#pokemon ultra soon and ultra moon
Rockruff & Lycanroc (#744, #745)
Rockruff (#744)
Lykanthropos familiaris (Rockruff)
Keen Eye, Vital Spirit, Own Tempo, Steadfast
Rockruffs are a pure rock-type dog Pokémon that average at 1’08 feet tall and weigh 20.3 Ibs. They have in impeccable sense of smell, to the point where they’re known for remembering anything they’ve smelled once.
Habitat: Rockruffs are found in Australia, but like the dingos of our world, were brought there by humanity a long time ago—estimated to be maybe 8,000-9,000 years ago. So, late enough that Tasmania split from the rest of Australia, which is why Rockruffs are not found natively in Tasmania. Unlike the dingos of our real world however, Rockruffs can even be found in the forests of Southeast Australia. But they generally prefer more arid climates.
Life Cycles: Rockruffs have fairly standard lives as a dog Pokémon. They are born between May and August (winter) to litters ranging widely from 1 to 10, but 5 being fairly standard. The pups will stay in their den for the first 3 weeks of their lives, then leave it completely with their parents at around 8 weeks old. These dens are typically under rocks or in abandoned burrows.
Rockruff pups will stay with their parents until around 10 months old, where they will then leave the pack and start their own lives. Rockruffs in particular will form small packs, often sibling packs, for a couple years until they evolve into Lycanroc. While reproduction cannot occur before reaching level 15, they also cannot reproduce until around 2 years of age.
The mating season for Rockruffs and Lycanrocs is between March and June, though individuals in tropical climates can mate at any time of the year, but litters are once per year. Once the mating rituals have completed, eggs will appear in their burrows. The gestation periods for these eggs is 60 to 70 days, and the Rockruff/Lycanroc pair will take turns defending their eggs from egg thieves during that time period.
By and large, the biggest threat to Rockruffs are territorial disputes, giant spider Pokémon, giant snake Pokémon, large bird Pokémon, and stochastic events such as falling from cliffs, wildfires, or mass floodings.  
Behavior: Rockruffs are quite friendly as pups, even making for excellent starter Pokémon for new trainers. Be aware, though, that Rockruffs become increasingly more aggressive as they get older, but to a trainer or its family it will remember the love that is there and continue to be steadfast in its loyalty. The temperament behavior change in Rockruffs can be too much for some trainers to handle, and this leads to many being abandoned by their unfit trainers.
As a show of affection, Rockruffs enjoy rubbing their rocky neck manes against the object of their affection, but this hurts! A lot!
Rockruffs hunt in packs and are very persistent predators, capable of outlasting prey much larger than themselves and wearing them down through running. To train themselves for combat and hunting, Rockruffs will run around a lot, or as humans like to call it “they have the zoomies.” This is an excellent behavior for anyone who wants an energetic Pokémon!
Diet: Rockruffs are carnivores that can eat more omnivorous diets, like rice, pizza, carrots, potato chips (you know, things we feed our dogs and probably shouldn’t) but really, you should be feeding your Rockruff a proper carnivorous diet, or at least suitable Pokémon food. In the wild they eat moderately sized animals like wallabies,  Komalas, and invasive Bunnelbies, Numels, and Mudbrays.
Conservation: Threatened (in the wild), Least Concern (Captivity)
Climate change, habitat loss, and the killing of Rockruffs and Lycanrocs (to prevent livestock deaths) are the biggest reasons that wild populations are declining. This actively includes the massive wildfires that have been decimating Australia over the past several years.
Relationship with Humans: Rockruffs are a common starter Pokémon in Australia. Though they have been introduced into predominately white (read: settler) communities of Aotearoa (New Zealand) and other parts of Tasmania, conservationists require these Rockruffs and Lycanrocs to be spayed/neutered. Unfortunately, this does not stop bad trainers from releasing their Rockruffs/Lycanrocs into the wild, where they do untold amounts of ecological damage on the local ecosystem. Conservationists and local rangers have to work hard to keep feral Rockruffs and Lycanrocs out of the wild and relocate them to more suitable habitats.
Like the dingos of our world, Rockruffs and Lycanrocs are culturally significant to many of the indigenous cultures of Australia.
Classification: The genus Lykanthropos is a believed to share a common ancestor with other dog Pokémon, but it’s uncertain where this connection falls on the family tree. The evolutionary relationship between the different dog clades continues to elude scientists.
