#poke infinite fusion
blueskyheadleft010 · 1 year
Life Update June 2023
Okay, so I don’t typically do these really anymore; but so much stuff has happened recently that I feel like I kinda owe an explanation as to why I haven’t posted stuff I said I was gonna post; etc…
Firstly, I have gained a new hyper-fixation with the Murder Drones series on YouTube, to the point I have just spent an actual lump sum of money on merch; which is something I haven’t done since I was like 12ish… The show is a phenomenal work of art and it deserves more notice. I legit thought I wasn’t gonna like it at all, due to the anime chibi looking characters making me believe it would be garbage knock-off cheap anime bs, but it showed up in my recommends and I haven’t been able to stop watching it since.
I won’t keep gushing about that, as this is an update post, not a review posting lol, but I also have written an entire pmv script for this show and idk I’m in too deep now…
I have also had an infestation of field mice inside my home this month, which my dogs helped to uh… remove from the house. So that’s been a thing.
I’ve also been playing Pokémon Infinite Fusion, and kinda ended up making a too OP fusion of Charizard and Raichu, with a Blaze ability. Who would’ve thought having both immunity to burns and paralysis would work out so well? 10/10 Giovanni didn’t expect me to utterly destroy his legendary triple fusion with that combo lmao.
The Unicorn Warriors Eternal 2nd review will be coming out as soon as I can retrieve some decent footage/images of episodes 5-7. It’s not got as big of a dedicated fandom to it, so it’s harder to track down images of it. :/
I will briefly talk about my opinion of episodes 5 & 6, as I want to clarify that the plot does actually pick up the pace some in these episodes, but it’s still janky with the timing until the last five minutes of episode 6.
I could actually make out some of Tarkovsky’s handiwork in episode 6, but both episodes felt like each scene was created from a different time and art studio. Again, the cgi scenes don’t really blend/mesh well with the 2d drawn art; which I will do my best to breakdown in the actual review.
I did however figure out the main problem I’m having with the show overall. First and foremost; the dialogue. It doesn’t fit Tarkovsky’s usual signature, and feels wildly out of place with the serious plot/nature of events occurring in the show.
I’m not saying that no dialogue is better than a ton of dialogue at all; my point here is that the tone and rhythm of everyone’s speech is not matching the vibe of the scenes/plot/show and is 100% not what anyone from the early 1900’s Britain would sound or behave like. (Also still some weird British stereotypes going on that feel wildly out of left field.)
My second problem is the Popeye art style. This is not me just nitpicking here, again, it is so wildly out of place with the serious nature and tone of the show that it actually interferes with the style/flow of the show. I took a lot of issue with the young children in episode 5; they were drawn with massive muscles on dainty little girls, they looked like a mix between a dwarf and a shrunken Popeye. It was a bizzare image.
Anyways, I don’t have much more time to blab at the moment. I just wanted to stop by and give an update. I’ll eventually get around to more stuff soon. :3
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more cool fusions i’ve come across on the pokemon infinite fusion generator 👍 if i HAD to pick a favorite (challenge: impossible), the godzilla tyranitar/raichu and the dunsparce/arcanine are tied super close
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modeus-the-unbound · 18 days
Hey, does anyone still play Poke-Rogue, or did the devs showing their ass in a transphobic and creepily religious tirade kill the project like it deserved?
(Play Pokemon Infinite Fusion instead. It's devs support trans rights.)
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(It has trans-gender items and everything.)
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
2. A fic you've reread several times?
Fic Recs (Ask Meme)
I want to answer with more than one because lbr I love doing recs. (I've tagged those I could find a tumblr for, but some don't have immediate links that I can find with a cursory search.)
Catvengers by nyargles (@defractum) - I read this probably once a year because it's just an eternal favorite
Bargaining by proantagonist - no longer available on AO3 (not actually sure why), has made me cry every time, which I've found is pretty hard! EDIT: It's back on AO3! Also, op has a tumblr, @proantagonista.
#standbylegion by esama (@esamastation) - a haunting but hopeful fusion of the MCU and Kingsman.
(The rest are Star Wars, promise.)
Lion Jinn, also by esama - I'm a sucker for a reincarnated-as-animal fic. This one is incredibly cute.
edge of providence by adiduck (book_people) (@adiduck), whimsicalimages (@keensers) - I am perhaps at this very moment rereading this one. Shhhh don't tell.
the massive machinery of hope by Killbothtwins (@killbothtwins) - I've read this one SO many times, it has one of my absolute favorite Qui-Gon&Obi-Wan dynamics of all time.
Dead Peanut Gallery by tanarill - IDK what to say about this one other than that it's very fun. Ghostly Obi-Wan pokes Vader into defecting when he finds out Luke is his in Episode V.
Kneading by Threebea O (ThreeBea) (@threebea) - Have you ever wanted a canonverse bakery AU that's actually undercover work and ends with our precious idiots getting kidnapped to Kamino? Because this fic is great. Everyone's got idiot moments, and also Boba is three, and adorable.
R2-D2 Saves the Galaxy (Okay, so Obi-Wan helps a little) by kj_feybarn (@feybarn) - One of my absolute favorite fics. Nothing liked Artoo POV, especially when interspersed with Obi-Wan.
there is no death (there is a wedding) by virdant (@virdant-writing) - one of my early forays into Jangobi, and generally just a very fun approach to things like Petty Legal Battles With Grandpa Who Thinks You Married Wrong.
Encrypted Channel by qigiined (@deniigi) - Do you want OT-era Rexwalker, but infinitely more stupid despite theoretically being too old for this shit? Do you want it in chatfic format? Do you want Vader to be following Rex around (metaphorically) with puppy eyes (less metaphorically) and being upset that Rex doesn't want to get with him after all the many crimes? Yes. You do.
A Star to Steer By by dogmatix, norcumi (@dogmatix, @norcumii) - I have reread this so many times. I'm not even in Stargate fandom, and yet this crossover verse owns me. (Still thinking about how Ventress and Narec and the entire Rattatak situation might have gone down ngl.)
Although He Smiles by AutumnChild22 (HonestlyHelen) (@autumnchild22) - we love a time travel fic that has people redefining the natures of their relationships to one another.
Blue Tooka Guy by Millberry_5 (@the-writing-mill) - This one is just a very fun little feel-good romp.
The Desert Storm and Rise and Fall by Blue_Sunshine (@blue-sunshine-mauve-morning) - Okay I admittedly haven't reread this multiple times, but I have reread parts of it multiple times, if that counts? (The two series together are one and a half million words, so.)
Realign the Stars by CrystalRainsWriting, TerinAngel (@terinangel) - afaik this is discontinued but it's so good and shaped a lot of my early approach to SW time travel fic.
