#pluffie writes
candyriku · 2 months
Working on my ice skating AU, here's a lil preview (this is like the start of chapter 2). I know it's sacrilege to have Sora and Riku be estranged in any way, but in this AU they ARE, okay. I felt like writing about them being messy and emotionally damaged people so here is Riku being messy (and plenty of Sora being messy will follow) :-)
“Are you serious?” Riku demands, his voice coming across more aggressively than he means it. “Skate with him?”
Aqua looks from Riku to Sora and frowns. “Do you know him? Is there some kind of issue?”
Does he know Sora? Of course he does. They were childhood friends, then something more, then nothing at all. But he can’t tell Aqua that, nor does he want to relive the last time he saw Sora, his trembling hands in his hair, their lips brushing together before Sora made a hasty retreat and disappeared from his life entirely. 
Sora’s eyes haven’t left his shoes. “It’s okay if you don’t want to…” he ventures, and somehow this makes Riku feel even worse. Sora is giving him an out, and he can't stand it. He wants to hate Sora for it, but it feels more and more like he hates himself. He should have never kissed Sora in the first place. He deserves the two years of silence he’s endured ever since.
“Look, Riku, I’ll say it one last time in case it’s not getting through that thick skull of yours. Either skate pairs, ice dance - which also requires a partner, or drop the sport entirely. If you want to do anything outside of those three options, I won’t coach you. And although it’s your decision, if you keep skating solo, I hope you know you're digging your own grave.”
“Fine,” Riku snaps, looking away from Sora. “I’ll try skating with him. But we both know he’ll only slow me down. This will end my career and yours.” He’s being unfair and he knows it, but the idea of Aqua deciding his future for him feels unbearable. Shouldn’t it be up to him? Yes, he’s injured, but injuries heal. He shouldn’t have to adjust his entire life because of one tiny stress fracture. 
“Sora won’t slow you down. He’s just as skilled as you are.” Aqua says firmly, crossing her arms.
Riku wants to argue, but he’s spent most of his life in the same rink as Sora and knows it’s true. Still, skating solo is something Riku doesn’t want taken from him. It’s his escape, his time for himself, his form of self-expression. Having another person - even if it’s Sora - encroach on that feels wrong. Figure skating is a sport about the performer and the performer alone. It’s his own personal artform. To share it is to lose his identity as a skater altogether. 
“I don’t skate with social media showboats” he spits. This, too, is unfair, and he only knows of Sora’s popularity online because he’s pathetically kept up with him after Sora moved away, forever watching videos of him skate with a mixture of longing and nausea. Sora skates expressively, beautifully, in a way Riku himself can’t quite replicate, because Sora has always been the better of the two of them when it comes to self-expression. Riku is just a miserable person pretending to be something he’s not. At least Sora is authentically himself all the time, even online. 
Everything in Riku’s brain tells him to stop making such a scene and just accept this new paradigm. But his heart aches with loss - loss of his solo career, loss of his dignity, loss of his autonomy, loss of this world he’s built for himself where he can pretend he never fell disastrously in love with his childhood best friend. He freezes when he sees the expression on Sora’s face. 
“I just post for fun,” Sora says softly, biting his lip. “I’ll stop posting while we're training, if that'll make you feel-”
“It’s fine,” Riku says. “Do what you want. It doesn’t concern me.”
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buggiesnax · 11 months
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I drew Riku in order to celebrate the posting of my first chapter of my Soriku fanfic! This is my first fanfic ever, so I'm hoping it's okay and that I tagged it properly!! It takes place post KH3 in Quadratum, and I've got Dream Eater!Riku and Sora has a therapist (and he doesn't remember Riku, oof) and Strelitzia has a girlfriend and yeah. Come have a fun time - lots of fluff and pining to come!
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Hey! Your hcs are so amazing💕 I was wondering if you could write a Wally Darling x autistic reader… I’m autistic and this would be very meaningful to me
Btw sorry for the english, I am brazillian and not used to write in any language that isn’t portuguese lol
That’s perfectly okay, friend!! I think you did just fine (with the wording of your message, I mean) !! :] /g and thank you!!
