#plus it wouldn’t make sense bc my parents still help with paying stuff in the apartment
spacebell · 7 months
I do love my brother but I just don’t love living with him
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yume-fanfare · 5 years
accidentally wrote another long text-message-format fanfiction, enjoy!
baby prince yuujirou, who had a strong rivalry with baby prince aizou one day suddenly disappears
aizou can't seem to find him anywhere and he's Annoyed because the grown ups keep ignoring him whenever he asks
until time and time passes and he eventually forgets about him
well, not really
he does remember that he used to constantly fight with another boy from their rivaling kingdom, but it's mostly a funny anecdote now
he grows up to be the romeo au dazzling prince charming
until one day he gets kidnapped
and his kidnapper... feels sort of familiar
blue eyes, black hair and "god, you're just as annoying as you used to be”
the kidnapper won't tell him who he is, though
which makes sense since he's a hostage after all
but aizou keeps trying to remember
until the day where aizou's family pays and stuff, where the kidnapper says "it was interesting seeing you again, aizou"
and then it clicks
he's someya yuujirou
aizou can barely believe it
he turns around to look at him
just in time to see his family's soldiers apprehend yuujirou
aizou is received back home with a lot of ken tears but he has one (1) priority in mind
going to talk with the new prisoner
"oh how the tables have turned >:)"
yuujirou looks at him annoyed
"but i intend to be a better host than you"
and then orders for yuujirou to be taken to a guest room, though still chained up and with a loyal family guard (minami) on the door
]the counselor, hiyori, asks him if he's lost his mind
aizou answers that no, he's the sanest he's ever been
yuujirou is amused
“this guy's dumb”
yuujirou does not flee only bc he wants to see where this is going
bc he's sure he could run out
he receives a few visits from aizou where he tries to get yuujirou to answer questions and yuujirou isn't helpful
until one night minami wakes aizou up because apparently yuujirou was screaming "WHY DIDN'T YOU CHECK ON HIM YOU FUCKING IDIOT???? I DON'T WANT HIM TO DIE???"
yuujirou had a nightmare
aizou tries to comfort him, even though yuujirou isn’t actually crying
and that's their first sort of regular conversation
aizou asks him if he wanted for him to call yuujirou's parents
yuujirou shakes his head
aizou accepts quietly and then yuujirou falls asleep
then ken arrives bc minami called him too and he has Questions
"aizou i already thought moving your kidnapper to a guest room was a bad idea but what the fuck are you doing"
aizou inhales deeply
"do you remember someya yuujirou?"
"SHHHHHHH he's sleeping!!!"
the next morning, ken explains to him that, indeed, someya yuujirou got kidnapped when they were like five
and now it seemed like he too had turned into a wanted criminal
that did not deter aizou at all
he was determined to befriend yuujirou again
so he brought breakfast to yuujirou's room
yuujirou smiled
aizou's heart went doki doki
okay maybe he didn't want to just befriend him but he wouldn't figure that out until later
so after the fateful meeting, aizou visits him much more
yuujirou is still quite closed off, though
aizou flirts relentlessly
and after a while, yuujirou starts to wonder to what extent does that go
so the first time he leaves the room (effortlessly), it's simply to walk to the rose garden
he guessed aizou must spend time there, because he brings yuujirou roses sometimes, and he was right
aizou is super confused
"wasn't minami guarding you???"
"yeah but what kind of wanted criminal would i be if i can't escape from a fancy castle guest room?"
"plus i was getting bored, is this where you get your flowers?"
 aizou's need to be liked by yuujirou exceeds his common sense
"all of these are for you, my love"
yuujirou smirks
so after that, not only aizou visits him but yuujirou randomly shows up where aizou is too
not that often, but every time he does, it surprises aizou greatly
because well, yuujirou is actively going to see him???
even if he still has the cold act going on, it doesn't change the fact that he made a move to approach aizou
which in turn makes aizou bolder with his flirting
until hiyori and ken pull him apart one day and tell him to get it together
yuujirou is, after all, a prisoner
so aizou has to decide while yuujirou might be getting better, they're getting nowhere
yuujirou is still chained up, aizou is pursuing him and they've been at it for months
so they tell aizou that whatever he does (letting yuujirou's parents know he's there, letting yuujirou free and out of the castle or whatever), he has to do now
aizou has no clue how to act
what would be better?
he wants to keep yuujirou around, but there's no guarantee he'll stay if aizou undoes his cuffs
then again, yuujirou could have left already
he's left his room several times, so what's holding him there?
aizou has a little spark of hope, and so that night he goes to yuujirou's room
when yuujirou sees aizou entering the room, he was expecting to be bothered
but then he saw aizou's expression was unusually serious
aizou sat beside him on the bed and held yuujirou's hands in his
they were still cuffed
"hey, yuujirou, we've known each other for years, right?"
yuujirou swallows the sarcastic "hardly" he would have answered had he not seen aizou's piercing and resolute stare
he nods
"well, you know what they say"
aizou draws a small smile
"if you love someone, set them free"
he opens yuujirou's handcuffs as yuujirou stares, mouth parted in surprise  
the skin on yuujirou's wrists is slightly scarred and aizou caresses it carefully
"my love for you goes to this extent and more, yuujirou. you did not deserve anything that happened to you, nor did you deserve these scars"
yuujirou's eyes water and he allows himself to cry for the first time in years
and so they hug, and fall asleep
this time, aizou stays there
the next morning, the bed next to him is empty
maybe he should have expected it
he couldn't keep yuujirou next to him for that long, yuujirou didn't need him
so while aizou knew it was only logical, it didn't mean he wasn't going to mope dramatically and do absolutely nothing but mourn
at first ken, minami and hiyori were worried, then they got absolutely done with him  
they understood he would be sad, but it wasn't just that
aizou Refused to tell them what had happened that night
until ken decided a talk was necessary
aizou accepted to tell him about it
and he really tried to keep a straight face, but he couldn't help breaking down
ken comforted him and wondered if aizou had allowed himself to properly cry about it in order to move on
but then, they heard a sound at the window
it opened to show a yuujirou who stared at him amazed
who runs to aizou and kisses him
yuujirou apologizes about leaving between tears and says that he needed to think
then, ken interrupts them and says "you better not make my little brother cry again because i can be more dangerous than you, bratty gangster"
"but i'll leave you two alone for now"
then, as soon as ken leaves, aizou kisses yuujirou again
they make out for a while until yuujirou starts crying again
it had been a while since anyone had treated him so gently
he explains to aizou what had happened to him in the time they spent separated
aizou kisses his tears away and they fall asleep together
then, since yuujirou has decided to stay, they spent some time reinserting him
giving him fancier clothes, making him eat at the noble dinner table again..
yuujirou is good at acting and he remembers how it works, so he catches up quickly
but they also move him to one of the bigger, more elegant rooms, and he just can't get used to it
the bed is too soft, the servants are too complacent and the room is too big
it feels fake, empty
he ends up sneaking into aizou's room more often than not
aizou doesn't seem to mind
"you know, yuujirou, picking locks isn't a very princely ability" aizou tells him smiling one morning
yuujirou, face buried in aizou's chest, answers "shut up, it's useful"
then, some time later aizou writes a letter to yuujirou's family to inform them that they're getting married and there's nothing they can do about it bc it's not like they've cared much about their son the past years
and they get married and happily ever after and all of that, the end
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moviegroovies · 5 years
oh god after last time i really did think i was done but i must have unlocked some new level of hell because here we go, here we go, lost boys hcs PART 3!!!!
so ummmmm michael... is sort of dumb. 
like, ok, specifically??? i think he’s got a higher than average emotional intelligence, but he’s just one of those kids who’s bad at school. there’s some hints of this in the movie: when michael is telling sam that he can’t tell lucy about the vampirism thing, sam’s line is that it’s “not like getting a D in school, mike!”, implying that hiding that kind of thing is something the two of them have been over before, and a deleted subplot has him repeatedly insisting to lucy that he’s going to drop out of school to get a job and help her pay for things.
