lazaruspiss · 4 months
Jason, shirtless and tied to a table: "Oh hey, Dick, I'm glad you're here. Wanna torture me while Tim watches and jerks off?"
Tim: "I've got a scalpel, nipple clamps hooked up to a car battery, a hot poker to choose from. :3"
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA this mother fucker.both of them actually. going to give Dick migraines. they are going to make him lose all his hair before he hits 40. and thats if his heart doesnt give out first
Dick should try it tho i think hed like it. hes like the guy who can get so sadistic in the moment but needs his partner(s) to hold him and tell him he did good after. hes got sub drop AND dom drop i know it i know it
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kyttaron · 7 days
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zeroducks-2 · 1 year
Brujay if you haven't gotten this already
Oh god Brujay. Alright so. Not long ago I would have said that I didn't ship it, and in fact it touched a squick of mine, BUT things have changed and so now - somehow -
I ship it
What made you ship it? As I mentioned this touched one of my squicks which is parental incest, but then from a squick it slowly morphed into a "soft no", and now I can work around it sometimes (it depends from ship to ship basically). Maybe I could say that what made me ship it was me working to broaden my kink repertoire lol.
What are your favorite things about the ship? The one thing I know for sure is that I love the river of angst and the Torrid Toxic Vibes™. Jason wants his father back, but will never have it cause Bruce will never kill Joker. Bruce wants his son back, but will never have it because that person is dead, and he's unable to cope with who Jason has become after his resurrection. They're two fundamentally different people from what both of them want/need from the other, and the idea that they might fuck nasty about it is too juicy and deliciously toxic to pass up.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship I don't really know if this is an unpopular opinion, but same as with Brudick, for the ship to work with me it has to be toxic and rooted in the fact that these two are Not Okay. Bruce took Jason in, raised him, mourned him like a father who's lost a son, and having sex with him is not on the spectrum of sane things he could do to patch up their relationship. I also maintain that it would be in Jason's best interest if he just let Bruce go and put as much emotional distance from him as possible (and maybe also physical distance); having sex with the man is like, the Most Unhealthy Thing my boy can do. But again I like the ship cause it's unhealthy, so. Yeah.
Ask game found here! Go grab it folks!
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titconao3 · 4 years
Yellin about that Frank with wolves art you posted because I'm thinking about fratt little red riding hood werewolves au now
Here is the art and yes, it’s awesome! *yells too*
Far be in from me to discourage ANYONE from creating fratt works, inspired by this art or not ;-) *winkwink*
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sobichen · 4 years
Hey do you know of a good discord server for the untamed? I figure either you or someone you follow might if you don't know and don't mind publishing this. Thanks!
Hello! I only know of this MDZS discord, but i haven’t yet joined any CQL-centric one, sorry! I’m sure there are a lot out there among friends and writing groups, though I hope there is a public one or somebody ends up making one, because I’d be happy to join too! :D
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beanarie · 4 years
Hey do you know if there's a black sails discord server? Thanks
sorry for the delay! i’m rarely on desktop mode these days. idk if it’s still active, but there were lots of folks in here a year or two ago
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queeraang · 6 years
Is Siren really just about a confused hot couple having a threesome with a monster girl
TECHNICALLY it’s about a mermaid looking for her sister* and trying not to like get caught by the government and this couple who work at an aquatic wildlife rescue are helping her cause they’re looking for their missing friend
but the vibe is them being like “sorry what were you saying? i was staring at the mermaid for two solid minutes while emotional music played” idk if freeform has the guts to seal the deal but it’s 20gayteen anything is possible
also the main guy’s buddy is just like a very beautiful and thickly built fisherman and i love him
*they said it was her sister but the mermaid had just learned english and like maybe she thought that was the word for fish wife, just MAKE IT QUEER YOU COWARDS ahem, good show
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quaedam · 7 years
I got through like 2 episodes of that. Is it worth sticking around?
I never really got into the first season, but at least so far season 2 seems to be an independent story set in the same world, and a more interesting/less obvious premise. Also a parody gallery guide from an art exhibit is a much less annoying thing to listen to than a parody of a meditation/breathing exercise tape, and the performer in season 2 is much better.
