#plus I wanted to do something halloweeny again
charsfx · 10 months
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HAPPY BELATED HALLOWEEN LOL! I'm always late. Also, this picture looks way better on Desktop. For some reason, Tumblr is pixelating my stuff, along with other people's art on mobile.
Did this for a school project. XP
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fatguarddog · 1 year
hi hutch !! thank you for doing the work to make a feedist kinktober happen ! i’ve been wanting to get more creative with my content for a minute and i’m super excited to participate 🙏🏽
for the prompts, i know pumpkin’s definitely going to be in there but i wanted to put my vote in for marshmallow too ! also, in keeping with the theme of the month, maybe a horror prompt ? the second prompt of that day could maybe be spooky, or something similarly related but a bit lighter content-wise for those who don’t want to lean into the darker elements.
anyways thank you again for putting this together ! i’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with 🥳 - 2222sweet
Hi!! No worries, I just love being creative and seeing other people's creativity, plus this community has been so fun to be a part of so figuring out a way to do some sort of creative community event has been on my mind for a while now, I'm just glad that other people are into it!
I was definitely thinking of mixing in some suitably Halloweeny ones anyhow for the season, but that's actually a really good idea to try and balance out lighter/darker prompts against each other on each day so people can choose what to engage with. If the two prompts per day option wins out, I'll definitely be doing that, thank you so much
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dotster001 · 2 years
Day 14: coffee shop au where person a is hanging a Halloweeny menu, much to person b's disdain
Summary: Aira Shiratori x Hiiro Amagi
A/N: um......so I know this is different from what I've been doing, but it's my birthday, so I can do what I want 😝
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Hiiro eyed Aira with pure confusion. "I don't really understand."
Aira huffed, hanging up another paper spider. "It's not that hard, Hiro. Some stores decorate for Halloween, and I want ours to be one of them."
"But isn't Halloween an evil thing?" 
Aira huffed again, this time hanging up the themed menu that would run from now to Halloween.
"I thought we were working on your perception of good and evil. Just because your medieval village didn't like it, doesn't mean it's bad." He grinned excitedly. "Plus we get to wear a costume to work on Halloween, Loooove!"
Hiiro smiled. He still didn't get it, but Aira's smile was too bright to be a bad thing, so he would play along.
Aira excitedly turned to him. "You learned the new menu, right?"
Hiiro decided this was one of those moments to keep his mouth shut. He had worked with Y/N for hours in hopes of it going more smoothly in front of Aira, but the latte art was too delicate for him to get a handle on.
Aira sighed. "What part are you having trouble with? I'll help."
Hiiro smiled excitedly. "Really? Thanks Aira, you're a great friend!" 
Aira felt a bitter taste in his mouth. "Friend". Right.
Hiiro started to make a latte, then dyed it purple. "This is where I have trouble, the webbed design is too delicate for me to get a handle on."
Aira took one of Hiiro's hands in his, and handed him the pen. "Honestly, it is delicate, but it's something you can take your time with." He began gently guiding Hiiro's hand, trying to ignore the flutter in his stomach from the proximity. "The customer will be willing to wait for it, so it doesn't matter how long you take."
After he finished, he started to pull away, but Hiiro pulled him back. 
"Can you show me a couple more times?" His eyes were wide and innocent, but his cheeks were red.
Aira grinned. Friends. Right.
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p-011-yn · 1 year
been working on a halloweeny hermitcraft/empires fic, and i’m not gonna say much cause i don’t wanna spoil it, but here’s grian’s backstory, because it’s super tragic and i’m proud of how it came out
TW: emotional/mental manipulation, verbal/physical abuse, child neglect, house burning down
In all of Grian’s earliest memories, Sam is nice, caring for him the way one would expect a father to; always making sure he had everything he needed, making sure he was well taken care of, loving him as if he were his son.
He doesn’t know why, but that changed. Not all at once, it was gradual, but it changed. Sam would stop playing with him or just downright ignore him, and Grian knew he was getting old, but surely that didn’t mean he couldn’t spend time with him.
The lack of attention turned into full on neglect before long, and Grian wasn’t sure what he’d done wrong. He wasn’t giving up, though, and he kept up asking to play. That seemed to get on Sam’s nerves, however, because after a while, he started yelling harsh words and swears at him, which eventually led to objects being thrown.
Grian stopped asking for attention the first time it happened.
Sam had gotten addicted to drugs and smoking at some point, and even though Grian never bothered him, he would still yell and throw things. Before long, the throwing translated to direct hitting, and he would even go so far as to break Grian’s wings when he was in a particularly bad mood.
