#pokemon nanu/reader
leggerefiore · 8 months
Can I request domestic fluff hcs with Nanu?? 🥺
arghhh um replay has done damage to my neurons by showing me Old Man again
🌑 He would never think himself the domestic type. His inability to cook, his laziness about cleaning, and his overall disinterest in a relationship before you came around. It takes a bit of adjustment on his part to get used to engaging in domestic activities with his partner, as he struggles to even call them anything apart from their name for a while. Basically, you will have to teach him a bit of what to do. He is a tired old cat man with not many interests in his life.
🌑 Nanu gets a bit flustered when you go out of your way to make food for him. He can easily go pick up something in Malie or make something out of his endless supply of instant noodles, yet here you are making him a nice meal. The old man eats it and feels like something so enjoyable is wasted on him. He still finds it in himself to thank, however. With how your eyes light up, he knows you are going to cook for him again soon. He tries to make things for you, but he does not get much fancier than a sandwich. His feeding abilities for other people start and end at opening a can and putting it in a bowl.
🌑 A change he can admit he likes is the feeling of coming home to you after doing whatever Kahuna duties had called out to him. While he never really felt alone, due to his collection of Meowths and Acerola's usual visits, coming home to you is a calming thing. Someone he can quietly sit with – someone who lets him just unwind and chat about his day vacantly. Just like with his beloved felines, he can be with you without worrying about being judged. It really puts him at ease. Especially, when you let him lay his head in your lap and just let him de-stress from his work. At least, until a Meowth wanders up and starts whining for attention.
🌑 He does, admittedly, try to keep his home a bit cleaner. There is little he can do about the Meowths and their preferred items, but he tries to make it a bit more presentable as a home. Granted, it still is obviously a police station, but he is trying. You also aid in the cleaning efforts, helping make sure his home does not fall into the Kahuna's usual droughts of energy. It does feel a bit more energising to have a clean home to return to, he notices. Some days you both find yourselves quietly cleaning up the station together. He enjoys it more than he would like to ever say aloud.
🌑 Small things that change also seem to feel oddly right to him. Going to the store with you for groceries feels like something that he has always been doing, sharing a meal at a restaurant feels as if he never used to regularly show up alone, and even spending time with Acerola feels more familiar with you there to help him. It is such a strange feeling for him to process. Even watching you help him care for his Meowths makes him feel as if this is how everything should have been for him. He finds himself a bit lost on why this is for a while.
🌑 Even just having your body pressed against his own as the Alolan moon softly shines in through a window makes him realise how much he has come to enjoy this change in his life. You bury your head into his nape while he holds you lazily, genuinely makes him crack a grin. In his twilight years is when he finally found someone he could live like this with, it almost drew a chuckle from him if he knew it would not awaken you. His life had become strangely cohabitated by you, and nearly everything he did seemed to somehow draw his mind back to you, too. He wanted to shake his head at the torment. Just as he began to doze off, he realised how much he truly enjoyed spending his nights snuggled up to you.
🌑 He slowly finds himself accustomed to an everyday that is spent with you at his side. Sporadically, he even finds himself letting you join him for his Kahuna duties if it is not anything dangerous (he will absolutely not let you near an Ultra Beast unless he is certain you are a competent trainer). There is something that makes the tasks more bearable if he can turn to you and just be aware of your presence. There is soon a running theory from locals that was started by Acerola that you two are married, and he finds himself oddly entranced by it. Maybe one day soon he would make that a reality, if he did not drop dead first.
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spicyicetea · 5 months
So I got the new Pokemon DLC for Christmas and I’m on a big Pokemon kick currently so I’m going to give a gift to my fellow Pokémon lovers. Now I’m more well known for Yandere work but I also do love doing more soft romantic stuff. It heals my traumatised self. So I’ve decided to go through all Pokémon games I’ve played and write romantic and yandere sfw+slight Nsfw headcannons for every character I personally like. [No DLC content because I haven’t played any of them yet]. If there are any characters I haven’t done that anyone wants, either comment or request and I can add it onto this post. Merry late Christmas!
As mentioned before, these posts will contain NSFW topics like violence and sexual references, so if you’re triggered by these topic please be careful. The reader in this is also a Fem reader, I can redo this post for a Masc or GN reader if wanted but I’m writing it as Fem currently is just easiest for me. I don’t describe appearance like skin colour or hair but I do write the Y/N with a curvy figure in mind (I can’t help myself, I love thick thighs IM SORRY-)
Ah the original silent protagonist. I love this man so much, even more after his cameo is Sun and Moon. I’m not sure what it is about him but he has this strange allure to him, although I doubt that’s a unique opinion on silent characters. Anyway, onto the headcannons.
This is almost a given with the silent types but I feel like he is an amazing listener, only ever nodding to show he’s still listening or giving small “mhms”
You’re probably the only one he comfortably talks to other than Blue.
In public he likes holding your hand, he often communicates through squeezing your hand or fiddling with your fingers.
Psychic boyfriend No.1
This man can just tell what you need, when you need it. Whether it’s comfort cuddles after a bad day of for period troubles.
Speaking of period troubles, this man not only will buy you whatever you need, he’ll wash the sheets, run you a bath and let you use him as a personal heater.
Yandere + NSFW
This man doesn’t open up to people easily yet you made him fall apart.
You made him stutter, drop things and slip up in battles when you cheered for him, he’s whipped.
You were the only woman that’s ever caught his attention and you aren’t leaving him anytime soon.
So get used to him possessively having a hand on you at all times, glaring daggers at any other person you pay attention to.
He’s a very private person so isn’t one to leave marks on you openly, but he does take great pleasure in leaving dark marks on your thighs.
Speaking of thighs… he’s a giver, do what you want with that.
Ah the smug bastard rival, and I promise you… he’s still insufferable, but in a loving way.
Bullies you playfully. A day doesn’t go by where he doesn’t mess up your hair and trip you up.
But he loves you truly.
You could not have asked for a more cuddly man, I didn’t expect to have this headcannon but I imagine this man is very eager to stay cuddled up to you as much as possible.
Although he talks a lot and loves it when you compliment him, I also think he’s a good listener, but like I’m a hype man way.
He’ll sit by the bathroom door while you’re in the bath letting you vent about anything you want just egging you on. “Wow she sounds like a bitch-“
A man who loves PDA, it’s his favourite way of staking his claim on your beautiful self.
Yandere + NSFW
Has dated his fair share of girls, but he wants you so bad.
He will fight for you, no matter what. This man will abuse whatever position he has to impress you. A relative of the professor’s, ex Champion, and a gym leader. He will do whatever he can to have you.
He is incredibly touchy, the moment other people aren’t looking, his hands are under your shirt. Nibbling your neck and kissing your earlobes. Actually he’d do that even with people watching,
Although he’d be mighty mad if someone watched your gorgeous body, he might even hurt someone.
This man is underrated.
The most loveable family man you’ll ever meet.
He loves to cook for you. Everyday. Please let this man make you breakfast in bed.
In fact no, he wants you to cook with him. All romantic. His chest to your back, whispering sweet nothings in your ears while you chop up vegetables.
If you get along with his siblings, he will propose to you on the spot.
Very openly affectionate, but never goes further than a hug in public… ok maybe you can get a kiss on the cheek.
Yandere + NSFW
This man has a breeding kink… you can’t change my mind.
He wants a nice big family and the idea of you, heavy and round with his baby. Not to mention how your… other assets will change.
Will happily suffocate in your tits, and if you’re pregnant, he will help relieve any discomfort you have.
If another man hurt you in any way, he’s going to go… missing. He’d break a man in half over his knee for you, and his Onix is very strong.
Am I the only one who would smash? Yes? No? Alrighty-
He’s always hits me as a someone who likes spending time with his lover in silence.
Not opposed to PDA but gets worried about his fans potentially harassing you, let’s you borrow his dragonite to escort you between towns.
Away from the public and just with his friends (elite four mainly) he loves to have you by his side, often whispering things about his day to you, information he only shares with you.
Also a man who is very hot, like he’s warm constantly, will be the best snuggler when it’s cold.
Yandere + NSFW
Originally I thought this man would be rather… vanilla but I feel like he’d be into wax play. I can’t explain it, but I can picture him loving to spill wax all over your tits.
For the more yandere side of things, he’s the strongest dragon trainer in Kanto. He will use his influence to make himself your only option, not that you’d realise, he’s not an idiot.
Your relationship is hidden very well from most people, you don’t get to villain status with a clean record and no enemies.
Despite that, you love a life of luxury baby.
He loves nothing more than to pamper you. His beautiful girl sat on his lap, with her hair all done up and nails all pretty. Now that’s the life.
Yandere + NSFW
I think he has great Yandere potential.
You sat comfortably on his lap in his office, his hands trailing comfortably under your skirt.
He loves watching you squirm as his fingers traces tight circles- well that’s all you get for now.
As I mentioned before, I believe he’d default to yandere to be honest.
He would not hesitate to kidnap but I like the idea that he’d try and woo you first. Dinner dates… wine… murdering his competitors.
Yeah, he’d be a yandere.
(I’m ashamed to admit I’ve never played these ones so I have no significant opinion on any of the characters)
This is just a crow in a human form, mr I love shiny rocks (me fr fr)
His love language is most definitely gift giving. Your shared house is littered with crystals and shiny things he’s found over his travels.
He loves to press kisses all over your fingers, buying you as many rings as possible for you and him to match. If he buys himself a new ring you’re getting one too.
Loves showing you off to the elite four, and begs that his dad approves. Not that he needs his approval but it’d be awkward if he didn’t.
Yandere + NSFW
Possessive as fuck.
You ain’t getting away from him easily. He will track you down as long as he needs to before you calm down and quit running away.
Loves pampering you once you behave though.
He kisses up your legs to your thighs, such passionate loving words followed by the mantra of “dirty girl” and “slut”
Ok all the villains just radiate Yandere energy- so they’re all gonna be pure yandere + NSFW warning
This man doesn’t have it in him to kidnap someone… oh wait that’s a lie.
When he met you that all changed
He needs you, he would hurt anyone to get you to himself.
He’d leave dark bites on your neck, massaging your hips to tangle you together.
Another man I think would be into wax play, also a corruption kink. (No I won’t elaborate)
Big brute of a man… he’s going to make you beg for his mercy.
