#il commissario montalbano
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Peppi, il Pappagallo Comunista
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*amused philocommunist commissario*
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corvidcantina · 10 months
If you think about it Karl Weissman has the same rogueish charm as Mimì Augello from Montalba[gunshot]
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naivesilver · 2 years
when the inspector montalbano opening theme hits
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daoggiallavvenire · 2 years
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pristina-nomine · 2 years
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sehrgefaelltmir · 9 months
i was tagged by @miasanlewy tysm!! n im tagging uhhh @acrazybayernfan @liverpool-enjoyer @captainaudax @joooonbug @kylorens and anyone who wants to do it ‼️‼️
last song: taylor swift - illicit affairs
favourite colour: orange
last movie/tv show: il commissario montalbano (pls anyone who’s seen it i NEED to talk about it w someone)
relationship status: very single
last thing googled: ‘how do wishes work in genshin impact’ 💀
obsessions: football, writing, drawing, linguistics, commercial aviation (flightradar24 my beloved), skyrim, assassin’s creed (but only the ezio games), travel
happy christmas frohe weihnachten nollaig shona daoibh etc etc my dudes
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sayitaliano · 8 months
Ti posso chiedere di raccontare/spiegare questa parte del monologo di Teresa Mannino sulla linguistica? Spero che ci sarà un video tagliato del suo monologo qui ma intanto sono sicura di non aver capito tutto
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Ciao! Più che altro non ho idea di cosa sia successo perché sono andata a dormire praticamente dopo Russell Crowe lol Cerco di farmi un'idea su Raiplay (x) e poi vedo cosa dirti.
Provo a farti un riassunto, poi mi dici se c'è qualcosa su cui devo soffermarmi di più, se ti serve?
To start with, after a few jokes, she says that mentally we are stuck into the 5th century bc. In fact, as a philosopher back then, men (mankind) believe that everything that exists is for them. She then compares the word uomo (man) with donna (woman): in Italian "uomo" can be used both for mankind and male/masculine gender. So she asks "why man? (perché uomo?), we could say human kind or human animal" and states we're animals as well. We also have our DNA for the 70% similar to bananas and for the 98% to monkeys and primates in general (other jokes in between).
(I think this is the point of your question but anyway let me know) As humans, since we speak languages to communicate (while other animals/plants have other methods), we feel superior. And she basically says: "that's the same feeling that we Sicilian people have when someone from the North (Milan/Piedmont...) comes to Sicily, we speak to them in Sicilian and if that person doesn't understand we think that they're stupid: but it's not so, this person speaks another language. So we keep repeating the same sentence in Sicilian hoping the northerner will understand suddenly". She adds a sample sentence in Sicilian (don't ask me to write it cause I have no clue I speak another language as she said but it could be something like "cuccu cammini co' e arance 'n terra" BUT IDK what I did for sure I wrote it wrong) and says: "Even if we translated this sentence, it has no meaning anyway" and then asks Giletti (tv host, from Biella, Piedmont) to translate it (he asks for help to someone near him). She explains that sentence: "cu ccu" are two words that have different meaning just to confuse everyone better, and they mean "with whom" (con chi) and asks Giletti to repeat to help him learn Sicilian. The sentence translated sounds like "Con chi cammini con le arance che stanno per terra?" (with whom you walk with the oranges that are on the ground?). And indeed generally has no meaning but for Palermitani (people from Palermo), it means "with whom you walk with oranges that are fallen cause are rotten" -> who do you hang out with, rotten oranges = bad people? So she adds "It's pretty complex to get and one can understand it only if they have done a thesis on Camilleri (famous Sicillian author/writer who created Il Commissario Montalbano), but even with this background, we say that that person from the North is stupid".
