#plumbers in austin
mrrooteraustin · 22 days
Austin's Leading Plumbing Professionals: Expert Solutions for All Your Needs
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Choose top Austin Texas plumbing professionals for all your needs. Whether addressing a minor leak or undertaking a major installation, our experienced team offers effective and customized solutions.
Visit our website: https://www.mrrooter.com/austin/
Phone. No: +1 512-298-4916
Address:  12201 Roxie Drive  Austin, TX 78729 United States
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incorrectuksies · 11 months
spot: hey katherine, can you give this letter to jack?
katherine, reading the letter: it's...blank.
spot: i know. i have nothing to say to him.
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swiftflowplumbers · 3 months
Swift Flow Plumbers: Oversees complex plumbing installations and repairs.
Our plumbing services are comprehensive, designed to meet the diverse needs of residential, commercial, and industrial clients. We specialize in the installation, maintenance, and repair of plumbing systems, ensuring reliable water supply and efficient wastewater management.
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royaltrustedplumbing · 3 months
Plumbing Expertise at Your Service
Our plumbing services offer comprehensive solutions for all your plumbing needs, from routine maintenance to emergency repairs. With a team of experienced and skilled plumbers, we tackle everything from leaky faucets to sewer line replacements with professionalism and efficiency.
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shashikirankc · 6 months
Troubleshooting a Faulty Valve in Boiler and Heating Systems: A Case Study
Boilers are critical components of heating systems, providing warmth and comfort in homes and commercial buildings. However, like any mechanical system, they can experience issues over time. One common problem is a faulty valve, which can lead to inefficiency and potential safety hazards. In this article, we'll explore the importance of valves in boiler systems and present a case study demonstrating how a faulty valve was diagnosed and rectified.
The Role of Valves in Boiler Systems
Valves play a crucial role in boiler systems, controlling the flow of water, steam, and other fluids. They regulate the temperature, pressure, and overall efficiency of the system. There are several types of valves used in boilers, including globe valves, gate valves, and safety valves, each serving a specific function.
Identifying a Faulty Valve
A faulty valve in a boiler system can manifest in various ways, including:
Leaks: Visible leaks around the valve body or stem indicate a potential issue.
Reduced Performance: The boiler may struggle to maintain the desired temperature or pressure.
Strange Noises: Unusual sounds, such as hissing or banging, can indicate a valve problem.
Increased Energy Consumption: A faulty valve can lead to increased energy usage as the boiler works harder to compensate.
Case Study: Rectifying a Faulty Valve
Client Profile: A large commercial building with a central heating system.
Issue: The building's maintenance team noticed a significant drop in heating efficiency, with some areas experiencing inadequate warmth despite the boiler running continuously.
Diagnosis: Upon inspection, the maintenance team identified a faulty globe valve in the boiler system. The valve was not closing properly, leading to a constant flow of hot water to the radiators.
Rectification Steps:
Valve Replacement: The maintenance team shut down the boiler and replaced the faulty globe valve with a new one of the same specifications.
System Flushing: To remove any debris or contaminants that may have accumulated due to the faulty valve, the team flushed the entire heating system.
Testing and Calibration: After replacing the valve, the team tested the system to ensure that the new valve was functioning correctly. They calibrated the valve to maintain the desired temperature and pressure levels.
Monitoring: The maintenance team implemented a monitoring system to regularly check the valve's performance and address any issues promptly.
Outcome: Following the valve replacement and system flushing, the heating system's efficiency improved significantly. The building's occupants reported a noticeable increase in comfort, and the maintenance team observed a reduction in energy consumption.
A faulty valve in a boiler system can have a detrimental impact on heating efficiency and comfort. Regular maintenance and inspection are essential to identify and rectify valve issues promptly. In the case study presented, the replacement of a faulty globe valve led to improved system performance and energy savings, highlighting the importance of addressing valve problems in a timely manner.
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oliveisme533 · 8 months
My dad's neighbor is a dilf
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Chapter 2
Joel Miller x you
Summery: You had decided to spend your summer in Austin with your dad. You used to spend almost every summer there, but hadn't spent a summer there since you were a teenager. Which means you hadn't seen a certain Joel Miller in years..
Warnings: Verbally abusive boyfriend. Talks of mental health and self harmI will put a sign for what paragraph to skip if you want to avoid that content
Of fucking course Ben would call you... your rub your temple and groan. "It's too late for this shit" you mutter to yourself and flick off the light with a little more force than you intended.
