zacharyius · 4 months
go follow me on tiktok yall, anyways here’s what I made 2day…
Not too proud of this, maybe I’ll re do it sometime later down the line
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zedpercyfan · 2 years
Ash’s Courting of the Ladies (XY&Z)
Y’know, upon re-watching the episode of Pokemon XY when they attend that dance party, Ash Ketchum is a strangely amorous creature.  I’ll admit his somewhat overly passive nature in XY is an annoyance to me but watching him be so chill around his opposite sex this episode is hilarious.
Dude just takes it in his stride when Miette asks him explicitly to be her date and is so polite about it, is more disappointed in himself for not dancing properly with the almost-looks-like-Misty-with-long-hair girl, open to getting tips on how to dance from Aria, and is completely relaxed and having fun when we see him with the black-haired girl in the purple and pink dress.  
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And just when he’s about to dance with the girl with whom he’s been traveling with, his friend Serena, the dance music ends and he’s just totally chill about it!  LOL, at least he still had the manners to ask if she had fun.
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Dude can dance with Misty and tried to ask Dawn to dance but Serena got NOTHING.  I may not be an Amourshipper but even I feel bad for them for getting ghosted like that.  CLEMONT was more of a wreck with the ladies than Ash is.  Like, Ketchum may be a dense fool, but he can court.  Hot diggity damn.
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Get your shit together, Clemont xD.
Ash can at least laugh at himself and apologizes to his dates.
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zdbztumble · 2 years
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I learned recently that Miette and the MPM Latias share a voice actor. And, since I’m as sure as I can be she’s not coming back in the final episodes, gaining this knowledge seems the last excuse to give her a send-off doodle.
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advancehub · 1 year
advance's top 5 worst pokeani pairings
Hello there! Now i'm sure y'all have heard of pokeani before, if so, you must have heard of notp's before, right? Basically, a notp is the opposite of an otp, it's like the ship that you loathe the most, every shipper has them and i'm no different, now, let's get into the top 5!
Top 5:penguinshipping(dawn x kenny) now, i probably will get a lot of hate for prefering ikari over this, but idc, this is straight up boring, this is like the most basic pairing ever! Sure they were childhood friends but that doesn't mean anything, not to mention the fanfics are bland as well, sure it makes more "sense" than ikari, but atleast ikari's interesting! Also, they feel like siblings more than anything tbh
Top 4:poffleshipping(ash x miette) this doesn't even make any sense! Miette faked her "crush" on ash just to get serena to confess earlier!
Top 3:kissShipping(ash x melody) same as the last one, to me, melody was never interested in ash, she just did it to get misty's attention
Top 2:confidenceshipping(ash x georgia) h o w?!
top 1:petalburgshipping(may x max) this is disgusting, they're siblings, i hate all incest ships
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letswritefanfiction · 4 years
Pink Macarons
A Pokemon oneshot. Also can be read on ffnet here.
Summary: Who needs a man on Valentine’s Day? After the events of XYZ, Serena and her friends try out the new livestreaming feature on Pokévision, whilst trying to make the most of a difficult holiday by baking and hanging out together. Onesided Amour and onesided PoffleShipping.
“I can’t figure out how to do it!” Serena moaned as she fiddled with the equipment setup. “I don’t know if it’s the laptop or the camera!”
“Let Shauna do it,” Miette said. “She’s the only one of us to have used the new livestream feature before. We need you with food prep anyway.”
Food prep, at this point, was mostly done, thanks to the work Serena had done earlier. Every counter in the Pokémon Center kitchen was covered in all the ingredients needed for baking: sugar, moo moo butter, flour, and lots and lots of berries. Every spot that wasn’t had equipment like mixers and bowls.
“Yeah, I don’t remember how to cut the Qualot Berry so that it looks pretty,” Nini said, struggling with a paring knife.
Serena gratefully abandoned the filming setup to help Nini as Shauna, wiping her hands on her apron, took her place.
