#plus i know they're not actually going to look into my brother's murder because he had previously been in jail and they hated him
nest-being · 5 months
love seeing my mum becoming anti-police right before my eyes. nothing will radicalise you like experiencing two murders and seeing the police do fuck all about it
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kylejsugarman · 2 months
as a dedicated andrea crusader i must know, how does au^2 impact andrea and jesse's relationship? do baby and brock get along? i'm picturing it in my head and🥹🥹
ANDREA CRUSADERS UNITE, u are one of the ultimate andrea understanders 🥺 so their relationship is a little different in au squared!! around the time that jesse infiltrates the recovery group and actually meets andrea is the same time that demi moves back to abq and tracks him and baby down. he and demi have a weird, semi-formal relationship for a while before they start developing romantic feelings for one another and during that time, jesse dates andrea. any initial plans to just sell meth directly to her as a recovering addict and put together his own walter white-esque "fund" for his daughter instantly evaporate when he sees brock and realizes that andrea is also just a single parent trying to navigate addiction. they're so similar and jesse, having not encountered anyone in this specific situation yet, kind of desperately clasps onto her. he really likes her and she likes him, but a big part of it is truly just. jesse desperately wanting to be around someone who Understands. and andrea does understand!! she has support from her mom, but she had to figure out a lot of this child-rearing stuff by herself and sees a lot of her slightly younger self in jesse. the way he wants to provide the Best for his kid, but doesn't trust anyone else to give it to her. she feels the same way about brock a lot of the time, even though she knows now that its not necessarily them vs the world.
the thing about au squared andrea is that she realizes through observing jesse's behavior and his feelings about raising baby that he's a very sweet guy who is great to be around, but they are not on the same timeline and she doesnt really feel like "dating" is the right arrangement for them. andrea's not in a place yet where she wants to incorporate a romantic relationship into her life and jesse, god bless him, has an overeagerness to him that tells her that he's diving into this because he badly wants A Connection, which doesn't necessarily have to be romantic!! she talks to him about this and asks instead if they can just be friends, so that's what they become. andrea is his dear friend :') jesse still cares very deeply for her and brock and tries to spoil them both (if he's going to get baby a swagged out play mat, then its only fair that brock gets a sick new transformer toy and andrea gets memory foam slippers for after long shifts on her feet at work. u know. if he's already going to be out). brock adores him, but is initially less enthused about baby because well. she's a baby. she can't really talk coherently or play a significant role in his games and he can't use his toys with smaller, choking hazard parts around her, so he doesn't really know what his mom expects him to do with baby while she and jesse are talking. but he realizes that it's actually kind of fun to assume a "big brother" role (brock's a sweet kid :') he likes to be helpful) and teach baby things; she basically copies whatever he does after a certain point, which is extremely validating to him. plus, she's a pretty patient, docile little playmate, so she can play the role of "building that is on fire that the brave firetruck must extinguish" with tremendous skill. the highlight of his month is when they all go to the zoo together and brock gets to feed a handful of feed to one of the giraffes while baby looks at him just shocked and awed like :O
andrea remains a source of support and eventually befriends demi too, but as things get darker towards the end of the show (post-drew shooting), jesse withdraws a little from her to try to protect her. he already feels responsible for tomas being murdered and drew's killing just reminds him of how nobody, no matter how innocent, is safe from this shit. andrea and brock are too important to him to endanger, even if it means cutting himself off from a good friend. demi visits them a few times while jesse is in captivity just to be around Someone and so baby can play with brock, but it's weirdly uncomfortable and baby isn't acting the same without jesse there and demi soon worries too that the cantillos might become endangered through association with them, so she reluctantly withdraws. once jesse escapes and he and demi and baby make the trip to alaska, he still writes a letter for brock that he gives to ed, but he also writes one for andrea. he wants to thank her for the support she gave him, for guiding him and baby through so much uncertainty, for being such a wonderful woman and friend. "i hope baby grows up to be like u. i want to make sure she grows up to be like u." andrea never learns what became of jesse and baby and demi after the news breaks, but she keeps that letter in her nightstand drawer along with a messy scribble drawing that baby made for her and the ticket stubs from that zoo trip. she doesnt care what the news says. she doesnt care what the dea agents who come to question her think of jesse or their friendship. she knew him, the real him, and she will always love him.
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possiblylando · 9 months
Chainsaw Man 152 'early' analysis
Hey look at that I WAS RIGHT
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(back on my 150 post)
This whole chapter really does feel like we're in the end game. This isn't something Denji can just walk back on especially after he just starts eating spear (lol) they fucked around and found out. While I do kind of doubt this is actually going to mean Spear is erased from existance- or memory however the chainsaw devil's power really works, its not out of the question.
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Looking at it from a meta perspective Spear and Whip are completely disposable as they're both nameless killers who only show up to fight and nothing else. Their death would mean nothing for the story other than Miri having less people pressuring him into being a bastard. Plus spears and whips aren't used in the manga as weapons outside of these hybrids so deleting them really wouldn't change anything. So i'd say its a 60/40 chance as to if denji is going to go through with erasing spear from existence. In retrospect this is a pretty insane chapter for Nayuta cause look at it from her perspective this is basically a villain origin story for her. Her brother who's the only person in the world who actually cares about her as an individual has just gone full murder psycho and told her he doesn't want to be involved with her anymore because he'd rather get off on killing people. Thats fucking INSANE and especially since Nayuta seems to be with the adults during this fight she could very well end up being dragged back into the same hellish system that created Makima.
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Nayuta has damn near exclusively been able to live a good life BECAUSE Denji was the one taking care of her. She's a devil and any devil that doesn't work with public safety is killed and the ones that do work with them get locked away underground or get turned into tools. I've said it before but this ending goes to show Denji and Chainsaw Man are one in the same, not that we the readers could have any doubt of that. But everyone in universe seems to be unable to separate the two. Yoshida only wants Denji at the cost of CSM, Makima only wanted CSM at the cost of Denji. After this we might see Nayuta being afraid of the CSM but still caring about Denji.
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Im not sure if its intentional or not but Denji's chainsaw eyes seem to be missing for the whole chapter until the end. I would say this is an intentional detail but theres one panel where he has eyes before the climax. So I don't know if this is an error or intentional.
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kuschelkissen · 4 months
reverse unpopular opinion: nagano trio
Ppl send topics and instead of salt or hot takes, you MUST talk abt smth you like about it. Good excuse to gush abt smth you already love, OR think and find smth positive to say. 
LMAO what have you done, as if I'm not already gushing over them at any given time during the day 😂
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Long post under cut, so you can skip more easily
I'm not even gonna talk about the shipping side of them because you see me gushing over that all the time anyway.
(Plus, I have a metaphorical goldfish brain, and I don't even remember how it all started 😅)
What is there NOT to like about them??
I really love their overall dynamic. All three of them, but also the individual pairs.
It's not really stated, but in my head, they're all childhood friends. Kansuke and Yui are confirmed to be, and Kansuke and Taka'aki... kinda? They've canonically known each other since grade school and always competed with each other, established to be "rivals" since then. So it's reasonable to assume that all three of them spent at least some time together, right?.
(And they still do, look at them hanging out together after work.)
(They're on a date)
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I love their bickering and teasing.
Yui calling Kansuke "Kan-chan", and when he objects, she goes: "Yeah, yeah, inspector Yamato 😉", clearly not taking him seriously (and he knows it. Just look at him "=_=").
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Then you have Taka'aki mocking Kansuke for being so obvious in his plan of helping him get back to headquarters. "I would have done the same for you, but I would've been way more subtle about it." - "Yeah you know what, you can stay here and rot for all I care! =_="
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Both of them are teasing Kansuke in the woodpecker episode about the bad plan of Yamamoto, just for him to go "?? It's not MY plan, so why are you acting like it is??" (Look at their faces, man, Taka'aki looks so playful 😂)
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And Kansuke is overall just... Kansuke. 😅 The first scene with him is yelling at Yui, and more or less the first scene with Taka'aki is him basically telling him to drop dead (and boy, does he look HURT by that??). AND YET??
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Yet, it is very obvious that he cares for both of them. They all do.
In their first case, Yui throws herself in the way of a bullet to protect Kansuke after he tried to protect her first (I think this is anime only).
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Kansuke tells her that he's gonna wait for her to return to him the police.
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Kansuke brought Conan to the Red Wall case not to help him, but so Taka'aki could solve it with his help and then return to HQ (which in the end was useless because Taka'aki actually cracked the message before anyone else lol).
