#or he will act extremely offended and say I’m exaggerating
spacebell · 7 months
I do love my brother but I just don’t love living with him
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astrow1zar6 · 7 months
Astro Observations-32
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Gemini moons have very unstable opinions and values. They usually change what they believe in based on their social environment. It’s very easy to convince them it’s this and not that if you’re convincing enough. These constant changes can make people confused in what they actually believe in. Very rare they have fixed beliefs about something. They contradict themselves a lot.
Gemini suns if underdeveloped can be big copy cats. I think they do it as a way to fit in so they’re more susceptible to changing their style or mannerisms based off of others they inspire to be like
Aries suns get triggered by everything very easily. If you say something they don’t like or that offends them they can take it from 0-100 real quick. They can be very mean at times but that’s usually their defense mechanism for feeling hurt. They can let wayyy to much things get to them they should learn to not take things so personally even if they are offended (this goes for Aries moon as well!!!) Controlling their reactions to how they deal with bs can help their mental peace a lot. When they learn not everything needs a reaction they can really become some bosses fr
Pisces/12th house placements show different versions of themselves based off of the persons vibe their interacting with. Which is why some ppl can see them as quiet and reserved and another person can see them as hot headed and loud and another can see them as sweet and outgoing etc. They can read ppls energy very easily which is why I believe they’re able to subconsciously change their personality to certain ppl as a defense mechanism to sorta see if that person is safe enough to be their true selfs. This can be why a lot of ppl see them in so many different lights. (Ex: my brother has a 12th house stellium and with family he’s extremely awkward & reserved but I’m his school he’s extremely popular & social and gets in trouble for talking too much). Learning to be more comfortable showing ur true self to others (other than the people they see as safe) can help others pin point better the person you are.
Cancer moons are so emotionally intelligent it’s insane
I notice your moon sign acts more like the stereotypical sign then your sun sign (ex: Scorpio moons act more like stereotypical Scorpios then Scorpio suns)
Leo moons are very passionate ppl. They want to live the intensity of life & they live it like that. That’s why ppl mistake their behavior for exaggeration & drama. These are actually their feelings they don’t exaggerate they truly feel that intensity. They’re only playful with selected people which is why others can see them as cold at times. If underdeveloped they can act like know it alls a lot, they can be very defensive and hard headed to others advice bc they believe they know better. Can result in big ego problems if not checked. But overall genuine hearted ppl.
Virgo moons get the “ick” from people easily that don’t value what they value
Sag moons do you guys deal with deep emotions at all? Everyone I met with this placement is abnormally very jolly & nothing usually bothers them much. How do you guys deal with emotions?? I’m lowkey jealous of this moon placement because of how well you take negatively. They’re able to transmute negative energy into something positive with such little effort. This can be somewhat stressful for deeper signs however to really see under all that joy. This lack of depth can make it harder for others to relate at times. This placement is the definition of golden retriever energy.
Ppl with Aries mars in their chart gain muscle VERY easily (especially in their arms) these people actually enjoy working out and going to the gym normally. As kids they had a surplus of physical energy. They were usually always running around or climbing stuff making obstacles courses, arm wrestling ppl etc. this placement is a blessing in terms of energy levels and health.
Taurus placement can sit around and watch tv all day if u let them. They really love TV especially movies. I notice this more with Taurus mars as well, they’re more likely to watch movies all day or binge watch shows for hours. It’s usually their happy place (and when u add food to it they’ll never leave lol)
Taurus moons usually always grew up loving fashion and clothes. Even as kids they can be very creative with the outfits the wore. They were usually too stubborn to have their mom pick out their clothes cuz they wanted a certain “look” (I’m guilt for this) they are also very fond of thrifting! Can be big shopaholics lol
Pisces moons tend to ghost ppl they’re close too with very little warning. They’ll just randomly decide to move to another state without informing anyone which can catch ppl off guard a lot. They do this especially when they feel overwhelmed with life and responsibilities. These are the hardest ppl to keep in touch with (unless you’re a love interest) they tend to put their love interests before everyone.
Pisces suns fall in love with some of the most psychotic/mentally unstable ppl ever lol. They tend to have very chaotic love life’s and tend to go for people that need some sort of mental help.
Out of all the Venus signs I feel like Taurus Venus’s have the easiest time in relationships. They tend to go for very stable people that usually treat them well. They have the ability to attract very helpful partners. (Cries in aqua Venus 🥲) however they can be more likely to take their partners for granted and don’t realize how good they have it.
Another question for other astrologers does the house of ur Venus give the same affect as the sign? Like for example ( does having a 5th house Venus give the same effect as having a Leo Venus in a way? Or is it not as strong?)
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hey pookie
can u do smth abt Minho pleaseuuuuu
like tbh I'd love some Minho fluff :3
If not, make it extreme smut :D
Ily and ur works <33
Bye byeee
Title: Beautiful (Just like you😻)
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Ofc pookie! I kinda suck at writing smut so I’m gonna do fluff!
Pairing: Lee Know x genderneutral!reader 
Trope/Genre: Fluff, Established relationship
I took a couple phrases from this fluff prompt masterlist! Check it out for some good prompts
Warnings: A teeny tiny suggestive comment at the end, use of pet names
622 words 
Summary: You, like the dumbass you are decides to say that you never get flustered, so in an attempt to prove you wrong, Minho showers you with compliments and praise.
Minho had just finished brushing his teeth when he came into your room and lay next to you. He cuddled up under the covers while you gazed at him. The moonlight perfectly shone on his face and he looked heavenly.
“I could just stare at you forever.” You said looking into his beautiful brown eyes. “Creep.” He rolled over so you couldn’t see his face anymore. 
“You suck.” “I love you too.” He replied. “I want to keep looking at you!” “No!” “Why!” “It makes me feel weird!” “Weird good or weird bad?” “Wouldn’t you like to know?” “Yes, that's why I asked.” He turned over to look at you.
“Whenever you try complimenting me it never works.” “What never works?” You questioned. “You can’t fluster me.” “I’m not trying to!” He glared at you. “Most of the time, I’m not trying to.” “Mhm, sure. More like you’re trying all the time.” “It doesn’t matter anyway because it never works…” “I know. It’s amusing seeing you try though.”
 “Why is it so hard to make you blush? It’s insane!” “You know what’s even more insane?” “What?” “The fact that you get flustered so easily. It’s cute.” You felt butterflies in your stomach at his words and he had an amused look on his face.
“See, you get flustered easily.” “Yeah, I guess…” “You guess? I could just compliment you and your face would heat up.” “You’re exaggerating a bit.” “Oh, I’m really not.” “You literally aren’t even that good at flirting.” He seemed a little offended by your words. 
“Okay let's do a little experiment. I’m going to try to flirt with you, and you have to try your best to stay composed, which apparently, you do constantly.” “Alright sure, we have nothing better to do anyway.” He stared at you like you did when he first came into bed and said nothing.
“You're so creepy.” “What? I’m just giving you a taste of your own medicine.” “Please stop.” He moved his face closer to yours. “Make me.” “I’m too tired to do that, just keep staring.”
You sat there in silence until Minho spoke up. “I don’t tell you how stunning you are enough.” “Huh?” “I don’t think any amount of my compliments could ever represent the amount of beauty you have.” “It’s giving Shakespeare.” He rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand and interlaced it with his.
“You’re breathtaking. Honestly, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” “I feel like you’re just saying this to prove you’re right.” You joked.
“No, I’m not. These are all things that constantly cross my mind. I never knew how much I could miss someone before I met you. I never knew how much I could enjoy being around someone before I met you.” He took a short pause and kissed you. “I never knew how much I could love someone before I met you.”
Your face was getting redder with every single word he said. Unlike most of the other flirting attempts he’s used in the past, this time you could feel the sincerity seeping through every sentence. “I can’t imagine my life without you, and I’m so proud of you.” He looked down and then back at you. 
“You okay honey? You’re acting a little strange.” “Yup! couldn’t be better. Just a little hot. Are you hot or is it just me?” He laughed. “Yeah, it’s just you. I’ve never seen you this flustered.” “I was expecting a lot more innuendos to be honest.” “I can be sweet when I want to be.” You sighed. “That was a lot to take in.” He smiled.
“You’re so pretty when you blush.” “I’m not blushing what do you mean?” “Whatever you say beautiful.”
Author note: Thank you so much for the request! I loved writing this so much! Like always, constructive criticism is wanted! If you liked this, please follow me for more fanfics like this one <3 Thank you!
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txbbo · 3 years
I've been debating making this because this is definitely not what my blog is known for and I was worried that people wouldn't want to see it, but with the amount of shit im seeing on twitter it's compelled me to make this because I'm so frustrated.
I feel like I could make 100 posts about 'Cancel Culture' and it wouldn't be enough, so I'm just going to focus on what caused me to write this tonight - the Tommy situation. *Warning for a VERY long post below*
To be clear, Tommy has been in 'hot water' on twitter for the past couple weeks, roughly starting with the KSI collaboration where he made a joke about dream stans.
Last week, when the SBI 'exposing account' got made and twitter hyped it up, someone made a Tommy account and made a thread of things he needed to be '''educated''' on: https://twitter.com/idktommyinnit/status/1379158964148002821?s=20
I'll let you read it for yourself (and come to your own conclusion) but to me.... half of this stuff does not require a twitter thread? Breaking it down accusation by accusation:
1) 'The Mexican accent' - the clips show he is clearly only doing it when copying big Q (who famously exaggerates his own accent) and there is zero malicious intent (Big Q is also IN the 3 clips mentioned in the thread, and obviously didn't tell Tommy it was offensive). There's debates in the comments from people who think it is offensive and people who don't, so I'm not trying to pick a side. To avoid accidentally offending anyone, maybe it is best for him to stop, but the way twitter acts as if he was purposefully doing this to offend people is just not true.
2- 'Making a slave joke' - Even saying that feels wrong, because it suggests Tommy is doing something awful. Instead, they are referring to the 'bit' that Tommy, Techno, Tubbo and Ant were involved in, when Tommy and Techno took Tubbo and Ant as their slave. People are taking this vod and using it to accuse Tommy of being insensitive to Black people, but I think people are just assuming the worst. Slavery existed long before the transatlantic slave trade and still exists today. This is a role-play server - Tommy 'forced' Ant to work for him and used the word slave, which to me is exactly what was happening? People 'murder' others on the SMP, people 'kidnap' on the SMP, people are 'terrorists' on the SMP, and all happen without issue. To add, Ant is a WHITE man. Tommy taking a WHITE man as a slave is not something uber problematic.
3- 'His reply to Techno's 'murder is bad' tweet'. - I get people saying that Techno's initial tweet was insensitive, but saying Tommy's agreement to this from almost over a year ago is something notable and worth addressing is just super nitpicky and is clearly only in there to pad out the thread. It also makes me wonder what other CC's interacted with it and if THEY should be cancelled too (according to twitter).
4 - 'The saying slurs' tweet / jokes about 'whats the worst word you know' - This one I can kinda see how people might not like it. However, it's clearly a 'poke' at his friends, making them seem like bad people. To me, its in the same vein as 'Tubbo is a Tory' or when Tubbo shoots back that 'Tommy is a Nigel Farage fan'. They're obviously not, but its making fun of your friends by saying they are, and mockingly making them out out to be bad people.
5- 'Covid jokes' - People are taking jokes he made about him 'having covid' and saying he shouldn't joke about this, even going as far to linking it to asian hate crimes. I don't even know how to explain that that this is just? not a 'cancellable offence'? I'm sorry but if I hear anyone in my family coughing I make a little joke that 'they better not have covid' and I know other people do. I have someone in my family who is extremely vulnerable to Covid and if they caught it, would quite literally die, but I can understand that jokes like these are harmless. The whole internet had a running joke that we were in a 'panoramic' or 'Panera' or 'insert any word that sounds like pandemic.
This thread got a lot of attention and anything he tweeted afterwards was spammed with the link and there were so many people upset that he hadn't addressed it. I saw so many people say how 'upset' and 'disappointed' they were in him.
Going on to today, this happened: https://twitter.com/khasiid/status/1380611890104139776?s=20
I get it, it looks bad. But for context (which the tweet doesn't give), the reply was only up for less than a minute. It was obvious to me, even BEFORE Tommy addressed it in his stream (clip here: https://twitter.com/cowrpse/status/1380640046202593283?s=20 ) that it was a mistake. In the clip, he clearly acknowledges his mistake and seems embarrassed. To me, this situation should just be laid to rest because a mistake does not need this much attention, but twitter disagrees.
In case it wasn't obvious by now, the tide is turning against Tommy and people are less willing to ignore genuine mistakes and assume the worst.
Today, during his birthday stream people were clearly already waiting for him to mess up. Around half way through, he started saying 'finna' out of context and Tubbo joined in. This led to tons of tweets telling him he was misusing AAVE, and while there were plenty of people willing to be patient and educate, there were also people seeing this as an example of him being a 'bad person' and someone who should be 'without a platform'. I think people forget that not everyone has the same internet upbringing as they do. In general, I think its noted that the misuse of AAVE is something that has just recently been brought to attention. I learned about it through tiktok and stan twitter, and I don't think it's unimaginable that a British 17 year old boy (who is not active on either) has never heard of 'African American Vernacular English'.
Just for a fuller picture, today has also brought about another 'criticism' that I just had to address.
1) 'Tommy made a KKK joke' - Like the 'slavery' point, saying this is extremely misleading. It makes people think the worst. Here's the clip: https://twitter.com/ghostburz/status/1380673589612011522?s=20
Here, Tommy and Tubbo are both joking about Tubbo's 'bit' of naming his alt streams 'aaaaaaaaaa', 'bbbbbbb', 'cccccc', etc and how it would've been bad if it was 'kkkkkkkk' (for obvious reasons). That is literally it. It is a less than 20 second clip. Acknowledging that people woulda thought about the 'KKK' is not him 'not understanding Black issues', its a throwaway joke about the obvious.
Lastly, someone on twitter has made a tommyinnit (address asap) doc - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tZEZtBzikS-EYYkssfFtwVOoFqOwCK0zhStLe6H1wCc/edit
I've basically already covered everything in this document, but I wanted to mention how extremely 'guilt trippy' the whole thing is. I struggled to come up with the perfect word for the situation, and I am open to hearing other peoples opinion, but as I have mentioned none of these things Tommy has been accused of were done with malicious intent, and some I believe don't even need addressed at all.
'slavery is a source of astronomical trauma for black people, and isn’t something to be taken lightly if you’re to look into the horrors of the slave trade."
and "Oftentimes they are the last words we hear before we die and it really is not Tommy’s place to joke about words that affect us so negatively."
Are extremely emotional words for a 17-year-old boy to hear on his birthday, for stuff that I believe has been taken out of context and blown out of proportion.
I really feel bad for him, because such a large proportion of twitter (which ofc is the loudest side of the fanbase) is angry at him and is demanding (as the document says) ''either a stream or twitter thread/twitlonger to addressing this' and 'a long and serious apology instead of a short statement pre-stream'.
We all know how twitter works, and unless his apology is perfect (which to me means apologising for stuff that he should't have to, as explained in the thread), twitter will continue with this weird hyper focus on everything he does, and it's not going to end well.
Twitter's mentality of 'putting everything this person has done that could ever be considered problematic' into one neat little thread is so unhelpful and counter intuitive. I got overwhelmed reading some of the stuff people were saying about him, I can't imagine how he feels.
I feel like I have more to say but at risk of writing an essay longer than my actual work I have to do, I'm going to end here.
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Some People Wrap Their Lies Around a Cocktail Glass | Damian Wayne
And You Sit Wondering Where You’re Going to Turn
✦ pairing — older!Damian Wayne x female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 3.3k
✦ fake dating AU
✦ summary — you need to cover up the fact that your boyfriend broke up with you a week before your step-father’s Christmas party, and Damian needs a date for his father’s New Year’s ball. Both of you are experts at pretending, what could go wrong?
