel flicked her head back, then jerked forward, catching the man's shoulders in her jaws. Another toss and a swallow, and she'd gotten him almost halfway in. She swallowed again and tipped her head back, leaving her mouth open as she shifted and jerked her head and neck, welcoming her second course into her stomach. One or two more swallows to make sure, and then she laid down to digest her meal and wait for her friend.
A couple minutes later, the deinonychus made a reappearance, trotted over to the feline body, now thoroughly dead, and began to tear it open. "Our next trick, of course," she said between bites, "is to get back home without attention."
"Even from volunteers?" Sivarel asked with a smile.
"Especially from volunteers," Cerise answered. "They're the absolute worst for me. You can gulp 'em down nice and easy, but they seem to think I can, too." Rip, tear, snap snap gulp. "No matter how many times I tell them, they're all super surprised when I slash open their guts and start snacking on their intestines. Ooh, speaking of which..." The dinosaur made a quick cut, then began to slurp down the organ like a bloody noodle.
The dragoness's stomach gurgled and growled as it compressed and moved the meat within. "Expecting you to start at the neck, maybe? Or do they just think that you'll be able to swallow them whole anyway? What would you even look like?"
Cerise dipped her head into the torn-open tiger woman, and reemerged a few seconds later with blood on her feathers. "No, I offer the neck and they always refuse. And, I dunno, I think my belly would drag on the ground. Uh, no pun intended."
"Behold the fast and agile deinonychus," Sivarel remarked with a snicker. "Anyway, when we're ready to head out, I'll lick you clean. Anyone asks, you spilled something sweet on you and I couldn't resist."
The dinosaur nodded, then went back to her eating. After a bit, she pulled back and walked over to her friend. "Along the feathers, if you could. It's harder for me to fix mine than you yours."
Sivarel nodded back, then set about carefully licking her, drawing the blood away from the coarse feathers and into her mouth. Once she had a soaked, but mostly clean, dinosaur in front of her, she smiled and leapt into the air. "See you back outside the trees!"
The dragoness soon landed back on the sidewalk, and started preening her wings again while waiting for her friend. A couple people stopped to watch; she stared back until they went away. After a minute or so, Cerise stepped out from the grove. With a wordless nod, they turned and began to make their way back to their homes, more full than they had at first intended to be.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
SEEKING LONG TERM ROLEPLAYS: Romance, smut, action, Darkness, Drama, and Angst.
My name is Margarette, I am a twenty four year old transwoman. You can call me Marge or Shadow.
- I am a twenty four year old Dog Mom, Very Proud of this little snippet.
-I am very open to basically anything. Chat with me, send me pictures that make you think of our characters, music, maybe your favorite cat (if you're a cat person.) I will almost certainly do so myself, unless you ask me not to.
-I Have been roleplaying for Eleven years.
-I write in third person past tense with proper grammar as best I can manage. I use Multi-para to Novella style and my responses range from two full paragraphs to as many as ten or more depending on the situation.
-I am very open to basically any kinks you can bring. But nothing including Necrophilia, pedophilia, scat, Vore or any toilet play. None of those will work with me.
-I would prefer to play as a Female character in the ideas I mention below. I love F/F but am willing to Do M/F.
-I am most interested in a Partner that is over 18. Non-negotiable.
-Please be respectful. Don't be afraid of being too friendly. Send me jokes and music, animal pictures, artwork. Or you can just chat.
-I am looking for people who can keep up with me. People who write in third person past tense and put out a minimum of two paragraphs and as many as ten or more. Full paragraphs.
-I would like a partner who is willing to do F/F or M/F.
- Many of these Ideas will involve dark themes. I don't do Fandoms, and if I do, we are looking at the walking dead, Aus only, OCxOC only. I am very interested in world building, factions, Side Characters.
-I am Only Looking for Long term roleplays with a good balance of Sadness, drama, angst, Romance, and Deep characters.
-I prefer Daily responses right now but if you get busy or can't respond just let me know.
Give me dark, Gritty, Painful, Post apocalyptic settings. Nothing crazy this time. Zombies like the walking dead, or something set in the Walking dead universe. Give me mutated humans, or An environmental plague. I am also Interested In an Environment Apocalypse, Eternal Winter, Scorched Earth. I like These Dark but Give me sunny days, happy moments, and romance to break the Darkness.
Beneath the Oak: this one can be fantasy, It doesnt have to be super dark but Drama amd angst are Good. It can be Fantasy, Or modern Fantasy, romance wanted. Mystery, Magic, Action, with slice of life hints.
