ruija · 2 days
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You might have seen the cover art I sketched for @plothooksinc's fic Infinite Ricochet a couple days ago. I wanted to clean it up a bit, so here's a more refined version 😄
There was actually one more draft I did between the first and this final one, in which I tried a tighter composition and pushed the perspective more. It lost some of the eerie atmosphere though, so I wasn't as happy with it. You can check it out under read more, if you're curious!
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plothooksinc · 1 year
After many weeks of BEATING VEGAS PRO WITH A STICK, I have finished this love letter to the amazing animation of this show.  Please watch, share, whathaveyou, but above all enjoy.  Also, turn it up.
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8 and 14 for the writer's meme!
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
uh. well. you see. there was one (1) chapter of the canon chat fic that was april/sunita. and then i mentioned hypno/warren a couple times in npwd. um. do those count - I JSUT DONT REALLY HAVE. ANY BIG RISE SHIPS LMAO there's a couple i think are cute (i.e. the two mentioned and also april/cass) but like. shipping is very much not my focus a;ljfdlksjfkld
14. What’s your shortest work of the year?
this little fic i wrote for a 2al update that absolutely destroyed me
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curiosity-killed · 2 months
7 and 20 for the questions you think it'd be fun to be asked!
7. what scares you the most and why?
Answered this one here! But also: cockroaches. It is also entirely irrational but much less funny for me personally because it is a whole body/brain reaction of abject and insurmountable terror
20. favourite things about the night?
STARS!! I MISS! THE CONSTELLATIONS!!!! WHERE IS MY NIGHT SKY!!!!! also i love the way house lights become little golden windows into people's lives, just these tiny glimpses of a hundred worlds you may never actually interact with. I also just love the like...exhalation of the world around you with it? Like I'm biased rn because it's a cool, breezy, post-rain night here but I love the way the night can feel like the world spreading out and relaxing—the quiet and the sounds that weave through that quiet and disappear and the way the darkness becomes so lovely and deep, embracing all the lines and colors of the day in the same shadows
fun questions (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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iwillkeepfighting · 1 year
/slams hand on the table
(I mean I would ask about Shoes for Turtles but you already gave a lot on that, but feel free to waffle more about it anyway)
(it occurs to me that you did not actually tag me in that post, you just left it open to whoever and I considered myself tagged. there. I have edited my post.)
“Leo’s still up there,” Raph said in the Rise movie, to Donnie, the one brother who can FLY. who, in canon, was probably too injured and weak to conjure a means to fly, yadda yadda. Donnienoes, a series titled Dominoes on Ao3, is me deciding nahhhhh let’s have him try to save Leo. Thus was born Drifting.
the repercussions of Drifting are supposed to be addressed in a sequel called Landing, and that is why Donnienoes is still in the WIP folder. but it has been FIGHTING me. I do not know what to do with it. neither threats of angst nor promises of fluff have worked to get it off the ground. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SHOES FOR TURTLES IS MY DARLING AND I WILL TALK ABOUT IT ANYTIME. It is my love letter to every iteration for making TMNT writ large so reiterable. It is my first exploration of shuffling the sibling dynamics. It is a desperate scrabbling to find plot buried in a really cool sandbox. It is many things. It intimidates me🙃
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last-hourglass · 1 year
3 and 10 for the fanfic meme!
3. What’s a fic idea that you have but haven’t written yet?
Answered here and here !
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consultingjedi · 10 months
18, 38, and 39 for the fic meme!
<3 !
18. Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
i have used outlines for [counts] 5% of my fics. everything else is words from brain to hands to digital page. do not pass go, do not collect a semblance of plot.
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
ahhh someone recently said they waited to read one of my fics because they knew they'd love it and then wrote 3 paragraphs about their favorite bits. i am holding that comment close to my chest, it is so sweet. comments from @deadtrilobitesociety also bring great joy.
39. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
back in 2008, someone flamed one of my fics 8D i found that review again recently and it's so, so funny. (especially because it's obviously fake; it mentions nothing about the contents of the fic, the fandom, etc.) what the fuck does "juxtapose logarithms" mean, mx flame rising.
no one has ever been genuinely rude or mean on anything i've written. as far as i remember, at least; it's possible other weird stuff happened on ff.net but i, like gandalf, have no memory of that place.
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calliopechild · 9 months
16, 31, 48!
For the weirder asks meme!
16. Can you drive?
Yes! And pretty damn well, I'd like to think. Can't navigate for shit, but that's a different story.
31. What type of music keeps you grounded?
I'm going with "grounded" in the "maintaining emotional equilibrium" sense, which for me means metal or alt rock, like Breaking Benjamin or Three Days Grace. When I can feel myself getting really anxious or pissed off, playing something loud and angry helps to bleed that off.
48. When did you first try an alcoholic beverage?
My mortal falling is that I could not tell you at what age anything in my life occurred even with a gun to my head bc I'm shit at the passage of time, but uh...somewhere in the early high school years? My parents were of the "we'd rather you try it at home and demystify the process" school of thought, so I got to try a sip of my dad's shitty Coors Light when I asked how it tasted, and that worked super well to convince me I didn't ever want to drink beer. 😂
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shadowbends · 10 months
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It was fine, it was fine.  It could be a hug and a rescue. Just this once, he’d let it slide.
