#Fuck my life I forgot to upload this sooner
acestories · 9 months
The Starfarer Chronicles Chapter 1.5
01–01–408 GSC, Kadath
The Wanderer sat down with a huff. Fucking Solari, sending him down into an infinite hell to get a piece of technology. And of course, the Fusion Cell had its parts knocked out of place. And because the manufacturer was cheap, the access panel was a pain to remove.
After a minute of fumbling to get a grip, The Wanderer tore the panel off with a loud grunt, falling back slightly. 
“Suck it bitch.” He declared to the inanimate object, getting to work immediately. Man, everything really was knocked out of place, yet everything is still intact. Score! 
As he pulled out the wires, contemplating what he would do with the bonus for it being so intact, he noticed a fast approaching light being reflected off of the mechanical guts strewn about. The Wanderer himself had the gift of See-In-Darkness, so he hadn't come with a light, wishing to avoid attracting any predators, which meant only one thing. 
On instinct, heart hammering, The Wanderer grabbed one of their Blaster pistols from their waist, twirling around, and pointing it at the person that was running up to them.
“Tell me who you are and what you want, or I'll shoot.” The Wanderer announced in a stern voice, finger already on the trigger.
Despite his pessimism, the Stranger wasn't particularly threatening. In fact, under different circumstances, The Wanderer might have found them cute. 
They were short. Very short. Even sitting down cross-legged, he came up to their shoulders. They were wearing blue robes with gold edges, a purple scarf wrapped around their head and neck. All of it was clearly several sizes too big for them, giving them a baggy appearance only counteracted by the satchel they had slung across their shoulder. Glowing, blue-within-blue eyes stared from above the scarf, a clear spark of excitement visible while their cat ears stood to attention, poking tents into their hood. Their brown tail went this way and that. A small ball of fire hovered behind their shoulder, being the source of the light in the room.
The Stranger finished running up to him, coming to stand about a meter away from him. Their large eyes stared at his Blaster in utter fascination, seemingly unfazed by his demand.
“Tell me who you are, and what you want, or I'll shoot.” The Wanderer repeated harshly. He'd rather not kill this person, but he hoped the second time would get them to cooperate.
The newcomer turned their eyes from the gun towards him, clearly recognizing the annoyance in his voice. “AAABABA!”
That was not the answer The Wanderer was expecting. What in the ever living hell was that? Was this person trying to mess with him? 
The Stranger was clearly happy, almost like a kid answering a question. And either they didn't care that he was still pointing his gun at them, or, as he was beginning to suspect, didn't understand. They got on their hands and knees, coming over to investigate the Fusion Cell in front of him.
Well, at least they're not touching it. He thought, reaching for the tool he needed. Honestly, The Wanderer was almost done with the repairs anyways. He went about putting each individual part where it was supposed to go, clicking it into place, before moving on to the next part or wire. The whole time, the seemingly feral cave child watched with intense interest, their eyes never once deviating from the process. 
When the last part was in place, The Wanderer put the access plate back on, and scooped the Fusion Cell under his arm as he got up. As he did so, the Stranger got up and followed him with none of the same practiced grace as he. 
The Stranger followed him, a few steps behind, their eyes practically glued to him. He kept swiveling his head around to look at them, hand hovering over his gun.
After several minutes of walking in silence, the pair arrived at the ramp The Wanderer used to get down to here. At a little under 3 meters wide, it had plenty of room for him and his unusual companion.
After the first bend, the Stranger rummaged through their satchel, pulling out a Nutrient Brick, the soft crinkle of the wrapper filling the air. Huh, I didn't know there were any Synthesizers around here. So that's how they survived. 
“So, how long have you been down here? I assume a while since you have a whole bag of the Bricks. Any run-ins with some manner of beastie?”
The Stranger took another mouthful of Brick, staring at him while they noisily chewed. “Abapō amamama.” 
Yeah, this kid can't talk. The Wanderer thought with a dry laugh. Not unless random gibberish counts. 
The Stranger seemed confused for a moment, and after scarfing down another mouthful of semisolid nutrients, tried again. “Aglam iqorsh ass.” 
It was still gibberish, but the fact the last one happened to be “ass” made The Wanderer explode with laughter. The Stranger kept babbling incoherently all the way up the rest of the ramp. As they exited, the Carbon Guard stood around them, their armor painted in matching colors. The gang's leader stepped up. 
“Ah, you've returned. We were wondering if you'd be here on time, considering where the wreck is.”
The Wanderer held the cell in their hand, ignoring the comment. “I brought the Fusion Cell back in perfect, working condition. Give me my bonus pay like you said you would.”
The leader's face was hidden behind His helmet, but The Wanderer could feel the frustration coming from the trollish leader as he was ignored. He took the cell and started fiddling with it. After he removed and returned the access plate to confirm what The Wanderer said, he nodded in agreement. It was at this time that he noticed the Stranger.
“Who is this?” He asked, voice subtly harder, pointing at the Stranger, who ‘eeped’ and got behind the Wanderer immediately. Turning to look at them, he saw that the Stranger's uncaring attitude had evaporated. Where there was once curiosity, there was now unease and fear.
“Don't worry Solari. I found them down in the tunnels. Can't understand a word.”
“This wasn't part of the deal Raj. We never said anything about paying 2 people.”
“The deal was you paid me for getting a Fusion Cell your friend lost down in the tunnels, extra if it was in working condition. I have gotten you the cell in working condition. They don't change anything about the trade.” 
The Leader tossed the cell back to one of their companions, hands grabbing the rifle dangling on his side from his shoulders. “Don't bullshit me. I can see their eyes, they're a mutie freak! And is that a ball of fire behind them? A mage too!?”
Just as Raj, the Wanderer was about to grab his gun, the largest member of the gang came up and grabbed his leader. 
“He's right. He has done as we asked, and now honor demandss we pay him.” The Vesk spoke, his deep voice hissing slightly as his accent slipped through.
As the Leader turned to face his gang, he saw the others were clearly unhappy with his reaction. “Fine. Here's your credits, with bonus.” 
He held out a fist full of thin, small silver bars. Credsticks.
Raj happily and quietly took them, and swiftly pocketed them. Money attained and the Carbon Guard walking away towards their hovercraft, their backs facing them and showing the gang's logo, Raj turned to his companion. 
“Well, I can't just leave you here, now can I?” He sighed tiredly. “Don't worry, the nearest Tubeway Station isn't that far.”
The Stranger looked up at him, their brows knitted in confusion. 
Raj sat in his seat, fiddling with his wrist mounted computer. His fingers danced across the screen, bringing up his list of contacts. After only a few seconds of aggressive scrolling, he got to the one he was looking for. After listening to it ringing for 30 seconds, a click sounded, followed by a rustling and some muffled talking.
“Sorry about that, kids wanted to talk. Whatcha need Raj?”
“I need your help with getting someone a home.”
“Another orphan?”
“I'm not sure. I ran into them down in the tunnels while on a job. Poor thing has a severe case of Tunnel Sickness. Any attempt at talking is literally just random noises.”
There was silence. “Are you sure it's a good idea to give them to us? You know how bad sufferers can be overstimulated.”
“Believe me, I know.” He stated, looking over at the Stranger next to him. Almost as soon as the pair had finally reached the city proper, the Stranger had gone quiet. 
They had their knees up to their chest, sleeves emptied. Their tail curled over to cover their feet, fur wiggling with their toes. Despite it all, their eyes bounced around, looking at everything excitedly, ears whipping around wildly at every sound.
How could he blame them? After being in the tunnels for long enough, the brain becomes sensitive to outside stimuli. And the Tubeway Pod had plenty of stimuli to give, due to the overcrowding that always occurs around 1600 hours. 
A Kasatha monk stood serenely amongst a group of angry teenagers. An elven mother who looked like she hadn't slept in 3 years tried to quiet her baby. An Ork in a pink dress thumbed through a book titled “How to Honourably Garden”. A group of adventurers were planning whatever chaos they were going to get into next. A gaseous lifeform that smelled like rotten eggs in an environmental suit was referencing a map.
And those were just their immediate neighbors. 
“I'm gonna try and help them at least start recovering, then I figured you and the girls could handle the rest. I'm not the best choice to handle this.”
“Fair enough.” She purred. “Well, can I at least get a description so we can plan ahead?”
“1.4 meters tall, 42 kg, mage, bl—”
Raj stopped as he heard laughter through his comms. “I'm sorry, you sound like you're reading a wanted poster, I'm still not used to it!” She guffawed.
“No it's okay, I do sound like that. It's just kinda how I talk. Usually.” He stated, slight inflection on the last word. 
“Okay, I think I'm good. Anything else of note?”
“Other than clothes and the aforementioned tunnel sickness? Not much, but it's also been only an hour or two.”
“Any particular reason for liking this one so much?”
“Because when I look into their eyes…” He said as he looked down at the young mage. They looked up at him with their big, glowing blue eyes. Despite the obvious catching quality, it was the spark of intelligence there that usually wasn't there with cases this bad that stood out. “I see something that's unexpected. I'm not sure their mind has completely gone.”
“Hmm… I want to see them soon then. I know a few spells that could help.”
“Agreed. I'll make sure they can talk before we pick a day.”
“Agree—” BANG “Ssssshit, what was that? Damn kids, talk later.” Click, and the voice was gone. 
Raj waved his hand in irritation, frustrated at Luck's intervention. Figures. 
The Pod doors swooshed open shortly after, allowing the passengers to disembark. Raj waited for things to thin out before he grabbed the Stranger. Normally, he’d be more reluctant to handle someone in such a delicate mental state, but the Stranger clearly liked it before when he carried them onto the pod, so it was safe to assume carrying them off would be ok. 
Lo and behold, his guess was right. They clung to him like a drowning rat clinging to wood. Still, they looked around at their surroundings with unending curiosity and excitement.
The Pod was bad, but the streets weren’t much better. A Cosmopolis like this is the worst place to be if one has sensory issues. But, he didn’t have a choice. His ship was at the docks, and without the money to afford a transporter, he had to walk. 
The Stranger whimpered as a stage magician conjured a gout of fire as part of their performance. Raj held the Stranger slightly tighter. “It’s ok. We’re almost home, and then you can relax.”
Almost on cue, The docks loomed over them, Raj’s ship visible from where they stood at the base. 
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Fight (RATLD-October Prompt)
I will upload it to A03 eventually.
Warnings: Inappropriate language, infidelity, and mention of blood.
Lol, it's not what you think ;) Just keep reading!
Raya was facedown on her bed. Her legs spread out, her face buried in a pillow held by her hands. Her tears were so harsh that her body trembled with each sob. 
She couldn't believe it.
Namaari had betrayed her, severing the trust they'd spent so long building. 
Raya's eyes stung from crying while her chest began to throb, resulting from her violent sobs. Her body felt numb, only her mind wide awake, reminding her of why she was crying.
Nothing and no one can prepare you for what Raya witnessed, her lips quivering into the pillow as her mind showed her snapshots of Namaari's infidelity. Her heart was shattered, the pain too immense to describe in words.
Amongst her loud sobs, Raya didn't hear Namaari knock; Who had heard Raya crying long before she reached her bedroom. 
Namaari waited a few seconds after knocking, but she was worried. She had rarely seen Raya cry, and she certainly had never heard her sob like this. Knowing this information, Namaari tried to prepare herself for an unpleasant scene, yet she still found the devastating sight in front of her, shattering as she opened the door.
Raya's tears opened up her nostrils, making her begin to sniffle with each sob--Out of almost nowhere, Raya felt someone squeeze the back of her calf. She reacts by lifting her leg hitting the person who snuck up on her.
No sooner had Namaari sat at the edge of the bed and placed her hand on Raya's calf, had Raya's leg come up, hitting her right in the nose. The pain was excruciating. The hand, once gripping Raya's leg, had shot up to her nose. "OWW." She exclaimed as she felt warm liquid dripping down her nose to the palm of her hand—the taste of iron becoming prominent in her mouth.
Raya quickly jumps up, sitting on the bed while still clutching her pillow. What she saw was an angering but saddening scene. Her unfaithful girlfriend's eyes were wide in shook, blood dripping down her chin as she propelled herself up running to her bathroom.
Raya hadn't noticed her tears stop as a new feeling swirled in the pit of her stomach. 
How dare she show up after what she did?
How could Namaari dare comfort her when she was the reason she had come undone?
So as Raya sat in her bed waiting for Namaari to come back. Her fingers grasped the pillow firmly. Raya acknowledged that she could have easily broken through the fabric, possibly down to her skin, if she had long nails. 
Yet she was fuming, and she was ready to attack the person who caused it. Namaari!
Once Namaari was confident her nose stopped bleeding, she stuffed a tampon into her nostril. She knew she looked ridiculous, but hopefully, it would make Raya laugh and possibly forget what was causing her so much hurt.
Namaari made sure to wipe off all the blood from the remainder of her face with warm water before walking back into the bedroom. She was expecting to see Raya still quietly crying, yet she walked into the opposite.
Raya's eyes were glaring at her, brows knitted. At that moment, Namaari knew she had fucked up somehow, but she just couldn't figure out how! She hadn't forgotten their anniversary of when they started dating...Then again, today, seven years ago, was the day they first met, and Namaari had almost forgotten entirely. 
After recalling this information, Namaari smiled widely, opening her arms to run and engulf Raya into a hug. Yet as she approached the other, she felt a pillow hit her face.
Namaari froze, trying to wrap her head around why Raya thought it was necessary to throw a pillow at her after she had nearly broken her nose. And just as she was about to say something, Raya reached for another pillow throwing it at her face again. This time the corner of the pillow stabbing her eyes ball "WHAT THE FUCK RAYA?" 
"BINTURI" Raya yelled back at her. 
Namaari shook her head, trying to readjust her blurry vision: No sooner had her vision returned did Raya reach for another pillow, throwing it; this time, Namaari caught it before it hit her face.
Namaari lowered the pillow to her chest, holding it there. "I'm sorry I forgot." She admitted as she pouted, trying to gain sympathy from the other, hoping that could ease the tension in the air. She had no idea what had caused it, but Namaari could feel it.
Raya pressed her lips together roughly before huffing. "You forgot? YOU FORGOT?" Raya reached for her last pillow before flinging it across the room to Namaari, who blocked it with the buffer in her hands.
"I know! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to forget the anniversary of when we first meet!" Namaari pleaded, "I promise I'll make it up with plenty of kisses and the date of your choosing."
Namaari studied Raya's face, she was still angry, but she was now confused. One of her eyebrows bobbing up, showing Namaari she had forgotten their anniversary too. So then, why is she mad?
"That's not why I'm mad," Raya almost whispered as her anger shifted back to sadness. Her hands coming up to her face, where she stared at her shaking palms. "You promised you'd never break my heart, yet you went and did it."
Namaari was confused, her eyebrows going up, her eyes widening while her mouth was slightly agape. She had no idea what she could have done that was possibly bad enough to make Raya sob so intensely before becoming agitated with her. "What?"
Raya's sight left the palm of her hands as her eyes looked up at  Namaari's; tears started to pool. "You cheated."
Namaari was distraught seeing Raya so upset, but she couldn't help but chuckle. She hadn't cheated! At least not in the physical world, apparently she had in Raya's dream. Yet the chuckle was wrong on her part as Raya burst out into tears, her head falling onto her hands.
No quicker had the scene escalated had Namaari dropped the pillow running towards the bed, quickly embracing Raya into her arms.
Raya nuzzling her head into Namaari's shoulder as Namaari ran one hand through her hair as the other lightly traveled up and down her back. "It's...not..funny!" She sniffed into the other, "You've deeply... wounded me."
Namaari looked down at Raya, who was sincere in her words. She could only nod, as internally, she was battling not to laugh. "Dep La, it was just a dream! I promise I would never do that to you in real life."
30 minutes later
Raya continued to cry as Namaari constantly reassured her that she would never do that in the psychical plane: Luckily, after Namaari's coaxing, Raya had finally stopped crying.
Raya pulled away from Namaari's grasp as a slight grin painted her lips, seeing the appearance of the other. Her girlfriend looked amess; her right eye was slightly puffed from the pillow, hitting her eyeball. Her hair was astray, and her nose was starting to bruise. But what caused her to grin was the tampon plugging the right nostril. "You look stupid," she chuckled as she brought her hand up to Namaari's right cheek, gently running her thump across it.
Namaari leaned her face into Raya's touch before the other jerked her hand away, grabbing the string of the tampon yanking it out. Once again, her eyes widened as the sudden jerk caused a painful sting.
Raya yelped as Namaai's nose began to bleed once again. It probably was a stupid idea to do that, yet the string was taunting her to pull it; she couldn't resist. Yet instantly regretted this choice as Namaari's clothes, her clothes, and her bedsheets were decorated with splotches of fresh blood.
Namaari sighed as she brought her hand back up to her nose, slightly glaring at the other. She watched as Raya giggled at her before rolling her own eyes, standing up to go and clean herself off once again.
Once she had made it to the doorframe of the bathroom, she turned to look at Raya, "So as you forgot our anniversary and made my nose bleed twice: I want all the kisses, some passionate yet slightly untamed sex, and a date of my choosing to make up for it!"
Raya grinned as she nodded. "Whatever you say, unfaithful binturi!" 
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thesolotomyhan · 4 years
Narcos México: Dating Them Would Include: (1/7)
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Alright,,, so I gave in and I just said fuck it. I was feeling bold when I decided to to upload this because I have so much doubt about this😅. This is my first time ever writing. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! I started off my with tontín and if all goes well, I’ll start writing the rest! :)
BTW: I’m sorry I couldn’t add a keep reading link, I’m using the mobile app as of right now because I’m in the process of getting a new laptop!