Of Queens, Knights, and Pawns by chancecraz (@chancecraz) - Do you love Leia? Do you love hypercompetent future Leia who's cranky about being nineteen again because nobody takes her seriously? Read this.
Shifting Sands also by chancecraz - still a hypercompetent Leia, but further back and Still Old and also the most recent chapter was 65,000 words.
Don't Look Back by acuteneurosis (@this-acuteneurosis) - another Leia time-travel, this one focusing very heavily on political maneuvering and things like trade routes. We got economics and supply route fic.
Force of Many Sights by DAsObiQuiet - There's something magical about fics that go into such detail about the time and effort that therapy, especially therapy for Darth Vader, takes.
Viridescent Skies by DarthSnug (themikeymonster) (@themikeymonster) - listen I just really love age/role swaps and this is a REALLY good one.
Living in Borrowed Time by smug_albatross (@scribbling-albatross) - Another one of those fics that I'd say really shaped my early approach to characters of this era. The handling of Rex and Ahsoka is magnificent, honestly, and we all know I love a good time travel plot.
Senator Obi-Wan AU by BeanieBaby - incredibly fun. Yes there's Senator Kenobi, but there's also Fox being pursued by two different Jedi (Kit and Quin), a variety of topsy-turvy character interactions that make sense in a funhouse mirror sense (e.g. Obi-Wan preferring blasters to sabers because he didn't grow up with the Jedi), and Anakin repeatedly almost kills Palpatine by accident.
Soft Wars by Project0506 (@thefoundationproject) - no explanation needed. Is cute.
Dominoes by meridianpony (@meridiansdominoes) - we don't need to go over my intense love of time-travel fics again. really.
Sith Lord Swell by AMournfulHowlInTheNight (has a blog but not for fandom stuff) - Luke falls back in time and decides to handle it by pretending to be a Sith Lord. It works (somehow).
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a-typical-nightowl · 1 year
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I made poke-fusions for fun! They mostly include Whimsicott because I <3 them I got these ideas from the Infinite Fusion Creator
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acestories · 9 months
The Starfarer Chronicles Chapter 1.5
01–01–408 GSC, Kadath
The Wanderer sat down with a huff. Fucking Solari, sending him down into an infinite hell to get a piece of technology. And of course, the Fusion Cell had its parts knocked out of place. And because the manufacturer was cheap, the access panel was a pain to remove.
After a minute of fumbling to get a grip, The Wanderer tore the panel off with a loud grunt, falling back slightly. 
“Suck it bitch.” He declared to the inanimate object, getting to work immediately. Man, everything really was knocked out of place, yet everything is still intact. Score! 
As he pulled out the wires, contemplating what he would do with the bonus for it being so intact, he noticed a fast approaching light being reflected off of the mechanical guts strewn about. The Wanderer himself had the gift of See-In-Darkness, so he hadn't come with a light, wishing to avoid attracting any predators, which meant only one thing. 
On instinct, heart hammering, The Wanderer grabbed one of their Blaster pistols from their waist, twirling around, and pointing it at the person that was running up to them.
“Tell me who you are and what you want, or I'll shoot.” The Wanderer announced in a stern voice, finger already on the trigger.
Despite his pessimism, the Stranger wasn't particularly threatening. In fact, under different circumstances, The Wanderer might have found them cute. 
They were short. Very short. Even sitting down cross-legged, he came up to their shoulders. They were wearing blue robes with gold edges, a purple scarf wrapped around their head and neck. All of it was clearly several sizes too big for them, giving them a baggy appearance only counteracted by the satchel they had slung across their shoulder. Glowing, blue-within-blue eyes stared from above the scarf, a clear spark of excitement visible while their cat ears stood to attention, poking tents into their hood. Their brown tail went this way and that. A small ball of fire hovered behind their shoulder, being the source of the light in the room.
The Stranger finished running up to him, coming to stand about a meter away from him. Their large eyes stared at his Blaster in utter fascination, seemingly unfazed by his demand.
“Tell me who you are, and what you want, or I'll shoot.” The Wanderer repeated harshly. He'd rather not kill this person, but he hoped the second time would get them to cooperate.
The newcomer turned their eyes from the gun towards him, clearly recognizing the annoyance in his voice. “AAABABA!”
That was not the answer The Wanderer was expecting. What in the ever living hell was that? Was this person trying to mess with him? 
The Stranger was clearly happy, almost like a kid answering a question. And either they didn't care that he was still pointing his gun at them, or, as he was beginning to suspect, didn't understand. They got on their hands and knees, coming over to investigate the Fusion Cell in front of him.
Well, at least they're not touching it. He thought, reaching for the tool he needed. Honestly, The Wanderer was almost done with the repairs anyways. He went about putting each individual part where it was supposed to go, clicking it into place, before moving on to the next part or wire. The whole time, the seemingly feral cave child watched with intense interest, their eyes never once deviating from the process. 
When the last part was in place, The Wanderer put the access plate back on, and scooped the Fusion Cell under his arm as he got up. As he did so, the Stranger got up and followed him with none of the same practiced grace as he. 
The Stranger followed him, a few steps behind, their eyes practically glued to him. He kept swiveling his head around to look at them, hand hovering over his gun.
After several minutes of walking in silence, the pair arrived at the ramp The Wanderer used to get down to here. At a little under 3 meters wide, it had plenty of room for him and his unusual companion.
After the first bend, the Stranger rummaged through their satchel, pulling out a Nutrient Brick, the soft crinkle of the wrapper filling the air. Huh, I didn't know there were any Synthesizers around here. So that's how they survived. 
“So, how long have you been down here? I assume a while since you have a whole bag of the Bricks. Any run-ins with some manner of beastie?”
The Stranger took another mouthful of Brick, staring at him while they noisily chewed. “Abapō amamama.” 
Yeah, this kid can't talk. The Wanderer thought with a dry laugh. Not unless random gibberish counts. 
The Stranger seemed confused for a moment, and after scarfing down another mouthful of semisolid nutrients, tried again. “Aglam iqorsh ass.” 
It was still gibberish, but the fact the last one happened to be “ass” made The Wanderer explode with laughter. The Stranger kept babbling incoherently all the way up the rest of the ramp. As they exited, the Carbon Guard stood around them, their armor painted in matching colors. The gang's leader stepped up. 
“Ah, you've returned. We were wondering if you'd be here on time, considering where the wreck is.”
The Wanderer held the cell in their hand, ignoring the comment. “I brought the Fusion Cell back in perfect, working condition. Give me my bonus pay like you said you would.”
The leader's face was hidden behind His helmet, but The Wanderer could feel the frustration coming from the trollish leader as he was ignored. He took the cell and started fiddling with it. After he removed and returned the access plate to confirm what The Wanderer said, he nodded in agreement. It was at this time that he noticed the Stranger.
