lillamiint · 5 months
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My first dnd character, shes a woodelf cat :3
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sweetcloverheart · 2 years
Clover Rants Miraculously
Me after reading the leaks about Gabriel’s ending:
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Bible and leak spoilers below, so fair warning
Let me see if I’m reading this correctly...the man who -
Constantly torments Parisians with magical butterflies that will turn them into supervillains if they so much as stub a toe and get big mad about it
Spent the better part of a year fighting and harassing a pair of teenagers for their magical jewelry
Threatened his nephew
Obsesses over his wife and waxes philosophic over her magical coffin
Has magically transformed his son into an Akuma twice to force him to help get aforementioned magic jewelry (and both times used the reveal of the fate of his mother to facilitate this)
Uses magic to brainwash his son on the regular, and often gaslights him if he dares try and have any sort of individuality or doesn’t perfectly obey him
Had planned to use the girl his son was in love with specifically to harm the superheroes he’s fighting (granted, he didn’t know they were the same people, but still!)
Teamed up with a woman who also had a magically made baby and planned to force the two of them together despite their feelings
Mistreats the magical creatures that give him his superpowers
Destroyed the magical jewelry that hosted them to turn them into tacky rings
Has twice pretended to have a meltdown in front of his son, and specifically pinned the blame on said fake meltdown on him so he can hide his villain identity while guilt-triping him, with zero hesitation or guilt.
Purposely antagonized his son’s friends so he can akumatize them (also done with no guilt)
Had someone’s adoptive father murdered so he could try and steal a different set of magical jewelry
Almost caused a nuclear war
Literally threw away the chance to cure his assistant of her ailment (that she got helping him with his villainy) and prevent his wife’s coma so he could throw hands with a teenage girl.
Threw away the magical jewelry containing the creature he had been forcing to help him this whole time, specifically so the girl couldn’t get it back and to spite her
Not only gets to peace out with his son “fondly remembering him” (thanks to, again, using magic to brainwash his son into only having good memories of his dad and none of the ones that involved the constant restriction and emotional abuse) while the girl who’s life he’s made a living nightmare an entire year for gets cajoled into keeping his secret alongside the assistant and nephew (Because it would “break his son’s heart” to see that the man who’s been terrorizing the city and put his girlfriend’s life at risk multiple times get made to face consequences for his actions), but also gets a damn statue made in his honor after his death - and all after getting what he wanted and reviving his dead wife!
THIS is the person who I’m suppose to think is “just a man who loves his family” and is less evil than the two teenage bully girls!
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myanimethought · 4 months
Is Luffy the luckiest pirate or is just plot armor-ed? 🤔 The debate rages on!
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rebeltigera · 9 months
wait why does P! Macaque imprison MK, if he is a menace isn't it easier to just k¡ll him?
(sorry but i couldn't Find it, also take care:))
Mk is a great battery . He can restore his abilities and power back. (#plotarmor) Also- why not have a little fun with your Nemesis successor?
Killing him wouldn't change much for the future
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whumblr · 1 year
to be honest, i think jay is a very compelling whumpee from the slow burn of defiance to the eventual compliance but the regular breaking down and building himself back up just makes him my fav realistic character. he & zayne call himself a nerd in comparison to his sister, but the man's so fucking resilient lmao. like ur telling me he went along being tortured and beaten to shit in his own fucking home for 5 months pretending everything was fine and just went to work daily like nothing else mattered???? if that's not some peak level pain tolerance and sheer willpower idk what is. what would outsiders think if they knew all of that? more importantly, how did the neighbour deal with all the screaming for months and not get extremely suspicious? also can't stop thinking about a spinoff scenario where jay somehow manages to call dennis over after the whole cattle prod thing all sprawled on the ground <3
Ehe, thanks much. Some love for Jay <3
But yeah, he's a lot stronger than he looks and thinks. Even Zayne has to give him credit. He has a pretty high pain tolerance.
As for Jay's neighbour, there's some plotarmor with him working nightshifts. He pretty much leaves the building just before Jay comes home. Meaning he bumped into Zayne quite often :)
Twist: Dennis calls Jay after the whole cattle prod thing and Jay answers in Jay-style still sprawled out on the floor, like, "Hey man, yeah, no, not much, just laying around, y'know..."
