#plus. they don’t rlly keep things super clean
motheyes · 2 years
tomorrow i gotta shower before we leave
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bottomshuichi · 3 years
Heeey finally an nsfw account with requests open!!
So...i have a huge thing for ppl with hair down there, and i keep mine too! Can I have some headcanons of whichever characters you think don't ever shave absolutely loving that their s/o doesn't either? Like, their s/o so so nervous about that but they are already eating them out 🥵
Why of course!
You’re so valid btw. Killin it.
Hope u like Kazuichi Bc he’s the first one who came to mind HEHEH
Characters who don’t shave and love dat shit
note: kinkshaming is not allowed on this acc :)
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Well first off. Kazuichi. Idk if that man ever realized you could shave that. He’d be so glad you don’t either and would absolutely go down on you with or without it. He’s in love with you and thinks you’re so fucking hot, not much could stop him from fucking you with his tongue heheh
I think Nekomaru probably doesn’t because it’s like a manly thing, but I think it prolly suits him. He doesn’t even question yours either, thinks it makes you look tougher or something heheh. While kazuichi would call you beautiful either way, he’d just go down on you without acknowledging it
Angie ! I think she’s anti-shaving tbh. Would most likely expect you to have it too, so eating you out wouldn’t be a question heh. She prefers you when you don’t shave
Tenko!! I think Tenko might keep it neat but nothing too extreme Bc she’s a top and doesn’t rlly want ppl super. In there. But yeah if she likes you she’s got her face up in ur junk the moment you give her permission. Whether you’ve shaven or not she doesn’t give a fuck
Hifumi and Teruteru def don’t and wouldn’t care but I don’t think you want them here lol. But yeah they’re here Bc it make sense
Hiro! I think he thinks it suits him and it most likely does. He’s a hippie, he doesn’t care if you shave or not. He just likes to see you writhe from his mouth :D
Leon probably keeps it due to masculinity issues like Nekomaru lmao. Again wouldn’t care, and if you got afraid he’d reassure you that he doesn’t give a fuck and that you’re beautiful. Then to prove it he’s up in ur junk :3
Gonta ! Gonta is afraid of shaving because of cutting himself, so he doesn’t. If he sees you don’t he’d assume the same of you and go on with his business. He’s a sweetheart and would never judge you, esp for something he himself doesn’t do.
I think Kaito grooms like leon, but doesn’t really care about it looking perfect. He doesn’t care what you do, it’s your body! And if you like it, he likes it. He’s very body positive hehe. Plus he loves when you sit on his face, shaven or not. As long as your butt is in his face, he’s happy.
I think Kokichi would go both ways, really depends on how he’s feeling but he doesn’t shave all the time. He wouldn’t care about it, would probably ignore it tbh. You’d be nervous but he wouldn’t mention it the whole time, he just cares about your reactions to things
Akane probably keeps it pretty unshaven ! She’ll clean up if she feels like it but nothing too fancy. Doesn’t blame you for not shaving, leaves less time to eat snacks ! So she’d like that you’re just as lazy as her heh
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rosey-crossing · 4 years
what are ur tips for terraforming? i have a rlly hard time with it, i always dislike what i make :-|
that’s a really good question, and one there’s not really a perfect answer to! i feel like there are a lot of blogs that have really great tutorials (i love @animelle‘s tutorials a lot!), but i’ll give it my best shot!
1. if you can plan, do!
some people do this in extremes: they either plan their island to the extreme or don’t plan at all. what i’ve found the most helpful is to pull up my map and generally plan out in my head how my island will be laid out (which i’m still doing now haha). i’d sit there for ages thinking “well if i put the museum over there, i could put this there instead” blah blah blah. if planning isn’t your thing, then that’s totally okay too! but if planning is your thing then i recommend the island planner by bubble wand games (i saw it recently and it looks really helpful!)