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lazaruspiss · 5 months
I was watching Batman the animated series and even in that Barbara had a dream about kissing Batman and didn't want to give Dick or Robin the time of day lol. Reading modern comics you'd think Babs and Dick were high school sweethearts.
right?? In my brain shes like his childhood babysitter at best and almost step mom at worst. The uber wholesome angle is so strange to me. Sanitized to the point where they rubbed off the personality. They act like stock photos. Indistinguishable from two people pretending to be a couple in a deodorant ad. Genuinely impressive how boring they managed to make them.
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kyttaron · 4 months
Writing patterns tag game!
tagged by @prince-of-elsinore!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
It's not unusual to see Mrs. Curtis in her yard, smoking a cigarette.
The church is right where Dallas had remembered it being, nestled in the countryside, away from the main road as far as he could get it.
Pelops reaches over to turn the radio down a bit, to better hear his grandsons' bumble down the steps, hearing their little feet patter on the wood as they descend together.
Dreaming in color isn't something he does.
It takes three weeks for Ponyboy to have his first nightmare.
It's easy to get swept up in the euphoria of having Dallas back inside of his body, his skin, his soul for Ponyboy.
It's three-thirty am in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
One week and absolutely everything had changed.
"You know, I was thinking about dyeing my hair blonde," Katie says, spooning grits onto Johnny's plate, her red hair pulled back into a frizzy ponytail.
Every rock of the train makes Irene Cade feel as if she's about to slip right out of it and hit some unfathomable, black bottom of water.
i use "it" a lot LMAO. otherwise i tend to jump right into things. i usually also come right out of the gate with character settings.
tagging: @onehelluvamarine, @motownfiction, @irishhills, @unasanta, @ladyculebras, @hearthouses, @podracerbarrelroll, and anyone else who wants to play!
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femmchantress · 7 years
There's a blog justsomeantifas that will share your donations post if you send them the link.
anybody else is welcome to send it to them, but idk I’d feel awful like...pubbing my own leeching, y’know? ;~;
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queeraang · 7 years
So like I just finished S3 of Black Sails and tbh where is my futuristic space pirate au?
i didn’t even know i wanted that until you just spoke it into existence, but now i need it desperately. starz give us the gays in space we deserve, luke arnold ain’t doing shit rn
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lazaruspiss · 3 months
Jason Tim tower fight should end with them fucking nasty in Tim's blood on the floor
real!! i dont even think tim bled enough in that fight for them to have a puddle to fuck in tho :(( like that fight is the vigilante equivalent of pushing a loved one over and having a bunch of passerbys accuse u of being a bully. like their battle for the cowl fight was more brutal than the tower one and STILL jason like barely stabbed tim in that :/// tim didnt even need STITCHES for either fight!! like... reports of the girlies fighting were highly exaggerated i think (readmore bc um... i say the weirdest most graphic shit sometimes, lol)
but tim getting cut on purpose (or just doing it himself) to use the blood as impromptu lube. real to me. ok saying tim self-harm kink sounds so dark but. but umm. um. if anyone would have that. like hear me out guys
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kyttaron · 5 months
seven sentence sunday: share 7 sentences of a wip to help get the writing motivation going
this is more than seven sentences but this ask got me to write so ha! tagged by @rosemirmir!
"You're my only plan.  I only ever go to Chrismtas if it's with my nonno," The apartment looms closer, Dallas sighing. "He's planning to leave in a few days to get back, so there isn't any point. Especially since his mind's made up."  Envisioning the old man's face was always easy enough: the gravitas of his face, the wispy grey hair, the air of calm about him. The presence around him was always so opposite of Dallas' own, of the anger always lurking beneath his skin. He shrugs, continuing, "He's the one who likes me the most. Probably after Tono'. Why wouldn't I wanna go with him?" Dallas offers his cigarette to Cherry. "You wouldn't have to cook, at least."  "No thank you, those menthols are too strong," Cherry waves her hand, and they finally get to the apartment. "I was thinking about going home to Tulsa, actually." She waves to the doorman, her face growing more serious than usual. "My — my ex-boyfriend's parents invited me again."
tagging: @monstrology, @frenchiefacciano, @kalonkakons, @prince-of-elsinore, @podracerbarrelroll, @unasanta and anyone who wants to do this~!
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femmchantress · 3 years
I was about to say “remember back in 2013-2014 when I could just leave the house and go get my back flogged and my tits rose-thorn tortured” and realized that nobody besides @podracerbarrelroll would know what I was talking about
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melthedestroyer · 7 years
podracerbarrelroll replied:
U gotta agonize for at least an hour first
literally is there any other way
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