#poe dameron rp
pilothearted · 7 months
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Indie. Multi-verse. Multi-ship. OC-friendly.
Promo by: @sheriscs
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fierce-women · 2 years
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" stop taking my hand ! "
cece, 25+, she/her, uk based. looking for longer term writing partners. open to au and canon plots too! fully literate writer who prefers 3 or 4 paragraph replies - may increase if further detail or plot is needed. very happy to chat and plot ooc and understanding that life happens outside of writing! a few plots in mind but always excited to discuss new ideas. always willing to set up a server too! about ten years experience and about four years of writing rey. nsfw friendly as long as there is clear communication between writers and everyone is safe and of age! please - no oc's for very personal reasons. purely discord based: skeptical sighing#3349.
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stylesmilky · 1 year
Imm looking for some Poe Dameron Role Players! I mainly rp as anyone!
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poelya · 2 months
Asking you about your specific Poe brotps!! —CCFM
Rina....bless you so much for giving me a chance to infodump. So my brotps for Poe err on the side of gulp shittos: lots of background Resistance characters who have my whole entire heart, that I've built up entire dynamics with him off of - it's honestly maybe my favorite thing to write about, and comes up a lot in an rp 'verse me and my partner (@hermitmoss) wrote a few years ago. Some have some canon basis, others not so much lol. I just think that for majority of the Resistance, Poe is kind of this....surrogate big brother (Snap is also). If you're having a shit time, and Poe has time in his schedule, you bet your ass he's gonna give you a hug and let you talk things out. You need advice? Poe's probably got some to give, etc etc.
So first, there's Poe and Beaumont. Beaumont is the character we see in tros that hypothesizes ways that Palpatine could have survived. There's a really lovely comic where he goes to Kashyyyk with Chewie, which reveals that he's estranged from his parents who disapprove of his career choice (he is a scholar, with a focus on the Force). But! Relevantly, Beaumont is kind of a scruffy guy, so I decided that this guy in tfa
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could definitely be Beaumont. It's not, canonically, because Beaumont only joins after the Hosnian Cataclysm, but this is my canon and I do what I want lmao. Basically, I think Poe and Beaumont bond over their interest in the Jedi/Force. Poe believes in the Force, per Oscar Isaac, and I tend to think that errs on a sort of religious belief for him; and since Beaumont has a special interest in the Jedi, I like to think there's a lot of philosophical conversations between them and Poe occasionally helping Beaumont pour over research materials (you remember how one of the high republic books, i think, canonized smutty romance books about the Jedi? the funniest mental image I have of them both running into one of those and getting flustered/mildly scandalized about it lmao).
In my little canon, Beaumont is a pretty lonely guy and is still working out what "friendship" can be like while reeling from the estrangement from his family, and Poe's really there to support him through the whole thing. And of course, Beaumont loves his very hyperactive friend right back and gives him support when he can as well. Also I feel like it'd be fun if Beaumont specifically got brought into the Resistance because of his connection to Tekka, and because they needed some idea on other Force oriented sights that Tekka could have visited!
Then there's Poe, Tallie and Paige. Yes they go together, lmao. Technically, a lot of my headcanons actually focus more on Snap than Poe here: Tallie is noted to be in charge of Blue Squadron, which Snap is second in command of, so I like to think they often swap duties, especially when Snap is busy with Black Squadron things, and they're like. Very bickery siblings who always argue over the last cup of caf in the morning (it's tradition!).
But I think it's canon-ish leaning that Poe is friends with Paige (I believe Kelly Marie Tran mentioned in an interview that the background is that Paige was friends with Poe and kind of a wingman to him, so that's how Rose is familiar with Poe?), and I like to think the same thing with Tallie. I think Poe and Tallie are kind of those friends that rib each other plenty - yeah, sure Poe's her commanding officer, but he's just as much of a dork as Snap so she's gonna give him plenty of shit.
I haven't built up nearly enough with Poe and Paige specifically, but I do headcanon that Tallie and Paige are together <33 because I love tragedy, I guess, but also there's a lot of commonalities between them, and I like picturing Poe being supportive of them and being the first to get the gossip that they're together because he accidentally runs into them kissing lmao.
