#pocket! joohoney
bsdtual · 1 year
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jookyun being adorable
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vesvosmozhno · 5 months
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I also need to be in between them thanks.
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thecozywhaleshark · 5 years
Pocket Monsta X - Home Alone
A/n: An anon request for Pocket MX being home alone while their mom runs errands and when their mom gets back
is a good, quiet pocket
most of the time
if home alone he will do either two things: 1. read quietly 
or 2. turn on the radio to his favorite station and crank the volume
dances and head bangs around the house
will probably be shirtless 
only a pocket trained ear will be able to hear faint screaming as he sings if anyone should pass by the house while this is happening
blushes so hard if you catch him head-banging on the kitchen counter and shyly grabs his shirt before scampering away
will pout when you leave 
watches from the window with his nose pressed against the glass until your car is out of sight
then is scampering down the back of the couch to the kitchen
stuffs his face with his favorite things (he especially loves marshmallows)
grabs food and hides it in places only he knows so he can sneakily have a snack without you knowing later
will be very clever about it, hide it in low places you won’t think to look
might watch tv 
gets really into the cooking shows 
even though he knows he's not allowed to watch them (he gets too aggressive over them, you say its bad for his blood pressure) 
will keep his eyes glued to the television watching Chopped and screaming at them things like “YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO SEAR THE STEAK SAM! NOT BURN IT!” or “YOU FORGOT TO HEAT UP THE OVEN YOU DUM DUM!” 
as soon as he hears your car in the driveway he’s quick to turn off the tv and run to his little weight set, pretends he's been working out the entire time you’ve been gone 
gives you the biggest hug when he sees you
coaxes you into cuddles ~ though it doesn’t take much now does it 
alternates between wandering the house and doodling pictures
if he’s feeling in a cleaning mode might go around the house picking up lint off the carpet 
if not he might just reorganize his entire closet a couple of times 
will do it by brand, by sleeve length, by color... keeps doing it until he’s satisfied 
eventually just lays on the floor and stares at the popcorn ceiling, drawing patterns in his head, might start humming a tune
twiddles his wee little thumbs on his stomach until you come home
so relieved when you do because he’s been so b o r e d
immediately wants to be put right back on your shoulder
will be excited to help you restock the pantries and get everything all neat and organized 
gathers all of his stuffed animals and climbs up onto your bed
has a little tea party
brings little doll cups of water and some Cheetos onto the bed to serve his friends
it will start out innocent but he’ll soon add drama to the conversation 
will sigh dramatically and cause all the drama himself, all “Theodore, please.” and, “Dolly, we all know you would look so much better with a little more stuffing in your cheeks.” 
will turn his little tea party into a war zone, making his toys fight each other and spilling the water all over the bed, eating the snacks and leaving little orange hand and footprints everywhere 
will eventually tire himself out and fall asleep mid play
that's where you find them when you come back 
you will be mad that your white sheets are damp and smeared with orange goo 
but he looks so cute sleeping on top of his teddy bear that you can’t bear to wake him
wanders the house randomly touching everything
spends a lot of time contemplating where things came from or what would happen if they were to, by chance, break
talks to himself
gives a detailed description of every room in the house and what you guys do there to imaginary real-estate sellers and potential buyers
will get teary-eyed if he remembers something emotional while giving the ‘tour’
will sigh at himself in annoyance and head back towards the front door to start over 
will stare at you solemnly when you come in after getting the groceries 
if you ask him “hey buddy! what have you been up to today?” he’ll probably just blink and walk away, still lost in his own mind and showing the imaginary guests out the door
as soon as you’re gone he’s taking out all of his hot wheels and setting up the most elaborate race track
it’ll take him a couple of tries - could take him all day
but he’ll climb everywhere to get some cool jumps
if his car can’t make the jump he’ll ‘fly’ them to where they need to be
which could be in a completely different part of the house
he won’t be done when you come home
be prepared to have to step over all his tracks and have to help him clean it all up later
he’ll want you to grab your own car and race him, turning chores into playtime as fast as he can
takes a nap when you leave so he has less time missing you and feeling alone in the big empty house
will try to pull some big kid prank that he’s too little to make happen but he’ll try to do it anyway
like he’ll try to rig up a bucket of water balanced precariously on the door 
but he’ll use a plastic cup and the sink sprayer to fill it
he’ll accidentally tip it over on the counter when he’s trying to move it
soaks anything that’s nearby 
panics as it drips down the cabinets and onto the floor 
scampers away 
is in denial when you come home and see water everywhere 
“I don't know mom the sink does crazy things sometimes...maybe you oughta get that checked out.” 
Tag List: @zerotexas1975 @restfromthestreets @purpletigertaetae @tangledsparkles @jedi-cat-6 @ruinedbyjin
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6ebe · 5 years
that time monsta x were asked what theyd do if they were invisible and 2 of them said theyd rob a bank and jooheon said hed rob the ceo 
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mashyimaro · 6 years
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Jookyun skillfully presenting the group polaroids from Take 2
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shining-red-diamond · 4 years
Bells in the Distance (Part 1)
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Words: 2.9k
Pairing: Onew x Winnie (OC) (feat. Amber Liu, Monsta X’s Joohoney, and ROMEO’s Minsung)
Raiting: PG
Genre: Fluff, angst
Warnings: intense in some scenes, some peril
Summary: Since being home from the military, Lee Jinki is over the moon to be home with his wife Winnie and son Owen. They grew closer together, but Jinki can’t help but feel as if he failed as a husband and father by being away from his little family for so long and not connecting with his son as he would wish. On Christmas Eve, he’ll take a journey to a place he knew only in legends and maybe learn something from St. Nicholas. Inspired by the film The Polar Express.
Tags: @ezralia-writes​ @queen-of-himbos​ @romeorussia​ @barnesbabee​ @daybreakx​ @fairyofdusk​ Let me know if you want to be tagged.
December 24, 2020
“But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight— ‘Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night,’” Winnie finished the story.
“Read it again, Mommy,” the four-year-old boy begged.
“But if I read it again, Santa might not come,” his mother warned in a gentle voice. “All of those cookies we made for him will go to waste, and you decorated them so beautifully.”
“Even the ones with lots of icing?”
“Those are his favorites.”
“Okay, Mommy,” the boy sighed.
Winnie chuckled. “Sweet dreams, baby.”
Jinki watched as the light in his son’s room was switched off, and his wife’s footsteps were heard trudging down the hallway towards his and her bedroom.
Earlier that evening, Jinki and Winnie had gotten into an argument. Ever since he had returned from military service back in July, he felt he had missed out on much of his son’s life. He wasn’t feeling as connected with him as he used to be. Winnie argued that Owen always wanted to be with his dad, and now that he’s home all Owen wants to do is spend time playing with him. The ordeal led them in a heated argument, which led to each of them saying hurtful words to each other. Jinki hated himself for it, so he decided to sleep on the couch in the living room for the night in order for the two of them to cool off until morning. Seeing Winnie cry killed Jinki inside. She was four and a half years younger than him, but he always wanted to be gentle with her feelings, especially now that she was pregnant with number two. He wanted to run up there, snuggle her, and rub and kiss her swollen belly; but the last thing he wanted to do was make his beloved wife upset.
After a glass of water, Jinki tiptoed upstairs to check on his little boy. Peaking into his bedroom, the child was fast asleep while snuggling his fox plushie. The only light in his room was his galaxy projector giving a green light show. Once he shut the door as quietly as possible, his foot carried him towards his and Winnie’s room; but something told him not to go in. Was it guilt? A sixth sense? Was something going to happen? He wasn’t sure, but he listened to his gut and returned to his self-made couch bed.
Jinki then turned off the kitchen light after refilling his cup and headed back to the couch. Gently, he set his drink on the cork coaster and rested his head on his pillow. However, he still had to get up in the morning to set out Owen’s gifts from “Santa,” so he set an alarm for 7:45AM before lying down again.
Silence and darkness engulfed the house, the ticking of the grandfather clock near the TV, its hands reading 10:20, was the only noise that broke the dreary silence. Moonlight shone through the windows as snow fell, the Lee’s Christmas tree illuminated by the silver glow. As Jinki closed his eyes, the ticking seemed to grow louder and louder as he drifted. It was only after a few seconds, the ticking stopped at the sound of sleigh bells in the distance, and it was silent again.
When he opened his eyes again, Jinki looked at the clock.
How did the time fly so fast? Jinki wondered. He figured it was only because he was going in and out of sleep.
A ripple in his water cup caught his attention. Then, the family pictures began to rattle, and the Christmas tree began to dance a little. Jinki could feel his whole house begin to shake nearly violently. Earthquake, he thought. As he was about to jump out of bed to get his wife and child to safety an old train whistle blew loudly. Through the living room windows, pale-yellow light illuminated the living room, and Jinki could hear a train chugging by. What was going on?
In a haste, Jinki grabbed his military coat from the coat closet, ripping the garment in the pocket as it got caught on the door handle. He slipped on his black boots and dashed outside into the cold night air. In front of him was an old, black locomotive stopped in front of his home. It wasn’t a subway train that he was used to seeing, but a steam powered train that he had only seen at museums and read about in school. Stretched across two cars, gold lettering read “POLAR EXPRESS.”
Just as he moved to check it out, a man’s voice called out, “All aboard! All aboard!”
Jinki turned around to see the owner of that voice standing by an entrance on one of the train cars. As he marched through snow closer, he noticed the man carried an electric lantern, wore a dark blue suit with a hat that said “CONDUCTOR” on gold lettering, square-framed glasses, and a dark brown mustache sat perched on his top lip.
“Well, you comin’?” the man, now identified as the conductor, spoke after a few seconds of silence.
“Where?” Jinki shrugged.
“Why to the North Pole, of course!” The conductor near-shouted as if he should have known ahead of time. He then motioned to the train. “This is the Polar Express.”
“The North Pole?”
The conductor made a “tsk” sound, and gave a curt nod. “I see. Hold this, please.”
He handed Jinki the lantern to hold before pulling out a clipboard from inside the car. He turned it around and asked, “Is this you?”
It was a profile of Jinki with all of his statuses including marital, parental, and career.
“Yeah,” he confirmed.
“Well,” the conductor looked at the profile, “it says here that you’ve had doubts this year, are lacking a sort of confidence, and even got into an argument with your wife this evening. Sounds to me like this is your crucial year. If I were you, I would think about climbing on board.”
Jinki couldn’t believe what he was hearing. A train shows up in his neighborhood, no one else seems to notice nor care about the ruckus noise of the whistle, and now he’s told the train is going to the legendary North Pole. It existed, of course, but the aspect of Santa’s North Pole was just a legend. That’s what he knew. It was too much to wrap his head around, so he shook his head and backed away.
“Suit yourself,” the conductor shrugged as he took the lantern back. Once he stepped onto the car, he waved his source of light, and the train whistled in response. The train lurched forward and began to chug away. Jinki’s mind began to race as he thought about why the train showed up in the first place. It must have been a sign for something, and he had that gut feeling earlier telling him to wait down in the living room. This train had to arrive for whatever reason, so with a change of mind, Jinki jumped on before the locomotive could pick up speed.
Looking out into his neighborhood, he passed his house, and he silently promised to return in a while.
Jinki didn’t notice the conductor standing behind him until he cleared his throat. He turned around and saw the conductor holding the compartment door open for him. When he entered, the interior of the car was stunning. Beautiful red moquette covered the seats, the floor carpet was a dark green with a holly print on it, a light colored wood framed the entire compartment, and large windows were wiped crystal clear with the exception of ice leaving their thumbprints on the outside.