Sunday morning you slept in. It wasn't until about 11:00 that you heard your dad banging around in the kitchen downstairs. You drag yourself out of bed, highly motivated by the smell of coffee making its way to your nose. As your feet hit the landing toilet freeze, the fog of sleep dissipates instantly and your insides turn to liquid. "It's really no problem! I can have it fixed in a couple hours, plus you don't want to wait around with that kind of shit. It can turn into a much bigger problem real quick if you don't take care of it soon" that was Joel's voice. What is Joel doing in your kitchen at 11am on a Sunday?!! Especially when he was just here..last night? Do him and my dad really spend that much time together?? You contemplate running back upstairs but then your dad catches a glimpse of you before you can execute your plan. "Well hey babydoll! Didn't know if you were still alive up there" you offer him a grunt in response as you make your way to the coffee pot. "Good morning to you too" he laughs. "Oh hey, the water is going to be shut off in a bit because there's a leak in the water pipes upstairs. Joel said he would take care of it so water should be back on in an hour or so." "Do you just call Joel instead of a plumber these days?" You question your dad with a raised eyebrow. He chuckles "no, I basically sent him a text this morning asking for his opinion on whether or not this needed to be fixed asap or it was no big deal. I was going to call someone on Monday, but he insisted". Your dad lowered his voice slightly as he then said "between you and me...I think he's trying to stay real busy these days. I know having Sarah with her mom for the summer has been a really hard adjustment for him" that seemed logic enough to you and you said as much to your dad before Joel came back through the front door carrying several tools.
"Well good morning sunshine" he said with a smile that stirred inside of you. "One of these days I oughta teach your dad how to be useful around the house so he can carry on without me" "yeah you two are like a married couple" you joked. Joel chuckled "mmm well who could resist this handsome man" he said gesturing to himself. You rolled your eyes "you're old" it was a cheap shot, but also you secretly would admit his age because you were curious. He laughed and said "yeah Sarah says the same to me" but he didn't say anything else. He walked out of the kitchen and began up the stairs towards the leaky pipe or whatever the hell he was here to fix. As soon as he was out of sight you flung your head back "why...why couldn't dad just call a freakin plumber" you resolved to deal with the Ben situation after you had some breakfast in your stomach. It was not something you were particularly looking forward too, but you knew he wouldn't let up until you responded. Sure you could block him, but it wasn't like he was some tinder date gone wrong. You two had spent years together, not to mention you were adults who needed to handle the situation like adults and not take the easy way out.
After breakfast you found an outfit that wasn't an old t-shirt and shorts with little owls on them. You were still mortified that Joel saw this look. "Okay you can do this" you breathed, picking up your phone and tapping Ben's name." Of course he picked up almost immediately. "Hey.. how are you?" You responded politely, but quickly veered the conversation to what he really wanted to talk about. "Well, I've been thinking. I really think you and I are meant to be together. It just feels right, and I know I haven't always been the best at showing up or just being a good boyfriend in general, but now I really feel I'm ready for that level of commitment" there was a short pause
"listen, Ben ... I just don't see it that way. I've spent too much time over the years being disappointed by your actions. I've broke my own heart so many times because I convinced myself you were really going to change and then to I didn't. I can't do that anymore. We're too old for this. I'm glad you feel like you're ready to commit and I hope you find a girl who is too, but at this point in my life I just can't offer you that." You had feared he would be angry, but weren't prepared for what came next. ⚠️CW⚠️ "Are you fucking serious?? Like after all these years you're just going to throw all that away?! Like honestly I didn't need to come back and give you another chance but I did and" "GIVE ME another chance?!! What the fuck Ben..HOW do you even see it that way??" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN??" He shouted back "babe I have put up with so much of your shit over the years and now I'm saying that it doesn't matter and I'm going to stick around regardless of all that!" Oh now he has crossed a line "MY SHIT?! WHAT, PRAY TELL ARE YOU REFERRING TOO?!" "I have had to do SO MUCH for you like when your mental health is bad you just shut off completely. It's like trying to be in a relationship with a fucking wall! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HARD THAT IS...WHAT KIND OF TOLL THAT TAKES ON ME." Hot tears of anger were streaming down your cheeks. "I CANNOT believe you said that! Did you ever consider how hard it is FOR ME in those times?! Like honestly Ben you only think about yourself." "Oh really is that why I took off work so I could drive you to the hospital when you slit your wrists and you called me, crying?? Obviously that shows I care for you! You cannot tell me I only care about myself when I had to do that kind of shit for you!" Your chest was now rising and falling very rapidly. You certainly were not thinking about how loud you were being right now, but luckily your dad was outside mowing the lawn, well out of earshot. "Ben that is the bare MINIMUM A PERSON CAN DO. Like you're really hanging that over my head??! fucking grow up! God FORBID YOU TAKE THE TIME TO DRIVE ME TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM DURING THE WORK DAY. How about we talk about all the shit I've done for YOU over the years." You could now hear him laughing. A hollow laugh, but a laugh all the same. "Oh DONT EVEN. What could you POSSIBLY have done to compare to me being your GODDAMN NURSE when you're a grown adult." It was all too much. You were all but sobbing at this point. "You are such an ASSHOLE Ben! Don't EVER call me again! THIS IS OVER. I will NEVER love you and you will NEVER speak to me this way again. If you so much as text me...I'm going to get fucking restraining order!" You choked out. "A RESTRAINING ORDER ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?? My dads a literal LAWYER you know that right babe?! I'm NOT going to let that happen!" "Do you even hear yourself right now??! LEAVE ME THE. FUCK. ALONE."