I truly could keep going all day, but I'm gonna try to keep this somewhat brief, and just. Bullet point the rest lmao:
I think Poe is a little bit eager to get Admiral Ackbar's approval. It's kind of a whole thing in ghost story, because Ackbar is sort of the closest thing to an authority figure in Leia's life still, and that matters to Poe. He respects the hell out of Gial, and the two eventually wind up bonding over their love for Leia, and sharing koya fruit. To my endless delight, a ROTJ anniversary comic special confirmed that Ackbar was friends with Shara and Kes, and they were some of his most trusted confidants - which really adds so much to how close Poe seems to be with Aftab, calling him "junior" all the time....truly family friends!!!!
Poe!!! And Kalonia!! I've actually written about them once before. I think Poe really, really hates medbays from trauma of losing his parent(s), and tries avoiding them when he can, so it's kind of a running joke that Kalonia scares him. But! He'll also stop by early in the mornings to anonymously drop off bouquets of wildflowers or snacks for Kalonia, so she has a little bit of extra appreciation. And of course there's this moment I wrote of them in an rp that still tickles me to this day:
Beaumont smacked his scanner again, "Yeah it's...on the fritz. I guess Poe's the only one who's really getting help -" "Bruised ribs?" Kalonia said loudly, or as loudly as her soft voice would allow her. Poe nearly wilted under her stern gaze. "How did you expect to treat that yourself?" Poe hesitated a moment, before answering slowly, "Wait for them to unbruise?" Kalonia pinched the bridge of her nose, "Please get Commander Dameron under a stabilizer. Once he's treated, he and Knight Surris will help us treat Lieutenant Donneta's lekku."
She puts up....with so damn much....
then we have Poe and Kaydel!! Obviously their friendship (and his with C'ai) get a lot of focus in tlj which is one of my favorite things about the movie, but I love to think that she winds up being Black Squadron's psuedo baby sister. I think she has a habit of getting tunnel vision when she's working, that she forgets to eat and things like that, so they implement something they call "the kaydel protocol" which just means Black Squadron takes turn checking in on her through the day to make sure she's ate and drank plenty of water.
I also like tossing around Poe and Taslin Brance! We barely see Taslin in the movie, but there's a deleted scene where he's the one to inform Leia Poe's X-Wing was destroyed in the village, and in the Flight Log, he's the unfortunate soul to deal with crabby Poe "do not LOOK at me do not TALK to me about the fucking finalizer okay I'm FINE look at me I flew to Takodana and Starkiller, could a traumatized person do THAT" Dameron by trying to get him to debrief. I think Taslin is something of an anxious, kind of clumsy guy, that is horrified and exasperated by the kinds of stunts Poe comes up with, and probably does a lot of the more "boring" high command work with Poe, like paperwork and lists and stuff.
And especially for you, Rina, I LOVE Poe and Threepio's dynamic! I know their dynamic is written fairly inconsistently from the comics to the films, but I find the accidental like, implied development of their dynamic really enjoyable. I love the parts in the comic where Poe's like you really shouldn't be calling me master you're a war vet and a hero man, we should be calling you that, and Poe hauling ass back to carry Threepio out of danger, and then Threepio offering to sacrifice himself so Poe can escape Terex....ough. I like the implication that they went from these very professional colleagues to friends that are so done with each other but come hell or high water they're sticking it out for each other. It always tickles me in tlj when Poe is listening to Finn and Rose's plan and goes "so we blow that one up?" Threepio just WHIRLS around like "wHAT did you just say" it's so delightful to me, and I love that Threepio tends to give it right back to Poe in tros when they're all snippy with each other ("you both make excellent points....some times" makes me laugh my ass off every time). and then poe calling threepio his brother in the tros novelization??????????????????????????? ough......I really can't think of any dynamic with a human that Threepio has where he'll rib right back, so to speak, and it just. Fascinates me. I want so much more about them, especially since I'm sure they worked closely together since Threepio has his spy network and Poe seems to oversee a little bit their other spy network, on top of being (somehow) a spy himself.
