#pls i know he's one of two (2) men who are main characters in the past version of the show
tonteriyoung · 1 year
travis martinez was a dumb traumatized teenage boy in the 90s stop villianizing him for some stupid shit he said literal days after his dad fell out of a plane in front of him goodbye
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irlfelixcatton · 6 months
TALK ABOUT THE TRANSMASCULINE ALLEGORY!!! i want to hear your thoughts
ok. the long awaited oliver quick transmasculine allegory post.
to be so real it is mainly me doing 2 (two things)
-using insanely obvious prompts from the text to pull shit out of my ass
i do think that oliver quick's character COULD. MAYBE. be either headcanon'd as trans (BOOORRRINNGG) or a lot of his actions in act one can be closely tied to very common trans experiences.
my biggest thing on 'common' trans experiences as it relates to saltburn, is meeting a cis man and latching onto him with every fiber of your being, because you can't be friends with him, you need to *be* him. the first thing that really prompted me to look at saltburn from this lense was when farleigh goes "[you're almost passing as] a real human boy!", though it's clearly about oliver wearing a rental suit, it's a phrase that i've heard a million times over and over again, and i think that oliver, within this transmaculine concept of his character, dances CONSTANTLY on this imaginary line of "real boy" to "weirdo freak" that i think a lot of trans people can relate to. (i will touch on 'real boy' again later)
theres also an aspect of this incessant watching and dissecting cis men, what they wear, how they talk, how they fuck. and with all of this watching, there's this part of melding your identity into what you're watching, which we see starkly with oliver. at the beginning, when he's this oxford kid, a freak if you will, but he's more or less himself, version A. once he meets felix, he ditches the glasses, the button up shirts, the uptight manner, and turns into this entirely different version of "himself", version B. version B is the version he's taught himself that society will like much more than version A, so it consumes him entirely. version A wasn't someone that girls would fuck, felix would love, and quite frankly be 'enjoyed' by the rest of the world. version A is pre-transition, and version B is post. (all this to say, in relation to irl transition, neither version A or version B are right, good, or bad, they're whatever you want them to be. beauty is in the eye of the beholder)
for me, another piece i think about a lot is the “you’re just so real” (venetia) but that’s a bit more of a stretch. the reason i think this relates to the main point, is so many trans people have to work and rework their personality so that their 'transness' is socially palatable, real. the catton's have no general perception of a real person, they surround themselves with fake, upper class socialites who lie and cheat. but even if they met a real person, they wouldn't know it. and they don't lol. so when oliver comes around, who isn't this upper class socialite, the initial thought is that he's this "real" and "grounded" person. however, the only reason that the catton's (general society in this case) find oliver (trans people) so "real" and more or less worth accepting into their family is because he has worked and reworked his identity to be so similar and likeable to felix's.
there's also the conversation on cattonquick being a really good representation of what a mlm cis/trans relationship can feel like so much of the time. but i'll only really expand on this if any1 is interested lol. anyways pls dm me or comment on this i really want to talk more about it more.
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wifiwuxians · 11 months
I've been wondering who shio is since I saw u mention him first but kept forgetting ( the crowd is shocked ) so pls feel free 2 dump abt him bc I wanna knOW
OOH SHIO check out his little refsheet i was aiming for cartoony i promise his proportions are normal i just went spindly halfway through
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shio yomotsu! last name shio, given name yomotsu! a pretty terrible name for a sweet boy, like you coulda just named him yomi! i've posted about him on my main but this ISN'T MY MAIN so i'll retell in a sparknotes edition >:3
growing up in japan under the fist of an abusive father, his world was flipped when his mother finally had enough and killed the man in self defense. smuggling both herself and her son out of the country in a crate, she settled down in china in a tiny apartment, working cleaning jobs and keeping yomotsu a secret. he grew up in that apartment, keeping quiet and still when his mother was gone, and still remaining rather quiet and still whenever she was home. despite her barebones knowledge of mandarin and her lack of time to teach him, as well as her poor health and their meagre funds, the two considered their living conditions to be an improvement, and were happy, as happy as they could reasonably be. so, of course, i had to ruin that by killing her off LOL,, her illness caught up with her and she wasn't able to treat it. yomotsu had to live with her corpse for a while as he sank into despair, and only once the water and the electricity stopped working did he snap out of his stupor.
running out into the streets to beg for help, he was unfortunately intercepted by some thuggish men, thrown into a car and driven to his new life, where he'd be beaten, tortured, starved and trained into becoming a ruthless and efficient killer (and jack of all trades). i need to reiterate he had no idea what was happening to him, or why; up until one day, a young boy came into his small room to tend to his wounds and give him some food. this boy also began to teach him mandarin properly, and with the kindness and gentleness he showed yomotsu, he had no problem then becoming this boy's bodyguard and personal assistant.
now he's just about devoted his heart and his life to this boy, xing zhi, who is not the heir to the mob yomotsu works under, but may as well be since he takes on all the burdens. yomotsu, or shio as he's more commonly addressed, is a hitman, bodyguard, errand boy, shadow... you name it, he does it. keeping quiet all those years in his tiny apartment have made it easy for him to simply stand and listen during meetings, absorbing all information. he's the picture of devotion... to xing zhi, who wants the mob to collapse.
when his personality is able to shine through, he's playful, bubbly, charming and seemingly unaffected by all the bad things he's done or have been done to him. his devotion isn't restricted to xing zhi, either, though he is his treasure; if you are kind to him, if you give him the time of day, he is devoted to you, too. it's the only way he can feel good. it's the only way he can feel right. running himself ragged for the hint of a smile.
i usually draw him banged up in some way because he gets into very close quarters sometimes, and people don't like being told their business. people also struggle when they die, sometimes. and also he's being hunted LOL
this is only scratching the surface of all that is shio and his story (he's the main character!!) but it is a good place to start? maybe??? fkjsgkjga THANKS FOR ASKING !!!!!! <33333
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quodekash · 11 months
friends and foes, ladles and gentlespoons, humans and robots and aliens, i present to you: the very first line in this entire series.
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truly eye-opening.
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also LOUIS
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dunk with glasses is a gift we dont deserve but we do love it and are eternally grateful for it
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boy you're whipped already
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why are people attractive.
we have this bitch. we have dunk in glasses.
im dying over here.
"i booked the studio. and you're over by 5 minutes. how would you pay me back?" idk man, i think you should make out for 5 minutes. it only seems fair.
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(welcome to my blog, im obsessed with oishi despite never having tried it (YET, ill find an asian grocer with it one day))
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is this the library from my engineer.
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it is not the library from my engineer :(
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bro louis' character is such a mood in this
what is it with characters called pat and being me-coded
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interesting book placement, right next to the book theyre looking for
i get that its in the political section but i like that 'gender violence' and 'violence against lesbians and gay men' and 'breaking the silence: violence against women in asia' are just right there, like gmmtv is trying to say something
idk what theyre saying, im too tired to decipher it, but i think thats pretty interesting
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pls theyre gossiping about him on the bus and they have no idea that HES ON THE BUS and his reactions are so funny, i love him so much
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nice. very casual. he'll have no idea that you like him.
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THE CHARACTER PLAYED BY AOU? i forgot his name
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g u y
not kidding, guy is literally his actor's name
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i think it's entirely unfair that joong is so pretty and attractive AND he's so talented at singing. its very rude
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awww he caught him
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oh you think he's so cute (you're right)
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that conversation was literally
"punch yourself" "okay." "wait dont punch yourself" "so youve forgiven me?" "nope. now come with me to a room where itll just be us two and i'll probably end up serenading you with my voice and guitar, and itll leave you feeling really confused"
like. what the hell.
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b r o
theyre so queer and i cannot deal with it
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bro is just being so upfront about stuff, gosh damn. i could never.
also that line reminded me of "i just like to see your face (when you lose)" from bad buddy
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he's gay, hun, that's gonna be a little bit difficult
im not quite obsessed with it yet, but i suppose thats because there hasnt been a side couple introduced yet, and i am an unfortunate example of Side Couple Syndrome, BUT as of currently, joke and zo are lovely and joongdunk are lovely and this series seems lovely, and i am very excited for episode 2
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hhighkey · 2 months
i will say after reading the acotar trilogy and getting to the mess of book 4/5…. and then being removed and seeing ppl talk abt SJM shit writing … IC sucks. rhysand sucks. cass sucks. mor sucks. azriel sucks. i mean fuck having elain and nesta included at the end of 2 ruined it for me. but they’re all abusive manipulative adults who need severe therapy. tamlin never shoulda teamed up w hybern but he had every right to do what he did. rhys a known damaeti… why would u believe an illiterate feyre could write u a goodbye letter. rhys is nothing but a grandstanding mayor of velaris when SJM writes him as a “good character with a mask” that is a LIE based off how he treats his people. his character would be better literary wise if he wasn’t portrayed as perfect when the mask is stripped for feyre. and let’s just take the main characters bodily autonomy away!!! feyre needed time to fucking breathe not date two men almost marry one and then marry another by 20. watched her dad die. fought a damn worm. fought in a war. yet she’s a strong girl boss?? who knows exactly how to strategize and play people?? when other fae had to fight and spy and shit for centuries she’s just perfect? okay. and now she’s having a kid?? i can’t even finish acosf and i won’t read whatever acotar books come out later but will keep up. anyways hope im not the only one
i’m at the point where i fucking hate acotar with a passion and despise the IC and seeing tik toks on it piss me off (don’t get me started on nesta but rhys as a whole is EW. and azriel would def be the type to cheat on his mate bc grass is greener! /s)… but i love lucien and eris (praying tamlin gets his healing arc) with passion. i WANT eris … and i keep getting more passionate about it and all the writing plot holes and character regressions since i eat up everything eris and have been slowly writing for him … i haven’t been able to get eris out of my mind for months and it infuriates me bc he’s too good for acotar
ALSO sjm pls have feyre leave rhys’s ass. you’d redeem urself as an author to me (but not as a person)
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I said I'll give prompts and I'm giving prompts. This is how I cope I'm just throwing out ideas, feel free to do whatever with them-
1) Heartstopper AU with artist-jock Will (aka letterman jacket!Will) who is neither in the closet nor out of it. One day paired up in a class with Mike Wheeler, the loser drama kid. The only cool thing about Mike is his leather jacket. He is also the straightest kid to ever straight. Or is he?
2) Divorce lawyer!Will as a meta homewrecker joke. Bonus points if you come up with an absolutely buckwild story of how he came to be a freaking divorce lawyer. Mike Wheeler, reluctant client.
3) Mermaid AU. Sorry, but I am coming out as an absolute sucker for mermaid AUs. Those things slap. Did you know the Byler tag already has like 3-4 mermaid AUs? Which is a lot. But I'm greedy. Mermaid AUs are where you go WILD. Write some totally sick shit with evolution, biology, magic, culture, worldbuilding, philosophy, DRAMA.....
Mermaid+soulmates AU. Will is sceptical of this human who claims to be his soulmate. Mermaids don't have soulmates, nor does Will want one. Mike knows Will is his soulmate- it's not unheard of for humans to have monsters as soulmates. A man though...he's never heard of men being soulmates. Dive deep into that question of what makes a monster. Who gets to decide where humanity begins and where it ends? What makes a soulmate? Can fate and free will coexist?
4) Amateur detective!Mike detecting a little too hard and finding the missing man-of-mystery!Will. Was Will running from the UD? The Lab? Lonnie? Mike is then pulled into shit he did not sign up for.
5) Millenial!Mike Wheeler has heard many stories about the kid who disappeared from the woods nearby 15 years ago. He's also heard his new house is haunted. He doesn't think much of it, until one day a man comes out of his walls.
6) Famous artist!Will and fanboy!Mike. Will doesn't know Mike's a fanboy. Mike is both a tumblrina and a Y/N fanfic writer.
7) Famous Author!Mike and fanfic author!Will. Mike comments on Will's every fic and they start chatting. Mike writes a romance novel (heterosexual!) for the first time, and the main characters are saying some suspiciously familiar stuff. Will messages coolpaladinboi69 "hey...did you read Wheeler's new book" and pulls out the receipts from their previous chats. A very on the nose joke on Mike's projection.
8) 12 year old Mike Wheeler discovers a very friendly ghost lurking inside his new house. Nobody else can see him, maybe because they don't want to. Will is so nice though, and so helpful. But wait- is he really dead? Or is his body trapped? Somewhere dark and cold...
9) Will is the guy hired to remodel Mlvn's white picket fence home. Mike is having ThoughtsTM. ANOTHER one for those meta homewrecker jokes. We got a literal homewrecker on our hands, but wait- oh that looks much better, thank you.
10) Mike Wheeler knows that something is wrong with quiet classmate Will Byers. He shows up with bruises, holding his pencil oddly while drawing. They've never had a single conversation, but one day after witnessing a terrifying scene between him and his father, Mike begs Will to let him help. Will refuses, he only has to get through a few more months, and then he's 18, and free. Two weeks later, Lonnie's car goes up in flames, taking Lonnie with it. Will is miraculously unharmed. The police names it a freak accident, but Mike suspects otherwise. He's not gonna sell Will out tho. The Chief is going to call services to take Will to his closest relatives, but before he can Will has blurted out another name. It's just a few months, surely he can spend them at his best friend Mike Wheeler's place? Somebody's gotta explore Will's Lonnie trauma pls
Bonus points if-
- Mike is as pathetic as possible. He needs to be a complete loser. Not a single cool thing about him. Not. One. He is miles below Will's league and everyone is aware of it, except Will himself.
- Lucas-Will bromeos.
- Unwitting chick magnet!Will.
- Mike and Max and their mutual disdain.
- El making at least one fruit joke. El cheering Will on as he homewrecks.
- Dustin being StraightTM and all the queerness going straight over his head. Poor kid has no clue.
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sensitively-taken · 2 years
death valley — jay park
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synopsis. death valley—the heart of southern Seoul’s street racing scene. it’s filled to the brim with drug dealings, murder, and very, very hot people. at least, that’s all what you’d thought, until you’d stumbled across the valley yourself one friday afternoon. that day, filled with anticipation and fear, a certain biker named Jay—and his trailing crew—taught you that death valley wasn’t as half bad as you’d initially thought.
pairing(s). biker/racer!park jongseong x gender-neutral!reader ft. enhypen, winter x karina (aespa), & taehyun (txt)!
genre(s). action, fluff, humour, romance, street racing au, (implied) uni au.
warnings. alcohol consumption, food consumption & mentions, illegal gambling, illegal/street racing, mentions of drugs, profanity, reader gets slightly inebriated but not quite drunk, and suggestive dialogue. rated PG 15.
word count. 19.5k (19505) ik this is scary but BEAR w me!!
taglist. @soobin-chois @hyuckworld @soobverse @svnoofy​ @my5colors​ please fill out this form (or send me an ask w your groups) to be added to my permanent taglist!!
listen to! spotify link OR death valley, fallout boy ⭑ roots, imagine dragons ⭑ back door, stray kids ⭑ jopping, superm ⭑ all in, stray kids ⭑ vroom vroom, charli xcx ⭑ zombie pop, DPR IAN ⭑ desire, ATEEZ (it sucks ik 😭 i’ll edit it as soon as i have time)
notes. ik this is late (by ONE day or u can simply reverse ur clocks 💆‍♀️💆‍♀️) but she’s a bit massive ngl 😭 don’t think dirty i didn’t even remember her being this long (i thought she was 15k MAX) but she’s a whole wopping 19.5k!!!! almost 20k!!! that’s insane! but don’t let the word count scare you 😭 i promise biker!jay is worth it kfsdkfjska and you will love him in this. just trust me!
other, more practical notes to include that pertain to the plot: 1. pls don’t do anything reader does in this fic i BEG 🙏🙏🙏reader is v head empty & has the power of Fanfiction & Main Character Syndrome on their side. pls do not attempt anything in this fic. stay away from strange men in leather in fact!
2. reader is heavily implied to be queer and easily attracted to different ppl 😭 so reader is gonna FLIRT (or at least try to)
3. i don’t condone heeseung’s behaviour AT ALL. he is despicable and downright evil. i just wanted to have a “Bad” character to balance things out.
and that’s it!! i’ve rambled too much & you probably want to get ahead to reading the fic so i won’t stop you! enjoy!! ♡♡ feedback & reblogs are welcome and appreciated!
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I – Death Valley Bad
Death Valley was the heart and soul of southern Seoul’s racing scene.
Every Saturday night, there were two main races held there. One held for the bikers and the other held for the drivers. Usually, people attended the bikers’ race. It was cheaper to bet on a biker, there was less exhaust in the air to tire out everyone’s lungs, and its tracks were only a walking distance from the abandoned subway station—which just so happened to be the best hiding location in case the police caught wind of a night’s events. Those who managed to get past the fear of being arrested and crossed the kilometres to the racers’ track either never returned to the bikers’ track or came back but never spoke of what they’d seen. Also, the cars apparently carried cocaine, and the drivers would kill without a second thought if someone tried to steal some.
At least, that’s what you’d heard when you’d moved to Seoul.
Lee Heeseung, the cute little brunet who’d been showing you around your university, had made sure to let you know of the famous valley. His eyes had been wide, and he’d been making crazy hand gestures, but you’d still got the point.
Death Valley bad.
So, why on Earth were you in the infamous valley? That’s what you’d been wondering for the past couple of minutes, on a good ol’ Friday afternoon.
You fanned your face and tried to turn on your phone, only for it to remain blank. “Fuck.”
Of course, your phone had to turn off right when you found yourself in an unfamiliar and dangerous place. You didn’t know who was up there laughing right now, but you hoped your misery was worth something to them.
You slumped down against the walls of the abandoned subway and cried. Well, you didn’t exactly cry. But you did wallow in self-pity for the next ten minutes or so.
“Woe is me, for I am stuck in the middle of nowhere and the only people who can help me are probably criminals.” You finished off your tiny piece of monologue with a dramatic sigh, before wiping a fake tear from your cheek.
Then, you stared blankly at the graffitied wall across you and the gravity of your situation suddenly dawned on you. Sure, wallowing in self-pity and quoting long-dead poets was fun, but if you didn't do something quick, you didn’t know who–or what–you could encounter. It wasn’t a Saturday night—thank fuck—but the bikers and racers were probably tinkering away in their little workshops somewhere nearby and could happen upon you soon. If you didn’t want to become Death Valley Kebab, you would have to do something and you’d have to do it fast.
With a grim look on your face, you decided that something was going to have to be hitching a ride with one of the bikers. Yes, yes, they were criminals, but criminals were better than cannibals or whatever it was that had been scratching against random pieces of scrap at the other end of the tunnel.
Hoisting your bag on your shoulders, you took a deep breath in and took the first step out of the weird comfort of the subway. The air outside of the subway was less stale, the floor was a mixture of gravel and dirt, and you could practically hear the tumbleweeds rolling away in the distance. You could feel the sun beating down your back, and your throat dried up immediately. You were already regretting it. But, you were still in one piece and that was all that mattered.
“See, _____? That wasn’t so bad.”
With less fear in your system now, you continued your journey towards the bikers’ tracks. You had absolutely no idea if you were heading in the right direction or not, but you were hoping—and maybe even praying—that your body would find a way to sync up with nature, so you would magically stumble upon your destination.
Considering your luck, that was not what happened. Instead, your legs tired out quickly and your feet grew tired of walking across the terrain. It was just land out for miles, no matter what direction you looked in, so you slumped down and had a pity party again. This time, there was no fancy monologue or dramatic acting. It was just raw fear slowly filling up your heart, as you noticed the sun was starting to set.
“Oh, no.” Any hope in you withered at the sight of the sun dancing to the west. “No, no, no!”
You clasped your hands together and clamped your eyes shut. “Hey! Whoever the fuck is up there, or out there–I don’t care for the specificities right now–I am not your strongest soldier. If this is going to be 127 Hours: The Sequel, please just kill me now before a boulder rolls in and snaps half my arm off.”
A rolling tumbleweed was your only response.
A sigh escaped your lips and your shoulders drooped. “Well, I guess this is how I go—”
The roaring, unmistakable rev of a bike interrupted you, and you whipped your head around. Your eyes widened incredibly as you took in the sight in front of you. Bike was an understatement for the monster resting under a very hot rider; it was more of a superbike, or whatever a biker would call something that… scary. Its wheels were huge, and its black body glinted under the sun—grey steel complimenting it. There weren’t many details besides the blocky ’03 lining the second wheel, but its simplicity suited it. The bike in front of you was an absolute beauty.
And the biker? The biker was beauty transcended. He had short, auburn hair that framed the soft edges of his face, blurring them out to create a soft gleam over his face, while some other pieces of his hair curtained his face and smothered the piercing gaze of his dark brown eyes. His nose was long, sharp, and sloped; hooked at the very end to form a sharp curve just above his pouty lips. They formed two barely-noticeable, but adorable peaks, and his bottom lip rested softly against the shape of the top. The rest of his face was carved to the gods and his face was so smooth that you were almost sure he was made of glass. He raised one of his dark eyebrows and yelled, “Who are you and what are you doing out here?”
You swallowed and got to your feet in a daze. “Uh, I c-could ask you the same question.”
The hot biker got off his vehicle in one swift motion, and you nearly fainted from how much the action affected you. You took a step back, as he took two steps closer to you. He frowned at your response—eyes focused on your shoes—and took two more steps forward, prompting you to take two steps back. He repeated his movements, and you did too with a nervous smile on your face.
His gaze flickered between your feet and your eyes. “Am I scary? Jungwon’s always said I am, but I didn’t believe it till now.”
“Oh.” The stranger took a step closer to you and scratched his chin in thought. “I’m guessing you’re not from around here.”
“Yeah, I just moved here for uni.” You nearly slapped your hand over your mouth the second the words left your mouth. It was almost like you were begging to get kidnapped, considering how you’d just told a criminal—a very hot one, but still a criminal—you’re unfamiliar with the area. Now, he was going to take the opportunity to kill you, harvest your organs, and probably sell them on the black market–and probably for a cheap price you were completely sure your organs were worth more than.
He didn’t do any of that. Instead, his eyes widened and a little smile formed on his lips. “Suwon National?”
You nodded rapidly, but then your eyes narrowed. “Wait a minute… how have I never seen you around campus before?”
He rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, and the movement drew your eyes to his clothes. You’d always thought bikers wore all black leather—to show off their bikerness or whatever—but this biker wasn't dressed like that. He was wearing plain, regular blue jeans with a white tank and a huge, red bomber jacket. There weren’t any tattoos on him either—at least, none you can see—causing you to blink in surprise.
You realised you’d missed his response when he laughed lightly, and his eyes crinkled up into little crescents. Avoiding his gaze, you asked, “Sorry, what was that?”
“I’m taking a gap year.” He shifted on his feet and glanced at the watch on his wrist. “I should probably get going, but it was good to—”
“Wait! You can’t leave,” you paused, realising how that sounds, and continued with a softer tone, “I got lost out here, and I need a way to get back to the city. Is there any way you could give me a ride?”
His eyes were apologetic before he even said anything, and you got a sinking feeling in your stomach. “I’m so sorry, but I can’t. I’ve got some races tonight, so I need to get ready.”
Swallowing deeply, you casted your eyes to the ground and nodded slowly. Tears were pricking the corners of your eyes, as fear filled your heart. Out of the corner of your eye, you could spot the sky blending into an orange hue and the sun dipping deeper along the horizon. You had to bite your lower lip to stop yourself from full-on crying in front of the hot biker.
“But,” he scratched his chin in thought again and you whipped your head up, “I can drive you to the tracks, and after the races, someone can probably drive you home.”
“R-really?” You were sure you looked stupid, gazing at a random stranger with hopeful, glossy eyes. And, you probably shouldn’t have gotten any closer to the actual races of Death Valley. But, being stranded out in the middle of nowhere would do a number on anyone, and—as you’d said earlier—you were not the strongest soldier.
“Sure.” He smiled widely and gestured to his bike. “I mean, as long as you don’t mind squeezing up there with me. My bike isn’t built for two people; sorry about that.”
You shook your head, wiped your cheeks, and laughed with relief. “Thank you so much… Wait, what’s your name?”
“Sunoo.” He made his way back to his bike, gingerly helping you get on it. It’s much higher than it looked apparently. “Yours?”
You waited for him to settle into his seat in front of you before you wrapped your hands around his waist. He revved once, turned back to smile at you, and quirked an eyebrow. “_____.”
Sunoo studied your face for a moment. “Well, _____, I suggest you hang on tight. Crabbers’s built for speed.”
He turned back to the front, revved again, and then you were off. Your hands instinctively tightened around his waist at the sudden feeling of being pulled forward, and he laughed in response. At first, your eyes were squeezed shut—you reasoned that if you were going to die by falling off a bike, you’d rather not witness it—and all you could feel was the rush of the wind against your ears. Then, with soft encouragement from Sunoo, you opened your eyes.
The sun was almost set, and the sky was a beautiful mixture of oranges, reds, and yellows. The terrain and the sky melted into one colour, as Sunoo sped along the empty expanse. Coupled with the wind blowing in your ears, and the roar of the bike, the whole experience was completely different from anything you could’ve imagined. But, it wasn’t unwelcome. No, instead, it made your heart pound in a good way and made you want to throw up your arms and whoop and yell. Riding a bike was nothing like you’d expected it to be, but you found yourself looking forward to your next ride.
Maybe Death Valley wasn’t so bad.
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II – A Whole New World
Death Valley may not have been bad, but it was certainly scary. More specifically, its inhabitants were.
Sunoo was leading you through Death Valley’s Garage, where some bikers were getting ready for some races, and your knees were already shaking. His bike, Crabbers, might’ve been a monster, but he was a little monster, compared to the absolute beasts the bikers were examining. Some had handles that looked like they’re made for giants, some wheels could’ve probably knocked you out with one roll, and there were more mods that you hadn’t even known could be added to motorcycles. It was, like a friendly Disney princess once said, a whole new world.
What scared you the most, though, was the bikers. Some of them rocked the stereotypical biker look you had of bikers in your head—leather jackets or vests, bare and chiselled chests or low-dipping tanks made to reveal cleavage, dark leather pants, combat boots, and tattoos everywhere. Some didn’t and had different tastes. Others had a mix of leather and boots, along with other elements you’d never thought bikers would wear—like a neon pink tank you’d spotted on a particularly smiley biker. But, what they all shared was varying degrees of intimidation on their faces. It could’ve been because you were in a new environment and you were scared, but you were almost certain they were all glaring at you.
“Why do you look so scared?”
You nearly jumped at the sound of Sunoo’s voice from right next to your ear. Shooting him a sharp glare, you responded, “I’m not scared.”
He moved his face from right beside yours and laughed. “You so are. You looked like you were about to faint when you saw Taehyun.”
He jabbed a thumb in the direction of a muscular man in one of the corners of the garage. He was one of the people sporting the stereotypical biker attire—but a more extreme version of it. Taehyun was shirtless and had a pair of leather shorts on. There was a towel placed around his neck and his muscles bulged and shifted around, as he helped someone else with their bike. You had to avert your gaze to stop yourself from passing out right then and there.
Noticing your reaction, Sunoo smiled teasingly. “Taehyun’s one of our mechanics. He usually sticks to the cars, but both the racers and bikers are using these tracks for the races today since this isn’t a formal event.”
You nodded along to his every word but paused at the end. “Not a formal event? What’s this then?”
The smile on Sunoo’s face grew and his lips met the shell of your ear again. He whispered, “You’ll see.”
For a moment, you were undeniably flustered. The next, you slapped Sunoo’s chest and rolled your eyes, while putting a considerable distance between you two. You crossed your arms over your chest, the sound of his laughter loud and clear. “I’m here to find a ride home, not flirt. Behave, Mr. Kim!”
“Mr. Kim?” He raised an eyebrow, a slow smirk spreading on his lips. “I like that.”
