#pokémon scarlet and violet discourse
electricprincess96 · 9 months
I just seen someone say ScVi had amazing graphics.... if anyone agrees with this statement please book an eye test NOW.
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blueskyheadleft010 · 2 years
I really hate the Terra Raid system in Pokémon SV.
There’s a lot of questionable things about how it works (like why the heck there’s a tiny pokeball just sitting in the middle of the battlefield in the raid), but the coding for it is absolute garbage in 4-star and up raids.
The part that really enrages me is how the game tries to ‘balance’ (and fails miserably) the health bar of the Terra Pokémon, and even when you hit them with a super effective and powerful Terra move and it eventually breaks through the shielding, it somehow forgets? it needs to remove the shielding buff?? and so during the last critical moments of the battle it just doesn’t and you lose due to the bug.
Other times it glitches the healthbars entirely, either adding or subtracting too much damage or not adding enough, then adding health onto the Terra Pokémon when it does its Terra shielding and making a previous yellow health bar fill all the way back up to a healthy green bar with 3/4ths of it full??
Not to mention the Terra Pokémon just flat out ignoring the timer or the order of turns and deciding that it wants to remove any status buffs on it + do a move, + do another move while you’re in the battle menu trying to even command your Pokémon to do one move.
Not to mention anytime you faint the game cuts a huge chunk of time away and you have to wait through a 5-10 second countdown to spawn back in while the Terra timer is still fucking counting down. (The npcs Pokémon also do not start any attacks during said respawn countdown and remain in their idle animation cycles)
The game can also randomly decide what damage your attack actually does to the Terra Pokémon, instead of following the freaking attack power number like a normal battle does, so for example moves like Earthquake might do decent damage, but Earth Power (which has the same attack power and is a physical attack if I’m remembering correctly) might do double damage against a Toxic type Terra Pokémon which is utter bs.
The game can also just decide to fuck you over no matter what strategy you create (and have a lvl 100 Pokémon with a super effective Terra Type against the Raid Terra Pokémon type, which why tf do you have to bring a lvl 100 to a five star raid battle is beyond me) and you’re just outta luck for catching/defeating that Pokémon.
I feel like I’m going crazy, but it can’t just be me that struggles with the insane gameplay rules the Terra Raid battles have. I’m not like an IV/EV trainer, but like isn’t-? isn’t this game meant for kids to be able to play?? Why is it that if you wanna unlock the six star raids you gotta go through the janky gameplay to get there?
Sometimes it’s super easy too, like I end up having my moves do a ton of massive damage to the point the game doesn’t even pretend it can bs me with the Terra shielding, so it gives me double damage in a five star raid and it’s over in like two mins.
All in all, I hate the core mechanics of Terra Raiding. It’s just Gamefreak’s way to force the game to have more padded runtime and that makes me really aggravated because I’d rather do something like challenge a Battle Tower or participate in a Pokémon contest if I wanted to kill time. Terra raids are just a massive long game of chance and luck and it fucking sucks. D:<
(Also bring back the ability to go inside random strangers houses. The flat restaurant and gift shop doors just scream iOS app game and I hate it. There’s like, wayyyy too many food stalls and it’s all dumb and flat and BORING.)
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2stregafangirl · 2 years
Controversial opinion but I actually like the more furry bait designs of newer Pokémon games, it makes the Pokémon feel more humanoid, even if they have preset personalities I can more easily see them being my equals.
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captainmantine00 · 7 months
On my time scrolling through tumblr I’m very happy to see that the Pokémon fanbase is really chill here and doesn’t seem to be complaining or at each others throats or as toxic as in other social media sites.
Like, holy shit, it’s so much more enjoyable to look at Pokémon related stuff on here wayyy more than on other sites like Instagram for example since I’ve been on that app for over a decade.
It’s kinda surreal to me, because ever since 2019, I’ve been very used to Pokémon discussions being very bitter and cynical, things like how “the franchise isn’t good anymore” or “it hasn’t been in 10 years” or how “anyone who likes any of the new games are shills” or “meat riders” or that people who like or enjoy the newer games are “the reason why the franchise isn’t good anymore”, like…I haven’t seen anyone being cynical assholes about Pokémon around here, something that I have unfortunately been very used to seeing for the past 4 years.
