#please play hatoful boyfriend
himerutoujou · 5 months
peeks... whats hatoful bf... (encouraging you to infodump)
have you ever heard of the funny pigeon dating simulator?
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because that's hatoful boyfriend!! and it's an absolutely CRAZY experience. you're a human girl in a school for pigeons! the premise might be silly, but the story itself is DEEP and the characters are compelling (and all have human designs too, but those arent part of the game)
i'm telling you: if you like visual novels, PLEASE play hatoful boyfriend. it's on steam and often on sale for very cheap. (I bought the bundle myself for about $10 i think? including both the original game and the sequel, plus collectors edition dlc for them both.) Right now the full bundle is $17.58. if you just want the individual games, they're $10 each.
this game hits hardest if you go in blind. the world is genuinely captivating and the lore and twists are crazy.
im saying this with full sincerity: hatoful boyfriend walked so doki doki literature club could run.
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yugiohz · 1 year
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idk i think they're equally annoying roommates
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K, so I did my usual several hours of editing and hesitation but I honestly think this might be my magnum opus
Behold. Crappy presentation I made on the uncontrollable whims of Lord Pudi between the hours of midnight and 2:30 am explaining why you should play Hatoful Boyfriend. Please keep in mind that I haven't played in several years so if I made a mistake.. erm. Sorry about that. Without further ado...
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If you feel like screaming about it in the tags or notes, please please do, I thrive on people's reactions to these games.
**Quick disclaimer of sorts: While I love these games to bits, they do contain some things that are quite dark and potentially triggering. I don't want to list them here because they're spoilery, but if you are someone who is easily triggered you may want to check that out and decide whether it's for you or not. I think most of you, if not all, are following me for BSD and if you're fine with that you're probably good.
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snowlilys-wife · 1 year
I’ve legitimately been thinking myself into a downward spiral for the last 3 hours straight about how not enough people give Hatoful Boyfriend a fighting chance long enough to ever get through the full game.
It shouldn’t bother me so much, but it REALLY bugs me whenever I see a Big YouTuber™️ pick up the game on their channel for shits and giggles (because “haha silly bird dating game”) and then only do one or two of the routes before dropping it and never touching it again with the assumption that the entire game is just one big meme when there’s SO MUCH MORE to see. But it’s so hard to convince people to actually stick with it and play through the whole thing without spoiling everything about it and all its twists and turns.
Like it’s seriously one of the best games I’ve EVER played with amazing storytelling, character development, horror, humor, and literally everything in-between but nO ONE EVER KNOWS BECAUSE THEY DON’T EVER MAKE IT PAST THE PUDDING GOD JOKE ROUTE.
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shopwitchvamp · 6 months
I respect your opinion and I give you a thumbs up from my perch of "Shuu is best bird"
Hahaha thank you! I also love Shuu a lot
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nihiltism · 2 years
by the way it is live a lives 28th anniversary today everyone say happy birthday. and play live a live. let me tell you my oersted puns I have at least 10
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sleepyhead-poll · 4 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Considering he's the avatar of sloth, I think that qualifies him as The Sleepy Character™
He's so cute, he has a collection of pillows including one he carries around often, he can sleep basically anywhere and he really exemplifies youngest sibling energy!
This sleepy boi is always looking for a nap, but that also may be because he is the avatar of sloth. He could sleep anywhere, and I mean ANYWHERE. Also he’s a cutie, and he loves his twin brother!! He also does NOT like his oldest brother, Lucifer. Him and one of his other brothers both. He likes to plan on ways to prank Lucifer, and even gets MC in on it. But overall, vote Belphie the demon who could sleep anywhere!
Nanaki Kazuaki:
he is a school teacher who falls asleep in his classes quite often (usually in the middle of talking) and his students have to wake him up.
i feel like this misses the most important part of hatoful boyfriend which is: that nanaki is a quail the bird there. is actually him. hato moa was kind enough to give us cute anime boy representations, but the characters in hatoful boyfriend are all birds (except the MC, who is a human girl). he's also a brilliant mathematical genius, but his narcolepsy makes him fall asleep mid-lecture... please vote for the sleepy birb! (and play/read Hatoful Boyfriend, it rules!) [Click link to see image]
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chongoblog · 8 months
hi have you considered playing hit bird dating simulator hatoful boyfriend. this ask is deranged enough to be anon but it is a legitimately good game and I have zero shame. please play hit bird dating simulator hatoful boyfriend. so many things happen in hit bird dating simulator hatoful boyfriend. very little of the things that happen are actually dating.
