#plz someone talk to me about akechi goro
It’s Time For My Annual “Please RP with Me ;-;” Post
Like every other horny bastard on the internet, I’ve gotten too bored with writing fic all by my lonesome, so now I’m on the hunt for an rp partner >:)
Some important things right off the bat:
Literate, literate, literate. I love long replies. I mean long as in like, you gotta bust out a word document to type it cause it’s not gonna fit on discord, but that’s not mandatory i suppose :/ shorter replies are cool too, but just not my fav yk
Let’s use discord! Idk how many of y’all are still roleplaying pr0n in your tumblr DMs, but been there, done that. Discord is superior.
And that’s kinda it.
If u can write and do it on discord I’ll fall in love with u <3
Anyway, here’s what I’m into atm. Including but not limited to:
Persona 5 (this stupid little game is like crack cocaine to me. i wish I was joking.)
Joker / Akechi
Joker / Ryuji
Ann (loml) / Shiho
Makoto / Haru
Jujutsu Kaisen
Sukuna / Megumi
Yuuji / Megumi
Sukuna / Megumi / Yuuji
Toge / Yuuta (have me in a chokehold ever since I saw the movie ngl)
Maki / Nobara
Toji/ Literally Anyone. Have you seen his tits. Hm?
Those are kinda the two things that Haunt Me In My Sleep and wanna RP the most, but I’m also into
Sk8 the Infinity
Yuuri!!! on Ice
Banana Fish
Demon Slayer
Death Note
& an embarrassing amount more
If you message me about Monster I, a hot bi woman, will break up with my super sexy gamer bf to marry you. But don’t tell him that he’ll get sad :(
If you’re interested, DM me or just like this post and I’ll DM you !!
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I have a thing for serial killers and men with big noses can you tell
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Plz rp with me thank u
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krisseycrystal · 4 years
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rated: t
fandom: Persona 5
prompt: “Soulmates” + Shuake
requested by: @ardentknight
hello yes i’m back w/ more shuake for you plz enjoy
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Too Many Video Games [Read on AO3]
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Because Ryuji and Akira were the kind of “thick as thieves” that meant no secrets, not ever, Ryuji could be understandably miffed that when it came to the ever-controversial topic of soulmates, Akira only said, “I’ve already met mine.”
Ryuji, who still had no idea who the long, crooked line on his wrist was supposed to represent, scowled.
“What the hell?” and “How?” and “Who is it?” fell together in a messy jumble over his tongue and out of his mouth. He could hear his mother’s voice now, scolding, “Slow down, Ryuji. Breathe. You’re the only person I know who could drown simply by speaking.”
Akira smiled enigmatically and did that thing he always did when he was thinking: pinched a strand of curly dark hair between his fingers and twisted.
Ryuji wasn’t impressed. “Really, dude? You’re not gonna tell me?”
So finally Akira chuckled and pulled down his sleeve to reveal a boxy and cool-as-fuck looking Hercules gleaming on the underside of his wrist. The constellation was boxy, with legs that hurricaned outward. It was sick.
“And that is…?”
“The who is private.”
“What, really?!”
But no matter how hard Ryuji pushed and begged and pleaded, it was the one and only secret Akira kept from him. 
It was infuriating.
- o - o - o -
Most people wore bands around their wrists; others didn’t. That wasn’t anything new. It was one of those unspoken understandings that the stars your soulmate was born under was a piece of private information you decided who and when to share with and how. Some people were like Ann who always changed out her wristband to match her outfit and had who-knew-how-many bangles and scrunchies and other accessories she’d gathered just to look cute and keep the stars on her wrist secret. Others were like Mr. Sakura who had no interest in the business of soulmates and kept his wrist bare for anyone to see the Ursa Major there.
Some people, on the other hand, were like Akechi, who always wore long sleeves no matter the weather and usually gloves and never were caught swimming. Ever.
It was those people who typically had more than one constellation, but that wasn’t a very common occurrence.
It was rare when a person had a whole piece of the sky chunked out and wrapped around their hand, winding up their arm, gorgeous and multi-faceted. In ancient times, theories had been that those unique individuals were able to call nearly anyone they met a soulmate who was born under at least one of those stars; in modern times, more theories were coming out that the more constellations on your body, the more specific your soulmate had to be. That soulmate had to have been born under that exact window of the sky.
At least, that’s what Ryuji heard on TV. 
He figured that’s what Akechi had and why he wrapped himself up so much and so often and so tightly.
