#pls hear me out on this one
q-uzi · 3 months
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hi chat cursedego
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yrsonpurpose · 2 months
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we won't know. but there will be signs. bonus ±
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kazumist · 3 months
aventurine never made it obvious that he’s clingy.
he doesn’t want to be vocal about these things—he wants you to know right away that he wants your affection. a hand to your waist as it gently rubs your hipbone, him burying his face in the crook of your neck all of a sudden, and many more. he doesn’t want to be vocal about these things at all.
it wasn’t like you hated it. in fact, you found it quite adorable that your lover had this side to him. despite being a gambler in… many ways, it was cute how he had such a clingy side to him. although of course, it will always be behind closed doors.
when aventurine came back home to you, he immediately wrapped his arms around you as you felt him mumble into your skin how he’s tired. your hand reaches the nape of his neck as you gently play with the hair in that area. you feel aventurine sigh in relief—who knew that a person like him would end up acting like an exhausted child from the playground when he’s tired? 
“long day?” you asked him. he just mumbles in agreement and you couldn’t help but chuckle at him.
it’s these little moments that reminds you that love is as simple as a comforting hug after a long day.
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dizzybizz · 4 months
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"this is regrettably the best kiss of your life, you understand?"
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lotus-pear · 9 months
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the fine people of bsd tumblr have asked for fem skk and i shall give it to them
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kinstein-art · 11 days
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sanji's weird
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quinnlyyy · 15 days
idk why but paladin strait gives off the feeling of watching the sun rise after pulling an all nighter
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Priest getou and nun reader or villager reader....(anything other than the word both isnt acceptable...😡😡😡 /j) -🪄
🪄 ANON I SEE YOU AND YOU RAISE A VALID POINT but please consider…… priest!geto and non-believer!reader.
like… imagine. you just happen to waltz into a church one day. you don’t believe in god, you aren’t interested in praying, but you’re exploring a new town and the church is pretty and you figure it could be a nice way to burn time.
you enter the building to find that a sermon is taking place. a priest is speaking to the few rows of people listening; it’s a fairly small church, but paintings and sculptures and beautiful cathedral glass give it a sense of mystique that you’re drawn to. so you take a seat and halfheartedly listen, not praying like the rest, not singing along to the hymns… you stick out like a sore thumb, but hey, it’s not as if anyone is paying attention.
except someone is, and it happens to be the priest that was holding the sermon just a second ago. the same one you spent most of your time oogling once the paintings started to bore you, because he’s so pretty for a priest. beautiful long black hair, amber eyes, sharp facial features, pretty hands — and the smoothest, silkiest voice you’ve heard in your life. like a sun-soaked bundle of lillies.
… also, his cassock is just a little too tight of a fit to tear your eyes away from.
you stick around a little longer once most people have left, just scrolling on your phone and basking in the quiet, and that’s when he approaches you. he jokingly tells you that it’s always obvious when a non-believer enters a place of worship, but he’s not mad; only amused. you end up chatting a bit about your beliefs, he’s a lot more chill than you expected, and…. well. he’s just really, really charming.
so maybe you end up coming back the week after. maybe his smile is a bit like a spider’s web. maybe it becomes a kind of routine to speak to him after his sermons; you still don’t sing along to the hymns or spend any time on prayers, and he still finds it funny. maybe once in a while you end up liking a paragraph from the scripture he’s reciting, and he’s always more than happy to discuss it with you. but mostly you’re there for him. for your chats, for standing outside and badgering him about how contradictory the old testament is while he smokes and listens with an amused grin.
rain hits the ground with a steady rhythm, earthy tobacco floods your veins, spiders by the ceiling weave a web of dew, and his presence is a little more intoxicating than you think is appropriate.
suguru just… isn’t a very orthodox priest. he only believes about a tenth of what the bible says, he has his own view of god, his own thoughts on worship. he smokes. he may or may not occasionally manipulate church-goers into donating money so he can invest in another overpriced painting. you once ask him if there are any bodies in the basement you should know about, and he answers that any self-respecting priest wouldn’t conduct their blood rituals in the basement of their own church. he knows how to pick locks. he tells you once, very quietly, that he doesn’t believe man was created in god’s image. there’s a look in his eyes that you don’t comment on.
he’s funny. charming. pleasantly suspicious. your conversations are enjoyable for the both of you, and eventually the edges of his cedar eyes begin to crinkle the slightest bit whenever you walk into his field of vision. sometimes he eyes your lips for a little too long, and a honeyed irony seeps into his grin when you call him out on it. he asks you if you’re tempting him on purpose, and you shrug. whatever exists between you remains unspoken.
one day, he tells you that he believes it was god who sent you to him. you furrow your brows and protest with a mutter reminding him of your beliefs, how you believe in free will, how you waltzed into his church out of your own volition. no one else’s.
he only smiles, and flicks the butt of his cigarette. you think he remains unconvinced.
