#poi headcanons
cerealkiddie · 2 months
Yoooo, when do you think Sameen started regressing and how did Root get involved/find out? So excited there's another poi agere truther out here
regressor!sameen shaw and carer!root/samantha groves headcanons
hh me too, I'm rewatching the whole show rn,, and I'm almost done. readmore/break bc my god can I yap.. be warned lol
anyway, she probably started after her og teammate died. she most likely repressed it as it wasn't a 'useful' feeling. (I think she uses her personality disorder during work. anger to fuel adrenaline. etc.)
when the gang came together and root started taking sameen on missions, they spent more time talking, whether a steak out to gather information, or sameen is playing undercover with root's witty banter, tech support, and affectionate teasing, their relationship felt more comfortable. some sort of normalcy in their constant state of 'save the next person'
sameen is definitely more talkative, shooting back at root with silly responses, rambling on abt certain guns and how they work, yadda yadda. (root could listen to hours of her pretty girl talkin.) shaw was probably a bit more giggly as she took the tag off a new collar for bear. the boys being out on a joint number root comes over, offering bear her hand and sameen slowly puts her hand out to hold.. it's minimal and gentle. initating contact herself, but she allows herself this to satiate the yelling in her head that wants to have some sort of connection whether emotional or physical.
shaw let herself be vulnerable around root bc she trusted her. root started picking up on things that looked off. (plus, root played a psychiatrist for a while huh) I think she put 2 and 2 together, maybe nudging sameen that she knows and accepts her but won't go farther without her explicit say so.
sameen involuntarily regressed more after getting kidnapped by Samaritan, she didn't outwardly show it but they probably saw smth on her brain scans.
ddlg/abdl/nsfw/variants dni! add any of ur own headcanons in the comments or reblogs ! post belongs to me ☆
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machiavellli · 7 months
Some Theodore Nott headcanons˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
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Notes: I’m no ff writer, but in the past couple of days @slytherinslut0 kept taking about him and so I went on the internet and did the only sane thing I had to do: search any piece of information about the actor. And ever since I discovered that Lorenzo Zurzolo is not only Italian, but from ROME, I can’t stop thing about him. I need to let out those thoughts of mine.
Now, you don’t understand. ROMAN GUYS LOVE ON ANOTHER LEVEL. Like this is very personal and subjective maybe BUT, in humble opinion, they become absolutely and utterly taken by you. It’s wonderful. Like maybe I am idolizing, but let’s take my bf as an example, Roman guy ™️, he loves like no one else. Then, girls from Lazio will probably throw tomatoes at me, but no one can stop me right now.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language, almost totally fluff. Based on personal experience. NOT PROOFREAD (class is starting RIGHT NOW)
Scusatemi per la probabilmente pessima interpretazione dei ragazzi romani, care personcine romane, io sono più del sud, ma vivo più a Nord, al Nord oltre al Nord (un bel mix if you ask me). Questa è pura esperienza personale che trasferisco su un personaggio immaginario.
Theodore Nott, your Italian Slytherin guy:
He might take his time to decide if you are the one for him
BUT the moment he decides you are the one for him, he will take you out on a date in less than a week starting from now
There is no point on waiting any longer.
He will arrange the date, you just have to show up and look pretty, no need to lift a finger for anything else.
Old fashioned type of guy.
(And I feel like his fashion reflects that)
Will hold any door for you, move the chair for you, pay dinner and even your ride back home if necessary.
Maybe if you go with him for a walk after your dinner and the right atmosphere forms, you will have your first kiss with him. Something very delicate, soft, but still exciting.
He will probably ask to see you again the very next day, he can’t take enough of you.
As I said, I think Roman guys are pretty direct, they don’t waist their time, it’s either with them or nothing. No games to play.
So yeah, you might not be used to but he will ask you to be his girlfriend in a very little time (for me it was the day of my first date, but again, very personal)
Why should he wait? He likes you and that’s all that matters.
After that: you got him in a chokehold.
He will walk you to class. Every. Single. Day.
Will do absolutely anything just to spent more time with you.
He might be a little shy to start using “pet names”
Maybe he will start with a simple “amò” (short version of “love”), which is romantic, but not strictly, I also use it with my girl friends (and a more corrupted version is “amio”, but I use it only as a joke, but there are girls who actually use it and no shame on that)
Many guys usually refer to their girlfriends as “la mia tipa” (which I don’t like), and he will also do that at first, but once he gets comfortable he will always call you “la mia ragazza” (even in front of his friends)
And I have to advise you on that, he will tell you that infamous “ti amo” pretty soon too.