There were already a few passengers inside. Most of them were people who didn’t know, but there were a few idols he recognized or was familiar with: Yoohyeon from DREAMCATCHER, Moonbin from ASTRO, San from ATEEZ, Red Velvet’s Yeri, and even Yanan of PENTAGON. They were all joking around or speaking with the other passengers, but he wasn’t sure why they were on the train in the first place.
Jinki just took the first seat he saw. The seat was comfy, at least.
“Onew?” a woman’s voice sounded from his left.
Turning his head, he found his former labelmate Amber sitting across the aisle from him. Her hair was still in its iconic short cut but dyed a velvet red, and she was dressed in a sweater and comfortable, heather grey pants. Her tattoo sleeve peaked from beneath the long sleeves every now and then.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, sitting up a bit straighter.
“I should be asking you the same thing.”
“Did the train just show up at your house?”
“Yep. As it did everyone else here.”
“Do you know what kind of train this is?” another voice chimed in. Joohoney of Monsta X was sitting in front of him.
“A magic train?” Amber replied sarcastically.
“I know it’s a magic train. Actually, it’s a Baldwin 2-8-4 S3-class steam locomotive, but in 1931 at Baldwin Locomotive Works.”
Someone’s been doing a lot of Googling, Jinki thought.
He leaned in towards Amber and asked her, “Are we really going to the North Pole?”
Amber nodded. “I didn’t believe it either, but trust me, the conductor has been telling the truth.”
“Tickets, please!” the conductor announced.
Everyone scrambled back to their seats as he began to check for tickets. Jinki was the first person he came to and asked for his ticket, but he shook his head. He wasn’t informed of any tickets beforehand.
“Try your pocket,” instructed the conductor.
Jinki checked his right pocket, but it was empty with the tear from earlier. It was about two fingers wide, and he would have to fix it soon.
“Try your other pocket.”
When he inspected it, the feeling of something paperlike caught him by surprise. Pulling it out, he was holding a shining, golden ticket that had a picture of the train on the front. The ticket was about the size of a football, and the gold reflected the light at every angle. Jinki had never seen anything like it.
Still stunned, he handed it to the conductor, who snatched it up with a thank you. Using a hole punch, he began making holes in the ticket at such a rapid pace Jinki thought it was automatic at one point.
The conductor gave him back the ticket before thanking him and moving on to the next passenger. Jinki’s ticket had the letters “H” and “R” punched into it. What kind of train was this?
“That guy sure likes to show off with his ticket punch,” Joohoney scoffed as he held up his ticket. “Look what that wise guy punched in my ticket. ‘L’ ‘E.’ What the heck does that mean?”
The conductor made an announcement over a PA system, stating the train would be making another stop at an address.
“We’re heading for the other side of the tracks,” Joohoney whispered to someone.
Jinki rolled down his window to see what was happening. The train had stopped at a beautiful white house that was two stories high. It was decorated for the holidays with a wreath hanging on the door and multicolored lights wrapped around two columns. A small snowman in a purple bonnet seemed to greet the train, and the front porch was covered in snow. Through a large window on the first floor, Jinki could make out a Christmas tree that was illuminated by white lights.
The conductor stepped off the train to greet a tall, young man standing outside and dressed in warm pajamas and a black robe and slippers.
“It’s just another pickup,” Joohoney said before turning to Jinki. “That’s weird. I thought you were supposed to be the last one.”
Jinki was paying attention to the scene outside. The conductor gave him the same speech to the young man about where the train was going and all, but just like Jinki, the young man got cold feet and backed away.
“Suit yourself,” said the conductor. He hopped back onto a car and waved his lantern. The train whistled and began to chug, the center of gravity forcing the passengers back a little.
As the locomotive passed the man, Jinki seemed to recognize who he was as they got closer. He had jet black hair, idol-like features, and was about five feet and eleven inches tall. His dark eyes looked up at Jinki, and the older man gave a small wave.
Minsung, it clicked in his mind. Minsung of ROMEO. Minho had appeared in one of their music videos a few years back, so that’s where he remembered him from. He looked the same, but a tad bit older.
To Jinki’s surprise, the young man began to run after the train. However, despite Minsung’s long legs he was lagging to catch up to the train. The snow was making it difficult for him, and it didn’t help that the train was beginning to pick up speed.
“We have to stop the train,” Jinki concluded as he pulled himself back into the compartment.
“I don’t know how to stop a train,” Amber panicked.
“Pull the emergency break!” Joohoney pointed to a red, stirrup shaped object hanging in a cylindrical cavity in the wall.
Without a second thought, JInki rushed over and ranked on it with both hands. Almost immediately, the train halted to stop, but the force pushed the passengers over. Jinki, Amber, and Joohoney all were thrown to the floor, the wind being knocked out of the older man for a few seconds.
Once he caught his breath, he stood up again. Minsung’s head appeared on the other side of the car door’s round window. He looked in at everyone else, but turned the other way to enter the caboose. Jinki concluded he was just shy. Jinki was about to go invite him to the other car when another door slammed open.
“He did,” Joohoney tattled as he pointed to Jinki.
“You.” -The conductor furiously marched towards him- “In case you didn’t know, that cord if for emergency purposes only!” -he moved over to the open window to signal to the driver of the train- “And in case you weren’t aware, tonight is Christmas Eve. And in case you hadn’t noticed, this train is on a very tight schedule.”
The train whistled as the conductor got close to Jinki’s face.
“Now, Mr. Lee,” he lowered his voice. “Christmas might not be important to some people, but it is very important to the rest of us!”
Jinki tried to explain, but Amber stepped to defend him. “He was just trying to stop the train so that guy could get on!” she raised her voice.
The conductor looked out to where she was pointing and saw Minsung taking a seat in the caboose. “I see. Mr. Lee, is that what happened?”
Jinki nodded quickly.
Smacking his lips, the conductor calmed down, and told them, “Let me remind you, we are on a very tight schedule” -he checked his golden pocket watch and nearly had a heart attack- “And I’ve never been late before! And I am certainly not going to be late tonight.” He then rushed to the front door of the car and instructed everyone to return to their seats.
The Polar Express began to move again. Picking up the microphone for the PA system, the conductor announced, “Your attention, please. Are there any Polar Express passengers in need of refreshment?”
Everyone who was a passenger shot their hands in the air. The conductor slid the door open, and about eight waiters dressed in black vests and pants with white clothes wrapped around their midsections came tap dancing into the car. Music started to play as every other seat was turned towards the ones behind them, creating a sort of booth with at least three or four passengers sitting together. As the waiters and conductor sang about hot chocolate, the white clothes were tossed into each booth and made a sort of floating table. A few chefs entered on a trolley cart and began to toss out cups and saucers to each waiters’ tray. Jinki was surprised none of the dishes shattered upon impact despite being made of porcelain.
Some more chefs entered with a giant, bronze pot that was steaming with some boiling substance in it. A lever was pulled, and shots of the burning brown liquid landed in each cup. The beverage was then passed to each passenger, and as soon as Jinki tasted his, he couldn’t believe how delectable it was. He wished his son was there to try it as well, but he hoped to try to find something similar to make for him.
As soon as everyone was finished with their first round, they were giving a second cup as the waiters gave a gymnastic type performance. Then, once everything was picked up, the waiters jumped onto the tables, pulled the clothes as they back flipped back into the aisle, and then tap danced back out of the car as the seats were turned back into their original positions.
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monstaxnight · 5 years
Who's always got his hands on his girl's ass, mxn?
lazy evenings spent sleeping between the soft cradle of his sheets, his fingers finding home beneath the waist of your sweet little pajama shorts.
the lilac drip of the morning shower, his hands and lips always paying special attention to the sleep that might need massaged from your hips and thighs.
intoxicated by the red-hot romance of your first date, fistfuls of that too short hem between his fingertips as he pulls it over your ass so those little panties peek out beneath his knuckles.
drinking the laughter from your lips as he holds your squirming body against his hard chest and rich cologne, fingers swallowed by the tight pockets of your boyfriend jeans.
sitting on his lap in nothing but a tight thong and his lakers jersey, sucking on a honey lollipop as he plays with his video games and you play with his resolve.
03:01 and 03:02, timestamps on the sex blurred images of him squeezing your skin, and the sweet red marks his fingers leave behind.
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givemebtscenarios · 5 years
Who Do U Love?-Shownu(M)
Request: Hi! Can I have a smutty request with shownu of Monsta X? Bonus points if it's a rare jealousy scenario? Thanks
Words: 2,860
Your chest heaved up and down as you stared at the ceiling, the flush on your body slowly starting to fade as you closed your legs. Visions of your best friend fading from your mind as the guilt of secretly fantasizing about him filled you up. You caught your breath, rolling over onto your side, wincing slightly at the feeling of your thighs rubbing together after the roller coaster ride you just took yourself on. You closed your eyes; you envisioned yourself with him, laughing as you drove down the street, his hand on your thigh as your fingers were clasped between his. You knew you'd be lying to yourself if you said it was only lust you felt for him; you've known him too long for that. He knew things about you nobody else knew.
Your phone ringing brought you out of your thoughts and you reached up to bring it to your face, seeing the name 'Joohoney' on it along with a honey pot. You slid your finger across the screen and brought it up to your ear.
"Honey pot." you said with a smile, and you heard him chuckle on the other line.
"Hey, beautiful." he said, and you could hear the smirk in his voice.
"What are you doing?"
"I was going to see if I could come over for a bit. I got bored at the house and wanted to hang out with someone. Of course, you were the first person to come to mind."
You grinned at his words, debating on whether you should let him come over or not.
"Yeah, come on. I just bought a movie today and haven't watched it, yet. You can watch it with me." you said, getting up off your bed.
"Ok, good. I'm already outside." he said with a laugh.
"Of course you are!" you said, grinning and hanging up your phone.
You walked to the front door and let him in, taking in his appearance as he walked by you. You bit the corner of your lip as you took in his plain white t shirt and his black skinny jeans. He took his shoes off by the door and walked into your living room, sitting down on the couch and making himself at home. You chuckled and shook your head, walking over to put the movie into the DVD player. You took a seat beside Jooheon, placing your head on his shoulder as the movie started. Your phone vibrated a couple minutes into it, and you looked at your phone to see your best friend's name.
Nunu: Are you busy? Thinking maybe I could come over and we could watch that movie?
You wanted to groan, you wanted to thrash on the couch like a child. You never thought you'd find yourself in this situation. Jooheon didn't like your best friend, simply because Jooheon wanted to get into your pants, and your best friend was messing that up for him. And Hyunwoo didn't like Jooheon because he knew all he was trying to do was get into your pants. Jooheon was great for a quick fuck, but every time he left, you couldn't stop yourself from picturing your best friend. It was like your heart belonged to Hyunwoo, and your pussy belonged to Jooheon.
You: I was actually about to head to bed, I have to get up early in the morning. Tomorrow night?
Nunu: Yeah, that's fine! I'll see you tomorrow night, then.
You locked your phone and threw it to the side, looking up at Jooheon to see him already staring back at you.
"Everything okay?" he asked.
"Yeah, everything's fine." you said, nodding before turning back to the movie.
About an hour into it, you felt Jooheon's hand creep down from your shoulder onto your chest. Your breath caught when he palmed your breast, squeezing it slightly. You heard him exhale sharply from beside you and you took the opportunity to get into his lap, straddling him as your lips met his and your hands went to his hair. He kissed you back with urgency, not waiting too long before picking you up and carrying you back to the bedroom.