“If you can’t do that, you can always just cover it in chocolate and call it a day,” Serena said as she demonstrated, leaving a perfectly carved rose. “And remember to save these little bits for your Pokémon! Nobody likes waste.”
There was a little scrap pile going of edible berry bits that Serena was going to give to Pancham later. Delphox was the only one of her Pokémon out at the moment as Pancham couldn’t be trusted during the cooking process and Sylveon would likely be jumpy around this lively group of girls. Not to mention that with four girls in the room, space was already limited.
“Okay, save the little gems of wisdom for when we’re actually on the air,” Miette said sarcastically as she managed to sculpt a berry rose just as Serena had.
“I’ve got it!” Shauna exclaimed as she stepped away from the laptop.
“Wait, we’re live now?” Serena squeaked.
“Yep!” Shauna waved into the camera. “Hi, Serena’s audience! Happy Galentine’s Day!”
“No, no, I have to introduce—excuse me, Nini—us and what we’re doing!”
Serena scooted past Nini, placing the paring knife on the kitchen island behind her as she scrambled to join Shauna in front of the camera.
“Hi, I’m Serena! And this is my partner Delphox,” Serena said, gesturing in the background to where Delphox was washing the last of the berries. “And today—”
“On Galentine’s Day,” Shauna inserted.
“On Valentine’s Day, I have a special treat for you! My first ever livestream! And my friends Shauna, Miette, and Nini are all here to help me out. Their socials are in the information tab below—and they’re all great Pokémon Performers, so you should follow them if you don’t already. Thanks to everyone who saw my post on Fletchat today and is tuning in! Today, we have a Q and A planned where you can ask me and my friends questions while we bake for Valentine’s Day!”
Miette gave Serena a sympathetic look. “Serena, you’re talking really fast. Seems like you’re nervous.”
Serena gave the camera a big, cheesy smile and said with the utmost confidence: “I am!”
Miette shook her head and went back to working with the berries.
“I’ll be doing most of the moderating,” Shauna said, coming back in front of the camera, “so let me see those questions! Oh, here’s one. What are we baking, gals?”
“Everything,” Miette said.
“We’re making Poké Puffs and macarons,” Serena answered, ignoring Miette. “And we’ll be giving tips throughout the broadcast for those at home who are interested!”
“And for us,” Nini added. “Serena’s a much better pâtissière than we are.”
“Oh, you guys, I don’t know about that!” Serena said, trying to fight off her blush. “Anyway, for Valentine’s Day, we’re making everything pink and romantic. So that means heart-shaped macarons and beautifully decorated Poké Puffs.”
“Del phox del!”
“Oh, and we’ll be doing some taste tests too.”
“Serena, why don’t you let them know what we’re working on right now?”
“Good idea, Shauna! So, Miette and Nini are working on sculpting some fruit to make pretty toppings for the Poké Puffs—if you want a video on that, I can make one—and I have our macaron batter here! Delphox, can you hand me the Persim Berries and the pink towel?”
“If you want to use food dye to color your batter, you can, but I prefer to use more natural ingredients,” Serena explained as she took the items from Delphox. “If you put Persim Berries in bright sunlight, even after being picked, they become very rich in color. Then you can put them in a towel like this, and wring them out to get a very bright juice!”
Serena demonstrated putting a few berries in the cloth and twisting it. Dark pink juice bled from the towel and into the bowl that the berries had been in, and Serena showed it to the camera before pouring it into the white macaron batter.
“Persim Berries don’t have a lot of flavor,” Nini added. “So you don’t have to worry about your food tasting weird when you use it.”
“Very true, Nini. With macarons, all you have to worry about is that you don’t water down the texture too much, so start with a little bit. And you can always reduce the juice on the stove so that it’s more potent. Just make sure it cools down all the way first, because you don’t want to deflate your egg whites!”
As Serena folded the batter, Shauna was scrolling through comments on Pokévision and Fletchat, looking for questions.
“Aw, this is sweet,” Shauna cooed. “How can four lovely girls such as yourselves be without dates on Valentine’s Day? I’d take any of you out. Thank you so much!”