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general-poedameron · 4 months
I’m currently seeking a StarWars RP where I would be playing Poe Dameron either against someone playing Finn or their own OC. I’m happy to work with either M/M or M/F, the characters’ dynamics and their substance matters more than gender.
I’m down to discuss plot ideas and dynamics, as well as anything you’d like to include! I don’t necessarily have any hard limits, so I’m open to writing just about anything. I’m looking for someone who has a similar outlook, though I’m more than happy to discuss limits and learn what works for our dynamic.
I’d like to eventually be able to write NSFW depending on the characters’ dynamics and your own preferences. I tend to use darker themes when writing, such as past abuse and trauma, but what is included in our writing can range from deep details to vague mentioning depending on your comfort level.
My only hard requirements are that we use Discord to RP and that you are 18+. I tend to use 3rd person to write and as long as you use grammar and punctuation, we’ll get along great. Responses can range in size, as we start out I’d like us both to have detailed responses so that we can get a feel for the characters, their dynamic, and the environment. As we write together over time, I’m totally cool with our responses fluctuating in size once we are able to understand what isn’t being said directly in each other’s writing (hopefully that makes sense🤞🏼). I like to respond multiple times a day so ideally, my RP partner would be able to do the same. I completely understand that life happens though, so just make sure to communicate your needs and any concerns with me!
Feel free to interact with this post or message me if you’re interested! I’m excited to work with you!
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“Do you love me? And not because you’re supposed to.” (poe @ finn)
meme: soulmates au sentences meme status: accepting
What sort of question is that? Finn's got a slight frown on his face as he considers it, considers the look on Poe's face, the tone he speaks in, and weighs his response carefully. Maybe he takes too long to make sure the words will come out right - he's never really had the option of being asked things that matter before, after all - because Poe looks like he is going to leave, dejected but resigned, and Finn can't have that.
He reaches out to lightly grasp at Poe's hand. Not a grab, not a hold that Poe won't be able to shrug out of if he wants to. Finn's been caught and forced into positions he never wanted to be in. He knows what it is like to be trapped, and he won't do that to anyone. Least of all the man who helped him attain his freedom.
"Poe," he starts slowly, gently, and there's Poe's disappointment in the air that Finn knows he needs to start telling someone about the way he can sense things, but that's not the focus now. Now is about telling the pilot everything he feels. "I think I loved you before I even knew what love was. What soulmates really means." He smiles, a little crooked and shy and broken. "You trusted me with your life when you and I got out, and you've had my back ever since. Every thing I have now is because of you. Because you helped me, because you keep helping me. How could I not love you?" Finn laughs, incredulous and disbelieving and continues, "You see me, you've always seen me, and you've always accepted me. And you - do you have any idea how bright you shine? How much spending time with you makes me feel the happiest I've ever been. How much it feels like -" He stops and clears his throat, fingers twitching where they've been unconsciously tracing patterns on Poe's palms. "How much it feels like what I think a home would feel like." He shakes his head and then looks up at Poe, earnest and sincere, and there, that's the glow he's talking about. The way Poe's heart and soul seems to sing, a song Finn seems to be the only one to hear. "I love you because you're you."
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wearelondonhq · 1 year
(brittany) welcome to london, POE DAMERON! did anyone ever tell you that you look just like OSCAR ISAAC? well, no matter, we hear that you are 33 and working as a MECHANIC. we also hear that you currently HAVE your memories from STAR WARS and have a tendency to be COURAGEOUS as well as RECKLESS. (and can i drop ryan evans?)
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—WELCOME TO LONDON, poe dameron! you look very familiar, do we know you from somewhere? anyways, take your time settling in because whether you want to or not, it looks like you’re going to be living here for awhile! // welcome brittany, please be sure to follow our checklist here. welcome to the group! ** ryan evans (hsm) is reopened for applications!
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"Hey there, Hotshot."
"Well, well, look who decided to grace me with their presence..." Teasing before hopping down from the ladder of his x-wing. "What do I owe the pleasure?"
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larriestyless · 2 years
I'm looking for roleplayers
Star Wars mainly. Armitage Hux and Poe Dameron against my Ben Solo! Please Find this post!