“Who is this?” He asked, voice subtly harder, pointing at the Stranger, who ‘eeped’ and got behind the Wanderer immediately. Turning to look at them, he saw that the Stranger's uncaring attitude had evaporated. Where there was once curiosity, there was now unease and fear.
“Don't worry Solari. I found them down in the tunnels. Can't understand a word.”
“This wasn't part of the deal Raj. We never said anything about paying 2 people.”
“The deal was you paid me for getting a Fusion Cell your friend lost down in the tunnels, extra if it was in working condition. I have gotten you the cell in working condition. They don't change anything about the trade.” 
The Leader tossed the cell back to one of their companions, hands grabbing the rifle dangling on his side from his shoulders. “Don't bullshit me. I can see their eyes, they're a mutie freak! And is that a ball of fire behind them? A mage too!?”
Just as Raj, the Wanderer was about to grab his gun, the largest member of the gang came up and grabbed his leader. 
“He's right. He has done as we asked, and now honor demandss we pay him.” The Vesk spoke, his deep voice hissing slightly as his accent slipped through.
As the Leader turned to face his gang, he saw the others were clearly unhappy with his reaction. “Fine. Here's your credits, with bonus.” 
He held out a fist full of thin, small silver bars. Credsticks.
Raj happily and quietly took them, and swiftly pocketed them. Money attained and the Carbon Guard walking away towards their hovercraft, their backs facing them and showing the gang's logo, Raj turned to his companion. 
“Well, I can't just leave you here, now can I?” He sighed tiredly. “Don't worry, the nearest Tubeway Station isn't that far.”
The Stranger looked up at him, their brows knitted in confusion. 
Raj sat in his seat, fiddling with his wrist mounted computer. His fingers danced across the screen, bringing up his list of contacts. After only a few seconds of aggressive scrolling, he got to the one he was looking for. After listening to it ringing for 30 seconds, a click sounded, followed by a rustling and some muffled talking.
“Sorry about that, kids wanted to talk. Whatcha need Raj?”
“I need your help with getting someone a home.”
“Another orphan?”
“I'm not sure. I ran into them down in the tunnels while on a job. Poor thing has a severe case of Tunnel Sickness. Any attempt at talking is literally just random noises.”
There was silence. “Are you sure it's a good idea to give them to us? You know how bad sufferers can be overstimulated.”
“Believe me, I know.” He stated, looking over at the Stranger next to him. Almost as soon as the pair had finally reached the city proper, the Stranger had gone quiet. 
They had their knees up to their chest, sleeves emptied. Their tail curled over to cover their feet, fur wiggling with their toes. Despite it all, their eyes bounced around, looking at everything excitedly, ears whipping around wildly at every sound.
How could he blame them? After being in the tunnels for long enough, the brain becomes sensitive to outside stimuli. And the Tubeway Pod had plenty of stimuli to give, due to the overcrowding that always occurs around 1600 hours. 
A Kasatha monk stood serenely amongst a group of angry teenagers. An elven mother who looked like she hadn't slept in 3 years tried to quiet her baby. An Ork in a pink dress thumbed through a book titled “How to Honourably Garden”. A group of adventurers were planning whatever chaos they were going to get into next. A gaseous lifeform that smelled like rotten eggs in an environmental suit was referencing a map.
And those were just their immediate neighbors. 
“I'm gonna try and help them at least start recovering, then I figured you and the girls could handle the rest. I'm not the best choice to handle this.”
“Fair enough.” She purred. “Well, can I at least get a description so we can plan ahead?”
“1.4 meters tall, 42 kg, mage, bl—”
Raj stopped as he heard laughter through his comms. “I'm sorry, you sound like you're reading a wanted poster, I'm still not used to it!” She guffawed.
“No it's okay, I do sound like that. It's just kinda how I talk. Usually.” He stated, slight inflection on the last word. 
“Okay, I think I'm good. Anything else of note?”
“Other than clothes and the aforementioned tunnel sickness? Not much, but it's also been only an hour or two.”
“Any particular reason for liking this one so much?”
“Because when I look into their eyes…” He said as he looked down at the young mage. They looked up at him with their big, glowing blue eyes. Despite the obvious catching quality, it was the spark of intelligence there that usually wasn't there with cases this bad that stood out. “I see something that's unexpected. I'm not sure their mind has completely gone.”
“Hmm… I want to see them soon then. I know a few spells that could help.”
“Agreed. I'll make sure they can talk before we pick a day.”
“Agree—” BANG “Ssssshit, what was that? Damn kids, talk later.” Click, and the voice was gone. 
Raj waved his hand in irritation, frustrated at Luck's intervention. Figures. 
The Pod doors swooshed open shortly after, allowing the passengers to disembark. Raj waited for things to thin out before he grabbed the Stranger. Normally, he’d be more reluctant to handle someone in such a delicate mental state, but the Stranger clearly liked it before when he carried them onto the pod, so it was safe to assume carrying them off would be ok. 
Lo and behold, his guess was right. They clung to him like a drowning rat clinging to wood. Still, they looked around at their surroundings with unending curiosity and excitement.
The Pod was bad, but the streets weren’t much better. A Cosmopolis like this is the worst place to be if one has sensory issues. But, he didn’t have a choice. His ship was at the docks, and without the money to afford a transporter, he had to walk. 
The Stranger whimpered as a stage magician conjured a gout of fire as part of their performance. Raj held the Stranger slightly tighter. “It’s ok. We’re almost home, and then you can relax.”
Almost on cue, The docks loomed over them, Raj’s ship visible from where they stood at the base. 
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hydrachea · 2 months
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I'd been meaning to try out Pokemon Infinite Fusion for a (long) while and I'm finally poking my head in there. Everyone look at my beautiful baby girl Goop.
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andmaybegayer · 11 months
Last Monday of the Week 2023-10-23
Testing the limits of my kitchen
Listening: I've been using my enormous playlist of Japanese Jazz Fusion as background music at home. This is Galactic Funk by Casiopeia.
Reading: There's a great PBS video on insect metamorphosis that debunks the whole Butterfly Soup thing and explains the much, much more bizarre truth: even before they enter a chrysalis, caterpillars have started to develop butterfly parts inside their bodies. Big chunky caterpillars contain a half-built butterfly. Inside the chrysalis they simultaneously dissolve the remainder of the caterpillar parts and finish the butterfly on the existing scaffolding.
There's a great paper referenced in that video which is this one, which is about findings from time-lapsed 3D CAT scans (which I guess makes it 4D) of caterpillars as they pupate.
There's actually quite a few interesting papers on following metamorphosis with modern imaging technology, including a big old thesis that I have only just started to dig into and that I do not understand.