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We find out that Taka'aki went against all orders to find Kansuke, who had been declared dead, and got demoted because of that (he dashed to his support...).
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Kansuke was ready to throw himself into a house completely ENGULFED in flames to save Taka'aki from death. And Yui DID throw herself into those flames! (still salty that they didn't show us how she rescued him)
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You have Kansuke and Taka'aki communicating completely nonverbal on more than one occasion.
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And then of course we have all the tragedies surrounding them.
The death of Kai Kuroto, Yui finding his dead body. Kansuke going missing on the search for his murder, declared dead, then found again in a coma, with his eye lost and leg damaged in undisclosed way (they hint that it's reversible in the Woodpecker case (Manga only), but who knows). Taka'aki getting demoted after throwing himself into the search for Kansuke, Yui on the other hand getting married to a suspect to further investigate Kai's murder.
And do I even have to mention the whole Family-murder past for Taka'aki?? Imagine coming home at 13 (?14?) from summer camp and finding your parents brutally murdered and your little brother traumatised (and we know he's only still alive because the murderer thought he'd lead him to his (dead) daughter one day! So it could've ended even worse!), then being separated from your brother by long distance (I checked, it's about a 3h ride by train from Nagano city to Tokyo.), AND THEN YOUR LITTLE BROTHER IS ALSO KILLED WHILE UNDERCOVER?? Give that man a fucking break!!
Also love how all of them had been a crime suspect at least once lol
And appart from all of that, I just love how the Trio just... accepts that Conan is ... different. There are no questions asked when he storms onto the crime scene, they'll let him watch the gruesome surveillance videos, no big deal, they overall just... treat him like an equal?
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I mean?! In their second appearance, Kansuke and Yui go all the way to Tokyo just to get him on the case! Sure, officially they get Kogoro, but Yui outright tells Conan that Kansuke came to get him!
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I also just love how they can keep up with him. Sure, you have Conan making hints for the other cops, too, and them then figuring things out, but with the Nagano Trio, they often figure out things ALONGSIDE of Conan, getting the same ideas, etc (well, Taka'aki and Kansuke at least, Yui only did that once in her debut episode you can blame Aoyama for sidelining his female characters once again) and like I said, I think Taka'aki in the Red Wall case is one of the very, VERY few occasions of someone cracking a code BEFORE Conan. I love it?! They're so fucking smart!
So... yeah?? I think I'm done gushing. For now. Insert Marge Simpson Meme, I just think they're neat??
And imagining them as a throuple makes it all so much funnier.
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lauren-no-why · 2 months
ok ok while my work computer is tied up crunching away at bird data:
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
Oh my god you've given me permission to just go off endlessly on Johnnie, you're a gem.
For the folks reading this who don't already know him, Johnnie Redmayne is an absolute joy. Kid brother to the two current (well, 1967 current) leaders of the World Enders gang, Johnnie is a thrillseeker, a hedonist, the type to leap before he looks, to live with zero regrets, and most of all, he just wants to have fun. There are a lot of implied but not explicit-in-text reasons for this that have to do with the World Enders being centered primarily in East LA, primarily nonwhite and/or of lower economic class, mostly young rebels during an era of counterculture but instead of the white hippie flower child route they're out there causing violence and mayhem and just loving every minute of it.
Anyway, Johnnie is also dead, murdered essentially in a drug dispute, though that's kind of underselling it but I won't rewrite the whole premise of Vide Noir here. But because this is the time and space and cosmic horror fuckery fantasy drug made from the ashes of dying stars and the void between time and space and reality or whatever, he's presumably confronted with some REALLY HORRIFIC things as his mind is slingshotted out into the void where the dead don't so much float as drown as they're fully overwhelmed with whatever goes on out there. And Johnnie? Well - who the heck does this. He's like "uhhh, no thanks! Nope, I hate this, and I'm not going peacefully, death sucks and is boring at best and really really fucked up at worst, so I'mma take a rain check and go back to where all the fun is. Seeya." And now he's a ghost, out making fun of Buck Vernon on midnight desert highways and probably causing a lot of problems for other people because that's way more fun than the alternative.
He's a character who has the potential to be saddled with so much darkness and misery, so much trauma, and I'm sure it's all in there but instead he's not going to dwell on it or make it his personality because that sucks man. He's taken the World Ender ethos to a new level - live your life how you want, die if it kills you who cares, and skipped past the dying normally part right back to the existing for the sake of finding joy in the chaos and destruction and the booze and the ladies and the not being crushed under the heel of cops and an oppressive society but instead sticking it right back to them.
Anyway this kid is hilarious and wonderful and I sure hope he surfaces in the next album and also Eddie Sandstrom is an absolute delight and he better come back to reprise his role even if he doesn't really look 18 anymore I don't really care.
I'm going to stop and move on now even though I really could keep going. Have a pic.
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🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
Buddy, it's the Dead Man's Hand scene in the movie, how could it not be. Hey Ben feel free to remake this all you like forever, you're doing great.
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Also Until the Night Turns if that counts as a scene, because it does in the movie that plays in my head. Massively underrated song by the fandom, this does so much heavy lifting with the characterization and setting and people need to pay it more attention.
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
More! fun! facts! yes let's see. Oh, I think a fun one that's easy to miss is that we actually have an image of Buck Vernon's driver's license and the contents of his wallet. So now you can all know his birth date, height, eye color, etc plus the fact that he keeps SO MANY PHOTOS OF LEE with him. I love this kind of stuff. It's a movie prop that doesn't actually surface in the movie in a viewable form other than I think one of the photos, which is why this isn't on the wiki as not being in the movie itself makes it sort of borderline canon, but it's on the prop designer's website as an example of her work.
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666writingcafe · 1 year
Project Friendship
It took us two hours to get to the kitchen for our first activity. Two hours. First of all, the brothers--except Levi--took their time getting to the castle, even though we told them to be here by seven pm. Then, they insisted that they were talking to themselves when they were actually talking to each other, and when they weren't doing that, they interrupted Simeon every time he spoke just to complain about being here.
To make a long story short, I can understand why Levi was essentially begging for help. By the time we're assembled in the kitchen, I've developed a mild headache. On the plus side, MC seems comfortable enough to speak freely, which means they've told the brothers off for being, in their words, "immature brats".
Tonight, we will be making Babylon curry as a group. Each pair--or trio, in the case of Mammon, Levi, and Solomon--is responsible for one step of the process. In addition to stockpiling on ingredients, Barbatos has also prepared two batches of the curry ahead of time: one for Beel, and one for everyone else to sample.
However, everything gets derailed almost immediately.
"Why are there chunks missin' from all the ingredients?!" Mammon shouts. "It looks like someone took a bite outta 'em!"
"There's nothing left of the spices that were over here earlier," Satan observes.
"There's only one demon who would do something like that," Belphie nearly snarls. Sure enough, Beel's happily munching away at everything that was set up on the kitchen island. No words have to be said in order for me to notice the anger present in the room as everyone watches Beel eat. Barbatos opens his mouth to presumably excuse himself to grab more ingredients, but Mammon doesn't allow him to say a word.
"You know what, fuck this!" he yells. "Someone else can deal with this stupid project, because I quit!" He storms past everyone, but something causes him to pause in his tracks. Following his gaze, I spot a container of cooking slime next to the sink, and I instantly know what Mammon's thinking. Apparently, so does Levi, for he whispers something to Solomon before grabbing his shoulder and guiding him out of the room.
"Mammon, don't," MC warns them. Unfortunately, their words don't seem to register in Mammon's mind.
"Hey, Asmo," he calls out as he grabs the container of cooking slime. "This is what I think about you demanding repayment for money you claimed was a gift." He quickly spins around and throws the container, aiming for Asmo's chest. MC jumps as it hits Asmo and spills all over him, and I place a hand on their shoulder to steady them.
"Watch where you're going!" Satan shouts as Asmo stumbles backwards from the impact. "You stepped on my fucking foot!" Simeon darts over to Luke, grabs his hand, and rushes out of the kitchen.
"You're one to talk," Belphie growls. "You just spilled that bottle of flavoring all over my clothes!"
"Mine too," Lucifer states in an eerily calm voice. He picks up a bowl of orange emmuvil and slowly makes his way over to Mammon.
"Lucifer," I call sternly. Nothing.
"Lucifer." Still nothing.
