#pleasedonthurtcjstar answers
corescorner · 20 days
Please don’t steal my waffles
I don't steal waffles!
But someone might!
Hehe, that's an inside joke with me and my cousin, I just didn't know what to put there so that's what I put :p
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xandriagreat · 1 year
I Care
Author's note: this is for @pleasedonthurtcjstar (this post). I hope that you like it.
Notice/Warnings: abusive partner/rudeness, break-up, caps, therapy, fluff
Patton drove with Toby, his boyfriend, to their first appointment.
Patton glanced at his boyfriend.
Toby had his arms crossed and doesn't look happy.
"Toby?" Patton asked, looking back at the road. "What's wrong?"
Toby looked at him, annoyed. "Why are we doing this?" he asked with no interest.
Patton sighed. "You know already. We're going to this therapy session suggested by Virgil." He said as he drove.
Toby rolled his eyes.
Patton knows that he doesn't want to do this but he feels like this is a good time to do it.
When they arrived to the place, Patton checked them in.
Toby was tapping his foot impatiently as they waited.
Doctor Emile Picani got ready for his next appointment. "Now, who's next." He said to himself, looking at the names. "Patton and Toby? Oh! Those sound interesting!"
Emile left his office when it was almost time for the couple to enter his office.
He does this because he wants his patients (both couples and singles) to feel like they’re going to have a good time, like intro themes in shows. 
It works, sometimes.
He saw the couple enter his office and waited for him on the couch. 
When it was time for him to enter, he did the entrance for the first timers. Emile noticed that one of them started to smile at him while the other was confused/freaked out, which was normal for the first few times. 
Emile took his seat when done. “Hello, new patients. Do you how do?” he asked calmly with a smile.
“I’m good-” the one who smiled started but was interrupted by the other said, “I’m confused.”
Emile looked at him and asked, “What are you confused about?”
“Are you a child’s therapist?”
“Toby.” the smile one said, looking at him, frowning. 
“What? I’m just asking Patton.”
“It’s okay,” Emile hummed, looking at the couple as he wrote in his notes. “I’ve been asked that a lot before in the past. And to let you know, you are in the right place, I just do seasons differently than others.”
Toby nodded and rubbed the leg of his pants. “Great…” he mumbled.
Emile asked the usual questions, like ‘have you been in therapy before?’ and ‘how did you find out about this place?’
Patton told the doc that he hasn't had therapy before but for Tony, he told him that he has and thought it was dumb. “And for the second one… it was one of my friends who suggested it.” Patton said, sounding nervous. 
Toby sighed and explained to Patton, “We’re doing okay. We don’t need this.”
“Toby…” Patton started, looking at him.
Emile thought it was a good time to talk about how therapy could help and not just a place to get things fixed. But before he could say anything, Toby’s phone rang. The therapist and partner looked at the phone as Toby got his phone out. 
“It’s work.” Toby sighed as he got up and pointed to the hallway. “Mind if I take this?”
Toby went out of the room before either spoke as he answered the phone.
Emile and Patton looked at each other for a moment. “I’m so sorry about him…” Patton said apologetically after Toby didn’t come back after a few minutes.
“It’s okay.” he started, his voice giving comfort and smiled softly, “we can meet a different time-”
“No, please.” Patton interrupted. Emile looked at him as Patton explained, “I… sorry. There’s just a lot of things that I want to talk about… If you don’t mind…”
Emile thought for a moment and said, “I guess I’ll put you in my singles for now. Does that work for you?”
Patton nodded and adjusted in his seat. “That sounds like a plan.”
Emile talked and helped Patton for the past few months.
They talked about Patton's past and how things have been. They also talked about Patton’s relationship with Toby.
Emile Picani was getting ready for the next appointment, which is Patton. 
He went to get ready to leave his office when it was almost time for Patton to enter the office.
As Emile does his enterice into the room, he notices that Patton looked like he was crying recently. He slowly brought his energy down and went into the room. 
“Hey, Patton.” Emile quietly said as he sat down in his seat and got his pen and notebook out. 
“Hi, Picani…” Patton sniffed, looking up at him.
“You okay?” Emile asked, trying to go simple and not rush.
Patton shook his head. “No… I had a bad day.”
“Want to talk about it today?”
Patton nodded and looked down, quiet for a moment. “Toby and I broke up…” Patton sniffed, wiping tears away. 
Emile could just look at him, feeling sad for him. He comforted him and calmed him down before they talked about what happened.
For almost a year, Emile and Patton meet up and talked with the sessions. Emile helped Patton move on from the break up a few months ago. 