✦ warnings — some angst, mentions of food, Damian and reader are neighbors, a little bit of awkwardness, sprinkles of fluff.
✦ mini series masterlist
Every time your phone buzzed, you hoped it was him. Such a naive and sick logic, one of a teenager waiting for her crush to text back, was nothing compared with the sobering truth.
Your ex-boyfriend was your ex for a reason. And you would have to face the music on your own.
Your mother was going to be disappointed. Not more than you were. Travis had been a good boyfriend, goofy and nice. He hadn’t been the gentlest person in the world, but you learned to accept that he wasn’t perfect.
You could have fallen for him if he had given you enough time.
Your cellphone rang and the fact that it hadn’t buzzed startled you. A handful of people called you instead of texting you, yet you didn’t have to look at the caller ID to know who it was.
That was your luck. What a horrible week. And it was only Monday noon.
Taking a deep breath, you nodded to yourself and swiped your finger against the screen to take the call. “How is everything going?” you softly greeted your mother.
She sighed. “I will be relieved when the planning is over.” She changed the subject, “Did your boyfriend clear his schedule?”
You breathed out a small laugh. “He did,” you lied. Not even sure if Travis had truly wanted to attend, you lied some more, “He’s excited to meet you.”
“We are excited too. Your uncle said he won’t believe it until he sees it.”
You and him both. As she told you about every guest she was skeptical about showing up, you mentally went through your list of feeble romantic relationships.
Jordan was in town, you had heard about them a few days ago. But asking them to be your date out of nowhere would be embarrassing when the last thing they knew about you was that you were happy in a new relationship.
Liam’s bright blue eyes came to your mind, and you almost had the answer. You hooked up a couple of times after breaking up, and you were friendly enough for you to feel comfortable telling him the truth. The problem was that your mother hated Liam.
The list continued getting shorter and shorter, your anxiety levels higher and higher. You shouldn’t have lied to your mother, but pride was a marvelous and twisted thing and you shared such a stupid little thing with her.
“Have you spoken to your father?” she asked, unbeknownst to her only adding to the pile of regrets and worries.
“Brianna said he’s out of town.”
Your mother grunted. It was clear that both of you knew Brianna had lied. “Well, you’ll see him for New Year’s.”
“I suppose, yes.”
She said your name sternly. “He’s your father.”
He didn’t act like he was. “He hasn’t called in weeks,” you explained. “I am not sure he wants to see me.”
”Your father is a busy man,” she told you. It was like a reflex to her, excusing him even though she had divorced him when you were eight.
Adults and their busy lives, wrapped in their lies and inane promises. You had really tried to be different, but caving in was too easy. What a mess.
“I have to leave you,” she lamented. You could hear that she meant it by the emotion that seeped into her voice. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Have a nice day,” you wished her, voice trembling as anxiety fully kicked in.
The moment the line clicked, you dropped your cellphone onto the sofa. Sniffing, you walked into your bedroom in search of a hair tie.
You needed to keep your hands busy so you could come up with something to say. Or somebody to date.
Damian’s scrutinizing gaze greeted you as he opened the door. You analyzed his stance and attire, trying to assess whether you had interrupted anything or not.
He stepped back without taking his eyes off you, hand still on the door handle. His hair was damp, and he looked extremely comfortable, wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.
He would also have looked approachable if his eyes weren’t so sharp.
“Are you coming in or not?”
You reacted, extending your arms to offer a container to him. “I made cookies earlier.”
He looked down at the container in your grasp, then back up at your face. “Get inside.”
You stepped into Damian’s apartment, used to the minimalistic style that you secretly wished you had chosen for your own place.
At the same time, you liked your apartment. Your mother helped you decorate, and she had impeccable taste.
He placed the cookies onto the coffee table, motioning for you to sit.
Sitting down, you watched him do the same just in front of you. His gaze was still sharp, but he waited for you to speak.
When you didn’t, he said, “I know you bake when you’re stressed.”
“It calms me.”
“You baked a pie two days ago. In the middle of the night.”
“And it was good,” you said immediately. “Right?”
He nodded. “Delicious,” he assured you. “Yet I can’t help but worry.”
You gripped your hair, exhaling harshly. “Holiday stuff.”
“Did you finally come to terms with the fact that all those ornaments look awful?”
“They do not,” you said, quite offended. You had spent an entire weekend decorating the living room. Sighing at the memory of choosing Christmas decorations and ornaments with your now ex-boyfriend, you explained your problem, “Travis broke up with me this past Saturday, and I don’t know how to tell my mother.”
Confusion was clear in Damian’s features. You had expected a comment about how you could find someone better, but not this.
“He was going to attend Leonard’s Christmas party with me.”
Leonard was your step-father. Your mother married him when you were a pre-teen and since then you had never skipped one of his parties or events.
He was the only reason why your mother and you were rich, and your biological father hated you for choosing him.
Money hadn’t been the reason why you took a liking to Leonard, although having everything you wanted and needed was nice, but your father wouldn’t have understood even if he tried.
Damian lifted an eyebrow. You could tell he wished you were joking.
“Too soon, I know.”
“I’m just shocked you planned to take him from all people to such event.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You met him on a dating app and your first date was at a bar,” he reminded you as though that explained everything. Your semblance must’ve shown skepticism because he added, “You are not supposed to take somebody like him to your family’s house unless you hate your family.”
“A lot of people do that and their relationships succeed.”
Damian inhaled sharply, shaking his head. “Does Travis even own a suit?”
“I was going to buy him appropriate clothes, a matching tie, get him a haircut... He hates formal attire.”
“I thought you liked your step-father.”
“I do. That’s why I was finally going to take somebody with me so people wouldn’t ask him why I’m always single and make him uncomfortable.”
He hummed, nodding slowly. “So you wanted him to try and explain why his step-daughter was dating a bad boy caricature. Very reasonable.”
“First of all, some bad guys are attractive. Have you seen The Phantom of The Opera?”
“You didn’t just insult Erik’s skills like that,” he said, offended.
“I’m not comparing him to Travis. It was an example.”
“A poor one at that unless Travis smells as bad as Erik.”
You shook your head. Damian was exaggerating when he said Travis was a bad boy caricature — apart from the fact that he loved wearing leather and sometimes took part in street races, he was a normal guy.
“Besides,” he continued, always eager to be right, “a bad boy and a bad guy aren’t the same thing. I thought you were literate in media.”
It seemed like he would never let go of the fact that you had switched careers when film school got unbearable.
“The point is,” you tried to go back to the topic at hand, “that it could have worked.”
“If you say so,” he said sarcastically. “You didn’t tell me what is it that Leonard usually says when people ask about your love life.”
“That I’m focused on my career or that I like to keep my private life separate from big events.”
Leonard had always been nice to you. He never planned to have children of his own, yet he never complained about you. From the day you met, he tried to befriend you, and eventually, he started to treat you as a daughter. He never made you call him dad unlike your father’s third wife who cried when you refused to call her mom — he never forced you to do anything.
Damian offered you a cookie, but you shook your head and he motioned for you to continue speaking as he took a cookie for himself.
“I lied to my mother earlier and I don’t know what I’m going to do or say, but I would rather eat my own foot than tell her my boyfriend chose to break up with me a week before the day he was supposed to meet her.”
Damian bit into the cookie, and you waited for a comment about how good or bad it was. He stared at you, brow twitching, before he once again made a movement with his hand so you would continue talking.
He knew you too well for your own good. And he also seemed to know that leaving you alone with your mind wasn’t such a good idea when you were in distress.
“I considered calling up an escort and have them pretend to be my partner, but I’m nervous,” you admitted, dropping your hands onto your lap for a second before moving them to rest on the couch, one at each of your sides. “What if that ruins it even more? Such a waste of money. And the embarrassment…”
He silently chewed, eyes focused on you. As he swallowed, he pinched his nose with his free hand. “I’ll do it.”
“You want to pay for the escort?”
Unamused, he clarified, “I’ll pretend to be your boyfriend.”
“I can’t ask that from you, Damian. You have your own events to attend! You said you would spend the holidays at your father’s house.”
He stayed silent, not taking his eyes off you. He then licked his bottom lip and said, “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll be your sweet and loving boyfriend in front of your family and Leonard’s acquaintances, and you’ll be my mysterious and charming girlfriend in front of my family and my father’s acquaintances.”
His offer was reasonable. Pretending was easy for you, meaningless. Leonard and your mother were always clear when they asked you to dress in certain ways or attend boring events — they weren’t expecting you to change, just to fool other people into thinking you were different.
They did the same, and that was enough for you.
Leonard’s smile was fake and tight in public when the only thing you could think about the smiles he gave you around the house was how warm they were.
Your mother was the opposite. You had seen her the happiest with Leonard, but she had always been rather cold as a person. In public, she was a lovely woman, always smiling and laughing.
“We can’t be in two places at once.”
“Father doesn’t celebrate Christmas publicly,” he explained blandly. “You just need to buy a new gown and cancel your plans for New Year’s.”
“For your father’s annual ball?”
“I can do that,” you assured him. Or yourself.
That night, as you stepped back into your apartment, you couldn’t help but make a face of disgust.
The ornaments were truly awful. You had gone overboard with everything — at the moment it had felt so good, laughing and drinking with Travis as you filled the living room with colors.
But that wasn’t your style. You didn’t even like colored Christmas lights.
Despite your best efforts, you couldn’t keep yourself from being nervous. The last time you took somebody to one of Leonard’s big parties had been awkward and uncomfortable, a high school boyfriend who was too eager to impress your family.
Everybody understood because teen relationships usually are awkward and over-the-top. Now you wouldn’t have an excuse, you were an adult with a job and so-called social skills.
The first one was spot on. You had a job, you loved your job — and you didn’t need a job so you never felt pressured.
Your social skills, however, worried you. It was the anxiety playing tricks with your confidence, you knew, yet you couldn’t do anything but indulge it.
A part of you wondered if you would be this nervous if Travis was the one accompanying you. Perhaps you would be in a worse estate, or perhaps he wouldn’t have allowed you to worry.
But you didn’t have time to think about the what if’s. The party would take place the next day.
Time had flown by, you had been busy buying gifts and attempting to wrap them while balancing work and your friends’ own Christmas celebrations.
As though he knew you were a ball of nerves, curled up on the couch with a blanket over your shoulders and hands around your fourth —or was it the fifth?— cup of coffee that evening, Damian knocked upon your door.
You weren’t surprised to see him. He had said you would need to go through a few details before Leonard’s party.
You had barely interacted with Damian throughout the week, but he had assured you he was ready. He even sent you a picture of the tie he bought for the party, wanting to make sure the color was the right one.
His eyes scanned the living room as he made himself comfortable. He didn’t make a comment about the new ornamentation, but the fact that he hadn’t scowled was a good sign.
“I assumed you would be baking in preparation.”
“I’m not that stressed.” You folded the blanket and rested it onto the arm of the couch. “Can I offer you something to drink? Water, coffee, tea, alcohol...”
He shook his head. “Thank you. So, you don’t bake for your family?”
“Oh! I do, but on other occasions. Birthdays, anniversaries...” You sighed, shrugging. “Private things.”
A few times your mother had encouraged you to bake your father a birthday cake, but he rarely spent his birthday in town so that was even rarer.
“Have you already made our story up?”
“I suppose we should stick to the truth for the most part. Neighbors, then friends, and then...”
“Are you going to awkwardly tell your mother you’re dating me or are you just messing with me?”
”it’s hard for me to lie to my mother,” you explained, abashed. “It’s even worse if I have her in front of me.”
Damian stood up and opened an arm. “Come here.”
“I don’t need you to comfort me.”
He scoffed. “I’m not trying to comfort you. Come.”
You stood in front of him, looking down at his hand. “You want me to take it?”
“No. Well, perhaps...” He pensively looked at your form. “We have never been close physically.”
It had escaped you that you would need to touch him in order for your relationship to be believable. “So we’re going to practice.”
He hummed. “I’ll have my arm around you for most of the night,” he emphasized.
You stood beside him, expecting him to rest his arm behind your neck. Damian placed his palm on your upper back first, tentative.
His hand slowly slid up, tracing your shoulder blade. As he wrapped his arm around both your shoulders, he grunted.
Turning to look at him, you asked, “What?”
“It’s rather awkward to walk around in this position.”
“Okay,” you breathed out. “So?”
He slanted his head to face you. “Waist or hip?”
You considered the question, thinking about the way your dress would fall down your body. “Which one do you think would look better?”
“I have no clue.”
At least he was honest. Moving his hand off your shoulder, you lightly took it in your grasp. “Let’s stand in front of the mirror.”
Damian didn’t withdraw his hand from yours as you guided him into your bedroom. He curiously stared at the walls, quickly glancing at everything his eyes could fall onto.
He knew so much yet so little about you... you were friends, yes, and he trusted you with things he had never even imagined he would say out loud. At the same time, he was still getting used to his new life.
It wasn’t drastically different, but it was freeing in ways he never expected. With his new life came you, and he was astonished over the fact that you hadn’t met before when you had been forced to frequent the same places. Your presence was refreshing — welcomed from the very beginning.
Damian blinked rapidly. Getting reflective over being at a friend’s bedroom for the first time was new, too.
Standing in front of the mirror, you let go of his hand. Damian surrounded your body with his arm, delicately resting his hand on your waist.
“Is that okay?” he asked, watching you through the mirror as you shifted.
“Yeah. You can lower your hand if you want.”
He did so, pressing his palm against your hip.
“I think,” you mumbled, “your hand on my hip accentuates my stomach a little too much.”
He slowly trailed his hand upward, stopping at your waist once again. “Like that?” he asked in a whisper.
“Like that,” you agreed.
The two of you stood there for a long moment, facing your reflections. You moved first, and regretted it as the temperature changed over your form.
You hadn’t realized Damian’s body was that warm.
Sitting down on your bed, you followed his movements with your eyes as he sat on your vanity’s chair.
“Speak your mind,” he commanded.
“What if Leonard doesn’t believe... us?”
“I believe he has attended a few of my father’s celebrations.” He was stiff as he spoke. “But,” he added, “I have never crossed paths with him.”
“At least he doesn’t hate you.”
“Has he hated people you’ve taken to his parties?”
“Mmmmh...” You tilted your head as you made yourself comfortable by crisscrossing your legs. “Not to one of his parties per se, but he hated the boyfriend I had in college. They had met before.”
Damian’s eyebrows shot up. “You only had one boyfriend in college?”
“No,” you laughed as you confessed, “but my family only met one.”
“I’m more worried about your mother.” He tried to be nonchalant as he said it, but it sounded like a confession too.
But you weren’t. Damian was easy to like. You would have worried if he had to meet your father — he always seemed to think the opposite your mother did. Your father would have told you not to date somebody more attractive than you, or mocked you for supposedly dating a rich guy too.
“Don’t mention her age and everything will go smoothly.”
“I honestly can’t tell if you’re joking or not.”
You shrugged. “Just to be safe, assume I am not.”
He huffed a laugh, mouth twinging before he sighed.
As he stood up, you did too. Damian looked at the time just to be sure that he had to leave already and said, “I should let you get some sleep and get some rest of my own.”
Agreeing, you silently walked him towards the door. You wanted to thank him for doing this, ask if he was sure he was willing to not only do this for you but trust you with returning the favor.
Words didn’t come out of you. They did from him. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
Yeah, you would see him in the morning for what would probably be one of the longest days of your life.
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stellar-starseed · 3 years
Closer Than That
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Group: Stray Kids
Pairing: Changbin x reader, Jisung x reader, polyamory
Summary: Your best friends happen to be 3racha, but Changbin was your closest friend from childhood. When things start to take a different turn in your relationship, you’re left wondering which way is up.
Word Count: 2,250
Chapter: 13/14
Other Chapters: Master List
Warnings: 18+; sexual content, language
Chapter 13
You were so emotional when you saw Changbin heading in your direction, you felt tears stinging your eyes. You saw him long before he saw you, so you got to watch his bare tired face and sluggish walk up the path to the dorms. When he reached the point where he could see you, Changbin’s whole demeanor changed. He ran up to you and wrapped you in the tightest hug.