He loves holding you in his lap, cradling you delicately while he peppers kisses along your neck.
Will bite you, this man is a shark and will leave slightly bloody bite marks all over your body.
This man eats pussy for breakfast, you will never not cum first, a truly good man.
He is far more eager to kill a man to prove his love for you than he should be.
I’ll be honest I tried to but I’m tired and I’m just going to be writing Yandere and NSFW headcannons. I’m sorry people-
This boy is so happy to finally have met someone who loves him… you’re not allowed to leave, he’ll cry.
For some reason I see this mans as wanting a family… he wants to be a more present father than his own.
Not one to leave marks on you but will beg you to stay home so he can cuddle and pamper you all day.
When he eventually takes over the battle frontier (he so would you can’t tell em otherwise) he will use that position to “protect you”.
Ah yes, the cold emotionless man who falls for a sweet woman and kills all competition… I approve!
PDA? Who is that? The most you’ll get from him is his hand on your shoulder moment before he orders team galactic to handle someone who was making moves on you.
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. You’re the only woman he could ever love.
He lays awkwardly in bed but melts when your head rests on his chest, that was when the yandere switch flipped and he locked you in his apartment.
At least the man lays some good pipe, also this man has a bondage kink cause I said so.
You think that the world won’t notice the famous model and gym leader with a girl on her arm. You’re going to end up centre of the Unova news for the next month.
She loves this though, now everyone knows you belong to her, and anyone who ignores that will just get zapped.
Prepare to share clothes, and prepare for her to watch you undress, she can’t help herself.
The woman loves to zap you, just lightly though, you’ll live… and probably cum.
Emmett + Ingo
Yes you get both, these two are a package deal ok?
Now… prepare to never leave their sight.
They want you at every battle, cheering them on, cuddling with the Joltiks or napping in their office using their coats as blankets.
Now… ok these two are kinky. They just are-
Ingo is 100% a family man, big breeding kink.
I think Emmett is more, adventurous, bondage and impact play seems right in my opinion.
Love to… “threaten” to throw people on the tracks when they flirt with you.
Aww what a sweet little thing, come and give me a hug- now time to hide you away where no one can ever see you again!
Honestly, he probably fell for you after seeing your relationship with your Pokemon. Almost every Pokemon you see likes you.
He’s very possessive over you. It’s no secret that he was raised in an incredibly unhealthy way, so he can’t exactly discern between inappropriate and appropriate behaviour in pursuing his courtship with you.
Now onto more NSFW art themes, he 100% praises you constantly and makes sure you’re tended to first. Often ends up super pent up because he wants to take care of you but sometimes go so far and overstimulates you. Don’t worry, the aftercare is amazing though.
. . . Bastard
I’m only including this mother fucker because he’s so evil he’d be one of the most extreme Yanderes out of all of them. And because if still smash because I’m sinful-
The moment he sees you and falls for you, you can bet you’re getting kidnapped, sorry you just are.
I would bet money that he is the most possessive out of all of them but, and hear me out, would also be kinda attentive?
I can totally picture him being cold and accidentally upsetting you only to spend the rest of the next day showering you on gifts.
You’d also be seen as a god to the rest of team plasma, so enjoy being worshipped.
Oh and NSFW… spanking, degrading and tying you up, enjoy
Ah yes, my adorable scientist that I think is a kinky motherfucker-
He would make a collar to track you when you leave his side, he isn’t too keen on the idea of locking you insider after all.
Wouldn’t kidnap you but would murder the competitors.
Anyway onto the kinks I think would suit him…
He’d 100% make different types of vibrators so he can cuff you to the bed and watch you squirm. Considered making you a ball gag but he gets off on your moans, that does mean he ends up edging you before fucking you himself.
Sugar daddy
I could leave that like that but fine fine I’ll feed you horny bastards.
He parades you around more than any of the others, always making sure you’re wearing the finest clothes. Usually also wearing his jacket, he can’t stand gawkers staring. Admiring your beauty he can handle, but staring at his woman is punishable by a flamethrower.
You live the luxury life. Fancy bath soaps and massages. Cafe trips daily so he can make sure you’re eating well. Sex in the back of his car in secluded car parks when you’ve been misbehaving at dinner.
He’s a rough lover but amazing with aftercare, so there’s that.
Dilf energy… and I’m hungry for it I’ll be honest.
So tired, but you give him energy. Energy to do crime to keep you to himself but still energy. But hey why argue, you get to cuddle his cats all day.
Also, if you’re a trainer that has cat Pokemon… he’d probably marry you. Proposal on sight. Already on one knee.
He isn’t very openly affectionate but as long as no one is around he’ll always have an arm around your waist. You’re well protected.
Another man that I believe would make sure you cum first every time. Just make sure you have a warm bath after for your back, he hits me as a rough lover.
Oh you poor girl… not because he’s going to treat you bad but he’s obsessed.
You’re probably kidnapped by team skull but you had no idea it was a kidnapping, it was more of a scooby-doo chase.
Yeah you now have like 50 babies to care for but don’t worry, big sis Plumeria and your new husband will help you. What you don’t remember getting married? Oh silly, you belonged to him the moment your eyes met.
He’s very inexperienced with relationships so give him a little time to learn. He’s a fast learner in bed so he won’t leave you unsatisfied. Will pamper you anyway he can.
Oh and have mercy on this man… don’t wear his clothes, he can’t handle it.
Little shit… he’s going to try and use anything he can to claim you.
Whether that be advances in front of people to scare them off and stake his claim over you.
He does have a decently good reputation so no one would expect him to be dangerous, so you’re kinda fucked, Cyllene would protect you if she needed to though.
He talks down to you all the time, you’re not his equal, you are his property in his eyes.
This man is smitten. No more smooth and confident Adaman, this man is a stuttering mess.
He wants to marry you so badly, please let this man marry you… and then put a baby in you but marriage first.
This man gives you jewellery, clothes, helps you befriend Pokémon or catch them depending on which method you prefer.
Cuddler, he will snuggle and cuddle as long as you want, so what he has duties? His pretty little wife wants his attention and you will get it.
Had noooo idea how to handle her feelings. Probably started as a childish crush at first but it developed into something much more.
She wants to spend the rest of her life with you by her side.
Glares at everyone who speaks to you, even people from her clan. She’s very jealous very easily.
But she loves you, and will let you spend unsupervised time with some people she trusts… only her Wardens, although she doesn’t trust Ingo as much as she doesn’t know him as well, not with you at least.
Warden Ingo
Dilf energy again
His memory may be strange and shaky but he remembers how to treat a woman he loves. Remembers things Elesa told him and Emmet, although to him it’s more echos of voices he thinks he knows.
He loves cuddling up to you while watching the newly hatched sneasels learn how to live. Although this does awaken a want for family he forgot he had.
He isn’t the most trusting person, but he is a good judge of character… and has gotten into a fistfight with Volo when he hit on you. Blood was drawn.
He throws a good punch, but would never hurt you, he adores you, you make him feel good in a familiar way.
Anyway you freaks want NSFW- this man lives up in the mountains, them rough hands can do wonders. And he loves making you feel good, people pleaser but only for you.
Aw what a sweet boy, who will strangle anyone who tries to take you from him.
This boy lost both his parents and nearly lost his best friend/dog… he is terrified he’ll lose you too.
He cooks he cleans and then makes sure to rub your back and give you love so you’ll love him back
Please give this boy some affection or the boys around you will pay the price of you don’t.
Professor Sada
This woman is feral, not only did she basically throw you over her shoulder when she met you but you never don’t have bite marks all over your skin. It’s her way of telling everyone your hers.
I feel she’d give more freedom than Turo, only if Robo Sada was with you for safety… and to break the arms of whoever looked at you the way she did.
Also this woman is a mosterous pussy devouring fiend, don’t argue, you know I’m right.
Professor Turo
Oh daddy Turo- criminally underrated daddy let alone Yandere daddy.
I feel like Turo most definitely would have kept you locked down in his lab with him, convincing you that you help him with his research. I mean… he isn’t wrong, you motivate him to keep going.
However girl has needs and he often get consumed by his work. It wasn’t until he caught you handling problems yourself on your shared bed that he decided robo Turo should take over his research a little bit more.
It’d be a shame if you fell in love with a toy he so kindly made for you than him himself.
Ah my favourite ordinary business man… I’m so normal about him.
He is very normal about you too, except the fact that he has pocketed any handkerchief you’ve used while eating with him.
Oh and many dates that are just trying new food, oh and bird watching.
Again, call me weird but I think this man wants a family, total breeding kink.
Also I feel like he likes a rather feminine woman, not in the frilly skirt way but in the way of “I don’t N E E D a man but I like you”. You like him, right?
M m mommy?
Dominatrix… owns a whip… bondage. ANYWAY-
Not above using their position as elite four to scare off competition and keeping you in line.
Oh don’t cry, you won’t escape anyways.
She only uses PDA to send a message to other women or men, “hands off”
Teach me about biology bb-
ANYWAY… loves to discover new Pokémon with you.
Will happily teach you about your favourite Pokémon for your attention.
Please don’t look away, he’ll have a breakdown.
Ah cute little nurse… she has access to so many dangerous drugs.
She will scream and cry if you choose someone else, don’t do it, she’s an ugly cryer.
She loves to give you “check ups” when no one is looking.
On a side note, don’t you know that orgasms are good for your health? You didn’t? Oh silly let Miriam help you out, her fingers can work wonders.
But it was worth it enjoy animals. I want to get more serious with Pokemon x reader writing so I hope some people enjoy this… I’m never doing this big of a post again… this was meant to be a Christmas post- way to many bloody tags to add :,)
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charcadett · 1 year
MILO please please please headcanon request for what it would be like being part of Team Skull and dating Guzma after TS disbands?
Hiii Charlie. Okay unsure how I feel about this one because I never finished the Ultra Moon post game or watched the anime so I’m sure there’s something he’s ACTUALLY doing. But man. I have no idea what that is.