"Lucifer Morningstar." Hearing his full name makes him pause briefly, but he merely shakes his head.
"He needs to be punished," he mutters before dumping the bowl over his brother's head, covering him in the orange spice. Screaming angrily, Mammon grabs a spatula and smacks Lucifer with it. Less than a moment later, ingredients and utensils are flying in the air as the brothers engage in a rather violent food fight.
Feeling my hand suddenly being squeezed tightly, I glance over to MC, who looks like they want to murder everyone. If I don't get them out of here, there's no telling what they might do.
"Hang on," I tell them loudly before swiftly scooping them up and holding them to my chest. I have to find my butler and get us out of here. Despite my best efforts to shield MC, they're still getting hit with all sorts of objects.
"It seems as though we're thinking the same thing, Young Master," Barbatos states, seemingly materializing at my side. As soon as he touches my shoulder, my vision briefly goes dark. In the next moment, the three of us are standing in an empty hallway that's hopefully far away from the kitchen.
MC appears to be shaking as I put them back on their feet, and their eyes have a wild look to them. They say nothing as Barbatos gently inspects them for any severe injuries. Thankfully, based on the look on his face, none appear to be present. All of our clothes will definitely need to be washed, though.
"MC?" I ask. "Are you okay?" The next thing I know, MC's crying uncontrollably.
"I can't take this anymore!" they wail. I wrap my arms around them and bring them close to me, trying to ignore the quizzical look on Barbatos' face.
The truth is, I haven't cared for someone quite like I do for MC. I'm genuinely worried about their wellbeing. There are a myriad of things I can chalk this concern to, but none of them can explain the intensity of these emotions.
I barely register that we're in my room until Barbatos leaves MC and me alone, promising to bring us some Babylon curry once things settle down.
I think I finally figured out why I can't say no to MC.
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically: 39
We have finally escaped the time-loop of 1941! Only to land hard in 1947, a year that is notable for two things:
My dad was born
The Partition of India
Only one of those things is relevant to this episode, which is also a banger, because we have reached Demons of the Punjab
We are back with Jodie Whittaker, Yaz, Ryan and Graham, and this is a Yaz Episode! Which is nice because so far she has been very blank. Unfortunately she remains fairly blank because the episode is actually about her Nan, Umbreen - they go back in time to see Umbreen getting married in Lahore in the 50s. Except they miss and land in 1947 on a tiny farm. But that's okay, Nani is getting married! Except it's to the wrong man - rather than the Muslim grandfather Yaz is expecting, she's about to marry Prem, a dashing Hindu stranger.
And Partition happens. Also there are alien demons about.
It's slightly a shame this is not more of a banger, actually, and it would be if the actors were better and the writing was just a bit more thought out. The problem is that they shied away from being too explicit about the issues involved. Which, you know, I get - this is a British show and Britain is a racist cesspit and wouldn't put up with it, ON TOP OF WHICH they were blatantly aiming for allegory about how fascism is universally bad, like. I do get it.
But it does mean that the central tension - two brothers torn apart by Partition and its subsequent creed-based radicalisation - has nowhere near as much weight as it really should have had, because the Nasty Brother just says very vague strawman things to indicate that Hate Is Universal And Always Bad, rather than making meaningful and incisive points about this particular historical atrocity caused by the British Empire. And that means it ends up being a bit too unclear what his fucking problem is, and why he's ready to commit fratricide.
But it's otherwise a GREAT episode, my god. Beautifully shot, the plot is super simple to let the character work take the lead, and Bradley Walsh emerges as the unlikely Best Actor of All to smash it out of the park with sheer poignancy.
(Also like, I cannot stress enough that the vast majority of British people don't know what Partition is. They do not know. This episode introduced a swathe of British society to a vitally important historic event that this country caused and then deliberately forgot about. This means, oddly, that this stupid watch order triumphs again, because two episodes ago we watched Matt Smith attempt to suck off Churchill down to the balls - now, we get a straight up reference to the mass famine Churchill deliberately inflicted on India, plus the twice-stated statistic that a million people died in Partition. This is one of the most socially important episodes of Doctor Who ever made, I think, which I say non-hyperbolically.)
Anyway the alien demons turn out to be a race who used to be assassins, but their planet was destroyed while they were out doing killings and that, so now they go from place to place and mourn people who die alone and unmourned. They "witness". I like this as an idea. They look pretty cool, too. Except this means people keep seeing them standing over recently-deceased corpses looking like they belong to a Finnish heavy metal band before "vanishing" (trans-matting), and so assume they've murdered said recently-deceased corpse, and so they are now experiencing what I shall call the Absol Effect.
Two thirds into the episode, the Doctor discovers this. I will admit, she could have discovered this much sooner if they'd actually said in the first meeting. In that sense this is like the Testimony mirror people again, who could have prevented most of the episode by actually explaining straight away; but eh. Whatevs. It turns out, though, they're here to witness Prem's death; so the main cast now have to go the rest of the episode knowing this man is going to die tomorrow. As I say: Bradley Walsh's acting. That man can do an amazing wibbly lip, turns out. Fair play Brads.
Umbreen and Prem get married in the morning, but the Nasty Brother has called on a mob to come and kill them. Umbreen and her mam escape, but Prem is murdered in cold blood. It's very moving. My husband cried.
After all of that, though, I don't think we have a single new plot thread? NO WAIT - we do! Ish. The Thijarian ex-assassin professional mourners lost their planet. We've seen that before! Maybe it's connected.
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest. NEW INFO: the Thijarian planet was destroyed by some sort of impact)
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy. Nope: she is definitely not blown up)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole
(And Nardole was “reassembled???” Nardole had glass nipples and invisible hair?? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE)
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants)
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window? (She’s with the Silents, but we don’t know why Amy saw her)
Why is Amy’s pregnancy inconclusive? (Maybe because the baby had Time Lord DNA?)
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi, Whittaker)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master?
Why has Amy forgotten Rory? How did she forget a Dalek invasion?
Is Rory plastic or not?
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras?
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fobwatch?
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
Does Martha get to go to an ice cream planet with 12-fingered massage aliens?
How did the Doctor forget Clara?
Who is Bill’s puddle girlfriend Heather?
How did Nardole die?
When does Bill get Cyberman-ed and die?
When does the Doctor shrink and enter a Dalek called Rusty?
Whittaker is falling to her death rn
Was that ring relevant?
Does anyone know the Doctor’s name?
When did Yaz talk to Dan about fancying the Doctor?
When did Dan talk to the Doctor about fancying Yaz?
What’s happening with the bees?
What happened with Donna’s ex and a giant spider?
What war wiped out the Daleks, and is it one of the ones already mentioned?
What did the Doctor mean when he said “The (Daleks) always live, while I lose everything?”
If Dalek Caan is the last Dalek left why are there more now?
How did the rest of the Time Lords die?
How and why did Amy melt?
What’s the question that will make silence fall?
Why do the Silents… want silence to fall?
How and why are Silents at war with the Doctor when he… hasn’t even heard of them?
How does Hitler get out of the cupboard?
What’s the significance of fish fingers and custard?
Why does the Doctor feel guilt about Rose, Martha and Donna?
What happened with the space whale?
When does Rory defend Amy for 2000 years?
How does the Doctor survive River
How does he erase himself from history
Did Captain Jack lose his memories to the same people as the Doctor? What did he lose?
When did the Doctor send the Daleks into a void to save the universe?
What’s with the weird crack in the wall and is it affecting memories?
Why do Amy and Rory think the Doctor is dead?
Is Matt Smith’s Doctor a tree racist?
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//I've seen continuous doubts about my theory, and for both Timeline Anon and others, this scene felt to them like the final nail in the coffin for that theory
//The fact that you're all immediately writing her off as dead when we're not even at the halfway point and there are so many unanswered questions is astounding.
//If she's gone, explain to me why there's still so many unanswered plot threads and interesting character details
Why is it that J was the one who brought up that secret? A secret that Arei herself admitted she overheard, which directly lead into that flashback scene with those two?
Why has J been going so ham on Arturo this entire time? Yes, one could easily say it's because she's sick of him and put two and two together, but honestly, it seems like a bit of a leap from "you told me you wished you had a brother like mine instead of a sister" to "your sister killed herself"
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//Again, I can totally understand her being vindictive over this, given all the shit Arturo's caused her and Eden. But from how Arturo was acting, honestly, I'm inclined to believe he didn't actually say anything like that
//But you know what makes perfect sense? The details that lead into my next point
3. We have an established time frame thanks to the alibis. We know that the scene with Arei and Eden took place not long after the playground breakdown.