“Binnie.” You choke out, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and running your fingers through his messy hair. You hurried your face in his neck and breathed in his familiar comforting scent. You missed that scent so much you didn’t wash your pillow cases the whole time they were gone.
“I’ve missed you princess.” He whispers, hugging you tighter. It took a long moment before either of you let go. Before you could tear yourself away from Changbin, Chan was cracking jokes about being in the relationship.
“Isn’t it too soon?” You laugh and smack Chan’s chest.
“Is it?” Chan questioned with a playful look. He held out his arms for a hug and you gladly gave him one. Seungmin came into view over Chan’s shoulder.
“Look how handsome you’re getting!” You shriek and let go of Chan. “Did you grow?” Seungmin beamed and gave you a light hug.
“I think he grew too.” Chan shook his head and gave Seungmin a fake disgusted look. Seungmin chuckled and mumbled something about sleep.
You see Minho coming and say, “Where’s out baby bread?” You pout. Minho’s face drops and you giggle and wrap your arms around him.
“I missed you.” You say to him.
“You too.” He says and pats your back. “Hyunjin and Jeongin are trying to get Jisung to come in.” Minho whispers to you. You felt sad all of a sudden and decided to head inside.
“I think I’m making it hard for Jeongin to come in. Maybe I should go.” You say to Changbin once you get into his room.
“What? No, Princess, I just got home. All I want is to lay right here with you. Also maybe a nice dinner but only something we can order in because I’m not moving from this spot.” He smiled up and you and you melted. You laid down facing him and kissed his soft lips. You lingered there for a moment and his hand slipped around your waist to pull you closer.
“God, I missed you.” He rocked you back and forth momentarily by your hip.
“Not nearly as much as I missed you.” You pout. Changbin suddenly got a bit solemn. You poked his partially protruding bottom lip. “What is it baby?”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you.” Changbin picked at a loose string on your hoodie sleeve.
“Baby! You had work to do. Millions of adoring fans needing to hear that sexy voice of yours. Who cares that Jisung couldn’t handle the heat.” You shrug. Changbin was near shocked at your response. When you genuinely seemed okay he chuckled and kissed you hard.
“How are you so perfect?” He buried his face in your chest.
Jisung sat in the van with his head in his hands. Hyunjin moved quietly behind him.
“What’s you think was going to happen if you broke up with her through a letter.” Hyunjin sat next to Jisung and pat his back. “I don’t think it’s as bad as you think it is.”
“Hey,” Jeongin called as he came around the van. He noticed Jisung and Hyunjin. “We’re finally home. Let’s get in there.”
“I’m paralyzed.” Jisung says seriously.
“What?” Jeongin laughed.
“I feel like I can’t move. I feel so nervous about seeing her I feel like I can’t move.” Jeongin’s heart sank at seeing his older member like this. He ran over to the entrance. He didn’t see anyone and ran to check inside. When he saw you were in Changbin’s room, Jeongin ran back to the van.
“She’s not out there anymore.” Jeongin confirmed. Jisung nodded and followed the two boys inside and directly to his room. Hyunjin tucked Jisung in and pat his head before telling him to get some rest. Jeongin headed to take a shower.
After what felt like the most relaxing shower, Jeongin’s returned to his room to find a quietly sobbing Jisung. He wasn’t quite sure how to handle this situation. He climbed into his bed and tossed and turned for a while.
“Hey,” Jeongin whispered.
“Huh?” Jisung sniffed. He tried to cover up his crying.
“Do you want me to get you anything?”
“No, no. Thank you.” Jisung sniffled again. “I’m okay I promise.” Jeongin nodded at that and put on his headphones.
“So, I know this says it’s for Changbin, but I could really use this right about now.”
“You can have some.” You nod. Changbin sits up immediately.
“No he can’t.”
“Babe.” You chuckle and shake your head. Getting up to meet Chan half way, you grab the bag of food and wave Chan over. He gladly follows you and sits as far away from Changbin in the small bed as possible.
“The nicer you are to him the more he sticks around.” Changbin says as if Chan can’t hear him.
“Maybe I want him around!” You defend and then you look over at Chan who is beaming. “Maybe you were right.” You whisper to Changbin extremely loud. You try to keep a straight face but when Chan’s face falls so fast you burst out laughing. Changbin chuckles with you and gives you a high five before diving into his food. You pile a bunch of food on one of the plates Chan brought in and hand it to him.
“Did I mention I love you?” Chan says with his sweet smile.
“I love you too you brat.”
“I don’t love you.” Changbin says. Chan gives him a death glare momentarily before he tried hanging in Changbin and acting cute.
“Yah, okay, okay. I love you kind of.” He shrugs Chan off.
“Good, now, brat? I am so offended!”
“No you’re not.”
“You’re right I’m not. It is true.” Chan nods and digs in to his food. Instead of making your own plate you pick at Changbin’s plate.
“Why don’t you eat something for real, Princess?”
“Yours tastes better.” Your playful grin has Changbin leaning in to kiss you.
“Aww.” Chan exaggerates. “I did not miss this shit!”
“So, awkwardly,” You start as you turn to face Chan. “your girl toy came to ask me about you.” You tell Chan. He chuckles and nods. When you give him a questioning look he shrugs.
“If you wanna be my lover you gotta get with my friend.” He sings. When he gets no reaction he bursts out laughing. “Sorry, okay, I told her I value your opinion and if she gets past you I’d go on a real date with her.” He smiled wide.
“You did what? Now you’re just an ass. Why can’t you dump her without me?”
“I can, I just wanted to fuck with you while I was at it. Also maybe I didn’t want to be mean to her cute ass face.”
“It is a cute ass face right? She’s annoying though. You seem to have a type.”
“Fuck off.” Chan pouts. When Changbin gave you a look you pet his cheek and kissed him.
“You’re cuter.” You tell Changbin.
“Can I get in in this relationship yet I heard from Shane you fantasize about me!” Chan nearly shouts.
“What the fuck?” You were shocked and Chan laughed at you.
“One time.” Changbin chimes in. You slapped his chest causing him to choke on his food.
“It’s fucking true?” Chan jumps up and leans towards you. “I fucking knew it!”
“One god damned dream okay. One dream. It happens to the best of us now get over yourself!” You shove him away.
“I bet it was fucking good though!” He said next to your ear. You shivered at that with the image of his naked body in your mind.
“Yah!” Changbin shouted and shoved Chan away from you. “You’re not getting in on this!” He shook his head.
“You’re so cute when you’re jealous.” You smile up at Changbin.
“You’re always so cute.” He quickly kisses you.
“Is this my cue to leave?” Chan questions as he starts to leave anyway. You glance over at him and nod.
“Close the door.” Changbin ordered.
“Fuck,” Changbin says in a low raspy voice as his hand slips around the back of your neck. You melt into his soft sensual kiss. He takes the opportunity to roll on top of you. It’s hard for both of your to break the amazing kiss you’d waited months for, but once you did you both scrambled to remove articles of clothing.
“Baby.” You nearly gasp touching his now extremely defined abs. “You weren’t this ripped when you left.” You kiss his chest and let your fingers caress his chiseled abdomen.
“Yah! I was ripped.” He whined.
“Yeah, but you’re like extra..”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“Binnie, you look amazing...”
“No but.” You smile up and him. “Just kiss me.” You say biting down on your lower lip.
“I can handle that.” He smirks and nearly devours your mouth. He continues his enthusiastic kissing attack down your neck and chest. His hands are eagerly roaming your body. He was harder that he could remember being for some time.
“I fucking missed you.” You whisper as you relax into the bed. Changbin’s lips trail up and down your legs. Your eyes flutter closed as you enjoy your boyfriends loving mouth and roaming hands. Your hand falls over his as he gently massages your breast. He slows down as he kisses his way back up your thighs. Once Changbin reaches your center he spreads your legs apart and kisses your already wet lips. He gently licks a strip and another, this time dipping his tongue between your lips to grace your clit. You squirm underneath him and let out a breath you’d been holding.
“Fuck.” You say as you push your hips down trying to find that magical tongue of his. Changbin’s hands quickly pin down your hips. You whimper underneath him, but his seeming punishment doesn’t last for long.
Changbin dips right back in and dips his tongue between your lips with purpose he uses two fingers to spread you open a bit more and sucks on your clit. You call out and grasp the pillow to cover your face. Changbin reaches up and pulls it away from you.
“I wanna hear that beautiful voice.” He says as he kisses your pussy. “And I want to see that beautiful face.”
You nod and let your head fall back down on the bed as his tongue circled around your clit. You had dreamt of this since you had been away from Changbin but he was always so much better than your dreams. You wriggled underneath him as you met your climax, grabbing on to his shaggy hair you called out his name.
“I forgot how good it is to taste you.” Changbin’s raspy voice had you biting down on your lip. You opened your eyes to see him admiring you. You immediately become embarrassed and try to hide your face in his chest.
“No, baby. I want to see you.” He pulls you away from his chest and kisses your forehead. “There’s nothing more beautiful than you. I learned a few things on this tour.”
“Oh yeah?” You say propping yourself up on your elbow.
“Of course, but now isn’t the time to discuss those things.” He smirks and gently guides your hand down to his cock. You take it in your hands and begin to pump. You ached for him to be inside you for these past few weeks and now that he was here you couldn’t wait any longer. You pulled him closer, rubbing the tip of his cock up and down your soaked pussy.
“Shit, Princess. I never want to leave you again.” He nearly growled. It was your turn to smirk at him. Changbin positioned himself better and pushed inside of you. You gasped and he cut you off with a kiss. His tongue massaged yours and he pulled you as close as he cloud. He found his rhythm and it was amazing to have him inside you again. Your hips matched his thrusts and he nibbles on parts of your skin he could reach. Your nails absentmindedly dug into his back causing him to hiss. He bit his lip as his head fell back. He hit just the right spot and your were calling out in the fast track to your next climax. Changbin thrust inside you harder and you swore you heard him grunting.
“Princess, cum with me. I’m so close.” He grabs your neck and kisses you hard as he continues his pumping into you. You didn’t need his direction because you were falling apart in his arms. You both came and he collapsed on top of you burying his face in your neck.
Chan found Jeongin fast asleep on the couch and chuckled to himself. He decided to check on Jisung. Chan tip toed into the room and found Jisung was asleep with his arms wrapped around his pillow. Chan smiled and turned to leave when he started to hear a faint sob. He turned back to look at Jisung but he was still sleeping. Chan sighed to himself and left to go to his own bed.
I hope you enjoyed you lovely soul!
Stay hydrated. Stay healthy. Stay golden.
You are important.
I hope to see you on the next episode.
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aus4days · 3 years
Monsters In L'Manberg AU
Modern DSMP AU where L'Manberg College is just filled with monsters and the one person the normal students actually think is cryptid actually turns out to be the only human in the giant monster friend group.
It would be absolutely hilarious if Wilbur was still Phil's bio son but instead of being some sort of immortal like his dad, he just turned out to be a normal human and Phil didn't even question it. Yes, Wil is the token human in this au. Fight me.
Speaking of Phil, he's an archangel and chosen warrior of the Goddess of Death. Only he knows the name of the Goddess of Death and because of this he is sworn to secrecy, and his wings being black is to visually show this binding promise.
Keeping with the SBI, Techno used to be a pig. Just a normal pig. But then he touched this cursed crown that captures the soul of anyone who wears it and now he's a shape shifter that usually just stays at least partially pig-like. He also hears the screaming voices of the old wearers of the crown but he can usually just tune them out. Phil took him in when he first got the crown, so that's nice.
And we can't forget Tommy, our good friend. You think I'll make him a Tenuki or a Harpy of sorts, don't you? Wrong! He's a fairy. You may be thinking that's not Tommy fairy's are nice. Listen! In old mythos and folklore, fairy's are malicious creatures that only sometimes befriend humans. Go look it up, it's cool and kinda creepy sometimes. But Tommy is a fairy just hiding in plain sight and just posing as a transfer student staying with Phil.
Of course, we can't have Tommy without Tubbo. You'd think I'd make Tubbo a sayter of some kind. And you're wrong. He's a witch, and Ranboo acts as his familiar even though he's not an animal. Tubbo is also part demon, because witches used to be associated with the devil. So he's either half-succubus or half-imp, because I think both are funny. Either way, Tubbo is a powerful witch, more powerful than he should be at his age.
Ranboo, the familiar, is the same as he usually is. He's half-Enderman half-... something. Yeah, he was kinda created one day and no one has been able to figure out what his light half is, including Ranboo himself. Whoever made him left him basically half finished and that's why he has memory issues.
Michael is Tubbo's accidentally creation that he and Ranboo just got super attached to within five seconds of seeing him. They're very protective of their son.
Fundy is a kitsune, I'm not thinking too hard about this. He's fairly young for a fox spirit so he only has one tail but he's very good at hiding his fox features while in human form. Wilbur has adopted him like an extrovert adopts an introvert, except it's another extrovert.
Eret is the new Vampire King at much too young and is extremely stressed, even if they always look like they know what they're doing.
Dream is not a shape-shifter, he's a demon, and he will attack the next person that accuses him of lying. It's not his fault that one of his powers is the ability to change his appearance into any living creature in the world. He's just very annoyed whenever he's not acting like a confident prick that knows how powerful he is.
George is a baku, a being said to devour nightmares. There's a reason he's always around Dream, but no one in the monster clan can decide what theory is the most likely one. Half of them think Dream causes nightmares and the others think Dream just has really bad dreams. Tubbo is the only one that thinks something different and everyone refuses to believe it. Also, George has a lucky Mushroom pin that he inexplicably gives to others after someone has had really bad dreams and that person somehow has good dreams again. They usually only have the pin over night.
Sapnap was born in fire, and he's not exaggerating. He's a pheonix that just really likes his human form and gets air sickness when he flies. He no longer does paid rides for his friends.
Quackity is a Tenuki. Fight me! Quackity is a power hungry buisness man just trying to get his degree so he can start his buisness in peace. He just wants a stable life where he can do what he wants when he wants. Is that so much to ask?
Karl is a djinn. I'm gonna say that they're timeless beings and don't actually experience time, at least not like most do. So Karl will just be vibing and them burst into laughter because he just granted a king with a mound of dirt, but it was apparently five hundred years ago. Just genie/djinn Karl, please.
BBH is also a demon, but just a normal demon that makes contracts and can teleport. However, he's still BBH, so he's the exact opposite of what you expect a demon to be, personality wise at least.
Skeppy is a carbunclo, probably. I don't know much about them but he's a humanoid variant now. He gets very offended when he hears about "healing crystals" because he actually has magical crystals and the store ones are a joke.
If you can't tell, I like monsters and mythological creatures. I just really like the idea of Wilbur being friends with a bunch of monsters, more than I've named, and either not caring or being totally oblivious. Also, the rest of the student body that aren't monsters are just other minecraft YouTubers and streamers just theorizing what Wilbur actually is while the actual monster kids are just walking around, only kinda trying to fit in with the other humans.
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Meeting and Dating Bishop
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You met Bishop when he was stationed on the same ship as you. He was your teams resident artificial person and was tasked with keeping the ship up and running, as well as dissecting, examining and inspecting the alien life that your team was supposed to be finding. 
- You were a new recruit so you felt a bit out of place when you awakened from your hypersleep. Being surrounded by strangers in the middle of space is a bit jarring. 
- It was meal time when the two of you actually met. You were the last one inside the room and felt a bit awkward finding a place amongst the nearly full table, especially since the rest of your crewmates already seemed so friendly with each other. 
- But you couldn't just stand around and starve so you took your time grabbing your food and looking around the table to try and find a spot you could take up. That was when a voice came from beside you.
“You must be Y/n. I’m Bishop, I’ll be working with you in the lab.” Glancing up, you were met with a slightly cold yet inviting face. You quickly dropped your utensils onto your tray and took his outstretched hand, giving him a smile.