And sure thing!! I’m autistic, too :D so I’m happy to write for this!! Haha!!
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Pluffy Fluffy
Wally Darling x GN!Autistic!Reader
Headcanons Format, Relation can be interpreted by the Reader!
Please note, everyone is different on the Autism Spectrum! I loosely based this off of my own experience, but you are free to request again and specify where you lie, or how yours represents itself!! I would be happy to personalize it, more :]
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Wally Darling is a lovely companion to have when you’re on the autism spectrum! He has it, himself. :]
Though his manifests in its own way, with its own mannerisms, he still can very easily understand your own standpoint— whether it’s akin to his or not!
Specifically, he’s quite good when it comes to overstimulation.
Wally’s an observant one— for everyone in his life. He knows the indicators that something is getting “too much” for just about anyone, and that very much includes you.
Whether your start getting jittery, angry, spacey, or however it is you begin to behave when undergoing too much, he learns the signs of it.
If you’re one to devolve into mumbling, or go nonverbal, he’s perfectly okay to sit with you until you get your words together. If there are tools that help you communicate, he is sure to remind you of them so you can use them— if you’d like to. If you don’t want to? He’ll just stay by you, if you’d like to have company.
He takes great care in asking and finding out what helps you during overstimulation, as well.
If you’re one to need a complete environment change, he is expertly skilled in peacefully intervening whatever interaction and getting you out of it stress-free!
And if being placed into a quiet environment helps; he’s got many quiet, serene spots he’d be happy to share!
If going to your home would help most, though, he’ll gladly walk you— and if you’d like company, he’d stay with you.
Really, anywhere you’d like to go, he’d be happy to be by your side!
If you need someone to squeeze, or just let it out to, he’s also happy to help with that! Although he may not embrace you back (not because he doesn’t want to!.. He just doesn’t know that he should), he is happy to oblige!
If touching people isn’t your thing, though, he’s also got a stress ball somewhere around here..
Or, if you’re maybe just someone that needs to be entirely alone to calm down? That’s okay, too, he entirely understands— for he’s the same, that way.
Regardless of what you need, he will try to help in any way he can!
Which very much includes guiding you through grounding methods, too, if need be.. He likes to think his voice can be soothing!
Now, on the contrary, when it comes to under-stimulation? He’s quite the helper there, too!
He tries to get you to do something, really— which has included offers of painting (which also includes finger painting), letting you ramble to him (or having him ramble to you, if you’d want!.. He’s just a bit hard to get going.. but he’s willing to try, at the very least), or maybe just going on a walk. If company helps you in any way, shape, or form; he’s there.
Whatever it is that helps you, he is there to provide if it calls for him to!
When it comes to textures, Wally is a very texture-orientated person. He’s perpetually in a state of being somewhat under-stimulated, but textures help him with that!
With that in mind, if you’re similar? He will gladly show you what he finds textures on! It isn’t uncommon to find him running his hands along something, extremely content.
He especially notes which textures give you euphoria, or that you just like, and will try to show you them!
With textures that make you uncomfortable, though? He’ll keep it in mind! And, to be frank, he doesn’t mind being a sort of “texture tester”.
“Ah.. this shirt wouldn’t feel good, to you.. it’s scratchy.”
Speaking of shirts, he’d be delighted to help you find texture-safe clothing, if it’s something you’d need or want help with!
Along with tags. He’s got a seam cutter just for tags, and he’d be happy to help you remove your own without damaging the clothing, if you’d like!
If you two are physically close (he can perfectly understand not being someone who likes physical contact, so no worries!), he takes great care to make sure any of the clothing he wears around you isn’t a “bad texture”.
Speaking of physical touch; he’s perfectly fine if you’re one to not like it. He’s got his own ways of showing affection beyond it! Affection, in his eyes, is so much more than just physical intimacy.
Ah, and noises.. Wally, himself, has a bit of noise sensitivity. Specifically, clearing of throats can get a bit.. much for him, if done too much too fast.
If you’re similar? He understands entirely— and he has many, many quiet spots he’d love to share (as was mentioned earlier)!
If you’re one to get overstimulated by sounds quite quickly, he will try— when he can— to give you a heads up if anything might have noises that might cause you to fall into a state like that.