2. having a theme is super helpful too!
again, not necessary but if you think of your whole island as having one theme or just one section having a theme, it helps you to mentally pick out what flowers (and colours) and furniture pieces you’d want there to help suit your theme. my island is pretty beachy, so i’m using lots of blues and whites in my flowers, paths, and furniture pieces (like benches and stuff)
3. other general tips i’ve seen
try to use different tree types together (regular trees and cedar trees, regular trees and bamboo etc.) and bushes too! if you want a more natural space, use skinnier paths, lots of trees and add curves to your cliff faces. if you want a more modern and/or grand space, use wider paths, less trees and flowers/bushes in a more uniform way
4. take a break!
honestly what i found the most helpful was taking a break from the game entirely, and then i came back after the halloween update came. whether it be just doing daily tasks and nothing else or not picking the game up at all, it really helped me to clear my head. plus it gave me time to watch videos, streams and look up inspiration posts on tumblr and instagram, then i could come back to the game with a clean slate
5. one step at a time
i’ve seen a lot of people who flatten their entire island, and yes that’s helpful for a lot of people (it may be helpful for you in the end!), but what i found was by doing one area at a time, even if the rest of my island looks awful, it was far less overwhelming to deal with!
so those were less “this is how you terraform” and more general pieces of advice, but i really hope they help! overall, take it slow and easy, take a break if everything is overwhelming, and don’t be afraid to look at inspiration (yes it looks like their islands are perfect but there was a lot of blood, sweat and tears behind the instagram posts that we never see, so keep that in mind!). you’ll get there too in the end, i just know it! :3
i hope this helped in some way, if you want to ask anything else in particular just drop me an ask! c: have a lovely day/night ❤
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lunar-lair · 4 years
Ok so like,,,,,,,,,Concept
Mermaid au but All the sides are mermaids and Thomas is the only human among them
Like humans still exist and stuff and it's probably modern day but mermaids don't really...interact with humans much
They aren't really *dangerous,* since most people don't believe they exist anyways, but mermaids just. Don't see them much. They never come out to deep enough waters or come by the coast at the right times or stay long enough, and most mermaids don't see it fit to expose themselves anyways.
Idk what fish everyone is yet, I plan on looking that up later, honestly, but I've got some Other ideas.
Anyways uh,,,,,,Remus is totally the one who finds Thomas first
He was with Roman, the two of them just seeing if any humans were hanging out near the beach. They were about ready to leave to go back to where the others were (they have a little grotto they've claimed for themselves that most other mermaids don't touch, probably mostly bc Remus terrifies them)
And then Remus stopped, hearing a human singing a song. That sounded like it was underwater. And was *also* an ancient siren's song, wh-?
Remus grabbed Roman by the shoulders and dragged him back closer to the shore, telling him to listen.
Both sat stunned for a moment.
Mermaids have their own language that most humans can't understand; it's a lot of singing and humming and clicking + a few deviations for different species, like accents for humans. Most of this language is due to mermaids being descendants of sirens, though nowadays they have different, more complex powers that align with a species and then deviate between people, in some circumstances, though most of them still relate to singing in *some* way. (Dw, the boys are all getting their own powers.)
Mermaids can understand humans, but just barely, most of the time. This human though, he was singing something they understood loud and clear.
They took a spot on a rock near him, Remus hiding behind Roman a bit. (He's always been the scarier of the two, and Roman is more social anyways. Plus...it was an old habit left over from when they were kids, ok? Don't judge.)
When the man stopped singing, eyes opening, he took a moment to look around
and then simply *froze* when he noticed fucking *mermaids* right in front of him, what the hell-
Thomas was just singing an old song his parents had sung to him when he was a child, why are there fucking *mermaids* here??
Roman quickly explained that *yes* we're mermaids but also YOU were the one singing an ancient siren song
And then the dude was like 'oh yeah I'm hearin ya' and they were like 'HH???'
Slowly, they explained that 'dude humans usually can't understand mermaids and we can't usually understand them, wh-'
And then the man's face scrunched up and he began speaking human speak, eyes widening as he switched again. "...how the Hell didn't I realize I was speaking in hums and whistles."
"Ya might be siren born!" Remus chimed from behind Roman, sharp teeth grinning wide as he moved out from behind him a little more.
Thomas was just like '???' and so they explained that 'yeah you might have siren descendants, we have a friend who knows more tho'
The twins talked with the man a little more, finding his name was Thomas and he was coming out to the beach because he used to come here a lot as a kid. Not to mention that the sea was...calling to him, he felt, as it always had.
"Definitely siren born," Roman muttered.
Anyways, after a little more talking and the boys introducing themselves-Roman and Remus, twins-and their powers-able to create anything they desire with a certain song and the right ingredients-they told Thomas to wait there and got the other four.