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//That means that was a large window of time for the two of them to switch places. But why?
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//That's incredibly sweet, and we know she wants more friends. And we know that, at the same time, J has been dealing with Arturo. Arei just saw J pull a scalpel on Eden over his secret, so why wouldn't she want to immediately jump to the other person she likes in her own way?
//The person that's had to deal with him far longer than Eden. Why wouldn't she want to give J a hand after that?
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4. Again, we know that Arei knows that there's a murderer in the group, and even if the switch wasn't about that specifically, that probably means that she was likely trying to help with that. This means that, if the blackened of this case isn't the murderer, she had no idea who actually did it. Why reveal herself then? That would make her the most suspicious.
5. Maybe it's just me, but I can't shake the feeling that J has been acting weird these last few episodes. She's an aggressive person, and admitted in her intro that she's judgemental, but there's never been indication that she's been this vindictive. Even regarding her own secret, this feels especially harsh.
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6. This moment right here feels interesting to focus on
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//Of all things to say?
7. The biggest one for me right now is actually Charles and Whit. Clearly, those two know something's up. There may not be a conspiracy going on in this group like I initially thought, but Whit is another person who Arei clearly was close with last chapter. He was the one who cut off Teruko learning about the note at first, and then there's this bit after Eden's story
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//What are you two up to? What are you hiding?
//I'd almost be tempted to say they're suggesting Arei was actually lying, but that feels at odds with the ways they've acted and what they're saying. Not to mention Charles looks more embarrassed than concerned or angry
//Furthermore, there's the fact that there was so much attention drawn to Charles having a secret, including a CG and telling Teruko to reveal it during the trial...and then we got no follow-up on that. He was just like "Oh yeah, guess I didn't need to. It was Eden's."
//I don't buy it. There's clearly more going on here
8. Finally, the fact that they had an emotional scene like this? Not even halfway into the trial? If it was after the intermission or near the climax, if that was the last scene we got with Arei, I might've bought it. But putting it here? Not a chance. This has to be leading somewhere.
//Plus, you know who else was convinced their best friend was dead? Shuichi and Maki. And guess what? Them believing Kaito was dead was all part of the plan
//There's also the many, many unanswered questions throughout this chapter, from what it was Arei's crying reminded her of (again, still not followed up on), to Teruko's prosopagonsia (no, that isn't just here to set up something for a future case, I'm sure of it), to whatever the hell is going on with Nico, Hu, David and Ace, who are part of their own drama right now
//Yeah, sorry, I'm only increasingly convinced that I'm right about this. Admittedly, we keep getting thrown so many curveballs that it's getting harder to make sense of it all regarding the exact motive.
//But the fact that J has said things that it seems like only Arei would say and do, particularly being vindictive toward Arturo? And acted in weird ways, like being super concerned about Arei's well-being early on, saying things like "even if the person you tried to kill is still alive," all of it just odd to me
//I'm not in denial and I'm not saying this as copium, I mean that earnestly. There are so many weird writing moments and character bits, combined with hanging plot threads, that it leads me to believe that this is what they're building up to. It's really the only thing that makes sense to me right now
//Clearly they had a plan with Arei from the beginning, given that we got this huge emotional scene with her and Eden, but that can't be all there is to it. It's a sad and emotionally satisfying moment for her character to end on, but placing it here so early honestly leaves me convinced there's more to come
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superkitty4789 · 5 months
Here we go with another list! This time it's....
Top 10 Metroid Characters + Honorable mentions
Spoilers ahead, be warned
Honororable mentions: Kraid, 6 bounty hunters from Prime Hunters 
Kraid. Fat fuck. Love him. I don't know a lot about him, but he looks cool
The other hunters from Prime Hunters also look cool. Plus, they're each unique with their own things going on. They are all amazing but missed the cut.
10 Gray Voice 
My least favorite of the chozo parents of Samus. I've never read the comics, so I'm going off little info, but he looks cool and helped raise Samus. The chozo are cool in general, so it boosts him up to 10th. Congrats, Gray Voice
9 Quiet Robe
A chozo I actually know about! I love Quiet Robe's story, and I kinda wished he had lived. One of my biggest wants for the metroid series growing up was for Samus to find loving chozo, so I was sad when he died. But! He's still a good character, and he earns his spot on my list
8 Ghor
Very cool character! I love that he's essentially a gentle giant until he gets corrupted. I wonder what could've been if he hadn't. He is an epic robot dude who deserved better... but at least his fight was cool.
7 Old Bird Old grandfather birb! Yes! Love him. Potentially , the only reason he isn't higher is because I don't know much about him. But I love the Grandfather birb
6 Ridley
I hate that he's so low...but the other 5 are just so awesome to me. Well, there's a lot about Ridley I like. He's one of my favorite Nintendo villains for his viciousness and cruelty. He doesn't shy away from murder and that's kind of a suprise for a Nintendo villain. He's ruthless and heartless and the cunning God of death, and he's epic. He's the perfect arch-enemyfor Samus, as she's pretty mature for a Nintendo character, too. I kinda headlining that he looks forward to fighting Samus because he views her as a worthy adversary...obe he'd like to kill, of course,but worthy all the same. Overall, Ridley is a great villain
5 U-Mos 
OK, this is kind of embarrassing. Part of the reason I like him so much is because, as a dumb preteen, I had a self insert where I was from Samus's planet and got adopted by the luminoth instead of the chozo. It was very dumb and very cringe, but it made me really like U-Mos because I made him my OC's adopted father. Even without all that, though, I think he's a solid character who serves his role to help tell an amazing story. Plus... he's the guardian of the defenseless and sleeping luminoth, and I think that's great!
4 Raven Beak
I did not see an evil chozo coming, so he took me by suprise....but that said, it was a good one. I kinda just expected all chozo to be good, but it makes sense that that's not the case. Every sentient species probably has at least one bad apple. I love that he wears armor and his boss fight. Also, it's amazing that he's like Samus's evil adoptive dad. He's great. Love him. I hope he comes back like Ridley keeps doing.
3 Samus
Ugh, it hurts to put her so low. It physically pains me... but it must be done. I remember the day I found out Samus was a girl. I was playing Brawl with my older brother, and she used he final smash. I was taken aback. A girl wearing armor and being badass!? Nowadays, it's silly to think that buy it was mindblowing back then. She's epic and so freaking badass! She's so strong-willed, and I love that she represents strong women so well (Ignoring Other M. It isn't Canon in my mind) I love Samus. she's one of my favorite protagonists in all of gaming for how epic she is.
2 Dark Samus
She's so cool! Side note her theme is my favorite metroid song. From the very moment we see her secret ending in Prime 1 to her last moment inPrime 3, Dark Samus is amazing. She's such a good antagonist who just wants to absorb phazon until Samus pisses her off. I love that it makes sense how she keeps coming back and her fights are my favorite part about Prime 2 and my second favorite part about Prime 3. Absolute icon.
1 Rundas
Ughhhh. I wish so bad that he didn't die! He was so coooool! (Pun not intended) His ice powers were a marvel to watch, and his personality had me at the edge of my seat! I wanted so badly for Samus to save him and her owing him one to be resolved! I wanted so badly for him to help take on Dark Samus with Samus. But that didn't happen. At least his boss fight was cool, and he got some screentime to show me how amazing he was. Some people might not like how high i put him,but Rundas will probably always be my favorite Metroid character.
Tier List time!
C: Kraid, Kanden, Trace, Noxus, Spire, Weavil, Sylux
B: Gray Voice, Quiet Robe, Ghor
A: Old Bird, Ridley, U-Mos, Raven Beak
S: Samus, Dark Samus, Rundas
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the-heaminator · 1 year
OKAY SO; Heinrich's mom died when he was young like 8-9, and his dad being a veteran of ww2 with ptsd & some pretty heavy survivors guilt & now a wife who just didn't wake up one morning turned to drinking. So Heinrich has this whole "after my mom died my dad was never sober, not as far as i remember, and yeah he went through a lot but I still resent him for not being there for me".
Heinrich's dad dies when Heinrich is just shy of 18. He has a little melt down, goes "i don't want to be here anymore". And with literally zero plan and two bags of his stuff just leaves. Ends up in the UK, with no job, barely anything to his name, and not sure if he's even going to stay there. (part of him thinks it's not far enough from Germany)
Romulus was a hippy through and through, he was all 'peace and free love ✌️' probably lived in a commune of sorts (just too many people in one house but hey it was home). He had run away from home when he was about 16 because his parents were ✨shitty✨, and was living his own found family trope.