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warmcoals · 2 years
chihayafuru is an esports romance anime about the only two autistic tgirls in the fighting game community and their shared autistic tboy wunderkind bestie. it's an older game and it's dying but the systems and skill ceiling are insanely deep/high so all the fights and level ups are hype as fuck. the girls are a genki supermodel tomboy with one special interest and an emo seriousgirl with no friends and theyre in love. the boy is a shy plotarmor glasses god who was put on this earth to kill the crusty old guard freak that's killing the game. side characters include: cis girl who's in it for aesthetic and chooses everyones outfits, prettyboy rotten egg who depression-simps for tomboy, a zoomer tiktok simp for the simp, a pink milf who's going for broke, and the supportive fgc dad who forces you to train for 12 hours a day. there are two (2) in-universe mascot merch lines i would kill a child for. the game is audio-triggered superhyper concentration. the seriousgirl breaks down sobbing and begs tomboy to beat her in grand finals so they can be together; tomboy swears it as her lifes purpose. please watch chihayafuru.
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lesser-mook · 8 months
Metro Exodus is a well made game, with an annoyingly unnecessary mechanic, the moral point system *Recommendation* (FPS, Action, Post-Apocalyptic, Story Driven, Horror Elements)
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I took my time with this game, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Wish I had better hardware so I could record every moment of my first time with it in 4k, but-
the moral point system is garbage, pretentious, obnoxious, unnecessary. And not for the reasons you think.
It's not getting the bad ending that's the issue, you reap what you sow (I guess? Literally didn't put down anyone that wasn't tryna shoot me first), but more importantly, I got what I wanted, a certain characters survival.
I didn't give a fuck about what happened to me. I wanted them to fucking live, I smacked a Blind one in the face, killed another one with bullet spray, threw a can in another ones face, kicked one in the balls & Triangle choked out another (Because the stealth system is full of shit, you'll throw 5 cans in an opposite direction and these mfs will STILL go in your direction).
ALL so that this person would live.
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So i was 100% content. And it was an ending fitting the games tone. But that was considered *Bad, not alternate ending but BAD lmfao. OK.
And it's funny, because I notice these "good" endings are littered with cheesy asspulls and plotarmor and the "BAD" endings have better storytelling because there's actual consequences and committed stakes that fit the situation more organically given what's actually going on.
So the non-canon versions are actually, unintentionally, better stories than the timeline that's actually canon. Almost as if "the point" is fucking irrelevant if the story isn't matching the energy of the set up and Or the narrative and messages gets in the way of a better story. And it usually does. No one wants to play a PREACH simulation.
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Anyways, EXODUS is well produced, well acted, good stories, fun new mechanics, good level design, enemies are a threat, feels like a movie but not too much.
Most of the Characters are meh, but Anna is cool, Katya was useful, Olga was cool, Giul was cool, Yermak underrated.
But for the moral system, some of the characters and thus the game lowkey passive-aggressively throws digs at you throughout the rest of the game IF you didn't obey the narrative like a passive drone puppet- is the absolute WORST part about the game.
The game offers a different experience and then lowkey antagonizes you because you dared to waver from the canon narrative, super pretentious.
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All these opportunities to spare NPCs, GREAT, but do they really matter? If in the end, killing the wrong Npc at the wrong time in the wrong mission, renders the ones you spared null and void anyway? That's the shit I'm talking about.
Why even offer an alternative, just make it one singular story/experience. It'd be a better execution, better experience. CONSISTENT with the previous 2 games.
I shit you not, Last Light I got the one where mc dies and Anna had his Son and she told the legend of his father. That shit would make an STier movie....buuut I find out that Exodus is a thing, and I'm like: Why is Artyom alive? Wheres my son? OH! that wasn't the canon ending?-- wait metro was multiple endings????? (Played Last Light first thinking it was the final game)
And because Artyom is silent, you just have to sit there and take this bullshit the others are vomiting when they do have something to say about your choices, meanwhile they're killing just the people they deemed as "bad" or the "right" people to slaughter. lmfao.
So It's not just the moral point system, that's the worst part about THE GAME itself: The post-op lecturing.