“Howdy’s shop.. has an old bell, on the door.. so.. try to open it carefully.. it’s a bit screechy.. and there’s an A.C in.. his store— so there’s.. a constant kind of.. ‘whrrr’..”
And.. ah, his.. very intense eye contact. He fully understands if if makes someone else uncomfortable, and he would make it clear you don’t have to return it if it discomforts you.
If just having him stare so intensely is a discomfort in general, he’d try to tone it down.. though it’s a bit difficult. He wouldn’t mind reminders, though.
Wooh boy! Whether or not you’re similar, he in particular struggles on social cues and tones. For that, his own voice tends to be rather flat— but he’d never mind clarifying how he meant something he said, if asked!
But with the social cues? Oh boy.
You have to communicate directly with him— or else he just.. Won’t Get It. Not for a lack of trying, but it either just flies over his head, or he doesn’t understand.
So he appreciates direct-ness, and honesty. He doesn’t take either as offending, whatsoever!
For this, though, he’s very blunt and honest in return. He means absolutely no harm! But he isn’t the best at softening his words. To be fair, though, it’s not like he’d have to very often— even for someone quite sensitive. He seems to, almost naturally, structure his sentences softer— he just can’t seem to do it on command.
Ahh, special interest and fixations!
He loves to listen to people talk, to see them happy and ramble.
With that, he is always open to you talking to him about your interests as a whole, or whatever you’ve got on your mind!
He isn’t one to engage very much beyond nodding and smiling, but do not be mistaken— he is listening to every word.
Specifically, he tries to get you things that relate to your interest.
If you like stars? He might paint you a painting of them! If you like bugs, he’ll certainly try to borrow a few books from Frank to read them over so he can hopefully understand what you’re talking about more..
Whatever it is, he tries to understand and learn— he wants you to feel heard, and that is how he tries to express that you are!
When it comes to stimming, he actually quite enjoys sort of mirroring however it is you stim!
He tends to stim himself by humming, or wiggling his head side to side.
But when it comes to you, or his friends, doing as such? He tends to join! He isn’t really sure why he does this, but he enjoys it— and means it well!
If you rock, he’ll rock with you. If you flap your hands, he’ll do the same!!
If you don’t like this, though, he won’t do it to you! But he’s delighted to see you stim— when it’s positive, of course.
In the case you’re stimming due to negative feelings? He’ll just try to help you in whatever way helps you best!!
Overall, he just cares a whole awful lot— and understands where you come from, entirely. No matter where you land, or what helps you, he will be there to understand. He’s there for you! Forever and always
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Ahh!! I hope this was enjoyable!! I tried very hard to make it apply to a majority HAHA I’m hoping my own experiences didn’t influence too much!!
Also please ignore the double yellow bars down here <:] I literally cannot get rid of them on mobile— so I have to wait until I’m on laptop to do as such!- (EDIT : Fixed it! BWAHA)
Edit : I FORGOT TO COVER STIMMING, AH.. I AM SILLY… I have added it near the bottom! :]
Have a lovely day!!!
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crystalflwr · 1 year
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➸ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: they were deeply in love with one another. Everyone knew it except from themselves. So when the team purposly slips more files on both their desks – forcing them to stay later – feelings quickly unravel.
➸ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: early seasons, inexperienced, Spencer Reid × bau, inexperienced, female oc
➸ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: written in third person, very cliché, making out, slight hair pulling, oc's hand creeping under his shirt.
➸ 𝐀/𝐍: I listened to 'eyes don't lie' by Isabel LaRosa while writing this :).
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She knew this was wrong. She knew she shouldn't do this. She knew it never would be something more than looks. She knew that all too good. But that didn't stop her mind from spinning at the simple sight of her coworker reading over some files.
From the moment the agent had set foot on this floor, her heart had been pulling at her chest every time he walked into her sight with that same reassuring smile. She loved that smile.
"You okay?" His voice snapped her back into the brute of reality were he was sat across from her with a concerned expression. She smiles softly, rubbing her hands together. "Yeah, just a bit tired," It came out quieter than expected, the shadow of a whisper. "Ow," Is all he could mutter. He swallowed noticeably before copying her tiring smile, "If you give me a couple of your files, you can go home sooner." Her heart melted.