She goes back speaking about the other ways of communication that plants and animals use and focuses on baboons that in order to cheer each other, they squeeze each other's... masculine genitals. "They acquire all the infos they need through that 'it's young' 'they will collaborate' (adds more fun stuff)". Then speaks about ants (formiche tagliafoglie= cutleaves?), and adds they're the smarter of all: "they pick up seeds as we used to do and have huge nests in which they cultivate mushrooms. They have been farming for 50 millions of years and didn't ruin anything we've been farming for 10.000 and have destroyed our planet. They were here when there were dinosaurs and survived the meteorite". So she says "Let's copy them, how does their society works? They're basically all female with a "mother queen" and a bunch of males. The "mother queen" decides the gender of the new borns and it's basically all females, except for a male or so every year for continuing the specie and nothing else." She adds a bunch of fun notes on this, how useful it is for them when it comes to exes and how happy male ants may be. "On the contrary, human animals prefer power ON other humans, men, women, childeren, nature... I like power too, but power OF laughing, making people laugh, dressing how I want, dancing on the street even if I embarass my daughter..." and ends by saying something like "if some stories/situations are still present maybe it's not time to ignore them and move on".
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diceriadelluntore · 7 months
Pagine Golose
In polipo: pipere, liquamine, lasere inferes - Apicio, De Re Coquinaria, 9.5.1
Traduzione: Per il polpo: pepe, liquamen, laser e servi
De Re Coquinaria di Apicio è il primo grande libro sul cibo della nostra cultura occidentale: è solo in parte riassumibile in un ricettario perchè assomiglia più ad un indiretto atlante del gusto dell'Impero Romano (il libro, su cui ci sono le consuete dispute filologiche, risale al I secolo D.C., al culmine della potenza Imperiale romana). Nella ricetta del polpo, Apicio consiglia quindi di condirlo con il pepe (spezia le cui quantità di commerci nel corso della Storia fanno venire le vertigini), il liquamen, che è una variante del famoso garum, e il laser: non era una diavoleria di una primitiva cucina molecolare, ma un ingrediente ottenuto dalla resina estratta dalla radice del silfio, una pianta che cresceva esclusivamente sulle coste prossime alla città di Cirene in Libia. In età romana, tanto era richiesto il laser che la continua e non regolata raccolta del silfio ne provocò l’estinzione. Plinio ci dice che l’ultima pianta venne regalata all’imperatore Nerone e si dovette ripiegare su una sostanza analoga, anche se non identica all’originale, ricavabile da una pianta simile al silfio: l’asafoetida o assa fetida. Il nome, diremmo, non promette nulla di buono e infatti la presenza di zolfo rende il prodotto particolarmente maleodorante, almeno prima della cottura. Il laser originario, come il succedaneo da assa fetida, avevano notevoli proprietà medicinali riconosciute da sempre.
Piccola curiosità leggendaria: i semi hanno una forma particolare, che assomiglia al geroglifico egizio utilizzato per indicare il concetto del cuore (ỉb):
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da cui alcuni speculano si sia arrivato all'immagine del cuoricino.
Questa storia l'ho ritrovata in un foglietto in un altro libro stupendo che parla di cibo, Buono da Mangiare di Marvin Harris, dove il famoso antropologo si chiede e cerca di spiegare, per esempio, perchè in certe zone si mangia la carne di maiale e in altre no. E c'è una lista di libri legati al cibo (alcuni non li posseggo nemmeno, probabilmente era anche una lista di desideri) che lascio qui, divisi nelle sue sezioni con annessa piccola spiegazione:
Claude Levi-Strauss, Il Crudo e il Cotto; Marvin Harris Buono Da Mangiare e Cannibali e Re; Massimo Montanari, Il Cibo come Cultura
Il cibo dei giallisti: Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, Ricette Immorali. Camilleri scelse Montalbano come cognome del suo indimenticabile commissario proprio in onore del suo amico scrittore catalano, ed entrambi condividono la passione, critica e viscerale, per il cibo, tra le ricette della tradizione siciliana o quella catalana di Pepe Carvalho. Ma la passione del cibo è presenta in tutta la giallistica europea, dalle colazioni che la signora Hudson fa a Sherlock Holmes e al Dottor Watson, oppure ai pranzetti dei bistrot del Commissario Maigret annaffiati di Calvados. Al contrario, raramente i personaggi degli hard boiled americani hanno un buon rapporto con il cibo, se non con l'alcool con cui si accompagnano, spesso, sin dalle prime ore del mattino.