And then the day came when they were meeting to plan an infiltration into Sae Niijima’s palace. Ryuji, who arguably knew Akira better than anyone else, thought he was acting strange. Usually, Akira had the window seat in the LeBlanc booth the Thieves unofficially claimed as their own. It wasn’t as though Akira wasn’t allowed to sit anywhere else, but the instant he swung a hand at Ryuji in a very gentlemanly, You first, Ryuji felt something was off.
But it wasn’t a big deal and he wasn’t a sissy so after Ann climbed in, he scooched beside her and Akira sat on the outside. Haru, Yusuke, and Makoto clambered over into the opposite bench and Akechi and Futaba pulled up a few tall chairs from the counter.
They talked.
And they had talked about this plan so much lately that Ryuji felt like he already had it memorized, so he slouched over his crossed arms and let his chin dig into the purple of his jacket sleeve and closed his eyes and thought man, no wonder Morgana likes taking naps in sunlight; this is great--
--when Akechi, jokingly in response to a jibe from Makoto, hummed, “By the strength of my stars, are you doubting me?”
And it wasn’t like Ryuji had never heard people make those kind of expressions before. By the strength of my stars. The sprawl of my stars. Let no one but my stars be the judge of me.
It was just that people usually said something like that because that phrase held a connotation with the stars they were born under. Ryuji heard the word “strength” out of Akechi’s mouth and he remembered there was that old, animated Disney movie he used to love as a kid about the super-strong son of a god and his back snapped ramrod straight.
He would have probably talked his own self out of it all, too, if Akira hadn’t reacted the way he did, pressing his glasses up his nose and sharing a humored Look with Akechi, his arm close enough to brush against Akechi’s knee.
Akechi met his look in turn, a distinctive curl to his mouth that looks almost handsome and--
--oh my god.
Akira fucking took the outside seat for a reason.
Ryuji’s mouth dropped open, brown eyes enormous. He thought he might get whiplash from how fast his head spun back and forth and back and forth between Akira and Akechi and the dopey-eyed, disgusting Look they were still sharing while Makoto was still talking and oh my god. Oh my god. 
Akira’s soulmate is Goro Akechi.
“Ryuji?” Haru chimed from the other side of the table. Her head tilted, pretty mouth pinched in concern. “Are you all right?”
Akechi and Akira took one look at him and without needing to look at each other, they moved.
Akira’s hand slammed over his mouth before he could say another word; the other hand fisted into the back of his purple jacket and yanked him out of the booth so quickly and messily, Ryuji’s knee banged up against the bottom and nearly upended all of the team’s coffee and notes spread over the table.
Makoto squawked. Futaba yelped, feet jumping up onto the edge of her tall chair. Akechi hurried the both of them around the counter. They nearly ran into Mr. Sakura on their way into LeBlanc’s kitchens while he was on his way out, toweled hands laden with a fresh, steaming pot of curry. The man swore wildly as he lifted the giant pot, stumbling back out of their way. Then the door swung shut and Akira finally released Ryuji once his back was pressed to one of the two steel ranges lining the back. 
“Wha--” But Ryuji didn’t get a chance to ask a damn thing because nearly immediately afterward, Akira and Akechi spared another glance, and then Akira turned around and fucking left him there in the kitchen with his soulmate, who, last Ryuji was sure about, they weren’t even really sure about. “What the hell was all that for?!”
“You don’t know how to be subtle,” Akechi muttered as if it was supposed to be enough of an explanation.
It wasn’t.
“You!” Ryuji sputtered. “You and Akira!”
“We--” Akechi looked like he was about to say something else but then thought better of it, biting the words back before they had a chance to slip free. “--yes.”
“You and Akira.”
“You said that.”
“I can’t fucking believe--”
“--you don’t have to say it that loudly, do you?”
That set Ryuji off again; he nearly screeched. “And you guys are keeping it secret!”
“Of course,” Akechi said as the kitchen door finally swung open again and Akira wandered back in. His slender fingers were wrapped around the handle of a small, ceramic cup of coffee. “I should think even someone as monkey-brained as you knows that it’s our business when and where and how people know the nature of our relationship.” 
“Y-yeah, but--” 
And then Ryuji’s entire front turned cold because Akira fucking dumped the coffee over his front.
“What the hell, man?!” Ryuji shrilled. He would have backed up further, trying to get away from this horrid abuse of their friendship, but the edge of the range still dug into the small of his back and his shoes squeaked uselessly against the floor tiles. “What’d you go and do that for? That’s fucking cold!”