You groaned. “You’re like an annoying little brother. Well—more like a friend’s little brother, who hits on you just because he’s starting to get a little attention.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m older than you, so the whole scenario cancels out. Also, that is extremely specific, and you don’t seem like the type of person who’s experienced that.”
“I don’t care if you’re older than—Wait a minute! I so have.”
Sunoo threw his head back in laughter, and you stopped and stared at him with the fiercest glare you could muster. You were determined to stay mildly annoyed at him, but his laughter was contagious and your lips started to twitch up into a smile. He may have been one of the most annoying people you’d ever met, but he was also one of the most endearingly annoying people you’ve met.
He sobered up from his laughter with a sigh and put on a tour guide voice, “Good evening, folks—well, folk. I’m Kim Sunwoo and I’ll be guiding you around the infamous Death Valley Garage. During this tour, you’ll be able to familiarise yourself with the bikes, the people who ride them, and some basic motorcycle terms. So, let’s—”
At that moment, your stomach growled loudly, and both you and Sunoo blinked at it for a few seconds. Then, you offered him a sheepish smile and he returned one of his own.
“I was getting a bit ahead of myself, wasn’t I?” Sunoo scratched the back of his head, while you shook your head profusely. “You’re probably starving after being out there for God knows how long.”
You shook your head again, with an embarrassed smile on your face, only for your stomach to growl again. Scowling, you spared your stomach a fierce glare, before looking up at Sunoo’s amused face. “My stomach’s a bit dramatic. I’m not that hungry… but it would be nice if I could eat something.”
He whispered, “Your stomach seems to take after you.”
“Sorry?” You levelled your glare in his direction.
“Nothing.” He threw his hands up in surrender at your gaze and pretended to busy himself with his watch. Then, he actually noticed the time and let out a horrified screech. “Oh, no! _____, I’m late again! Jake’s going to eat me.”
Right then, a vice grip latched onto his shoulder and you saw Sunoo visibly gulp.
The person behind him was a tall, lanky figure–so tall and lanky that you were almost convinced he was a phantom ghost. The all-white leather, which directly contrasted his long, dark hair, didn’t help with the image you had in your head at all. One of the only other things that stood out to you besides his hair was the mask that hid half of his face. It was a black, fabric one, with a blocky HOON printed on it, which you assumed was part of his name. There were also his eyes. His fierce eyes were enough to scare anyone. Right now, they were narrowed and focused on the back of Sunoo’s head, but you could still feel the full intensity of his gaze.
You gulped as well and mouthed a quiet ‘good luck.’
“Jake won’t eat you,” the person said, voice muffled by the mask, “but he definitely isn’t happy.”
Sunoo gulps again and turns around to face the scary man. “Sunghoon.”
Before the man, Sunghoon, could even finish saying Sunoo’s name, your stomach growled again. This time, three pairs of eyes stared at it—two frantic ones and a confused one. You hoped and prayed with everything in you that the ground would open up and swallow you whole.
Sunoo, however, sighed with relief and pointed at your stomach accusingly. “Right, Sunghoon, I was just, I was just helping _____ out here and I lost track of time because of that ferocious beast.”
“What? You’re calling my stomach a ferocious beast? Have you not seen Crabbers?”
“Don’t bring Crabbers into—”
Sunghoon cleared his throat, and the two of you realised he was still right there and Sunoo was still very much in trouble. You took a step back from Sunoo, and he turned back to face Sunghoon.
The scary biker nodded in your direction. “It’s nice to meet you, _____. Good to see Sunoo finally has someone else to pester.”
“Excuse me?”
“But, I’m going to have to borrow him for a bit because he’s late.” He fixed Sunoo with a glare. “Again.”
You muffled a laugh when you heard something close to a whimper escape Sunoo’s mouth. “Of course, it’s no problem. I just need to know where I can get some food.”
The biker whipped his head around and stared at you with betrayal. He mouthed ‘traitor,’ and you just shrugged innocently in response.
There was a mischievous light in Sunghoon’s eyes, as he started steering Sunoo away from you. You couldn’t see it but you were almost sure there was a smirk on his face when he yelled, “Go to the shack at the other end of the garage. Tell the owner that our favourite cutie, Soonie, sent you to get a free meal!”
You couldn't hold back your laughter anymore, so you rushed off in the direction Sunghoon directed you in. Sunoo’s glare was burning holes through your back, but you blocked it out by skipping and humming to yourself. There was nothing but a door between you and your well-deserved meal, so it was easy for the biker’s dramatic huffs and puffs to fade into the background.
Death Valley’s inhabitants were scary, most definitely, but Sunoo was probably the least scary of them all.
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III – Ms. Kim
Where Kim Sunwoo was lacking, his sister made up for it with ten times the quality.
You were sitting across from Kim Minjeong, “Winter,” and silently picking at the remains of the meal she’d served you. Seated under the shade of the shack, you’d tried not to shiver under her intense gaze—and if you did, you blamed it on the fans positioned close to you. Instead of returning her gaze, you focused on the structure around you.
True to its name, the shack was really just a shack. It was small, had no name adorned on it, and Winter was the only person manning it. There was a spacious, plastic counter separating you and her, and high chairs lined your side for customers—like yourself—to sit on. The inside of the shack was dimly lit, and you couldn’t see too much of what was on the other side, so all you could do was stare at the menu in front of you. It was either that or trembling like a baby in front of Sunoo’s sister, so you went with the former.
The brunette was quiet, serious, and very, very scary. Her personality was a polar opposite from the dramatic and whiny biker, and you couldn’t help but notice the differences between them. The only trait they seemed to share was their mischievousness, seeing as she’d had a good laugh for a couple of minutes when you’d given her Sunoo’s nickname.
“Are you scared of me?”
Your eyes widened at the sound of her question, and you whipped your head up from your plate. Your eyes widened even more when you realised her face was not too far from yours and there was a small smirk on her red lips. Clearing your throat, you shimmied a bit away from the counter. “N-no. Not at all, no.”
She picked up on your nerves and smiled a little. Moving around to prepare a drink with a name too long for you to remember, she said, “I’m not a scary person. Honestly, most of the people here aren’t. I get why you would think that—illegal racing doesn’t exactly have the best reputation—but just think of us as members of a little club.”
“A club? So, that means anyone can join?” You rested your chin on one of your hands.
“Yeah,” Winter mixed the drink in a strainer, “But, you can’t just say you want to race and get in. You have to try out first. Oh—and you have to get past Jake’s… radar, for the lack of a better word.”
At the sound of the name, your ears perked up. He was the same person Sunoo had said would eat him, and from what you’d heard of him, he didn’t sound like the nicest person ever. A tall, muscular biker with a harsh gaze appeared in your mind, and you shivered at the image of him you’ve conjured.
Winter noticed your response and laughed. “I’m assuming you’ve heard some other things about Jake.”
You nodded. “He sounds scary.”
“He’s not.” Winter snorted, pouring the drink she’s been mixing in a tall glass, and added a straw to it. She slid it over to you. “He’s just a bit strict about things and has a nasty temper.”
“Strict?” You tentatively swirled the drink around in its glass, admiring the way the sun’s ray compliments its yellow hue, before taking a sip. It was sweet, citrusy, and reminded you of the long stretch of the beach on a warm summer day. You could practically hear the waves crashing against the shore when you asked, “So, there are rules around this place?”
“Of course, there are. If they weren’t in place, half the people here would already be behind bars.” She smirked a little at your wide eyes. “What? You think these kids know how to keep themselves in check?”
“I mean, no,” you paused to take a sip, “but when I think of criminals I think of, like, the drug dealing, and murders, and, I don’t know, the big, bad criminal stuff. Not, rules.”
Winter bursted into laughter, eyes scrunched up and head thrown back. Calming down from her laughter, she wiped a tear from her eye and took a deep breath in. “You’re very funny, ____. I see why Sunoo likes you.”
“Thank you?” You finished off your drink with a loud sip and relaxed into your seat. You were already feeling fuzzy and warm, and the tension you’d felt when you first got here was ebbing away. Resting your chin on both hands now, you leaned in closer to Winter. “Y’know, I like you, Ms. Kim. Very straight and simple to the point.”
“Very straight and simple to the point?” She chuckled at your mistake, as you spluttered in embarrassment, and pushed a stray hair behind her ear. “That’s kinda ironic.”
“Hm? And why is—”
The rest of your question was cut off by the entrance of a woman. Judging from the helmet in the crook of her arm, and some of her stereotypical attire, she was a racer. She walked in with a pep in her step–her long, dark hair bouncing behind her with her movements–and somehow captivated your eye. You were about to ask Winter to introduce you to her—liquor made you bold apparently—when she leaned in and planted a kiss on the barista’s lips.
“Oh.” You averted your eyes from the two of them, giving them a bit of privacy, as Winter’s previous words sunk in. A laugh escaped your mouth. “It is kinda ironic.”
The racer pulled away from Winter at your words and extended a hand in your direction, a soft smile on her face. “Hi, I’m Karina.”
“_____.” Thrusting your hand into hers, you noticed how warm it was and the tight grip of her hand. She was the type of racer you’d imagined when Heeseung had first told you about Death Valley, so you giggled nervously and blurted out, “You don’t have coke in your car, right?”
Karina and Winter blinked at you blankly for a few seconds before they burst into laughter. You laughed along nervously until Heeseung’s wide eyes appeared in your mind, and you cleared your throat. As the two regained their composure, taking on more serious looks on their faces, the same tinge of fear you’d felt back in the garage resurfaced. You laughed again nervously.
“Yes, there are a good couple grams of the stuff in the trunk,” Karina deadpanned. “You want some?”
“N-No. I’d like to keep my head attached to the rest of my body, thank you very much.”
A pause followed, and then Karina let out a sharp, “What?”
“I think Heeseung might’ve gone a bit overboard with his mumbo jumbo.” It was supposed to be a whisper meant for Karina’s ears only, but you picked up on Winter’s words and barely held back a gasp. “_____’s been scared shitless this entire time, and that pesky man probably has something to do with that.”
The racer nodded and smiled reassuringly in your direction. “I was being sarcastic. Even if I wanted to do coke, Jake runs routine checks for hard drugs. We’re only allowed alcohol and weed.”
“Uh, huh.” You nodded along to her words but made a mental note to never get near any of the racers’ cars—just in case. “But, what’s this about Heeseung? How do you even know him?”
Karina and Winter exchanged glances, before Karina whispered something in Winter’s ear and slinked out of the back of the shack. Your eyes followed her as she left, and she turned back to give you one last smile. You were about to return it when Winter cleared her throat. She gave you a knowing look, and you smiled guiltily.
“Heeseung is uh… Well, it’d be best if he explained it himself.” Winter picked up your empty glass and disappeared into the dimly lit part of the shack. When she returned, she had a pair of keys in her hand and a smirk on her face. “He’ll be here in a couple of minutes, so I’ve got to get going. It was great meeting you, _____.”
“He’s here?” Your tone was incredulous, but you couldn’t help it. You two couldn’t be talking about the same Lee Heeseung who’d looked like he was about to wet his pants when he’d told you about Death Valley. From his franticness alone, you could’ve sworn he’d never be caught dead anywhere near this place. “What do you mean he’s here?”
Winter winked. “You’ll see.”
Then, she took off in the same direction as Karina, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
Lee Heeseung? Here? That didn’t make any sense. ‘Lee Heeseung at Death Valley’ was practically an oxymoron because everything Death Valley stood for was what Heeseung had warned you against. It wasn’t easy for you to just forget how wide and shaky his eyes had been, and the urgency that’d been in his voice. And, even if you somehow could, acknowledging what Winter had said would’ve made you focus on the thought that bothered you the most; if Heeseung was here, then what did that mean?
You shook your head. “She’s probably got the wrong Heeseung.”
The notion soothed you a bit and managed to quell the chaos in your mind, so you laid back and sighed. A quick nap, before meeting the totally-not-Lee-Heeseung Heeseung sounded very appetising to you, and your body seemed to agree as it didn’t take you long to fall asleep.
The last thing you thought of before you were deeply asleep was a completely ridiculous image of Lee Heeseung riding a motorcycle.
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IV – Totally-Not-Lee-Heeseung Heeseung
Winter had not had the wrong Heeseung. Oh, but how you wish she had.
Standing in front of you, in the flesh, was Lee Heeseung. His ash brown hair was fully visible to you, as it wasn’t being hidden under a beanie for once, and was unruly styled. Multiple strands fell in front of his eyes and framed his face, adding an edge to his face that wasn’t there before. Instead of a comfy, matching set of a hoodie and sweatpants, he was wearing a pair of dark leather pants, a black dress shirt with enough buttons left undone to leave little to the imagination, and army boots that give him a little more height. He was trying to catch his breath, as beads of sweat ran down the side of his face, and all you could do was blink at him with your mouth hanging open.
Leaning back to wipe the sweat off his forehead, he let out a loud laugh and winked. “You should probably close your mouth. We wouldn’t want you to catch flies, now, would we, dear _____?”
“Shut up.” Your mouth was closed now, and you had the fiercest glare you could muster on your face instead. Getting up from your seat by the shack and stalking close to Heeseung, you crossed your arms over your chest with as much intimidation you could put into the action. “Lee Heeseung, you have less than five minutes to explain what the hell you’re doing here, before I dice you up into a little, Death Valley kebab.”
He smiled a little and raised his hands. “_____, I know you’re mad but—”
You snorted.
“Okay, more than mad but,” Heeseung scratched the back of his head, “well, it’s business.”
“Business?” You took a step closer, causing the brunet to take a step back. “What type of business makes you lie to people so that they think everyone at an illegal racing ring is going to kill them?”
“When you say it like that, it sounds horrible.”
You increased the intensity of your glare.
“Well, it is! But, it really is business.” He took a step back and raised his hands before you could get closer to him. “I’m Death Valley’s bookie and PR manager. A while ago, Jake decided I should use reverse psychology to recruit watchers and racers and well, it worked better than expected. Apparently, it’s in human nature to see how much shit we can get into without dying. I don’t know, something like that, but that’s what I understood from what he said. He talks a lot.”
Jake. That name seemed to keep popping up everywhere, only adding more details to the very scary image you had of the individual. At this point, you would do anything, if it meant you didn’t have to come across him at any point in time, because you’d prefer to go home in one piece with your heart and sanity intact.
Humming, you raised an eyebrow. “So, the whole innocent, scaredy-cat thing was an act? That was all to trick my puny, little human brain into coming here?”
He nodded, a cocky grin on his face. “Of course, _____. I’m a great actor, and there’s absolutely nothing in the world that can—”
“Oh, my—Heeseung, a spider’s crawling up your leg!”
Immediately, Heeseung screamed and jumped away from his spot, and you were barely able to hold back your laughter. He frantically checked where he’d been standing, cursing all spiders underneath his breath while he did, and finally sighed when he couldn't find anything at all. Then, his eyes widened, and he whipped his head up to you. He tried to hide it but there was a faint blush dusting his cheeks as he pointed an accusing finger at you.
“Hey! That’s—th-that’s…” he spotted the laugh you were trying to hide and flushed further, “that’s just an example of my acting skills! Mhm!”
“Totally, Hee. You deserve an Oscar for that performance. I’m honoured to have witnessed it,” you deadpanned. You clapped slowly, as Heeseung’s face just got redder and redder with embarrassment.
The flush in his cheeks cooled slightly, while he scratched the back of his neck. “Okay, I deserved that. And, more than that.”
Nodding, you ushered him to continue.
“And, well, I probably shouldn’t have gone overboard with the… the advertising, even if it was funny to see your gullible reaction.”
A sharp glare.
“But, that’s beside the point! I shouldn’t have lied about the coke and cops and everything else.” He was avoiding your eyes at this point, the only thing keeping him from bowing at a sharp ninety-degree angle being his last shred of pride.
Arms still crossed and face stoic, you took a few steps closer to him. You glared down at him in silence for a few moments, before you conceded. As much as you would’ve liked to remind him that you’d thought you were going to die—which may or may not have been avoided if you’d taken Heeseung’s words with even the tiniest speck of salt—you had to find a way out of the ‘Valley, and Heeseung was looking like a promising prospect.
You nodded. “I mean, I guess I forgive you.”
“You guess?” His eyes finally met yours, and they were wide with incredulity.
“Well, you see, Heeseung. Since someone subconsciously tricked me into getting lost out in the middle of nowhere, so conveniently close to illegal racing tracks and hours away from the city, I don’t have any way to get home!”
Heeseung’s eyes grew wider, and there was some guilt hiding behind his shock. “Oh.”
“Oh, indeed.”
A heavy silence fell between the two of you, as you processed the panic you’d felt bubbling up inside you the past couple hours and he… well, at least, seemed to appear deeply guilty for what had happened. It felt like the silence was going to stretch on for a couple more minutes when Heeseung perked up and made a loud noise of excitement. He closed the distance between you two and took a firm grip of your shoulders, a wide smile on his face. “_____, I think I’ve found the perfect solution to your problem.”
Instantly, your arms unfolded, and any sign of hostility fell from your face. “Really? Do you have a spare bike lying around somewhere that I can ride?”
“No,” he said flatly, with a disapproving parent look on his face, “Even if I did, I wouldn’t give it to you because one; I don’t want blood on my hands and two; I don’t want your blood on my hands because I feel like you would hold it over my head for the rest of my life.”
“True, true.” You stepped closer to him and raised an eyebrow. “Well?”
A slow smirk took over Heeseung’s lips, and you suddenly became very aware of the lack of space between you and him. As you stared into his eyes, you could feel some tension charging the air, and something within you stirred with excitement.
The brunet’s breath fanned over your lips as he whispered, “How do you feel about a bet?”
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V – Niki’s Puppy
Death Valley was home to some of the most peculiar people you’ve ever met. There was Sunoo, who harboured a strange love for his vehicle, Heeseung, the PR manager with questionable morals, and the Jake figure who you hadn’t met yet—and never wanted to, if you wanted to go home in one piece. But, the two individuals in front of you had your brows furrowing narrower than they had the entire day and your jaw hanging fully open.
The first thing that caught your eye was the taller figure’s attire. He was wearing a leopard print dress shirt with a singular button undone, a plain pair of black leather jeans, and a huge, tan fur coat. His eyes were covered with a bulky pair of dark sunglasses, his fingers were adorned with colourful bejewelled rings, and his blonde hair was cropped and styled in a way that reminded you of a stereotypical mob boss. Along with his attire, there was an air around him that exuded dirty money, illegal dealings, and everything else that came with the two.
The second thing that caught your eye was the collar on the brunet behind him. It contrasted heavily against the rest of his plain outfit—a grey tank, standard blue jeans, and a basic pair of sneakers. The collar was pink, glittery, and signed with the words ‘Niki’s Puppy.’ The wearer seemed more than unhappy to wear it, but it was on him anyway—which was the main reason your eyebrows were digging creases in your forehead.
“Jungwon lost a bet again?”
Ripping your eyes away from the strange duo, you glanced at the bookie next to you with incredulously wide eyes. His face was relaxed, exasperated almost, like there wasn’t a literal mob boss and his… puppy standing in front of you.
You faced him, jabbing a thumb in their direction, and whisper-yelled, “Am I the only one who’s confused here? Or, is this some normal Death Valley occurrence?”
“Is this normal? No. But, it happens often enough for everyone around here to get used to it.” Heeseung gestured at the throng of people finding their seats along the gravel tracks.
Exactly like he’d said, no one was stopping to stare at the two with a slack jaw like you were, so you closed your mouth and cleared your throat. “But, but—how?”
“I am right here,” the Mob Boss said, and you could imagine him rolling his eyes behind his shades. “And, I am not a ‘this.’ I’m Nishimura Riki, aka Ni-ki, aka Death Valley's Designated Number One Biker–trademarked. But, you can call me nothing because I do not wish to be perceived by the likes of you.”
“The likes of me?” The creases in your forehead were now filled with a hint of offence, and the sound of Heeseung’s laughter didn't help. “What is that supposed to mean?”
He held up his hands and gazed at the multiple gems on them instead of responding, causing Heeseung’s laughter to continue. Even the apathetic ‘puppy’ behind him had a ghost of a grin on his lips that didn’t express much but still managed to rile you up a bit.
You crossed your arms over your chest. “Heeseung, why am I here in front of this—this phoney drug lord and his… pet?”
Niki let out a scoff, and a little chortle escaped the lips of the man behind him.
Sparing Heeseung a glance from the corner of your eye, you could tell he was trying to keep his laughter in at the sight of Niki’s obvious pout. The gesture soothed you a little, and you lowered the intensity of your glare. You didn't lower it completely, though—the Mob Boss’s insult had stung more than you’d like to admit.
The bookie extended a hand in your direction and the other in the duo’s direction. “_____, meet Niki and Jungwon. Niki and Jungwon, meet _____. These two will be your personal escorts for the night and will also check to see if you’re lying about the results of the bet or not.”
Right. The bet. You’d nearly forgotten about it, with all the chaos going on around you, but now the terms of the bet were clear as day in your mind. It was a simple bet—one that favoured you no matter the outcome. If you weren’t the least bit entertained by the first race that was about to start, Heeseung would have to leave early–missing the second and third race–to drive you home. If you were entertained, however, you'd have to wait for all three races to end for him to find a racer—yes, a car racer, the people you had promised yourself you’d stay away from—to get you home. Either way, you would end up with a favourable outcome, but you had an incredibly competitive spirit. And Niki, despite annoying you, was certainly adding fuel to the fire burning within you.
It was your turn to smirk, as Niki started complaining about the whole ordeal to Heeseung, but you tuned him out as you imagined your incredibly smug–and incredibly embarrassing–victory dance you were going to put on. The taste of victory was already on the tip of your tongue and nobody, not even Niki, could get in your way.
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VI – Mr. Nishimura’s 43%
Correction: Niki couldn’t get in your way, but he certainly tried.
As Jungwon and Niki had led you to a set of bleachers close to the tracks, there’d been palpable tension in the air. Unlike the tension between you and Heeseung that’d been charged by some form of unidentifiable electricity, that tension had been charged by Niki’s sharp glare on your back. When you’d tripped on your way to the lowest bleacher, you’d been convinced it had something to do with the whiny Mob Boss and that was just a taste of what he had planned in store for you.
Were you scared he was going to kill you before the night ended? Yes, most definitely. But, were you a petty person with a strange need to prove people wrong? Also, yes.
So, instead of letting his glower and haughty attitude get to you, you decided to strike up a conversation with the two of them. You yelled, loud enough to be heard over the chatter and intermittent bike revs, “So, Heeseung mentioned a bet?”
Sitting on the bleacher right behind yours, you could hear Niki’s exasperated sigh. He still relented, probably because he didn’t mind the attention, and mumbled, “Jungwon bet that I would fail my Math CSAT with less than 40%.”
You held back a snort, barely. “So, you didn’t fail?”
“Nope!” His voice was cheery—finally clear of the previous contempt that had been there, but the irony wasn’t lost on you. The snort escaped. “I failed with a 43%.”
“So, let me just get this straight,” another snort, “Jungwon is wearing that collar because you failed your Math CSAT with 3% more than he bet?”
“Mhm. He also has to address me like I’m his boss!”
“And, is this a regular occurrence?”
“I mean, he doesn’t always bet on my test grades, but he always loses.” Niki laughed heartily, and his age shined through as he said, “That’s kinda lame, don’t you think?”
Before you could even respond, the subject himself interrupted you two with a harsh cough. “The race’s starting, Mr. Nishimura.”
The low rumble of several bikes revving at the same time drew your attention back to the tracks and, true to Jungwon’s word, the bikers were getting ready. The tracks held multiple lanes, and about a dozen racers were walking their monstrous bikes to the starting line. Of the dozen racers, you recognised Winter, who winked at you when you waved and yelled, and Sunghoon. They, along with the others, were gearing themselves up with their helmets and other safety wear, moments away from participating in the first illegal race you were ever going to witness.
The crowd was watching the bikers as well, hooting and cheering for different people. All their yells melted into one supportive chant that had your heart beating along to their tune, pumping adrenaline all the while. It was hard to breathe with all the exhaust in the air, and the lack of air conditioning had you sweating buckets, but you pushed all that to the back of your mind. The race was about to start and something was telling you it was going to be a life-changing event to witness.
Niki tapped your back, startling you out of the excitement building up inside you. You didn’t have to turn around to see the smirk on his face as he said, “Remember, _____, there’s a bet going on. Crack even the slightest smile, and you’re kissing victory away.”
You gulped slightly and took a few, deep breaths, preparing yourself for what might just be the hardest thing you’d ever do.
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VII – Death Valley’s Ace
The race was over and, just as you’d thought, it’d been quite a life-changing experience. It’d started and finished in less than ten minutes, but it had felt longer as time stretched on with every turn of the wheels. Winter, Sunghoon, and one other biker had taken the lead the entire time, which had eventually turned into Winter and Sunghoon fighting toe to toe. Finally, Winter took home the winner’s title after an impressive acceleration past the finish line. The utter happiness that had stretched her lips as she’d embraced Karina resonated within you, but—being the competitive person you were—you’d kept all of that, and any other emotion, tucked deep down inside.
However, Niki had the eye of a hawk on you the entire time, and you weren’t sure if your stoic, disinterested acting had been enough to convince him.
So, here you stood, gaze bouncing between the student and the bookie, waiting for Niki’s judgement with bated breath.
Really, you were fine with either outcome, but the certain look on Heeseung’s face when you’d struck the bet and Niki’s jabs throughout the race had fuelled a determination to win that surprised you. Now, the intense feeling of all or nothing had your heart racing and your palms sweating. Could you survive if you didn’t win? Hypothetically, yes. But, then, everybody would have to suffer through your second rendition of Shakespeare and you didn’t think anyone wanted that.
You bit your lower lip, as Niki began to speak.
“_____ wins.”
For a moment, both you and Heeseung were frozen with shock, and then you blinked once, twice, and let out a big whoop. Next, you subjected Niki, Heeseung, Jungwon, and anyone within your vicinity to the horribly lame, but well deserved, victory dance you came up with earlier. While everyone cringed visibly, the fire in you was finally quenched and you could look forward to the rest of the races with less nerves.
At least, that’d what you thought, until Heeseung sighed and pulled out a ring of keys. “Well… I guess I’ve gotta drive you home now.”
You froze again, this time remembering all the terms of the bet. So caught up in your need to win, you’d forgotten that Heeseung would drive you home if you won. And, you had won, so that was what he was supposed to do. Except…
“Uhm, Heeseung.”
He hummed a response, avoiding your gaze by fanning himself with his hand.
“You don’t have to drive me home—well, at least not now.”
Heeseung fixed you with incredulous eyes, Niki’s gaze was obviously on you despite his tinted shades, while Jungwon laughed to himself. You realised, partly in horror, that he knew you’d beenacting all along. Naturally, you expected him to say anything, but he stayed quiet, watching Heeseung and Niki freak out beside him.
“But, you can’t!” Niki pointed at you, with a firm frown on his lips. “A bet’s a bet, and you can’t break the rules. You won, unfortunately, so now Heeseung has to drive you home. That’s how bets work, _____, in case you weren’t aware.”
Heeseung recovered from his shock quick enough to say, “I mean, there weren’t any witnesses when we struck the bet, so… And it’s not like we shook on it or anything.”
The student shook his head in disapproval and muttered, “Typical Heeseung.”
“Oh, shut up,” Heeseung’s eyes widened with a realisation, and he was so excited he looked like he was about to explode, “This means I can finally hand Sunoo’s ass to him. Hell yeah!”
“Sunoo’s racing?”
His eyes widened once again with another realisation, one that caused him to whisper something in Jungwon’s ear and rush off in the direction of the garage. Niki’s look of disapproval followed him all the way there, while Jungwon gave a little wave.