A very special thank you to @happyfoxx-art for creating this piece. I commissioned her to draw this scene from @plothooksinc's fantastic No Rest For The Weary, an action/adventure fic set post-movie that really lives up its name!
Check it out if you want a good read. The final chapter just recently went live, too!
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heckitall · 10 months
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first | next
No Rest For The Weary
Chapter 14 - fight in the lair
Very rarely in my life am i able to visualize text very well. i think that's a lot of the reason i got into drawing as a kid, because i couldn't see the things i read. i drew their descriptions until it made sense to me (rip my school books).
NRFTW does what very few texts have been able to do - chapter 14 is so clearly established in my head, i can see every moment in vivid detail.
Soooo i had to draw it out |D
Thank you, @plothooksinc, for writing something i can fully enjoy. i hope you don't mind me taking your brain-child and running with it visually.
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"I keep the fingers of my left hand trailing over the wall beside me so that we keep going straight.  From the faint scraping sound I can hear every now and again, Leo’s doing the same on the right.  Seems like this corridor is just wide enough for a couple of turtles to have a nice evening stroll." - Underdark by Nekotsuki ( @plothooksinc )
Underdark got a sequel in May and I've been rotating it in my mind again <3
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ruija · 22 days
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Underdark 2: The Undarkening! Aka @plothooksinc blessed us all with a sequel to Underdark; Chiaroscuro which focuses on Raph and Donnie's side of the story and the rescue operation. Obviously, I enjoyed it greatly. I sketched the first doodle immediately after KJ showed me the first wip of the story. The 2nd is for celebrating her finishing the fic <3 And as an extra, here's a couple Mikey&Leos from the regular story. One of them I published with my first Underdark fanart, but I feel it might been too hidden under Read More. The other one is new ✨
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plothooksinc · 9 months
It's Wednesday, and this is a WIP. |D
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curiosity-killed · 2 months
Whipstitch 5 and 7!
the baby!!!
5: What part was hardest to write?
oh that's a good question. I feel like there are a couple different answers? On the one hand, the plot wrangling is the easy answer—it was and is always the hardest part and imo the weakest part of the fic.
More specifically, though, CH4 and....chapters 9-11 are the two sections that got most heavily revised/rewritten (thank you, @lemeute for both lending a critical eye and holding my hand while I was a ginormous baby about having to edit them lol). In both cases, I think I was struggling a lot with a general uhhh lack of focus (shocking) in what I actually needed those chapters to be saying/doing within the story.
...actually chapter 4 might just take the whole cake there bc it's also the only one that upset me as the author (when I was rewriting to include Mama Lan references). Ironically, it was one of the very first parts I decided on/knew what was going to be included/wrote!
7: Where did the title come from?
whipstitch was only meant to be it's W(h)IP (hehe) title D: but it just comes from like.being the most logical stitch to sew someone's lips together, i think??? It's the stitch I used in the ~cover for the fic ????
it may actually secretly come from The Loki Days of my fandom experience but honestly I have no idea.
fic asks!
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iwillkeepfighting · 1 year
21, 25, and 30 for the unrelated ask meme! 30: Piece of TMNT fanon (any incarnation) that annoys you?
21: a number that weirds you out?
mmm…. I dunno? numbers are just numbers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so to be less boring, I’ll say a number I really like: 3 is good and I like it, and 9 is fun to multiply
25: would you say you have good taste in music?
hah no. nooope. what I would say is that I have better taste than most of what is most popular, but that’s less I Am So Posh And Refined and more “wow, that is a dumpster fire actively setting people on fire, and I refuse to believe it’s as popular as the charts claim it is because I want to hope people have better taste than that”
30: why would you ask me this. I am annoyed by fanon in every fandom I encounter. there is TOO MUCH—
okay so dodging the matter of Merely That With Which I Disagree — I am annoyed by pervasive OOC portrayals of the Rise boys, almost exclusively because those fanons ferret their way into my head and I’m not observant enough to root them out. Raph is not that soft, Mikey is not that wise, Donnie is not that sullen, Leo is not that depressed. etc. and April is not that cool. IM SORRY SHES JUST NOT SHE IS AS DUMB AS HER BROTHERS
oh I am annoyed by any and all sexuality fanons in any iterations. leave it out of it. pls. they’re turtles. also they’re kids. it’s weird and annoying. I will now poke the beehive and single out Leosagi bc I am here for platonic content pls stop invading everything PLS (I am aware of, and make use of, the ability to filter content. y’all do what you want and I’ll filter it out. it’s usually art that isn’t tagged; that gets annoying.)
on the flip side I am DELIGHTED by the fanon that Rise Leo and Donnie are twins. I know that wasn’t the question. I don’t care. I love them so much. this fanon is my canon. it is my most favoritest piece of fanon maybe ever.
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stickynotelovers-art · 9 months
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@plothooksinc had suggested Leo with #38.
I am so sorry for the wait. I can't believe I started this back in January and am still not done. I sometimes get caught in other ideas and stuff gets pushed aside.
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