Watching: Nothing.
Playing: I got a little obsessed with Bullets Per Minute, a rhythm FPS roguelike. Well, more of a tempo FPS roguelike, since you have to fire, reload, jump and dash on a very regular 88bpm 4/4 rock/metal soundtrack. Here, I've cut some clips together.
Hell of a lot of fun, I've been in the market for a really fast paced shooter. I tried to replay Titanfall 2, which is good. I also had a good time playing Warframe missions I was way too high level for, eventually I remembered watching the ZeroPunctuation on this and picked it up.
BPM feels great and is also a really fascinating old-fashioned indie roguelike. The game has almost no tutorials, you just get dropped into levels. Items have absolutely bare minimum descriptions and no hard numbers, the fan wiki is full of notes very clearly the result of trying to puzzle out exact damage numbers and percentile improvements from the player side of the game.
It is not hostile though! Very forgiving accessibility options if you aren't great with rhythm and good difficulty modes. I've done two full clears on normal difficulty and like with most roguelikes, that was a product of familiarity and getting the Good Items early in my run (thank you infinite ammo + revolver)
Making: Made a full spec Wedding Meal (vegetable biryani, dal, and soji) for Friends over the weekend. Easier than I expected! A lot of prep but not actually that time consuming, as long as like me you're good chopping one million vegetables.
Also finished hacking on monctl to have a command line interface. It allows fast USB control of a Gigabyte monitor. I have started poking at Display Data Channel to better generalize monitor control because I want to get a second monitor soon but this works great for now.
Tools and Equipment: If you have a dishwasher you should pretty much always use it to wash, even if it's only half full. Your dishwasher probably uses under 12 liters of water to do a full wash cycle, less on Eco modes. You are almost never going to beat it for economy or sterilization, so the only things you should wash by hand are things you either cannot put in the dishwasher (e.g. cast iron) or things you need washed right now.
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Random Poll
[PT: Random Poll]
These would be based on the fangame Pokémon Infinite Fusion + Pokémon fusions in general. It's right now consuming my mind so lol.
Poll Length: 1 Day
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nejishadow · 2 years
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Finally found a really good Shinx base so could start designing my poke-fusion ideas to go along with shadowfreak! Base is by KittyKrazy on TH. I of course heavily edited it
I’ve had the idea for an Absol x Luxray line for awhile since I like both those Pokes, and actually got a design of one awhile back. But wasn’t quite what I wanted. So here’s my own lil bab! 
The Pokemon Infinite Fusion calculator (aegide dot github dot io) really helped me keep colors and balance in check. I didn’t want it to too heavily lean into one pokemon over the other. 
I have the second stage but don’t know when I’ll have a third. Every Luxray base is traced over official art, so I’ll have to draw him fully myself, which takes a lot longer lol
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kaizoku-musume · 1 year
Will It Fusion? - Klefki Edition - Pokémon Infinite Fusion #gaming #poke...
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jaybug-jabbers · 1 year
Pokemon Infinite Fusion: A Review
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Hey, folks. As you may recall, I've played a couple pokemon fan games by now that use pokemon fusions as their central premise. So when I heard of a new fusion game that boasted a whopping 176,400 possible fusion combinations, I obviously had to try it out. I've written a little review of my experiences below. (Contains mild spoilers about game mechanics and features, but I do not spoil any major plot points)
Previous fan games, such as Pokemon Fusion Generation and Fusion Generation 2, have been very enjoyable forays into the world of pokemon fusion, and the number of fusions available from those games already felt incredible. It provided for so much entertainment and experimentation. And yet, the world of pokemon fusions has been expanded even further. Pokemon Infinite Fusion, while not quite infinite, is named very appropriately, since the number of possible combinations may as well be infinite. The game takes place in Kanto/Johto and contains all the original pokemon from those reigons, as well as an expanded Dex roster that also offers selections from gens 3 - 7. This means the total number of base pokemon ends up at 420. And the wild part? Is that you have complete freedom to fuse any two pokemon from this list. If you do the math, that means there are 176,400 possible total fusions. You may be wondering how on earth someone made a game where this is even possible.
The biggest catch here is that not every single fusion has hand-crafted sprites. Instead, it often draws from a sprite pool that has been generated by the popular Pokemon Fusion Generator website. You might remember back in the day when this website first rose to popularity and sort of kicked off the original pokefusion trend among fans. The site works by mashing the sprites together in a way that roughly makes sense. Here is an example:
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As such, the sprites often look a bit awkward, but they give a general idea of a fusion. Many pokemon fusions rely on this database of sprites, since as you may imagine, hand-crafting 176,400 combinations is no small feat.
HOWEVER. There still are over 50,000 hand-crafted sprites in the game for fusions. The number is simply staggering, and this was accomplished because many, many different sprite artists contributed to the project. What's more, new hand-made sprites are still being made all the time by the community, and you can even make your own and easily add them into the game yourself. For example, if you wanted to make your own Caterpie/Gyarados combo to replace the auto-generated one above, you can! This game is truly a labor of love on a massive scale, and it's inspiring to see.
In my opinion, the system that Infinite Fusion has works well. When it comes to in-game trainers, they almost always have only pokemon with custom-made sprites, so it doesn't feel too jarring to play. Meanwhile, the auto-generated sprites allow for the total flexibility and freedom of combining literally any two pokes. Also, while some auto-generated sprites are extremely awkward, many of them are actually quite passable and some could even be confused as custom sprites. So don't let the fact that not every single sprite is custom-made put you off, because I promise this game is still such a joy.
The Fusions
The main draw of this game, of course, are the fusions. So let's address them for a bit. How exactly do they work in this game? The basic premise of the game is very simple, but effective: the Silph Co has invented a new product called DNA Splicers. These can be bought at any Pokemart. They are a single-use item that will allow you to fuse any two base pokemon together. (Lorewise, the DNA Splicers are based off the item in Pokemon Black/White 2 that is used to fuse Kyurem with Reshiram or Zekrom) And that's it! When you select the two pokemon, you have a choice of 2 different fusions. Just as with the original Pokemon Fusion website, you can combine a pokemon by choosing one species for the 'head' and colors and one species for the 'body.' This influences how the fusion looks, of course, and also impacts exactly how the stats are combined in the resulting pokemon, too. Later on there's also a nice product in the Marts that is a 'DNA Inverser' that lets you immediately create the inverse fusion, as well. It's quick and easy, no muss, no fuss. You also can unfuse pokemon at any time.
In this game, you will encounter trainers with pokemon fusions all the time, as well. Because the DNA Splicers are a hot new fad, pretty much everyone in Kanto wants to try them out. This means that fighting trainers in this game is guaranteed to be endlessly entertaining, because you are seeing new fusions literally all the time, throughout the entire game. The Gym Leaders and E4 (and your rival) boast some of the most exciting combinations, as they should. Also, you will see fused pokemon in the wild, too, in addition to the normal base species. This means that even just exploring or grinding is continually entertaining.
