#please look at grandpa in this dress 馃檹
ghostoffuturespast 6 months
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Hi hi! Have you seen the new Rook and Jade cards?
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TWST REALLY SAID HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR (they dropped these card designs when it was still Christmas day in my time zone www) 馃ぁ IMAGINE THE PURE DISTRESS AND TERROR I FELT WHEN I SAW THE NEWS FOR THE FIRST TIME, I ALMOST CHOKED ON MY BREAKfAST The New Year Attire card artwork looks fantastic this year!! zs,j bdhjvkas3t77135f38odwOYdtSIvyiadiyisa I THINK THE tHIRD ANON SAID IT BEST, TREY, ROOK, AND JADE LOOK LIKE YAKUZA DRESSED NICELY TO USHER IN THE NEW YEAR 馃槶 and Ortho's there to be their cute and innocent errand boy nephew (when in reality he's committing just as many crimes as they are); I KNOW this kid's not above pulling out a laser beam and threatening people to get what he wants.
Trey finally gets another event SSR (man deserves it after like 4 Rs OTL) and not gonna lie, he kinda looks like my grandpa in that outfit... I really like the pattern on his rose print scarf and the flowerpiece though; you can also see the classic Heartslabyul solid sleeve-checkered sleeve combo. The parasol he's holding is nice too, it makes me think about him whimsically twirling it around as he walks through confetti.
This isn't one of my favorite looks for Ortho, but again I really appreciate how the designers and artists used their creativity to reinterpret the traditional NY garb into robotic parts! You can tell Ortho's "clothes" are more blocky and rigid than the others', yet it still retains the festive feel of the line. There seem to be cables and wires attached to the piece pinned to his chest, and, of course, three doggos at his waist to symbolize Cerberus~
Trey and Ortho being on the same banner... It feels like Ortho was dropped off for Trey to babysit, and Trey's the kind old grandpa who dotes on his grandkid.
... Okay, that's enough of being civil 馃槆
t315751vAUVgddfiyCUvILNDADFFIYAIBFQEOBNABHOACsdaafjkuc??F<>>Mw/q12yft7BLINJZ>?????m,A'PSCPK[QJNsn;nbegquo PLEASE, I'M SCREAMING AND CRYinf aG ON THE GORUNDA RN OTL Of course TWST would release a new Rook SSR not too long after I said Rollo has replaced Rook in my heart as the superior pseudo French anime boy, OF COURSE. WHY DiD THE YM HAVE TO GIVE hiM SUCH A SMYSTERIOSYF SMU g FACE TOO..... . . . ........ . . . .... . . . . AND THAT LIGHTING??//????? ? ?? ? ?hELLO??? ?? ? ?? ? ????? ? GORGEOUS 馃槶 THE FAN??? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ?? HOW HE's POSED AEJQWHLBIWQ WIHT IT, weL,Ccopmaifn G YOU INTO YHTE SHOP... I'M GOIBNG TO DUCKIUFN G CHEW HSis FINGNERS OFF, HOLD ME BACK BEOFRE I DOn kqw fhgutiuqfvwofueiyviHnsoguewtqtbwipFFQEGFVIVOQE8?>vLM;N;AEGFLQMJEINP I'm not super into Rook's outfit though; the peacock imagery incorporated into his robes and stuck in his hat are kinda... too much for me? The colors are also weirdly blocked out; it looks odd to have the hat as being the one prominent part of the outfit in red. I would have expected... I don't know, more red throughout the entire outfit? BUT IT'S OKAY, ROOK'S FACE STILL LOOKS GOOD AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS HERE
I love the fact that Rook and Jade are on the same banner this was made specifically to target me/j, shady bitches deserve to be next to other shady bitches 馃ぃ Imagine how much pettiness and fake smiling will be had between them????? ???? ??? ? I鈥檝e been dying for more interactions between these two, so this is really a treat for me!! 馃構
To summarize: yeaaaaaah uh my rolls are in trouble come 2024 馃
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silkoodles 3 months
Please tell us more about ur transfem bradley headcanons 馃槶馃檹
I tried to keep these transfem-bradley focused but I just devolved into giving you the plot to the maxley fic in my head involving her. maybe if I just tell you about the fic in my head i won't have to write it lol. long list ahoy
a lot of the pre-transition bradley characterization headcanons i have come from that one fic by @maxstgel that inspired the first sketches. so a lot of these are inspired by that and you could even consider this a fan fic of what happens after that (once it finishes i mean, it's all up in the air since its just 2 chapters rn)
She has not chilled in the least since being taken down a peg, she is still pretty narcissistic, but less pressured to be perfect
She started dressing hyper feminine at first but later got a more balanced wardrobe
likes golf, has taken up mini golf since she can't go to a real golf course easily anymore
She has taken up gardening as a hobby
She finished college as Bradley and transitioned after, once she was more able to cut ties from her family
She works as a retail pharmacist and part time as the jammer in a roller derby team with her friends.