But Grian could never leave; he relied on Sam for food and a home, as the human kept reminding him. The world wasn’t forgiving to harpies like him. He didn’t have anywhere else he could go, anyone else who could take him in, so he was stuck. Plus, Sam said he broke Grian’s wings so he couldn’t go out and get taken away. Everything he did, he did out of love.
Sam would have guests over sometimes, mostly kind people who would take one look at Grian and offer their sympathy for his broken wing. Grian loved when people came over, because when people were over, Sam was nice again. He would look at Grian and smile like he used to, would speak in a kind tone when asking him to do or get something. It always got his hopes up, only for them to be smashed right back down as soon as the guests left.
Eventually, when Sam’s hair really started going grey, he stopped acting loving when people were over, which had become less common. He would either completely ignore Grian, or treat him like a servant. Though Grian much prefers that to the yelling and chair-throwing, which was almost as commonplace as Grian’s lack of sleep at that point.
Late one night, when Grian has just turned nineteen, as he’s once again contemplating doing something terrible to himself — because at least then he wouldn’t have a broken wing half the time — he is finally given the opportunity to leave.
There’s a scream from downstairs, followed by Sam calling his name. He doesn’t sound angry this time, but like he’s in pain, and despite how miserable Grian is in that house, some small part of him still cares for the human. So, he races down the stairs, careful to not jostle his broken wing too much, as it doesn’t have anything to keep the bone in place.
The first thing he notices is the heat, then the smoke filling the room, and finally, he registers the fire itself, almost fully engulfing the main floor. Sam is lying on his front in the middle of the room, trying to army crawl to the door — which just so happens to be right next to the stairs Grian had just descended.
“Grian,” Sam exclaims, relief clear in the strained smile spreading over his lips. “Thank god, come help me get out of here.” He reaches toward him expectantly, clearly not able to get up on his own.
Part of Grian, the small part deep inside him that still cares for and even loves Sam, begs him to rush forward and help him to safety. The rest of him, though, the rational part that has been wanting out for years, is louder, drowning out the single voice with dozens of overlapping ones.
Grian’s gaze flicks between Sam and the door a couple times, and he notices that the longer he hesitates, the angrier Sam starts to look.
“Grian,” he growls, the warning clear in his tone; but there’s nothing he can do here.
Grian darts to the door, shifting into his bird form and, though it causes his wing an insane amount of pain, jumps on the door handle until it turns enough to unlatch and swing open.
He shifts back, opening the door farther with a clawed foot, and just as he crosses over the threshold, Sam yells his name again. Grian flinches, stopping in his tracks and turning back to look at the human. There’s more anger in his eyes than Grian’s ever seen, but he’s scared, too. He knows that if Grian doesn’t help him, he’s going to die.
There’s a loud creaking sound, and Grian knows that the second floor has caught fire by now as well. A glance up shows that the floor is already starting to cave in on itself, right over where Sam’s still lying, looking at him with desperation in his eyes.
Grian musters up all the anger and hate and pain that he’s been smothering down for years and throws it all at Sam’s feet with a glare that would make any braver man wither on the spot. Then, he balances himself on one clawed foot, reaches up with the other, grabs the door handle, and pulls it shut.
Without wasting a second, he whips back around and starts running. It barely takes a moment before the second floor collapses, basically throwing Grian forward with a wave of hot air and smoke. He doesn’t stop, doesn’t even risk a glance back, wanting — no, needing to get as far away from that cursed place as possible.
After what must be hours of adrenaline-powered running, Grian finds himself in a forest. He probably would have gotten farther, if he could fly, but, after all, his wing is broken. When he remembers that, the pain comes back, doubled by the adrenaline crash hitting him like a truck.
He all but collapses to the ground, trying to be careful of his wing, but that’s not easy when his legs basically fall out from under him. He’s shaky, he’s cold, he’s tired, he hurts, his breath isn’t reaching his lungs, and all these feelings register in barely an instant.
He lets out the tiniest of pained whimpers just barely a second before a gust of wind blows through the forest. Grian flinches, shifting into his bird form again to make himself smaller. His wing definitely shouldn’t be lying against the ground like that, but he’s so close to passing out that he doesn’t care.
The sun crests the horizon, throwing dappled lighting through the leaves to the ground around him; he’s been running all night. The last thing he sees before finally falling unconscious is a grey creature, about twice his current size, approaching from around a bush. The creature walks on all fours, with pointed ears and a gently swaying tail. It’s accompanied by a soft, rumbling purr, and Grian somehow knows that if he falls asleep, he won’t die; so that’s exactly what he allows himself to do.