Words intended to leave her lips, but they never made it as her love for him only grew. She was at the loss of words. Every time again, this man succeeded in making her fall in love with him even more than she thought was possible.
"Oh no, Spence - you don't have to do that." The brunette stated, shaking her head no while laughing. "But, I want to," He protested, already leaning over to try and grab a couple of files. Before he could grab them, she shoved them back with her elbow but the loud clattering of the papers falling followed quickly.
Cursing under her breath, she stood from her chair and squatted down – scrunching on her knees. Her hands rambled through the mess of papers. It wasn't until his hand brushed against hers that she realized he had stood up to help her. Her cheeks flushed bright red. Their hands lingered against each other while both their eyes slowly rose to meet. His dark eyes boring in her lighter ones. Shivers travel up her spine as neither of them breaks the contact. It felt as if he was staring right into her soul.
The moment never seemed to end. It felt as if they were trapped in a picture and never did she want to leave. Time had stopped – frozen. Everything was spinning around them, but they – they didn't flinch one bit.
He looked so angelic, so perfect. His deep brown eyes, his long hair, his long lashes, the barerly visible freckles on the bridge of his nose, and his beautiful pluffy lips she imagined about kissing every second of the day.
His and her heart fluttered against their rib cages.
She held her breath as his thumb slightly ran over hers. His eyes shone bright even though it was 1 am. Her pulse raced when he slightly leaned forward, not close enough to make any contact with her, but it was rather a request for permission. "Can I kiss you?" The words were barely a whisper, but to her, they were as loud as the sirens of an ambulance. She tried to speak, but no words came out. His hand inching closer to hers, fingering brushing over hers. She nodded, he didn't move. "Yes," The words were breathless.
Before she could even process what was happening, his lips were on hers. She was shocked and found herself almost slapping herself to find out if this was a cruel dream or reality.
Their lips didn't move. They just stayed still. Her hands let go of the papers and slowly found his shoulders. He moved carefully. Moving his lips against hers in a slow motion, she followed his lead. It was very clear that neither of them didn't really had any experience, and they're both unsure of their actions.
His hand came up, softly lacing over the skin of her cheek. Their lips kept softly sliding against each other. They were out of breath, but neither of them cared enough to let go. She rose a bit – sitting up straighter – so did he as their kiss sped up a bit. His hand only now makes true contact with her skin. Their lips ignite together in a heavy kiss. Both of them unsure if this was their imagination playing with them or this was really happening.
Panting for breath, the two arched back. Even though she was on the verge of suffocating, she couldn't be happier. Her heart beating so fast and loud that she was afraid he was able to hear it. Her worries fly out of the door as he flashes her a small smile, his lips pluffy and coated with her red lipstick, but neither of them seemed to care.
Before he could even blink, her lips had attacked his again. Now only in a messy and heated kiss. Their feeling expressed in one motion. Her hands ran through his hair and he moaned slightly. She had been dreaming about doing that for a very long time now. Spencer didn't hold back either as both of his hands cupped her cheeks and kissed back harder.
The girl couldn't help but moan a little at the intimate moment. She had been dreaming about this for so long – about the taste of his lips, how it would feel to run her hands through his hair – to tug on it, to wrap her arms around his neck and pull him in even closer.
She couldn't stop herself. Her left hand stroking his clothed chest and the other tugging at the roots of his hair earning a flustered whimper from him. Her finger traveled down the line of buttons, then back up – brushing his tie to the side.
She broke away for a second, gasping for air before pulling him back in roughly by his collar. Spencer hadn't even gotten the chance to breath for his own.
A chocked moan fled past his lips when he felt the burning feeling of her hands creeping under his dress shirt. She opened her mouth a bit, and he didn't waste a second. His tongue caching hers. His hands fell to her hips, resting them there while she moved hers further under his shirt. The feeling of her hands against his bare skin had him on the point of fainting.
More moans continue to be swallowed by their kiss as her hand tugs on his hair and he felt her nail drag down his stomach, leaving a clear scratch.