Warnings: NSFW! 
Let’s start with El Señor De Los Cielos,
Amado is always one to flex, ever since your first date, it was his priority to end the date with you wanting more of him and leaving the impression that no one will treat you as good as he will
And although he did succeed in his goals, he was the one counting down the minutes until your next date, you had him in the nubes, girl
I shit you not, he went to buy you an engagement ring after your first date because he just knows that you’re the one he’s gonna marry and have kids with- I’m sobbing
So it obviously doesn’t take long for you guys to be official
He loves taking you out for dinner
You cannot convince me otherwise that he would not go all out for y’all’s personal dates, like roses everywhere, with mood lighting and a pinche serenata,,, like cmon, you make him SOFT
He would not do this for anyone other than YOU
If you wanted to go on a date or just go somewhere, he’s already dragging you along to one of his planes
Acosta probably roasts Amado so much but he does not care, not when you have him wrapped tightly around your finger
When he’s away on Juarez business, he’s calling you every night, just to hear your voice
Ugggh, you let him rant about the stupid shit everyone did that day because you just know your Amado is tired and needs someone to listen
When he comes back from business, he always brings you something just to see you smile
He gives you the softest kisses! Forehead kisses are a must
Ugggh,, I also see him stargazing with you, like you’re in between his legs with his arms wrapped around you and there’s times where he has Chalino Sanchez going on in the background
When Miguel throws any type of party or Amado just feels like going to the club, he’s taking you with him and always having an arm around you at all times
He HAS to be leading you around the party and introducing you to everyone, godddd, he addresses you to everyone like
“Mira, les presento a mi mujer, la reina de Juárez”
Like, damnnn
I can imagine , like you getting up to get a drink while he talks with the others and he’s pulling you back asking where you’re going with like worried eyes
“Voy agarrar una bebida”
“No, mi reina, yo te lo agarro, siéntate”
Everyone of the guys teasing the shit out of him but he’s just all like, “ustedes no saben que es el verdadero amor, hijos de la chingada”
But they’re not gonna lie, they all respect you and enjoy your presence
Even though he doesn’t like you knowing or being involved in depth about his business, he doesn’t mind you sitting with him during any kind of meeting talk inside of the clubs
Your just curled up into his chest with your drink, minding your own business
That,, or you’ll wander off but not before Amado orders a couple of his men to keep an eye on you
I’m swooning, can you imagine bringing him food to the construction site because you just know he hasn’t eaten all day
The fucking smile he has when he sees you because he literally forgets all the pendejadas and stress he has
LORd,, you know when Acosta was talking about retiring and living a normal life with Mimi,, can you imagine like he’s trying to convince Amado to do the same with you,,
I can’t,, and Amado just looking at where your talking with Mimi or something and just the fucking heart eyes he has because it does sound like a good idea
But, we all know, you can’t just retire from this business :((((((
Look, this man would triple your security after he learns what happened to Güeritos family because of the deal he made with Pacho and what if Miguel were to find out sooner
He’s gonna take his precautions to protect his queen alright, pero discretamente, he doesn’t want to alarm everyone especially Felix
Ooooh myyyy, why do I see him building you a home secretly, like he says he’s going to do handle some shit in Juarez on his day off but in reality he’s building a home for you two🥺🥺
The day he surprises it with you, he’s all like
“Es nuestra casa, mi reina, te gusta?”
Your just so speechless because you cannot believe this man would go all out for you.
“Mira, allá podemos construir un parquecito o cancha de fútbol para los chamacos o algo, no se, y acá te hice un jardín, ven”
GOD, he’s like a happy puppy showing you all the things he built and is still planning, and you just start crying because your so happy that he wants to build a family with you,, ok I’ll stop, my heart hurts, I’m so soft for Amado
Can you imagine the day you finally get preganant tho,,, just the fucking smile and adoration he has when he sees you doing literally anything
His heart is about to burst when he sees the curve of your belly grow because he did that, your carrying his child
Just the orgullo he has for you both and don’t get me started on how he overprotective he gets because he has a kid on the way-
Overall, your relationship is so cute and strong and just full of pure fucking love
Alright, here we go you nastys
This man LOVES blowjobs especially when he’s had a rough day, so naturally you welcome him home with a surprise
You’re wearing one of his favorite lingeries because he’s always buying you them
And, you know, once he walks in through the door, you’re already waiting for him
“Y Ahora, chula?”
“Te quiero ayudar a relajar, mi amor”
as you drag him to sit down by his belt
God,, I can just picture him on the couch with his head thrown back and one of his hands tangled into your hair as he desperately thrusts into your mouth
“Puta Madre”
As he looks down at you just full blown mesmerized
When he gets frustrated over the dumb things he has to put up with, like the time Miguel accepted to transport 70 tons of coke 👀,,,, you best believe he’s gonna take it out on you in the bedroom
You know like giving you rough and needy kisses as he picks you up and heads towards your bedroom
You’re working on unbuttoning his shirt as he’s basically tearing off whatever your wearing
I can see him wanting to caress your body and take his time but god damn his lust is getting the better of him and your only encouraging him more when you grind your hips on his OOOF
One of his favorite positions is having your legs spread as far as they can and wrapping one of his hands around your throat,,, he loves the sight of it
He does not go slow and soft ok, Amado is going in rough and pounding you into next week
When he’s feeling especially rough and dominant, he’s taking you from behind and pulling your own hair
Always scolding you if you try to keep quiet,,, he’ll do those slow but really rough thrusts just so you can whimper something out until he has you screaming
He once made the mistake of inviting Acosta to sleep over one day because of business and it was the first and last time Amado will ever do that
He had you screaming out his name as he fucked you into the bed that night,,
Amado had forgot he had guests over
So the next day when he’s having a drink with Acosta out in the patio in the morning, it’s the first thing Pablo brings up
“ cabrón, iba a llamar a los paramédicos anoche, pensé que estabas matando a tu mujer” he says it so irritated too
Amado is just like,, confused at first and looking weirdly at him because like tf is he talking about??
“ Será un milagro si no la dejas embarazada, tontín”
That’s when it comes together and Amado is trying to pathetically explain
“No cabrón, yo no quiero saber como se la metes” while he’s like laughing at Amados expression
You’re always pulling on his hair whenever he’s going down on you or pounding into you and he loves it because then he knows he’s doing a good job
He also loves it when your scratching down his back and leaving evidence of your night spent together
He’s always down to leave marks on you but in discrete areas, he’s not one to flaunt about your private lives
God, when this man takes you on vacations to places around the world, you best believe that he’s fucking you, either on the plane, at the place y’all are staying or even at the hidden beaches he’ll take you
He wants to make your vacations memorable and tbh, you two are like horny teenagers
THE CHAIN, y’all know the virgin chain he has on,, girl, he’s dicking you down and your holding onto that for dear life as you pull him down for a messy kiss,, yeah, I’m going to hell😅
He definitely has a thing for you when you wear his black shirts, whether it be the morning after or you just pulled it out of the closet and felt like wearing it
He thinks you look so beautiful wearing his clothes,,,,, he’s also had you wear only his shirt when you two have sex at times because, wow what a sight,,,, you, his reina wearing his things- ugh
He also makes sure to leave you satisfied before he has to go fly somewhere,
He has to have a fresh memory of his cock sliding in and out of you as your writhing below/above him
A refresh of what your moans and facial expressions are so he has them freshly engrained into his memory
Okkkk,,, Your just so damn perfect to this king
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lemonlushff-iy · 4 years
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All of chapter 14 is now on Patreon! You can read it here, and a teaser below the cut.
Summary: Kagome comes home to Montana from her new life in California…only to be greeted with hostility and the demons of her past. Some mistakes can never be forgiven. She just hopes that maybe this one can.
Story inspired by Clearwillow​’s “New Moon Ride”, written with permission and for the March 14, 2020 White Day celebration…and slowly uploaded much sooner…
Best Angst by Feudal Connection 2020 2nd Quarter
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Best Angst by Feudal Connection 2020 2nd Quarter
Best AU/AR by Feudal Connection 2020 2nd Quarter
Read it on FFN and AO3:
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“Hey um...thanks for the ride, Inuyasha.”
He merely nodded his head at her, taking a sip of his coffee. She had drug him to some town two hours away for a light store.
A light store. Because they needed to look at them in person.
What the hell had he gotten himself into? Other than apparently spending his day with the woman...A part of him had been looking forward to this all week. Hell...he even woke up earlier than normal to shower and shave before picking her up. And yes...He did offer to drive. Didn’t make much sense for the two of them to go separately when the joint was two fucking hours away. But. That was the part that made him apprehensive as fuck.
Two hours in the car...with Kagome Higurashi.
It hadn’t been...bad...Maybe a little awkward at first, but then he just turned on Garth Brooks and the two of them were singing and laughing their heads off like it was old times. Or...almost old times, at least. He didn’t know if things would ever be the same between them, but that car ride had been...nice, if nothing else.
He parked down the block from the light store, and as soon as they were out of the car, Kagome was dragging him to a Starbucks.
He was just gonna get a cup of coffee - black, of course - but she had insisted on buying him breakfast so...
Here they were. Him eating his breakfast wrap, while she was going to town on these little egg things with her caramel venti frapi something or other that had a pound of whip cream on it.
“Least I could do,” he mumbled, taking another sip of his coffee. “Only made sense - heading out this way anyways.”
“I know...but still,” she smiled shyly, running her fingers up and down the side of her iced coffee, playing with the beads of condensation on the side of the glass. He absently watched her fingers...the way she tenderly brushed them against the plastic glass...For a second he found himself remembering what those fingers felt like across his heated skin. How they used to tease him in the same way when he stood hard and proud before her. He wondered if it would still feel the same as he remembered it...
“Interested?” She asked, making his gaze snap from her fingers to her eyes. “Huh?”
He blinked slowly, his mind trying to process what she was asking. There was no way she knew what he had been thinking...It was just...too coincidental...
Fuck...and...What the hell had he been thinking? What the hell was wrong with him? They had one conversation. One time. To try and mend broken bridges...
Their bridges were never going to be that mended again. No way in hell. He was just...Hard up. Only explanation for it. Hard up and insane.
“In trying,” she clarified, drawing his attention back to her. He watched as she picked up her cup and tilted it from side to side, the ice cubes softly tapping against each other with the motion. “You might like it.”
He eyed it warily for a moment before reaching out and taking the cup, sipping from the straw.
The sweet taste of caramel and sugar struck his taste buds, drowning out the bitterness of the coffee he was so used to.
“Oh my god - it’s so damn sweet! How can ya drink it?” he pressed, wrinkling his nose as he handed the cup back to her. Kagome’s mirthful laugh filled the air as she took it, placing it back onto the metal bench’s surface.
“Easily! I don’t think of it as coffee - just...sweet caffeine.” “Sweet caffeine huh...” Well if she put it that way...
He snatched the glass back from her, ignoring her yelp of indignation. She tried to grab it from him, but he just held a hand to her shoulder, keeping her and her searching fingers at arm’s
length, away from the cup. Inuyasha took another long drink, scrunching his face in thought before taking another smaller sip.
“Yash! Leave some for me!” she whined - an empty, hollow complaint. He knew that tone. God...She used to sound just like that when he was teasing her as a kid, just before he kissed her.
And then...then she called him Yash...
It was all too much. He felt his whole body freeze - his heart beating painfully in his chest.
“I...Sorry, Inuyasha.”
He wordlessly placed the cup down in front of her, picking up his own as he tried to wash away the feelings in his chest. Tried to ignore the erratic beating of his heart.
“It’s fine, Kagome. Just—”
“—I know. I...Sorry,” she mumbled, looking down at her lap. “Guess I forgot for a second. It felt almost like...”
She didn’t need to finish her sentence. There was no point. He felt it too. And he found his heart wishing that they were old times. Or that the old times had just...never stopped.
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{1} Sorry, there goes your image >> S.C.
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Scenario: *BREAKING* Youtuber couple Seo Changbin and Y/n Y/l/n are going viral! And that all because our favourite gamer girl has exposed her dark rapper boyfriend to be an actual softie! Type of content: Headcanons AU: Youtubers!AU || Dark Rapper Youtuber!Changbin || Wholesome gamer Youtuber!Reader || Tropes: Best friends to Lovers Genre: Fluff/ Humour Pairing: Seo Changbin X Female Reader Word count: 4K Special Credit: Shout out to @klynvan for helping me setting up the story
Introduction <> Next
AU Masterlist
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“WHAT?” Changbin yelled
As he hurried into her room
⊂( ・ ̫・)⊃
Whilst waving her Nintendo switch
In her best friend’s face
He sighed
And shook his head
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Whilst smiling fondly
Y/n and Changbin had known each other for years
They went to school together
And people could always see
A huge aesthetic gap between the two
Changbin loved to wear black
Sometimes there would be a bit of red
or any other dark tinted colour peeking through his outfits
But the dark aesthetic matched his image as rapper
He never talked to anyone
And he always seemed to have a frown
Plastered on his face
He was pretty much an outcast
And people were bothered by that
Y/n on the other hand
Was known as the lovable girl
who everyone seemed to be crushing on when she started to
hang out with Changbin
Before that
She was quite geeky
She still is
But back then
Nobody seemed to be actually interested in her
She was usually alone
Y/n was known to be shy besides
People thought she had ‘weird’ interests such as
Her huge love for flowers and plants
Video games were also something Y/n had always loved
And now
Boys loved the fact that she was obsessed with video games
She especially loves Mario games,
animal crossing,
the sims series and many others
They would ask her to play games together
But no one seemed to be actually interested
to approach her
Mostly because her best friend
wouldn’t let them
People just couldn’t wrap it around their finger
the fact that
a girl like Y/n was spending most of her time
with a guy like Changbin
Girls were jealous of Y/n
Thinking that she acted the way she acted
to get Bin’s attention
Changbin was hot
No one could deny that
Boys envied Changbin’s muscles
He was often seen at the gym
Where he would be working on his biceps
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Making the girls swoon who were there at the scene
Y/n would be there sometimes as well
Usually she was cheering him on
And holding onto his water
She admits that she looked kind of goofy
But Bin loved having her around
And she loved being around him
He would have her try to pick up one of the dumbbells
She was quite strong
(ง •̀_•́)ง
And was able to lift weights
But she couldn’t compete with the muscles Changbin had created
They both remember
It clear as day:
The day when and how they met
Changbin was strolling through the halls
Minding his own business as usual
He heard some voices echoing through the place
But he shrugged it off since he was in a public area
He recognised the voices
They were the jocks of the school
And if Changbin heard it clearly
They were bothering someone
“Can I go through?” A small voice was to be heard
“Oh she can talk! Such a pretty voice, you should talk more for us sweetheart.”
One of them smirks as they caressed Y/n’s cheek
“Please leave me alone.”
“But we want to get to know you better-“
“She asked to be left alone.” Changbin had interrupted
as he decided to interfere
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“And who the hell do you think you are?”
“Someone who doesn’t harass other people.”
Changbin replied smartly,
Catching the jocks off guard.
Y/n in the meantime was shaking and
on the brim of tears
The jocks eventually scoffed and walked off
Leaving Changbin with an overwhelmed Y/n
“Are you alright?” He asked her carefully
Changbin couldn’t hold up his act as dark and mysterious
As soon as he came in contact with her
He was taken back when she pulled him into an embrace
As she continued to cry
And he didn’t know
What else to do
Except patting her back comfortingly
And that was the very beginning of Bin realising that he
Indeed had a soft spot
And that spot was specially reserved for
Y/n and Y/n ONLY
(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┸━┸
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Time passed and
Their time at school sooner but later had ended
They two had graduated together
Around that time
When they had their finals
And basically had to decide 
what they wanted to do with their lives
the two had been joking about beginning a YouTube channel
People around them would laugh at them
And were certain of the fact that they would fail
That they shouldn’t even bother to try
The inseparable pair would share a look
And often shrug other people’s comments
About their new shared dream
This made people think even more differently of them
The two outsiders
Who want to do something with their life
That hasn’t have a guarantee of having a stable financial state
Later on in their life
They all just thought they were insane
Changbin’s parents thought so too
His older sister joked and told him to do it
( ̄ω ̄)
Mostly so she could be the ‘success’ of their family
She never meant it in a harmful way
She loved Y/n
So did the rest of the Seo family
Y/n had a very sweet and wholesome effect on Changbin
Which was something they hadn’t witnessed
Ever since he turned 14
His sister supported him through thick and thin
And eventually helped their parents support him as well
Y/n hadn’t had any difficulties talking to her grandmother
About her change in career path
Her grandmother,
who she grew up living with,
wanted Y/n to be happy
To enjoy the little things as long as it last
She would always tell Y/n that
even if she wanted to simply
a dog walker for the rest of her life
because she likes it
she wouldn’t dare to stop supporting her
she loved her too much for that
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And so
Y/n and Changbin’s journey began as youtubers
The beginning of their career
Was quite awkward and tricky
As they didn’t own any big platforms yet
One day
Changbin had decided to put his rapping skills aside
For one video
To cover a song
He didn’t think too much of it
But sooner enough the video went viral
“Dark rapper with multiple talents”
He couldn’t believe it
And Y/n couldn’t be happier for him
Not much later
As Y/n was streaming whilst gaming
He appeared into her room
To check up on her
( #`⌂´)/┌┛
(((ง’ω’)و三 ง’ω’)ڡ≡
“and did you kill him?”
