#plus a cute bonus episode
mushramoo · 1 year
as someone who doesnt know shit or fuck about mp100 watching you go feral over that drenched towel of a man is wonderful and i am very proud. keep it up brother
I have never been so rabid about a guy in my life (except fnaf but that’s different) IM NOT EVEN AN ANIME PERSON. I WATCHED DEMON SLAYER AND MOB PSYCHO AND??? UR RIGHT HE IS A SOGGY TOWEL AND NOW ALL OF YOU HAVE TO SEE ME BE UNHEALTHY ABT THAT SWEATY MAN. (But thank you I’m getting more comfy using my blog as an actual blog, less formal)
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nellielsss · 1 month
Bleach Men I'd do Until Sunrise
Since my summer classes are over, I can FINALLY go back to thinking about more important things, like all the bleach men I want in me. Here's the full list and reasons why 😘 Bleach is also the only Big 3 anime with consistently fine men, and that's a HUGEEE bonus for me
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Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
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A man with muscles is always gonna do it for me every time. Kubo but his entire pussy into his design of Grimmjow like his appearance>>> the hollow mask, the blue hair, the natural eyeliner, so what if he has a hole in his abs?! I'm still putting it down on him 😻 also LOOK AT THAT FERAL SMILE OF HIS oh I know he's a FREAKKKK in bed (he and my self-insert are also married and have an arrancar-soul reaper kid)
2. Kensei Muguruma
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I have a problem when it comes to ISTP men who are stoic but also easy to fluster... it may be the ENTJ in me but I'll always love me an ESTP/ISTP man, the brute + confident and strong diva duo will always do it for me every single time without failure, also, again, MUSCLESSS!! I need to be taken to paris by him and Grimmy
3. Cang Du
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The man himself who inspired Toji... even though his body's not as built as Toji's, he's still so fine! He's also one of the only non-female Quincies I like (the other one being Äs Nödt but I like him for his creepy he is) anyways he also has some muscle on him + he's not as loud and cocky as the other quincies (yes, I know Grimmjow doesn't shut up, but he's mega foine so he gets a pass)
4. Shūhei Hisagi
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Again w the dark-haired muscular men!! Unlike the others, who are mainly known for being tsundere/stoic men, Hisagi has sm cute little moments in the show, like all his moments with Rangiku are so adorable like I'd love flustering this man to death!! (Kubo needs to give him more battles that he wins bc why he he constantly losing every single one 💀)
5. Kaien Shiba
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Yet another dark-haired man! Who would've guessed?! anyway, I looooveee his little mentor moments with Rukia, but the little amount of screentime he got in the series was so annoying, especially given how handsomeee this man is with his lil mullet like please return in a flashback idk
6. Ichigo Kurosaki
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Ofc, the protagonist of the series gets to be on this list... I didn't find him THAT cute early on in the series, but now that he's drawn better and has more muscle (I'm a fiend for muscles), he's wayyy hotter, also his little mullet moments were soooo UGH please Orihime Inoue my queen make him bring back the mullet, plus his drip/casual outfits are UNMATCHEDD ABSOLUTELY UNMATCHED
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Anyway that's all! At least until I watch more episodes...
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sparrow-ceiling · 8 months
because i want to squeeze him like a rubber duck (I WROTE DICK HELP)
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OK FIRST CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE PARALLEL TO THE TRUST FALLS WHEN HE CATCHES CHARLIE (TWICE)!!??? Like she trusts him. They love each other. They're gonna be ok. Charlie never set out to do this but in saving all those other people she also saved herself and her dad and i love her for that. Also I just realized they have the same little cheek circles its so cute <3
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(help why does Charlie look like Candace Flynn In the first pic-) LOOK at him hes such a short king. He's trying to hide it with that silly little hate but he's fooling exactly nobody.
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"I'm going to FUCK you." HES SUCH A DAD LMAO he really thought he ate that one. Also its so silly how his hair part switches sides all the time I love him for that. ((Also did anybody else notice that when Charlie pops in she has her hair tied up and stuff but before and after she's like. disheveled/bloody etc. Probably just a mistake but still interesting.))
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ALSO HIS WHOLE FIGHT WITH ADAM IS SO FUNNY why is he so unserious about everything LMAOO. Also bonus look at his slutty little eyeshadow in the first pic (also most of these pictures but its so silly I love it. Also probably necessary to keep the design from being monochromatic) He really gives so few shits about Adam and just beats the hell out of him it's hilarious (honestly giving Alastor-Vox dynamic a little bit but I may be reading into things too much)
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ALSO THE DYNAMIC DUO!! They really destroyed that fucker so hard together. PLUS get you a dad that looks at you the way Lucifer looks at Charlie.
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ALSO HES SO FUNNY HERE. Hes so fucking confused. And concerned hes just like uhhhh. Awkward wet cat of a man!!!
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ALSO THIS IS SO FUNNY LIKE READ THE ROOM MAN. Your daughter and her friends are soaked in blood and you're out here asking who wants to have pancakes (I mean fair enough though. I could use a good pancake after slaughtering angels honestly). But the contrast between them is so funny.
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AND LOOK AT HIM HES SO SWEET TRYING TO CHEER UP HIS DAUGHTER. WE LOVE A KIND MAN!!! (Also i just realized he only has four fingers)
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Also girl what are these fruity ass stances chill out bro
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AND HE TAKES HIS HAT OFF TO SALUTE SIR PENTIOUS AWWW. Hes so genuine about it too <33333
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ALSO HIS REACTION WHEN ALASTOR SHOWS UP LMAO. The SASS, he hates that guy so much kdhsjksf
Anyway that concludes my rant about lucifer i love him so fucking much!!
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vidavalor · 8 days
Perfectly Splendid
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"Perfectly splendid" is a Mary Poppins allusion from another story that, thematically, is an interesting one for Good Omens to be referencing in The Final 15. That story, plus the ton of other Mary Poppins references in the last two episodes of S2 and how that could help us figure out what's going on, beneath the cut.
The phrase "perfectly splendid" is an allusion to Mary Poppins that comes from Mike Flanagan's The Haunting of Bly Manor. It's a modern-set Gothic horror story that features a nanny arriving to care for two, Jane-and-Michael-Banks-esque kids at an English manor house. Flora, the little girl in the story, is obsessed with her mysterious former nanny. We see quickly in the series that Flora has taken to using her former nanny's catchphrase and so calls everything she likes "perfectly splendid" repeatedly throughout the story, in a way that is both cute and eerie as all fuck, depending on the scene.
The "perfectly splendid" is a take on Mary Poppins' "practically perfect" and the homages to Mary Poppins in The Haunting of Bly Manor are overt, if not quite as much as Scary Poppins is in Good Omens. (It would be hard to top that!) Flora saying "perfectly splendid" is the main quote to come out of the series and a reference in Good Omens to this signature bit of The Haunting of Bly Manor is then also a roundabout reference in Good Omens to Mary Poppins.
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The Haunting of Bly Manor is a horror story about possession.
Ya know, that thing that Satan did to Crowley in 1.01...
...and, I would wager, in the bits below of 2.06:
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When the character Derek Jacobi is playing first arrives, all five angels fail to identify this being as The Metatron... and all while the only demon in the room-- Crowley-- is very still in the chair and suspiciously (forcibly?) silent until spoken to by the being.
The angels not being familiars of The Devil is, I think, the simplest explanation for why none of them can recognize a face that should be very familiar to them. Upon this person being identified as The Metatron, Michael, Uriel and Saraqael are then so terrified of ticking him off that they fail to recognize that he told them all to go back to Heaven using language from the wrong Julie Andrews movie.
If this is The Metatron below, then why is he saying "spit spot" (and alongside "not another word" as a bonus, as she says that, too)? These are Mary Poppins signature phrases and Mary Poppins is Hell's answer to Heaven and The Sound of Music in Good Omens.