Sometimes, they bump into each other outside of the office appointments and have lunch. They talk about shows, movies, life, their likes and dislikes.
Emile starts to realize something during this time. 
He is in love with Patton.
Emile was talking to Remy, his roommate and best friend, about this whole situation with Patton. “I just don’t know what to do now…” Emile said, finishing up his venting. He laid down on the couch and sighed. 
Remy looked at him for a moment and then asked, “Well, why don’t you ask him out? Since you’ve had lunch with him before, you should be able to go on a date with him.”
Emile’s eyes twitched as he looked at him, sitting up properly. “Remy, I can’t date a patient. It’s against the rules.” he explained, still looking at him. 
Remy had a confused look on his face. “Why? There are some couples working in the same work areas.”
Emile sighed, knowing that he’s going to have to mention some reality to him. “Remy, do you remember when we saw that one serious video that some people on the internet joked about?”
Remy was still for a moment and then nodded. “You mean from the Try Guys? Yes…” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Along with the film theory video by MatPat. It’ll be bad for work and it creates problems.”
“Then you see why I can’t date him.” Emile sighed, hugging a pillow.
Remy thinks for a moment to help. His lazy eyes lit up when he got an idea and said, “I got an idea, Em.”
Emile looked at him. “Oh?”
“Why don’t you transfer him to a different therapist or wrap it up?”
Emile gave him a look of horror. “Rem, as much as I like you my friend, but why?!” he exclaimed, the horror look still on his face. “What? You told me one time that he was getting better! Also, you want to date him, right?!” Remy exclaimed back.
Emile just stares at Remy for a moment before nodding. “I do… Let’s talk about it and prepare. Just in case it does or doesn’t go so well.”
Remy nodded. "Let's prepare you to face the darkness or the lightness of thr Secret Tunnel."
Patton went to the office on the session day that he and Emile Picani scheduled that day.
Patton entered the Picani office when it was almost time. Patton smiled at him as Emile did his enterice into the room. “Hi, Picani.” he said, smiling softly.
“Hello, Patton.” Emile Picani said, smiling back as he got the notebook and pen ready.
They started the session and talked about where they last finished off. Before they finished the session, Patton noticed that Emile had something on his mind. “Hey, you okay?” he asked. 
“Hm? Oh! I’m okay, Patton.” Picani replied, sounding reassuring.
Patton hummed softly and nodded. “I want to talk to you about something before we finish.”
Emile looked at him and the clock that hung on the wall. “We only have about five minutes.” he mentioned, looking back at Patton. 
“It’ll be quick.” Patton reassured. “And it doesn’t need to be written down.”
Emile hummed, set his notebook and pen down, and looked at him. 
Patton took in a breath and said, “This is the last session.”
Emile looked at Patton in surprise. “I say what?” 
Patton nodded. “Yeah, I… uh… I believe that I’m better now and there’s another thing to talk about. But I want to address it unless you think that I’m not there yet.” he explained, playing with his hands.
Emile looked at him, waiting for him to tell him the other one was. 
“The other one is that I…” Patton took in a deep breath before continuing, “I love you, Emile.”
Picni’s eyes widened when the words got to him. Before he could say anything, Patton said, “I know, it’s bad and VERY wrong to date your own therapist! But I just… I don’t know…”
Emile was quiet for a moment. Then he gently took Patton’s hands into his, rubbing them gently. “Patton… I love you too.”
Patton’s eyes lit up and looked at Emile, who smiled softly at him.
“To be honest, I’m proud of how much you've grown.” Emile explained, a soft glow of comfort in his eyes. “But you still need some help that I don’t have to give… And to reassure you that the thing that you did mention about patients and their therapists dating is true. Believe me, I’ve seen it happen and it’s not like tv… but I was going to transfer you to a different therapist. He is different from what I do but I believe that he can help.”
Patton couldn’t help but giggle softly, “That sounds like a plan.”
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c0ffeebee · 2 years
Happy birthday
thank you! 💛💛💛
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Idk if you answered this or not, but are we allowed to submit days late?
Yep. Because the prompts are just suggestions you don't have to post on that exact day if you can't. I'm also allowing a 5 day grace period to submit any late work in case you couldn't finish something in time. Basically, you'll have until May 6th to make sure everything is submitted.