Thomas didn't get to ask what the "power" they mentioned was all about, but he simply waited.
Roman and Remus returned with the others, the twins settling on the same rock and most of the others just popping up from the water.
They introduced themselves, one by one;
Logan, able to help anyone understand or learn anything by simply humming in their hearing range. He's helped his stupid friends figure shit out like this a few too many times. He knows a lot about many things, as well; his powers are *made* to help people learn, and it pulls him to learn enough to properly do so.
Janus, able to deceive or trick anyone he wishes with the right song. He's also able to make anyone believe what he wishes them to, which he usually just uses to basically go 'psst. Taking a nap is a good idea' to his friends most of the time. He is not easy to trick, but he has a habit of lying, as it is what his powers are made for. It's also very difficult to get him to believe anything besides what he does at the time.
Virgil, able to make anyone fear or not fear anything at all. This is rather useful for keeping others safe and keeping dangerous people and things away from them aswell, but he himself is rather fearful, a result of his purpose being to manipulate others' fears.
Patton, able to spread any emotion he pleases, and able to sense emotions. This is useful in helping the others calm down and making sure they're ok. He's very emotional, however, and is often scrambled with his own between broadcasting emotions and sensing outside ones. A part of him is naturally against feeling negative emotions, as he fears he may accidently broadcast them. And either way, he's made to spread good, *useful* emotions, right?
And Roman and Remus' repercussions; Roman can only make certain things and same for Remus. Twins often share powers in this way, split between them. They also basically never stop thinking about what things to make, which makes them a little spacey. Remus is also prone to violent creations, and Roman flowery ones, as that's part of their bias as two halves. When they work together, it's absolutely perfect. Their harmonies are known for their beauty, similar voices harmonizing perfectly to put together things neither could dream of making on their own. Of course, it does take quite a bit of harmony from the two themselves, but they usually manage it. (There's a chance part of Remus' hectic personality is due to people disliking his creations for their darkness, and that part of Roman's theatrics and happy tune is part of trying to keep his side of their creations, but that's a different story, and a problem they're working on anyways.)
After Thomas asks about the "powers" stuff, Logan tells him simple and clean; "due to the fact that mermaids are descendants of sirens, we often have our own versions of their ability to lure others in with their songs. For instance;" Logan gave a simple hum, and suddenly Thomas knew the random (but slightly pertinent) fact that twin mermaids often have powers split between them.
As for the rest of the AU, Thomas just generally learns more about mermaids and stuff and eventually, over some time and some investigating into his family history that *yea I'm a descendant of a siren holy shit.* Thomas' power seemed to be a rather weak version of ancient sirens'; he's able to attract people to him, basically. People hear him singing and go 'wow he seems super cool I should talk to him'. Like um...friendship powers. Literally friendship powers.
Which is uh. Probably part of the reason the sides ended up becoming friends with him in the first place.
I don't know exactly what ocean creature everyone is going to be yet, and it probably won't change their Power(tm) (wow I need a better name for those) but it miiiight change their role in their group a little bit/the headcanons I have for how everyone is going to act, so I'll have to wait and see. For now though, I'll give you the basic idea:
Roman and Remus are the chaos twins, of course. They go around creating whatever the hell they want, basically-within reason. Mostly. Remus scares off any other mermaids for the most part and Roman talks to the ones that seem nice and assures them that they're just trying to keep their little grotto safe. The two of them were abandoned and grew up pretty much alone. They only had each other. They've got a pretty unbreakable bond-oh and also they have an *infinite* amount of teasing material and inside jokes.
Virgil also instills a little fear in most of them of specifically *hurting* him and his friends/messing with their shit. It used to be pure 'yeah fear us' when he didn't have as good as a grasp on his powers and just Panicked anytime anyone came up but now he's more like 'yeah just leave us alone pls'.
Janus? Absolutely the local mom. Goes around forcing everyone to sleep well and to eat and to *preserve your goddamn voices you idiots, I know we all love singing here but our voices are Important ok-*
Also forces Remus to stop chasing local tiny fish and is the only one that can really keep him in line. (Roman can too, for the most part, but he doesn't rlly mind Remus' random shit for the most part.)