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I'm actually pretty sure Crowley & Aziraphale had a hand in writing both, which is why neither Hell nor Heaven seem to actually understand their signature stories but, for now, we know which one is supposed to go with which group and any sign of Mary Poppins is a sign of Hell, ever since the Warlock era... which parallels the last two episodes of S2, with The Meeting Ball disaster as a version of Warlock's birthday party. This time around, the party leads to the influence and not the other way around.
In S1, it's Crowley as Scary Poppins at the door to influence Warlock with Aziraphale there to counter him as the gardener... mirrored in S2 with Aziraphale as the Warlock, Crowley the Gardener as one influencing voice and the other being Satan-appearing-as-The-Metatron arriving at the door in the midst of a Poppinspalooza.
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But there's still a lot more Mary Poppins than just the above:
A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down...
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Most of the Mary Poppins references actually started the prior night with the arrival of the demons, when Crowley paused in the street in mid-conversation as the demons arrived on Whickber Street and spoke aloud about how he felt a change happening a la Bert in the opening scene of Mary Poppins.
Wind's in the East/Mist comin' in
Like something is brewin'/About to begin...
Then, there's Crowley asking Mrs. Sandwich (who is wearing a plume very much like Bert's favorite lady in that opening scene of Mary Poppins) if she "has her hat pin", which is a reference to the suffragette movement, so cast off the shackles of yesterday! shoulder to shoulder into the fray!...
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Mary Poppins' "Sister Suffragette" scene is also an example of one of its many scenes in which the humor is built around two characters who aren't at all hearing one another, which is very similar to Aziraphale and Crowley having issues with that to some extent during The Meeting Ball and then being in full-on, Baby-Swap-Plot-level, miscommunication Hell in That Scene in The Final 15. A lot of those Mary Poppins scenes, including "Sister Suffragette", involve action around a door-- like damn near every scene in Good Omens-- as that is symbolic of communication and whose voice is being listened to at any given time.
Or how everyone was then link your elbows/step in time-ing it the fuck out of the shop...
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They're at the gate/step in time... It's The Master/step in time...
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That was all after things got a bit supercalifragilisticexpialidocious...
So when the cat has got your tongue, Mrs. Sandwich, there's no need to dismay! Just summon up that word and then you've got a lot to say...
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Beez's Fly + Hell claiming Mr. Brown of Brown's World of Carpets =
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But the best/worst is near the very end:
Though her words are simple and few
Listen, listen/She's calling to you...
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Feed the birds/That's what she cries
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While overhead/Her birds fill the skies...
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So, yeah...
Up/Where the smoke is all billowed and curled, Aziraphale...
...between pavement and stars
is the chimney sweep world...
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When there's hardly no day/Nor hardly no night
There's things off in shadow
And off way in white...
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We're owed some serious "Let's Go Fly a Kite" come S3. 🦆☂️😊
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lurkingshan · 3 months
Japanese QL Corner
Coming in hot this week with a new show plus an ongoing favorite. We also have Takara no Vidro and Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko! next week--we are back in the jql flood (yay!). Look forward to those and pray for international distribution so we can all watch TNV soon.
I Hear the Sunspot
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I am so hype for this show. Twelve whole episodes to tell this story properly! The film version, Silhouette of Your Voice, is very cute but suffers from its short runtime. This one seems like it will be a more faithful adaptation of the full manga and I am thrilled. We started strong this week with the introductions of our main characters, Kohei and Taichi. I really love the way they are calibrated in this version, and Taichi is an instant blorbo. I also liked the choice to open with a look at Kohei's despair in the future before going back to the start, as it grounds everything nicely in the stakes for him. The show is also already doing a great job of unpacking Kohei's perspective on his hearing loss and the way others treat him as a result.
@nicks-den is also planning to fan sub this one, so look out for those updates. I recommend watching on Gaga when it comes out to give it the views and then revisiting with the better subs later in the week.
Bonus: Ossan no pantsu ga nandatte ii janai ka
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Episodes 7 and 8 have been made available on @isaksbestpillow's blog, and this show continues to be glorious. Highlights from these episodes include the return of Hasegawa (with newly glowing skin) and Kakeru continuing to make friends and settle on a career path in makeup, Mika learning to let her family appreciate her, Makoto's confusion about whether Kakeru likes boys or girls, Kakeru's frustration that he's trying to figure that out at all, Daichi's anxiety that he is making Madoka's life more difficult, Madoka's fear of losing him due to his inability to come out, Makoto's continued efforts to confront his senior and change his workplace for the better, and a lot of hard won bonding and connection at the festival. Phew, this drama packs in so much in every installment and it all feels so natural.
My favorite thread in these episodes was the parallel they drew between Makoto and Kakeru and their struggles with communicating effectively. Kakeru's impatience and dismissiveness toward his parents' attempts to connect with him at the start of the story are akin to Makoto’s own former impatience and dismissiveness about anything he didn’t understand, and it was such a huge moment of growth for Kakeru to recognize that. Part of growing up is developing empathy for your parents and recognizing your own similarities to them, and I love that he is starting to open up and give Makoto grace as he earns his trust back. I also loved the conversation between Makoto and Madoka and the way they helped each other understand their respective situations better. This show keeps surprising me with how attentive it is to all of these relationships and connections.
Passing to @bengiyo for a manga update.
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wuxia-hero · 3 months
HELLO coming out of my cave to yell about how much I LOVE The Double (墨雨云间) bc I have no irl friends that love historical c-dramas :’) I’ve been hung up on this show for a few days after finishing it.
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Overall 10/10 with a subjectively happy ending (I choose to believe the ending is happy) with really good acting. Wu Jinyan could never disappoint. The frontal camera angles threw me off quite a bit at first but I slowly started to appreciate this artistic choice.
Some spoilers ahead as usual!
Let’s dive into - the Plot. I read some of the original novel in the past but dropped it after a while. There are some differences - such as the novel using transmigration (Xue Fangfei entering Jiang Li’s body) as the main plot point, while the drama explicitly shows how Xue Fangfei’s journey with Jiang Li and how she eventually took over JL’s identity after her passing. Personally I prefer what the drama did as everything felt much more real and believable. This added a depth to the story that transmigration was unable to showcase. Plus, Wu Jinyan’s ability to showcase XFF’s pain and growth as she vows to exonerate JL (played by Yang Chaoyue) and herself was extremely captivating and I constantly wanted to root for her.
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All the flashbacks with JL thanking XFF throughout the show had me sobbing in bed at 3am while watching.
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Special mention to the king (played by Zeng Ke Liang) as well for not being a total fool - as seen in SO MANY other historical dramas. His friendship with Xiao Heng is rock solid, and seeing the ministers and other antagonists constantly underestimate it was sooo satisfying to watch. So if you hate cdramas with stupid monarchs, you'll be pleased to hear that there won't be any of that here.
Scenes of their friendship were really cute to watch too.
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The romantic development between XFF and Xiao Heng (played by Wang Xingyue) was delightful to watch. I love couples that just understand each other. Without explicitly saying anything, without any grand confessions of love, both parties mutually knew each other’s feelings and constantly looked out for each other. The slow and gradual process of them falling for each other was paced out beautifully - XH’s gaze changes as he looks at her throughout the episodes, and XFF gets more and more playful around him. The script and their bantering ticks all the right boxes fkr me. He’s the only person that knows her real identity, she doesn’t need to hide in front of him. And this makes their relationship so much more special.
And I love that there was nothing like making stupid decisions in the name of love and protection while jeopardising the bigger picture. (eg. XH giving up the entire secret army the emperor trusted him with for XFF - turning out to be a hidden ploy) Both XFF and XH were on a quest for revenge and they are determined to get what they want without making any compromise. If at any point of the plot - they deviate from this and decide to do something foolish in order to protect the other, I would have seen it as out of character.
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Bonus points for including an archery scene :D It’s one of my favourite overused tropes.
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The overall camera work and style of The Double was shot so beautifully and in a rather interesting theatrical style. From JL’s death where she falls among the pear blossoms to Princess Wanning (played by Li Meng) ’s dancing and even the scenes where characters stare directly into the camera. The opening scenes were super dramatic and really set a heavy tone for the rest of the story.