You raised an eyebrow. “Where’s he going?”
For the second time that night, Jungwon spoke, but it was a low murmur of, “To get ready for the second race. And, to kick some ass.”
Niki frowned at Jungwon, probably because he broke one of the terms of their bet by speaking of his own volition, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he rested a hand on his hip and sighed tiredly, “The second race is just a bunch of losers trying to one-up each other. They do it all the time, even though there’s only ever been one winner.”
“One winner.” Behind Jungwon and Niki, most of the crowd was dispersing in the direction of the exit. The only people left were Karina, Winter, Taehyun, and some other mechanics. Most of them were either sitting on the bleachers and jeering some bikers on from the sides or conversing between themselves. Your gaze travelled back to the duo, asking distractedly, “And who may that be?”
“Park Jong—”
“Jay,” Jungwon said, cutting off Niki with a ghost of a smile hovering on his lips. His eyes remained focused on you, ignoring the irritated blond beside him. “Jay Park; Death Valley’s ace. He can bike, he can race, he can dance, he can sing—he can do it all. And, he does it all with a cheerful smile on his face and hearts in his eyes that rival the most lovestruck anime lead. Striking the hearts of everyone, he wins race after race and reminds bikers everywhere that, while he’s around, there will be no other ace. Why? Because the one true ace is Park Jongseong.”
You almost expected a drop-dead gorgeous man to walk in after that monologue with long, wavy hair flowing behind him and a heart-wrenching OST playing in the background. But no one walked up behind Jungwon, much to your dismay, and you spared his blank face a glance. “You would make a good news presenter. Or, an entertaining emcee. Ever considered a career in either?"
He nodded shortly and smiled a little, sneaking a glance in Niki’s direction. “I’m actually the emcee for tonight.”
“What? But, Jake said—”
Almost like someone up there enjoyed toying with Niki and his feelings, the roar of a loud bike interrupted him. Time slowed a bit, as the three of you threw a glance in the direction of the tracks and spotted the appearance of a new person. They were seated on a motorcycle that oddly resembled the one from Grease, with some modern twists on it. The body of a classic Honda CL77 had been heavily modified to accommodate larger-than-life tyres, high handles, and an engine with the roar of a lion—not to mention the other mods you weren’t sure were totally legal. The biker, themselves, was clearly out of breath, resting on the handles of the bike as they tried to somewhat catch their breath. Then, with a heavy inhale, they raised their head, flipped the visor of their helmet, and yelled, “Sorry I’m late! Lecture ran a bit long.”
Then, you blinked and it was like time was back to normal. Some of the other bikers approached the newcomer with large smiles on their faces, others waved, while you were standing next to Jungwon and Niki with wide eyes. The biker removed their helmet, revealing a short mane of dirty blond hair, and you swallowed visibly.
Your thumb shook a little, as you jabbed it in the biker’s direction. “Who is… who is that?”
Jungwon noticed your obvious… interest in the newcomer, but he didn’t comment on it. Instead, he cleared his throat and started, “Jay Park; Death Valley’s ace. He can bike, he can race—”
“We get it!” Niki flicked a strand of hair out of his line of sight, huffing, before crossing his arms over his chest. “Why don’t you just eat his entire boot, while you’re licking it, hmm?”
“Are you jealous?” Jungwon raised an eyebrow, face otherwise blank.
“No.” He shifted his weight onto his right foot, and you could imagine an eye roll behind his glasses. “I’m really not. I just think I should be the one you’re talking about like that since you lost the bet and all.”
The brunet smirked. “So, you’re jealous?”
“Oh, my—I am not jealous. I,” he faltered, realising how worked up he was getting and cleared his throat with a dismissal wave of his hand, “You should go get in the booth. Jay and Heeseung will be ready soon.”
Even though Jungwon snorted, he didn’t comment further on the topic. Instead, he swivelled in your direction and cocked his head. “Well? Time to bet.”
“I think _____’s too busy ogling Jay to think straight at this point.”
You smacked Niki’s chest lightly, mumbling a low, “Shut up.”
He stared at his chest, blinking for a few moments, before he threw his head back with a dramatic sigh. “What did I ever do to deserve—”
“For the following Death Valley race, meant to serve as a display of duelling egos, the lineup will be the same as always,” Jungwon says dryly, cutting off the blonde. He ignored Niki’s gasp and continued, deadpanning, “That lineup consists of Sim Jaeyun, Park Sunghoon, Kim Sunwoo, Lee Heeseung, and Park Jongseong. As a newcomer, you’re required to bet to watch an informal race. Otherwise, I’ll have to kick you off the premises.”
“No,” he cracked a grin, “But I’ll blindfold you so you can’t see anything.”
You laughed nervously, eyes flitting in Niki’s direction. “Is he joking or…? I have a feeling he’s not joking.”
Niki shrugged, and you took that as a sign to start considering the lineup.
Out of all the names he’d mentioned, there wasn’t one you didn’t recognise. First, there was the infamous Jake—the man you’d heard so many rumours about that you’d just assumed he was some scary figure. Because of that, you mentally crossed him off your list without a second thought. Next, there was Sunghoon. While the few words you’d exchanged with him had been pleasant, you’d noticed how a few of his mistakes in the previous race had cost him victory. So, with that in mind, you crossed him off your list as well.
That left you with Sunoo, Heeseung, and Jay. All three seemed promising enough to win, judging from what you knew. Riding with Sunoo had given you a taste of his skills, skills you were sure would improve in an actual racing setting. Heeseung, while you hadn’t had any experience with his biking skills, seemed to have a lot of knowledge on motorcycles and their ins and outs. That was definitely promising, among a list of extremely skilled bikers. And Jay’s reputation clearly preceded him, judging from the way the duo had talked about him.
You massaged your temples, groaning. “I don’t think I’ve ever had to make such a hard decision in my life. This is too much for me.”
“Well,” Jungwon tsked a little, “Time’s ticking.”
You spared the tracks a glance one more time. Jay wasn’t there anymore; he’d probably disappeared off into the garage to get ready for the race. But, Heeseung was back, laughing loudly and boisterously with some of the bikers you didn’t recognise. Closer to the bleachers, Sunoo was receiving what looked like a scolding from Winter and Karina, obvious due to the red tinge to his ears. He caught your eye, flushing further when he realised someone was watching, and you laughed quietly to yourself.
Finally, you looked back at Jungwon, with your mind made up. You fished out a wad of money, placed it in Jungwon’s outstretched hand, and leaned in. A name slipped past your lips, raising Jungwon’s brows a little, but he still nodded and accepted your money without a comment.
A whisper of a name was all that was needed to get your heart racing like it’d been earlier. But, this time, there was no crowd—at least, not much of one. It was just a select group of people, the tracks, and some bikers. Despite that, your heart was still beating, like it was getting ready to jump out of your chest, and you were smiling widely.
Despite your initial resistance to Death Valley, you’d found yourself anticipating your second race featuring none other than Death Valley’s ace himself.
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VIII – WatchMojo’s Top 10 Romantic K-Drama Moments
Just a few minutes later, all the bikers were lined up at the starting line and ready for the second race of the night. From your seat on the highest bleacher, next to a grumbling Niki, you had a clear view of the array of motorcycles and their riders. However, the people weren’t the ones who’d piqued your interest, the vehicles were. They were loud—even the ones with a gentle purr instead of a roar—bulky, and scary, and you loved it.
You loved it so much, in fact, that you nearly missed Jungwon’s introduction.
“Welcome once again to Death Valley: Uncensored; a bimonthly race where five bikers with inflated egos drive motorcycles around to see whose ego will be ridiculously inflated for the night!” Jungwon’s sardonic voice came from the speakers surrounding the bleachers, startling you for a moment.
As two of the bikers, Sunoo and Heeseung, glared at the booth a few metres behind you, you remembered that he was speaking into a mic up there and not hovering around you. A deep breath you didn’t realise you’d been holding in slowly escaped you.
“As usual, this is MC Jungwon—here to add some commentary to the sound of tyres turning.”
The sound of a bike revving followed his statement.
“Thank you for that,” he remarked dryly, cleared his throat, and continued, “Without further ado, let’s get into the introductions now.”
There was a bit of a buzz from the audience at that—some slow clapping, hollers, and even cheers. And, of course, a giant whoop from you as well.
Niki visibly cringed and put a noticeable distance between you and him. He grimaced, muttering, “What did I do to ever deserve this?”
“Hey, I—“
“Starting from the edge closest to the audience, we have the man who puts the ‘death’ in Death Valley. He has a dark gaze to match the strict persona he tries—but fails—to put on. His skills are impressive but not as impressive as his students who’ve surpassed him. Yes, give it up for… Sim Jake!”
All night, whenever you’d heard of Jake, you had conjured up an image of a tall, intimidating figure with insane muscles that could snap you in half in a heartbeat. However, the smiley man who flipped up his helmet’s visor to jokingly glare in the direction of the booth was not like that at all. Yes, his leather vest did reveal frightening biceps, but he was more toned than muscular and just not scary. You couldn’t even remember how you had found him scary, as something inside you melted over his gummy smile.
As if she’d been reading your mind, Winter smirked knowingly from the bleacher below yours. You returned an embarrassed grin.
“To Jake’s left, we have Mr. Fast and Furious. Fast to describe his speed and furious to describe his mood. The only thing that can make Mr. Furious a little less furious are a pair of skates and… well that’s it. He rides his bike with the grace of a swan and I wouldn’t be surprised if he twirled atop it one day. It’s Death Valley’s favourite glider—Park Sunghoon!”
Sunghoon, clad in all-black leather and a flipped down helmet visor, flipped Jungwon off and you swore you heard some muffled giggles from the other bikers. When he moved in their direction, though, the giggles quickly died down. You muffled a laugh of your own.
“Moving on quickly, next up is Death Valley’s drama queen himself. With the looks of royalty, and the temperament to match, he parades around like a monarch. That is, until Crabbers’s involved. Then, he’s the humblest servant with more than enough patience to serve. Mhm, it’s none other than Kim Sunwoo!”
Sunoo didn’t take much offence to his introduction. Instead, he gave a stiff wave, similar to the ones the royals gave, and nodded gravely in all directions. He only paused his dramatic imitation of monarchs to give his bike a friendly pat. Winter and Karina snorted audibly at his actions, causing him to cough slightly in embarrassment.
“Thank you so much for that, Your Majesty.” A short pause followed, filled with the bikers’ laughter and probably an eye-roll from Jungwon. “Then, we have Lee Heeseung. Yes, the sly and shady businessman with shadier business practices. Is he hiding some of our earnings from us? Probably. Will we ever find out? Only time will tell! Only Lee Heeseung can leave us with this much suspense.”
You’d already concluded that Heeseung was a shameless man, but his somewhat proud reaction further confirmed that. He nodded in acknowledgement, two hands placed over his chest, and a sharp glint in his eyes. Flipping down his visor, he gestured for the non-existent applause and cheers to come to an end with dismissive waves of his hand.
“Finally, last but not least, Park Jongseong!”
A stifling silence followed Jungwon’s enthusiastic shout, as the biker rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
“This is when you’re supposed to clap. Clap.”
A slow clap rose from the audience and some of the bikers, while Jay continued to make flustered movements.
Meanwhile, Jungwon seemed to be satisfied with the applause and continued. “The man I’m about to introduce is a very important person. Not only is he one of the best bikers in the ‘Valley, but he can race, cook, dance, and sing as well. Even with his many talents, he chose to race and decided to grace our presence here. We should always be grateful to him for choosing such a… such a wonderful place, among all the other options out there. Give a big round of applause for Park Jongseong!”
This time, the claps were louder and more enthusiastic and even a few whoops were heard—from someone you would forever vehemently deny was you. The biker looked like he’s about to melt from all the praise Jungwon gave him, but your smitten self thought every bit of it was well-deserved.
But, you didn’t have much time to dwell on Jay’s adorable mannerisms because Jungwon swiftly segued into the main section of the introduction.
“Now, that we’re well acquainted with all the racers, we can get on with the main event of the night—the races. In the first race, the five participants will bike around the usual, circular track three times. Then, the winner and the closest runner-ups will go head to head in a car race around the tracks five times. As usual, the prize for these races is nothing, except bragging rights.” A snort escaped the audience at that. “Anyways, the race will begin soon. Racers, get ready.”
Even though there weren’t any prizes, the bikers checked and double-checked their motorcycles one last time like the race determined whether they lived after this night. It almost seemed like it truly was a life or death situation, considering the tense atmosphere in the air. But, really, it was nothing more than a friendly race between a group of close friends, making their actions seem a bit dramatic. You couldn’t say much though; just a few moments ago you’d lied about your emotions just to win an inconsequential bet.
And, you weren’t complaining either. Their serious nature charged the air with a certain type of electricity that built up an increasing amount of anticipation in you. Your hands were sweating in the best way, your heart was beating faster, and you couldn’t rip your eyes off the five bikers lined up. Was it a life or death situation? No. But, was your heart pounding like it was? Certainly.
Everyone around you seemed to catch onto the shift in the atmosphere—even Niki, who’d been disinterested the entire time. He leaned forward on his knees, as the last couple of bikers got back onto their bikes, lips pursed in anticipation. As Heeseung finally got on his vehicle, a blanket of silence settled over the bleachers.
The bikers were ready for the race, and so were you.
“At the sound of the horn, the race starts.”
A couple of bikes revved, and you wiped your sweaty hands against your thighs.
Subconsciously, you nodded in response, gripping your thighs tighter.
There weren’t many seconds left now, but there was still time for your heart to considerably race up. Your eyes never left the tracks—they couldn’t, the rough gravel had a vice grip on you. You were so focused on waiting for the blare of the horn that your body froze. The only part of you that wasn’t left paralysed in anticipation was your hands, which repeatedly clenched and unclenched in their spot on your thighs. Even breathing felt wrong in the few moments leading up to the loud blow of the horn. You were biting your lower lip, nibbling away at the skin there. Just any second now, any second now, any sec—
The horn went off.
It was a loud sound that reverberated from the speakers surrounding you, shocking you for a moment. Then, your eyes snapped away from the gravel to the bikers speeding off on the track.
You couldn’t tell who was in the lead and who was lagging behind. To you, it was just a blur of tyres, cool steel, and the night sky blending into one dark body. It was a beautiful sight, watching them race off into the night without a care in the world. Even from your seat on the bleachers, you could taste the humid air on your tongue and feel the wind tickling the tips of your ears.
Just as they disappeared from your sight, probably off to race a part of the track further away from you, Jungwon’s voice came through the speakers. “And now, unexpectedly, Heeseung is in the lead! There’s quite some distance between him and the person behind him, Sunoo. These two seem like the most promising prospects for grand winners for now, with no signs of someone catching up to them.”
Where you were, aside from Jungwon’s narration, it was quiet. You were clenching your thighs, and biting your lower lip, even though all you could see was the starry sky. There wasn’t even the roar of a bike or two to remind you of the presence of the bikes. Yet, somehow, it still felt so… loud. It was almost like you were on a bike yourself, with the gentle and constant hum of the engine blaring in your ears. The wind wasn’t blowing, not in the slightest, but you could imagine its harsh drag against you as you rode a motorcycle beside the bikers. You almost snorted aloud at your thoughts, considering how you’d gone from fearing Death Valley and all it meant to imagining yourself in a race of your own.
So immersed in your thoughts, Jungwon’s urgent voice shocked you when he spoke again. Not like the horn had, but enough for you to yelp and earn a look from Niki.
“Oh—Oh! It seems that just as Heeseung and Sunoo are approaching the end of their first lap, a third racer’s closing in on them. It’s—wait a minute,” a few rustles came through while you all kept your eyes peeled for any sign of the third person, “Oh, wow, who would’ve—Coming up in third place is Jay!”
Just as Jungwon yelled it, the three of them came into view once again. It was hard to tell who was in the lead, no matter how hard you kept your eyes peeled. All you knew was that it was a close tie between who started their second lap first, as all you saw was a blur of greys and blacks crossing the finish line.
“Wow, I don’t think it’s ever been this close,” Niki yelled over the noise of the motorcycles.
All he received from you was a low hum. You were busy trying your best to keep up with the three, even as they got further and further away. You couldn’t help losing sight of them when they blended into the night sky once again. As they did, the remaining two started their second lap, Jungwon commented on it, but you were too busy thinking about who would win the race to pay attention at that point.
Your money—a small amount of your money, but still your money—was resting on the shoulders of one of those three. Similar to before, it wouldn��t really harm you if you lost those few notes, but, your wallet and you would prefer it if you held onto them for a bit longer. You started nervously biting your lower lip, anticipating the start of the third and final lap.
“... The trio in the lead are approaching the starting line once again! As they start their final lap, the race will get incredibly intense. All eyes will be on them, thoughts filled with the obvious question: Who will win? Will it be Heeseung? Sunoo? Jay? Time will only tell when—Oh, here they come!”
With the three nearing the starting line, it got louder once again. The sound of the tyres turning against the gravel, the explosive engines running, and some cheers from the crowd were all accompaniments to the last lap between the three. The loud pounding of your heart and the blood rushing in your ears were also accompaniments, which you were honestly surprised no one else could hear.
Your eyes were darting around quickly, you were worrying away at your bottom lip, and they crossed the starting line once again. This time, different from the other times, their individual bikes were easier to distinguish. Or, perhaps, your eyes were adjusting to recognise them. Either way, you finally noticed Heeseung was lagging behind Sunoo and Jay—something you hadn’t seen coming. However, Sunoo and Jay remained toe to toe for the most part. You were sure Jungwon was giving commentary about what you were seeing right now, and adding clarification, but you couldn’t focus on that. It was just you, the bikes, and the tracks. Everything else faded into the background, as their bikes blended into the sky for the last time this night.
A tap from Niki broke you from your haze, although reluctantly. You raised an eyebrow in question, still peeking at the tracks from the corner of your eye.
“Who did you bet on?” The blonde stroked his chin dramatically, smirking. “You seem nervous.”
“I’m not nervous, I just,” a quick glance at the tracks, “I’m just really immersed in the race.”
He didn’t budge though. Instead, he singsonged, “_____’s going to lose a bet. _____’s going to be a loser.”
“Shut up, I—”
“You bet on Sunoo, right?” He pouted in mock pity, before grinning widely. “You should’ve bet on Jay, you loser. Everyone knows he always wins.”
“I…” You trailed off slowly, as time seemed to slow down for the second time this night.
Everything was as clear as day to you. The smooth curves of Sunoo’s bike, the grey steel on Jay’s, the ripples of the wind against their loose clothing, and the chequered line they were racing towards. One moment, it seemed like they were head to head, almost an equal tie. Then, with a loud rev that rivalled the volume of the blood rushing in your ears, Jay accelerated across the finish line first.
With loud clapping, whoops, and a standing ovation from the audience, time returned to normal. Sunoo crossed the finish line probably not a second later, and so did Heeseung not too long after. Jungwon was saying something from the speakers, but you couldn’t hear all of that. You were just staring at Jay—somewhat amazed and somewhat terrified—with wide eyes and a slack jaw. Almost like he felt your eyes on him, he moved his head in your direction, and you freaked out immediately. He might not have even been staring at you, but you still made an effort to calm yourself down just in case he was.
The sound of Niki gagging interrupted you. “Oh, my God. Get a fucking room, please. I’ve been subjected to enough suffering for one day, _____, don’t make it worse.”
“I wasn’t even doing anything,” you retorted, but your words were chewed. In your mind, you were still replaying the moment when Jay had turned in your direction and internally swooning over it. Your eyes widened as you realised Niki’s judgemental gaze was still on your obviously flustered state, and you coughed. “Is staring at someone a crime now?”
“Actually, yes. I’m not the smartest person on Earth, but even I know staring at someone like that can be grounds for harassment. At least… I think.” He shrugged. “I don’t know. Half our laws are fucked and the others aren’t even upheld properly.”
You nodded solemnly. “True.”
He nodded along with you, until he realised what he was doing and groaned. “Yes, but that’s not the point! Instead of staring at him like a creep, why don’t you go down there and congratulate him yourself?”
“Congratulate him?” Your eyes grew wide, whipping your head in Niki’s direction. “Uh, no, thank you. I’d rather admire his skills from here, a good distance away from him.”
“Why? Is it because you lost your money because you didn’t bet on him? And now you’re too embarrassed to face him?” There was a smug grin on his face and a teasing tone in his voice, and you’d never wanted to throttle someone more.
You smiled sweetly, clenching your teeth. “I didn’t lose my money. Actually, I—”
“Huh?” Your mouth worked faster than your brain, clearly, because you realised a second after your reply that the person who had called you was Jay himself. You stifled your gasp with a bite of your lower lip and settled for a short wave instead.
Niki giggled at your awkward movements, earning a slight smack from you. He groaned. “Hey, _____! You can’t hit me, I’m a minor.”
You snorted, turning in Niki’s direction, but you tried to hide it with a cough in case Jay was still looking. “That shit only works on Twitter, you idiot.”
Before he could respond with something, you felt a light tap on your back. For a few seconds, you were frozen, scared that Jay had somehow managed to creep up on you in a couple of seconds. Then, Niki, recognising your dilemma, told you it was Jungwon and you released a breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding in.
“Oh, my God, Jungwon,” you exhaled, turning around, “I was so scared you were Jay.”
“I’m not,” he deadpanned, “but it’s funny you mention Jay actually.”
With a smirk on your face, you raised your nose slightly in the air. “You’re here to give me my money back, right?”
He nodded, pulling out your notes from his jeans’ pocket, but there was a suspicious smile forming on his lips.
“What do you mean ‘what?’” Jungwon feigned innocence, but the smile was still on his face.
You accepted your money with narrowed eyes. “There’s something else, isn’t there? Is there a catch? Hidden terms and conditions? That’s false advertising, you know? I can sue you with my… my three 5,000 won bills.”
His smile only grew wider, while he shrugged.
“No, you can’t just shrug like that! You have to tell me.”
“Well, since you practically begged to know, I’ll tell you.” He leaned in closer, cupping his hands around his mouth like he was telling you some sort of important secret. You leaned in as well, eyebrows furrowed. “Since Jay came late, no one bet on him except you. So, now, he’s convinced you’re a good luck charm and he wants you to ride with him for the final race. To secure his victory and all that.”
You paused. “Never mind, you didn’t have to tell me. I want to go back to before I knew that.”
Niki hummed. “So, that’s why Jay called you.”
“Yeah, I called you before that, but it’s like you have Jay tunnel vision or something.”
Niki giggled again, but you didn't smack him this time. Rather, you buried your head in your hands and slumped down into your seat. The scene was reminiscent of when you’d thought you were going to die in the abandoned subway and decided to have a meltdown before thinking of a way to get out of there. You could’ve laughed at the irony of how you’d come full circle in just a couple of hours, but you chose to mumble obscenities underneath your breath instead. It was way less productive, but much more cathartic and that was exactly what you needed.
However, Jungwon didn’t let you finish. He poked you halfway through and murmured, “You should probably look up, _____.”
“No,” your voice came off as a whine, but that was the least of your worries when your kinda-crush-but-not-really-because-you-only-met-him-a-few-minutes-ago wanted you to ride in his car with him, “I’m going to keep my face glued to my legs, and my ass glued to this bleacher for the rest of my life. Or, until the bleacher rusts and falls out from under me. I don’t know, whichever one comes first.”
“Uh, I think you should really look up. Like, now.”
“Mm-mm. I’m fine here.”
“_____, it’s—”
“_____, right? Is everything okay?”
That, specifically that voice, made you freeze. You’d only heard it twice before, from a distance and in a loud yell, but you could still recognise that deep timbre. Looking up into Jay’s dark eyes, filled with warmth and concern, confirmed your suspicions all at once.
Immediately, you unfroze—your eyes widened, your hands flailed, and you lost your balance on the bleacher.
Your stomach flipped and you squeezed your eyes shut, as you felt yourself falling backwards at a worrying speed. There was no railing to stop your fall, so it was just you hurtling towards the ground with your eyes closed.
That was, until a pair of toned arms wrapped around you, wrapping around your waist and supporting you from behind. Your eyes flew open, meeting Jay’s once again. You stifled a gasp.
The muscles of his arms were very apparent against you, tensing and flexing against the small of your back. His fingers, strained with the effort to keep you suspended midair, shifted across the tiny patch of skin that’d been exposed during your fall. He was pressed against you in other areas, body moulded to yours, as he kept moving his hold on you. You didn’t understand what he was doing—you were much more preoccupied with your near-death experience and now your drama-worthy rescue—until he murmured, “Grab my chest.”
Your brain short circuited.
You almost stammered out a confused question until your gaze finally left his eyes, and flickered down to the rest of his face. He was biting his lower lip furiously, jaw clenched and sweating buckets. Coupled with the way you could feel his arms shifting and tensing against you, you realised your weight was putting a strain on his arms. You almost felt embarrassed for it, and for being in this situation in the first place, but you also realised commenting on it wouldn’t help anything. Instead, you disregarded what he had said and looped your arms around his neck, pulling yourself close to him as you did.
Averting your eyes from his flushed face, you asked, “Is that better?”
He nodded, grunted, and muttered, “Brace yourself.”
In one huge movement, Jay tensed his arms against your back and pulled you forward. The change in position had you toppling again, this time forward, but he was ready. His arms never left your back, instead he used his hold on you to pull you against him. Slowly, his arms moved from low against your waist to circle you in a hug.
You felt his chest heaving against yours, probably from the effort he put into holding you up. But, he didn’t let you feel guilty for it at all, as he stepped back to stare earnestly into your eyes and asked, “Are you okay? Do you need anything? That could’ve been quite the fall.”
You were stunned, eyes still wide and shaky from the fall, and you couldn’t seem to muster any words.
But, of course, Niki always had something to say. Holding onto Jungwon, he pretended to throw up. “Jungwon, please, erase what I just had to witness from my eyes.”
“No can do.” The brunette shrugged off Niki’s hold from him, a grimace on his face. “I honestly wish I could though.”
“Uhm, hello?” You whipped your head in their direction, eyes narrowed. “Are we forgetting that I could’ve died back there?”
“You were not going to die, _____.” Niki rolled his eyes, gesturing towards the area behind the bleacher. “One, these bleachers aren’t that high off the ground. Two, there’s literal padding all around the ground in case people like you decide to lose their balance and re-enact a WatchMojo Top 10 Romantic K-Drama Moments.”
Jungwon nodded along to his words, while you spluttered quietly. The sentence you managed to put together was still somewhat disjointed, but it managed to get out properly and that was all that mattered. “Well, I-I, I thought I was going to die, so, same difference!”
“Not same difference, _____, it’s—”
Jay’s loud chuckle cut off Niki. The loud sound disrupted the two of you, eyes softening from their harsh glares at each other at the sight of the smile on his face. Instantly, you couldn’t even remember what you’d been arguing about with Niki, instead, his wide smile and scrunched-up eyes were all that were on your mind. A fond smile pulled at your lips, one you tried to smother, but failed.
Jungwon noticed it and snorted lightly. He mumbled, “So down bad that you’re playing limbo with the devil at this point.”
“Hm? I didn’t get that.” Jay’s eyes grew wide with confusion, and his expression had the same effect on you as the last one.
This time, you were more careful and hid your upturned lips, simultaneously clearing your throat. “An… inside joke.”
The look on Jungwon’s face said he was considering telling Jay the truth, but he just shook his head to himself and sighed instead. His gaze moved from you to Jay with an arched eyebrow. “Well, Jay? You came here for a reason, right?”
“Oh—right,” Jay somewhat sobered up from his laughter but there was still a soft smile on his face as he focused on you, “_____, I’m really thankful you bet on me. Honestly, I was kinda bummed out earlier cause I thought there’d be no one betting for me. So, thank you for that.”
