#ash and miette
mamasplat · 5 months
i was on vacation- the aggression chart???? lmao
nicee 👍👍 loving the work
also the themed playthroughs seem fun :)
Oh I’m having a great time with my true calem run, just got through shalour city
And while I’ve yet to piece together the aggression chart I will use this as an opening to break down the relationship chart that started as an unholy consequence of me trying to fit calem into anime plots
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Starting from the top:
Shauna having feelings for Calem is something that is laid on very thick in the firework scene. Anime wise I almost linked Shauna to Serena too but I ended up backing off the idea because I was lacking evidence.
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Tierno, i don’t think i need to explain this much if you’ve watched the anime, his crush on Serena was something he was very open about.
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Miette, I actually don’t think she had a thing for Ash, like at all, she does not try to pursue him at all in the anime she just likes to talk about it, it’s a tool to get under Serena’s skin. But that alone would make her a valued piece of the unholy love triangle amalgamation so I added her to the chart.
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Calem, specifically, Rival Calem: okay I think I need to explain this one a little more blatantly. Calem’s character arc cannot exist without Serena. His entire journey is dedicated to her mere existence, and pokemon masters really hammers home how important she is to him. She is the blueprint to his every move and step forward because in his mind she deserves better than he can offer so he will fight to be better. The way he talks about her when she isn’t around is unapologetic admiration and I cannot ignore the writing on the wall. He likes her. He’s got it bad.
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Serena, specifically anime Serena of course. Her emotional attachment to Ash isn’t just surface level like Tiernos attraction to her, being around Ash gave her the courage to be herself, to stand up to her mom and make her own future, to keep going even when she’s lost and lost hard. She used Ash as a moral compass to keep her head in the game and that only strengthened her connection to him. The end of the series kiss scene was far from unwelcomed, it was over due.
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Ash….this boy is oblivious as shit. I’m sorry Serena was not sly nor slick she fumbled at every turn and you STILL didn’t know??? I and from what I can see, many other fans, have come to the only conclusion that Ash just doesn’t do romance. He has ignored so many clear cut love interests and left them one sided because he doesn’t recognize or want romance. He just wants to be the best like no one ever was, love isn’t on his mind, therefore he is clueless to the love induced war going on around him. He is an unintentional ladies man.
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And ALLLL of that is just the information i collected from rewatching the whole of X&Y while also replaying through pokemon X and ALSO going through pokemas events. Its all connected, i haven’t done anything else with my free time, its all kalos baby. ALL KALOS.
Blame Pokemon ZA being announced (I say as if I hadn’t started this before that)
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pokemon-lesbian-pearl · 9 months
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Currently diagnosed with anipoke brainrot disease and I’m terminal 😔
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alolanrain · 5 months
My only question the poke beast au is how do Ash's pokemon handle other trainers who have a crush on him, Serena and Miette for example
you know those pets who basically guard their chosen humans when they get jelouse that their paying attention to any other living thing that's not strictly them? that's how they react.
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sonicspeeddemon · 7 months
Remembering that blue haired girl from Pokémon xy who really wanted to steal ash from Serena
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What was her deal any? Did she like ash or was she just like causing problems on purpose?
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mountainashfae · 5 months
🍰 for Aurien and Vio?
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
Oh we are going for the jugular here.
Betrayal. Full stop. It was a betrayal that sent him down the path of an Inquisitor and led him to the Stolen Lands. Despite how often they seem to happen to him, he keeps trusting. That's what makes every one worse. While Tristian and Nyrissa betrayed him and were still allowed to stay by his side, it's less on them and more on his own personal effort for forgiveness. He's working on it, even if he slips up some days and his anger shows.
This is a tough one tbh. Aurien is a person without a stable moral code. They will switch up what they believe at the drop of a hat if necessary. That's how we get contradictions like selling people as slaves in the Shackles and releasing slaves from Alushinyrra years later.
So things they find unforgivable are much more specific and tailored to the specific person. Things such as Mab/Mabhan attempting to have so much control in their and Orion's lives and taking away opportunities from them by hiding them from the gods. Areelu doing [insert wrath spoilers here] to Orion.
Stop the presses I found their one thing that applies to EVERYONE while typing. They're so protective of children that someone laying a hand on a child is what they find unforgivable. It's part of why they feel so guilty about Vio. Also the previous scratched out paragraph applies.
[ Odd OC Asks ]
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zacharyius · 4 months
go follow me on tiktok yall, anyways here’s what I made 2day…
Not too proud of this, maybe I’ll re do it sometime later down the line
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red-rose-corner · 6 months
Since I'm starting to establish things regarding Serena from Pokémon and Legends Z-A, I should reveal my version of her. Because Ash didn't encounter Serena in childhood in my headcanon, she's different from how the anime depicts her in terms of character.
Serena's personality draws from aspects of Chloe and Liko in that she is quiet and introspective. While not aloof, she starts out distant and doesn't smile often. Her first partner is a Fennekin who began her time with Serena as a go-getter. Due to learning from her father, she's a bookworm and not as fashion-loving as her counterparts.
Her childhood friend is Calem in my headcanon. She's also friends with Ash, Clemont, Tierno, Trevor, Chloe, and May. She's a member of the idol duo "Fairy Drop" with Lisia. Although Bisexual, she leans toward girls, so her first love is Shauna. She has sisterly relationships with Bonnie and Molly. She develops friendships with Misty, Brock, and Dawn later in life. Her friendly rivals are Miette, Nini, and Aria. Her mean rival is Amelia. She took a bodyguard role to Mairin.
