#only three seasons at 12 episodes each
mushramoo · 1 year
as someone who doesnt know shit or fuck about mp100 watching you go feral over that drenched towel of a man is wonderful and i am very proud. keep it up brother
I have never been so rabid about a guy in my life (except fnaf but that’s different) IM NOT EVEN AN ANIME PERSON. I WATCHED DEMON SLAYER AND MOB PSYCHO AND??? UR RIGHT HE IS A SOGGY TOWEL AND NOW ALL OF YOU HAVE TO SEE ME BE UNHEALTHY ABT THAT SWEATY MAN. (But thank you I’m getting more comfy using my blog as an actual blog, less formal)
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notscarsafe · 8 months
OKAY SO what with the TWO new Hermits implied by the updated banner I will say that, though the Skizz truthers have me convinced, I now have room to do my own crazy red string monologue and throw my hat in for my choice
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1) Mythical J. Sausage (the J is silent) is a multitalented S-tier builder that absolutely deserves to be shoulder to shoulder with the Hermits. The man does buildings, interiors, terraforming, custom trees, and he does them SO WELL.
2) The production values!!! Beautiful replay mod sequences with shifting camera perspectives, shaders, music that sets the tone for each segment that's different from series to series. He already has more than a million followers on YouTube and for good reason!!
3) He has been SO consistent lately. He started a hardcore world about three months ago (about the time you might expect the Hermits to finalize their s10 choices maybe...???) and already has 15 episodes and hasn't gotten involved in any other big content. (He did just start playing a little of the BCG server but from what I understand that's super casual /copium copium copium).
4) That hardcore world is conveniently about to reach a good "pause" point. He started his world on a cherry blossom biome island that he's filled with a medieval village and starter farms, he's said it's almost full and what's left is the castle. I'm guessing the new season will start the first week of February, so if Sausage puts out a video this week building out that Castle and finishing that island it will be MIGHTY CONVENIENT TIMING.
5) This man can GRIND. His Hardcore world hasn't even been going half a year and he's built... So much??? Magnificent! And when he was on the Hermitcraft server he did the Razorcrest for scar AND the player head baby yoda/stormtrooper merch AND the noteblock themesong AND still built in the xmas village and other "diamond of peace" and so many other shenanigans. Did the man even sleep? He can grind with the best of them.
6) He can do redstone, too! Maybe not unique designs, I honestly don't know, but he builds farms for build materials no problem.
7) The DRAMA this man loves his improv and his backstory and trauma lore! For every series he does! Can you imagine if he gets to interact with Ren for an extended period of time, what that would do to them, to us?? Give Martyn a run for his money!!
8) Which brings me to my next point, which is that Sausage is already One of The Gang, because he's been in series with so many of the Hermits already! Empires and the crossover, obviously, but also Pirates with Cleo and Origins with Scar, and he's even done MCC! Joel is the only other player with the same depth of different series but there are other people truthing him already.
9) The EPIC BROMANCE with Pearl. My god the devotion of this man to his sunflower goddess bestie. I would try to do ot justice but y'all have seen floweroflaurelins work, you already know.
10) He's already a PG streamer but with HILARIOUSLY PG-13 tendencies. Imagine him and Cleo cracking each other up at an HHH stream, *grips your shoulders* IMAGINE IT.
11) Sausage comes with his own mascot in the form of interdimensional dog extraordinaire Bubbles, but he's also just an animal lover on general. Mans drinks his "I love Jellie" juice and had her in his world even before the sad news of her loss.
12) Diversity win! No one should be hired just for their gender, race, sexuality etc etc unless it's truly necessary to the job, but we were all happy when more women got added to the server in s8 and I know a lot of people would be happy to see some ethnic diversity added, too.
... That bulletin board had a lot more pins in it than I thought it did but anyway MYTHICALSAUSAGE TRUTHERS/ALL OTHER TRUTHERS RISE UP SPEAK YOUR TRUTH! we'll only get to wildly speculate for a few weeks so we might as well make it everyone else's problem ENJOY IT TO THE FULLEST!!
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kittenscookie · 11 months
Okay I've been thinking about Owl House a lot lately and...Guys I'm just so damn angry. Because I rewatched the first episode of the finale and realized something. That first episode is a season finale—That whole episode is one season's worth of content crammed into a single episode. That's at LEAST 12 episodes in 60 minutes—five minutes for each damn episode. But remember the first season of toh was nineteen, the second was twenty-one. If we assume the team would have continued with around that many episodes the average is around twenty. Twenty fucking episodes is sixty minutes—THREE MINUTES AN EPISODE.
This then led me to thinking about my other cancelled show with LGBTQ+ representation—Steven Universe. It's basically the same shit, except somehow fucking worst. The diamond arc should have been it's own fucking season, curing the corrupted gems and them having to get reintroduced to gem/human society should have been a damn season too! The two year time skip makes sense when you really think about it—that's the least amount of time it would have taken to get all that shit done in universe! A year to get the gems readjusted, a year to dismantle the diamond empire—plus episodes filling in gaps/unanswered questions. No wonder Rebecca fought so damn hard for SU Future and the movie! It was a desperate attempt to give herself and the fans some kind of closure! And don't forget! Steven universe seasons were LONG—the median amount of episodes was twenty-four.
This shit wasn't bad writing, it was rushed writing. Desperate attempts to cram what should have been at LEAST two seasons into a few short episodes. Can you imagine this? Sitting with your coworkers and trying to figure out how to make at least forty episodes only 3–6? What can be kept and what has to be left to the imagination? Think of what we fucking lost at those tables—Spinel could have been teased and had a better build up, we could have gotten a Wittebane Brothers flashback, we could have explored the characters in both shows trauma. I'm not just mad—I'm livid and not even for us. For Dana Terrace, for Rebecca Sugar. To have something you created thrown away without a care. I'd be in fucking tears.
Fuck Disney, fuck Warner Brothers.
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whorewriter-lol · 3 months
Explosive Love (Bakugo x reader enemies to lovers)
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 ( side note: Readers quirk is pyrokinesis/ heat and fire immunity, which is why Bakugo hates her seeing as how his quirk is practically useless against her. Also I made y/n like, flirty(?) towards Bakugo)
(Also the start of this story is in the dorms episode in season three :3)
Moving Into The Dorms
“Goodbye dear! We’ll come and visit you soon, call me when you get there!” I turned my head as my mom shouted from the third floor window of our apartment.
I raised my hand and waved, smiling excitedly “Bye mom! Bye dad, I love you guys!” I turned heel and started to walk the two blocks to UA. Mom had my stuff shipped there two weeks ago so all I had was my bag with a few extra things from home. As I turned the corner I heard a familiar voice.
“Dude! Hurry up!” I watched the electric blonde come crashing around the corner, carrying a small black bag. In quick pursuit I saw a purple blur racing next to him.
“You’re the one who said we should stop for lunch!” Minetas' displeasing, nasally voice accompanying Kaminari.
I smiled at Kaminari and waved “Hey Kami, you guys headed to our dorms?” He slowed to a walk and grinned.
“Hey y/n! Yeah, we stopped for lunch on the way here and I thought we were gonna be late” He shrugged his shoulders bashfully as he began walking beside me. Mineta grinned disturbingly in my direction, his eyes certainly not fixed on my face. I chuckled playfully and the three of us walked towards the school and up to the gates. Already we could see the new dorm buildings, Kaminari pointed them out “Holy shit do you see those things!? They’re huge!”
“Woah! Which one do you think is our building?” I turned curiously to Kaminari, he shrugged. Our heads turned as we heard a few familiar voices coming from down the road. A pink, curly haired girl was skipping her way down the sidewalk along with a red haired boy. “Hey, it’s Mina and Kirishima!” I cheered and waved them down “Hey! Guys!” I smiled and rushed to Mina, hugging her excitedly “What's your dorm number?” I grinned excitedly.
“A-12?” Mina questioned “I think? I don't really remember” She shrugged and Kirishima smiled, tossing an arm around each of our shoulders.
“What's up y/n? How ya been?” The five of us began walking into the gates, flashing our student IDs to security.
“Not much, I mostly have been hanging out with Mina and Jiro over break” I shrugged casually. As we approached the school building, we noticed Mr. Aizawa and a few of our classmates were standing near the side of the courtyard. I pointed them out “Hey I think we’re meant to be over there?” 
Mina raised a brow curiously before gasping “Hey Uraraka!” She eagerly ran over to the brown haired girl, her arms stretched outwards. The rest of us followed behind her, discussing what we thought the dorm arrangements would be like. That’s when I heard him.
Bakugo, his usually harsh demeanor more hostile with his eyes falling on me, I only glared back, crossing my arms “Surprised you’re still here, they must feel too bad to kick you out” He sneered, his expression drawn with a cruel smirk.
“No” I chided “They just knew you’d miss me too much if I wasn’t around anymore” I copied the look on his face, watching as his cockiness faded into a look of anger.
“Get out of my way” He grumbled, pushing past me and Kirishima to get to the front of the class.
“Jeez man, what's his deal?” Kirishima gazed after Bakugo, his eyebrows knitted together and his hand rubbing subconsciously at the back of his neck “did he devote himself to hating you more since break?” He laughed cautiously.
“Oh please Kiri, we all know he’s practically in love with me” I Joked, playfully punching him in the shoulder. Mr. Aizawas’ voice called for our attention.
“I want everyone to listen up, today you’ll be placed in your dorms. You’ll be sharing buildings according to class, class 1-A is the first building.” He began to walk towards it, the rest of the class following behind him as he continued to speak. “You’re all going to be sharing the same common area, dorms will be on separate sides of the building.
He ushered us all into the building “here’s your common space, this is an area for you all to hang out together, I don't want to see anyone in dorms they don't belong in” He shot us all a suspecting glare. “Your common area also houses your showers and kitchen.”
Everyone began looking around the space, small “ooh”s and “wow”s coming from different people. 
“I’m living in a mansion!” Urarakas’ voice came from behind me, I held back laughter as she fell over. Iida and Izuku rushed over to her side to make sure she was okay.
“You have the rest of the day to unpack your things and relax, the real training starts tomorrow” With that, Aizawa left and we each headed off in our own directions to set up our dorms.
We all decided to meet up in the common area once we finished setting up our rooms, my dorm ended up right next to Minas’ which we were both very happy about, and Jiro was just up the hall (plz ignore if I got the layout wrong I don't remember what floors they’re all on). When me and the rest of the girls approached the couch we saw a few of the boys hanging out already. “Hey boys!” Mina cheered. We gathered around, everyone either sitting on one of the couches while Kaminari and Sero fought over the only chair. I looked around for a place to sit and found the only spot was next to the sparky blonde, Bakugo. I rolled my eyes, I didn't want to sit on the floor with Mineta but I also wasn't going to scrap with those two idiots for the chair. Sighing, I plopped down casually next to him, avoiding his gaze. I could feel his gaze burning into me so I glanced quickly, offering a sarcastic tight-lipped smile.
“Couldn’t you have sat somewhere else freak?” He glared, his body tensing under my gaze.
“Not when I knew you were just dying to see me” I retorted.
“Shut the hell up! You always have something so smart to say don't you?” He scoffed “It’s a miracle any of these wannabes hangout with you when you’re always so full of yourself” He shook his head, his arms crossing as a smirk played on his lips.
“I’m full of myself!? Have you ever even heard yourself talk!?” I shouted back, turning my body towards him.
“I talk about myself cause I know I'm better than the rest of you, you only talk about yourself to make you feel like anyone cares about you” His coolness infuriated me, the way he could catch on to my insecurities and toy with them. I stood up, I could feel my hands getting hot.
“If you’re so much better then why don't you prove it, bastard” I glared down at him, watching his expression shift to anger.
“Yeah!? You think you can beat me in a fight!?” He scoffed, standing up in front of me to look down on me, god how I wanted to smack him.
“Guys, I think we should all just calm down-” Hagakure piped up shyly before Bakugo interrupted her.
“Oh shut up you shitty extra! I don't even know how you made the damn cut for this class, waste of space” He scoffed. 
I watched Hagakures’ figure recoil, looking onto Bakugo with fury as I finally raised my fist and smiling when it connected with his jaw. I yelled out when I felt harsh hands grip my sides then-
“Hey! What the hell is going on here!?”
Oh shit.
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sgiandubh · 5 months
Lallybroch: copyright vs. trademark
An excellent question was asked by our friend @rosfrank in the comments thread to 'The door faces North' post and given the cosmic amount of uninformed bullshit being ventilated for almost ten years in this fandom, I think it's time to answer it once and for all:
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Whenever we are informally talking about 'owning the rights to something', I think it's very important to bear in mind a fundamental distinction between two different categories of ownership rights: copyright and trademark.
The copyright is the most familiar one to many of you. It is what you usually find on those annoying and apparently useless first or last pages of all the printed or digital editions on this planet. Something like this:
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In the US, copyright issues are regulated by the Copyright Act of 1976, as included in Title 17 of the US Code. The US public authority competent for registering and managing copyright is, as predictable, the US Copyright Office.
Perhaps the most seminal US Supreme Court decision, as far as copyright is concerned, is the 1991 Feist Publications, Inc., v. Rural Telephone Service Co. In it, the Court ruled that mere compilations of information or facts (such as, for example, telephone books) are not protected by copyright, according to US law. In other words, the ancient legal concept of 'sweat of the brow' (which simply means the amount of work required to gather and compile those facts/information) is not enough to qualify a work for copyright protection, if no creative effort is added to enhance its content. This is why I have always considered absolutely ridiculous Marple's efforts to watermark public information screenshots: it is useless (to the extent that it legally protects her from nothing) and, as her timelines, a mere compilation of facts (legally ditto). A similar approach is preferred by the UK and also by many Roman law legal systems, such as the French one - just making things clearer, here, by the way.