Logan usually leaves for at least part of the day to explore and find more things out. He exhausted most tests he could of the other fives' powers to understand them better in about the first month, but he still has it filed away in his Memory Brain. (And that memory of his is exceptional; another important part of what makes his powers useful, and thus extremely pertinent.) Other than that he's usually telling the others off for doing stupid shit or telling someone stuff if they want to hear. (One of the others sits down every couple days and lets him infodump on specific fish and stuff like that. Sometimes verbally, sometimes through his hums, depending on the day.)
Patton is usually goin' around spreading good feels and fixing any bad ones he finds along the way. He's always checking on everyone, always making sure everyone's happy and ok, and they make sure he is in turn.
Sidenote for the Glasses Boys: yeah no I don't think they have glasses. Maybe it's more like...hm...they were born with slightly weak voices, ones that were wobbly. A simple fix, just as glasses are; simply more singing, more training of the voice, and they're mostly up to snuff.
Second sidenote, mermaids can sing without using their powers, but it's fairly rare as most see it as a necessity rather than something fun. The sides love singing, though, and random singing without a meaning at all can often be heard ringing through the tiny little home they've carved out.
I just realized I don't know how they sleep. Idk if/how this is going to work depending on what ocean creatures I choose, but currently the plan is they sleep in piles on the ocean floor, inside their grotto/cave thing. Sometimes just a couple of them sleep together, sometimes they'll all pile on. Depends on who goes to sleep when and what piles you want to join. The rule, though, is no one sleeps alone. It's just not as fun, and Patton insists. And we don't ignore Patton in this household, ok?
The twins like/hate sleeping together on their own depending on the night, though they almost always sleep together anyways. Just the two of them reminds them out at sea, alone when they were kids, but it also makes them feel *safe.* On the nights it reminds them of sadder days, they usually just beg one of the others to join them for the night.
It's basically a rule that *someone* has to oblige.
The twins don't sleep right without each other, honestly. Sometimes, though, they need someone else there to remind them of where they are now.
Idk what I'm going to do with the others' backstories, really. If nothing else, tho, current plan is that mermaid parents usually work like ours do; they raise a mermaid until it's mature enough to be out on it's own. This can change between species, though, and is mostly decided by the mermaid and it's parents according to species, preparedness, and like 50 other factors. So it's not quite as set-in-stone as it is for humans.
Remus and Roman were *certainly* too young when they were abandoned; maybe 10 years old when most leave at 16 to anywhere around 24.
No one knows where their mother went. Not even them.
Also just realized they don't have ages,,,,,,,,h
Note: mermaids live longer than humans (around 150 yrs mostly, deviates slightly depending on species) but they still use human ages, since they mature at...kinda the same rate. Sorta. Thomas, of course, will be living a little longer than most; probably 120 yrs or so, as most of his family is known for. (His great grandfather holds the record for humans at 140 yrs. Probably only a couple lines down from that og siren.)
Roman and Remus: 23
Virgil: 22
Patton: 24
Janus: 25
Logan: 24
Thomas: 23
Mermaid lifespans would probably be a lot shorter if most predators didn't know not to fuck with them. Even animals can understand that mermaids are *powerful,* and can and *will* protects themselves. Most mermaids live peacefully, unless they try to fight each other, which is actually kinda rare since they're usually loners or in small groups like The Boys are and they're usually pretty spread out.
Idk if I'm gonna do any romance for this AU...I'm kinda not in the mood?? Feelin like lettin this just be friends bein friends yknow
Idk. I think that's it for this idea for the moment. I'll come back with any major ideas/those ocean creature designations later, so yknow,,,,,,,,hype for that ig
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mishastoesies · 4 years
tagged by @antifastark​! thank you this meme looks rlly fun!!
1. Which avenger would you recruit to help you plan your birthday?
bruce tbh i always have super nerdy birthdays, like this year i got the chemistry professors at a local university to let me and my friends do some (very easy, safe, and fun) experiments in their labs after their students left.
2. Which avenger would you switch suits with for a day?
FALCON i wanna fly so badlyyyy like i know tony can fly but cmon the sheer AESTHETIC of having wings
3. Which avenger would you want to train with?
tony i feel like he would play very good music which is essential to exercise
4. Oh No, you need help! Which avenger would you call if you’re in trouble
tony again like the man is the swiss army knife of the avengers. he has a solution for everything which is surprising considering his interpersonal life is a mess. 