I played it a loooooong time ago. Might be an interesting replay if I finish all 840 other games on my list
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silkysong · 5 months
please play hatoful boyfriend. date the birds. unforgettable experience.
i love birds and i love games with every single trigger warning in existence, lets go
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hidden-tea-party · 4 days
IT IS TIME. hidden tea party season two has kicked off today with Episode 49: Welcome Everybirdie!
we're giving Courtney a break from being the all-knowing one, so this time it is me (Jess) leading the charge into a beautiful, pigeon-based world in Hatoful Boyfriend! this episode, the gang meets the eligible doves for the first time and start pursuing the bird next door, ryouta (my boy)
play along with us at home using the HB route guide
and please stay safe, full trigger warning list can be found here
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ariapmdeol · 5 months
currently playing:
Hatoful Boyfriend (cbat fans)
cell of empireo (again)
assorted random rpgmakers
Marbling Clear (gavi)
No Salvation (cbat fans)
Things that are up next:
DRAMAtical murder (cbat fans)
Nira Oni
Midnight Train
persona 4 golden
Zero escape
nier automata
Things i want to get to soon:
Higurashi and Umineko
bl games (please give me yaoi game recs rn im eyeing slow damage)
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rpgchoices · 1 year
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2022 WRAP UP: Games played this year - useless recs list (with small review, and in vague order of my personal enjoyment):
01. Enderal: It climbed up to become one of my favourite games ever. I played it twice in a row (still finishing the second playthrough), really enjoyed the story, fell in love with the characters and definitely cried. I am reading the novel now.
02. Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous: I love this series of games, Kingmaker is still my favourite, but I loved the story of Wrath so much more. The mystery, the paths, the customizations! The only thing I missed was romance, I still have to find a romance I like and reply is hard because of how long the game is.
03. The Forgotten City: Beautiful adventure game recommended by lairofsentinel, great (basically) detective story. Interesting characters and definitely had a lot of fun trying to find out what the hell was going on.
04. Mass Effect Andromeda: For all the bad rep this game gets, I expected worse? I actually really really enjoy it. The story was nothing too exciting, and many quests were just fetch quests, but I still liked the characters a lot. The feeling of found family? Yes please. Jaal romance? Bring it on.
05. Gamedec: Among the new games that came out in recent years, this has to be one of my favs. The overall story was quite interesting, and the investigation really makes you feel like a detective. My only criticism is that there is little to no customization as by the end of the game you end up levelling up all skills, basically. Still enjoyable and good characters too.
06. Spellforce 3: Soul Harvest: I am at the very last mission. This game is adorable, even if the rpg element is a bit linear. I think, from what I understand, the dialogue choices do not have much impact. Basically, only the romance choice change the plot. Still, the art is very beautiful, the companions lovely and they are also all voiced. The plot was nothing special tho, kinda boring, but I had fun playing minimal Age of Empire tactics alongside the fighting.
07. Hatoful Boyfriend: WHAT TO SAY - this game is a big joke - not in a bad way, just in a "oh my god what am I playing" way. I would definitely recommend it. Do not take the romances seriously, the characters are just parody of usual visual novel romances - but the murder mystery is so eery and absurd!
08. Ash of Gods: I think this game is the better version of Banner Saga. The characters feels more like characters, and the story is a bit less linear and even if sometimes confusing, still enjoyable. For personal enjoyment, I would choose this over other games most times - and I did, I played it three times in a row. I am liking some of the characters so much that I am actually thinking of writing fanfics.
09. Tower of Time: If the ending had been different, this game would be in the top 3. I really enjoyed the plot, the mystery, the way you can explore this fantastical tower - the orcs!! I loved the orcs subplot! But it all comes to a big nothing that left a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth. So - well, fun but disappointing.
10. Boyfriend Dungeon: HEAR ME OUT - this game is a visual novel with hack and slash fighting. The visual novel part is a bit... meh, and the plot is kind of absurd, but I enjoyed the idea of increasing your romance with character by using them to fight. In general I actually enjoyed it even if I won't ever play it again.
11. The Banner Saga: Interesting story, that gets a bit better the more you play. Some characters are pretty good - but generally they are not the main driver of this game. Still, I liked the gameplay enough that I will probably play 2nd and 3rd, even if the plot really did not leave a big impression on me... I barely remember it.
12. The Talos Principle: This game is amazing. The story is so well crafted... my problem is that I am bad at puzzles and easily frustrated. If you like puzzle games, I recommend this one because discovering the plot/lore of the world is amazing.
13. Hades: Okay, this game is great, just not for me. I am not a fan of hack and slash, and I get frustrated pretty easily, so playing the full game multiple times to reach the ending - it gets boring a bit too easily for me.
14. Black Geyser: A classic isometric rpg. I really did want to like it, but somehow... the plot is okay, but the characters are so flat. I felt no real connection to any of them, even the companions who join you end up joining you in such random ways and the ending seemed abrupt. Still if you want an isometric game to play, go for it.
15. Gods will be watching: I am still playing this one and I am eternally confused. The plot is quite interesting and the way the playthrough is incorporated is too, but it also looks quite random - as in there is no exact rule on how to pass every level, but a big level of randomization.
16. A golden wake: I love Wadjet Eye Games and A Golden Wake was one of their older ones that I wanted to play. It was a nice good combination of puzzle and characters, but I did not enjoy the setting too much. I won't probably replay it.
17. Seven: I just started it so I have no opinion yet - a part for the fact that I am somehow very bad at it!
19. Starfighter Eclipse: This is a very very short visual novel/dating sim - the plot is minimal and the romances non existent. It is basically a very short predictable event that allow you to get sex scenes in cut scenes and that is it.