                            End of CW
You hang up the call and crumple to your bed with heaving sobs. You are interrupted by a knock on your door. Presuming it's your dad you walk over to open in and all but fling yourself out the door way knowing he's standing right then ready to hold you. Hug you and tell you everything will be okay like you're 13 or something. The blurred your vision and it was not your dad on the other side of the door. Your head hit his chest and you flung your arms up around his neck. "Dad I hate boys!" You sobbed. But then you realized the height wasn't right, the smell wasn't right, the arms and chest weren't right...
you practically jumped backwards and to your horror saw Joel Miller standing before you. His soft puppy dog eyes heavy with concern and care. "I-um sorry. I assumed it was my dad or I never would have" Joel held up a hand to cut you off. "It okay, you don't need to apologize...I've got a daughter of my own don't think I haven't had the same hug and those same tears." His voice was soft and gentle, and he smiled at the last comment. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay." You could only nod. "It's none of my business, but this guy sounds like bad news and it's a matter of your safety...does your dad know about all this?" You nodded again. "Yes he knows about Ben...although I'll need to update him on the new low that Ben stooped to today. But my dad knows and I feel safe...and in blocking Ben's number." Joel's brows were knit together. "Okay...I don't need to know about but your dad does and it sounds like you've got a good thing going there." You felt awkward and more than anything wanted to disappear and forget this interaction ever took place. You shifted your weight from one foot to the other and picked at your fingers "um yeah I think everything with be fine now" you said awkwardly. "Alright well I apologize for intruding into your private life, but I'm glad you're safe and under your dads roof." He started to walk away when you heard yourself say "Thank you Joel..I really appreciate it."he smiled at you and said "don't mention it" "You better finish up fixing that leak before my dad finds something else to break." Joel laughed "don't worry I'm just about done and I'll be out of yalls way in a jiffy." What a day... and it's only noon
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cruyffista · 4 months
Here is a theory. Top athletes are compelling because they embody the comparison-based achievement we Americans revere—fastest, strongest—and because they do so in a totally unambiguous way. Questions of the best plumber or best managerial accountant are impossible even to define, whereas the best relief pitcher, free-throw shooter, or female tennis player is, at any given time, a matter of public statistical record. Top athletes fascinate us by appealing to our twin compulsions with competitive superiority and hard data. Plus they're beautiful: Jordan hanging in midair like a Chagall bride, Sampras laying down a touch volley at an angle that defies Euclid. And they're inspiring. There is about world-class athletes carving out exemptions from physical laws a transcendent beauty that makes manifest God in man. So actually more than one theory, then. Great athletes are profundity in motion. They enable abstractions like power and grace and control to become not only incarnate but televisable. To be a top athlete, performing, is to be that exquisite hybrid of animal and angel that we average unbeautiful watchers have such a hard time seeing in ourselves. So we want to know them, these gifted, driven physical achievers. We too, as audience, are driven: watching the performance is not enough. We want to get intimate with all that profundity. We want inside them; we want the Story. We want to hear about humble roots, privation, precocity, grim resolve, discouragement, persistence, team spirit, sacrifice, killer instinct, liniment and pain. We want to know how they did it. (...) And of course, too, we want to know how it feels, inside, to be both beautiful and best ("How did it feel to win the big one?"). What combination of blankness and concentration is required to sink a putt or a free-throw for thousands of dollars in front of millions of unblinking eyes? What goes through their minds? Are these athletes real people? Are they even remotely like us? Is their Agony of Defeat anything like our little agonies of daily frustration? And of course what about the Thrill of Victory—what might it feel like to hold up that #1 finger and be able to actually mean it?
David Foster Wallace, How Tracey Austin Broke My Heart
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This is a thesaurus of basic wrestling terminology, to serve as an easy to use complementary document to my underway Pro Wrestling AU
Scripting: In pro wrestling, the moves, outcome of the match, and storylines are scripted. When someone is slammed onto the mat, it does hurt. Injuries can and do happen, because these moves are dangerous. Generally speaking, most actual wrestlers would take a non-wrestler calling wrestling "fake" as extremely disrespectful to the injuries wrestlers face from performing for the crowds they love to entertain.
Kayfabe: This is the word for something being a storyline, not in factual reality. For example, a wrestler may be perfectly healthy, but have a kayfabe injury, where their arm is broken or something. They don't actually have a broken arm, but are acting it for the storyline. Another example is a kayfabe attack on a civilian/fan. Sometimes heels will attack a wrestlers wife or something, and this attack is obviously not an actual attack.