The fusions function in game pretty much as you would expect. Their movesets are a combination of the two base pokemon. Their stats are a combination of the two individuals. When you first fuse them, you get to choose which of the Abilities you'd like to have for the resulting fusion. The Types are generally combined so that the first typing of the Head pokemon is mixed with the second typing of the Body pokemon. As for evolutions, those exist independently. So, for example, if you have a Charmander/Caterpie fusion, it will evolve into a Charmander/Metapod fusion at level 7, and then a Charmander/Butterfree fusion at level 10, and a Charmeleon/Butterfree at level 16, etc.
A pretty reasonable question you might have is "how the heck does the game even handle this many fusions"? I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea how they fit this many pokemon slots into the game (including a Pokedex that has all of them!!) Obviously it would be impossible with a ROM hack, but of course this is a fan game and thus does not operate under the same constraints. (That said, the number of pokemon it handles is still incredibly impressive) I do know the game total filesize is understandably quite large if you choose to download the 'standard' version of the game, because it has a butt-ton of sprites. Fortunately, you can opt for the 'light' version of the game if you'd rather not download all those sprites at once, and the game can connect and download sprites as needed. This is the version I use and it works great.
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As for the fusions themselves, I love the vast majority of the sprites. They run the gamit from pretty straightforward fusions to intensely creative and clever designs. Some look very cursed in a good way, and above all, they're sure to be entertaining, if nothing more.
I will make one brief note of warning: there are many artists contributing to this game, so naturally the sprites will vary. Occasionally there is a sprite I find that I would personally consider to be . . . not matching the tone of Pokemon (Parasect/Ursaring for example has bloody stumps for its forearms, with dripping blood, which to me just feels a little too gory and out of place for Pokemon) or something that's bordering on inappropriate. The slightly 'inappropriate' ones are sprite fusions made for particular pokemon species that are known to be sexualized by fans (namely, Lopunny and Gardevoir). I have not encountered anything overtly inappropriate, mind you-- but some are clearly sexualized, and that understandably can make some people uncomfortable, myself included. Fortunately that's quite easy to avoid, as you merely need to avoid fusing pokemon of those particular species.
Other Features
So, the devs of this fan game are very frank about the fact this game does not focus much on plot. It is, in their words, essentially "Pokemon Red, but with fusions." That said, there is a basic plot to this game that is slightly altered from the usual Red plot. Team Rocket is up to no good, but their schemes now are strongly linked to the exciting new fusion technology. I won't spoil the storyline, but I do want to say the climax of the story is very satisfying and especially rewarding to hardcore pokemon fans.
Additionally, Infinite Fusion offers a lot of delightful QoL upgrades and bonus content. It boasts a ton of sidequests, mostly streamlined by offering a Hotel in towns where the sidequest NPCs are gathered (and a way of easily tracking your quests and rewards). The game also allows you to rematch trainers as much as you'd like, and trainers' pokemon grow stronger and will even evolve when you rematch them enough times. This is very convenient if you'd like to do some grinding. There are a lot of modern pokemon moves added to the game, Fairy typing, and plenty of other modern upgrades. The game also offers an integrated Randomizer mode, a speed-up button, a WonderTrade simulator to give you all kinds of random fusions, battle facilities and other goodies to maximize its replayability and its streamer/YouTuber-friendlyness.
Some of my favorite features include Pokeradar for finding rare pokemon and Hidden abilities, which includes a very handy display of all possible pokemon encounters in a given area once you've discovered them all. Another useful addition are in-game items that replace the need for HM moves, but are integrated in a very reasonable way. Basically, you start off needing to use HM moves, but eventually can earn special items that replace the need for HM moves. Usually you end up earning these items around the time you'd like to replace the HM move with a more useful moveset, so it works out very well.
I think my most favorite thing, though, are just all the NPCs with changed dialogue and fun jokes and nods that the game contains. You can tell a lot of love went into the game by fans who truly do love Pokemon. Some of these references include nods to Pokegod rumors, details from manga or anime, other pokemon games and other video games, and so forth.
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There are a lot of little details, including an updated Safari Zone and even a Team Rocket black market, where you can purchase pokemon and unique items! As such, I want to emphasize that there's plenty to explore and see, despite the plot being largely the same. And with a full Kanto game + Johto & Sevii islands postgame, there is plenty of content.
My Run
Pokemon is a game largely defined by choice. While "catch them all" may be the catchphrase they introduced in the US, that has never truly captured the spirit of pokemon. Pokemon is more about the ones you choose. Pokemon Infinite Fusion expands that power of choice to the nth degree, so much so that you can very easily suffer from decision paralysis. In a game that gives you 176,400 pokemon to choose from, how can you possibly decide?
I handled this question by narrowing things down a little. I often do all-bug challenge runs of pokemon games, so I decided my run would be limited to bug types only. But even with that narrowing things down, the number of options were still quite dizzying. I definitely did a lot more team shuffling and changing than I normally do. I know I spent hours just fusing things to see what they'd look like. (There's a very handy website to speed this process up, allowing you to preview fusions.) It was overwhelming at times. But ultimately, I did settle on a final team.
Surprisingly, this team often didn't consist of my absolute top picks of fusions. For example, the Yanmega/Kabutops I have looks awesome, but I think I like the sprite of Butterfree/Kabutops a little bit more. However, my choices were constrained by things other than mere aesthetics. I did want a team with decent synergy and coverage, too. I think that's an interesting thing to think about. In life, you may not even need to be the Very Best to still be an excellent pokemon-- or to be chosen.
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Sasspora - Parasect/Ninjask - Bug/Flying - Infiltrator - Silver Powder
Moveset: Screech/Aerial Ace/X-Scissor/Spore
Notes: Sass unfortunately suffers from never learning a really good Flying STAB in his learnset. Aerial Ace was the best I could do for him. Still, Spore abuse and his fantastic speed take him very far.
Zippy Zap - Beedrill/Jolteon - Bug/Electric - Volt Absorb - Amulet Coin
Moveset: Quick Attack/Dig/Thunderbolt/Thunder
Notes: This fusion emphasizes Beedrill's weaker stats when compared to the inverse fusion. Despite that fact, Zip Zap continued to be invaluable on my team all the way through to the very end, hitting above his weight. He offered vital Electric coverage and was a check to fellow Electric types.