It’s honestly a shame cause a lot of the negative discussions and discourse about Pokémon during that time had an extremely negative impact on how I enjoyed the franchise for a really long time, I remember I went from being extremely excited towards sw/sh to a toxic sw/sh hater and supressed myself from talking about or being passionate towards the games past gen 5 for a really long time despite them being the ones that I played the most during my adolescence, I remember I thought what I was doing made me look smarter and thought that it made me look like I didn’t have “shit taste” in video games and that it would make me look like I wanted what was best for the series but in reality I just became a huge bully, it didn’t help that I was friends with people who acted the same way, I cut them off my life a long time ago and thankfully I stopped behaving that way around last year and since then, I’ve become far less bitter and cynical cause if it, I still don’t like Sw/Sh and I still think they’re to worst mainline games, but I can care less if there’s people who just like those games.
And yes I’m obviously aware that there are fans who are toxic towards defending the games and I don’t condone that behavior whatsoever either, I’m just talking about the more cynical side of the fanbase because that’s the part of the fanbase I’ve been to most exposed to for the past 4 years. Thankfully I’ve moved away from that side of the Fanbase and I am now able to enjoy Pokémon like I did when I was 14 again without a single care about any sort of discourse or other peoples opinions getting in the way of enjoying the games, I swear I probably wouldn’t have enjoyed Pokémon Scarlet and Violet as much as I did if I didn’t let go of my toxic behavior, like that game has become my 3rd or 4th favorite Pokémon game and it has my favorite story in the franchise now.
I need to clarify I’m obviously not against anyone criticizing the newer games, Pokémon as a whole, or people who simply just have concerns regard legends Z-A like wether it’ll be glitchy/unpolished like Sc/Vi for example, I have my criticisms regarding the newer games too just don’t be a cynical asshole about it.
Another thing I want to mention is that yes I know that tumblr will have toxic Pokémon fans too, every site will have toxic fans in them no matter what, it’s just that here it’s not as prevalent on other sites and it’s much more easy to avoid.
Tldr: wow the Pokémon fanbase is way more bearable here, and that’s very refreshing due to my bad experiences with other toxic fans.
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dipplin-daycare · 8 months
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Hello and welcome to our age(d)re + pet(d)re blog. Take a good look and feel free get comfortable 'cause we're all about comfy things! Though this blog is still new we're looking forward to posting original content and interacting with the community. One day we might even open requests, who knows... And, of course, feel free to shoot us an ask! Our ask box is always open
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.... about us under the cut!
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About us...
Starting with the basics... We're three brazilian young adults and we all love pokemon We're also a T4T polycule and been together for around a year at this point(and we're not looking for romantic relationships here), we all have some background with the agere community and agree that we prefer to not be a part of any specific community and just treat regression as an individual thing (non-community)
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I'm Leaf! I'm 21 and go by they/them. I'm a caregiver and care for both my partners whom I love very much <3. That aside, I'm a leafeon therian and sometimes I pet regress to a fox or cat Even though I'm not an age regressor I still deal with a fair amount of anxiety, OCD, dissociation and I'm neurodivergent Currently majoring pedadogy and I dream of working as a educator or school counselor, I have a fair amount of knowledge on sociology and neuropsychology as well. I'm also a pokemon fanatic, shiny hunter, and I love everything nintendo (Splatoon and Kirby are my other favorite franchises), roguelike and metroidvania games and TTRPGs. I enjoy collecting stuff and I'm very fond of lizards (snakes included!) My favorite pokemon is leafeon (and hydrapple) and I'd be a grass type trainer/gym leader
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I'm Rosabella, Rosa for short! I'm 20 and my pronouns are she/they/fae I'm a flip, that is, sometimes I'm my partner Blu's caregiver and sometimes my other partner Leaf is my caregiver! My little age is around 4-8, I started regressing recently and so far I love the idea of getting to live the ideal childhood I've never had. I'm a puppy regressor too, a pomski to be more specific I'm a DID system and switch between using we/us and I/me, I'm also autistic+ADHD and HoH. Because of that I'm very invested in disabled and Deaf/HoH rights activism I love pokémon (duh) Scarlet/Violet have been my favorite games so far! I also like Animal Crossing, nostalgic toys, The Owl House, Amphibia, Adventure Time, OTGW, and similar cartoons. And I love anything magical girls!! My favorite pokémon is the hatenna evolution line and I'd be a psychic type gym leader!
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I'm Blu, I'm 20 years old and go by he/they and occasionally it/its I'm a regressor and my two primaries act as my caregivers. My regressed age fluctuates from a little toddler to an edgy teen. I also heavily relate to birds, am a bird regressor and a swablu therian(that's where my name came from lol) I have OSDD1a, though I strictly refer to myself as singular person (I/me), I'm also autistic and physically disabled Majoring geography and specializing in meteorology, loooove storm spotting and retro videogames (my partners might disagree on that but I think the best pokemon games are the early ones + spin offs). Be sure that I know and have played the most obscure nintendo and sonic spin-offs My favorite pokemon is obviously swablu/altaria (murkrow is a close second) and I'd be a flying type trainer. That's it.