Gimmick: The gimmick is the wrestler's character. It can be silly like a plumber, a ninja, a turkey, a cyborg, an incestuous 1940s tv show character, a the Candle Cove creepypasta, a clown, a piece of abstract art, or any other number of nonsense. Or it can be serious, drawing from the wrestler's real life personality, to expand into someone who feels like a legitimate combat athlete (or general action hero).
(Baby)Face: The Face (short for Babyface) is the good guy in wrestling. They're who the fans are meant to cheer for, by appealing to the fans. Note, being the "Good Guy" doesn't actually mean the character needs to have good morals or anything. Steve Austin and MJF are both examples of a character who is an irredeemable dick who the fans are still meant to cheer for.
Heel: The heel is the bad guy. You want to see them get beat up. Can range from the chickenshit whose sole purpose is for Faces to wreck (good examples are the Perfect Event, Rosa Mendes, Sad Corbin, and the Librarians), to serve as a dominant force who takes out face after face (Good examples are Madison Rayne, Triple H, The Bar, and Zack Sabre Jr.)
Tweener: This is obviously, "in between Face and Heel." They are pretty rare in modern wrestling, though some companies like AEW and NWA have had a few more notable ones in the fast 5 years than almost the entire preceding decade. Generally, they fall into one of two categories: Someone who adapts to the opponent: When they fight a face, they're the bad guy, when they fight a heel, they're a good guy. They themselves aren't set. The other category is just...a lot more rare and harder to do, but they're generally meant to just go out there and say what they say, and the fans react however they react. Aside from MJF, Linda McMahon, and Brandi Rhodes, I can't really think of a lot of other examples of this.
Referee: You know what a referee is lol. In big companies they're another actor, who in most cases knows the script of the match, and plays their part. In big companies, referees also have important roles outside of that, such as checking the wrestlers for legitimate injuries, (for which EMTs contracted with the big company can respond to), communicating different orders from the Production staff to the wrestlers in the ring, or helping wrestlers know where the cameraman are at any given time.
Move: Any kind of attack one wrestler does to another. Basic categories: Strikes (punches, kicks, headbutts, hip attacks, etc), Suplexes (which is where a wrestler grabs an opponent and throws them in some way, examples include Vertical, German, Butterfly, Japanese Ocean Cyclone, Reverse Gutwrench, etc), Slams (where an opponent grabs an opponent and directly slams them down; examples include Front Slams, Powerslams, Fallaway Slams, Backbreakers, Fireman's Carry/Samoan Drops, STOs, etc), Drivers (wrestler grabs opponent and slams them down in a particularly specific manor, traditionally in a sitout or kneeling position; most often meant to damage the neck; examples include Piledrivers, Fisherman drives, Flamingo, Vertebreakers, etc), Powerbombs (the wrestler lifts an opponent onto their shoulds and drives them down onto their back; examples include Tiger Bombs, Jacknifes, Spin-Out, Sitout/Sitdown, etc. Alleyoops are normally included in this category despite being meant to damage the chest or face), Facebusters (a move meant to slam an opponents face into the mat; examples include Sitout, Inverted Stomps, Ace Crushers/Cutters, Reverse STOs, etc), DDTs (meant to drive an opponents head into the mat in a front facelock positon; examples include Spike, Tornado, Satellit, Inverted, etc), Neckbreakers (meant to slam the opponent's neck down to the mat or wrench it in some way; examples include Sitouts, Flying, Shiranuis, Overdrives, Swinging etc), Dives (an opponent dives onto an opponent from a high place; examples include Moonsaults, Shooting Stars, Splashes, Crossbodies, etc.) and Submissions (we'll get to those next). Other miscellaneous categories include Lungblowers, Body Crushes, Arm and Leg Breakers and snaps, Jawbreakers and Jawshatterers, Tijeras, and many more, but if I mention one of those, I'll explain at that point.
Submissions: A specific hold that causes continuous damage to the opponent, with the goal to make them "submit" (forfeit the match) through either tapping out or vocally giving up. They can range from extremely simple to extremely complex (though in the United States, complex submissions are almost entirely absent from large, televised companies, with very few exceptions).