- The two of you made conversation as he led you over to the table, purposefully taking a seat with enough space beside it for you to sit in. To say that you were grateful for the simple act of kindness was an understatement. You could have kissed him ...and maybe, deep down, you actually wanted to.
- Over the next few months, you and the android grew close, working side by side and leaning more about each other. He was sweet and made you feel welcome on the ship that seemed slightly terrifying just a few weeks prior.
- To be honest, you’d felt a bit silly when you first realized that you had feelings for him. He was synthetic after all; you weren’t sure if he could even feel love the way humans could. But it seemed as though fate was on your side since it wasn’t long before he confessed his feelings to you.
- The two of you were in the lab; as per usual, when he asked if he could talk to you about “something ...personal”. You agreed and soon enough he was telling you that he was fairly sure that he was in love with you. To his delight, you confessed that you loved him back and the two of you went back to your work with smiles on your faces.
- You had your first date late one night when everyone else had already gone to bed. He’d approached you after dinner and asked you to follow him, taking you down a few deserted hallways and leading you to a big window that was sat in one of the secluded corners of the ship. When you looked outside, you were met with one of the most beautiful views of space you had ever seen.
- The two of you sat there for a long time, saying nothing yet perfectly content in the silence. It was there that he kissed you for the first time, bathed in the blue hues from the window and with no one around to disturb you. It was perfect, everything you could have ever hoped for and more.
- After that, there was no way you could ever part from him and him from you.
- He likes Pda but he prefers to keep it to a minimum just to remain professional. He usually just wraps an arm around your waist or kisses your cheek, little things like that.
- Something tells me that Androids are cold; like whenever you kiss him or touch his skin, it’s like you’re touching something that isn’t alive. It’s something you’ll certainly have to get used to.
- He holds your hand in both of his whenever the two of you talk or are just sitting together. It’s sort of just a habit of his.
- On that note, he loves feeling your touch. The warmth and softness of your hands is incredibly comforting to him. He’s never felt anything like it.
- Bishops extremely curious about human life so he’s happy to have someone who’s willing to divulge some information. He’s going to ask you a lot of questions, some generic and some personal. He finds you incredibly fascinating and has no problem telling you that.
- He could sit and listen to you talk about nothing for hours; and sometimes he actually does. Your voice is alluring to him.
- He doesn’t quite understand nicknames or pet names. Don’t you like your name? He likes your name, why would you want to hear anything else?
- Bishop is somewhat eager for acceptance. Not a ton of people treat him as a full fledged member of the team or completely human so he finds your relationship to be both refreshing and touching.
- Getting to see all of his little knife tricks.
- Androids have enhanced speed and strength so he tries his best to be careful and gentle with you; which he pretty much is just by nature. He never wants to accidentally hurt you.
- He isn’t quite sure how to react to affection when you first start your relationship. He feels the urge to thank you whenever you kiss his cheek.
- Your beds aren’t the biggest so cuddling is a bit of a challenge at times. He’s pretty skinny so you could be able to spoon; or he’s perfectly fine with you laying on top of him.
- Long hugs. He likes to press his cheek against the top of your head whenever you wrap your arms around each other.
- Stealing kisses whenever you can. He leans down and presses a kiss to your lips whenever he goes to look over your shoulder at something.
- For someone whose never been kissed, he’s a surprisingly good kisser. Firm yet soft and surprisingly passionate when the two of you have no way of being interrupted.
- Wearing his dog tags around the ship. He likes to tell you that they look better on you.
- Name a “person” more selfless than Bishop. This man would quite literally die for you. You constantly have to remind him to look out for himself and that he deserves to have a life outside of helping others.
- He’s fairly reserved, mainly keeping to himself during the day though he does enjoy having your company. He likes when you sit with him in the lab while he does his work, your presence makes things more fun.
- Spending long nights together, you’re either working in the lab or trying to make up for the lack of time the two of you get with each other during the day without having to work.
- He loves compliments, mainly because he rarely ever gets them. Doing a good job is sort of just expected of him so whenever you treat it like it’s more than nothing, he’s in utter bliss.
- Sharing food. He’s always happy to give you some of his.
- Getting shown the most beautiful parts of the universe around you. He likes showing you them, watching the expression on your face and taking in the sight of your amazement as the colors of the scene are painted across your face.
- He’ll explain his programming to you without a second thought if you seem the least bit put off or frightened by him, or if you just ask.
- He is a technician so if you ever have a problem with anything aboard the ship or at home, just let him know and the problem will be resolved in minutes.
- He gets offended when people aren’t polite to him and will take particular offense when they aren’t polite to you. He doesn’t like people who don’t treat you with respect and behaves coldly towards them whenever he sees them.
- Manners mean something to him so you best believe he uses his. Chivalry is not dead, it’s just not human.
- He always remembers your anniversary and birthday. He’s insists on getting you something, even if you tell him you don’t want anything.
- Well, you’re sort of stuck on a spaceship so the two of you can’t have too many “real” dates. You have to get creative if you want to something special. Otherwise, he’s perfectly content with having a relaxing night in.
- Board games. They’re a fun way to pass the time and he likes keeping somewhat busy.
- He always stays by your side whenever he can. At meal time, he’ll always take a seat next to yours or keep you close as he grabs your plates. You’re tasked with holding said plates when Hudson asks him to do something.
- Hudson; and some of the others, definitely tease the two of you. The moment they find out about your relationship, they are on your ass about it and won’t leave you alone for like a week.
- I get this feeling that he’s a good cook and that he finds cooking to be entertaining. It’s sort of like the work he does but without as much potential danger.
- He loves when the two of you get back from missions and can live somewhat normal lives. Being able to go on dates, and act like a real boyfriend is heaven.
- While he is very human-like, he doesn’t quite feel emotions the same way humans do. He does feel them, but not to the extent of organic beings. They’re sort of calmed down a bit, like they’ve been watered down.
- With that being said, some of his reactions to things are a bit lackluster though he does try to exaggerate his responses a bit. He wants you to know that he cares and is feeling the same thing you are, just in his own synthetic way.
- He doesn’t really get jealous but whenever he does, he’s too confused by his feelings to really register what he’s actually upset over. If you ask him if he ever gets jealous, he’ll reply with a no, if you ask him again, he’ll jokingly ask you if he should be.
- He’s always looking out for you. It could be because he’s protective of you or just because he cares, but the main point is that he has your back and isn’t going to let anything happen to you.
- Is he your boyfriend or is he your father, sometimes it’s hard to tell. He warns you about things like you’re a little girl and makes sure you’ve eaten and slept enough or are wearing enough clothes to stay warm. It’s both touching and slightly hilarious.
- He’s the perfect partner to have if you’re shy or the runt of the litter; so to speak. He doesn’t let people push you around or leave you out of things.
- The two of you rarely ever fight. He isn’t programmed to hurt people so you have to understand that whatever he may have done to upset you was purely accidental or against his own control. Whenever he does manage to hurt you, he always calmy apologizes and tells you that it wasn’t his intention.
- He doesn’t say he loves you very often but he does say it. He’ll usually say the words when he’s going somewhere or doing something risky, or when it’s just really warranted.
- Now, I’m not sure on the rules of Android and human marriage but I do know that you have a long and loving relationship ahead of you.
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realityhelixcreates · 3 years
Beta, Theta, and Me Chapter 9: Magic Carpet Ride
Chapters: 9/?
Fandom: Thor (Movies), Avengers (Movies) Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Relationships: Loki x Reader (But not right now),Drug Use
Characters:  Loki(Marvel) Additional Tags:  A/B/O, Sorta, More Of An Exploration Of  Life And Self Expression Within An A/B/O Framework, Loki Does What He  Wants, But Loki Does Not Actually Do What He Wants, Antagonistic Bosses,  Loki Has A Throne Now, But It’s Not What He Wanted
Summary:  Loki, paragon of self-sacrifice, must face down a cultural taboo.
Loki stared ruefully at the little bottle of pills on the table in front of him.
“You've got to be kidding me.” he said, “Your weak mortal medicine will have no affect on me.”
Tony Stark shrugged. “Works on Cap.”
“I am not your Captain Rogers. We are worlds apart.”
“The guy's a never ending science experiment. We had to develop insanely strong meds for him because, in the event that he actually managed to get hurt, our strongest stuff couldn't help him. But I have it on good authority that this'll do the trick. That authority being your brother. King of Asgard.”
Loki glared in scandalized disbelief. “You are telling me Thor actually took one of these?”
“Took some persuading, but yeah. After he came back down, he was pretty sure they'd work on you too, despite your differences.”
Loki's eyes flicked to you, then back to Stark, then to the bottle. “Hold your tongue. We don't need to discuss this any further. I will not poison myself at your command.”
“It's not poison!” Stark insisted. “It's a painkiller and anti-inflammatory. It will help you heal.”
“You cannot expect me to degrade myself for your convenience.”
“No, I expect you to lie for your convenience.” Stark shot back. “Though I don't see how hiding this from me,” he gestured at the chair, the neck brace, “actually helped you at all. You don't get anything out of it. Anyway, you really need to start cooperating if you want to stay. I'm trying to be lenient, but the more you complicate things, the more likely it is you'll be discovered. I think we all agree that would be bad.
As for you, if you want to come back downstairs and rejoin society, we've always got space for you” he said to you. “The baristas have been asking after you.”
“No!” Loki burst, “If I must befoul myself with your medicines to retain my lodgings, then I require her assistance to oversee things while I am...impaired.”
It had been an accident. Or rather, a lapse in personal judgment. You had left Loki after dressing him one morning, to fix breakfast, and Stark had shown up. And because he was your boss, and owned the building, you had just let him in. That's right, you had helped out the landlord. Your parents would be ashamed of you. You were ashamed.  
And the silent fury Loki had been radiating when he wheeled out into the seating area and Stark had gotten a look at him as he really was made you surprised that he wanted to keep you around at all.
Stark had given him an exasperated earful, and then left, coming back this morning with a bottle full of small pills. You couldn't even come close to pronouncing the complicated name on the label, but from what Stark was saying, they were the kind of thing that should never be taken by a normal person. Not if they had been made with Captain America in mind. Not if they were powerful enough to string out Thor.
You were surprised Loki was even pretending to go along with this, considering the cultural attitudes to chemical medicines in Asgard. Really, you fully expected him to order you to throw the pills away once Stark left.
When you brought him his tea, he sighed deeply, his expression a mask of utter melancholic resignation.
“Crush one of those accursed pills into a powder and add it to the tea.” he said woefully. “Stay by me as I suffer this indignity. Be forgiving of any upcoming transgressions, I implore you.”
“Hey, I'm sure it won't be that bad.” you said, grabbing a cooking spoon, and carefully breaking the pill down into a fine powder with the handle. “It won't stay in your system for very long. Your body will filter it out and flush it away, and you'll be clean again.”
You brushed the powder into his teacup, and stirred until it dissolved. Then you handed it over to Loki, who stared into the cup morosely.
“Won't it be good to not be in pain, even just for a little while?”
“I thought that many times, when I was in the clutches-” He stopped abruptly. “I've thought that many times. It is always denied to me somehow. There's always a catch.” He took a long sip of the tea, and sighed again. “And so I am tainted. At least the tea doesn't taste any different. You are getting better at that.”
“Here, have a muffin.” you offered him your freshest creation. “It says on the bottle that you're supposed to take it with food.”
He accepted the muffin with all the graveness of a prisoner at his last meal, but he thanked you graciously, and stopped you when you started to leave his side.
“I will be rendered a senseless fool by this foul poison. You must stay close, so that I do not do something utterly moronic, like throwing myself from the balcony on the assumption that I can fly. I might not actually survive in my situation, and I dislike long falls anyway.”
“You're scared of heights?” you asked, scarcely able to believe it.
“No,” he said haughtily, “I dislike long falls. It is different.”
“Why do they bother you?”
“That is personal.”
“I've seen your dick.” you pointed put.
“You would not be the first.” he said, matching you for vulgarity.
You rolled your eyes. “Whatever. Do you want more tea?”
Loki glanced into his empty teacup, bemused to see the bottom.
“Yes, I suppose I would.” he said, setting it down for you.
He had tried to teach you the fine art of pouring tea, and you had finally managed to do it without dribbling, but, as Loki put it, you also did it without grace. He didn't say anything this time, just tightened his lips in a sarcastic way, and took a sip.
At least you knew how to make tea to his specifications. It wasn't difficult, once you had figured it out. Just measurements and timing.
He had devoured his muffin, so you brought him another. Loki was extremely particular about flavors; not adventurous at all. Even banana nut offended his senses. But cream cheese met his approval in every application so far, even if he did complain about the texture of bagels.
“You'll have to get me an Asgardian cookbook, if this keeps up.” you said. “I might be able to whip you up something that reminds you of home.”
“I do not necessarily always want to be reminded of home.” Loki said. “And some of our dishes take many hours, even days to make. I need you for more than that. You cannot be in the kitchen at every moment.”
You would never admit it to anyone, but you got a surge of secret pleasure every time Loki said that he needed you. You'd always enjoyed hearing it from others, but it was so much better coming from a god.
Though it did make you wonder if the isolation up here was messing with your head a bit.
“Besides,” he continued, “enough cheese, bread, and meat will approximate the diet well enough. Asgardians have high metabolisms, and require many calories, and so do I. Our active lifestyles tend to make us big eaters as well, although I do not get my usual exercises these days.”
“If you would actually give yourself the time to relax and heal, you might be able to get back to that sooner.”
“Yap, yap, you nag like a bratty lapdog.” He scorned. Your eyebrows skyrocketed.
“Well gee,” you said with exaggerated shock, “if you don't want me here, just go ahead and say so. I'll go downstairs and be a barista.”
“No, you cannot leave me!” There was a distinct waver in his voice. “I will be polite. You won't leave me, will you? I didn't mean it.”
“Loki.” you said, suddenly feeling guilty. He sounded like a scolded little boy, on the verge of tears. “I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry about that. You should be more polite though.”
He reached out gracefully and took your hand.
“Dear lady...” he began, his words slightly slurred, and you finally realized that the medicine was taking effect.
“How are you feeling?” you asked, filling his tea again.
“Strange.” he said. “I feel light, but like there is a weight upon my eyes. Light, but like I cannot lift my limbs. One with this chair. Melting into the floor. I do not hurt...it's been so long...”
He really was starting to tear up.
You took his tea from his trembling hand and grabbed up a tissue.
“Here you go.” you said, dabbing his eyes gently. “Go ahead and enjoy it. Pain shouldn't be an everyday thing for you, if it doesn't have to be. You don't have to feel bad for enjoying a little bit of peace.”
“No, you don't understand. I don't deserve this. The pain was at least something familiar. I don't recognize this feeling. This lightness. It doesn't feel real.”
“Well, you are real, and I am real, and the medicine is real. The feeling is the medicine acting on your perceptions, so it's kinda real, it's just different than usual, that's all.” you patted his hand, and he grabbed for yours.
“Will this feeling go away?”
“Of course!” you laughed, “don't worry, this is just temporary. It will help your neck, and when you're healed, you won't have to take it anymore.”
“What if I can't stop?” he asked. “I am...not good at refraining from...indulgence.”
“If no one brings you anymore, what could you do about it?”
“If I am healed enough to remove this brace? To move about freely? What could I not do about it?”
“You know, that's a good point. I think we'll have to find you some of that ultra-powerful super weed the cops keep saying totally exists, but no one else seems to be able to find.”
He gave you a sideways stare. “More poisons?”
“It's to help free you from the other poison. But there are multiple strategies for getting clean, if that really becomes a problem. It's not like I've never seen addicts before; I'll help you if you need me.”
He reached for your hand again, and missed.
“Blessed thing.” he blabbered. “You are a draught of Alfar wine, brewed under the starlight. The fresh breeze through the forests of Vanaheim, just after sunrise. You are the faithful moon, pure as gold.”