Heinrich finds out finding a job when technically you're not there at all, and also homeless is harder than he thought. So he's on the streets for a solid two weeks until Romulus is walking home from a party and finds him. He tells Heinrich he can come stay with him and his 'family' and Heinrich has a moment of "i could get murdered if I go with him, i could also get murdered sleeping on a park bench" he goes with Romulus. They share a room (did I mention too many people in one house) and it's fine bc they're strictly homies, plus it's just for a few nights until Heinrich finds a job.
a few nights turns into a few months, about a month and a half in Romulus tells Heinrich "Listen, I don't mind you staying, but you should come with us to this march! It'll be fun, and it's for a good cause and I don't think it's much to ask on our part :\" While there some idiot says something, Romulus looks at Heinrich "Can kiss you?" "what?!" "Can I kiss you?" "...sure?" and Romulus kisses Heinrich right on the mouth for the cause of pissing off a homophobe.
a few nights later before bed "you know how you kissed me a few a days ago?" "Yeah, why? Did u like it :p?" "...yeah" "do you want me to kiss you again?" "...yes please" they never officially label their relationship but they sure are kissing a lot.
anyway six to eight months go by, Heinrich still hasn't found a job. And while he's grateful for a roof over his head, and he doesn't mind pitching in with housework, and Romulus sure isn't bad either, he gets tired of waiting around, and he gets real sick of the rest of the housemates.
One night he tells Heinrich they have to have a talk, he enlisted in the military. He was going to be an army mechanic, they get in a whole argument "I want a family Romulus!" "we are your family!" "no! I want a spouse! someone who's just mine, I want kids, I want my own house, I don't want to have to rely on kindness for food that night or money for rent," Romulus gets really quiet, "We're anti military, if you joined the military you can't live here anymore. Leave" Heinrich didn't say he expected anything else. He leaves.
He's going to get his wife, and his kids, and the house and a steady job. Romulus will too eventually, it would take him awhile longer though.
Then fifty years later they're both going to show up for some seniors game night and go "...oh fuck"
but anyway yeah thoughts?
thoughts. THOUGHTS?????
Imagine seeing the guy you lived with and kissed a couple times in a free love commune in the 80s 50 years later and you once again have the violent urge to kiss him after 50 fucking years even if the last time you saw him you had a massive argument.
And they're both widows, Heinrich at this point has a 7 year old Gilbert and a 3 year old Ludwig and needs help and Romulus is more than happy to provide it but over time they get really close again and Ludwig basically grow up with Romulus as Grandpa number 2 and so much of Gilbert's formative experiences with affection between adults comes from Heinrich and Romulus being fucking Weirdly Cuddly. Which is why later on he can't tell the difference between having a crush on Alfred and just being good friends.
But also imagine present day Gilbert going, hey, how did you two even meet?
Heinecih evades the question and Romulus flatly goes hippy free love commune. And blows Gilbert's mind.
"Opa, you weRE A HIPPY?
"NO, NO, I just needed a place to stay."
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jaimebluesq · 11 months
Scary OTP: Nie Huaisang/Jin Zixun 👀💕
Oooh, thank you! People, get you a Mutual who is happy to indulge your weird little rarepairs ;)
And man, this turned into a mini essay :D
Which one is more fond of scary movies: Nie Huaisang - 1) because they give him an excuse to act more scared than he is and he can whine and cajole his way into being 'comforted', and 2) because to be quite honest, Jin Zixun is 'fond' of very little in the universe.
Which one gets the most excited about Halloween: Nie Huaisang - he LOVES the chance to dress up and act like someone else, preferably with a mask firmly in place (is it any wonder the first fic I wrote of this pair had them both in masks and fucking anonymously?). Jin Zixun would just see it as an event for his uncle to show off the family wealth to the world with a grand party where Zixun can go out of his way to piss someone off (when they're 'together', NHS allows him one or two asshole moves before dragging him off into the Koi Tower gardens, telling his brother he's just doing his part to keep the peace between the sects)
Which one would be more likely to survive the apocalypse: Nie Huaisang: 1) Do you REALLY think Nie Mingjue wouldn't do everything he can to make sure his brother survives the worst case scenarios? Plus he knows how to make the puppy dog eyes that make people give in to him. 2) Jin Zixun will think he's good because his uncle's money has of course paid for the BEST fallout shelter possible, and only the BEST people will be allowed inside, yet at the time of its necessity, Zixun will no doubt get into a fight with someone, likely a 'lower class' person trying to get into the shelter, and Jin Guangshan will decide his nephew is expendable and shut the shelter up before Zixun can get in.
Which one would literally kill for the other: BOTH. We all know from canon just how far NHS would go for someone he loves (the plot would not happen otherwise!). Jin Zixun is the same, in his own way. He's a guard dog for his uncle, doing whatever is asked of him, and is loyal to his cousin. Once someone is considered 'his', even if it's not love but possession of some kind, Zixun won't let any insult go unanswered.
Which one likes to scare or startle the other: Jin Zixun, for sure. Though NHS is rarely actually scared or startled - but he enjoys pretending, it lets Zixun feel he's got one over on him, and NHS has his own ways of getting under his skin.
Which one is more likely to need comforting when they get spooked: The operative word here is NEED - so my answer is Jin Zixun. NHS doesn't need to be comforted, but he LOVES it and will exaggerate his fear in order to get it. Zixun has actually received very little comfort (emotional/affectionate) in his life - you give your family face and suck up whatever you're feeling or else you're doing the Jin name dishonour - and deep inside him is a scared little boy who wishes he could have gone to someone to crawl into their arms when the world was rough. So yeah, Zixun NEEDS comforting more, but he'd never ask for it, would fight even if its given to him voluntarily and without being asked for, and he fights BECAUSE he's terrified he needs it that much.
Which one always puts on a brave face: Jin Zixun - no question! His family is all about saving face, and showing fear would NOT be acceptable in the Jin. NHS, on the other hand, happily whines and cries over every little inconvenience.
Which one would be more dangerous if they suddenly became violent: Nie Huaisang. JZXun we expect to get violent at the drop of a hat - any hat - but NHS is so severely underestimated that he'd hit you before you ever saw him coming (or convinced someone else to hit you, he doesn't like to get his own hands dirty).
Which one would be more likely to commit a crime: BOTH - depending on the crime. If you're looking at smuggling, conspiracy to (get someone else to) commit murder, and cheating in school, Nie Huaisang is your man. If you're looking at war crimes, then it's Jin Zixun.
Which one believes in ghosts: In canon, both - it's part of the universe. In an AU: Jin Zixun. NHS would pretend he does, but wouldn't actually believe unless there's evidence. Zixun, however, is extremely superstitious - he's a man who believes that all of his problems are caused by external things, and is more likely to believe that his bad luck is because of a ghost or a curse than because of his own bad choices.
Which one likes to watch spooky show on television: Nie Huaisang. He enjoys having fun, even if it's being scared. Zixun would act like the shows are just stupid and you'd have to be ridiculous to be afraid of anything on them, but secretly, because of his superstitious nature and belief in the supernatural, he's more likely to take them serious and be genuinely freaked out, hence he avoids them.
Which one would propose the idea of holding a seance: In canon, Jin Zixun, if only because it would be a normal part of his work as a cultivator, and Nie Huaisang wants to stay as far away from work as possible. In an AU, Nie Huaisang, because Zixun would be too freaked out by the supernatural to be on board.
Which one has nightmares more often: Jin Zixun. In canon, even though the Jin entered the Sunshot Campaign later than most of the other sects, they still participated - Zixun would have fought with his cousin, and war is traumatic. Furthermore, he would be haunted by the things he's done to the Wen in the post-war camps - he'd never admit it to a soul, especially not his uncle, but he's a human being, and one doesn't take part in that kind of torture and mistreatment and murder without it affecting them. And both in canon and in an AU, he would have regular nightmares about losing his position in the family - he knows his power and status is directly linked to what Jin Guangshan thinks of him and how useful he is to his uncle, and he has nightmares that the day will come that he's no longer useful, and fears what will happen to him then.