tbh i think he’s got that classic “child of divorce” thing going on. he feels like a burden on sparse resources and can’t stand the thought of wasting his days in school, where he doesn’t even want to be. he wants to help his mom! he gets a job for he so he can do that! what a good, sweet boy!!!
hmmm. dyslexic michael, anyone? like, i was going to say that he was particularly vexed by math & science, but the more i think about it, the more i’m leaning toward him maybe just being disinterested in those subjects, even though they’re the ones he’s better at, while english and history (but particularly english) really piss him off because studying takes so goddamn long.
so he gets like, C+/B- in math and science, consistent C- in history, and wavers C- to D+ or even lower in english. 
he’s so polite to his teachers that they help him when they can though, especially because they know he’s trying so hard, but he’s just not entirely gifted at this sort of stuff. 
the worst is when he has to keep his grades up to stay eligible for sports--that pressure just makes everything seem so much worse.
i think michael plays some of everything. he’s like, some kind of guard on the football team, not particularly their star player or anything, but i think he’s also got a starter position on the basketball team, and he is the star pitcher on the baseball team. 
physical stuff just comes easier to him than academic stuff, you know?
his high school girlfriend was a cheerleader, but they weren’t that serious. she was a kind of preppy girl, a little vapid, and it felt to michael like they only really dated because they were supposed to. breaking up with her kind of led to michael’s attraction to star; he saw her on the boardwalk and she looked like she dressed for herself and she was outwardly enjoying her time at the concert--plus, you know, she’s really pretty.
he hates to admit it, but michael’s favorite classes in school were the home ec classes that his guidance counselor suggested he take. he took shop first, which was okay, but really, what he liked to do the most was the cooking and sewing shit. when he joins the lost boys, he kind of “takes over” these roles from star (who had been pressured into acting the mother for all these assholes who could be her great grandfathers, easily), and it turns out that he’s a lot better at that stuff than she is. 
guess he was always kind of training to be david’s bitch after all.
the guys stop ribbing on him once he shows them how he can fix their clothes and shit, though. goddamn assholes.
michael’s main circle of friends in highschool was made up of other jocks, and like with his girlfriend, they weren’t super close. he often got excluded from stuff because he would insist he couldn’t do something or other on account of his mom needing him home that night, or he would get pissed at them for making fun of sam. 
michael said family comes first, fuckers!
he did drink and smoke and shit like that back in phoenix when he knew he wouldn’t be missed at home, though. he’s not a goody two shoes, really, he just didn’t want to make things harder than they were for his mom. 
one day he did come home drunk, and he’ll never forget how upset lucy looked. he still doesn’t feel like he’s made that up to her. ouch.
one of the guys michael hung out with, probably the closest michael had to a “best friend” was a dude named declan who he’d known since elementary school. declan as the only one of the jock guys who didn’t really hold it against him when he’d skip out on stuff, and the only one he ever even thought about telling the divorce shit to, although in the end, he chickened out of actually doing it. 
like i said, they weren’t best friends or anything, but they could have been, y’know?
one of the less nice dudes in his group (probs one michael got in fights with often) started dating michael’s girlfriend about a week after he moved. michael wasn’t really pissed by the time he found out about that; he had way bigger problems to worry about by then.
there was a guy that michael saw around who was kind of a beatnik loner outcast and almost definitely a fag. he liked shakespeare and oscar wilde and probably drew pretty things in the margins of his notebook, and the guys that michael hung out with trashed on him pretty much constantly. michael himself, however, had kind of a thing for the guy: he thought he was cool and would ask when he could to see what he was working on.
you know how michael acted around star at the very beginning of their association? that’s pretty much how he was around this dude. local bi disaster is bi.
the guy (i was going to say fuck it and name him after the guy who i’m sort of basing him on from peggy sue got married, but guess what my fucking luck is, that dude’s name is michael. jfc. let’s call him charlie) thought michael was just there to make fun of him like the others did, but he eventually, he might have come around to trusting that mike really was just interested in his art. 
maybe they made out or something before charlie eventually pushed back against him because he didn’t want to get fucking murdered by michael’s friends for making him queer if they got caught 
michael always felt like he should have pushed harder to have some sort of relationship with charlie, but once he moves to santa carla, there’s no use in thinking about it anymore.
unlike michael, sam did have a close circle of friends at school, even though he wasn’t as classically “popular” as his brother. 
it was probs this reason that made him take the move a lot harder than his brother did.
sam, also unlike michael, was/is really good at school. he’s super skilled at memorizing dates & facts (just look at him rattle off semi-obscure superman trivia lol), and pretty talented at writing to boot. he doesn’t like math as much, but if he works at it, it comes to him pretty quickly. 
gifted kid perks™
being that everything came easy to sam, and that he didn’t do any sports like michael did, he had a lot of downtime to read books and comics, keep up w/ pop culture, and hang out with his nerdy friends who liked to do the same. he was even in a d&d group
his character was an elf rogue.
it’s about gay rights
re: sports, it’s not that sam couldn’t be athletic, just that he didn’t ever really want to be. he used to do little league to be like michael and as a concession to his father, but really, he was always put in the outfield, and at the end of the day he would just rather read or watch tv than stand out in the hot sun playing this game he didn’t care about.
when they were little, michael trained himself to get better at reading so that he could read stuff to sam when their parents were fighting or their mom was away. he remembered how his parents (in better times) had read to him, and he knew it made sam feel better, so he put aside his difficulties and discomfort to read to his brother before bed.
the easiest things to read for him were comic books (he had some batmans and supermans and even a few wonder womans, although it wasn’t all superhero stuff. he also had richie rich and, of course, archies), which kind of sparked sam’s love for them--they were something he shared with his brother. <3
i’m thinking sam’s nerd club was the prototypical “mostly boys who never talked to a girl in their lives” type thing, but at the same time i’d like to imagine that at least one of them had a pretty brash (and nerdy) sister who pushed her way into the club, winning their respect by doing what sam did to frog brothers, only with star wars lore.
also, i’m kind of picturing a shy girl from their school who sam takes under his wing when she’s getting bullied, only to find out that she’s really into that stuff too.
she’s part of their d&d campaign; she plays a badass orc barbarian woman and consistently has the best luck with the dice. 
the girl is almost definitely a lesbian, but sam asks her to homecoming and stuff like that so that they’ll both have dates; they’re basically each other’s beards. 
Gay Rights.
one of the only ways michael could ever really relate to his dad was when they played baseball and the dad taught him Sports™ things, so sam not being at all interested in that stuff made him kind of a disappointment. even still (or maybe for that reason), michael was always the mama’s boy, while sam spent a long time desperate for his dad’s approval.
maybe bc michael and lucy tried really hard to protect him from just how shitty their dad really was, to be honest.
speaking of michael and sam’s dad, i’ve been doing a lot of thinking about him, and now i’ve got Opinions. 
contrary to what i guess is the general fandom consensus (at least from what i’ve seen? but my scope might not be that big regarding this character, so if i’m wrong, i’m wrong lol) regarding the dad, i can’t see him being particularly abusive physically. 
however, given how sweet and agreeable lucy is, i get a sense that there must have been something REALLY insurmountable in their relationship to make her decide that divorce was the only option. the way i see it, michael and sam’s father started as one of those anti-establishment punks who eventually grew up and just... snapped back the other way entirely to end up as the establishment himself. 
main justification for this is that scene w/ michael and star; he doesn’t just refer to his mother being an ex-hippie, he refers to his folks. plus, i mean, there must have been something about the man that endeared him to lucy, right?
so, over the course of their marriage, the guy goes from being a radical dreamer type with maybe some kind punk rock aspirations to being like.... reagan’s “moral majority.” 