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While the staring into the camera took some getting used to, there are certain portions where Wanning’s expressions gave me goose bumps. Li Meng’s performance took me out - her Wanning was repulsive in the way she treated others, yet so broken from her past that I felt so much pain for her towards the end of the story. It was amazing.
There were even comedic elements that made some parts feel like a stage play. Like her cousin and his lackeys’ coordinated walk as they try to help her out from her room. And one of the minister’s love for theatre which was super on the nose I laughed out loud while watching it all play out. The style in which important plot points are presented is so unique and really sets this show apart from other cdramas I’ve watched.
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Everyone in the cast was amazing in their roles. While Wang Xingyue is one of the younger cast members, the emotional depth in his performance as Xiao Heng gave off maturity and a temperament beyond his years. Seeing him goof around behind the scenes, and then watching him as Xiao Heng gave me whiplash - but in the best way possible.
Liang Yongqi was a truly despicable Shen Yurong - it got to a point where seeing him on screen made my skin crawl. Liu Xiening as Jiang Ruoyan was perfectly annoying - and I can't wait to see more from her as I've really liked her since she was in Gugudan.
I could probably go on and on about how much I love Wu Jinyan as Xue Fangfei and I’m so happy that they casted her because she was perfect. (Admittedly, I’m biased). But I think you can watch the show to experience everyone's brilliance for yourself. The casting and script pacing was great and all the different pieces fit together into this story perfectly.
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Now let's talk about the somewhat controversial ending of The Double. Did our beloved Duke Su die in battle? Did they ever reunite? I choose to believe that he came back to her in the end and they got their happy ending. But Wang Xingyue's performance in that last battle - with the iconic scene of XFF's pendant in his mouth was breathtaking. Regardless, I do think the show could have done without causing the audience pain with this added arc of him going back to his duties - but I felt that it made sense.
Xiao Heng is someone who is deadly loyal to his country and to his king. He and XFF are not the kind to simply escape from the capital and its intrigues to live a happy life on their own. Both value their family and their country, they would never leave the capital to pursue their own happiness.
Also something I noticed - that made this scene so much more painful. At the start after XFF retrieves the pendant, Tong'er (her servant) tells her not to pawn off this pendant anymore. She replies with "there's no one worth trading this pendant for". And then she gives this pendant to XH before he goes off to battle at the end. Cries.
Abrupt end but I think this is most of the feels I have to get out already - I took a lot of screenshots and recordings while watching The Double (haven't felt the urge to do so in such a long time tbh) so there may be more posts from me while I continue yapping about how much I love this show and story adaptation.
smol life update: I’ve been working FT after graduation two years ago - but I was in a pretty bad environment and have decided to resign this year. So now I’m funemployed and trying to work through some health issues. Hope everyone has been well and thank you for reading this! ❤️❤️
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arecaceae175 · 7 months
Fic Rec List
AO3 is holding a Feedback Fest for International Fanworks Day! I saw @zarvasace make a fic rec list for it, so here's one of my own! Late to the party but oh well. Here's ten of my favorite bookmarks (no particular order) :D
Immemorial by schrodingers__cat - (LU, complete) Gift fic for me!!! It's one of my favorites of all time. Sky-centric, with all my favorite headcannons thrown in, plus Warriors and Time brotherly bonding hours. I love this fic so much <3
To Hold The Sun, To Catch The Moon series by @obsidiangst, @hyperphonic, and @softpromise - (BOTW, one fic complete, one in progress) Incredible BOTW AU fic. Link is Zonai (native people of Hyrule) and Zelda is Hyrulean, and they fall in love. There's anti-colonialism, anti-patriarchy, anti-racism, political intrigue, and so much more. It's beautifully written and I love it so much
Looking For Group by @tashilover - (LU, complete) INCREDIBLE modern AU. Wild meets the gang, and the gang is wonderful. I love the worldbuilding in this one
All that glitters by Pebble - (Bonus Links, complete) SUPER CUTE MINI AND MAGE FIC!!! I want to consume this fic every day of my life
Old Wounds by @minty-mumbles - (LU, complete) Wild and Legend have a chronic pain flare while traveling with the chain
The Nebula Brigade by @heroesspirit - (Heroes Spirit, in progress) Super incredible space AU for Heroes Spirit. Bugs. Cori Eras bugs <3
Shopping Episode by @zarvasace - (LU, complete) Incredible holiday fic for Shatterproof (disability au). So fluffy and sweet and everyone is perfect
Peppermint Winter by @musashi - (Skyward Sword, complete) Link, Groose, and Zelda experience a snow day on the Surface. Link gets sick and also has a lot of feelings. Those two are not necessarily related lol. My all time favorite skyward sword fic <3
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swiftllama · 1 year
September Compliments ☀️🔍
[Compliments Masterlist]
Hey guys! Back for another month! A month of a lot of small compliments sprinkled throughout this time around, but we still got quite a few full-on great complimentary moments. One in particular was very special 🥰
So let's get into it...
September 2023
Thinking OUTSIDE The Box (Herd Mentality)
Right off the bat, first day of the month, we got a Games video, and this video actually started off a theme throughout this month. The boys were in quite a few videos where they were playing games this month and were either competing against or working as a team so we got a lot of them complimenting each other on a job well down, plus the bestie-ism was shining through :-
Q: 'Name a brand beginning with an A’
Anthony: "I went to clothing for some reason."
lan: "Oh then I know what you did then."
Anthony: "Do you?'
lan: "You went to clothing.”
Anthony: "I put American Eagle. I'm thinking mall culture."
lan: [nodding] “I was thinking- I actually thought you'd either put American Eagle or All Saints."
Q: 'Name an animal beginning with a P’
lan: "I'm giggling [at his answer]."
Anthony: "I think I know why you're giggling.”
lan: "I put p**sy!"
Anthony: "I knnnew."
Anthony: "Did you [lan] just win?"
lan: "Oh!'
Anthony: "That's a win!" [cheering and clapping] "Yoooo! Because the nose [lan's answer for that round] knows!'
Q: 'Out of all the animals in the world, which is the cutest?'
lan: "I said cat."
Anthony: "I said kitten."
[everyone debating whether it counts as the same animal]
Anthony: "Also Ian," [shows him his card] "I wrote cat and crossed it out. I almost wrote it."
Q: 'Who is the toughest Disney princess?'
lan: "I did, I think her name is Merida?"
Anthony: "I put the one from Brave."
lan: "Oh!"
Anthony: "Yeah!"
I actually made a post of this moment because it was so cute! How excited they were they had the same answer and also Anthony's little tap dance when he realises 😊
l also loved Angela pointing it out :-
Angela: "Wait, that was so cool that you both said that really random one."
Chanse: "That is fun. Yeah."
Anthony: "Yeah."
lan: "She's tough."
Anthony: "But isn't she- she's like an archer."
Angela: "Sure, but like nobody talks about that movie."
Jackie: "I thought of it too, but I was like 'That's too much of a deep cut.'"
What did I say about the bestie-ism shining through? 🥰
lan: "Hey everybody. Here's a good one, Anthony I feel like you and I are gonna be aligned on this one."
Q: 'Name a rapper'
lan: "I said Drake."
Anthony: "I wrote Snoop Dogg."
So obviously not the same answer but very cute how lan thought they would be on the same wavelength and he gives the reason as to why he thought that :-
lan: "So Anthony and I played a, we played a fun little game yesterday, where we went on Spotify and we were trying to guess who were the top artists, because it ranks them-"
Literally awing out loud! the fact they were just playing that game together, it wasn't for a video or anything, just something they were doing together in their free time 🥹
Bonus - HELP! I became an NPC!