5. Uh oh, you got arrested, which avenger were you with?
steve. if we were in my town, he would see a confederate flag/neo-nazi propaganda posters/someone’s publicly displayed KKK memorabilia and be like “is anyone gonna burn that” and then not wait for an answer. 
6. The Avengers are playing basketball, which avenger would you pick first to be on your team?
100% clint. he’s HAWKEYE, of course he can make freethrows. being a manlet hasn’t stopped him yet. 
7. You’re trying to make your ex jealous, which avenger do you pretend to date?
natasha 100% like could you IMAGINE. she’s basically the archetypal femme fatale aka the exact opposite of my ex who was like. very conservative (it didn’t last long lmao). the shock. the confusion. the complete 180 from my perceived “type”. poetic.
8. You’re out for a good time, and need a wing man/woman, which avenger do you pick for the job?
tony if i don’t need a designated driver, bucky if i do. both of them are canonically good with women, but tony would turn it up more and bucky would be able to scrape me off of the floor of a disgusting club bathroom. 
9. You woke up with a hangover, which avenger were you drunk with?
thor if i recognize where i wake up, tony if i don’t. thor is a responsible drunk; he would carry me in his big, love-filled arms and deposit me back at my bedroom. tony would get a hotel room with me and make sure both of us at least got out of our cute outfits before passing out onto the floor so as to not wrinkle them
10. You’re going on a road trip, which avenger do you ride with?
thor i feel like he would be a fun person to go on a roadtrip with. plus he has no frame of reference for earth music and would therefore let me play a mix of SOPHIE, All American Rejects, and the Irish Rovers. 
11. No way! You slept with one of the avengers. Which avenger did you wake up next to?
natasha. am gay. 
12. Your favorite band is having a concert, which avenger goes with you?
tony i feel like he’s the only one who would appreciate anti-flag. 
13. You’re going shopping, and need second opinions, which avenger do you trust to help you pick out outfits?
tony again. he’s never had a bad look. show me a time when he didn’t look gorgeous. 
14. Your parents want to meet one of your new friends, which avenger do you take to meet your parents?
bruce, he’s the only one that my indian parents would accept. “oh he’s a medical doctor jessie we love him he’s so educated”
15. You get injured on a mission, which avenger would you trust to be in charge of your care?
bruce again. he’s that kind of doctor.
16. Your room is a mess, which avenger do you pick to be your butler, and clean your room?
steve probably. he seems like he knows how to keep things neat. 
17. You wanna play a prank on the team, but need help. Which avenger do you pick to help you prank the rest of the team?
natasha, she’s the sneakiest
18. Time to buy Christmas presents, which avenger is the easiest for you to buy for?
tony bc i wouldn’t even have to buy him anything, i would literally just make him some donuts and be like “these are for you i know you like them” and he would burst into tears because no one is ever that thoughtful towards him
19. You’re going on a mission but only one other person can go. Which member of the team do you choose to go with you?
gotta go with thor. immortal, sexy, and witty. the three things you need for any mission. 
tagging @armoredsoftie @stvrkreactor @in-a-cave-with and anyone else who’d like to do this!
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silverapplestock · 5 years
Tell me all about your favourite oc if you have one. I want to know all the things 💕
OMG ok i’ve written this out so many times and tumblr keeps deleting it :) idk what TO DO. I’m trying this last time praying it will post!
Thank you so so much for the ask omg, i love talking about my ocs so much.. My favourites at the moment are definitely Vincent and Owen, but Vincent is :))) a whole THING,, i’m still working out his story so I’ll talk about Owen! He’s been an oc of mine for so long and he’s definitely one of my most developed OC’s! I apologise for how much i wrote omggggg
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Full Name: Owen (man… I rlly don’t have second names for mycharacters huh)
Gender and Sexuality: Male, sexuality??? Haha who knows
Pronouns: he/him
Ethnicity: White American
Birthplace and Birthdate: Oren, Utah, US. 8thAugust
Guilty Pleasures: Reading, playing piano, drinking beerrather than his usual whisky, he also really..really loves Hawaiian shirts butwould never be caught dead in one. They all sound kinda like normal hobbiesright? Well Owen doesn’t want anyone knowing he is a normal human being : )) hewants everyone to think he’s a big tough cool man (which he aint)
Phobias: Illness, he’s always very clean and constantlyworries about becoming ill. His mother passed away when he was younger fromillness and his younger sister uses a wheelchair. Plus his household when hewas a kid was SUPER strict with germs and cleaning etc, so a lot of it is ahabit that’s turned into a fear.