See how 'Erself is roughly doing, right now, in this department:
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But I am rambling. In my view, Lallybroch, as a pivotal concept used in Diana Gabaldon's books, is protected by the copyright granted to each and every of her books mentioning it, according to the Roman law principle 'accessorium sequitur principale' (the accessory follows the principal). So it will remain protected for at least 70 years since the last of her books mentioning it would have been published under copyright. Unless she chooses to separately protect the entire finished cycle as a whole, once Book Ten (fingers crossed) is published, preferably during our foreseeable lifetimes.
That being said, that goes only for one copyright category: (published) text - you cannot copyright that secret diary in your drawer, LOL. This is why, the current US Copyright Office records concerning Lallybroch look like this:
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Sony Pictures Television Inc owns the copyright to the fictional name Lallybroch in the motion pictures category, as it is the title of the Episode 12, in Season 1 - DG has been handsomely compensated for this, no worries. And someone I have no idea about owns the rights to an original musical score she has written and titled Lallybroch in the music category, since October 2013.
Onwards to the trademark. This is something different and this is all about making your name/concept/idea profitable. It is all about branding it, putting it on a product and selling it under that brand. It includes all the graphic elements and the logo of the brand (accessorium...) - in short, its visual identity to the consumers. In the US, trademark issues are regulated by the 1946 Lanham Act and the public competent authority is the good old US Patent and Trade Office (USPTO).
Right now, the situation for the Lallybroch trademark is as follows:
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So, we see three different trademarks: two of them, owned by Diana Gabaldon, are classified as 'dead' (cancelled and/or abandoned) and the third, Lallybroch Spirits, owned by S's Great Glen Company is pending approval - he will not be able to label any booze bottle Lallybroch Drink Me before permission is granted by the USPTO.
Let's unpack:
Both Lallybroch trademarks formerly owned by Diana Gabaldon were filed at the USPTO on February 21, 2000 and granted on December 12, 2000. The first was aimed at producing 'tartan fabrics for the manufacturer of clothing' and it was abandoned in December 2003:
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The reason is that the owner did not file in any Statement of Use after the trademark was granted. She had three years to do so, and since she chose not to do anything about it, the trademark was deemed abandoned (Stacy K. Smith is the attorney hired by Herself, btw). That means she specifically implied not to intend using it in the future. As such, she may claim NO rights on a now free to use mark:
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The second trademark was aimed at producing 'clothing, namely, t-shirts, dresses and headwear' and also 'jewelry, namely, rings, pins and necklaces'- to cut the story short: OL merchandise - and it was cancelled on March 1st, 2013:
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The reason is that the owner did not file the Section 8 declaration (of continuous use for five years) within the allowed legal timeframe (6 months after the fifth anniversary of the trademark granting renewal). Her trademark federal rights are now deemed canceled (but not her state law and/or common law rights!) and if she wants to ever use that name again, she would have to start the whole process over, bearing in mind the trademark could have been granted to someone else, in the meanwhile (not her case).
And for anyone who might ask, 'Erself does not own any other trademarks whatsoever:
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The other (Doll Lab - LOL for ages) Diana Gabaldon is a pharmacist from Albuquerque, NM. Chill. 🤣🤣🤣
The owner of the copyright to the fictional toponym Lallybroch, as far as published text is concerned, is Diana Galabdon.
The owner of the copyright to the fictional toponym Lallybroch, as far as motion pictures are concerned, is Sony Pictures Television Inc.
The owner of the copyright to the fictional toponym Lallybroch, as a personal work of music, is Mrs. Kelly Ruth Davis, of Pennsylvania, USA.
The owner of the Lallybroch Spirits trademark will be Sam Roland Heughan, when that trademark is granted by the USPTO.
I hope this answers your question, @rosfrank. Thank you for asking.
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iwaoiness · 2 months
It is rare for Oikawa and Iwaizumi not to meet in Japan, but when they don't, their parents always try to make it more pleasant. So when Tooru receives a message from Iwaizumi's mother inviting him to stay over just two days after landing, he smiles tenderly and informs his parents.
He doesn't take anything from home. Hajime's wardrobe still has a corner with his clothes, and in the bathroom there are still his creams, shampoo, hair gels and headbands.
There is something of Tooru in Hajime's, just as there is something of Hajime in Tooru's.
He spends the day with his second mother, who greets him with a warm, sweet hug. Then comes his second father, who gives him those bear hugs that lift him off the ground and make him laugh like he did when he was two years old.
"Welcome home, sweetheart," they tell him, because for more than two decades now, sorry for the intrusion has become I'm home.
They have dinner together, share anecdotes, and, accompanied by tea, watch a 12-episode series. Oikawa and Mama-Iwa comment aloud, while Papa-Iwa is so engrossed that, when they finish it, he is indignant at not having a second season to watch.
After discussing the plot, they say their goodnights. Kaori kisses his forehead, Shota ruffles his hair, and they both wish him sweet dreams.
Entering Hajime's room and closing the door behind him feels like stepping back into the reality he wanted to ignore. Tooru's shoulders slump, and the weight in his heart returns as his eyes wander around the bedroom.
The bed is still the same, covered with the sushi-print duvet he gave Hajime for his birthday. The shelves are somewhat empty, with a few Lego figures scattered around, books that couldn't make the journey, and a couple of pictures featuring old photographs of Hajime with his parents and extended family. Where dozens of Polaroids used to hang above the headboard, only one remains: it's Tooru, smiling brightly at the camera, his hair tousled as he hugs the stitch plush Iwaizumi gave him. On the desk are pens with barely any ink, worn pencils, and the wireless mouse he forgot to take with him. A Godzilla poster adorns the wall, a deflated volleyball rests in one corner, and Aoba Johsai's jacket hangs up.
Oikawa takes a deep breath and pushes himself away from the door to shuffle towards the bathroom. He brushes his teeth and cleans his face, slow and lazy. He returns to the bedroom and opens the wardrobe, but only Hajime's part. It's almost empty, but a dark oversize shirt hangs on the rack. It smells so much like Iwaizumi's cologne, with that hint of his fresh deodorant spray, that when Oikawa swipes it over his head, he almost groans. He doesn't bother to put on trousers, stays in his boxers and finally sinks under the duvet.
The pillow smells like Hajime, and Tooru curls up, wishing he could sink into it. Missing him feels like drowning. He wonders what Hajime is doing now. Whether or not he has got out of bed. Whether he's gone for a run. If he has made a smoothie last night or will do it later. Whether he's preparing the lessons for his favourite group. Whether he's thinking about him as much as Tooru thinks about Hajime. If it's just as hard for him when they don't see each other. If he thinks Oikawa's a bad boyfriend for choosing to pursue his life's dream over him. If Hajime wants to stay with hi—.
His mobile vibrates on the bedside table, startling Oikawa out of his reverie. He quickly reaches out and grabs his phone.
Hajime 🤎🦔
babe, u still awake?
Tooru doesn't even respond, he initiates the call. His heart races as it did during their first kiss. Three seconds later, Hajime's face, with a soft smile and narrowed eyes, fills his screen. Suddenly, breathing is much easier, and the weight on his chest lightens.
Oikawa smiles back, genuine and sweet.
“Hey, babe.”
“Hey, darling-chan.”
“Are you in my bed?”
“Mmh.” Oikawa nods, stretching his arm upward to widen the angle before making a peace gesture with his free hand, his smile widening.
Hajime laughs, his voice flowing through the speaker, somewhat distorted.
“I hope you're not drooling all over my pillow again.”
“Rude, Iwa-chan, I don’t drool!” He protests childishly, sticking his tongue out as he settles sideways, placing his mobile where Hajime would be.
At the same time, Iwaizumi does the same from his bed in Irvine, snorting in amusement.
“Oh, yes you do, Tooru.”
“Well, I’d rather drool than snore.”
“I don’t do that.” He frowns.
“Oh, yes you do, Hajime,” Tooru mimics his voice, grinning victoriously when Iwaizumi pulls out his middle finger.
They tease some more, gazing at each other with smiles painted on their faces. Oikawa tells him all about what he did today, describing how delicious dinner was and sharing the plot of the series he watched with Iwa's parents. Iwaizumi tells him all about what he has planned for today, detailing the fifty-question Kahoot he’s prepared for his favorite group and the amusing tale of how Jacob managed to tangle his toothbrush in his hair (again).
They don’t need to say that they miss each other. They don’t need to mention how time hasn’t quite eased the hollow ache they feel when they look to the empty space beside them each day. They don’t have to, because they both know it, and that’s what keeps them holding on.
Missing feels like drowning, but every video call, every message, every call, every photograph, every audio, every letter, and every ticket back and forth feels like a breath of air.
isnt 20th here yet but happy bday to oikawa my loveeee!! every day in july is tooru day <3
u can find me on my ao3 🍉
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dianawinchester03 · 6 months
Season 1, Episode 12 - Faith
Series Masterlist
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Authors Note: This episode is suppperrrr long because I got carried away with adding my own little scenes. So buckle up, get a little snacky snack, some tea and I truly do hope you guys enjoy!!😘
Third Person POV
The boys and Y/N pull up to a house in Baby. They open the trunk begin searching for the taser guns. "What do you got those amped up to?" Sam asks Dean. "A hundred thousand volts" He responds. "Damn" Y/N mutters impressed. "Yeah. I want this Rawhead extra frigging crispy" Dean replies handing them each a gun.
"Now remember, you only get one shot with these things. So make it count" He reminds them, closing the trunk. They then burst down the door to the dark house, using their flashlights and aiming their guns to guide the way. They make it to a basement and start going down the stairs.
They hear some clattering in a nearby closet and flash their lights towards it. Slowly approaching it. "On three" Y/N whispers and they nod. "One, two, three" Dean counts and quickly opens the door, revealing two young children crouching in fear, covering their ears. "Is it still here?" Sam asks them quietly and they nod fearfully.
"Okay. Grab your sisters hand, sweetie. We're gonna get you out of here. Let's go" Y/N instructs the young boy calmly. Dean and Y/N make sure the coast is clear behind them, "Alright, go!" Dean directs them and they head up the stairs infront of Sam but something grabs him from below the stairs and pulls him down causing the children to scream.
"Sam!" Dean and Y/N yell as he falls. Dean goes to the back of the stairs and fires his shot but misses. "Sam, get out of here!" Y/N shouts. "Alright, take this!" He throws his unused gun for Dean. "Go!" He runs behind the kids and leads them out of the house.
Dean and Y/N stay behind the gank the monster. "Come onnn" Dean taunts the creature to get out as they canvas the basement. Splitting up into different directions. Suddenly the creature comes out and backhands Y/N into the wall, causing her to trip and fall onto her back.
She trudges to the water to get her gun. Retrieving it she fires, hitting the monster. But the water that the monster is also standing in, caused the electricity to electrocute both her and the monster. She passed out from the shock to her body. Dean bends the corner to see a passed out Y/N and a dead monster.
"Y/N!" He yells, rushing to her side. "No, no, no! Come on princess, look at me" He pleads, shaking her, praying she's okay. Sam rushes down the stairs out of breath. "Y/N!" He yells, rushing to her side with Dean. "What happened?" Sam asks his brother panicked. "I-I-I- I just left her for a split second-" Dean can't get the words out, tears running down both their faces.
Later, the boys are at a receptionist desk in a nearby hospital. "Gentlemen, I'm sorry to ask. There doesn't seem to be any insurance on file" The receptionist says kindly. "Right, um...here" A distraught Dean mutters, taking out his wallet and handing her his insurance card.
"Okay, Mr. Burkowitz" The receptionist nods, a bit confused but goes along with it. They turn to the police officers that were waiting for their report. "Look, we can finish this up later" One of officers says to them understandingly. "No, no. It's okay" Sam replies and begins explaining their cover story.
"We were just taking a shortcut through the neighborhood and um, our windows were rolled down and we heard some screaming when we drove past the house. And we stopped. Ran in" Sam tells them as the other officer takes notes. "You found the kids in the basement?" The officer asks.
"Yeah" Dean replies, nodding. "Well, thank god you did" The officer says and Dean notices the doctor come out from Y/N's room. "Excuse us" He says, pulling Sam away and the officer thanks them for their help. "Hey, doc. Is she-?" Dean asks the doctor shakily. "She's resting" The doctor tells them. "And?" Sam asks.
"The electrocution triggered a heart attack. Pretty massive, I'm afraid. Her heart...it's damaged" The doctor explains sorrowfully and their faces drop. Deans heart feels like it's about to explode. Blaming himself for leaving her. "How damaged?" Sam asks. "We've done all we can. We can try and keep her comfortable at this point but....I give her a couple weeks. Maybe a month" The doctor tells them honestly.
"No, no. There's gotta be something you can do, some kind of treatment!" Dean insists but the doctor shakes his head, breaking his confidence. "We can't work miracles. I really am sorry" The doctor apologizes and they nod sadly.
Going into Y/N's room, she's dressed in a hospital gown, dark circles under her eyes, they see her flipping through channels on the crappy tv. "Have you guys ever actually watched daytime TV? It's terrible" She grumbles annoyed, her voice raspy. She looks over at the boys who have broken looks on their faces. "We talked to your doctor" Sam says sadly.
"That fabric softener teddy bear. Ooh. I'm gonna hunt that little bitch down" She mutters jokingly chuckling. "Y/N" They call out to her. Dean shaking his head at the fact that she's joking at a time like this. Only Y/N would do that with her ray of sunshine ass. Dean thinks to himself. "Yeah" She sighs, tossing the remote aside.
"Alright. Well, looks like you fellas are gonna leave town without me" She tells them. "What're you talking about? We're not gonna leave you here" Dean says in disbelief at the fact that she thinks they're gonna leave. "Hey. You better take care of my bike or I swear I'll haunt your asses" She jokes and they look at her unamused.