So this next moment doesn't really fall under the 'compliment' umbrella, but it is something that has become a sub-genre of these posts - is the 'daddy’ thing. Yep, you guessed it folks, Anthony was at it once again. Although, like in the 'You Posted That' episode, he's switching it up and now he's referring to himself as 'daddy’ :-
Anthony: [face appearing as if through a phone screen like in the main sketch]
lan: [pretends to put his fingers up Anthony's nose and then into his mouth]
Anthony: "Ooooh, daddy like."
Why are they like this 🤦‍♀️
Also I think @lilac-hecox & @only-frann summed up a perfect description of this Compliments Series :-
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Hope you guys don't mind me tagging you, but this is literally what this series is 😄
Anyways, that was just a jokey little one, but as I said, it's now a 'thing' of these posts so I couldn't not include it.
Moving on...
We Already Regret This Embarrassing Photoshoot ft. Smosh
The boys went back on Good Mythical Morning for the first time in almost 8 years, and although this time around we didn't get any frosting foot massages or Titanic re-enactments there was a few compliment-adjacent moments :-
Link: [talking about the photo they had to re-create] "And lan, I gotta give it to you, man. You remembered a lot."
Anthony: "He did! The glasses. The shirt."
Anthony: "I'm feeling good about that one [their photo]."
lan: "I'm feeling good."
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And then we got one of their high-five/hand-grip moments that they do a lot.
[lan and Anthony announced as the winners]
Anthony: "Yeeeah!'
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Another high-five, of course
Anthony: "Yeah! Let's go!'
They just absolutely live for congratulating each other on anything and everything now and it's very sweet. And there's more to come!
Food Battle 2011 - Flashback w/ Smosh
As they're rewatching Food Battle 2011, lan points out in one of the shots how his cross-country team photo can be seen in the background :-
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Anthony: "That's you lined up with all the cross-country... pals.
Oop was that jealous!anthony shining through a little there 🫢
lan: [laughs] "Pals."
Anthony: "Backlit. Looking epic."
So again, just another small little compliment, but lan's cross-country/running is brought up again and praised/complimented by Anthony in...
HELP! I became an NPC! Watch Party
[discussing how American sports are confusing]
Anthony: "I feel like Smosh and sports just don't mix in my brain."
lan: [laughs] “What sport do you think that aligns the most with Smosh?"
They go through multiple silly suggestions between the two of them and ones they read from the chat, before lan suggests :-
lan: “I feel like, and it's probably just because I did it, but cross-country. Smosh is cross-country."
Anthony: "Just cause you're part of Smosh and you did it?"
lan: "And you just keep going, and you just keep going. Just keep running."
Anthony: "Is that how you felt doing Smosh even when I left?"
lan: “Yeah. Like just gotta keep going. Just one more mile. One more mile."
Oh lan 🥺 I just had to pause to react to that before I get to the complimentary part of this conversation, but that's so sad. But also a perfect description of what I imagine it was like for him during those times when Anthony was gone. Having to remind himself to just keep going and pushing forward regardless.
Anthony: "What was your longest run?"
lan: "I did a marathon."
Anthony: “Yeah, I remember you ran past my street and I woke up bright and early, and I was like [pretends to be half asleep and waves].”
lan: [smiling] “Yeah, yeah I did."
Anthony: "How long was that run?"
lan: "26.2 miles."
Anthony: "Daaaamm, I didn't know [the] marathon was 26.2 miles, shiiiit.”
lan: “Yeah, and I averaged a little under an 8 minute mile.”
Anthony: “That is not bad. For 20 times 26?! That's good!"
So couple things to cover here!
1. Anthony waking up early to catch lan run by his street so he could wave to him CAN YOU HEAR ME CRYING 😭 that's the cutest thing ever!
2. Anthony saying how good of a time lan got in the marathon is so sweet. I live for Anthony bigging him up 🥹
Anthony's Birthday
This next lot I'd call complimentary-by-extension. Anthony's birthday rolled around and in typical lan fashion this was the birthday tweet we got from him :-
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Oh lan, wouldn't expect anything else from you 😅
Thought that was going to be it but then Mr. Padilla came through for us! And this was the particularly special moment I mentioned in the beginning of this post. He made the post linked in the main header of this section, thanking everyone for the birthday wishes and said how it had been Mykie and his anniversary the week previous and how she took him to the Grand Canyon. The post was all photos of the two of them, but in amongst it all, he included this gem :-
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lan 💛
Isn't this just the softest thing.
I mean...
1. We finally get to see lan interacting with Anthony's dogs 🙌 Also the fact you can tell how comfortable they must be around him given the fact she's laying on his chest quite content which means lan is around them often enough to have that bond with them 🥹
2. The fact they spent Anthony's birthday together after so many years of birthdays unshared & it also makes Ian's tweet funnier, like him being next to Anthony, realising people are probably expecting him to publicly wish him 'happy birthday’, him writing the most basic tweet with a low-quality gif, posting it, and then going right back to hanging out with Anthony 😆
3. Probably the softest thing about this, and where I'm going to get a bit emotional writing/thinking about it because I have a lot of feelings about it, is the fact Anthony included that photo of lan within his birthday/anniversary post. It's just so unbelievably soft. I cannot get over it. There was was no mention of lan in the caption or anywhere else, it was all photos of Anthony and Mykie, but within it, this one little candid shot of lan. It's so special. And says a lot without explicitly saying anything at all. It's just like, 'here's a post of things that matter to me.’ I like to imagine Anthony choosing the photos for that post, and even with it being a birthday/anniversary post, he still made the conscious decision to include that photo of lan. Something he didn't need to do, the photo wasn't relevant to the post, and yet, he included it anyways. He wants people to know that's how he spent his birthday, with the people he loves most - he couldn't not include that photo of lan. And I think it comes back around to the fact he's just so happy to have lan in his life again and he'll take every opportunity to say/show it. I can picture him sitting there looking at lan laying on his floor across from him, his dog on lan's chest, and his heart just feeling so full and happy at the fact he has his best friend with him again when a year ago he didn't think this would ever be a reality for him again. It's just so, so special ❤️
Finishing off Anthony's birthday was something that came a few days after :-
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Anthony's response to lan's birthday tweet ☺️
What I also love about this, is the fact that lan never tagged Anthony in his tweet and given it was a few days later that Anthony responded and by that point the tweet would have been buried in his timeline, and also that Anthony barely uses Twitter. Knowing all these things it's very likely that Anthony searched for lan's account for him to see that tweet 🥰
In the BTS for the POKEMON ROOMMATE BATTLE sketch lan keeps getting distracted playing Pokémon for the whole shoot, eventually getting the gameboy taken off of him by Erin 😅 In this livestream they're watching the sketch and Anthony says :-
[scene where 'lazy lan' is sitting in the beanbag playing Pokémon not wanting to move]
Anthony: “This is actually what you were like on set that day cause you were just playing Pokémon the whole day."
lan: "Oh yeah, so we rented that prop from like a prop house."
Anthony: “The gameboy."
lan: "The gameboy. And it was working - it was full battery, Pokémon Red was in it, and I booted it up and was like ‘There's no way. No. No’. and I was just straight up playing Pokémon on and it was-"
Anthony: "Was it everything you remembered?"
lan: "It was sick, dude. It was fun. I was having fun. I was getting really distracted and it was not good for the shoot. But I think I got my Charmander to like level 11 or 12."
Anthony: "Yeah, you nailed it."
Just a cute little compliment I felt should be included 🙂 But sticking with the Pokémon theme, it leads me on to the next compliment...
‘I Choose You' Smosh Hat
Anthony posted this Instagram promoting the Smosh Pokémon-style hat they released as merch, but what stood out to a lot of us is his choice of the first photo + the caption :-
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THE IMPLICATIONS! Him crowning lan with the hat and him saying ‘I choose you' 🥹 It reminds me of something I covered in my first Compliments post - the section covering the Smoshcast with Anthony and Shayne saying how they came back together and "choose to be best friends again" 💛🖤
Our Actual Worst Puns (Puns of Anarchy)
Another round of games and compliment-adjacent moments :-
Ian: [handing the cards out]
Anthony: "Oh, look at you. You're providing for your family.”