Win Conditions: The way to win a match. In any simple match in most large companies, there are seven possible wins, with five being drastically more common than the other two. Pinfall: one wrestler pins an opponents to the mat, almost ways for a count of 3 (the standard counting speed does very heavily by region however). Submission: forcing the opponent to give up due to a painful hold be either tapping out (traditionally it requires 3 consecutive taps but this detail isn't normally relevant), disqualification (where a wrestler either breaks minor rules over and over, or breaks a major rule once, and there for is...well...disqualified), Count-Out (One or both wrestlers are outside of the wrestling ring past the allotted time: in the U.S. States, American Samoa, Europe, and India, it is normally 10, and in Japan and Mexico it is normally 20. Puerto Rico varies by company). And "10-Count," (where one or both wrestler is on the ground, and unable to rise to their feet within a count of 10; if a promotion has a 10-count, which most do, it's almost always 10, though 5, 8, and 20 counts do exist in niche corners; someone actually losing to a 10 count is extraordinarily rare in most promotions in a normal match: in practice, it is allowed for the wrestler to take time to catch their breath are a particularly painful or exhausting move). The other two win conditions in most wrestling are direct knockout, and technical knockout. Direct knockouts might happen in a big company once every few months. A direct knockout is when a move (almost always a strike) immediately puts an opponent completely unconscious and the referee stops the match. A Technical Knockout is nearly extinct in modern wrestling, and when it happens it is a highly specific storyline. It's when one wrestler is unable to defend themself from repeated strikes, and the referee stops the match for their safety.
Shooting: Shooting is when a wrestler does a move either that was unscripted, or done with enough force to cause a real injury. For example, a strike much more stiff (hard) than the other wrestler consented to, or doing a slam that the other wrestler was not prepared for. This is extremely dangerous, and is supposed to be taboo. Many wrestlers get Blacklisted for shooting on opponents. And yet, it is still common, with wrestlers like Drew Gulak doing it constantly, wrestlers like Yoshiko permanently disabling an opponent and still getting bookings, and men regularly hitting women wrestlers harder than their male counterparts.
Managers, Valets, and guards: These are broad categories to encapsulate any person who follows the match participants to the ring, as a sort of moral (or physical) support while they wrestle. Managers are playing the character of a wrestlers like, actual agent, to help the wrestler get better matches, and often speak on their "clients" behalf. They are meant to be seen as business people. Notable examples include Paul Heyman, Lana, James Mitchell, Prince Nana, and Vickie Guerrero. A valet is essentially just someone who follows the wrestling to the ring as moral support. In storyline, they don't have a particular "purpose." Notable examples include Queen Sharmell, Miss Elizabeth, Mr. Fuji, Missy Hyatt, and Sir Mo (who was a wrestler, but served primarily as a valet during this gimmick). "Guards" is a sort of informal phrase to mean tag team partners or "security" who come to the ring to support their partner during singles matches.
Gimmick Matches: This is any match that has rules different than normal. They can be inside of a metal cage, there can a specific weapon involved like stairs or ladders or light tubes, they can be wrestling on a high place, there can be fire, they might only be able to win under a certain condition, they might be on a truck, anything is possible essentially.
Styles: Wrestling has "styles," that largely vary by region, though there's always exceptions. American Pro-Wrestling (often called "Sports Entertainment" by WWE and some other smaller companies) is characterized by every wrestler having a unique moveset, lots of promos (people talking lol), and a focus on excitement and thrills at all costs. Japanese wrestling is called "Puroresu" and is characterized by much harder strikes and slams, much longer matches, and the turnbuckles being different than the rest of the world. Mexican wrestling is called "Lucha," and is characterized by a much higher focus on dives, complex submissions, and many wrestlers having similar movesets. The referees often have much more personality and gimmicks than other styles, and most matches are best of three falls, and no DQ. The whole "Lucha mask" thing isn't nearly has big as tv makes it seem. Mask vs. Mask matches happen all the time, and oftentimes its not a big deal at all. Many wrestlers lose their mask early in their career and wrestle without for decades, and many never even wore one. (Normally, women (luchadora) would then compete in Hair vs. Hair or Hair vs. Mask matches). European wrestling is occasionally called "Catch-as-Catch-Can," but normally its just called "Pro Wrestling." Most similar to American wrestling, but sometimes with few moves per match, and more traditional "wrestling" (like the kind at the Olympics) to start the match, often times taking up 2-5 minutes of the match (though some wrestlers have 30 minute matches like this lol). Indian wrestling is mostly run by one man, the Great Khali, who trains almost every wrestler in the country, and is known for being...pretty bad. Therefore, most Indian wrestling is less athletic and complicated (most, some wrestlers like Divya Ch are actually good by global standards). Known for storylines being afar more provocative than modern companies, with kayfabe rapes, slavery, police brutality, and hate crimes all being common. A few styles are shared across all major wrestling regions, like "Deathmatch" Wrestling (wrestling with insane amounts of blood and weapons), Commission Wrestling (wrestling a match to be sold online for the sake of being bought as a sort of SFW porn), the "Indie Style" (characterized by a ton of dives, constant appealing to the fans, and moves like Superkicks, Piledrivers, Ace Crushers, and Satellite DDTs being a staple or most wrestlers movesets), Comedy Wrestling (wrestling meant to be silly, with people wrestling dolls or brooms, wrestlers pulling out fake guns, crashing into invisible walls, throwing people onto Legos or DnD dice, kissing as a form of attack, etc), and "Shoot" Wrestling, which is scripted pro wrestling meant to look more like actual MMA sports.