"I don't think that's funny" Sam says shaking his head. "Me neither" Dean adds. "Ah, come on. It's a little funny" She chuckles and they don't respond, looking away. "Look, fellas. What can I say? It's a dangerous gig. I drew the short straw. That's it, end of story" She says in a low tone.
"Don't talk like that, alright? We still have options" Sam says hopefully. "What options? You got burial and cremation" Y/N says morbidly and they cringe at the thought. "I know it's not easy guys...but I'm gonna die. And you can't stop it" She tells them honestly. Dean walks to her bed and takes a seat next to her, laying a hand on her cheek comfortingly.
He caresses her cheek with his thumb. She rubs her face into his hand, closing her eyes and basking in his gentle embrace like it's the last she'll ever feel it. "You watch us with those beautiful (e/c) eyes" He whispers to her, loud enough for Sam with hear, tears brimming in his eyes.
A couple days later. Dean is in their motel room now, Sam tried to call John earlier but he didn't get onto him so he left him a voicemail and left to get them food, though he know Dean probably doesn't want to eat, he's gonna have to eventually. Dean is trying to call F/N now but he's only gotten his voicemail so he decides to leave one also.
'This is F/N L/N, I can't reach the phone right now so you can call my daughter. Y/N at (your phone number). Have a good day' BEEP.
"Hey uh, Mr. L/N. It's Dean, uh..." Dean stutters, swallowing the lump in his throat. "You probably won't even get this, but it's Y/N" Dean says tearfully. "She's sick and the doctor said there's nothing they can do. Um.." Dean explains, fighting the tears that are threatening to fall and he takes a deep breath.
"But uh, I guess they don't know the things we know, right?" He says a bit hopefully. "So, don't worry, because me and Sam are gonna do whatever it takes to get her better. I promise you" Dean promises, fully intending it, his heart aching in his chest. "I'm so sorry, F/N. I failed you. I promised you I'd protect her. I failed my Dad." He apologizes tearfully, his voice cracking.
He goes to continue but Sam comes through the door, food in hand and he quickly recollects himself, wiping his tears. "I- but this isn't about me. I just wanted you to know. Okay. Bye" He finishes the voicemail, hanging up and tossing the phone aside. "Any luck?" Sam asks and Dean shakes his head sighing.
Sam hands Dean a burger and a soda but he shakes his head. "I'm fine" He lies roughly. "Dean, you gotta eat" Sam chastises his big brother. "If Y/N knew you weren't eating, she'd have your head on a platter. Now eat." Sam orders him, shaking the bag of food while Dean glares at him.
Not saying a word, he snatches the bag of food from his younger brother, and takes the soda from him. Sam couldn't help but chuckle, "You know I'm right" He mutters and Dean rolls his eyes, digging into the bag. He doesn't even have an appetite and neither does Sam but they try to gorge it down.
Suddenly, knocking at the door breaks them out of their so-called eating and Dean is the first at the door, eyeing it cautiously. He opens it quickly to see Y/N in a hoodie, looking worse than a couple days ago, leaning against the door with a sly smile. His eyes widen at the sight and Sam shoots up from his bed, "What the hell are you doing here?" He asks her, helping her in and closing the door behind him.
"I checked myself out" She replies, cringing in pain. "Are you crazy?" Sam exclaims. "I'm not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren't even hot" She retorts cheekily, leaning against the doorframe. "You know, this whole, 'I laugh in the face of death' thing...it's crap. We can see right through it" Dean calls her out on her bullshit and Sam nods in agreement.
"Yeah whatever dude" She scoffs. Dean gets behind her and helps her to a chair. "You know the doctors said I can't smoke? Shit pissed me off. A bunch of asswipes, like hello!?! It's my heart that's defective, not my lungs you scrub coated brainiacs!" Y/N exclaims in annoyance. Slouching in her chair like a 5 year old who got their candy stolen.
"That's what you're concerned about?" Dean chuckles, shaking his head. "Shut up" She mutters as they chuckle. She now looks between to two of them properly. "Have you two idiots even slept? You look worse than me" She asks groaning from the pain that's coursing through her body. "We've been scouring the internet for the last three days" Dean tells her as he sits next to Sam on the bed.
"We've been calling every contact in Dads journal" Sam tells her. "For what?" She asks confused. "For a way to help you. One of Dads friends, Joshua. He called me back. Told me about a guy in Nebraska. A specialist" Sam responds and Dean nods.
She looks in between them and smirks. "You fellas aren't gonna let me die in peace are ya?" She chuckles dryly. "We're not gonna let you die, period" Dean retorts with a sad smile. "We're going" Sam insists and Y/N huffs, trying to mask the pain she's in. But the boys aren't stupid, they can see right through it.
The Impala pulls into a lot, crowded with people. A large white tent right across from a house. Some sickly people in the mix, from seeing this, Y/N already knew what Sam was up to. She opens the back door on the drivers side and Sam goes to help her.
"I got you" Sam tells her softly and she glared at him. "I got her" Dean tells him, pushing him off roughly and helping Y/N. Sam raises his eyebrows at this and shakes his head with a sad smile on his face. It was hurting him enough to see Y/N like this, he couldn't imagine how it must be for Dean right about now.
When Y/N gets out, her suspicions are confirmed when she sees a sign infront of the tent saying, "The Church of Roy Le Grange. Faith Healer". She rolls her eyes and looks over at Sam with a glare who's feigning innocence. "Man, you're a lying bastard. I thought you said we were gonna see a doctor!" She growls angrily, slamming the Impala door shut.
"I believe I said a specialist" Sam replies defensively. "I'm with Y/N on this one Sam. This is probably a load of crap" Dean agrees with Y/N. "Look, this guys supposed to be the real deal" Sam tries to reason as Dean helps her walk, wrapping his arm around her waist. "I can't believe you brought me to see some guy who heals people out of a tent" She exclaims.
"Reverend Le Grange is a great man" A woman in the crowd says defensively. "Yeah, that's nice" Dean shoots back sarcastically and Y/N chuckles. "I have a right to protest. This mans a fraud! And he's milking all of these people out of their hard earned money!" Another man, arguing with a police officer yells.
"Sir, this is a place of worship. Let's go, move it!" The officer ushers the protestor out of the compound. "I take it he's not part of the flock" Y/N says. "Well, when people see what they can't explain, there's controversy" Sam shrugs as they walk towards the tent. "Yeah but, come on, Sam. A faith healer?" Dean says baffled.
"Maybe it's time to have a little faith, guys" Sam retorts and Y/N glares at him. "You know what I got faith in? Reality. Knowing what's really going on" Y/N snaps bluntly and Dean nods in agreement. "How can you two be skeptics with the things we see everyday?" Sam scoffs, chuckling humorlessly.
"Exactly. We see them. We know they're real." Dean argues. "But if you know evil's out there, how can you not believe good's out there too?" Sam asks. "Because I've seen what evil does to good people" Y/N retorts. "Maybe God works in mysterious ways". A young man by the name of Logan interrupts their conversation, holding an umbrella.
(Quick Authors Note. You can imagine Logan as Mitchell Hoog. It's who I pictured for this role. Also note I post this story on both AO3 and Wattpad (And now tumblr) so I'm not sure yet how to attach a picture of it on AO3 so you can just research it. If not, just imagine him as Ross Lynch. Readers choice. Okay, back to the story!!☺️)
His blonde hair slicked back neatly, his blue eyes piercing into Y/N's. His eyes are nice but not as nice as Dean's. Y/N thinks. Y/N quickly let's go of Dean, placing her hands in her hoodie pocket. She smirks slyly, clearly attracted to him. "Maybe he does. I think you just turned me around on the subject" Y/N says flirtatiously, flashing him a coy smile.
Deans eyebrows cock at this, a familiar burning sensation in his chest rising at the sight of Y/N flirting with someone else. Sam shakes his head at her sudden mood change, noticing the heaving of Deans chest. "Yeah, I'm sure" Logan says chuckling. "I'm Y/N, this is Sam and his brother Dean" Y/N introduces herself.
Putting her hand out to shake Logan's, the smile not leaving her face. "Logan" He takes her hand, shaking it gently as he introduces himself. "So if you're not a believer, then why are you here?" Logan asks curiously. "Well, apparently my best friend here believes enough for both me and his brother" Y/N says smugly.
Causing Sam to shake his head with a smirk as Dean narrows his eyes at Logan. "Come on, Logan. It's about to start" Logan's mother approaches the group, ushering him to the tent. "Bye Y/N" Logan says, smiling at her as he walks away. Y/N eyes follow him as he walks into the tent.
"Well, I bet you he can work me in some mysterious ways" Y/N mutters smirking at the boys. "Really?" Dean says annoyed and she shrugs innocently. "What? I have a weakness for pretty boys with nice eyes" She says in a skittish tone, flashing Dean a wink before walking towards the tent and Dean hearts leaps when she says this.
"Did that electrocution affect her eyesight too?" He mutters lowly, his tone filled with jealously. Sam notices this and snickers. Dean looks over at brother confused. "What?" He asks him and Sam shakes his head. "You're such a jealous idiot" Sam retorts laughing, walking towards the tent, leaving Dean stunned.
"Am not!" Dean counters lamely, walking into the crowded tent behind Y/N. "Yeah, peace love and trust all over" Y/N says sarcastically while looking around, nodding to the security camera. Y/N looks around and she goes to sit in the back next to him but Dean pulls her lightly on her right side. "Come on" He says.
"What're you doing? Let's sit here." She asks confused. "We're sitting up front" Sam says, holding her on her left. "What? Why?" She grumbles annoyed. "Come on!" Sam ushers her. "Oh, come on guys" She mutters angered. "You alright?" Dean asks her gently. "This is ridiculous. I'm- get off me" She groans, pushing them off her lightly.
She appreciates their compassion, love and patience but hates the feeling of being treated like a child. "Perfect" Sam says, pointing to a second row seat. "Yeah, perfect" She mutters bitterly, taking a seat, in the middle of Sam and Dean. Behind Logan and his mom. "Look, I appreciate everything you boys are doing for me. But please. Don't treat me like a child" She pleads with them.
"Okay" Dean says softly and Sam nods. They look on stage to see a elderly man with a pair of dark shades on, wearing a suit and tie. Presuming to be Roy Le Grange. A woman, his wife, helps him take his outer layer on and he begins speaking into the mic.
"Each morning my wife, Sue Ann, reads me the news. Never seems good, does it?" Roy asks the crowd ironically. "No" Everyone answers. "Seems like there's always someone committing some immoral, unspeakable act" Roy says as Sam notices a crucifix with a symbol he's never need before at the alter.
Y/N cringes in pain, the feeling of her heart aching in her chest. Dean noticed this and wraps his arm around her comfortingly. She looks at him and gives him a small pained smile, resting her head on his shoulder. Sam looks at them with a small sad smile, taking a mental image so when Y/N's better, he can tease Dean about it.
"But I say to you: God is watching" Roy preaches into the mic. "Yes he is" The crowd agrees. "And god rewards the good and punishes the corrupt" He adds and the crowd murmur in agreement, Y/N rolls her eyes at this. Laying her head deeper onto Deans shoulder.
"It is the lord who does the healing here, friends. The lord who guides me in choosing who to heal by helping me see into peoples hearts" Roy preaches smiling and crowd chants, "Amen!" Y/N scoffs as this, "Yeah, or into their wallets" She mutters making Dean chuckle as she lifts her head off of his shoulder.
"You think so, young lady?" Roy calls out to her smiling, hearing her statement and her eyes widen in embarrassment. "Sorry" She apologizes, ashamed. "Watch what you say around a blind man. We got real sharp ears" Roy jokes, making the crowd laugh. Y/N cracks a small smile.
"What's your name, honey?" He asks her nicely. And she looks at the boys, they nod at her and she clears her throat. "Y/N" She tells him. "Y/N. I want you to come up here with me" Roy says kindly, nodding. Urging her to come up and she shakes her head. "Y/N, go on" A man in the crowd says to her.
Sam looks over in shock at this, happier than ever but Dean is a bit skeptical. "It's okay" She says sweetly. "What're you doing?" Sam exclaims confused and she ignores him. "You've come here to be healed, haven't you?" Roy asks her. "Well, yeah, but, uh- Maybe you should just pick someone else" Y/N stutters as the crowd cheers.
Urging her to go and Sam looks at her in disbelief. "No, I didn't pick you, Y/N, the Lord did" Roy chuckles and the crowd cheers louder as Y/N clenches her jaw. "Get up there!" Sam urges her. "Come on, sweetheart!" A man in the crowd urges her more and she looks around nervously.
Dean gives her his best puppy dog eyes saying "Please just go. It wouldn't hurt to try" He pleads with her and her heart pangs at the desperate look in his eyes. She sighs, nodding in agreement and gets up onto the stage slowly, the crowd cheering louder in joy.
When I die, I am so haunting those boys. I think to myself as I get up on the stage. "Praise the lord, amen" I see a man in the crowd praying with his hands clasped. Sue Ann helps me up on stage, putting a hand on my back. I look back at Sam and Dean and they both give me a look of encouragement.
"You ready?" Roy asks me, away from the mic. "Yeah look, no disrespect but uh...I'm not exactly a believer" I tell Roy honestly. "You will be, honey, you will be" He nods at me with a encouraging smile on his face. It kinda creeped me out. I look at him up and down skeptically as he says to the crowd, "Pray with me, friends"
Every one puts their hands in the air, palms to the sky. Roy slowly opens his hands, lifting it to the air and lays a hand on my shoulder before putting it on the side of my head. "Alright, now" He says and suddenly I feel weak, dizzy. I could feel my eyes flutter shut. I have no control over my body as I drop to my knees like if something is guiding me down.
I could see the boys at the corner of my eye, the worried expressions on their faces, quirking up in their seats. I try to talk, gasp for air, say anything, but nothing comes out. It's as if the life was drained out of my body the longer Roy touched me. My heart begins to give out as the pain courses through my chest.