Just found this moment cute, Anthony referring to them as a family 🥹
[Jackie chooses Anthony's card and he reveals it's his]
Jackie: "I take it back."
Anthony: “I'm also 'Hand Solo' though, so [the other card Jackie was going to pick]?
Arasha: "I'm so pissed [because Anthony is winning]."
Ian: "Wow. Anthony's cleaning up” [claps]
[Round Category: Baby Boomers]
Ian's card -' A Whole New World' changed to 'A new video of an old, white person freaking out’
Anthony: [picks Jackie's card] “That was good. Although, I will say, I know this was yours, lan [from his handwriting]. That was an adventure, man. I appreciate that."
This isn't the only time the handwriting thing is brought up in the video :-
Keith: "Dude, where's my car?' turns into, 'Dude, where's my car? Oh wait, I can't drive?’ By far the best one, lan. And I know this came from you."
Anthony: "I know it came from lan too, cause I can see the handwriting."
Why is Anthony being able recognise Ian's handwriting so cute. He just knows him so well ☺️
One other moment I loved from this video was something I already made a post about here. Of Jackie referring to them as 'best friends' and Anthony laughing the hardest at his answer firing shots at lan, again, bestie-ism shining through 😄
Joycon HIDE AND SEEK (Everybody 1, 2, Switch)
Last one of the month! This video was full of so many great moments - two lanthony piggybacks, so many bestie moments, and them just being overly cute the whole time 🥰
And also many moments of them complimenting each other on doing well in the games. So many that I decided to compile a little video. Enjoy! :-
And that was it for September!
Hope you all enjoyed and I shall see you next time ❤️
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shhimagiraffe · 8 months
Fantasy High + Pokemon
I was inspired by @candaceaprillee and their art that they made for Hootgrowlithe zine! I had to go all in and make their teams, based off everything that's been released as of FHJY episode 3. There have been more episodes by this point but nothing that has happened since has influenced any changes!
Gang, I thought about this a lot...this is a lengthy post. This genius simply couldn't be contained. There are some that are based on vibes, and some that I dug a little deeper with Pokedex entries. Rest assured my explanations should suffice my reasoning! These Pokemon are not in any particular order btw!!
Adaine's team is just Peak Blue/cool color Vibes. Was not intentional! I picked a lot of spherical shapes and mon that happen to exude calming energy/auras. I do think that, for now, Adaine keeps her Orb Pokemon from evolving because they're the perfect shape.
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Spheal - Spheal is the perfect orb shaped Pokemon. I could not leave it out of the line up. Additionally, Spheals have soft fur and I think when Adaine's having a panic attack that soft fur would be good for grounding. As Spheal evolves it also learns to "identify" things with its sensitive nose, reminiscent of the Identify Spell.
Natu - Another phenomenal orb. While it's no owl, it will evolve into a psychic, fortune telling mon some day. It does have prophetic abilities in this version, but it seems to be more about hopping about and staring at things. Something about that feels right for Adaine.
Gardevoir - Admittedly, Gardevoir did not initially make my list for Adaine. I did get to thinking that since Adaine comes from an extremely rich family (albeit a neglectful one), her parents would want to give her a fancy mon to exert her status. I don't know if they'd give her a straight up Gardevoir as a kid, but in any case the whole line up is fairy/psychic; I thought since the Abernants are high elves that they would lean towards fairy type Pokemon to link back to their heritage. In any case! Gardevoir ALSO reads the future!
Dragonair - Dragonairs have that blue orb in them, plus they exude a "gentle aura," again another helpful thing for Adaine. They're also part of a pseudo legendary line, which is a great match for our legendary oracle. There's something very elegant about Dragonair, and it evolves into a cute lovey Dragonite!!!
Riolu - I originally gave Adaine a fully evolved Lucario, but given that Riolu evolves with high friendship, I don't know if Adaine would be emotionally ready for that. It still gets the same vibes across with being able to detect auras of others. I'm HC'ing that she got her Riolu as part of an official Welcome to the Family gift from Jawbone :') Riolu is basically an emotional support dog, after all.
Feebas - :) Gang :) I'm taking some liberties here. Wouldn't it be angsty and sad if we envision small Adaine, sad and alone, ignored and chastised by her family, off on her own and happens upon a sad little Feebas? And finds comradery in this lil fish that's considered the ugliest thing in the world? She brings home her very first mon she caught herself and her family tears her to shreds for it but she still loves this mon with a bad rap? I'm obsessed.
Fabian's mon consist of a mix of fighting types, dancing vibes, and trauma based dex entries! That's really all I can say so summarize his team. I'm sorry to my boy but he's so fun to play in the angst space with.
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Lombre - My HC is that Bill Seacaster gave Fabian his first Pokemon, maybe as a small Lotad. Lombre, in the anime, is one of Ash's mon that gave him a hard time, and I think that Fabian would have at least one mon that wouldn't completely respect him in the same way. Once Fabian sheds the expectations of his father, then Lombre accepts him and their relationship blooms! Bonus points! Lombre evolves into Ludicolo, a dancing Pokemon!
Cubone - This is my biggest brain idea. Cubone's whole thing is abandonment because of his mother dying. While Fabian's mother is not dead, she might as well be since she's off traveling with Gilear. Even before then! She was emotionally absent in his life. Sure the skull could be from his literal dead father THAT HE KILLED...there's just something about the mother/son relationship (or lack thereof) that's *chef's kiss*
Hitmontop - This Pokemon is purely fighter, but he's got sick dance moves and if this isn't the Pokemon version of Fabian I don't know what is.
Kirlia - Sigh. Okay. So. The dancing theme is obvious. Unfortunately, I think Fabian would be the kind of guy that would sexualize Kirlia's evolution, Gardevoir. I could only hope that he wouldn't fall in love with his mon but JY Fabian has me fucked up with his character development. I originally gave Fabian Kirlia before I gave Adaine her Gardevoir, so I think he'd probably go with Gallade for his evolution? I do think that this mon, whatever happens, would knock some sense into Fabian like Brock's mon do in the anime, hehe!
Bisharp - Bisharp reflects Fabian's initial work with swordfighting and fencing. Its description about leading groups of its unevolved form plus getting kicked out if it loses a battle to become boss.....gives me Fabian's Very Bad No Good Day on Leviathan vibes to me.
Absol - Absol's deal is that it is something of an unlucky charm -- but it can actually warn people of incoming dangers. I truly think Fabian needs a creature like that in his life. He probably wouldn't know how to interact with a mon such as this, but I believe in him.
Fig's team consists of fire types, music based designs, and illusion/trickery Pokemon. I'm realizing that I'm HC'ing that a lot of Fig's mon evolved with her around the time that she learned she's actually a tiefling. I borrowed that idea from Candace, particularly with Houndoom!
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Jigglypuff - Jigglypuff is SUCH a match for Figueroth Faeth, I'm talking pre-campaign Fig. It's cute, it's bubbly, and is fully capable of being a menace. Fig would absolutely egg on her mon to do something like, I don't know, marking up their sleeping audience out of anger. Plus it's a singer so it could be a cute lil back up singer for Fig! Jiggly is also sweet and fitting for Fig because it evolves through high friendship. I know that Fig says she keeps her emotions wrapped up but miss thing would absoLUTELY have best friendships with her mon.
Loudred - Loudred feels right for Fig, especially if we assume that Fig started with Whismur, this shy timid lil pink first evolution that has a piercing scream. It's basically a big speaker as well (even though it would not be ideal for a concert with it being able to level houses...Fig would probably love that though) It is a pretty destructive Pokemon, but if it gets to evolve it'll mellow out some. I don't know Fig will ever truly mellow out, but who knows! Anything's possible!