Antony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential
José Manuel Fajardo, Il Sapore Perfetto
Redcliffe N. Salaman, Storia Sociale Della Patata
Nel 1903 Salaman fu nominato direttore dell'Istituto patologico del London Hospital, ma nel 1904 si ammalò di tubercolosi e dovette smettere di esercitare la professione medica e trascorrere sei mesi in un sanatorio svizzero. Gli ci vollero più di due anni per riprendersi completamente dalla malattia. Acquistò una casa a Barley, nell'Hertfordshire e, poiché non poteva tornare a praticare la medicina, iniziò a sperimentare una nuova scienza emergente, la genetica sotto la guida del suo amico William Bateson. Dopo diversi esperimenti falliti con una serie di animali e dopo aver chiesto consiglio al suo giardiniere, Salaman iniziò a sperimentare con le patate. Iniziando per caso, notò dapprima le caratteristiche recessive e dominanti delle varietà che incrociava (come aveva notato Mendel con i piselli), poi attraverso vari incroci fu il primo a creare ibridi di patate, che notò essere resistenti a numerose malattie, tra cui la peronospora della patata, che fu la causa principale della grande carestia che colpì l'Irlanda tra il 1845 e il 1849, decimandone la popolazione. Lo studio di Salaman, che spazia dall’antropologia all’archeologia alla storia agraria, incrocia molteplici campi dell’esperienza storica: ricostruisce i caratteri originari dei sistemi agrari dei vari paesi, riporta in luce la profonda commistione degli interessi agrari con quelli politici, restituisce scorci della vita materiale dei ceti più poveri; riconduce infine l’analisi dei comportamenti alimentari alle forme dell’immaginario collettivo."Un monumento insuperato di erudizione e di simpatia umana” (Eric Hobsbawm).
Se vi va, si potrebbe allungare la lista con tutti i contributi sul rapporto cibo\libri che vi vengono in mente, così da creare una piccola biblioteca al riguardo! Aspetto le segnalazioni!
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Il metodo Catalanotti + text posts
In onore della replica e per sopportare il tutto. La scarsa presenza di Fazio non aiuta però.
Bonus, io per tutto il tempo:
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To raid that school, the Diaz barracks*, and to make up fake evidence were not...isolated, vi*lent...rude agents. No. Were the highest ranks of Italian P*lice. / You’re digging your heels in those Genoa facts. / Yes, yes, I’m really digging in them. / I understand you, Salvo. You feel betrayed by the institution you most trusted. / No. No, no, no. I don’t FEEL betrayed. I WAS betrayed. Like all those people in the Police enforcement who has always worked with greatest honesty. / ... / I never dreamt of use vi*lence even with the worst criminal. NEVER! I never dreamt of - oh, MAKE UP FAKE EVIDENCE! OOOH!
*actually, “Diaz” was the name of the school, while the barracks was in Bolzaneto.
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corvidcantina · 1 year
Il giudice che parla di "ambosessuali" e Salvo che fa spacing out completo con la faccia di Mimì che gli si palesa dritta in testa subito sicuramente la scena migliore della puntata comunque
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La Squadra's favourite tv shows; because these poor bastards at least they can afford an old tv
TW: Curses in italian, bl*sph*my and dr*gs ( Ghiaccio) and Tina Cipollari
Risotto: " Maurizio Costanzo Show "
Being surrounded by a variety of idiots ( yes even Prosciutto has his dumb moments ) Risotto likes to relax his brain watching an evergreen tv talk show by Maurizio Costanzo.
This old man, who Italy likes to make fun of because he literally has no neck ( and illuso jockingly calls poor Pesci like him) is basically one of the fathers of italian television and the cultured nature of the program itself, really helps Risotto relax and enjoy some quiet time.
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Prosciutto: " Il commissario Montalbano "
Even if normally Prosciutto would avoid cops, or like he calls them " sbirri maledetti " he really likes the vibe of this detective story.
He actually relates to the protagonist ( Salvo Montalbano ) on many levels: his reserved personality, his relationship with women ( both are womanizer ) and his absolute distaste for people who interrupts other people's lunchtime with phonecalls (the first time he saw it happen during an episode, he jumped from the couch screaming " SI C*ZZO SALVO, DIGLIELO A QUEL M*NCH*ONE BACIANNICCHIA!! ")
So whenever his favourite sicilian detective is on tv, he likes to watch it with a cold beer and eating some " spaghetti alle vongole"
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Illuso: " Uomini e Donne "
When it comes to drama, Illuso is the first one to enjoy it! And seeing young shallow people trying to find " true love " on a trash tv program really makes his day.