“no I had to respawn”
y/n: (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
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A couple days later yet another article about them was written
As this time
Y/n’s stream went viral
To people loving their banter
They saw the clove in between their aesthetics
And the public became obsessed
And that was only the start of their success
Y/n had gained thousands of followers and subscribers
Changbin did as well
People now were actually appreciating
And cheering onto Changbin’s music
He felt happy that there now were finally others
Beside his family and Y/n who loved the music he produced
Y/n was also gaining attention
Due to her lovable personality and sweet interactions with her fans
She loved talking to them as she streamed
or whenever she catches them on social media
People felt included
and they loved that about her
And because so many people had requested
To Y/n and Bin to make videos together
They started their shared channel
Where they actually rarely uploaded on
*A-cup-of-Y/n notification*: Watch me look for my favourite animal crossing villagers!
*Seo Changbin notification*: Trying to produce a rap in an hour *STRESSFUL*
Fans: (」゚Д゚)」
They loved the content anyway
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‎(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
Bin: (つ﹏<。)
Y/n: =͟͟͞͞ =͟͟͞͞ ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
Bin: ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
And so the two of them went to their closest café
To give Bin his addition to his caffeine addiction
Bin was smiling like crazy
As he waited impatiently for his best friend
To get her stuff
((งง •̀•̀__•́•́))งง
There was one thing Bin forgot
Since it was 2am in the morning
And there was almost certainly not any coffee made at this hour at most café
They had to travel half across the city
To finally stumble upon an unknown café
Changbin stormed in and didn’t hesitate to order his usual:
An iced americano
Y/n chuckled slightly to herself
As she watched her friend
Who couldn’t be more delighted with his coffee
“Wait? Y/n?” A sudden voice called out
Snapping Y/n out of her thoughts
She made eye contact with the barista
and recognised the old classmate
“Hey! I didn’t notice you!
How are you?
Aren’t you tired?
It’s almost like three o’clock!”
Y/n bombarded him with questions as she smiled brightly
Changbin looked up from his phone
And looked back and fort
between Y/n and the guy behind the display
Changbin also recognised the guy
And recalls a sudden memory of him as well
He was one of the people who dared to call out
his and Y/n future failures
he was one of the few people as well who
liked to pester them
with the idea back then that they wouldn’t be able
to make a career out of it
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Changbin wanted to shove it in his dirty little face
Is what Changbin would have loved to yell into his face
But the universe had something else in mind.
“Look, I don’t know if you remember, but I was a dick back in high school. I said some terrible things to you guys and I wanted to apologise. I hope you can forgive me for my unthoughtful and foolish acts back then.”
He said.
Changbin didn’t buy it
But Y/n felt like everyone deserved a second chance
Her heart was simply too big
And too willing to forgive
“That’s okay, we were all young once,
we all made mistakes and if you learned something from it
and if you cringe when you think back about it,
that only means you’ve grown.”
“doesn’t everyone deserve a little act of kindness?”
Barista pt2:
In the meantime Bin was watching his friend comforting
Their old classmate
He shook his head slightly
‘You’re too good for this world.’
He said to himself
But he was sure that many people knew as well
That Y/n had a heart of gold
The barista had told them to wait for a little longer and sooner enough came back with a hot cup of hot chocolate for Y/n
“It’s on the house, I’m sorry once again.”
“Hey you were mean to me too back then? Don’t I get a free drink?”
Bin asked with his head cocked to the side.
“Y-you already paid for you drink.”
(´ ˙○˙ `)
He stuttered
Still clearly intimidated by Changbin
“I can give you a cupcake?”
“Will do.”
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The pair were setting up their equipment
To shoot a QNA that had been highly requested
They realised that they never really had sat down
And talked about their school years together
So they went on their Instagram and asked their fans
What they wanted to know about them
Sooner enough the two were sat in front of the camera
And laughing at the questions they received
‘What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?’
(〇o〇;) !!
Y/n started
Bin looked at her in horror as he knew what she was going to say
He had his face already hidden in his hands as she began to speak
Or well more rant
“this one time
When we were still in school
And we were on our winter break
This bean was too lazy to go out
And get a hair cut
And he didn’t wanted anyone to do it for him
Because he was too scared that someone would mess it up
So instead, he grew it out.
It grew so long in such a short time that he could wear it in a ponytail.
This kid,
He put his hair in a ponytail and I watched him do it
And it looks so stupid
Like why do we bend over so far to do it
It looks idiotic
He comes out of the shower with his pants on and his towel wrapped
On his head
Like most girls or other people with long hair will do, but
I realised how dumb we actually look
It’s honestly even funnier when you see him do it-
Wait I might have pictures-“
“BUT I-“
‘What is your best high school memory together?’
Y/n thought for a while before sharing a look with Changbin
They smiled at each other as they exactly knew
“Okay this is another story
Our year was obsessed with the idea of having a prom
And since we live in South Korea
It isn’t much of a thing over here
So, we all saved up and had a prom in some rich kid’s backyard
Because he didn’t live in an apartment like most of us do.
The ‘prom’ was quite fun to be honest.
People looked gorgeous and everyone seemed to be having a great time.”
“Yet we weren’t.” Bin chuckled
“Yup, we weren’t really enjoying ourselves.
As you guys know,
we were pretty much the outcasts.
Nobody was talking to us
Or even looking at us
We were fine and trying to enjoy ourselves
But we decided to get out early
Even though we put our own money into the event.
Bin and I would’ve gone to the nearest subway and took it to the park
Where we just sat in our formal wear
We laughed
We ate
And we just had a great time
With just us being together as a pair
We got some weird looks from bystanders
But we didn’t care
I think big crowds were never really something meant for us
We just enjoy each other’s company the best
And that’s what made that night so memorable.”
‘Who is the bigger foodie?’
“Have you seen this muscle pig-“
ヽ( ・∀・)ノ┌┛Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ
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The video went on with some more questions
And even a small promotion of Changbin’s rap/ produce unit
He would tell the viewers to check out his livestream
that he was planning on streaming later this weak
after the QNA had uploaded
The day it came out
There were thousands of people watching him
produce new music for the unit
He was deeply concentrated
And asked people for their opinion
as he was carried away in the process
Until Y/n suddenly bardged through the door
with a hot plate of cookies in her hand
That she had made for her own channel
“Y/n, I’m busy- are those COOKIES?”
She laughed as she set the plate in front of him
Before taking a seat closely next to him
She asked what he was up to
And he proudly showed off what he had up to now
As he was showing off
A coupe of fans’ true colour shined through
As they began to send toxic words into the comment section of the stream
Sooner enough Changbin had noticed and read them
‘Such an attention seeking whore, why is she even living with him? I bet she’s just doing it for clout.’
‘Pathetic bitch, are your views low lately? Is that why you appear in our Binnie’s streams?’
‘Gtfo we’re not here to see your ugly pathetic face, you’re lucky Bin outshines you, or else everyone would be gagging.’
‘So pathetic to see someone act innocent and cute when she in reality manipulates everyone for clout and views. She’s doing this all for the fame people, don’t be fooled!’
Changbin had enough and couldn’t read anymore
He had sat back and wrapped an arm around Y/n
“Alright, we’re going to stop right now with the fucking hate comments.
I will report them all and ban you from this site.
Leave her the fuck alone, am I understood?”
Bin’s tone was deep and intimidating
and immediately stopped the toxic.
Fortunately there weren’t just toxic people watching the stream
But there were many people
Who loved Changbin’s and Y/n’s dynamic
They loved the contrast between the two
And they admired Changbin’s passion for music
And Y/n sweet, soft and supporting personality
They complimented each other so well
And the fans couldn’t get enough of them
Fans were also quick to defend Y/n
And her kind image
Spreading loving words to her
As they had noticed the sadness in her eyes
They knew she had read the comments
Bin knew she had read the comments
“Don’t listen to them, you know you’re worth so much more.”
He whispered into her hair a he hugged her from the side
Making the comment section freak out
At their bond
The stream would end soon after
Since Changbin didn’t had the concentration anymore
And he felt like he needed to be comforting Y/n right now
She had moved to the couch and sat there sulking
Bin felt his heart ache a little
He’s so used to see Y/n in a glee
That he rarely saw her upset
He tried to cheer her up by teasing her a little
Squishing her cheeks
Ruffling her hair
Doing funny faces
You name it
But nothing seemed to work
But then he knew it
“You want to go out for dinner?”
Her head shot to his directions
As she looked at him with big glossy eyes
Cutely nodding yes
Before they walked out the door
Not much later they were sat at a nice restaurant
Munching on some dumplings
Y/n had her face stuffed with them
Making Bin laugh cutely at her
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“You want some more dumplings, Dumpling?”
Y/n almost choked at the sound of her old nickname
Making her lean back and whine cutely
(((ೕ( ・ㅂ・)و )))
They would fall into a fit of laughter again
Before they continued to eat
He was relieved that she felt a little better
But he knew that her mind was still on the toxicity
that the comments had left
After dinner
She assumed that the two would go home
But instead
Changbin had grabbed her wrist
And pulled her to their favourite arcade hall
She shot him a smile
And hugged him
Whispering a ‘thank you’ before they ran off to have some more fun
The two would kill it at a dancing game
They would drum their ears off at Taiko no Tatsujin
Changbin also won themselves a price by getting a new high score
As he tested his strength
They also spend half of the money they brought on claw machines
Y/n won something as well
Which she was super excited about
“I WON!”
“at what cost? You spend like 20 bucks on that thing, we could’ve gotten that in a store for 15-“
“Whatever you say.”
He chuckled
The two would walk on and Y/n’s attention was caught
By a big duck that was laid in an extra-large claw machine
Changbin had noticed her staring
And he knew that she wanted the duck
But the two were quite tired after a long day
And he also was aware of her not having enough money on her
To actually be able to win it
“Y/n, can you get us a drink?”
He asked as he almost shoved the money into her hands
( ¬_¬)
“What is there something wrong with your feet?”
She sassed back
“No, but I don’t want to interact with other humans~” He whined
Making Y/n roll her eyes
She took the money and left to find a vending machine
As soon as she was out of view
Changbin took out his card
He swiped it on the machine
And got ready to play
But to his surprise
He got the duck in one go
He just stared at the shining ‘winner’ sign
And laughed loudly to himself
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Before he quickly took out the huge duck that costed him less than 5 bucks.
Y/n was back
But sooner enough greeted by not Changbin
But a big fluffy duck that almost hid Changbin entirely behind itself
“Hey sorry, I went to the toilet as well,
I just had to post this cute win on Instagra-DAJADGA BIN?”
She squealed out in surprise when she met eyes with a big ass duck
“Behind it!” He said with a muffled scream
Before he turned
So they could look each other in the eye
“I saw you looking at it, I knew you wanted it.”
“of course, why would I want a duck?”
‧˚₊*̥(* ⁰̷̴͈꒨⁰̷̴͈)‧˚₊*̥
“Was that a thank you?”
ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ
She squealed before she ran up to him to side-hug him
‘Everything for you.’
´͈ ᵕ `͈ ♡°◌̊
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Gifs aren’t mine
Introduction <> Next
AU Masterlist
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candanandphilnot · 5 years
You've Made Them All Look Like Clowns
Literally just wrote this in like 15 minutes. Based off a Tumblr post I seen by @artofthephan of Phil forgetting to upload his new video. Thanks.
Ao3 Link
Word Count: 657
Rating: E
Life after coming out was better than Dan had expected. Sure, he could have been disowned by his family and lost all his followers in one big go. But no, since he dropped his coming out video, life had been much better than ever.
Phil and himself had celebrated with a night in, drinking champagne and discussing ideas for Phil's video. Now that Dan was out Phil could finally do the same to the rest of the world. Dan was so thankful to have a partner as great at Phil.
Now he sat surrounded by his family celebrating his granddad's 80th birthday. Over the years Dan had become increasingly uncomfortable with going to family eevent, as he was still in the dark and grim closet. These days he laughed with his family more. He enjoyed their company and hugs more. If anything, everything felt better.
The festivities ended and he gladly said goodbye to his family, cherishing the memories he had made. But he wanted to get home. Phil had taken a lazy day after having to edit his latest vlog from their trip to Nevada. There was a nervous tick in Dan's mind, telling him he should worry about the video. What if he said something wrong or Phil added in that tasteless joke he made?
Even though he was now a proud and out gay, there were still things he didn’t want to say or do in a video. He might have been out but there were details of his personal life he still felt wary about sharing.
While he sat in his Uber, Dan texted Phil, letting the boy know that Dan was on his way, not bothering to check any other notifications. He would retweet Phil's video when he got home. With such a long drive home, Dan wanted to take the time and listen to some albums he'd been meaning to dive into. It had been awhile since Phil and him had a night in and to themselves that held no boundaries of responsibilities hovering around them. All Dan wanted was a night in, eating good food and watching TV with Phil.
After a bit the driver turned down his street. He said thank you to his driver while he stepped out onto the pavement. The sun was already dipping low into the sky but that didn’t stop the heat from penetrating Dan's skin. The sooner he got into the climate controlled flat, the better.
“Phil! I’m home!” Dan called as he entered the flat.
“In the living room!” Phil’s voice called from down the hall.
Dan made his way there, kicking a random sock out of his way, “I take it you didn’t do laundry? There’s like, twelve socks in the hall.”
“No, I did. Guess I missed some.” Phil had his eyes glued to the TV where he made Link thrash the Master Sword around. “How was the party?”
“It was good,” Dan walked over and planted a light kiss on Phil's forehead, careful to not distract him too much, “The food was dank af. Littier than any of my birthday's, honestly.” He plopped down on the opposite sofa and grabbed his laptop.
Phil laughed, “Don’t quote your Instagram story at me.”
The fell into a comfortable silence as Dan opened Tumblr on his laptop.
“What'd you want to do for dinner? We can have a proper meal now that you’ve finished that video.”
“Dunno. What do you want?” Phil paused the game and leaned over the arm of his couch.
“Whatever.” Dan clicked on the trending page of Tumblr. “That's weird. Usually your tag trends after you upload.” His brows came together as he looked up to Phil.
“Oh,” Phil's mouth curled up a bit at the corners, “Shit, I forgot.”
“You fucking idiot. You’ve made them all look like clowns. You said this week.”
“I’ve got a few hours left,” He laughed, “They‘ll forgive me. They always do.”
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shazyloren · 6 years
Praise The Deity
Summary:  Jon's new neighbour may just be the most sexually active person alive, which would be okay, if he hadn't had four hours sleep in four days hearing it. He's not happy, but there might be something he can do to punish her...
Notes: As you know, I am taking part in a challenge on tumblr by user @jonerysfics and @mhysaofdragons in which for seven days from Valentines day I am uploading a new one shot. The prompts have been provided and the stories have all been written and I gotta say you're in for a lot of Jonerys content.So Day 2, 15th February, which is when I'm uploading this, the prompt I chose was 'Hot Neighbour'. This is the story I came up with a while ago and was on my poll to do i had after the room. But it's hear and... it's hot.I really hope you enjoy, please leave kudos and comments if you do, it will mean the world!
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17798669
That’s the fourth fucking man this week and it’s only Wednesday morning , he thinks as he throws the pillow over his head and prays to a deity that it’ll stop sooner rather than later.
He knows it’s useless in praying, he may as well be asking for Dragons to exist or for himself to suddenly be deaf and not have to hear a single thing. He didn’t have a problem with anyone getting their funk on, like do as you please. But his new neighbour was taking the piss.
His older neighbour had died after a particularly bad case of heroin addiction, and it was an awful thing to see them spiral out of control, but at least the man hadn’t been shouting that he was gonna edjaculate all over someone’s face every night.
It infuriated Jon.
People had no class these days, and it was easily shown.
He had only briefly seen the neighbour once, a small blonde girl who looked as if she’d murder anyone who looked at her incorrectly. But clearly he’d misjudged her to be a sex mad lunatic instead, unsure if he’d rather she’d just be a murderer.
‘God you’re so big’
That’s the last straw then, he doesn’t care if she’s in the middle of her greatest orgasm of all time, he was putting his clothes on and he was going over there and giving her a piece of his mind.
Chucking his bed pillow back onto the small and indented bed, careful not to accidently put his scrubs for work on instead, he throws a pair of jogging bottom and a thin grey shirt on in the dark. His eyes roll over the alarm clock.
Unacceptable, he had to be at work in less than two hours and he’d had about four hours of sleep in as many days. It wasn’t good, he’s had more sleep than this when he was on call during his first days at the hospital.
Sliding his feet into his grey slippers and feeling around for the light switch he flipped it and waited for his eyes to get used to the light. As he began to move again, he began walking into the kitchen to get a glass of water first off, he drank the glass in one gulp.
‘Oh god, I’m gonna cum, yes, oh baby’
He hated how thin the walls were, almost like rice paper and definitely more than happy to let him hear the ridiculous noises next door. He’s already complained about it to his brother on the phone, but the response he got was less than helpful and made him shudder to think.
Go join in , that had been his advice.
Jon had not had sex in the best part of two years, his job at the hospital had been his main focus and when he wasn't there, saving people’s lives, he was generally sleeping to catch up with the long hours he was doing. Well, until recently that was.
Right, that’s it, I’m going over.