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captmickey · 4 years
My Top 5 in 2020 (in no particular order)
Got tagged by @toonysart SO LETS GO!
Rules: choose (and optionally comment) your favorite arts of 2020 by you.
1 - Neon Glowstick Party
So this was made in 2019 and finished on the first day of 2020, back when things were bright and hopeful. But real talk, one of my favorite pieces was, hilariously enough, the one that kick-started the year. I wanted to do something with neons and lighting and on top of that with the trio, so this piece has a special place in my heart. Not a lot to say about it admittedly, but I still look at this one proudly with how it came out.
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2 - Glowy Friends
SO LIKE. CONTINUING MY STREAK OF NEON/LIGHT DRAWINGS. THIS WAS AN ABSOLUTE DELIGHT TO DRAW!! A special thank you piece to @gerbiloftriumph, it was a fun pose/setting to draw and I really truly love how it all came out. Especially the glass jar, it’s a silly thing to be impressed with, but I’m glad with how that one came out.
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3 - The Evolution of the King of Daventry
This was part of the King’s Quest 2015 Fifth Anniversary, and I really love how this came out if only because it required me to play through the game once again to get the proper references and really seeing Graham change (in appearance, confidence and even posture) which I thought was impressive. Plus it also forced me to draw him passed chapters 1 and 2... and have to um... actually draw old man Graham (his beard will forever confuse me).
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4 - Door Kick
There is nothing truly artistically amazing about this, but by God, it cracks me the heck up every time without fail and really, isn’t that what matters? that I like it? Because that is the case and I love Link’s and Guybrush’s expression with every fiber of my being. 
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5 - Happy Halloween
I. Love. This. Drawing. It’s weird seeing what COULD have been but also a massive relief at what was dodged (somewhat... can’t say for kebbler elf Graham). Also seeing the trio looking together in fear and confusion makes me giggle.
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As to who I’m tagging... really anyone can do this if they want to? But for the sake of tagging, let’s go wiiiiiiiiith: @flurrin @lechuck-ate-my-son @telthor​ @maritzac​ @nexttrickanvils​
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danyka-fendyr · 5 years
Don’t Call Me Pumpkin
Hey everyone! So, I’m determined to put out my promised 3 Spencer Reid Halloween fics, but also I’m a lazy hoe. Which brings us to where we are now. Me, watching The Haunting of Hill House, writing a Spencer Reid Halloween fic that takes place on a pumpkin farm. Because I desperately want to go to a pumpkin farm even though there is not one even anywhere remotely near me because I live in one of the sunniest places in the world now and pumpkins would DIE here. This has not been edited. Fight me.
Wordcount: 1681
Permanent Taglist: @dreamwritesimagines @rhabakoli
Warnings: None. All fluff. A little bit of innuendo.
“Spence, seriously, where are you taking me?”
“Somewhere fun,” he promised.
“C’mon. At least give me a vague statistic for a hint baby.” 
You fussed with the blindfold Spencer had reluctantly put on you. He hadn’t wanted to, but you had been more than up for it since you loved a good surprise. Spencer rarely surprised you, so you knew the surprise factor had to be important to him. Hence one of his purple ties currently being on your face.
“Okay.” You could hear him blushing from being called baby. “Over 800 million of what we’re going to see are currently available in the U.S.”
“Oh my gosh you’re taking me to a strip club?”
“No!” Spencer frantically objected.
You laughed. “I was kidding, Spence. I know that’s not your thing. You prefer blindfolds, right?”
You wiggled your partially obscured eyebrows.
“Sweetheart,” he whined.
“Hey, you know there’s no judgment from me. I hate handcuffs, so we’re even. But seriously, are we almost there?” 
“Yeah, we are. Just a couple more minutes.”
You could hear gravel crunching under the wheels of the car, and you were forced to wonder once again where you were. Knowing your boyfriend, he could have taken you anywhere. He was almost never spontaneous, which only served to make his spontaneity more so. After a few moments, you felt the car come to a stop, and you couldn’t contain your grin.
“Are we here?”
“Your use of the present tense on the word here would indicate that you already know we are, in fact, here.”
“You’re right, I do. Now get me out of this car so we can do a dramatic blindfold removal!”
Spencer laughed before coming over to your side of the car and opening the door for you, taking your hand and helping you out. He placed his hands on your shoulders, steering you forward towards wherever he planned on taking off this blindfold, while you didn’t even bother trying to contain your smile. It smelled like dirt, and you had a few theories as to where you might be.