“And you are high as balls.” you teased, bashful about the flowery praise. You really shouldn't be pledging any more of yourself, but the allure  of being needed-wanted even, was as addictive as any drug.
“You are the only once who may see.” he said. “I want no one else to see me like this. Stark especially. None save you may witness my dishonor.”
“Loki,” you mock-scolded, “if you keep looking at it like that, you'll impede your own progress. You'll fight it subconsciously, and just slow your healing down.”
“How, pray tell, should I look at it then?” he asked.
You took his hand, which was still waving around after yours.
“Look at it as permission. Permission to relax, to let the guard down and just exist for a while. You have everything you need right here, you can just be. It's okay to take some time to just be.”
“Just be what though? What is worth it for me to be?”
You shrugged. “A prince?”
“In exile.”
“A god?”
“Blasphemed rather than worshiped.”
“How about...my master?”
He squirmed a little in his chair.
“I could perhaps do that effectively.” he said quietly.
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ryuichirou · 4 years
Could you share some of your erejean headcanons? 👀
Oh could I 👀 I’m glad you asked, anon! Because we do have some headcanons about EreJean…
 As I already mentioned, we have a headcanon that they used to fool around together when they were cadets. Chemistry + intense arguing + stress + horniness did their thing. Even if they intended to keep it masturbation-only at first, it quickly became something more.
Jean was very horny back then, and Eren was helping him out. Jean was the first one to come with this type of problem.  Jean really had no one else to turn to but Eren with this, he really needed him. He couldn’t ask Connie because Connie was an idiot and Jean was barely friends with anyone else. He maintained a rivals-friends relationship with Eren and it helped. It was just that one moment when Jean realised jerking off wasn’t enough and he wanted something else... That’s how it happened first. When Eren got horny, Jean would help him out too of course, that happened often too.
At some point they did it every time when they got an opportunity to be alone for like 5 minutes. If they were alone in a shower, it was the best case scenario.
Although there were a lot of situations when the rest of cadets would enter the showers at the worst possible moment. And the right thing to do would be to stop whatever they were doing, go to different corners of the room and make it seem like they were just showering before anyone noticed anything. But Eren got stubborn sometimes, so they had to continue having sex stealthily, which is almost impossible when the room is filled with loud guys. Reiner noticed that and helped them to avoid unnecessary attention at least once.
Technically Eren and Jean were just helping each other out, but still there are some feelings here. We have a headcanon that Jean has a crush on Eren, both in the canonverse and in the AUs where there are EreJean interactions.
After their cadet years they were too busy to continue their thing as often as they used to, but they still do it from time to time. Not enough for Jean’s taste, but he’d rather bite his own leg off than say that to Eren.
It also became more difficult for Jean to provoke Eren, this is why Jean complains so much about the fact that Eren is too moody now and always just mumbles something to himself while looking at his own hand. And this is why he was so shocked when Eren replied to his snarky comment back then before the Shiganshina Battle when they were having meat for dinner. He was extremely happy.
Their kisses were very awkward at first. They don’t kiss very often in general, but at first it was almost funny, because Eren was too aggressive and he basically attacked Jean’s mouth with his own. And Jean kind of wanted to take the process into more of a sensual territory, but he didn’t want to lose to Eren, and it ended up being just a straight-up fighting with tongues (and maybe bites). As a result, after about 15 minutes both of them were an exhausted drooling mess.
Jean tried to argue with Eren for the right to top at least once, but they both kind of knew that Jean didn’t really want that. Less than 3 minutes after Jean’s statement about the matter, he bottomed once again and his heart and body were satisfied.
Jean has conflicted feelings about him enjoying being pushed around by Eren as much as he does. He can act all offended and angry at Eren for treating him too aggressively or being rude to him, but it still makes him weak at the knees. The amount of times he moaned quietly when Eren said something mean to him during the process… a lot.
Jean also likes it when Eren is all mad and shouting, he provokes him a lot. Of course he’s sure that he just enjoys the fact that Eren is too emotional and is easy to provoke, it’s fun to poke a bear when the bear is this entertaining when mad. But there is a part of Jean that genuinely just likes it when Eren is grabbing him roughly after they had a fight in front of everyone.
This isn’t a headcanon per-se, it’s something that Isayama mention in the SnK Encyclopedia, but I still love this fact, so I’m gonna put it here anyway: Eren and Jean are very comfortable with each other physically.
Which makes me think that there is a lot of shoving, pushing, grabbing, slapping, headbutting and other stuff going on when these two are in the same room together. A lot of it happens unconsciously, Eren can just kick Jean’s leg out of nowhere while they’re sitting next to each other talking to someone. And Jean will likely kick him back.
I’ve been thinking about it since Anon mentioned it the other day, and I accept this headcanon with my whole heart: Jean grew out his hair because it feels good when Eren pulls it. Of course he wouldn’t admit it, even to himself.
Jean secretly thinks that Eren is very handsome and cool. He’d never compliment him of course, but he might comment on how freakishly big Eren’s eyes are. Eren, however, talks a lot about how stupidly tall Jean is and how stupidly long and heavy his legs are. It ends up with another bickering, but Jean gets very obviously shy anyway.
Jean’s stupidly long legs are always super shaky after sex, Eren scoffs at it and compares Jean to a newborn baby horse every time.
Jean blushes A LOT. His entire body turns red when he’s turned on, his ears are very red, his face is red. His eyes get teary and he sweats a lot. He also breathes heavily and moans a lot (of course he’s trying to hold back, but Eren is too intense for him)
Jean is very loud and he doesn’t notice that a lot of times, he thinks that Eren exaggerates when he complains about it.
For that reason, Eren loves putting his hand over Jean’s mouth sometimes. But a lot of times he’s doing it just because he likes that.
Jean loves being manhandled and having sort of a rough sex just in general.
If we’re talking about an AU where both Erejean and Ereri are a thing, Eren would definitely notice how loud, whimpery and sensitive Jean is compared to Levi. He might even comment on how slutty and obvious Jean is, which would only make Jean even hornier.
 Ghh I love EreJean very much and have a huge soft spot for Jean in general. Thanks for your question, Anon, it’s fun talking about them.
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antlerx-art · 4 years
TJLCers are more than mad over obsessed fans.
Have you ever heard about the Flat Earth Society? Yeah well if you did you have probably thought something like “Ugh don’t Flat Earth Society members (which we’re going to call FESM) realize that scientists have studied Earth for years and they literally have thousands of proofs about it not being flat?? It's just so obvious!"
Disclaimer: I don't want to start a discussion or hurt anyone. I'm just using this topic as the easiest example that came on my mind, please don't get offended by any of the things that I'll say.
Now, how do FESM think instead? I’m obviously no expert, but thanks to the news I heard and read about them I thought that If I didn’t study science in primary school and never heard about Earth being a geoid, I would have thought too that it was flat. “I mean, just look around, flat floor, flat shoes, flat sea, everything’s flat, how can you say that the world is actually an ellipsioid? If Earth isn’t flat then when we go around it we should get upside down at some point shouldn’t we? But we don’t, because Earth is flat, end of the discussion. What? You have more proofs than us? Scientific research? Astronauts taking photos and showing how earth is blatantly a geoid? Pffft seriously, just take it easy! Isn’t it more simple to say that the world is flat because that’s how we see it?”
See this, this is exactly how casual bbc Serlock fans think, don’t get me wrong, there’s a huge difference between going against science and going against a group of people analyzing a tv series, but the situations are extremely similar in other ways:
Now, who are Sherlock casual fans? Well, you’ve probably seen people saying that Sherlock is just a crime series, that it’s not about Johnlock and that Sherlock is a real sociopath, and actually if I didn’t get involved with TJLC or just didn’t have an open mind to accept a relationship between the two main characters, I probably would have said too that bbc Sherlock is a crime series. “I mean, just watch it! It’s Sherlock Holmes! The famous detective with the funny hat! He said many times that he’s not interested in a relationship neither with John or any other character, and he also said he’s a sociopath! He basically doesn’t have emotions haha! But look how clever he is... those deductions when he solves crimes... how mysterious, no one knows what he’s thinking... he could deduce anything about you just giving you a look, even when he’s on drugs! Yes he and Watson are friends, just friends, they care about each other but I couldn’t imagine them in a relationship together, come on, John Watson is also married to a woman, he can’t love men! What? You have noticed that some lines have a code? Subtext? Characters mirroring? You also have visual proofs and analyzed every single scene of every episode to find subtext and symbolism connecting the episodes and comparing the bbc series with ACD’s book? Pffft seriously, just take it easy! Wouldn’t it be more simple if you just enjoyed the show without making all those conspiracy theories and accepting that Sherlock and John have never been in love and never will?”
It’s very similar indeed. FESM and casuals just look around and come to the conclusion that what they see, as they see it, must be the only explanation of all the facts, but it’s not, not in this series, it is one possible explanation of some of the facts. They get a solution that they like, but they’re choosing to ignore anything they see that doesn’t comply with it.
As I said, you can’t totally compare science to tv series theories, knowing that Earth is a geoid is basic knowledge, opinions on tv series are hobbies. But some casual’s way of seeing this series is something like “when you watch tv you should turn off your brain”, and that may also be true you know? Sherlock is still a perfectly enjoyable show if you watch it without paying attention to every single detail, I do it too sometimes, but with other shows. Because to me Sherlock is different, Sherlock isn’t one of those teenagers tv series that you can watch on the couch just for fun, Sherlock’s writers want their fans to act like Sherlock about their own show, they want us to find their little hints like clever detectives. I would agree on the fact that this could be exaggerated for a tv show, but if the fans of the most famous detective ever don’t do it then who should? So please if you relate to any of the things I wrote about casuals fans stop saying that we’re just over obsessed with it, this is our way of having fun and we’ve all the right to do it. If you want to watch the show as a crime series you have all the right to do that too, but then stop attacking us, thank you.
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hyuniebaby · 4 years
Focus (10)
Pairings: Baekhyun x Y/N x Junmyeon
AU: College student! Baekhyun, Professor! Junmyeon AU, college!au
A/N: So I've rewritten the whole Part 10 because Tumblr decided to mess it up... I didn't have any back-up file so… I completely changed the whole part. 😅 Sorry for updating this late, I had to cool down from my frustration over Part 10 getting deleted. I hope you still enjoy this~
Taglist: @coffee-prince-kyungsoo​ @thighhighsanti​ @littleflowercrown13​
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
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Mr. Kim doesn’t know what came over him when he started walking towards Baekhyun as soon as he had a glimpse of him. He was even more surprised when the words, “Mr. Byun, if you have time, please come by my office later” left his mouth.
Mr. Kim was a very laid-back professor. He doesn’t mind what his students were up to as long as they were actually learning. He only ever intervenes when he notices that his students weren't doing well on his quizzes. But right now, that wasn’t the case when he finds himself talking to Baekhyun. Unprofessional as it may be, he wanted to know what’s happening between you and Baekhyun. Were you two in a relationship already? Was he wrong for taking a liking to you? Were you cheating on Baekhyun with him? Does Baekhyun know what happened between the two of you? There were so many questions he wanted to ask but he doesn’t know how to do so, especially not to Baekhyun. Baekhyun wasn’t his friend, you are. It would have been easier if it was you who he was standing in front of.
He should’ve just held back the words. He should’ve just waited until he saw you so he could talk to you instead. But he was very curious, he couldn’t think straight! He was slightly panicking inside for being so brazen but he kept the cool exterior.
Mr. Kim wasn’t expecting to see Baekhyun nod to him. “I’m actually free today.” Baekhyun says. Mr. Kim thought that he’d be able to get at least three hours to be able to think of a plan to subtly ask about the two of you. Now he had to think fast.
“Well then Mr. Byun, please follow me to my office.” He says.
He leads the younger male into his office. Baekhyun doesn’t seem to be as tense as him. When they arrive at his office, he motions Baekhyun to sit.
“So Mr. Byun I see that you’ve become distracted in class lately.” Mr. Kim starts to say. Quite frankly, it wasn’t what he really wanted to say, but he thought it would be weird he went directly to the point. He wasn’t sure how Baekhyun would react so he was being a little cautious.
Baekhyun shrugs nonchalantly. Wow, he doesn’t really seem to care, Mr. Kim thought. It was annoying for him to see a student act so indifferent. He was a professor after all and he deserves to be heard and respected.
“Mr. Kim, just get to the point, I know you don’t care about my performance in class,” Baekhyun says with a slight annoyance in his tone. Baekhyun was being rude and he knows it, but he was really not in the mood for beating around the bush. He wasn’t in the mood to talk to Mr. Kim at all. He was very much pissed to know that he was the person who dared touch you when he basically marked you as his.
Mr. Kim was taken aback with the tone Baekhyun used. He felt offended for the lack of respect. He gives the younger male a warning look, a sign that he shouldn’t test his patience. Baekhyun just stares at him, challenging him.
When Mr. Kim doesn’t respond, Baekhyun says, “I know about you and Y/N.”
Mr. Kim raises his brow. He knows you well enough that you’re only comfortable with telling these kinds of things to people who you truly trusted. The fact that Baekhyun knew meant that you’ve grown close to the younger male. Mr. Kim leans back to his chair and crosses his arms, “What about us?”
Baekhyun gives him an incredulous look. “You touched her and kissed her. God knows what else you’ve done!” He was so mad.
“Didn’t you do that to her too?” He says with a glare.
Baekhyun was caught off guard by Mr. Kim’s statement. Mr. Kim knew something happened between the two of you and he still touched you and kissed you! You were his and like he told you, he doesn’t like to share. He was furious at the older man. Right now all he wanted to do was to punch Mr. Kim in the face, but he refrains from doing so. He tries to compose himself and smirks, “Oh but we did more than that.”
Mr. Kim clenches his jaw in annoyance. Baekhyun tugs the collar of his shirt to reveal more of the hickeys you gave him. Mr. Kim’s eyes widened at the sight, he wasn’t able to notice the hickeys at first because he was too busy thinking of what to say to Baekhyun. The sight pisses of Mr. Kim. He scoffs,”Should I care? Even if you did have sex with her, I don’t think it counts so much. After all, she allowed me to touch her despite having slept with you.”
Baekhyun felt like he was slapped on the face. What Mr. Kim was true. He wasn’t anything to you aside from the man who you had slept with, twice. “As if you aren’t in the same disposition as me.” Baekhyun snaps.
“Oh but I’m not the same as you.” Mr. Kim smirks. “We’ve known each other for quite a while now. I was her friend even before I became her professor. Even her parents adore me. She won’t cut ties with me easily.”
Well shit.
“Just a tip, Baekhyun,” Mr. Kim says his name mockingly, “She almost never dates. You see, she prioritizes her studies over everything else. She gets easily distracted too, so she avoids distractions as much as possible. And if you’ve been observing her for the past few days, you’d know that you are a distraction. Maybe you should just step down and save yourself the trouble.”
To Baekhyun, giving up is never an option. Baekhyun is a gamer after all. The thing about gamers is that they’re very competitive and passionate. He naturally loves to win. This time it was you who he wants to win over.
The past few days of you avoiding him lead him to realize that he does feel something about you. And because of this realization, he’s not going to step down, even if it’s Mr. Kim who’s supposed to be his opponent. He hates losing. And he would definitely hate himself if he lost you.
Without a word, Baekhyun stands up and leaves Mr. Kim’s office. He’s furious. He has to find a way to make you his, before Mr. Kim actually makes a move.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You enter the classroom with your head down low to hide your red face. Baekhyun was driving you crazy. When you looked up from the floor, you saw your friends were already seated by your usual place. All your friends were looking at you already.
Before you can even take your seat, Mina says, “So... I think it’s time to tell them what happened to you last week.”
You know immediately what she was thinking about when she raises her eyebrows up and down. “Do I really have to?” You whine.
Mina doesn’t answer you, she turns to the rest of your friends with a smile instead and she announces, “She met this extremely good looking guy!!!!”