Jon, with a fervour and resonance inside him, marches over to his front door and unlocks it with haste. As he opens the door, he hears them ‘finish’ for want for a better phrase. Jon slams the door behind him, key in his pocket so he could get back in and turns to face the door next to his. Someone down the hall, pokes their head out of the door, clearly having heard all what’s gone on.
He pulls his hand back and with a seething anger within him, slams his fist down three times on the door, loud and clear.
There’s a yelp and a shuffling behind the door, a prolonged silence follows which gives Jon the chance to calm himself down and remember to remain calm about the situation. Five minutes of sleep is all he’d had, if the woman knew, she’d be reasonable, surely.
The door opens in one long swing and standing there is not the woman he’d seen, but a man of similar height and build to Jon, a beard too. He’s wearing his jeans but not much else and his face is smug as if he knows why Jon is here.
“Can I help you?” The man puffs his chest out, two could play that game.
“Get your shit and get out” Jon snuffs, his anger rising. The man looks disgusted but when Jon glares daggers at him, he holds his hands up and takes a step back. “Go on, get out of here!”
The man scurries then and runs off to somewhere he doesn’t know. There’s a hushed discussion and an incredulous shout but sooner than Jon imagined, the same man came back into the room with his shirt on and darted past Jon out of the door. He watches him leave and then, his attention is drawn elsewhere
“Who the hell are you?” Now all he has to deal with is this fiery blonde he’d only seen once, who had just entered her hallway with a red, silk robe on and nothing else. She was short, but beautiful, and yet she was glaring at Jon like she wanted to take a spoon and scoop his eyeballs out for stepping foot into her home.
“Your neighbour, I think you forgot you had some” He comments offhandedly. “I don’t care if you’re having fun, making money or whatever the hell you’re doing with all these men at all hours in the morning-” He started, her face looking offended at the mere mention of her being a prostitute. “-but I am a nurse at St. Maegor’s Hospital and I have had five minutes of sleep tonight, and thirty the night before, and almost an hour the night before that because of your fucking antics! I have to be up in two hours, reckon you can keep quiet long enough for me to sleep?”
There was almost a flush of embarrassment that swept across her face, but it was only there for the smallest of moments. Jon noticed her eyes were purple, a colour he’d hardly ever saw in people. Her hair was also a really white shade of blonde, almost silvery in appearance.
“Tell me, neighbour, does me having lots of sex make you angry, because you’re not having any?” She asked, stepping closer to him, making him slightly uncomfortable.
This bitch, honestly.
“I’m angry alright, angry that you can’t keep your legs closed at three in the morning” He retorts, his words sizzling on the air. To his surprise she doesn’t yell or curse, she just laughs, a wicked glance in her eye.
“Keeping the legs closed is for boring people, sex is fun” She teased, her eyes assessing him, as if he was meat. Jon did not like that feeling. “You should try it some time”
“I save people, I have a fifteen hour shift tomorrow, I don’t need sex or anything else so trivial, I need sleep” He hammered his point home emphatically yet the power in the conversation shifted. She walked a couple of steps closer to him. “What are you doing?”
“Neighbour, wouldn’t you like to know what you’re missing out on?” She winked for all intents and purposes, Jon couldn’t believe how forward she was being, and he knew that he needed to get out of the apartment or things would get dangerous.
“No I don’t, just keep the noise down” He cut her off, a scathing remark as he left and marched over to her door, pulling it back and storming out of the room. The door closed behind him and he sighed in relief as the cool air blew over his face. Shaking his head from the strange confrontation, he unlocked his own door and stumbled his way through to his bedroom.
I fucking swear to god if she doesn’t let me sleep I’m going over there and gagging her with duct tape .
Jon’s shift at work was busy, so much so he didn’t end up getting home until 11pm. When he walked up the outdoor stairs to his floor, he saw the woman he so very much did not want to see, outside her door, looking miserable.
“Waiting for a customer?” Jon chortled.
“Very funny, arsehole” She snapped back to him, wrapping her cardigan around her tighter. “If you must know I’m locked out”
“Can’t say I feel sorry for you” He shrugged and opened his own door. “Let me know if you need water, I’ll be sure to bring it out to you in a dog bowl”
“You know what, Jerk, I’m sorry that you haven’t gotten any sleep because your horny for sex and all, but don’t fucking be a prick! You’re not the only person with a life here, you know?”
Jon didn’t care for anything the woman was saying. When you’ve had six hours sleep in four days you tend to not overly care at all.
Fucking everyone else can be quiet in the early hours in the morning, so you should too.
“You’d know about it, if I was horny for you” Jon smirked before slamming the door on her and throwing his keys into the bowl by the door.
He goes to making dinner and decides on something simple like Stir Fry. He slices peppers and onions and grabs bean sprouts from the tray in the fridge. He creates his own sauce and fries the chicken off first. The smell is incredible, and he’s definitely hungry when he hears his stomach rumble.
He soon realises however, he’s made far too much. Why did my father raise me to be a nice person? He thinks to himself and so, reluctantly, he sees if the woman is still there, waiting for the super to let her in. He opens the door, and she is in fact still there.
“What do you want?” She grumbled, her face a little pale from the cold and her body shaking.
“I was gonna make amends, but I’m not so sure now. I don’t think I should be letting someone freeze to death outside our apartments. Come on, I’m made too much dinner, do you want some?” He asks nicely, trying not to moan about the night before.
“What is it?” She asks.
“Chicken Stir Fry”
Is she going to come in or not?
“Fine, but only because it smells delicious” Jon, showing the women through the door and to his living room, brought her a bowl and poured the remaining into it. He then grabs his own from the kitchen and comes to sit back down with her.
He flicks the TV on.
“Fucking never anything on at this time of night” Jon grumbles.
“Are you serious?” She screws her face up. “Gay Paranormal Historian Truckers is on Channel Five at midnight and it’s the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel”
“What on earth is that show about?” Jon screws his knows up.
“Gay Historians Loras Tyrell and Renly Baratheon hunt ghosts in their large truck. Gay Paranormal Historian Truckers, duh” She shovels food in her mouth and Jon doesn’t know why the events that have occurred have led to this, but he’s annoyed.
Still, he flips over to Channel Five anyways.
‘Jesus, Loras, it’s behind you while you’re driving!’ One guy says to the other. ‘The fucking ghost of Henry VIII!’
‘Tell him we didn’t kill Jane Seymour!’ The other one replies. ‘Tell him we did kill Anne of Cleaves, spiritually, that was his least favourite wife!’
‘Loras we’re gonna drive off the road, ain’t no time for telling fibs!’
Suddenly, the girl next to him was howling with laughter as the two truckers on the screen manage to avoid a huge dip in the road and regain control of the truck.
Jon didn’t understand the appeal of the show, but after a 15 hour shift, he didn't care. It was entertainment nonetheless.
“I just realised I don’t know your name” She says out of the blue.
“Jon” He sighs, not wanting to be known as the jerk neighbour. “I’m surprised I don’t know yours given the thin walls”
“Oh I never give out my real name to strangers. It’s always Katy or Bethany or Sally” She laughed, a half snort which he had to admit was odd coming out of her mouth. “But it’s Daenerys, or Dany for short actually”
“Strange name” He commented.
“Strange gal” She pointed to herself.
“That I will agree on” He nodded.
“Shove off” She cheekily smiled.
What the hell is going on? Jon finds himself thinking. One moment he’s banging on this woman’s door cus she’s shagging loudly the next she’s in his living room and he’s cracking jokes with her.
“I didn’t mean for you to lose sleep” She admitted. “I respect you for having the balls to come over and yell at me”
“Well, I didn’t want to do it, but you left me with no choice” He shrugged. “I’m a senior Nurse, we’re responsible for people’s health. If I make one incorrect diagnosis, or administer the wrong drug, the results are damaging. Sleep means I’m focused”
“And I’m sorry” She puts a hand on his knew so he knows it’s genuine. “I’ve been through a rough patch and well there’s no excuse but I’m not generally like that”
“It’s fine, I don’t need to know. Like I said, I don’t care who you’re sleeping with just, be respectful of your neighbours”
She nodded, there’s a brief silence as they watch the show.
“You’ve been nice to me, maybe you should’ve been the one in my bed instead. Mother would definitely approve of you”
“Pfft, you wish” He jokes.
There’s a small nod between the two of them before they burst into laughter. Jon feels pleased about the outcome of this chat, and he had to admit, the show was quite entertaining in the end. He looked at the clock and saw it read half twelve, he really needed to be going to sleep, so he could be up at 5:30 for work.
“You can stay on the sofa if you want” He offered. “It’ll be too cold now out there”
“Thank you, I appreciate it” She smiled, picking up both bowls and taking them through to the kitchen, he guessed to save him doing it as he was going to the trouble of letting her stay over.
Jon switched the TV off and tidied up a little, a weird feeling on the air as he realised he’d be able to sleep without trouble that night, but also with the girl who had been the source of his troubles a room away. But as he got a blanket out of a cupboard, and placed it on the sofa for her.
It would’ve been fine if she hadn’t mentioned me being in her bed.
“So, there you go” He put his hands in his pockets and fumbled a bit. When she nodded he started to walk away, this uneasy feeling in his chest.
“Jon?” He hears behind her, almost seductive in tone but curious too. Jon curses himself that he turned around in that moment, but he did and she was looking at him like a woman hadn’t in a very long time.
“Yes, Dany?” He’s tired, but he knows what she’s going to ask. And if he’s honest with himself, he wants her too.
“Can I join you?”
There was a moment, where everything that had happened between the two of them in the past twenty four hours was a complete mess, forgotten, remembered, infuriating, calming. And stupidly, or not stupidly, his reply was sure.
“I think that can be arranged”
Her panties were still on but he didn’t let that stop him, nosing them out of the way and tonguing her sex, making low, growling noises in his throat like a big cat purring with pleasure while it devoured its prey. She was small, and sensitive and everything his sex drive was missing.
He teased her like there was no tomorrow, he wanted to make her suffer for the things she’d done with the others. He was slow in his licks, teasing in the flicker of his tongue. He wanted her to feel frustration and the overwhelming sensation of being so close to the edge.
He would take it away when she was close, he would hold that power over her. It was the wildness of it that got him going: the primal lust, the sheer needs of two people in heat, quickly finding ways to express their sacred hunger to each other in animal passion.
He was someone who had gone so long, finding the drive deep within and exposing it. She was in the thick of it, feeling no control over her hormones. It didn’t matter to either of them, they both had to do this.
Fuck, she tastes good.
“Mmm” It’s her first loud moan of the night and Jon wonders if his mind is going to have flashbacks, but somehow, hearing the girl come undone from his doing made the sound sweeter. “Yes, Jon, eat it”
A muffled response is what he gave her. “Say please”
This was a problem for them both, he could tell. This was a huge problem, and his assault on her cunt  wasn't about to make it any better. Her mouth was dry, but the words came out clear enough:
“Yes, please, Jon. Eat my pussy.” She opens her legs further, his fingers now holding her underwear to one side so he can fully eat this five course meal in front of him.
His eyes glance upwards and sees her, head back, hands on her breasts, squeezing her nipples tightly. Her skin is so smooth all over her, not just her legs and butt, she was an ongoing miracle of skin and lust and he wanted to bath in her every desire.
“I’m going to make you come so good, naughty neighbour” He growls almost, not recognising his own voice. She responds viscerally by leaning into his hand and mouth, wanting the ending he teased her about.
His tongue doesn’t need to work too much magic, midway through his assault on her cunt, she begins panting heavily and seconds after, gushes all over his mouth and hand. He’s shocked. “Ohhhh”
“Did you just have an orgasm, after hearing me talk about giving you an orgasm?” All she can do is sob in reply and Jon suddenly feels glad that he had the balls to go over to her apartment last night. “I think you just came ’cause I’m fingering your sweet pussy and talking dirty to you – you know why?”
“W-why?” She pants as Jon doesn’t stop, but increases his tempo.
“Because you’re so nuts for this. Aren’t you, baby girl? I can feel that hot little pussy clenching around my tongue every time I move a muscle or say a word – ohhhh, yeah. Yeah, arch your back so I can look at you going nice and tight around my fingers. You gonna do that around my cock?”
The noise that escapes his companions mouth is enough to categorise this night as the best he’s had in months. She’s giving in more, wanting more and he’s ready to give more.
Come for me, Dany.
She did, and it was glorious.
Jon licked as much of it up as he possibly could before the frenzy that was the removal of their remaining clothes. Jon’s cock sprang free and he swore he’d never been harder than the sight of this complicated and feisty woman writhing in ecstasy in front of him.
Seeing her in his bed, lying there breathless, she was the most beautiful creature he’d ever laid eyes upon, and for a moment, he wished he could keep her. But it was just sex, and so he’d make it the best sex the world had ever known.
“Daenerys, I give you permission to be as vocal as you wish from now on, because I am going to blow your mind in a few minutes and I want to hear how much you enjoy the ride.” He taunts her almost, a promise he was determined to keep. “We’ll see how those other men did a bad job  when I’m done”
“I want that” She hisses.
“Excuse me?” Jon’s cock was ready to enter her, his hands pushing her legs wide with authority and strength. She was still teasing her own nipples.
“Yes, please, I would like that” She moans.
“Better” And with that, he pushed his head inside her and went for the first thrust. The sensation was overwhelming, and in some way surreal. Despite her many male partners the past week, she felt tighter than he’d ever imagined. The way he felt inside her, as if he was meant to be inside her.
“Oh, Jon” She sighed, unprepared for the depth and pace he was going to give her. He was going to fuck her with the unchained, debauched craving of a man condemned to die at dawn, or at least one who had to get up early for work.
Jon had experience lust before, he’d had his fair share of uneventful evenings and decided to pick up a girl, he knew what good sex was and how to please a girl, but as he thrusted into this magnificent fair woman underneath him, as he watched her face contort with the throes of pleasure, he didn’t understand lust completely until now.
Jon goes deep inside her, as far as he can, until his stomach is touching hers, her legs spread as far as humanly possible. He slowly pulls out inch by inch and watches as she becomes hungrier to be whole again.
“Very good” He coos as she moans and thrashes beneath him. “You ready?”
She only mumble in reply, a small smirk on his face as he pushes into her with speed and back out again just as fast. For want of a better word, she screams to high hell. “Ohhhhh god!”
Pulling up a leg to sit on his shoulder, he holds it there with one hand, his other, he uses his thumb to circle her clit while he thrusts his hips quicker than ever. She’s slick and wet, oh how wet she actually is.
“You’re a bad girl, making me lose sleep, you know that” He growls with each thrust into her moist cunt. She’s crying in pleasure, tears running down her face. “Tell me, tell me how bad you are, Daenerys”
“So bad, so very bad ohhhh” She moans and groans and each syllable that comes out of her mouth is a motivator to thrust harder. “Punish me, do it Jon”
So, egged on by the girl under him, Jon slaps her pussy while he’s inside her and watches her come undone beneath him. She loves it, she’s a filthy whore for him and they both know it. He wants to fuck her pussy all night, he could do, to punish her for her bad behaviour. He slaps her there again. “Smack those pretty tits for me”
She does as she’s told and suddenly, this primal and controlling part of Jon, who’s hair was starting to get soaked from the heat the two of them were creating, erupted. “Again?” She asks after rubbing the place her titties were now red. “You want me to keep going?”
“Again, you naughty girl” He commands and she does, wincing as she does. The next once she lands, he also slaps her pussy at the same time, making her writhe in painful pleasure once again.
She’s getting wetter and it’s at this moment he knows she’s not lasting long. He lands five sharp slaps on her cunt in a row and watches for her reaction. “You gonna come for me again, neighbour?” She nods desperately. “Do you want to come?” Again she nods. “Of course you want to, you filthy whore”
He is both ecstatic and flabbergasted by how much of a needy, wanton slut he somehow has turned her into, who even after two shuddering orgasms, wants to experience a lot more, who craves another release.
She looks as if she needs to speak to him, but the power of words had once again deserted her. The pleasure was climbing, spiralling high and fast, taking them both by storm. Unable to hold back, he leaned forward and hands slipped to her tits. She clutched at him and he at her; sensation gathered there, in the very centre of her body and on his dick, the place he possessed so fully. Had she surrendered? He wondered as she screams louder and louder.
He watched as she closed her eyes and flung her head back. Release was close for them both. He could feel it coming, shivering throughout her body as she begins to tighten around him. He feels himself losing control as she shivers around his cock, gushing as she did. He kissed the arch of her throat.
"Dany" he said, his tone almost raw. "Oh gods, Dany"
Her nails bit into his shoulders as he pushed up into her for the last few thrusts. The walls of her channel contracted around him again, again and again and again, sending spasms of release hurtling through them both.
“Fuck” She whispers, as he creams inside her and they lay there in what was now the aftermath of their crazy sex.
He doesn’t move for a while, a bold and disgusting thought of making sure his swimmers punish her for the time she kept him awake passing through like a fleeting memory. He pulls out and instantly they both ache for one another again. His seed leaks out of her yet she is so immobile, frozen with sweat and disbelief at the orgasm they both had.
“So” He starts. “Are you gonna keep me awake again?”
“No, Sir” She sighs all flustered.
“Sir?” He grimaced slightly. “You make me feel old”
“Shut up, idiot” She gently smacked his arm, her chest rising and falling. She turns on her side, his cums still glistening in her cunt. “So” She then mimics him. “Round two?”
Well shit.
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viostormcaller · 6 years
Okay so I'm gonna go on a little bit of a rant here. It literally doesnt mean anything, it's not serious by any means and is extremely superficial. It's just a few issues my mom and I have both been having and I just wanna get it off my chest because it's been really nagging at me.