Her father and mother want what's best for Serena, but they initially argue over what she should do in life pre-Royalverse. Serena initially feared a divorce, but they have since reconciled when Grace saw that Serena faced her fear of riding Rhyhorn.
Aside from her initial fear of riding Pokémon, she also had Iophobia, which is a fear of poison. She conquered that when she met Pokémon like Shauna's Ivysaur.
Her favorite types are Psychic and Fairy. Her least favorite type is Poison due to her initial Iophobia.
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skylardoesthings · 10 months
✨ | Sky's XY(Z) dnd au | ✨
Or as i like to call it, "Skylar's way of coping with stress"
Anyways here are the character their races and classes, for the characters i have figured out at least,
[NOTE ! My au is like a campaign being played, so look at this au as "Ash and the gang playing dnd for shits and giggles" instead of "ash and the gang as dnd characters"]
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Ash ~ Human | lvl 13 Dream Druid + lvl 7 Echo Fighter
Serena ~ Changeling | lvl 10 Ancestral Barbarian + lvl 10 Collage of Eloquence Bard
Clemont ~ Tiefling | lvl 8 Life Cleric + lvl 12 Archivist Artificer
Bonnie ~ Pallid Elf | lvl 20 Arcane Trickster
Sawyer ~ Half Elf | lvl 20 Wild Magic Sorcerer
Korrina ~ High Elf | lvl 20 Beast Slayer Ranger
Favoured Enemy; Undead
Favoured Terrain; Forest
Miette ~ Forest Gnome | lvl 20 Moon Cleric
Nini ~ Human | lvl 20 Great Old One Warlock
Mairin ~ Lightfoot Halfling | lvl 15 Scout Rogue + lvl 5 Swarmkeeper Ranger
Favoured Enemy; Constructs
Favoured Terrain; Grasslands
Shauna ~ Lightfoot Halfling | lvl 20 Collage of Glamour Bard
Tierno ~ Tiefling | lvl 14 Battle Master Fighter + lvl 6 Collage of Swords Bard
Alain ~ Swiftstride Shifter | lvl 20 Beast Barbarian
Trevor's role is the Dungeon Master! Hence why he isnt on the list. But he does have a NPC he plays as like, his insert whenever the players aren't figuring things out, and his character is a; lvl 3 Thief Rogue Goblin, who causes trouble whenever the plot calls for it
Some other characters i have figured out but no idea what to do with slash how to add them in;
Viola ~ Satyr | lvl 20 Swarmkeeper Ranger
Favoured Enemy; Feinds
Favoured Terrain; Forest
Grant ~ Earth Genasi | Way of the Four Elements Monk
Diantha ~ High Elf | lvl 20 Oath of the Crown Paladin
Sycamore ~ High Ef | lvl 20 Archivist Artificer
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chikoritacheezits · 1 year
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Miette Appreciation Post 
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becomingpotatoes · 2 years
can we stop saying that serena would be bitter and jealous and rude towards goh because honestly that’s extremely out of character for her. yes, she has a crush on ash, but loving someone means that you care about them enough to want to see them happy. if ash was happy with goh, then serena would be happy too. she loves him enough to want to see him happy. plus, she’s a lot more mature now, and i wouldn’t be surprised if she’s moved on, especially with a certain coordinator (cough cough may cough cough). so yeah, i digress, serena probably wouldn’t send ash’s boyfriend death threats, and im really sick of seeing her characterized like this.
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vaugarde · 2 years
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zdbztumble · 2 years
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I learned recently that Miette and the MPM Latias share a voice actor. And, since I’m as sure as I can be she’s not coming back in the final episodes, gaining this knowledge seems the last excuse to give her a send-off doodle.
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nanayuz · 1 year
the xy105-jn068 parallel makes me sdfghjkl cuz it’s literally the same scene but one is romantically coded in canon and the other is romantically coded in my head
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theyovngveins · 2 years
DId u not like my suggetstion
i thought it was epic im loving the creativity
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xxtc-96xx · 5 days
Serena is far from the only one to have crushed on Ash. Here’s the full (confirmed) list to my knowledge
Misty, Melody (Second Movie), his Bayleaf, Macy (Johto), Latias (Movie 5), Anabelle (Battle Frontier), his Aipom/Dawn’s Ambipom, Angie (Sinnoh), Meloetta, Serena, Miette (Kalos), and Lana
Journeys was the ONLY series to not introduce a girl with a crush on him
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there was also a child he battled in the johto league who decided she was in love with him and he had no idea, the girl who hugged magcargo
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Goh was a passionate friend of Ash because he never had friends before that. to be honest the goh and ash shippers are probably scarier than the serena shippers, they seem even more aggressive
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destinywillowleaf · 5 months
this might already exist (and if it does please send it my way i want to read it) but XY AU where language barriers exist.
Ash is fluent in Japanese and has decent Galarian (Iris and Cilan helped fill in a lot of gaps from school).
Serena is Kalosian but went out of her way to learn Japanese after that summer camp.
Clemont is fluent in Kalosian, has passable Galarian, and knows enough Paldean and Japanese for challengers (but usually uses a translation tool anyway. which is currently stuck in the gym thanks to Clembot).
Bonnie only knows Kalosian and a couple random Galarian phrases.
i might make loose comic thoughts on it but like. ash shows up in kalos with 0 knowledge of the language aside from MAYBE a few basic things from Alexa like "hello" and "i want to battle". two people with wildly different accents trying to speak the same secondary language until serena shows up and can more effectively communicate some thoughts that get lost in translation. bonnie and ash half-miming to communicate early on but still getting equally excited about pokemon things. an extra layer of "ash does not know miette is flirting with him" cause she thinks he knows at least some kalosian. do you see my vision
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