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When you woke the next morning, you woke up alone as usual. It was normal for Jooheon to leave before you woke up, but it was never long before he was texting you again. Going between his and Hyunwoo's text threads all day nearly exhausted your brain. You had agreed to go out for lunch with Jooheon, although it took forever for the two of you to come up with a restaurant the both of you would enjoy. When it came time to get ready, you didn't do much, just pulling on some jeans and a shirt. You discarded doing your makeup and put your hair up, grabbing your bag as you left your apartment. You walked to the restaurant, your eyes resting upon Jooheon's figure as he waited outside for you. He greeted you with a smile and hug before opening the door and letting you walk in.
The two of you were seated in a corner booth, the open layout of the restaurant laid out before you to take in. You looked at Jooheon in admiration. It took someone extremely good looking to pull off even the simplest of outfits, and no matter what he wore, he always seemed to look like he was heading for the runway at a fashion show. It wasn't until your eyes landed on someone you never thought would be there that you wished you could either disappear or just melt into the floor.
"Y/n, what is it?" Jooheon asked, looking behind him to see Hyunwoo seated with his mom.
"He takes his mom out?" he asked with a snort.
"It's her birthday today." you snapped, glaring at him with your eyebrows furrowed.
You waved at him, a smile trying to tug at the corner of your mouth. He held his hand up, not meeting your eyes before he went back to conversing with his mom. Your face fell, your hand dropping to the table. Your once ravishing appetite had completely vanished, your stomach feeling hollow and uneasy.
"I have to go. " you said, quickly getting up and leaving the restaurant without glancing at Hyunwoo on your way out.
You practically ran home, slamming your door shut before locking it and sitting on your couch. Why did he have to be there right then? Why couldn't he have waited or brought her there earlier? Any chance of being with him that you possibly had, flew out the window the second Hyunwoo laid his eyes on you with another guy. God, and the way you were looking at Jooheon before you saw him there. There's no way in hell he doesn't think the two of you aren't dating. You sat back on the couch, looking at the ceiling, trying to think of something to text Hyunwoo to explain why you were out with another guy. Even though you didn't owe him an explanation.
You sat there for longer than you meant to when you were brought out of your trance by a knock on your door. Thinking it was Jooheon, you yelled out.
"I'm not in the mood, Jooheon. Please, just go home."
"I'm not Jooheon, it's nice to know you'd send him home, though." came a deeper voice from behind your door.
A voice you knew all too well, and a voice that could do unspeakable things to you without him even knowing it. You jumped up and ran to the door, looking out of the peephole to see Hyunwoo standing there, his hands in his pockets. You unlocked the door, opening it to see him towering above you with a small smile on his face.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, looking up at him.
"We're watching that movie tonight, remember?" he asked, looking behind you at the TV.
Shit. How could you have forgotten about that? You stepped aside and let him walk in, his shoes joining a couple pairs of your own at the door. He grabbed the remote to the TV and turned it on as he sat down on the couch. The same exact spot Jooheon had taken up the previous night before he hoisted you up and took you to your bedroom. You sighed and walked over to sit beside him. Your eyes scanned the tv screen as he started the movie up, turning on the subtitles before walking to the kitchen and getting a bag of chips.
"Since you can't hear over the crunching." he said with a small smile, handing the chips over to you.
You gave a small smile back and took the bag from him, laying it on your lap. He laid his arm over your shoulders and you squeezed your eyes shut. As right as this felt, you couldn't bring yourself to enjoy it like you should've. Not with what you did the night before and letting Hyunwoo see you with Jooheon earlier. You wanted to say something to him about it; explain that it wasn't what it looked like and that he didn't mean anything near what Hyunwoo meant to you. That you didn't want to be with Jooheon because you were actually in love with him.  The words wouldn't come out of your mouth.
The movie flashed across your face, the lights showing in the reflection of your eyes, but your mind wasn't taking anything in. Your brain was too busy comprehending the thoughts that ran through it at a million miles per second. You didn't realize when the movie wasn't playing anymore until Hyunwoo shook your shoulder and brought you out of your thoughts.
"Are you okay? I've been calling your name for about five minutes." he said, looking down at you.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just really into the movie." you answered with a smile.
"What just happened?"
You looked up at him, your mouth open as if you were going to say something, but you knew he had caught you. He sighed as he turned the tv off and turned around to fully look at you.
"Seriously. What is going on? Is it earlier when you were with Jooheon?" he asked, a sneer trying to come onto his face as he said his name. When you didn't answer, he knew that he was right.
"It's fine that you were with him. I just wasn't expecting him to be the one you started dating. You and Jooheon don't really have that much in common." he said, looking down at his lap.
Your head shot up and your eyes were wide.
"I'm not dating Jooheon."
"You're not? Judging from the way you were looking at him earlier, I would say otherwise."
"I'm not with Jooheon. I'm never going to date Jooheon."
"I bet you're really upset about that, huh?"
Your eyebrows furrowed as he stood up, grabbing his jacket off the arm of the couch.
"What is your problem?! I told you I'm not dating Jooheon. I don't want him! Why are you so jealous?!" you yelled, watching as he started to walk away.
He turned around and rushed to you, grabbing your hips and slamming his lips onto yours. After the shock wore off, you kissed him back urgently, your fingers wrapping themselves in his hair. He picked you up easily, your legs wrapping around his waist as he carried you to the kitchen.
"I'm guessing Jooheon had your bedroom last night?" he asked in gasps, setting you on the counter.
You decided to ignore his little quip and tugged his shirt over his head, throwing it to the floor as your hands when to his chest. You moaned as he brought you back into another kiss, your fingertips traveling over his pecs and over his broad shoulders. You moved closer to the edge of the counter and you felt his hands at the hem of your shirt. You leaned back and raised your arms, letting him make your shirt join his. His lips went to your chest as his fingers  unclasped your bra. His mouth traveled to the tops of your breasts before he pulled your bra off and threw it. He groaned as he took one your nipples into his mouth, his tongue lighting a line of fire across your skin as he took it between his teeth.
You felt him play with the button of your jeans and you pushed yourself up so he could get them off along with your underwear. He kissed you again as you unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down enough to slide one of your hands in his boxers. He grunted when you wrapped your hand around his cock, squeezing gently.  His lips tortured your skin, his hands pushing his jeans down until they reached his ankles. He gripped your thighs, looking up at you, silently asking for permission.
You nodded and he trailed his thumb over your clit, biting his lip when he felt exactly how wet you were.
"Do you get this wet for Jooheon?" he asked quietly, almost as if he didn't mean to say it.
When you didn't answer, he slapped your thigh and forced you to look at him as he repeated his question.
"No. No, Jooheon never made me this wet." you whined.
It was true. Jooheon had never affected your body the way Hyunwoo had. He dragged you closer to the edge and you wrapped your arms around his neck. Without warning, he thrusted himself into you, your eyes squeezing shut and your nails digging into the skin of his neck. He muffled a loud groan against your skin and drew his hips back, only to snap them forward once more. Your body jerked with each thrust, your mouth falling open as soundless moans fell from your lips. He pushed your shoulder until you were laying flat against the counter and he wrapped your legs around his waist.
He hit spots he couldn't hit before with the new angle and your body reacted by tightening your legs around him and grabbing the edge of the counter. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you moaned his name, no other words coming to mind. He grunted and groaned above you, his hands gripping your waist and his eyebrows furrowed as he watched himself disappear inside of you. Sweat gathered on his forehead and one of his hands left your hip to push the hair out of his face.
"Who do you love?" he asked, his lip caught between his teeth.
You were struck speechless for a second, not knowing if he really meant to ask you that.
"Who do you love, y/n? Me or Jooheon?"
His thrusts sped up as he asked, his cock rubbing against your g spot with every thrust. You tried to talk, but words wouldn't come out of your mouth. Your body vibrated against the cool counter top, your breasts bouncing as he thrusted inside you.
"You! I love you, Hyunwoo!" you finally yelled, your nails digging into the skin of his arm as you felt your orgasm build up in your stomach.
"I can feel you tightening around me, baby. You wanna cum, huh?" he asked, gently wrapping his hand around your throat.
You nodded as best as you could, your hips rolling on their own accord as your legs started shaking.
"Hyunwoo, Hyunwoo, please." you begged, looking up at him.
"Only because you said you love me. Now, cum." he said, and your back arched off the counter as your orgasm ripped through you, coating his cock and the counter below you in your juices.
Your pussy tightening around him caused him to reach his own orgasm, growling above you as he slowed his hips down. He pulled out of you, leaning against the sink as he pulled his underwear up. You sat up on the counter and looked over at Hyunwoo, taking in his form and the look on his face.
"Did you mean it?" he asked all of a sudden and you furrowed your eyebrows.
"Did I mean what?"
"When you said you loved me."
"Yes, I meant it." you said, looking up and meeting his eyes.
He walked away from the counter and picked your shirt up, handing it to you so you could slip it back on. He stood in front of you, placing his hands on the counter on either side of you. He brought one hand up and trailed his thumb across your skin, looking into your eyes. He leaned in slowly, looking between your eyes and your lips as if waiting for you to stop him. When you didn't show him any sign of stopping him, he pressed his lips against yours. Your fingers wrapped in his hair as you brought him closer.
He stepped closer, and you could feel him step out of his jeans. You wrapped your legs around him again and he smiled as he picked you up.
"We're gonna change these sheets." he said as he walked back towards your bedroom.
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k-llama-llama · 5 years
My Dumplin’
Monsta X AU: 8th member
Zoey x Monsta X
Zoey and Jooheon go on a little date while in Japan!
A/N: Hope you guys like it!!!
Requests are CLOSED...but your feedback is still super important to me.
Masterlist and other Follow Me links in bio!
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“Joohoney?” Zoey sweetly leaned her head against his shoulder as they walked down the street.
“Yes, Zoey?” He didn’t look up from his phone.
She pouted. “You aren’t being a very good date right now.”
“I’m not your boyfriend.” He reminded her.
“Yeah, but he’s in Korea. And we’re in Japan. And since we’re out on the town together, that makes you my date.”
He looked up at her. “That’s gross.”
“It’s fun.” She smiled. “Come on! We can explore together. Put your phone down and be my buddy!”
“If I do will you stop whining?”
“Please, you’re the whiniest.” 
He rolled his eyes. “As if. Fine, oh tiny one. What do you want to do?”
“I want food.”
“I should’ve guessed.” He shoved his phone in his pocket and grabbed her hand. “Any requests?”
She released his hand and linked her arm through his. “Dumplings.”
“You always want dumplings.”
She pinched his cheek. “You know, you kind of remind me of a dumpling.”
“No, it’s love.” She kissed his cheek, right over his dimple. “Do you not want dumplings?”
Jooheon couldn’t keep the smile off his face. “Dumplings are fine with me.”
“Yay! The restaurant is right up there!” She smacked his arm in delight.
“How do you know where the restaurant was?”
“I pulled it up in the GPS. You were on your phone so you didn’t realize where I was leading you.”
“You’re kind of an evil genius, you know that?” He looked down at her.
She beamed. “Dumplings?”
“Let’s go.”
She pulled him around the corner and in the door of the restaurant, where they were quickly shown to a table. Zoey immediately grabbed the ipad and started scrolling through the menu, adding two of almost every type of dumpling to the menu.
“Zo, we can’t eat all that.”
She held up her purse, revealing a plastic bag hidden within. “We’ll take leftovers.” She whispered.
Jooheon grinned. “In that case, can you order more of the pork ones? They’re my favourite!”
“Of course.” She slid him the ipad so he could add his selections.
He heard the click of a camera and looked up, finding her holding her phone.
“Are you taking selfies?” He asked with a laugh.
“No, I’m taking pictures of my super cute date.” She looked out from behind the phone. “Problem with that?”
“Yeah. I need to take some pictures of you.” He held out his hand. “Give me the phone.”