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dipplin sprite by RetroNC
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thelocalmuffin · 6 months
for the ask game I'll say Pokémon since its my current hyperfix
For context, I'm going with the games. I haven't read the manga or indulge in the anime much. Scarlet and Violet! Spoilers for the DLC and straight up ship hate.
Favorite character: I really like Drayton.
Least Favorite character: Ortega
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Eri/Lacey, Brassius/Hassel , Miridre, Tulip and all the women she deserves, and Carmine/Amarys
Character I find most attractive: Katy
Character I would marry: Katy
Character I would be best friends with: I'd probably be good pals with Brassius
A random thought: Honestly I want more
An unpopular opinion: Ohhh I got a lot of them. I think to avoid discourse I'll be keeping some of those to myself, but I guess me disliking Carmine/Drayton is one.
My canon OTP: Does Brassius/Hassel count?
Non-canon OTP: I really like Eri/Lacey. It's a shame I'm the only one that probably ships it.
Most badass character: Hassel
Pairing I am not a fan of: Carmine/Drayton. I feel like people really saw Carmine hate him and went 'oh they must be exes or she secretly likes him!' When...she just hates the dude for being an ass. TBH I sort of think Carmine does deserve better than Drayton, no matter how much I personally like him. If you ship it, cool, it's just not my thing.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I honestly don't think Pokemon is known for good writing, so the fact we got a decent story is good enough for me!
Favourite friendship: Oh, I like a lot of them, but I'm going with Team Star's friendship together. It's really sweet.
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//I take it you don’t like the discourse surrounding Palworld caused by entitled Pokémon fans who are part of the reason their precious franchise is on the decline?
//Not especially, but it’s not a problem because the results speak for itself.
//Let me drop some stats and numbers for you. Palworld has been out for only a few days and:
It has over 8 million downloads on Steam alone.
It is currently the most played game on steam as of the time I’m writing this.
It is the second most played title in all of steams history behind only PubG.
IGN gave the game an 8 whilst Scarlet and Violet got a 6.
//People are free to think what they want, but numbers don’t lie.
//Nintendo and GameFreak are well established companies with long standing histories and long running franchises, but keep their games relatively safe and stick to the same formula, claiming that taking too far a leap risks ruining the franchise image and makes the games less appealing.
//Pocket Pal are a relatively new indie dev company that have TAKE. those leaps despite not having as much budget or experience, and have proven this to be bullshit.
//At the end of the day, I don’t want any animosity. I’m not holding me breath, but to me, Palworld is the first creature collect-em game that feels like a rival to Pokémon. Yo Kai Watch and TemTem are two other good examples, but they had too many shortcomings that prevented them from sizing up to the Pokemon franchise in a meaningful way. My hope is thag Palworld gets more successful from here on out, and it motivates the Pokemon company to step up their game.
//Because as much as I love Scarlet and Violet, the quality of the game itself is to this day, Unforgivable.
//And not just Scarlet and Violet. I recently replayed Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and GOD that game is SO SHIT!
//I just hope Palworld serves as a bit of motivation for Pokemon not to be outdone.
//In the meantime, I’m gonna keep enjoying Palworld, because regardless of the existence of the Pokestans or not, I think it’s a cracking game.
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h-worksrambles · 2 years
I wish I was more excited for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Because, like, I feel like I should be. The exploration genuinely looks like a lot of fun. It seems like there’s gonna be plenty of content to sink your teeth into and online co-op seems like a really cool addition.
And yet, I can’t muster up any feeling stronger than ‘oh, that’s cute’ whenever we see anything new. The new Pokémon look pretty good. I like Fuecoco, Farigiraf is an evolution that’s been a long time coming and Lechonk has the best Pokemon name ever. But nothing’s given me the rush of ‘yes, I’m using that one!’ Though I do appreciate how scarce these new mon announcements have been. It doesn’t feel like they’re spoiling every new Pokémon before launch like they did with Sun and Moon. The new human character designs look…nice. But again, I’m not hyped over anyone. Even the region, as much as I think exploring will be fun looks…ok I guess.