Dating Guzma After Team Skull Disbands
- While Team Skull disbands and ceases annoying trial goers, they also technically stick together. Most of the members who stuck around still live in Po Town, including you, Guzma, and Plumeria. The first order of business is cleaning up. Although the result isn’t perfect considering it's being done by a group of people who are essentially twenty-something college dropouts. Of course, in true dropout fashion, this results in a massive trash-burning bonfire. The blaze lasts until Nanu drops by, asking if anyone is aware that that is illegal. He’s hit with a resounding no.
- “What do you mean? People burn wood and shit all the time,” One grunt says.
- Nanu picks up a large stick another grunt was using to stoke the fire. “I see a mattress, at least five plastic bags, and… ten tires. That’s incredibly toxic. Get away from there.”
- The cleaning operation results in Guzma finally cleaning his room. The chest of Buginium Z is given elsewhere to be distributed to trial goers rather than hoarded, his bed is made, the carpet is vacuumed, and the throne is tossed in a dumpster. Much to your dismay. There was no denying the inherent hotness of the throne, even if its removal frees up a significant amount of space for decorating. An activity Guzma leaves to you. He can do the heavy lifting, but interior decoration is not his forte. If it were up to him, his mattress would be on the floor, and he’d use a crate as a table.
- Guzma deals with a lot of toxic masculinity. Being vulnerable, especially in front of others, is hard for him. Guzma's working on that right now. It’s still hard for him to tell you how he feels, to talk to you if he’s jealous rather than intimidate the other guy into submission, but he’s working on it. He wants to be a good partner to you and he knows this is the best way to do it. His compliments are clumsy for a bit. Guzma can tell you how hot you look with little issue. When it comes down to more intimate details, he clams up. He does notice the little things. Your laugh is nice. It makes him get butterflies in his stomach when you smile at him, he loves the way his heart flips when you kiss him, though these are things he’s unable to articulate well. He gets better eventually. For now, you smile while he stumbles his way through how pretty your eyes are.
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admrlthundrbolt · 4 months
Electric Love (Guzma x Chubby Reader)
To say that Guzma hated you would be a lie, but he wasn't going to tell you that. It also didn't help that you were Nanu's granddaughter and deputy. Guess he'll just have to be content with being your rival.
Hi guys, I'm back at it again. I may have been watching some pokemon play throughs recently. So I was inspired to write for my favorite boneheaded thug bug trainer. It came out a bit more angsty than anticipated. Anywho hope you enjoy.
Growing up together you were inseparable. Both of you wanting to escape your families. You from the pressure that they placed on you. Him from the abuse of his father. It was a wonderful friendship. Until you drifted apart that is.
As Joltik set out it's final discharge you waited with held breath. Golisopod stood for one moment then two, but on the third he fell forward. Causing you to cheer and run to scoop your pokemon into a hug.
Guzma huffed and returned the large bug to it's ball. Glancing your way, he had a memory of a time when he would cheer with you. Though your next comment soured the thought.
“The bug king himself getting taken down by a cute little spider.” Your gloating was short lived as you noticed the scowl on his face. “Hey now, don’t beat yourself up to bad. It was just a friendly match afterall.”
While what you said was true, that didn’t make the loss sting any less. “Whatever, at least I’m not handed my pokemon.” He slumped a bit more at the jab.
You reeled at the accusation. “Hey asshole, I traded for my Joltik. It’s not my fault that you’re so stuck in your little pity party that you don’t seek out new horizons.” Clutching your beloved arachnid closer, you bristled further. “We're not kids anymore Guzma, you can choose your own path.”
He let out a bitter cackle at that. “Ya’ know, that rich coming from you.” He stepped forward and leaned into your face. “Consider'n how much of a choice you’ve had in your life. Isn’t that right, Deputy.” As the final word left his lips, he felt a stinging pain on his cheek.
He watched as you yanked your hand back. Tears welled in your eyes as your hand started reaching back towards him. Then you returned Joltik to its pokeball and darted away.
Hearing the front door open, Nanu looked up from the paperwork he had been occupied with. He went to greet you, but didn't have a chance. You sprinted through the house and to your room.
Thinking of a way to help and get you in a talking mood. He made his way to the kitchen. What better way to show his gratitude for his granddaughter housing him than some homemade hot chocolate.
A soft knock sounded from your door, startling you from your brooding. “I got some hot chocolate, if your interested that is.”
Heaving yourself off the bed, you opened the door. Without looking at him, hoping he wouldn't notice your puffy eyes, you held a hand out. “Thank you.” When he didn't give you the mug, you chanced a glance at him.
His brow was furrowed, while the rest of his features were soft. “Actually, I’d like to come in.”
Knowing this expression, even if you hadn’t seen it much in your life. You nodded and made your way back over to the bed, sitting down.
Bringing the drink to you, he sat near by on the bed. “So, what happened?”
Heaving a heavy sigh, you thought of how to put it. Your grandpa knew you had a rocky relationship with Guzma. But it always hurt to talk about just how far you had drifted apart. Other than the occasional battle, each of you trying to one up the other. There wasn't much interaction between the two of you. Deciding that the weight in your chest was only making you depressed, you said. “I had a battle with Guzma.”
With a nod, he sipped from his own mug. “I thought so. Do you want to tell me about it?”
At his offer words started tumbling out of your mouth. The excitement of winning, with a bug type pokemon to boot. The conversation that followed, going from taunting to insulting. Leading into the slap. When describing it, you eyes began to water once more. “I just don’t understand why things can’t be like they used to.” Sniffing, you rubbed at your eyes.
He hated seeing you so upset. Especially over a punk like Guzma. But he also knew how you felt. And from what he had heard around the island, the feeling was mutual. You were both just to stubborn to realize it. Putting an arm around you, he tucked you into his shoulder. “Your not kids anymore, even if you still act like it sometimes.” He smiled at your chuckle. “But have you ever had a conversation with him about how you feel.” When you made a noise of protest he said. “That didn't start with a pokemon battle?”
You took a moment to ponder that. “To be honest no.”
He gave you a quick side hug and stood. Walking out the door he threw one more bit of advice over his shoulder. “Then maybe that's where to start.”
Stomping into the hideout kitchen, he throws the freezer open. While looking for a bag of peas or something, he was started by a sudden cough. Trying to hide his red cheek, by turning the other half of his face, he saw Plumeria.
She scowled at him. “Any reason why you’re making so much noise.” Even though it was an accusation, she was concerned. He may be a bit of an idiot and a thug. But he took her in and was like a brother to her.
Grunting he turned back to the freezer. Mentally cheering when he found a random bag of veggies. Placing it against his face, while trying not to whince, you were stronger than he gave credit for. Ever since you were kids, he always considered you a marshmallow, soft and harmless. But with the power you could put behind a slap, he had a new perspective on your strength. Still as he slumped in a near by chair, he couldn't help but day dream about your figure.
You had never quite grew out of your chubby cheeks. That being said, you did fill out in a major way.
“zma, Guzma!”
“Huh?” He sent a dazed look her way, realizing that she was calling out to him.
She shook her head in exasperation. “What happened? You come back stomping around and putting frozen carrots on your face. Then you act like you can’t even hear me." Crossing her arms, she impatiently waited for an explanation.
Throwing his head back, he pinched the bridge of his nose. “I had a battle with (Y/N).”
“Pokemon or physical, because from the looks of things it was worse than usual.” She wanted to scream at him for being so stubborn. They were the definition of opposites attract. If they could just realize that they’re making things harder on themselves and confess. Things would work out so much better.
Instead she got to listen to his recounting of the altercation. Of course he would lash out and not expect there to be consequences. “Have you ever thought of just saying good job and moving on from the battle. Maybe even having a conversation that doesn't involve pokemon.”
He shook his head. “It’s gotten to the point that a battle is the only way we can talk.”
“Then why don’t you find her after leaving your pokemon behind? Look I know that a lot has changed, but you used to be a huge part of each other’s lives. Wouldn't it be nice to have some of that back?”
With shoulders sagging more than usual, he tossed the carrots back in the freezer. “I’ll think about it. Thanks Plum.” Then made his way to repay the interaction in bed. He really was an idiot sometimes.
It wasn’t until about a week later that you saw each other again. Running into each other at a small Cafe. He was already seated at a small booth. You hesitated when you spotted him, but steeled your nerves and sat in front of him.
His head darted towards you, an annoyed insult on his lips. Just who thought they could intrude on his time. Seeing it was you, made the words catch in his throat.
Your face flushed a bit at the look he gave you. “I’m sorry.”
Brow furrowing at the sudden apology, he said. “Uh, what?”
You placed down the drink and cake you had ordered. “I’m sorry, for hitting you. I lashed out instead of talking things through. It was childish of me.” Pushing the cake his way, you waited.
Narrowing his eyes at the treat he sighed. “Nah I was be'n a jerk.” He slid the cake back towards you. “Besides I’m not into sweets.”
A laugh burst from you. “Guz, do you not remember when you ate half the cupcakes at your tenth birthday. You were so sick that night.”
He smiled, happy to hear your laugh again. “Hey, that was your fault. If you hadn’t dared me it wouldn't have happened.” Waiving over a waiter, he asked for another fork. “Let’s just share.”
As you shared the cake and stories from your childhood, smiles beamed on your faces. Neither of you thought of battle in this moment. Only enjoying the time that you were spending together.
As the light became dimmer in the window you were seated by, you checked your watch. “It’s almost dinner time. I should get going.” Both satnding, you took a chance. Stepping forward you gave him a hug. “I had a really nice time today.”
Startled it took him a moment to hug you back. But as his arms surrounded you, he couldn't help thinking about how right it felt. Separating, as much as he didn't want to, he gazed down at you. “Me too. Would you want to do it again sometime?” He worried at how fast his heart was beating. Almost like it wanted to leap from his chest.
“Absolutely, you free this weekend?”
It wouldn't matter, he would clear anything off his schedule to spend time with you. “Yeah, what were you thinking?”
When you parted ways, Plumeria and Nanu knew something had happened. There was no other reason for the love sick smiles that wouldn’t leave your faces.
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voxnumbskull · 1 year
So I was thinking about that time Nanu bullies Ash for a while during his grand trial in the anime, and something I always thought was so funny was what would happen if this tactic didn't work on an insecure, cynical MC. Like, at all. He'd start picking on them, and they would just completely agree with him 😅
He'd be so flabbergasted and he'd probably feel so bad, it'd just be such a huge slap in the face.