Because I repeat, WHO the fuck decides who's lives matter and who's doesn't in a post apocalypse where its literally anything goes.
Not Khan, that's for damn sure.
Kill the fanatics, that's a problem. Why? They're not trained soldiers, well neither are the bandits as far as i'm concerned, both parties had guns, thus a threat.
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You do nothing, those fanatics will kill you, trust me, I tested it. So they're not helpless.(You kill the Volga fanatics that's a nono because they're not soldiers)
The fanatics who don't pose a threat, like the praying dudes on the shore, dozens of people I leave alone, they're spared because logically they're not a threat.
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 But apparently that wasn't enough for the "good boy" points. Corny as fuck.
There's multiple times in the game where there's supply stashes, but to get to them, you have to kill the bandits who were literally just minding their business before you pulled up and massacred them unprovoked.
Buuut despite not being soldiers either, their lives somehow didnt matter to the message, soooo fuck them i guess =D Last Light, killing the bear was a no no. Which i didn't, she was beaten, and wasn't a threat anymore.
Buuuut the bear in Exodus, their life according to the plot apparently boiled down to a B movie monster, this bears life didnt register to the moral system, cause how that went down was definitely brutal enough for a bad ending.
But apparently not all Bear lives matter. We have a mountain of bandit, soldier, beast, regimen corpses behind us but those lives didn't matter.
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Literally there's a demon nest in VOLGA , the thing was minding its business in its home, I burned it alive via molotov right? I GOT A TROPHY for it…..uhh message?
Burnt to a crisp. Soooo that didn't register to the moral point bullshit?
Why Not? Because Khans eternal wisdom said so? Writers want you to feel empathy for a bear that attacks you, but a Demon minding it's business is irrelevant???
Mercy for them didnt matter huh, we clearly see little baby Bats floating around later, what if that demon was a momma huh? Fuck off. PRE-TENTIOUS, no consistency, want to push this hippie shit, be consistent.
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Only the lives the game vaguely hints matters, are the lives that actually matters. Thus defeating any legitimacy the games little message possessed.
PLAY Stealthily, kill the right people, or you're the bad guy, its a sandbox yet wants to put you in a box.
And its funny because the game doesn't really make anything clear, it vaguely pushes a direction but doesn't get blatant until AFTER you make up your own damn mind.
All these guns to kill, but there's only ONE main method to non-lethally k.o enemies, not even a sleep dart, or knockout gas, yeah thats not redundant.
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FUCK I even tried just shooting knee-Caps & arms to see if that'd neutralize, to make em drop the guns. Nope. Gotta hug them from behind like a lover or punch em out EVERY SINGLE TIME. Same animation. Bioshock Infinite: Burial At Sea* gives the player more non-lethal options to fight.
Fallout 3 doesn't pull this shit to this extent. Fallout knows what it is and what a post apocalypse is in reality. Gray.
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You kill a vendor to steal, guess what? No lecture. But the consequence is NOW you one less person to trade with. One less person to provide you Stimpak.
One less friendly, sassy mf that you feel safe around.
That's fucking reality. You kill just to kill, you lose connections, you need people, thats reality.
Even my Lonewolf ass was HUMBLED by Fallout 3, because this game, even for an antisocial-- This game will MAKE YOU appreciate people, humans, human society, networking. In all the right ways.
All that time in creepy ass caves, ghosttowns, dungeons, mountains of corpses, mutants, demons, Vaults where horrible experiments were done, whispers in the walls etc. Horror Horror HORROR
When you see a person thats friendly in the desert? You run to that mf and see if they wanna trade or just say hi! You might even catch yourself sigh of relief that a mfing person was even around, not tryna shoot you, and alive.
Thats what Fallout 3 can do. Makes you grateful that you still have: People
Kill everyone in the wasteland? now you have no one to work with when you need it. No network. And sometimes regular, nice vendors are murdered by NPCs and you never see them again, ever = Cold hard REALITY, brilliant game design
At the wrong place wrong time, POW. Shot dead. Or eaten alive by beasts.
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That's Karma done right, because it ISN'T a solely moral system, its just (cause and effect) in nature.