Pomegranite - Butterfree/Rapidash - Bug/Fire - Compound Eyes - TwistedSpoon
Moveset: Tailwind/Flare Blitz/Fire Blast/Psychic
Notes: Compound Eyes + Fire Blast is pretty cool lol
Peekaboo - Yanmega/Kabutops - Bug/Water - Swift Swim - Rocky Helmet
Moveset: Night Slash/Air Slash/Surf/Aqua Jet
Notes: I knew I had to fuse the Horseshoe Crab/trilobite-inspired Kabutops with a bug type; he was just too cool to pass up. Night Slash was very useful coverage on Ghosts, which may not come up often but when it did, it saved us big time.
Purple Rain - Ledian/Flygon - Bug/Dragon - Levitate - Soft Sand
Moveset: Fly/Bug Buzz/Rock Slide/Earthquake
Notes: When I was playing around with fusions, and I un-fused my Ledyba, it suddenly turned into a shiny. My guess is the game re-rolls things when you un-fuse pokemon so each time you un-fuse a pokemon, there's the chance they become shiny. It was pretty cool, but the best part was the shiny in this game was purple. A million times better than the actual shiny. So I had to use it.
Flygon was the perfect chance for that. We all know Flygon should have been Bug/Dragon, as it's based on an Antlion, both the larva and adult. Finally, Flygon could fulfill its true destiny. EQ and Rock Slide may not have been STAB but they both were essential to the team. The wide range of resistances was very nice, too.
Leonardo - Articuno/Armaldo - Ice/Bug - Battle Armor - Leftovers
Moveset: Brine/Freeze-Dry/Rock Blast/X-Scissor
Notes: My final 6th slot was kind of an uncertain one for a while, until I decided Bug/Fairy would be fun. For a long time I went with a Armaldo/Clefable fusion. I found it underwhelming and decided to change; an Ice type could still act as my designated dragon-killer. There wasn't any sprite done for Articuno/Armaldo at the time I was playing, so I did my best to make my own and added it into the game.
Play this game! Seriously, it is so good and you'll have so much fun. The replayability is practically infinite, and if you're especially passionate about pokemon fusions, you can submit your own sprite edits to be included in the sprite packs that everyone can download! The game has appeal for everyone, from super casual players, to streamers, to challenge runners and everyone in between.
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Happy fusing!
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autoplaysdigimon · 2 years
actually I feel bad about how much Pokemon I’ve been doing recently, considering I wanted to be kind of a general gaming kind of thing, and also with the new games coming out soon that’s probably what I’ll end up posting for the rest of the month hahaah. I have to finish Infinite Fusion first too!
actually I plotted out the rest of my team for that so I should get back onto that
Anyway I have a whole-ass List of Pokemon fan games that I want to play and I’m fully planning on adding Poke Wilds to it because what is self control tbh :P
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hangingfire · 2 years
Yuletide 2022
Another Yuletide fic exchange has come and gone, and now it's time for the reveals post.
First: my wonderful gift. It's the Christmas special The Bear deserves; funny, moving, sharply observed. It is, as Sydney Adamu would say, fire.
Sunday Special Author: LearnedFoot Fandom: The Bear (TV 2022) Details: Rated T, Gen, 2073 words Tags: Sydney Adamu, Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto, Richard "Richie" Jerimovich, other characters make appearances too, Friendship, Found Family, Christmas, Post-Canon Summary: The Bear stays open for Christmas.
Second: my recs list for Yuletide 2022, a work in progress. It's an eclectic bunch of stuff right now, including Stand By Me, Piranesi, 17776, Ask a Manager, and more.
And finally, my works.
Below the Waves for rueckenfigur Fandom: Polar Explorer RPF Details: Rated G, Gen, 1813 words Tags: Francis Crozier, HMS Terror, Historical, Sailing, Franklin Expedition, Ross Expedition, POV Inanimate Object Summary: "A ship can have favourites; sailors know this in their bones. And Crozier—quiet, steady, respectful—was hers." Notes: This isn't a Terror fic per se, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't heavily influenced by that show. I mean, I went and stuck a quotation from the show in the epigraph, and Lt. Little in this story maybe owes something to Matthew McNulty's portrayal in the show. In any case, my recipient had asked for a story about Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier, and after a speed-run through assorted works of nonfiction, this is where I ended up, telling his story from the point of view of his ship, HMS Terror, who still dreams of him as she lies 21 metres below the surface of Terror Bay. The title is from Heidi Berry's song of the same name, and the mood of the story is basically that song as well.
Bell, Book, and Candle for BeccaLee Fandom: Control (Video Game) x Piranesi - Susanna Clarke Details: Rated G, Gen, 1533 words Tags: Emily Pope, Original Characters, Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Found Documents, case files Summary: Correspondence relating to OOP27-UE. Notes: I wasn't sure if I was going to manage to write anything other than my assignment this year, but I'd been listening to the audiobook of Piranesi while doing some long pre-holiday drives. So I went poking around the prompts and found that BeccaLee had requested both Piranesi and Control. I did very much like the idea of mashing up the House and the Oldest House, and also the idea of there being other Oldest Houses. There's not really a plot here per se; it's more of a vibe, and in particular the shared vibe of both canons that suggests something Larger and More Powerful At Work. And of course the characters from the world of Control would see Piranesi's House as something creepy at best, and outright dangerous at worst.
The Cunning of the Goose is Immeasurable; Its Mischief Infinite for Lielac Fandom: Untitled Goose Game x Piranesi - Susanna Clarke Details: Rated G, Gen, 1133 words Tags: Piranesi | Matthew Rose Sorensen, The Other | Valentine Andrew Ketterley, Goose (Untitled Goose Game), Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Prequel Summary: Entries for the Fourth Month in the Year the Albatross Came to the South-Western Halls. Notes: Lielac had requested Untitled Goose Game fic and their prompt offered a blank cheque for crossing the game over with literally anything. And, again, since I had Piranesi very much on the brain, I thought, well, why not have the Goose pay a visit to the House? What if the Goose is an agent of mischief and chaos that transcends space and time? Once the idea formed, the story practically wrote itself. I also constructed it such that it is set a month before the beginning of the novel, which averts spoilers of any significance. I'm tempted to expand on it—probably the only reason it's not longer is that I literally wrote it two days before the collection went live, and I wanted to get it done. But really both Piranesi and the Goose deserve more shenanigans together before the Goose buggers off to wherever it came from.
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askroahmmythril · 8 months
Have you ever played Infinite Craft? If so, what sort of wacky things have you created accidentally with random fusions?
I poked at it a little, but didn't really get anything too interesting.
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storymakerdraconians · 9 months
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Krampus and
                  Christmas Odyssey
Ejected from the heavens, Krampus, the ominous servant of Santa Claus, was summoned amidst a cascade of shooting stars, plummeting into the depths of a frigid vortex. His spectral form wrapped in dark chains, he emerges from free fall, covered in a layer of snow that gleams with the reflection of the full moon. The landscape around him stretches infinitely, a vast expanse of frozen pine trees and enigmatic mountains.