Plus, there’s some new features I’m not sure on. Terastal forms look ugly and gimmicky. Im already watching fans scratch each other’s eyes out over the changes to TMs in the new trailer (and I’m not touching that discourse with a ten foot bargepole). And I don’t know how much I like the new Let’s Go feature. Auto battling can be a great anti grinding mechanic when it’s done well (Earthbound and Bravely Default both do it right imo). But I hope it won’t be too OP and make the game play itself (but knowing Game Freak it probably will).
Again, most of this game looks good. A step up from previous entries in the series. I feel like I should be hyped. But each new trailer comes and I just don’t feel anything. Maybe it’s too soon after Legends Arceus? Maybe I have other games in my backlog I’m more excited to get to? I honestly done know. And it kinda sucks tbh. Because I wanna feel the hype. But all I can muster is ‘oh, ok. Cool I guess’. 😔
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crystalelemental · 1 year
“megazardx2: Speaking of which, can you honestly believe it’s soon going to be 10 years since X &Y came out and Pokémon’s  downward spiral began? I honestly hoped things would be much more improved by now. Scarlet & Violet did try, but…well, glitches. Here’s to 10 more years of mediocre mainline series games and awful online Pokémon discourse (which I’ll try my damndest to not get involved in after Gen 8). Yaaaaaay…😭“
You follow me.
But yeah, it is kinda nuts.  Mostly in the sense of “Gen 6 was 10 years ago and we’re almost a year into Gen 9.”  Which is really just making the argument about development cycle for me, when you think about it.  I do think Gen 9 did well, but yeah, glitches are definitely an issue.  Like if it weren’t such a buggy mess, I think Gen 9 would’ve been one of the strongest in the series.  They did really well with the friend group, I liked a good chunk of the gym leaders and staff at the school, and the whole Area Zero mission is divine.
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electricprincess96 · 2 years
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New Pokémon SNAP and Sword/Shield now cost more than Pokémon Scarlet/Violet (all brand new not pre-owned) at my local GAME store. I'd like to say that's sad because I love the Pokémon series and a new entry shouldn't be seeing price reductions like that so quickly but honestly I hated ScVi so I won't lie to you all I laughed a little when I seen this.
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turtlespancake · 2 years
i desperately want to watch an hour long analysis of pokemon scarlet and violet's story but i also do Not trust the pokemon fandom with that sort of thing at this point
(long ramble warning)
When you try to go looking for that kind of video (right now at least) it's all either:
The most basic level plot synopsis + some of the slightly secret stuff in the Scarlet/Violet Book
Video essays about crunch culture, game design, and the glitches which are IMPORTANT and should NOT be overlooked, but also sometimes thats just not what I wanna hear about yknow? Sometimes i just wanna have a Fandom Literary Analysis Moment™
That's not even mentioning how Pokémon story analysis always seems to devolve into a comparison to gen 5. Gen 5 was amazing don't get me wrong, and there IS something to be gained by comparing different entries in a franchise, but when that's what Every Single Video Essay seems to bring up it gets tiring.
Pokemon is such a big fandom that almost everyone is here for a different reason at this point, and that makes the discourse so much harder to handle because the people who play for story are gonna have completely different takes from the people who just wanna catch Pokémon and fight gyms. At a glance it can be hard to tell who's who, as a result it's just as hard to tell who's gonna give a genuine analysis vs bad faith complaining. Remember when everyone decided Sun and Moon's story sucked because they just didn't like Lillie and were mad they couldn't skip cutscenes? Or that Hop was annoying in his first few scenes so they skipped the rest of his dialogue? I can already tell that's gonna happen again here with Nemona or something and I am So scared.
It feels like the best time to be into a Pokemon game is 3-4 years after it's released and all the initial "omg new game" outrage has settled, leaving only like the 5 guys who still really fucking love Guzma or whatever hanging out.
I just really want a good faith analysis that can calmly look at the story's flaws, while still prioritizing the themes and characters over going "checkmate, its flaws make it irredeemable and it was bad all along and you should feel bad." Because the story Does have problems, every story does!!! But I get tired of critiques that go "I'm nitpicking all the flaws because I want Gamefreak to do better and this was so close to good but it wasn't good" or something. It's partially the classic "I didn't say it was good I said I liked it" problem, I think.
I dunno, I just get sick of going through this Every Single Generation.