“No. It’s hot,” Akira coolly said and Ryuji’s first thought was that he’s been playing too many video games.
“The FUCK?”
Akechi somehow picked up whatever it was Akira put down because he sighed like this entire conversation was taxing. His arms crossed over his chest. Akira handed a paper towel roll to Ryuji. “Consider it our cover story. The three of us looked rather conspicuous running into LeBlanc’s kitchens as fast as we did.”
Ryuji tore the paper towel roll out of Akira’s hand. “Excuse you. I was dragged.”
“Regardless, you will tell them you spilled coffee on yourself and it was so hot you could have suffered severe burns, so you are grateful Akira and I were as quick-thinking as we were to cart you off to the kitchen sink to resolve the situation and help you as fast as possible. Understand?”
Ryuji looked up, squeezing his yellow shirt dry and dimly realizing his mother was probably going to make him do the laundry (again). “That’s it?”
“That’s it,” Akechi confirmed. Akira nodded.
“You’re not gonna say anything else?” Ryuji swung a hand at his ruined shirt. “Not like, ‘Sorry you had to find out this way, Ryuji,’ or ‘Hey, bud, I know this is like, breaking news, but if you keep this a secret, I’ll make it up to you.’” Ryuji stopped and gasped loudly. “Blackmail.”
“You wouldn’t.” 
“I could!” Ryuji tried to meet Akechi’s hard stare with his own but hated how transparent his own damn heart was. He sighed. “Fuck.” Then, he thought better of it. “Actually, speaking of--”
“--we’re not talking about our sex life, Ryuji.”
Of course Akira knew what he was thinking. Of course that whole “knowing each other better than anyone else” and “thick as thieves” thing was being turned around to bite him in the ass. Of course.
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//Y’all I hope you like text walls, because that’s what yer getting
|| The Basics ||
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Name: Goro Akechi
Nickname(s): Detective Prince, Crow, Black Mask
Age: 18 (20 in some AUs)
Species: Human
Religious Belief: Not religious, would probably smile and nod if you said god deserved a shot in the head. 
|| Personal ||
Sins: Lust / Greed / Gluttony / Sloth / Pride / Envy / Wrath
Virtues: Chastity / Charity / Diligence / Humility /Kindness / Patience / Justice (He questions why chastity is a virtue but admits to being a virgin) 
Primary Goals In Life: Depends on the AU. The usual answer is “Make my dad’s life hell, then kill myself”. In the Amnesiac AU, his goal is just to regain his memories, as he knew he was working on something very important with Wakaba before the loss of his memories. In the Post-Game AU, he’s just trying to figure out what to do with his life. 
Languages Known: Japanese, some English (he’s not great at it but he tries.) 
Secrets: MANY. His whole life is a lie  Also he’s gay. He’s trying to keep that a secret but even some of his fangirls have figured it out. 
Quirks: Names everything in his house, obsessed with animals and pets but only has a roomba, gets distracted while talking easily and just starts rambling, gets much more formal when nervous, forgets to eat but when he does he eats p much everything, never seems to gain weight no matter what he eats, his hands are super sensitive so he almost never takes off his gloves, overthinks everything.
Savvies: Logic, deduction, investigation, planning, athletics, biking, bouldering, academics. 
|| Physical ||
Height: 5'10″
Weight: 141 lbs
Scars/Birthmarks: None. 
Abilities/Powers: A... a lot. Driving shadows berserk, Wild card abilities (multiple personas, etc), also he’s a very good detective despite uh, initially basically being rigged into his position. 
Restrictions: He’s weak to curses, both in the literal metaverse sense and the metaphorical sense. He really doesn’t handle the negative well-- criticisms, anger, sadness, etc. He is desperate for positive attention and craves love, to the point he’ll do stupid, stupid stuff to obtain what he wants. He has serious trust issues and mental health problems. Also, he’s not as free as he’d like in any aspect. His job and his conspiracy work basically make him a puppet to adults, while his reputation prevents him from being more open with himself and living normally, and his fangirls make it difficult for him to move about the city freely. He’s in a gilded cage. 
|| Favorites ||
Favourite Drink: Coffee. (In terms of alcohol, a Kahlua iced coffee.) 
Favourite Pizza Topping: I can see him liking Margherita pizza and pesto pizza a lot. 
Favourite Color: Beige. YES REALLY. Second favorite color is wine red. 
Favourite Music Genre: death metal He’s not picky, but classical or instrumental stuff is nice! He really likes the work of Yuki Kajiura!
