#Mogai poll
decora-clown · 9 months
i personally use pinterest for mine
[pt: radqueers dni]
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mogai-polls · 6 months
(never submitted a post before so im nervous but this blog looks fun so i wanna contribute sorry if its not very good anyway i hope you have a nice blog experience ok here goes)
how long ago did you join the mogai community
less than 3 months ago
3-6 months ago
6 months-a year ago
1 year-3 years ago
3-6 years ago
6-10 years ago
thank you anon! much appreciated :3
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screaming-pickle · 1 month
Name The Story!!
The story is about these three autistics: (you don't have to read the character sheets for the question)
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Zack, Kioni, and Rainbow Baby being autistic about the queer community, info dumping and existing as themselves, thus educating the viewer on different aspects of the LGBTQ+. It's primarily A Slice of Life, but it's also meant to be informative. It talks primarily about queerness but Zack's special interest is identity, so they'll be info dumping about other communities as well, just less often.
Any suggestions will be put up against the winner of this one. Because I'm a pansexual that can't decide anything on my own lol
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archival-arrival · 1 year
and yes im back to posting
occasionally at least
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Length Time : 1 Week
Length Time : 1 Week]
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iogenders · 9 months
question because i’m curious
reblog for bigger sample size etc etc
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viad0 · 3 months
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tagging some ppl (let me know if you wanna be untagged) @neopronouns @caeliangel @haunted-thing @noxwithoutstars @losergendered @revenant-coining
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gray-ace-space · 11 months
no judgements here these are all completely morally neutral ways of experiencing it!
@newpath3432 because you suggested the poll
@aegosexual-moments @cat-flavored @apples9 @arlyiahshay @limetimo because you might also be interested
rb for sample size
(especially curious to hear the allos' perspectives)
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indictivity-mu · 4 months
it/its users, opinion on "that" being used for you
that example "what is that doing?"
it example "what is it doing?"
(this is your own opinion of the pronoun being used for yourself)
no abstain/see results, it/its users only (including all pronouns users, pronoun fluid users.)
reblog reminder also but if you dont want to thats fine i dont control you 👍
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intervex · 6 days
Survey: flags & coinings for combinations of intersex and disability
SURVEY URL: https://forms.gle/d6fUWH7jXBTmEBdS9
In the survey I specify ten different ways that intersex people can identify with disability. I show you 13 different flags which play with disability & intersex visuals in different ways, and I ask you to rate which use cases are most suitable for each flag.
The second page then does the same deal, but with proposed terms. If flags aren't your thing you can skip the first page and go straight to the coining section. 💛
Based on how long it took a friend to do the survey, it will probably take about 15 mins to complete.
EDIT TO CLARIFY: you do not have to be both disabled and intersex to fill in the survey! I ask you on page two if those terms apply to you, so just be clear if you're not disabled/intersex. 💜 I think flags & terms should be ideally legible to out-groups, so the feedback is appreciated! But if there are ties I will prioritize the data from people who are both intersex & disabled.
Yesterday, I posted three flag designs for ways that intersex and disability can go together, and I put up two polls on coining terms. And I got really constructive feedback! Thread is here, also see replies. People had suggestions for alternate coinings and use cases that I have incorporated into the survey.
The survey does not ask you for personal information and I am not collecting emails. If you're logged in with Google it will hopefully save your progress. I turned on the options for people to edit their responses after submission (you'll need to save the special url!) and the option to see other folks' responses.
You can answer the questions in any order. You can skip questions as you desire. You don't have to justify any of your answers.
At the end of the month (September 2024) I'll post the results on this tumblr. If you want a reminder to look for the results, I recommend adding a reminder to your calendar on Oct 2 to come back here. 💜
These are the 13 flags in the survey. In order of appearance, they are:
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And under the cut I'll list out the nine use cases. If you have Long Covid like me you might want to have this tab open beside the survey so you can refer to the different use cases.
The ten use-cases I specify are:
"Any reason": Intersex person who identifies as disabled (for ANY reason). Would include ALL of the following cases.