Again: no time to die (is this an actual English saying or am I just make it up right now?boh)
You two are watching the sunset, when you notice that he’s not looking at the sky anymore but at you
A couple of minutes pass by and you ask “what is it?”
With those big beautiful eyes and that smirk of his, he will look at you and just say “nothing amore, ti amo”
He won’t expect for you to say it back
You can wait as long as you like for telling it back, there’s no rush, no pressure to say it back
Your moroso (usually adults use this term but for me it’s cute) just wanted to let you know that he cares about you.
He will literally say “because it felt right, why should I wait?”
My man is just expressing what he feels
And you want to say no to that???crazyyyy
As I already stated, he is so kind with you and with some time he will absolutely let you know that his love language is touch.
At first in your first months of dating it’s just holding hands, an arm around you shoulder, an arm on your waist,…
And at first he won’t be always touching (and with it I mean the things I listed above) you in public.
Mama’s boy is direct but still has light sheer of shyness
How could he not. He finds you beautiful under every light.
And with it I mean after you get intimate, which will take a a couple of months
Listen, if things are serious in real life, it takes a bit of time…so’ seria io quindi per me funziona così
After that he will and without holding back always touching you in public (WHICH DOESNT MEAN IN A SENSUAL WAY)
He will hold your hand, put a hand on your thigh,… this type of stuff. He just needs to know you are here with him.
Definitely the type of guy that tries to kiss you even at the worst moments.
You are speaking with someone? What does it mean that he can’t kiss you? Ao non scherziamo qua
You are his and he definitely doesn’t share
(And he’s definitely yours don’t worry, absolutely don’t worry.)
Jealous type of of guy.
Let’s be honest here: he won’t be happy about your guy friends (maybe I’m toxic but I won’t be happy about his girl friend that are not my friend first too)
If you can drop them, it’s for the best.
“Io so che cazzo pensano quelli” he will tell you a bit frustrated
My man just wants to protect you, Italian guy ™️ behavior (very common in my opinion for them to be protective, like last week an Italian guy, a friend 🅰️🅾️, from the north literally shielded me from a weird-looking fella, moving me to the other side of the street)
Sometimes he will just look at you and say “sei bellissima” with the cutest smile known to human kind
Or maybe something like “Lo sai che sei proprio bella?” while he similes at you
And yes, he will tell you always and everywhere, even with a whisper during class just to get you flushed, even if you look like shit <3
You will often find asking to yourself how a person can love you so much, care for you so much.
Like this is not a self esteem problem, even if you are extremely confident: you will ask yourself this.
Because in every flaws he finds beauty.
It’s out of this world.
He won’t in fact tolerate you taking shit about yourself and he might be even be rude about it
“Smettila con ste cazzate.”
He can’t comprehend how you could say that about yourself, “la sua amata e diletta” (si si lo so, “diletta” è come Machiavelli definisce sua moglie e sì non c’entra per nulla, ma volevo aggiungerlo, non rovinatemi la magia)
He will talk with you about your future, about how he would like to have kids with you, “pensa che bello avere dei piccoli noi che corrono in giro per casa”
And then, this one is extremely based on personal experience, after some time he will just start saying “I wanna marry you”, “Ti voglio sposare”
Even during random moments, he will look at you and just say it
Like, it doesn’t mean you are getting married right now. No. It just means that he wants you forever, he won’t leave you.
He will make you happy in every way possible (yeah even in the bedroom)
Cuddling you is THE activity for him.
And if he can lay between your thighs, that’s basically haven. He won’t stop saying “così soffici” and then kiss them.
He also loves kissing you, as passionate as it gets.
He will “hold you hair in deep devotion” (he is so “I wanna be yours” coded)
Also: “say yes to haven” coded.
He will always protect you, no matter against who.
He will choose you over anything.
If his friend are rude to you or say ANYTHING bad about you, they are over, he won’t tolerate any form of aggression on you.
You are the only woman in this world for him…like even an angel could walk by and he would still have his eyes on you only.
He won’t even look at other girls anymore, why should he? He has found la sua anima gemella dopotutto.