“Okay, are you ready?” He asked.
“No. There’s one more thing I want to do before you take off the blindfold. Can you turn me around?”
Confused, Spencer did as you asked, and you carefully placed your hands on his face so you had an idea of where you were going before you leaned forward and kissed him. Tasted like coffee and cinnamon, just like he always did. You could do this all day, but you had a surprise to get to, so you pulled back.
“What was that for?”
“So I could see if I liked it.” You shrugged.
“...Well? Did you?” He asked.
“Baby, I always like kissing you. Now let’s do this thing.”
“Okay pumpkin,” he said.
Every fiber in your body stiffened as it hit you. Spencer never called you pumpkin. You had to drive a while, certainly long enough to get out of the city. It smelled like fresh dirt.
At the same moment he removed the blindfold, you yelled, “Babe! Don’t call me pumpkin!”
You pouted, glaring over your shoulder at his handsome, handsome face.
“I waited until we were here!” He justified.
“Still ruined the whole surprise.” You sighed, staring out at the vast fields of pumpkins before you.
“Is it ruined if I say we can pick out any pumpkin you want?”
You gasped, suddenly giddy. “Can we get multiple pumpkins?”
“Whatever you want, love.”
“I love you!” You threw your arms around him, letting him catch you.
He laughed, setting you down again after a moment. “C’mon, let’s go.”
You two made your way through the pumpkin patches, and you both inspected every pumpkin that came your way. You had gone pumpkin hunting with Spencer before, so you knew how this worked. He was looking for a pumpkin that matched certain characteristics he had in mind, the most halloweeny pumpkin, the pumpkin to rule over all other pumpkins if you will. You, on the other hand, were looking for something a little bit less exact. You were on the hunt for your pumpkin.
You never knew what it was going to look like, but every year, you went in search of the pumpkin that was right for you. It called to you, in all of its sweet orange glory, a bright beacon in the midst of all of these other pedestrian pumpkins. It was somewhere in this field, waiting for you to find it. Your pumpkin soulmate, if you will, ready to be taken home with your more human soulmate.
“Do you see anything?” Spencer asked you.
Some years, you found your pumpkin in the first sweep of the fields. You would see it and you would just immediately know. Last year had been one of those years, and Spencer had come to dread them since they meant him wandering a pumpkin patch with a very heavy pumpkin in his arms that you insisted was your baby and that no one else could have. This year was not to be one of those years though.
“No. Not yet. Which is kind of a bummer since I was hoping to check you out. I didn’t get to stare at you in the car like I usually do. My day feels incomplete without a chance to drool over you. I’ve been deprived.”
Spencer blushed. He was so easily flustered. It was one of the things you had loved about him, even before you started dating. The cute little way his ears would turn red and he would stare down at his feet, fix his tie. Today he wasn’t wearing a tie though, instead, just a sweater that you knew was very, very soft from all the times you had stolen it from him. 
“C’mon silly. Let’s go look for your elusive pumpkin.”
“You’re deflecting Dr. Reid,” you sing-songed.
“I am not deflecting, I am prioritizing. Can you think of anything more important than pumpkins right now?”
An easy answer, and it made him blush again. It was going to be a great day.
It was set to be a great day regardless though. The sky was the perfect shade of cloudless, washed-out blue, almost gray, and the air was perfectly crisp. The dirt in the pumpkin patch was exactly the right consistency between dry and muddy, and overall, conditions seemed to be perfect. Plus Spencer knew how cold you got and made sure you had dressed appropriately.
You two wandered through the pumpkin fields for hours. It took Spencer a long time to find his pumpkin. He was pretty hardcore about exactly how long the vine had to be. You put him to shame though.
“Seriously love? Nothing yet?” Spencer said around a rather rotund pumpkin.
“No. But we’re close. I can feel it.” 
You had been saying this for the past three hours since you had arrived.
“All I’m saying is, maybe we could take a break. I could take this guy back to the car, we could buy some apple cider...I hear it’s really good here.”
Your boyfriend’s persuasion meant nothing to you though, as you stopped dead in your tracks.
“That’s it.”
“What, the apple cider?”
“No, Spence, that’s it!” You said excitedly, pointing at one of the many orange gourds in the patch. “That’s the one!”
“Oh thank goodness,” Spencer huffed, adjusting the pumpkin already in his arms.