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islandsaoirse · 2 years
There are no spoilers for Scarlet/Violet in the following beyond what’s been shown in the first trailer and mention of bugs
I was thinking Pokémon today and sadly I haven’t been able to get to into the new games because the bugs early on really took me out of it. My partner is really loving it but I’m just gonna give it a few days and try to go into it, cause when I tried last time my game straight up crashed multiple times. But I’ve heard great things, from my partner and the exploration, from other mutuals about the story, others talking about how there’s those little town stories Johto type stories that I fucking ADORE and how despite how the game has obvious signs of crunch, creativity being rushed, there where little glamours of “oh hey remember that amazing ending in X and Y, yeah we can still do that” just a shine that as my partner says reminded them of the best of X and Y (I’ve heard more comparing it to Black And White? But afaik the game story is more similar to X and Y and it’s being compared to BnW bc of it being *good*)
But like I see all this praise, very fair criticism of how much crunch there is, the usual discourse where people call the devs lazy and then others put the blame rightly on corporate all tinged with a weird Japanese fetiishization, that Japanese game studios simply can’t exploit their workers because we don’t hear about it like we do Acti or Ubi (mostly because resources that translate those horrible issues arent as widespread atleast in my circles as they should be)
But maybe not to the same degree as idk what BnW and X and Y where to me, but this Pokémon generation feels *big* yknow? Like it feels chunky it feels like all my friends are raving about a different aspect about the game good or bad. The story, competitive and when I get to play. I I’ll probably rave about the region and cultural representation and history. Galar nor Alola felt *big* like Paldea, Paldea feels like it has stories that it wants to tell in its environment about the history of the region, the culture. Unlike Galar and Alola which felt very obvious “haha get it it’s a reference to London get it” which to be fair all the Pokémon games do, Kalos certainly does this. But there’s imho a difference between the city of Paris being contextualzied as the big city of a region, it’s little quirks translated into Pokémon with so much care to hightlight what makes a Parisian cafe special, what makes being a guy with a house in rural france special. Where as Galar imo was like “hey look that’s Big Ben, oh look the stadiums are like football the English love football”
To me Kanto all the way to Kalos felt like respectful tributes and inspirations that where obvious in a way I loved where as Alola and Galar felt like stereotypes in Pokémon form (previous regions had stereotypes but afaik they where less…prevalent?) Paldea seems to take a step back in the right direction, albeit the prevalence of wild areas kinda scares me but hey I’m excited to try it out
This is all to say that Paldea is seeming like a really solid region to explore, that it has modern Pokémon issues but there’s something there, there’s a charm there that I want so bad. And game freak really dropped all that to talk about JUST when Temtem got it’s full release huh.
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electricprincess96 · 2 years
I think the AIs are more of a parent to Arven than the real things. The human counterparts were obsessed so much, they alienated everyone and caused harm later down the line. The copies wish for this to stop, but are under programming to carry out dying wishes for selfish people. NGL, I think it'd be interesting the AI lied to help their son, as they genuinely saw him as their own.
See I can get behind this. I'l admit the AI were "nice people" held back by the fact they were programmed by not nice people. The AI very well might have loved Arven and wanted to care for him but couldn't however the actual professors did not care about Arven. In one of the books in the labs it has the Professor talking about how their partner left them not long after "that boy" was born. They don't even use his name.
I'm not mad at the people who like the AI versions of Sada and Turo I'm mad at people using what the AI says as proof the actual Professors somehow loved Arven and that excuses their neglect when they likely didn't, and even if they did it doesn't excuse neglecting him.
We know the AI does not agree or want the same as the OG Professor anymore because they deliberately involve us in trying to stop the Professors plans thus we can't assume the personality, relationships and goals we see the AI take on is even remotely close to the real Professors.
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electricprincess96 · 2 years
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This is the only character I really cared about in this whole game (except Larry). Boy deserved a better game that didn't make his story share the limelight with 2 other plotlines that were quite frankly not that important in the grand scheme of things.
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electricprincess96 · 2 years
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I'd like to take this moment to say Nintendo games rarely go down in price until at least they are a year old. Pokémon games ESPECIALLY don't tend to reduce massively in price until they've been out at least a year normally more. The fact ScVi is already £10 off and LOWER than both Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee AND Sword/Shield just tells me that things might not look so rosy behind the scenes.
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electricprincess96 · 2 years
As someone who hated wearing school uniforms back then, that article is bs and writer is high. I think they meant how you can make the MC gnc and even change the face structure. But the clothes sucks ass, because it's the same uniform you wear. The graphics doesn't feel like Pokemon, compared to official art. Battle Revolution did this better, and only Kakos and Alola came close.
I agree to a degree with the facial customisation BUT realistically I'd trade all that to be able to customise my outfit more.
Everyone, even people who love Scarlet and Violet, have complained about the regression in customisation in the game like I didn't think this was an issue where there was any major debate even someone who likes the uniforms will agree it is a step down from SwSh.
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