She handed it over and posed cutely while he snapped a few pictures. Except when he was done, he didn’t give the phone back.
“What are you doing?” She demanded.
“Relax, I’m not looking for your nudes.” He rolled his eyes. “I’m posting the pictures to twitter.”
“What’s the caption?” She asked.
He handed the phone back, and she saw two pictures, one of each of them, with the caption ‘dumpling date time’.
“Creative.” Zoey snorted, placing her phone down on the table as the waiter carried out their first basket of dumplings.
Her phone buzzed almost as soon as the waiter had left. She glanced down at it, but was too preoccupied organizing the food to check.
Jooheon grabbed it and opened the messages. “Jeez, clingy much?”
“What do you mean?”
“Your boyfriend must have our notifications on.”
“Because he just texted you and said ‘I thought I was your date’, with like three frowning emojis.”
Zoey smiled. “I love him.”
“Don’t you get all sappy on me now.” He scolded.
The phone buzzed again.
“Boo So-Young!” He gasped.
“What?” She exclaimed, lunging for the phone.
He held it out of her reach. “Your boyfriend just sent you a selfie.”
“So?” She demanded.
“So...” He turned it around and teasingly shook the phone. “He isn’t wearing a shirt.”
“Jooheon!” She screeched. “Give it back!”
“Fine, fine.” He slid it back across the table. “Maybe I should have been looking for nudes.”
‘I do NOT have nudes.”
“Yeah, like I’ll believe that.” He grabbed a dumpling.
She picked one up angrily, waving her chopsticks menacingly in his face. “Next time, Minhyuk can be my date.”
“Yah, I’m way more fun!” He pouted with his mouth full of food.
She took a bite of her own dumpling. “You should’ve minded your own business.”
“You’re allowed to send nudes, you just have to tell me first!” He tried to reason.
“Firstly, I do not send nudes. And why on earth would I tell you first.”
“So I can keep track of who to beat up if anything gets out.”
“I’m ignoring you now.” She sent Seungcheol a quick heart-eyes emoji. “Eat your food.”
“Yes, mom.” He complained.
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silkkpopbonnet · 5 years
7 Nights of Monsta X
Night Three
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The next morning, Alexis awoke to her phone ringing, previously she was somewhere lost in a pleasant dream about being wrapped up in Shownu’s arms when she was thrust back into the conscious realm. 
Kicking the covers off her legs, Alexis rolled over and nearly out of bed to reach her phone. Without looking she groggily answered. 
“Did I wake you? I’m sorry.” 
Her eyes snapped open as she recognized I.M.’s voice. “Hey, cutie.” 
“Hello.” He chuckled, “I know it’s early but I wanted to ask if you wanted to have lunch with me this afternoon.” 
“And me.” 
Kihyun’s voice appeared in the background. 
“Just lunch?” 
It wasn’t that she was opposed to just lunch, it was just that she was used to someone, her clients, expecting more than just lunch or lunch being a code word for something else. 
“Just food, and talking.” He heard the inquiry in her tone. “It’s ok if you have other plans, I mean of course it’s ok, you’re a grown woman.”
Kihyun laughed. “You’re rambling.” 
“I am, thank you hyung.” Emphasis was thrown on that last word. “I just mean that I, we, would like to see you outside the house, and we wondered if you’d want to get something to eat with us.” 
Alexis grew up in a stable, loving home. She was quite sure when most men asked her about her background, they expected to hear some single mother sob story. Or that she was used and abused, and sure that may have been true for some, but for her, it wasn’t. Her parents were still very much in love after 17 years, and they loved and cared for her. Alexis began escorting when she turned 18, about 6 months before she graduated high school. Money was tight in her home when it came to college, but the government said her parents made enough money that she should be able to pay for it. As a result, her pell grant numbers were ridiculously low. So, what better way to make an obscene amount of money and be able to keep it? No taxes. Besides, she was a pretty woman with a healthy sexual appetite. That’s how she got her. She was running through all that in her mind to come around to the fact that she wasn’t supposed to be getting close and cozy with her clients, at least not for real. Yet, in these few days, she had genuinely enjoyed her time with the guys. Here they were asking her for her personal time, and not making demands of her about it. 
“I’d love to.” Alexis wondered if that statement was a mistake as she found her face hurting as she grinned. “What time?” 
Lunch went very well, she didn’t meet with them that night, Kihyun suggested for her to rest at home as they had some meetings and work to do anyway. The next day it was Shownu who called and asked her to the movies. He met her outside the theater and gently took her hand, kissing her knuckles. He was a gentleman, not one out of place touch or comment. Afterward, they had coffee, and she was surprised to know that he had studied some philosophers and had questions to ask her about their disciplines. 
Alexis pinched her cheeks as she looked at herself in her bathroom mirror that night preparing to go see the guys. “Enough of that Andrews.” She growled out staring at herself. “This is a job, they are clients, a client would want to make you happy to continue the business, that’s all.” 
Applying mascara she thought about Shownu’s gentle smile and the way he blushed when she called him a big teddy bear. He was so fluffy she could die, yea, just die, right in those massive arms of his. 
As the car pulled up to their apartment, Alexis leaned forward trying to see who the man standing near the sidewalk was. As the vehicle stopped and his head perked up, she noticed it was Jooheon, wearing his glasses as he smiled at her holding a bouquet of pink carnations. Her favorite. 
He opened the door and helped her out, the cold wind of October beginning to blowhard. 
“Good evening, how are you?” He closed the door behind her and shoved Alexis hand as it held his into his pocket. 
“I’m good, didn’t expect to see you out here.” Taking the flowers from him, Alexis tried to push away that fluffy feeling in her heart. “These are beautiful, my favorite.” 
“Yea, I remembered you said that, but I also figured I’d mix it up a bit.” He grinned at her, opening the door to the building.
“Does that mean that we play tonight?” 
He seemed a bit taken aback as he smirked and pushed the button for their floor. “Even if I wasn’t I had already planned on waiting for you. Do you not want me to?” 
“No, no.” Cupping the side of his face, she smiled as he leaned his dimpled cheek into her hand to kiss it. “I love it.” 
“Good, but to answer your question, yes, we decided amongst ourselves,” As the door opened he turned back to Alexis. “Of course, you know you can say no and pick who you want.” 
“I know.” 
It was nice however to be reminded that she held such power. Even though she commanded respect, and exuded confidence, some men liked to push boundaries. Some liked to try to remind her that since they paid her, they made the rules. Alexis gave no qualms about giving back money and leaving. A check was not worth her self-respect.
The guys were happy to see her of course, they always were. Wonho gave her a quick kiss on the lips, followed my Minhyuk who was not to be outdone. Kihyun simply pinched her bottom in greeting as he continued eating his chicken. I.M. and Shownu held her tight with hugs. After greetings were given, the conversation held for a while, some of the guys wound down to watch television, or play video games, while Jooheon and Alexis sat in the kitchen. 
“You’re more laid back today,” Jooheon commented. 
“What do you mean? Physically?” 
“No, you’re clothes, the last few times it was Fendi purses and Louboutins. Dresses. Today is laid back.” 
“Oh,” Honestly she had no idea why that was. She looked down at her coral off-shoulder sweater and pants. “I just wanted to look cute and be comfortable.” 
“You do look cute,” Reaching across the table, Jooheon slipped his fingers in between hers and leaned in close. 
Alexis lifted her head, licking her lips just as he leaned in and kissed her. It was gentle at first, smooth more like little pecks until he pulled Alexis chair close. Hands-on either side of her waist, he rubbed his thumb over the little exposed skin at her waist as he tongue dipped into her mouth. She didn’t mean to open her eyes, but she could hear the soft chuckling of Wonho near her and opened her eyes to see him wave at her.  
Breaking the kiss, Alexis laughed covering her mouth. “Do you have to stare?” 
“Why not? It’s fun, and besides, Jooheon didn’t tell you?” Crossing one leg over the other, Wonho sat back in his easy chair. “He likes that.” 
“Yea he does.” Hyungwon countered. “So, Alexis don’t mind me. Pretend we aren’t here.” 
“Or,” I.M. was feeling a little brave. “Look us in the eyes when he’s making you feel good.” 
That got her to do a double-take, usually, sweet I.M. was the type to observe and make some quiet but tame quips. This stare he was giving her, direct and heated was making Alexis think it was a precursor for something to come. 
“What do you say, baby?” Jooheon twirled one of her spring twists gently. “Want to give them a show? It’s what I love best, hearing you moan under me, all eyes on you while I’m deep in your pussy.” 
The very thought of Joohoney holding her hands above her head, while the rest of the guys looked down on her urging her on was beginning to make the room very hot. Seven pairs of eyes watched from various positions as Alexis stood up. 
“Where do you want me?” 
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Between his legs was the answer, on her knees, shirt and bra off between his legs heartily sucking dick. He wasn’t even undressed, he just walked over to his chair, pulled his dick out and waited. Like ordering a maid to stop dusting and to service him, god it got her wet. Joohoney was fat like salami and he eagerly slapped that meat against her lips with her cupped her chin. 
“Make me cum hard.” That was his only instruction and now he was gripping the arms of the couch, while the others watched. They weren’t allowed to touch unless Jooheon instructed and right now he was heartily enjoying the attention that was being lavished upon him. 
Jooheon liked to be watched, he liked to have someone prime and center while he fucked. He liked it even better when the girl wasn’t his and he was fucking her better than whoever she was with could even imagine. He wanted Alexis to have a throat full of his cock and look at his friends dead in the eye. He wanted to have her spread eagle on the floor, gripping the carpet screaming his name while they looked down on her. If he was generous, he’d let them touch themselves, maybe fill her mouth while he was in her ass. He wondered if Alexis would want them to cum on her while he was cumming inside of her? Either way, the way she was bobbing her head up and down, side to side with the way she twisted her hand around and down gripping his cock like she caught a snake was starting to wax on his control. 
She was gorgeous, lips puffy, saliva around her mouth, breasts bouncing as his cock continued to disappear into her mouth. 
“You’re not even going to share a little Jooheon? Don’t be selfish.” Minhyuk was kneeling beside Alexis moving her hair out of the way. 
“Mm,” Jooheon leaned his head back on the couch. “I don’t know, this is too good.” 
Minhyuk bit his bottom lip, reaching his hand out he tweaked one of Alexis nipples causing her to suck harder on Jooheon. “Looks like it, just a little bit, come on it won’t kill you.” 
“Then he’d have to let all of us, you don’t think I want some?” Kihyun was kneeling next to Alexis now as well, his hand squeezing her ass. “You go tomorrow, don’t be greedy.” 
“Until then.” Shownu was standing behind her. “Let me taste her Jooheon, I won’t make her cum but I bet she’s dripping.” 
“So many beggars,” Jooheon joked. “Yea, hyung, you can taste her, you two can jerk your dicks.” 
As Shownu helped Alexis ease of out of her pants, he slapped her hands away as she attempted to pull her panties off. With Jooheon standing now, she squatted, fully exposed to the room. Shownu’s fingers caressed along her slit, her already soaked panties rubbing against her pearl as he moved them to the side and slipped two fingers inside of her. 
“My, my Alexis,” Shownu whispered near her ear. “You’re having as much fun as he is, dare I say you like us watching you sucking Jooheon’s dick?”
Jooheon pulled his dick from her mouth, popping her on the lips. “Answer him, you like sucking me, don’t you baby?” 
“Yes.” God yes. Was what she was saying in her head, but she had no time, as Jooheon lifted his dick and pulled her mouth toward his balls. 
Alexis shuffled and shifted them around in her mouth, while her hand pumped Joohoney’s shaft. 