So, about a year ago, mom and I both invested in new laptops from Lenovo. At first, we both really liked them, considering what we paid for them (and considering how long it took to wait for mine, almost forgot about that part). But now... kinda wanting an upgrade even though it's only a year old (not that I can afford one, of course, and I'm not about to ask). Course, it still works (not well, sadly, but it does), and so does my mom's, but I've heard her say on more than one occasion that she absolutely hates her laptop.
I think the main reason I'm so disappointed is because of the battery life. Now, it's a laptop, I shouldn't expect much, but to put it into perspective, a few years back I was using a dinosaur of a Toshiba laptop, which was already years old by the time I got my hands on it. This thing had like no battery life. Lasted 3 hours (if even that, I think after a while it lasted 1 hour) off charger. When I was looking for a new laptop after that one completely broke, I was looking for something with longer battery so I didn't have to wear down the battery life by keeping it on the charger 24/7. So when I got this new laptop (it's the Legion Y520 btw) and saw the battery life was the exact same that I had been dealing with, I was really disheartened. But I wasn't about to complain because, of course, mom was paying monthly for this thing and it was pricey (she just finished back in december), so I was very grateful to have something that runs games well (and actually runs Subnautica without many issues) and I can watch videos in the highest quality settings (which I was super impressed with. Even now I'm still impressed with that fact).
Now, though, mom and I are having deal-breaker issues. One problem on my end that absolutely does not have a fix, is the fact that when I close the lid of the laptop, it acts as if it's still open. So if I minimize chrome, shut the lid, and leave the room (or even, if I go to bed), sometimes I'll hear noise coming from it. When I open it up, it turns out that chrome had re-opened and was playing a video somehow (and you can imagine my absolute fucking confusion when I walk in the room or wake up to hear Jack or Mark screaming). This happens every few days and I don't know if I should blame the cats (who like to run on my computer often), but even so, if the lid is closed that should not happen! It should be in sleep mode. And, I've noticed that the keyboard lights dont always shut off when I shut the lid, so the computer acts as if it's still on even though the screen is black.
Another huge issue: sometimes it won't allow me to start the computer at all. Either it does one or two things. It A) stays on a black screen with the keys all lit (meaning it's on but nothing's happening), or B) it'll stay on the lock screen page frozen so I cant click anything or enter in my pin to get into the computer, meaning I have to manually shut it off and turn it back on using the power button (which scares me because I dont want this computer to blue-screen-of-death on me because I have to do that almost every day). Then, once I do that, the backlight on the keyboard flickers for a few seconds before the computer turns on. Most of the time, though, starting up the computer from sleep mode after I had just been using it takes an unnecessarily long time, and it's super frustrating if there's something immediate I'm trying to do (like catching an upload from Jack). And I'm not gonna get into the issues with the keyboard and touchpad, because almost every review I've seen says the same thing: poorly designed, not very responsive to touch, yadda yadda yadda.
With mom's computer, I've watched it, while she was in the middle of using it, completely shut off on her. The screen went black and she could not turn it back on, even when pressing the power button. It was on the charger, so it didn't die. It just shut off. Also, her computer runs chrome very poorly for whatever reason, almost as if it's incompatible, so she can't even use that browser on her computer because it gives her too many issues. On top of that, she can't watch videos because it buffers and freezes way too much (which sucks because she bought the computer in part to watch videos on), and even when she's just using it normally it glitches out and freezes and she can't do anything on it at all, meaning she has to rely on her phone for a lot of things. She's also in college, like I am, so this isnt ideal if she wants to get things done. Plus, I've noticed her touchpad is way too sensitive, to the point where I can't use it to scroll up or down at all. Idk how to fix that though, didnt see any options for it but maybe I'll take another look and see if I really can't help her.
I can't afford to send mine in; not because of the price (if there even is a fee for sending it in for repairs, idk if mom bought mine with warranty), but because it's my first week in school and I cant take the risk of sending mine in and not having it for about three weeks since I don't have any other way of doing my school work. I dont wanna fail or get dropped from my class. Plus I've read that their customer service is outsourced in India, so I don't know if that's where my computer will get shipped to, but if I have to be without it for too long then it isn't worth trying to get them to fix it. I've also heard bad things about their customer service (and actually recall having a bad experience with them when I was trying to get my computer in the first place. Don't remember them being particularly helpful).
I know I can't afford a new gaming computer right now, so I probably wont be in the market for one for at least a few years (or whenever this thing eventually breaks), but I'm so afraid that my laptop will break before then. I can't afford to lose it but it feels like, with every forced restart, I'm getting closer to having it fall apart. I desperately need a computer on hand for school, now more than ever. It is great for gaming, but right now I'm mostly using it for school, and my computer absolutely needs to be powerful enough to run the Adobe software and other game design programs when I get to those classes in school (this is exactly what my advisor told me, too, so I'm a little bit nervous about this). I'm hoping it holds up until then, but as of right now, I'm extremely worried for it. The fact that my mom is also having issues with her laptop gives me some comfort, at least. I'm not alone, so I feel alright complaining about it (if I was alone in this I wouldnt say anything. Gotta be grateful for what I have, considering I could be much worse off). At least one thing's for sure: neither of us are purchasing anything else from Lenovo when we need to get new computers (and I believe my mom's replacing hers sooner rather than later, considering it barely works properly).
TDLR; both mine and my mom's computers are having major issues, I can't risk sending mine in to get it fixed, there are no fixes for mine that I could try that worked, and I'm extremely worried it'll break sooner rather than later because of constant forced restarting.
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batfam-imagines · 7 years
DC/Marvel Crossover
Prompt: How about one where batsis goes on a solo mission and the avengers arrested her because they didn't know who she was and bat fam gets worried because she hasn't been back and Bruce sends Tim to get her
“You’re telling me that you want to break into Avengers Tower and … what? Download all of the information on the Avengers?”
Bruce nods, “That’s exactly what I want you to do. They have too many people on that team that could one day try and take over the world, I need to know how to stop them.”
“And how am I supposed to get into a building that houses a god, two super soldiers now, a Hulk, two assassins, and a genius? That’s not even including their handler, Phil, who I have met and have a deep respect for”
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out” Bruce lays a hand over your shoulder before making his way to the Batmobile, “I need those files, Y/N. I’m depending on you for this. Stark would expect me to go after the files, he won’t expect you. There’s a gala in one week that I am invited to, that would be the best time to strike, all of the Avengers are going to be in attendance.”
“Fine, I’ll start planning now”
Getting into Avengers Tower is surprisingly easy. There aren’t any assassins, or even that many security guards in the building. It isn’t until you’ve already gotten thought the servers firewall and are halfway finished uploading the Avengers files that you notice something is wrong.
Those files do not belong to you.
You let out a shriek (that you’ll deny later) when a voice starts talking from the ceiling. “What the fuck!?”
You have not been authorized by Sir to access these files.
“Who are you?”
I am JARVIS, I am the artificial intelligence that runs Avengers Tower. I have already scanned you, you are not a SHIELD agent, nor are you an employee of SI.
“And you’re just now confronting me? If you control the whole building why didn’t you stop me sooner?”
I was curious as to your goal
It sounds like the AI is amused, of course Stark would make an AI with an attitude. “And now that you know what I’m doing, what are you going to do?”
I have intercepted the file uploads and blocked them. I have also shut down the room you are currently in, have locked it, and informed Sir of your presence.
“Of fucking course you did”
You will not have to wait long, miss. The Avengers are on their way now.
Natasha Romanoff is the first one to reach you, and when she starts to tie your hands behind your back you don’t even try and stop her. You might be a vigilante in Gotham, but unlike your brothers and father, you know when you’re outmatched. So instead of further injuring yourself, you quietly submit to being tied up and gagged.
“JARVIS, who is she?”
I am currently running a facial recognition scan now, Agent Romanoff
“Good, I’m going to take her to Interrogation Room 3. Tell the others to meet us there”
Of course.
Natasha marches you down several flights of stairs, and through a steel door to an interrogation room.
“I’m going to take off the gag now, and you’re going to answer my questions. Understand?” The gag is quickly pulled off. “Now who are you?”
“It’s an honor to meet you, Ms. Romanoff. I’ve always looked up to you, you know? I mean you survived the Red Room, the Soviets, even the Winter Soldier. And what happened in Budapest! You and Mr. Barton were amazing there! I didn’t think you guys were gonna come out alive …”
A knife presses against your throat, leaving a shallow cut, “How do you know about any of that? Who sent you here? Who the hell are you?”
The door slams open, “Agent Romanoff! Put that away, and untie her”
“Sir …?”
“Now, Agent Romanoff”
The knife quickly pulls away from your throat, a thin trickle of blood left in its place, but you don’t pay much attention to it. Instead you twist around and throw a grin at the older man, “Hey, Phil, it’s been a while”
“Ms. Wayne, I can’t say that I am glad to see you. According to the report JARVIS gave me, you were attempting to upload the personal files for all of the Avengers. I assume that your father was the one to send you?”
“Yeah, Dad said something about needing to have a plan for if anyone here went evil, he wants to know how to kill them. You know my father likes his plans”
“Unfortunately, I won’t be able to get you out of this mess. The transgression did not happen on SHIELD soil. The Avengers will decide what they want to do with you”
“So … I get to meet everyone?”
Phil lets out a chuckle, “Yes, you will be able to meet the rest of the Avengers, however these aren’t the best circumstances to meet them under.”
“You really think dad would let me meet them any other way? This is probably the only time I’m gonna get to meet the Winter Soldier”
“The other Avengers won’t be happy with what you did. It was a complete violation of their privacy. Even if I put in a good word for you, I don’t know if they will listen to me”
“It’s fine. Even if they decide to torture me, I’ll be alright. I mean I’ve probably had worse from the Joker and from the al Ghul’s.”
Before Phil can answer, the door once again opens and Tony Stark steps through, “You can hold off on that facial recognition scan, JARVIS. I know who this is”
“Hello, Tony!”
“Hello, Y/N” He spins the chair around and plops down on it, straddling the back of it, “I can’t say I’m happy to see you though”
“I know, I hate that I had to do this, but you know my father, he’s not someone you say no to”
“Natasha, will you untie her?”
“Not until you tell me who she is, and what we are going to do with her” Natasha crosses her arms, knife still help tightly in one hand. “All I’ve gathered is that both you and Phil know who she is, and that she was attempting to steal our personal files.”
“Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Y/N Wayne.”
Phil sighs quietly, “She is also known as the Sparrow, the one who managed to get Red Hood to stop unnecessarily killing, she is also SHIELDs contact in Gotham, and she is the liaison between SHIELD and the JLA”
“How have I never met her then?”
“It was considered a conflict of interest for me to meet the Avengers because I am already in the JLA. Of course, my father doesn’t give a damn that I’ve possibly just ruined the relationship between SHIELD and the JLA, all he cares about is being able to stop you if any of you decide to go homicidal.”
“He thinks that he’ll be able to stop any of us?”
You shrug as much as you can with your arms still bound, “No idea, I don’t try to understand his way of thinking. Phil,” You tilt back, trying to make eye contact with the agent, “You know he’s going to send one of my brothers after me. I don’t want them hurt”
“I’ll warn everyone, don’t worry. Now, Natasha, if you’ll untie Y/N and bring her to the common room. We can await the arrival of one of Y/N’s brothers there. In the meantime, you all can ask her any questions you’d like”
“So you’re telling me that Bruce Wayne is Batman, one of your brothers has come back from the dead, you aren’t allowed to kill any of the villains that have taken hundreds of lives, and that you were once a part of the League of Assassins. Am I missing anything?”
“Yeah, I once stopped Superman and Superboy when they were mind controlled, and I work as Lex Luthor’s assistant and help him curb his homicidal tendencies … I’ve also time travelled before”
Steve Rogers puts his head in his hands, “Of course you have. Is there anything else?”
“Nope” You glance around the common room, locking eyes with Bruce Banner, “Can you turn into the Hulk? I’d really like to see him again.”
“I met him once, about a year after you left America, he saved my life. I had just blown up one of the League of Assassins compounds and didn’t get out in time, I was trapped under rubble. I had accepted the fact that I was going to die there when a huge green hand smashed through the rubble and dragged me out. Hulk left before I could even say thank you”
“I don’t remember that”
You flash a brief smile, “I’m not surprised, I did some research on you after that. You don’t remember 85% of what happens when you’re the Hulk, right?”
“Yes, that’s correct, how did you …?”
“I have a lot of connections, Dr. Banner. Who do you think was the one that got General Ross to leave you alone once you came back to America?”
Bruce’s eyes go wide, “You … you … how?”
“I have some friends in high places that owed me a favor or two, they cracked down hard on Ross, forced him to stop hunting you. SHIELD tried to get him to stop, but even though they’re a top secret government organization they didn’t have enough leverage to get thing’s done”
It takes Bruce a minute or two to speak after that, “Thank you, that means a lot that you’d do something like that”
“He saved my life, it’s the least I could do”
“So, Phil, how do you know Y/N?” Clint drops down from the vent opening, perching on the arm of the couch.
“Phil and I met while he was in Tahiti, after the Chitauri invasion.”
“Why were you in Tahiti?”
“I was captured by the al Ghul’s and tortured for 4 months. By the time my family found me I was almost dead. SHILED sent me there to heal, like they did with Phil. We’ve run into each other a few times after that, but that was where we met”
Phil rolls his eyes, “Y/N refused to stay in her hospital room and constantly snuck into mine while we healed. I wasn’t allowed out of bed for several weeks, and every day Y/N would limp into my room to keep me company”
“Phil’s someone I consider a good friend now”
Clint sticks his bottom lip out, pouting at his handler, “How come I never heard of her? We could have been BirdBros!”
“I’ve been begging Phil for years to let me meet you guys, but he kept saying that it was a ‘conflict of interest’ but I just think that he didn’t want to deal with the paperwork”
Phil raised one eyebrow, “Unfortunately it seems that I wasn’t able to keep you two apart, and now I dread the mayhem that you will cause.”
“Mayhem will have to wait until after my brother’s inevitable rescue attempt”
Surprisingly it’s Tim that was sent to rescue you. The Avengers had put you back into the interrogation room, and were all watching from the control room.
“Hey, Red. I thought you were off with the Titans this week.”
“B called me in, said that you needed to be rescued, and some files needed to be retrieved”
“I’m sorry, babybird, but we won’t be getting those files today”
Tim smirks, “They don’t even know I’m here …”
The speaker crackles to life, “Unfortunately, kid, we do know you’re here and your sister’s right, you won’t be getting access to those files tonight”
“Sorry, Red, they kinda set up a trap to catch all of us birds. They knew that someone would come for me, and now someone will come for the both of us.”
Tim sighs, “Do we have to stay in this room the whole time?”
The door opens and Tony steps in, “Of course you won’t. It’s team bonding night, so movies and snacks. I’ll even let you call your other brothers so they can get in on the action.”
“We’re going to have a sleepover with the Avengers?”
You chuckle, “It looks like it, babybird, it looks like it”
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The Little Things - Part 3
Summary: When Gaston asks for your help, you are not happy about it. Because he is an idiot and you are invisible to him. But sooner or later you realize that maybe he isn’t that bad. (Gaston x reader)
Warnings: bullying (not much, but it is there)
Words: 3024
Author note: This started as an idea for a scene in this and turned out in a 10000+ words thing. Well…it just happened.
Highschool!AU and some of the Beauty and the Beast characters have an appearance.
A word about the reader: I tried to keep it as general as possible. At some point I needed details, so if something is not fitting for you, I’m sorry and ask you to change it in your mind.
Feedback is always welcome!
English isn’t my first language and I have no beta at the moment, so please excuse mistakes.
Part 1
Part 2
The worst part was not the horrible, horrible headache the next day or the fact that you could remember everything and you called Belle to ask her, if that really had happened or if it was just a bad dream. No, the worst part was going back to school at Monday. Because everyone else could remember too.
There was a lot of whispering and gossiping, some guys whistled after you or started to sing the song, dancing next to you and laughing, when you entered the school and walked to your locker.
“Can’t you be dumb somewhere else?!”, Belle hissed at them and they disappeared with a laugh.
“This is a nightmare.”, you said and leaned against your locker.
“I know, sweetie. I know. But the prom is going to be soon or there will be another scandal. They will forget it really soon, you will see.”
She hugged you and you felt a bit better.
“Come on, we have to go to class.”
You grabbed your back and walked with Belle to your room. The moment you two entered it, everyone looked at you and started to whisper or talk, some made jokes and laughed at you.
“Oh look, the slut is here! All hail the slut queen!”, one of the Bimbettes screamed and laughed.
In that second, Gaston entered the class room too. He looked at them and at you. You never felt more ashamed and horrible. You tried to fight back the tears while you walked to your desk.
“We can go…”, Belle suggested, but you shook your head and sat down.
“You know what they say. The silent ones are the biggest sluts!”, one of the other Bimbettes shouted and you felt the tears on your cheeks.
“I think, there even is a video, so just in case someone wants to see the performance from our beloved class slut…”, Bimbette 2 said and laughed about her own words.
Before someone could stop you, you grabbed your bag and stormed out of the room.
You went to the library and stayed there the whole day. Belle would excuse you and she would give you the stuff you would miss.
It was already pretty late, when your phone started to buzz like crazy. You stopped reading and picked it up. Belle had sent you several messages.
“Where are you???????”
“We need to talk!”