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mostcertainlynotcis · 4 years
In response to “Send a "❤" and a character for a headcanon about that character.” Post. ❤️ Logan Sanders
round glasses, chubby, freckles, fluffy hair, kinda short
his room is organized chaos
the door to his "closet" doesn't actually lead to a closet. it leads to a low-gravity void of a room where Logan can float in the endless expanse of space. King made it for him when they were little because Logan expressed an interest in space, and nowadays, Logan will spend most of his free time there
everyone thinks patton would be the cook, but no. it's logan, usually. unless he doesnt have the spoons, in which case it's roman
whenever someone else talks about a new interest, Logan will go out of his way to research it so they have someone to talk to about it.
(no one ever does the same for him, but that's okay.)
well. until he befriended the dark sides, anyway, who promptly knocked some sense into the light sides and got logan the appreciation he deserves
just hghbgbyd i have a lot of feelings about him
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What’s up postman? How are ya doing today?
I'm doing good! Work is work, the RemRom is in season, and I've been enjoying my creative time. How are you? :3
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alienhoarder · 4 years
What’s your fav mcr album?
Revenge or DD.
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Is this... is this a safe blog? I can follow you correct?
i let anyone follow me so long as they’re respectful, and i’m pro-ship, so yeah, you can follow me :)
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remromfantasies · 4 years
RemRoMile - A Date?
Summary: Roman and Remus see a hot therapist.
Word count: 1034
Warnings: Big word (don’t worry, it gets explained), hitting on your doctor person guy, therapy, cheek kisses, PDA (public displays of affection). Let me know if i should add more!
Tagging: @pleasedonthurtcjstar cuz you helped motivate me! (Also I’m sorry i cant put it under a cut fhdsjkfs)
Remus’ leg bounced anxiously. The office was quiet, clean, and full of pastel decor. His eyes shifted across the room to every cutesy nick-nack in sight. A hand on his thigh brought his gaze to his boyfriend.
“Relax, Re,” Roman muttered. “He’ll be here any minute.”
“You really think we need this?” He questioned. His leg continued going up and down, even as Roman rubbed soft, slow circles on his knee.
“It’ll be fine.” Roman looked back ahead and his boyfriend crossed his arms in a pout. They waited the same length of time for the therapist to show as one would finally deciding to say something after a long, awkward pause.
Roman picked up a small figurine from the tea table and brought it to Remus’ attention with a smile.
“Look, cute!” Remus broke his resolve with a grin of his own.
“Not as cute as you~” Roman giggled and pushed his shoulder. His boyfriend took this as a challenge. Forgetting all his worries, he learned over his boyfriend, trying to pepper kisses across his face in revenge.
“Stop!” Roman laughed, attempting to shove his partner back. They managed a compromise and settled on a meaningful kiss on the lips.
The clearing of a throat brought a blush to Romans cheeks, and a cocky grin to Remus’. Straightening their clothes, the couple turned to greet the therapist. Although they both fell silent at the man before them. Their counsellor had soft brown eyes behind lopsided frames, and short, chocolatey hair pushed to the side. He looked like a preschool carer; in other words - adorable.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Dr. Emile Picani apologized. The pair shared a look as their couples counsellor spoke. “It’s not very often that I have guests so clearly still in love. Anyways,” he took a seat in his chair across his patients. “It is a splendid pleasure to meet you both! I am Emile Picani and everything that we discuss today stays between us.” The couple nodded their heads in sync. “And please, keep things PG,” He giggled to himself. Remus was quick to make conversation.
“Well, Dr. Picani, I am Remus and this is my pulchritudinous boyfriend, Roman.” Emile blinked.
“That’s a good thing, right?”
“Much more than good, doctor~” Remus earned himself an elbow to the ribs, but he hardly flinched. “It means sexy! Something that could easily be applied to you, handsome.” He wiggled his eyebrows. Roman elbowed him harder this time, simply earning an ouch! and a glare.
“Remus!” Roman stage-whispered. Flirting so outright was Remus’ typical style, but he did not want to have to search for a different counsellor so soon.
Emile, though he didn’t exactly condone flirting on the job, doesn’t turn him down. Remus leaned back on the therapy couch. He continued to give the doctor bedroom-eyes.
“So,” Emile continued, switching the topic and pulling out a notebook. “You two are dating or married or...?”
“We’re dating.” Roman spoke up. Emile beamed.
“And how has that been going?”
This man’s smile has a PHD in being gorgeous, doesn’t it? Roman thought. He quickly tuned out his thoughts and joined back in conversation.
“Great! It’s been 5 months so far and we’ve loved every minute!” He turned his head and smiled warmly at his boyfriend. Emile melted in his chair.
“Awe! So, what brings you two in then?” He eyed them curiously, readying his pen. Roman went to speak, but found that his voice got caught in his throat. He took a subtle breath in and tried again.