In the end, you really will become il suo tesoro, and the nickname tesoro will probably be the most used one.
“Ti amo tantissimo”, ti dirà ogni sera prima di darti la buonanotte.
-> part II
Ahh ​Roman guys are my Roman Empire.
My asks are open btw!
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quincybf · 1 year
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@pscentral event 16: pride colors
↳ root + the trans flag
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idollete · 2 months
juju diva idollete do tumblr tenho aqui um pensamento ☝️💭
como você acha que os meninos iam reagir reencontrando a leitora depois de anos sem se verem? imagino mto isso num cenário onde eles eram literalmente amigos de infância, daquele tipo que viviam grudados e dormiam na casa um do outro, os pais falavam que eles iam acabar namorando (e o nível de amizade é tanto que eles acabam realmente perdendo o bv um com o outro) mas na adolescência eles se afastam e acabam se reencontrando na vida adulta
na minha cabeça os meninos de cara iam demorar pra reconhecer a leitora, porque ela foi de mini lobinha (criança) pra LOBA (adulta), e só percebem que é ela porque ela faz uma coisa muito específica de quando eles eram crianças, e aí eles ficam em choque pane no sistema sem acreditar que a leitora virou aquele mulherão 💭💭
imagino o pipe em um cenário de vizinhos que vivem se bicando. como ele é homem e tem a memória curta, você já tinha sacado quem ele era há anos e ele ainda nada, até porque você realmente havia mudado muito. já não tinha mais aquele jeito de menina boba, o buraquinho nos dentes da frente de quando eles caíram, o cabelo bagunçado de sempre. não, agora você era uma mulher. (corta também para o fato de que você meio que era obcecadinha por ele e o acompanhava pelas redes sociais, eis o reconhecimento). sempre havia uma rusga entre vocês, pelo lixo deixado no corredor – porque é claro que vocês são vizinhos de porta –, pela barulheira dia de sexta e fins de semana, pelo seu cachorro que latia alto demais – aqui era só implicância do pipe mesmo, porque ele vivia fazendo cafuné no bichinho quando ele escapava –, por tudo que pode se brigar em um condomínio. é em uma dessas confusões que você se excede mais que o comum e acaba dizendo algo que o pipe não ouvia faziam muitos e muitos anos, "paquita do capeta dos infernos, eu odeio você, felipe!". não é só a ofensa, é o jeitinho que o felipe saiu, o "e" puxadinho, que só uma pessoa fazia. a ficha dele despenca na hora. vai travar no lugar, "o que você disse?", e quando você repete, mais calma, ele diz "não, como você falou antes, como se estivesse prestes a me dar um puta beliscão doído". e é aqui que você percebe que ele te reconheceu, porque você vivia beliscando o pipe! não tem vergonha na cara de te medir da cabeça aos pés e pontuar que "você mudou...tá crescida...", e não é crescida de idade, você sabe bem. "mas continua a mesma fedelha desbocada de sempre, né..." e ele não te dá a chance de responder, vai te dar as costas, te dar aquela encaradinha por cima do ombro e balançar a cabeça em negação como quem não acredita no que acabou de acontecer.
não imagino um contexto específico com o esteban, porque tenho para mim que a reação dele é a mesma em todas as realidades. o queixo dele vai genuinamente no chão quando te pega fazendo algo muito peculiar e marcante no meio de uma conversa que vocês estavam tendo, pode até ser um comentário também, uma frase, uma palavra típica. porém, ele não acredita no que acabou de ouvir. "o-o que você disse?", parece que o interior dele vai explodir de dentro para fora, se sente até meio bobinho ao pensar que então, isso são borboletas no estômago...? e ainda mais rolo diante da falta de reação. ele não consegue deixar de reparar em cada detalhe teu, quando se recupera ele é amigável, até põe o papo em dia rapidinho. o problema é que ao decorrer do dia ele não consegue tirar os olhos de ti, no rosto, nos quadris, no decote. e sempre que é pego no flagra ele fica vermelho que nem um moranguinho, desvia o olhar rápido e é traído pelo próprio corpo que vai tentar te encarar de rabo de olho de novo. muito provável que ele – muito discretamente – dê aquela stalkeada básica em todos os teus perfis para descobrir se você tem alguém. e quando ele descobre que você está solteira, vai chegar todo mansinho e te convidar para ir num barzinho sexta-feira à noite. "é, oi...então...você tá livre na sexta? porque o bar ali da esquina tem um som legal, a comida é ok, mas a cerveja é dobrada. cê topa?".
