#pokémon scarlet and violet blogging
electricprincess96 · 2 years
I think the AIs are more of a parent to Arven than the real things. The human counterparts were obsessed so much, they alienated everyone and caused harm later down the line. The copies wish for this to stop, but are under programming to carry out dying wishes for selfish people. NGL, I think it'd be interesting the AI lied to help their son, as they genuinely saw him as their own.
See I can get behind this. I'l admit the AI were "nice people" held back by the fact they were programmed by not nice people. The AI very well might have loved Arven and wanted to care for him but couldn't however the actual professors did not care about Arven. In one of the books in the labs it has the Professor talking about how their partner left them not long after "that boy" was born. They don't even use his name.
I'm not mad at the people who like the AI versions of Sada and Turo I'm mad at people using what the AI says as proof the actual Professors somehow loved Arven and that excuses their neglect when they likely didn't, and even if they did it doesn't excuse neglecting him.
We know the AI does not agree or want the same as the OG Professor anymore because they deliberately involve us in trying to stop the Professors plans thus we can't assume the personality, relationships and goals we see the AI take on is even remotely close to the real Professors.
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the-cosmic-arcade · 2 years
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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet are the best games in the series. I am not taking any questions .
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fluffitanuki · 8 months
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penny + sylveon is an unbeatable duo 🙏🙏
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milliemuus · 6 months
This thing needs to be leashed like a toddler 💀
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Fanart for @theboyandthepeach LMAO
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everyone meet chocolate…my son
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ravioliravioliravioli · 7 months
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Idk what the fuck it says but that seems pretty fucking gay
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theemmetguy · 8 months
I have a new favorite genre of pokemon photography
Legendary and Paradox pokemon hanging out in Medali
Literally just... these huge intimidating creatures doing ordinary things in the most normal city ever
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pokemontrainerkenn · 11 months
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Shining Fear the Shiny Haunter was chosen!
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electricprincess96 · 2 years
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This is the only character I really cared about in this whole game (except Larry). Boy deserved a better game that didn't make his story share the limelight with 2 other plotlines that were quite frankly not that important in the grand scheme of things.
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ratking-pkmn · 1 year
if any of y'all Pokémon OC artist people want to hit anybody up for some scientifically accurate leaning headcanons I'd be glad to oblige.....I'm not like an expert or anything but I've been in my fair share of biology and zoology classes. And more recently a geology class focused mostly around paleobiology. So yea if you ever wanted to ask something I'm a lot less intimidating than taking your Pokémon questions to a scientist probably lol.
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Huh.. Hey there. Just saw your profile when I was scrolling on Rotomblr and noticed your Goodra as the background. It's cute. You ever heard of a Hisuian Goodra, though?
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Gooby is my abaolute pride and joy and I wouldn't let a darn thing happen to her!
Hisuian Goodra? Why yes, I have seen them in history books and looking them up...quite fascinating! Aren't they larger than today's Goodra? Could you imagine???
Not only that, but I hear their seperation anxiety is WAY WORSE than that of a regular Goodra! I hear it's only rumour but if their owner leaves em alone for long enough they go on a full-blown, violent rampage! And I thought me and Gooby were horrible about seoeration anxiety >.<
I can't blame them. Judging from the environment they lived in, it seemed harsh at the time. It's really a shame that they don't exist anymore...they look so lovely.
I simply cannot believe my precious Gooby came from one of these...I mean look at her!
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hypotermiart · 1 year
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Perrin and Dipplin! 📷🍎
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zona-nemona · 1 year
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Did you know your husband is three idiots in a trench coat?
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It’s a corny flirt, but her point still stands regardless.
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Tinkaton will constantly repair and modify their hammers with scrap metal they find, but some are more excessive about it than others. Certain tinkaton have been known to alter their hammers until they are too big and unwieldy to even lift off the ground. Funny as this can be to witness, this behaviour causes a lot of issues, as it leaves them less mobile in combat and more vulnerable to predators. A tinkaton without its hammer is easy prey.
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little-spades · 6 months
(might be a bit ooc I haven’t played the game in a bit)
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- She’s definitely a big sister caregiver
- Hermana Mona™️ and her Pequeño ( little one — I think? )
- Not afraid to join her little on whatever hijinks they get into; Mud and dirt won’t scare her off!
- I don’t think she regresses herself, but it is very easy for her to play along with her little because of how childish she is. It’s easy for her to pick up a plushie or a little plastic toy and play pretend, or to color along with her little without coloring too much better and frustrating them. (If that’s what her little likes, but of course she’s just as happy to sit alongside you as you do or watch something more fitting for your regression!)
- “We can battle with your toys!” —> “Aw man, you beat me!” [ as she dramatically moves a plush pikachu to appear like it’s fainting ]
- Her goal is to make you smile and laugh; She thrives when her lil sibling is happy!
- had absolutely 0 idea what age regression was, and it had to be explained to her — but she’s more than accepting once she understands it!
- super honored that you regressed around her in hindsight if it wasn’t intentional! She’s glad she can be a source of comfort and that she’s trusted that much!
- asks a lot of questions when you aren’t regressed so she can make sure she’s being a good caregiver!!! She wants to know EVERYTHING about how she can do better!
- Occasionally ends up caring for Penny as well, so you have company sometimes!
- “ Pen-Pen, stop gnawing on their plushie. Shared germs are definitely a no-no!”
- She is no wimp in the face of a temper tantrum! She will stick it out with you until she can calm you down or until you get it out of your system!
- Holds your hand in crowded areas, she doesn’t wanna lose you!
- Has a specific note on her notes app labeled “Schmall” and it’s just everything she thinks might be important about your regression so she doesn’t forget about it!
- She likes to hang around with you on the shore behind her house! It works out well sense it’s close to her home, and sense her family owns that little area, she doesn’t have to worry about you feeling embarrassed! Nobody else is there to see you make your sand castles! (Unless you ask!)
- She is. not the greatest at making food. you will be getting freezer food, food from a restaurant, or food the hired help at her home made. She would burn down the dorm if she tried to make you something herself
- She isn’t a huge fan of flaunting her family’s money, but she’s happy to buy you some cute pacis and toys! (And anything else that helps you feel small!)
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