She decided to not pursue residency after graduating because she wanted to get away from her dad more than anything, and residency would have probably taken another 4 years on top of the 8 she spent at college.
She met her current friends trying out for the roller derby team to stay in shape and keep skating. i have come up with designs for all 4 of these girls and i need help
She has a biological little sister who's an adult by now, out of the two, Janice looks more like their mother now. And that kind of freaks her out
Her name's now Janice, after her late grandmother. It's old fashioned but she had a good relationship with her before she passed. I also chose that name cause of the "Sure, Jan." meme, i thought it was funny.
Later her grandfather (Uppercrust the first) finds her, not knowing why his son would cut ties.
He sends Tank to find her, because as far as he knows, Tank was the last person/friend with Bradly iii. Which technically was true, but Tank needed money and didn't have the heart to tell og B.Uppercrust that he hadn't talked to Bradley since graduation.
Queue the most harrowing college reunion for Janice ever because she thinks he's still mad. Tank is more shocked than anything. I actually wanna write this scene
Grandpa's surprisingly cool with Janice (the name and new person) he just wants her to come back to the family because it'd be a waste of a good education and resources.
Max Goof just happens to spot her out in the wild and after realizing who it is, he loses his mind and practically begs her to let him take her out because he needs to know her.
Somehow it works, because Janice likes being sucked up to.
eventually she makes up with Tank and the other Gammas too, I gave them all names and fucking everything. I actually wrote this scene
One of them doesn't realize who she is and starts shamelessly flirting with her.
This guy:
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his name is Tony.
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candywrithee 8 days
R ur requests open??? Can I please get a gender bent Rarity, Applejack, and Twilight x fem (or gn if you don't do fem specifically) Pegasus reader headcanons pretty please 馃ズ idk if you do NSFW but if you don't I don't mind just fluff
Please I'm desperate馃檹馃檹 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉁ㄢ湪鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍馃檹
Aight. No gender mentioned really :P
Dusk Shine, Elusive & Applejack w/a Pegasus Reader
1. Dusk Shine + Reader
Unicorn! Dusk will probably be annoyed if you're the type to prank him just because you can fly. But what you didn't know is that he just lets you prank him. You should know that by a spark of his magic, he can easily stop your pranks but he loves you too much that he loves to see you smile.
If you don't mind, can you help him carry or deliver things for him? Of course that is if you don't mind. He's just a little busy so he would appreciate your help in any way. Even if sometimes you have to convince HIM to let you help. He's a loner, he's used to being alone but then you swoop in into his personal space and he doesn't know what to do.
Alicorn! Dusk is a little more open. He still likes being alone but now he doesn't mind or grumble to anypony wanting to hang out with him. Therefore, you are more than allowed to be more lovey dovey with him just as long as you know how to limit them. He's still a little shy.
Now that he has wings, you two can fly together now! Which lead to a lot of fun small races against each other. More than once, ponies of equestria can see blurs of two different colours in the sky and Rainbow Blitz interrupting y'all to join in the race.
Overall, whichever Dusk is, he still loves you in his own interesting way.
"Fine but don't complain when you're in the middle of doing it." He proceeds to hang you books and scrolls in a bag and kiss your forehead because he's not brave to kiss your cheek.
2. Elusive + Reader
Drama King and his unbothered lover or his whipped lover. Whichever dynamic you prefer.
Hope you don't mind dolling up for him. As soon as you step into his boutique, you getting dragged immediately to dress up. You're a perfect model to test out outfits for pegasuses. However if you told him to stop, he'll stop. He knows boundaries, he has them himself. Plus, he loves you.
He'll probably ask you to help him deliver and fetch things for him. No need to ask if you could help. You probably help him immediately if you noticed how panicked his state is in. Don't worry! He'll give you a kiss or an outfit when you've done your duty! Whichever you wanted more or comfortable with.