Salazzle - Salazzle's deal is that she emits pheromones that attract males which I think goes well with Fig's penchant for flirting with random guys. Maybe Fig found her Salazzle while in Hell and wasn't an initial part of her team, as they are found in volcanoes and other craggy places. She's also generally cunt and Fig deserves a member like that on her team :)
Zoroark - I love Zoroark for Fig as it is an illusion based Pokemon that is extremely loyal to those that have good bonds with them (I'm being liberal with this, they're more loyal to other Zoroarks but I think Fig's would see her on the same level). It can transform itself and makes large crowds believe their illusion. It just matches Fig's vibes!!! Could I go into how its first evolution, Zorua, transforms itself to protect itself from danger and that parallel with Fig's transformations to protect her emotional state?? Sure, but y'all get the point.
Houndoom - Houndoom is a given for Fig. It's a demon fire dog. For our tiefling archdevil that occasionally shifts into German Shepherd mode? Yeah, nuff said.
Shelgon - Shelgon's line is based on being so determined and literally head strong to get what they want. There's the obvious trait we see here, which is that hard shell that Fig often comments on. Both creatures are reorganizing their cells to better reflect their true/ideal selves. Plus Shelgon turns into a dope dragon and I wouldn't put it past Fig to love that for herself and her Pokemon.
Gorgug's mon are a majority grass/bug based, which I think works with how he grew up with the Thistlesprings in the tree. I gave him two "new" members of his party to reflect his artificer second class. Pretty much all of them could work for both of his classes!
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Timburr - Timburr's a cute lil guy that absolutely would start out with Gorgug training to be a barbarian and turn into a lil helper with Gorgug's artificer tinkering. Should Timburr be more evolved than its base form? Yes. Do I think the rest of the line is ugly? Also yes. Sorry about it.
Roselia - I needed to reference Gorgug's very sweet tin flower in some way!!! If taken care of, and we know our boy would absolutely would, it releases a calming scent. Maybe this scent helps calm down Gorgug before he enters a rag e outside of battle, or just to help him relieve anxiety at the end of the day.
Rillaboom - Gorgug 100% would have first gotten its first evolution, Grookey, as his first mon. It'd fit in perfectly with the tree, plus it's whole line is about drumming and rhythm!!! What more can you ask of a mon?
Heracross - I think Heracross is Cute. And strong to boot! For a long time, it's the only one that can keep up with Gorgug as far as strength goes. It's described as docile unless it's disturbed while eating honey; a great match for our sweet barbarian!
Rookidee - I'll be so honest, this choice was based off Cloaca Chloe. I originally gave him Beldum, which is literally a hunk of steel. But I thought about it some more, especially with Chloe being a metal bird, and how could I *not* pick a Pokemon that eventually turns into this giant badass steel/flying type Corviknight? Plus, this mon is bold and always up to the challenge of fighting. What better for a creation that goes "I SUCK" all the time unprovoked?
Tinkatuff - I think that Gorgug found this mon while in the Nightmare Forest, or perhaps right outside of it scared and alone. She's figuring out tinkering along with Gorgug and I know this giant/tiny duo would kick so much ass. Will Tinkatuff end up wanting to fight Rookidee all the time? ...Maybe, but I'm sure Gorgug will find some kind of solution for that to be chill with each other.
I had the hardest time with Kristen, because I can't really pin down her personality and ideals in Pokemon. I think it's because she doesn't know who she is currently. I love Kristen, but most of these mon are a read on her.
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Bellossom - Bellossom is one of the handful of Pokemon out there that has the healer ability! It could certainly be the final evolution of a mon Kristen could have had as a cleric of Helio, Oddish. Also, picturing Kristen and Bellossom doing ribbon dances together? That'd be cute as hell.
Cosmog - Cosmog is veeeeery Cassandra to me. It's a borderline legendary Pokemon. It is characterized as taking an immediate liking to anyone who gives it the time of day. Something about the frailty of this mon reminds me of Kristen's current god. And if any of The Bad Kids were going to have a legendary mon, it'd be Kristen. Given episode 4, we might be looking at an evolution soon...
Psyduck - Psyduck is constantly plagued with headaches that makes it constantly confused! While Kristen doesn't get the headaches she doesn't necessarily quite know what's going on and why she does certain things. It looks like this season she's on the ball with battles though so we'll see! I'm also thinking of Misty's Psyduck and how she treated hers...while I don't think Kristen would get pissed off with her Psyduck, I think she wouldn't see its value in her party all the time.
Eevee - The beauty with Eevee is that it simply could be anything depending on its environment. I think, if anything, this mon most reflects her current religion with Cassandra in that nothing is set in stone and that's okay.
Bidoof - Kristen picked Bidoof for the meme. I just know she would have at least one joke Pokemon. And yet...I don't know, Bidoof just works with Kristen for reasons I can't explain.
Quaquaval - This is the gayest Pokemon I've EVER seen. Imagine seeing this guy ribbon dancing with Kristen? SICKENING!!!! On a more serious note, it does take things more seriously especially while training. Kristen needs someone to whip her into shape, take things more serious.
Riz is obviously our crime solving lil goblin kid. Of course, he's going to initially pick mons that could help with a case. But he's also got SUCH a big heart and would wholeheartedly love all of his mon for who they are outside of being helpful. I also just had to go in and do my best to make sure that Riz has a balanced team -- I refuse to think of him as someone that wouldn't have an answer to counter a weak point for any of his Pokemon.
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Zigzagoon - I've HC'd that Zigzagoon as Riz's first ever Pokemon! Found him in the grass while he was snooping around for something, and Zigzagoon are naturally curious and restless creatures, so they became quick best friends. I think they're always side by side working on a case!
Spoink - Ok hear me out...I was thinking about how the Night Yorb happened because of Riz trying to figure out Garthy, essentially creating the Night Yorb for the universe with that bit. So I fell on Spoink with it's orb on it's head. But then I got to thinking...Spoink can never stop bouncing because it will die if it does. And if THAT is not Riz Gukgak I don't know what is. Boy doesn't know how to relax; his literal worst fear is resting.
Rotom - Honestly I think Rotom would be super useful for Riz! I'm thinking with the arcade in Freshman Year, if Riz had a Rotom that encounter would have been a bit easier! It is a little bit mischievous, and while that's not really Riz's steez, I think he'd find it endearing to a degree.
Klefki - I think that Riz would love to collect things like keys he thinks are relevant to a case. The great thing about Klefki is that it will hang on to keys that it likes and I think Riz relates to wanting to hold on to things he obsesses over! I know that Riz trusts Klefki with his keys, in general. It apparently jingles itself at attackers, and the mental image of a ring of keys jingling while Riz hisses in Goblin Mode™ is so funny to me.
Greninja - Greninjas give me rogue energy. By this time in its evolution it's a pro at devising battle strategy and is a sharpshooter like its trainer. Plus you KNOW Riz would have Battle Bond with Greninja, they'd be a great fighting pair!
Golbat - Originally I picked a bat Pokemon to relate back to Riz's goblin race; goblins live in dungeons, bats live in dungeons, fantastic! Plus the teeth and open mouth? Riz and Golbat going toe to toe in hissing games. Ok let's get serious, cutthroat. I feel as if Riz would find kinship with its unevolved form, Zubat, because of how they are perceived as small annoying things (I personally was always annoyed encountering zubats in the games, idk if this is a widespread belief). Bonus: Golbats evolve with high friendship into Crobat! I don't know why I didn't give Riz a Crobat, just didn't feel right I guess.
And that's the end! Hope you enjoyed this deep dive into Pokemon, Fantasy High, and dare I say character analysis??? I don't know, that might be a little generous to my word vomit. Get in the comments!! I'd love to hear other takes and see more discussion!!
Anyways uhhhh stream Fantasy High Junior Year on Dropout and play/watch some Pokemon k bye
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lotuspeacock · 2 years
Kazuki's Top 8 Funny Faces From This Week's Episode!
this episode emotionally (and physically) exhausted me so i'll make an actual analysis tomorrow - for now enjoy kazuki's top silly faces!