Nanu: Pshh, pathetic attempt at blindsiding me, really
MC: Yeah, I know, but it was worth a shot
Nanu: Wait, what?
Nanu: You're leaving yourself wide open, it's like you aren't even trying
MC: Yeah, I know. Pokemon battles aren't my strong suit
Nanu: *confused, worried silence*
Nanu: Imagine what your partner pokemon could be achieving without you!
MC: I imagine it every day, and yet they choose to stay with me..
Nanu: ...are you alright??
If he wanted a similar tactic to work, he'd have to start doing the complete opposite and complimenting them out of nowhere.
Nanu: Your hair looks really pretty today
MC: *blushing* W-wha-
Nanu: Night slash!
Like please, I think this would be so funny and so cute for a oneshot or something 😩
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fluffabutt · 1 year
Decided to write another yandere prompt
Thank you @bellafragolina and @wertello for letting me bounce ideas off you
Gender Neutral Reader x Nanu/Guzma
More of a guess to see which one is the yandere, and this boy is long
assault and implied stalking
You walk down Route 17 in the pouring rain, when you walk into the Pokémart your sneakers squeak with every step as you walk towards the back room.
You lock up your stuff, and put on your apron, switch out with Cayden who looks at her student portal with such dread you don’t give her any grief when she forgets to log out of the cash register.
You look out the window to the one or two desolate street lamps you can see standing as little beacons home. Almost pitch black like the bottom of the ocean it feels like, and you won’t see the sunrise for another 8 hours.
You tell Cayden have a good night as her sneakers squeal in the wet tracks you left on the floor. You log into the cash register, and as you grab the mop and bucket punch into work.
This is the routine you’ve grown accustomed to for the past few weeks.
You’ll be here tonight.
And the night after that.
And the night after that.
For how ever long it takes you to save enough money to move off Ula Ula Island.
You get into the rhythm of cleaning the floors, some hokey country song about youth and friendship and pie plays over the store speaker system. You wish the owner would just spend the money to buy an official music service, if only because you realize you’re almost fond of how terrible it is.
You hear a thumping sound from the windows that damn near causes your heart to leap out your throat, but you turn to see your regular idiot Masquerain bashing it’s head against the flood lights on the exterior of the building.
So you sigh, roll the mop back into its place, grab the wet floor sigh and the push broom and start to walk outside.
You put the sign up and then walk out into the humid, muggy rain.
“Hey! Dumb Bug!” You say, pushing at the Masquerain with your broom under the extended roof so it’s wings don’t get any wetter than they already have.
The poor thing cries and whines until you turn on the portable lamp you hung there for it to mash it’s head against.
You just sigh before walking back inside, you have no idea how that idiot gets stuck here almost every night, but you don’t mind if that’s the only returning customer.
Route 17 doesn’t get a lot of trainers this time of night, and you’re thankful even though your ankles are already aching by the second hour. The owner doesn’t allow you to sit at the cash register so you patiently set an alarm on your Rotomphone for an hour and half from now for your break.
The sound of pounding feet run up from outside as you see a small cluster of Team Skull members burst in from outside with the chime of the automatic door. They keep their mumbled complaints to themselves as they look at you.
You just give them a wave while you check social media on your Rotomphone. You were paid to mind the store, and you could mind your business for free.
Team Skull was part of the reason you never saw trainers much less regular schmoes around route 17, it was their turf.
You didn’t understand the hype, a bunch of kids trying to rap at you wasn’t intimidating in your opinion. Even when the beatboxer was steady most of them still couldn’t rap on beat.
So you idly tap at your phone while they shuffle around through the aisles, arguing over chip flavors and candy bars. Your heart hurts a little when one quickly shuts down that argument with a “What’s the point? We can’t buy it anyway!”
You look up at the chime of the automatic door, and try to put on your customer service smile when you see it’s an adult.
You see a hunched over guy in what looks to be his mid 50s, grey hair matted down from the rain when he closed his umbrella. But it’s his eyes, and the dead stare he levels at you that gives you a sudden feeling of anxiety.
It’s broken when he looks away with a click of his tongue as he walks toward the Pokéfood section of the store.
You place a hand over your heart to try and calm down when you realize how quiet the teens have gotten since the guy walked in. They watch him with caution, a respect you haven’t seen them give to anyone.
You realize you don’t get paid enough to focus on that.
Even if the sound of his sandals clopping on the wet tile drive you crazy.
The ring leader of this small pack walks up to the register with purpose, and slaps down some 100 pokedollar hot dogs that you ring up. It’s some hushed arguing of who’s got how much while you stare blankly thinking of what your “dinner” is tonight, until they pool the total together with spare coins.
You pop the register, drop the coins into the necessary slot, and give the expected “Thank you for shopping at Pokémart” as they run back into the rain and up to Po Town… you assume.
Your guy ambles around for another 10 or so minutes hemming and hawing about the prices of the wet food cans and then walking to the front.
He plops about 10 cans of food on the counter and you start to scan them while he pulls out his wallet.
“Oh, and one pack of the Motostoke Reds.”
You give an affirmative noise and turn to pull a pack off the shelf. It’s when you turn back that you’re stuck with his very intense stare.
Like he’s expecting something.
What that could be you don’t know.
You just push the barcode under the scanner and tell him the total.
Outside of the grunts and young trainers, nobody really pays in cash anymore, so you’re surprised when he flips through a large wad of bills to pay with.
His tongue sticks out while he concentrates and hums the count.
You take the cash from him, pulling up the coins that you owe before dropping them into his open palm with his receipt.
“Thank you for shopping at Pokémart, have a good evening.” You say, rehearsed and robotic.
“Uh-huh.” He drawls, and finally walks out of the Pokémart, his sandals clacking against the tile as he leaves.
You just breathe a sigh of relief when he disappears back into the rain with a… Meowth umbrella??
It’s a super cute umbrella pattern. You want it.
Next paycheck.
The evening goes by uneventfully, mop the floor again, give the Dumb Bug a berry when you take your meal break.
You take out the garbage around five am when there’s just enough light to see and the rain has finally stopped.
You see a couple cigarette butts and grumble under your breath, but clean them up anyway.
The owner comes in at 6 and you clock out.
Another day, another night.
Same old same old.
Except for your old dude buying cigarettes once a week.
The times he walks in are sporadic but at least he tends to avoid coming in on your meal break. Same thing every time: wet food, pack of Motostoke Reds.
Except tonight he grabs some prepackaged Basculin rice balls.
You don’t know why that spurs you to actually talk to this guy.
“Oh, those are super good.” You keep ringing up the wet food cans.
He looks shocked at your voice but he gives you an appraising look.
“Is that so?” He trails off.
“Yeah, they’re pretty solid.”
He hums contemplatively, before you ring up his total and you give him back his change.
“Thank you for shopping at Pokémart, have a good evening.”
He gives you a smile, though it’s more of a shitty grin.
“You too.”
Then he and his clopping sandals walk out the door and into the night.
You get a surprise visitor that week, a tall dude with bleached white hair and tats struts up to the cash register. It would’ve been more intimidating if he wasn’t soaked to the bone and his sneakers weren’t speaking with every step.
And you’re gonna have to fucking mop. Again.
He slaps his hand on the counter, and of course you jump because why the fuck is this guy trying to pick a fight at 2:20 in the morning.
“Gimme a pack of Motostoke Reds.” He orders gruffly.
You take a deep breath and grab the pack from the shelves, you scan the barcode and tell him the total.
He mutters under his breath some obscenities about how expensive cigarettes are getting and how bullshit it is as he rummages through crumpled up bills from his pockets.
You don’t get paid enough for this.
You notice he sticks his tongue out while he counts the money.
“Hey!” He barks, your eyes dart up to his face. “You got any of those Basculin rice balls today?”
You nod.
You both stand there, silence.
What does this guy expect? You don’t get paid to go fetch, you get paid to stand here damn near all night.
“Over in the back over by the premade sandwiches,” you almost forget your retail politeness,” sir.”
He’s got a vein bulging in his forehead before he stomps to the back over by the sandwiches. Muttering fuck word after fuck word.
You think about your account balance, and sigh.
You pray to Arceus this guy fucks off and never comes back.
He slaps the rice balls on the counter and you give him the new total.
“Thank you for shopping at Pokémart, have a good evening.”
“Yeah yeah whatever.” He says shoving his purchase and his change into his pockets before stomping off into the rain.
You find even more soggy cigarette butts outside when you take out the trash.
The Asshole and The Old Dude pop in intermittently, along with different clusters of Team Skull members. Very rarely you get a couple of older trainers, veterans and martial artists who find some satisfaction in almost catching hypothermia from standing in the rain all night.
You make polite conversation with The Old Dude and the trainers that come in.
Every so often The Asshole walks in and asks for some bizarre food item, a rice ball, and his cigarettes. It’s starting to become satisfying to just tell him where to find it, since he still expects you to go get it for him.
His squeaky sneakers and sopping wet hair only make him look like a grumpy toddler.
You get more and more trainers coming in though, which keeps the nights busy even if you have to mop so much more often with all the water being tracked in.
You still hook up Dumb Bug with its lamp and a berry.
You still take your meal break at 3:30am.
You still take out the trash to find soggy cigarette butts, but this time there seems to be a collaborative art project because they’re leaving them in shapes.
You don’t think it’s one person, there’s more cigarettes here than in just a single pack of the stuff.
But you don’t stop the “Mother Fucker” you bark when you have to get the broom and dust trap to scrape them up off the sidewalk.
The new influx of trainers typically dies down around 1am.
But tonight seems to be dragging.
Your card reader malfunctions, so you have to hand write a post-it note to stick on the reader.
Cash Only.
Doesn’t mean that grown adults know how to fucking read apparently.
Yes, the card reader is down.
No, I can’t take any card transactions.
You’re almost pulling your hair out by the time a customer walks up to the counter and throws a fit.
The Asshole was an asshole, but this guy is the fucking King Asshole. Asshole to end all assholes, waving his hands like if he throws his shoulders out of socket you’ll get the card reader working.
“Sir, either you use cash to complete your purchase or leave, I can’t fix it-“
“This is un-fucking believable! This is the new kind of low The Pokémart brand has sunk to?!”