Okay, obviously this is not comprehensive lol, but generally speaking, if I reference something that isn't here, I'll explain it in the post.
Have fun!
(BTW the reason I didn't link to examples is because there were so many that my computer raised to 180 degrees Fahrenheit to load, so sorry about that lol)
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downthecove · 2 years
muses added cause i have no self control (austin, juan, & perry are revamps)
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fletcher, 38 y/o sleazy real estate agent, wilson bethel
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austin, 48 y/o mechanic, jon hamm
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perry, 52 y/o ranch owner, shemar moore
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juan, 47 y/o plumber, pedro pascal
potential fcs?
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datascraping001 · 1 year
Car Dealership Email Lists - Car Dealership Mailing Lists
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Car Dealership Email Lists
Contact information for car dealerships across the country is available in Car Dealership Email Lists. The search engine gives you a Car Dealership Email Lists - Car Dealership Mailing Lists of all car dealerships, or you can filter by 'new' or 'used' dealers. You can search by States, Counties, Cities and Zip Codes, and search by 100's of demographics, such as employee size and annual sales volume. Car Dealership Email Lists - Car Dealership Mailing Lists in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, UAE and Europe.
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ghostflowerdreams · 2 years
Research For What Did People Use Before Toilet Paper?
The reason this post on What Did People Use Before Toilet Paper? came to be was because I wanted to know how in the ancient times did people do their business so that my story would be more accurate.
This of course led me down a rabbit hole and I ended up finding out a lot more. I thought to myself I should make this a post because I might need this info again. It’ll also be convenient to have it all in place. However, at the time I forgot to include sources so I can’t recall all of them exactly.
But I do know that it was a mixed of articles on artifacts, historical documents and old texts, such as literature, personal accounts like journals and so on, because they contained brief mentions of what the people used as toilet paper in them, etc.
Sapien.org - What Did Ancient Romans Do Without Toilet Paper?
The Washington Post Company - Ever Wondered about the history of toilet paper?
Phys.org - What toilets and sewers tell us about ancient Roman sanitation
Farmers' Almanac - The Hole In The Farmers’ Almanac
Liberty Hall Museum - The Colonial Privy (Toilet) at Liberty Hall Museum [PDF]
University of Nebraska Press: Center for Great Plains Studies - Journals of the Lewis & Clark Expedition | A Natural History | Chapter 2
North Carolina Cooperative Extension: Hoke County Center - Cowboy’s Toilet Paper
Smithsonian Magazine - These Archaeologists Were Looking for Tombs, But They Were Totally Psyched to Find Toilets
ResearchGate - Toilet hygiene in the classical era [PDF]
The University of Texas at Austin - American Wasteland: A Social and Cultural History of Excrement, 1860-1920 by Daniel Max Gerling [PDF]
Cottonelle - What Did We Use Before Toilet Paper?
Living History Farm - 1930s Farm Life: Indoor Plumbing
Lancaster Farming - Pondering the Privy: A History of Outhouses
National Park Service - Outhouse-Sauer Beckmann Farm [Picture]
Penn State University Libraries - The Greatest Missed Luxury: Scott Toilet Tissue
Ancient Accounts of India and China by Eusebius Renaudot [Book]
Ars Technica - 2,000-year-old toilet paper gives us a whiff of life on the Silk Road in China
Archaeology Southwest - Of Poop, Toilet Paper, and Worms…
The Plumber - Toilet Paper: The History ‘Behind’ It
Medievalists.net - The Medieval Invention of Toilet Paper
World History Encyclopedia - Toilets in a Medieval Castle
Corinium Museum - Roman Toilet Paper
The Vintage News - What Did People Use Before Toilet Paper?
CBS News - Toilet Paper Factoids
Kapiolani Community College - Where’s The Toilet Paper?
Wellcome Collection - How Brits went soft on toilet paper [Pictures]
Smithsonian Magazine - Ancient “Poop Sticks” Offer Clues to the Spread of Disease Along the Silk Road
Dig It With Raven - What Did We Use Before Toilet Paper?
Scientific American - Toilet Issue: Anthropologists Uncover All the Ways We've Wiped
Italy Magazine - Ancient Romans May Have Used Flat Stones As Toilet Paper
Vintage Ad Browser - Toilet Paper
Discover Magazine - What the Earliest Toilets Say About How Human Civilization Has Evolved
Japan This! - Japanese Toilets
The Archaeology of Sanitation in Roman Italy: Toilets, Sewers, and Water Systems (Studies in the History of Greece and Rome) by Ann Olga Koloski-Ostrow [Book]
BBC - A potted history of the toilet
JSTOR - The Early History of Human Excreta
Popular Science - Nature’s best toilet paper substitutes
The Mariners' Museum and Park - A Head of Its Time: A Brief History of Going at Sea
Museums Victoria - Immigration: Journeys to Australia - Privies & Hygiene
RealClear Science - What Did Ancient Romans Do Without Toilet Paper?