Favourite Book Genre: If it is a book that isn’t a textbook, he will read it. He actually likes fantasy and sci-fi books with deep lore, but he doesn’t have a lot of time to read them. He has a secret love of romance novels because they’re the closest he’ll ever get to romantic interaction.
Favourite Movie Genre: He actually doesn’t watch a lot of movies. Romance movies though. He cries over romance movies. 
Favourite Season: Spring~. It’s the perfect season to go out and do things! 
Favourite Butt Type: He doesn’t care as long as it’s cute and perky. Ren’s. Ren’s butt basically. 
Favourite Swear Word: Judging by the game? Shit. 
Favourite Scent: Vanilla. His shampoo is vanilla scented. He likes the scent of coffee a lot too. 
Favourite Quote:  He’ll say it’s some deep philosophical quote from something obscure. He’ll say that. But. His favorite quote is “I am the rose that slashes evil”. He really likes Tuxedo Mask. 
|| Fun Stuff ||
Bottom or Top: Bottom mostly, but he’d probably switch every once in a while. 
Sings In The Shower: Only when he’s in a really good mood. So almost never.
Likes Bad Puns: Will shoot you if you make one in his presence. 
Morality: Lawful / Neutral / Chaotic / Good / Gray / Evil (the crossed out ones are the real ones) 
Build: Slender / Scrawny / Bony / Fit / Athletic / Herculean / Babyfat / Pudgy / Obese / Other.
Favourite Food: He doesn’t actually know! He does like sweets a lot though, and genuinely does love pancakes. Despite being something of a glutton/gourmet/foodie, he doesn’t really pay much attention to what he’s eating most of the time-- mostly because he barely eats. 
“Boss” Theme Music : Will Power
Their Opinion On The Mun: "She seems like a reasonable enough person, however... if she could stop calling me... any of the things she calls me... I would greatly appreciate it.” He’s being nice he hates my guts. 
|| The Basics ||
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Name: Ren Amamiya
Nickname(s): Renren, Frizzy Hair, Joker, Whatever insult Akechi feels like calling him at the moment. 
Age: 17 (19 in some AUs)
Species: Human
Religious Belief: He’s not religious but he would say Satanism to troll people. 
|| Personal ||
Sins: Lust / Greed / Gluttony / Sloth / Pride / Envy / Wrath
Virtues: Chastity / Charity / Diligence / Humility /Kindness / Patience / Justice 
Primary Goals In Life: Dependant on the AU. He considers reforming society to be extremely important in all of them, though. It’s more a matter of what he decides to focus on. Default, his main focus is on the phantom thieves. Black Gloves Ren’s ultimate goal is to free Akechi from the rigged game they’re playing and give him true freedom and happiness. Post-Game Ren’s goal (which he’s embarrassed admitting) is to get into politics so that he can campaign for human rights (especially LGBT rights and criminal justice reform), and one day making it so he can one day marry the person he loves. (He also wants to propose to Akechi literally the second gay marriage is legal in his country, either in public or private.) 
Languages Known: Japanese, English (Black Gloves speaks it fluently, the others are about as good as you’d expect a Japanese high schooler to be at English). 
Secrets: Only really applicable to Black Gloves Ren. I mean, aside from the whole being a phantom thief thing. Black Gloves Ren is hiding that he remembers the timelines because he thinks nobody will believe him. 
Quirks: Basically unreadable most of the time. His poker face is godly. He flirts a lot, but if you flirt with him he’ll absolutely lose it. Cats seem drawn to him. Tends to bring up earlier conversations much, MUCH later at the worst time possible. A huge troll always. 
Savvies: MAX STATS BOYEEEEE, athletics, is being a cocky little shit a savvy? Because that. Making coffee, cooking, somehow getting the top grades in school without ever studying, out-gambitting major conspiracies.
|| Physical ||
Height: 5'9″
Weight: 145 lbs (yeah he weighs more than Akechi. It’s mostly muscle.) 
Scars/Birthmarks: Idk why but I can see him having a mole on his right shoulder. I have no good reason for this. My brain just says “yes, this would look good.” 
Abilities/Powers: Wild Card abilities. 
Restrictions: Much like his persona, he’s weak to bless. By which I mean his luck is total ass. Nothing goes right for him, no good deed goes unpunished, and if it weren’t for his sheer skill and the people around him, he’d basically be totally fucked always. Also, he’s kind of a criminal on probation and whatnot. 
|| Favorites ||
Favourite Drink: Coffee.