Soon after I blacked out, falling to the ground.
"Y/N!" I hear Sam and Dean screaming my name in concern and the crowding cheering as they shake me, I gasp for air, coughing on nothing as I lay the ground. "Say something, Princess!" Dean yells worried, tears brimming in his eyes. I'm okay. Holy shit, I'm okay. I don't feel the pain anymore. Nothing.
When I open my eyes, I catch a glimpse of a tall old looking man with pale-grayish skin in a suit and tie behind Roy for a spilt second before disappearing. I gasp in shock and fear at this, not knowing what to say.
The next day, the boys and I are in the hospital, I'm sitting on one of their beds waiting for a report on my heart scan, showered and wearing my usual clothes. "So you really feel okay?" Sam asks me surprised and happy. "You don't feel any pain, nothing?" Dean asks me for the millionth time.
"I feel fine, fellas" I say dryly, my mind still on that thing I saw back at that tent. "Well, according to all your tests. There's nothing wrong with you hear. No sign there every was" The doctor comes in and tells us with a clipboard in her hand. We all look at her shocked.
"Not that a woman your age should be having heart trouble but....uh...still it's strange. It does happen" The doctor stutters a bit. "What do you mean strange?" I ask cocking my eyebrow and the doctor crosses her arms. "Well, just yesterday, a young man like your boyfriend here" She gestures to Dean. "27, athletic. Out of nowhere, heart attack" The doctor says sadly.
I go to correct her about Dean not being my boyfriend but I'm too taken back by the information to do so. "Thanks doc" Dean thanks her gratefully. "No problem" She tells us kindly before walking out. "That's odd" I tell the boys. "Maybes it's a coincidence. People's hearts give out all the time man" Sam tries to reason.
"No, they don't" I say firmly, shaking my head not convinced this is some coincidence. "Look, Y/N. Do we really have to look this one in the mouth? Why can't we just be thankful that the guy saved your life and move on?" Dean tries to calm me down and I look at him stunned. "Please don't tell me you're buying into this crap" I snap and he sighs.
"I can't shake this feeling fellas, I can't" I tell them, getting up to pick up my jacket behind me. "What feeling?" Sam asks me gently. "When I was healed. I just— I felt wrong. I felt cold and for a second, I saw someone, uh, this old man" I explain to them as I put on my jacket.
"Im telling you fellas, it's was a spirit" I try to convince them. "But if there was something there, we would've seen it too. Especially Sam." Dean says pointing to Sam with his thumb. "I mean, I've been seeing an awful lot of things, lately" Sam shrugs. "Well, excuse me. You're just gonna need a little faith on this one" I scoff, turning to them.
"Guys, I've been hunting long enough to trust a feeling like this. And I've been getting a ton of feelings this last few months and ignoring them. When I ignore them, shit hits the fan. I'm not doing it this time." I say firmly and they sigh. "Yeah, alright" Sam nods understandingly. "So what do you want to do?" Dean asks me calmly.
I think for a second and say to Sam, "Why don't you go chest out the heart attack guy? Me and Dean will go visit the reverend" I tell him. Sam agrees while me and Dean walk out of the room. As we walk to his car and jump in, he looks over at me with a sad smile on his face as he starts the ignition.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" I ask him, looking at my face in the mirror and he chuckles. "No, I'm just happy you're okay" He says, his voice cracking a bit. I give him a small smile but the feeling from the tent is still wrong to me. I can't help but feel guilty about getting hurt, knowing Dean. He's probably blaming himself. "I'm sorry" I say sincerely and he looks at me confused. "About what?" He asks.
"For not being careful at the house, you've lost enough people. I should've been more careful" I apologize and he chuckles dryly, "You're the only person I know that would be dying and apologize for that." He says chuckling, putting his hand to my cheek and my breath hitches in my throat.
My chest starts to heave and I try to stop the heat from rising too my face as he caresses my cheek. His forestry green orbs pierce into my (e/c) ones as he takes a deep breath. "No pun intended, but you've got a good heart, princess" He says amused and I slap his shoulder lightly as we laugh.
"You're such an ass" I retort chuckling. Our faces are inches from each others and can't help but dart my eyes down at his lips. Now is not the time, Y/N. The little voice in the back of my head tells me and I sigh. I'm pretty sure he looked at mines too.
I pull away and clear my throat. "We should go" I whisper, looking down. Dean nods and does the same, taking his hand off my cheek. I wince from the loss of contact as he puts Baby in drive and we're off.
"I feel great. Just trying to, you know, make sense of what happened" I tell Roy and his wife as she pours me and Dean some juice as Roy nods understanding. We're now at their house. "A miracle is what happened" Sue Ann said, sitting down. "Miracles come so often around Roy" She says boastfully and I nod.
"When did they start, the miracles?" Dean asks. "Woke up one morning, stone blind. Doctors figure out I had cancer told me I had maybe a month." Roy begins to explain. "So, uh, we prayed for a miracle. I was weak but I told Sue Ann, 'You just keep right on praying'." He glances over at Sue Ann who has a smile on her face.
"I went into a coma. Doctors said I wouldn't wake up, but I did...and the cancer was gone" He takes off his glasses, "If it wasn't for these eyes, no would believe I ever had it" He shows us his prosthetic eyes. "And suddenly, you could heal people" I add and he nods. "I discovered it afterwards, yes. Gods blessed me in many way" He says, putting his shades back on.
"And his flock just swelled overnight. And this is just the beginning" Sue Ann says proudly and I look at her a bit weirdly. Dean does so too and we nod. "Can I ask you one last question?" I ask them. "Of course you can" Roy nods. "Why? Why me? Out of all the sick people, why save me?" I ask honestly.
I notice Dean takes a deep breath when I ask this. "Well, like I said before, the Lord guides me. I looked into your heart and you just stood out from all the rest" He tells me and I don't buy it. "What did you see in my heart?" I ask him curiously. "A young woman with an important purpose, a job to do...and it isn't finished" Roy says softly and I look down.
I could feel Deans eyes on me this whole time, wondering what he must be thinking by all this.
Me and Dean walk out of the reverends house after thanking them for their time. As we're walking down the porch we see Logan, "Y/N. Hey" He calls out to me and I smile. "Hey" I say back. "How're you feeling?" He asks me concerned. "I feel good. Cured. I guess" I say shrugging.
Deans eyes glances between the two of us, his jaw clenching. "What're you doing here?" I ask him curiously and he looks back at his mom who's walking towards the house. "You know, my mom. She wanted to talk to the reverend" He tells me smiling. "Logan" Sue Ann calls for him and he walks up the porch.
"Yes, we're here again" He says with a smile. "Oh, I'm sorry but Roy's resting. He won't be seeing anyone else right now" Sue Ann says apologetically. "Sue Ann, please. This is our sixth time. He's got to see us." Logan's mom pleads. "Roy's well aware of Logan's situation and he very much wants to help just as soon as the lord allows. Have faith, Mrs. Rourke" Sue Ann calmly explains to them.
I take in the situation in disbelief. Mrs. Rourkes face drops as Sue Ann goes back into the house after giving Logan a hug. She then looks over at me angrily and snaps, "Why are you still even here? You got what you wanted" She says angrily and I'm taken back. "Woah, easy there lady!" Dean puts his hand out to stop her from getting in my face.
"Mom, stop!" Logan tries to calm his mom down. She looks back at him pained, "No, Logan, this is too much. We've been to every single service. If Roy would stop choosing these strangers over you....stranger who don't even believe" His mom rants and then looks over at me angrily.
"I just can't pray any harder" She says disappointed and Logan drops his head in shame. "Logan, what's wrong?" I ask him calmly and sighs, putting on a smile "I have this thing" He says vaguely and my eyebrows shoot up at this. "It's a brain tumor. It's inoperable. In six months the doctors say..." Mrs. Rourke cuts in and explains, trailing off as Logan puts his hand on his moms shoulder comfortingly.
My heart breaks at the thought of someone so young, filled with spirit, is going to die for no reason whatsoever. "I'm sorry" I say genuinely and he nods, giving me a smile. "It's okay" He tells me. "No, it isnt" His mom says sadly, looking at him pained. She then turns to me and grimaces, "Why do you deserve to live more than my son?" She says and my heart drops.
She then walks off and Logan mutters a small apology before going after his mom down the porch. I look back at them and clench my jaw to stop the tears from falling. "Look at me" Dean says, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Don't listen to that old broad. You deserve to live" He assures me and I shake my head, now allowing the tears to fall.
"Yes you do! Come here" He pulls me into a tight hug, wrapping his around around me and patting my hair as I bury my face in his chest, my tears soaking his shirt. "Me and Sam. We could never do this without you, you hear me? Never" His voice breaks as he consoles me. "I'm-" I go to apologize for wetting his shirt with my tears but he shushes me, placing his finger on my lips, causing butterflies to rise in my stomach.
"If you say 'I'm sorry' one more time, I'm gonna blow my brains out. This isn't your fault" His tone is gentle as I chuckle lightly, nodding, sniffling back my tears. He then tucks a loose strand of my (h/l) (h/c) hair behind my ear, "Yes, sir" I say weakly, looking up at him through my watery eyelashes and he smirks at me.
An emotion swimming through his eyes that I can't quite make out.
We end up back at the motel after going to see the reverend which ended so amazingly. Note the sarcasm. Dean closes the door behind him and tosses his keys on his bed, peeling his jacket off and I do the same, resting it on the chair. Sam is currently at the desk, researching god knows what, hasn't said a word since we came in.
"What'd you find out?" I ask him, pulling a chair next to him and turning it backwards, straddling it. "I'm sorry" He apologizes quietly and we look at him confused. "Sorry about what?" I ask him. "Marshall Hall died at 4:17" He tells us, not looking me in the eye and it clicks.
"The exact time Y/N was healed" Dean voiced my thoughts and I put my hand over my mouth in shock. Yeah" Sam nods. "So I put together a list. Reverend Roy's healed six people over the past year and I crossed checked it with the local obits" He explains, picking up a stack of papers and handing it to me.
Dean leans down to take a look as Sam further explains. "Everytime someone was healed, someone else died. And each time the victim died of the same symptom Le Grange was healing at the time" Sam tells us. "Someone's healed of cancer, someone else dies of cancer?" Dean asks and Sam nods sighing.
"Somehow, Le Grange is trading one life for another" Sam tells us and I realize. "Wait wait wait. So Marshall Hall died to save me?" I ask a bit angry. "Y/N, the guy probably would've died anyway and someone else would've been healed" Sam says and I roll my eyes at the fact that he's right.
"You never should've brought me here" I say, getting up from my chair. "Y/N, we were just trying to save your life" Dean tries to reason with me and I turn around looking at him in disbelief. "But, Dean, some guy is dead now because of me!" I snap. "I didn't know" Sam says sadly and I sigh.
"I know" I say softly, I go over to him and he looks at me, absolutely guilty. "I'm so sorry, Y/N" Sam says sorrowfully, pulling me into a hug that I return. I wrap my arms around his waist patting his back as he wraps his arms around my shoulders. "I would've done it for the both of you too" I admit and they look at me stunned.
When we let go of the hug he then says, "The thing I don't understand is, how is Roy doing it? How's he trading a life for a life?" Sam voices his thoughts. "Roy's not doing it. Something else is doing it for him" I tell them and they look at me confused. "What do you mean?" Dean asks me.
"The old man I saw on stage. I didn't wanna believe it but deep down I knew." I say, looking down. "You knew what? What're you talking about?" Sam asks me confused. I lean against the desk and say, "Theres only one thing that can give and take life like that" I say, Sam is still confused but realization dawns on Deans face.
"You don't think.." He trails off looking at me and I nod, his face dropping. "Holy shit" Dean mutters. "We're dealing with a reaper fellas" I say and Sam is in disbelief.
Hours of research later, Dean and I are looking at a picture with a vague drawing of a Grim Reaper on it that he printed out from the web and Sam is by his laptop. "You guys really think it's The Grim Reaper? Like, Angel of Death, collect your soul, the whole deal?" Sam asks us and we shake our heads.
"No, no, no. Not The Reaper. A reaper" Dean corrects him. "There's reaper lore in pretty much every culture on earth. They go gt a hundred different names. It's possible there's more than one of them" I explain the mythology. "But you said you saw a dude in a suit" Dean says, propping his head on his hand.
"What, you think he should've been working the black robe thing?" I say sarcastically and he rolls his eyes. "Sam, you said it yourself that the clock stopped, right?" I question him and he nods. I take the paper from Dean and show it to Sam.
"Reapers stop time. And you can only see them when they're coming at you which is why I could see it and you guys couldn't" I say, resting the paper down. "Maybe" Sam says. "There's nothing else it could be, Sam. The question is, how's Roy controlling the damn thing?" Dean defends my theory.
I see Sams face contort into the one he normally has when he's either realized something or holding in a fart. "What?" I ask him. "That cross" Sam mutters. "Huh?" Dean looks at us confused. "There was this cross, I noticed it in the church tent. I knew I had seen it before" Sam says.
He picks up a deck of and shuffles through them, chuckling when he finds what he's looking for. He hands the card to Dean who takes it. "Here" He says as Dean shows it to me. A man with a skeleton face and a cross, similar to the one on the church alter. "A tarot?" Dean scoffs.
"It makes sense. I mean tarot dates back to the early Christian era, right? When some priests were still using magic and a few of them veered into the dark stuff. Necromancy and how to push death away, how to cause it" I explain, looking over at Sam for confirmation. He nods in agreement.
"So, Roy's using black magic to bind the reaper" Dean suggests, handing Sam back the card. "If he is, he's riding the whirlwind. It's like putting a dog leash on a great white" Sam says, looking at him laptop. Dean then takes his empty coffee mug and mine, resting it in the sink behind us.