Which one would want to explore a real haunted house: In canon, Jin Zixun - like with the seance, it would be part of his job. In an AU, NEITHER - Zixun believes in the supernatural and would stay the fuck away, and Huaisang would NOT want to go someplace dingy and dirty and potentially get slimed, not in this outfit, do you have ANY idea how much it cost to get a matching fan?
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mxstball · 11 days
[Scorching Sandgems] I Was Killed in Battle and Reincarnated as My Murderer's Reincarnated Self's Daughter - AMA -- Izanami
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"Now, is it my turn to ask some questions?"
Jeanne turned to Lauren and bumped her.
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"H--huh? Oh. Uh... Yeah. Ask away." Lauren still looked a little out of it.
"Excellent! I've been so curious ever since you all came here -- how has Heidi been? Much of her life has been uprooted, I'm sure."
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"Miss Heidi has been great. She was sad after she and my dad got a divorce, but she's since slowly moved on. Plus, it helps that things have been going really well for her lately."
Izanami nodded. "I had a feeling that she would choose impartiality and justice over love, but I was still heartbroken to deduce the end of their relationship. They really had something special between them."
"Eh, I'd argue they still do~." Jeanne giggled. "They're still friends, and they've been coparenting Lati a lot. Add my mom on dad's side and Nergal on Heidi's side and the two families almost feel like one."
"That's so good to hea-- wait. Are you implying that Rachel and Rayquaza are back together? And that Nergal and Heidi are together already?"
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"Fortunately so for the former. Unfortunately so for the latter." Lauren rolled her eyes thinking about Nergal. "Rachel decided to settle down with Rayquaza and Aphra, but she's finally accepting Rayquaza's boundaries. As for Heidi and Nergal, they've been together for about a year now. I... personally have issues with her, especially after she broke my arm and wing, but whatever makes little sis happy I guess...."
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"...Need I remind you who was the one that ventured out in this world without permission and allowed Tor to resonate here? Don't talk like you're innocent, because technically you're still grounded."
"Ugh. I know. I know." Lauren sighed.
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"Oh, speaking of her, how is baby Tor, anyway? Sadly, I didn't get to speak much with her, but I was thinking of her well-being when I reincarnated."
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"Oh, I can take this. Tor's been fine. Nergal helped her reunite with her brother -- or, I guess his Soul Dew."
"Oh, so he did pass on... my deepest considerations."
"It's fine. She has his Soul Dew so he's always with her~. She can Mega Evolve with it, too! It's really cool, and I'm so excited to see what she'll do with it."
"That's great of her. I hope that she continues to thrive under Heidi's care." She nodded. "Now, what of Aesen's fate? Is he still well?"
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"He's fine. He's been really hard at work at training. According to Heidi, you gave him a piece of your power for him to master?"
Izanami nodded. "That's right. I have high hopes for him, too. As I said, I'm not a particularly... strong Arceus when it comes to battles, so I could only do so much when developing my unique skill; however, I trust that Aesen will be able to see its true potential."
"Well, I'm not sure how close he is to achieving what you see in him, but when Daiyu and I saw him last to talk about multiverse stuff, he seemed a lot more sure of himself than before, and with the bursting strength to boot. He's already starting to exceed my own expectations!"
"Oh! That's excellent! I can't wait to gauge his progress myself." Izanami giggled. "Oh! Lauren, how is Meredith doing? Have Heidi introduced her to you yet?"
"Oh, mom?" Lauren nodded.
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"...'Mom'...? So you decided to call her that now?" Izanami started scratching her head. "If I may ask, is that why you adopted your sister's calling of me?"
"Yeah. I... hope you don't mind. I just... never had a Latias mom before and it's been something of my dreams for centuries."
"Oh, of course not, sweetheart. Although, you'll still be my little sweetheart of a daughter... even if you find it weird that we're the same person~" Izanami giggled. "Anyway, how is she?"
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"Well, uh... she's actually alive again. Heidi managed to build her a new body and, through the process of Mega Evolution, Meredith can now sustain herself and thrive in it."
"Oh! Wow. I... that's impressive! And she's only been an Arceus for how long?"
"Uh... a year and a half I think? Also, she's our 'Acting-Arceus'. Little sis gets a little touchy if you just straight out call her an Arceus. She's still a Latias."
"Of course. She has a strong sense of identity, even before she lost her memory. I understand. Still, Leah must have taught her extremely well!"
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"Oh uh... that wasn't Auntie Leah that taught her that, Granny.... Instead, we've started to interact with more parallel worlds and other Arceus since you've been gone and uh... it was that Arceus version of her and another version of her that we mentioned earlier."
"Hm.... Well, I know of the Arceus version of her. Let's say... we're a little acquainted... but who is the other?"
"It's a parallel world to ours. Basically is almost the exact same at least up to Violet's death. She goes by the name 'Hera' and she's from a world where your equivalent is named 'Helen' or 'Sagira'."
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"Yeah. Do... you know her?"
"Of course I do! We're basically adoptive sisters to each other. I'm just surprised you do."
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"...Ah, fuck. I just realized. That means Miss Helen and I are the same person, too--" Oh, now it's all starting to settle in. "Yeah, blame Heidi. Wouldn't have progressed so quickly without Hera's and Lacey's help. Also -- fucking -- adoptive sisters??? So you're twins?"
Izanami nodded. "We've been out of touch for some time, though. We each had our own... Friede issue to deal with."
"Yeah. We know about Freya. Apparently, Hera and Helen worked together to defeat her. World's been doing fine and is a lot quieter than ours."
"I see. It appears that I have yet another visit to make." Izanami sighed, but then looked at Daiyu. "As for you, child. How is your world? Does your Arceus still control it?"
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"...She does, but it won't be for much longer. I managed to save about 50,000 humans and keep them in my Distortion World, but thanks to True Form, it may not be for much longer. Heidi, Lauren, Melly, and others have agreed to come with me to defeat her... and when we do, Melony will commit the final blow, and True Form will become the new Arceus. That way, we can finally live in peace."
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"..." Izanami nodded. "That is noble of you to rescue that many humans with the hope for a new future. You all are in good hands with my children. Still I hope that I can stay up-to-date on your world's progress."
Daiyu nodded. "Thank you. Lati would appreciate your supportive words, too."
"Lati? As in Lauren's brother?"
"Yes, that Lati. He is my boyfriend. He was the one that saved the humans and was the one that died protecting the world, but I simply wish to see his vision for the future fulfilled so that he may find peace."
"I see.... My deepest condolences. He sounded like quite a noble dragon. I wish I could have met him."
"I'm sure he would love you just as much as Heidi and Lauren do."
"...." Izanami raised a brow. Well, that's an interesting use of present-tense. I thought it was a mistake the first time. "I have one final question."
Jeanne answered. "Shoot."
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"The battle with Friede! How did it go? Since Mother is here, I know that the result, but how did it go~? Did any of you get to see it? Was it a war, or a single battle?"
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"Oh, she actually live-streamed the whole thing, barring the final blow to kill Friede. It was a singular battle that took place in the 30th floor between the two of them. I actually have the VOD on my phone since I was helping her analyze her technique. Would you like to see it?"
"Would I!? Of course! Let me see! With Friede's power and Heidi's technique, it just HAD to be exciting!"
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"Oh, yeah! It's so awesome to watch." Jeanne turned to Daiyu. "You wanna see it, too?"
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"Tor showed me once already, but I'd love to see it again!"
Lauren started pulling up the video on her phone. Meanwhile, Izanami snapped her fingers to create a television for them all to watch on. When Lauren had the video ready, she projected the video from her phone onto the TV. It was definitely a spectacle to watch for all of them.
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*I punch a hole into the wall, directly next to your head* OIIIIIII MEU AMIGOOO
What languages do your characters speak? Also, do they speak a second language?
Would the Kilmoore brothers still defeat them? Because I thought it was hilarious that ppl with eldritch powers are defeated by normal street gang. I think it’d be funny
What kind of horror is their story, exactly? Or none at all? Or horror and something else?
What would happen at a family gathering?
Why does Mary have a power? Who or what took interest in her?
You have to go somewhere. You have to trust one of your characters to take care of the cute little kitten you can’t take with you. Why?
Who is the most anxious?
How long until they’d go insane from hearing Tainted Love on repeat? (This is not a combat question. It absolutely isn’t you know-)
Who is most likely to acquire a highly cursed object without realizing it?
*I try to pull my hand out of the hole, but do not succeed in doing so, resulting in awkward silence*
*Shuffles my feet a bit before breaking the silence with a cough*
Um. A-Anyways.