“Just like that, baby.” He was about to take a page from Minhyuk’s book and fuck her face when he waved his cock in front of her mouth. “Kiss it.” 
Alexis smiled, he really loved his dick being lavished like this, she was keen on giving Jooheon what he wanted though. One, because with a smile like that she’d let him eat her ass, and two he tasted so damn good. Just as she was eagerly praising Jooheon’s dick in her mind, Alexis felt Shownu slide under her thighs. Hands-on her waist, he wasted no time in slurping her down. Lapping his tongue on her clit, pushing it inside of her. Shownu’s hands were on her thighs and stomach rubbing and caressing as his tongue worshipped inside of her temple. She moved her body against his face, biting back a moan as Shownu’s teeth gently passed over her clit, sending an electric shiver down her spine. Oh god, she was close and he knew it, sending his tongue on double time before he slid away mouth glistening. 
“She’s all yours now, and my she’s sweet.” 
Jooheon held the back of Alexis's head, as she sucked hard on the head of his clit, body convulsing with the need to orgasm as Jooheon released inside of her mouth. It was nearly too much, spilling over her lips and down her chin. She had hardly noticed Minhyuk and Kihyun near her, throbbing cocks ready to cum. 
“Come on Joohoney,” Alexis grinned. “Just let them finish.” 
Taking off his shirt, the dimpled rapper shook his head. “Fine, on your face, not in you, that’s my job.” 
Taking Minhyuk in one hand, Alexis swallowed Kihyun with the other, they were quick, already on edge before they quickly covered her neck and chest with their seed. 
On her back she went, Jooheon’s fingers inside of her, his thumb rubbing hard on her clit. “Let them watch you, cum baby.” He leaned forward mouth on her nipples. “I want them to see you unravel.” 
Alexis closed her eyes, mouth open her thighs clamped down on Jooheon’s hand just as the thrill raced through her body and caused her to scream with pleasure. 
“Damn, she’s tight on my fucking hand.” Jooheon pulled his fingers from Alexis cunt and sucked them dry. “I’d let y’all taste, but you’ll have to wait. Come here, baby.” 
Legs on his shoulders, Alexis groaned hardly down from her orgasm as Jooheon shoved every last inch of himself within her. It was a tight fit considering her body just got done convulsing and he was as thick as he was. He made it though, shivering as the backs of her thighs touched his chest and his nose pressed against hers. “All that dick and look at you taking it. Isn’t she pretty Changkyun?” 
“Beautiful, come on Alexis open your eyes.” I.M. was standing above her, his eyes on her face. 
It was a chore to open them, heavy breaths dragging in and out of her lungs as Jooheon’s thumb rubbed on her clit and her pussy ached, squeezing hard around his cock. I.M.’s loving gaze was on her though, watching attentively to the way her hands gripped the carpet around her. 
“I wanna cum again.” Alexis breathed out hard turning her face to the left. 
“Oh, you hear that?” Wonho was near. “Doesn’t she feel so hot and soft, Jooheon? Fuck her harder, I want to hear her moan again.” 
“My pleasure, but first.” 
It was too hard to pull himself from her, but he had to, flipping Alexis onto her hands and knees, face on the carpet. 
His balls were bouncing on the pussy the harder he pushed himself into her. Alexis reached out in front of her, head to the side she looked up and saw them. Six pairs of eyes staring down at her, smiling as she let body go and screamed for the second time.
Night Four: Minhyuk
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thecozywhaleshark · 5 years
Pocket Monsta X - Fall
wants his own apron to help you around the kitchen for the Thanksgiving meal
ties it around, acts like he knows what he’s doing
will want to taste test everything 
to make sure it’s all alright, of course 
so eager to help you pick out the candy for the treaters 
keeps stealing from the bowl though, so you’ll have to put it up high somewhere he can’t reach
is a Bee for Halloween 
little antennae headband
Kyun and Minhyuk will convince him to wear a tutu as well
a tutu for nunu 
eats all his halloween candy in one night and gets sick
more excited for Thanksgiving than anything
gets so so excited about all the foods that he’ll get to eat
helps you roll up the crescent rolls 
will want helpful snicky-snacks as you carve the turkey 
to make sure it tastes alright 
will want to participate in a gobble wobble
yells at you to go faster because he wants to feel like he’s flying
will flap his arm and crow at the top of his little lungs
so cheerful, little red nose
will want to wear a costume, or at least one of those turkey hats 
will probably go as a cat for Halloween 
purposefully scrunches his nose to make his fake whiskers wiggle 
likes to make those handprint turkeys with crayon
will make dozens and scatter them all over the house
will want to watch the Macy’s Day Parade
ooh’s and awe’s over the balloons 
sings and dances around the living room if one of his favorite songs come on
favorite balloons are Charlie Brown and Snoopy
which, btw, The Great Pumpkin is his favorite fall movie, expect to watch it every night from September up through Thanksgiving 
will be a ladybug for Halloween 
loves all the pumpkins
has a favorite one
in fact, he will go as one for Halloween
super happy about his costume 
loves his little stem hat and how poofy the body part is
will try to roll down the stairs in it so watch him
l o v e s gords 
wants them everywhere, all over the house
names them
most of them will be George or Gordon or a combination of the two
cries at the end of the season when you have to throw them out because they’re rotting 
“Gordon Gordon can’t go in the trash mommy he likes to look out the window.” 
“Minnie honey, Gordon Gordon is rotting. That’s yucky.” 
Juts out his chin, very stubborn
“Maybe he just likes to be soft.” 
dramatically dresses up as some dead poet
stares at you woefully 
will speak only in rhyme or in haiku
if you ask him a question he’ll just sigh
but can’t help his hunger and will take the snacks you offer
hides while eating them so you don’t see him out of character
has a weakness for pumpkin spice 
will wants sips of your latte if you get one
stares longingly at the pumpkin pie reserved for thanksgiving
will wear a top hat to thanksgiving dinner you can’t stop him
also wants to be a vampire for Halloween 
begs you to buy like 5 different colors of spray-on hair dye 
and the sparkle one - can’t forget the sparkles
will alternate his hair color between bright green, orange, and red
because he’s indecisive over which color hair his vampire will have 
gets really into the facepaint part 
tries his best but eyeliner and fake blood will get everywhere 
SO STOKED about trick-or-treating
tells everyone he sees to beware because he’s going to suck their blood
makes hideous noises from your shoulder 
will attempt to crouch and to hide his face in his cape
but will lose his balance and scream as he falls backward 
sheepishly settles for a normal sitting position after that scare   
wants a cape
will insist on wearing it everywhere and every day
as well as fake vampire teeth
has multiple pairs
his favorite ones are the ones that glow in the dark
likes to come up to you while you’re sleeping and go “muahahaha” with his cape wrapped around him before flashing you that glowing smile and jumping off the bed with his cape flying behind him
likes when you play creepy music
will try to prank you with the fake spiders you put up around the house
you will wake up to one on your pillow one day
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city0fmon · 6 years
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WORDS : 2610
PAIRING : Lee Jooheon x reader
SUMMARY : You were surprising your boyfriend who was due back home today after being away for months on a wolrd tour, what could possibly go wrong? His friends walking in on you sprawled practically naked across his couch is no big deal, right?
* * * * * *
It had been almost a year since Jooheon gave you a key for his apartment, he said it was for emergencies only, last night snuggles and surprise pizza parties counted as emergencies right?
Only this time you’re entering his apartment and he’s not there, there’s no one to greet you, no one to make you feel like you’re home. You heave a sigh as you slip past the door and disable the alarm, the code being his birthday was the most predictable yet most Jooheon thing ever.
Once the alarm has stopped blaring throughout the apartment you fumble for the light switch along the wall and eventually find it. Once you can see where you’re going you kick off your shoes and slip your bag onto the clothes rack by the door. You heave the duffel bag you carried half way across town into his living room as you check the time on the wrist watch Jooheon bought you for your birthday and come to the conclusion that you have a couple of hours before he will be home. It was time to get busy.
You hadn’t seen Jooheon in almost a month, he’d been away touring the states and promoting their new album. Originally you’d planned to meet him at the airport but chose against it at the last minute, what you had planned would be much better. Your cheeks heat as you imagine Jooheons face when he comes home to see you here, your whole body heats as you imagine Jooheons face when he sees you here, practically naked, only his favorite lingerie set of yours covering your body. You’re giddy with excitement as you bound into the kitchen and prepare his favorite meal.
An hour later your phone is vibrating in your back pocket, your hands covered in flower from the cookies you were attempting to bake you fumble with the device before finally accepting the call. It was Jooheon.
“Hi love” His deep voice fills the line, the winter wind breezes through the line causing a little bit of disruption but you try your hardest to focus on his words.
“Joohoney!” You exclaim.
“Where are you? I’m at the airport, I thought you were coming?” He whines, the disappointment evident in his voice pulling on your heart strings and making you feel just a little bit guilty.
“I’m sorry honey, I had to work late, I should see you at about eleven” You lie through your teeth, little did he know that you were in his kitchen as you spoke.
“That’s not going to cut it” He sulks. “I’ll stop by the office on my way back, I have to see you baby, you’re the only one I want to see” He continues sulking, panic consumes you at the grouchy of him actually going to your office only to find you’re not there.
“No!” You exclaim a little too hastily. “I mean no, you’re tired you’ve just had a long flight, go home and rest up for me coming over” You recover, barely.
“What are you implying Y/N?” He teases and you release a breath.
“You’ll see honey bee, just have a safe journey home, I’m thinking of all the wicked things I’m going to do to you later” You whisper. It wasn’t a lie, you actually were thinking off all the things you’re going to do to your man when he gets home, you had been all week.
“Oh baby” He growls, voice low and hitting you straight in the core, your panties wet just at the thought of him whispering into your ear in such a voice.
“Anyway, I’ll see you soon honey, I’m going to have to go, I have a meeting soon” You lie once again, only you actually did have to go, the cookie batter wasn’t going to make itself and you did have a meeting, with him, very soon.
“Fine” He huffs. “I’m in the van now so I’ll be home in about forty minutes, you best have watered my plants like I asked you too or there’ll be trouble” He continues, the pout ever apparent in his voice as he is obviously sulking.
“Maybe I want to be in trouble” You breathe into the phone, you hear him suck in a sharp breath on the other end of the line, the reaction you wanted. “See you soon honey, I love you, miss you and want you between my legs unreal amounts” You moan into the phone before ending the call and dropping your phone onto the side, a mischievous grin spreads its way onto your lips as you quickly finish making the cookies.
You took the cookies out of the oven ten minutes ago , you’ve been wrapped up in Jooheons robe, tapping the heel of your stiletto nervously staring out the window since then. Just on cue the van rolls towards the apartment and he hops out, you don’t see him enter the building as you had to get yourself into position.
You had lit candles starting at the front door and ending in the living room, the lights are dim and the surround sound softly plays some sexy rnb songs through the apartment. Wasting no more time you spread yourself on his leather corner sofa, trying your hardest to find the sexiest position for your body. You prop yourself up on your elbows, freshly saved legs on display, toes pointed in the black stilettos, your hair over one shoulder the other exposed as you lay legs spread eagle waiting for him.
A moments later you hear his key scraping in the lock, the door light illumines, you practically scream with excitement when the lock clicks open and the door swings open.
Your eyes almost fall out of your skull at the sight before you, Wonho, Shownu and Kihyun enter the apartment, dropping their luggage at their feet as they chat among themselves.
You instantly jump up from the sofa, heels clicking against the wooden floor, panic coursing through your veins as all of their eyes are on your almost nude body, no one says a word, you can’t. You’re frozen in place, like a deer caught in the headlights you can’t move. Your wide eyes blaze into Wonhos, hands wrapping around your waist in a wasted attempt to cover your exposed skin. Kihyun clears his throat and turns his back to you, sensing your obvious discomfort.