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Lycanroc (#745)
Lykanthropos lykanthropos dieslapis (Lycanroc- Midday form)
Lykanthropos lykanthropos vesperalapis (Lycanroc- Dusk form)
Lykanthropos lykanthropos noxlapis (Lycanroc- Night form)
Keen Eye, Sand Rush, Steadfast (Midday)
Tough Claws (Dusk)
Keen Eye, Vital Spirit, No Guard (Night)
General Information: Lycanrocs are a pure rock type species with three separate forms depending on the time of day (or, more specifically the amount of sunlight it receives) when it evolves. These three forms, its Midday, Dusk, and Night forms, all weigh the same average of 55.1 pounds, but while the Midday and Dusk forms average at 2’7 feet tall, the Night forms stands on its hind legs like a werewolf and reaches 3’7 feet in height. Importantly, only Rockruffs with Own Tempo as its ability can evolve into Dusk form Lycanroc.
Habitat: Lycanrocs are found in the same environments as Rockruffs, which is all of Australia natively.
Life Cycles: Lycanrocs have the same life cycles as Rockruffs.
Behavior: Once they evolve from a Rockruff, Lycanrocs become independent hunters… well, depending on the form. See, Night form Lycanrocs are nocturnal predators that hunt alone, Midday Lycanrocs also hunt alone and do not form packs as a measure of avoiding conflict, but Dusk form Lycanrocs will form packs with each other. Now, Dusk form Lycanrocs are the rarest of the three forms, but they’re able to find each other during the twilight hours and cooperate. Because of their cooperation, they’re able to take down prey that is significantly larger than themselves, such as Kanghaskhan. This puts them in a different ecological niche from their Midday and Night counterparts, who also have separate niches by being diurnal and nocturnal respectively.
Midday Lycanrocs are even tempered and prefer to avoid conflicts. Nighttime Lycanrocs are voracious and hard-headed who like to tackle their problems head-on, who only respect those they like. Dusk Lycanrocs are largely even tempered, but in combat or in a hunt they become quite vicious, and this dynamic shift in personality often makes them the more temperamental for trainers to work with. However, Dusk Lycanrocs can pack bond, and this is hugely important for household and trainer dynamics. In general, the only time Midday and Nighttime Lycanrocs pair up is for mating and raising Rockruffs… which can last an entire year. It’s not uncommon for some to skip mating cycles so that they have a year alone to themselves before raising another litter, especially in situations where resources are plentiful and pup survival is high.
Diet: Meat. Lycanrocs will hunt moderately sized prey like Diggersby to megafauna like Kangkaskhan. Overall, while Rockruffs eat small to medium sized prey (if they work together) Lycanrocs eat medium to mega-sized prey (if they work together).
Conservation: Threatened (in the wild), Least Concern (Captivity)
Relationship with Humans: Lycanrocs have had a long-shared history with humanity for tens of thousands of years, and it’s believed that werewolf legends derived from ancestral Lycanroc populations when they still thrived on the mainland of Eurasia. Scientists are unsure what caused Eurasian Lycanrocs to die off entirely, but many believe it may have been a combination of factors including humans, climate change, and being outcompeted by other Pokémon. These infringements simply do not exist to the same extent in Australia, where they have been living peacefully for thousands of years now alongside humanity.
Classification: Lycanroc’s three forms each have a subspecies modifier, but the base species Lykanthropos lykanthropos is what defines the genus. Dusk form Lycanrocs are ultimately more likely to mate with other Dusk form Lycanrocs, and this seems to be a case of internal speciation at work via different social patterns, though the effects are quite early in the process and interbreeding remains frequent.
Hey guess what, if you like my stuff, this is my website where you can find other Pokémon I've written on and more information about the game that I’m slowly making! Check it out! I write books sometimes too.
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tsubasagirl · 4 months
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My first photo featuring my fav rivals :3
(This feature is so fun I love the creativity and humour that the community has in creating these)
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kingofmons · 3 months
Earlier this year, I started playing Pokémon Ultra Sun again. Why? So I could get to postgame and open it up to get Ribbons for my Lucario later.
Right now, i'm at Poni Island, Seafolk Village.
I am changing my team around a bit while i'm at the PMC.
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Two Dark types. Also fighting Guzma made me realise that I should really get a Flying Type or something. Hence...
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I got this Shiny Charmander through the GTS by depositing a Caterpie and asking for a Charmander, just to see if it'd work. And it did!