Spencer was forced to let go of her lips, to finally allow air to fill his lungs. Both of them are trying to control their breathing and their racing hearts. Her hands cup his cheeks as she leans her forehead against his.
And finally after years of pushing their feelings to the side, their hearts melted to one.
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'Control Your Anger'
"How do you control
your anger?" You ask,
Well, to answer your question
I paint and write
Not on paper
Or with ink or colours
Because my paper
Is my skin
And my colour
My blood
I punch with my fist
To vent my hidden rage
"Am I a boxer?" You ask
But, darling, you are wrong
Because I punch
On the walls
Watch as my knuckles bleed
And my walls have cracks
I vent my anger
On my pillow
Punching it
Tearing it apart
Crying on it
The whole night
Me covered in sweat
My eyes red and pluffy
My pillow soaked
My hair wet
Still everyday
Aftet crying in the bathroom
For two hours straight
I come out like
Nothing ever happened,
Carrying on with my day
Acting like I am alright
Making everyone laugh
Still nobody wants me
I lie to myself
That every thing
Will be fine
Will be okay
Will be alright
But when do hopes
Or expectations
Ever meet
That is how,
My dear,
I control my anger.
By lying
By harming
By crying
By painting...
But, my love,
Don't you worry
About me
As more forward,
I will be going
And keep controlling
My inner rage
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tyhalloweencats · 11 months
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This is one of three Halloween cats named Merlin. This one is a 2005 Halloweenie
Side note, I stuffed his hat. Originally it is unstuffed
Halloweenies were introduced in 2004 and ran until 2019. As of writing this in 2023 it is unknown if Halloweenies will make a comeback. Modern day Halloweenies are styled like Beanie Boos with a plastic clip instead of a sewn in loop.
The Pluffies Merlin is the spitting image, just much larger, whereas the Original Merlin is completely different. The Pluffies was also produced in the same year as this one, so the likeliness is probably intentional.
See the Pluffies Merlin here X See the Original Merlin here X
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 2015 Ty Pluffies Baby Girl Pink Teddy Bear 11" Stuffed Plush Pajamas PJ's.
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astronomical-bagel · 3 years
Heard you were sharing headcannons! If you’re still doing it, how about Tubbo?
Oh I am, I just haven’t had a lot of time to write all of em out bc schools been a bitch (I’ll get to the others soon lol)
— Tubbo is a sheep goat (geet? Shoat?) and has two sets of horns. Goats (schlatt) symbolize evil, and sheep (puffy) symbolize goodness and purity. Tubbo is a complete grey area, more rounded out. He’s done both good things and bad things. Hell, the fandom has completely polarized views of him (exile/execution arc, anyone?), further proving that my headcannon is in fact the best headcannon ever
— Puffy is Tubbo’s aunt. It doesn’t matter if she’s shlatts sister or his moms sister, she’s his aunt somehow and I will stand by that
— tubbo (and all the sheep/goat hybrids) have rectangular pupils
— despite being like half-blind one eye (from fireworks) he’s wicked sharpshooter
— he is the only one of the bench trio that can walk on their hands reliably
— this kid can eat ANYTHING, from tin cans to paper to Ranboo’s cooking. (Which he actually finds normal and non-lethal to eat, unlike the rest of the smp)
— puffy gave him a bee plushie for therapy reasons (someone he doesn’t have to keep any secrets from, someone to chase the nightmares away, soothing texture to focus on when having a panic attack, plushies are incredibly multipurpose) and he named it Pluffy
— speaking of puffy, he doesn’t actually go to therapy (yet), though Tommy’s been trying to convince him.
Aaand that’s all I have! Thanks for asking, and if you want to see my other headcannons check my tag ‘headcannons for nerds’!
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darqx · 4 years
You stayed at home and it was awesome
Sometimes i forget i have things in my drafts |D In which Rire is also like ugh at this pandemic. Yes that title is a reference to BTD2 lol.
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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He would actually be annoyed cos believe it or not social/physical distancing is not conducive to his modus operandi lol.
Rire during this time like:
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But just think how fun things like Rire’s chase scene would be! \o/
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Nope there are no plans for a BTD3, everyone is busy working on their own personal projects now.