“Sir, you’ll have to wait to buy until the morning with your card when the owner comes in to reset it. I don’t know what else to tell you-“
You typically are fighting the best of a migraine with the shitty fluorescent lights, now your ears are ringing with how loud he’s yelling.
“Oi. You buying this shit or not?!”
Oh great.
You pinch the bridge of your nose as you look past King Asshole to The Asshole looming behind him.
Good. Two assholes.
“I-I-“ King Asshole tries to get some traction to start his impassioned tirade like a pull motor.
“No? Get the fuck outta my way then.”
At least The Asshole isn’t yelling.
God damn does your head hurt.
“Oi!” The Asshole speaks up, snapping his fingers obnoxiously to get your attention. It seems King Asshole has left, and all of his purchase is on the counter.
“Oh, yeah,” you blink to give yourself a quick reset before you start scanning The Asshole’s items.
There’s a heavy silence as The Asshole scowls and shuffles his feet before he opens up his mouth when you turn to grab his cigarettes.
“You okay?” He says gruffly, though with a pinch of softness you’ve never heard before. It doesn’t help the tears bubbling in the corners of your eyes.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You say, your voice cracking on the “yeah”, and you’re so fucking frustrated.
He just clicks his tongue and starts counting out his wadded up balls of bills.
You scan his cigarettes, and read him the total.
“Thank you for shopping at Pokémart, have a nice night.” You plop the change and his receipt in his hand.
He looks at you and you feel just so drained you just stare back. You don’t know what he’s looking for, but he turns around and squeaks back into the dark with the little automatic chime.
You walk to the back to take your break early, sighing and softly dabbing at your eyes while you eat your sandwich.
Fuck man, just a couple more weeks.
You just needed a couple more paychecks, and then you can leave and get away from this place.
You find your cigarette savant has put a smiley face design today.
You mutter a quick, “fuck off” to nothing as you scrape it off the sidewalk.
The back of your neck aches. Like a weight settling there.
You don’t see King Asshole, thank Arceus, but you run into rude customers occasionally. Aside from The Asshole.
You’d noticed a couple of blocked off areas, but you thought it was construction or something. The owner put a Pokémart on Route 17, there was probably some other developer willing to be stupid enough to build something else here.
Cayden is clocking out when she looks up from her Rotomphone and taps your shoulder.
“Did you hear?”
“Hear what?” You put on your apron.
“A couple of people have been getting attacked on the way back from the Pokémart.”
“No shit?”
“You didn’t notice the caution tape?” She gives you a look, but you just roll your eyes.
“I saw the tape, I just thought it was construction.”
“Who’d build anything out here- ah shit nevermind. But! Either way, be safe out!”
You clock in and meet her eyes. You feel a little floaty feeling in your stomach.
“You think it’s Team Skull?”
She sighs as she pulls out her stuff from the locker. Looking up trying to remember something.
“Nah, they have been pretty quiet since the whole Aether Island stuff. I think I read something about the victims said it was only one person.”
Oh good. Great. Fantastic.
“Cool I’m probably gonna get murdered after standing around here all night.”
“Probably,” she says with a snarky tone.
You put away your stuff and lock it up but you hear a quiet thump of the cash register counter and look in that direction.
Cayden gives you a serious look, you’ve never seen so much trepidation on her face outside of an exam or a paper. You feel your gut churn.
“Be careful okay?”
You swallow, and clench your hands to ground yourself.
“You too.”
You scroll more on your Rotomphone than usual, trying to just pass the time out of your own head so you don’t flinch and look at whoever walks into the store with complete fear.
Even the thumping Dumb Bug does has you on edge. But it seems the Masquerain can sense your nerves after you walk out to turn their lamp on, because they flap over and nuzzle your face before they continue their bizarre little lamp dance.
You feel a little bit of tension ease, but you try to keep yourself busy nonetheless. When the last of the late night crowd dissipates you just stand with your nerves going haywire at the register.
It’s just you, the hum of the fluorescents, and the darkness outside. At least it isn’t raining.
Old Dude walks in today, and you’re almost relaxed listening to the clip clop of his flip flops against the tile. Even with the shitty country song playing over the loud speakers.
He brings his spoils over to the counter and you ring him up like usual.
“You seem tense.”
You were so startled, you almost drop the wet food can you scanned.
“Huh?” You look at him.
“I said,” he drawls. “You look tense.”
“Oh,” you let out a nervous laugh, and turn to get his Motostoke Reds. “Yeah, did you hear about the attacks lately?”
“Attacks?” He arches a very thick brow at you. Ugh you don’t want to talk about this anymore.
“Yeah, my coworker said people were getting attacked on the road back to Ula Ula Meadow. Isn’t that crazy?”
“Hm, that’s… unusual.”
“Yeah,” you say, the awkwardness makes you want to get out of this conversation so you can go back to standing at the register and panicking to yourself.
“Thank you for shopping at Pokémart, stay safe.” You say, change and receipt placed onto his open palm.
“You too. Oh, if you need any help,” he pauses standing in the doorway. Your interest firmly captured on him. “There’s always the police station up the road.”
You’d forgotten about that, mostly because you didn’t have any business walking towards Po Town at all.
“Uh, sure. Thanks mister.”
“Oh, you don’t know who I am do you?” He seems to give you that smug smirk. Though you wonder if he just seems to not know how to smile properly.
“Uh the dude who buys wet food and Motostoke Reds?” You say, your shoulders rising with a shrug.
“Yeah… we’ll go with that.” He says with a chuckle as he walks out.
“Oh… okay. Cool.”
What the fuck was that about? You sigh and count to ten before going back on Pokégram to watch shorts to focus on.
Even if you can’t seem to shake the feeling something is watching you.
Your shift ends with a heart made of cigarettes butts.
It makes you queasy.
The Old Dude and The Asshole visit more frequently.
The Old Dude seems to have fun forcing you into polite conversation. Talking about the frequency of attacks on the road, and you’re pretty sure it’s just to make you squirm.
He always smirks when he gets a reaction out of you. And your stomach drops every time.
The fucker seems to revel in watching goosebumps run up your arms.
And you’re almost thankful to see the asshole, until he starts to intimidate other customers in the line.
Any bad manners from customers are met with him loudly complaining about how they’re wasting his time to get them to hurry up. Only to… just awkwardly try to make conversation with you.
“Yes sir?”
“Fuckin’, the weather…”
You just look at him, blinking. My brother in Arceus, what were you supposed to say?
“Yeah, it’s not raining tonight.”
Weeks of that.
Of the two of them coming in almost every night, to get the same stuff. To trap you in the same circling conversations.
It was sick.
The anxiety they were giving you left you barely able to eat.
You put in your two weeks notice quietly to the owner, tired of feeling like a Rattata being hunted by Meowths, counting down the days until you could leave.
For weeks the feeling of eyes on you at all times doesn’t leave until you go home after your shift.
You clock into your shift, getting a hug from Cayden before she leaves wishing you luck with your fresh start.
You go through the usual routine of the crowd, ignoring the bids for attention from The Old Dude. He just quirked an eyebrow before leisurely strolling back out the door.
And you turned the lamp on one last time for Dumb Bug. There wasn’t anybody on the route path, so you just sat and reminisced with the fluttering insect Pokemon. It wasn’t until you got up to go back inside that Dum Bug acknowledged you.
By grabbing your shirt sleeve with its delicate little grippers.
“Hey bud, it’ll be okay, the next person on Night Shift will be nice to you. Just don’t get hurt flying around in the rain okay?”
The bug just grabbed onto your shirt even further settling onto your shoulder. This dumb fucking bug and your dumb fucking heart so full of love.
“What fucking pair you two make.”
Ah. The Asshole.
You turn, putting on your retail smile to acknowledge him.
“Oh my apologies sir, I will ring you up at the counter, please give me a moment.”
“‘S fine- you’ve been building a bond with ‘er for a while yeah?”
You feel your heart stop.
You put your hand over your Rotomphone in your pocket.
“Hey! Don’t look at me like I’m some kind of bad guy, ey?”
You feel like you’re gonna throw up.
“Look just, alright lemme explain.” He says taking a step towards you.
You realize now how tall he is. How bulky he is.
How easily he could hurt somebody.
How blind you’ve been to the obvious.
The fucking skull pendant on the chain around his neck.
You never noticed.
“Hey,” he says and you hear a loud whine as your breathing picks up. “Woah wait don’t-“
Your Dumb Bug flaps quickly in front of you and oscillates it’s wings to unleash a horrible loud whine that has The Asshole clutching his ears with you.
Dumb Bug pulls you in the direction of your home but Asshole quickly steps to the side while getting his bearings to cut you off.
So you pivot: the Old Guy had told you there was a Police Station up the road right?
That’s where you run to.
“HEY! WAIT- agh, FUCK GET BACK HERE DAMMIT LEMME EXPLAIN!” He shouts after you, and you feel tears start to well up and run down your cheeks as you haul yourself up the hill.
Dumb Bug tries to chirp to cheer you on, especially when you can hear Asshole catching up with you. You let out the loudest scream you can before you’re cut off by him grabbing your collar and choking you.
You kick and jerk away from him as he pulls you close. He grunts when you manage to catch his shins and land a hit to his nose with a lucky flail.
Dumb Bug tries to start up another loud screech but Asshole holds you against him like a meat shield and your sweet little Masquerain clearly doesn’t want to hurt you. He’s got your arms caught behind you while you howl and scream for help.
“Gah-fuck! You couldn’t just- stop moving-“ he jerks you roughly enough to make your shoulders pop and you yelp at the pain. “Look all you had to do was let me explain-“
“Explain what?! How you fucking stalked me?!” You shriek, still fighting against his grip while he pushes you steadily up the hill towards the police station.
“Look I wasn’t stalkin’ ya- you weren’t being secretive about it!”
“And now you’re fucking assaulting me!”
He wrenches you back to yell in your ear.
“Because you ran away dumb ass!”
It hurts your ears, and all you can do is struggle and yell for help as he shuffles the both of you up the road. When you see the police station you get a surge of energy.
If you don’t get away from him now- god you don’t want to even think about what he could do to you.
So you lean back and stomp your foot on his toes as hard as you can. He grunts as the grip on your arms loosens when he flinches.
You pull forward, and Dumb Bug releases that horrible sound from it’s wings again, thankfully slipping out of Asshole’s grasp and you push one last sprint away towards the Police Station.