His little brother, Poppet Bell, loves you! Can you carry him? Bring him up to fly?? PLEEEEEEEEEEAAAAASEEE! If you gave into his puppy eyes, you'd make Elusive worried sick. Please don't fall or let his brother fall, as if you would.
"My dear, you truly gave me a scare when I suddenly saw you up with Poppet while I was in the market... Why did you even do that?"
"I succumbed to his puppy dog eyes hehe."
"Goodness my dear."
3. Applejack + Reader
Oh wow you're helpful for the farm. Is what applejack thinks at first. Please don't be mad at him, his whole life is contributed to his farm and family. But hey! At least you're now part of his family.
He won't force you into work (he also needs a little convincing) but if you did help him, you'd be too focused in what you're helping with to notice how he looks at you with basically apple hearts in his eyes. You had to find that out when Apple Buck gave pretended to vomit which embarrassed Applejack greatly. Macareina even told you that Applejack looks you the way their father looks at their mom, absolutely whipped. Don't even get me started on Grandpa Smith.
If you want, you can try racing against him like that one fall episode. He'll easily beat you or if you're very athletic, you can excel or match his pace. Either way, he'll comfort you and/or be proud of you.
"Can you help collect that side of the farm, sugar cube? It's okay if you don't want to hun."
"We talk about thiss.. I'll help you with anything you ask for!"
"Thank you sugar. I'm still not use to asking for help.."
"Bleugrh can you two lovebirds get back to apple picking already?!" You and Applejack proceed to laugh at Apple Buck's disgusted face but Applejack's laugh is more bashful.
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weirdblondestuff 8 months
Why is everyone hating on Disney's "Wish" so much?? Is it just where I live or an universal experience?
Like, ok, the villain is nothing but a control freak. Is that really all that we're seeing here?
Are we really ignoring the fact that they managed to mention *a lot* of Disney's old movies and some nice things?
TW: some spoilers ahead?
Also, feel free to add things or agree or disagree. I really want to understand why everyone is hating that movie so much. I'm not saying it's my favourite but I actually think there's some interesting stuff there.
The main friend group is formed of seven people, excluding Asha. Each of them reminds me of one of the seven dwarves from Snow White, except that the one who represents Dopey can talk. The short one even says "And they ask me why I'm grumpy!". He's clearly Grumpy.
Asha's grandpa, Sabino(?) is turning 100, just like the Disney company. And after the final credits roll, there's a scene of him playing "When you wish upon a star" on whatever instrument he plays(don't really know the name of it, sorry).
On one of the wishes, Aurora's dress can be clearly seen for a split second.
On another wish, we see Peter Pan flying around and soon after king Magnifico mentions Neverland. Later on, a guy NAMED PETER. WANTS TO BUILD A FLYING MACHINE. AND HE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE PETER PAN. Coincidence? I think not.
They reference Tangled with the scene everyone is drawing on the ground with chalk.
Bambi! Bambi is in the movie! As an adult and he barely has 5 seconds of screen time? Yes, but it's still Bambi.
Asha's wish is... Guess what? Made upon a star. 馃幍When you wish upon a star...馃幍
Sleeping Beauty might also have been referenced when king Magnifico "trapped" everyone in that... Rose thorns looking magic. (It's either this or my mind is mixing Disney's version with the tale I read as a kid. Sorry.)
When Asha's trying to lure the king into the forest, she's given a small stick with some magic in it and is wearing something very similar to what Cinderella's fairy godmother wore. Later on, she receives an actual magic wand and is asked to become everyone's fairy godmother, and her clothes sparkle similarly to how Cinderella's ones did when her dress transformed.
Magnifico also mentions the Evil Queen from Snow White! (Not sure if this is the exact phrase but I'm pretty sure he said something similar) "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who in the land is the fairest of all?".
Valentino says something, by the end of the movie, that references to Zootopia (something along the lines of "A place where all mammals are the same. And wear clothes!").
The star does the Disney intro thing by the end of the movie(Castle on the background, the star... Y'know what I'm talking about. Hopefully.).
There might be other things I forgot to mention here and things I didn't notice. Also, I've only watched the movie once, in english, and it isn't even my mother tongue, so there might be some misunderstandings. Anyway, overall, I don't think the movie deserves all the hate it's getting. It's definitely not the best movie of all, but, honestly? It's not that bad.
Please forgive any mistakes 馃檹 and help me understand whatever's happening because it doesn't make much sense to me.
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