What They Would Be Famous For: Climbing his way to the topof a mafia probably, then crying about it bc it’s a big responsibility
What They Would Get Arrested For: Literally everything. He’snot a good boy at all.
OC You Ship Them With: None of my own, but my best friendAmi has an OC named Eber who Owen is absolutely in love with but doesn’t treatvery well at all… Eber deserves better
OC Most Likely to Murder Them: Any of my OC’s.. He’s anarsehole… he pisses literally everyone off.
Favourite Movie/Book Genre: Sc-fi! But he wasn’t allowed toread any of that as a kid as his father wouldn’t allow it (bc he was religiousand thought it was the devil’s work), so he would sneak out to the library whenhe was old enough and read them as fast as he could while there. As an adult,he has a spare room full of sci-fi books!
Least Favourite Movie/Book Cliché: When aliens are written ‘stupid’,being obsessed with humans, wanting to probe them etc. Owen believes Alienswouldn’t be too fussed about humans at all bc they’re ‘way cooler’ – his wordsnot mine.
Talents and/or Powers: He’s a sly fucker, he’ll shake yourhand and steal your watch at the same time just cause he could. He’s good atwhat he does, a little too good at getting people into his bed too. Highlymanipulative. Very good at the piano tho..? So there’s that haha
Why Someone Might Love Them: Honestly I’ve got no idea, he’sa complete ass. Really nasty, pretty much has no friends but.. I guess if youcaught him doing something kinda cute like… reading and he’s bouncing his kneeand smiling at the pages…? Then I can see why someone would love him.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Read everything above hahaha. Amanipulative bad man! He’s bad! Very awful!!
How They Change: Well.. I mean.. there’s a ‘good end’ and a ‘badend’ for him. In the good end, he realises the error of his ways, he realisesthat his love for Eber is greater than anything he’s ever known before and it’sworth a lot more than money. So he embraces his best life, sells all of hisbelongings/donates them (bar a few books), buys a boat and lives on it. He canwear Hawaiian shirts all the time, forget about his hard past with his father,drink beer all he wants while reading and enjoying the sunshine alongside Eber.Uhhh.. in the bad end he pretty much fucks it. He just continues to causehavoc, ruining people’s lives, ignoring his feelings for Eber… dying alone inthe end bc at this point who hasn’t he pissed off, everyone wants to kill him 😊he dies alone, calling out for Eber.
Why You Love Them: Because he’s one of my most developed OC’sand I can’t help but gravitate towards problematic characters/villains tbh.
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bazzledazzled · 8 years
Okay 1st of all I am super duper sorry this took literally forever to get out to you Allie!!!!! Okay so I’m finnally just finishing this off i have been working on this forever and it has NOT been helping that it keeps getting deleted. But here’s sum headcanons frien!!!! :D
Okay so I was thinking and I had this rlly amazing idea that Hearth is an author
Okay like srsly that boy can write
So idk if any of y’all had experience with this, but I find that it’s actually a LOT easier to write in cafes like Starbucks and stuff
Idk the whole atmosphere kinda just sets the mood
And there are a lot less distractions
Plus u can get all the hot beverages u like so…..