“(Y/N)!!!!! IM NOT JOKING!”
Confused, you looked at your phone. Another message appeared.
“Need to meet! ASAP!!!!!”
You wrote back: “Library. What happened?”
“On my way. You’re not going to believe what just happened.”, Belle answered and you put your phone bag in your pocket.
“No phones!”, the librarian reminded you.
You smiled apologetically, took your bag and walked outside. While you waited, you wondered, what just happened. Class was already over and there was only a big soccer match and Belle had promised to go there with Adam, but you didn’t mind and wanted to wait in the library. But obviously something had happened.
“You bitch!”
Out of the nowhere the Bimbettes appeared and one of them tried to slap you, but at the same moment Belle and Adam appeared and Adam grabbed her, holding her back.
“What did you do?! Did you bewitched him or something! You slut! You destroyed everything! Everything! Go to hell!”, the Bimbette screamed.
“That’s enough!”, Adam tried to stop, still holding her back.
“Oh go to hell too, Prince! You and your little loser friends are all horrible! I knew, it was a bad idea when he started to pay attention to you! But you!”, she screamed and suddenly pointed at you. “You destroyed everything! But you know what?! Fine! You can have him! I don’t want such a loser and idiot! He is a loser, just like you!”
With that, she pushed Adam away and stormed off, her sisters behind her.
You looked after her.
“What…the fuck…just happened?”, you asked confused and looked at Belle.
“Something happened.”
“Gaston fought with Tom and Dick.”
You looked at Belle and tried to understand the words she just said.
“He fought with Tom and Dick. Punched them and stuff.”
“Because of you.”
“You.”, Belle said and Adam nodded.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Look, we don’t know much. All we know is, that Gaston and Tom and Dick had a pretty loud argument and then they started to fight. And everyone was there, because they were fighting on the field. In front of everyone. And after the teachers separated them, Gaston told everyone everything.”
“What is everything?”
“Just everything. That he is hanging out with you and how awesome you are and pretty and nice and that he is smart and likes all the stuff you like and…everything. And he told the idiots and the Bimbettes what he really thinks about them. It was glorious. I’m sure he had a meltdown, but it was amazing! You should have seen it! And he talked about you in such a sweet way!”
You could just look at Belle, because you completely forget how to form words. Adam only nodded.
“He…said all this in front of everyone?”
“You should go to him.”, Adam added and you looked at him. “He was hurt and because of his behaviour the trainer took him out of the team. All the talent scouts were here today. He was supposed to play in front of them…”
Before Adam could finish his sentence, you started to run.
“The hospital room!”, Belle screamed and you waved at her.
When you bursted into the room, Lefou and Stanley were there too and Gaston was sitting at one of the beds. He looked horrible.
“(Y/N)?! What are you doing here?”
“I think, we should go.”, LeFou mumbled and nodded to Gaston, walking to the door. “You’re coming, Stanley?”
“Why? I thought, we stay here and…”
“Now, Stanley!”, Lefou said empathically and Stanley quickly followed him outside.
“What happened?”, you asked and sat down at the bed.
“Oh, um…huge fight. I did pretty well. Just a typical, manly thing and…”
“Belle told me, what you did.”
Gaston looked down at his hands, you looked at him. He had several bruises and one of his eyes looked swollen. There was also a laceration at his head.
“Are you seriously injured?”, you asked concerned and Gaston looked up.
“No. It’s alright.”
“You don’t look alright. Where is the nurse?”
“Making a call. I’m fine, really.”, he tried to smile but one of his cheeks was swollen, so it looked a bit skew.
“Why did you do this, Gaston? The talent scouts were there! You probably lost the chance to get the scholarship!”
“I don’t care.”
“And what about your reputation? Why did you fight with them? And told everyone?”
Gaston was silent for a while, looking out of the window.
“You remember, when you asked me about my reputation? Why it’s so important to me?”
“My parents have…think that success is pretty important. And to be successful, you need a reputation. You don’t get anything when you are nice. That’s basically, what they have told me. So…I did, what my parents had told me. I started to get a reputation. I joined the soccer team, I bought my friends. I did everything to be cool and popular. And it worked. In the beginning, I hated it, because it felt wrong, but I had power and power felt nice, so…I became the superstar…and a jerk. I tried to be a real man and made sure, people were talking about me. You probably heard about the rumour that I have a new girl every week. Yeah…things like that were good. And then you walked into this school and you are nice and sweet and not a loser and you get stuff done and you are nice at the same time. And my parents didn’t notice me, at all. Most of time it’s like, I’m not existing. So, I had the idea with the scholarship. Because getting a scholarship is incredible, right?! And I asked my parents to come to my game today, so they could see all the talent scouts who want me and I thought they would be proud of me. They are not here, because when I told them, they were confused, why I was thinking about college because they forgot, I graduate this year. So, they decided, they need a vacation and don’t come to my game. So…yeah. That’s why, my reputation was so important to me. And I realized, that I was a completely idiot, because my parents still don’t notice me and I have no friends and I’m a horrible person. And I fought with Tom and Dick, because Tom had a video of your dance and wanted to upload it to Youtube, to humiliate you and I told him to not do it and delete it. He said no and I…punched him. And my parents were also the reason I didn’t want you at my house.”
There was silence, after Gaston finished.
“You punched him, because of me?”
“But…why?! I mean, why do you care, if I get humiliated or not?”
“Because I care about you.”
Gaston looked into your eyes.
“Because you are a kind, funny, good person and you don’t deserve this. Because…”, he stopped and took a deep sigh. “…there is…I mean…I maybe…probably…love you.”
Dumbstruck, you looked at him and tried to understand his words.
“You…what? Gaston, that’s crazy.”
“No, it’s not. It’s what I feel and…”, he started and reached for your hands.
You stood up and looked at him.
“It is crazy! You never noticed me! I was air to you, almost a year ago! You can’t just…walk into my life, pretend to be a nice guy, do this stuff and tell me, you love me, when you ignored me all these years! And how can you fell in love with me?! You know nothing about me, Gaston!”
“Your favourite colour is red.”
You looked at him startled.
“Your favourite colour is red. You like chocolate chip ice cream or strawberry. Strawberries are also your favourite fruit. You love Italian food and a lot of cheese on your pizza. Speaking of, you always eat the crust first. You don’t like Asian food. You love dogs and cats. Your favourite song is ‘Born this Way’ by Lady Gaga. You can’t sing, but you don’t care, because you love to sing. Your favourite movie Forrest Gump and everything from Disney. You love ‘Hakuna Matata’ the most. You love sports. You can dance and you go to ballet since you are 6 years old. You also do swimming and you play badminton. You hate it, when your hands are cold. You love tea, especially in winter. You also love hot chocolate, made with milk and not water. But you don’t like cream on it. Your favourite chocolate it nougat. You have the first edition of the Harry Potter books and you like the smell of old books. You love to read, but you absolutely hate it, when someone uses a book site as dog-ear. You have a nice handwriting, but you tend to scrawl, when you are in a rush. You like dresses a lot, but you don’t wear them to school that much. You play with one of your strands of hair, when you are deep in thoughts or really concentrated, especially when you are reading. You also bite your lip on the left side, whenever something is difficult and you have to think about it. You also frown a bit and you’re curling your nose, when you can’t find the answer and you are frustrated and you smile, when you finally find them. You smile a lot and that smile lights up the world and is the most beautiful one, I have ever seen. You also put your hair in one of these messy buns, whenever you work really hard, because you don’t to get distracted. Your eyes have the colour (Y/Eye colour) and are the most beautiful ones I have ever seen. And your lips are really soft and since you kissed me, I have to think about it all the time and I really want to kiss you again.”
There was silence and Gaston looked at you.
“How…”, you started after some minutes looking at each other. “…how do you know all this about me?”
“Because I noticed you. I always saw you. I noticed every little thing about you.”
Before you could say anything, the nurse entered the room.
“Oh, we have a guest. Could you go outside, for just a second? I have to take a look at our patient.”
You grabbed your bag and basically stormed outside, closing the door behind you and leaning against the wall. It was hard to believe, what Gaston just had told you.
“You are okay?”
You looked down the corridor and LeFou was leaning against one of the walls.
“You are still here?”
“Yeah. I’m going to drive Gaston to the hospital. The lacernation doesn’t look good.”
“Oh. Yeah. That’s…a good idea.”, you said, still confused about what happened.
You felt LeFou looking at you, but avoided his stare.
“He told you.”
It wasn’t a question.
“You knew?”
“Sure. I’m his best friend.”
You laughed.
“Yeah. You are. Of course you know. And he is joking, right?”
“Why should he?”
“Because there is no way, that Gaston is loving me!”
“Did you ever wonder, why he needed help with Literatur?”
“What?”, you asked confused about the sudden topic change.
“The private tutoring. You ever wondered, why he needed help and asked you?”
“He didn’t ask me. Agathe did.”
“And Gaston asked her, if she could ask you for help.”
You said nothing and just looked at LeFou.
“Look, (Y/N), the first morning you walked into that school, Gaston saw you. And I’m pretty sure it was love at first sight. He had always an eye on you. And he stopped a lot of times the girls or Tom and Dick. There is a reason the girls hate you. Because you are pretty and smart and nice and everything they are not and you are competition. At some point, I asked him. He denied it in the beginning, but then admitted it and he wouldn’t stop talking about you. About your eyes and smile and your kindness and all that stuff. So I told him, to find an excuse to spend time with you. And he did. He’s not bad in Literature. He always helped me with my homework.”
“But…he had bad grades in it?!”
“He did that on purpose, so Agathe would help him. And he suggested, you could help him. That’s why she asked you. And he made sure, to get in trouble, so they would think, he may benefit from this. You should have seen him, when he returned from your learning sessions. He talked about you, always! He was like a lovesick puppy.”
You started to feel bad, because you never had noticed something.
“Oh, and…don’t worry about your dance performance. He only had eyes for you. Yes, he thought, you looked and moved hot, but couldn’t even remember the colour of your underwear later. And he could tell me second for second when you smiled or bit your lip or stuff. And he didn’t know Tom and Dick kept their phones and filmed everything. When they told him, he got really angry. By the way: The deleted the video, so, don’t worry. And they look much worse. He also called you ‘his girl’.”
“Why…now? Why not sooner?”
“Because, sometimes, he is an idiot, who tends to make wrong decisions and to have a horrible timing.”
You smiled at LeFou, who smiled too.
“Look, maybe I’m totally wrong here, but…you like him too, do you?!”
Before you could answer, the door opened and Gaston walked out. He stopped, when he saw his best friend and you.
“And you are going to the hospital with him?”, the nurse asked LeFou and he nodded. “Good. Get well!”, she said and went into her room again, closing the door.
“I’ll wait at the car.”, LeFou said and quickly walked away.
Bashful, Gaston stood there and looked at you.
“So…um…if I overstepped any boundaries, I am sorry.”
“You are wrong.”, you started, stepping closer to Gaston and he looked apprehensive at you. “Strawberries are not my favourites. I like them, but peaches are my favourite fruits.”
“Oh.”, Gaston said, realizing how close you were.
You slowly took his hands into yours. He looked down at them and then back at you. You smiled and felt a pleasant warmth in your body, when your hands touched and he looked at you.
“And I thought about the kiss too. And I am sorry, I just kissed you.”
“Don’t be.”
You cupped his cheek with one of your hands and Gaston leaned into that touch. His eyes really are beautiful, you realized again.
“If you act like a jerk again, I will punch you myself. Also, don’t lie to me every again or make things up, just to spend time with me.”
He smiled.
“Alright. I’m going to behave.”
“And stop fighting with other people. I don’t want to be worried about you getting hurt.”
“I can do this too. Or…not do.”
You two laughed and looked again at each other.
“You still want to kiss me again?”
“Just if this means…”
“Let’s keep it slow and see what happens.”
Gaston nodded and pulled you a bit closer. He moved his lips slowly closer and when you finally kissed, it felt so good. He was sensitive and almost shy, so you deepened the kiss, putting your arms around his neck. You could feel Gaston smiling into the kiss and your heart jumped, making you feel very happy. Because in that moment you realized that you had started to like Gaston a long time ago and you probably, maybe, absolutely had fallen in love with him too. With him and all the little things.
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shirlleycoyle · 5 years
Hackers Dissect ‘Mr. Robot’ Season 4 Episode 9: ‘Conflict’
Episode 9 of Mr. Robot’s final season was not only amazing plot-wise but also happily filled with hacks. We discussed [SPOILERS, obvs] IMSI catchers, Raspberry Pis, PGP, phishing telcos and stealing cryptocurrency. (The chat transcript has been edited for brevity, clarity, and chronology.)
This week’s team of experts includes:
Em Best: a former hacker and current journalist and transparency advocate with a specialty in counterintelligence and national security.
Trammell Hudson: a security researcher who likes to take things apart.
Micah Lee: a technologist with a focus on operational security, source protection, privacy and cryptography, as well as Director of Information Security at The Intercept.
Freddy Martinez: a technologist and public records expert. He serves as a Director for the Chicago-based Lucy Parsons Labs.
Yael Grauer (moderator): an investigative tech reporter covering online privacy and security, digital freedom, mass surveillance and hacking.
IMSI Catchers
Yael: I thought it was clever of Darlene and Elliot/Mr. Robot to use IMSI catchers.
Micah: I've never had a chance to play with one for real, But they're also referred to as "cell site simulators" because they simulate cell phone towers. Your phone tries to connect to the tower with the strongest signal, so in order to do a man-in-the-middle attack against cell phones, you just need to broadcast a stronger signal than the nearest cell phone tower and nearby phones will connect to your IMSI catcher instead. Then, you forward the traffic to the real cell phone tower, so the phones will still work, but you can spy on/modify all the traffic in the meantime
Yael: I’ve written about them before, but it was about law enforcement use of them for surveillance. They can’t intercept Signal messages, right? So if Deus Group just read a Freedom of the Press Foundation guide, Darlene and Elliot's plot would be foiled.
Em: It will intercept the Signal data, but messages are encrypted until they reach the recipient’s device, so it's not enough to just intercept it.
Micah: Their plot wouldn't have been foiled because Cyprus National Bank still sends two-factor authentication codes (2FA) over unencrypted SMS. I thought it was a nice touch how much Raspberry Pis were represented. In the first scene, in the hotel, the camera panned across some Raspberry Pis, and Darlene was logged in to a Raspberry Pi during the garage door hack.
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Image: USA
Freddy: The Raspberry Pi 3 uses USB 3.0, which is fast enough to run a homemade IMSI Catcher.
Em: Homemade antennas are fun. =)
Yael: Oh, did they make their own?
Freddy: You can make your own. I think those are limeSDRs.
Price’s Last Stand
Yael: We had Price in yet another hostage situation.
Em: Yeah, he handled it very well. The traditional ways of getting out of a hostage situation weren't going to work there, but he did several important things for the situation he was in:
1. He kept calm. This is the most important thing. If he had panicked he'd have been killed a lot sooner.
2. He kept Whiterose off balance. His teasing and taunting was beautiful to watch, especially the "wind in his hair" bit.
3. He didn’t give up any important info to accomplish number 2.
4. He provoked Whiterose when they were both visible outside. Walking away after saying what he said almost guaranteed not only that he'd be shot there but that Whiterose would do it—in public.
Yael: My favorite taunts were, “it’s bad management when your best employees either walk off the job or blow their brains out,” and “all this over a little pipsqueak in a hoodie.” I think Price kind of didn't care if he died after Angela died.
Em: I think he didn't care if he died but he wanted to get Whiterose first. Once he handed off the drive (which he did right before going to the meeting), he had accepted his fate.
Freddy: You can't control people who have nothing to lose.
Em: Or to gain.
Micah: I like how Mr. Robot explained why he was there in the hotel room, instead of Elliot, by saying, "Life throws you an error code like that, you don't have the luxury of a fucking pop-up explanation."
The Bank Heist
Yael: Okay, so let’s talk about the hack. They said they needed to correlate phone numbers with bank account numbers to initiate the money transfers.
Em: They needed that for the script so they'd know which 2FA code to use for which request. Otherwise they'd have to brute-force it for each account, and that'd likely trigger a safety measure.
Micah: So Elliot and Darlene seem to have a SQL database from the bank, and their database includes account numbers, first name, last name, and hashed phone numbers. They needed to use the IMSI catcher (and the cell phone tower hack) to learn everyone's phone numbers, so they could hash them and then lookup the hashes in the bank database until they had phone numbers for all 100 accounts
Em: That's pretty realistic, FWIW. An equivalent of that was one of the first things we pulled from Phineas Fisher’s hack of Cayman National Bank and Trust (much to the dismay of some of the account holders).
Trammell: There was a CCC talk about nation-states doing 2FA intercept on Telegram password resets.
Micah: So, the venue changed. They got a hotel room within line of sight of the first venue, and they expected all Deus Group members to show up there, but the location moved. Mr. Robot figured out that Whiterose was at the first venue, though. So Darlene went to the second venue with the IMSI catcher, and Mr. Robot/Elliot stayed at the first venue to try to focus on just Whiterose's phone number. So all that hacking that Mr. Robot was doing, he was hacking into the telecom company that owns the closest cell phone tower.
Yael: How did Whiterose figure out that they needed a venue change and he had to get at Price?
Freddy: She said that Elliot disappeared right after Price said he was retiring, and that Price asked for a Deus Group meeting on Xmas, which was suspicious.