“Well, now seems like a nice time for a reminder that not everyone is alone on Valentine’s Day because they failed to get a date,” Nini said. “Some of us either don’t want a date today or maybe don’t want a date ever.”
“Yeah, I’m sure that’s the case for all of us,” Miette drawled. “Right, Serena?”
“Hmm?” Serena asked, a blush rising to her face as she reached for a piping bag. “Um, sure. Everyone’s different.”
Serena knew that Miette was just trying to get a rise of her—like always. She should have expected that live TV wouldn’t make her behave any differently. But Serena had a job to do here, and Miette’s antics weren’t going to steer her off-course.
“So when your batter is this consistency just scoop it into your piping bag and make sure you have a sheet tray ready,” Serena said, steering the conversation back to what she was doing.
“Ooh, Shauna, you’re not reading out the good stuff,” Miette said, leaning over Shauna’s shoulder to read the live feed. “LuvdiscLuver—very Valentinesy name, I approve—wants to know if there’s anyone Serena wishes she were out with tonight.”
“Hahahaha,” Serena barked, the laugh coming out completely unnatural. “I, uh, I love my girls, so I couldn’t be happier here baking with them.”
“Lies!” Miette got her face close up to the camera and pointing accusingly at Serena. “There is definitely someone Serena would rather be with, and I know who it is.”
Shauna shook her head at Miette and Nini, poked her on the shoulder. “It’s not your business to talk about that,” she whispered.
“Ooh, the comments are really coming in now!” Shauna said, scanning as the comments went flying by. “Everyone wants to know your crush, Serena!”
“Are you sure they don’t want to know how to shape macarons into hearts?” Serena asked, tilting the camera down so that the people could see what was happening on her sheet tray—rather than the boiling blush on her face. “If some of them don’t turn out perfect, just make sure to put that one on the bottom of your finished product!”
“Okay, Serena doesn’t have to tell you all that,” Shauna said, crouching down to get into the camera’s frame. “But to get back at Miette, I’ll tell you that she has a crush on the same person Serena does!”
Shauna gasped dramatically, putting a hand in front of her mouth as she looked at Miette and scurried out of frame.
Miette grabbed the camera and jerked it back up so it was right at eye-level. “Yep, that’s the truth; thanks, Shauna. One thing you all don’t know about Serena—she has great taste in guys. So of course I like the same one.”
Serena looked down at her macarons. They were hardly the best ones she’d ever done—most of them would qualify as bottom-halves, if that were possible. She could only hope that all the distractions hadn’t messed up the recipe. Macarons required such a specific finish, it would be obvious immediately if something went wrong.
At least Delphox was keeping things on track. She’d already rinsed out the bowl that the batter had been in and was reaching to do the same with the pastry bag.
“Okay,” Serena said. “I’m just going to slip these in the oven and then we can move on to our PokéPuff batter! Girls?”
Serena was going for a neutral vanilla base with pink sprinkles and a custard-like sour Colbur Berry topping. Then the girls would make them almost look like fruit tarts, putting the beautifully cut berries on top. All four of the girls knew how to make PokéPuffs by heart, and were able to get together the ingredients for this particular version of Serena’s with machine-like precision. Serena was weighing the dry ingredients, Miette measuring the wet, and Nini was juicing the Colbur berries.
“Wow, you guys are getting a lot of questions,” Shauna mused as she grated a little bit of the pink flesh of the spiky berries to add a bit of Valentine’s pink to the PokéPuffs.
“I have a link to my blog post about this recipe in the description,” Serena said. She’d written the post up that day and used pictures from her practice batches. If Pokémon Performing didn’t go her way, she could always be a food blogger.
“No, not about that—though you girls are doing great,” Shauna said absently as the wet and dry ingredients were combined. “No, people want to know how you two can stay friends when you have a crush on the same boy.”
Serena—whose face had finally returned to its even, beige complexion—could feel herself flushing again. When she’d said she wanted the livestream to be pink-themed, she hadn’t thought her face would be a part of it. Though, she was sure that Miette would use it as an excuse for her behavior.