You manage to sprint towards the station, the faded white exterior with striped columns standing ominously with a few sconces lit up. Probably on a timer.
You beg to Arceus and the Tapus and whatever else can hear that somebody is in the building.
You slam into the blue doors of the entrance, making the windows rattle. You slam you palms against the door and beg for somebody, anybody to open up.
You hear multiple Meowths hiss and shriek while you pound on the door, begging through tears and gulps of breath for help.
You know Asshole wasn’t going to be distracted forever, that guy was the Leader of Team Skull, he had pokemon.
You left the poor Masquerain with a sicko.
You hope the poor thing was okay.
Eventually the lights turn on inside and you can see the shapes of the office interior through the clouded glass. A figure quickly rushing to the door backlit in shadow.
You heave a sharp gasp of relief as the door opens-
“Oh, thank you please- I’m being chased by-“
“Hey,” it’s his voice that makes you nauseous so quickly you sway on your feet. “Woah, hold on what’s got you so riled up?”
He clasps your shoulders in a firm grip to keep your legs underneath you.
You weren’t specific enough in your pleas for mercy, because the gods had gifted you the old creep as your beacon of hope.
“Oh look at you, you’ve been all roughed up. Scaring the clowder- tch, the boy’s so rough sometimes.”
You wonder if the universe had a specific grudge on you at this point.
“Oi! Guzma!” You look down at the badge on the old guy’s shirt, Police Captain Nanu, it says. You never had the desire to know anything about him before this point.
You were stupidly hoping you could ignore the both of them and leave Ula Ula Island.
“Yeah yeah! I get it-“
“Do you now?” You look into Nanu’s eyes as he speaks with his casual drawl. “Tears and bruises on the arms don’t imply to me that you in fact “Got it”.”
“Oi! They threw the first punch not me! Besides, I was busy grabbing this-“ he holds up your boarding pass for the morning flight out of Ula Ula Island, out of Alola. “Seems they weren’t going to tell us they were leaving.”
That had been in your bag. In your locker.
In the office.
Had he only just gotten to your stuff?
Or had he been rummaging through there this whole time.
Guzma holds Dumb Bug, unconsciously flopping it’s little wings as they jostle with each of his footsteps, and he finally leans down to get close to your face.
“It’s okay though, me and the old geezer ‘ere will make everything crystal clear.” He says with a mean sneer, a wild look in his eyes and you stand there and shake.
“Guzma, enough, we’ve got all night to help them understand. And besides,” Nanu says, his arm curling over your shoulder while Guzma opens the other door to flank you. “You’ve got every day afterward to accept your situation.”
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So I finally managed to kick my own butt and write something, 😅 so here’s some spice. 😏
‘’Accidentally’’ walking in on their S/O (you) masturbating (but you never had sex together… yet) (Part 1)
(Featuring some of my favorite Pokémon guys; Looker, Nanu, Molayne, Piers and Peony)
(Part 2 is HERE. Featuring Laventon, Beni, Clavell, Jacq, Brassius and Larry)
Warning: Nothing really Yandere in this one, but mention of masturbation, obviously, and mentions of voyeurisme, kissing/making out, groping, handjob, fingering and sex. Some mentions of daddy kink on Nanu’s part (Just Nanu calling himself Daddy, actually). Some pet names like ‘’Kitten, Dear, Darlin’, Luv, ect.’’ will be used. Gender-neutral terms will be used for the S/O. There’s a mention of the S/O getting fingered and riding, but no mention of a specific hole, so it’s still pretty much gender neutral.
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- Gasp ‘’Mi Corazón!’’ loudly enough for you to notice him, but then he immediately cover his eyes with one hand and use the other hand to try and find the door and leave the room.
-Keep apologizing in all the languages he can think of as he leave the room; can’t even understand if you say anything because he’s just too shocked.
- Go take a cold shower afterwards, ashamed of the effect this had on his body. However, the sight of your naked body and pleasured face is stuck in his mind, and he end up having vivid dreams of being the one bringing you such pleasures, leading up to him waking up annoyingly hard, and eventually cold showers stop working… leading to him being even more ashamed as he touch himself to the memory of you.
-Unless you talk to him about the incident, he’ll never talk about it, but you notice that the chores around the house are always done before you can do them, and Looker keep giving you small gifts and trinkets without any particular reasons. It’s his way to apologize for his dirty thoughts about you.
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- Click his tongue, a smirk forming on his face. There’s like, a 50% chance that it was accidental and that he just think he got lucky and another 50% chance that he totally walked in on you on purpose.
- ‘’Such a naughty kitten!’’ He’s right beside you before you can react, stopping you from covering yourself. ‘’If you want help, all you have to do is ask, y’know?’’
- If you refuse his ‘’help’’, Nanu just shrug as if to say ‘’your loss’’ and walk out of the room. And a few days later, you catch him in a similar situation, his hand wrapped around his dick, but the smirk and the look he gives you makes it obvious that he wanted to get caught, maybe as a way to show you what you missed.
- On the other hand, if you do accept his ‘’help’’… His hands and mouth are immediately on you; groping, pinching, kissing, biting and licking everything they can reach, working you up even more until you’re begging for more. And then he let you ride him until you’re satisfied. ‘’Hm, such a good kitten for me. That’s it, cum for Daddy!’’
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- Can’t help but chuckle a bit, because did he just walked into one of the most cliche hentai scene ever? Turn back to leave the room, apologizing with a simple ‘’Sorry for interrupting you, Dear’’. Surprisingly calm, but his face and especially his ears are quite red, though.
- Lowkey hopes that you’ll ask him to stay and help you, though. He’d gladly do anything you ask of him and he’s pretty sure you already know that, but he won’t ask as he prefer things to go at your own pace.
- If you don’t say anything, he’ll just leave the room and never talk about what he saw unless you bring back the subject, but he can’t help but imagining you and those sweet sounds of yours when touching himself.
- If you do end up asking him to stay and help you, he chuckle again because yeah, he definitely just walked into a hentai scene, but he’s definitely not complaining… He takes thing slowly, asking you for consent before trying anything at all and keep asking you to tell him what you want him to do.
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- You know, that ‘’Fight or Flight’’ response? Piers’ response is ‘’Freeze’’. He knows that he should move, leave, do something but he is completely frozen, so silent that you don’t even notice his presence.
- He’s also a flustered mess; a rather intense blush on his cheeks, contrasting with his pale skin, his pants uncomfortably tight, and the sounds you make are just making everything worse. Eventually, you notice him and he worries that you’ll think of him as a gross pervert or something.
- He finally manage to kinda snap out of it and mutter a ‘’Fuck, I’m so sorry Luv!’’ but he’s still unable to move, unable to look away. A simple glance at him makes it pretty obvious that he’s extremely turned on.
- You’ll have to either push him out of the room or drag him to the bed to finally making him move. If you push him out, he’ll avoid you for a few days because every time he sees you, he just remember that incident and those sounds and immediately pop a boner. If you drag him to the bed, he feels so lucky and he makes sure to completely satisfy you and to make you ‘’sing’’ for him.
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- ‘’Hey Darlin’! You’ll never guess what… happened… Hm… Am I interrupting something?’’ Takes him a moment to really understand what he just walked in on, to be honest.
- ‘’So… Do you want me to leave, or can I stay and watch?’’ He didn’t meant to say that. He just accidentally said what he was thinking, before he could stop his mouth from saying it. He groan and facepalm ‘’Sorry, dunno why I asked. I’m just gonna go… take a cold shower…’’
- If you don’t say anything, he’ll walk out and go take a cold shower as he said he would, but the cold shower isn’t enough to turn him off, so he end up jerking off in the shower. He’ll probably bring out the subject of making love the next day, because now that he saw you like that, he can’t help but wanting to see more.
- If you tell him that he can stay, he’s surprised, but overjoyed. ‘’Hey… Is it ok with you if I… y’know… take care of myself? I’m so hard right now, it’s getting uncomfortable. 😅’’ Eventually, he also ask if he can touch you, which lead to you two making out and you giving him a handjob while he’s fingering you.
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ciderwitch · 2 years
Wait, did I hear "Kabu kinks" because I'm down!
(I thirst for that fiery old man) *insert bad pun here about being hot and bothered*
You're darn tooting! Kabu - and Nanu to boot! 🔞
If you'd met him when he was younger, you'd have seen his more hot-blooded and intense self. He was more into quickies and fiery adrenaline-fueled sex after a battle. Outside of that, he was too focused on training and battling to take his time.
Now, he knows that patience can be its own reward and loves spending lots of time with his partner. He's into teasing and orgasm denial for both himself and his partner. He'll have you begging before he really gets serious and forces himself to hold out until you come first.
Bondage - Shibari, specifically. Kabu loves the precision and artistry of tying his partner up and puts a lot of value in the trust required for this. He is well-versed in a variety of knots and rigging. He wouldn't mind if his partner wanted to tie him up, too, though he would prefer not being suspended.
Sensory play! When he's got you tied up (or when you're just fooling around), he loves waxplay, ice, toys, feathers, and other sensations to heighten the sensory of intimacy. He wants to blindfold his partner and see how much he can make them fall apart. He's actually quite playful and tries to make sure intimacy is light-hearted.
Well-dressed kink. He's a classic man with classic tastes and he loves seeing his partner in something of good taste. Suit or dress, if you are done up the nines he just wants to get you home and make you a mess. Could tease this man at a league event or nice dinner just by the glances and quick touches you throw his way. Let it slip with that you're not wearing anything underneath (or that you have some of those ropes around you underneath your clothes) and some of that fiery nature might slip back in enough to have you on your knees in the bathroom!
Seriously, if you find the right buttons and push, you will find yourself shoved against the gym lockers with his cock drilling into you at absolutely unfair speeds. He'll be chastising you and talking mad dirty the whole time.
Not quite a daddy/master type or into punishment, but likes giving orders and doling out rewards.
It would embarrass him to admit this, but the idea of you playfully degrading him and/or financially domming him a little excites him. If you two discuss terms first and he trusts you, you could have this man getting himself off while you show off a new outfit you bought with his card.
I don't think Nanu would be a selfish lover. Nor would he be cold. He's just extremely careful about who he does and doesn't allow himself to get close to.