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There has been a misunderstanding here (which ok, fair XD) - human!Rire and DemonKing!Rire are separate Rires, they’re not the same person. To be quite specific human!Rire is actually the original and the Demon King version is an AU version. It’s briefly explained in my FAQ under the heading “WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF THE SAME CHARACTERS?“ |D
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I was gonna draw Lady Rire’s hair in a plait for this, but then i realised i didn’t want to draw that much plait |D
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Technically yes but they wouldnt have any definition/texture so they’d literally just look like weirdly pluffy shaped tentacles XD
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Sometimes you guys ask me questions like this and i dont think anyone’s yet cottoned on to the fact that i’m not a gamer XD;
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Yes, although courting another Royal can be a bit of a minefield (even if each Royal happened to love the other very much) due to political agendas. Most of the time if a Royal marries, their spouse is not a Royal as this keeps a preferable unbalance of power.
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Is anything in the BTDverses ever really canon lol, considering all the integrated elements it’s made up of XD As i didn’t work on BTD2 with Gato and EP, that’s one way we threw a Rire cameo in.
That being said i do think with any meetups Rire would’ve had some kind of interest in his BTD1 cohorts, they are both interesting in their own ways after all >:]
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I havent decided yet if this is a Rire reaction, or my reaction to this question.
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Something like this:
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Which is how i draw his hairstyle for his younger years
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Hmm, piano; most likely picked up from his sojourns in the upper echelons of human society over the centuries
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[from a previous answer dump]; this is v specific and generally i try not to answer this kind of specific OC stuff because i’d rather people like…have fun and use their imagination :d
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ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ I really enjoy seeing fanart and fanfics so i wouldnt mind! Though you’d have to send them off anon, as i dont tend to click on links in asks from anon users or dodgy looking accounts. Another thing to consider is that i treat asks like that as private ones, so if you’d rather plug to more people i’d recommend making a post for it on your tumblr (if you have one) as opposed to just sending it to me!
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Go on then 😏 Dont let your dreams be dreams! XD
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Oh that’s a good one! Lessee you’d have to have the usual app stuff obviously (i’m not going to be too specific in most cases just substitute an app you think is pretty good for the generics haha)
like a good calendar app (for all those soul stealing appointments one has to keep)
world clock (maybe one thats a bit more involved than the default lol)
a beautiful weather app
google maps
spotify (listen to some nice jazz as you murder someone perhaps)
news app
a VPN and possibly Tor / Onion browser
one of those apps that tells you where good bars/club/eating places etc are
a few puzzle / strategy games, like Plague inc
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For science hmm -insert SURE SURE face lol-
Tumblr is actually the place i usually throw stuff like that (thanks Tumblr, for being less useful at one thing now). I’ve kinda been toeing the nsfw line for a while anyway so there’s a lot of VERY suggestive nudity and stuff but not enough to get me in trouble atm |D
I’ve been thinking about maybe doing like a doodle account on Twitter but idk about their nsfw policies either...
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Thank you! In my writings there are different made up species of demons with their own defining traits (eg Rire’s species are called Sollicio demons), so meeting another of your species would not be too unusual.
However as demons tend to recognise each other as being demons (according to my world law anyway, YMMV), a demon MC bringing Rire home would’ve been a REALLY stupid decision on their part cos they really should’ve figured out he was a pretty powerful one too much earlier XD
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Rire: Like my status if you think i’m sexy
Ren: Like my status if you like Japanese shit
Lawrence: Like my status if you dont give a fuck
Strade: Like my status if you love to film yourself!
Cain: Do you like this booty? Like my status
Sano: If you like my serious face like my status
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blacckestrose · 4 years
I was tagged by @kookie-off-his-kookie and @kimsouthjoon thank youu 
When did you first get into BTS? 11.11.2018 about 10pm 
Why or/and how did you get into BTS: Not many knows this, not that I keep it secret but the ones who don’t ask never get to know (my dm are always open for a talk about BTS), but without BTS I would not be writing this here. It sounds like a stupid and made up story and something that I dramatize but it’s true that BTS literally saved my life and I owe them everything. 