“Well, it’s not serious for me,” Miette said, answering first since Serena had taken over the batter and Nini was handling the topping. “I mean, I like this guy. He’s cute, kind, and skilled. He ticks the boxes, you know? But I don’t honestly know him that well. I can recognize that and know that my feelings for my friend, Serena, are more important than a little crush on some guy.”
Serena looked up from where she’d been staring intently at the batter that she, frankly, was beginning to over-mix now that she’d put the sprinkles in. She blinked at Miette, surprised to hear such a mature response.
“Here, lemme take that,” Miette said, grabbing the bowl from Serena and beginning to dole the mixture out into a greased cupcake tin. That left Serena on screen with Nini mixing away in the background.
“Um, well, it’s different for me,” Serena started nervously. She couldn’t forget the fact that she wasn’t just in a room with her four friends and her Pokémon. There were thousands of concurrent viewers right now, watching as she floundered for the perfect words. “You could say…it’s more serious for me. I know this guy really well and I’ve liked him for a long time. But like Miette said, that’s different from our friendship. I mean, she teases me about it, and maybe it seems like she doesn’t care, but I trust her enough to know that she wouldn’t betray me or do something that would really hurt me.”
“What would you do if one of you were to start dating this mystery guy, someone wants to know?” Shauna asked.
“I’d get over it,” Miette said, popping her head back in frame as she finished up with the PokéPuffs. “Always more Goldeen in the sea.”
“Serena?” Shauna prompted.
“I haven’t really thought about it,” Serena said honestly. “Realistically, I mean. Because, in reality, I don’t think he’s ready to date either of us. Or anyone. I mean, maybe I tell myself that just because he didn’t show much interest in me, even after the signs I gave him.”
Serena avoided eye contact with the girls. She still hadn’t told any of them about their one kiss. Knowing Ash, he could have missed all the smaller signs she’d given him…but she didn’t believe even he could mistake what that kiss had meant for her.
“I don’t believe that,” Shauna said, jumping in next to Serena. “Look, we all know this guy. And, for all his good points, which Miette pointed out, I think we can all agree that he’s not boyfriend material quite yet. He’s not ready. Right, Nini?”
Nini looked up. “Um…let’s just say he’s the type you have to be patient with.”
“And I’m not that patient,” Miette said. “So in the event that Serena and what’s-his-face end up together, I’m going to give her a big congratulations. You win.”
Just then, the timer for the macarons went off and Serena scrambled to turn it off, not wanting the sound to be too irritating on the livestream.
“How are they looking, Delphox?” she asked.
“Del, del!”
Delphox reached in and pulled out the sheet tray, and Serena could see the perfect feet that the macarons had formed. They might not be shaped impeccably, but at least they’d cooked well.
“That’s perfect,” Nini, said. “Now we can put in the PokéPuffs!”
Nini did just that as Delphox set out the macaron halves to cool and Serena started on the buttercream filling, able to do it completely by muscle memory.
“Aw, Serena, look at this comment,” Shauna said. “It says: Don’t worry, Serena. Relationships are all about timing. This guy might be the guy for you, or Miette, in parenthesis, but today wasn’t the day. Maybe tomorrow or next Valentine’s Day.”
“That’s so nice,” Serena said, touched to find that her fans were such lovely people. “I’d be lying if I didn’t say I hope you’re right.”
Delphox had been fanning a sheet pan over the macarons, quickening their cool-down process. Miette touched one of the cookies and declared, “I think they’re cool enough to pipe now!”
Serena had just started scooping the buttercream into a fresh piping bag when Shauna came over and bumped her on the hip. “I’ll do this part, Serena. You should read what people are saying to you for a minute. They’re your fans!”
Since this was Serena’s first livestream, she was surprised to see how quickly the chat was flying by. It was hard to grab onto any one thing to respond to, but it was touching to see how many people were watching and cared enough to write in. There were messages about the food, people saying they were fans of the other girls, and lots of people grateful for the stream, as they didn’t have any Valentines plans themselves. They didn’t feel so lonely, because they felt a kinship with Serena and her friends.