His eyes were sparkling—with earnest, pure gratefulness—but, to you, stars were swirling in his eyes. They were plentiful and bright, shining brighter than any full moon could. You were sure you could’ve even connected the stars to form constellation upon constellation. His eyes, bright and starry, had quickly become your favourite feature of his, making it hard for you to avert yours before he caught onto your obvious fondness of him.
But, you managed and chewed out a soft, “Yeah, it’s no problem. I was actually trying to save my money, and you seemed like the best bet, so… yeah, I bet on you.”
“Well, I’m glad I could help, _____. Feel free to bet on me anytime! I can’t promise I’ll always win, but I can promise I’ll do better, knowing you bet on me.” He ended off with a flirty wink and a little bout of laughter, and you were sure you were about to melt into a puddle right there and then.
Niki groaned. “Oh, my God, please, for the love of God and everything good, get a room before I get one for you!”
“We’re not—”
“Sure.” Jay sneaked a sly glance your way, something shy of a bashful smirk on his lips. “I just need _____’s permission first. I can’t exactly whisk someone off into my car without warning, now, can I?”
Oh, right.
Just moments ago, Jungwon had told you why Jay had wanted to talk to you in the first place, but the entire nearly-dying thing and Jay’s arms around you and Jay’s eyes—Jay’s eyes—had managed to infiltrate your mind, pushing the memory of it away. But, now, you remembered. Jay, the very pretty man in front of you with stars in his eyes, wanted you, the average uni student with no filter who had mini-meltdowns at any minor inconvenience, to ride in his car with him because he believed you were good luck.
You literally couldn’t believe it.
Sensing your hesitation, Jay raised his hands up and clarified what he said. “I mean, not for anything weird or something like that! I’d just, if you’d be comfortable with it, like someone else in my car with me when I race. Kinda like a good luck charm, y’know? Only if you’re comfortable though.”
“I…” You trailed off, considering your options. On one hand, you could say no and go home with your heart intact. You’d never thought of yourself as a hopeless romantic or someone who believed in love at first sight, but if you stayed close to Jay for any longer, you would have to reconsider your perspective on love. Then, on the other hand, you could ride with Jay in a race and potentially have the experience of a lifetime.
You were about to make your decision when Niki let out a loud scoff. “_____’s going. No protesting, you’re going to thank me later. Both of you.”
“I was going to say yes, anyway,” you replied with a roll of your eyes, but there wasn’t much effort put into it.
Jay smiled, a sight you were getting used to seeing but somehow still couldn’t get enough of. “Really?”
“Yeah.” You returned a smile of your own, then cleared your throat and put on your best telemarketer voice. “For the small price of a million won, you can consider me your own lucky charm for the night. But, since you asked so nicely and you have a nice smile, I’ve decided to give you a full-price discount.”
“Well, lucky charm,” Jay extended his leather jacket-clad elbow to you with a crooked grin, mimicking a posh British voice, “I think it’d be best if you were introduced to our ride of the night, now, wouldn’t it?”
You locked elbows with him, a smile growing on your face. “Yes, I think that’d be best, Mr. Park.”
“Mr. Park?” He arched an eyebrow, leaning into your face. “Please, call me Jay.”
“And, you can call me—”
“Dead,” Niki grit through clenched teeth. “At least, that’s what you two will be if I have to watch this for any longer.”
Without another warning from Niki, elbows intertwined, you and Jay scurried off towards Death Valley’s Garage. A third race was waiting for Jay, ready to determine whether he would go home with the title of the grand winner or not, and you were more than ready for it as well.
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IX – Expensive and Illegal
From all you’d seen of him, you had expected Park Jonseong to be a cocky biker with an ego larger than life, but he was nothing like that at all. You hadn’t been talking to him for long—the distance between the tracks and the car section of the Death Valley Garage wasn’t much—but you were already learning more about him. He was a second-year business management major at Suwon National as well, who had moved from Washington, USA for university. One thing had led to another and here he was now, the ace of a decently popular illegal biking ring. His softer, mellower personality—at least, compared to everyone else you’d met so far—was the complete contrast of what anyone would picture from that description, but somehow it fit him. The only part of his personality that fit the cocky biker image you had of him in your head was his tendency to crack flirty, but still bashfully ‘Jay’ jokes.
And that was all he was doing now. He was leading you through a separate part of Death Valley Garage, lined with cars you weren’t sure were legal, and cracking jokes all the while. Most of them were lame and cornier than anything, but seeing him smile was something you found yourself enjoying more and more.
Jay smiled particularly wide as he made his way to a sleek, grey car with a smooth and modern design. He patted the hood of the car gently, a fond look in his eyes, before looking back up at you. “Here’s our ride for the night.”
“Wow, it looks…” you trailed off, fully taking in the car.
It looked brand new and spotless, the top coat of paint still fresh and untouched by anything. The moon’s rays reflected off the shiny, glossy grey covering most of the car’s body, complimenting its cool hue. From where you were standing, you could see a few details Jay had probably added—a thin, black line tracing the edges of the car, a custom-made licence plate printed with his name, and a tiny print of something you couldn’t see along the inner border of the hood.
It screamed many things at you, but it mainly screamed two things. You spared Jay a glance. “It looks expensive and illegal.”
He laughed. “Yeah, it is—well, it was legal before I got it modded. It’s a newer model too, so it wasn’t easy getting my hands on it.”
Your eyes widened, as you whistled underneath your breath. “A newer model? You must be fucking loaded if you can afford this. How much does racing pay?”
“Actually, I got it from a race. Everyone bet their cars instead of money, and I won so now this baby’s mine.” He pulled out his key, pressing a button to unlock the car, which replied with a smooth beep. “I don’t think I ever raced as hard as I did that day. I mean, this is a 2021 edition of a Genesis G70 we’re talking about. The horsepower on this thing alone is insane, and…”
The rest of Jay’s words went in one ear and out the other. You didn’t mean to blank out, you were genuinely trying to pay attention to his words, but the terms he was using weren’t words you were used to at all. Instead of actually taking in his words, you nodded along to his words now and then, staring at his lips.
He paused, snapping you out of your daze. As you realised he’d caught onto your staring, a smug smirk stretched his lips. “Are you even listening to me?”
Suddenly, the floor was very interesting to look at, and you studied the skid marks on the concrete floor instead of Jay’s face. You mumbled, “No, but if it’s any consolation, you’re really pretty.”
“Hm, what was that?”
You considered repeating the words to him, but the faint sound of running engines and chatter reminded you of where you were. You shook your head and gestured for Jay to get into the car. “Ah, never mind. You have a race to get to, remember?”
Opening the driver’s door, he corrected you with a soft smile. “We have a race to get to. You’re my good luck charm, don’t forget that.”
A smile was itching to break out on your lips at that, but you resisted the urge and ducked into the passenger’s seat of the car instead.
Eyes widening, you marvelled immediately at the interior. Just like the exterior, it was mainly made of cool tones. Cream leather covered the seats, and even parts of the gears, complimenting the all-black controls in front of you. The same modern look the outside carried was maintained throughout the inside; the main touch-screen monitor and seamless buttons were just two, among many, of the gadgets the car held.
While you were admiring the interior, Jay slipped into the car, and you couldn’t help but think the design complimented him. His simple, yet effective outfit made of a plain, white tank, dark leather pants, and a dark leather jacket contrasted well against the car’s cream seats. And, then, his dark hair tinged with gold highlights complemented the touches of grey on the controls. He looked like he was in his element–he was in his element–checking and double-checking the height and position of his chair like it was something he’d been doing since he was born.
You wouldn’t be surprised if he had been doing this since he was born.
With a final adjustment of his chair, he buckled in and started the car with a simple press of a button. There wasn’t the roar you expected from a car this powerful, but the sound that followed was more of a soft hum. Along with it, the monitor came to life, a melodic tune playing as it did. A soft, robotic voice came from the monitor, causing a light smirk to lift Jay’s lips.
Finally, the car was ready, and it seemed like the racer was too.
Jay checked his seat adjustments one more time and shifted the gear into drive, keen eyes set on you. “Are you ready, lucky charm?”
The nickname sent a thrill down your spine, and you just wanted him to call you that over and over and over again. Instead of saying all of that though, you returned a smirk of your own, blood rushing in your ears. “Ready.”
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X – Kisses and Starry Eyes
Your heart was beating faster than it had probably ever beat in your life, and you weren’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
You gnawed on your lower lip, shooting Jay frantic glances. “I know this is insane, considering you’re the one racing and all, but I feel like I’m going to pass out from how nervous I feel.”
“Don’t worry about it. The nerves are normal before your first race,” he said, laughed, and glanced out his window.
You two were at the tracks once again, sitting inches away from the starting line. On your left was Sunoo, sitting in a small but ferocious-looking black car. And, on your right was Heeseung, who’d gone above and beyond with a red Ferrari. From where you were sitting, you couldn’t see either of them but you could imagine the serious looks on their faces. That image and the already-fluctuated adrenaline in your bloodstream were setting your heart rate at a number you didn’t think any doctor would want to see.
It didn’t help that you kept imagining scenarios where Jay lost and blamed his loss on you. You knew he wouldn’t do that—at least, you hoped he wouldn’t and didn’t think he would from what you’d learned about him—but that didn’t stop the scenarios from playing over and over in your head.
Hands trembling, you chewed away at your lower lip furiously, until Jay placed his hand over yours. Your eyes left the track to look at him, meeting his soft, narrow eyes—those eyes with the stars and constellations in them. Eyes locked with his, you exhaled a deep breath you hadn’t even known you’d been holding in.
His thumb rubbed comforting circles over your hand. “Do you wanna get out of the car, _____? I don’t want to force you to stay if you don’t want to.”
You were shaking your head before he even finished. Inhaling deeply, you tried to focus on the sound of your slowing heartbeat, instead of all the chaos going on around you. “No, I’m good. I just, I think I just got a bit nervous for a second and freaked out. Let my thoughts run wild, that’s all.”
Jay’s eyes searched yours. “You’re sure?”
The previous nerves you’d felt were ebbing away quickly, adrenaline and excitement taking their place. You chalked them up to a brief moment of panic at the reality of the moment settling in. But, now that you’d acclimated to it, Sunoo and Heeseung’s presence wasn’t intimidating anymore but motivating. And, the scenarios of Jay losing only added to why you wanted him to win. Even though you were almost always worried or nervous when it came to your firsts in Death Valley—your first time in Death Valley Garage, your first time in the shack, your first, kinda, participation in a race—those feelings always gave way to growing anticipation that stirred up your stomach in the best way possible.
You squeezed his hand back and grinned. “Of course I’m sure. I mean, I almost died less than an hour ago, and, here I am, still breathing. If that didn’t knock me out, I don’t think a race will.”
“Good to know you’re fine.” He rolled his eyes, smiling softly.
“Yeah,” you murmured, gazing into his eyes.
They were soft and warm, filled with stars you could connect like the ones in the night sky. The brown pools of his eyes were deep, deep enough for you to want to fall into them and explore them for as long as he’d let you. He blinked, and his lashes met the apples of his cheeks in a way that suits his face perfectly. When he opened them again, he was still staring at you with so much warmth that you hadn’t known a person was capable of conveying through their eyes—until now.
God, you really loved his eyes. And, you wished you could stare into them forever.
But, unfortunately, you couldn’t. A loud beep from Sunoo’s car startled you, drawing your eyes away from his.
Jay cleared his throat, looking outside the window, but you could still see a light flush had spread across his cheeks. It was adorable, and you were about to verbalise that when Jungwon began his commentary for the third and final race.
“Welcome back everybody to this evening’s race.” Even though his voice was muffled through the car, it was loud enough to distract you two from what had just happened. At least, somewhat. In the back of your mind, you could still see the stars in Jay’s eyes. “No fancy introductions or monologues are needed this time. We’ll just get right into it.”
You were about to clap, but a glance at your hands reminded you that Jay’s hand was on top of your left hand. His hand rendered you unable to clap, something you were not at all upset about. Smiling to yourself, you settled for a low whoop.
“As we all know, in an unexpected turn of events, Jay came first in the last race. Even though, technically, it wasn’t that unexpected since that’s what always happens, but—tangent.” Jungwon muttered something underneath his breath, before breezing on. “Anyways, Jay took first place, Sunoo took second, and Heeseung took third. So, now these three will race head to head around the track five times in their cars.”
Along with your tiny whoops, the yells of the audience followed, which Jungwon didn’t let last for too long.
“Are all the racers ready?”
Sunoo beeped enthusiastically and Heeseung did as well, but Jay faltered for a moment.
He glanced at you, before looking at his hand on yours. With a low ‘oh’, you were going to remove your hand from under his, but he intertwined his fingers with yours and raised your hands.
You raised a curious brow. “What are you—“
Jay cut you off with a chaste kiss on the back of your hand, eyes focused on you the entire time. He gave you a soft smile. “For good luck, _____.”
He dropped your hand gently back in your lap afterwards, but you could still feel his lips on your skin. Even as he placed both hands on the wheel and beeped, the touch of his lips lingered on the back of your hand. You could only watch him sober up for the race with wide eyes, speechless and incredibly flustered because of his actions, while the moment replayed in your head over and over.
You couldn’t even fully process what had happened because Jungwon sped on by at the sound of Jay’s beep.
“Everybody, get ready. At the sound of the horn, we go.”
You spared Jay a glance, mind still reeling from the kiss. His jaw was tense and his eyes were focused on the tracks ahead of him. If he was nervous, you couldn’t tell because he spent the few moments before the horn checking and double-checking the stats the car was giving him. The only sign he may have been feeling a bit nervous was his tightened grip around the wheel, but it could’ve also been him remaining prepared for the fateful sound of the horn.
You, too, in a way, prepared yourself for that horn. If you hadn’t been sure before that kiss, you were sure as hell now. You liked Jay. In what capacity and to what extent, you didn't know yet. But, you were more than willing to take that journey with him to find out.
That was, after he won this race.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted Jay relax his foot against the accelerator, earning a gentle hum from the car. The hum built up into a purr, as his foot pressed harder against the pedal, but not hard enough to set it into motion. No, his foot remained relaxed against the accelerator, ready to race off into the night.
And, then, the horn went off, and so did the two of you with the sound of the car’s roar in the background.
That was all you could think at first, as the barren land around you blended into one big blur. The moon chased the two of you, quick on your heels but it just wasn’t fast enough. Jay’s foot never left the accelerator, never giving the car the chance to slow down. It was just fast, fast, fast, fast, fast, faster.
You couldn’t keep up with all the motion all around you, so you closed your eyes instead and savoured everything else going on.
With your eyes closed, you could focus more on what you heard and all you could hear was the sound of the engine getting louder and louder. It wasn’t just a roar, now, but a howl and an ear-deafening one at that too. Occasionally, the sound of the wheels turning against the gravel reached your ears, or the sound of either Sunoo’s car or Heeseung’s accelerating cut through to you. But, it was mostly just the engine filling your ears—loud, explosive, roaring, and thrilling. The car was loud, so loud that you couldn’t even hear yourself think, but it riled you up in a way you never thought it would.
You were tempted to open your eyes again, to see how many laps you guys had completed, but the energy in the car was addicting in a way you couldn’t have predicted. On Sunoo’s bike, the thrill it had given you was more apparent—with the blows of the wind or the revs that had vibrated throughout your entire body. But, with the car, though it was more subtle, you could almost feel the hum pulsating through it. That hum sent a different, but pleasant vibration through your body, almost like the car was channelling its energy through you. The energy was almost too much for you to handle, running from your heads to your toes.
You couldn’t handle it anymore. Throwing your hands up, you screamed and shouted absolutely anything and everything that came to your mind. Jay was probably staring at you like you were crazy, but you didn’t care—at least not that much. This, this, was the true meaning of living in the moment, you realised, so happy and full of joy.
A laugh fell from your lips, and you opened your eyes once again when Jay joined in. It was like that moment before, when you had got lost in his eyes, but this time the space between you two was charged with so much electricity and your combined laughter was flooding your ears. You were glad he couldn’t lock eyes with you this time, his gaze flickering between your wide smile and the road, or else you would’ve probably combusted from just how much you were feeling right now.
There wasn’t much on your mind besides the roar of the car, the energy vibrating through you, and Jay’s laughter, but the only coherent thought you could think was that you wanted this to go on and on and on and on.
And then it was over.
With a last press on the accelerator, Jay crossed the finish line and you were brought back to your present reality.
The audience was yelling, Jungwon was announcing Jay as the winner, and he was smiling widely at you. You realised your heart was beating fast, so incredibly fast, as you smiled back at him—overwhelmed by all the emotions you were feeling. You wanted to pull him into a hug, scream, do anything, but you just sat there, wide-eyed and smiling like an idiot.
He closed nearly all the distance between your faces, hands cupping your cheeks and wide smile never faltering. “Can I kiss you?”
Instead of responding with words, you closed the rest of the distance and planted your lips on his. There was a messy clash at first, of lips and teeth and tongue, but then your hands found his neck and his found yours, as your lips moulded together. Your mouths moved against each other quickly, but somehow gently, like what was happening between you two was sacred. To you, it felt like it was when you pulled back from him, panting heavily but smiling widely.
It was the end of the first race you’d ever been a part of and you knew one thing for sure; the thrill that racing gave you was indescribable and incomparable to anything else—except, for, of course, Park Jongseong.
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Epilogue — The Kiss
What happened after the race was all a blur, as your mind was filled with ‘Jay, Jay, Jay, woah, that was a cool race, Jay, Jay.’ The man, himself, breezed through congratulations with a wide smile on his face and a hand wrapped around your waist. He never took all of the credit, even though he did all of the driving, and always responded with a humble, “It was just my lucky charm.”
More than a couple people picked up on the shift between you two—Jungwon gave you a thumbs up, Heeseung winked, and Niki huffed a quiet, “I told you you’d thank me,”—but neither of you brought up the quick kiss that had happened in the car. There were more important things to focus on like bragging about how good of a driver Jay was since he wouldn’t do it himself.
That didn’t mean you weren’t thinking about the kiss–certainly not. Throughout the rest of the night, which wasn’t all that long, your mind strayed to it every now and then. When everyone moved over to the shack for drinks, that Jay humbly declined, you thought about the kiss. When you drank a bit too much, and the drinks encouraged you to get a little bolder with your attempts at flirting with Jay, you were thinking about what you had to do to get his lips back on yours. Even now, half-asleep in the passenger seat of another one of his cars you were mumbling to yourself about kissing Jay. In the back of your head, you were glad he was too busy talking to Sunoo to hear the embarrassing retelling of your kiss.
“Here’s _____’s dorm number,” was what Sunoo said, and you could hear the sound of rustling from beside the car.
“And, how do you have this?”
Sunoo scoffed jokingly. “You’re not the only person who’s talked to _____, y’know. We’re actually best friends if you didn’t know. And as _____’s best friend, it’s my duty to threaten to beat you up if you do anything funny. Got it?”
“Wow, such good friends, but you found _____’s address through a random sticky note.” Jay laughed, and then there was more rustling that you assumed was him taking the note from your bag you had left with Sunoo earlier.
“Shut up,” he laughed as well, but there was a hint of embarrassment in his voice. “Just get going already. You and _____ probably have papers to write, or whatever you uni people are doing these days.”
Jay snorted. “That’s going to be you next year, you know? It’s just a year of freedom before you’re shackled by due dates again.”
Sunoo made a weird noise, one that resembled a shiver but not quite. “Please, do not remind me. I’m avoiding hell personified for as long as I can, and I don’t need you reminding me of what I barely escaped.”
“Right, right.”
A yawn followed Jay's reply, some shuffling, and murmured words you couldn't hear. Then, he slipped into the car beside your sleepy form with a loud slam of the car door. Jay adjusted your head from its cramped position and to a more comfortable one, humming underneath his breath while he did. As he did, his breath fanned against your neck, eliciting a soft shiver from you, and he paused.
“_____, you’re awake?”
You didn’t reply, just sluggishly moved your head in what was supposed to be a nod, but probably didn’t come across as one.
“Oh.” You could tell he was embarrassed from the shy laughter that followed, something you found adorable, but he tried his best to cover it with a cough. “Sorry, I was just adjusting your head, so you wouldn’t wake up with all sorts of kinks in your neck.”
Again, you made your weird nodding motion and received a relaxed sigh from Jay in return.
You were almost asleep now, barely paying attention to what was going on around you. The most you registered was Jay clicking his seatbelt into place, turning the car on, and setting out on the road. Besides that, you were pretty much asleep and snoring away. The slight rocks of the car only lulled you further to sleep, making it harder for you to stay awake—not that you were fighting it. Before you’d even realised it, you’d drifted off to sleep with images of the race and the kiss on your mind.
When you opened your eyes again for a brief moment, you weren’t sure where you were. Judging from all the street lights around you, you weren’t at your uni’s dorms yet, but you were back in the city, which was good. You squinted at the sight of Jay in the seat next to you. He was driving with one hand on the wheel, and the other was playing with the radio to find a good song to listen to. Your eyes drifted closed again, just as he finally settled on a song and began to sing along to it with his deep register.
The next time you opened your eyes, you and Jay were parked in front of your dorm’s complex. His hand was on your shoulders, trying to gently shake you awake since he hadn’t noticed you’d woken up, and his lips were right in your line of sight.
Voice heavy with sleep, you whispered, “I’m awake.”
He moved back, surprised and embarrassed like he’d been when he’d found out you’d been awake earlier back at Death Valley. His cheeks had a light flush to them, but he stayed quiet as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. It was only when you placed your hand on the door that he said something, but his words were rushed. “I can help you back to your dorm, _____.”
You were still sleepy and slightly tipsy from the drinks you’d had, but you waved him off with a hand. “It’s fine. I can handle a walk back to my dorm, Jay. I won’t die… I think.”
Jay’s signature smile came back, and you were glad to see it one last time before the night ended. You returned one of your own, just grinning at him stupidly before you slipped out of his car. Before you closed the door, you waved. “Bye, Jay.”
“Uh, bye—Wait!” As you slammed your door and started making your way home, Jay got out of his side of the car in a hurry. He caught up to you quickly, grabbing onto your arm. Turning you around, he studied your face earnestly, eyes focused on yours. Even though you could tell what he wanted to do, there was the slightest bit of hesitation on his end.
You smiled, pushing a stray lock of hair out of his face. “Do you want to kiss me?”
He deflected with a question of his own, flushing slightly. “Can I?”
“Hm,” you hummed in mock thought, raising an eyebrow. You were only teasing him, though, because you dropped the act with a laugh, looped your arms around his neck, and leaned in closer to him. Shrugging, you replied, “Well, what are you waiting for? Kiss me, you idiot.”
And, that he did. He wrapped his arms around your waist, closing the remaining distance between you two, and met your lips. Different from the kiss earlier, this one was much softer. It only lasted a few seconds and conveyed nothing more than affection between you two. It was quick and sweet—just very Jay-like.
When you two parted, he was smiling the widest you'd ever seen him smile this night, and the stars were back in his eyes.
You returned a smile of your own, loosening your grip around him. “See you around?”
He squeezed your waist one last time, before letting go. Jay nodded, eyes shining. “See you around.”
With Jay’s starry eyes on your back and butterflies in your stomach, you made your way home once again. Your thoughts and emotions were a mess, filled with all the events of the night, especially the more recent ones. But, an overarching feeling filled you as you turned back once more to still find Jay’s eyes on you.
You smiled.
You couldn’t wait to return to Death Valley once again.
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copyright 2022 soobisms, all rights reserved. no translations or reposts of any form allowed.
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opluffys · 3 years
*part 2*
-part 1-
i had a bit of fun writing this, i really hope you guys like it :). pls read this on my archive if you’d like to see the finalised/edited version of this chapter (that includes the italics!! :o). as you guys know, my archive account is luffys. i hope you enjoy!! *let me know if there are errors or it copied weird*
-Michael Myers x Reader-
Two years ago.
Two years of facing absolute agony, guilt, shame, and want with every waking moment.
Not only that, but it was real- that man, Michael Myers. Thanks to the television switching to the news, telling you all the horrific things he had done. To this day, you feel an empty pit in your stomach, yearning for something, someone, to fill it. You didn't want it to be him.
It didn't feel real, though. It felt as you had a poltergeist, a disturbance that wouldn't stop following after you. If it wasn't the man himself, you'd be constantly reminded of him, again, thanks to the television and small townspeople.
You didn't blame them- if you were normal, you'd probably join in on the gossip, talking about how horrible his acts of crime were; and not checking the calendars eager for that date to show up again.
Whenever it had neared autumn, the television would often ramble on and on about Michael Myers, but worse, his victims. How many were due to your kitchen knife? How many were due to him resting up at your home? You opted to watch colourful cartoons to ease your racked brain instead.
Your semblance melted as your pure attention was on the television, the animation feeding your feeble and broken mind. You giggled when you saw the main character get crushed by a random boulder- only to get up again instantaneously. Things like these made you somewhat forget.
Switching to a rather risqué perfume ad, your stature stiffened, watching the perfect man and woman on the screen get closer, and closer, until their bodies meshed together into a tangled mess. The man ran his long and skinny fingers up the woman's body, catching on her skimpy bikini. Perfect pearly white smiles on the tanned pair as they somehow got closer to one another. Then (forgetting it was an ad), it suddenly cut to the fragrance box, which was insanely overpriced.
You pictured him touching you like that, delicate and frail touches, arching into him and whispering his name with pure want. You felt a familiar wetness in between your legs that you've been unable to sate.
You tried to will away the uncomfortable sensation leaking from you, but you couldn't. Not feeling like another inefficacious attempt with the vibrator (that was probably dead anyway).
You thought of having a couple of flings with random men to take your mind elsewhere. However, whenever you had gotten too close to sex, you would suddenly call it off, pulling your clothes on and ditching the situation hurriedly.
Not knowing why, you felt a sense of infidelity while in lip lock with another man. It felt gross, not being able to pursue a normal relationship, saving yourself for a man who kills. You briefly wondered if he had done the same for you.
Feeling a wave of exhaustion ripple over you, rising from the couch with a quick stretch, you turned the television off and went to your bedroom. Another boring day of home and work done, you couldn't wait to do the same thing tomorrow!
The day came and went, grabbing your bag and ready to leave work. You had a ghost of a smile on your face, it was nearing Halloween. Just a small whisper of the holiday made you drunk full of giddiness, shoving all other feelings down.
Finding your keys in the abyss you called a purse, you clocked out and began your chilled walk to your car. Before you could get out of the automatic doors, however, you felt a light tug on your wrist.
Slightly surprised, you turned to view a coworker. You really didn't talk to him much, you remembered buying him a snack from the vending machine, feeling pity he had nothing to eat.
"Hey! We're going to go have some fun on Halloween, and I wondered if you," He paused, chewing on the inside of his cheek, "if you wanted, you could come with us? I'll text you the name of the place." You stood, feet aching in the stilettos you donned, you tried to ignore the throbbing feeling.
You froze, stuck contemplating his offering. While it sounded somewhat fun to get totally shit-faced, part of you didn't want to go anywhere. Especially on Halloween...
"Sure," You mumbled, faking a cutesy smile and walking away. You heard him yell a hushed 'yes!', sighing while you fumbled with the keys to your car.
You still had the absolute shit-box that was your beloved car. While it was responsible for you not being able to get away that night (not wanting to blame yourself, obviously), you didn't have enough cash to get a new one, opting to get it fixed, instead. It ran like a dream (nightmare), and you only had a few instances where it would stall for a moment.
Checking your phone, you noticed the small text below the time. It had been exactly two years since he'd come visit you. Two years ago, on this very date. You would've thought that seeing the day, the few days before Halloween, would've made you shake and vomit, and cry.
But it didn't.