Krampus, with his twisted horns and incandescent eyes, rises majestically from the snow, his black fur coat rippling like dancing shadows. Silence is broken only by the gentle rustle of falling snowflakes. He watches attentively, his diabolical senses detecting a magical presence nearby.
Rising from the snow-covered ground, Krampus shakes his entire body, sending the white debris flying off his blue fur. With one hand, he pokes at his legs, clearing the snow from beneath his cloth to reveal a leather belt hidded his shaft genitally. He adjusts the fabric in front, removing every trace of snow until it's all gone. Throughout this process, he glances around, trying to discern his location and orient himself to fulfill the task of finding new reindeer for Christmas.
The wintry landscape stretches before Krampus, the moon casting an ethereal glow on the pristine snow. Pine trees stand like silent sentinels, and the air is filled with the crisp scent of winter. Despite the cold, Krampus feels invigorated, ready for the diabolical mission that awaits him. The distant twinkle of lights and the faint jingle of bells in the air signal the festive season.
In the distance, the melodic hum of rumination reached Krampus's ears, an otherworldly cadence that foretold the arrival of a mysterious creature. From the shadows emerged a winged quadruped, its movements deliberate and calm as it traversed the moonlit expanse. As the creature drew near, its form became clearer—a majestic fusion of darkness and wings, a spectral presence against the snowy backdrop.
Krampus, intrigued by the approaching entity, examined it with a discerning eye. The creature, with wings that seemed to absorb the very essence of the night, exuded an aura of ancient magic. Its eyes, glowing like ethereal orbs, held a depth of knowledge that transcended the mortal realm. The very air around them seemed charged with anticipation, as if the natural world itself acknowledged the significance of this encounter.
As the creature gracefully lowered itself, laying its belly upon the snow, a sense of reverence filled the air. It was a gesture that spoke of a unique bond between Krampus and this enigmatic being. The dark servant, with a contemplative gaze, considered the creature's role in his quest for new reindeer.
Krampus cautiously touched and patted the snout of the winged creature, his curiosity guiding his inspection. Sliding his hand along its side, he gauged the creature's reaction before finally ascending onto its back. Positioned between its shoulders, Krampus adjusted himself as the winged being turned its head, confirming readiness. With a nod, the quadrupedal creature lifted, walking in a predetermined direction, signaling the beginning of their quest for new reindeer for Christmas.
The journey unfolded with a surreal elegance, the dark duo traversing the snowy landscape. The creature's wings, now fully extended, created an ethereal silhouette against the moonlit sky. Krampus, perched between the creature's powerful shoulders, surveyed the wintry expanse, his senses attuned to the elusive magic that permeated the air. The distant jingle of bells echoed, guiding them toward the heart of the Christmas mystery.
The dark-winged quadruped creature trod through the snow, its hoofbeats echoing in the wintry silence. Eventually, it opened a void portal, inviting Krampus to traverse it while perched between its shoulders. As they emerged on the other side, they found themselves in a peculiar forest emanating an unusual yet pleasant energy. Reindeer frolicked amidst the trees, running playfully in pursuit of one another, their rhythmic rumination creating a harmonious backdrop. The sound of hooves on the snowy ground filled the air as the reindeer engaged in a festive spectacle. Suddenly, one of them caught wind of something, prompting them all to turn their attention to a spinning void portal.
Slipping off the shoulders of the winged creature, Krampus gracefully landed on the snowy ground. As he approached one of the curious reindeer, he extended his hand, gently petting the creature's snout. The reindeer, showing no resistance, welcomed the touch with silent approval. Its eyes closed in delight as Krampus continued to caress its snout, savoring the gentle interaction amid the strange and magical forest.
Enchanting the reindeer with his gentle touch, Krampus glanced to the side as the winged creature of darkness, his loyal servant, passed by him. The creature inspected the reindeer, sliding its snout beneath the creature's tail, sniffing the scent emanating from it. The forest seemed to hold its breath, as if anticipating the outcome of this unusual interaction between the dark duo and the magical reindeer.
While the winged creature inspected beneath the reindeer's tail, Krampus observed its tail swaying. His attention then shifted as he glanced beneath the creature, noticing the throbbing shaft and an extended, dripping erection. The peculiar sight added an unexpected layer to the already mystical encounter in the enchanted forest.
As the winged creature of darkness turned, its hooves resting in the reindeer's rib as support, it began to ruminate and shudder under the weight and touch of the creature. Slowly, it ascended, embracing the reindeer's back as support. Krampus observed the arching of the creature's back and the pressing force from behind the reindeer. Intrigued, he approached to witness the interaction between them. The creature's length sought its mark, and Krampus, reaching in, held the shaft of the winged creature, discovering the tip finding the slithole of the reindeer.
As Krampus heard the reindeer ruminate, feeling the creature's length pass and touch its sensitive point, he directed the reindeer to lift its head. The reindeer, now ruminating and breathing heavily, matched the rhythm of the winged creature of darkness as it penetrated and delved deeper. The creature began to pant, and the enchanting symphony of sounds echoed through the magical forest.
Heard the winged creature of darkness panting, its humping motion intensifying as it continued to penetrate the reindeer. The reindeer, in response, ruminated and thrashed, attempting to free itself from the creature on its back. It was forced to lower its head, its entire body trembling under the impact of the male's relentless penetration.
Krampus observed the winged creature's member plunging in and out of the wet slithole, witnessing the rhythmic contractions. He could see the reindeer orgasming, its body tensing and convulsing around the red member, lifting its head in a heavy rumination, panting heavily.
Krampus witnessed additional slithole contractions, observing the winged creature's shaft throbbing intensely as it continued humping against the reindeer. Finally, the creature reached climax, convulsing within the embrace of the reindeer, releasing its essence beneath him.
Thrusting hard, the winged creature of darkness gradually diminished the rhythm of its penetration until its dick remained stationary within the reindeer's vaginal walls. It started to milk and hold its shaft, ensuring every single drop was deposited inside. Krampus observed the winged creature now immobile within the reindeer, its throbbing and contracting shaft, witnessing a white liquid dripping from the slit.
Krampus watched as the red length was pulled backward, sliding out, accompanied by the flowing white liquid from the reindeer's vagina. The reindeer, exhausted by the intensity of the coupling, collapsed on its side.
Initiating its personal cleaning ritual, the reindeer licked its forepaws and arms, using its tongue to clean its belly while ruminating. Krampus grinned as he observed the swaying udders while the reindeer continued its self-grooming. The tongue, now exploring its abdomen, eventually reached its own vagina, clearing away the fluid that the winged creature of darkness had deposited within.