“Y/N?! Jooheon said you were working!” Shownu blurts quickly, the smile falling from his face and averting his gaze from your frame and nudging Wonhos shoulder causing him to follow in suit and stare at the wall.
“Shit!” You cry scrambling against the sofa for Jooheons robe. “Where is he?” You continue voice strangled as you pull the material tighter around yourself.
“E-erm, he’s getting his bags” Shownu continues to talk into the wall, his voice hoarse.
“What are you guys doing stood out here?” Jooheons voice echos through the hall, just hearing him in real life sends your heart beating a million miles per hour.
“We were just leaving, Jooheon” Wonho chuckles scooping his bags from the floor still chuckling, he actually has the audacity to laugh at a time like this. “Jooheon, your girlfriends in here, in a pretty naked way waiting for you, I think I it’s time we left” He continues to laugh heading out onto the hallway, motioning over his shoulder to Jooheon who appears in the door frame almost instantly, his eyes wide chest heaving.
“Y/N?!” He cries, racing towards you crushing your body against his.
“Surprise” You deflate, a strangled laugh escaping your lips
“What the hell are you doing here?” He gushes, taking your face between his hands, his dark eyes, full of love, searching yours.
“Well I was-“ You start but he cuts you off by crashing his lips into yours.
“I’ve changed my mind” He breathes between kisses. “I don’t care, what you’re doing here, I’m just glad you’re here” He smiles against your lips, his tongue hungrily invading your mouth, you fall into the kiss, letting him pull you into him, wrapping your arms around his neck never wanting to let him go again, just as quickly as you fall in you snapped back to reality.
‘‘Jooheon” You breathe, lips already starting to swell. “The guys?’‘ You pull away, all too aware of Jooheon’s members who are still in the apartment .
‘‘I’ll get rid of them, don’t you dare move.’‘ He urges, quickly turning his back to you and racing towards the door.
You blow your cheeks out as you flop back onto the sofa, this did not go how you’d planned at all. You watch him by the front door, he practically throws the guys luggage out of the door and pushes them out after it.
“Sorry about all of this Y/N” Kihyun hollers just before Jooheon slams the door in his face.
You can’t help but laugh, you know that if you didn’t laugh, you’d more than likely cry. You flop your head in your hands as you feel an overwhelming amount of emotions crash over you. The only thing that you could focus on during this onslaught of feelings was Jooheon and how much you needed him right now.
‘‘Baby, I’m so sorry-“ Jooheon starts but you cut him off by standing from the sofa and unraveling the robe from your waist, letting it pool at your feet before closing the distance between you. Jooheon visibly tenses which only makes your chest swell.
‘‘Shh’‘ You coo, fingers to his lips. ‘‘You know, Joohoney’‘ You purr, his nickname falling from your lips in the most delicate of ways causing his mouth to gaps open, his hips to grasp at your waist. ‘‘I’ve missed you so much’‘ You continue, your tone low as you snake your arms around his neck and pull him into you. ‘‘So much’‘ You breathe against his lips before sucking his lower lip into your mouth and biting on it just a little too harshly causing his body to ignite, finally you have the Jooheon that you’ve been craving. 
‘‘I bet I’ve missed you more’‘ He growls between kisses as he takes you to the bedroom, his lips not leaving yours until he has you pressed into the mattress. 
He stands above you and pulls his shirt over his head, his toned midrif demands to be touched as he cages you in his arms again, his lips hungrily attacking the sensitive skin of your flesh, the way hes rough with you makes your core flood, you’re sure hes marking your skin, marking whats his.
‘‘Please Jooheon’‘ You moan as he continues to kiss along your neck, nibbling on the sensitive spot of your ear and teasing your breasts with his open mouthed kisses. You needed his touch, you had waited for too long.
‘‘What baby, tell me what you want’‘ He breathes into your chest, unclasping your bra and throwing it across the room, you squirm under him wanting him to free your body of the rest of your clothes. Instantly your nipple is between his teeth as he tugs lightly, your whole body on fire as his hand works its way between your hips and traces patterns against the sodden material of your panties.
‘‘Jooheon!’‘ You cry out as his fingers ghost over your clit.
Your words fuel him, just as soon as they leave your lips he is pressing his slender finger into you, your panties pulled to the side as he begins exploring you from the inside out. He groans as he adds another finger and begins to work you faster. Your head is fuzzy from the feeling, no matter how hard you tried, your fingers made you feel nothing in comparison to what Jooheon was able to make you feel. You moan aloud, arching your back from the bed when he brushes the sensitive spot inside of you.
‘‘Shit! I could cum just from watching you unravel beneath me’‘ He smirks, climbing lower down the bed until his nose is between your thighs.
‘’Jooheon!’‘ You cry, his name spilling from your lips like a mantra, your hand tangling in his hair and pulling it taut, towards your exposed core, his fingers still twisting inside of you.
‘‘So fucking perfect’‘ He smirks before sucking on your clit like his life depends on it, his fingers work you deeper into the mattress as his lips smack off your sex, his tongue delving inside of your tight hole making your legs shake around him. The lewd noises of your wet cunt and your high pitched moans bounce off his bedroom walls drowning you deeper in this moment of bliss.
‘‘I-I’m gonna cum!’‘ You cry, your eyes screwed shut as you begin to see stars, the heat in your core boiling over sending you to the edge. You throw your head back in pure ecstasy as he shows no signs of letting up any time soon, his thumb massaging circles into your sensitive clit, his tongue writing all the letters of the alphabet against you. ‘’J-Jooheon!’’ You cry out as you see white, your fingers lost against his scalp, breathing erratic as you ride out your high, his fingers still pump in an out of you at a relentless pace causing your blood to rush so loud you can hear it ringing in your ears.
‘’Are you ready for me now love?’’ He breathes, finally detaching himself from your cunt, his swollen lips finding yours once again as he slips his fingers slowly from you and sheds his pants, his hard cock in the palm of his hand, the tip red and leaking pre-cum, he was almost there.
You steady yourself as you come down from your high. You pull yourself from under Jooheon and force him to lay against the comforter. Your lips trail from his jaw, down his neck, across his collar bones, around the toned muscles of his abdomen and get lost somewhere in his curly pubic hair. You look up at him through your lashes as you lick a stripe along the shaft of his cock, it twitches beneath your lips, his balls tight as you reach out to massage them, he was closer than you thought. 
‘’I want your cum’’ You breathe, releasing his balls and wrapping your hand around his shaft, you begin to pump him in your hand, his toes curling and chest heaving as you roll your tongue over his tip before taking him into your mouth and hollowing out your cheeks. ‘‘Come for me,Jooheon’’ You moan, taking him back into your mouth and sucking relentlessly, your hands pumping him rapidly. 
“Y/N” He growls, his hands fisting your hair, hips bucking into your mouth. “Baby-“ He drawls off as he releases his load into your mouth with a strangled whine. “F-fuck” He cries out, his dick twitching in your mouth as you milk him dry.
“Hmm” You hum against him, popping his member from your mouth and crawling up the mattress to snuggle up next to him, the pair of you slick with sweat and both completely spent.
He tucks you under his arm, his head resting atop yours, other arm wrapped around your waist holding you close to him, his heart beating rapidly in his chest, shallow pants escaping his lips.
“God, I love you” He hums against you placing a lingering kiss on the side of your head.
“I love you too. Welcome home honey” You smile in response, looking up into his eyes and placing your lips to his for another make out session, the night was still young and you knew he could still go another couple of rounds yet.
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Pairing: Jooheon x Reader
Genre: S. M. U. T.
Word Count: 1.6K
A/N: I got a request to do a very dom but romantic Jooheon and well, I love my Joohoney 💕
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Stepping off the plane and walking into the Seoul airport finally made all your anxiety vanish from your body, traveling always stressed you out because it made you nervous being away from home well as being away from your boyfriend, Jooheon. When you told him you were going to be out of the country for a few weeks for your father’s birthday, the pout that crossed his face made your heart scream. You even thought about staying home because you knew his comeback was right around the corner and he wanted you home with him for support, but he urged you to go and see your family since it had been a while since you’d seen them. Two weeks later and you were now home, ready to surprise the handsome Jooheon that had been patiently waiting for you to get home.
The cab pulled up right outside your little town home and you got out of the car, pulling your luggage along with you. You walked up to the front door and slid the key into the door, unlocked it, pushed it open, and walked into your home. Upon walking into the house, the mews of Yoshi and Gucci met your ears and you looked over towards the couch to see them waking up from a nap, “Hello my lovelies!” You made your way to their sleepy bodies on the sofa to crouch down and pet them, “Where’s your daddy?” The quiet purrs told you nothing, but they were so cute to look at all cuddled up together. You stood up and made your way to the stairs and went up them to go to the bedroom to see Jooheon wasn’t there either.
Where could he be?
You pulled out your phone and pulled up your message thread, your fingers typing a message to him, “I miss you.” With your thumb hitting the send button, you tossed it onto the bed and glanced around the room, “It couldn’t hurt to take a shower that way I at least smell good when he gets home and not like an airplane.” Slipping out of your shoes, you tore your dirty clothes from your body and tossed them into the laundry basket and walked into the bathroom. You pulled back the shower curtain and turned on the faucet and pulled up the diverter, the water beginning to come out of the shower head with a hiss. You waited until the water was warm and hopped in, the hot water starting to clean the airport smell from your skin.
Jooheon readjusted his gym bag on his shoulder as he got out of the back of the cab, his tired limbs dragged him up to the door and he dug in his pocket for his keys. Just as he started to take his hand out of his pocket, his phone vibrated, he pulled the phone out and looked at it, a smile coming to his lips as he viewed your words. He slipped his phone into his pocket and pulled his keys out of the other one and slipped the key into the handle to notice the door was already unlocked. He opened the door and looked down to see your black suitcase sitting in the entryway, his heart started to thrash in his chest. You didn’t tell him you were on your way home, but he was more than excited to see you, two weeks was too long to be away from his girlfriend. He raced up the stairs to hear the shower running and the sound of water splashing onto the bottom of the tub. He tugged his sweaty clothes from his body and walked into the bathroom and snuck into the shower, wrapping his arms around you from behind, spooking you a bit, “Holy hell, Jooheon! You scared the daylights out of me!”
“I’m sorry, I just saw your suitcase at the door and couldn’t wait for you to get out so I could see you.” His thick lips pressed themselves against the back of your neck, moving down to your shoulder. You let your head fall back onto his shoulder as he graced your wet skin with his kisses, you loved the way he caress your body when you haven’t seen each other in a long time, he was extra careful to show you how much he missed you. His hands slid from your waist up to your chin, turning your head to meld his lips to yours, he needed to taste you, feel you, remind you that you were his and no one else’s. You turned in his hold, your lips still connected to one another, to wrap your arms around his neck, letting your fingers bury themselves into his thick hair. He broke away from your deep kiss to pepper exploratory love bites over your neck, his warm hands pulling your body closer. As you tilted your head back, you opened your eyes to see that his hair wasn’t the same color as when you left home, the previous red had now turned darker than charcoal, almost an obsidian black.
“Your hair… You dyed it…” You fingered his dark strands while he brought his gaze up to meet yours.
“You don’t like it?” His espresso irises looked worried, he was scared that you didn’t like it seeing as he knew that you loved the red when he first dyed it.
“I love it.” You pulled him back down to you, “It makes you look all dark and sexy…” An animalistic growl escaped Jooheon as he lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist, his erection already prodding at your heat. It had been a long two weeks and you were finally here in front of him, he needed you now, and he knew that you wouldn’t make him wait. He pressed your back to the cold tile, his hands slid up to your waist to hold you in place while he slipped ever so deeply into you, your voice coming out in a raspy gasp.