Serena couldn’t help but think of Valentine’s Days passed as she imagined all the people at home watching her stream. Last Valentine’s Day, Serena had been traveling with Ash, Clemont, and Bonnie. It had been lovely to be with Ash, of course, though it wasn’t exactly in the way she might have hoped. And every year before that, she’d been alone with her mother, wishing that she was with Ash, or someday would be. Funny how when she finally was, it ended up being so different from her imagination.
Really, it felt like her first real Valentine’s Day was this one. Even if she didn’t have a date, this was the first time she was doing anything to celebrate. And everyone at home was celebrating along with her.
“You know what, I want to answer that first question honestly,” Serena declared suddenly.
“Which one?” Shauna asked
“The first one Miette asked—”
“Geez, that was, like, half an hour ago!”
“Regardless,” Serena said. “The one about who I wish I was with tonight. The truth is that I feel a bit sad that I’m not with the guy I have a crush on. I feel a bit lonely, like I’m seeing a lot of you at home feel. But you know what? I think I would probably feel a bit lonely if I were on a dream date with him too. I think that’s just something that people feel. But what I said before was the truth too: I couldn’t be happier to be with my gal pals tonight, enjoying Galentine’s Day.”
Shauna grinned. “Yeah! Galentine’s Day!”
“Or Palentine’s or whatever it is for you,” Serena continued. “Any day that reminds us of our connections with other people, and Pokémon,” Serena added, sparing a look at Delphox, “and encourages us to spend time with them is a good day. But it’s just what you make of it.”
“And we,” Nini said, bringing the finished macarons into the picture, “are making the finest desserts in Kalos tonight.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Serena started, only to be cut off by Miette plopping one in her mouth.
“No, she’s right. Fuck, Serena, these are amazing!”
“Miette!” Serena exclaimed. “You can’t say that!”
Miette wiped a bit of frosting off the corner of her mouth and winked at the camera. “Oops.”
“Seriously, Miette, they could strike my channel!”
“Nothing to be done now!”
“Okay!” Shauna said, pushing in front of the other girls. “I think that’s the end of our stream! Thanks to Serena for hosting all of us, and make sure you check out everyone’s links in the description below. Sorry you all couldn’t see us assemble the PokéPuffs, but rest assured that we will, and then we’ll eat all of them until the only pain we have is in our stomachs. Everyone, have a fantastic Galentine’s Day and we’ll see you all next time! Bye!”
Only Nini managed to join in waving to the camera before Shauna ended the broadcast with a sigh.
“Well, that’s that.”
“Why did you end the broadcast there?” Serena asked. “Shouldn’t I have said something to everyone? What if there were more comments we needed to respond to?”
“Sorry, I just figured we’d better end things before Miette decided to say anything else.”
“I really am sorry, Serena,” Miette said, in a tone that made it difficult for Serena to tell if she was being truthful or not. “These are just some really effing good macarons. For real.”
“If that’s the case…” Nini reached over and grabbed one, giving it a once over. Despite the uneven heart shape, the cookie had the same coloring all the way through, looking perfectly cooked all the way around. When she popped it into her mouth, she couldn’t help but moan. “Oh yeah. We’re definitely gonna eat these until our stomachs hurt.”
Serena was unable to hide a grin as any irritation she felt towards Miette or Shauna evaporated. She just loved feeding people good food.
“Just you wait until the PokéPuffs are ready,” Serena said, pulling out a berry that looked like a large lima bean. “I got us some Micle berries. They’re pretty rare, but they have this incredible flavor that makes your mouth just pucker like when you’re drinking a dry wine. Squeezing just a bit of them on top of my PokéPuffs is my secret weapon.”
“God, how can you be making me hungry while I’m already eating?” Shauna asked, digging into the macarons as well.
“Ugh, why aren’t they ready yet?” Nini complained.
Serena shrugged. “Guess we’ll just have to spend all day together.”