Other games played from Itch.io and in random order:
Brassica: A Marry Tale: Cute AMAZING visual novel, with wlw and mlm content. Unfortunately it is unfinished... but it will be finished! I will wait for the next chapters.
One Night Stand: HORRIBLE. I HATE this game with a passion, because everything in this game seemed to led to crime (you wake up from a one night stand and can't remember anything, and the consent was so iffy, but somehow the game is supposed to be about humans connecting??)
Speed Dating for Ghosts: Beautiful small indie game about meeting different ghosts and going on "dates", mainly dealing with their deaths. I cried at least three times.
A Short Hike: Currently one of my favourite non rpg games. This game was beautiful and so calming. I loved everything about it, and cried a couple of times too. There is so much humor too. I definitely recommend it.
Overland: Fun game where you have to escape zombies. Sad that the characters are not really characters
Arcade Spirits: I am still playing this, sadly I am not big on visual novels. The characters are all interesting so I might try to finish this one.
The corner of SHAME: Games I never finished and never will (maybe).
Greedfall - this game is one of the most boring well packaged game I have ever played Hard West - I did not even... understand the plot Stardew Valley - not for me Wasteland 2 - I expected something completely different and was disappointed Fallout New Vegas - I will definitely play it because of the great recs, but I usually do not like action games of this type Danganronpa Happy Trigger Havoc - not for me
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Hey hey! Back with another poll!
For those of you who haven’t played Hatoful Boyfriend, which character’s route is most intriguing to you?
Please share who you picked in the tags or something! I just want to know hehe
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kakusu-shipping · 3 months
🥰💘💌 I am requesting Hatoful S/I lore 🥺
Thankyou so much for asking I am think thonkin
🥰: How would someone who loved you portray you?
The Hatoful fandom is very good at staying in character (at least the parts that I'm in), so if they liked me they'd portray me well. Though they'd probably play up the scatterbrained part of my character a bit much, but that's more fun anyway.
💘: Why would people love your ship? Why would people dislike your ship?
It definitely depends on the Universe. Mainline the ship is more of just a crush and background set piece to the main story anyway, probably only really seen in the manga and mostly just as a gag piece. More of a silly "What if Kazuaki/Hitroi forgave himself and dated the librarian instead?" kind of ship, wholesome, cute, what-if crack ship. Hitori fans claim it undermines his character, and they'd be right.
In the Shrine AU/Mirror AU (please mirror 2024) it'd get a LOT of the same flack as Quail Boyfriends alone would get. They're toxic, Kazuaki's manipulative, Hitori's an abuser, Emile's an enabler, etc etc. And like, yeah kiiiind of but that's mashing the main story and AU together. I think shippers of Polyquails would focus more on the AU version where we're like, at most, a dysfunctional polycule with a communication problem. Like yeah Kazuaki is still a depressed emotionally manipulative mess but he IS working on it, and Hitori still is rather detached and closed off but he has Nageki to remind him to open up, and I still kinda infantalize Kazuaki and give into him way too quickly but liiiike... We're working on it.
We're three young adults doing our best, hurting eachother along the way but in the end, pretty happy. I think some people would like the realness of it, and some people can't handle the toxic yoai. It is what it is.
💌: How would your dynamic be portrayed? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions?
Most people might notice I tend to favor Kazuaki and Kazuaki favors Hitori and play into that to make a sort of... Jealousy plotline? Or worse make it a love triangle instead a Polycule! Aaah yeah that'd be the worst interpretation...
People might assume my character dislikes Hitori because he does tend to be a little agro at him, but that's mostly again because he babies Kazuaki and is constantly ready to throw hands for him at the slightest inconvenience, and yes that includes at Hitori who is demanding he eats the vegetables on his plate. He does still have his moments with Hitori but they do bicker more than the average couple...
Oooooh my god could you imagine the fandom deeming Hitori and I Kazuaki's "Parents" instead of his boyfriends??? Augh! Incorrect!!! But SOMEONE would say it for sure...
I think it's kind of a complex dynamic over all and would have a few interpretations, especially sense it's mostly hinted at and not canon, and Hatoful media outside of the game is mostly Goofy Silly times.
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glitteringstardust · 2 months
Can I please request a mourning dove stimboard with a few mourning dove gifs (if you can find any) and other stims of your choice? They're my favorite bird!
i'm about to post this now! i did find a few mourning dove gifs and i also thought rain and cozy vibes would fit, but you can let me know if you want something different.
can i also just say: there is one specific thing that i always end up associating mourning doves with that this request made me think about again. and that's hatoful boyfriend, an incredibly surreal dating sim where all of the characters are literally birds but also have anime-esque human portraits to help you pick which pretty bird boy you'd like to romance. and one of them is a sad angsty mourning dove whose human version has green hair. i first played this game many, many years ago and have never forgotten about it.
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cringecorekitty · 11 months
Please consider playing Hatoful Boyfriend. I would love to see you take it on.
oh i've played that, ryouta is my favorite and his story always makes me cry. but nothing can ever prepare anyone for the way that game actually ends, it's incredible. it's so much more than a pigeon dating simulator. i wish ryouta had a happier end :(
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