Ough. You have found my secret weakness. They all speak english, I guess. Avery was also probably made to learn latin as a child and Granny speaks a language that no one even knows existed anymore. Mary and Daniel speak a bit of italian for a reason I... haven't invented yet. Leon speaks german and uses it to swear when adults are around. Tara and Mikaela probably also speak another language but I couldn't tell you which one. Camilla doesn't speak another language, I think, but she has the worst british accent in the world for no reason (except that I think it's funny).
Hold on, I'm gonna make a graph for this.
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Special circumstances: Daniel could win inside and on dirt, Leon they could only touch if they were about to die (or if they used someone about to die as a cub?), Camilla they could defeat with gasoline. Actually Jamie should be there too, depending on how dark it is.
3. Honestly, it's probably some kind of romance/drama/comedy and the horror part is just there for fun.
4. If you're lucky, everyone bitches at each other for a bit and leaves again in the evening. On the other hand, there might be fights or full-on murder attempts which Jackson always has to be quick to diffuse before it gets completely out of control. No one has died, tough. ...not yet.
5. Well, where they're "originally" from, it's a power called the Vast. I mentioned it recently, it's the fear of storms, giant open spaces, heights, being insignificant, thalantassaphobia, stuff like that. I'm not sure how she got it's attention, probably because she has that mindset of "nothing really matters (anyone can see) so you might as well do what you like" that it's all about. I'd imagine it has to do with walking in a storm.
6. Jamie. He could shapeshift into a big cat and take care of them and he actually would. Plus he can share them with Daniel, who could absolutely use some kittens but could not take care of them. I might suddenly have one more when I get back, tough, so I would have to find out which is her.
7. Arthur
8. I can't believe you are making me listen to music. From the experiment I have conducted, 15-30.
9. Avery. She grew up in the kind of house where everything is really fancy and uninviting so another object that's cold and looks old wouldn't strike it as very odd.
*I try to pull you out of the hole but it doesn't work so I paint you white*
At least you fit in with the wall now...?
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g00d-az-g0ld · 7 months
so. guess who just found out they're a Henry Emily kin?
boy was my timeline WEIRD AS FUCK (and. Really Dark. like Jesus-)
all y'all need to know:
i dunno what it is with me, not particularly being interested in a ship, and then either having a timeline where the ship was A Thing, or being one of the people involved in the ship, but here we are.
completely unrelated to the point above, Boy Was William And I's Relationship Chaotic, Jesus-
like. at some point i kinda moved on from those feelings (even quicker after. You Know What), but uh. Apparently William Never Did.
so. saw a theory on Youtube (can't find it anymore >:/) that went "What If Michael Afton And CC Were Actually Henry's Kids (potentially making CC Sammy), And Elizabeth Was Actually The Only Afton Child" and uh. All I'm Saying Is It Feels Familiar. Take That How You Will.
well, to say she was the only would be inaccurate. she had an older brother named Lewis. HE was the Foxy Mask Bully.
uh, timeline for how shit went down:
William Makes Bad Life Decisions And The Glitchy Robot He Built For His Daughter Killed Her.
He Decides To Take This Out On ME For Some Reason And Kill My 8-Year-Old Daughter On Her Birthday. In Front Of Her Twin Brother. Who He Then Threatens Into Silence.
He Murders Five Whole Kids, All Friends Of The Twins. William, What The Fuck
My Son, Trying To NOT Potentially Also Get Murdered, Started Staying Over At William's House A Lot, Enough To The Point That William Made An Extra Bedroom For Him To Stay In. I Was Really Depressed At This Point (Grief + Wife Divorced Me), So I Always Thought That He Was Staying Over There Because I Was Kinda Going Through It And Well, Someone Had To Look After Sammy, So I Always Thought It Was That. When I Found Out What Was Actually Going On (plus how often he was Actually staying there), I Was!! Rightfully Pissed!!
(partially at myself for letting things reach that point, but mostly because William not Only killed my daughter, but made my son fear for his life)
So Uh. Bite Happens And Sammy Almost Dies. Michael Almost Kills Lewis, And I've Gotta Take My Son To The Hospital.
Sammy Survived, Saying Something About "Cassidy And Charlie Bringing Him Back," And That's How I Found Out About The Bullshit.
No William, You're Not Allowed To Babysit Sammy Anymore. No Particular Reason.
Michael Still Went To Go See Him Every Now And Then. I Never Had The Heart To Tell Him Until After "The Scooping"
Before William Died, He Left A Message For Michael, To Go Find Elizabeth. And My Boy, Having Idolized That Man, A Man He Practically Viewed As A Second Father, Went To Go Search For A Girl Who Was Practically His Second Sister.
I Refuse To Believe William Didn't Know What Would Happen. I Saw Those Fucking Blueprints.
Because I Wasn't Allowed To Have One Unbroken Child, Was I?
I Lost My Daughter. He Ruined My Youngest Son, Made Him Paranoid And Scared. He Got My Eldest Son Killed.
Sammy Went To Fazbear Frights. He Did A Wonderful Job, Too. He Said He Wanted To Face His Fears, And He Said He Did That. My Baby Bear, I'm So Proud Of Him :]
Michael Was Supposed To Leave The Pizzeria. I Had Built A Way Out For Him And Everything. He Was Supposed To Leave He Was Supposed To Leave He Was Supposed To Leave He Was Supposed To Leave He Was Supposed To Leave-
Uh Let's See: I Was Doing A Lot of Shit In The Afterlife. I Was Trying To Chill With My Family, I Was Trying To Get Cassidy To Calm The Fuck Down And Move On, And Also Fighting Glitchtrap. Look, It's Complicated, And I Don't Wanna Talk About It At The Moment.
other fun info!!
as i kinda implied earlier, my kids kinda considered William as a second father. makes everything ten times as fucked up!
Lewis, to my memory, moved to live with his mother after all of this. can't blame him tbh.
i made the Puppet for Charlie. i asked her, when i started building it, what she wanted it to be. her aunt had made her a hand-sewn doll. it was black all over with a few white stripes, a white face, and two black circles for eyes. she held it up and said "Doll." i thought i'd misheard her, and she said "Dog," but she reiterated No, She Wanted It To Be Based Off Of Her Doll. and so that's how i made it. that one was always my favorite :]
that's all for now, have a good day/night, y'all!
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rarepears · 2 years
Mafia-YQY: I got you guys. We just need to change the timeline ever so slightly:
YQY is on the streets, but not a slave, when he finds Xiao Jiu. So YQY and SQQ start out as just normal street children/beggars. A common target for the crime element to target and employ for petty crime stuff, and may even try and enforce protection money from
While they're still street kids, SQQ gets sick. YQY goes to the criminal groups in the city because he doesn't have any other options, who agree to pay for medicine if YQY works to pay it off
From there, YQY probably has to do a couple of jobs after SQQ has been healed... and that puts him in a pretty prime position for them to make other offers for, some of which are tempting enough that he might agree on and off
Then SQQ gets snatched up by slavers without YQY also getting caught, who sell him to the Qius in short order. Maybe the young master Qiu likes trying to break them in himself
YQY then jumps neck deep into his criminal associations so that he can get information to find SQQ. It still takes a few months, so YQY's probably in too deep by now
YQY breaks into the Qiu mansion, but SQQ's leg is broken and YQY is forced to leave without SQQ. So instead he promises to come back for him
And then YQY commits himself to rising through the ranks of crime so that he's got enough authority that he can actually put pressure on the Qius, who are a rich family that his boss won't mess with for the meager kid he is right now. YQY throws himself into the crime organisation with all the commitment he used to become head disciple within a few scant years, and climbs the ranks quickly, but he probably needs to move cities to work with some of the other criminal cells as a part of that, which is why people don't know of him as a street beggar anymore
And then when he finally makes it back to his original city, with his own men in tow ready to Wreck Some Shit UP, he finds he was still too late and the Qiu's mansion was burnt to the ground just a few scant weeks before
BUT! People whisper and gossip about some of the servants and slaves surviving, and the young lady keeps insisting that some slave for A-Jiu murdered her brother. So now YQY just needs to keep amassing more and more power, so he can find the lost Xiao Jiu, while also stomping out anyone who'd try to call his lost friend a murderer.
To add more angst, Shen Jiu gets kidnapped by slavers and sold to the Qiu's while Yue Qi is busy running another errand for the crime boss.