The girls looked at each other, smiling. Yeah, maybe it would have been nice to be in a nice romantic restaurant across from Ash, holding hands and eating expensive food. But beyond that possibility, Serena was so thankful for the reality of her best girl friends here with her on this February fourteenth, doing something they all loved, together.
That was really a happy Valentine’s day.
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lightningenergy · 7 years
You know what? Just because we've been dealing with her in the Sentence Fanfic: 12 “I don’t know where she gets it from," Poffleshipping.
“Oh no,” Ash forced a smile as Miette came running up to him. He had walked over to Pewter City to catch up with Brock only to have the conversation interrupted. “Hello.”
“You ‘ave been a very vilain garçon,” Miette said, a devious twinkle in her eyes. “Telling Ondine zat you ‘and I are merely friends.”
“That wasn’t a lie,” grumbled Ash.
“Ah, Sacha, you know we are closer than zat,” She said, throwing her arms around his neck. Brock looked incredibly confused but she payed him no attention. “I might ‘ave to punish you later.”
“Please don’t.”
Miette let out an airy laugh before retracting her arms. “Ah well. I shall see you tonight at your maman’s, yes? Au revoir, for now, mon amour!” And off she went, leaving Brock staring at Ash with a mixture of bemusement and glee.
“I don’t know where she gets it from.” was all Ash said before he started walking again.
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pkmnshippinglist · 8 years
What’s the deal with Ash x Miette? This list has it solely as TompouceShipping, but Bulbapedia itself has it under PoffleShipping with TompouceShipping as an “other known name”.
...I don’t know, but I’ll find out. Thanks for letting me know!
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warlordess · 7 years
PoffleShipping for ship ask.
Lol. @cultofpokeshipping, looks like your anon wanted to ask me about the same ship. Also, hate to steal words from the bae’s mouth but I honestly believe that if Miette had any romantic feelings for Ash, they were relatively shallow, and she was basically only flirting with him to get a rise out of Serena.
So.... yeah. Fondantshipping all the way!
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cultofpokeshipping · 7 years
had to look that one up!! So, Ash x Miette? I don’t know if Miette had actual feelings for Ash, or if she was just trying to get a rise out of Serena. They had very little to no interaction (says the guy who writes never met ships). I did like her character, kinda like a friendlier/flirtier version of Gary! 
Meh, I don’t hate it, but I’d prefer Serena x Miette!!
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noodlerama · 9 years
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look at how happy they look together
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zdbztumble · 2 years
Another new doodle from the old group fic.
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zdbztumble · 4 years
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Any excuse I get to have other people write/draw Miette, you know I’m gonna take.
@hollylu-ships-it was nice enough to take this sketch request from me and knocked it out of the park (the one shoe tossed off is my favorite touch). I did the colors.
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zdbztumble · 4 years
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Despite complications along the way, a plan can come together!
I’m likely to be very busy for the rest of December, so here’s my holiday piece in early.
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zdbztumble · 4 years
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The Pokeshipping Discord group fic has been inactive for over a year, but I’m still finding moments from it that I’d like to draw. Such as this, one of my personal favorite running gags: one of Miette’s favorite ways to tease/flirt with Ash was by scratching behind his ear.
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zdbztumble · 5 years
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@cultofpokeshipping offered up a scenario a while ago; I took it as an excuse to do another variation on a favorite theme.
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zdbztumble · 5 years
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As I said yesterday, there are a lot of drawings coming. And in this one - League Champions get security, but Misty’s a little tired of having to protect Orange League Champ Ash from his own bodyguards!
There was a scene a little bit like this in the group fic on the Pokeshipping Discord, and Melody as Ash’s chauffeur/bodyguard was a long running gag, but Miette joining that security detail was an idea we’d only started to tease before the work stopped. That’s a shame, at least for me, because I’ve thought of some funny scene ideas for that continuity involving these four characters in hindsight. But I am very pleased with this drawing - for how well it sums up those two troublemakers, and because I managed to come up with these poses without models or references.
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