he starts totally stomping down his old dreams and, in the process, mocking lucy for holding onto anything from their past (you know how she told sam part of the reason she divorced him was that “he never believed in the closet monster”? that was a symptom tbh). i imagine that this, in itself, was soul crushing, but what was really the last straw was when he started in on michael and sam: getting mad and telling michael that he wasn’t going to make it in the MLB and that he had to get his shitty grades up if he wanted to amount to anything (only making him hate school even more lbr), and openly disliking sam’s rejection of sports and stuff in favor of his comic books and MTV.
before the end, i think michael got in a lot of fights with his dad when he’d make passive-aggressive comments at sam for not being enough of a man. 
who made you the fucking authority on that, huh?
if he was ever actually physically violent with anyone, it was probably michael during these fights, or mayyyybe even lucy when she’d step in.
eventually, something just tips lucy’s goddamn scales, and she snaps and goes out right then and there to file for divorce. they never saw the point in signing a prenup or anything back then, y’know, so without really fighting for it, lucy wasn’t going to get anything in the divorce. 
she doesn’t. they leave arizona with just about the clothes on their backs.
if anyone actually fought against the divorce proceedings, honestly i think it was the dad. he had this idea of his respectable nuclear family, and, even though he was basically an emotionally neglectful POS to his sons, he hated the idea of his wallstreet suit-type coworkers coming to know that his home life was anything less than perfect. 
as a last ditch effort, he probably tried to win lucy back at the very last minute, even twisting her arm in an attempt to get her to stay for the boys’ sake, but he clearly no longer knows what attracted her to him in the first place, and the “effort” just makes her sad.
in her mind, she’s already gone by then, you know?
finally, he just ives up and signs the divorce papers. for a hot second it really fucks him up; he goes in to work unshaven and haggard, he’s back to eating like a bachelor, his heart isn’t in what he’s doing. this isn’t about grief over losing his family, though, is the shitty thing. not really. instead, he’s just dealing with uncertainty over how to remake his image. 
unfortunately, that’s about as much karma as their dad gets. by the time lucy, sam, and michael are gone for good, he finds it’s easiest to just pretend that they never happened. lucy didn’t demand it, but he sends the occasional bare bones childcare check in the mail and feels like he’s the goddamn father of the year or something, and meanwhile, he remarries a woman that’s both younger and more conservative than lucy, sooner or later fathering a son with her.
lucy isn’t cruel; she doesn’t want the boys to be totally cut off from their father, and even though they both pretty clearly sided with her in the divorce she offers him visitation rights and partial custody (saying that they could stay with him at least every summer and for whatever other holidays he wanted), but he mostly rejects this. 
when the boys try to call him to ask, he gives them a noncommittal answer about them maybe visiting next summer, after they’ve all gotten settled in. 
they pretty much stop calling after that. 
remember how i said michael has an above-average emotional intelligence? he’s definitely the one who helps lucy through the divorce the most. he picks up on the signals she sends about when she needs help and when she needs space, and chides sam for pushing her too hard every now and then.
sam, on the other hand, is definitely a good kid who cares about his mom a lot, but he’s a little more selfish and has a harder time acting like he’s got no problem leaving phoenix for her. the only real fights the two of them get into before all the vampire mess are centered around sam not being sympathetic enough to lucy and michael getting onto him for it.
i think that their dad might end up being a much better father and husband for his new family, and when the eventually visit him long enough to realize this, michael and sam... aren’t sure what to think.
like, they’re glad he’s not repeating the same mistakes he made before, but it’s not fair, is it? to see your little half-brother get the father you always wanted but never got. 
their new stepmom is a sweet lady, though. she really does want to try and welcome sam and michael into the family. sam, michael, and their dad all try, but in the end they find it uncomfortable, and the boys know it’s just a facade on all sides to make her happy. 
everyone is a little bit relieved when the boys just give up and go back to santa carla. 
when michael meets the lost boys (& subsequently learns about dwayne’s past with jasper and, you know, the total boner david has for him, and oh yeah, the fact that these guys are kind of universally gay asf), his only experience with gay shit had been his closeted fumbling with charlie and like, negative stereotypes from media, so he’s kind of amazed by these totally queer dudes who just... take no shit. 
like, he gets challenged to a motorcycle race and their leader doesn’t back down at all from the fight michael tries to incite, they take him back to drink and hang out in a semi-nasty man cave. these dudes aren’t what he expects from fags at all (they’re not sissies, and that’s kind of the end of his knowledge about the gay community at that time lol), and he just doesn’t... know what to think about them.
he kind of wants to be them.
like, you know how immediately after seeing them for the first time, michael buys himself a leather jacket and goes to get his ear pierced? there’s a reason for that, babes!
in other news, michael is a cancer and there’s nothing y’all can do about it.
i mean, i have Evidence behind my theory but also i’m just right.
but like, going back to that scene with michael and star again, when he’s introducing himself, you know how he tells her that he was nearly named moonbeam or moonchild or something like that? well, another name for cancers that i’ve seen is moonchildren, after the way cancer is ruled by the moon (and bc the term “cancer” itself has some... other connotations).
in conclusion, lucy really was That Bitch sgdfhghdh
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somaybeimbiased · 6 years
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SHINee 5 | FlowerBois AU
Shinee high school flower boys au. where 2min looks like a couple (they like each other) also 2min : Come on we are just best friends! since kindergarten. (the dumb pair / also high fives when the teacher says some word in the sexual education part.) Jongkey (are together) has so many fans. Onew hits on teachers but everyone thinks he is a innocent bunny. plz! I love your woks so much! u r so amazing!     -I dont remember who sent this soz
This guy
THE guy
A senior student who is like one of the most well-liked students in the school.
Nice to everyone
Especially the teachers ;)
But not like just any teachers, mostly the teaching assistants
Lowkey loves making them blush and stuff when he gives them compliments
Always early to class with an apple and a cheeky wink for them
But really just a good student so no one says anything
They just dress really cute and are really sweet and they love soft things
Jinki realllyyy likes being able to express himself freely with his best buddos
Like before meeting Kibum and Taemin he never would’ve been comfortable wearing pastel colors
But after becoming their friend and learning about how they are so comfortable not conforming to gender stereotypes
Kibum smacked the back of his head “It’s not like we are dressing like girls! We just think cute things can be for boys too!”
Then it all made sense and Jinki was on board.
Like “yes please lets dye my hair i’ve always wanted it to be a more pinkish red color~”
He also gets into colored contacts.
Jinki is just a huge popular softie who everyone seeings as the image of innocence.
Oh boy when this big softy transferred to this school and showed up on the first day wearing a oversized pink sweater he expected one of many things to happen
What he didn’t expect was to be in the same calculus class with a cute nerd wearing fake glasses and a floral button up how invited him to eat lunch with his friend group at lunch.
Yes pls omg
He fit right in with the nerd’s friends and was introduced to all of them, the nerd, or Kibum, has such a nice group of friends and Jonghyun knew he wanted to be apart of their flowerbois group.
Only knew Kibum for like a month before the younger asked him out and omg yes pplsss
Jjong is so soft for love and he loves Kibum so much and ugh
They are so in love and grossly soft with each other that the entire school soon knows that twoMOREof the flowerbois™ are dating
He is really just an average student who loves his new school because no one bothers them here. He isn’t sure if it’s because they have a cool senior student in their friend group, because all of them have such cool ‘i don’t care attitudes’ or because Minho is a really intimidating flowerboi™
But he is just so happy to find a place be belongs plus he got 3 best friends and a cuttteee boyfriend out of it.
Him and Taemin started the flowerbois™ because neither of them ever really cared about how other people thought of them.
Best friends since elementary and they are still super close even though Taemin is a year younger (Sophomore)
He is known for his many styles of fake glasses and impeccable style. But also for his ‘don’t care attitude’
He has always liked things considered feminine, and one day him and Taemin went to the mall and just decided to buy some sweaters out of the women’s section.
The rest is history.
Really enjoyed teasing Taemin about his neighbor, Minho who had a crush on Taemin since forever and would stare at him when he wasn’t paying attention even though they were friends since like kindergarten
Also liked giving Onew crap about liking older women, just for kicks and giggles.