First BTS song: It was either MAMA or Best of Me, I don’t remember. But the one that got me into BTS was Epiphany
Favorite BTS song: Epiphany, We Are Bulletproof pt.2, 2nd Grade, No More Dream, We On, Paldogangsan
First official comeback: MOTS:Persona, I actually was so disappointed to Boy With Luv when it came and thought oh shit is this what it is... But right now it’s one of my most played tracks and I love it so much 
Favorite era: Love Yourself -era for sure, I wish though that I would have been there earlier but it is what it is. Like I have said, I have a stupid head and my whole body get’s to suffer from its decisions
Bias: Min Yoongi
Bias wrecker(s): King Seokjin has done something serious to me, that I’m actually considering my bias choice today.... I..... Seokjin you bastard. 
First BTS concert: Paris 7.6.2019 
Do you own any merch: Too much, like no lie, the shelf where I have all of my albums, memories, army bomb, concerts... plus all my BT21 pluffies, pajama, shirts, hoodies, bags.... We counted there’s worth of 3000€ BTS. What do I do with my life? 
What member would you say you are most like? I think there’s some serious Seokjin, Hoseok and Yoongi in me. Like I’m the funniest person I know (after Jin of course), I laugh at myself 24/7. I also cook like a masterchef and am world wide handsome (joke or not??). Then I’m like the loudest person in the room but I actually hate all loud sounds, if someone slams the door shut I put immediately my hands on my ears. I’m the one who always make me friends cheer up, I’m the one who is always happy and smile when I’m with people. But then I’d really like to be alone 24/7. I’m shy if I don’t know the people I’m with, and I live by sarcasm and irony. I like to have my own piece and be with myself, but I also like when I have people around me, if I know them. THIS WAS TOO LONG I’M SORRY.
Favorite BTS lyrics: The me of yesterday, the me of today, the me of tomorrow, I’m learning how to love myself, with no exceptions, it’s all me
Favorite Music video: ah.... I have to say Fake Love and Springday, because legends. 
1 thing you love about BTS: Just one thing? How... Well let’s say their love for music, each other and us Army. Their love can be seen in everything they do and say, and I wish they feel our love to them as great as I feel their love.
And to finish off wholesomely, do you have a favorite bts group photo, if so share it here (if not, what is your fav concept photoshoot and share picture:
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I mean I had to put this photo here, because it’s so amazing. 
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I tag @memeofthesoul @jinniestan @baehyungs @sugasugakookies @sweetpeajeon @kiahna-laurelin @clickclacktothemangmang @mainvocaljin @flowerkth​ 
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star-veil · 6 years
Tag Game: 15 Qs, 15 Mutuals.
1. Are you named after anyone? My middle name, yes, I had a great-grandmother with my middle name. First name, nope! I’ve had people call me a coconut though.
2. When was the last time you cried? Couple days ago. Finals week just ended, what can I say? It was just stress-crying though ^^
3. Do you have kids? My ESA Lily. I feed her, brush her, put her to bed, I think I count as a mom.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Oh yeah.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Not entirely sure. Maybe the way they dress? That seems like something noticeable.
6. What’s your eye color? Pale blue. Could say grey ^^
7. Scary movie or happy endings? Happy endings! I always prefer a feel-good movie to something that has me on the edge of my seat. 
8. Any special talents? I can catch a cat who’s escaped outdoors really well? Other than that, not really ^^ I like to wow my friends by completing the extreme mode in rhythm games though.
9. Where were you born? Bay Area, same town I live in now. We’re real near SF which is lovely.
10. What are your hobbies? Piano, cosplay, my kitten, writing, complaining, existing.
11. Do you have any pets? I do! Tigerlily Nisha-Padmé or Lily is my maine coon kitten, then there’s Friskey, a big-boned pluffy grey tabby, and Pirate, our one eyed rescue sweetie.
12. How tall are you? 5′2′’
13. What sports do you play/have you played? I used to be big on soccer and volleyball. Swam comp. for over half my life- still do, but for fun. I’m learning english riding right now!
14. Favorite subject in school? English! I can’t say I excel, but I’m a decent student and I have a passion for literature. 