So ye as u kinda guessed Hearth goes into a small run down coffee shop every day after work (lol I was just thinking he probably works at a school or something maybe as something small or something like a janitor or one of the ppl that serve the kids lunch and most ppl don’t pay attention to him but the highlight of his day is seeing Magnus, Sam, and Alex at the school and talking to them (fight me on this)) and he just sits and writes in the little coffee shop. If he has enough money, he’ll get a small coffee or something but really he’s just there bc it’s the only place that get’s him into the creative mood
Now let’s get to the good stuff
So Blitzen’s family (actually mostly just him and his mom Freya) owns the coffee shop and stuff
Blitzen usually isn’t there much bc he has another part time job at a vintage clothing store or something idk
But ye so one day Hearth is at the coffee shop and literally before he even walked into the door he was writing bc my gods an idea has been itching at him all day as soon as he left he started writing and he was pretty much just writing in his notebook as he walked down to the cafe (it rlly close to the school and the cafe is close to his house)
Soooo y’know he’s walking into the cafe and his head is bent low over his notebook that’s pretty much falling apart
And like, if u aren’t paying attention u kinda can run into ppl
So he’s writing
And he runs full into another man who is shorter than him
Now his hands are frantically moving in an apology and both of them dropped a ton of papers and Hearth is desperately trying to clean them up
Now Blitzen doesn’t know sign language, keep in mind
So he’s trying to talk to Hearth but Hearth doesn’t say anything and he has no idea why he won’t say anything
Hearth gives him back his papers and tries to rush away but more embarrassingly um…. his already loose scarf catches on Blitz’s satchel
Oh gods he’s blushing SOOOOOOOOOOOOO HARD
So ye um he hurriedly grabs his stuff and leaves Blitz and Blitz goes to his job away from the cafe trying not to think about how handsome the tall stranger was
(Hearth is also having these thoughts but he doesn’t have time to think about them BC HE NEEDS TO WRITE LIKE RIGHT NOW OKAY)
Okay so Hearth opens the notebook
And he isn’t met with writing
Or black and white
He is met with a ton of bright colours
there is literally no lines on the page at all
Bc it isn’t his notebook with his story
Its a book full of fashion designs
SO um ya I mean, Hearth finds himself falling in love with the designs but he doesn’t know how he will get his notebook back so he’s kinda like “oh schnitzel” and knows that the handsome stranger has his book
Meanwhile, Blitz doesn’t notice until he gets back to the coffee shop that evening and opens his book to color the dress he was designing
Now ofc he confused but he starts reading
And like y’know how u can kinda tell what a person is like through writing???? Like I mean i guess y’all can tell im super uber weird from what I write and ye you kinda get a feel of what the person is and who they are
So like not only does Blitz fall in love with the characters and the writing style but he falls in love with the person behind the words and frick he’s in love with a random person that he doesn’t even know who it is
Now the next day Blitz stays at the coffee shop all day to see if anyone is looking for the book
And he knows that they probably have his book bc they both look the same
And when he thinks about it more he realizes it’s probably Hearth who has it
And then he dies bc wow Heart is hot as hell
His mom thinks that something is wrong with him
But he’s just a lovesick puppy
And then finnally after work Hearth comes into the coffee shop and him and Blitz lock eyes
Blitz immediately walks up to him and holds out the notebook
“I think we grabbed the wrong one,” he says with a laugh
Hearth grabs the book, blushing and gives Blitz his
Then Blitz asks if he wants to talk or something but ofc Hearth doesn’t hear him
And Blitz is trying to get his attention and then grabs his arm
Hearth looks up blushing rlly hard
Hearth reads his lips and knows he’s saying “You want me to get you a coffee?” Hearth nods his head
Blitz makes them both sum coffee and they both sit at the back of the room
Blitz starts talking about how much he loves what Hearth wrote and Hearth can read his lips (kinda. they’re moving a little too fast) and he blushes rlly hard. Then, he grabs his notebook and flips to a blank page.
He writes, “Thank you. YOu have no idea how much that means to me,” he shows it to Blitz, who smiles, but looks a little confused. Hearth catches it
“Sorry. This is the only way I can communicate,” he writes. Blitz smiles and grabs his own notebook.
“That’s fine.” Hearth smiles
THey continue talking like that till the cafe closes
And the next day
and the next
and the next
he goes home one day like rlly lovestruck
then he has a brilliant idea
guess what this amazing person does :))))
and there’s one specific phrase he’s trying to learn ;) ;) ;)
So fast forward to the next day
They sit at their usual table with their usual coffee and such
They start to write back and forth like they usually do
Blitz signs something to Hearth
“Will you go out with me?”
Hearth is so excited he almost cries
bc to think that someone would go out of their way like that to do that for him
gods just help my poor son
Ofc he says yes
tbh even if he didn’t like Blitz he probably would’ve said yes just bc Blitz went out of his way to do that for him
And oh gods the smile that cracks on Blitz’s face is enough to light a thousand cities
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