What he likes most though is Jonghyun.
The little pup in his big pink sweater made his heart fly out of his chest the first time the met.
Forced the elder to become friends with him and his pals
The rest was history,, and Kibum could not be more happy with the way high school is going for him
Definitely the leader of their little flowerboi™ group
The hard Flowerboi ™
Like lowkey just joined the group at first because a lot of people were paying attention to them
And he didn’t think they could really protect themselves from the people who disliked them
Like mayyyybe Jinki and Kibum, but he knew his best friend wasn’t really cut out for that
He also mostly joined the group bc Taemin and Kibum started it, but mostly for Taemin.
He had had a thing for him since they were in kindergarten together, and he saw him all the time because he was also close with Kibum.
So after Jinki joined he also hopped on the wagon, even though his style of flowerboi is a little edgy also.
But at least now he has an excuse to spend even more time with Taemin and talking to him
Everyone thinks they are together, and even if they hold hands sometimes, or maybe makeout when they are alone, they haven’t defined anything
So they just deny it when someone brings it up.
But him and Taem are big goofs and like messing with the others in the group bc they are the youngest.
Honestly the softest.
Loves wearing soft whites and cream colors.
Just really enjoys showing his feminine side to people.
Kibum really helped encourage that out of him from a young age.
He was so grateful when Jinki decided to join their group and embrace himself
He was also really touched when Minho joined them, he knew it wasn’t 100% Minho’s style, but he was so glad he could spend more time with his crush
Definitely denies it when people say they are together, even if he 100% wants to be. He just assumes dating him would be too flowerboi ™ for Minho to admit
Also his parents are hella catholic and wouldn’t accept it :/
But at least he can be himself at school without caring about people judging them.
He stopped caring a long time ago, but he also knows that mango would stand up for him.
Really glad when Jonghyun came to their school because it changed Kibum a lot.
It was the first time he’d seen his best friend so happy.
And that made him so much happier.
What more could he ask for?
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br0adwa5 · 7 years
deh apartment hcs
so i was just scrolling thru Tumblr Dot Com™ and I saw a post that said “does anyone else ever daydream of decorating their first apartment?” (if anyone knows who made that lmk) but anyway i saw that and was like omg if that ain’t alana and then i was like wAIT WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF THEM so here’s this. fyi this is like a college au type thing ish??
(im sotired this is kinda shitty lol)
(also thank u so much for the luv on my last two hcs? i cr ied? les get to the point sorry)
ok so this girl would obviously have the neatest apartment ever
it would probably be like a medium size ya know
white walls.
lots of white walls.
and there would be like really pretty marble countertops 
her beadspread (or whateverthefuck u call it) would probably be like grey with white little lines on it
in a pattern tho
like a cute pottery barn one
she would so freaking use evan’s discount at pottery barn are u kidding me
like her entire house would look like a pottery barn catalog
idk if all apartments have this so excuse me if i sound mega stupif 
but she would use the little intercom-buzzer thing to get into the apartment to her full advantage
like if u wanted to even go up there she would legit do a full on background check
(except for zoe)
(zoe would be like “hey alana it’s-” and alana would be like “yOU CAN COME RIGHT UP”
but it would be like 
“hello who is this?”
“alana you know it’s jared. i just texted you.”
“… ok then what’s your middle name”
but anyway back to what inspired this in the first place
so alana would SO plan her apartment out from when she was like young enough to understand it ya get it
like she would pick out furniture at age six
(her taste would obviously change as she got older but u get it)
and she would literally have it down to the p a i n t color
like she would walk into home depot or whatever and the worker would expect her to look around for like 40 minutes but she’d be like
“hi hello i’ll take seashell grey in the gloss finish please. make it quick.”
(i totally just made that up what the hell is a gloss finish never heard of her)
i also picture her having lots of house plants? like most of them would be fake bc she’s too busy to keep them alive but they wouldn’t look fake
yeah alana’s apartmetnt would be so put together and like clean cut and nice
her apartment would be rad okay
i feel like it would be v hipster and cool
not like Hipster™ but like… hipster?
what am i even saying
so she would definetley have a room with yellow walls
like her rooms would be painted cool colors and stuff
but yellow specifically
she just seems like a yellow person
she would have a big wall that’s all chalkboard paint
wait now im really excited about this wall oh my god
like when everyone would go over her house they would all take a chalkboard marker (real chalk makes too much of a mess) and write and draw on it
evan would do little doodles of trees and write sweet and encouraging stuff
connor would either draw a hecking masterpiece or write really small in the corner “fuk u”
there’s no in between
alana would just doodle hearts and stuff
or when she’d be over doing homework w zoe she’d try to teach her math and science and stuff on it
a w 
jared would just draw memes 
i think we can all agree on that one
but annyyywwayy
she would refuse to get anything like store bought mainstream
like she would go to little shops in the middle of nowhere
or garage sales
and get the cutest stuff 
her house would be so homey but at the same time like “wtf why is this so perfect”
l o t s of tapestries
don’t fight me on this
it wouldn’t be the regular mendala ones that a lot of people get
(but she would for sure have a few of those too)
it would be like really cool unique stuff
lots of maps of the world
tie dye
ya kniw
they would mostly be taking up all of the celing space and some wall space in her room
she would so have a polaroid camera i KNOW IT
and she would put them all on pieces of string w clothespins and string them up around her room 
all pics of her frands and stuff
awwww zoe
she’d also probably have a room just for her dog
(btw if u didn’t see my other hc i see her as having a golden retriever named kiwi)
(but anyway)
like it was supposed to be a closet sbut she just didn’t use it
so she was like “well… okay let’s do this”
and evan will spend h o u r s at a time in that room
ugh she would just have the cutest apartment v colorful and stuff
evan’s apartment would be v small
he llved with his mom the first two years of college but decided to move out because he was feeling like he made a lot of progress and was ready to live on his own (btw is it canon tht he lives w his mom first year of college? i forget lmk)
(but he wasn’t really living on his own bc connor was always over or he was at connor’s place) 
he would have a v little sitting area w a really old tv and a worn out couch that was probably free on the side of the road or cheap from a garage sale
he would have a fridge and oven and stuff but he’d mostly just use the microwave
(ho;ly shit “some people say just use a microwave…”)
(i h8 myself why why why ok moving on)
his diet would mainly consist of ramen noodles
bc he doesn’t want to leave and have to socalize with people at fast food places or the grocery store
but every once and a while zoe would come over like “evan wtf” and make him food to hold him over for a while
(uh hc that zoe’s a really good cook??/)
he would have a little bedroom with a big window in it
and his comforter would be blue with navy stripes (similar to The Shirt™ but not completley the same)
he would have lots of sticky notes everywhere
like ranging from “don’t forget to feed the dog” to “don’t worry about it, it’s probably not a big deal”
and when he was in a really good mental state he would write them and stick them in places he know he’d see when he wasn’t in the best shape
and it would encourage him to keep going
wow that’s equally heartbreaking and adorable
ok don’t fight me on this we all know it’s a thing
he would have plants. eve ry wh ere
like there wouldn’t be a single fake plant in there
but he loved them bc he felt like it made the air fresher??? like it supplied more oxygen in the room which made it easier to breathe when he was feeling anxious??