“God, you feel amazing…” He groaned, thrusting his hips up into your dripping core. Seeing Jooheon so eager to feel you heightened your arousal, making your walls coil around him tightly as he rammed into your sweetest of spots, eliciting the loudest of moans he’s ever heard from you. He pulled away from your core and placed your feet back onto the ground, “Turn around for me, baby.” You did as he asked of you and turned around, pressing your chest against the tile and sticking out your ass for him. His hand came down, smacking your flesh, your body jolting under his touch; he knew you loved it when he was rough with you, he enjoyed watching you surrender yourself to him, begging for his love. He landed a couple more hard smacks to your ass, your voice gasping in pure bliss as he granted you everything you wanted from him.
“Joohoney… don’t tease me…” You whined, glancing back at him, his tongue swiped over his bottom lip while his hands gripped his length, slowly sliding it between your thighs, teasing your throbbing nub. You pushed back against him, grinding over his member, aching for relief, your core begging to feel him claim your insides again.
“You’re really horny aren’t you?” He asked, a husky chuckle past his lips ass he gripped your hip with one hand and lined himself with your entrance with the other. You nodded, hoping that it would be enough for him to give you what you wanted, but he didn’t like that; he landed another smack to your ass, your legs quivering under his forceful spanking, “Use your words.”
“Yes… I’ve been waiting weeks for you to fill me and I’m getting impatient… please, Jooheon…” Your voice was like music to his ears, hearing you voice how needy you were just made the fire inside him burn hotter. He pushed his member deep inside of you, immediately attacking your sweet spot with each pointed thrust. It was only a matter of seconds before he had the spring inside your stomach coiling up to where it was too painful to hold onto anymore. Jooheon could tell you were close by the sound of your whimpered moans and the feeling of your walls clenching around his hardness.
“Don’t cum yet…” Jooheon jerked his hips into the back of your thighs, making his demand a hard one to live up to. He knew you would try to obey him because you always did, but he wanted to see how long you could hold out before he broke you. Every thought in your mind fizzled out, the only thing in your head right now was the screaming urge to reach your release, he teased your rough patch of nerves until you were dizzy for it, crying for it. A devilish smile played on his lips as he watched you turn into a moaning mess for him, “You’re doing to well, baby. Do you want yo cum?”
“Yes! Please!” You screamed, your legs feeling like they were about to buckle out from under you if you held on any longer.
“Than cum for me.” Jooheon’s approving words finally gave you the go ahead to let the spring in your stomach go and that’s what you did, waves of electricity flowed through your body as you reached your high, your vision blurring and the noise of the shower turning into static behind the rushing of your blood in your ears. Jooheon wrapped his arms around you, pulling you back against him as he reached his own high inside you, filling you with his vitality. The sounds of your heavy breathing mixed with the hissing of the lukewarm water started to come in over the fading rushing sound in your ears. Jooheon pressed his lips to your temple, helping you come down from your high, “Welcome home, baby.”
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daebakinc · 5 years
2 with joohoney for drabble game please
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C’mon C’mon by One Direction
Your mother warned you about men who wear leather. They’re slick and devilish, wanting only to claim your soul for the night before absconding with it before the daylight breaks. They’ll shatter your heart with the shimmering, adoring promises they litter in your ears. Stay away from a man in leather, she said.
But surely a demon wouldn’t have a smile as sweet or dimples so deep as the man holding your gaze from across the bar. 
He winks at you, his dimples deepening with the movement. Heat rushes to your cheeks and you glance away. Your heart thumps with more than the base. 
Someone slides into the empty seat beside you. “Hi.”
Up close, the man’s eyes are even more magnetic, his face more handsome. For a wild moment, you imagine anchoring your fingers in his thick black hair and pulling those unfairly pouting lips to yours for a taste. Your tongue can already taste the mix of honey sin and impetuous alcohol. 
“I’m Jooheon,” he says, leaning closer to be heard above the music. “Wanna dance?”
“What about your girlfriend?” you ask, remembering the girl he’d walked in with.
Leggy, scarlet dress like a second skin, a slightly tipsy Venus in a booze-scented club. Definitely more his type than you are. 
“Girlfriend?” Jooheon laughs. “Nah, that was a friend of a friend. I’m friends with the bouncer, big guy with the white hair, Wonho, so I got her into the club for free as a favor. All she wanted to do was socialize, and I want to dance.”
“So why me?” Ignoring your little shoulder devil kicking your shins for not jumping on this insanely attractive guy’s offer, you continue, “Plenty of girls out on the floor without partners who were watching you.”
He grins. “So you were watching me.”
Shit. “No.”
“It’s okay,” he says with a shrug. “I was watching you too. You looked amazing, so how about one dance with me?”
Jooheon holds out his hand, still smiling at you like you’re the only girl in the room. Not trusting your tongue, you nod and put your hand in his.
He chooses an edge of the dance rather than fighting to be in the center of things. With the flashing lights overhead painting his face neon green, he guides your arms around his neck while his pull you tight against him.
“Just one more thing,” he murmurs in your ear.
You shiver at the feeling of his fingers trailing up your back to the nape of your neck, sinking into your hair. His eyes watch yours, lit with fun and the smoldering of a challenge, as he finds the elastic holding your hair back and relives you of it, slipping it into his pocket.
Jooheon nods, pleased with himself. “You look even prettier with your hair down.”
Before you can reply, he begins to dance, guiding your body with his to the beat and you realize your mother was right.
Men in leather are dangerous.
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peachesandsodas · 6 years
Sweet, and Delicate Paris
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“Look at how crisp those autumn leaves, oh-- not forgetting how fresh the air is, and the warm buttery croissants. And you, of course.”
Fingers delicately holding onto a warm cup of black coffee and autumn breeze brushing Y/N’s soft skin, radiates youth glow on a sunny afternoon in Paris. It was an off day for the busy fashion magazine editor, and a rare day for Y/N to enjoy some time for herself. With a plate of butter croissant and warm cup of caffeine dose, on a quaint café that’s filled with chatters and acoustic music. Y/N sat on the outdoor area, with eyes watching the pedestrians, slowly getting sunk deep in her thoughts, forgetting that Y/N’s partner coming back to his seat, with a plate of croissant as well and a white box filled with another pastries perhaps.
“The line is insane.” He huffed as he placed the plate of croissant on the table, as well as his latte. He pulled his seat and making himself comfortable, but eyes  glued on Y/N, slightly smiling. “Hey, gorgeous. Went deep inside your thoughts, aren’t you?” Jooheon smiled, taking a sip of his coffee, snapping Y/N back to reality. “Hmm? Nothing, just thinking how peaceful this morning is.” Y/N chirped, taking a sip of the black coffee, looking at Jooheon who’s digging his warm butter croissant. “The line was long, but it’s worth that amazing croissant, this is the place that I’ve been telling you about since I moved here.” Y/N said, “I don’t care about the croissant,” He said, after taking a mouthful bite, “The fact that i’m here, sitting across this beautiful lady, who’s actually had a day off, and me-- in Paris, without any schedule.” Jooheon chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. “It’s a blessing.” That sentence came out from him, making Y/N blushed in hues of red. How Y/N missed Jooheon’s presence after her company instructed her to move to their base in Paris, easier for her to cover fashion events and news. Adding on, Jooheon’s schedule in Monsta X, they only spent some time through FaceTimes, or if their company allows, sharing some good times on IG Live, since the Monbebe also love her equally.
They meet through mutual friends, bumped to each other in a restaurant when Y/N having her company dinner and Jooheon with the other Monsta X members for their comeback dinner. Y/N’s friend introduced her to Jooheon at that time, and he swore he felt some spark tingling inside his heart for the first time. Since then, Jooheon asked for Y/N’s number from the mutual friend of both, and started to meet Y/N after office hour just for awhile or squeezing his time to FaceTime her during her lunch breaks. They felt a deeper connection after a few dates and decided to establish a relationship; something both of them cherish the most after tough times and struggles of clashing schedules. But those moments made them stronger, as an individual and as a couple, they grow with each other together.
At first, it was tough, because some of the fans having a hard time to accept the relationship, but seeing how happy Jooheon is and he became the very best of himself since being with you, it made Monbebe and the rest of the Monsta X happy, reassured that Jooheon finally found someone that supported him in the industry, as an idol, artist, and as Jooheon himself. 2 years passed, and here they are. 
“Can you just stay longer here?” Y/N whined softly, playing with the rim of the cup, feeling her sadness building up knowing that there’s only a couple days left with him around. Long distance relationship is hard, but somehow, they work to make this work. “I always want to stay longer here, Y/N.” Jooheon softly replied, reaching for Y/N’s hand and automatically intertwining their fingers together, fits perfectly just like the last puzzle piece. “But we gotta hustle hard, for the future, hm? The day will come, when I can just wake up, and kiss you immediately, not caring about the morning breath--” Jooheon chuckled as Y/N playfully slapped his hand. “Your morning breath.” Y/N chuckled as well, ah times like this, she wished she could just pause it. “No, but really, I promise you, they day will come okay? And talking about the future.. I got you something.” Jooheon said, pushing the white box with unknown pastries inside. Y/N raised her eyebrows as she grabbed the white box, playfully watching Jooheon’s reaction as she opened the white box. “Future? What do you mean by future in this white box-- a future of me eating another butter-- Oh my God.” Y/N’s eyes widen in surprise as she looked what’s inside the box. She smiled widely, looking at the smiling Jooheon back and forth to the box. 
A cupcake, with a message, 'Will you marry me' in a pink frosting on top of it.
“So, it’s a yes or yes?” He asked, crossing his legs as he waits for Y/N’s reply, chuckling softly at her cute reaction. 
“A thousand yes?!” Y/N laughed as her eyes welling up in the most happiest tears ever. “Are-- you-- Is this serious? Wait, what is happening?! Yah, Joohoney, I need explanations!”
“So, there’s no long line, I just requested them to write the message on a cupcake, I was surprised they actually sold cupcakes which is your favourite after croissants, and you’re officially,” Jooheon took out a small velvet box from his pocket, revealing a dainty custom-made ring that reflects Y/N’s personality; a soft, feminine, classic design that Jooheon picked himself.
“Officially, soon-to-be, Mrs. Lee. Okay, should we eat the cupcakes? I’m kinda hungry.” 
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uwufanfics · 6 years
New Existence
Genre: Angst, fluff and idk later lol
Pairing: Lee Jooheon  (MONSTAX) x Teagan (reader)
Characters: MonstaX
WARNING: Swearing, violence, triggering subjects
A/N: ONGOING please enjoy~
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
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In this day and age the most common belief about the after life is simple. You're either lifted into Heaven with all the beautiful people who've lived an honest life, helped walk an elderly person across the street, picked trash off the ground, paid their bills on time, loved one person and stayed loyal until the end, and all that good stuff, But we'll get into that later.
Hell....Now Hell is different from what the world now knows. There isn't someone called "Satan" ruling the underworld, in fact the ruler of the underworld happens to be a tall handsome devil with dimples that were so deep they were sinful in its own right. One wrong move in front of the man..one tiny bit of annoyance from you would lead him to torture you little by little to his amusement. He had no sympathy for the damned, now that they were in his control, he would do whatever he pleased. Number one being the sight of pain from others. Number two being the screams for mercy. And last but not least when they'd be lying around in the utmost pain, not being able to die again.