"Variation-specific": Intersex person who considers their specific intersex variation to be a disability. May or may not view other intersex variations as disabilities (e.g. "CAH is a disability but Klinefelter's is not"). Does NOT imply this person accepts the medical model of disability.
"Personal case(s)": Intersex person who considers their personal intersex variation to be a disability. May or may not view others with the same variation as disabled. (E.g. "My CAH is disabling but not everybody has the same experience"). Does NOT imply this person accepts the medicalization.
"Intersex as part of disability community": Intersex person who considers the intersex community to be a member of the broader disability community and/or that intersex rights/justice should be considered part of the disability rights/justice movements. Again, does NOT imply a medical model of disability.
"Debility by intersexism": Intersex person who has a disability caused by intersexist violence. Would include chronic pain from IGM, PTSD from medical trauma, PTSD from bullying, mobility limitation from surviving a hate crime. The term "debility" is used in disability studies for disablement that is caused by structural violence, often implying a slow wearing out from perpetual minority stress.
"Iatrogenic disability": Intersex person who has an iatrogenic disability. Iatrogenesis is when medical intervention causes disease/disability - such as chronic pain caused by surgery. The term applies regardless of whether the surgery was consensual or involuntary. Somebody who *chose* to get genital surgery that wound up causing chronic pain would fall under this category, but *not* the previous category (debility).
"Commonly correlated disability": Intersex person with a disability which is commonly correlated to their intersex variation. Like Deafness and MRKH. ADHD and EDS are known to be more common amongst intersex people.
"Unrelated disability": Intersex person who has a disability that to them is clearly unrelated to being intersex. Like they acquired a disability through being a combat veteran, and so to them there's no link between this disability and being intersex.
"It's complicated": Intersex person who is disabled and the connection between the two identities is complex and not easy to pin down. Maybe they have a disability where it /might/ be linked to being intersex but they don't know. Or they can't draw a neat distinction between disabling and non-disabling parts of their intersex variation. Or they read the last seven cases and are like "wow I have none of that clarity about how my intersex variation relates to being intersex".
"Any-linked-reason": Intersex person who is disabled and they see *any* kind of link/connection between being intersex and being disabled. The link can be vague/messy! Umbrella category that would encompass #2-7 and #9 (everything except the "unrelated disability" group.)
Tagging @queercripintersex @posting-stuffies @headpainmigraine @intersexflags @daydreamerdisease @interachive since you all chimed in with feedback on the original thread. 💜
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tortiefrancis · 1 year
-> This includes all alterhumans, nonhumans, and such.
-> This includes all form of queerness and queer identity.
-> If you're not alterhuman, nonhuman, etc, please, don't vote.
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lesbianpolls · 5 months
I know the selection isn't great, but choose whatever you think best applies to you!
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mogai-polls · 6 months
are you a part of any “cringe” fandoms?
yes-My Little Pony
yes-Furry Fandom
(I’m a part of multiple of these I just want to see the overlap lol)
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archival-arrival · 1 year
i know i did this before and most people werent interested but because we're now at 99 followers i thought id ask again
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Out of PURE boredom, witch out of these two flags I made do you like better.
Poll time is 1 week.
Links to terms: LbIN & HtIN
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ipso-faculty · 3 months
Poll for intersex folks: preferred existing astronomical symbol for intersex?
Which astronomical-style symbol for intersex do you most prefer? It would be extra helpful if you reblogged/replied with details on why you like it or if there are ones you dislike and why.
I plan to upload some new intersex SVG gender symbols to Wikimedia Commons but first wanna know what is most preferred. (And if none of them are really favoured, if I should put effort into creating an alternative.)
These are the existing options found on Wikimedia Commons
Left to right: Mercury symbol ................ Earth symbol .................... Ring symbol
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Male+female................ Rotated female/male......... Rotated Mercury
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Elongated demigenders....... opposite sides............. compact demis
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If you know of other proposed intersex symbols let me know! 💜
Thanks! 💜
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