o matías é uma peste, disso nós já sabemos, porém você descobre que quando ele perde a marra ele fica perdidinho igual um garoto. consigo vê-lo em um cenário de colegas de faculdade com boas doses de enemies to lovers (pois aqui amamos essa trope com ele rsrsrsrs). vocês dois acabaram sendo uma dupla de iniciação científica e é claro que o matías parecia não estar dando duas fodas para o que vocês faziam, ele só queria a carga horária mesmo, e isso te enlouquecia. sempre que dava um problema tudo que ele fazia era dar de ombros e dizer "deve ser coisa do destino dizendo pra você desencanar, sai dessa nóia, garota". você podia espernear, brigar, bufar, gritar, e ele não moveria uma palha para te ajudar. e isso é tão típico do matías! desde a época da escola ele era um preguiçoso e era você quem acabava fazendo tudo sozinha, super injusto, mas ele sempre te derretia quando aparecia com um saco de pirulitos – que ele roubou do armário de doces da avó – para vocês dividirem. eventualmente, você não vai aguentar mais. tudo tem limite! "matías, se você não vier aqui e me ajudar, eu vou embora e não volto mais". como algo tão ordinário assim fez o matías congelar no lugar nem ele sabe explicar. ele trava porque a ameaça é muito familiar. e ele só consegue te encarar, o olhar amolecendo a cada coisinha que ele reconhece em ti, as pintinhas, os sinais, cicatrizes, ele lembra de tudo. o jeitinho que ele te chama é tão quebradiço que ele te surpreende, diz o teu nome ainda incerto, testando as águas. a expressão só muda quando você cruza os braços sob os seios e acaba fazendo com que eles apareçam um tiquinho mais, é aqui que ele dá aquele sorriso cafajeste e te diz que "a bebita cresceu, hein...".
outro cafajeste nato é o simón, que não te reconhece de cara, mas ficou doidinho no seu rabo de saia. vocês se encontram na cidade natal que nasceram, no parquinho em que trocaram o primeiro beijo da vida de ambos. ele com certeza estava de bobeira e botando o papo em dia com os parceiros, falando as maiores atrocidades do mundo em plena praça pública. ele vai cutucar um amigo e perguntar, "aí, quem é aquela? nunca vi por aqui antes" e tudo que os outros caras fazem é rir, acham que ele tá de sacanagem, porque todos ali sabem quem você é. na cabeça do simón, eles estão gatekeeping só pre chegarem em ti primeiro. porém, contra simón aquariano nato hempe absolutamente ninguém vence. dá um perdido em todo mundo, dizendo que tá esperando a vó sair do mercado pra carregar as sacolas, "sabe como é, né, tenho que ajudar a minha velha", e espera geral vazar pra chegar em ti. chichas, simón hempe é muito reputation precedes me coded, então, é ÓBVIO que você sabia tudo sobre ele, sua família vivia te alimentando com várias fofocas. por isso, quando ele aparece do nada, com a maior cara de bom moço, você sabe que ele não faz ideia da tua identidade. e você deixa esse teatrinho rolar, é claro. quer ver até onde ele vai com isso, o quanto é cara de pau, ele come direitinho na tua mão, jura que você tá na dele. "mas, e aí, e pra gente ficar junto, linda? pô, vou confessar que você mexeu demais comigo", e isso aqui é golpe puro, tá? ele quer é sacanagem. você até se faz de difícil um tiquinho, "ah, simón...mas aqui? tá todo mundo vendo", põe o melhor ato de boa moça também, o simón não faz ideia de como quem ele tá se metendo, "por que a gente não vai lá na rua do falecido chico? eu ouvi dizer que lá é um ótimo lugar pra se esconder e fazer o que der na telha...". aqui é quando você mata o simón, porque esse era o lugarzinho que ELE se escondia quando tava de birra, foi lá também que ele revelou que gostava de ti, cheio de vergonha. o simón perde a postura na hora. não tem marra certa e você adora isso, "você é um cachorro, simón hempe, da próxima vez tenta não olhar muito pros meus peitos, quem sabe assim você me reconhece" e sai andando sem nem olhar pra trás, só pra ele ficar com um gostinho de quero mais.