He frowned at the man who had just arrived, slowly getting off the floor and looking around as if he were lost. The evil man slowly walked over to his prey with a slight bored expression, as his figure let off steam. "Get up..", the devil said with a hint of annoyance in his tone. The man looked at him confused and ignored the words of the scary man in front of him. "I SAID GET UP!", The devil said as he suddenly summoned a handful of smoking hot ashes into his hands, smacking it into the poor mans eyes. "AHHHHH!!!~", he screeched at the pain, slowly bending over to the ground. "Fuck you Satan!", he shouted as he slowly felt his skin melting off. The devil slowly walked up to the man and bent down, grabbing the man by his hair to whisper in his ear. "My fucking name is Jooheon. Don't ever call me that again you hear me?", he said as he kicked the man out of his way.
"Changkyun!", he shouted with a small smile. The younger handsome devil made his way towards Jooheon in an instant. "Yup?", Jooheon flashed a smile at his younger brother, patting his head as he slowly walked back to his throne that sat in the middle of the burning underworld. He stepped into the fire, not feeling a thing, as ruler of the underground, there was not problem when it came to pain. Jooheon could not feel a thing, which made others reaction to pain amusing for him.
"Kyun, do what you must. He's all yours. I'll even let you skin him if you want, just have one of the bitches bring me a nice cool drink. I'm tired.", he said as he sat down, leaning his head onto his hand as his arm rested on the arm rest of his seat. He sat in anger as his amusement was slowly not up to par with what he used to feel. Watching as his baby brother dragged the man away, he saw him stop as another victim of hell walked over with a glass of cold Banana milk. His favorite.
Changkyun took the drink from the girl and motioned for her to take the body from him as he made his way back to Jooheon. "Bro, I heard Wonho will be back from his small meeting up in the human lands. If you ask me, he's just wasting time up there.. He should make his way back and help Kihyun in the river. He's been tired lately by all the bodies he has to dump before you. I wonder what our other brothers are doing up in heaven. I heard that Shownu actually likes sitting up there with all the happy people that's made it up there. It sounds boring to me. I don't think I could live such a scripted life doing the "right" thing.", he said doing air quotes as he sat in a seat next to Jooheon.
Jooheon shifted in his seat as he thought about the life of all of his brothers. Seven, some separated into Heaven, some in Hell, some pretending to live in the real world. He sighed as he saw his second oldest brother Wonho making his way back on the boat with their brother Kihyun, giggling as he told Kihyun about life in the human world. "Then I grabbed my bag and left without saying anything. I don't think I'll be taking that class again. It's too hard, I failed again.", he said in a joking tone. "It sounds more fun up there than down here..", Kihyun said as they stepped down and onto the path leading to their younger brothers. "Joohoney!!", Wonho shouted with his arms out. Jooheon rolled his eyes and walked over to Wonho with a pouty face. "What's wrong Heon?", Wonho asked as soon as they touched. Wonho may be apart of the human world, but he's still built with a great force of his own. The power to know what one is feeling just by skin ship.
Jooheon sighed and made his way back to his throne as the others took a seat. "I'm just not interested in being down here anymore..It bores me..", he said while staring into the dark distance. They all chuckled at the sight of the underworlds ruler being pouty. "Hey... it's not so bad down here bro. I find it fun.", Kyun said with a smile. Jooheon turned to him and smiled back. 'This kid.. he should be part of heaven with the other brothers..', Jooheon thought to himself, feeling regret as he remembered begging his parents to let him take Kyun to hell with him.
"Hey, I got an idea if you're up for it.", Wonho said as he stood up and paced around. "What if you all came up to the Human world with me?", he said with his gummy smile. The other three looked at each-other before bursting into a fit of laughter. Wonho's smile slowly faded as he rolled his eyes. "I'm serious. Kihyun, you always say how tired you are of doing this, and find my stories amusing whenever i come back. Don't you all want to actually do things for yourself for once?! Make decisions and feel what it's like to be happy, sad, angry?!", he said throwing his hands in the air. They all sat in silence and looked at Jooheon for approval. Jooheon stood up and slowly nodded, with his hands in his pockets. "Ok, deal.", he said as the other two gasped in shock. "Wait. Jooheon, if you leave what happens down here?! Who will rule down here?!", Kyun said as he shot up in desperation, holding onto Jooheons Shoulder.
Wonho smiled with delight as he grabbed Jooheon and Kyun's hand. "We just have to keep coming back before we get caught okay. Deal?", he said as Kihyun smiled and put his hand in the pile. "I'm in too. Let's get the hell out of here. No pun intended.", he said earning him a few dirty looks at his horrible joke. "Should we ask our brothers up above if they'd be interested in joining us?", Wonho said with a smile. They all nodded in agreement. The theory of Heaven and Hell being at war was merely a myth. The seven brothers were simply put to the task by their parents. They just did their jobs in the designated areas. No bad feelings between the souls whatsoever.
The four closed their eyes and whispered a small prayer, lifting them slowly into a shifted universe. More brighter and beautiful than the one they normally stayed in. They opened their eyes to Shownu who was sitting among the clouds in a pure white tunic worn by the gods. The tunic wrapped perfectly around his sculpted tan chiseled body. He blinked and rubbed his eyes in shock. His brothers rarely liked to visit, for they dearly hated bright things. All but Wonho who was fond of all things. Shownu stood from his throne and flashed his signature bright smile. "Brothers!", he shouted as he ran down the steps and wrapped his strong arms around his younger brothers. Shownu being the oldest always adored the time he could spend with them.
They all smiled and hugged back. "Hey where's the other two?", Wonho asked looking around. Shownu backed away and took a seat on the steps. "Well, you know Hyungwon rules the Human world. I heard things have been getting crazier down the so he hasn't been visiting as often as I'd like. Same with Minhyuk. He's been down there helping.", Shownu said pouting as he cleared the clouds below to see Hyungwon sleeping below in the Human world. They all rolled their eyes in unison and sighed. "Well at least i thought he said it was getting wild down there but every time i look, he's sleeping.", Shownu said in a monotone
 "What's Minhyuk doing?", Jooheon asked as Shownu waved his hand within the clouds to find Minhyuk. He stopped and shook his head as the clouds slowly showed Minhyuk, flirting with a shy nurse at a hospital.
"No Minhyuk, I have to work!", she squealed as she blushed and playfully hit Minhyuks chest. He smirked and leaned in closer, trying to kiss the nurse. "It's okay it's just a kiss and i'll let you go back to work.", he whispered with his forehead resting on hers. As he leaned closer, the emergency lights went off.
"Whoa what's happening?", Changkyun said kneeling down to get a better look. They all watched anxiously as a body of a young female was pushed into the emergency room past Minhyuk. "Hey! get to work! What do you think you're doing?! MOVE!!", the doctor yelled at the nurse Hyuk was flirting with. Flustered, she picked up her badge and ran towards the doors, following the doctor. Minhyuk rolled his eyes and held his hand up toward the wall, closing his eyes he slowly shifted into the operating room, freezing time as he walked over to the body and studied her face. "Hmm...she's pretty.", Minhyuk said as he tucked a piece of her hair out of her face. "Minhyuk.. get up here.", Shownu said startling Minhyuk. He looked up and rolled his eyes. "Shownu, you shouldn't do that. Just because you can speak through mind waves doesn't make it right to give me an unexpected heart attack all the time.", he said giving one last look at the girl on the table.
Before Minhyuk could close his eyes to shift back into the clouds Jooheon stood up quickly, grabbing onto Shownus hand. "Hey.. wait.", he said leaning closer towards the clouds to get a better look at the girl down on earth on the operating table. She looked so peaceful but at the same time so...almost dead. Her hair a dark brown shade, tiny girl with fare skin, cheeks almost as red as a rose, which was slowly fading as time went on. "Send me down there.", he said softly, not knowing why he was so drawn to the girl below. Minhyuk scrunched his face, "What? why?!", he said in a disgusted tone. "Shut up and just do it.", Heon said as his eyes slowly turned a deep shade of black. His eyes gently shut close as he felt the worlds shift. He opened his eyes to an operating room, to which he unfroze time, switching places with Minhyuk.
"You can't be in here! GET OUT!", the doctor shouted as he pushed the nurses to get him out. "Don't touch me.", Heon softly replied as his head turned in a horrifying motion. Eyes still darker than night itself, he had no face expression at all, making things ten times more horrifying. The nurses rushed out the operating room, screaming at the horror they've just witnessed. The doctor fell on the floor, backing away slowly before running for the door. With one flick of the wrist, he slammed all exits closed, locking it so no one would be able to enter. He turned back to the girl on the table, seeing her life line on the monitor slowly becoming flat. The color in her cheeks were losing its rosy red shade as time passed.
He slowly caressed the side of her face before putting his hand on top of her head, closing his eyes as he searched through her memories. His eyes flew open when he saw small flashes of her life. "Heal her..", he whispered as the lights began to flicker in the whole building. The ground began to shake as well as everything around them. Screams were heard throughout the building as he watched the red in her cheeks reappear slowly but surely. He bit his lip at the sudden pain he was feeling in his body. "What is this?!", he shouted out for his brothers to hear. "I've never felt this before.", he said as he slowly moved his hand away from her.
"Oh my god, did he just feel something?! Jooheon shouldn't be able to feel a thing, what's going on?!", Changkyun panicked looking towards his older brothers. They all sat there in shock as they continued to watch. Jooheon sat on the chair beside the girl as he stared at his hand. "J-Jooheon?", she whispered as her eyes slowly opened. The brothers above froze as well as Jooheon, not sure of how she knew his name. She opened her eyes and turned her head to meet eyes with Jooheon. He stared at her half shocked, half scared. "H-how do you know my name?!", he shouted as he backed away.
Hyungwon bust down the entrance to the emergency room, still rubbing his eyes as he yawned. "You've healed her but you also sent signals of your own memories into her mind while you were being a pervert, searching through her thoughts.", he said as he sat at the foot of the operating table. She sat up and smiled at Hyungwon. "Wonnie.. what's going on?", she said holding her head. "I think you passed out. You didn't take your medicine you dumb girl. Stop being stubborn Tea!", he scolded her before he pat her back. Jooheon shot a look in Hyungwon's direction, speaking through his mind. 'Hyungwon, you know her?!', he said through telepathy. Hyungwon smirked and nodded. "We're friends", she said out loud. They all turned to her in an instant as their jaws dropped. "Did you just-" Hyungwon said before getting cut off.
"Yeah i don't know how i did that but i heard your thoughts.”, She said as she stretched and swung her tiny legs off the side of the table like nothing happened. She fixed her long pretty locks, as she reached over the table to grab her bag, pulling out her mirror and lipstick, making kiss faces as she applied the lipstick. "Well, I'm going to be late for dinner with my boss. Goodbye! Wonnie, I'll see you later! Bye!", she said as she ran out the doors, not minding the horrible sight of the hospital after what everyone suspected to be an earthquake. Hyungwon shrugged and walked towards the exit before being stopped by Jooheon.
"Explain what's going on..", he said as Hyungwon smiled and ruffled his hair. "Her name is Teagan, but she goes by Tea. We're neighbors but best friends as well. Don't you dare touch her though you ugly! She's too good for you! But...thanks for saving her. I didn't know you could heal though.", he said in shock. Jooheon looked back at his hands. "Me neither. I don't know what happened. I don't know why or how i saved her.", he said confused.
"JOOHEON GET BACK DOWN TO THE UNDERWORLD! FATHER'S ON HIS WAY!", Shownu yelled as he watched his father through the clouds. Hyungwon and Jooheon stopped in shock and quickly joined hands before whispering their prayer, shifting through universes to get back below.
First chapter, I’m excited to write this cause it’s different lol I didnt proof read cause im tired lmao sorry - Admin Shownudesxx
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