(idk i can’t really explain it but that’s how i feel when i get anxious so i feel like it would help him too)
but it would range from huge ass borderline trees to succlents the size of his thumb nail
he would have s o many succulents
he would name them all
and each of his friends would have a plant named after them
even though it was small he really loved his apartment
bc he worked really hard to be able to pay for it and buy the furniture and stuff
so it was like his baby
yeah that’s my boy evan handsoap!
connor’s apartment would actually be pretty big
like everything would be super super high quality and nice 
he would so have a recliner chair
you know the one i’m talking about okay
and he would spend most of his time in there
even though he def has a huge nice sectional
(btw most of his furniture is black)
when evan would come over he wouldn’t want to get up out of it
but even always wanted to cuddle
so the first time evan was like “con come over hereee”
connor just scooched over
and evan was like “??”
but just went over to him
and they were kinda squished but they loved it 
bc they were so close to eachother
but yeah they would love to cuddle on the recliner
his kitchen would be p nice too
like he would have a weirdly high tech fridge and a really nice oven and stuff
but if u opened the fridge there would just be like a half dranken (that is nOT a word) bottle of mountain dew, a cheese stick, and maybe on a good day some random leftovers
(btw idk why but i see his parents buying him most of the stuff in his apartment,, this doesn’t really make sense when i think about it but i can’t not do it what am i saing now awioehfdlsnk)
his room would be nice
he would have a big bed with a black and white plaid duvet cover
omg evan would l o v e his bed
like evan of course loves his own bed but connor’s is just so comfy
(plus connor’s bed also has connor)
his walls would be like a greyish blue color
but his furniture would still be all black
he would have a big desk and he always kept sticky notes around for evan to doodle on if he ever got anxious
and he has an entire drawer in his dresser just for his hair ties because he has an unhealthy amount of them
at all times
partly because he wants to keep his hair up sometimes
but partly because he always wears one around his wrist to snap when he gets mad or can’t control his emotions
and he always ends up loosing them
oh also his shower in his bathroom would be BOMB like im talking it has one of those little ledge chair thingies 
and the water pressure is a plus
and evan’s shower at his apartment is like sucky so he always just showers at connors
(i mean this in the least innapropriate way possible btw jus clearing that up)
but connor would spend SO much time there
so would evan tbh
so yeh
ok guys
hear me out on this one
but i feel like jared would have a surprisingly nice apartment??
like,,, actually very nice
they would all love hanging out there when they were all together
the first time he asked them over they were like “… u sure”
they were expecting to walk into something that looked like a super crappy hotel room with garbage all over
but they walked in and were like “jared what the fuk”
because this place was nice
like,, , he would always have the most food out of all of them
(which wasn’t saying much but still)
he would have a big nice couch with lots of extra like beanbags all over
they would all have their own that they used
and his tv would be poppin okay
he would have his old wii hooked up to it
and they would constantly have mario kart tournaments
jared always insisted on being wario
for the Memes™
he would be the only one out of all of them with an amazon fire stick so they would always watch movies all together at his house
and sometimes they would just randomly take it without telling him
(i’m looking at u connor)
and he wouldn’t notice for a few days but when he did he went cRAZY
but anyway
his room would b supa cool
he would have a really nice bed
omg he would have like video game and other nerd stuff posters e v e r y w  h e r e
like everywhere
little to no wall space for anything elsee
every once in a while he would go through his camera roll and print the pictures that he liked the best to hang up on his wall
hear me out bc this is gonna sound weird
he would probably have a dead meme shrine in one of the corners of the wall on the bottom
that he started as a joke with connor and zoe once but it jst spiraled out of control until every dead meme was recognized as soon as it went out
he would have a tv in his room
not as good as his one in the living room but still
he has two tvs what even jared
that’s where he would put his xbox
and he would game all night man
ah i love jared sm
ok that’s it hope u enjoyed ahhahah
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Favorite Stark. (Peter Parker.)
Tumblr media
Requested – Yes.
Prompt – You are Tony Stark’s daughter and you are jealous that your dad pays more attention to Peter Parker than his own daughter.
Warning – Has cursing. Very emotional. Possible grammar errors bc I didn’t edit this yet.
Words – 1,721.
A parent and a child’s bond should be strong enough to last any fight or struggle they might come across. It is different for everyone and those that are destined to have that special connection should cherish it because it could quickly vanish at a blink of an eye. People or things will try to break the link if the parent and child take their relationship for granted. There is always a weakness that can destroy the tie in a million pieces. It is the parent and the child’s duty to stay as stable as possible.
The morning sun shined through your room at the Stark Tower and it made you groan as you tried to shield your eyes with a pillow. However that didn’t help so you just softly let go of the pillow as you let the rays of sunshine blind you. Might as well get up because you promised your dad, Tony Stark, that you would help out in the lab. Of course that was not what you wanted to be doing on a Saturday, but it made your dad happy so why not?
Being Tony Stark’s daughter is not that great like everyone would think so. You love your dad a lot, but you were different from him in so many ways. You hated the idea of making technology and inventing things. You would rather be going out and hiking up a mountain or something. You also loved being a normal human being rather than trying to change the world for the better by becoming a superhero.
Well you want to change the world for the better, but not in the way your dad does it. You want to become a doctor and help cure diseases. You didn’t want to go out and fight the bad guys because who is going to fight for the people who get hurt in the process? The only thing you had in common with your dad is your sarcastic personality. Other than that, you were polar opposites. But that didn’t stop you from loving one another.
After you got ready and ate breakfast, you went down to the lab to meet up with your dad. You wanted to spend some alone time with because he has been busy recently trying to make new weapons for future battles and if the only way to hangout with him was to build machines then you were all for it. However, you were slightly disappointed when you saw a certain web slinger trying out his new web shooter.
“Oh (Y/N)! You’re here! Peter wanted to help out today so I let him. That’s cool with you right?” Your dad asked you.
“Yeah, no problem. Hey Peter.” You greeted the cute boy. As much as you didn’t want Peter here, there was a part of you that did. You have a crush on this boy since you helped him out after the battle at the airport. Your dad left you to go return him back to Queens.
“Hey (Y/N)! How was your sleep?” Peter asked and you smiled at him.
“Great! Now what do you guys want me to do?” You rolled up your sleeves about ready to start working.
“Well, you can just sit down for now! Me and Peter got this under control for now, honey.” Your dad pointed to a chair next to him while you frowned, but shook it off because maybe you can just lighten the mood by talking.
“Okay so dad, did you want to hear about the new medical program at school that I can sign up for? It’s so cool and I want to join it badly, but Logan also wants to join and you know how much I ha-“ You tried to keep rambling, but your dad had interrupted you.
“That’s great, sweetie. I know you can do it. Hey Peter, we should discuss some new combat techniques so you can be ready when a fight ever breaks out!” Peter looked at you concerned because you were shooting daggers at the back of your dad’s head. Nonetheless, Peter responded to your father.
“Yes of course, Mr. Stark. I was actually working on this move.” You were beyond annoyed that Peter was here to begin with, but now your dad is obviously paying more attention to him.
“Speaking of working on stuff, how is that make shift computer working out for you? Did you go dumpster diving for more parts?” Your dad curiously questioned Peter. You were jealous of the fact that your dad was more interested in this kid’s life more than yours and you were his ACTUAL kid.
“Dad, do you remember that one time I tried to fix the computer that Uncle Steve broke because he didn’t know how to use it?” You tried to jump into the conversation, but your dad just looked at you not amused.
“(Y/N), Peter and I are trying to have a conversation.” That ultimately pissed you off.
“Well dad, this was supposed to be our time having a fucking conversation together because we were suppose to hangout. But instead, you are paying more attention to some random kid rather than your own fucking daughter!” You screamed at your dad. Peter looked uncomfortable, but very sympathetic. Your dad looked angry for a second, but then his eyes softened.
“(Y/N), I didn’t realize spending time with each other was so important to you. I thought that you wanted to be a normal teenager who had more freedom.” Your dad said.
“I’m not a normal teenager, dad! You are Iron Man and the great Tony Stark! I barely get to see you or talk to you at all! I want to spend time with you as much as I can! I am worried everyday when you go out because you might potentially die out there!” You cried out and ran out of the room because it was too emotional to be in there. Plus you didn’t want anyone to see you cry.
You went inside your room and sat on the bed. That was the first time you have ever said your concerns out loud. Everyday you are nervous that your dad get hurt and never recover because of what he does, but you couldn’t just tell him to stop. You love the fact he risks his life trying to save others. That’s one of the reasons you even look up to him.