Micah: Elliot had a dump of Tyrell Wellick's phone, and it looks like he and Darlene imported Tyrell's Firefox passwords into Iceweasel, and then looked through his Google calendar. There was a password-protected attachment in one calendar event, and the thing I don't quite understand is how they got the password. I think Darlene sent it to him in Signal Desktop, but I don't know how they knew what it was.
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Freddy: It almost looked like a script to execute, but I couldn't tell. Maybe it was a pop-up?
Yael: I think it directed to a password-protected webpage hosted on some kind of private server. So I guess Whiterose got sloppy and forgot to take Tyrell off the list of people getting the venue change.
Micah: Tyrell was the guest of honor; he was getting named new CEO of Evil Corp. She just didn't realize he was dead.
Yael: I'm sort of stunned Whiterose didn't know Tyrell was dead or at least missing, with their surveillance..
Em: It happened in the middle of nowhere and the FBI didn't handle the crime scene, so the search around the van etc. was limited.
Yael: Yeah, but they had eyes on Tyrell and would've noticed he was missing after.
Hacking The Cell Tower
Micah: Okay, so let's talk about the cell phone tower hack.
Yael: Elliot was phishing telecom employees to try to get access to the cell phone tower because he didn't have the cell-site simulator.
Micah: Yeah, exactly. He needed to hack the cell phone tower, because that would give him the same access as if he had his own IMSI catcher. Once he got credentials from his phishing, he was trying to re-use them to login to the telco's VPN.
Yael: So what's easier and more reliable, building your own IMSI catcher or phishing telcos?
Freddy: Probably the latter, to be quite honest.
Micah: Also, did you notice that when he was phishing the telco, he scraped PGP keyservers to get a list of their email addresses? That's not realistic, though. Nobody in real life uses PGP. Except for The Intercept, but it's painful. I'm not sure all these gallatintelco.com employees would have keys on the keyservers.
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Em: It would only take one person uploading their set of public keys to get them there. Keyservers verifying permission of the owner to list the keys is relatively new, as far as I can tell.
Yael: Why does he need their public keys, though? How does this work?
Em: He didn't need the keys, he just needed the email addresses associated with them so he could phish the telco employees. He was basically IDing which email addresses were being used—rather than trying to get a list of employees and then figuring out the company’s email address format (e.g. [email protected]).
Trammell: And he was hoping that one of them used the same password on the cell site infrastructure that they used to login in response to the phishing email. The first few didn't, but eventually one of them did. Someone always does…
Micah: It looks like USA Network didn't actually generate all these PGP keys. They're not in the SKS pool.
Trammell: Elliot’s ECorp key from the 2017 season is on the key servers. Or someone like me ran a key generator to spoof the 32-bit key id and uploaded it to the server and then registered e-corp.co.uk to complete the fake. 32-bit PGP key IDs are short enough that you can find a key that matches .
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Freddy: I don't know any company, much less a telco, that requires you to publish PGP keys online.
Micah: The Intercept.
Yael: I think also the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Freddy: When I used to work in cybersecurity I think I was the only one with a PGP key.
Micah: I think it's much more likely that a telco wouldn't be using any email encryption. But if they did, they'd use S/MIME, which is like PGP but centrally managed and therefore popular in the corporate/government world, and simpler to use.
Yael: I feel like I got PGP for street cred to get hackers I wanted to interview to talk to me vs. actually using it.
Micah: I used PGP to help facilitate the Snowden leak. Good times.
Garage Door Hack
Yael: Let’s talk about the garage door hack.
Trammell: Based on the scripts I think Darlene was using a HackRF. In that screenshot you can see that she has logged into a Pi with the HackRF and captured the signal while the security goon was pressing "close."
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Bank Transfer
Micah: So as far as the bank transfer goes, I think there are some pieces of the puzzle that aren't quite clear in this episode. Last episode there was a snippet of python that involved mixing cryptocurrency. So I think they must have done something like this. Once they could spy on everyone's SMS, they initiated bank transfers for everyone, to transfer their money into some other bank account. When all the Deus Group members got SMS messages, they intercepted the 2FA codes and sent them to the bank to complete the transfers.
Freddy: Yeah but even then, you can't just do a bulk transfer of billions of dollars into cryptocurrency?
Micah: On the other end, the receiving account must have automatically been hooked into a cryptocurrency exchange, immediately selling all of that money for cryptocurrency, and then, immediately mixing that cryptocurrency.
Freddy: And do what with it? Someone will notice a trillion dollars being dumped into BTC (cough cough TETHER). Also, there is a cost to buying that cryptocurrency and you couldn't get the network throughput for syncing the transfers. Syncing a blockchain is much slower compared to something like SWIFT.
Em: Cryptocurrency for this is not realistic.
Micah: Before it could get exchanged for cryptocurrency, they had to have done a SWIFT transfer to a different bank. That must have been the first step.
Freddy: I am just saying, where did the money go? The cryptocurrency stuff is like "fancy Hollywood magic."
Micah: So maybe the money is all just sitting in like, a Swiss bank account or something that they set up just for this hack, and they're slowly working on moving it into cryptocurrency
Em: It would have to be several SWIFT transfers or things would not be accepted on the other end. Moving it all into one account wouldn't help, because it would be seized and returned.
Micah: It's a separate SWIFT transfer account for each Deus Group member, but still.
Freddy: Moving that much money would have tripped all sorts of liquidity rules at the banks.
Em: Yes, and the receiving accounts would have had issues with it. Even if all translated to BTC etc., they'd have to distribute it very widely to prevent it from being returned. A well set-up bank would also have additional confirmations required for transfers that empty out accounts or are over a certain amount.
Trammell: The liquidity of any of the cryptocurrency exchanges wouldn't be able to handle any significant buy-in like that. It would be like the flash crash in reverse.
Yael: Wait, I thought BTC couldn't get returned.
Em: Anything can be seized.
Micah: Yeah, I think once they get successfully get it into BTC, the only way they could seize it is by seizing the actual wallet, e.g. the secret keys.
Em: The exchange(s) are a vulnerable point, I think. Cryptocurrency would be harder to seize than a traditional account, if no one ever did anything with it. It'd have to sit there, dead.
Micah: If Elliot and Darlene can maintain their anonymity from the financial fraud investigators, they won't have any way of knowing who to seize it from. Also, if they don't actually want the money, they can just destroy the wallet.
Trammell: If they are doing the "K Foundation" attack rather than a "Robin Hood" approach, they could also transfer the BTC to a random address (or a symbolic one) where there is no secret key.
Em: There is one thing we're overlooking in the discussion of cryptocurrency transfers:
eCoin. We don't know how eCoin worked, but it's likely that it was more integrated with Cyprus Nat'l Bank than BTC et al is with most traditional banks.
Trammell: Good point—we're hypothesizing about how eCoin might work, as compared to real cryptocurrencies. (If eCoin is even anything other than a fiat currency issues by Evil Corp).
Em: I would be amazed if the bank wasn't integrated with it. And remember, eCoin wallets aren't secure against Evil Corp. They had the ability to look in every wallet etc.
Freddy: Presumably they also stole all the money from Price/Tyrell, too. So what's to stop them from bankrupting Evil Corp?
Trammell: I'm surprised that such rich people would have only one bank account. Their funds only have FDIC insurance up to $250k.
Em: What does FDIC insurance matter when the accounts are owned by the people who own the government(s)?
Freddy: Or for off-shore bank accounts.
Trammell: A more realistic response from Whiterose would be "oh, there's more where that came from."
Em: I think that's besides the point, considering the power dynamics at play.
Trammell: Offshore, different banks, different countries, etc. Single points of failure are so very dangerous.
Em: Whiterose would have been totally humiliated, all her data and everyone else's gone, their money taken—why would they give her more? The goal wasn't to bankrupt the members of the Deus Group but to bankrupt the Deus Group. Fsociety made Whiterose and the Dark Army bleed in a way that made them no longer appear invulnerable. Who would want to work with them then? But even arguendo, Whiterose would know the funds were gone for the immediate future and that'd ruin the Congo plan.
Micah: I like that in the video Darlene told everyone the address of the Deus Group meeting, so that protestors showed up and stalled them from leaving long enough to complete the hack
Yael: haha yeah that was a fun distraction
Trammell: F L A S H M O B
Freddy: The only thing that rich people understand is an unruly mob.
Micah: Did you also notice the billboard for the fictional NBC TV show about fsociety called SHIFT+CONTROL?
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Yael: Good name!
Micah: And the very last scene: Whiterose is putting on makeup while it appears a SWAT team is raiding her mansion and there's firefight going on? I think Whiterose is done.
Em: It's hard to tell. Zhang is done, definitely. Whiterose might not be. Though probably, given how close we are to the end of the series.
Yael: I was surprised when Price got shot. I knew he was gonna die, but didn’t expect it like that.
Em: He did such a good job of provoking Whiterose. It was beautiful.
Yael: That was a great episode. I was glad the hack finally happened and also that Darlene had a pivotal role in it. For Dom.
Hackers Dissect ‘Mr. Robot’ Season 4 Episode 9: ‘Conflict’ syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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maybenexttimeff · 8 years
9 part 2
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yesterday after the meeting with Jay I was back to the hotel and fell asleep. I was too tired, I have 4 missed calls from Chris. I really told him that I will talk with him but I didn't called back after. I got up of bed and walked towards the bathroom I need to pee. after doing my business and brushing my teeth I walked to Mel's Room. She knocked out, I'm curious about who she is talking with? who is this man who took my bestie's heart. Mel is a little hoe she's nothing like me, She don't care to fall in love and show love, she is the opposite of me. I can tell if she was at my shoes she would've fucked Chris from day one ten times in a row. she's Crazy. I left her to sleep and went to the kitchen, I made myself a sandwich. this day is nothing special, I think I'll go the a club with Mel today... tomorrow I'm going back to LA finally. I'll see Chris. I really miss him. walking back to my room, sitting on the bed and calling him "Yo" you can tell by his answer that he is busy "What's up light skin" Chris laughed so hard "you crazy for calling me like that babe" I giggled "how you doing babe" I took a bit of my sandwich "I'm good, just painting a little bit, I'm bored without you" I smiled to myself "if I was there with you it makes no difference" I'm talking bullshit now, I wish I was there with him. "trust me babe, If you were here... Mmm I miss you, to touch you and smelling you every morning when you sneaking to my bed.. I miss you." my eyes looking down at my nails and my heart beats so fast, how come that this man is so important to me, he is perfect for me and the fact that he didn't had sex just for me blows my mind. I didn't asked him to do it but he did, and I appreciate him for that. "I miss you more, tomorrow's gonna be a new start for both" The phone line was silent for a few moments "what you mean baby?" You can hear by his voice that he is nervous "surprise" I smiled to myself like a goofy girl "now I definitely can't wait for tomorrow baby"
Me and Chris speaking on the phone like 2 and a half hours now, we talked about everything and basically nothing, I literally saw him Two days ago, and I Miss him so much already.. now we talking about deep feelings and the past. "so I really wants you to meet him" I feel like he really serious about us "your father?" Chris cleared his throat "yes, he is my best friend, you got to see only my Mama and I want you to see my dad, I want to show him how lucky I am to have you" He makes me butterflies in my stomach, the way he talks about me "you are perfect to me Chris, in our first date we talked about how many kides we want, I don't care how many, I just want you to be the babby daddy" Chris laughed I can tell he blushing "you gonna be the baby Mama but nothing Immediately" I smiled "of course daddy, I can't wait to see you! ohh and I'm going to a club today with Mel" damn I forgot how jealous he can be "just you and her?" "I think so, yes, and my bodyguards of course" he cleared his throat "ok, no guys around you, I think you should go to a club just with girls" what he talking about "you mean a lesbian's club?" I'm trying not to laugh, why he gotta be so adorable "yes baby, I don't care just not mans around" I laughed at his reaction "Chris chill, I'll be in the club with full sexy and single guys but I don't care about them, all I'm thinking about everyday is you, so trust me I don't care about them" I don't know how to show him love, how to make him trust me and believe me that I feel something that I never thought I would feel for someone that much. "ok baby but just keep your distance still, you are gorgeous every man wish he could have you" biting my bottom lip "I will baby for you everything" I love to talk with him. he is currently my best friend. Me and Chris talked 4 hours, and it didn't felt like we did talked that much. I think I'll go to Mel's room to see what she doing. as I walked in she was face timing with her random guy, she is not ready to tell me who is he, I'm starting to get annoyed, maybe it is someone that I know and I dislike him and that's why she's not telling me? let me talk with her "Mel" she put a hand on her lips to give me a sign to shut up "I don't care bitch, now you gonn' talk with me" she opened her eyes wide open with annoyance "Ok babe I'll talk with you later" I stood there looking at her, why she is so low key with this guy, who is he? "What you want Robz?" I got closer to her "Tell me who is this, why you don't telling me? is it someone that I dislike?" she shook her head "No nothing like that, I would never do this to you, I just feel like If I tell you it'll get weird" now I'm extra curious about who is this guy. "don't tell me it's Shai or something" she chocked a little bit "What the hell bitch! never tho" I knew she would never be with him but why she thinks it can be weird... "so tell me for once, I promise I won't judge you or whatever" she breath out "ok, remember that day, 4 months ago when we went to a club? to get fucked up and forget all the shit in our lifes?" I nodded my head and suppress my emotions, it was the day when I met Chris. "so we were so drunk, I saw you with Chris.. and that time I didn't know they are know each other" now I'm confused "what you talking about ?" she kept on telling me "I saw you was good with Chris, so I walked to the dance floor, than I met Mijo.. Chris's best friend, at first we didn't know that he is Chris's best friend and I'm yours so we decided to keep it low key" my mouth hung open wide in surprise, I'm speechless "Chris don't know too?" she shook her head "I told you, we wanted this low key, so the paparazzi won't get ideas from me and Mijo's relationship and say something about you and Chris..." I jumped on her and screamed "I can't believe" she laughed so hard in my ear as I hugged her closer "my best friend is dating the best friend of my second best friend" she looked at me all confused "you dumb Rih" I was so happy for her, I rolled over so I'm laying next to her now "I don't understand why you thought I would be angry or it will be weird, I'm beyond happy for you!! we can go on double dates and we can do more things together" I clapped in excitement and she laughed at me "I'm so happy that this is your reaction" I'm happy for her "we are going to the club today just me and you" Mel got more comfortable in her side "your jealousy man knows about it?" I nodded my head "Yes he is.." ugh I miss him so much.
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After talking with Rih four fucking hours I kept on painting the wall in my house, but I'm not quite with the fact she's going to be in a club today. I love to know she's mine and nobody else. even if she'll be my wife I'll be even more protective than I do now, because she is mine so nobody needs to look at her. I love the fact that I can talk with her about everything. I can't wait for tomorrow. I'm thinking about her everyday, and not normal thought, I'm thinking about her naked in my bed, how I'm busting a nut inside her, she's on birth control so we good. she's so perfect, I can't stop thinking about her skin on my skin, her kisses all over my body, my throat. the fact that she's saying 'me too' when I'm telling her that I love her means a lot to me. my best friend Mijo is here with me, he is in his room sleeping I think. walking to the kitchen to get me some food, but the fridge is empty with no prepared food. I think I'll go to MCcdonald's to eat something. going towards Mijo's room to see if he wants to come with me or just to bring him some food, anyway this nigga won't say no for a burger. "yo, are hungry?" he was talking on the phone with some girl. he nodded his head at me, l'll leave him to talk on the phone and I will just order burgers through the phone. walking outside Mijo's room and walking towards mine, let me order some food I'm hungry as hell..
The doorbell is ringing, I guess the food is here, as I walked towards the door Mijo finally came down, this nigga talking too much on the phone. Opening the door and some young boy standing there with our food. "wow I didn't expected to do a delivery to Chris Brown" I didn't know what to say so I just laughed "your order" I took the food from him "thank you so much" he nodded his head "can you take a selfie with me?" I could tell he was dying to ask me this "yes sure" he took the pic and walked away. "Fat dude, The food arrived" I screamed to Mijo from the kitchen "coming" I pulled out our burgers and started to eat mine, I'm hungry I don't care, He takes forever to come. The burger was so good, I needed that. My phone flashed up so I checked to see who it is, I got a notification that Robyn updated a picture to IG. let me see my shorty. I clicked on the notification and it took me to see her pic, she uploaded a picture of herself in the club looking perfect. my baby is beyond perfect. she captured the picture 'can't wait to see you #bff' . I miss her so much and I can't wait for tomorrow. I think I'll send her a message and go to sleep so tomorrow will come sooner.
From: Chris To: Robyn 'you looks perfect shorty, I miss and love you baby can't wait to see you tomorrow xx'
I sent her the message cleaned up after me and grabbed Mijo's food, he didn't came to eat, this girl must be special, I'll give him his food and go to sleep, I hope I'll dream about her, wet dreams, to prepare for the real thing, she wouldn't be able to walk after she'll be with me.