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zaanesshaardz · 3 months
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feel like some people of tumblr will agree with me on this,,(pls guys hes my man trusstttt🤫🤫🤫)
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eightwithcapitale · 1 year
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Gregory House's blue eyes appreciation post -> (12/177) 01x12 "Sports Medicine"
[season 1] [drive]
(+ bonus)
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look at them boys fanboying
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aboveweirdest · 3 months
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antholojade · 4 months
trixie and katya remind me so much of angel dust and husk
🕷️: "your body. has been poisoned. by food."
🐈‍⬛: "mhm."
🕷️: "that's why they call it food poisoning."
🐈‍⬛: *disgruntled smoker wheeze* "you are so helpful"
🕷️: "i know 💞 i'm webMD"
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
hoh nancy wheeler
(tagging @netflixnormalthings for their awesome research and screenshots and @lumaxramblings bc we had Many discussions abt hoh nancy)
so a few weeks ago i made this post, about nancy not wearing earplugs and using the shotgun (and guns in general over the seasons) and how this affected her hearing. but then it really did get me thinking: why don't we see more content about hard of hearing nancy wheeler?
i see hoh steve all the time, which is fair! steve has gotten his fair share of head trauma and no doubt has problems from this. (and i do love hoh steve! don't get me wrong!) but i rarely see anything about hoh nancy, even though she has consistently dealt with firearms since season 1 without the proper ear protection.
just for reference: whispering is around 30 decibels, normal speaking voices around 60 db, and anything above 70 db for extended amounts of time will start to damage the ear, and anything over 120 db will cause immediate damage to the ears.
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for reference: in season 4, nancy fires the shotgun four times while blasting vecna out of the window. in season 3, she fires hoppers shotgun a few times during the fight at the cabin, and this doesn't include firing at billy or the fireworks they all set off inside starcourt (which, should've given them all a little hearing damage, if we're honest).(fireworks decibels + info under the cut!) nor does it account for the times she shot at the demogorgon in season 1.
anyway, the point is: there is no way that nancy is not hard of hearing. firing a shotgun once without protection is enough to blow your hearing out, but four times? and it's not even the first time she's dealt with firearms. she's shown to be one of the most, if not the most, proficient with guns. noise induced hearing loss is a very real thing, it damages the hair cells within the ear--these cannot grow back. and shotguns breach the threshold where just one close and sudden exposure can cause instant and permanent hearing loss.
there isn't much else for me to say here, this was really just a comprehensive guide, or even "proof" that nancy should be hard of hearing, or at least a wider accepted headcanon than it is. give me nancy, who, after even season 1, starts to have a hard time hearing what other people are saying, and learns to read lips instead. give me stubborn nancy who won't admit that there's anything wrong, that she can hear just fine, thank you, and she doesn't need help. i know nancy typically has the best hearing out of the main cast, usually the one who hears the danger first, but i don't know...it just seems more plausible to me for nancy to be hard of hearing.
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vinsmokesanjithing · 2 months
Right now i'm inside your brain, I'm telling you to draw Chubby!Sanji fanarts- and i'm convincing you.
Yk it doesn't even has to be a fanart, u could write a 500 words fic and imma still read it 😭🙏
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a-lone-echoviolet · 7 months
I wanna talk about the thing from the ‘ITS GOTTA BE PERFECT’ movie
Specifically SMG4s reaction when SMG3 said that their friends. I feel like it struck a nerve because back in The Youtube Arc, SMG3 and 4 became “friends”
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But this is nothing but a lie at first, just to not let SMG4 worry or even notice him while 3 plans something
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Sure, 4 didnt hear this but 3s actions mostly already showed what he meant.
This is the same arc where SMG3 gets a power high from the channel, going a bit mad with power
While in ‘ITS GOTTA BE PERFECT’ SMG4 goes through an existential crisis, thinking all his hard work will burn to the ground if he isnt good enough, going insane from it, insane because of the channel
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But why do i bring this up?
Because in both the arc and the movie, they also mention their relationship (as friends… for now- /j)
SMG3 lied to him at first, manipulated 4 to think SMG3 would be cool
But in the movie
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He means it
Their actually friends
No lies… not anymore
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satorisoup · 12 days
all i want is to be kita shinsuke’s little housewife with his little animals on his big farm while i cook using the rice that he harvests himself IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR ?!?!?! T^T
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