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disneymarina · 2 months
Commander Dameron stops his pacing and crosses his arms. "Marina, hmm? Well, Marina, I have a little game for us to play. It's called 'join or die.' Do you know how it goes?"
He saunters over to his bed and unbuckles his pants, revealing his throbbing member. The air around them begins to sizzle with a dark energy as he exerts his Force influence over the environment.
"You see, in this game, I give you a you can either join me in pleasuring myself or you will die," he explains in a chilling voice. "The Supreme Leader has shown me your file, and I know how...accommodating you can be when it comes to satisfying a superior officer's desires. So, will it be 'join' or your fate?"
His words hang in the air, heavy with menace. Your heart pounds, but you dare not disobey. Besides, the thought of finding out what happens if you say 'die' only makes your stomach clench with fear and excitement.
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enviedrichespromo · 5 months
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• DISCORD SERVER (no profile necessary)
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runa-falls · 1 year
screaming with moots masterlist
i thought it would be fun to keep a list of my ramblings with my amazing moots bc these ideas are too good to get lost in the void (my insanely crowded blog)!
please read content warnings (cw) before diving in :^)
chef!miguel o’hara - @missdictatorme
cw: suggestive content, fluff/angst, big simp!mig
jake lockely smoking while he fucks the reader* - @whatthefishh
cw: smoking, weed, voyeurism, sex while under the influence
single dad!miguel x preschool teacher!reader - @campingwiththecharmings
cw: none, just fluff!!
moon boys w/ sex pollened!gf* - @romanarose
cw: potential dub-con, overstimulation, tag teaming?
mig's nano-tech closet + it's malfunction*- @missdictatorme
cw: mentions of naked cuddling and cockwarming -- somnophilia (bro idfk), slight size kink (I JUST KEEP ADDING TO THE CW'S 💀)
the moon boys fuck with the suit on (increased stamina)* - @melodygatesauthor
cw: multiple orgasms, overstimulation, marking, degrading words, the suits, mention of chasing rp
blow jobs, overstimulation, and feral!steven* - @missdictatorme
cw: overstimulation, hair pulling, choking/gagging, slight dacryphilia, degrading words, sore/fucked out throat idk
poe dameron x FO!reader* - @campingwiththecharmings
cw: mentions of torture/violence, potential dub-con elements, edging, sub!poe, stockholm syndrome, poe is so pretty 🥺
headcannons for drunk!moon boys* - @missdictatorme
cw: ahhh so much fluff + cuteness, filterless!steven, soft!marc, chaotic!jake, a little drunk fucking
knight!miguel x princess!reader* - @missdictatorme
ft. @campingwiththecharmings with her INSANE TAGS
cw: feral!reader, protective!miguel, assassination attempt, non-explicit smut
mafia boss!miguel x rival's wife!reader* - @campingwiththecharmings
cw: mentions of infidelity, smut (AH WHITNEY), jealousy, unhappy marriages/life :(
fruit play with marc* - @romanarose
cw: smut, food play, juices EVERYWHERE, marc is so hot
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air-writes-rp · 1 month
Hi! I am 26-years-old (pronouns: she/her), and I am on the hunt for various RP threads. I am a literate, multi-para/novella writer, but am more than open to writing smaller replies! Reply length is honestly not a problem, as long as we have a good story going (quality over quantity 💖). I write third person, present tense but you can write in whatever tense you prefer; it doesn't bother me if they clash.
A few ground rules:
• You MUST be 23+. Otherwise I will not write with you.
• I don't double, so please do not ask 💖
• Tupper is a super useful tool for me, and I'd love to include it. However, this "rule" is not a deal-breaker!!
(Characters I prefer to play are bold--otherwise I have no preference. If there's a ⋆, then I am desperate lmao.)