He leans against the sink thinking, "Okay, then we stop Roy" He says and I look back at him. "How?" I ask him. "You know how" He says looking at me grimly. "What the hell are you talking about, Dean? We can't kill Roy" Sam says. "The guys playing god, he's deciding who lives and who dies. That's a monster in my book" Dean argues and I get up from my chair.
"Believe when I say I agree with you, charming. But we can't kill a human being. If we do that, then we're not better than he is" I tell him calmly and he sighs. "She's right, Dean." Sam adds and he looks over at him. "Okay, we can't kill Roy. We can't kill death. Any bright ideas college boy?" Dean asks him sarcastically and Sam rolls his eyes.
"Okay, uh, if Roy's using some kind of black spell on the reaper, we gotta figure out what it is and how to break it" Sam says and we nod in agreement.
We decide to go back to the church (Roy's tent), now pulling into an empty parking space on the lot. "If Roy's using a spell, there might be a spell book" I tell the boys as we get out of Baby, closing the door. "See if you can find it"Dean says to Sam. "Hurry up too. Service starts in 15 minutes. We'll try to stall Roy" I tell him.
"Alright" Sam responds and the protestor from the day I got healed approaches us. "Roy Le Grange is a fraud. He's no healer" He says, handing us fliers. "Amen, brother" I preach loudly, causing Dean to chuckle as we walk towards the tent. "You keep up the good work" Sam tells him and we laugh even louder. "Thank you" The man thanks him smiling.
Dean and I walk inside the tent and take a seat straight to the back. I look over at him to see him deep in thought and I nudge him slight, "What's swirling around in that handsome head of yours?" I tease him with a smile and he smirks at me. "Nothing, I was just waiting on a call back from someone, kinda disappointed" He says, looking down.
"Since when do you wait around for a call from a girl?" I cock my eyebrow at him, shocked. "Not a girl" He scoffs chuckling, I'm slightly relieved about this for some reason but I just ask. "Then who?" I ask curiously. "Our Dads" He says honestly and I'm taken back.
"You called them?" I ask surprised and he nods. "Of course, you weren't well. I wasn't going to keep that from them" He says and I nod sadly. I didn't think about it like that, now I know for a fact that my dad might know I was dying and he didn't even bother to show up. It hurt, I'm not gonna lie. Dean notices the look of hurt on my face and quickly apologizes.
"Im sorry princess, forget I said anything" He says apologetically but I feign a smile. "Im fine. Honestly" I give him a wide fake smile, hoping he takes the bait. He seems to do so and nudges me back with his shoulder jokingly, making me causing gasp and I chuckle along with him.
My phone then rings and I fish it out of my pocket to see it's Sam calling, I flip it open and put it to my ear, "What do you got?" I ask him as Dean leans in closer to me, pressing his ear to the back of my phone to hear what Sam found. "Roy's choosing victims he sees as immoral. And I think I know who's next on his list. Remember that protestor?" Sam says quickly.
"Guy in the parking lot?" I whisper into the phone. "Yeah, I'll find him. But you guys can't let Roy heal anyone, alright?" Sam instructs up and I flip the phone shut, me and Dean share a look before looking back on the stage. We get up from our seats and walk closer to it.
"Logan. Logan Rourke. Come up here, son" Roy says into the mic, falling out for Logan as the crowd cheers. Logan gives his mom a tearful hug before walking up to the stage. Me and Dean share a panicked look at this. "Oh, man" I mutter sorrowfully. Logan does to walk past me but I stop him.
"Logan, listen to me. You can't go up there" I try to stop him and he looks at me confused. "Why not? We've waited for months" He protests and I shake my head. "You can let Roy heal you" I plead with him. "I don't understand. Roy healed you, didn't he? Why wouldn't you at least let him try" He tries to reason.
"Because if you do, something bad is gonna happen. I can't explain. I just need you to believe me" I tell him honestly and I see Dean looks at me like 'WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU SAY THAT?!'. Logan looks at me in disbelief. "Logan" Sue Ann calls for him to get up on the stage.
"Please" I beg him. He looks back at his mother and back to me with an apologetic look on his face and I sigh. "I'm sorry" He apologizes and I try to stop him. "Logan. Logan!" I whisper yell but he ignores me. "Dear child" Sue Ann smiles at Logan, ushering him up the stage and the crowd cheers again.
"You deserve this" Sue Ann tells him. I look back at his mother who have an overjoyed expression on his face. "I knew the Lord was planning. I knew it was a mystery if time" Roy says into the mic. I groan in displeasure and Dean looks at me with pity. "Pray with me friends" Roy says to the congregation.
He opens his hand like he did when healing me and goes to lay a hand on Logan's head. I look over Dean, pleading with him with my eyes to do something. He nods and pulls me to the exit of the tent and yells, "Fire! Hurry! Tents on fire!" I go along with it and scream. "Fire! Everybody get out of here!" Everybody begins to panic, running out of the tent.
Roy stops, not laying his hand on Logan. "No! No, please. Please don't stop. Please! Reverend please! Please? Please don't stop" Logan's mother rushes to the stage, begging Roy to not stop healing Logan. My heart hurts hearing her pleas, knowing that if he was healed, someone would die. He looks over at me pained and I give him an apologetic look.
"Friends, if you'd all just exit the tent in an orderly fashion and we'll figure out what's going on out there and we'll come back-" Roy says into the mic. I take out my phone to call Sam, "We did it. We stopped Roy" I tell him once he answered. "David, I think it's okay" I hear Sam say through the speaker.
"Y/N, it didn't work! The reapers still coming!" Sam exclaims in fear and my eyes widen, looking at Dean. "How?!" Dean asks loudly, pressing his ear against my phone. "I'm telling you! I'm telling you, it must not have worked! Roy must not be controlling this thing!" Sam insists. "Then who the hell is?" I ask rhetorically and my eyes glance over to Sue Ann.
Roy's wife is in a corner of the tent chanting quietly and it clicks. "Dean!" I nudge him and he looks in the direction I am. "Sue Ann" I tell Sam before flipping the phone shut. We run towards her quickly and turn her around roughly. She's clutching a pendant with the cross from the tarot card and like the one T the alter.
She's stunned when we do this and starts screaming, "Help! Help me!" She tucks the pendant in her clothes. "You bitch!" I scream angrily, slapping her across her face and suddenly two police officers come and roughly escorts me and Dean out of the tent. Sue Ann comes behind us and begins to lecture us, clutching the red mark on her face from my slap with tears in her eyes.
"I just don't understand. After everything we've done for you, after Roy healed you." She cries, feigning innocence. Me and Dean glare at her, narrowing our eyes filled with hatred. "We're just very, very disappointed, Y/N" She cries then turning to the officers. "You can let them go. I'm not gonna press any charges. The lord will deal with her as he sees fit" She tells them.
My jaw clenches in anger, my eyes trailing her as she walks off. "We catch you two around here again, we'll put the fear of God in you, understand?" The officer bellows harshly, gripping Deans shirt, I don't answer instead just continue glaring at Sue Ann. "Yes, sir, fear of God. Got it" Dean says bitterly, giving them a smug smile and they rough push us both.
"Son of a bitch" I mutter. "Did you have to slap her?" Dean mutters to me disappointed and I sigh. I turn around to see Logan behind me with a disappointed look on his face. "Logan, I'm so s-" He cuts me off. "Why would you do that, Y/N? And it could have been my only chance" He asks me shaking his head, tears in his eyes.
"He's not a healer" I try to tell him but he argues. "He healed you" He defends. "I-I know it doesn't seem fair and I wish I could explain but Roy is not the answer, I'm sorry" I apologize sincerely, stuttering on my words. Tears begin to fall down his face and I have to hold back my own.
"Goodbye, Y/N" His voice cracks, shaking his head. He moves between me and Dean and then turns to me, I turn to look at him and he says, "I wish you luck, I really do" He says sincerely. "Same to you" I respond, tears threatening to fall from my eyes as he walks off. "You deserved a lot more than me" I say to myself quietly but Dean notices.
"Don't say that, princess" He tells me, "Anyone would be lucky to have you" He whispers in my ear, wrapping his arms around me, patting my head as I lay my head against his shoulder. "God I need to stop crying, I've been crying so much these days. I can't even recognize myself anymore" I chuckle humorlessly, wiping my tears.
He smiles at me, putting his finger on my chin and tilting my head towards him to look into his eyes. "If it makes you feel better, I think it makes you a helluva lot stronger than me" He says, emotions swimming in his eyes as my (e/c) one's pierce his.
"Thanks, charming" I say genuinely. We look over to the Impala to see Sam leaning against it, letting go of our hug we begin to walk towards it. "Private session tonight, no interruptions. I give you my word, I'll heal your son" We hear Roy tell Mrs. Rourke with Sue Ann next to him as we walk towards Baby.
"Thank you, Reverend. God bless you" She thanks him, shaking his hand and giving Sue Ann a hug. They then head on over to their car, his mom giving him a tight hug, tearing falling from her eyes before getting in and driving off.
Now back at the motel, we explain what happened in the tent to Sam. He's sitting on his bed and Dean is sitting on his next to Sam's as I pace the room, nervously. "So Roy really believes" He says and I go to the window, pulling the curtain to look out it. "I don't think he has any idea what his wife's doing" I tell him.
"Well, I found this hidden in their library" Sam tells us, pulling out a small old looking book from his jacket, showing us. "It's ancient. Written by priests who went dark side. There's a binding spell in here for trapping a reaper." Sam explains as I take a seat next to Dean on his bed, handing me the book.
"Must be a hell of a spell" Dean mutters as I open the book, he peers over my shoulder to get a look. "Yeah" Sam responds. "You gotta build a black alter with seriously dark stuff. Bones, human blood..." He lists off sighing. "To cross a line like that...that preachers wife. Black magic, murder. Evil" He says, shaking his head.
"Desperate" I add. "Her husband was dying. She would've done anything to save him. She was using the binding spell to keep the reaper away from Roy" I say and they nod. "Cheating death, literally" Sam adds ironically. "Yeah, but Roy's alive, so why's she still using the spell?" Dean asks and realization dawns on Sam's face.
"Right. To force the reaper to kill people she thinks are immoral" Sam says and I sigh, shaking my head. "May God save us from half the people who think they're doing God's work" Dean mutters as I flip through the book. "We gotta break that binding spell, guys" Sam tells us and I reach a page with the cross like what Sue Ann was clutching.
Me and Dean share a look before looking up at Sam. "You know, Sue Ann had a Coptic cross like this. Once she dropped it, the reaper backed off" I tell them. "So you think we gotta find the cross or destroy the altar?" Dean asks me. "Maybe both?" I suggest and they look at me confused. "Whatever we do, we'd better do it soon" Dean says. "Roy's healing Logan tonight." I tell him and he nods as I get up from the bed, handing him the book.
Later that night, the boys and I head back to Roy's. When Dean parks I notice a familiar looking car, "That's Logan's car. He's already here" Sam draws the car to our attention. "Yeah" I respond sadly, clearing my throat. "Y/N.." Sam goes to comfort me but I cut him off. "You know, if Roy would've picked Logan instead of me, he'd be healed right now" I say honestly.
"Y/N, don't" Dean pleads with me not to go down that path. "And if he's not healed tonight, he's gonna die in a couple months" I look down at my hands guilty. "What's happening to him is horrible, but what are you gonna do? Let somebody else die to save her?" Sam asks me rhetorically.
"You agreed with me when I said, 'You can't play God'" Dean tells me comfortingly but I don't answer, taking a deep breath I get out of baby and the boys follow behind me. We creep around the side of the tent and pull the plastic a bit to the side to see Roy hosting another service. "Gather around. Please, everyone, gather around. Come in closer, come on up" He ushers Logan up to the stage.
"Where's Sue Ann?" Dean asks us. "House" I respond. We walk back towards the house and I notice the police officer from earlier stationed infront of Sue Anns house. I turn to the boys and tell them, "Go find Sue Ann, I'll catch up" They look at me confused, "What are you-?" Dean goes to ask me but I cut him off.
"Just trust me, okay?" I flash him a wink before walking into the view of the officers and they crouch behind a bus that's parked. "Hey! You wanna put that fear of God in me? I don't mind getting double teamed!" I smirk as I call out to the officers tauntingly, instantly they shoot me angry look and they begin running after me and I bolt out of there to give Sam and Dean time to find Sue Ann.
Third Person POV
"That crazy bitch" Sam mutters to himself, shaking his head in amusement as Y/N dashes away from the officers. Dean snorts in laughter, "We call her nutcase and crackhead for a reason" Dean whispers to his young brother, quickly getting up from behind the bus and making their ways up Sue Anns porch quickly.
They walk around around the side of the porch, looking for any weak spots or open windows to get into the house.
In the parking lot:
Meanwhile, Y/N is ducking under trailers, busses, cars, you name it, to keep hidden from the police that are still chasing her. "You see her?" One officer asks the other, shining their lights around the dark lot in search of Y/N. "No" the other officer shakes his head.
On the porch:
From ontop the porch, Sam notices what looks like an underground cellar below the porch, "Dean, come check this out" He whisper yells for his brother attention. Dean quickly comes around and they share a look before running down the porch to go check out the cellar.
They lean down and open it, quickly getting in and closing it behind them.
In the parking lot:
Y/N is currently braced up against a trailer, hiding from the officers when suddenly she hears a loud barking coming from the door. She lets out a low scream in fear, backing up from the trailer. The barking draws the attention to the officers who are on the other side of the trailer.
One of the officer flashes his light under the trailer and inside, scoffing when he comes up empty handed, "Psycho mutt" He grumbles as the dog growls at him through the window. Still barking as the other officer laughs.
Y/N peers off the ledge from on-top of the trailer, sighing in relief, thanking whatever god existed that she scaled the trailer in time before the police saw her.