com o fernando é aquele reencontro digno de novela. também vai rolar quando você retorna para a sua cidade natal em uma época comemorativa e acaba calhando dele ter ido na mesma época. se esbarram em um mercadinho, você conversando fiado com uma senhora que não cansava de fazer comentários e perguntas desnecessárias, cheia de e os namoradinhos e mas assim vai acabar ficando pra titia que nem fulana. você não aguenta mais a encheção de saco, inventa a desculpa de que seu primo tá te chamando e sai toda atrapalhada, trombando de vez no fernando, que é todo cavalheiro ao recolher suas compras do chão, te dá um sorriso simpático quando pergunta se a dona maria te encheu o saco demais. é aqui que você se entrega, "nossa, e como! deve ser alguma punição do universo por todas as vezes que eu roubei as mangas do pé dela". ele fica estático, porque eram vocês dois que viviam roubando as frutas do quintal dela! sempre juntos, parceiros de crime. e ele não acredita que é você ali na frente dele. desce o olhar sem pudor algum pelo teu decote – é meio instintivo também – tentando achar traços familiares, mas você é uma mulher feita agora. e o fernando fica baqueado demais com isso, tenta disfarçar com uma conversa que é claramente nervosa, a cabeça dele ainda não assimilou as informações. e mesmo quando te acompanha até a sua casa, tem dificuldade de juntar o passado ao presente, vai dizer na lata que "você tá mudada, cresceu...ficou linda" e quando sai andando, é todo bobo, olhando para trás o tempo inteiro enquanto repete um "que loucura...é ela mesmo".
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kyuala · 30 days
bom dia gente acordei doente (de amor, quero namorar o pipe
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plague-of-insomnia · 2 months
Sebardagni Headcanon/AU Idea #001 - Post-Apocalyptic Sickfic AU
It’s no secret the last 7 months or so have not been great for me, and I haven’t been able to write for various reasons, since my health has been bad.
I’m hoping that the second half of 2024 will show some improvement but in the time being I’ve been trying to imagine my fave trio: Sebardagni in various sickfic scenarios
Like I had one in mind that’s not well formulated bc my brain is not working well enough for more than vague shapes of ideas, but it’s post-apocalyptic.
I don’t like that genre generally because as a chronically ill disabled person, I know how absolutely fucked I would be if society collapsed.
However, one of my fave independent novels I ever read featured this concept, and one of the characters had a chronic lung disease so not having regular access to medicine made his life much harder, and put enormous strain on his husband and family.
So I imagined a scenario in which Sebastian, Agni, and Bard have settled in a remote mountain cabin because it’s removed from some of the dangers of the cities, the air is cleaner for Sebastian to breathe a little easier, and there is plenty of food and resources.
But the problem is that they really should move on, but they can’t travel, not with Sebastian sick, and they’re running out of places to scavenge for medicine. One of them always has to stay behind with Sebastian, so only one can go out at a time.
Bard had been increasingly having to go away for days or even weeks at a stretch, going farther and farther from their home base in an attempt to find medicine for Sebastian and other supplies they can’t make or grow themselves.
It makes Sebastian guilty and anxious that one day Bard won’t come back and it’ll be his fault, and it frustrates him that he can’t help more, or that his partners have to sacrifice so much for him. More than once he’s told them to leave him behind, but they both insist they’d rather die with him than abandon him.
I imagined a particular scene where Sebastian’s health has taken a sharp downturn while Agni has been waiting for Bard to return, and it’s getting to be long enough he’s worried maybe this will be the day Bard never comes home.
But he does, all smiles. He didn’t find medicine, at least not what they’d hoped to find, but he did find a treasure trove of things that were under a collapsed shelf in an asian market a few towns over.
Matcha powder, and a lot of it.
Matcha is highly caffeinated, and it’s related to another molecule that’s often used to treat asthma and other lung conditions, because it helps open the airways. Drinking a lot of caffeine can thus help your breathing a little bit. It’s not medicine, but it definitely helps in a pinch.
I imagine Agni grows what he can for Sebastian, various herbs and plants like marijuana that can help him, and despite the world ending and the challenges of their new lives, ultimately they’re happy.
I think it could be a really lovely story, but I doubt I’ll ever be able to write it.
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pissworm39 · 4 hours
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something i drew at 9:27 at night because i was bored and i LOVE danger days, might finish it later!