PACIFIC RIM: • Mako Mori x Raleigh Becket ⋆
SHADOWHUNTERS/TMI: • Jace Herondale x Simon Lewis ⋆ • Maia Roberts x Isabelle Lightwood
STAR WARS: • Poe Dameron x FINN ⋆ • PADME X ANAKIN ⋆ • Rey x Kylo Ren (I wanna change the story up for this.) • Han Solo x Leia Organa • Luke Skywalker x Din Djarin
STAR TREK: • Jim Kirk x Len McCoy (AOS) ⋆ • Jim Kirk x Spock (TOS) ⋆ • Spock x Nyota Uhura (AOS)
MARVEL/MCU: • Wade Wilson x Nathan Summers (comic or movie) • Wade Wilson x Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) • Bucky Barnes x T'Challa • Natasha Romanoff x Bruce Banner • Yelena Belova x Kate Bishop
TWD: • Jesus x Aaron ⋆⋆⋆⋆ • Daryl Dixon x Rosita Espinosa
TOP GUN: • Tom "Iceman" Kazansky x Pete "Maverick" Mitchell ⋆ • Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw ⋆ • Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x Robert "Bob" Floyd • Rick "Hollywood" Neven x Leonard "Wolfman" Wolfe ⋆
HANNIBAL: • Will Graham x Hannibal Lecter ⋆
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lost-in-liquid-nights · 7 months
Roleplay Ad
Update: Due to not wanting to overwhelm myself. While also providing my current rp partners with quality and relatively consistent rp, my request for rp partners is currently closed! Still feel free to reach out if you like and I'll keep you in mind for if things open up.
Ah, hello Tumblr roleplayers, it has been a while! I am one of many who was left adrift after Omegle shut down and am on the search for rp partners.
I am looking for rp partners in a variety of fandoms, genres, ships, etc. I’ll have all of them listed in a hopefully organized manner below and will do my best to keep this list accurate. If you’re interested, feel free to shoot me a DM or interact with this post and I’ll reach out to you. But please do read through this post fully before doing so, thanks!
A Little About Myself:
-Age: 20+
-Pronouns: She/They
-Experience: I’ve been roleplaying off and on in a variety of fandoms and styles for around 10+ years
What I’m Looking For In A Roleplay Partner:
-Age: Roleplayers who are at least 20+ as well
-Style: I’m open to a variety of styles, I roleplay everything from one sentence “text message” style to multi-paragraph advanced lit. Though my preferences tend to lean towards lit/advanced lit.
-Location: I’d prefer someone who’s comfortable transitioning to Discord, once we agree on what we want to rp
-Expectations: One of the things I loved about Omegle were the casual vibes when it came to when an rp needed to end. So, while I hope for some long term rps, I’m looking for people who will be okay with rps ending when interest dissipates. Without the need for big explanations as to why. This goes both ways! I won’t expect such explanations from you either if we start any sort of storyline and you end up wanting to drop out. The way I see it, this is meant to be a fun pass time and ideally shouldn’t feel like a stressful obligation for either of us.
My Current Fandoms & Ships:
Fandom: Avengers (Films)
Ships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Tony Stark
Fandom: Captain America (Films)
Ships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes
Fandom: Guardians of the Galaxy (Films)
Ships: Peter Quill/Rocket Racoon
Fandom: Venom (Films)
Ships: Eddie Brock/Venom
Fandom: X-Men (Films)
Ships: Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr
Fandom: Star Wars (Films)
Ships: Luke Skywalker/Han Solo, Poe Dameron/Finn
Fandom: Pacific Rim
Ships: Hermann Gottlieb/Newton Geiszler
Fandom: Star Trek (Original Series, Original Films, and Modern Films)
Ships: James T. Kirk/Spock, James T. Kirk/Leonard McCoy
Fandom: It (Films, 2017) & It (Mini Series, 1990)
Ships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Mike Hanlon/Bill Denbrough
Fandom: Spiderman (Films & Comics)
Ships: Johnny Storm/Peter Parker, Harry Osborn/Peter Parker
Fandom: Nimona (Film & Comic)
Ships: Ambrosius Goldenloin/Ballister Blackheart
Fandom: Loki (Series)
Ships: Morbius/Loki
Fandom: Moon Knight (Mini-Series)
Ships: Marc/Steven, Marc/Jake, Steven/Jake
Fandom: Daredevil (Series)