I tried it because there was this website where you could request a Pokémon and which one you'd put up on the GTS for. I forgot the name since it was a real long time ago, like idk 2021 maybe?
Anyway, the Charmander is Modest Nature, hatched from an Egg, and is now fully EV Trained in both Special Attack & Speed since I was working on Poké Pelago throughout the playthrough.
I'll post my post-League team here when I reach the end!
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beauzos · 6 months
ScarVio dlc kinda slapped. plot was super short on both ends and was pretty mid but the actual areas they added n the exploration was really fun. i sunk about 40 hours into the dlc just wandering around catching pokemon n shit. i actually completed the Blueberry pokedex. first time i ever completed a dex in my fucking life.
really love Blueberry Academy. Kitakami was alright but i felt the area designs were a little too generic and not very fun to explore. really like Carmine and Bloodmoon Ursaluna is one of my favorite mons now. loved all the Unova references in Indigo Disk. fun game. better than a lot of the base game imo.
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gooompy · 5 months
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"Evidence that Pokémon once familiar to us have been spotted in the various dimensions linked together by Ultra Space, in the same way that Ultra Beasts have been spotted in our own dimension. Upon falling through an Ultra Wormhole, these Pokemon become bathed in a strange energy that seems to facilitate rapid changes and adaptations needed to survive in their new environments, among other speculated effects. We have dubbed them "dimensional forms," though internally we use the code name "ultra variant," or "UV" for short."
-Aether Report excerpt
It seems that when exposed to the bizarre lands of Ultra Space, Eevee's evolutions take on new forms. I wonder what other strange forms we have yet to see! More info coming soon!
*More detailed lore later, but as a brief explanation on each one's inspirations:
-Vaporeon: polluted water, plastic debris and its impact on animals, mutations, oil and water don't mix
-Jolteon: overcharged long boi, they run through the skies and leave lightning trails behind them
-Flareon: explosive smoke cloud and shrapnel
-Umbreon: black holes and new moons because of Ultra Megalopolis's darkness theme
-Espeon: wise and (slightly) wrinkly sphynx cat with a 3rd eye
-Leafeon: bulky and ferocious tiger, stripes inspired by beta Leafeon
-Glaceon: bleached coral and asymmetry
-Sylveon: shinto shrine maidens and shide (zigzag paper streamers)
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snowywolf1005 · 4 months
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When I was watching joyboy luffy vs. kaido, and I was thinking something, then I got an idea.
What if I made that nika warriors of liberation who are in love with someone who is the moon God a girl.
That they are really in love. And that moon God is gonna named lunala from my favorite show (pokemon Sun and Moon Ultra Adventures).
And the reader ate moon Goddess devil fruit, I'm going to called it the mo-mo fruit.
But it got me thinking, should I write nika x lunala past? Or joyboy luffy x moon goddess female reader in the battle of kaido?
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Can zorua and zoroark being good pet? They maybe a mischievous pokemon sometimes but idk 🤔???
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(Since I’ve covered zoroark already [I’ll link it at the bottom of this post], I’ll be covering zorua! Unless I’m mistaken, this will be the first multi-stage evolution line that I’ve fully covered! That means, as I’ve mentioned in the past, I’ll be doing a full evolution-line analysis soon!)
Despite their mischievous behavior and dark-type status, zoruas would actually make pretty good pets, once you build a good bond with them.
In their natural form, zoruas are just the right size to be a pet, fitting in a very manageable cat/dog size range. They’re fluffy and cute, which doesn’t factor into the score algorithm much but I’d hate to not point it out! Personality-wise, it seems that zoruas are much less confrontational than their evolutions (and often protectors), zoroarks.
Like zoroarks, zoruas can disguise themselves in near-perfect illusions. Whereas zoroarks use these illusions to scare foes and threats away, zoruas mostly use them to hide from potential threats (White). When you first meet a zorua, given their shy and fearful nature, they will most likely disguise themselves when around you (Ultra Sun). Often, when trying to avoid attention, zoruas disguise themselves as human children (Black, Y, Ultra Moon). Once they befriend a human or pokémon, however, zoruas relax and will show their true form more often (Ultra Sun). While your zorua would show their true form around you at home, be prepared to mistaken for a parent of a human child whenever you take them in public! All this isn’t to say they may not still transform occasionally, often to play tricks on you or surprise you (Black)! You’d need a good sense of humor to care for a zorua.