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8. Duck face when joking with Miri: A more subtle silly face, but silly enough to make it onto the list! (5/10)
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7. Coffee spit-take: A very two-dimensional silly face, but it really ties together the shock of the situation. (5/10)
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6. The “Uninvited Guest” face: The wrinkles, the rage, the popping vein, and the wide eyes all come together for quite a silly face, plus his characteristic overreactions are a bonus. (7/10)
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5. “She’s in my kitchen” face: We have the iconic anime “anger mark” here, but what really elevates this silly face are Kazuki’s hands clenched like he wants to strangle someone. (7/10)
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4. Hamster Cheeks: This face is very silly in a cute way, especially with how Kazuki insists that his steak is better with his mouth stuffed. (8/10)
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3. Red with Rage: This face is so silly, Kazuki doesn’t know what to do with himself! Like in number 5, the claw hands are a bonus, but the selling point here is definitely that Kazuki’s face is so close to the color of his hoodie. (9/10)
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2. “Betrayed by my husband”: Kazuki looking inches from murder as Rei is simply unbothered is absolutely perfect. Kazuki is so enraged that his pupils have disappeared and we once again have that anger mark. This face deserves to be the runner up of Kazuki’s silliest faces this episode! (10/10)
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1. “It tastes better when we all eat together”: This has got to be Kazuki’s silliest face! I mean, what’s sillier than your own hypocrisy about forming attachments coming to bite you in the ass? This face deserves the award for the silliest face and this man deserves the award for the silliest man. (0/10)
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satyrsatire · 2 months
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Hidden Love, 25 episodes, 4/5
(Spoilers, duh)
So i have to admit- this was a rewatch so these aren't my first impressions but alas. I love this one. I was really skeptical the first time i watched it because of Duan Jiaxu being Sang Zhi brothers friend and how the show would handle their age difference(4/5 years i think), but despite that i think they handled it well. Duan Jiaxu was a brotherly figure when she was was young and she fell for him as a cute little teen. They are one of the really strong drama couples in my opinion, i can tell why they like each other and what's pulling them together. Plus that one scene were Sang Zhi is about to assault a woman with no context simply for throwing water at Duan Jiaxu. There were some obstacles, mainly being their age difference and Duan Jiaxu's guilt over his fathers actions but they face them together and in a way that neither undermines the challenge or makes it the focus of the story. In the end it still read as a 'cute fluffy falling for my brothers best friend romance' which of course leads me to one of my favorite parts of this show-
Sang Yan's reactions whenever Duan Jiaxu and Sang Zhi even look at each other(post him finding out about them dating ofc). I don't have the best first hand experience with sibling dynamics (my brother is 20 years younger than me and barely out of diapers) but Sang Zhi and Sang Yan felt so real, how they'd bicker and fight but at the end of the day Sang Yan would do anything to make sure she was safe.
bonus point, Sang Zhi moving 355km or 220 miles away from her family to be near her childhood crush (WHOM SHE HAD ESSENTIALLY GHOSTED??) is peak girlhood.
OH AND- she also flew that distance oh a whim once when she was like 16(?) because she overheard her brother on the phone saying Duan Jiaxu had gotten a girlfriend, she's crazy and i love her.
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the-descolada · 2 years
I have seen several people talking about it already but it's so interesting that when Aerial's built in GUND-format systems are disabled and Suletta has to reactivate them and pilot fully "all by herself," even though the reactivated Aerial seems to be asking her if she wants her to do it with her, Aerial's performance goes through the fucking roof to superhuman levels, but most importantly, Suletta seems to be having fun piloting for the first time we've seen, instead of being generally serious in the cockpit.
Like, she is under no strain whatsoever! She's having a blast piloting her robot sister fully in combat for the first time and smiling nonstop and chattering away to Aerial while going 1v6 against the best pilots in the school effortlessly.
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She's so fucking cute but also
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the Grassley girls are honestly right lmao wtf is her deal (other than obviously being this setting's Newtype equivalent)
Plus, Miorine finally seems to have realized that Suletta talking to Aerial while in the cockpit isn't just a "oh this girl's kinda weird" thing but is in fact, an actual conversation, so that's going to be fucking juicy for her to maybe dig into next episode. Going to be a bit of a shocker for her to discover that her fiancé's robot sister is literally her sister
bonus happy post victory Suletta
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What are your favorite Chase moments from the show so far?
Just like with Zuma's post, it's in no specific order, I just really loved all these moments
That first Mission PAW episode when the Princess chose specifically HIM to be the watch dog and guard her crown. That was so adorable I can't even. He seemed so genuinely proud and happy there! Plus he's so damn cute wearing that tux lol
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When they were going to rescue Skye and Chase was so worried upon hearing that she was the one in need of rescue. Then when Ryder was choosing which pups would be part of the rescue, that moment he was like "Pick meee pick meeee-"?? That was so cute, he really cares about her and wanted to impress her so bad lmao personally make sure she would be safe (Bonus points for his excitement over being picked for the rescue and everyone else like Go ahead king, we all know you wanted this XD)
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The entire time he spent with the owlet and working to rescue the mama owl from that fallen tree. It was so sweet!! The fact I also love owls surely didn't help AUSHAUSHAUSHAU I love that episode SO MUCH
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That moment when he finally turned into a Merpup. Poor boy was so fixated on "being on duty" despite wanting SO BAD to go and participate in "the fun". And he couldn't even enjoy being a merpup immediately because he was transformed just because he needed to swim faster for the rescue but he was so overjoyed anyway! Only after that mess, he could go and finally have the fun he wanted and deserved so much.
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That moment in the first Sea Patrol episode when he and Skye were left behind at the beach while the rest of the team went on the first mission with the Sea Patroller. His face upon SEEING the HQ turn into a ship and sail away was just priceless XD (Also it's rare to see Chase being put on the sidelines for once lmao)
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The first Ultimate Rescue episode!! God, Chase was SO HAPPY. He's THE Police Pup, he gets to lead the mission, supervise, plan, give orders. And the way all the other pups clearly loved the experience and were SO ON BOARD with being Police Pups with him, it was just awesome!
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So far these are my favorite moments! Actually I legit just got to watch this first Ultimate Rescue episode like one hour ago. Not to mention it took me five days to think of these moments and then go find the episodes again to take the respective screenshots XD
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dkakapizzaboy · 1 year
Casting Svt as Characters in KDramas I’ve Watched
Masterlist || Taglist Form
Words: Around 900
Category: Fluff I guess
A/n: If you disagree w any of these, I’m always open for healthy discussion
a) A lot of these shows I watched a while ago so if any character descriptions are inaccurate, please drag me it’s okay.
b) Some characters are, of course, very different in age than the members but just go on the emotions, will ya?
c) Character descriptions are kept vague on purpose because I don’t want to give spoilers. Also, if I’ve given any major spoilers unintentionally, I apologise.
d) Spellings of Character names are from Wikipedia, so if you find any inaccuracies, pls lmk
Taglist: @junhui-recs @drunk-on-dk @wonuhour @enhacolor
Fic specific tags: @wonwussy @bitchlessdino hope you guys like it!
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1. Choi Seungcheol as Lee Young-Joon in What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim
The strong male character with childhood trauma who doesn’t know what to do with his feelings once he realises the love of his life, whom he had never confessed to, is leaving him screams Seungcheol to me. He’s awkward with his feelings, reacts poorly when hearing the news, is a true leader who silently burdens not only his trauma, but also his brother’s.
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2. Yoon Jeonghan as Park Chang-ho in Big Mouth
I think, of all the people in the world who can deceive a prison full of inmates that they’re a criminal mastermind and you shouldn’t mess with them, no one else would compare to Jeonghan. The professional lawyer, who is framed and sent to prison, is a good person at heart, and helps other suppressed inmates and leads a revolution. Jeonghan is particularly quick to think on his feet, which matches the character’s energy.
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3. Hong Joshua as Kang Tae- Moo in Business Proposal
A cold CEO who is super averse to dating and and is busy running his business meets and instantly falls in love with a girl who is posing as her friend on this blind date to get rid of him. He is devoted to his family, his passion for his company’s food products is only matched by our heroine. He’s a great cook and is also kind of nosy in his little brother’s love life.