If you are one of the lucky few that reaches that point, you will find someone very dedicated to your satisfaction.
He's been in special forces and he's been around the world. He's met royalty, spies, soldiers, villains, and monsters... does he love it if you dress up? Sure! But his absolute favorite thing is casual intimacy. Seeing you comfortable with him and having a slow fuck on a rainy day together makes him very happy. His better mood when you're around is noticeable to everyone.
That being said...
He's got a possessive streak. Not as strong as someone like Emmet, but enough that he will not hesitate to pull you into a semi-public alley or beach-changing station and just have a quickie. Sometimes you wonder if he might actually want you to get caught by whoever was trying to take your attention away.
He trusts you. He also just wants to make sure everyone knows you belong to him.
Hard-core domesticity kink. He wants his partner to be independent and successful, but sprinkle in moments that show you care and he's gone. Jokingly tell other people he's your husband, make a holiday meal with him, wear a cute little apron, call the meowths your children... He is not a family man, never wanted to be and never thought he could, but something about the way you treat him like he deserves it makes him go nuts. If he was 10 years younger it might turn into a straight up breeding kink, but as he is now he just wants to bend you over the counter and let you know how he feels.
If you ever wore cat ears and a tail, you would catch him staring. His face would never betray how badly he is thinking about you wearing cat lingerie around the house and ignoring him.
Like, him begging to touch you or lend him a hand but you just open your legs and watch some porn and just looking at him with a smirk. He would never ask you to do this. You would only find out by accident if he was really drunk or left the wrong tab open.
He's not a selfish lover, but he really does love when his partner rides him. He'll still touch and pleasure them, he just likes to see how bad he's wanted, too.
Absolutely leers at you if he finds a new way to fluster you. Will not hesitate to do something in public because he knows how to be subtle enough to not get caught and embarrass you at the same time.
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ya-boy-polaris · 11 months
Hey! Idk if you're still taking asks, but I was curious if you'd be willing to write Nanu x transmasc reader smut. I've had brain rot for this man for years but I don't see a lot of content for him and I'd give anything 😩
Nanu x Transmasc Reader SMUT NSFW MINORS DNI
Ohhhh expect this man to go hog wild with all of the kitty accessories for you
Gets you your own collar, cat ears, pretty ankle and wrist frilly cuffs and such. Will leash you up when he feels like you've been bad enough
Calls you his kitten, gender doesn't matter to him, will get you an engraved locket plus collar combo to make everyone know you belong to him.
Sometimes being Kahuna means paperwork, if that's the case, he keeps you on a short leash so you're his little fuck toy underneath the desk. Keep his fat fucking cock nice and warm while he does his paperwork. His reward? Fucking your handsome face until he feels satisfied. Nanu doesn't care too much if you blow him while he's talking to someone on the radio or in his office, as long as you keep quiet. He has a good poker face but definitely expect him to be a little rougher with you when he's done with his job.
He loves your pussy a little too much. When he doesn't have the stamina or energy to keep up with you sexually, he treats you by finger fucking you or treating you to a couple of hours with a certain toy collection he has. His fingers are just right, calloused and thick in the right kind of ways and his collection of toys keeps you occupied.
When he DOES have the sexual energy, he's possessive, demanding, and forceful. Handcuffs your wrists to your collar so you're sweet, submissive, and forced to obey.
There's something really demanding about him wanting eye contact with you. He loves your love drunk expressions as your eyes roll back by the 3rd orgasm he's making you have.
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r0-boat · 2 years
Alpha Nanu who’s usually so calm and relaxed, snapping at the slightest scent of his omega’s heat?
- noodle 👉👈
BET with a cool and calm Alpha like nanu it would take a lot for him to crack but it's not impossible
Cw: name-calling, biting, breeding, omegaverse, possessive
Afab reader, but no set gender
Eat up nanu simps
First off he has to already be in a bad mood. It's not easy but you will know when his scent is stronger.
And then it would be so happen to be on the day where his rut starts, and the stars have aligned, your in preheat, he notices that. He doesn't react to it but don't worry, he will.
Scent enhancer perfume, will make other alphas and even betas turn their heads and he will definitely notice. He knows what you're doing but he won't fall for your sneaky tricks, he knows that punishment is what you want, and Nanu does not reward bad behavior.
But little does he know you've already won, his arm around your waist holding you closer than he normally does. You could just barely make out that sour smell of jealousy
His patience is running on only a thread and his rut is here, he's pent up, pissed off and aching. You're in preheat, Omega... soft Omega... His omega should be home not out and about.
The final straw would be coming home from your work smelling like another coworker... Is... Is that-that's not your jacket. He could scence the presence of a beta on that jacket. You told him that it was raining and you didn't bring a jacket or umbrella so your co-worker lended you his.
Shit Excuse
His hand grabs the back of your neck slamming you against the arm of the couch. You whimper his palm pressing against your bonding mark, as if he was reminding you, reminding you on who gave you that mark.
" you're in preheat and you dare parade around as if you aren't mine?" You squeeze your legs you've never seen Nanu this angry... it's exhilarating.
His hand slips into your pants grabbing your ass fingers dangerously close to your cunt. " is punishment what you want, heh, then punishment you will get"
His hand grips the back of your throat harder as he struggles to pull your pants down with one hand. He growls at your constant Squirming " quit squirming, if you think I'm going to let you get away now oh oh, your wrong"
His rut and your arousal triggers your heat early. Crying for more of your Alpha's touch.
The irresistible smell of your heat hits him as he Smacks your bum red. He Can't take it anymore, you're wet, ready, and submissive. Nanu wasted no time fumbling with his belt before feeling heat of your walls milk his cock.
He tilts his head back hearing you scream his name as nanu didn't give you time to think before moving. His hips slapping against your ass. Occasionally his hand colliding with your ass cheek feeling the room with that sounds and sharp slapping.
Your nails dig into the couch at the way he's bullying his growing knot against you, and to brace yourself for each strike on your now tender red Bum.
" maybe just scenting you isn't enough huh?. Do I have to make you mine in other ways, do I have to make you take my knot and pups?!"
You screamed his title clenching cumming on his cock.
"Fuck! Y-your creaming! S-so good..."
He slams is knot inside of you while you're still cumming. Locking the both of you in place but he's not done. He grabs your arms putting them around your back something cold is around your wrists along with hearing a click.
Grabbing the chain of the metal cuffs Nanu pulls you back into him you have no choice but to lay there and take everything he has. Grinding his dick against your tightening slick walls. You feel his hot breath against you even knows you can hear his heavy breathing and occasional cussing, Grinding harder and faster with that delicious friction pushing him over the edge.
Nanu thrusted one final time stilling his hips, unleashing sounds he never thought he could, his seed filling you to the brim, his knot making sure you don't waste a single drop.
Your heat was satisfied for now but his rut wasn't. Nanu tosses the key onto the coffee table hoping you close as he shuffles himself onto the couch, hoisting you up in his lap making you warn his knotted still hard cock.
His hand gently rubs your thigh as he turns on the TV to pass the time with his knot swells down. Purring and kissing your neck. Nanu hopes you know that once the swelling goes down he will go right back to fucking you because he's not quite done with you yet.
Someone asked me for cock warming nanu while writing this and I couldn't resist
"P-please!" Your legs are shaking your Alpha's knot has gone down for some time now. The sounds of the TV being completely tuned out, in favor of His hot, breath against your neck as he gives you licks bites and kisses, his hands grabbing and growing every inch of your body. His cock is snug in your core occasionally twitching. Your slick coating his cock and dripping down onto his tight balls.
Nanu is trying to keep his composure but he still is rut and he can't help but push deeper inside of you. If you start to move he holds your hips down on him stilling you. Having no energy to scold you for trying to soften your punishment. However he feels your pain, it's taking everything that he regained not to neglect your punishment and make your body hurt for a week.
That can happen later for now...
You tilt your head back your legs shaking Nanu's fingers playing with your clit, pinching and rubbing, faster, and faster until.
You jump at the strike yelping, "FUCK!" Nanu yells in tandem at your hips slamming back down on his cock, his newfound patience was already running thin, he needs more, more of you. Your abused clit stings with pain and pleasure.
He tilts your head to him to kiss hard and heavy, his lips silencing your moans of happiness when you feel him grab your hips and slowly move you up and down on his cock.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
I hope it's okay to request Cat!Nanu/Reader/Cat!Grimsley poly hcs? 👀 Maybe they're both strays that eventually move in after keeping an eye out for you while out on the streets? Sorry if this is a weird choice! 👉👈😳 if you would rather not then I completely understand!!
Please, have a wonderful day!
This is an interesting combo, I’ll do what I can!
- You first met the older cat hybrid, Nanu.
- He only stayed around because you gave him, and the kits that follow, him some food.
- He seemed to just stick around after that, always coming back. He always asks if you’re okay, if anyone is bothering you, or if you need anything, you always so you don’t, but appreciate his offer.
- Which leads to him taking a nap on your couch.
- You had no problems with him staying with you, it was an unspoken agreement. Nanu goes about his day, and come back home to you.
- Even then, most of the time he’s always home.
- The older cat hybrid slowly warmed up to you. Now it’s quite common for him to lay his head in your lap and sleep, silver ears occasionally twitching, while you watch tv.
- It’s peaceful with Nanu around.
- Even after you come home from work, it’s nice to have his head on your lap, listening to his soft purring.
- Until you ran into another hybrid.
- Charming and smooth talking. Not that you cared, but it was raining, so you gave the stray your umbrella.
- You honestly never thought you’d see that stray or you it umbrella again.
- And judging by how Nanu’s expression fell cold at the new scent, he was hoping so. He spent that night, tail twitching angrily, and scenting you.
- Nanu isn’t the most affectionate hybrid, preferring to just lay on you. But the second he smelt another hybrid on you all bets were off.
- He had you in his chest, arms wrapped around you. Purring and nuzzling against your neck.
- You can faintly hear mumbles of ‘mine’ and ‘mate’, but you aren’t sure.
- And despite Nanu’s wishes, the hybrid found you.
- Returning your umbrella to you. You invited him in to repay him with a cup of coffee.
- Which is where you learned his name is Grimsley.
- And it went down hill from there.