You beamed proudly at a rather large pumpkin. You might not be able to carry it, actually. You should have gotten a wheelbarrow, but you hadn’t exactly thought this through. It was incredibly round, but not too round, not quite preternaturally so. It’s vine was cut quite close, which you weren’t generally fond of, but you liked on this particular pumpkin. It looked a little dinged up, but you didn’t mind. It was the one.
“What are you going to name it?” Then, before you could answer. “Might I suggest Curbit?”
“Spence, my darling, I love you more than life itself, but that name sounds like Kermit the frog if he was a traffic cop.”
“It’s a shortening of Cucurbita Pepo, the technical name for pumpkin,” Spencer said, sounding slightly offended by your description of his name.
“Tell you what, next year I’ll name my pumpkin Curbit and you can name yours Pep, but this guy? This guy is a Gourdy.”
“Gourdy? You sure?”
“Yep. Positive.”
“Okay.” Spencer grinned at you over the top of his pumpkin.
“Now I just have to survive carrying him out of here.”
It wasn’t easy carrying Gourdy out of the pumpkin patch. It involved a lot of huffing and puffing from both of you since Spencer was still carrying his own pumpkin which he had named Peter. Eventually, though, you made it out and got yourself a wheelbarrow so that you could continue browsing your selection of gourds.
You and Spencer bought several different various other gourds, less picky in your pursuit of these. They would probably just end up eaten at the end of the day, so looks mattered less than potential taste. When you were finished though, you were more than satisfied with your selection.
“So, did you have fun today?” Spencer asked, wheeling your purchases back to the car.
“Um, heck yeah!”
“Good. I was hoping that would be a good surprise.” He smiled at you.
“It definitely was.” You picked up your pumpkin, setting it securely in the back of Spencer’s car before sticking your hand securely in Spencer’s back pocket. You absolutely adored the surprised look that crossed his face before fading into a very smug smirk. He leaned forward to kiss you, pulling you closer with one hand while the other tangled into your hair.
“Hey,” he said. “You know what I think we should do when we get home?”
You grinned, pulling your lower lip between your teeth. “Pumpkin carving?”
Spencer shook his head, laughing at you before detaching himself and putting his own pumpkin in the back of the car. “Yeah, pumpkin. That’s exactly what I think we should do.”
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Eight People I’d Like to Get To Know Better
I was tagged by the lovely and insanely talented @bacchanalium <3
1. Birthday: I don‘t like saying :-)
2. Zodiac: I don‘t like saying :-)
3. Height:
No idea, but my pasport says 1,70 m (about 5 fot 6) so let‘s go with that XD
4. Last song I listened to:
No idea, the radio is on in teh backround, though I have  anew found obsession with "Weird Al" Yankovic - Close But No Cigar
I don‘t even know why … XD I think it‘s the rythm … I do like a good rythm …
5. Hobbies:
Learning new stuff … rediscovering old stuff … collecting all of it … books … well, actualy storys … i am addicted to story, the medium is unimportant … all sorts of historical stuff …
6. Favourite colour:
Short answer: I don‘t have one … like, I like all colors …
Long answer: Depends … like I love to wear black … i love white walls … I like anything light for my sheets …
I really like electric blue …
I love black and white as pattern or stripes … or electric blue and black … very nice too …
Black/white with just a dash of red … to die for … (It is so halloweeny )
Glitter … metal … I like silver better then gold but again it depends on where, wen, how, who …
7. Last movie I watched:
Last Movie I watched was ‚The Death of Stalin‘, finally managed to get around to it. Yay me XD
The last thing I watched was a rewatch of the Doctor Who Episode Cold War because Tobias Menzies had a cameo … He hadn‘t really anithing to work with but boy did he make do … I mean he had no reason to go that hard … but I am glad he did … XD
8. Favourite book:
Impossible to say, they are all my babys … but I like Tom Holt a lot … I like Tolkien … I like Pratchett … ACD … Lewis Carroll … I have  avery complicated relationship with Dan Simmons …
Plus I read a lot of fanfics … because they are really good …  
9. Dream job:
I was never sure but since I watched Jeeves and Wooster I want to be basically a smarter version of Berti … not a lot smarter … just a bit … unti I get it togetehr in my late thirtys and become an importan historian becasue I made the mistake of falling in love with Babylon or something …
10. Meaning behind my URL: It was the one tumblr offered and first I wanted to change it but then I realise that it was a nice umbrella term for my main fandoms … so I kept it XD
Tagging is hard, I rarely choose people who want to join or who haven‘t done it yet … so … If you want to do this, please feel tagged :-)
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askvelora · 6 years
I gotta say, your choices for both cast and outfits for the poll are great (digging lauren), but i gotta know, would you have considered mary for it? And what about gale? We haven't seen much of her, love everything you do across all your blogs
I considered doing all my girls but I didn’t really want a huge list and plus for Gale, again I wanted to avoid multiple lycanrocs regardless of form. I’ve been bogged down with comms more than I initially thought and haven’t had a decent break in a long while so I just picked chars that I felt would be fun to do within my limits. 