In fact, it was the criminal gang who arranged for Shen Jiu to get kidnapped and sold since Yue Qi was close to finish paying off his debts. This whole ploy was to make sure that Yue Qi sinks so deep into crime that he can't get back out without getting killed (aka Yue Qi can't confess to police/government about the criminal activities without also implicating himself with crimes so severe that would warrant an execution as punishment.)
Criminals that are motivated by spite, revenge, and dark emotions make the best criminals after all. Plus Shen Jiu is such a good looking kid that the gang earned a pretty penny for the referral.
It wasn't the gang's intentions to push Yue Qi so far that he overthrows the big boss and becomes the new boss himself. A lot of heads roll once Yue Qi discovers that his own actions (of going to a crime gang for help and then indicating that he wanted to wash his hands of the gang as soon as he finished paying his debts) caused Shen Jiu so much suffering.
All he can tell Shen Jiu is "sorry" because he doesn't want Shen Jiu to know just how far he's fallen in his (failed) attempt to rescue Shen Jiu. Of all the murders he's planned and executed, of all the civilians he's tricked into death and despair, of all the innocent people he's framed for heinous crimes because they stood in the way of the gang's goals... Yue Qi isn't proud of what he's done, but he would do them all again if it would help Shen Jiu in any manner.
Shen Jiu still holds a lot of resentment towards Yue Qi in this AU just like in canon. BUT without a Cang Qiong head disciple!Yue Qingyuan to put in a good word for him, Shen Jiu does not become a Cang Qiong disciple. Shen Jiu is a demonic cultivator who relies on blood and death... which pairs well with what Yue Qi does anyways.
I have this image of Yue Qi offering beautiful gold bowls of fresh blood - the blood of his enemies - to a haughty Shen Jiu who needs blood for some demonic cultivation ritual.
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marieanneline · 4 years
wait wait hold up i am actually seething about the reveal
ya boi's not a dabi stan. at all. the only reason i'm remotely interested in his character is if he's actually related to shouto and how that would affect hero society in general. i remember reading the training camp arc, seeing him being one of the villains there, him saying todoroki's full name, and thinking "SIBLINGS?????" because agshdfjlk their EYES are SO SIMILAR!! i really want to give credit to horikoshi being able to portray their similarities from artstyle alone because that's talent.
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(it's more apparent in the anime since you see the eye color— but appearance-wise, shouto takes after rei and dabi takes after enji the most, so this definitely isn't the best photo to prove my point...)
anyways,,,, dabi's ideals of heroics fall in line with stain's ideals and so we all already theorized how if he was the long lost big brother touya, it would be because of the fact that his father really wasn't a hero. this makes sense. and so, we're all fucking right. props to us, really, and props to horikoshi for all the foreshadowing because i had fun :)) in terms of story and plot, i think this reveal is fantastic.
alright, on to why dabi is a dick
(i'm assuming this was his choice and no one pressured him after all)
the todoroki family is on the road to recovery!!
- shouto finally visits his mother back in season 2 and visits her every chance he gets. you see the effort he makes and it's nice to see him change from season 1 to 2 (early-roki!!)
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(guys he even sends her letters- look at that sparkle by his face!! he's sweet :)) and rei's smile!!!!)
- enji (whether we wanted it or not, i don't mind much personally) is trying to atone for everything he's done to his family
- natsuo, who originally wasn't fond of shouto because he had their father's attention (although he does come to the horrible realization that shouto was one of the most unfortunate) and mother's attention (because she wanted to protect shouto), has a closer relationship with his little brother now (can you believe he didn't even know shouto's favorite food was cold soba until ch. 192?? i was sobbing). he really regrets the prejudice he had against shouto and he's trying to be an actual brother to him now.
- rei's almost recovered enough to be released from the hospital!!
- fuyumi and her idyllic "happy family"– wHICH, BY THE WAY, ALMOST CAME TO FRUITION. their mother coming home, shouto connecting with his siblings, and enji being not-the-way-he-was-before is the best outcome they could have hoped for. and it was happening.
and i realize that all of that setup is for this very moment
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this? this. this. this is being broadcasted. to everyone. that means the citizens know that their new #1 hero is directly related to a member of a really bad villain organization (i almost called it a terrorist group oop-).
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by ruining endeavor, the citizens faith in heroes will collapse. this also affects shouto's reputation as an upcoming hero, and i am so terrified of what this could mean for him. imagine your career ending before it even started, just when you found your passion for being a hero again. all that progress he's made for himself since starting UA could be seen as pointless to him and i would hate for him to retrogress like that because it's not his fault. i would absolutely hate it if the media starts bashing shouto for being related to a villain, when he was also a victim of abuse.
seeing this look on shouto's face is making me dehydrated istg i'm fucking SOBBING— he doesn't even look angry!! in the last few chapters he was angry and worried for his friends, teachers, father maybe, other heroes... but he just looks sad. and the fact that the panel chooses to show the left side of his face is.... there's so much to unpack.
but yeah, this is being broadcasted. does fuyumi know? the cameo she had showed her working so maybe not. natsuo's cameo showed that he was at a lecture, so he also probably didn't see.
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but rei did. that's like- that's the person i would want to keep this from the most.
the effects of this entire reveal genuinely scare me. how will this affect rei's mental state? she'll realize that what enji did is actually so much worse. their first child being a villain?? i'm terrified for how she'll react, she's doing much better in recent chapters after all. her kids are visiting her, shouto sends her letters to keep in touch, and enji sends her flowers and respectfully keeps his distance. i really don't want this reveal to result in a relapse. and if she does relapse, then fuyumi's ideal of a happy family is once again out of arms reach. the future of their mother finally coming back home is so far away again and it's genuinely so heart-breaking.
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plus— how will fuyumi's little elementary school students react to her being related to a villain? will the school fire her because of her connection to a villain and how that might cause concerns for students and parents????
it's also hard to say exactly how this will affect shouto and natsuo. natsuo was the closest to touya when they were kids so what would his whole opinion be of what touya's become? will he have a moral crisis?
in terms of moral crisises, i guess i'm more concerned about shouto. the boy knows he wants to forgive his father, but this is just making it so much harder. and after this, will he still want to? and finding out that his own sibling is a villain... remember the stain arc? there were some parallels between midoriya's, iida's, and todoroki's positions in the last chapter and i'm worried about what that could foreshadow. from that arc alone, we know that shouto doesn't agree with stain's views at all [i forgot what he said but it was really compelling]. we know that dabi's a stain follower though, so will this disrupt shouto's sense of justice? i hope not.
but family has always been kind of a weak spot for shouto, hasn't it? i hope this doesn't affect his resolve to be a hero because i do think that there's a way to– somehow– not have a corrupt hero society and i want him to fight for that.
touya being a villain is perfectly valid though, i don't doubt that. it's just disheartening to address that while every other todoroki was working hard to become a normal family, here's their oldest brother, who's not really dead. what's going to become of that altar at their house now?
learning the extent to touya's hatred towards endeavor is truly terrifying. we know enji is or was a horrible person and his redemption arc is based on the very fact that he can't be forgiven, despite some of his family trying their best to do so or at least get over it. but the fact that touya has even thought about killing shouto? that's just. ouch. touya's definitely gone through too much abuse, and all of the todoroki family problems are because of enji's bad parenting. but this does not justify murder and especially that of his younger brother, who also got the brunt of the abuse.
needless to say, i am a fool. i don't know if anything i just said will ever be true, but the important thing to take from whatever the heck i just shat out is that all of this is/could be a result of this reveal. it's the fact that dabi seems to have no sympathy. it's the fact that he doesn't care if his blood related family crashes and burns. really, if this is solely about endeavor and what he did, there's no need to bring the rest of the family into this. rei was sent to a hospital for god's sake. shouto has a scar. it's excessive and unmoral and although questionable ethics and values are key traits of a villain, it doesn't justify how much he's hurting the todorokis.
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(look at this shit eating grin he has. no remorse. he really doesn't give a shit about the others but I DO and I'M so SAD)
and assuming that the whole "endeavor's wife admitted into hospital" was swept under the rug in terms of media, will that suddenly come back to light? because it shouldn't. maybe it should be known that she's in the hospital because of marital abuse but either way rei should not be dragged back into this disaster, and neither should the rest of them. there's also a chance that the media will accuse rei of having abused her kids too, which is messed up for different reasons. they're trying so hard to have any semblance of a normal family, and if dabi's way of revealing this to the world ruins that in any way then i hATE THIS REVEAL ASDFGHJKL—
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