15. Dream Job? Air Force Pilot! I plan to get there through engineering. Aerospace engineering, specifically ^^ it’s always been an interest of mine and It’s something to keep my adrenaline addiction sated.
Thanks for the tag @reylo-ology !! << a fav, go follow !
here are some mutuals, who don’t need to do this may they feel they don’t want to: @the-armitage-hux @dusktwonies @teacat12 @insanitysqueen @dragons-arrow @gays-in-stem @halffinishedpoetry @exclusivelygae
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candyriku · 7 months
New chapter of my Soriku fic is out! (Just to See Your Smile)
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First Chapter | Latest Chapter
In this chapter, Sora questions his life choices and ultimately goes FULL yolo. Riku stops being emotionally constipated and takes a leap of faith.
(I might need to keep editing it a bit, I got excited and wanted to post it immediately but historically that has been an unwise choice... we will see).
Also, Riku uses this specific umbrella in this chapter:
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So enjoy that mental image :)
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yolopluffy-blog · 8 years
Yolo Introduce
What is yolo? yolo is means You Only Live Once. 
thats why I make this tumblr, I read many quotes or many people , many great people said that , youd only be exist in this world, if you write what you have experienced or what youve done in your life, make them in a words, and let the written of you exist in this world. Im have a plan , starting from now, to write many things that pass and go and on process in my life, I will write it all here, for what? its not for the people will know what happened in me and what is me , and etc, but I just want to make that my written to be mine, so, they all keep safety in a one digital word, called internet, which can be access and keep and stored safely until yearsss more. its gonna be fun , if you read all what youve done in life, and also it can be the ‘light exact proof’ of how we change, how we grow as a human, how the journey life be writtern here. 
so, this is my newly introduce of the new blog of tumblr i just made. hope for the readers can take some values (is it have good value inside mine? I dont think so?? hahaha ) 
and, what is Pluffy , then ?
pluffy is... i dont know, in my mind, i felt like pluffy is the word with the strong meaning of sweet, softly of sweet foods. Im the one who really easy to distracted of that sweet pluffy creamy foods, and Im really in love with that kind of food. thats why i add pluffy after yolo word as my name is my tumblr account. 
anyway keep yolo! and love pluffy things around ! 
we only live once, so, why not, just try the things (please keep in the good thing and positive thing) to try in this world as you live only once. 
warm regards, 
YOLO !! 
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candyriku · 6 months
New Chapter of Just to See Your Smile (Date edition!)
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(Should I retire this Dark Souls meme? I'm unsure if anyone aside from me finds it amusing LOL)
Anyways. In today's chapter we see what happens when I spend three hours researching light pollution and stargazing in Japan and then have all of that information only matter for two throwaway sentences. Riku manages to book accommodations at a place with only one bed, but this fic is rated T so nothing really happens outside of whatever the hell the two of them are imagining. We have a bit of a heart to heart and Riku also hits Sora between the eyes with a pair of socks. The usual stuff.
First Chapter | Latest Chapter
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candyriku · 1 month
Death Spiral: Chapter 1 is up!
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Death Spiral - Riku/Sora, Figure Skating AU, Mature Rating, Chapter 1/?
Riku's figure skating career has him on top of the world at the age of nineteen. But after an injury at a competition he was favored to win, his coach gives him an ultimatum: skate in the comparatively less demanding "Pair" category with a partner, or quit the sport altogether. Too bad the partner his coach suggests just so happens to be Sora, his childhood best friend who later became the other half of slightly toxic codependent queer relationship when they were teens. Riku never thought he'd see Sora again, and in some ways it was easier like that. Now, Sora's back in Riku's life, and he can't help but feel all his unresolved emotions coming back to the surface. And, worst of all, there's something else there too. A flicker of hope.
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candyriku · 6 months
Chapter 12 of Just to See Your Smile is OUT!
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First Chapter | Latest Chapter
Woo! Quick turnaround time for this one, somehow. This is a short chapter (in anticipation of the next chapter being fairly long) in which we see one of the best parts of having a big bat for a boyfriend :) Riku also receives an unexpected visitor...
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