In the cellar:
While all of this is going on, the boys walk down the stairs to the underground cellar. Bending the corner, Dean notices a altar with candles lit around it, "Hey college boy" He nudges Sam pointing to the altar. "That what we're looking for?" He asks him and Sam nods.
They push open the gate and walk towards the altar that has candles lit around, pictures of people, even Y/N with red X's on their faces (presumably human blood), a human skull with blood dripping down it. Dean picks up the picture of Y/N, showing it to Sam.
"I gave your girlfriend life and I can take it away" A familiar voice booms, causing them to jump and turn around quickly to see Sue Ann with a grim expression on her face. Anger raises to their heads and they share a look before tilting the table the altar was on, tossing it to the floor.
Everything on it smashing into pieces. They run after Sue Ann but she's had a head start from when they were destroying the altar, running up the stairs and barricading the cellar door with a wooden stick. The groan as they try to push it open but Sue Ann is using all her strength to keep it shut.
"Boys, can't you see? The Lord chose to me reward the just and punish the wicked" Sue Ann preaches from outside. "And your girlfriend is wicked, Dean. And she deserves to die just as Logan deserves to live. It's Gods will" She continues to ramble but the boys stop pushing the door and run to the back.
Looking for anything that's big enough to knock the door down with. They find a large peace of wood, that's heavy enough for the both of them to hold. "Goodbye, boys" Sue Ann says and leaves. "On three" Dean says and Sam nods curtly, "One, two, three!" He shouts.
The brothers run the hunk of wood head first into the door with all their might. Busting it down and breaking the peace of stick that was holding it together.
In the parking lot:
Y/N is still in the yard, when she notices the lights in the lot start to flicker. She looks up at the lights in confusion before turning to see the old man she saw when she was healed behind her. Her chest begins to heave when she realizes what might be going on.
The man begins to approach her slowly and her eyes widen, frozen in fear. The man lays his hand on her head and she begins to groan in pain, her head feeling as if it's going to explode. Roy's healing Logan and Sue Ann is trading my life for his. She chose to accept her faith, knowing she wasn't supposed to live either way.
She comes to the realization, not able to move as the man drains the life out of her slowly, bringing her to her knees. Y/N screams as the pain courses through her body.
Inside the tent:
Meanwhile in the tent, Roy has his hand on Logan's head, bringing Logan to his knees while Sue Ann is outside the tent, clutching the glowing cross to her chest and chanting the spell, controlling the reaper.
In the parking lot:
Y/N's eyes begin to turn grey and her skin begins to pale as the reaper looks at her apologetically, as if he didn't want to take her life from her.
Outside the tent:
Now free, Dean pushes Sue Ann to the ground and Sam snatches the glowing cross from her hand, throwing on the ground and it smashes into pieces. Rendering the control on the reaper ineffective. "Noooo!" Sue Ann screams pained.
In the parking lot:
Suddenly the reaper let's go of Y/N, she falls to the ground and begins gasping for air.
Inside the tent:
Meanwhile in the tent, Roy can feel his 'power' die. Logan doesn't feel the effect of the healing anymore, his eyes fluttering open. "I don't understand" Roy says confused. "I don't feel different" Logan tells him, looking over at his mom with tears with tears in their eyes.
Outside the tent:
"Oh my god! What have you boys done?!" Sue Ann screams from outside of the tent, kneeling next to the broken cross, sobbing. "He's not your God" Dean says angrily, clenching his jaw and rolling his eyes at her pathetic sobs. Sue Ann looks up and sees the reaper she had in her clutches across from her, smiling at her with villainous intent. She gasps loudly in fear.
The boys look at her confused as she tries to run away but suddenly stops as the reaper appears infront of us and lays his hand on her head instead. She begins to gasp for air, instantly turning pale as her eyes roll to the back of her head, turning grey.
The reaper then let's go of Sue Ann with a satisfied smile on his face and she drops to the floor convulsing as if she's having a seizure and she lets out one last breath, now dead. The boys look on at this and let out a satisfied breath of relief.
"Let's go find Y/N" Dean tells Sam and he nods, making their way back to the parking lot. They see Y/N leaning against the Impala trying to catch her breath. "You okay, Princess?" Dean asks her concerned and she nods weakly. "Hell of a week" She says ironically and they nod. "Yeah" Sam says.
"Alright, come on. We should get going" He tells them and Dean takes out his keys. They all open the doors to the impala simultaneously before jumping in. Dean in the driver, Sam riding shotgun and Y/N to the back.
Later they're all in their motel room, Y/N sits on her bed staring into space as if she's deep in thought. "What is it?" Dean asks her knowingly, breaking her out of her thought process. Her eyes flicker over to him and she shakes her head, "Nothing" She says, sighing.
The brothers share a look, "What is it?" Sam presses, putting his hands on his hips. "We did the right thing here, didn't we?" She asks them. "Of course we did" Dean assures her and she sighs. "It doesn't feel like it" She says sighing. Suddenly a knocking on the door interrupts their conversation.
"I got it" Sam says, going over to it and opening it to reveal Logan. "Hey Logan, come on in" He says and Y/N shoots up from the bed. "Hey" He says, giving Sam a smile. "Hey. How did you know we were here?" Y/N asks him surprised. The burning sensation comes back to Deans chest, seeing how quickly her mood changed when she saw Logan.
He brushes it off quickly, brushing it under his rug of underlying feelings. "Um, Sam called. He said you wanted to say goodbye" He tells her and she looks over at Sam who gives her a sly smirk. "We're gonna go grab some sodas" Sam says quickly, grabbing his older brother by his elbow and pulling him out of the door.
Dean is hesitant about this but obliges. He huffs in annoyance as Sam closes the door. Sam notices the clenching of Deans jaw. "I thought you said you weren't a jealous idiot?" He teases his older brother, his gaze snaps over to him with a harsh glare. "I'm not. I just don't like the idea of leaving her alone in a room with a guy she barely knows" He retorts roughly as they walk to the vending machine and Sam chuckles dryly.
The irony of that makes him laugh on the inside, knowing Y/N hooks up with people every so often which Dean is quite aware of. Sam mostly did this so Y/N could get some closure because he know she has a big heart under all of her denying.
But partly was because he knew it would bother Dean and hey, his brother always says he doesn't feel that way about Y/N. He loves his brother dearly but the man is too damn stubborn for his own good. And so is Y/N but she hides her jealously better than Dean.
As the door closes behind Logan, the two exchange heated looks. Logan is the first to break it, walking around her to take a look at the room. "So, where are you going?" He asks Y/N. "Oh, don't know yet. Our work kind of takes us all over. So...." She tells him, trailing off when their eyes connect again.
"You know, I went back to see Roy" He tells her. "What happened?" She asks him sadly, already knowing the answer. Logan sighs, shaking his head as he takes a seat on the bed, "Nothing" He tells her as she sits next to him. "I mean, he laid his hands on my forehead but nothing happened" He tells her.
"I'm sorry it didn't work" She apologizes sincerely. "And Sue Ann. She's dead, you know. Stroke" Logan informs her and she nods. "Yeah, I heard" She says. "You know, Roy's a good man. He doesn't deserve whats happened" Y/N says sadly. "It must be rough...to believe in something so much...and have it disappoint you like that" She adds, giving him a sympathetic look.
Logan however has a smile on his face, "You wanna here something weird?" He asks her. "Hmm?" She responds. "I'm okay. Really." He assures her and she's slightly surprised by this. "I guess if you're gonna have faith, you can't just have it when the miracles happen. You have to have it when they done" He tells her and she smiles sadly at his wise words, leaving her speechless.
"So, what now?" She asks him and he shrugs smiling. "God works in mysterious ways." He repeats his first words to her, giving her a teary smile before resting his hand on her cheek. The way Dean usually does. But it didn't quite feel right like when he does it. He leans in and lays a small kiss on her cheek.
His lips lingering at the corner of her mouth as she swallows the lump in her throat. "Goodbye, Y/N" He tells her with a smile and watery eyes before getting up to leave. "Hey" She calls out to him and he turns around at the door. "Um...You know, I'm not much of the praying type. But...I'm gonna pray for you" She says to him confidently, her tone filled with sorrow.
Logan nods and smiles, "Well, there's a miracle right there" He tells her with a smile, opening the door and closing it behind him.
Authors Note: I told you I was gonna add my own little spin on things in this rewrite lol. Hope you guys enjoyed!! I know how some people may think as if I'm taking away storyline from Sam or Dean by letting the reader experience certain things they go through but please remember I am just trying to keep her as included as possible.
I'm not going to take away big storylines as the whole point of this book is to follow the major plots but I'm just trying to make things more interesting to give a different perspective of the show. I'm enjoying writing so far and I personally have experienced books where I didn't like the way it was going and I left it so I hope you guys are still holding on!!
Note that this chapter is unedited and I plan on coming back to edit it eventually.
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thisthirstisreal · 4 months
Do people not understand that the Infinity Castle as movies would be a lesser situation for fans??
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Each movie lasts 2 hours. Mugen Train was around that duration and it spanned 6 episodes worth of content. If there are multiple movies, say 2 movies, that will be 12 episodes of content. You guys want the entirety of Infinity Castle to be animated into only 12 episodes????Entertainment District Arc was 13 episodes long (including the 1-hour first and last episode). Infinity Castle has almost double the manga chapters of Entertainment District.
And nothing will kill the hype more if there's a trilogy of movies. Each movie for one upper moon? That's horrible pacing. I can accept waiting a year between two parts of Infinity Castle, but to wait for three parts? One of the greatest highlights of Infinity Castle is seeing the nonstop, high-intensity action and how Gotouge keeps the momentum going. One Upper Moon per movie is just too glacial a pace and it's going to feel slow and dragged out.
And even if they went down that route, Shinobu vs Douma will still need to be in the first movie because it happens before Akaza vs Tanjiro. And no, you can't reshuffle it because there's an important tidbit about Akaza not eating women that Douma tells Kanao. So the second movie will ONLY feature Douma vs Inosuke and Kanao. You guys tell me how the fuck that's going to work. The only way is by adding gratuitous amounts of filler beyond what would be satisfactory.
In other words: neither two or three movies work for Infinity Castle.
Y'all talk about Ufotable getting better budget for movies as if Entertainment District Arc's animation quality didn't easily rival Mugen Train. The budget won't make any difference -- the only difference is that the pacing is going to be fucked up and either too slow or rushed. The only genuine upside I can think of is not having to wait for episodes weekly and getting everything at once and experiencing it in a theatre setting.
But do you guys genuinely prefer an inferior product just for the brief experience of instant gratification? Why can't we be patient just for a better end-product? Once KNY the anime is finally complete, you're going to be revisiting an arc with sloppier pacing than what could have been. All because you cannot wait weekly and just so you can get a few hours of great theatre experience.
It's just disappointing and you should know that the movie is going to release first in Japan before a belated international release and our first glimpses of amazing moments may be trending potato camrip images. It's horrific.
The moment the movies are announced would be the moment of collective loss for Demon Slayer. You can fuck up any arc but you cannot fuck up Infinity Castle. This is Demon Slayer's magnum opus. Only a long season can give the treatment this masterpiece deserves.
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thisisnotthenerd · 8 months
do you ever give yourself ideas that seem like they shouldn't take much time in execution and then end up taking up way too much time?
anyway we're back with the first real entry for thisisnotthenerd's d20 stats of 2024. this time we're talking:
cast appearances by episode count
season count is one thing; there's only 21 of those so far. by contrast, we've had 222 episodes of d20 as of 1/16/2024. by may 2024 we'll have finished fhjy and hit 241.
by the current count, the intrepid heroes' full seasons account for 128 episodes of the total 222, or around 57.6% of the total episode count. if you add the fantasy high oneshots, it bumps up to 59.4%, and if you consider that we're adding 20 to the count with fhjy, by may 2024, intrepid heroes episodes will make up 62.6% of the dimension 20 catalog.
anyway here's the cast list:
the uncontested winner is brennan lee mulligan with 211/222 episodes. 95% attendance. the only times he hasn't been there are: the 4 episodes of shriek week, the 6 episodes of coffin run, and the gencon mismag oneshot.
in second place is lou wilson, with 151/222 episodes. this is every intrepid heroes season (128/222), plus 3 sidequests (4+10+6) and 3 oneshots.
in third, sweeping her way with the most recent season, is siobhan thompson with 147/222, after the ih seasons, 3 oneshots and 2 sidequests (6+10)
in fourth, we have ally beardsley with 144/222, after the ih seasons, 2 oneshots, and 2 sidequests (10+4)
very close in fifth, we have zac oyama, with 143/222, after the ih seasons, 4 oneshots, and 2 sidequests (6+6).
in sixth is emily axford, with 138/222, from 126 ih episodes, 2 oneshots, and one sidequest (10)
and in seventh is brian murphy, with 130 episodes, from the ih seasons and 3 oneshots.
after this we have a steep drop off, since the ih episodes make up 57% of the total count, and will make up 61% by the end of junior year. anyway next is aabria iyengar, with 48 episodes, a little over half which she gm'd (26).
next is erika ishii, with 37 episodes. they've been in 5 sidequests (6+4+10+6+10) and one oneshot.
to finish off the top ten, rekha shankar and izzy roland are tied with 26, since both have been in three sidequests [(6+10+10) and (10+6+10) respectively]
the last of the three cree, in 11th place, is matthew mercer, with 18 (6+6+6) episodes, 6 of which he gm'd
after which is carlos luna and mike trapp with 12, though carlos has been behind the scenes as crew in many more.