Turning the key to your house, your demeanour becoming soured once you realised that your door, was indeed, still locked. Maybe it'd be a good thing to go to that party, after all. You didn't like the fact that your mind was becoming hardwired towards him, but the constant reminders didn't help much in preventing those thoughts run rampant, either.
Same house, same car, same life.
Hand hovering over the lock, you decided to leave it upturned, an invitation to him, and you couldn't help but yearn for him to show.
Feeling only slightly disgusted with your choice to leave your doors unlocked, you kicked your shoes off, throwing your purse onto the couch. You plucked your keys from your pocket, carefully placing them into a small drawer. You were still unorganised, but you had your priorities.
Lazily walking up the stairs and into your bedroom, you changed into some old pyjamas, pulling your dress-pants lower, halting when you saw the scar that he made on your thigh. Your fingers gently traced it, long, somewhat jagged, it healed nicely. Leaving an extended and discoloured mark on your smooth skin.
His mark. Was that it? That night, he had made too many marks on you, the most impressionable one being your insides. He marked you so deep, you could never see, nor remove it, ever. Lifting your shirt slightly to check your abdomen, you smoothed over the paper thin scar he left there, too. Had he wanted to claim you and mark you as his?
Or maybe he just wanted to kill you.
You groaned as you dove headfirst into your plush bed, laying on your stomach while scrolling through social media. Your friends posted some photos of them smiling, wearing Halloween costumes. The caption was all too sweet, making you migrate off the app, and switching to a match-three game.
Your eye twitched in response to the blinding colours displayed in front of you, reaching a ridiculously high level in just a few hours. You had no idea how time passed so quickly while on that 'game', but you felt exhausted.
Turning to your side and throwing the comforter over your tired body, you were about to drift off to bed- hearing a loud chime come from your phone instead. You grabbed the device, turning it on silent so you could sleep unperturbed. But, your eyes caught on a small notification, a message. You weren't expecting anyone to message you, maybe it was your friend?
God, it was your coworker.
You were still scrutinising over the choice on whether to go or not, but, thinking about how you spent the last Halloween, holed up and refusing to go anywhere, you ultimately decided that you would go. Even if you really did not want to.
The text read an address, a bar, or was it a club? You were too tired to decipher the difference. It also read a time, with a small 'see you there!' attached to the end of the text.
Now, you had to go.
A few days went by quickly, you encountered your coworker (whose name you could not, for the life of you, remember) a few times, he went on and on about how happy he was that you were going to come with him and his group of friends. You responded politely, too afraid to tell him you really didn't want to go.
You had even seen him at the end of your shift, how cruel it was to work on Halloween day.
"Excited for tonight? I sure am, this is the only thing Halloween is good for! Getting drunk, loose, ya know? I am so-" You tuned him out, nodding robotically to whatever he had said. Looking lower to his oddly small hands (or maybe everyone else's hands looked small compared to his), you noticed a ring, an absurdly shiny band laying on his ring finger. He was married..? So, why was he inviting you?
Just then, you realised it had been pity. He had felt bad for you, going to work, then home, then the entire thing all over again. You had a group of friends to talk to here, but all you did was listen to them gossip and ramble, never really pitching in with anything yourself.
Maybe they were the ones who put him up to this, they knew you'd probably decline if the invitation came from them.
"Yeah, I'll see you later, okay?" You interrupted him, his mouth hanging open slightly, like he was going to continue on and on about whatever it was he said for eternity.
If your friends wanted you to go out, oh, you'd go, alright. You decided then and there, that you were going to pick the most obscene outfit that night. You wanted to turn heads, you wanted absolutely nobody to recognise you, you wanted to forget who you were.
But, just for tonight, it is Halloween, after all.
Looking in your mirror, you took a loose strand of hair and curled it behind your ear. Maybe this was too obscene... The slutty nun outfit was far too outdone, but you figured it was the cheapest thing at the store, and you didn't want to break the bank for Halloween.
You smoothed over the headdress, tugging at the fishnet stockings that covered most of your thighs, squishing what it didn't cover.
Too lazy to put a full face of makeup on, you decided that your outfit would capture most of the attention, rather than your face. You were fine with that, since you had purple rings running around your eyes that took too much concealer to cover.
Grabbing your coat and keys, you left with your small handbag. Shutting the door behind you, pausing with the key in the lock, this time, you turned the key, hearing the normal 'click' of the door.
The gray skies turned into the blackest of black, small bright specks of stars decorating the night. The moon lay absolutely still, igniting the darkness it was surrounded in. You never really took the chance to look at the sky, oblivious to its true and ultimate beauty.
Opening your car door and sitting in the drivers seat, you drummed your fingers over the steering wheel, staring at your front door. A small part of you wished he'd be there, waiting for you at home.
Driving to the location your coworker sent you, your hand hovered over the radio, deciding against it. Sometimes silence was a true blessing.
The roads were surprisingly empty, and you couldn't help but blame the curse of a man who ended many. You felt sick to your stomach, your mind and body constantly flip-flopping towards lust, or any true feelings. It was so fucking confusing, you really needed to address that what happened that night was seriously fucked up. Nothing he had done was normal, but you couldn't help but long for him.
Lost to your musing, you pulled into the packed parking lot and struggled with finding a free space. To your chagrin, the spot you snagged was pretty far away from the club. You shouldn't have worn heels.
Burrowing into the soft and worn material of your coat, you walked towards the entrance, bright lights seeping from the dark tinted windows. The cold air stung the open skin you showed, it's claws sinking into whatever it could touch.
Pushing past the door and into the sea of people, you audibly sighed, the warm air relaxing your tense nerves. You shed your coat, tucking it under your arm, going off to find your friends.
Being snug against every person in the inadequately spaced room was pretty unpleasant, bumping against too many to count. A particularly hard shove brought your arm extending, catching your fall, but grabbing onto someone's garment. Apologising profusely, you looked up at the man you grabbed.
Ice filled your veins, you swore your heart stopped.
It couldn't be real, he couldn't be here, could he?
Your mouth hung open as your legs bowed, you would've stumbled if it wasn't for the wall of people holding you up.
"Oh shit, you okay?"
Who-? You looked up at the man, same ghastly mask, same coveralls.
But it wasn't him.
It wasn't him, dear God, what the hell is wrong with you..? It was Halloween, of course people would dress up as Myers. Why wouldn't they?
"I'm fine, sorry. I should've watched where I was going." You sighed, securing your coat under your arm better.
He looked at you for a while longer than he should've, making you feel slightly uneasy.
Mumbling another apology, you snaked your way through the infinite chasm of people, trying to get to the bartender. You weren't ever doing this shit again, especially on a holiday night.
Grinning as you saw one open stool, you slid into the spot quickly, seeing a bothered expression on another woman who wanted your spot. You had an urge to stick your tongue out at her like a five year old.
The bartender asked what you'd like, you were about to ask for a plain margarita, but you remembered that you'd be driving home. Grumbling in annoyance, you asked for a water.
Coughing up some money for a small plastic cup full of water, which was made majority of ice, you sipped from the cup gradually, the cool feeling numbing your throat.
Scrolling through your phone, face full of boredom, you were about to leave until you felt a hand on your shoulder, clad in black and white finger bones. A skeleton, how cute.
Viewing your friends behind your slouched figure, your spine straightened as you smiled sheepishly. You greeted them all, complementing their costumes. You quickly became embarrassed noticing you were the one showing the most skin.
"Well, hello sister." A man seemingly appeared next to you, interrupting your conversation with your friends. You rose a brow, about to tell him off. But, the looks on your friends faces screamed 'do it!'. You wanted to go home.
"Hello..." You nervously mumbled, the man getting too close to you. You stood, full intent on moving closer to your group of friends, miniskirt riding too far up, showing the bottom of your ass. Not realising you were giving this guy a full view, his arm stretched around you, pulling you to him. You grimaced, not hiding how discombobulated you were at how quick the situation escalated.
He pulled you closer to him, his demeanour soaked full of alcohol and bad choices. His hand wandered lower, one resting on your hip as you winced away from his touch. "What..?" He asked, leaning closer to you, lips ghosting the shell of your ear. You recoiled away from him, his grip on you tightening.
Your throat dried as your palms glistened with a thin sheet of sweat. You wanted to push this man away, grab your things and run to your car. This entire idea was moronic, you craved to be on your couch, watching silly cartoons.
His eyes glistened with salacious intent, eyes glued to your breasts. His eyes were glossed over with a curtain of drunkenness, no doubt lost to the many drinks he had.
Your hand moved to his shoulder, trying to push him away from you. He leaned into your touch, letting you see behind his build.
Your mind and body couldn't help but go into fight-or-flight, seeing another Myers costume. You had no idea that dressing as such a notorious murderer was a marketable and fashionable thing to do in Haddonfield. While you didn't want to judge, it did make you slightly overwrought.
Especially uneasy with how this guy, who was clothed in the usual and well known dark coveralls and melted mask, his eyes seemed riveted towards your figure. Your memory wasn't in tiptop shape, but it seemed exactly like how he had looked at you two years ago. However, with such a scandalous outfit, you expected stares, so you shook it off.
You tried to, at least.
There was something about how this guy was looking at you, with ill intent behind that glint in his eye. He was too far away from you to get a good look at him, but the feeling he provided had you shuddering.
The man holding you just, froze, out of nowhere. You found it odd, but at least now you could slip out of his grasp. You squeezed and bent your way through the large crowd, making your way back to the bartender. Your friends were still there, chatting and giggling to one another, holding fancy and vivid drinks.
After telling them you wanted to leave, they expressed their 'sadness' as best as they could. Which wasn't really good, since they were already tipsy.
Happy that you were back in your driveway, and somewhat disappointed that you couldn't have a normal hookup with anyone, you grabbed your purse and readied your keys.
Hurrying to the front of your house, you gasped quietly at the state of your door. It looked like it had been blown open, the hinges still wobbling back and forth, hanging on desperately.
Turn around, run to your car. Run away, it's not like last time.
It wasn't like last time, no. Last time, he hadn't wanted to make his presence known, he had slipped in your house like an expert thief, having a single target- you.
Listening to logic and ignoring the fire in your belly screaming at you to go to him, you rushed to your car, not even able to step down a single stair as you felt his familiar touch over your ribcage, yanking you back against him.
You were flush against his barrelling figure, your pupils digesting your irises instantly. Trepidation bubbled deep in you, and while you had longed for him to return, your mind replayed the events through rose-coloured glasses, not remembering how terrifying he was.
Here he was, here was the reminder.
His hands squeezed your thoracic even harder, you buzzed in pain, waiting to hear the loud snap of a broken rib.
You looked lower, his large, bloodied hands encircled your entire figure. Thick and strong fingers tensing and squeezing you periodically. It's like he was lost in thought, on whether or not to break you. You painfully acknowledged how his hands were caked in blood, other bruises exploding into deep reds and purples along his knuckles.
You'd probably hear about the victims on the news later.
He hadn't held you, he hadn't grabbed you with such fervour and want.
Not like this, God, no.
But, how did you expect it to go? Like normal? An absolutely ordinary situation between lovers? He was most likely back to end the one thing that had slipped his grasp, you.
He turned you towards your destroyed door, the wood dividing into sharp splinters and shattered glass over the carpet. Letting go of you, losing the intense furnace that was behind you, fuelled by those who he had killed, pumping out hellfire.
You couldn't go, he was blocking your way, and even if you did leave, he'd find you. He would always find you.
Two years later, he knew where you stayed, he knew where you'd flee.
Turning around to view him, it's like he got bigger. You didn't think it was possible, you didn't want it to be possible, either. You swallowed, the saliva feeling like glue, choking you on its way down.
You knew that he killed tonight, for he had the scent of death and the souls of those who had been wronged as an aura.
If he had killed people, that would mean he was hurt, right?
"I learned first aid. In case," You choked back a sob, "I thought that maybe you'd come back." You reached to unzip his coveralls, new blemishes staining the fabric, no amount of detergent or bleach would get that out. Maybe he liked it, a reminder of what he does.
He seized your hand, hearing you whimper, testing the carpal bones while feeling them slip from its usual place, letting it pop back into place. He let go of your wrist, you noticed a faint purple halo around where his grasp was.
You felt a gust of cool, unforgiving wind pass through you. It served as a pinch to your reality, you denied to believe that this was actually real, and definitely happening. A shiver traveling down your spine, you wished he didn't have to break your door down.
Thankfully, the screen door was still slightly in place, you'd lock it later, too afraid to make a move close to the door. You didn't want to give the impression you were trying to leave again.
You slowly walked over to your couch, hearing thudding footsteps behind you, sitting on the corner seat. He sat not far from you, feeling the cushion sink and squeak in return to such a weight being put on it.
"I need to get some bandages." You got up, carefully, walking up the stairs hurriedly. You felt his prickly stare behind you, making you feel ill.
You remembered how you had left two years prior, your car failing you. However, your car was in better condition, you idled in the bathroom, thinking about how you'd get your keys. You knew where they were, but leaving was a intimidating decision. He had already seemed angered about something, and trying to run away from him seemed idiotic.
Lost in thought, you glanced up at the mirror, feeling utter terror when you saw him directly behind you. How had he been so silent..? It should be psychically improper for such a sizeable person as he to move so quietly.
Trying to ignore him, it seemed he just came to check if you were indeed, telling the truth. You kneeled to the lower cabinet, unfastening it's latches. Grabbing the small red bag chock-full of bandages, cotton balls, antiseptic substances, and other commodities that would help him, you tried to get up, knees aching due to the hard tile of the restroom.
However, it seemed he wanted you to stay in this position, lacing his fingers through your hair and pushing you back down. You whimpered, feeling like a timorous rodent. The miasma of death swamped your nostrils, causing you to involuntarily hold your breath.
You looked up into those abyssal and terrifying eyes, inculcating unfiltered fear and dread into you. His body was an unmoving wall of muscle, there was no way you could resist the heavy hand that rest atop your head. You didn't know what he had wanted, you offered to clean his wounds, actually learning just for him.
His own hand moved from his side, raising to the top of his jumpsuit. You watched his hand clasp around the small zipper, pulling it lower. Deliberately, and too fucking slow, it was like he wanted to torture you.
You knew he wanted you to squirm.
Instead of lacking any clothing underneath his impressive model, he had a black shirt that wrapped around every dip and curve of his muscles. Other clothing really had looked good on him.
Your hands opened and closed into tight fists, a nervous tepid sweat formed on the back of your neck. Looking down onto the checkered floor, you couldn't bring yourself to look at him anymore.
You felt a rough tug on your hair, causing your neck to crane up at him. He had wanted eye contact, you swallowed thickly.
There was something definite that was tweaked from his personality from when you encountered him years ago. He was angered, yes, but in a calm and collected façade. He had done things to hurt you, but in a way that forced you to be closer to him. You noticed this quickly, and you found it obligatory to find out why.
And the eye contact, it was screaming 'look at me, only me'.
You put the pieces together instantly after that.
It was him at the club, there had been respectable doppelgängers, but the one who singed your very insides had to be him. He'd seen that drunken fool hold you close and try to make a move on you. You cursed your friends. Maybe it had been the reason why you couldn't bed any other man, had he seen you..?
"Michael," You gasped, his name feeling foreign and so wanted on your tongue. Your hands flew to his clothed thighs, bunching the fabric.
"Only you, I swear, fuck," You worried your lip, throat throbbing in a want to cry and scream forgive me, please. I'm sorry, I wanted to wait for you, I’m weak.
"I waited for you. I didn't leave," You trailed off, somewhat gesturing to yourself. He didn't seem remotely phased, you thought talking to him at this point had been futile.
You needed to prove that you were a good little girl who was perfectly capable of waiting for her 'lover'. However, being caught kissing and feeling up another man did not help your plight.
Being caught, God, you made it sound like you had cheated on him. You had wanted to move on, detach yourself from him, from evil. But you unquestionably couldn't go all the way. You felt an imperceptible force grab and yank you back.
"I didn't think you'd ever come back..." You sniffed, knuckles igniting a burning white at your grip on his coveralls. You were definitely making the predicament worse for yourself with every word that spilled from your quivering lips. You couldn't stop, you wanted to reassure him that you didn't mean to, it was just a mistake.
Pressing your eyes shut, you wanted to cry. Cry and scream and yell that you were so, so sorry. Another yank at your hair had your eyes popping open, face-to-face with the impressive bulge underneath his coveralls.
He continued to move his hand lower, the noise of the zipper driving you up the walls. Finally revealing dark sweatpants stained and tainted with blood, in the back of your mind, you questioned where he was getting these clothes from.
He pulled the neat bow of the drawstring, tugging and pulling at the material until it pooled at his heavy boots. He was moving so leisurely, forcing you to watch every motion he made.
You wet your lips, tasting the faint strawberry that flavoured them. At last, he shed the last layer of clothing until his cock sprung free, and fuck, he really did get bigger, all of him.
Both of his hands rested on your cheekbones, slightly guiding you onto his erect cock. You slightly opened your mouth, drooling at the chance to closely admire his cock. You traced the prominent veins with your eyes, watching it throb in response to the crisp air.
He forced your mouth open wider, and you found no drawback doing so. Pushing himself into your warm mouth. Your tongue lay flat against the swollen head, pressing against the slit. You tasted a salty fluid land on your muscle, swallowing it as best as you could (it was difficult with such a big thing in your mouth).
The hands at your zygoma pushed harder, fearing that they'd would break under his powerful touch. You winced as you unhinged further, feeling his hot length slide past your uvula, triggering your gag reflex. Your throat squeezed and sucked him further, your nails burrowing into this thighs. You watched the skin sink under the claws that dug into him.
He was breaking you open. Taunting you with his stare, pushing his cock deeper into your throat, moulding and forming around him, swallowing him as deeply as you could. He didn't want to see any barriers, pushing and forcing your skull into him.
He was going to kill you. Here he was, relentless and focused on how your breathing was unstable. You weren't able to adapt to such a situation so quickly, his cock spreading your throat.
Your throat continued to constrict and spasm around him, instinct trying to push him out. He responded to this by shoving himself deeper, stuffing your mouth full of him.
Finally able to breathe through your nose (barely), you were finally able to feel how heavy and scalding he was in your mouth. It made your clit pulsate with want, tempted to reach down and finally please yourself. You hadn't felt so aroused since he had 'visited'.
You felt him slide deeper, no, you couldn't. You couldn't take him any more, your throat distending full of him. You grabbed what couldn't fit (a lot), and started to gently move in a familiar rhythm. Hopefully you were able to please him with your hands with what you wouldn't dare be able to fit inside.
Continuing to pump him steadily and feel his cock-head slide deeper into your throat, you felt him twitch inside. Finally, your throat was so sore and utterly raw, you don't think you could speak.
He pushed your head down lower, making you gag, and squeezing him further. Viscous ropes of thick cum shot down your throat, coating and painting the inside of your throat.
You let go him with a gross 'pop', a string of saliva and his release connecting his tip and your lips. You leaned in and wrapped your lips snuggly around the sensitive and engorged head, swirling your tongue around him. You wanted to show him how good you are, aspiring to showcase your functionalities (of pleasure and first aid).
He was unmoving, not showing how the overshot nerves were impacting him. Maybe it didn't, maybe he couldn't feel any sort of pain.
Your eyes were glazed over with lascivious want as you released his still erect cock, hopefully showing how badly you needed him.
Your knee pain was gnawing at you to get on your feet, looking at him with a hope of approval, you started to rise slowly. Your back was against his hard chest, your features melted away as you stared into the mirror. You didn't want to focus on how you probably looked like shit.
His grip trailed up to your throat, pulse speeding up under his threatening hand. Hand nearly able to encircle around the entirety of your neck, he lay it there, unmoving as he. It still felt like he was deep in your mouth, throat throbbing and aching uncomfortably.
You turned to view him, pushing you into the sink and wedging your legs apart with a single muscular thigh. You swallowed a moan, hands scrambling against his tricep, your head resting in the crook between his neck and shoulder.
You didn't hear it, blood pressure ringing highly in your ears. It was impossible to hear, to see in the mass of his being. You couldn't perceive the quiet sound of latex rising.
But you felt it.
A mark near where your head rest on him, too close to your neck. A pair of sharp teeth, row, after row, tearing the skin as you shrieked in agony. Your nails pushed into his skin once more, crying when you felt his canines break the thin layer of skin. He was latched onto you, not letting go. The two of you were still, chest rising rapidly as you were unable to register what you were feeling. Crimson leaked, not being able to get far from his soothing tongue. You were able to perceive the feeling of his tongue on you, though.
It seemed as he had enough, securing his mask back on and dropping you against the counter of the sink. You whined as you had half a mind to ask him not to leave.
You felt your blood flow down your clavicle, too lost in what had happened to care about how it'd stain your Halloween costume.
He fixed his appearance, all while his eyes were on you. Or rather, the new mark he had made. Like a child who had slobbered all over their new toy, he labeled you as, 'this belongs to me'.
You didn't have a problem with that, as sick as it had made you feel.
Staring back at him, your heart ached when he turned to leave. You wanted to grab him, tell him to stay with you, tell him not to kill anymore innocents.
It was Halloween, you knew that's when he had committed most of his atrocities. You knew you couldn't convince him, as nothing more than a cock-sleeve, to not do what he was hardwired to do.
Knowing that you were alone, your fingers brushed against the concave ring of teeth that would be on you forever. You grew disgustingly giddy at the thought that it could be showcased to every individual who lay eyes on you.
The hazy and foggy hold he had on you began to evaporate, your mind telling you to run. Pack your things and go, while he was still gone. You could stay with your friend for a while.
What would happen if he had found you?
You had no tribulations knowing the fact that he'd probably kill your friends for harbouring you from him... He'd probably hurt you like he'd done tonight, believing that your trust to him had been severed further.
You decided to wait for him, because you knew that he'd come back.
He always does.
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epic-sorcerer · 3 years
Queer imagery in BBC Merlin
Content warning: kink/fetish, fisting in particular but I show I big image containing a long list of different kinks, homophobia, dom/sub dynamics, sex
Merlin is shown wearing a purple tunic in s4, despite the fact he is a servant and purple(especially with such saturation) was extremely expensive bc purple dye was so hard to make. Gwen also has a light purple dress(or maybe 2? It’s hard to tell). Even though it’s definitely lighter than Merlins tunic, it’s still expensive.
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it was illegal for peasants to wear expensive fabrics because of the Sumptuary Law. Basically it makes sure that lower class people are not fashionable. However, BBC Merlin doesn’t seam to care about that law, considering Merlins other bright clothing so take this was a grain of salt.
Basically what I’m trying to say is that there’s no way they could have gotten their hands on these clothes without the help of nobles. Gwen might have, because she works with clothing and could have easily mixed blue and red dye together. Merlin probably not have because he’s never shown to be particularly materialistic or interested much in fashion, despite his bright clothes. Bright Purple would have been much, much harder to get.
It makes the most sense for Merlin and possibly Gwen too to have been gifted such expensive clothing by a noble for being a good servant. I’d imagine Arthur would be the one to give Merlin the tunic and morgana the dresses.
Why does this matter? Lavender(and also purple in general) was considered a queer color starting in the 19th century. Queer men especially were said to possess a “streak of lavender” and a serge of homophobia at the time was often referred to as the “Lavender Scare.” Purple and lavender is still used now to symbolize queerness.
Since Merlin is a modern interpretation of Arthurian myths, it would be perfectly plausible that this symbol was on purpose. Merlin/Arthur and Gwen/Morgana are both extremely popular ships and they are both shown to have a very deep form of trust(Gwen/Morgana being at the beginning of the show). Arthur and Morgana gifting Merlin and Gwen purple clothing could be show them they accept their queerness and/or signaling their own queer attraction to them.
Now, this next symbolism concerns only Merlin/Arthur.
Merlin is shown to have three neckerchiefs.
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Navy blue, red, and light grey. Why does this matter? Well, let’s take a look at something called the handkerchief code, also known as the hanky code or “flagging.”
This code has its origins all the way back in time during the Wild West in the USA, but got more popular during the late 20th century in USA and UK gay bars. This code was used mainly by queer men and some nonbinary people to signal to other queers what they wanted sexually. While typically worn in people’s back pockets, a handkerchief could also be worn around one’s neck to show they are a versatile and experienced.
According to this code, Merlin is into;
Red: fisting and getting fisted. This color was hard to get an exact shade from, but the second best option was dark red for double fisting which is honestly so similar I’m not sure if it really matters much.
Light grey: stone topping and getting fucked by a stone top
Navy blue: fucking and being fucked anally
For any one wanting to make their own interpretations of Merlins neckerchief colors(the lighting makes it hard to tell the exact ones) have a look at this handy chart
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Not only that, but Arthur is seen wearing a favour on his left arm in s3 ep 4.
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What’s a favour? It’s a fabric strip of affection commonly given by maidens to knights before a tournament as a symbol of good luck. It’s often a very important scarf, hankcerchlif , towel, really any bit of cloth that can be tied around someone’s arm. This is also a popular trope in historical media for a female love interest to give a favour to a male one to show chemistry between them.
Regardless of your stance on Merlins gender identity, you have to admit how commonly Merlin is shown to be gender nonconforming(GNC) or otherwise be associated with “womanly” qualities. Especially in a society so heteronormative, the only “pure” option for a knight receiving a romantic gesture would have it be from a woman. If the token was from a queer man, it would also out the noble and cause lots of horrific chaos and destroy both of their reputations.
Even if it was common for women to give knights favours, queer men still existed and with that came romantic gestures—this time hopefully more secret.
Even though the favour on Arthur’s arm doesn’t look exactly like Merlin’s neckerchief, Merlin was the only person to speak with him while preparing for the tournament. Also, the original theorist who I linked in my sources also pointed out that Merlins neckerchief looks lopsided. Almost like Merlin tore off a bit of it and hastily tied it back on.
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Although this theory is definitely flawed, it doesn’t matter. Arthur is still wearing a red handkerchief on his left arm. But what does that tell us exactly?
Regardless of wether or not it was Merlin’s, the red is the same shade and also implies Arthur is also into fisting. What about the placement? Sicne it’s on his left, it shows that he is a top/dom, meaning that he prefers to be the one fisting. Since it is worn around his upper arm, it shows that he is simply into the fetish, compared to what other placements mean. In another source, it shows taht upper arm means switch, but because Arthur is wearing it on his left it wouldn’t really make sense for him to signal being a “top-switch” compared to being a top and having the fetish in general.
If you look closely, you can see a different colored stripe on the favour. It’s hard to tell exactly what the color is, it could be yellow, gold, orange, etc. because the color is so dubious, I’ll just leave y’all with a list of color meanings that may apply to Arthur’s favour.
YELLOW: pisser/watersports kink
YELLOW, Pale: spitter/spit kink
MUSTARD: Has 8+ inch dick
GOLD: two looking for one
ORANGE: anything anytime
Also, it’s important to bring up what many in thsi fandom refer to as the “fisting scene.” Where Arthur threatens Merlin by showing him his gloved fist and pulling a bit at the glove.
In the blooper, you can see Merlin’s actor(Colin Morgan) breaking character and giggling as Arthur shows him his fist. Many in the fandom agree that this was a clear innuendo for fisting, and it is very well possible.
Merlin is shown hitting Arthur and saying he was just doing some horse play, but still indirectly convincing Arthur that he needs to teach Merlin a lesson. This is actually a common act in BDSM sex, where the submissive person purposely angers the dominant into punishing them in a way that somehow involves sex or fetish play.
If you look closely, you can see Merlin is wearing at kinky red fisting handkerchief, showing Merlin is perfectly capable of being a submissive fistee. Also, the hanky code also includes other symbols such as latex or rubber gloves that, surprise surprise, also mean fisting. Although it’s more likely Arthur’s gloves where made of leather, it can still further be interpreted as a fisting symbol if you want. Either way, Arthur’s favour still holds water as he is undoubtedly the dom in this situation.