- He and Nanu met a few days after that.
- They weren’t at each other’s throats, and from what you could tell, they tolerated each other.
- You don’t notice their glares, or smug grins when you love up on one and not the other.
- “Aw such a cute thing! Perfect to be my mate.”
- “I’d watch yourself, runt.”
- Their silent digs at each other. Almost petty.
- You don’t know what changed.
- It was almost over night.
- Unaware they both sat down while you were at work, had a mini argument, talked it all out, and came to an argument.
- “Welcome home, dear mate!”
- You love your hybrid men, these two are the best.
- Grimsley isn’t as affectionate either, preferring to do his own thing in the same room as you.
- He comes to you when he wants affection.
- Nanu stays your sleeping buddy.
- You have two shadows, essentially.
- Nanu sleeps all day, sleeps on you, and then goes out at night. You know he’s going to check up on an odd group of hybrids, ones that he’s deemed his problem.
- Grimsley is usually out most of the day, coming back when you get home from work. He proceeds to get his affection from you and shows you what he’s won.
- Grimsley flrits, and flirts heavily with you.
- He’s favorite thing to do is to make you swoon with his words alone. His purring echoes the room when you get bashful and so flustered.
- Nanu is more subtle with his affection for you. He brings you food, blankets, checks up on you, anything.
- He gets visibly irritated when you say you haven’t eaten. He may not be the best cook, but you’re going to eat something now.
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leggerefiore · 6 months
Okay but have you considered- using pokemen as a pillow while napping????
every night anon, every night.
characters: Ingo, Emmet, Larry, Nanu, Cyrus
Listening to his heartbeat softly, you shifted to get more comfortable on the couch. A soft rain tapped against the window in the dim light of the late evening, slowly growing darker. Ingo's hand gently rubbed at your back as he hummed softly. The vibrations were pleasant, and his timbre of voice was always so calming.
He had just come home not long before, barely slipping out of his coat and hat before you pinned him down. Just a little late coming home, but you had been strangely desperate for some time alone with your beloved Subway Boss. A sigh had been his response before getting comfortable with you. The room was dark, with only the distant light from the kitchen bringing visibility. He pulled a Litwick themed blanket down from the back of the couch and spread it over you both.
Slowly, you both nodded off into unconsciousness for a quick snooze.
His hand gently massaged your scalp as you laid your head on his lap. The bumping of the train sporadically, and the bright lights bothered your pained head, but Emmet's hand forced away the worst of it. He normally would not allow a passenger to lay as you were across the seats, but in this case, he would allow an exception. A headache had suddenly come on during a surprise visit from you on his battle line. He hated to see his poor darling in such pain.
Nuzzling into his lap, you turned to bury your face into his stomach and avoid the light more. He held back a giggle at the slight tickle from your motions. You did not need to be disturbed any more than you already had. He focused instead on continuing to massage your head with a sigh. A radio call had already been sent out to Ingo to tell him he was taking an early break to get you back home, but there was still well into thirty minutes before the train would head back to the main platform. Until then, you seemingly would sleep in his lap.
He sighed as he stared down at your sleeping face. How adorable.
The salaryman barely had a reaction when you joined him to lay down for a nap. Perhaps it was just the mood of the midday, but he understood the urge to lay down for a while. Larry was a bit caught unaware by you choosing to lay your head on his chest. You nuzzled right in, however, and got comfortable. His carefully trained expression had yet to shift despite this. A sigh just escaped him.
Larry brought an arm around you, deciding to just allow this affection. Your weight felt oddly comforting on him, and you clearly were happy to just listen to the beat of his heart on top of him. It was not long before you had dozed off, lulled into a peaceful slumber by the comfort of being snuggled up on your lover. For a moment, the middle-aged man laid awake and pondered if this is why you called him Larr-bear before shaking it from his mind.
Instead, he embraced the comfort of sleep, too, feeling warm from his lover's embrace with you.
There was no better pillow in all of Alola than Nanu's chest. The old man may have grumbled a bit when you cuddled up to him for a nap, but he did little to shove you away. The afternoon sun was kept at bay in his home by the blinds and made for a comfortable darkness to just drift away for a while. His blanket was haphazardly tossed over you both as you shifted around to get more comfortable on him.
His heartbeat was a calming one. Probably a bit too slow, but comforting nonetheless. A grumble left him, but his arm came to tangle in your hair and lightly massage your scalp. You nuzzled deeper into his chest with a sigh. Nanu bit back a comment that you acted like one of his Meowths in order to preserve the moment. He did chuckle a bit, though. Maybe that was how you endeared him so quickly.
Before you both drowsed off into a comfortable nap, a Meowth did actually snuggle up at your feet. Its purrs completed the comfortable ambiance.
He normally would reject this type of thing from you, but he supposed you needed it in this case. You kept trying to push yourself despite a throbbing headache. Cyrus had grown tired of seeing you clearly in pain and had demanded you lay down. Your choice in a pillow had been his lap for some unknown reason. There was no place for him to complain, however. He stared down at you in an awkward silence for a few moments, his tablet with his work firmly in his hand.
A grumble quietly left him as he placed the device on an end table. You were clearly in pain, and it bothered him deeply. His hand came to gently massage your scalp, careful to mind the pressure. A sigh escaped your lips as you nuzzled against his lap. You looked suddenly so peaceful that he felt mortified. Had his touch truly done so much? It made no sense. Still, you seemed to be at ease as you began to slowly drift off. He pulled a blanket over you after you had completely nodded off into slumber. Relief flooded his mind to see you finally at peace. Why did you do these strange things to his mind? He could not understand it.
Cyrus could only feel mildly awkward as he returned to his research.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Hi! Can I request a nanu x reader where nanu can’t sleep so he goes on a walk and sees the reader goin inside a restaurant and he ends up following them and it becomes a dare? I just want some cute fluff 
Yessss nanu time
It’s late, far too late for you to be out. For him too, but here you are.
Nanu watches you enter his favorite sushi restaurant, and follows behind. When you approach the exhausted host, Nanu comes up behind you, and makes a motion for two people, instead of one. You jump and boggle him, but don’t say no.
You take your seats in a cozy booth, and gaze at one another.
“What brings you out so late?” Nanu asks, a brow cocked.
You wrinkle your nose. “I could ask you the same, officer.”
Nanu scowls to hide how much he likes the title coming from you. “I’m the officer, kid-”
“Retired.” You remark, gazing nonchalantly over the menu. “And should be in bed.”
Nanu huffs, but can’t deny the spark of pleasure he gets, bickering with you. It makes him feel young again.
“Ain’t it past your bedtime?” He snarks, laughing at your offended expression.
The waiter comes, takes your orders, leaves, and returns with food. You and Nanu snark and bite at one another the whole time, laughing through the night as you eat good food and enjoy good company. By the time you’re done, Nanu is reluctant to leave you.
So he walks you home, like a good officer would.
You’re tired, not thinking straight. That’s why you loop your arms through his. That’s why you lean your head on his shoulder, snuggling close. You’re just tired, and the island is chilly at night.
And Nanu’s little smile? That’s just because he’s tired too.
I love nanu! Thank you for requesting him!!
Have a good day!
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pokenimagines · 2 years
could i please request "dont stop!" gn reader saying this to Nanu? 👉👈
Discord (16+) - Request Information - Event Post 
Warning: This is NSFW so if you’re under the legal age or uncomfortable with content like this, please skip over this one! This piece is for an event that’s linked above with the other information!
Nanu - “Don't stop!”:
He had officially fucked you dumb. You could barely think straight with his cock inside of you, just paused for a moment while you tried to catch your breath. How many times was this? It felt like the 100th time he had made you cum that night.
"Are you okay? Do we need to take a break?" Nanu asked, his hands caressing your legs as he laid some kissed on your calf. You looked over at the man, he had more stamina then you could've anticipated and it was working out in your favore.
"D-don't stop. Please, Nanu." You managed to murmur, moving your head into the pillow. Nanu shifted a bit, changing positions so you were in a mating press and growled.
"Fine, but remember you asked for it."
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voxnumbskull · 8 months
I've been seriously considering writing a Nanu x reader something or other because I don't see enough of those for my little gay heart to be content. If you guys are interested in seeing that, let me know. I can post it chapter by chapter, and I'll also be putting it on Wattpad, so I can probably link that as well.
It'll most likely be a gn reader with they/them pronouns, but I can write two different smut chapters for whichever, um.. "accessories" the reader prefers.
Like I said, I'm not sure if I'll write it yet, but if I get some positive feedback from you guys, I'll definitely put something in the works!
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honey-bee-imagines · 2 years
Don't know if you're up for requests right now, but I would love some depression cuddle headcanons for Guzma and / or Nanu. Lives been getting to me too much and the need to just lay down in bed forever and hold someone is currently overwhelming.
Ah, I feel you there Anon. Sometimes laying down to snuggle someone is the best way to recover from rough days. I do want you to know that I'm happy you sent this, I've been wanting to do requests but I haven't gotten any since the last time I posted. So here are some depression cuddle headcanons just for you! It's a little short, but I hope I did okay.
This guy gets it. He has some days where he needs some cuddles and maybe a nap. Life sucks but cuddling with you makes life suck less. Sometimes you hold him, sometimes he holds you.
He tries not to ask too many questions about what's going on. Usually, if he sees you laying down, holding a pillow or plushie close, he'll ask if it's ok if he joins you. He may even make a joke about being offended you didn't ask him. If he notices you are having one of those days, he will ask if you want to go lay down. If you say yes then he will ask if you want him to join you.
When it comes to cuddling positions, he isn't picky. He likes having you on top of him, but no matter what position you end up in, he'll keep one arm around your waist.
As a man that likes to take things easy and lay around when he has the time, he's more than happy to cuddle with you on days when you need it. What could be better than spending time snuggled up with someone he cares about?
He can usually tell when you're having a Depression Day or if you are nearing your limit of being able to pretend things are fine. The first few times he found you laying around he asked if he could join you. Now he just... does. If you are nearing your limit and he knows a Depression Day is coming, he will insist on laying down and taking a nap together even if you are still trying to pretend things are okay.
For cuddling positions, I feel like his favorite would change every once in a while. He does tend to prefer positions that let him rest his head against some part of you, maybe resting it on your shoulder.
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