13th is taken up with another tie, this time between danielle radford and becca scott, who each have 11, though their splits are different, since danielle has been in 2 sidequests and a oneshot (4+6+1), while becca has been in 1 sidequest and 1 oneshot (10+1)
after this we get into the mass groups:
with 10 episodes there's a couple of options for how they got to that point, but less options for 6 and 4
10 episodes: ify nwadiwe (6+4), lily du (6+4), katie marovitch (10), sam reich (10), raphael chestang (10), grant o'brien (10), persephone valentine (10), omar najam (10), oscar montoya (10), surena marie (10), rashawn nadine scott (10), and jasper william cartwright (10)
next is griffin mcelroy, with 7 episodes, because he did the RTX oneshot along with tiny heist.
6 episodes: amy vorpahl, justin mcelroy, travis mcelroy, clint mcelroy, jessica ross, marisha ray, krystina arielle, b. dave walters, jasmine bhullar (GM), anjali bhimani, alex song-xia, freddie wong, hank green
4 episodes: gabe hicks (GM), dani fernandez, monét x change, alaska thunderfuck, bob the drag queen, jujubee
and last but not least, our oneshot only friends: brian david gilbert, michelle nguyen bradley, noxweiler berf, and markeia mccarty
and that's all for this time! check out the spreadsheet to see where the data comes from and every individual checkbox that i had to click for this to be fully accurate.
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Season 2 Observations - What the DS9 crew call each other
I'm back with my spreadsheet and armed with new facts. Let's go! (For Season 1 Observations, see here.)
This is a bit longer and there was still more I wanted to include - if you want to check out the raw data yourself, you can view the spreadsheet here!
Is slightly more likely to introduce himself as "Benjamin Sisko" (6x) than "Commander Benjamin Sisko" (5x) - though this is often followed in both cases by "of the United Federation of Planets" or something similar.
Kira, Odo and Quark mostly call him "Commander", and rarely "Sir" - all are extremely consistent with season 1. (37:8, 16:2 and 11:0 as compared to in s1 35:8. 15:2 and 9:0)
Miles and Julian are more likely to call him "Sir", but use "Commander" often as well. How often has changed for them both since Season 1: > Julian has moved from using both equally, to using "Sir" twice as often. > Miles has moved from using "Sir" three times as much to almost using both equally (40:35)
Dax still uses Benjamin almost exclusively (24x), although she will use "Commander" on occasion (2x).
Is most often referred to as "Commander Sisko (22x), followed by Sisko (12x) - O'Brien is the only one to use "Sisko" more frequently.
Most often calls herself "Major Kira Nerys" (4x).
Everyone, apart from Dax, almost always calls her "Major".
Dax exclusively calls her Kira (2x) - Bashir and Sisko have both also called her this (2x and 1x respectively).
Is most often referred to as "Kira" (13x), followed by "Major Kira" (6x) - a change from Season 1 where the "Kira: Major Kira" ratio was 5:18 > Odo bucks this trend: as in season 1, he refers to her as "Major Kira" 2 times and "Kira" only once.
Introduces himself as "Chief of Security Odo" (2x).
Is called "Odo" by everybody; Kira (7x), Dax (7x), O'Brien (4x) and Quark (24x!!!!) will use this most often.
Sisko and Bashir are more likely to call him "Constable" - 13:8 and 2:1 respectively. > Kira and Dax never call him "Constable" > Miles uses it almost just as much as "Odo" (3:4) > Quark calls him it twice
Is almost exclusively referred to as Odo by everyone - Kira referred to him as "Constable Odo" once, and O'Brien as "the constable" once.
Trends are consistent with Season 1, apart from Kira stopping using Constable entirely, and Bashir, Dax and O'Brien actually speaking about/ talking to him more than two times this season!
Refers to himself most often as "Julian" or "Julian Bashir".
Sisko, Kira, Odo and Quark exclusively call him "Doctor" - apart from Kira calling him "Julian" once, on his request!
Dax and O'Brien more often call him "Julian" (9:1 and 12:5 respectively) > After Armageddon Game, O'Brien only calls him Julian.
He is still referred to as "Doctor Bashir" most often by Sisko, Kira and Odo
Jadzia still refers to him mostly as "Julian".
O'Brien now refers to him mostly as "the doctor" or "Bashir" (2x each), as opposed to "Dr Bashir" in S1 (2x) > Quark similarly uses "Bashir" most (3x), followed by "the doctor" (2x)
Refers to herself as "Jadzia" most often (5x), but 4 of those times are in the episode Playing God where she is talking in the third person about herself. > She also calls herself "Dax" (2x), "Jadzia Dax" (2x) and when talking to Klingons in Blood Oath, "I who was Curzon Dax" and "You knew me as Curzon Dax".
Sisko and Kira call her "Dax" most often, followed by "Lieutenant" (22:11 and 7:5 respectively). > No change from S1 for Sisko, but Kira only began to call her Dax this season. > Kira also first calls her Jadzia - unprompted! - in Blood Oath. > Sisko only calls her "Old Man" once.
Odo, O'Brien and Quark exclusively call her "Lieutenant".
Julian exclusively calls her Jadzia, but only twice.
Sisko, Kira and O'Brien usually refer to her as "Dax" - the latter two exclusively. > Sisko uses "Jadzia" just as much (6x), but only in the episode Invasive Procedures, when talking about her as opposed to Verad Dax who has stolen her symbiont. > Once again, this is same as S1 for Sisko, but a change from exclusively "Lieutenant Dax" (1x) for Kira.
Julian most often refers to her as "Jadzia" (4x), followed by Dax (2x).
Calls himself "O'Brien" most often (4x) - "Miles O'Brien" (6x) is skewed because of his repetition of it (4x) under torture in Tribunal.
Everyone most often calls him "Chief". > For Odo, this is equal with "Mister O'Brien" (2x each), and for Quark this is equal with "O'Brien" (1x each).
"Mister O'Brien" is still used at a similar rate by Sisko, being used about four times less frequently than "Chief" in both seasons. Kira only uses it once, in early s2, compared to "Chief" 14x - she used both equally in S1.
Sisko, Bashir and Dax most often refer to him as "Chief O'Brien", a change for all of them from S1. > For Sisko, this is followed by "Mister O'Brien", his most common use in S1. > For Bashir this is followed equally by "O'Brien", his most common in S1, and by "the chief".
Kira and Quark refer to him as "O'Brien" more often.
Odo uses both "Chief O'Brien" and "O'Brien" equally (2x each)
Thanks for your interest in this, it's definitely encouraged me to keep going! Not sure if this is the correct tag etiquette, but I thought I'd tag those of you who seemed keen to look at more data - let me know if you don't want this to happen in the future! (Or indeed if you want to be added to the update list!) But 100% thank you so much for your kind comments about this project - I'm glad to see it's not just me who likes to nerd out over cold, hard data! (Also feel free to talk about stuff in the comments, there were so many tag comments I wanted to reply to aha 😅)
@joelleity @elainemorisi @istherewifiinhell @dumbnerd13-42 @yourea--stubborn--man @writteninsilences @worfianism @mickstart @ilovefredjones @tomthefanboy @ds9official @ussdefiant @autisticburnham @daforged @loudfederationscreeching @deepacenine @thethirdromana @tocautiouslygo @transhologram
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laf-outloud · 10 months
Supernatural Netflix Viewing Numbers - Jan. 2023 - Jun. 2023
Thanks to anon on this ask, I was able to download Netflix' report with viewing hours from Jan. 2023 to June 2023. I thought I'd run some numbers for Supernatural.
Now, obviously, with these numbers, there are caveats in that we don't know if certain episodes are watched more than others, so the best I can do is an average of views per episode in a season. Some episodes in the same season may get fewer views while others get more (this is the only way it makes sense to me why Season 15 is watched more than Season 14, lol!)
Based on the math below the cut, here are the rankings of most-watched Supernatural seasons (# = average views per episode):
Season 3: 65,421
Season 1: 61,822
Season 2: 49,614
Season 4: 47,794
Season 5: 45,253
Season 6: 41,633
Season 7: 36,681
Season 8: 35,054
Season 9: 32,744
Season 10: 31,909
Season 11: 30,889
Season 15: 29,820
Season 14: 29,206
Season 12: 28,048
Season 13: 26,958
As you can see, Seasons 1-5 are expectedly at the top, with 1-3 taking the top three,
People can draw their own conclusions, but for me, it just proves that the general public watch Supernatural for Sam and Dean, and anyone planning a reboot, looking at these numbers, should know exactly what to put back on our screens.
Now, I'm no math major (I actually got a D- in math in 7th grade), so if I'm doing something wrong, someone please correct me! But, I believe by dividing the total number of minutes viewed by the total number of minutes in the season, we can calculate the number of separate views per season. Then, if you divide the views by episode count, you can get a decent average of how many people watched each episode in the first 6 months of this year.
Season 1; 22 episodes:
1.254 billion minutes/922 minutes = 1,360,087 views/22 = 61,822 avg. views per episode.
Season 2; 22 episodes:
978 million minutes/896 minutes = 1,091,518 views/22 = 49,614 avg. views per episode
Season 3; 16 episodes:
672 million minutes/642 minutes = 1,046,729 views/16 = 65,421 avg. views per episode
Season 4; 22 episodes:
960 million minutes/913 minutes = 1,051,479/22 = 47,794 avg. views per episode
Season 5; 22 episodes:
900 million minutes/904 minutes = 995,575/22 = 45,253 avg. views per episode
Season 6; 22 episodes:
828 million minutes/904 minutes = 915,929/22 = 41,633 avg. views per episode
Season 7; 23 episodes:
804 million minutes/953 minutes = 843,652/23 = 36,681 avg. views per episode
Season 8; 23 episodes:
774 million minutes/960 minutes = 806,250/23 = 35,054 avg. views per episode
Season 9; 23 episodes:
726 million minutes/964 minutes = 753,112/23 = 32,744 avg. views per episode
Season 10; 23 episodes:
684 million minutes/932 minutes = 733,906/23 = 31,909 avg. views per episode
Season 11; 23 episodes:
660 million minutes/929 minutes = 710,441/23 = 30,889 avg. views per episode
Season 12; 23 episodes:
618 million minutes/958 minutes = 645,094/23 = 28,048 avg. views per episode
Season 13; 23 episodes:
594 million minutes/958 minutes = 620,042/23 = 26,958 avg. views per episode
Season 14; 20 episodes:
486 million minutes/832 minutes = 584,135/20 = 29,206 avg. views per episode
Season 15; 20 episodes:
498 million minutes/835 minutes = 596,407/20 = 29,820 avg. views per episode
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hinaypod · 5 months
How scary is the show? As a fellow Canadian and lover of ADs, Hi Nay has been on my radar for a while, but I've hesitated because I'm not generally a big fan of horror. I can handle some, but don't like being terrified. What level would you say the show is at, from "cosy listening" to "will give you nightmares"? Thanks! :)
I like to compare the scary levels of Hi Nay to that of the series Supernatural - the first three seasons are properly spooky, but then as it becomes more plot driven it's less straightforwardly scary and more horror fantasy.
In Hi Nay, we do some spooky sound effects here and there, but I don't think we'll give anyone nightmares~ I'd say, if you've listened to the Magnus Archives, that we're just a bit scarier than that SFX wise, but only for a couple of episodes. The scariest we get are Episode 1: Bulok (Rot), Episode 12: Pagbigti (Hanging), and Episode 25: Talikuran (Turn Your Back).
Each episode has extensive trigger warnings to help people decide what they can handle content-wise.
Most of the rest of the series isn't too spooky, though some may be conceptually scary. But I'd love to hear other listeners chime in as well about how spooky you all think Hi Nay is!
People call us cozy listening regardless of all this, but I think that's because of our characters 😊 They have a fantastic and compelling relationship, and they add a level of comedy and warmth that helps combat the scares.
Tl;dr It might help to listen to us in the daytime for some of our episodes, but the overall experience isn't just all scares, and I hope you get to listen and enjoy anyway!
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melefim · 2 months
Swearing in Dead Boy Detectives: The Boys Who Killed The Boys
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1 curse said in 1 episode.
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Episode 1: 1 Prat
Episode 7:
Curses Per Episode:
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Episode 1: 1
Episode 7:
Unique Words:
Simon is the only character to say Prat.
Percent of Total:
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Simon swears 1 time throughout the season, which is .3% of all cursing in the show.
Who Swears the Most: Simon is tied for last with 9 other characters.
Curse Word Variety: He is tied for last with 12 other characters.
Episode 1: Give this little prat a proper scare.
Not a curse, but…
A “Mary Ann” was slang for “an effeminate male homosexual; a young boy used as a catamite in prison.”
Simon says this this 8 times during Edwin’s sacrifice: three times by himself, and then it is chanted an additional five times by all the boys.
Updated Percent of Total Swearing chart.
Charles’ ‘Friend’
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1 curse said in 1 episode.
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Episode 4: 1 Tosser
Episode 7:
Curses Per Episode:
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Episode 1: 1
Episode 7:
Unique Words:
Charles’ ‘Friend’ and Charles himself are the only characters to say Tosser.
Percent of Total:
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Charles’ ‘Friend’ swears 1 time throughout the season, which is .3% of all cursing in the show.
Who Swears the Most: He is tied for last with 9 other characters.
Curse Word Variety: He is tied for last with 12 other characters.
Individual Words: Charles and his ‘friend’ are tied for uses of Tosser, each saying it one time.
Episode 4: He surfaced! You tosser!
Updated Percent of Total Swearing chart.
More Dead Boy Detectives Swearing Posts:
Swearing by Episode
Swearing by Character
Swearing by Word
All Swearing Posts
And if you like lists of things like I do, you can check out my other Dead Boy Detectives ones here!
When Charles’ Shirt Colors Change
George Rextrew’s Edwin comic inspo board
Full soundtrack with timestamps
Moves, Incidents, and Cases Masterlist
First pass at finding where the songs in the score are used- full post with timestamps in progress
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waterghoulcalamity · 3 months
a little lengthy but here are my predictions (or maybe expectations, in some cases) for next season of iwtv:
just like "the vampire lestat" begins with lestat reading interview with the vampire, the season is going to begin with louis reading lestat's book and possibly going to find lestat again
i wasn't sure if they were going to change the format of 2 time periods happening at the same time (the interview in louis apartment and the story and louis was telling) but i feel like it's the best way to do it, idk if they're going to have daniel interview lestat but i think it'd be interesting if they had lestat kind of post something he recorded of himself, am i the only one??