Ships: Foggy Nelson/Matt Murdock
Fandom: Infinity Train (Series)
Ships: Min-Gi Park/Ryan Akagi
Fandom: Merlin (Series)
Ships: Merlin Emrys/Arthur Pendragon 
Fandom: Stranger Things (Series)
Ships: Eddie Munson/Steve Harrington, Mike Wheeler/Will Byers
Fandom: Supernatural (Series)
Ships: Dean Winchester/Castiel, Dean Winchester/Benny Lafitte, Sam Winchester/Gabriel
Fandom: Hannibal
Ships: Hannibal Lector/Will Graham
Fandom: The Witcher (Series & Games)
Ships: Jaskier/Geralt, Eskel/Lambert, Eskel/Aiden
Fandom: Phoenix: Ace Attorney Trilogy (Games)
Ships: Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgworth
Frandom: Disco Elysium (Game) 
Ships: Kim Kitsuragi/Harry Du Bois,  Jean Vicquemare/Harry Du Bois
Fandom: Modern Warfare (Games)
Ships: Simon Riley/Johnny “Soap” McTavish
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Game)
Ships: Connor/Hank Anderson, RK900/Gavin Reed
Fandom: Dragon Age
Ships: Anders/Hawke, Fenris/Hawke
Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Ships: Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood, Jonathan Sims/Timothy Stoker, Martin Blackwood/Timothy Stoker, Gerard Keay/Michael Shelley
Fandom: Malevolent (Podcast)
Ships: John/Arthur Lester
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meme-force-99 · 2 years
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Hello! Welcome to our little space on the holonet! We are the writers behind the Tumblr Roleplay group referred to as Meme Force 99.
We hope you enjoy our blogs and have put together a list of easy to find links for our rules, members and FAQ. Enjoy! 😄
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Links to our courtesy and best practice posts.
Interactions: Mentions/Tagging
DM Etiquette
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Hunter @tbbs-best-hair
Tech @exceptionally-minded
Wrecker @wrecking-ball-99
Crosshair @superiorsniper
Echo @kark-trooper-echo
Omega @undefeated-dejarik-champion
Gonky @get-gonked
...and Crosshair's beloved multitool @773-firepuncher
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Cody @commander-stabby
Fives @loyal-soldier-5555
Gregor @capt-traitor
Hardcase @sneaky-dude-from-a-leaky-tube
Howzer @baja-blasters
Kix @black-and-501st-blue
Mayday @confident-just-not-stupid
Rex @itscaptain-sir
Wolffe @cybernetic-side-eye
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Asajj Ventress @ventress-returns
Aurra Sing @a-very-dangerous-woman
Bossk @scaled-villain
Cad Bane @bounty-hunter-cad-bane
Dengar @come-to-dengar
Fennec Shand @braids-and-bounties
Hondo Ohnaka @you-have-heard-of-me
Hondo's Kowakian Monkey Lizards @pikk-and-pilf-mukmuk
Lady Siren (OC) @sirenofdathomir
Maul @princeofdathomir
Phee Genoa @phee-spirited
Poe Dameron @yes-i-was-a-spice-runner
Riyo Chuchi @senator-on-a-venator
Savage Opress @worthy-apprentic
Shriv Suurgav @one-desperate-duros
Todo 360 @todo-360
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Imperial Hunter @imperial-tracker
Imperial Tech @imperial-science-officer
Imperial Wrecker @imperial-demolition-expert
Imperial Crosshair @imperial-sniper
Imperial Echo @imperial-strategist
Kaeso Blithe (OC) @blithe-imperial-underling
Iden Versio @inferno-commander
Sixth Sister (OC) @imperial-inquisitor-six
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Why do Roleplayers use the term Mun
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Ask: Do all of you have PhDs?
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@takeitinandletitgo | liked for a starter.
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There is a sense of wrong-footedness Finn's been experiencing since waking up. He's out of place, out of sync with the way the Resistance is run. It is the furthest thing from what he's used to, and there is so much for him to learn and catch up on that frankly speaking, Finn's over-whelmed.
But then Poe walks into the room, a little bit messy and sooty from whatever mission he's come in from, and all that melts away. Finn's immediately in a better mood. "Hey! You're here!"
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