“How good looking?” Joohyun asks, leaning forward.
“Like a god! He’s tall and handsome. A gentleman too.” Mina says dreamily.
You roll your eyes, “Mina, I think you’re exaggerating.”
“What’s his name? Maybe I can find him.” Joohyun says. You don’t doubt her abilities, she does have a lot of connections.
“Uh… I think you will definitely find him because you have so many friends.” You pause, thinking of whether or not to tell her. You eye her warily, but she looks so interested, you didn’t want to dampen her mood so you say, “His name is Sehun.”
“Sehun as in Oh Sehun? The one in Performing Arts?!” Joohyun exclaims.
You were shocked she knew him personally. You thought it would take at least a day for her to find out about him through her other friends. “You know him?”
“Yes,” she then lowers her voice and glances at some person in the front row, “he’s Jongin’s best friend.”
You snap your head towards Jongin, it was a good thing he was taking a nap so he doesn’t know about the commotion. “What the fuck?”
“So are you dating him?” Seulgi pipes in.
You slightly cringe, remembering how annoying he actually was when sober, “Of course not!”
“Whose shirt are you wearing then if it wasn’t from him?”
You were caught off guard by the question, momentarily forgetting that you’re actually wearing Baekhyun’s shirt. “This is Baekhyun’s shirt.” You press your mouth in a thin line
Your friends squealed. “Oh my god! Are you two dating now?” You didn’t know who asked because they reacted so loudly you had to cover your ears.
“No, no. Nothing like that. We -- uh, haven’t talked about it yet.”
Your friends’ eyes soften. “Well, you know we like him. For you. So don’t be too afraid to jump in Y/N. It’s been so long since you and Kyungsoo broke up, maybe you should give him a chance.” Mina says.
You frown, “It’s complicated,” you pause while thinking about Junmyeon, “I don’t even know if he likes me that way.”
Seulgi rolls her eyes, “It’s quite obvious he has a crush on you! When you were avoiding him, he always had this longing look when he saw you in the hallway. Not to mention --”
You cut her off before she could say anything else. You didn’t want to get your hopes up, “Besides, I have to study well, especially since I have to beat Jongin.”
Your friends laugh at your reasoning. They were aware you thought of Jongin as a competitor ever since he was dared to beat the top student in the class, who was unfortunately you. It was supposed to be for a quiz only, but when Jongin lost to you, he didn’t give up. So he challenged you to the next quiz which led to another and another. There was an unspoken agreement that this “game” would continue until the end of the semester, or at least if someone concedes. It came to a point where your classmates took bets on who’s going to score higher. Even your professors were aware of the game you both played, but they didn’t say anything about it seeing that somehow the rest of the class got motivated to study for the quizzes and examinations because of the competition. Then by the end of the semester, your classmates tallied your quizzes and examinations and well, Jongin scored higher than you by two points. TWO points! It frustrated you. But it was fun competing with him like that since you got more focused and driven. This time you weren’t going to lose to him. You weren’t going to let anything or anyone distract you.
90 notes · View notes
honey-hippie-harper · 4 years
through the bleeding shell (Re-upload)
This was @obsidianfr3sk ‘s Feel Better gift asfghadsfghadfsghja. It turned out to be pretty depressing in the end bc idk how to write happy stuff but my good intentions were there, ok?
This is a Humon/Renegays fic :’). Which, basically, is about how the Renegays didn’t kiss during the trilogy...sort of. I can’t think of an specific reason why they didn’t besides bad writing and queerbaiting, but I’ve always seen Hugh as this...detached entity. Idk x’d. He shows a pretty dense attitude. And so, I thought that it was partly the reason why they’re not that affective during the trilogy. Not that they aren’t on a daily basis. I just think their relationship was in a bad place when the events happened, because, among other things, Hugh wasn’t grieving Georgia in a healthy way (I headcanon them as best friends </3) and wouldn’t allow Simon to help him. 
idk why I felt the need to talk about that.
tag list (tell me if you want to be in or out): @healing-winston-pratt @obsidianfr3sk @nodrianbcyes @alecjamesartino @everyone-has-a-nightmare @razzmooncake
through the bleeding shell
Being around someone for so long…
It allowed you to know things. Some of them important.
Others, not so much.
Simon had married a person he had been around his entire life; he had slept next to him almost every single day since he was very young. And his name was Hugh Everhart.
Simon knew every spot on Hugh’s body; he knew every mole, every random sun freckle here and there; how his body mass seemed to be well-distributed at plain sight but, in reality, his chest was naturally wider than the rest of his body, as if he had been born with the figure of a baseball player; how he scratched his nose because wrinkling it so much while laughing made it itchy; he knew the way his knuckles turned yellow when he turned them into a fist; he knew there was one single scar below his rib cage area…
He knew everything he had to know about Hugh Everhart, his husband, whom he loved so much that sometimes it hurt.
Yet, Simon was yet to know how and why, lately, he was so cold, despite still being a human furnace who was sometimes annoyed by the blanket on winter nights.
Kasumi frowned, and Simon wished she were misunderstanding, but whatever thing she was thinking, she was probably right.
Cold was a pretty wide term, which could basically mean anything. Being brutally honest, not even he knew what he was trying to convey by using that word, so he supposed he was referring to anything it could express, as a whole.
Thinking about it… yeah.
That option sounded about right.
Another thing that sounded about right, was the idea of Kasumi judging him because of it, which was something Simon knew wasn’t true and, instead, it was just his anxiety trying to ruin his day even more. But sometimes things were like that. He tried to avoid it, but never managed to do such thing. Ever.
“Not to be rude or anything.” She started, but before proceeding she seemed to realize that, maybe, that hadn’t sounded as intended, and her cheeks became extremely flushed, until Kasumi looked like she had ran under the burning sun while wearing a wool sweater for hours. “Really, Si. I don’t mean to be rude. As in...I’m...telling you this...so you think…”
She clicked her tongue, and then both Tamaya, who was also in the room, and him, stared at her as she talked to herself under her breath, making a couple of hand movements, as if she were writing her sentence in the air so she could phrase it correctly.
Sometimes, when Kasumi was nervous, she tended to struggle at putting her ideas together in a gentle, polite manner.
“...I was telling you that, so you don’t think I’m trying to offend you or minimize your pain.” She corrected herself. “Yeah?”
“...Yeah.” Simon nodded.
“Well…” Kasumi rubbed her hands together, more as a distraction than as an actual mannerism. “You know I’ve...never understood. Back at home...when we all lived together and...ugh. You know? Just...don’t mind me. Tam, you tell him.”
“No, no. What you’re saying is important too.”
“I want to listen to you, Zoomie.”
Upon the two pairs of eyes in the room being fixated on her, Kasumi kept fidgeting with the paper cone she now had between her hands, absently.
“Fine.” She whispered in a breathy voice, and then she stared at Simon, who stared back, not because he wanted to be polite or something like that, but because he genuinely wanted to listen to her.
Kasumi wasn’t a talker. That wasn’t an exaggeration or an act of fake modesty. It was just that Kasumi didn’t enjoy a lot of things, and one of them was speaking, to the point where sometimes she didn’t consider it necessary. There were days when she just...didn’t feel like speaking. And she didn’t. Because she didn’t want to. Because she didn’t need to. Because people could understand her anyway.
Still, everyone was willing to listen when she felt there was something she had to explain in a way that was verbal.
“I love my husband very much.” She said, placing a lock of hair behind her ear. “But, still, sex it’s not...a huge part of our relationship because I’ve never understood. When you joked about it back at home, I would just assume you were just doing that. Joking. I...literally didn’t expect you were serious when you talked about experiencing that type of attraction. Because I didn’t. And it’s not that I think it’s repulsive or anything like that. I just don’t get what the fuss is about. When I’m with him...it’s...usually not my first option. To think about that, I mean. And he understands and respects that, which I appreciate a lot.”
The more she spoke, the more confident her tone became. It meant she was growing more comfortable with the conversation, and that her train of thought was getting itself together, nice and slowly.
As for Simon...he was strangely comfortable, too, because this felt like a mature, adult conversation to him. Like a safe space.
After all, he was serious when he told them he needed to talk (now that Evander wasn’t here, because Evander was...not very sensitive). Hence, he was very glad they were being serious about it too.
“I understand that Hugh’s not in the spectrum.” Kasumi cleared her throat. “But...sexuality is fluid. Maybe, if you were talking about only that, it could be a good idea to talk it over. Only if he wants to, of course, because you never know; again, we can’t just assume, because one cannot do that. It’s rude. But what I mean...it’s that, whatever that’s going on in his head, maybe he’s trying to figure it out by himself. It might have nothing to do with his sexuality at all, actually, because, after all, that was just a comment...but it all comes back to the same point. Maybe he just...needs time.”
“Hugh’s pretty dense, Simon.” Simon saw the steamy cup in front of him, but he didn’t realize what it was until the smell of black coffee reached his nostrils. He hadn’t even noticed Tamaya was making coffee.
“Thank you.” He whispered anyway, as Tamaya leaned against the table, putting her weight on her elbows.
For all he knew, and all he cared about, it was pretty easy for people to judge Tamaya and label her as a bad person; she was quiet, although not in the way Kasumi was. On the contrary, she was rather serious, and her resting face was more intimidating than it was warm or welcoming. She was also really bad at controlling her temper, which didn’t help at all, but she wasn’t as bad as people wanted to portray her, or as bad as the recruits talked about her in the halls. Because, when it came to the recruits, Tamaya was strict, yes.
But somebody had to be, because being a Renegade was not a game, and the great majority of the advice she gave was extremely useful and clever.
Tamaya was caring.
Deep, very deep down. But she was.
“He’s pretty dense, but…” She sighed. “Most of the time, that’s not his fault. It’s not a good thing either. It’s not healthy for him and we shouldn’t condone it...but yeah. He can be pretty dense sometimes. He’s like that, most of the time it’s not his fault but...I don’t think you should feel like it’s yours either.”
Simon couldn’t help but flinch a little.
The thing was...he knew that.
It might’ve sounded crazy coming from him, but he knew it wasn’t his fault, even if his anxiety was determined to convince him otherwise.
Also, he was one to know that one couldn’t just fix a person. That’s not how mental health worked; of course, a romantic relationship or a relationship of any kind was a huge source of support and stability, but he knew it wasn’t enough to “heal” a person.
He knew about that, just like he knew that Hugh loved him and he loved Hugh, but that didn’t mean they could fix each other. They could make it a little better, yes; hold each other when things were rough; let the other know they weren’t alone.
But…”fixing” the other.
Not really.
They were humans.
They were people.
And the only thing people could fix, were objects, not other people.
“Like Kasumi said, sexuality is fluid, but it might as well not have to do anything with that.” Tamaya continued. Her voice sounded...soothing, strangely motherly. And she was calm.
Very calm.
It reminded Simon of someone.
They both reminded him of someone.
“Hubby and I, we both experience sexual attraction. It’s an important part of our relationship, and we enjoy it, but sometimes it’s just not the right time. He’s a doctor, I’m a Renegade Council member, and we have three wonderful boys together. Sometimes we don’t have time, so we just sit by the balcony to stargaze, holding hands, or we go out on dates like high school sweethearts, and I stand by the doorframe waiting for him to tell me I look pretty.”
Simon laughed a little.
It was evident she was trying to play it off as something dumb, but he found it absolutely adorable.
“And sometimes I’m too tired or he’s too tired, and that’s normal. It’s not our fault, and it doesn’t mean that we love each other less because…”
“Having sex doesn’t define love.” Kasumi said, and Tamaya nodded.
But again.
Simon knew that.
He really knew.
Hugh and him had busy schedules too. They both were Renegade Council members, and Hugh had it worse because not only was he a member, but also the leader of the Council. He had to be everywhere, at the same time, and people tended to think that just because he was invincible, it meant he didn’t have the right to feel emotionally drained, or at least tired.
Of course he was going to be tired.
He wasn’t a robot.
Hence, Simon understood what they were trying to say, and he agreed with Kasumi and Tamaya.
But the problem was…
He wasn’t referring just to that.
It was...part of the problem, yes.
But now that he knew their opinion about it, he had come to the realization that he still felt...empty and lost. And just...frustrated.
“We’re not only talking about sex, are we?” Tamaya asked carefully, and Simon refused to stare back at her, as he took a sip from his coffee, before answering:
“I’m afraid not.”
“Well...If you’re telling us this, it’s because you do want to talk about it, right?”
“I do. Yes.”
“Well. We’re listening.”
At the same time Tamaya spoke, a cold, little hand, laced between Simon’s.
A hand that felt like the sea and, even if he hadn’t known she was the only person in the room besides Tamaya and him, he would’ve recognized it as Kasumi’s.
So Simon squeezed her hand back.
“We’re listening, Si.” She confirmed. “We’re here for you.”
He knew that, and it was something he was extremely grateful about.
Now he just had to figure out how to put into words what he was feeling, because at this point it felt impossible for him to know.
There were just...so many things, but at the same time such a limited number of details he could recall.
It just felt...unreal.
And weird.
Very weird.
But Simon didn’t feel numb, unlike anyone would’ve expected from him.
In fact, he felt so sad he couldn’t even cry.
And it was the worst feeling ever.
“I don’t know.” He said, in a hoarse voice. “I just...don’t know anymore. It’s just...I…”
“It’s not your fault.”
“I know.” He clarified. “...But maybe that’s why I don’t know what it is.”
For the shortest second, Simon came to the realization he was talking to himself instead of talking to them, or perhaps it was something that, deep down, was giving him the answer to why this whole situation was making him so uneasy and upset. Like, of course it was making him this upset. It was his husband they were talking about. Hugh was his fight. Hugh was…
Simon didn’t know.
But what he did know was that, maybe, it had nothing to do with himself, and that’s why he just couldn’t…
He just couldn’t understand.
Why couldn’t he understand?
Why did it have to be like this?
“I want to know what it is.” Simon took a deep breath, trying to make himself understood; trying to make them understand what he couldn’t. “...So I can...make it better...So I can...help him. So we can...look for help together.”
Simon scratched his brow with his free hand.
“But he’s just… so cold. He doesn’t talk to me. He doesn’t come closer. He doesn’t...do anything. We don’t do anything. And I can’t help but feel like...he’s not here, even though he’s…” Simon scoffed, painfully. “...He’s right there, in front of my face.”
His eyes became fixated on a blank point, as if he were staring at an invisible Hugh, who wasn’t staring back at him.
“And I want him to...tell me. Because if he doesn’t tell me, then I have no way to know what’s wrong. And if I don’t know what’s wrong...then I don’t know for how long I can take it, you know? It’s just...I can’t bear to stand there as he pushes me away.”
Kasumi started running her thumb through his knuckles, and Simon felt Tamaya’s hands on his shoulders, massaging them, gently.
“I’m just scared...that when he finally wants me to come closer again, it might be too late...and maybe I won’t want to come closer again.”
Tamaya’s hands stopped moving for a moment, and Simon could almost feel her and Kasumi’s shock. He hadn’t even planned to say that. It just slipped.
And when Simon noticed it had slipped, it was far too late for him to hold it back.
“Maybe you should talk to him, after all.” Kasumi said, slowly, and Simon stared into her eyes.
He didn’t realize that was the thing he didn’t want to hear until he felt nothing but hopelessness.
A type of fear that became more intense in the moment they heard the door opening, and that’s when Simon saw him.
Hugh was standing right there, staring, and when his eyes laid on Simon, he arched an eyebrow, looking genuinely confused and worried.
“What’s happening here?” He asked. “...Si? Are you okay?”
Are you?
Simon didn’t want to answer. He really didn’t.
He didn’t want this to be about him.
He didn’t want Hugh asking him what was wrong if, harsh as it sounded, everything that was making him uncomfortable or upset had to do with him, not because Simon was blaming him, but because he was genuinely worried.
Let me help, Hugh.
Let me in.
“...Yeah. I’m...fine.”
Please, love.
Let me in.