I love all my chars the same but went I thought about the complexity some would bring like Moa’s scales or Mary’s fur patterns, I was like oh man, idk if I can bring myself to do it lmao. I do actually have something planned for Gale tho, perhaps involving a poll in the future with a meme outfit. Future polls will include more of the resident ladies tho!
And thank you! I have a few Halloweeny pics I’d like to do for my other blogs as well tho again, I guess we’ll see how dead I am by the end of the month :p
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There’s not a whole lot of holidays right now, and the big ones are pretty straight-forward. But some are not.
Some of the screenshots are old and outdated, and some don’t have screenshots right now.
Update 7/7/24: Added something to the New Year’s event.
1/10 “Flower Fest”
I’m not really sure why I’m calling it a “fest” when it’s more like a scripted phenomenon. I added flowers around during spring time- that I JUST realize won’t go away. (I added these when I was sick.)
Anyway, on 1/10 Flabebe can be found in these flowers. I feel like I wanted to do more but I was taking a “super strength” generic Tylenol so... I barely remember. I’ll fix this entry as soon as I fix the flowers.
2/1 “Summer of Luvdisc”
Takes place on the beach. You have all day (technically you have until you go to bed again) to catch five different colored Luvdiscs based on the colors of the Candidate’s heart levels. (You can see them in Pokemon)
For some reason when I made this a while ago I made these Luvdiscs all separate numbers on the Pokedex instead of being a “form” of Luvdisc. This means that they’ll take up five slots on the Pokedex but you won’t have that Pokeball by it’s name after only catching one of them.
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If you catch all of them and have them in your Party you can get a fish tank in your house.
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The laptop acts like a PC and the person next to the person who’ll give you a tank will sell you some things:
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The water, soda and lemonade are for healing since Pomona town will be closed off. The Repels are for finding some of the rarer Luvdisc colors. (They can be up to level 20 or 25 where the more common ones will be up to 10 I think?) And then the Pokeballs... Are Pokeballs.
Nothing happens if you get a shiny Luvdisc. I don’t know what kind of award the player should get for that. (It will count as one of the Luvdiscs though.)
There will be an Abra inside of Pomona and in the forest to teleport you back to your farm if you fly away from the beach.
Either the ability to surf or a fishing rod will be required to do this.
3/11 Battle Tournament
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If you pay a fee of $100 you can participate in a battle tournament with people who lives in Pomona. It’ll be four rounds and you can’t heal in between them.
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(I kind of had South Park playing in the background when I chose that name.)
The trainers will have Pokemon between level 20 and 30.
So far there’s only one pattern of trainers that you can battle. I’d like to make this random in the future. You can get an Exp. Share if you win.
3/28 Halloween
I wanted to add this before the first upload but I didn’t want to make the sprites for it. And then I was on “super strength” Tylenol for a week thanks to the second dose giving me a migraine and I just suddenly felt like dressing the candidates up. (Plus the kids)
Basically they ask “Trick Or Treat.”
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If you choose “Treat,” you can give them something sweet. (Nothing will happen if you give them any of the other usual gifts.) You’ll gain some FP for this.
If you choose “trick...”
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You can do both by the way. You can give them a treat for points and then turn around and battle them anyway if you want.
Also you can battle Ine and Zolton if you want. (They’re not dressed up yet.) In the second big build you can battle Tadao and Mayumi too. (You need eight badges, which is why you can’t battle them until the next build.)
4/14 Valentine’s Day
In the morning when you leave your house you will receive some berry seeds from Ludavine (which is kind of funny since you can’t plant anything during the winter time) and some chocolate from any candidate who has at least 100 relationship points in your mailbox. (If you get chocolate from all of them there will be a bonus message.)
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You can also give gifts to anybody who has at least 100 relationship points.
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...This is the first time I’m noticing that. Whoops. I’ll be sure to fix that sometime.
I haven’t made winter maps for every map at this point, but they should be made by the time the game’s released. I don’t have them made yet in case I have to fix some events before release so I won’t have to worry about copying&pasting everything.