As far as their actual moves go, zoruas aren’t very dangerous. Most of their moves are meant to discourage enemies from harming them or make use of physical attacks, none of which are going to be too big of a problem considering their size. Given their propensity to hide and flee rather than fight enemies, it’s unlikely that a zorua would attack a human anyways.
Overall, a zorua would be a good, if a bit unusual, pet. So long as you are able to bond with them and provide them with a home where they feel safe and loved, they will get along well with you and be a lovely, if occasionally tricky, companion.
(As promised, here’s the zoroark post, if you’re interested!)
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your-local-terror · 2 months
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Love this guy. The budge. Ignore my fucked up desk im planning to clean it soon (Under cut for no text)
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Got ultra moon and this was the first pokemon I got after my starter and he's really cool. His name is Bubby.
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lindleland · 2 months
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Thank you all for joining me on this adventure!
I'm replaying the whole series but the next few games will be gen 3 through 5 games on original hardware, which I can't screenshot, so no liveblogs. HOWEVER as soon as I stop being too broke to afford games I will be buying the Pokemon Violet DLC and will resume that liveblog! I've managed to stay mostly unspoiled on that.
Will also definitely be liveblogging Ultra Moon once I get back to the 3DS games, and probably Alpha Sapphire as well.
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medic-tf2-gayming · 11 months
I feel like people see “difficulty spikes” as inherently bad game design- something that should be avoided when making a game, but I honestly don’t agree with this view. I think that there are plenty of reasons that a game can include sections that seem overly difficult for the game’s skill progression and have it be a net positive for the game.
First off, a difficulty spike early on can be a necessary push to force players to familiarize themselves with the controls. Celeste, for instance, is a very execution-heavy game, but if you pick it up for the first time, as with most platformers, you’ll make tons of misinputs starting off. This was an issue with me all the way until the badeline sequence for chapter 2. Towards the end of it, there’s a very long sequence where you’re being chased downward by 5 of them, and while none of the jumps are very difficult, having to do all of them with no mistakes or be sent back to the start of such a long section makes it a very frustrating part, but by having to develop a muscle memory for that one section, I got a lot better with the controls, and suddenly had a lot fewer misinputs.
Another reason for early difficulty spikes is to encourage the player to interact with certain game mechanics. Pokemon generally isn’t a difficult game series by any stretch, but Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon stand out as one of the few exceptions, with the second island being particularly brutal. The fire-type and grass-type totems, which vary between game versions, all come with massive stat boosts, and ally pokemon to support them while also making it a 2v1. However, the fights become a lot more manageable if the player uses the Z-crystals they get right before each fight (since they get the waterium Z right before the fire type challenge and get the firium Z right before the grass type challenge), then it’s easy to make quick work of the fights. However, if the player wants to try and beat it without the generational gimmick, an entire team of 6 might lose even if they’re the same level as the totem.
Difficulty spikes don’t always happen at the start of the game though. Bug Fables has a TON of optional bosses that, if challenged as early as possible, are significant jumps in difficulty. The earliest, and most notable example of this is the devourer. Despite being challengeable as early as the halfway point of chapter 2, it’s harder than even the boss at the end of chapter 5. And the puzzle required to get to it isn’t easy either- although it can be trivialized by some of the movement abilities you get later on in the game, it can be rather tedious to challenge the boss as soon as possible, making the area feel untamed, off the beaten path, and somewhere you perhaps aren’t prepared for. But if the puzzle doesn’t deter you, the devourer itself most likely will. It’s got a ton of health, and a powerful attack that traps a party member, likely shutting down any plan you may have had to take it down with the limited skills and TP you have at this point in the game. It’s certainly POSSIBLE to beat it this early on, but it’s insanely difficult, and will most likely stick in the player’s mind when they find no choice but to come back to it later. By forcing the player to run away from an optional fight, the game not only encourages the player to come back later and keep exploring and revisiting difficult optional areas as they progress through the game and get stronger, but it also shows the player that running away is a perfectly acceptable option, especially for later optional fights like Monsieur Scarlet, who isn’t quite as much of a difficulty spike, but can still be ignored until later now that players don’t feel like they HAVE to beat him as soon as possible.
A similar situation exists in Fallout: New Vegas, where the player could technically march straight North to New Vegas, but it’s stupidly difficult to go the direct route, and the player is better off taking the long way around, finding the game’s various important locations and learning that their best option is usually to avoid fights as they manage their limited resources.