Also, Merlin is very impulsive and a madlad. Tell me he wouldn’t wear his secret fetish symbols infrount of stuck up, Roman Catholics who are none the wiser. He’d probably think it’s hilarious which is probably why he wears them almost everyday. Merlin loves playfully misbehaving(and is also a brat sometimes) so it makes sense for him to have some dangerous fun.
Now, you may be asking. Why does this matter? At the end of the day, it probably wasn’t intentional. Well, there is alwyas room for doupt BUT I do have some ferther proof. One of the co writers of BBC Merlin—Johnny Capps—actually won a Stone Wall Award. You know, an award named after a core part of queer culture?
The award’s website and Wikipedia page say they give the award for art that describes the LGBT experience well. While I am unsure why or what Capps made to be nominated, it still shows he is very much in touch with queer culture. Capp himself even said at an interview about Merlin, “... in the end, deep, deep down it’s about sexuality and things you just can’t tackle head-on.”
Well, what says more about sexuality than the main characters fist fucking each other? That’s a lot of sexuality. While I am unsure of Capp’s age, he does look to be about middle age and it would make sense for him to know about a code popularized in a 70s to 90s. Especially for someone who has made multiple queer oriented stories in his life time.
Why is purple considered the color of royalty?
Sumptuary law
How lavender became a symbol of LGBTQ resistance
How Lavender Became a Symbol of LGBTQ Resistance(part 2)
flagging opinicus rampant
Handkerchief code
Picspam: The Red Favour (Proof of Arthur Wearing Merlin's Favour in 3x04)
Five medieval love tokens
The Lady's Favour
Hanky codes
Nominees for Stonewall Awards announced
Merlin series 5 spoiler-free launch report
Pls reblog I spent hours on this /np 😭👊
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Enhypen reacting to you cheating in a game to win
More enha timeeee I've got more stuff in the works for them so soon I'll make a masterlist! Doing a mixture of both video games and arcade games in this. If it's not obvious to tell from my past fics I love me some video games I'm now super into Genshin atm!! Heeseung is absurdly long btw sorry about that he's the only one I actually had an idea for from a random tropes list on Wattpad the rest I wrote the prompt games and ideas for sitting through a school lecture
Pairing: Enhypen x reader
Genre: fluff, crack
Warning: swearing!
Gif credits to rightful owner ✨
Thinking of a way to spend time with your boyfriend and have a fun date
You went to play laser tag, there's no physical harm in laser tag
Problem here is you're both competitive
And deciding against being on the same team
Decided to go being on opposite team
Whoever lost has to buy lunch
So going into the game in the black out neon room full of obstacles you both had one thing on your mind
"I'm going to win" was the one thought racing through both of your heads (spoiler alert you won in the end)
Protecting your chestplate for your life in fear of someone shooting you
The game got very heated but you thought strategically
You didn't try to find him (that was his goal to find you, but by his height yells or cheers of success eliminating a player you knew where he was 99% of the time) you actually avoided him
You went to get out all of his teammates
It wasn't hard you where in it to win it
You realized there's no way it's not just you and Heeseung now
An idea came to mind
Yelling to him you said
"Heeseung I have an idea to make this fun for us , meet me at the middle since I don't want to yell"
You both made your way to the middle very cautious of eachother but he was very curious of the challenge
Quickly you explained that you two should go on opposite ends of the laser tag maze but each step you take you have to do one shot no matter what
Due to your limited amo this intrigued Heeseung
How he could strategically move his lanky body around the maze without loosing tok much amo
He agreed
And you leaned in for a kiss before "putting the plan to action"
He quickly accepted the kiss closing his eyes taking in the moment before having to head to the opposite corner
That was until he heard the "Defeated" noise come from his chest plate as you shot him in the chest neon red lights covering the what used to be blue chestplate
You giggled as you broke the kiss
"UNFAIR" Heeseung yelled
"We can talk about it over lunch" you said putting your hand in his
You explained your true strategy to him at lunch and how you made that plan up just so he wouldn't kill you on spot
He peas so pouty
Just ate his food and sulked
"You owe me a fist game and next time let's try that challenge I was excited baby"
He'd say with just 🥺 eyes
Pls win this boy some sort of gift he deserves a pick me up
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You guys where having a great time having an in home date
Then you disrespected man's gaming skills
Oh all hell broke loose into a heated argument
"I totally bet I could beat you in Tekken"
"Oh you fucking wish"
"Who do you main"
"Roger" (Roger is a Kangaroo)
"What the fuck are you doing? Representing Jake's home? That character takes no skill to beat people as"
"Yeah well who do you main"
"Is that even a question? Alisa Bosconovitch. A cyborg robot lady with fucking jet legs and chainsaw arms you can't tell me that's not cool"
"You're telling me I'M the one that plays someone that takes no skill to play as?"
You both knew there was only one way to settle this
Jay got out Playstation and everything for it and put it as a 5 match game
Settling yourselves into the game you both where doing actually really well
Way too well actually it was 2 to 2 so whoever won this round one the game
Your anxiety got too high
You where not gonna let this dude win
He'd be too cocky for his own good holding it over you
Quickly you had an idea as you saw his health was only 50% of the way nearing death and your ultra power and held up enough exp
"BABY IS THAT A SPIDER" you yelled looking at the ground near his leg
Causing him to roll away from his spot fearing a spider near his leg loosing focus
That's when you charged at his character
You could see the soul leave his body
When he saw the pink and magenta hair move speedy across the screen straight to his sweet little kangaroo in boxing gloves and a neck tie
"K.O" filling the screen you knew his yell was coming before he even did it
"No baby I just had to through you off your rthym"
Man he was HURT
"I can't tell if that was foul or not. I'm going to talk with Niki on if what you did was fair or not"
"Babe it's not that deep-"
"No No No you owe me a rematch, kiss and patience as I consult with Niki"
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Gosh this sweet boy
You two where playing dead by daylight on switches laying on opposite sides of the couch so you couldn't see eachothers screen
And you just kept scaring Jake coming up out of no where behind him
"Baby please just kill me you don't have to run up behind me" he was so scared please(〒﹏〒)
He was giving you puppy dog eyes that quickly went to fear as he shrieked from you running up behind him as he tried to start the car for the 18478282 time
You realized he was actually almost done fixing the car due to his pears so you went on a killing spree it was just you, Jake and some girl who was searching for fuel that you couldn't find
Getting back to Jake you realized he actually started the car and was ready to drive it and win the game
You hid behind a tree so he wouldn't see you
So in that moment you said "Jake can you toss the blanket I'm really cold"
Jake is too much if a gentle men he did so immedietly with a smile on his face you felt a little bad for what you where doing ngl
You took this chance and killed Jake's character
He knows that's how the game works that you you still could've done that without
But boy still yelled that it was unfair
Another boy who would just pout
Beware next round he's not going to be nice and will play the murderer
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Who knew a game of thumb war would get so aggressive
You where just waiting for the time to pass for a cafe to open up since you guys where too early before opening
The glares you shot eachother where unreal
Neither of you wanted to loose and both where confident in winning
But one thing was tempting you
The sign flipping over to open on the front door
So in that quick moment you felt really bad
But you stepped on his toe as you lifted your arms down and quickly put your thumb over his
"12345678910 I WIN"
He was so upset omg
The glare on his face
You know the look like just 😐 but definitely angry
But he couldn't hide the smile on his face when you leaned in to kiss his cheek
"I needed the game to end the cafes open now baby,,,"
He went blank for a second confused then
A smile filled his face and he moved your hands to be in an actual hand holding way as you too went in
But don't get me wrong
This boy getting a rematch
And if you playing dirty he'll play dirty too
But for now he'll be fine having this cafe date of coffee/tea and pastries with you
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Rthym games aren't a competition
But you guys made it one-
Who could get a higher score??
Originally a joke gone TOO far
Since here you are playing one song from Superstar Woollim, Superstar SM and Superstar JYP
Just 3 main and random superstar rthym games
Each thing was going alright then you got to Woollim
You both played the same songs but each got to choose a song
Woollim you knew The Eye was hard so you chose it and had him go first
He was doing surprisingly well though
Too well🤔
But suddenly Jungwon entered the room
You knew what to do
Make that boy jealous
"Hi bubs! How are you?" You said looking up to Jungwon
Jungwon was very polite asked you how you where
And Sunoo was not having it
He's fine with you being friends with all of enha
He encourages it!
But bubs is a pet name that's for him and him only😔😔
This caused his attention to tare away for a second
Suddenly in the blink of an eye his heart dropped as the "missed" noise came through the phone
The yELL
He was so mad
Once the song was done he immedietly went
"Did you do that on purpose?"
"Sort of"
And then you just did your turn and this boy gasped and look at you likeヽ༼⁰o⁰;༽ノ
He would be pettyyyyy
He'd be so mad
Pouting and glaring at you
Just completely done
You'd have to go in with a LOT of cuddles and affection
But he'd still not budge for a while
You got a better score than him so you won
But he will hold this over you whenever he wants something he'll be like
"remember when you cheated in a game we where playing by making me jealous? That was a little too much don't you think? Now grab me one of the ice cream bars from the freezer"
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Wonnie this precious boy
Ppuyo ppuyo Tetris is not a game to play with others
It ruins relationships, friendships, family bonds (from personal experience as someone who got grilled on their Tetris skills while playing 1v1 while my friend was also doing terrible)
He got it since the characters looked cute
And Tetris is fun!
So why not??
You guys started playing it on the switch and everything was fine at first
Then it started getting faster
Wonnie chose the annoying little wizard guy that just yells every 5 seconds
It was driving you both up a wall ngl
So you where like how do I cheat in Tetris,,,
You realized you where gonna get a 5 in 1 move so it was gonna fuck up his play real hard
But if he realizes that's your move he can make one just as strong if he puts his brain to realize what spots he has open and he's good at coming back from riskfull moments
So you digged deep in your brain to think of something quick
It hit you then
"Wonnie did I ever tell you who my Enhypen bias was"
His face just sort scrunched and he was like ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯ I thought it was me? Moment
"wouldn't it be me? I never thought to ask"
"Oh okay" legit you had gone in with the 5 in 1 move and he hadn't looked at the silver blocks that quickly started to fill his screen he wanted to know
"nonono who is it?" Turned to you he didn't even see the mess that was on his screen
Until he heard the god for saken wizard just yell in defeat
"wait no that's unfair you can't drop something like that on me while we where in a 1v1 match"
His eyes he would just ಠ︵ಠ
Boy so sad :((
He lost the game and now he doesn't know if you bias him or not
If you do bias him you'd just tell him and he'd be like you stressed me out for noThing??
If you didn't bias him he'd be fine with it but he'd need a little moment of confirmation
Idk give this boy some kisses you stressing him out
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Intense DDR fight let's go
This boy don't go down without a fight
Neither do you
But as the levels kept going and the energy got more and more intense
You know it was very likely Niki could win
That boy is dancing prodigy type of guy
So he be doing these steps while also the hand work of the dance itself just to flex
Done with the cute boys snarky behavior
You did the one thing that would throw him of his rthym
Pretend to get hurt
You crouched in a way and made it seem like your knee was in pain but you where still doing the steps
Niki was gonna look over to you to be snarky and witty
But you looked in pain and this giant baby got panicked
"nononono baby are you okay? If you're in pain don't worsen your injury we can stop playing, what about your knee hurts?" He was panicking and you immedietly felt so bad
He stopped moving and so his score got worse and worse
You felt so bad you pretended to just act it out a lil more
"no don't worry Riki it's okay I'll be fine"
"don't say that you're in pain you could worsen your condition, let's find out what happened maybe you just buckled your knee? I've done that, be more careful please"
He legit went over to your board and tried to just stop your movements and left a kiss on your forehead
The song would end and your score would be higher but you would never do that as a cheat again
You didn't even have the courage to tell Riki after
He continued to be just so sweet and caring throughout the date
Would probably even text you afterwards like "Im sorry you injured your knee a little but I'm glad afterwards you felt better and I had a lot of fun :))"
Pls you better keep that all in till the day you die or tell him it's up to you but don't mess with this pore boy again like that pls(〒﹏〒)
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lochnessies · 3 years
ok here’s a dissection of a post an anon sent me the link to and bc i have the worst time management possible and i completely forgot i had it lol so sorry anon here you go ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
I am constantly thinking about how Edelgard just doesn’t seem designed to appeal to cishet men.
i hate to be the one to break this news to you op but just because a character doesn’t show skin like charlotte fire emblem doesn’t mean she isn’t designed to pander to men. she’s very much designed to pander to the (majority straight male) player base with her ‘uwu i only trust you professor omg did u see that rat? pls don’t look at my painting of you uwu’.
then there’s the whole edelgard c support in japanese where byleth makes reference to having come to her room for ‘yobi’ which is
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there’s also the scene where byleth can make an unsolicited comment about edelgard’s breast size. which is… uhh… gross.
edelgard also has cipher cards that go from slightly fanserviceie to full on suggestive
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and also her breast armor that my sister relentlessly mocked lol
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and here’s a chart from the 3h subreddit about gender/sexually in regards to edelgard and edeleth. it’s extremely straight male. op might have just overlooked this since they probably don’t go on reddit and stay on tumblr (which unlike reddit is mostly female and has a high lgbt demographic).
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Like the joke is that Bleagles is the Gay House, but everything about her feels deliberately non-hetero.
i don’t like where this is going…
She’s dressed in sharp outfits covering her upper body, with proportions that don’t seem exaggerated.
so women who cover up must be lgbt because straight women are naturally more revealing? oh y i k e s
Her poise and the way she effortlessly flourishes her axe exhibits an air of coolness. While titties out =/= character of no substance, Edelgard being dressed more modestly suggests that she wasn’t designed with male-centred fanservice in mind.
“titties don’t equal no substance but here’s my post on how she has more substance because she doesn’t show titties” ok
And she still looks absolutely stunning in her more modest attire (like seriously, I haven’t felt the need to return to cosplay in years but I want to do her academy look so bad). 
yes she does. amazing design 10/10. i have a feeling this is the only part i’m going to agree with
Edelgard is intense. She does not mince her words and she is constantly evaluating you. Though she tries, she has a difficult time understanding her peers initially. Early on, she talks about how she would sacrifice herself and others in the name of some greater good. She is terrible at communicating with her peers. She has to be seen as infallible. Her heart has been hardened for years and she assumes she has to stay that way. She also assumes everyone mourns the same way she does - which is why she (kind of insensitively) insists you move on when Jeralt dies. Because to her, grief has to be channeled towards action, or else you’ll get lost in it. This attitude is demonstrated time and time again as she presses on. It can make her come off as cold and unfeeling - but look closer, and she’s anything but.
don’t really have anything to say at this part. it is pretty on the nose though i would slightly disagree with that last sentence a bit. i wouldn’t say she’s as i feeling as hubert is but all of her talks of the war boil down to how she feels and never her victims.
Her story is ultimately about her realizing that to achieve her goals, she needs to let people in and allow herself to want things like cakes and tea parties and lazy days in peace. 
????? what ????? her goals include imperialism, ethnic and religious targeting. her story is about having a set of beliefs and mowing down anybody who stands in her way. that has nothing to do with tea, friends, and lazy days. also am i supposed to be sad that she has to get up everyday and work? i do that and i didn’t start a war and only throw a pity party for myself
The game leaves the player guessing as to how involved the Flame Emperor was in each Part I event, makes you feel hurt by her betrayal, and leaves you with a choice: do you follow the orders of the woman who tried to make you a god without your consent, or a young girl with questionable morals about to throw the world into upheaval?
this isn’t an ideal situation but i think i’m going to stick with the woman who tried to make me a god since i’m not selfish and i know it’s not only my desires and life at stake here. plus the green hair slaps ngl
Choosing her of your own volition (not for completionist reasons) requires the basic ability to sympathize with a woman’s pain. It also requires the player to read beyond her unwavering will and dubious methods to get a sense of how deep that pain goes and how the theme of humanity relates to her differently in each route.
i’m not going to touch this since @nilsh13 made a post on it that i’ll link here. i agree with everything he said so to repeat it would be redundant.
The player must be able to see a young woman’s desperate resolve to change the world so it stops exploiting people and ruining lives. They must be able to accept the fact that women can make the same morally wrong and ambivalent decisions that complicated male characters get to make all the time and still be the one to root for.
literally the same reason i love rhea lol her goddess experiments are dubious at best but her reasons are the same you mentioned. i would say that i like this quality in edelgard too if her ending, while bloody, actually ended in a good outcome for fodlan.
This is not unique to LGBT+ people, but this population is likely to understand why Edelgard feels so strongly about why she has to change the system. 
i understand wanting to change a system, i really do. like edelgard, i’m an opinionated bisexual woman (who’s also physically disabled) so yeah i get it. and change can be good but it can also be terrible. even if the church was the boogeyman edelgard treats it as she still replaces it with her own shit regime. so it’s the same circus just with a new conductor.
I don’t think “Edelgard gets undue criticism because she’s a woman” captures the full picture. An important aspect of her treatment by certain parts of the fandom is that she’s a radical woman.
or maybe she does some pretty fucked up shit and it goes unacknowledged in her own route. and yeah she’s radical but in all the worst ways.
Her hatred of the Church and the Crest system resonates way harder with people who have been hurt by institutions that are deeply engrained in our society. 
and what about people who have been hurt by systems where their ‘merit’ didn’t measure up and they were left behind? what about people from nations that experienced imperialism?
Siding with her means siding against the Church - which, while different from real world religious institutions, still invokes language about “sin” and “punishment.
yeah the ‘sins’ and ‘punishments’ are used in relation to attempted murders which i think everybody can agree is a bad thing that needs to be condemned.
Choosing Edelgard will likely hit different if homophobic and transphobic Christians used that rhetoric against you.
it has literally nothing to do with ‘sins’ and ‘punishments’ in regards to being gay or trans. that’s you projecting. especially since the church has 2 canon gay characters and two coded ones.
like i can understand why having a church condemn you can be uncomfortable but i’m begging you to please look at the context of what’s happening.
I’m willing to go out on a limb and say that the reason F/F Edeleth is the more popular iteration of that ship because most people who would choose to S-support Edelgard are LGBT+ themselves. This is not a revelation. To anyone in the community, it’s fairly obvious. 
i was talking to nilish and he said
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so yeah… while there is definitely sapphic femleth shippers out there, there’s still a whole lot of weird fetishizing going on from straight men about edelgard.
Crimson Flower was my first route. I went into the game knowing absolutely nothing. I played it during the last week of 2020 and hoo boy was it cathartic. 
i can tell. this wasn’t supposed to be a dig but it came out that way and i’m not taking it out.
I felt like I was living out a gay revolution power fantasy, where I could truly change systems of oppression while fighting alongside a group of troubled students I’d shaped the lives of.
so a gay revolution power fantasy (cringe) goes hand in hand with imperialism and installing a dictatorship? also the war had nothing to do with sexuality.
Through your unwavering support, Edelgard learns that she needs to be human, that she must listen to her friends, and that she’s allowed to enjoy the world she’s creating.
edelgard gets to learn how to be human all while hunting those who don’t. and she doesn’t listen fo her friends. she doesn’t even trust them. she’s willing to talk to byleth but keep the people who’s been by her side for five years in the dark about everything. and yeah she gets to enjoy her new words since she’s on top. hate to be a commoner under her rule after she burned down my village in her war.
I love this character so much.
clearly. and i honestly don’t care if somebody likes her. i do as well even if my sometimes scathing words can make it seem otherwise.
It has been six months since I first played and I am still analyzing her,
me too. please help me escape i’m losing my mind
because there’s so much depth. Yet so many people fail to see that depth and dismiss her as evil,
i mean, she does some fucked up shit that goes beyond any of the less than desirable actions of the other main characters and does an extremely poor job in trying to make herself seem innocent. i personally don’t think she’s pure evil but i completely understand where the people who say she is are coming from.
because they never had the will to understand complicated women in the first place. 
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that’s big talk from somebody who implies that a gay pope is comparable to homophobic and transphobic irl religions and that leads an oppressive regime all because she uses the vague terms of sin and punishments that you have to gay power fantasy your way out of
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This has two locked chapters that I couldn’t unlock. (I should really go back to lesson 20 and start unlocking all the locked chapters)
Diavolo pulls MC and Levi aside and tells them he’s asked Lucifer out on countless Karaoke dates only for Lucifer to come up with countless different excuses even though he goes out for karaoke with the brothers. Levi says it’s rare but yeah.  Diavolo is really happy, saying his dream has finally come true now that he’s at a karaoke bar with Lucifer, Lucifer seems really upset (probably shouldn’t put someone’s family in danger while you’re trying to ask them out on a date just saying). Levi drags MC aside and says “hey, scary thought but uhhhhhhh do you think Diavolo set this all up? Cause if so that’s actually completely insane right?” and MC goes, “yeah lol you just caught up to it now?” while Diavolo goes “I can’t wait for you to sing for me Lucifer <3” pls sir reign it in. Lucifer says he’s not a good singer so to keep their expectations low. Levi mumbles about how that’s bs and how Lucifer’s just good at everything to the point that Levi almost hates him for it. Diavolo is pumped until crowe accidentally hits the erase button and Lucifer disappears before he can even start. Diavolo wails in despair. Levi catches on to the fact that all of this is actually technology at work and not magic.
Diavolo, back to being giggly, volunteers to go next cause he can’t let MC or Levi do so. Levi protests saying Lucifer volunteered to keep Diavolo away from it in the first place and that even though they shouldn’t let MC go Levi as Diavolo’s subject should go next. Levi says that if he lets anything happen to Diavolo while he can prevent it Lucifer & Barbatos would kill him. Diavolo laughs and says if he lets anything happen to Lucifer’s little brother while he can prevent it Lucifer would kill him. Levi asks if he’s being serious and Diavolo says he is and that he was waiting for a chance to sing. Levi gets pissed off and says this is why he can’t stand Diavolo and Diavolo’s surprised and holy shit give us a therapy session I want them to be friends? They’re both so lonely and in desperate need of friends and Diavolo’s dorky enough that if Levi opens up they’ll actually make a set of odd but good friends and plssss Levi says the way Diavolo always puts others before himself, how he’s just and fair and how he never does anything bad irritates Levi cause it makes him hate himself even more and just makes him miserable (AND HOLY SHIT!?). Diavolo is surprised and asks if that’s how levi really feels and levi blushes and snaps yes. Diavolo smile and shakes his head and says “So you hate yourself even when your humility is one of your best traits?” Diavolo says Levi spends too much time comparing himself to others and that he shouldn’t cause it’s a waste when he’s an amazing person in his own right (and holy shit diavolo!?). Levi blushes and stutters and starts denying it. And Diavolo says that his problem is that he always starts sentences with a “I’m nothing but a…” and that Levi is the one making himself miserable (and damn Diavolo no need to call me the fuck out like that lol I’m in pain). Diavolo brings up the time Satan and Lucifer switched bodies and went into Levi’s game, saying it was Levi’s idea that helped them put aside their initial beef and work toward a common goal and that no one but Levi could have done that, when Levi starts denying that he brings up the costumes Levi made for the festival and how they helped make the festival a success – Levi says he flooded the house the day before and ruined the costumes but MC agrees with Diavolo either a.) telling levi to have confidence in himself or b.) that he’s fine the way he is. Levi disagrees and says he’s a disgrace and MC either says they 1.) love him the way he is 2.) that he isn’t a disgrace. For 2.) he disagrees and while blushing says he wishes he could disappear rn. 1.) Levi blushes and growls and says it’s hard to disagree when MC says things like that but he also thanks them and says he loves them too and that he appreciates them saying that to him and that’s why he wants to learn to take pride in himself so that they could love him more (this is probably one of the first ‘I love yous’ that can be taken as either romantic or platonic and it makes me really happy. Levi tries to sing next despite Diavolo’s protests but Crowe says their time ran out and picks out the next song and singer at random: Diavolo.
Diavolo gets a score of 100 and vanishes. Crowe congratulates MC & Levi cause they can now leave. MC says this isn’t a joke and Levi agrees saying what’s the point of leaving if the others aren’t safe. Levi makes a deal with Crowe saying if he sings and gets a score of 100 Crowe must bring everyone back, he then gets pissed off and yells at Crowe saying that  he’s no friend and that he wants his brothers and his friend – Diavolo back (Don’t mind me just crying in the corner here). MC asks if they can both sing together and Levi’s happy saying an anime medley between the both of them would guarantee 100.  The others all wake up back home at night, not really knowing what happened and pls tell me MC and Levi didn’t lug 7 unconscious grown men – more than half of whom would be 6 feet and over - all the way home together awdjjkfifjijcdn their backs would have broken also wtf would people have thought when you take multiple trips to drag 7 unconscious gorgeous men - who probably look like they’ve just finished being tortured - off with you somewhere!? Levi and MC are probably on some watch list now wtfffff. Asmo asks if the karaoke and all exciting punishments were a dream while Lucifer calls it nightmarish. MC tells them all what happened, Levi has gone straight to his room to finish his event. Barbatos calls Diavolo after leaving 200 missed calls on Lucifer’s phone. MC goes up to check on Levi.
Levi doesn’t notice MC come in and they tell him not to worry cause they said the secret phrase Levi laughs it off and says MC’s a special case who’s been chosen and can enter without the phrase. they ask him how his game’s going. Levi says he’s worn out from earlier and not in the mood for the event rn. MC can either stroke his head or offer to go make some tea. He blushes and says he’s not a child but gives them permission. He says he’s been thinking about what Diavolo said to him. He says he always unconsciously compares himself to others and wonders why he does that, MC says they like him the way he is and he blushes and thanks them saying that when they say that he can believe it cause it doesn’t sound like they’re saying it out of pity. Levi says he knows one reason he compares himself to others and that it’s cause he thinks without a game or an anime MC would leave him behind to hang out with the others and he asks them to tell him they’ll stay with him even if it’s just for the time being. MC says it won’t be just for now. Levi says that just hearing that gives him hope that he’ll learn to like himself (I need MC in my life is2g). Diavolo texts MC saying he wants to talk before he leaves, and MC tells him to wait a bit longer cause if you don’t blow off the ruler of an entire dimension to hang out with your sad friend then what kinda friend are you!? Levi jokes about asking Crowe to trap them in the room until MC scores the highest in a game they aren’t good at but tells them to go. MC can either hug or kiss him. He blushes and tells them to go before he changes his mind and thanks them for everything.
Satan’s watching new cat videos under #FrolickingWithADuck & #FriendsWithAHamster. Asmo asks for something sexier. Asmo and Beel are both sad about missing their appointments and Lucifer tells MC Diavolo’s out by the pool, he then looks sad for a second and calls MC back but then says it doesn’t matter and tells them to hurry and come inside cause it’s cold out. Diavolo’s outside happily looking at the stars and MC asks if he enjoys stargazing. He says he could look at them forever and that Barbatos called him and kept apologizing over and over again and that he had to work hard to stifle his laughter and act mad. He asks how Levi is doing and when MC tells him he says Levi’s the hero who saved them all and he should be in a good mood. MC asks him what he wanted to talk about, he tells MC that he always wants to be honest with them and that he was behind the whole karaoke thing.