“(Y/N)? Can I come in?” Peter knocked on the door. You wiped away your tears and nodded, but then quickly face palmed because he can’t see you.
“Yeah!” You shouted.
“That’s pretty deep, you know? What you said back there.” Peter sat next to you as he walked in closing the door behind him.
“More like pathetic. I’m sorry I got jealous of you. I rarely get to see my dad anymore and he seems so interested in you. I just wanted him to know what’s been going with me lately because what if he misses the rest of my life? What if he dies suddenly because some villain decides to kill him?” You wondered.
“I wish I was as worried as you. If I was worried about my Uncle Ben being out late at night then maybe he would be alive right now.” Peter choked on his own words.
“I’m sorry, Peter.” You had completely forgotten that Peter’s uncle died and it made you feel horrible that you complained about your father being killed when poor Uncle Ben was defenseless while your dad had all the equipment in the world.
“Don’t be sorry. You have the right to be worried about your dad. It’s normal and it’s also normal for you to be jealous of me. I think Mr. Stark is just trying to connect with me because he knows what it’s like to lose a father figure.” Peter explained and that’s when it all made sense. Your dad was trying to include Peter into our family, so he wouldn’t feel left out.
“I get what you mean, I’m sorry again for being an asshole.” You smiled at Peter and he chuckled.
“You’re not an asshole, you’re just human and that’s why I like you so much.” Peter confessed.
“You like me? When? Why?” You interrogated.
“Yeah, I mean it’s hard not to like you. You’re generous, kind, beautiful, intelligent, and one of the best people I know. My feelings started around the time your dad started inviting me to the complex. I would just admire you from afar and whenever you decided to talk to me.” Peter spilled out his guts to you and all you can do was smile like a dork.
“I like you too, Peter. I’m glad you’re always around.” You both looked into each other’s eyes and started to lean in. But then you heard a cough from the door.
“I can see now who your favorite Stark is, Parker. Can I talk to my daughter real quick then you can go make out with her?” Your dad asked embarrassing you in the process.
“Um, yes Mr. Stark.” Peter shuffled out of the room.
“I’m sorry, dad for what I said. I’m just really worried about you all the time and I’m completely helpless because I can’t do any of this cool stuff to protect you like Peter can.” You clarified.
“Yes you can! You’re going to become a doctor and you can stitch me back up when I’m hurt! You’re a Stark. You are not helpless. I love you, (Y/N). You are my pride and joy. If you ever wanted me to stop being who I am, I would do it in a heartbeat.” Your dad exclaimed and you smiled.
“I love you for who you are, dad. Please don’t ever change.” You ran up to him and hugged him for a long time.
“Now go kiss that Spiderboy. But not too much, you are still my little girl.” Your dad let go of you as you ran off to go find Peter.
Once you found Peter, you jogged to him and jumped in his arms. You looked into each other’s eyes again and your lips met. The kiss was slow and filled with happiness.
You felt as if that everything in the world was suddenly perfect.
And nothing could ruin that.
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I am 19 years old and I financed a 2005 jetta and paid close to 12,500 for my car. Yes I got ripped off.. I pay $333.65 a month for the car and $165.00 for insurance. I am completely out and cant afford this car anymore. What do I do? If i stop paying for it will they take it imminently? I need help. If the bank takes it back they sell it they will come after me for the difference. But i dont have anything they could take. what do i do.. I have made 2 payments of $333.65. Im in california, so will they garnish my wages?""
Will a reduced 1 point Defective Headlamps ticket affect my auto insurance?
I was pulled over for turning onto a one way street the wrong way, which is a 3 point ticket in Denver. If I pay within the first 20 days the ticket is reduced to a 1 point Defective Headlamps ticket. My parents have state farm insurance. Will they be notified of this ticket through the insurance and will my insurance rates increase? I'd rather them not know, and the cop said my insurance wouldn't be affected because of the reduced ticket. I just wanted to follow up. Thanks!""
How much do Brits pay monthly for health insurance?
I see them on here all the time talking about how much better their system is than ours, that it is more affordable. How do they know how much it is costing them monthly if they are taxed to pay for it?""
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Why is my car insurance quote cheaper?
My insurance ends this month so last week i just did a quote out of curiosity claiming i had a 1 years no claims bonus which i should get end of this month, which said it would be 10 cheaper. I did it last night but this time i put i had NO no claims bonus and it came up saying its 40 cheaper! I went for that one but does it matter that i havnt put in my bonus? I havnt got one yet anyway cause i needed to sort it out asap""
""Automobile incident question. Who pays, the business or insurance?""
Im just curious, if a branch of a tree hit my car and cracked it moderately, and i was parked at the parking lot of a gym, does the damages get payed by my insurance or from the gym? If my gym tells me that the insurance pays for it, should i demand the gym to pay?...since my insurance cost might increase because of this incident.""
Questions about insurance?
1. What are some of the important questions to ask before deciding on the amount of life insurance to buy? 2. How can you determine if you are under-insured or over-insured? 3. Is there any benefit to a single student without children, who is living with his or her parent(s), who is still going to college, having life insurance? Why or why not?""
Do you pay a fine if you dont have health insurance in the U.S.?
and in california? i heard that you have to have health insurance or you will have to pay a fee/ fine or something is that true? it doesnt make sense because people who dont have health insurance cant afford it but now there's medicare and obamacare so does that mean you are forced to have health insurance?
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Which one is better to provide for your families needs if something happed to you?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old driver?
I am about to turn 16 in August. And I'm wondering if you can tell me a estimated guess on how much car insurance will be. My family is insured with State Farm. If there is another company that may be cheaper please tell me. My family has several cars under Sate Farm if that makes a difference. I will be driving a 2007-8 Ford F-150 Lariat 2 wheel drive. I have all A's and have over 60 community service hours. If any of this makes a difference. How much will I start off spending and how fast does it get lowered and what will it get lowered to about?
Is my insurance rate going to go up? High Point Auto Insurance?
Long story short, I received a speeding ticket today. It will be a 2-point ticket. I called my insurance provider and they said yes, my insurance will go up but she couldn't tell me by how much. She also didn't sound like she knew what she was talking about. This is my first moving violation in 8 years, so I was wondering if anyone with High Point had any experience with this so I can weigh my options between pleading guilty and fighting the ticket for a dismissal. NYC is a non plea bargain jurisdiction so plea bargaining is not an option. I am not asking for exact answers, I am asking whether there has been anyone in my position, with a relatively clean record, has experienced an increase in their insurance rate, and if so, if it was a substantial increase.""
How much can i sue and get from car insurance for pain and suffering for $600 worth of medicals?
How much can i sue and get from car insurance for pain and suffering for $600 worth of medicals?
What a good auto insurance for a college student?
going to be my first insurance so i really wanna get a good n cheap insurance
Need Insurance?
I am buying a new car and have to get insurance. Any suggestions on good and cheap companies?
Cooperative young drivers insurance car modification?
Hi, I am looking forward to install a tuning box/chip tuning into my car, it is a under the hood performance modification and doesnt show anything on the exterior. Thanks!""
Car insurance cost for a 17 year old?
I'm going to start driving next year and will probably be driving something like a p reg civic (1.4) does anyone have an average insurance price for a car around this size (1.0-1.6) and around this age (m-51 reg)
Lost health insurance and am 37 weeks pregnant?
I just found out I was dropped from my previous health insurance plan from COBRA because I was late making a payment. I thought I was ahead a month so didn't pay in March and found out I wasn't ahead. I tried explaining this to the health insurance company but they said it was too late to do anything about it. I've called multiple health insurance companies to see if they'd cover me but of course being 3 weeks from my due date no one will take me. I also tried to contact my hospital that I will be giving birth at to see if I could go through a financial assistance program but my husband and I make to much. Same issue with Medicaid. I live in IN, is there anything/any health insurance company that someone can suggest??? Thanks!""