With a fascinated gaze, Krampus observed the reindeer's tongue delicately cleaning its own vagina, licking away the oozed and moist white fluid. His curiosity now turned to the udders, a desire stirring within him to experience the taste of reindeer milk.
tongue cleaning its own vagina, the oozed and moist white fluid being licked away. His attention then shifted to the udders.
Shifting alongside the reindeer, which persistently cleaned its own vagina, Krampus, with a bold touch, placed a hand on the reindeer's udders. Noticing the lack of protest from the reindeer, he continued to observe as the reindeer indulged in self-care. Krampus's hand then delved into the thick udder of the reindeer, experiencing the softness and pleasure of the touch.
Caressing his hands within the soft udders, Krampus lowered himself, extending his tongue to stimulate the teat gently. He heard a light sigh from the reindeer as it continued to caress its own vagina, now feeling the udders being boldly touched.
His tongue continued to stimulate and caress the teat of the reindeer's udder, feeling it tremble slightly in pleasure. Eventually, the first drip of milk flowed onto his tongue, and he savored the taste and pleasure. Krampus then pressed his lips around the teat, creating suction, causing the reindeer to quiver and ruminate in response to the sensations.
Caressing his hands within the soft udders,  pressing his lips around the teat sucking and massaging into it.
The reindeer spasmed in orgasm, its udder tightly held within Krampus's lips. As he felt an erection building in response to her, he turned her onto her back. Positioned over her, Krampus seized both udders with his hands while keeping his lips locked around the teat, incessantly sucking as more milk streamed down.
Clasping the reindeer's udders, Krampus continued to suck with a firm and unyielding pressure, welcoming more drops of milk. As he pressed and stimulated the udders, he felt a growing sensation within his arms. The reindeer spasmed in orgasm on the ground, ruminating heavily.
Ge sensed a swelling sensation within his arms. The reindeer convulsed in orgasm on the ground, ruminating heavily. As he pressed and stimulated the udders,  growing within his arms more drops of milk up.
The reindeer's udders swelled sufficiently, throbbing hard within Krampus's arms. As he continued to stimulate with his tongue around the teat and applied more intense suction, the reindeer succumbed to a long and profound orgasm. Her vagina dripped onto the ground, and her mouth opened, ruminating heavily and gasping.
With his tongue skillfully working around the teat and applying even more forceful suction, the reindeer descended into a lengthy and intense orgasm.
The reindeer's udders erupted, spraying milk from the teats, and Krampus, holding firm, drank directly from one of the teats. The reindeer, in the throes of orgasm, pulled him from side to side, the exchange of pleasure intensifying with Krampus positioned above her.
Still atop the reindeer, sucking, Krampus noticed a shadow looming over him. The reindeer trembled, its eyes fixed on the void behind, ruminating intensely. As he looked up, the winged creature of darkness emerged from its repose. Krampus now found himself sandwiched between the two, still suckling from the reindeer's teat, feeling the rhythmic push and pull as the winged creature penetrated her slithole once more.
The creature of darkness, using its hips, thrust its length directly into the reindeer's slithole, the oozed essence dripping, mixing with its own seminal fluid. The reindeer ruminated heavily with each impactful thrust, feeling the sensations in her sensitive area.
Krampus, sandwiched between them, relished the intensity coursing through the reindeer. With an erection of his own, he aligned his length between her udders, rubbing alongside the creature of darkness as it thrust forcefully, collectively pushing against the reindeer. The synchronized climax ensued, with the reindeer heavily orgasming.
 The reindeer ruminated heavily with each impactful thrust, As Krampus continued to stimulate with his tongue around the teat and applied more intense suction, his dick  between her udders, rubbing middle it.
Krampus felt the reindeer convulsing, turning from side to side, with him still nestled between her udders. She succumbed to multiple orgasms, the abundant stimulation causing her to arch her neck forward and turn to the side, breathing heavily.
The convulsing reindeer arched her belly, causing Krampus's back to brush beneath the creature of darkness. As he continued to ruminate, the rhythmic impacts of his length within the reindeer's slithole, contracting around him and milking him from within, intensified.The rumination persisted as the rhythmic impacts of his length within the reindeer's slithole intensified, the tight contractions milking him from within.
The creature of darkness and the reindeer simultaneously ruminated loudly as their climax approached. The creature's release spilled within the reindeer, contracting and milking to receive every drop inside. Her body spasmed in orgasm, with Krampus still lying on top of her, immersed within her udders.
Lying atop the udders and with his length nestled between them, Krampus sensed the reindeer's body no longer in agitation. He observed that the creature of the night had ceased its humping, looking at its panting face, recognizing that it had copulated for an extended period. Now, his length remained plugged within the reindeer's vagina.
The creature of the night withdrew its long, semen-covered length from the reindeer's vagina, releasing a stream of oozed essence. Exhausted, it collapsed to the side, the length bouncing and dripping upon impact with the ground.
Resting atop the reindeer's udders, also recovering from copulation, Krampus slid down to the ground. He observed the creature of the night engaging in its own post-coital cleansing, licking its length, covered in oozed semen, with its tongue.
Krampus approached, observing the creature of darkness cleaning itself with its tongue still on its length and balls. He moved beside it, placing a kiss between its neck, and the two, accompanied by the discovered reindeer, followed until reaching the void portal. They were destined to be delivered to Santa Claus, ready to pull a sleigh on Christmas day.
‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’Ejected from the heavens, Krampus, the ominous servant of Santa Claus, descends wrapped in dark chains and lands in a scene of frozen pine trees. His diabolical senses detect nearby magic, prompting him to clear the snow and reveal a leather belt. Ready for his mission, he observes distant lights and the jingling of bells, while a mysterious winged creature approaches. A bond forms between Krampus and the creature, marking the beginning of the quest for new reindeer. Perched between the wings, Krampus embarks on a surreal journey through the snowy landscape, guided by the sound of bells. Crossing a magical portal, they arrive in an enchanted forest where reindeer play, and a unique interaction unfolds, connecting the dark duo to the magic of Christmas.’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ 
Title: "Krampus and the Magical Reindeer Journey: A Christmas Odyssey"
Alt Texts:
Krampus, the ominous servant, descends from the heavens wrapped in dark chains.
Magical scene: Krampus and the winged creature embark on a quest for new reindeer.
Magical portal: Krampus and the creature enter an enchanted forest through a magical portal.
Unique interaction: Krampus and reindeer in the snowy Christmas landscape.
Tags: Krampus, Christmas, Santa's Servant, Magical Reindeer, Enchanted Journey, Christmas Magic, Winged Creature.
Keywords: Krampus, Ominous Servant, Christmas, Reindeer, Magic, Winged Creature, Magical Journey.
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