4/25 and 4/26 Secret Delibird
This is basically Christmas but with the whole town doing Secret Santa. On 4/25 you will receive a letter in the mail telling you who you’re supposed to give a gift to. (Any candidate over 124 points should make it reroll.)
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On 4/26 you can give them something.
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Likewise somebody from the town will be selected randomly and will give you something.
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You can give all of the children gifts if you want. They’re not part of this thing because, well... They’re children.
4/28 New Year’s Eve
I decided to copy Stardew Valley and make each month 28 days so I won’t have to make a near infinite amount of calendars. (With 28 days the 1st will always be a Monday and the 28th will always be a Sunday.)
If a candidate is at at least 60 relationship points you can ask them to celebrate New Years Eve with you into New Year’s day. It doesn’t really do that so after the date you’ll be teleported to your room and you can’t leave.
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They will wait by your house at night for you and then take you to a date spot. (Who it is will depend on where that is.) They’ll then ramble on about something. You’ll get 5 friendship points if you go on the date. On the other hand you’ll lose 5 relationship points for blowing them off.
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With your spouse:
(If I did this correctly.) If you’re married you won’t be able to ask somebody out on a New Year’s date, even if you’re dating a second person. Go to your farm at night on New Year’s Eve and an event with your spouse(s) should start. You don’t need to ask them out on a date to trigger it.
If you’re married to two people, then the second one should start right after the first.
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paharvey99 · 5 years
No Waitrose October 6 - Days 12 & 13
Day 12
We had our first flat viewing today, which meant I was up at 6.45am to do some painting and more tidying. Then I had to go to drop off the keys at the estate agents, so that they could get into the flat to show the people round. I also got a bacon sandwich from the butcher next to the estate agent for my breakfast, as I’d already tidied the kitchen and decided it would be quicker to have breakfast out rather than making a mess and having to tidy it up again. Also, if you ever have an excuse to get your breakfast from a butcher it’s rude not to.
We managed to get tidy and out of the flat just as the people who were coming to view the flat turned up. They smiled nervously at us on our way out and I tried to decipher from this if they would want to buy the flat, but I probably needed more to work with. With half an hour to kill we went for a cup of tea in the children’s bookshop at the end of the road. There turned out to be a book signing with an author and we accidentally got stuck in the café bit during the signing, which was a bit awkward. The peril you face living in Hove, it never stops.
We had some lunch, pasta from the freezer, then went out to go for a second viewing of a house we had a look at a couple of weeks ago. It’s at the very top of our price range and needs a load of work doing to it, so it’s probably a no. It’s a shame we can’t really afford it, as it’s massive and the three year-old we live with loved it; she ran from the ground floor up to the attic three or four times as we were looking round.
After that we needed some more cleaning products, so we went off to the big Asda at Hollingbury to do a big shop. We got back in the car and the three year-old we live with asked where the green coin was. She was talking about the green charity token you get when you pay in Waitrose and then you have to choose what charity to donate it to. The other person I live with tried to get me to explain to the three year-old we live with why we weren’t going to the shop where you get a green coin, but I couldn’t work out how to start. I suppose when she learns to read I’ll just link her to this blog.
We got back from Asda and I did a load of cooking with the food we’d just bought. I made a big pan of chicken curry, a kind of madras I suppose, hot and tomatoey. I also roasted a cauliflower and made cauliflower cheese for the three year-old we live with’s tea. She devoured it, which is always lovely to see. She’s a good girl.
In the evening we ate the curry and then discovered that there is a new series of French crime drama Spiral on BBC4, which was a mildly exciting turn up for the books. The person I live with is a long standing fan of Spiral, and she has turned me into a fan through her war of attritition. It is good though, honest.
Didn’t go to Waitrose.
Day 13
The person I live with had to do a load of work today (on a Sunday!), so she got up and went out at 8am. This left me looking after the three year-old we live with on my own for the day, which is always a fun thing to do. Well, usually a fun thing to do.
Having given the estate agent one of our sets of keys, the main object of today was to go into town and get another set cut, so that everyone that needs keys can have keys. Unusually, the three year-old I live with was amenable to getting dressed and leaving the flat, and we found ourselves out and about before 10am.
I was feeling flush, so I decided to splash out £2.60 on a bus into town. Then when we got on the bus the driver said his till wasn’t working, so we didn’t have to pay. This was a total result. However, whenever anything like this happens I always end up spending my minor windfall about three times over in excitement at having received a minor windfall, and so it proved again today.