Even at the end of the game, a difficulty spike can be used to punctuate a story beat, usually to emphasize the scale of the obstacle the player is overcoming. In UNDERTALE’s genocide route, the player must kill every enemy in an area, thereby leveling up as much as possible, making most of the game’s bosses go down in one hit, save for just two of them. The once fun and unique fights being ended so unsatisfyingly is one of the ways the game discourages the genocide route, another one being just how difficult the other two are. Undyne the undying might be the thematic final boss, with all of monsterkind’s determination empowering her to make one final stand against the player before you wipe out everyone in the last area, but anyone who’s gotten past her knows she’s not the toughest bout in genocide- that award goes to Sans. Sans is a very notorious boss for MANY reasons, not the least of which is his difficulty, which for some people is enough to not get past that last hurdle. The player is designed to be at a disadvantage here, and Sans doesn’t exactly play fair either. If you want to beat him, then as the game says, you have to stay determined. If you really wanna see the ending so badly, you gotta EARN IT.
So you’ve beaten the game. Nothing left you haven’t conquered, right? Well, depending on the game, the hardest challenges don’t come until AFTER the main story is finished. This is generally more common in indie games, where the developers are passionate enough about the game being made and have enough flexibility in the release date to add in some extra challenges for diehard gamers that are ready for a sudden jump in difficulty in the postgame and are willing to claw through it to see everything the game has to offer. Hollow knight, for instance, is considered somewhat difficult just to beat the base game, but for those who were drawn to the game’s challenge and wanted more, the game’s DLC brought even bigger challenges, culminating in a boss rush where you fight all 48 of them, one after the other, with a final segment that’ll be a challenge for even the most seasoned gamer when you reach it for the first time. And honestly? It can be as big of a difficulty spike here as it wants, since the main story is already over, and this gauntlet is only there for people who WANT the extreme challenge. Now, although indie games tend to be more infamous for their brutal postgame content, perhaps the most famous bonus challenge comes from a time long before these games, one that if you ask your parents, they might still remember those 9 digits.
Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out comes from a time where games were about 260 kilobytes rather than 50 gigabytes, so developers needed to stretch 30 minutes of content into a 20 hour experience, and the most common way of doing so was making games really really hard. Even for that era though, MTPO is tough as nails, each fight enough to feel like a difficulty spike from the previous one in any other game. And even then, even with as unforgiving as the road to defeating Super Macho Man is, there’s still the fight with the titular Mike Tyson. And it’s built to remind you that you’re playing as a scrawny kid from the Bronx fighting Mike Fucking Tyson. And your first attempt is probably a recreation of how that’d go in real life. He hits you before you can even react. You go down instantly. Repeat two more times and you’ve lost in under a minute. That’s just how it went for most of Tyson’s opponents during the height of his career. Maybe you’d dodge once on your second or third attempt and take off a sliver of his health in a counterattack, but it’d still be a resounding defeat. You need basically perfect reflexes to dodge one of his punches, and getting hit even once in the first minute and a half is an instant knockdown. It’s not a fair fight. It’s a fight against Mike Fucking Tyson. I asked my dad about the game and he said “I must have put in that code in at least 300 times before I beat it. And I’d probably need to put it in 300 more times if I wanted to do it again today.” (He proceeded to try it on an emulator and then insist it wasn’t possible because there was like 2 frames of input lag, so I feel less bad about never making it past sandman). The point is, it’s one of the most difficult challenges in gaming. But it’s justified because it’s meant to feel like such a huge accomplishment when you finally do the impossible and beat him.
In summary, games don’t have to follow a linear slope of increasing difficulty. Sudden challenges can be crafted in such a way that it forces you to learn the game’s mechanics, encourage you to try another way or come back later, or even just make a win feel all the more satisfying. Difficulty spikes might not always add something to a game, but the next time you find one, maybe consider if it has some silver lining to it.
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theshadowrai · 7 months
✂️ 🍎 🎹 Vex?
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Ooh I get to share some Vex Lore™ :D
Vex’s worst memories are from his child / teen years.
He wasn’t always the Guardian of the Isle of the Moon. The old Guardian had resided on the isle for centuries, delivering messages from the Moone to all who visited. One day, the Guardian disappeared without a trace, leaving the isle abandoned. Nobody knew what had happened, but everyone was heartbroken nonetheless. When Vex was born, he was assigned to take the old Guardian’s place, which sparked outrage among the locals. How could the Legendaries be so cruel to replace their beloved Guardian so soon after they had disappeared?