Simon could see him hurting, but where he saw hurt, Hugh saw some type of burden that was meant to be concealed, committing treason against his own advice; dodging the sound of the voice of a younger Hugh, who guided a younger Simon through the dark, telling him it was alright.
That pain was alright.
And that pain didn’t make him less human.
Hugh’s pain, in particular, was a grey, bleeding shell that was so thick Simon couldn’t find a way to get in, and Hugh couldn’t find a way to get out.
So they just pressed their palms together through the bleeding shell, staring at each other's eyes through a polarized surface, that stopped their skin from touching, and stopped their lips from finding the other.
And the worst thing...was that Simon was craving that. He craved Hugh’s lips. He craved everything physical about him, just like he craved everything that wasn’t physical too. And he craved him so much he felt like dying every time he was close. He craved him so much it made him feel like a teenager again.
Which, in his case, wasn’t a good thing.
He wished it was.
But...teenage years weren’t fun if you had to spend them trapped in a closet. Things were never good when lived from inside a closet.
He didn’t want his life outside that closet to be like that too.
“Did you have an attack? ...Si, did you take your pills? … You did, right?”
“Hugh.” Simon heard Tamaya’s voice. “Is there...something that you needed?”
Hugh blinked, knowing that, maybe, he had interrupted something.
Mostly because it wasn’t like Tamaya was trying to hide it either.
“...Yeah.” He said, resting his arms on the nearest chair.
Tamaya pulled away from Simon, and Kasumi let go of his hand. They didn’t become fully focused, nor did they put on their “I’m working” mode either, but they did manage to...pretend. Even Simon managed to do so.
“Uh...I…” Hugh snapped his fingers in front of his own face, trying to remember what was it that he had to say.
“....Yeah.” He concluded. “Yeah. Uh… Tam. I need you to head downtown because they want you to supervise some of the floats for the parade. From...up, I mean. So you can check some of the details. I already checked from the ground and everything’s looking good, but now they want you to give them the green light.”
“Right now?”
“Preferably.” Hugh scratched his nose. “Were you...in the middle of something?”
Tamaya filled her cheeks with air, and then let it out, making a little trumpet with her lips.
“No.” She lied. “It’s fine. I’ll go. Just let me put some stuff in my locker, alright?”
“Be careful when you fly, okay? It’s kinda hot outside. If you get dizzy...”
“If I get dizzy, I’ll land. I know. I’m the one who’s flying.”  
Given that she was already heading by the door, Tamaya patted his shoulder, and they said goodbye with a very polite kiss on the cheek, before Tamaya left the room completely, and Hugh drew his attention towards Kasumi.
“Margaret White is acting out.”
Kasumi frowned. Deeply.
“Uh. White? You know? The Renegades’ ward? The kid?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know who Maggie is.” Kasumi waved her hands in front of her own face. “...Who named her that?”
“Who named her what?”
“White. Who on Earth…?” Kasumi clicked her tongue. “Nevermind, okay? Just...what did she do?”
“Zoomie, I had already told you.” Hugh laughed, confused.
“I thought you were being rude, Hugh.”
Margaret White was the Renegades’ protégé. Her powers consisted of detecting and attracting metals which, evidently, was not something that was out of this world. In fact, she had been recruited at such a young age not because she had extraordinary abilities, but because she was problematic as heck.
She was Max’s age, more or less but, unlike Max, Margaret had no chill.
Her life was ruined from the moment somebody saw her and decided that White was a suitable last name for her, Tamaya used to say.
Margaret’s skin was tan, and she had slanted eyes. Naming her “White” almost seemed like a tasteless joke.
Simon himself thought Hugh was just being disrespectful the first time he told him her name, and he had to hear it a couple of times before he just...accepted he was serious (and that Hugh himself didn’t seem to like the idea of her being named like that very much).
Maggie was really problematic. For real. She had been kicked out of a couple of orphanages already, and maybe she would have been kicked out of this one too, if it hadn’t been a prodigy orphanage, which happened to be under Kasumi’s management, meaning it was directly related to the Council. And they were supposed to make sure nobody got kicked out of there.
Simon liked Maggie, because he knew that there was a chance that everything she ever did had reason behind it. An emotional reason. Perhaps she wanted love. Perhaps she wanted attention.
Perhaps she just…
Wanted someone who didn’t give up on her at the minimum inconvenience.
So he just...tried not to.
Hard as it was, because Maggie tended to make it hard; Kasumi had tried to canalize her to a psychologist many times, but her response always was that “she wasn’t crazy” (perhaps because kids her age were mean and “crazy” was one of their favorite words to use as an insult) and...well...part of the process in children, was understanding when it was the right time and when it wasn’t.
Sometimes forcing kids into treatment made it worse, and Maggie was pretty mature for her age, while painfully childish at the same time. Respecting her space and giving her time was their only option, if they didn’t want to turn her into a ticking bomb.
“Are you for real? I’ve been addressing her like that for like…”
“Just tell me what the little bundle of joy did now.”
“Pff.” Hugh scoffed. “Bundle of joy.”
Then, he cleared his throat the moment Kasumi fixed a glare at him.
“Well...the usual. She stole something from one of the nannies, Carrietta Ferland saw her and she locked her in a cellar so she wouldn’t say anything.”
“She locked Carrietta Ferland in a cellar.” Kasumi rubbed her forehead, and before she left the meeting room, she squeezed Simon’s wrist.
She didn’t say goodbye to Hugh.
Simon didn’t, either, when he excused himself under the sort of cheap white lie he needed to wash his face.
But one could only wash their face so much, before their partner suspected.
When Simon didn’t come back, Hugh didn’t go after him. He never did at first.
As in…
Hugh always went after him, just not at first; over time, Simon had grown to accept it wasn’t a pride thing.
When Hugh left, he never wanted anyone to go after him, and he was the type to believe that just because he didn’t want something, it meant nobody wanted it; Simon had gotten used to it, because Hugh was his husband, and they accepted each other just like they were.
What Simon refused to accept, was the bleeding shell Hugh was inside of.
He hated it.
He despised it, especially at night. It would grow around Hugh in slow motion, and then he would bleed through, and the whole room would turn red, overflowing it with unspoken, suffocated anger and pain.
Hugh turned his back at Simon that night, so Simon turned his back at him too, not because he was mad, but because he didn’t feel like staring at Hugh’s back today.
Their room became as cold as an industrial fridge, as they both fell deep into the notion the other was not asleep, and that they both were listening to the sound of a room that was currently filled with deathly silence.
Deathly as the bone-chilling cold penetrating their limbs, their organs, and their everything.
Deathly as…
Deathly as feelings.
All the stored feelings, and the way Simon craved something he knew was right there.
Hugh was right there. Right next to him. And his body, which he knew so well, was laying next to him, turning his back at him, with every mole, every sun freckle, a chest wider than the rest of his body…
And one single scar below his rib cage.
The same rib cage that protected his heart.
Say something, Simon.
The same heart Simon had felt beating so many times.
Say something.
Maybe this had a reason too.
An emotional reason.
Perhaps love. Or attention.
Say something. Anything.
Because you do go after people from the very first moment.
Slowly, as if he had never moved before in his life, Simon rolled to the other side, and as his trembling hand rested on Hugh’s arm, he became alert, awake as they both were, and he looked over his shoulder.
“Hugh?” Simon asked, the name leaving a familiar firm in his mouth that tasted like home.
He didn’t answer, because that was his name. Hence, he knew he was trying to talk to him.
“Come here, Hugh.”
And Hugh came over, hesitantly, rolling to his side too, as they faced each other, and Simon ran his finger through his face, just...exploring every spot he already knew, as if he were visiting his comfort place, of his favorite bench in the park.
His blue eyes seemed to shine in the darkness, and Simon felt he could’ve gotten lost in them and never come back.
But he didn’t get lost.
Because he had to find the love of his life first.
“I’m never giving up on you.” He whispered. “...you know that, right?”
Perhaps he didn’t.
But, on the other hand, perhaps he did. And Simon was left with nothing but the mere hope it had meant something.
“I’m never giving up on you either, Si.”
But Simon did know that.
Did he know.
What he didn’t know, however, was the answer to the what.
He wondered what that had felt like.
He wondered what Nightmare had felt when, the morning after, she tried to shoot Hugh in the eye from a roof.
Not because he were mad at her.
No. Not really.
She was young after all.
He just wondered what she had felt.
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Punch Out Wii Boxers Ranked
Thought I’d give my opinion on this since I’ve already expressed biases towards/against certain characters. I will be including Donkey Kong and Doc Louis but not Little Mac (because he is the objective best). The list will go from 15: the worst, to 1: the best. Before I start, I’d like to say that all of these characters are good, well-crafted characters, it really just comes down to personal bias who you prefer. And with that, let’s get started:
15. King Hippo
King Hippo is barely a character. Everything he “says” (there are apparently translations) just boils down to being hungry and he has no personality outside of that. I don’t hate him, but I don’t really care about him. His fight is also pretty boring all things considered. The contender fight is pitifully easy once you know what you’re doing and his title defense fight can go on for a long time and get very monotonous. At least his music’s kinda cool.
14. Super Macho Man
As someone who lives in America, I hate Macho Man with a burning passion. It’s not because I’m “patriotic,” it’s actually kind of the opposite. I’m not offended by his stereotype because it’s mean, I’m annoyed by his stereotype because it’s accurate. I deal with people like this on the daily: in the news. His catchphrases are obnoxious (except sometimes when they’re cut off. That’s kinda funny, admittedly) and he’s egotistical even compared to some of the others. He’s the type of person I actually want to punch in the face so I thank Punch Out for giving me that opportunity but I still hate the character. His match is fine. It’s a bit too easy in both contender and title defense compared to Soda and Bull but hey, at least they tried. His music’s alright.
13. Donkey Kong
Don’t get me wrong, I love Donkey Kong’s inclusion in this game. I think it’s amazing that Nintendo made a match for one of their most famous characters and the fight against him is very unique and challenging to win by KO. That being said, I never really played Donkey Kong so I don’t really have the connection to this character that others do. So yeah, great cameo, not one of my favourite fighters.
12. Bald Bull
Sorry, Bald Bull fans, but I’m not the biggest fan of this raging lunatic. In fact, he kinda creeps me out. People make jokes about Great Tiger being a furry (which he is), but Bald Bull straight up acts like a bull to the point of literally assaulting the poor referee. It’s kind of gross. To that same point, he is also completely shameless about his horrid anger issues which is personally not fun to watch. I get that he was driven mad by the paparazzi (or whatever that cutscene was trying to convey) but it’s still pretty over the top. I’m also not a big fan of his fights. It’s not too terribly difficult in contender mode (except the stupid bull charge) but it’s downright ridiculous in title defense. I firmly believe that his title defense match is the hardest in the entire game, yes even more difficult than TD Soda and TD Sandman. I cannot express with words how much I despise the star punch gimmick. Getting the star punches is frame perfect, making it feel like luck, and getting hit once makes you lose them all. And you need those stars to even knock him down. Seems a bit extreme for the middle fight in the world circuit, doesn’t it?! I was at this fight for hours and was over the moon when I finally managed to beat him. Also, his music kinda sucks. However, I put him over Macho Man because despite everything I just said, I don’t actually hate Bald Bull. I hate his fights but I don’t hate him personally like I do with obnoxious american.
11. Soda Popinski
Oh boy, Drunk Man. I don’t really see many reasons to like him but not any to hate him either, apart from his stupidly difficult fight, that is. I actually find it pretty easy in Contender. There’s a lot of strategies to knock him down really fast and his pattern is pretty basic. As for title defense, did they really need to make it that ridiculously hard? Yeah, there are tricks to make it easier and he has a set pattern but getting into the rhythm of that pattern is incredibly difficult and one slight mistake sets you back to two stun punches. It’s beyond frustrating. And yet the game deems him and Bald Bull to be easier than Macho Man. Why? As a character, Soda is just kinda there for me. It’s fun to make jokes about his steroid soda at least. Also, his music is for some reason one of my favourites tracks in the game. It’s just so epic.
10. Bear Hugger
Alright, now we’re onto the characters I actually like. Bear Hugger is a fun character. He’s one of the more exaggerated stereotypes though I can’t really say for sure whether this one is accurate or not but I’m guessing the maple syrup and hockey stuff at the very least is. I also love the squirrel. It’s implemented into the fight kind of oddly, but it makes his title defense fight pretty enjoyable. It’s a difficult fight but not one I’ve lost recently. The contender fight is fun too, it’s definitely one where I get to spam a ton of star punches. His music is good too. Not much to say on Bear Hugger, he’s fun but I like the other characters more.
9. Disco Kid
Kinda sad that the Wii version only introduced one new character to the roster but at least it was a fun character. Disco Kid’s matches are not a challenge. Contender mode, title defense, he’s one of the easiest fights in the game. He makes up for that by being incredibly over the top flamboyant and cocky, this time in a fun way. I like that he dances throughout his whole fight, I think it’s cool when every little aspect of someone’s match ties into who the character is. Disco Kid is a flamboyant dancer and that is perfectly shown through his mannerisms in the fights. I especially love how in Title Defense, he’s not really bitter or determined to beat Mac he’s just like, “Oh a dance club? This is cool, might as well work this stuff into my boxing routine.” It’s pretty excellent. I’m not a huge fan of disco, but his theme music is pretty good.
8. Aran Ryan
If there’s one thing I’ve seen since joining this site, it’s a lot of Aran Ryan. People on here really love this guy and even many of the YouTubers I’ve seen play this game say he is one of if not their favourite character in the game. Personally, I think he’s a little overrated. However, I do still like him and see why other people like him. He’s sort of a “love to hate” kind of character with him being a complete psycho that’s probably a sadist and a masochist considering how he seems to enjoy being punched and beating the hell out of everyone. It’s fun in a twisted way. His fights are also both pretty fun. Everyone really likes the cheating aspect and yeah, it’s pretty ridiculous that he can literally bring in a weapon and get away with it. However, it also makes his fight stand out from the others. He’s so horrible that he’s just fun to beat up. It’s also the only world circuit fight in title defense that I don’t hate with every fibre of my being. So yeah, fun character, with excellent music might I add.
7. Glass Joe
Here’s another favourite here on Tumblr. To be honest, the fact that people on here liked Aran Ryan didn’t surprise me at all. In fact, it seemed perfectly in character. However, it did surprise me to see how many people liked Glass Joe. I thought he was kind of underrated before but now I see that he’s getting the love he deserves. I love how even though Glass Joe is in every way a french stereotype, he also directly defies the stereotype of the french being quick to surrender. He lost one hundred times and still didn’t give up, becoming determined to defeat Little Mac after earning the headgear. It’s unironically really admirable. Glass Joe’s fights are never a challenge. Contender, title defense, champion’s mode, motion controls, he’s always kind of a joke. However, he is meant to be a tutorial fight for new players and this game gets much more challenging as it goes on, so it’s understandable. They did do a good job at making him more challenging in title defense, but it was still pretty easy at least in my opinion.
6. Von Kaiser
Von Kaiser’s a little underrated in this fandom. Maybe I’m speaking from bias, since I have so many headcanons about him but I really do think he’s a good character. He is just as much of a coward as Glass Joe and isn’t a much better fighter (his contender and title defense fights are both incredibly simple) yet Von Kaiser has a significantly better record than the rest of the minor circuit and even Bear Hugger, with 23 wins and 13 losses. He must’ve gotten those wins from somewhere and I doubt they were all from Glass Joe. That combined with the fact that Kaiser is the oldest boxer in the game (42) makes me think he was once a great boxer but has now passed his prime and refuses to give up, sort of like Glass Joe, but a little more tragic. Regardless, it’s fun to speculate. And I feel kinda bad for Von Kaiser, I mean the dude gets beat up by kids and basically goes mad after being beaten by a seventeen year old boxing newbie. Also, his music is pretty intense despite the fact that he’s treated like a joke by the game. Like Glass Joe, they did do a good job of making Kaiser more difficult in title defense by giving him a one hit KO and plenty of fake outs, though I don’t particularly struggle with either of those.