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Me and Mel enjoyed so much at the club, it was so fun and great, we was so drunk. even Chris sent me a message, my baby has my back. I need to release this feelings for him, I feel like it's heavy on my chest. I needs to learn how to let it out, how do describe those feelings. Me and Mel was out, we was so drunk so I called Don my bodyguard to let him know that we will go back to the hotel in five minutes. I was dancing on the dance floor and felt someone standing behind me with his hand on my hips, I turned around so quick to see who it is and couldn't believe it. "what the hell are you doing here?" shai looked at me like he can see my soul, he got closer to my ear "I needed to see you, I want to talk with you" I shook my head and took his hand in mine, I want to talk with him in somewhere private. Me and Shai was outside the club "listen Shai" he was ready for anything but not even close to what I was going to tell him, trust me. "We won't be back together, I have someone else" Shai put his hands on his face and shook his head "no no no listen babe, I know I cheated yes, but I love you and I know you love me even if you never told me this, but I can tell..." I couldn't listen to him anymore "Shai stop, I didn't knew what is love, with you it was nothing similar to what I feel for Chris, I have real deep feelings for him, I love him" he looked at me numb, I couldn't shut him out again so I decided I will tell him and talk with him nicely, I don't want him to stop his life for me, I hate him for what he did to me through our relationship but he deserve to feel pain. I really hate him. I'm starting to feel angry now. he kept on looking at me speechless "I didn't loved you and I just realized that now, I was afraid of you, afraid of what you will do to me If I'll do something wrong, I couldn't live with that anymore, I don't need to give you explanation , but I'm telling you to let me go! I don't love you. never did. that's why I couldn't even have sex with you. you disgust me" I walked pass him and told Mel that we need to go. I can't stand him anymore, and to be honest I can't believe I said those words, I told him That I love Chris. I really loves him. let me text my Zaddy.
From: Robyn To: Chris 'I'm ready'
I called my private assistant and told her to book the private jet for tonight, to make all the effort so we can be back as soon as possible to LA. It's 1am here, I'll be back maximum in 10 am ... it's about 6 hours flight..
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I feel like I slept twenty four hours, I opened my eyes and my heart fell. "what you doing here?" Robyn was laying next to me on her side and just looked at me while I was asleep. "I couldn't wait to see you, So I decided to come here asap" I got closer to her and kissed her, I was on top of her now. my baby, she is here. I want to hear it, that she wants me one more time "What you want Robyn" she gasping "you" I looked at her eyes "where?" I can tell that I already have a hard dick "In bed, right here and right now" I got up and grabbed her hands, I pulled her out of bed and we standing beside the bed in front of each other, I'm testing her now "what now?" I asked, I'm in control "make love to me baby" I smiled and kissed her "how", "undress me first" she's already gasping with need to my touch, I smiles and puts a finger into her shirt, pulling her to me ״I love you baby never forget that" I whispered, Without taking my eyes off her, I began slowly to open the buttons of her shirt. she put her hands on my arms to steady herself , I pulled the shirt aside and remove by her shoulders. she let my arms go so the shirt fell on the floor. I reaches into her jeans, extracting the knob and open the zipper. "Tell me what you want Robyn" Her lips parted and her breathing rapid and shallow. "kiss me from here to here" she whispering and showing me with her finger a path from the base of her ear and down the neck, I'm grabbing her hair and pulling her head aside so I can kiss her. I lean over and leaves soft and sweet kisses along the path she showed me. "The Jeans and panties" she moaned. I smiled and kneeling in front of her. her breath is so fast, I love to see her reaction to my touch. I slip my thumbs into her jeans and pulling them gently with her panties down her legs. She stayed only with a bra. I'm looking at her but did not get up. "What now Robyn?" "Kiss me" she whispers "where" she moaning a little "you know where" she is hardheaded "where?" She was embarrassed and hastened to point out to her pussy, I have a mischievous smile on my face. she closing her eyes, she's so horny. "my pleasure baby" I giggled. I'm kissing her with my tongue, she's moaning and wringing her hand in my hair. I do not stop for a moment. My tongue circled circles around her clit. "Chris .... Please" she begging, I don't want her to cum while standing. "Please what Robyn?" "make love to me" , "that's what I'm doing" I whisper to her. "no, I want you inside me" I waited for this moment forever "are you sure?" she grabbed my hair tighter "please" I'm kissing her pussy a french kiss, putting my finger inside of her "Chris please" I'm getting up and looking at her "well" she gasping "well what?" , "I still have my closet on" she looking at me so confused , she starts to undress me. she took off my shirt and now she's kneeling in front of me. she pulling down my boxer and my dick jumping in excitement for her. she looking up at me and I wish I knew what she thinking about now. she grabbing my hard dick and I'm moaning in pleasure. she's slowly putting my dick inside her mouth and sucking - hard. Mmmm she's so good. "damn Robz , Wow carefully" I cupping her head softly And she pushes it deeper into her mouth. Pressing the lips tightly far as she can, she covers her teeth and sucking hard. "Fuck" I'm whispering. she's doing it again, Pulling me deeper full length, She spins her tongue around the edge. ״Robyn that's it" she kept on doing this and I couldn't take it anymore "You proved what ever you wanted to, I Don't want to cum in your mouth" I'm leaning down towards her and pulling her up by her shoulders and throwing her to the bed. "take off your bra" She sits down and do what I told her. ״lay down, I want to look at you" she laying down and looking at me, I want her so much. I'm licking my lips, let's do it. ״it's a pleasure to look at you, Robyn" I lean over to the bed and slowly crawl to her with kisses, kiss each nipple and she's moaning and writhing under me "Chris ... Please" now I'm looking at her "please what" I'm whispering between her Breasts ״I want you inside me" she's so ready "no, really?" she's moaning "please" I look at her and pushing my legs between her legs, open them and get closer untill I was leaning right over her. and than without taking my eyes off her I drowns inside of her slowly and softly. she closed her eyes and moaning about how I fit into her, she pull her waist automatically up a little bit to meet me, to connect to me. and she's moaning harder as I go deeper. Then I backed away slowly, and slowly filling her again. I'm moving slowly out and slowly inside her. "Faster Chris, please faster" I'm looking at her so proud and kissing her rough and than I'm starting to move fast "ugh deeper" I feel like she's going to cum. I'm moving faster and I feel our bodies moving slowly together, her breast jumps up and down and I'm moving deeper into her "I love you, Reina" that's her new nickname. pounding her at a brisk pace, Her legs shirnk under me "come on baby, cum for me" my breath is heavy "do it for me Robyn" The feelings to be inside her is beyond words, I'm pushing myself deeper inside her, I'm deep inside her and slowly go out, I push myself hard into her and slowly out and again I'm moving faster, I grab her leg and lift her on my shoulder so I have a deeper option I bumped into her more few times and than she blows around me. and right after her I'm cuming inside her "ROBYN" I collapses on her, and my head buried in her neck. finally we did it. I love her, she's fully mine.
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sending-the-message · 7 years
Why I stopped hacking. For good. Part 3. by Menmaro
Allow me to preface this third part by thanking all those who read this story so far, it's been an incredible experience and hopefully I will continue writing with the quality and satisfaction you deserve.
I would like to apologise for not uploading this part sooner. I was on the plane home yesterday and arrived too tired to continue work on it or upload what I had. And now, without further ado, part 3.
Part 2
She knows? What does she mean? Is she connected to James? Or was this going against James’ plan? Shit… is she… James?
“What..? How do you know?”
Another pause. What the hell is going on? How the hell does she know???
My search comes up with something. James is definitely in the same country. But I had to narrow it down, why is it taking way too long? I hear her taking a deep breath.
“I always knew Brock was faithful. It’s why I stuck around. I wanted to leave him because he was a horrid person. Not to me, but to other people. I mean, look at you Danni, sure you were bullied by everyone, but Brock kept taking it too far. And it wasn’t just you, other people would be pushed around by him every day, and I was sick of it.”
Another pause, is she… crying? I can definitely hear her crying. I didn’t want to cut in at all. I let her take her time. After a few seconds, she continues.
“I guess I was looking for a way out, and seeing this girl that Brock was supposedly cheating on me with was my ticket. I knew he was faithful, but I had to take this chance and end the relationship there. I just didn’t… I didn’t know his life would be ruined because of it. I mean, for crying out loud, we were just kids!!”
Her voice had gotten louder now, I could tell she was beating herself up about this. Hard. I had to comfort her in some way.
“Liz, it wasn’t your fault, he made the wrong choices in life and ultimately couldn’t live with them. You were trapped in that relationship, you were under no obligation to continue with him. It wasn’t your fault, I did this. And I will gladly take the blame… I gotta still ask though, how did you know it was me?”
She laughs, I guess that was a stupid question? I knew the answer before she said it.
“I’m not stupid Danni, I know Brock isn’t the type of person to get in trouble with “Anonymous” or stuff like that”, I snorted, “I knew that Brock pissed off someone who was good with computers, and the only person I could think of was you”.
I laughed, I didn’t care if James was listening, I didn’t care if he would blast through the door and shoot me in the head. I laughed at how stupid I really was, and at how I thought I was being clever. But a thought quickly wormed itself into my mind. James was not going to be happy with this outcome.
“Liz, are you with someone right now?” My thoughts are to get her somewhere safe. Somewhere James can’t get to her without causing too much attention.
“No I’m out…” The line cuts.
“Liz??? LIZ??” I pick up my phone, “the fuck have you done to her you twisted dickhead??”
Silence. Not a single noise. I looked at my phone puzzled, we were still connected, where the fuck did he go? This ain't the time for a toilet break. Then I heard a sound, he’s there, and starts to speak. His voice changed, not modulated into something else, but his tone. He isn't happy.
“Homo Sapiens, an intriguing species. They never do things the way you expect them to.” I hear a sigh, “she will be dealt with, soon. For now though, let's continue our trip down memory lane”.
Oh my God. He's going to kill her. Fuck! I needed to hurry up and find something. Anything! I can't let anyone else die because of me. I can't…
Another picture shows up. The child molester that I scared the shit out of and ended up taking his own life. What sort of justice was James looking for here? If any at all? I start to panic, why is he making me do all this? Surely if he knows I did these attacks he has evidence. Why not just turn it all over to the police? All the more reason to find this asshole.
“Jordan Fisher, age 36, you masqueraded as all the children he’d molested and caused him to take his own life. Now you might think this is an act of heroism, but if so, why haven't you told anyone about your heroic act Danni?”
He was mocking me. His continued talk of heroism disgusting me. I needed to find Liz, I needed to alert the police and let them know she’s in danger.
“And what do you suppose you’re doing now James? Are you a hero to these people? Are you acting out their revenge? Wake up shithead, these people are criminals. All I did was rid the world of them.”
I looked over to my search window, it was narrowing it down. Finally getting somewhere. Back to tweaking the voice recording. I felt like I was getting closer to finding out what the James’ real voice was like. But it wasn’t male. It was definitely female… well, anything that will tell me anything about James will help. One thing is certain, people feel safe as long as they’re under the illusion that they are secure. Once you break that illusion, once you burst that bubble, they start to panic. And one thing you can be certain of, people that panic fuck up everything. Human nature I guess.
James responds, “Justice? I'm not doing this for justice Danni. I'm playing a game, with you. It doesn't seem like you understand what the game is yet. I feel sorry for you. Anyway, let's continue. Fisher had a daughter, did you know that? She was 15 when her dad took his own life. Tell me Danni, don't you think she should know why her dad died? I mean it’s only fair right? Tiiiiime to confess! Ohhh I almost forgot, her name is Sarah, you’ll need that when you talk to her.”
As before another number was dialled from my Skype and began to ring. She was 15? I was still 16 at the time. Fuck, how can a child molester have kids? I deprived one of her dad. But he was a monster? What have I done…
“H… hello? Who’s there? Help me!”
A girl, her voice aching with distress. I could hear an echo. Where is she? And why does she sound like she's in trouble?
James starts to speak again, “Danniiiii, you better answer her. Who knows what might happen to her.” Another one of his laughs echo through my phone speakers. He disturbed me. I guess I had no choice.
“Sarah? Are you ok? What’s going on?” I thought it be best to check if she was alright first before confessing to my crime. Chivalry and all that bullshit.
“I… I don't know, I think I'm ok, I can't feel my legs…” her breath rate starts to increase, “who… who are you… where am I??” Help me please.”
The fuck is going on? Did James kidnap her? I needed her to calm down. The hell kind of twisted game was this???
“Just calm down Sarah, take deep breaths. Can you look around and tell me what you see?”
I turned to my phone, James was silent, I wasn’t having it. It was time for some answers.
“Ok James, what the hell is going on? What have you done to Liz and Sarah??”
James was quick to respond this time, “10 minutes Danni, you have 10 minutes. Find them!”
I was just as quick to react, screw trying to find James right now, there are innocent lives on the line here, I need to find them. I needed to trace Sarah’s phone, and I had an idea how. Sarah responds before I could do anything.
“Uhhh.. Ummm… It’s so dark in here. I see a camera on a stand in front of me… I’m in a chair but I can’t get up, I can’t feel my legs. It’s so dark here. Oh my God what is going on?”
Dammit, he’s probably using a burner phone. No good to me right now, tracing it will take ages.... Hang on, Sarah is 19, she has got to have a smartphone.
“Sarah, listen to me very carefully, I need you to feel your pockets. Do you have a smartphone? And if so, what is it and is it on you?”
I hear a few groans, whatever James did to her was painful, my guess was her legs were broken.
“Yes, yes I have my iPhone with me… it’s not dead… shall I call the police?” She asks hesitantly, but I could tell from her tone she was happy she still had her phone on her.
“If she calls the police she dies instantly!” James snaps, “If you don’t want her to die, you have to find her yourself!”.
Damn. I didn’t intend to rely on the police anyway, but they would have helped. I need to find a way to explain to her just how dire the situation was, without making her panic enough to call the police. I didn’t think James would be happy with me telling her the conditions of our little “game”. My brain worked quick.
“Sarah, no need to call the police, I’m a detective Hanes. I’ve been looking for you as you have been missing for a while. Now I need you to tell me what your iCloud username and password is, I’ll track you using your ‘Find my iPhone’.” I try to keep my voice calm, I didn’t want to induce panic. She gives me her details and I log on to icloud and look for her phone. Within a matter of seconds it shows me the location of the phone. Huh, not far from where I live, a 5 minute walk?
“Got her location James, now let her go!” I say fiercely.
Another laugh, how the hell can someone enjoy this?
“Oh James, I ask you to give her location, I asked you to find her. Run James, but take your phone with you. We still have a lot to chat about.”
It dawned on me why she was so close and why he gave me such a long timeframe for an easy task. I had to physically find her… I dropped everything and ran, before I left the apartment I grabbed a small kitchen knife and wrapped it with a towel. I might need it, though I doubt it will do jack shit if a real threat shows itself. I run to the address as fast as I possibly could. At the time, I rarely exercised and when I reached the address I felt like dying.
I saw a large building in front of me, at least 7 stories high. There were no bells to ring, so I banged the door as hard as I could. No reply… I didn’t have time to waste. I tried to find a weak spot in the door, it was old so that wasn’t too hard. Remember how I didn’t exercise? Well try busting down a door when you struggle to open a jar of honey. I looked around for something to use. There were a couple of bricks lying around, I instantly grab one and throw it at the door, hoping that there isn’t anyone on the other side. The brick just bounces off. I take it and start hitting the hinges of the door, after a few swings, it finally let loose. One hinge down, no time to celebrate, I keep hammering at the door until it finally breaks loose.
“SARAH! Sarah are you here? Can you hear me?” I run inside, and look around hastily. There must have been 20 or so rooms in the building. I didn’t have time to look through each one.
“HEEEELP! I’m here! Help me please!”, that’s Sarah! I run to where I hear her voice.
“Sarah I’m here!” I shout, “keep talking to me, I’m coming!”
“Detective? I’m over here! Be careful, there’s someone else here!” I stop outside the door the sound is coming from. Is James here? Would he risk exposing his identity like this? I’m running out of time, I take out the small knife and kick open the door...
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How the lack of sex is making me dumber
And other concerns I have been having. It has been a trying year, sexually. Having never understood what 'flirting' is, my numerous personality issues ingrained thanks to bad parenting, and an acute inability to 'get over' someone, I forgot what it was like to have sex. Of course you could say it is like swimming, and cycling - can one ever really forget? But honestly I have. My friend recounted her experience to me recently and asked me if it was odd that her partner didn't moan during sex. I looked at her dumbfounded,, do people moan during sex? Wait I remember that harry met Sally scene. But does that happen in real life? Is it a thing that regular people do or just something regular people do because they feel like having movie sex? Is movie sex a thing? I digress. My friend wasnt happy because I was clearly doing the classic dick move of making-*insert random topic*- about-myself. I wish i could have figured this sooner, but I was too busy wandering what sex used to be like. A lot of people throw this phrase around - you need to get laid. Ok, fair point people of the world, but I find sex to be both daunting, exhausting and also the best thing in life which I have forgotten because now that I am not getting any why should I dream about it crave it and boo baah. No please don't suggest masturbation. My lack of sexual knowledge makes the kamasutra look like a book on quantum physics. What why are people doing such complicated shit? It's for pleasure you say? You know what else is pleasurable. Food. Food is fucking nice. And u won't look stupid eating it. At least not in your room while u cry looking at old pictures of the person u used to get busy with. ANYWAY, is sex still fun? I mean sure the world has changed a lot since I last had it. Trump became president! Modi did things! Also, george michael is no more. Now if I believed in causation and correlation this would have been a very different piece of writing. But I don't. So this drivel is what u get. But seriously I while I stopped having it VR porn has been on the rise? Is that going to change things? Have people made the orgasminator from Woody Allen's movie Sleeper? Why is not yet made? What do you mean I have to find a man? Also while we are on topic of sex, have the kids ruined it already? Are people now only foreplaying using Snapchat videos?? Am I missing out on cool shit because I dont want to see an old college make faces at her cellphone camera and upload on three different platforms because she can?? No seriously tell me.
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