TW for SA // i believe they're going to go as far as they can with lestat's turning. some people say that lestat's SA in the books is purely metaphorical (because no penetration happens) but i would say no, that it is very explicit, biting is supposed to be this infinitively more intimate and pleasurable act than sex for BOTH the vampire and the victim in the books (because vampires can't have boners, apparently) and, since the whole reason magnus chooses lestat is because of his looks, i think we should be prepared for not only lestat's turning scene to be even worse than it was in the books, but the entirety of his stay with magnus as well, i won't go into detail of what happened but, well, you know
i think they will have lestat kill his father, which will give a whole new layer to lestat letting louis and claudia "kill" him, accepting louis knife in his throat. sam has said multiple times that his "death" was kind of a wake up call for lestat because he had been living at the peak of his chaotic behavior for too long, so i think it'd be interesting if they did that, because it would also make more painful why he never looked for louis and claudia, as in saying "i had to kill my own father and it was painful for me despite the fact that i hated him, and now i push you to go through the same pain because of my actions, i can't face you"
i hope, i HOPE, that they drop the incest with his mother. i think there are many ways they can make their relationship uncomfortably close without having resort to incest, please rolin i'm begging you
i'm manifesting that this season is going to be 12-15 episodes long, i'm willing to wait until 2026 for 12-15 episodes
pleaaaaseeee i want louis and lestat to be in that awkward "we are trying to be friends" stage but failing miserably because they're too possessive and could never be normal about each other
i think they're going to have armand find lestat at least briefly after the release of his book, it's going to be fun seeing what they have to say to each other. i don't quite think it's going to be like in the books were armand begs lestat to love him and let him stay with him but i do think they're going to keep some of those elements
speaking of armand, i think they're going to revisit that scene in magnus's tower with the three of them and they're going to reveal that armand was in lestat's head BEGGING him to go with lestat or something of that nature, like saying that all of this could've been avoided if lestat had loved him and it still could if he did, but lestat continued to reject him as he always did. idk if it was just me but i find assad's face in those scenes to be telling a story we don't quite understand yet
back to them meeting again in the modern times, i think armand is going to tell lestat about daniel and lestat is going to genuinely be happy for him (because they do keep a sort of friendship in the books after everything)
well, that is all. this thoughts keep circling my mind i think i needed to put them to rest, hopefully this will be enough but probably the only thing that can is s3 being released in this instant
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writing-for-life · 12 days
Sandman Predictions
So we’ve been speculating wildly what the remainder of The Sandman might look like on here and in our community (join us!) for a while.
And I thought it would be fun to put my predictions to paper (so to speak) so I can be embarrassed about them later and laugh at how wrong they were 🙈
Taking all the casting announcements and BTS in consideration I’ve collected like a magpie (check out my #sandman S2 tag), I will have a stab at it…
Only 12 Episodes or Aiming for Renewal?
Both is possible, but I am more and more leaning we’ll get the whole thing in twelve episodes in two batches of five each with two wraparound episodes (one will be AGoY/THCoL in the middle, one the last three issues of The Wake).
We know the episode names for six episodes that are directed by Jamie Childs. That doesn’t mean they were in order, or that there won’t be other directors involved. It wouldn’t surprise me if they at least went for female writers/directors for AGoY/THCoL, and if that’ll be the episode that separates (or rather connects) SoM and Brief Lives. So here comes my totally unhinged prediction for 12 episodes, including the titles we know (mind you, they might also be working titles). The chapters from the comics are to be seen as fluid and not absolute, because there are a lot of scenes that are not linear in chronological terms and will probably be shuffled around a bit:
Batch One
“More Devils Than Vast Hell Can Hold” (that title is a direct quote from AMND): A Midsummer Night’s Dream, SoM Prologue & Tales in the Sand flashback
“Season of Mists”: SoM ch. 1-3, ch. 4 is getting dropped
“The Ruler of Hell”: SoM ch. 5 through Epilogue
TBA: AGoY & THCoL Thermidor and Brief Lives ch. 1-4
“Brief Lives”: Brief Lives ch. 1-5 Brief Lives ch. 5-7
“The Song of Orpheus”: Brief Lives ch. 6. Bast is an excellent cut to SoO. Thermidor will also be in there. “Family Blood”: “The Song of Orpheus” and Brief Lives ch. 8-9
Batch Two
“Family Blood”: Brief Lives ch. 7-9 TBA: TKO ch. 1-4
TBA: TKO ch. 1-4 TBA: TKO ch. 5-7
TBA: TKO ch. 5-8 TBA: TKO ch. 8-10
TBA: TKO ch. 11-13
TBA: The Wake (all of it apart from…)
TBA: Sunday Mourning/Exiles/The Tempest
Edit 19/09:
So I’ve read The High Cost of Living again over the past few days because it didn’t want to leave me alone, and I’ve now convinced myself we’ll get it as a side-plot to Brief Lives in episodes 4-6, and that we’ll get tiny bits of AGoY, (mostly to set up Wanda/Ruby for Brief Lives and Hazel/Foxglove for THCoL) as a side plot to SoM in episodes 1-3. Spoilers ahead, so skip if that’s not your thing:
Both Sexton and Orpheus have a death wish. I don’t want to drag this out too much because the post is long enough as it is, but suffice it to say, Sexton rethinks after spending a day with Didi/Death, while Orpheus is granted his wish. And this is what ultimately sets Morpheus on his own path. The meaning of “So live” would be beautifully contrasted that way because it has different meaning to different people, depending on their own experience. Add to that Death spending a “brief life” for one day herself, and I can somewhat see the vision.
In more detail:
A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Tempest will be bookends, one before SoM, one after The Wake (they don’t necessarily have to be full episodes, they could be half each and make up roughly an hour combined. It really depends on overall runtime).
We’ll kick off batch one with Season of Mists (maybe the prologue and will also be in episode 1–there are several points in AMND that would make good cuts into SoM), and Tales in the Sand won’t be a full episode but incorporated as flashbacks (maybe around the family dinner). After we conclude SoM, we’ll get one episode of AGoY will be a side-plot to SoM, as per above (if it happens at all), and leads into THCoL as a side-plot to Brief Lives as per my edit above, because there’s a through-line in there for Fox and Hazel, plus we can set up Wanda/Ruby for Brief Lives.
Bonus 1:
Johanna will be somehow involved in SoM (she’s the Hellblazer after all), and we’ll get her to hook up with Murphy. No need for a longwinded introduction of Thessaly. Or, failing that, we just cut out the love interest completely, Morpheus does his moping session because Nada rebuffs him again, but Jo will still take Thessaly’s place as the crone.
We’ll move into roughly three episodes of Song of Orpheus/Thermidor and Brief Lives from there. Wanda will die in Brief Lives like Ruby, not in AGoY.
We finish the first batch with Morpheus alone on his chair after you-know-what 😩
Second batch: TKO and The Wake. Little bits of World’s End will be woven in where it fits, maybe already in the first batch as well. Same goes for little bits of standalone issues from Fables and Reflections.
Jo will take Thessaly’s place and protect Lyta because she’d just believe it’s the right thing to do (she also sympathises because she lost Astra). Whether she also holds a deeper grudge depends on if they set them up as having an affair or not.
My guess is three episodes TKO and one for the Wake. Sunday Mourning and Exiles will be done in one episode. The movie concept art that Jill Thompson did ages ago showed Daniel in the distance on the beach with the other three, and I think that’s a good tie-in point to lead into Exiles. Even the Tempest might fit in there if they make the last episode more feature-length. And you’ve got your two Shakespeare bookends.
Bonus 2:
Hob will be reinstalled to his narrative purpose because at least half the fandom will drop him like a hot potato and ship Morpheus x Cluracan instead. Because:
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If you think 12 episodes are tight: Yes, if you want to see every detail and issue of the comics. But not everything you see in a graphic novel translates well to screen, plus you don’t perceive time the same way. What takes ages to read can be something like 30 seconds in a film. Add to this that the movie that never happened was conceptualised as a trilogy if I’m not mistaken, so probably 6-8 hours planned runtime in total. So they always had a definite idea how to streamline it, and they were planning for it before. 12 episodes with 45 to 60min each give us more to play with than a movie-trilogy (plus we can already take the time off that we spent on S1). I think it’s doable, but of course it means tightening arcs and dropping stuff.
However, I’ll be honest with you: With all that’s been going on, and having seen that they filmed right through until the end, I’d rather have them wrap up now. Because I honestly can’t see a S3 happening after all that’s already been cancelled and put on hold because of you-know-what (I’m thinking of Disney shelving The Graveyard Book and Amazon putting GO on hold and sitting on the Audible despite it being finished).
But also: These decisions have likely been made long before these considerations even became an issue: Renewal was on a knife’s edge, and choices were made back then we can only guess at. Scripts aren’t written over night, neither are sets changed around wildly on a whim (plus actors aren’t just tied to one project and can’t just willy-nilly change their schedules). And some sets for TKO were already confirmed and booked in May. So they were always going to do what we’ve seen in BTS shots. It’s not a sudden development.
In any case: If they aimed for more seasons than two, I think this prediction could still hold in general, we’ll just get it more fleshed out. In that case, I’d say 10 episodes of SoM and Brief Lives (5 each), and A Midsummer Night’s Dream and THCoL as standalones with the rest as side-plots woven in (that includes AGoY). Then S3 comprising TKO and The Wake with more space for standalone episodes and World’s End. Maybe even Overture as a special. I very much doubt they would go for more than three seasons in total though.
So these are my predictions, now I’d love to hear yours…
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eliasdrid · 5 months
you keep putting these tokusatsu shows on my dash for months and I have less than zero context what they're about. what's the cliffnotes version to get me interested in whatever these odd looking robots or perhaps creatures are doing?
Alright I'll try my best but it might get long.
To me, the most appealing thing about them is that the suits are very much suits, they often try to use practical effects where they can and there's a lot of neat choreographed fights. There's also often sci-fi elements (which I'm a fan of). Each season of each show seems to be made with love and passion for the genre* too and I've read/seen a few interviews which support this. There's also some very talented actors and it's amazing to watch them play pretend the colorful plastic weapons are real and can hurt you (they really sell it to you if you can suspend your disbelief a little and have some fun).
*edited - I wrote labor of love but forgot it is a specific thing and might not apply very well here?
Anyway. I'll give you the basics. The three big tokusatsu shows you may often see around are: Kamen Rider and Super Sentai (both from Toei) and Ultraman (from Tsuburaya).
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Screenshots from: Kamen Rider OOO (2010), Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger (2021) and Ultraman Blazar (2023)
There's others! like Dogengers (screenshot below) - but I'll try to focus on those three.
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In general these shows are aimed at young audiences so you have to watch with that in mind. Also, like any superhero show, they will want to sell you merch (figures, toys, plushies, etc).
Another important thing to know is that the seasons of these shows are usually self contained, and each have their own theme, so you can pick any season that catches your eye to check out with no previous knowledge. There are crossovers events (movies and especials) and anniversary seasons which will explore and/or showcase previous content too! I personally really enjoyed Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger (2021) which is a 45th Anniversary Sentai season and I had watched only two other sentais before it.
Now, some differences! so you can tell the shows apart and also know what you will potentially have in store if you decide to watch any. I'll put a read more because this is getting long 👍
Kamen Rider and Super Sentai air all year long, for this reason, seasons usually have 45-50 episodes. All the Ultraman shows I've watched have 25 episodes per season. Meanwhile Dogengers has kept a 12 episodes per season formula so far. Spin offs, specials and reboots have no defined number of episodes (to my knowledge).
I feel like I should mention that (especially in the case of 45-50 episodes shows) the episodes might feel a bit off sometimes? Be aware there's often release schedules with toylines involved* From what I've noticed this usually happens past the mid-season point the closer you get to finale territory. My guess is that, generally at that point, the writing team (or writer) was trying to do things they forgot to properly set up before, tie loose ends and/or finish arcs quickly. *Sometimes other things affect production, like COVID or an actor suddenly not being able to continue with their role.
All shows value The Power Of Love and Friendship and usually feature a team of heroes (or allies) fighting against an enemy faction. There's also, almost always, some sort of transformation device involved and in all these shows the heroes must collect some season-themed item to get power ups. The key difference between each show will be how they decide to play with these things.
Super Sentai is what Power Rangers is based on. If that tells you nothing: there's a team of heroes ("rangers"), color coded suits that are generally not too complex in design and one giant mech vs. giant monster fight per episode (on average). I've not seen too much Sentai so that's all I got for you.
Kamen Rider gives its heroes more complex suit designs and (usually) multiple forms (ascending in strength/skill). Kamen Rider's signature elements are probably: the drivers (belts), the henshins (transformation scenes) and the fact that they often have motorbikes (they gotta ride something).
Ultraman has more of a shared universe between seasons situation going on than the previous two so there's recurring lore. I won't explain that lore to keep this as short as possible. Either there's a host-alien situation (to varying degrees) or the protagonist has the ability to transform. In this show there's always an almost guaranteed Titular Ultraman vs. giant monster fight per episode.
More visuals that might help you tell them apart:
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Screenshots from Ohsama Sentai King Ohger (2023)
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Screenshots from Kamen Rider Ryuki (2002), Kamen Rider Den-O (2007), Kamen Rider OOO (2010), Kamen Rider Build (2017)
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Screenshots from Ultraman Orb (2016), Ultraman Geed (2017) and Ultraman Blazar (2023)
I hope this was helpful! sorry it got long!
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