He tells them he didn’t do it outta malice and they say they know. He says initially it was an accident but then he realised where exactly he ended up and how crowe had said they had special challenge room and he couldn’t help himself. He asks MC if they’re angry. They’re angry, in both options MC’s pissed off. He says the way they’re looking at him now is unbearable and that after the brothers left he was lonely and kept getting reminded of what it was like before they Fell and how we just wanted to relax and enjoy something with them. He says he knows it’s childish and silly but after seeing how much fun the brothers were having in the RPG he felt jealous. MC can ask him who exactly he was jealous of or tease him how even an heir to an entire dimension can get jealous. He says he was jealous of the brothers getting to hand out with MC and this is what I mean when I say the side characters having romantic feelings for MC in the main storyline doesn’t fully make sense. Cause yeah sure he would’ve been jealous of the brothers being able to just hang out and play with MC but he’d also be jealous of MC being able to fit in so seamlessly with the brothers something that they’ve shown Diavolo wanting since S1. He asks if MC can forgive him and they agree. He says he was more nervous admitting this to MC than he would’ve been admitting it to Lucifer and that he always has fun with MC and feels happy yet nervous around them and that he truly adores them. I just want MC to have close platonic friends pls I desperately need MC and Diavolo to have a strong close friendship where Diavolo pines about how great Lucifer is and MC rolls their eyes constantly cause they live with the guy and he’s a major grade A douche but they’re still willing to listen and play wingman and if Solmare doesn’t give it to me I’m just gonna have to do it myself and write that shit
There’s a bright light and MC is stopped from jumping into the pool and drowning themself to get out of this situation by a snotty Barbatos turning up. MC can either scold Barbatos for what happened or ask if he’s alright. He says he’s fine but then lists all the symptoms of the flu so really he’s lying. Barbatos keeps apologising to Diavolo and MC and Lucifer who’s apparently being eavesdropping the whole time :)))))))))) Diavolo’s shocked and goes to ask Lucifer how long he’s being there but is interrupted by Barbatos sneezing. Lucifer takes the distraction and starts fretting over Barbatos and trying to send him back home and Diavolo takes the lead and follows him. No clue what MC’s doing but I’m guessing they’re eyeing the pool and revisiting that drowning option. Diavolo & Barbatos say their goodbyes and leave. Lucifer tries to make small talk about Barbatos being sick but MC immediately cuts him off to call him out about eavesdropping. He deflects and starts talking about the weather. MC can either let him get away with it and walk back inside or take his hand and use the power of puppy dog eyes to make him say he wasn’t eavesdropping and just waiting for a time to cut in…sure…okay. When they come back the entire living room is flooded and this what Lucifer says word for word “What…did the Earth’s crust temporarily deform beneath just this one house, sending it plummeting to the ocean floor and back again?” and I dunno why but that had me in tears. Mammon & Asmo blame each other, Beel says Levi summoned Lotan. Levi tries to defend himself but Lucifer, while smiling, says he’s a compassionate and kind person so they each get to choose their own punishment and Mammon goes to ask why Lucifer’s more pissed than usual and what’s got his panties in a bunch but is cut off by a scream. While Lucifer tortures his brothers MC thinks back to what Diavolo told them.
In the morning Asmo and Mammon gush over electronic kitchen appliances and Levi tells them not to get used to them. Belphie and Satan argue about having the tv on during breakfast until Satan notices Diavolo and Barbatos on tv instantly causing Lucifer to start choking on his food (and pls dear god doesn’t this man go through enough!?) The news is talking about Corvo the world’s leading hotel chain and its mysterious owner, which just finished its 8th hotel in the county – Corvo Lagoon View. MC goes um wtf is happening rn? And lucifer says god would I like to know. Diavolo bursts in, happy that their segment is being aired already and Barbatos says it’s to be accepted given how the whole of high society is talking about it. When Lucifer asks what’s going on Diavolo says that he used Barbatos’ mistake to blackmail him into allowing Diavolo come and stay in the human realm. Corvo is revealed to be run by the three-legged crow. Diavolo also says he forgot to tell something to MC yesterday and MC has a panicked flashback to yesterday’s conversation while Lucifer sits silently and avoids eye contact. MC: NOW!? HERE!? IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!? Diavolo: YEAH! :D Diavolo takes MC’s hand and gives them a star and MC almost passes out in relief, Lucifer though we don’t see him has definitely passed out.
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weepinglevi · 3 years
whos your favorite fic writer/moots and why? Got any recommendations?
first off: pls know that if you're not listed here it doesn't mean i don't like you or your work, it simply means that i have a pea sized brain. love all of u. keep on writing. i really don't want anyone to feel bad (ask nia, i've been crying to her about it).
secondly: i'm not referring to them as my "favourite" cos i can't pick favourites, never really could. maybe that's why i'm simping for so many aot men at once ahaha.
and last but not least: this is going to be a long post so i'mma do all of us the favour and put it under the cut. i feel very soft today and have been listening to the titanic soundtrack for the better half of my day. bear with me, i'mma shower you with love. go check them out!
this is in no particular order.
@kojinnie: my queen of angst. the other half of the princess-duo (i came to the conclusion that we're both princesses, we deserve to hang around in pretty dresses and have the time of our lives). especially dream me home still haunts my dreams. i love how you captured the pain and fear both of them feel. and i kind of view it as the start of our friendship, what with both of us writing about the mission to retake wall maria and you jumping into my dms after the fact. love you, kojin, and i only wish you the best.
@starrynightlys: shield-maiden claire. beautiful, talented, funny claire. i love you and i am so happy to have found you here, i really am. i know i've told you this multiple times but whenever i see you on my dash - either fighting off the floch anon or you posting memes, there's a big fat grin on my face. apart from your absolutely mesmerising presence, there's also one work in particular i always come back to: the beginning of forever. you are my source of happy levi content. when the world turns dark and i want him to be happy, i turn to this fic and to your blog in general. love you and i am dreaming of us listening to some good music in a park sometime soon!
@snkslush: luv! my first tumblr wife! this alone has gotten you a very special place in my heart ahah. i love the energy you have - whenever i see you on my dash i feel happy and it's because of how you interact with others. it's like i've known you since forever because of how easily i can talk to you. and reading your filthy thoughts about connie has set off my connie brainrot more than once ahaha.
your headcanons on how the aot boys react when their s/o tells them they want to be railed and also the follow-up still has me drooling. fucking love them. so accurate as well and i'm a slut for everyone ahha
@aotwrites: my lil sunflower. lil sis, you have no idea how happy you truly make me. i love the lil talks we have and i still remember the message you sent me when you were half-asleep, i always giggle when reading it ahah. just know that if you ever want, you can come up to me and ask me weird stuff lil sisters normally ask their bigger sisters. not that i have any good advice to give, but i have a lot of reaction pics to send!
it's very hard for me to pick out one of your fics to recommend - like i said, i have a problem with choosing favourites. but if i absolutely had to, it'd be all of the stars. cried my way through it. will cry again when i reread it. i cry a lot in general.
@arumiee: mars, i know we haven't talked much but our conversation about nurse!armin yesterday is still running around in my head. i can't wait to read about either armin or eren in scrubs, istg. you're so kind and happy-go-lucky, i usually feel nervous when tagging someone on a post but with you yesterday? no problem at all. you give me a sense of safety ahaha (pls don't think i'm weird, i'm actually not. or, yes, i am but in a good way). your purify me had me wanting to take a bath in holy water after reading it. preferably a bath with eren. i guess we're both headed to hell ahaha
@odmlevis: rizrizrizrizriz. i'm laughing right now because all i think of is our last conversation and it's hard to gather my thoughts whenever my mind goes to eren and reiner. or eren and jean - or jean and connie ahaha. i'll have all of them with me in the middle, pretty please.
but back to topic: your the most hurtful things they'd say to you still has my heart breaking. absolutely broken into pieces. because somehow you managed to put all of my worst fears into it. i don't know why i reread it on the regular (i do know, i'm a sucker for pain). other than that, i'm always so happy when i read your messages and when i see you out and about, making others happy with your lil "someone told me to tell you something"-thing you do so often. you're so precious, lemme smooch you.
@onyxoverride: onyx istg your blog is the place i go to if i am down bad. down bad bad. i know we rarely talk and me saying your blog is the place i take my horniness to might come off as weird but it's the truth. i even have problems with picking a favourite because goddamn they're all so good?? what is your secret? if there's a reason for me to go to hell (other than mars' purify me) it's gonna be because of ocean spit. do i have to elaborate further? eren's titan form is fucking hot and thank you for this delicious meal ahha. i am getting all flustered rn just by looking at the lil pic on top of your fic. i will see myself out now. love u onyx you are cool as hell (and i'm nervous as fuck - you're sitting at the cool kids' table in my head ahah - that's why i am so silent around u)
@1252291: and now to you. connie 2 my sasha. erwin smiths ball whore. twIN FLAME, LIGHT OF MY LIFE. buckle up cos we're in for a wild ride. i was debating whether or not to post every of your fics here, because i love all of them so much. i came up with a better idea tho: here's your masterlist. i will talk about two of your works in particular later on, but first you're gonna have to endure me violently showering you with kisses and love.
i haven't told you this before (shocking, i know) but ever since we started talking, i feel like i have a real-life friend again. i haven't had friends in a while and i am so fucking thankful to have you. i really am. i even told my therapist about you because he asked why i am so happy all of a sudden? newsflash: it's because of you.
usually, it was insomnia keeping me up at night but now it's because i am talking to you. and you have no idea how fucking great it feels to wake up in the morning and feel tired; not because some shitty thoughts kept me awake but because i was talking to a friend. i will forever love you for this. you've been there when i was at one of the darkest and loneliest stages of my life and lit up the fucking room with your personality and humour. thank you for being my light. for giving me the same feeling i have when rewatching lord of the rings. for being you. i will stop now but you know i will keep on loving you on main until i take my last breath.
now to your works. falling in love and stay forever. i think you already knew that these are the ones i hold dearest. i still think about felix and rue. i love felix and rue and my heart hurts when thinking of them. your way with words has characters coming to life and touching your heart in a way i've never experienced before. like i said, it felt like those are my friend who died. my fingers running through levi's hair, trying to make his endless pain go away. i am crying again. thank you for creating this. if you ever find the books you've written (or write a new one) i will buy a copy. or ten. have to have some to give away so i can promote your work.
i love u connie 2 my sasha. i really do.
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
I did my homework and i did my chores, time to tackle on the third book of this series, Son of Ogre
Chapter 1
Okay but the fuck is Baki planning to do if he stops fighting? That's literally all he has, he's not smart
King just went to have a snack. Also FUCK does that meat look tasty FUCKKK
This baby so cute 🥺
I'm so glad Yuji is doing stupid hilarious shit again it had been a while
Congrats on Baki for that mantis
Chapter 2
Who tf is this kid?
Poor kid lmao, i assume he will meet Baki
Look at my boyyy
Imagine Baki actually kills this kid HSJDYSSHCBT
Third comment with a ton of likes is "we do not condone child violence. We do, however, find it hilarious"
Chapter 3
But i like Baki memeing a round a lil
Chapter 4
🥺🥺 that's so sweet...
Yujiro is such a fucking threat to society lmao
I love seeing Baki with his eyes open, he's looking more like his old self
Oh, shadow boxing incoming, alright
Chapter 5
Yuri? 🥺 /j
Chapter 6
I love how there's our silly little mains after every cover LUV em <33
Baki just dissociating his ass out and using it on his favor, the king
Why is Baki eating sour prunes aren't those meant to be sweet?
We all salivating
Chapter 7
Love to see there are even more swears there now
I can put my face next to my foot too tho
Also i would LOVE to see Yuji fight an Orca
I love how everyone in the comments is calling out Rumina for not seeing issue going down to a dark hidden basement with a shirtless man older than him
Chapter 8
"piggy back me" USHSYFLFUDSY
This fight is going to be good
Chapter 9
Imagine Baki dies right here right know against an imaginary mantis lmao
Okay Baki getting damaged makes sense but the WALL?
Ffs it's true Baki COULD create himself a stand 😰
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
This fight is so boring i had to take a 6 hour break
Baki just can't win against nature eh
This reminds me of Garland pulling a suplex on that Anaconda
Chapter 12
I can't wait for the main cast to ACTUALLY appear, instead of just, you know, them in the covers
This fight is slow but cool but slow
To fight a mantis you must think like a mantis 😎
Though it's true in this manga you will most likely win if you steal your opponent techniques so
Chapter 13
This is so dumb i luv it
That mantis be swearing lmao
Love it when Baki goes full Yujiro
Chapter 14
Holy fuck do mantis fly?
Secret Chapter?
Is this how Yujiro got born?
Idk girl i would have killed him if i was you
I might just be sleepy but this is so confusing
Chapter 15
Why is he like this?
Is "he" with us right now?
...gotta admit that IS true...
I love Strydum sksgwhwg
Yujiro really went XD
I don't think my man Arun in the comments is aware how gay what he said is, though maybe I'm wrong
Chapter 16
I can't believe Bush is dead
8 of January? My god he's a Capricorn
I'm sorry, what?
This explains why Baki was in prison clothes in the anime teaser
Chapter 17
That one mf like 😐
Glad Baki is 18 now at least 😌
Love to see Oliva back
Chapter 18
This page not even bothering to charge the pages anymore
I'm sure there were better ways to go to jail, well, actually, no, but still
Toba used to just chew that off
Baki did that mantis hit you in the head too hard?
I. I watched way too many prison movies and shows. I don't like seeing someone as young and pretty as Baki in such a place. I rlly don't.
Chapter 19
Yanagi baby i miss you...
Mfkhsjsys 😳🥴
Eh got my hopes too high
I hope he swears too i want to see a boludo o pelotudo PLEASE
I mean para pelotudos lo veo a Yujiro todo el tiempo pero igual JSGWKEGWG me pone bien argento ver al Che carajo
Chapter 20
I can't take this omfg new fav I'm sorry Doppo but he just said boludo 😭
Pendejo is more used as pibe here but i will let it pass bc idk the lingo in Cuba and he spent some time there so
Why don't i speak like this too ffs? All i do is say eh and call it a day
He's cocky enough to call anybody any age pibe so I'll let that pass too
Por favor no lo hagas che sksgwj
Chapter 21
Che, pibe, it's a good day to die...
Chapter 22
GSHAGSTSG he should have said "no boludo"
I'm falling in love with this boludo myself
That's talented and brutal
Chapter 23
Hm that's, cringe
Honestly i too get pissed off when called American or European, though i won't throw shit to Baki, he's some random 18 yo japanese boy, no way he would recognize latinoamerican lingo lmao
King shit Baki boy
Chapter 24
Oh that's why he's called Jun Guevara, that's fair
I like how they are mixing a bit of truth and a bit of lie it's fun at least
Chapter 25
I like how they are drawing nipples now, occasionally
I can't wait for Viêt to complain about propaganda in the comments
😳 :Y
He's sooo nice 😍
Chapter 26
Only three? You mean the third is... 👁️👁️
I can't believe he works for the USA I'm crying and shaking rn
What a progressive manga, the three strongest and most dangerous men and none of them are white 😍
Chapter 27
Why is this guy sweating sm?
I like how the only time Baki was willing to kill a person was when he thought Sikorsky had hurt his girl
Chapter 28
I feel like Ian will die
Man i love how Baki is drawn in this book
Ffs i called it, i have watched way too many prison things to know how shit goes down
I have seen these three before in fanart but I'm curious to see what they can do
Chapter 29
Their faces remind me of Doyle
I'm gonna struggle to tell em apart but i think I'll manage
Okay I'm not the only one who thinks they look like Doyle, fair
Chapter 30
The mouth vs Yujiro when?
Someone mentioned the have the same vibe as the dudes that worked with Gaia and like 👁️👁️
Chapter 31
Lmao someone in the comments recommended the same thing
These three must be great at sex (sorry)
KSHALDHDKD NEW FAV COMMENT: "go to Japan and look for the word "defeat". That way you won't feel cocky anymore"
Chapter 32
Hehe hello Junnn~
La luna
Chapter 33
Okay that's funny, hocico instead of mouth (hocico is used for animal mouths)
I'm so glad i know Spanish
The two things that drive me insane and make me ramble are Doppo's beauty and this stupid argentinian
Chapter 34
Imagine he's doing that illusion thing Dorian did
With his own blood, that's so cool...
I did that once when i had a terrible nose bleed, didn't go well
Chapter 35
This book is fucking boring NGL
"now that you got no more urine left in you"
Chapter 36
HHH he kinda cute...
Oww :(
God piantao is an old word i had never heard it before
AND he took a piss.
Se me cayó un ídolo y yo que le quería dar 😔
Let's see if he lied to Baki about just liking eh /j
Chapter 37
I luv Oliva lol
I too wonder where the fuck Kozue is
Chapter 38
He is jealous of what you two have, it's normal, el Che just rejected his love after all ;/
Oliva is a king
Oh shit Oliva is like 45?! He looked so young
Te fuiste a la mierda, Che, el chabón estaba siendo re bueno con vos
Baki is just dead
Chapter 39
I love how realistic Che's fear is, he's rather smart, though not this time
I didn't realize Che said "what more, it may be a woman!" but to be fair they ARE in jail so
Chapter 40
I'm feeling kinda bad for him ngl
I feel happy for him tho 🥺
Bruh they added one page after the ending of some naked anime girl tf 😐
Chapter 41
These prisoners having fun is kinda sweet
Bitches be complaining about Maria's looks are just jealous 🥰
Chapter 42
Damn she lorge
He loves fighting naked eh
Only valid person is the one saying Oliva deserves better treatment which tbh true
Chapter 43
Fun fact i wear my jacket like El Che too, unless it's too cold
El che with the hair lose is so cute bro,,,
Something something fingering joke
Sikorski could fold a coin too
I bet the bandana will break
Chapter 44
I would have just fallen on top of him, how is he gonna counter that, eh?
Oh that super fun to know!
Oh the good ol dirty technique, i have seen this one before!
Chapter 45
This fight is super cool tho i love these two characters
Chapter 46
They just keep changing the rules i think Itagaki is just flexing at this point
Baki wants his protagonism back
I'm getting pissed off they keep putting semi naked underaged girls at the end of every chapter 😐
Chapter 47
Bruh just realized, the mouth got so hyped as this new cool villain and they died in their first appearance 😭
His damn bandana...
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Forever
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One Shot: The Devil Wears Nada
Summary: Steve’s fed up of getting cock blocked during what was supposed to be bit of alone time and would make a deal with the Devil herself to get some alone time with his wife… Warning: SMUT SMUT SMUT- (NSFW, 18+) Like seriously, if you’re under 18 get off my blog. This is, possibly, the filthiest thing I’ve written for Steve to date!
Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark.
A/N: So this follows on directly from Bumps In The Night which was written by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ as part of Stark Spangled Banner’s Birthday Party. Give it a read, its wonderful!
If you are currently reading Stark Spangled Banner for the first time as it is being reposted then this contains MAJOR SPOILERS and I recommend you wait until you’ve finished so you don’t spoil anything!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Forever Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Katie and Steve headed back inside, Katie diverting into the lounge to go and retrieve the candy off the kids before they ate too much of it in one sitting. Steve had to snort at the various cries of protests that rang round the lounge and his wife’s stern voice telling the three children in there that she didn’t care if it was Saturday, they weren’t consuming enough E-numbers to fuel an army before bed. He made his way into the kitchen and was completely unsurprised to find Bucky already had his head buried in the fridge.
“Make yourself at home.” He deadpanned and Bucky looked at him, thrusting a beer in his direction. “Gee thanks.” Steve’s dry sarcasm still present as he looked at his friend who was offering him his own fucking beer. Bucky grinned and shrugged as he passed one to Sam as well as he strode into the room, the three men popping the tops. Steve took a long pull from his as he eyed Bucky “Why are you here?”
“Rude much?” Bucky asked, his eyes still checking out the contents of the refrigerator. “We were concerned uncles…you weren’t with the kids.”
“They were with Emmy and Queens” Steve arched an eyebrow “Perfectly safe.”
“They showed up on Tin Man’s doorstep.” Sam grinned “We were halfway through studying a couple of files and they basically swamped us and said it was their last stop of the night. Bucky thought it would be fun to come back with them.”
“To bug the crap out of me or…”
“I wanted candy.” Buck shrugged.
“Then you should have gone Trick Or Treating.” Steve replied “And let’s face it, with a face like that, who needs a mask?”
“Ouch, Stevie…” Bucky looked at him as Sam chuckled in the background, before he turned his attention back to the fridge “Oooh, your Missus made a cheeseboard.”
“What are you a fuckin’ mouse?” Sam asked as Bucky pulled out the platter, setting it on the side.
“Just ‘cause I appreciate the good things in life, Seagull and you can’t.” Bucky shrugged, unwrapping the film from the cheese. “You know, Steve was just like this growing up.”
“Yeah, well, now I have better taste and I’m also big enough to kick your ass so stop eating my food and go home before I throw you out.”
“What’s got into you?” Bucky looked at him.
“You’re disrupting my plans.” Steve said simply.
“What pl-ooooooh!” Buck’s question morphed into a noise of acknowledgment as he looked at his friend “Then you should have taken advantage of the empty house earlier.”
“School boy error, Cap.” Sam smirked and Steve let out a growl of frustration.
“Well our various attempts to were thwarted one way or another, and now you two punks are ruining it again.” Steve glared at them “Put the cheese back and piss off.”
Bucky smirked. “Imma tell Katie you’re being nasty to me.”
Steve narrowed his eyes knowing full well the soft spot his girl had for Bucky and Sam. If she got so much as a sniff he was being a bit of a shit to either of them he’d be in for it. “You wouldn’t…”
“Wouldn’t what?”
At the sound of his wife’s voice Steve jumped and turned to see her clutching the huge bowl that had previously contained their candy by the door and now sported the combined content of their kids’ bags, Harry toddling behind her, his eyes fixed on the prize.
“Oh this is gonna be good.” Sam smirked, leaning off to the side unwrapping a Reeses which he pulled out of his pocket, slowly chewing as if watching a movie.
“Hey Doll Face” Bucky grinned at her “Steve won’t let me eat the cheese.”
“Ignore him, you help yourself Buck.” She waved to it as she passed Steve the bowl of candy “Stop being so moody, stick that up high somewhere.”
“You know that won’t stop Jamie, Rori or him don’t you?” Steve looked at her as she picked Harry up who watched shrewdly as his dad placed the bowl on the top shelf of one of the cupboards “All 3 of them had scaled the refrigerator by the time they were 2.”
“No but it might delay them enough for us to catch them.” She shrugged, her eyes moving to Bucky who was eating a block of cheddar like it was an apple “Buck, do you want some crackers or…”
Bucky nodded but Steve cut him off. “No he doesn’t.”
“Yes I do.” Bucky smirked as Katie looked at Steve, arching an eyebrow at his unusually frosty nature towards his friends. She set Harry down on the counter by Bucky who grinned at the toddler, offering him his hand in a hi-five. Harry grinned and slapped his Uncles palm before he looked at the cheese.
“Absolutely not pal.” Steve said to him and Harry looked up.
“Dinosaurs don’t eat cheese.” Bucky shook his head at Harry who stared at him and blinked before he shrugged.
“But I hungry.”
“You can’t possibly be.” Katie looked at her son
“I am, Momma.”
“Now look what you’ve done.” Steve glared at Bucky.
“Me?” Bucky scoffed, his mouth full “What did I do?”
“Set him off, look, why don’t you go and eat Jen’s cheese?” Steve asked and at that there was a pause before Sam, Katie and Bucky all burst out laughing. Steve groaned “Ok, that came out wrong.”
Sam snorted “that’s what she said.”
Katie laughed harder and Bucky grinned, swallowing his mouthful as Katie headed into the pantry. “Innuendo aside, I can’t. She’s got something going on at the coffee shop. Bunch of teenagers doing Halloween activities or something, I don’t know. She won’t be free until later.” He turned to Katie as she walked back in, handing him the box of crackers and he thanked her “So I thought I’d come see my best friends for a beer seeing as it’s not even half 8 on a Saturday yet.”
Katie smiled at him “You two are always welcome here, you know that. Isn’t that right Steve.”
Steve fixed a smile on his face and glared at Bucky who was positively beaming at the fact he knew he was being a cock-block. “Course it is honey, course.”
“Right my little Jurassic baby!” Katie picked Harry up and he giggled, the hood of his dinosaur costume falling over his eyes. “Bath time.
“No bath, Momma.” Harry shook his head furiously, looking up at her as she pushed the clothing back off his head.“I have one tomorrow.”
Katie looked at him, “Your face is filthy.”
“Wash my face then.” He looked at her and Katie raised her eyebrows and looked at Steve who chuckled.
“Wanna help me out here, Daddy?” Katie asked and Steve looked at his son.
“Hey, Buddy, how about Momma washes your face tonight but you’re having a bath first thing in the morning.” Steve looked at Harry as his son considered it for a second. It was late after all. Skipping bath night one evening wouldn’t kill him.
“Deal” Harry nodded, holding his hand out. Steve shook it as Bucky and Sam both gave snorts.
“You need a hand?” Steve asked.
“No, I got it.” Katie shook her head “I’ll get him sorted. You can send Rori and Jamie up in fifteen though.”
“Sure.” Steve nodded.
“Say goodnight Harry.” Katie said, turning round so Harry could see Sam and Bucky.
“Goodnight Harry.” He grinned, before he cackled at his usual joke. The tot had no idea why it was funny, but when he had first said it, it had cracked both Katie and Steve up so now he seemed to say it every night. Bucky and Sam obligingly laughed as Steve dropped kiss to his son’s head, before pecking Katie’s cheek as she carried him out of the kitchen.
**** Half an hour later, after Rori had done one final parade around the kitchen in her princess cat outfit, beaming when Bucky had declared her the “prettiest kitty cat in all the world” and Steve had once more told her “no, you can’t have a real cat”, all the kids were clean and in their rooms. Harry and Rori were both tucked up in bed, lights off, whilst Jamie was watching TV with a warning from Steve that he had thirty minutes before it was time to turn it off. Steve knew Jamie would listen, it was part of the deal that he got to have a little time like that in his room as he was the eldest one now. Jamie took it seriously, knowing full well that abusing said privilege would mean it was revoked just as it had been a few weeks months when he’d been giving Steve some serious back chat and cheek. Steve had sent him to his room and Jamie had simply shrugged responding sarcastically “Fine, I’ll go watch my TV, what a huge punishment.” 
Steve had seen red and headed straight into the garage before coming back with a pair of pliers. He’d walked straight into Jamie’s room, cut the plug off the TV leaving his son staring at him, open mouthed as he breezed out of the room with a simple “watch it now, smart ass…”
The four adults were all sat in the lounge, sprawled across the various sofas with a drink each as the fire roared giving the large living room a cosy, homely feel. Stark was stretched out on the rug in front of the fire, snoring slightly, and the stereo was on playing a little background music whilst the rain pattered against the large ceiling to floor windows. Steve adored this time of year for precisely this reason. Katie snuggled under his arm, her back resting against him as she lay stretched out down the cushions, his arm looped around her crossing her chest. The hand that wasn’t holding her wine was gently rubbing over his forearm, her nails softly skating across the skin. Steve dropped a kiss to her head as they both listened to Sam who was recalling how Bucky had ended up with a load of candy stuck on the hand of his metal arm without realising, which he had then stuck in his hair when he’d run his hand through it.
“He cried like a bitch when I was pulling the gummy bears out.” Sam grinned and Steve tipped his head back, a huge laugh rumbling through his chest as Bucky glared at him.
“Punk.” He looked at Steve who simply smirked and took a drink from his bottle
“You know, I gotta say that these kids take it to the next level nowadays.” Sam swallowed a mouthful of beer. “I mean, some of those costumes are awesome. We saw a really cool Iron Man who had the reactor in his chest all lit up.”
Katie smiled “Yeah, Tony does seem to be a popular choice.”
“We got a Captain America.” Steve offered, not one to be out-done and Katie smirked to herself, “And by that I mean when it was me, or I was it, whatever. He may or may not have gotten extra candy.”
Sam and Bucky chuckled and Katie sipped her wine before she tilted her head back and looked up at Steve.
"At least we got no clowns this year..." Katie smirked and at the mere thought Steve shuddered and Bucky let out a huge snort.