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4. Wen Junhui as An Min-Hyuk in Strong Girl Bong Soon
The cute, funny gaming company CEO who hires our Bong Soon as a bodyguard just screams Jun to me, both because of his passion for games and gaming development but also for his endearingly cute and shy demeanour and the sense of humour. Plus actor Jun deserves a fun, cool and handsome role like this, considering we might never get to see his c drama :((
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5. Kwon Soonyoung as Jung Joon-hyung in Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo
Ok so this is the latest drama I’ve watched and Joonhyung’s passion and commitment for swimming instantly reminded me of Hoshi and his passion for dance. A bonus factor is the fact that after seeing In the Soop S2, I can confirm his….ahem…abdominal area can easily pass for a swimmer’s.
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6. Jeon Wonwoo as Cha Sung-hoon in Business Proposal
Yeah I don’t think I need to explain this.
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7. Lee Jihoon as Wi Seung-Huen in Rookie Cops
I’m sorry but Woozi as a trainee cop along with an initial e2f2l storyline???? Sign me uppppppp… Plus, this character is like the ace trainee along with having daddy issues and a strong sense of morality that builds over time. Just writing this is making me crave a Woozi remake of this show.
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8. Xu Minghao as Myul Mang in Doom at Your Service
Minghao, I think, is the best person in the world who can bring doom to the world while looking fucking stylish and having an angsty emo personality. Fuck the humans, what even do they have. Xu minghao is literally here to end us all. Plus the later developments in the show and the emotions this characters develops….I’ll cry watching if Minghao was Myul Mang. Also, I feel like Minghao is the most supernaturally member in Svt- you know the one who is into Tarot cards and palm readings.
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9. Kim Mingyu as Ji U-Min in The Fabulous
Ngl, the Going Magazine episode was a big factor while giving Mingyu this character. This super talented fashion and street photographer, who sometimes struggles to find his aim and is stuck in the friend zone after breaking up with the female lead is such Gyu vibe honestly. This man is so supportive, encouraging…and might I say relentless?
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10. Lee Seokmin as Baek Hee- Sung in Flower of Evil
The beauty of Dark! Seokmin is something to behold, a fantasy I will never give up on. A bright, perfect husband in every sense of the way on the surface with a dark past and even darker present….. is….so…..hot. And his wife is a police officer? Yup yup add it to the drama. Mars’ serial killer DK fic has arisen a fantasy in me that i don’t think is going away anytime soon. Plus I’m a sucker for complicated, grey characters whose layers are revealed slowly as the series progresses. He’s almost an anti- hero here.
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11. Boo Seungkwan as Lee Seung-cheon in The Golden Spoon
Another grey character, probably the most complicated character on this list. I think, for me, our Boo is also the most emotionally complex and mature guy in seventeen so I think this character really suits him. Our lead guy, is born into poverty but changes his luck, along with his family’s, by switching lives with the richest guy in his school. Complications, along with consequences, haunt him.
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12. Chwe Hansol as Goo Chang-seong in Hotel Del Luna
I’m sorry but Vernon as this character??? In great looking suits and constantly in service of ghosts to help them finish their last wishes and peacefully transition to afterlife along with having… probably the most emotional love story ever…..yeah I need a minute, or a week.
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13. Lee Chan as Kim Do-ki in Taxi Driver
Taxi driver is probably my favourite kdrama till date. And Dino as the sexy vigilante who takes revenge for people who the system can’t help is such a sexy concept. Action hero Dino to the rescue! Plus the main character plays so many roles undercover and is so hilarious at times that Dino will fit perfectly in this character’s shoes.
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hotchs-big-hands · 1 year
Hey girl! Let me start by saying I just found your blog and oof! Lol I've only seen bits & pieces of CM episodes but I am DEFINITELY a Hotch girl.😁😁 It's definitely a nice change in pace to be able to read a hotch x plus size reader.
Can you write something where Aaron and plus size reader are in a relationship. The reader asks him if he'll do the "stand in the doorway" thing, along with a few other poses, that she's read in some fantasy books. 😉 🫠 You know the ones I'm talking about. Hehe And she records them for a tiktok that she posts. Added bonus of the team's reaction when they inevitably see it.
He would absolutely do it!! Doesn't understand why you're asking him to do it but you seem giddy and he loves your smile so he obliges! So you're filming all these scenes of him in the doorway with you and oh my god you're trying not to swoon cuz he looks so fucking attractive 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣
The next day when he goes to work he notices his team are kinda giving him strange looks. He doesn't understand what's the reason and tries to ignore it but it's constant. Finally, he confronts them all and asks what on earth is going on and if maybe there's something wrong with his outfit or he's got a smudge or something on his face.
They all look like they wanna laugh soooo badly at this, only frustrating him more. And then Emily passes her phone to him to show him a video of, well... him. The stuff he was doing with you for whatever that clock app is. He sees your caption, gushing over how fucking hot he is and he sees the likes and views. Hundreds of thousands of likes. Over a million views. He's... fucking flabbergasted. And now they all know he's in a relationship with an absolute beauty as well 😭😭 the tips of his ears are bright red when he returns to his office. You'll be recieving a call soon enough from your boyfriend to have a little chat about you coming to meet the team in person...
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catboyidia · 10 months
since ever crisis is doing a crossover with ix it made me think that maybe they’ll do events with other ffs too, and my fave is xv so heres my propositions for who i think would get who’s outfit
cloud: noctis, they’re both the main characters of their ff games so it just kinda makes sense, cause i can only assume thats what they did with the ix collab and giving cloud zidane’s(?) costume (i think but i might be wrong i know literally nothing about ix…)
zack: prompto!!! noctis’ best friend!!! silly little puppy dog men!!! i think zack would probably fit prompto the best overall
aerith: lunafreya! because luna’s dress reminds me of that one skin they already gave aerith, the wedding dress looking one! and i think aerith would look really pretty in luna’s outfit :) plus they’re both like the healer kind of characters
tifa: probably cindy i think, cindy’s outfit kinda reminds me of tifa’s bathing suit outfit (i’m not entirely sure why but it just kinda does) and that one feels more likely than pairing tifa with iris, but i do think tifa would look very cute in iris’ outfit too! its really hard to choose when theres only like… 3 women in xv
barret: gladio! they’re both just the buffest ones tbh… not really any other correlation but i think the outfit would look good on barret
sephiroth: ardyn… i just think it would be funny to see baby sephiroth dressed in *that* monstrosity! plus i think matching the villians would make sense like matching the mcs, like cloud and noctis! although actually i also think ravus’ outfit would totally suit sephiroth!!! like 100% it would look so good!!! (it would also further my seph/aerith sibling hc)(no i don’t actually think they’re siblings i just think the ideas fun and cute)
bonus: yuffie: iris!!! if tifa doesn’t get iris’ then i think yuffie would also suit it super well!!! i would love to see yuffie as iris, plus character wise it makes more sense to me for yuffie to be paired with iris than tifa getting iris…
bonus 2: rufus: ravus! since sephiroth as ravus wouldn’t really make sense, pairing the secondary “antagonists” does! plus they’re outfits are both really cool and mostly white and i just overall think rufus would look super good (i love both ravus and rufus a lot so i’m highly biased)
bonus 3: red xiii: ignis… i think it would be funny trying to get him into one of ignis’ suits… or, idk how they would do it, but umbra or pryna!
cursed bonus: hojo: verstael except hojo gets the verstael episode ardyn treatment where you find out that hojo in his younger years was actually a cute twink that looked similar to sephiroth
blessed bonus: if we say fuck gender and give them the main 4 we can have cloud/noctis, zack/prompto, aerith/ignis (i wanna see her in like any ignis outfit… the suits…), and tifa/gladio (IMAGINE! JUST THINK ABOUT IT! YOU SEE THE VISION! THE OPEN SHIRT?! SHE WOULD LOOK SO GOOD!)
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