5. Sandman
Sandman is scary as hell. None of the other boxers really intimidate me, even the one with ridiculously difficult fights, but Sandman is a different story. Everyone else in the game has some kind of silly quirk even when they are serious but this guy is deadly serious about boxing. I mean, they introduce him by showing him beat the shit out of everyone you just faced before, some of which the player may have struggled with. It’s a great introduction for a final boss. His fight in contender is certainly the hardest in that mode and while I didn’t struggle with his title defense fight as much as TD Soda and TD Bull, it was still incredibly hard to beat. And unlike TD Soda and TD Bull, he actually has final boss vibes, so he does deserve his rank (unlike some other characters). Similar to Aran Ryan, his fight also requires the player to be more on offense, at least in my experience.
#4 Doc Louis
Doc Louis is severely underrated in this fandom and just in general. I love how encouraging he is to Little Mac even when he loses repeatedly, I love his silly tips that more often than not are cheesy dad jokes or puns. He’s just a good wholesome dad that loves his chocolate. I love him. Sadly, I have not played Doc Louis’s Punch Out so I don’t really have a perspective on how the fight is apart from videos online but it does look pretty fun, and it’s freaking Doc Louis. How can you not love him?
#3 Piston Hondo
This guy is also kind of underrated, maybe because he’s a bit vanilla? I don’t know, but apart from Sandman, he is undoubtedly the most serious about boxing. It’s actually a bit scary. I mean, this dude can catch a sword in his bare hands and outrun the bullet train, he could easily become champion after Little Mac retires. In fact, for me at least, his title defense fight is the most challenging fight in the major circuit for me. Yes, harder than Bear Hugger and Great Tiger. Those fake outs and speedy Hondo Rushes kept getting me. So yeah, very dedicated to boxing. He’s also just very respectable in general, keeping a calm demeanor throughout the fight and even bowing to show respect. He also doesn’t laugh at you when you get knocked down like literally everyone else does. (Apart from Don, but he still taunts you by asking if you want more.) Yeah, he gloats, but he’s a good sport. It’s nice to see someone who plays fair amongst a crowd of cheaters.
#2 Don Flamenco
Yet another character I’m surprised doesn’t get more attention in this fandom. I dunno, maybe my opinions are just weird. That being said, Don Flamenco was always going to be one of my favourites as he is the only foreign speaker in this entire game I can understand without subtitles. Though even if you don’t know spanish, Don’s character is still very clear and very amazing. Like, I’m sorry, but his contender intro is the best sequence in the entire game. You know immediately what he’s all about and it’s just so beautifully over the top to see this try hard dance his way into the ring with a rose. Actually, “beautifully over the top” is a great description for Don Flamenco in general. He hits every note of the “Spanish man” stereotype in the first few seconds you see him: being a bullfighter, getting all the girls, dancing the flamenco, and just being handsome in general. I don’t know if that last one is an actual stereotype but it’s undeniably true. And none of that is a bad thing. He is a positive figure, if a little cocky, and all of these things that the game could make fun of him for (the NES version certainly does), are actually shown in a positive light. I’m not too fond of bullfighting being shown in that light but it is very popular in Spain so… eh. Also, I do like that Don Flamenco fights like a bullfighter in the ring, baiting you into “charging” or attacking before countering. It’s a nice detail. However, it does make the fight a little too easy. In contender mode, even without doing the infinite, I barely have any trouble with him. He’s easy to get stars off of, his attacks are not that hard to dodge or counter, and if you do the infinite combo, you can destroy him in seconds. In title defense, he is more difficult for sure, but he’s the easiest fight title defense fight in the major circuit. That being said, holy cow is he amazing in title defense as well. He was already over the top in contender but in title defense, after one loss might I add, he acts like it’s the end of the world and becomes completely emo. This could’ve been completely obnoxious or stupid but in my opinion, it makes him very entertaining. He’s just so fun to watch in general, I love his epic music, and I love this angsty telenovela character. Amo al personaje Don Flamenco. El es tan entretenido y guapo. Necesita más amor. Because I mentioned that I know spanish earlier and the first first thing people always ask me is to speak some so there you go. Onto number one.
1. Great Tiger
If you’ve seen my other stuff here on Tumblr, you probably knew this was coming. My very first post on Tumblr, as well as the second, was about Great Tiger and I have tons of pictures of him in my likes. I guess I just have a thing for charming arrogant divas. Seriously, while he’s not as over the top as someone like Disco Kid or Don Flamenco, Great Tiger is a total diva and kind of a show off. He’s always using his clones to glorify himself or taunt you, which would normally be annoying but for some reason, it’s not in his case. And it’s not because I don’t know what he’s saying, the inflection in his voice makes it clear enough that he’s trash talking (and I’ve looked up translations). It’s because Great Tiger has a sort of cold determination, like he is ready to destroy you first, glorify himself after, probably the reason he doesn’t have a taunt, unlike nearly everyone else in the game. He is completely focused on the match and very cool-headed as well. He’s very respectable, even when he’s literally telling you to go drink your mother’s milk. On a side note, I looked up those translations as a kid and I still can’t get over the fact that that is something he actually says. Like, what on earth Nintendo? Still, it’s kinda funny to me. Anyways, I love Great Tiger’s fights. His contender form is fun and I love that intermission scene where he switches places with Doc, showing what a likeable douche he is but his title defense form is my favourite in the game. I really love the magical element, what can I say? The flashing jewel is like a game of Simon put to boxing, I love that he teleports all over the place, the Magic Rush is gorgeous bullshit, and the fight keeps me on my toes but not to the point of being impossibly hard. It’s also fun to experiment with certain elements of the fight, because it can be incredibly varied depending on what you do. just really fun. Whether I do the special knockout or play through the whole fight, I have a fun time fighting Great Tiger. It also helps that his music is spectacular, my favourite in the game. I dunno, those bongos just feel so good on the ears. Great Tiger is also just really interesting in general, and I feel like there’s a lot of unanswered questions about him. How does he have magic? (I know the NES version has an explanation for this but the Wii version does not and is substantially different.) What is the extent of his abilities? Is the jewel the source of his power? It seemed to be directly linked to his corporeal clones in title defense. Is he even of this world? I don’t know, but damn it’s fun to speculate on. I’d love a story just about his backstory, how he got his magic, how he became a boxer, I care about that stuff. So yeah, Great Tiger is the most interesting character in this game, and that’s why he’s my favourite. (I also low-key crush on him, but that’s subjective :)
Anyways, hope you enjoyed my list, it was kinda long, but I have a lot of opinions on this game and this is a good place to put it.
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kustovshik · 4 years
This post is informative in connection with a dispute that one of the parties decided to make absurd. If you don't want to get involved, just skip it. I don't force anyone to look into it or read it.
Kust is in touch. As many people have noticed, there was a small(not small now) conflict between me and a couple of other people, which could have already been eliminated, but was brought to total clowning. Names/nicknames named in this post will not be in order to avoid any negative towards those people. Also, no correspondence will be shown here, although they will be mentioned. If someone asks , I'm ready to go and personally collect all the screenshots of the two conversations, without losing any moments.
As a person in some way responsible for the current situation, I have a desire to illuminate everything from the side of my vision of things.
The conflict conditionally began three days ago. Let's call the person who initially had a small argument with me a certain person "A".
Well. in March. March 24th. We can assume that almost 5 months ago I published a post: https://kustovshik.tumblr.com/post/613504425335586816/i-want-to-be-in-fiars-stomach-he-looks-like-a
Many people remember it, I hope. I'll attach an old screenshot here just in case.
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The whole conflict initially started because of the double meaning of the context behind the work itself. The problem, I was told, was the tags. Namely, in the tag highlighted in the screenshot above: ‘safe vore(or is it?)’.
This tag was originally put up there not because I didn't know what type of vore to call it, but specifically so that people themselves would sit and think: what do they want to see in my drawing. Simply put, a drawing with an open context. And it seems like no one has had any problems with it for few months.
That's what person A didn't like. I was told in a very unpleasant way for me personally that the person was very offended by this use of tags. And other problems with how they don't like 'fatal vore'. It was also suggested to me that I don't know about how fatal can be quite a painful experience for some.
I admit. My answer was quite abrupt. I can't deny it, and I won't, because that's the kind of person I am. My language is harsh on words and expressions. Instead of a thousand words and a selection of expressions, I usually tell people everything openly, or I am ready to openly indicate that something is wrong. Also, I fully admit that I have problems controlling my emotions, which makes it difficult for me to establish contact with strangers. I grew up in a different mindset, which is why I have a different view of many things. It's like putting two people who know the same language, but from different parts of the world, next to each other and forcing them to express their position on some moral principles or other things, and then wonder why their answers are different. A very exaggerated and crude comparison, but that how it looks like.
Why did I respond harshly? I am a rather rude person, and I do not like when people come to me in private messages, starting to talk about how bad they are feeling, because of things that can be safely ignored or blocked by them, so that there are no problems.
My first fatal mistake was when I decided to answer to "A". Afterwards, I talked to a couple of my friends and got cold feet. And then I apologized, trying to come to some compromise, adding the tag 'open ending' so that no one would be confused. But it seems that this was not enough, because “A” continued to say how it’s bad from what she found, even if not quite fatal stuff. Refusing to compromise in any way, as I suggested.
After that, we parted with apologies to each other, and neither of us wrote to each other again. I honestly thought it was over.
Now, before I go on to the man who has been driving me mad for the past two days, I will make a pure assumption and try to explain my indignation in a different way...
Out of human interest, I went through the 'safe vore' tag. Noted an interesting feature. Both tags had quite a lot of posts there. Namely, tags are 'safe vore' AND 'fatal vore'. Why did my post cause the problem? Have no idea.
Then another point became incomprehensible to me. How did a person get to this post at all? It would be difficult to find it through search, but you can: there is a lot of content by tag. I flipped the feed down from the second account for a long time and didn't come across my own post.
Then, in my little investigation, I looked into Tumblr's alerts. Likes, reblogs, well, you understand in short. And noticed it.
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This is the first appearance of "A" in my notifications.
Hence, I dare to assume that "A" came across one of the reblogs of this post: https://kustovshik.tumblr.com/post/616227708116025344/a-new-player-has-joined-the-game And then "A" went to my blog, along the way ignoring the description specially written for such people at the very top of the blog, and came across my two-meaning post.
But after that, I had a rhetorical question: Why go to the blog of a person who has this written in the description, and hope that there will not be a fatal vore?
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Of course, this theory is based only on my assumptions. But I think this scenario is quite real.
Thus, we can say that I have every right to be angry at the indignation expressed in my direction, because it is not my fault that the person ignored my preferences, scrolled down my blog page and started complaining.
Back to reality.
As you can understand, " A " shared our conversation with their friend, who the next day suddenly came to me with a long message about his position, offering help that was not needed.
Even then, I began to suspect that this person(let's call him "B") was somehow connected with "A". Moreover, the reason for the visit was the same for both of them.
I have already mentioned that I am an irritable and rather rude person. I was already stressed enough by the appearance of "A" and the consequences of my reflections that occurred after what I thought was an end to the conflict. And the repeated mention of the situation has already infuriated me.
I fully admit that I reacted very sharply to the "B" message. I had reasons for this that the other side chose not to consider.
Well. After receiving the message I gave sharp response expressing extreme dissatisfaction, but without insults to "B". Was there passive-aggressive speech? Yes. Were words said that I am not obliged to monitor the health of people who do not concern me? Yes. Do I have the right to think so? Yes. Does this fall under the moral code? It depends on the person's personal worldview.
Yes, I was rude due to the fact that on the second day I was exhausted and angry about this situation. I wanted to end this conflict and repeatedly asked both of them to block me and remain neutral. In addition, I tried to somehow explain that we are people of different mentalities and grew up with different life standards, so in this situation we see this conflict differently. Yes, in a rough way, but I tried to explain it.
I received a ton of direct insults, was accused of narcissism and high self-esteem, as well as refusing to take care of other people's problems. In addition, I received lines like, quote: "...but let me see you talk like you did to me or anyone else simply trying to converse with you over a serious topic and I will not hesitate to have your content and eventually your account removed from this site.".
Isn't this a direct threat?
I understand that passive-aggressive speech itself can offend someone. But you can't call it an insult. Passive-aggression is a hidden way of expressing negative feelings and emotions to a person. This is not an insult. But, Yes, I admit that this is a very harsh and rude way of communicating.
That's just after such an exchange of pleasantries, I snapped. 3 days of unquenchable conflict, when one side refused to listen to the other, at the same time. There were attempts on my part to end the conflict. There was one repeated request to block and disperse, so as not to inflame everything to the point of absurdity.
"Want to stay safe with your own preferences? "Please, God, don't touch me, that's all. Block me already and we will live in peace. "- This was the message of my answers. It's sad, but instead of just ending the conflict, I got the brand of a person with a capitalist mindset, the brand of a bitch-whiner, and other other charms.
And I swear that I was ready to just leave all this and stop responding to such outbursts in my direction, banal blocking "B", if they can’t themselves do it.
As here I get a notification with a post where this person changed my art / tags and basically uploaded the changed image to his blog, hiding behind good intentions. "B" did not receive permission for such actions. Even with an indication of authorship. I am most outraged by such actions at the moment.
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Better look on the two images compared to each other. 
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And after that, everyone wants me to try to understand how bad I was and how poor they are, that from a simple argument that could have ended without even starting, it turned into an absurd clowning with offended people, insults and changing someone else's drawings and whole character reaction. Just a note. Fiar is not so nice, he’s a wild monster leech and he just grumbles about everything as much as he don’t understands why some people willing to let him eat them. He’ll never say something as “I’ll keep you safe”.  
There it is. The comedy of a three days.
This post is for informational purposes only. Namely, how I see this situation.
All I want now is for "B" to delete the post, and for both sides to banal block each other, so that we never meet again.
I refuse to apologize to "B" for their latest act of outraging my drawing by completely distorting the meaning from a neutral drawing to something that only "B" and their friend like. In conclusion I can say, that I do not call myself a good one in that confrontation. I did some terrible mistakes while talking to both of those people. But it’s not only I’m here being on the bad side. People are not black and white. 
After this I’ll not respond to any of the continuation of that conflict anymore. I’m tired of this.
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liskantope · 4 years
Stephen Colbert's commentary on the announcement that six (classic but not the most beloved) Dr. Seuss books will no longer be published can be summed up as "Don't overreact -- nobody is cancelling Dr. Seuss, they're just acting in a moderated fashion by listening to some reasonable concerns about a few of his books and choosing the most sensitive response to them."
I'm not sure how to judge Dr. Seuss Enterprises on this, especially as I don't know where to find the offending lines or imagery online. And I could almost believe Colbert here. Certainly, referring to this action as "cancelling Dr. Seuss" is an exaggeration.
But, as I discussed in this post from a year and a half ago, there have been other mutterings about how Dr. Seuss really should be cancelled entirely. And their accompanying arguments don't sound particularly extreme or irrational by woke rhetoric standards, just something like, "Theodore `Dr. Seuss' Geisel was a rather Problematic person who arranged a minstrel show when he was in college and drew maliciously racist depictions of Japanese people in his WWII cartoons. Also, the get-up of title character of his most celebrated book The Cat in the Hat may well be inspired by minstrelry. Sure he stood up for a lot of great values in his books, but why not replace him with the many black and brown children's book writers available today who are less Problematic?"
The way things are going, it could well be that this view makes its way further into the mainstream fairly soon -- a couple of years from now, say -- and what would Colbert say then? I imagine if the objections to Dr. Seuss in general are phrased as I put them above, Colbert will support them; I don't recall any time he's shown any inclination towards thinking woke purity culture has gone too far. So, while I imagine Colbert is sincere, his "don't overreact, nobody's trying to cancel Dr. Seuss" argument doesn't hold much credibility with me.
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