Vex did everything he could to prove himself worthy of the role of Guardian, but no matter what he tried, he was never good enough for anyone. No Legendaries wanted to mentor him, and no mortal pokemon would accept him as a Guardian Deity. He felt betrayed and abandoned by everyone who was supposed to help him, and believed he was destined to cause trouble for everyone. He made a lot of mistakes that he now regrets, some of which still haunt his memories to this day. If it wasn’t for the guidance and patience of Lunala, he may have never been able to calm down.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship with their parents like?
Lunala has always been like a mother to Vex. When he first met Luna, he was very wary of her because he thought she may quit on him. However, no matter how long he anticipated her leaving, she never did. He admires her kindness and patience, and wants to make her proud. Vex doesn’t see Lunala in person as often ever since he completed his Legendary training, but they still talk every night through telepathy. Even when the isle has no visitors, they still like to check in with each other.
Vex has also met Lunala’s husband Solgaleo and their child Nebby, although he admittedly doesn’t know them as well. Nevertheless, they all treat him like family, so he does the same to them.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Vex is usually so busy that he doesn’t have much time for any hobbies. By night he’s the Moone’s Messenger, and by day he’s tracking down Ultra Beasts, so his schedule is almost always fully booked, which is why he appreciates lazier days so much! When he has some free time, he likes to do relaxing activities, like going for walks and exploring new places. He doesn’t get the chance to stop and enjoy his surroundings very often, so he always appreciates doing so when he can. He also likes pulling pranks on people, and always enjoys a good nap, which isn’t really a hobby (although he’d argue it is lol)
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talentbloomed · 7 months
//a little update from me: while ive been busy with college and work, i’ve been really into pokemon these past few months ;W; i finished playing sword/shield, finished scarlet/violet’s teal mask dlc (waiting for part 2 on dec 14th), finished pkmn xy anime, and currently on the ultra beast saga in pkmn sun/moon anime—probably going to play ultra sun/ultra moon soon wWELELDDK
when i return i’ll probs bring with me a bunch of pkmn aus/headcanons for tooru owo
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starlitmothart · 6 months
My Pokemon Teams, including WIPs
Doing some more Pokemon Gijinkas of my teams hahahaha
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Fire Red Team (which is highly electrocutable)
Bering the Kingler
Nepenthes the Victreebel
Pacifica the Tentacruel
Char the Charizard (to be redrawn soon)
Shard the Cloyster
Hornet the Beedrill
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Soul Silver Team (Arguably one of my favorite teams)
Glitchy the Porygon-Z
Zuzu the Crobat
Gyareth the Gyarados
Quilly the Typhlosion
Death the Xatu
Glacier the Weavile
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Emerald Team (My OG team!) which is highly flammable
Exuvia the Shedinja
Emily the Aggron
Tensan (the original Mr. Wiggles) the Dustox
Aqua the Swampert
Shimmer the extremely needy Gardevoir
Musa the Tropius
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Shining Pearl Team (almost all named after mobile otome game characters)
Cerim the Gallade
Altair the Staraptor
Yggy (Yggdrasil but the game won't let me put that) the Torterra
Graham the Pachirisu
Lullus the Mismagius
Ritz the Luxray
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Black Team, which is somehow my most balanced team
Statilia (the BEST Mr. Wiggles) the Leavanny
Hex the Gothitelle
Shadow the Bisharp
Mizu the Samurott
Cyclone the Sigilyph
Adelheid the Hydreigon
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Y Team (Yes, I'm aware that Shimmer and Zuzu are there again)
Chester the Chesnaught
Shimmer the Gardevoir... who is still very needy.
Zuzu the Crobat... again
Noivy the Noivern
Carla the Hawlucha
Muerta the Gengar
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Moon Team
Elzaphan the Toucannon
Pandora the Salazzle
Bee the Ribombee
Vidar the Decidueye
Hanzo the Samurott
Precious the Mimikyu
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Ultra Moon Team (which is going to need some updated artwork)
Orchid the Lurantis
Helio the Heliolisk
Rico the Primarina
Magnus the Magmortar
Gladius the Gallade (I'm sorry lol)
Ienzo the Zoroark
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Shield Team
Britney the Toxtricity
James the Inteleon
Dorian the Runerigus
Bacon Bit the Sizzlipede
Drayla the Dragapult
Titania the Hatterene
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Violet Team (the first of 3 lol)
Anita the Spidops
Bella the Tinkaton
Manolo the Skeledirge
Struthiona the Espathra
Olivita the Smoliv
Canus the Ceruledge
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the-spam-specialist · 5 months
What do you want out of Pokemon Day next month
Well, after no doubt spending twenty minutes going over all the mobile stuff and some special raid event that I'm sure we're gonna get, I really really want them to announce a new Mystery Dungeon.