In Metro? Its obnoxious. Bioshocks karma system was leagues better because you could tell when and where the "moment of truth" was, it wasn't vague and the game didn't beat you over the head a million times about it like a naggy spouse.
I would've played Exodus immediately again after I finished it, and I WANTED to, but that passive-aggressive shit leaves a bad vibe. It nags & antagonizes you for making your own fucking choice.
And unlike Fallout 3, there's no option to speak back.
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Again, NOT THE ENDING itself is the issue, because the bad ending is not even bad, it's bittersweet.
The characters being annoying saying slick shit a hundred times and you say nothing back is where I started tilting my head.
That doesn't smell right, the game gives you another path then penalizes you for exploring what it made available, sometimes accidentally, cause how tf would a normie know?
For THIS story? It was unnecessary. Especially for Exodus. Linear stories meant to be linear should be linear, for the continuity if anything else.
You want a certain narrative, then axe the bad ending and just make the ending you want to be the narrative. And yet something like Last of Us pt2 that should've had multiple endings, didnt get any lmfao Devs are sleeping man.
TL;DR yes Exodus moral system is laughably infantile, finished it last night (Jan 2024) and I WILL NOT be playing it again for a while just because its pretentious with the message bullshit, I binged the 3 games just to be lectured. Naaaah fuck you. I'll gladly take my blackass right back to Fallout, WAY more content anyway.
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I understand the overtones, the "diamond in the rough/being the exception/", the Bioshock 2 "Mercy is victory" message, but in this game? It wasn't executed well at all. And seriously, at the end of the day, Fuck the writers, play your fucking way.
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Otherwise, Metro Exodus is a good game, crashed once (chalking it up to my shit-ware), it's the best of the Metros, excellent production, buy it anyway. It's moral grandstanding is cringe, but don't rob yourself by not playing it at least once.
Its fun as shit mechanics wise, scout for all the loot, you'll need it, this game will punish you for being reckless, good.
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shiawase-rina · 10 months
I wrote my currently impressions of Virche Evermore on r/vns and thought why not post it here as well?
Vage spoilers under the cut!
I played a lot of [Virche Evermore](https://vndb.org/v29661/chars) the past few weeks!
Virche Evermore is a dark scifi Otome Game which was well known for making players suffer through 4+ entire routes full of tragic endings until you get the chance to unlock better endings for everyone. The better endings might still not be really happy tho.
A sizeable trigger warning list made the rounds long before the game came out in english and the some reviews would called the game misery or torture porn.
I really like tragedies so I had to get the game, but I kept my expecations in check. Misery can come in many forms and there were tragic endings I absolutely hated before (Piofiore Orlock's tragic end made me skip a route).
I finished 4 routes now (only Despair endings) and I can confidently say that this game GETS me. It fits my taste for misery and fucked up-ness perfectly and I'm so happy.
The only downside in that this game has some true bullshit science lol
My biology university degree certainly made a face at some relevations. So uh I just pretend it's more plausible stuff instead. Just forget all your biology knowledge at the door and you're fine...
Some thoughts of the routes:
Mathis: Mathis is the rich, socially awkward and shy guy, who swore revenge on his brothers killer.
Def not my type of guy, but the build up in his route was very well done. So much foreshadowing which get's more and more in your face as time goes on, but it was hard to 100% point the finger to what was happening until the revealed happened. This really reminded my of Il of Café Enchante's route but like 1000% more horrifying. Despair End 2 was disgusting and horrific. It plays with your hopes and the "Power of Love" only to end in the worst possible way. It was so disgusting. I was so impressed!
Lucas: Lucas is the kindhearted teacher of Ceres who is hella feminine and is already knocking on deaths door.
I heard that his route would be the "worst" in a horrifying way with lots of bad things happening.
I think that gave me the wrong expecations after having just seen Mathis Despair End 2.
It's definitely the most unfixable route. A lot of bad things did happen, disgusting things too. But it still felt underwhelming to me compared to what I saw before. The last CG of Lucas's Despair End 2 was very delightful tho!
Some moments gave me some nice shivers as well (Lucas in a ponytail is beautiful).
Scien: The human god who created the cloning technology that made it possible for the people of this cursed island to live longer than 23 years.