Hi i live in florida 16 years old i am going to start driving and need to know?
in average how much will my car insurance cost?
Collector car insurance for teens?
My dad has a 68, 71 firebird and a 2000 trans am. He currently has them on Hagerty but im 17 so i can't drive them. What is an collector car insurance company that he will be able to insure all of these vehicles with and I will be able to drive them?""
Cheap car insurance for a new driver?
like the title say do ya know a car insurance that is real cheap for new drivers got my license this month and my car and now i just have to register it and get insurance and i got a job and i just want to know how im going to budget stuff and how much you expect i should pay a moth
How long do car accidents affect my insurance rates?
I have heard that accidents and tickets will affect car insurance rates for five years. I was in an accident four years ago, that was determined to be my fault. Now, my (old) ...show more""
How much would an average reverse vasectomy cost without insurance. Does anyone have any idea?
My brother inlaw is getting one and he is going to have to borrow the money...Sorry not for me!
Looking for car insurance in Michigan?
im 19 years old and me and my girlfriend are looking for an apartment together and we need car insurance. i looked around and cheapest i could find is about $200 for plpd. where should i look? is there any chance i can get it around 100?
Insurance for a 2008 Subaru Sti Hatchback?
Is the Insurance for the new 08 Sti hatchbacks gonna be cheaper than those of 04-07 Sedans? Im 18, have good grades and a clean record and was curious how much my insurance would be if i bought the Sti. Just a ballpark estimate. Thanx""
""Does anyone realize that by making health insurance mandatory, your insurance premiums will skyrocket?""
just like car insurance premiums have? And when premiums skyrocket, everyone will be moving to the cheaper government run policy. If the government really cared and wanted to bring costs down, they would get out of bed with the specdial interest groups such as malpractice lawyers and PHARMA and reform these things.""
How much will my insurance go up with one point on my license?
I live in California and I have Farmers insurance, got a ticket for a speeding back in December and I didn't take traffic school so there's now a point on my ticket. Anyone know if Farmers cares about one point on the license and if so how I will be affected?""
""Why am I getting quoted 11,000 for 1.0L third party only car insurance?""
I am 17 years old (male) and have just passed my driving test. I was supposed to purchase a 2010 Citroen C1 5 door with a 1.0L engine today but had a look at the insurance first. This tiny, under powered pathetic excuse of a car is probably the most insurance friendly car I could think of yet on all the car insurance sites like go compare and confused the lowest quotes were 11,000. What am I doing wrong? I have been able to choose all the best stuff like locked in a garage at night, the highest excess, low annual mileage etc There is nothing in my details that would be counter productive for a low insurance quote. This is only third party as well, if I was to have a bump my car wouldn't even be covered! I need to be driving by christmas, I don't even care that much about what car I have to drive (hence the C1) as long as it isn't too old. Just anything that I will get a realistic quote on. Any advice? Maybe I am doing something wrong here. Thanks!""
""People w/o health insurance how do you pay for medical care, or do you?""
I looked into insurance available to me in Georgia and here what the least affordable costs me: $350/month, 20% specialist cost after a $3500/yr deductible, 3 doctor visits per year at $45 each, $20 for each prescription, no dental/vision coverage and other charges that add up to over $7500/yr. And all of this BEFORE the latest 14% price hike. I've decided to save up the same $7500/yr for medical expenses and chuck the insurance companies. I figure some years I won't use all the money and it could go towards the years when I need it. What's your solution?""
Cheap or free help with medical insurance?
I need health insurance for myself my children are covered under medicade and I need health insurance that is free or cheap
auto insurance quotes in phoenix az
auto insurance quotes in phoenix az
Is a Kawasaki ninja 250 or a Kawasaki KLR650 cheaper insurance?
I'm looking for a first bike, I am 16 years old, 150LBS, 5'11''. Money is an issue so I will be getting maybe an 08 ninja or an older duel sport bike. Anybody have any estimates and anybody have any suggestions? I will only have about $3000 to spend. I am looking for liability insurance.""
How much higher is the maintance cost on a BMW vs Ford/Chevy/Dodge?
i want to get a bmw as my first car, i can afford the car, insurance, taxes all that junk but what i dont no about are the service costs? compared to a regular car how much higher will they be.""
Insurance on motorcycle ?
It would be a Kawasaki ninja zx6r it is a 2006 and 600 cc engine.. I am 16 and live in northwestern Pennsylvania... I would get minimum coverage.. I would also be adding on to my dads car insurance plan and I would be getting a 20% discount for good driver etc. About how much do you think the insurance on it would be?thanks
What kind of Insurance should we have when doing a Re Fi Loan?
I am looking over the paper work and one form mentions that we have options at time of closing for different types of insurance. We have Home Owners Insurance/ I noticed disability and mortgage and Life help please
Health insurance ?
Whats a good and affordable health insurance in nashville tennessee
Collingwood or Quinn Direct car insurance?
I'm 17 and I'm getting a car soon and I've been looking on the internet for car insurance. Quinn Direct and Collingwood Insurance are a lot cheaper than the alternatives but that makes me wary of them. If anyone has been or is insured by one of these two could they let me know what they're like? Are there any hidden catches? Many thanks
Can I take out a life insurance policy on my child's father?
My ex is a very big risk taker and our son is only two years old. Being a single mom is very financially straining and if he was to die I would have to go onto public assistance. Is there a way I could take out a life insurance policy on him where I am the beneficiary? I'm terrified that he will do something stupid and wind up dead and my son and I will be stuck living off of welfare.
What is the cheapest company for a 17 year Old's car insurance in the UK?
I am 17 and looking around on sites the car insurance is around 2500 but this is too expensive for me, if I was to get car insurance I would probably drive a ford fiesta or something like that.""
How much is insurance on a motorcycle for a 16 year old caucasion male in Texas??
i have never had a car or anythin. i am wanting to buy a kawasaki 599cc. i havnt had any accidents or anything. i just need an estimant on how much it would be monthly. now plz dont say call your insurance company or give me a site to go to just plz gestimate what you think it would be.
What are the NON-LIFE INSURANCE PRODUCTS offered by Private insurance Companies?
Can some one tell me where i can find various non life insurance policies offered by private companies???
I live in Florida. Can I get renters insurance to protect my things if I live with my parents?
I should add that I'm not a student and 24 years old.
What is a semi fast car that has a semi cheap insurance rate for a 16 year old new driver?
I am trying to find a car that is fast enough that i can have some fun in but im not going to be spending a lot for insurance. I also want to have a car htat would be good to hook up.
Does anyone know an auto insurance agency that offers affordable insurance to drivers with a bad driving?
Does anyone know an auto insurance agency that offers affordable insurance to drivers with a bad driving?
I bought a stolen car and the insurance company offered me to buy again at a high price?
I bought a Audi 05 reg for 13k privatley that turned out to be stolen. The insurance company have now offered me 15k a ridiculous amount of money to buy it again, that they say is non negotiable. Does anyone know if I can get it cheaper maybe the insurance company is trying it on as they know I want it, or shall i let it go to auction and try and buy it back then.""
How much is Motorcycle insurance in TORONTO?
I'm a 28 year old male with an M1. I'm looking to purchase a bike like a 2000 GSX600-R and i was wondering how much insurance would be a month. If you are not from TORONTO, ONTARIO please don't bother replying because the prices in Toronto are usually outrageous so if you're from somewhere else, don't bother, i'm glad you get such good rates ;) also i have rode before many times, so no comments about a 600 being too big... i grew up on dirt bikes... thanks""
What is the best car insurance for me?!?
i dont know if i should be on my moms car insurance or get my own, and if i get my own, which one? im a female, 18, and live in New York. and i will probably get a car that is 4+ years old""
Are Esurance insurance rates cheaper in Texas than New Jersey?
I just moved to Texas and would like to know if my rate will be cheaper monthly here. I have heard from people that it is supposed to be but have no definite proof. I also cannot find anything else online.