The University of New Hampshire (UNH) - Ancient Toilet Hygiene [Video]
The Open University - Health and Wellbeing in the Ancient World: What did the Romans use for toilet paper?
National Geographic - What did people do before toilet paper?
National Museum of American History - Toilet
Berkeley University of California: Archaeological Research Facility - The Archaeology of Toileting
Ancient Origins - No Toilet Paper! Do Any of these Ancient Methods Work for You?
LiveScience - What did people use before toilet paper was invented?
HISTORY.com - All the Ways We’ve Wiped: The History of Toilet Paper and What Came Before
Youtube - The Remarkable History of Toilet Paper | Told by The History Guy | History at Home [Video]
Country Life - Curious Questions: What did people use before toilet paper?
Reader’s Digest - This Is What People Used Before Toilet Paper Existed
Free Library of Philadelphia - Unrolling the History of Toilet Paper
Hearthstone Historic House Museum - Flushed with Success: Milestones in Toilet Paper Development
Academia - Evolution of Toilets Worldwide Through the Millennia [PDF]
Ohio State University - Common Mullein- Mother Nature's Answer to Our Toilet Paper Shortage?
Gastrointestinal Society - The History of Toilet Paper
Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences: Powerhouse Collection - Toilet roll made in Australia
Minnesota State University: Centennial Student Union - Potty Talk: Understanding International Bathroom Etiquette
Health Digest - What Did People Use Before Toilet Paper?
BidetGenius - Complete History of the Bidet (Infographic)
Religion Unplugged - Islamic And Hindu Customs Wipe Out Need For Toilet Paper
Science Daily - Biblical Latrine: Ancient Parasites Show That Cleanliness May Have Been Next To Sickliness
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mrrooteraustin · 2 months
Expert Austin TX Plumbers: Affordable and Professional Services
Our Austin, TX plumbers deliver affordable and Austin TX plumber’s professional services for any plumbing challenge. Whether it's a quick fix or a major overhaul, we ensure top-notch quality and reliability in every job, maintaining your system’s efficiency. For more details visit our website: https://maps.app.goo.gl/CPPzRCMoD31Sjuzp7
Phone.no: +1 512-298-4916
Address: 12201 Roxie Drive  Austin, TX 78729 United States
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plumbsmarttx · 2 years
Business Name: PlumbSmart LLC
Street Address: 1354 Industrial Dr
City: New Braunfels
State: Texas
Zip Code: 78130-3655
Country: USA
Business Phone Number: (210) 810-0810
Business Email Address: info.plumbsmart-tx.com
Website: https://www.plumbsmart-tx.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/plumbsmartllc/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plumbsmartllc/
Description: PlumbSmart is a full-service plumbing company based in New Braunfels, TX. We can serve you in the capacity of residential plumbing, so no matter what the job entails, you can count on us. We are very knowledgeable, reliable, and consistently looking to please our customers. We have the skills and experience needed to ensure that we deliver the best results to our customers. Our services are highly versatile, ranging from repiping to sewer line repairs, and we always deliver outstanding results!
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=6059670597309268910
Business Hours: Sunday 24 Hours Monday 24 Hours Tuesday 24 Hours Wednesday 24 Hours Thursday 24 Hours Friday 24 Hours Saturday 24 Hours
Payment Methods: Cash, Check/Cheque, Debit Card, Credit Card, Visa, Master, Amex, Discover
Services: Plumber, Plumbing
Keywords: San Antonio Plumber, Plumbing Austin
Business Slogan: Plumb SMARTER, Not HARDER.
Number of Employees: 20
Service Areas:
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neonplumbing · 8 days
Finding the Right Plumber for Gas Plumbing Service Busselton
Few things are more important for preserving your home's operation than a solid plumbing system. Whether it's a busted pipe, a leaky faucet, or a malfunctioning water heater, plumbing problems can seriously disturb your daily routine.
Finding a reliable and knowledgeable Gas Plumbing Service Busselton becomes crucial during plumbing emergencies. In order to make sure you pick a trustworthy professional for your plumbing needs, this blog examines the important aspects to take into account when choosing a plumber.
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When evaluating credentials, which licenses and certifications are important?
When looking for a plumber, one of the first things to look at is their credentials. A trustworthy expert need to possess the required licenses and certifications. These not only demonstrate their proficiency but also guarantee that they follow rules and guidelines specific to the business. Plumbers in Austin ought to hold a license. Verifying these credentials gives you comfort in knowing your Gas Plumbing Service Busselton job is in qualified hands.