We went and got the keys cut at Timpsons, and then we went to a café to celebrate having got a free bus ride. It was one of those fancy coffee places we have in Brighton, I had something called a Dirty Chai Latte, which was chai latte (ie sweet, spiced tea) with a shot of espresso in it (ie coffee). Tea with coffee in it. It wasn’t great. I don’t know what I was expecting.
Then we went to try to go round the shops, but it was still only half 10 and not many shops open in Brighton before 11am on a Sunday, apart from Timpsons and fancy coffee shops. The three year-old I live with asked to go into Churchill Square, which is a big boring shopping centre, and I could see the doors were open, so I deduced that the shops must be open. This, it turns out, was not a correct deduction to make. The shopping centre was full of people milling about, but none of the shops were open. I had never seen this before. Why were there so many people wandering about a shopping centre with no shops open? They couldn’t all have been ordered there on the whim of a three year-old.
Baffled, we went across the road to H&M to look at the children’s clothes. I used to have a real problem with going into H&M and buying clothes I didn’t need. Now this has transformed into going into H&M and buying clothes the three year-old I live with doesn’t need. We got a big colourful woolly jumper for £2, a dress and leggings set for £8 and a fancy party dress with stars and planets on for £7. The three year-old I live with found the last one herself, she picked it off the rail and said “Look Dad, this is beautiful” and because I am a fundamentally weak person this was enough for me to buy it.
It will actually come in useful though, as she has a Halloween party to go to at the end of the month, and I reckon the dress is Halloweeny enough for a Halloween party as it has stars and moons on it, but also non-Halloweeny enough to wear the rest of the time. Plus we’d had a £2.60 bus windfall, which would pay for some of it.
We walked home after that, as I realised the bus windfall was going to get very expensive unless I took direct action. We stopped at a book shop that the three year-old I live with likes on the way. The children’s books are downstairs and there’s a little chair where she can sit and find Peppa Pig books that I can refuse to buy for her. Having again refused to buy Peppa Has A Party (“Look Dad, cake!), we went and bought some milk at Sainsbury’s and went home for lunch.
Lunch was yesterday’s cauliflower cheese, which despite having been devoured with gusto yesterday, was point blank refused today. The three year-old I live with told me to put some pasta in it, which I duly did, and she ate it.
We had a very lazy afternoon, cooking and tidying and playing the guitar and watching Mary Poppins. I love Mary Poppins, but the person I live with hates it, so I can only put it on when she’s out. The three year-old I live with doesn’t seem too bothered either way about Mary Poppins, but she’s going to have to pick a side before too long, I fear.
I made sausage and mash and corn on the cob for the three year-old I live with’s tea. She’d gone a bit stir crazy, having been so lazy all afternoon, I think, and ate her tea by running from her bed to the table (two rooms away), shoving a mouthful of food down, running back to the bed, climbing in, then climbing back out and running to the table again. It was unorthodox, but she ate her tea, so I didn’t argue.
I swept the floor after tea, at which point the three year-old I live with crumbled a load of breadsticks over the floor, at which point I decided to stop tidying and run her bath.
In the bath we listened to the song Breathless by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. I used to be a big Nick Cave fan, but I can’t really be bothered with him anymore. I think it’s because he lives in Brighton – it’s difficult for someone to have any sense of mystery when you’ve seen them in a shoe shop (Size? on North Street, for any Cave-spotters out there). Anyway I had his song Breathless in my head for one reason or another, and the only way to get a song out of your head once it is in there is to listen to it, so I played it while the three year-old I live with was in her bath.
For some reason, the song Breathless has a video with a bunch of animated rabbits in it, which the three year-old I live with enjoyed very much and demanded to watch again, so we did. I explained how Nick Cave lives in Brighton, and she seemed into it, so I tried to find another Nick Cave song she might enjoy. Anyone with the mildest acquaintance with the work of Nick Cave will appreciate he doesn’t have a great many songs that are particularly three year-old friendly. I found a clip of him on Jools Holland singing There She Goes My Beautiful World, which is a bit jollier than his usual fare, but the three year-old I live with just looked at the screen sadly and asked “Doesn’t he have any rabbits?”. This brought Nick Cave Appreciation Hour to an end and she went to bed.
The person I live with got back from work and we had caraway roast pork from my new German cookbook for tea. The person I live with was so tired she didn’t even notice or complain that it was German. She noticed and complained it was pork though, she doesn’t like pork, and even though I’d disguised it with red peppers and courgettes and a gravy-type sauce, it was still too ostensibly pork. Hopefully she will be more forgiving when we have it tomorrow with noodles.
Didn’t go to Waitrose.
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