“I, I guess it's more for me.” Roman avoided the cute doctor's eyes. “Just, I’m so afraid that, that we won’t last, as, as partners.” Emile nodded along, raising his eyebrows in concern. When Roman didn’t continue, Remus sat back upright and looped an arm around his partner; this didn’t go unnoticed by the therapist.
“See, doc,” Remus began. “Roman is very self-conscious,” the mentioned lowered his gaze to the floor. “I think his biggest fear is not that I won’t always love him - though that is also un problemo - but that we will be driven apart like two brothers that broke the norm and law and societal standards for all men by falling in love with each other and committing to acts of the romantic and sexual kind.” Emile muttered a soft ‘oh’ and leaned forward, forgetting about his notebook entirely and just allowing it to sit in his lap.
“And why is that?” He asked. Remus hardly hesitated to give an answer.
“Because we are.” Emile, rather than turn up his nose and usher them out of his office, smiled and relaxed his hunched up shoulders.
“Awe, you’re brothers too? Gosh, I’m so happy for you too,”
“You’re not uncomfortable?”
“Happy enough to let us take you on a date?” The twins asked in sync. Dr. Picani chucked behind his pen.
“No, Roman, I’m not uncomfortable at all,” He gave a genuine smile to the older brother, hoping to ease the crinkle in his brow. It worked, and both Emile and Roman huffed in relief. Pointedly, he refused to acknowledge Remus’ question. “However, you are afraid of losing Remus as a significant other because you’re brothers; why does being related scare you?” Roman sighed and rubbed his hands together in his lap.
“Just, societal standards, I guess.” Emile hummed in understanding. The three began discussing methods to help alleviate all the brothers' concerns and multiple TV references. Emile had handed Roman a fight item and by the end of the session, Remus gave the doctor his personal phone number.
“Don’t forget about everything we talked about today, okay, boys?” The twins stood to leave, Emile coming up its them to show the out. He released a gentle hum as they made it to the door. As the taller men turned around, he placed a kiss against the youngest’ cheek, just barely brushing his moustache. Remus’ face got stuck in a manic grin of joy.
The therapist then turned and did the same on the elders adjacent cheek. He smiled contently before turning and heading back into his office. The twins shared a look.
“Rem… I think you just got us a future husband.”
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thedukeandhisprince · 4 years
"One," Remus flips his wrist in sync with Roman. They had been planning this moment for days now. His smile quickly fades, as he reads his wrist in shock.
"Roman," he reads aloud, quietly.
Said man looks up from his own wrist, equally jarred by the writing on it. "It's... you." After a moment his face breaks out into a soft smile.
Remus' face soon follows, albeit much brighter, "We're... We're meant to be!" There's a soft giggle, Roman is tackled to the ground in a tight hug.
The laugh that follows is soft, yet boisterous as Roman pulls his brother close, "Yes... Yes, we are..." He grins sitting up, Remus now in his lap. "I love you."
Remus smiles "I love you too."
Several days later Remus is curled against his brother on the couch. He wasn't paying attention to the movie, rather watching his parents scurry around the kitchen impatiently.
They had been doing this a lot recently, watching the brothers suspiciously, speaking in hushed tones when they thought the boys couldn't hear, even avoiding Remus. Although he hadn't said anything, he was beginning to get a bad feeling about this.
Remus is pulled from his thoughts by a knock at the door. He watches curiously, as his parents answer it. A kind looking older man stands there.
"Hello, my name is Bradley Brown. I am from the Lucas Jones all boys boarding school."
Their parents nod, ushering him through the door. "Roman, Remus, this is Bradley. He's here to talk about what happens when Soulmarks are wrong..."
Remus looks at the man confused, as Roman glares at him, hoping he doesn't say what the boys think he's going to.
"Alright, boys," Bradley steps forward with a sickeningly sweet smile. "Let's talk."
My first Remrom fic, excited and a bit proud of myself. Hope you all enjoy it! Thank you to @pleasedonthurtcjstar and @remus-kin for helping me edit
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remrom-official · 4 years
Not to be mean, actual question, but uh why do you ship Roman and Remus when they are canonically twins, or well brothers? Isn't that inc*st? Sorry if this is offensive (or triggering)
Boop. Sorry for the late reply.
It should probably be know that the I ( @pleasedonthurtcjstar ) strongly dislike being asked this question. Luckily others have already answered it.
Here is a link where DD ( @demented-dukey ) has explained why people ship RemRom.
And if you needed a better explanation here is a link where DD responded to why people shouldn’t ship RemRom.
I hope this answered your question and if you have more questions feel free to drop another ask.
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