You find my Character deep in a forest, a very old and untouched forest that has a history of unexplained occurrences. Beneath an ancient looking oak tree you find a young woman In the grass. No clothes cover her body but Over her grows the grass and moss. A gash on her thigh and one down her side. She remembers Nothing from before she ended up here, and she has Trouble waking. Bring me ideas as to where this could go in terms of story or events. I already have plans to explain her and her Backstory.
Hit me up on discord.
Shadow wind#4233
Message me and tell me what caught your interest. Tell me a little about yourself, age, Preferred Pairing. Anything you want to share, including Ideas.
Message Me this word. "Crimson"
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stbrendansacademy · 7 years
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Congrats, Geoff, on your second character, submissive Professor Genevieve Parker! Please send in Genevieve's blog to the main when you can. Thanks!
OOC Information:
Name: Geoff Pronouns: He/Him Age: 24 Timezone: EST Activity Description: 6/10, minimum. Like I said, I’m working 5/7 days of the week. The other two I usually just sleep, but I keep consistent activity, at least.
IC Information:
Character Name: Genevieve Willow Parker Age: 32 FC: Kate McKinnon Designation: Submissive Occupation: Professor of Chemistry Kinks: Anything not on anti. Anti-Kinks: Sensory deprivation, gore, vore, scat, anything to do with needles or feet. 
Being raised in such an open ended and loving family was something that every child always appreciated growing up. She loved to do everything else her family loved, and even more than that. At the age of three, Genevieve was diagnosed with conductive hearing loss in both ears, though her twin brother had not (much to the Parker family’s luck). The shift in her family’s actions was almost not even noticeable due to the Parkers being such a loving family who made the efforts to make sure their daughter was treated just as normally as anyone else in their family. That equality was perfect for Gen until it was time to put the twins into school. Loving her brother so much, Genevieve insisted to not enroll in a BiBi school and went along with her brother to “mainstream” schooling. This of course was a struggle and Genevieve had to work extra hard to actually keep up since a majority of the time her teachers weren’t actually keen to try and meet her halfway even with her consistent protesting and her family trying to get them to at least provide interpreters. This caused a lot of hiccups with schooling and advancing into the next grades. Her two brothers were along side her at all times to assist her with any school work she was struggling with, though at times she’d have to honestly just try her hardest on her own, because Gen knew her family was trying their hardest, and she knew it wasn’t always easy.
Genevieve was a bit confused to be marked as a Submissive, when the time came, mainly because she had been so wrapped up into everything else, that status hadn’t actually been something that Genevieve or the Parker family had been worrying about. She wasn’t going to complain, and found it to be shocking, but she was more than glad to actually be marked as Submissive. Her entire life was slightly shifted, mainly due to the fact that her mother had pulled her aside to explain more of the requirements of a submissive, and how it might be a bit harder for Genevieve to find a claim. A young eleven year old girl, however, didn’t care too much about that at the moment.
It always shocked her family when instead of having such a fond love for music and the arts like the rest of her family, her life shifted more into love of sciences when she proceeded to a more equal-like boarding school. The school she had attended provided her with plenty of accessibility now that she was on the same sort of playing field in this school’s eyes and it thrilled her to finally feel on the actual same level as everyone else. Though she still felt a bit outcast, she understood that it didn’t matter how others viewed her anyways. It was how she was and how she carried herself to her future. She’d get that perfect claim and she’d be just as good of a submissive as anyone else in her class was. But focusing on her love for science made zero time for her to actually focus on trying to be a good submissive, or even focus on any of her classes. Genevieve was positive she was, she had aced all her classes, but it all felt like book knowledge. Graduating with a Masters in Chemical Sciences, she found even more extensive love for what she’d been studying, and felt the need to want to further it. 
After those years of schooling, however, Genevieve still wound out without a claim, not having focused on it once due to not being sure how to physically go for the situation of getting to know someone better. It always made her laugh that her family was so personable, and she would joke that she somehow missed the mark on pretty much every aspect her family wanted her to be involved in. She wasn’t finished, however, with her studies and moved onto further education at Baylor University felt like her last and final achievement, but the outside world was filled with claimed couples everywhere. Once her mother passed from a heart attack about three years ago, Genevieve and her brothers watched their father sink low into depression, and it’s now been something that’s terrified Genevieve more than ever. To be just as sad as her father from losing a claim, losing a life partner? It wasn’t something she’d ever be able to prepare herself for. Settling down in an area close to home was all that Genevieve could really do. It was when Genevieve decided to go and start applying to teach at schools what she had studied the majority of her life into, which has brought her to apply to St. Brendan’s with a happy heart. All Genevieve wants to do now is make sure that her father before he passes (which she doesn’t think will happen any time soon) will be able to see her in a glorious claim of her own- just like her brothers’.
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