Experience Counts: Assessing a Plumber's Level of Expertise
One of the most important measures of a Gas Plumbing Solutions Busselton skill is experience. Choosing a professional with a track record can help reduce the hazards involved with plumbing work, even if everyone starts somewhere. Find out whether the plumber has handled jobs or problems comparable to these before. An expert plumber has a higher chance of making precise diagnosis, offering workable fixes, and guaranteeing the durability of any installations or repairs.
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The Human Touch: Evaluating Client Support
Dealing with a company that prioritizes customer service can ease the difficult process of dealing with plumbing issues. A team that is polite and quick to respond shows that they care about their customers. Take note of the way the business responds to your inquiries and communicates with you from the moment you contact them until the project is finished. A customer-focused strategy can greatly improve your overall experience.
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h3103re · 1 month
Winning the Local Search Game: Effective Local SEO Techniques for Service Based Businesses in 2024
In today’s digital landscape, service businesses must have a strong online presence to attract local customers. Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a powerful strategy to ensure that your business appears prominently in search results when potential customers look for services in their area. For service businesses, mastering local SEO can mean the difference between thriving and being overlooked. Here are key local SEO techniques to help service businesses stand out and attract more local clients.
1. Optimize Your Google Business Profile
One of the most effective local SEO tools is Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business). This free tool allows you to manage how your business appears in Google Search and Maps. To optimize your profile:
Complete Your Profile: Ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date, including your business name, address, phone number, website, and business hours.
Select the Right Categories: Choose the most relevant categories for your services to help Google understand what your business offers.
Add Photos and Videos: High-quality images and videos of your services, staff, and location can enhance your profile and attract more clicks.
Collect Reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews. Respond to reviews to show that you value customer feedback, which can also improve your local search rankings.
2. Target Local Keywords
Keyword research is essential for any SEO strategy, and it’s particularly important for local SEO. Focus on keywords that reflect the services you offer and the locations you serve. For example, if you’re a plumber in Austin, Texas, target keywords like “Austin plumber,” “emergency plumbing Austin,” or “plumbing services near me.”
To find effective local keywords:
Use Google’s Keyword Planner: This tool can help you identify popular search terms related to your business and location.
Check Competitors’ Keywords: Analyze which keywords your local competitors rank for and incorporate similar ones into your strategy.
Incorporate Long-Tail Keywords: Long-tail keywords (e.g., “best roofing contractor in San Diego”) often have less competition and can attract highly targeted traffic.
3. Create Location-Specific Content
Content that speaks directly to your local audience is key for improving your local SEO. This can include:
Location Pages: If your business serves multiple areas, create a dedicated page for each location. Each page should include relevant keywords, service details, customer testimonials, and unique content that reflects the specific needs of that area.
Local Blog Posts: Write about local events, news, or community involvement. For instance, a landscaping company might blog about seasonal tips for lawn care in their region. This not only helps with SEO but also establishes your business as a local authority.
4. Ensure Consistent NAP Information
NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone Number, and consistency across the web is crucial for local SEO. Your NAP information should be identical on your website, Google Business Profile, social media pages, and online directories. Inconsistent information can confuse search engines and potential customers, leading to lower rankings and missed opportunities.
To maintain consistency:
Audit Your Online Listings: Regularly check that your NAP information is correct on all platforms.
Use a Citation Management Tool: Tools like Moz Local or BrightLocal can help you manage and update your business listings across various directories.
5. Build Local Citations and Backlinks
Local citations are mentions of your business on other websites, such as online directories, review sites, and local blogs. These citations help Google verify your business’s legitimacy and relevance, boosting your local search rankings.
To build local citations:
Submit to Online Directories: List your business on reputable directories like Yelp, Yellow Pages, and industry-specific sites.
Get Featured in Local Media: Reach out to local newspapers, blogs, or radio stations for features or interviews. These not only increase your visibility but also generate valuable backlinks to your website.
6. Leverage Social Media for Local Engagement
Social media platforms are valuable for local SEO, especially when used to engage with your community. Regularly post updates, promotions, and local events on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Tag your location in posts and encourage local customers to share their experiences.
Join Local Groups and Communities: Participate in local Facebook groups, Nextdoor, or LinkedIn communities related to your industry. This can increase your visibility among potential customers and drive traffic to your website.
Local SEO is a vital strategy for service businesses looking to attract more customers from their surrounding areas. By optimizing your Google Business Profile, targeting local keywords, creating location-specific content, ensuring consistent NAP information, building local citations, and engaging on social media, you can enhance your local online presence. Implementing these techniques will help your service business climb local search rankings, ultimately driving more traffic, leads, and revenue.
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shashikirankc · 2 years
When living in a flat, in Texas your neighbours may complain about leaks from now and then because the piping system tend to be quite old and people do not replace it in time. If this is the case, you can assure your neighbours that we will take good care of the problem immediately https://plumbingservicestexas.net
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