"What...you're scared of clowns?" Sam looked at Steve but before he could answer Bucky jumped in.
"He ain’t just scared man, he's petrified. When we were about 8 and my folks took us to Coney, this guy dressed as a clown tried to give Steve a balloon and he ran away, but the best thing was…” Bucky leaned forward, his words coming between his howls of laughter “this clown kept doing it up until Steve was about 18 because he was so small and looked like a 10 year old.”
“Fuck you.” Steve narrowed his eyes at Bucky as he and Sam fell about laughing. Katie kissed his arm and sat up, pointing at Bucky.
“Stop making fun of him…he was cute when he was a smol bean.”
“Thanks baby.” Steve grinned, pressing a kiss to her head. 
“Coulrophobia” Sam nodded sagely, “Quite common actually.”
“I’m not surprised.” Steve shook his head “They’re horrible. I mean, who on earth ever thought they were suitable as entertainment?”
"I dunno, it was kind of entertaining when Jamie dressed up as one.” Katie smiled and Steve physically shivered at the mere memory of that particular Halloween 
“Wait, what?” Bucky asked, looking at Katie and Steve groaned as he steeled himself once more to be the brunt of a joke.
“You seen IT?” Katie asked, “As in the newest one?”
Bucky nodded, grinning “A particular favourite of mine and Jen’s….although last time we watched it we kinda got distracted.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Katie snorted.
“Don’t wanna know,” she shook her head as Sam Hi-fived Bucky “but anyway, we had a Halloween party about 9 years ago at Tony’s. Emmy asked if she could be in charge of hers and Jamie’s outfits so we said yes. Little did we knows she’d had a little help from my dearest brother and just as we were about to set off…” she snorted and started to laugh “they come down the stairs and Jamie’s dressed in the BEST Pennywise outfit I’ve ever seen.”
Bucky’s face split into a huge grin as Katie continued to laugh, shaking her head.
“So he’s toddling towards Steve and his face…” she stopped talking, as her laughter was now uncontrollable and she shook her head and Steve sighed.
“It’s not funny.”
“It is.” She stuttered, wiping her eyes. She took a deep breath “You stood there stock still, this look of utter horror on your face and I knew you were fighting the urge to turn and run…”
At that Bucky and Sam both burst out into laughter and Steve shook his head. “He was so upset when I wouldn’t pick him up.”
“You stopped the car at the top of the street because you couldn’t drive as you kept seeing him in the mirror…” Katie howled, tipping her head back in absolute, unadulterated laughter and Steve shook his head.
“It’s a phobia…” he looked at her “I can’t help it, any more than you can about spiders.”
“Horrible eight legged bastards.” She shuddered as her laughter died down. “But you know the way to my heart…”
“Kiss you often, fuck you well, feed you snacks and kill the spiders.” he recited, grinning as she chuckled “I know Doll, I know.”
**** Despite his best laid plans going to shit, Steve had to admit it was a nice evening as all four of them chatted and laughed but by the time Bucky and Sam left some two hours later, Katie had already gone up to bed about 15 minutes prior saying she was tired which meant Steve was now very doubtful he’d be fucking her well at all. Cursing Trick Or Treaters, counter surfing dogs, hungry babies and cheese eating, beer drinking friends he cleared the empty bottles off the coffee table and dumped them in the recycling before he let Stark out into the back yard so he could do his business. Steve stood watching him, the cold October air biting at his skin a little as he glanced up at the now clear sky, the rain having stopped roughly half an hour or so ago. He couldn’t believe it was November tomorrow. Another year almost done with. They were flying by, far too quickly for his liking. 
This year had marked seven years since they’d reversed the snap and it still seemed like only yesterday since he’d walked away from it all and passed the shield to Sam, settling down into the domestic life he’d never dreamed in a million years he’d get. He was jerked from his thoughts when Stark walked back up to him, nudging his hand with his cold, wet nose and he smiled, petting the dog’s head as he walked past him into the little laundry room and sat obediently waiting for his paws to be dried. Steve shut the door, locking it and then towelled the dog down before the tan and white mutt shot off through the kitchen and into the hall. Steve heard his collar jangling as he bounded up the stairs to Jamie’s room whilst he himself made his way through to the lounge. The fire was still going, but he knew it would die down over night and he was just moving the grate to the front of it to avoid any embers spilling onto the floor when his ears picked up footsteps on the stairs. He instantly knew they were Katie’s and found himself smirking a little. Maybe he was gonna get a little frisky after all. And then he heard her walking across the hall and frowned, because it sounded like she was in heels.
“Honey?” he called, standing up straight and turning to see his wife leaning against the door frame, one arm extended above her head, the other hand falling to her hips as she looked at him, biting her lip. Steve felt his mouth drop open as he took in her appearance. She was indeed wearing heels, a pair of sparkly, high heeled red Jimmy Choos- her “Ruby Slippers” as Rori dubbed them, and his eyes scanned up her bare legs to the hem of the sheer, red negligee which finished mid-thigh. He could see the outline of a pair of matching, red lace panties underneath as he continued to take in her appearance. The top of the garment was low cut, her cleavage amplified somewhat as her breasts swelled over the lace cups and he swallowed as he felt his cock twitch whilst he simply stared at her, slack jawed. Fuck, she was the sexiest thing he had ever seen in his entire life and when she did stuff like this…Jesus.
He glanced at her face, her hair falling over her shoulders in waves and it was then he noticed that on the top of her head sat a pair of fake red horns. Steve’s mouth curled up in sinful grin as Katie gave a dirty giggle, her green eyes sparkling with mischief as Steve strode towards her purposefully, one thing on his mind.
“Read to sell your soul to the Devil, Solider?” she asked and Steve let out a chuckle as he stopped in front of her, his hands gripping her hips
“I sold it to you years ago, Doll.”
She grinned at him as he pulled her closer, his fingers curling against her gentle curves, tangling in the soft material of the negligee as he dropped his head to hers, kissing her deeply. Her hands smoothed over the top of his grey Henley coming to rest on his chest as he curled one arm around her waist, pulling her closer. At the feel of her pressed against him, Steve let out a soft moan
“God I’ve been waiting for this all night” he mumbled and Katie grinned against his lips.
“Well like I tell the kids, a little patience goes a long way Stevie.” she purred and Steve shrugged, his hands dropping to the back of her thighs as he easily lifted her, her heel-clad legs wrapping around his waist.
“And as you know when it comes to you baby girl, I have very little self-control.”
“Don’t I know it, there’s reason we have 4 biological kids.” she pondered for a moment and Steve laughed as her lips met his again and her hands raked into his hair, her nails biting gently against his scalp.
With steady strides, Steve carried her over to the spot in front of the fireplace where he gently set her on her feet and knelt in front of her. The light of the fire cast a bronze glow against her smooth skin and taking his time to simply enjoy the moment, his hands traced up the back of her calves to her thighs, his touch feather light as he reached up to her ass. He gave her flesh a squeeze before pulling her forward a little and her hands reached out to rest on his shoulders for support as he pushed his head under the bottom of the lace garment, nose skimming along the waistband of her panties. He peppered hot, open mouthed kisses across her soft skin, before he dropped his head lower and nudged his nose over her covered mound. She whimpered a little as he brushed her nub and her hips moved forward, seeking him out.
“Now who’s impatient?” He looked up at her and she glanced down, arching an eyebrow.
“It may have escaped your notice…” she took a deep breath “My self-control is also pretty non-existent around you too.”
“Well, I’m not one to keep a lady waiting” Steve smirked and in a swift movement he hooked an arm round her waist causing her to shriek a little before she laughed as he deposited her gently on the rug, caging her with his arms. He glanced down at her, brunette waves fanning out over the light grey and black of the soft tuft wool and leaned down, his nose nudging against hers.
“You know I love you, don’t you?”
“Of course I do.” she frowned a little, as Steve brushed his lips over hers.
“Good, now remember that. Because I’m about to fuck you like I don’t.”
Katie barely had time to register what he said before he’d moved down her body, hands skating up the outside of her thighs where his fingers bunched in her panties. With a sharp tug he’d snapped the elastic and tossed them to one side, grabbing her ankles and moving her feet so they were planted on the floor, the heels she was wearing caused her pelvis to raise up off her floor slightly. Without another word he pushed her knees apart and his mouth was on her, and he wasn’t holding back.
Katie’s body jolted as she let out a soft sigh of his name which was laced with satisfaction as he set his mouth to work, devouring her with the enthusiasm of a man starved, which in all fairness he was. He was low key horny around her all the time and he’d been sporting a fucking semi pretty much since the first time they’d been interrupted that evening. Having her so close yet out of reach all night so to speak had driven him wild.
His tongue licked, and lapped, flicked and curled over and over and Katie’s groans and pants grew louder and louder as he worked her into a frenzy. She curled the fingers of one hand into his hair, the other gripping at the rug underneath her as she arched her back even more, pushing herself against his face as her head began to spin. The contrast of his short beard scratching at her sensitive skin to his soft tongue and mouth was sending her entire body into overdrive and Steve could tell. He gently grazed her bud with his teeth, inserting 2 fingers inside her, both actions causing her hips to violently buck, her nails dug further into his scalp and he gave a chuckle which vibrated against her clit causing her to groan loudly.
“Jesus Christ Steve…” she panted, looking down at him. He peeked up from between her legs, a cheeky glint in his eyes which shimmered in the light of the fire, full of a blaze of their own as he continued, his tongue flicking at her entrance, before he sucked on her bud and then she was gone. Her legs trembled as her hand pulled his hair, almost to the point it was painful as she gave a loud cry, her other hand reaching to his head as she used both to push him away from her sensitive sex. He moved his head back but his fingers stayed exactly where they were, curling against the soft sponge of her walls as she clamped down around them, giving a little groan as she did, her legs flopping down flat on the floor. With a smug sense of satisfaction at having undone her to the extent he had, Steve pushed himself up, wiping his wet face with the back of his forearm and crawled over her, cupping her cheeks, kissing her again, his tongue tangling against hers. Katie moaned wantonly into his mouth as she could taste her arousal as his mouth dominated hers before he pulled back, his thumb and forefinger gently gripping her chin making her eyes open and lock onto his.
“On your knees sweetheart.” His tone was low as he used his Captain’s voice to issue the instruction, telling her not to argue. Not that she would, as mouthy and stubborn as she was this was the one area of their relationship in which she was always willing to surrender to him completely. With a graceful movement she pulled her legs back towards her and turned her body, rising to her knees, palms planted on the floor.
Steve pushed the waistband of his sweats and boxers down before he moved his hands to her hips, pulling her back with a swift action, placing one palm on the base of her back. With the other he took his throbbing cock in his hand, gave himself a few quick strokes before he lined himself up. With a snap of his hips he buried himself in her heat, balls deep, jolting her forward. The rumble from his throat slipped out of his mouth at the relief of finally being inside her, drowning her cries out.
His pace was relentless from the outset, just as it had been when he’d worked her with his mouth and his hands gripped her waist tightly as he drove in and out of her over and over, in fast, deep movements, pulling her back onto him with each thrust he made. He watched her face as her head fell forward between her arms, her bottom lip clamped between her lip, eyes closed in pleasure, those dirty little noises she made joined the sound of skin slapping skin as he did just as he’d said he was going to do, and fucked her hard.
It was raw, animalistic even, and a far cry from the usual way Steve liked to love on her but hell, it felt just as good to Katie as anything he ever did and after a particularly deep drive she cried out, fisting her hands into the rug, as she felt him bend over her, his large frame crowding hers from behind.
“God you feel so good baby…” he groaned, his chest was pressed to her back, his mouth nipping at that spot on her neck as she felt the heat pooling in her belly again. In an almost automatic movement, her head rolled to the left, allowing him access to her neck where he nipped and sucked at her skin, her gasps growing louder as he continued to thrust. “So fuckin’ good…”
As he spoke, Steve reached up and wrapped one large hand around her neck, tipping her face round to his so he could kiss her. It was all Katie could do to kiss him back, allowing him to control the pace as she was completely gone, the sensations lancing through her body had left her totally pliant to his ministrations.
“Captain…” she panted softly against his mouth as Steve gave an almost pathetic whine at the sound of that name slipping from her throat as he continued to push into her, driving deep before he stilled, his hips flush to her ass. Katie gave a squeak as he rotated his hips, letting go of her neck and pushing himself back up as his hand slid down her body, between her legs drawing a long wail of delight from her mouth as he fondled her bud, “Shit…I’m…Steve I’m gonna...”
“Go on, come for me baby…” he hissed, his jaw clenched, the sweat beading on his brow as he rutted forward again, once more grinding against her “Give it to me, let go…”
With a last, loud, filthy lament she came, hard, her knees almost buckling, but Steve’s arm quickly looped around her waist holding her up as she blissed out completely, the entire world fading around her as she felt nothing but the familiar hot, warm pleasure as her abdomen contracted and relaxed as her walls spasmed around him over and over.
“Good girl.” he praised as he continued thrusting through, the heat in his own belly now beginning to spike even more, “Such a good girl for me.” Katie preened at his praise, relaxing slightly as he bent over and kissed her neck once more, picking up the pace slightly. And then, she pushed back suddenly catching Steve off guard, sending him sprawling onto his back. She went with him, his cock still stuffed inside her, her back sliding on his chest as he continued to fuck up into her, his knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Katie’s head fell back against his shoulder, her face tilting to kiss his as she lay on him, legs spread, feet planted either side of his hips. His hand crept over her stomach, dipping into her folds as his fingers and palm furiously toyed and played with her, brushing against his shaft as he rocked in and out of his wife.
“Steve…” she whined “I can’t…it’s too much…” “You got one more in you…” he all but growled, “I know you do. And I’m taking it, whether you want me to or not.”
True to his word he continued his unyielding assault on her senses and before long her breathing had risen and his name was slipping from Katie’s lips in that familiar staccato pant. She gave in, and this time the climax almost feeble but still just as pleasurable as she fluttered around him. At the feel of her round him, and the sound of the exhausted, sultry groan she let out into his hear Steve was done for, and with a final, violent buck upwards he came, biting down gently on her shoulder, muffling the noises of satisfaction and pleasure that rolled from the back of his throat.
The pair of them lay still, chests heaving  and Katie licked her lips, eyes closed as she waited for her body to gain some form of control over itself. After a little while, she felt Steve’s hands gently slid up her side to the outside of her arms, giving a gentle rub as he pressed a kiss to the side of her head.
“You ok?” he asked.
Katie hummed a little and grinned, tipping her face round to look at him “I’ll say…that was…”
“Yeah…” Steve nodded, the pair of them chuckling. “It was worth the wait.”
Katie’s head lolled back against his shoulder and she closed her eyes again. Not wanting to move just yet, the feeling of her lay over the top of him whilst he was still buried inside her was too nice, Steve wrapped his arms around her front as he shifted slightly so he could press a kiss to her lips. She wiggled her hips a little and he gave a low grunt at the sensation and he looked at her as she arched an eyebrow.
“You want more?” he asked, his voice low and she fixed him with a look that was half suggestive, half apprehension as to whether she could actually take anymore. Steve grinned and pressed his lips back to hers, the kiss deepening as he felt himself starting to grow hard inside her again, and just as he had pushed her up into a sitting position, backwards on his lap, the security system sounded and the front door clicked open.
Katie’s head turned back to look at him over her shoulder, both faces sporting expressions of utter horror as Emmy and Peter’s voices drifted up the hall.
“Shit…” Katie jumped up, glancing down at herself as Steve scrambled to his feet, tucking himself into his pants, hastily yanking at the crotch in an attempt to make them a little less snug, so to speak.
“Give me your shirt…” Katie hissed and he reached over, grabbing a fistful of it in his hand. Yanking it over his head he tossed it to her and she shoved it on over her skimpy little outfit, before she kicked off her heels, and she’d just smoothed her hair down when the door to the lounge opened. Emmy and Peter stopped dead. Peter hastily turned away as Emmy’s eyes roved over Steve’s shirtless form, then to Katie who was stood in his Henley which thankfully was big enough to cover her body down to the middle of her thighs, hiding the red lace garment underneath. Whilst they might have hidden their modesty for the most part, there was no hiding the fact both of their faces were flushed with exhaustion and sexual gratification…nor was there any disguising the fact Katie was stood with her legs crossed in a desperate attempt to stop Steve’s release from dribbling down her leg. And then just to make it even more obvious, Katie’s shredded red lace panties were dumped in the middle of the floor right by her discarded heels…
“Jesus Christ…” Emmy mumbled, backing out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Katie and Steve glanced at one another, and Katie burst out laughing at the look of utter horror on Steve’s face.
“Cheer up Steve…” she patted his chest “Could have been worse.”
“Seriously?”  he blinked “What could be worse than basically being caught in flagrante by our daughter and that boy?”
“Ok, first off, his name is Pete…and actually I can think of a few things.” Katie shrugged, bending down to pick up her shoes and her destroyed underwear “Had she come in like 2 minutes earlier she’d have caught us in a much more compromising position…or even worse than that, we could have walked in on her.”
“Doll, just don’t!” Steve held his hand up, giving a groan.
Katie laughed and made her way to the door. “I’m going upstairs to clean up and get in bed, can you bring me a bottle of water up please?”
Steve sighed and nodded, watching her go. Taking a deep breath he wandered into the kitchen were Emmy was stood scowling, leaning against the kitchen counter as she glared as his topless form, Pete hastily averting his eyes.
“You two are disgusting.” Emmy shook her head “It’s bad enough hearing you in your bedroom but…fucking hell Dad!”
“Watch your mouth Emily.” Steve said sternly as he felt the heat rising in his neck. He made his way to the fridge, pulling out two bottles of water before he straightened up. “We weren’t expecting you back so early.”
“Clearly.” Emmy arched an eyebrow.
“You know what?” Steve’s temper flared a little “This is mine and your Ma’s house, and well, frankly, we’ll do what we want, where we want.”
At that Peter gave a little cough and pushed himself up off the counter, “I’m gonna…yeah…” he said, pointing to the utility room door “I’ll be in the cabin Em.”
Neither Steve nor Emmy paid him any attention as he scuttled off, the door clicking shut behind him.
“Dad!” Emmy spluttered, her face in her hand as she shook her head “That was so embarrassing!”
“Well it wasn’t exactly a barrel of laughs for us either you know Em!” Steve groaned “Like, seriously, why did you even come in here anyway? You don’t need to come through the house to get to your annex!”
“We were hungry.” She whined, “Mom said she’d leave us something in the fridge although frankly, now I’ve lost my appetite.”
Steve wiped a hand over his face before he shook his head, taking a deep breath “I’m gonna go up to bed. Can we just forget this happened, please?”
“I’d love to.” Emmy practically growled as she made her way towards the rear of the kitchen. “God, I need to scrub my eyes with bleach…once you’ve finished using it to mop wherever you were…you know.”
Steve arched an eyebrow and that little devil on his shoulder reared his, or her as the case may be,  head and he couldn’t help the sarcastic response as it flew from his mouth “I hate to break it to you sweetheart, but I’d need a lot of bleach to wash down each surface of this house I’ve had your mother on.”
Emmy’s mouth fell open and she looked at him, before she let out a loud groan. “You’re disgusting. Like, I can’t even…”
She shook her head and hurried out of the room, closing the door behind her. Steve shook his head, watched as the security light clicked on whilst she stormed across the back garden to her little annex and with a chuckle he made sure the door was locked and turned off the lights.
All in all it had been a damned good day now he thought about it. He’d carved pumpkins with his kids, seen them all have a great time, eaten Italian, drunk beer, chatted to his friends, fucked his wife exceptionally well and now embarrassed his eldest.
“Mission accomplished…” he snorted to himself as he took the stairs two at a two, padding across the hallway and entering his bedroom, closing the door behind him.
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
In the Bleak Midwinter {19}
A Throne of Glass Period AU: 1920s.
Summary: 2 years after Arobynn Hammel is killed by Rowan Whitethorn, Maeve has returned from Eyllwe with a vengeance. Meanwhile, Rowan is getting married, Lorcan is a father, and Lysandra is finally ready to give her heart away. There’s been peace in The Cadre’s Orynth for 2 years, but peace never lasts.
A/N: So, uh, next chapter is the last chapter...
All characters belong to SJM. I am no more than a fan with a plot.
**Warning: mature content - language, alcohol use, drug use, sex, murders and shit.
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The Cadre - 1920s AU {TOG}
In the Bleak Midwinter {The Cadre, Part 2}
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Gavriel’s hand hit the sergeant’s desk with a thump. 
“We need to know where she is, and we need to know where she is, now.” 
“I have no information,” Sergeant Nazari said, through gritted teeth. “I’ve told you as much ten times now, I don’t know when it’ll get through your head.”
Sergeant Nazari had been on the Cadre’s payroll for the past five years. He’d been incredibly helpful through the years, had saved all of their asses a million times, but in this particular situation, Gavriel was about to lose his shit. 
He opened his mouth, prepared to scream at the man on the other side of the desk, but Vaughan’s hand gently rested on his shoulder.
Vaughan was right.
Nazari had never lied to them before. He was loyal.
If he was saying he didn’t know where Maeve was, he really didn’t know where she was. 
“Fine,” Gavriel breathed. “If you find anything out-.”
“You’ll be the first to know,” Sergeant Nazari promised. 
With a nod, Gavriel and Vaughan exited the station, pulling out their cigarette cases the moment they stepped out into the street. 
“I don’t get it,” Gavriel began, shaking his head. “Someone in this damned city has to know where Maeve has holed herself up.”
He met Vaughan’s weary gaze. 
“I know,” Gavriel sighed. “We’re running out of time.”
Vaughan nodded his agreement, his shoulders slumping, but his pace remaining steady as they walked back to their horses. After they mounted their saddles, they were hurrying out of town, back toward the estate. 
When they returned, Rhoe and his men were standing outside, smoking, a worried Lysandra pacing in front of them.
“News?” Gavriel asked, before he even hopped off his horse. 
Before anyone could answer, a car came speeding up the dirt drive, and Fenrys had the door open before Lorcan had it parked. 
“They’re at the old Cartwright Manor!” he yelled, chest heaving, as if they’d been hurrying. Which, with such information, they should have been. “Since Cartwright died last year, it’s been uninhabited.” 
The Cartwright Manor was only a few miles west. 
“Let’s go,” Gavriel said, readying to mount his horse, yet again.
“We need a plan,” Lorcan said, turning off the engine.
“Like hell we do!” Gavriel yelled. “We’re running out of time!”
“And if we go in there with no plan and create chaos, we’re all going to fucking die!” Lorcan replied, slamming his door shut behind him. 
Gavriel knew that Lorcan was right, but it still pissed him off to admit it. “Then what, pray tell, is the plan?” 
Lorcan ignored Gavriel’s sarcastic comment. “I don’t fucking know, but I know we need one.” 
“Before we all start fighting, because that’s where I see this is headed,” Fenrys began, stepping between them. “I have an idea.”
All eyes landed on him. 
“I went to the Cartwright Manor, often, as a kid, Con and I,” he began. “I know the layout pretty well.”
“Why?” Gavriel asked, curiously.
“Is that information necessary right now?” Lorcan muttered. 
“Our father was good friends with Mr. Cartwright,” Fenrys answered, plainly. “The servant’s entrance is in the back. There’s this creepy, narrow old tunnel beneath the kitchens, I assume they’re probably being held there. Con and I used to joke that that’s where old Cartwright took his prisoners. Through the servant’s entrance, just to the left, there’s a door. Most mistake it as a coat closet, but it’s a staircase that will lead you downstairs.”
Lorcan nodded, slowly. “We have no idea how many of Maeve’s men are there.”
“True,” Fenrys agreed, and nodded to Rhoe and his men. “But we have them, and plenty of ammunition.” 
“So, what?” Gavriel asked. “We break through the servant’s entrance and start shooting?”
Fenrys blinked, shrugging. “Do you have a better idea?” 
Gavriel blew a puff of smoke into the air.
No he didn’t.
“We’re all going to die,” Lorcan muttered. 
From there, no one said a word. Maybe Lorcan was right, maybe they’d all get shot, maybe Maeve’s men would completely overpower them and everything leading up to this point would be all for nothing. 
Elide’s death.
Connall’s death.
Every night they had laid awake, unsure of their futures. 
Every anxious day, every agonizing hour, every trip to the hospital or sighting of blood.
But they wouldn’t leave Aelin there, wouldn’t leave Rowan there.
He was their leader.
So Gavriel tossed his cigarette into the dirt and stepped on it. “Let’s reload.”
Rowan had always hated Maeve.
When he was younger, he used to have nightmares of Maeve as an old witch who lived deep in the woods, eating children, like the one from Hansel and Gretel. As he grew older, he felt foolish for ever feeling such a thing, but now, he was right back to imagining her as his living nightmare. 
His head hurt, dominantly from the gash on the side of his head. His vision was blurred, blood trailing down his chin. He was fairly certain he had lost a tooth.
Or two. 
He could deal with teeth, though. It was the least of what he was about to lose. 
Although he had no idea what time it was, he had caught glimpses of the sun high in the sky as he was dragged out of his room with Aelin and brought into a different one. She had cried, screamed as they took him, but he had told her that he loved her, that he would see her soon.
Even though he had no way of knowing if that were true. 
He was tied to a chair, weak, weaponless, waiting. 
The walls around him were covered in wallpaper, although the windows had been boarded up. He was somewhere upstairs, somewhere in the main living area. There was an oil lamp on a small table not far from him, but aside from that and his chair, the room was empty.
And the old, Persian rug beneath his feet.
The rug that was splattered with his blood.
He groaned, just wanting it all to be over. Everything had gone on for too long, and he was over it, done. 
Waiting was the worst part, and all he had been doing for months now was waiting. 
He could hear her slow, steady footsteps before she appeared in the doorway. 
“Hello, nephew,” she crooned, meandering inside until she was standing only a few feet in front of him. 
“Where’s Aelin?” he asked, although his swollen lips had trouble moving. 
“Does it matter?” Maeve asked, shrugging. “Wouldn’t stop crying, though. Had to muffle those sobs before I went insane.”
She cocked her head, her eyes glowing.
She had gone insane long ago. 
“She goes home.” 
Maeve watched him for a moment in silence before a humorless laugh shook her petite frame. “Are you bargaining with me?”
“Let her go home,” Rowan repeated. “Her, and the baby. Let them go home, safely, and I’ll do whatever you want without a fight.” 
The room fell into silence, Rowan’s declaration, his promise, echoing in the minimal space. 
“I’m beginning to think you’re delusional,” Maeve said, slowly. 
“Aelin,” he repeated, a growl underlying his tone. “Gets to go, unharmed.”
“You’ve repeated that, over and over again,” Maeve said, her pretentious grin disappearing. “It’s growing old.” 
“Then agree,” Rowan snapped.
“You see, this is where you’re mistaken,” Maeve began, pacing back and forth in front of him. “You’re not in the place to make a bargain. Either way, you die, and Aelin’s safety means nothing to me.” 
“Surely you don’t hate me that much,” Rowan said, meeting her gaze. “Let Aelin go free. Please.”
Please. He was sincere when he said it, a word he had never used sincerely with his aunt before. If he wasn’t tied up to a chair, he would be down on his knees, begging, pleading. 
Maeve watched him for a long moment, the room going back into silence. Rowan could hear her men walking around downstairs, their boots heavy on the wooden floorboards. 
With every step he heard, his heart beat a little faster.
“Maeve,” he growled, when the silence became too unbearable. 
Her eyes darkened as her lips twisted into a cruel smile. “Aelin has already been….released.” 
There were a lot of different words Maeve could have chosen, but released was one that confused Rowan, pissed him off. 
It was a word that could mean so many different things, but every meaning Rowan thought of only made him feel sick to his stomach.
His jaw locked. “Where is she?” 
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