They literally let us play as our Pokemon in the Indigo Disk and Game Freak loves teasing upcoming content in their current games. Like with the G-Max Toxtricity Poster in Ultra Sun and Moon and the Loyal Three Banner in Medali.
I think Ruby and Sapphire for GBA Online is a big possibility. Maybe FireRed and LeafGreen.
And no, I'm not expecting Black and White remakes. Unless Game Freak is REALLY desperate to get us to forget about Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
And while I wouldn't say no to a new Legends game, I feel like it's just a little too soon for that.
Also, while I don't play Pokemon Unite, if Ceruledge/Armarouge are revealed for the game, I just might pick it up.
Overall: really hoping for a new Mystery Dungeon. And MAYBE a small teaser for another Legends game.
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cdstudios · 2 years
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Just a lil preview of some new ocs based off of my pokemon ultra moon randomizer! More will come soon though so here's a wip for now
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profsilverleaf · 11 months
Pokeblogging Archival: Team Calm
This post is meant to be a summary of events involving and following the plot of Team Calm. There are a lot of of characters involved in this story.
If any information here is wrong, or if there is something missing that you think should be added, please tell me so I can make corrections.
The Beginning
Mysterious packages were sent to several people. All included an egg and an incubator. They were told that they were chosen for a giveaway, where they were given "Ultra-Domesticated" Pokemon. Some people who were sent eggs were Vanilla, Angie, Victoria Gonzap and Professor Lemon.
Professor Lemon (@prof-lemon) in particular was very concerned about this mysterious group and their intentions. Lemon has a conversation with a member of Team Calm through her asks. Here, here, and here.
Team Calm (@team-calm) soon creates an official account. They explain that their goal is to create "Ultra-Domesticated" Pokemon, who lose their prey-drive as well as being more social.
It is revealed that Team Calm have multiple Cosmog. There are people who are interested in adopting the Cosmog. Team Calm has tried to create UD versions of Cosmog (despite it not being dangerous in the first place) but these efforts don't work.
Team Calm mentions that they also have a Lunala. It was raised from an egg, and evolved when the leader "borrowed" the moon flute in Alola. They say that the Lunala is at their Kalos base.
There is a brief mention of manipulating DNA to create UD Pokemon. (This will be important later)
Prof. Lemon starts Team Violence in opposition to Team Calm. The goal of the group is to raise awareness and understanding of Pokemon who are seen as aggressive. As well as creating fund raisers for shelters and conservation.
Kalos Base Investigation
A professor-in-training living in Kalos named Silverleaf (@profsilverleaf) sees the mention of Lunala being at the Kalos lab and decides to visit it. An additional post about Silverleaf's thoughts on Team Calm. He sends a message to Lemon about what he is going to do.
He's not the only one that intends to visit the Kalos Lab. Leinwen (@untitledswanna) also wants to visit but was told to wait until Silverleaf was done. She decides to go with Silverleaf, but in disguise.
Silverleaf and Leinwen meet up and go into Team Calm's base. Silverleaf keeps Team Calm distracted while Leinwen sneaks around.
During this time Silverleaf periodically sends updates to Lemon about the investigation. Here and here.
Lemon was privately informed that she would be sent a Mawile that would have something important relating to the Kalos investigation. She was then sent a UD Mawile by Leinwen. Lemon got the information that was in a flashdrive that the Mawile was holding.
Lemon makes a post telling everybody about what Team Calm is really doing to create UD Pokemon. Which involves experimentation on eggs to change the Pokemon's DNA. Most of these Pokemon do not hatch or die shortly afterwards.
Someone suggests raiding Team Calm to Miku (@champion-class-hatsune-miku), who makes it part of her pride month performance event. They are going to raid Team Calm's Alola base since that area is where the performance is being held.
*will post the next bit (the actual raid stuff) soon in a reblog to this portion of the story*
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