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elliesgaymachete · 1 year
I think if we saw more text communication with team machine Root absolutely would be That Person who uses Too Many Emojis. Like, her texts are sometimes incomprehensible Carrie Fisher levels of emoji use and it pisses Shaw off so much (Shaw has never used an emoji in her life and won’t start now)
Fusco has to translate all her texts for everyone else because he has a kid and has had to learn how to read emojis (though his emoji literacy is only at like 60% so there are some gaps)
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Fazio per una volta nel ruolo di Catarella
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cerealkiddie · 3 months
RAGHHH. I wanna make agere content for real TV shows. like how ppl do with good omens or supernatural. I wanna do it for characters from person of interest.
spoilers for s3 and after
shaw is a regressor and root is her mama. reese and harold r both flips. they take care of each other and carter is reese's mama. he def pushes his regression away when she dies. lionel is a babysitter, occasionally looking after shaw. harold has referred to 'the machine' as mama, his subconscious took in root's suggestion that the machine is a she. after s5 when the machine finally reboots I hc she contacts him and helps w his regression and coping with loosing his friends :(
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omarfor-orchestra · 1 year
Bestie che mi ha mandato l'ask ti risponderò prima o poi ma ne ho tantissimi quindi potrebbe volerci del tempo
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sometimes you have to draw things just for you :’) more to come probably
script at the bottom in case it’s too small to read:
“Professor Jotaro Kujo (M, 18): The youngest Pokémon professor in all the regions, he dedicates himself to research—especially of the Water-types he loves best.
Full team: Gyarados, Sharpedo, Poliwrath, Walrein, Kingdra, Tentacruel.”
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poicyss · 2 years
Luigi and Daisy are my favorite bisexual couple
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actuallyitsstar · 2 months
John Reese + 12 and 5?
✨ send me a number and a character! ✨
12: what's a headcanon you have for this character?
this is in no way 100% original bc i know i've seen fics about this too, but one of my favorite things is the idea that bc john has spent his entire life being a ~tool~ and a ~weapon~ that other people get to use to the extent of his usefulness (uh oh !!! why are all the characters i like The Same this is embarrassing) he doesn't know how to like.... be a regular person. and he gets super out of his depth when other people (team machine for example) expect it of him. like ????
you got smashed thru a wall pretty hard there john. we need to have a doctor make sure you don't have a concussion. and john is just like nah im gonna sleep it off its all good and everyone is like N O and he just does not understand what the problem is. mr. omnipresent billionaire finch like, ordering stuff he thinks john needs or would like and putting it in the apartment he rents for john, and john is like ?????? what do i do with a robe????? and finch is like. um. you wear it. when you're cold. and it's ENTIRELY FOREIGN.
john has never considered doing something about, for example, being cold in his apartment. why would he? why waste the energy cost of adjusting the thermostat, why purchase an entirely separate article of clothing or bother dirtying a different one, when he could just...... Be Uncomfortable? what difference does it make? he's trained to do way more uncomfortable shit than be cold. it's whatever. but harold seems to be particularly incensed about this idea. and maybe he does try out the robe when it's cold on a winter evening or a spring morning, eventually- curiously, hesitantly, acting like he's never seen one before. and hes like.......huh. its pretty nice actually. maybe there's something to this after all.
5. the first song that comes to mind when you think of them?
ok so confession 😭 i was never super directly in this fandom bc this show went off the air before i was super into any tumblr tv show fandoms. like i was absolutely reading fic on ff dot net, but i was not having a fandom experience lol. so i have actually never rly discussed any poi thoughts or made playlists or rly engaged at all, and as such i must give a sort of a cop out answer bc i don't rly have a good answer, BUT: THE USE OF THE JOHNNY CASH VERSION OF HURT IN THE SHOW AFTER. A DEATH. I WON'T SAY MORE IN CASE IT'S A SPOILER. but yeah that made me ugly cry every time i've seen it tbh, and every time i think about the fundamental defining pillars of john's character during the show, that montage section is one of them- it's still what i remember the song most for, too, bc i hadn't heard it before then, but it was perfectly chosen, and i love how emotional that song is <3
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plague-of-insomnia · 9 months
there is something strangely erotic about vincent phantomhive being fluent in japanese
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a-town-wolf · 5 months
boh ragazzi qui solo per dire che andrea e Jean sono neurodivergenti, in più il primo è pan e il secondo è bi
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