Favourite Pizza Topping: “Pineapple and anchovies.” Ren. Ren. Now is not the time to troll. He actually doesn’t care. 
Favourite Color: Beige. Black and dark gray. “Like my soul.” REN PLZ. 
Favourite Music Genre: He likes things like Jazz and Rock. 
Favourite Book Genre: B O O K. He’ll read pretty much anything. 
Favourite Movie Genre: He’s not particular. He just likes watching movies in general. Obviously though, he loves heist/criminal/thriller stuff. 
Favourite Season: Winter. He likes snow and cold. 
Favourite Butt Type: “Same as Sir Mix-A-Lot” Ren, why do you know that song???? 
Favourite Swear Word: Fuck. Preferably said quietly. 
Favourite Scent: Coffee. He also likes the scent of curry, but he wouldn’t want to be surrounded by it all the time. 
Favourite Quote:  “Where is the real you?” 
|| Fun Stuff ||
Bottom or Top: He likes being a top but he’s also a massive masochist so, honestly, it’s 50/50.
Sings In The Shower: No, but he’ll hum. 
Likes Bad Puns: “I am the pungeon master, here to punish evildoers.” 
Morality: Lawful / Neutral / Chaotic / Good / Gray / Evil 
Build: Slender / Scrawny / Bony / Fit / Athletic / Herculean / Babyfat / Pudgy / Obese / Other.
Favourite Food: CURRYYYYYYYYYY. It wasn’t his favorite food before going to Tokyo, but it is now. It just has a lot of good memories for him. 
“Boss” Theme Music : Last Surprise
Their Opinion On The Mun: "Heh. She’s fun. I’ve never seen someone who pushes Akechi’s buttons as much as I do.” 
Tagged by: Stole
Tagging: All yall
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adiabolikpastel · 6 years
10 husbands tag game
I was tagged by @bitter-doll thank you~
-deep breath- okay... here we go. I am going to give myself some limiters... cause i love way too many...
only characters whom I see myself in a relationship with them. 
no cannon homosexual character, because we could not date because they are gay- and sadly my body is female. (like daddy Sangwoo, Yuri Ayato [he may be bi- but we never see him with a woman so], Masumune Takano, etc.) 
I also cannot ship them with someone else in their show. OR if I do- it cannot be greater than my urge to be with them.. so.. that cuts off a lot of people  (Rin- Griffith-Nicholas)
I also cannot see them as my precious son- i have to want to DATE/Marry/become lost with them.
no dating sims
must have/had/will have an OC to be with them!
I have done similar things : here /  here
1. Byakuya Kuchiki - Bleach : This man... one look is all it takes- and I’m jelly. I adore him so much, and honestly some have come close, but he will always be my absolute husband. 
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2. Sekizan Takuya- All Out!! : My sweet, sensitive, put em on their ass, never give up, high school student daddy. He is so wonderful and such an amazing character. 
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3. Atsushi Taga - Hatsukoi Monster : Senpai... oof! My sadistc god~ call me bread, not even fit enough to feed the ducks! Ah- I mean... um... yes. This is Taga... he’s quite... rude. 
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4. Prince Eins Von Glanzreich - the Royal Tutor : Make me your queen PLEASE! Oof... Eins is so cool- calm- collected~ So beautiful and perfect! For those who have only seen the anime- he gets more attention in the manga - not much but some.
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5. Mr. Jefferson - Life is Strange : Don’t judge me plz! I just... oof the idea of going crazy together... loosing ourselves in the art of photography. Just... mm... good thoughts. 
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6. Tamaki Amajiki (Suneater) - Boku no Hero Academia : MY SWEET BABY! LET ME JUST... AHHHH I want to love him and hold him and make him feel special. He is just a sweet bean~ He is also only in the manga so far- but i cannot wait for his anime debut. 
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7. Portgas D. Ace - One Piece : I have loved him ever since OP was on 4Kids. Love at  first sight really.. and I am never over the fact that he is no longer here. RIP my sweet hungry boy. 
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8. Shinjiro Atagaki (persona 3) & Akechi Goro (persona 5) : These two are together because both of them just... I was truly in love with them. I wanted nothing more than to help them and be with them and make things better. 
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9. Gaara - Naturo franchise : My little Republican husbando~ He has grown so much, and honestly I just love him more and more. He is a father now, and a great leader- though I loved him back when he talked to himself and killed everything around him~
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10. Jason Todd (red Hood) - DC Comics : Jason... my sweet love. I love you. Everything about you. From how broken you are, to the justice you seek- everything. 
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