Scien's route felt very different from the first two. His wasn't really focused on horrific tragedy, even though terrible, traumatising things still happened. This one had a much stronger romance focus from the start. It felt much more poetic in nature which I liked a lot as well.
"How to Ruin a God?", my beloved Ceres sure did a number on Mister Emotionless God-complex.
Absolut beautiful Despair Ending 2. Stuff like this makes me want to write poems about bringing a god down. You def need to leave your feminism at the door for this one tho lol. Scien is a trashbando who doesn't treat Ceres the way she should be treated.
Yves: The man Ceres almost killed in a fire by accident when she was a child. A very friendly guy who wears a mask to hide his burn wounds and tries to see the best in anyone.
The love interest of all love interests! If The Phantom of The Opera was a good guy but still full of madness. I liked his relationship with Ceres the most. It's so wholesome, raw and selfish. So much longing and self-hatred! They are obsessed with each other. They were made for each other. I support Ceres's right to be insane. I support all her wrongs. She deserves it.
His Despair End 2 was if Power of Love lacked any plotarmor and insanity was the only thing that remained. Loved it.
Next up! Le Salut! I can't wait for more Watchmen of the Dead Ankou!
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girlindemonshade · 1 year
Idk what to Think about the new feh chapter. Ok...yeah sure we were warned to not help him but ma'am pls yes u are a godess but for fucks sake just TELL US. We killed poor Heidr for nothing it Feels like.
Ok we saved Seidr, i thought they would send us, the summoner, into a timeloop but we werent only our weapon went (would have been kinda cool tho but whatever and us being the chosen one yeah yeah whatever. Classic plotarmor, poor other summoners that died for no reason) . BUT NOW U NEED TO KILL FUTURE AND PAST AS U CANNOT SAVE THEM.
Uhm....why tho? Only works once? Or what? Intsys pls.....wouldnt it work better if we save kvasir then Seidr, then Gullveig? Im really dissapointed this month :/ i, atleast, wanted to save kvasir as she is the biggest victim in this thing but we only get the most boring of the three
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sexymister69 · 2 years
Thinking of your life as a narrative is so cool because you can give yourself plotarmor
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lillamiint · 5 months
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Just a silly group picture I made for my first dnd game~~ The player characters + adopted goblin (from a jojo meme)
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void-tiger · 2 years
This just in:
the starwars fandom continues to be overrun by abusive and misogynic, racist, and queerphobic whiny white cismale incels and neckbeards.
To the shock of no one.
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movedfistsbled · 4 years
the  only  reason  canon  didn’t  acknowledge  lee  as  the  new  dawning  world’s  greatest  taijutsu  master  is  bc  he’s  not  in  team  7  .                  post  war  lee  refined  the  gates   ,     and  the  power  he  gains  by  even  just  employíng  the  first  few  gates  absolutely  topples  tsunade’s  /  sakura’s  strength  .                    lee’s  the  true  underdog  of  naruto  bc  he  didn’t  even  have  a  family  name  .             he  had  hard  work  and  a  great  ass  master  .                          and  he  don’t  need  to  be  some  reincarnated  dude  ,  nor  does  he  need  magic  eyes  .                         he’s  among  konoha’s  top  elite  bc  he  fucking  said  so  .
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werewolfkendou · 6 years
Legit I want team Kendou to win this so badly they deserve this win and we need to even out the win loss ratio for the two classes so fight 5 actually matters Also 1B deserves better than to be trashed consistently by the narrative
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And also team 5 should win by default cause it has yui and reiko in it
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krush070 · 6 years
director : many fans complained about naruto depending so much on kurama power and how he’s not even using his own anymore despite claiming that he will achieve his goal by working hard and not giving up.......what should we do to avoide that prbleme in boruto
writers : ok hear me out ..........what if.........we give him an op tatoo bullshit that will make him league above everyone else no matter how hard they sweat and train
director : ............
writers : while we’re at it.......let’s make him have some unique eye power given by his mom ex for some reason lol
director : ...................
director : fuck it let’s do it
me :
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lesser-mook · 1 year
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Saw that High-end Nomu fight, Mirko got that Doomguy plotarmor boi.
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She somehow survived a NOMU that can bend space, how in the fuck.
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