So with a face mask, coffee and his favourite pj he sits on his bed and evilly laugh at the rejects of the suitors, the tears of the girls and the banshee screeches of Tina Cipollari ( one of the show's regular hosts )
But what really makes Illuso an addict to this unbearable mess is the queen that reigns coldly over this chaos: Maria De Filippi. The woman, being also Maurizio's Costanzo's wife, is one of italian tv's overlords and is responsible for the majority of these type of entartainment ( Illuso has her autograph, is securely hidden inside his office)
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Melone: " Il Grande Fratello "
Cameras, secrets, public display of the human nature on it's lowest levels and tons of pretty girls showering/ telling everything about themselves for the audience to see...You can't tell me this isn't Melone's sh*t!
He especially likes the 24h live where you can truly see the competitors forgetting about the fact they are on tv and display sides of them not only to their journey's companions but also to the audience creepingly spying on them 24/7
Melone takes notes about the girls he finds interesting and plans on going to the " meet and greet" after the program (or when a competitor is eliminated from the game) to ask them out/see if they are good " Babyface material"...1/3 usually they are but the rest of the team prefers not to investigate on his random trips to Cinecittà
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Formaggio: " Incantesimo "
He is the last person someone can imagine enjoying a soap opera, and yet this roman man follows the romance and adventures of the doctors, nurses and lawyers of the " Clinica Life " in Rome like it's some sort of cult.
Formaggio is a passionate man, so he really gets invested in the stories and star-crossed lovers that makes his lonely afternoons more interesting; the rest of the Squadra often found him half drunk crying and yelling at the tv stuff like " NO LEI NON TE MERITA, PORCODDUE!" or " AMO' TE STA' A FA' 'NFINOCCHIA' DA QUEJA STR*NZA!!" and then passing out on the carpet..They have the decency to record the episode, so they don't have to deal with his whining about how he lost the occasion to see Agnese's " Occhi de fata "
Note from Benny: i couldn't find any Incantesimo's gif aaaaaa
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Pesci: " Carramba che sorpresa! "
Pesci is a soft boi, and the maternal aura radiating from Raffaella Carrà ( bless her soul, she truly was an icon ) is a perfect fit for him! He watches her show after rough missions, bullying sessions from his collegues ( illuso and formaggio ) or in general when he is feeling down.
Seeing the happiness, the emotions, the genuine feelings of the people Her Royal Majesty Raffaella helps reunite and be together after years of being apart ( his faves are long lost lovers ) really melts his heart. So he goes up to his room with a warm banket and hot cocoa, locks the door and let himself be a sentimental 22 year old guy without the peer pressure ruining his fun
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Ghiaccio: " Sarabanda "
Ghiaccio loves 4 things : his beloved red Mazda, go to a club and do c*ke while a str*pper with a particularly nice butt gives him a lap dance, beat up some random b*stards and Sarabanda.
Finds the announcer, Enrico Papi, extremely annoying but the whole vibe of the show is what he needs to let his fury filled brain concentrate on something else.
Having a big selection of cd and listening to various artists during his rides he easily guess the songs but finds it challenging (in a good way ) when he discovers a new song or artist during an episode; but if a competitor is slow at answering or straight up ignorant on the whole deal ( and Lord have mercy if they say things with the wrong pronunciation ) he starts yelling like he always does and starts cursing the whole Heaven population.
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@dark-side-of-passion thank you for keeping me company while i wrote this, love you bestie <3
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buildinggsr · 2 years
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IL COMMISSARIO MONTALBANO 1.01 Il ladro di merendine
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anjelicawrites · 7 months
Thank you @hoosbandewan and @zaldritzosrose for the tag!
What are your top five television shows of all time? (In no particular order:)
Supernatural (at least up to S07)
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2) Il commissario Montalbano (both the OG series and the young Montalbano one)
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3) Fleabag
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4) Fiori sopra l'inferno - I casi di Teresa Battaglia (of course I can't find a gif for the show!)
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5) The Haunting of Bly Manor
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Zero pressure tags: @aegonx @valeskafics @fan-goddess @the-wonderland-madnesss @barbieaemond @4yvle1 @arcielee @assortedseaglass and whomever wants to participate!!!!
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