Do insurance companies look into your driving record?
When getting an auto insurance quote they ask if you have any major violations. Do they only know if u tell them, or will they eventually find out of u lie?""
How much to insure a car?
im planning on buying a used Ford F250 diesel extended cab and want a general idea on what the insurance cost will be per month. im 16 soon 17 and i did complete driver training.
Speeding ticket...how much will my insurance go up?
I received a speeding ticket. If found guilty of it, how much can I expect of an increase in my insurance premium? It is my first ticket. I have USAA insurance. It is a minor infraction. (1 point in here in Cali.) Thanks for the help!""
How much would motorcycle insurance be for a 19 year old male in NY.?
If i am a 19 year old male and have insurance on my car and i have no tickets and one small accident that was my fault over a year ago how much would it be to add a motorcycle to this insurance, but im only getting as much insurance coverage that is required. I will not be getting collision or anything as bike as fairly old and if it gets recked i wont fix it. If you arent completely sure speculate as to how much you think it would be, any info helps.""
Why do underage drivers have to pay more insurance?
I'll be eligible for a learner's permit as of next year after I turn 16. However, my parents refuse to get me a driver's license until I'm at least 20. They tell me that when you add an account of a driver under somewhere around 20 yrs old (can't remember the exact age) the insurance rates go up. I don't want to be taking public transit forever so someone help! Why do the insurance rates go up? How can I avoid making them go up?""
Question about car insurance/registration in Connecticut?
I live in Connecticut, and I just got a car. I am only 17 so the car cannot go in my name because I am not 18. My dad bought the car, but I live with my mom (my parents are divorced), and my license says my mom's address. Is there any way for me to have to car garaged at my mom's house but it be in my dad's name/can I go on my dad's insurance? Reminder: this is for Connecticut!!! I really can't find this information online anywhere, so if anyone knows the answer/ has had this problem please let me know! Thanks!!!!!!""
How to find cheap insurance for my 318i bmw 1999?
How to find cheap insurance for my 318i bmw 1999?
Do amended tickets affect car insurance? if so how bad?
I need to know if the tickets that i got last year, but had them amended to non moving violations, will still affect my car insurance.""
auto insurance quotes in phoenix az
auto insurance quotes in phoenix az
How much would insurance cost for a 2011 mustang or 2011 camaro?
for a 16 year old male driver please give a price range not anything like Too Much or Alot thank you
How much should i expect to pay for car insurance?
im 20/ male/ new driver/ will be driving a used, regular, good condition, non-sport-car sedan, or something of like/ and in los angeles ca thanks""
Anyone know a cheap Health Insurance Cover for myself?
Im single, 27 years old and living in Victoria/Melbourne""
Where can I get affordable life insurance with good benefits?
I have 4 boys 19,18,15 and 13. So I will like to insure my kids. I live at SF, California. Any advice?""
NJ Car Insurance? What do you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.ne... Liberty Mutual Etc.?
NJ Car Insurance? What do you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc.
""How much would insurance cost for a 23 year old with a $1,500 car in florida?""
Assuming the car is fully paid for, how much would insurance cost on a rather cheap ($1,500) car in Florida for a 23 year old with a spotless record. If an exact amount is too hard to find, a ballpark estimate would help.""
Should I put my car insurance under my name or my dad's name?
I'm 22 years old male, clean driving record, my dad just give me his 97 Lexus ES300, and we own the car together, so both his and my name are on the car registration. The ...show more""
Please Help...Will i be able to get any health insurance?
Im a 21 yr old female, who benefits from deferred action. im currently working two jobs and going to community college. money is TIGHT. i know being protected under deferred action will not provide me any health insurance help but can i still be able to get ANY help? im a type 1 diabetic as well and the cost of insulin and doctor visits skyrockets every single time. i live with my parents but i dont receive money from them. i guess long story short. can i get any type of health insurance? if i dont die from diabetes ill die from the cost of it hahaha. i live in Southern California if thats any help. thanks in advance :)""
What is the best insurance company?
I am buying a Cadillac Cts and need a good and cheep insurance company. I am 16 and have taken my drivers Ed. Should I get Gieco, allstate, state-farm, or nation wide. please help what do you have. I live in florida 32967""
How much do insurance agents make per hour? California?
I went to an interview and was ask what yearly salary I was looking for. I wasn't sure what to answer. I live in California. The position is going to required me to travel to two different offices. The company is called Fiesta Insurance. Thank you
How much is it to add a second car to the insurance.?
im getting my first car and im wondering how much it would be to add it to my dads insurance plan.It is a 1990 firebird
""How do I get quotes on things such as insurance, utility cost, and building remodling?""
how do I get quotes on things such as insurance, utility cost, and building remodling when I'm writing a business plan? We finally have found a great location for a bar and grill we have wanted to open and a business plan requires a lot of estimating costs and I want to find the most accurate figures so that I can set myself up for success.""
How much does auto insurance cost for a 17 year old boy for insurance companies?
I'm in the u.s.
Who's the best company for young car insurance?
I know the kind of car to get for cheap insurance but i'm still looking at around 3000 for insurance, i was just wondering if there is any companies out there people my age can actually afford.""
Car Insurance pricing question?
I'm trying to understand how the insurance for each of our cars gets chosen. We have a 2007 gmc yukon XL (biggest of the 3), a 97 mercury grand marquis LS, and a 2001 gmc Sierra (pickup). Of these 3, the grand marquis is the most expensive, then sierra, and the cheapest insurance belongs to the yukon. Just trying to figure out how this works...""
Which state has the most affordable health insurance?
Which state has the most affordable health insurance?
Health insurance for someone with a preexisting condition?
I have heard about plans that are available through association memberships with limited benefits. Is this a legitimate method of obtaining coverage for someone who is otherwise ineligible for insurance? Any other suggestions? The high-risk pool insurance in California is not affordable.
How much do you pay for car insurance and on what company?
Im tryign to find the cheapest.
Are you going to purchase health insurance as required by law ?
Now that the public option is off the table ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where's the guarantee that it will become affordable ?
Where can I find cheap auto insurance?
I have a spotless driving record and pay my premiums on time every month. I signed up for AMICA insurance a few years ago because they only cared about your driving record so my premiums were low. Two years later they decide to do a credit check on all of their customers and they saw I have a wage earner. Regardless of my spotless driving record and my dependability on making all of my premiums on time they upped my premiums substantially because of bad credit. Its not fair. When I signed up they did not do credit checks and went solely on your record. Where can I find an insurance that charges you fair premiums based on safe driving record?
Does insurance follow the car?
I have a license, and want to drive, but i can't afford a car of my own. I want to drive my grandmother's car, but my mother won't let me because your insurance doesn't cover that . But, i thought that the rule of thumb was that the insurance follows the car? If i was pulled over in my grandmother's car, and she had insurance, and the insurance i have copied in my wallet is under a different car, would i be in any legal trouble?""
What is the best health insurance for me?
I'm a 21 year old male. I think I need to get some health insurance. I want to pay the least amount that I can per month or least amount per visit or both any input is great thank you :)
How much is monthly insurance rates?
What are the things you pay insurance for and how much...
""If I have health insurance, should I not pay for certain coverages on my car insurance?""
I have health insurance with HealthNet. For car insurance, there seems to be 3 major items for coverage: -BODILY INJURY LIABILITY -PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY -UNINSURED MOTORIST & UNDERINSURED MOTORIST I'm under the impression that the third item is health insurance *for me* if I get into an accident. Why do I want that if I am paying for medical insurance anyway? Should I minimize coverage on this item?""
Car Insurance for Citroen Saxo?
So i've been looking at cars seeing as im 17 and learning to drive. Well i really like a car ive seen which is a Citroen Saxo 1.1 litre and 2003 model. Round about how much insurance would it be? one of my parents would be on the insurance also and they have no claims. I'm female by the way if that makes much of a difference? Help would b appreciated :)
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auto insurance quotes in phoenix az
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