galacticpolewear · 2 years
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No-Sew and Minimal-Sew Costume Ideas for Pole Dancing So you’ve been thinking about performing. It would be fun, you can show off your cool new tricks, and maybe you’re doing it for the ‘Gram. (I mean Instagram. I don’t know, maybe you show your pole videos to your grandma.) But what’s next? Collage including a dancer, a calendar and items to pack I talked about planning for a showcase or competition in a previous post here. You’re thinking, “that’s great Ash, but I just want to start with something simple for the first one. I don’t need a full-on training routine and decked-out costume.” You just want to dip the proverbial toe, as it were. Great! You have an idea for a routine, you’ve put together a few combos you like and now you're practising it. Have you thought about what you’re going to wear? Maybe you’re not ready to drop cash on a costume—totally fair (look at me being a bad salesperson again) but you also don’t know how to sew. Well, I’ve got some good news for you! I’ve collected my favourite costuming techniques that require no sewing at all, plus a few sewing tips for those ready to jump in. ⬆️⬆️ ⬆️To Read more link In Bio⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ #handmadecostume #poledanceoutfit #gogo #dancer #circuscostume #sportwear #polecostume #polesporting #independentdesigner #gogodancer #poledancecanada #polewear #polecostumedesingner #canadacostumes #poleclothes #poledancesportwear #poledancenation #poleclothing #poledance #polelive #gogogirl #poleoutfit #dance #dancecostume #poledancer #costume #dancewear #pole https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp5UWBngUHL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rabarbarzcukrem · 2 months
Persona drag queen inspirowana słowiańskim poganizmem o imieniu Lelly Polelle
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if we as a system are acting weird or erratic its cause in less than a week we are going back to something not unlike a beforan culling situation and everything is wrong
have a polel
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theancientgod · 12 days
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Slavic gods by Igor Evgenievich Ozhiganov - Lela I Polel
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zarya-zaryanitsa · 3 years
I know that Slavic paganism was not consistent and there’s a lot we don’t know. However I was wondering about different spring gods. I’ve seen a few names thrown around. Vesna, Lada, Jarilo. I’ve read some about Jarilo already ( great post btw) but I’m wondering where Vesna and Lada fit into Slavic belief if at all?Thank you for your time ! P.S: are there any Russian specific deities? I was born in Russia and am trying to connect with my roots spiritually
I would like to start by disclaiming that this is a very complex question and as usual with Slavic paganism there is no easy answer. I’m sorry if the explanations provided below will not feel satisfactory.
First about Vesna: I couldn’t find any mentions of her in “Sources of Slavic Pre-Christian Religion” by J. A. Álvarez-Pedrosa, which is a collection of all known sources mentioning pre-Christian Slavic religion that are contemporary to it’s practice. Polish authors also stay silent about her. It seems to me like she doesn’t appear in many (perhpas any, I couldn’t say with certainty) sources even secondary ones and rituals connected ot her are not practiced in Poland. From what I heared about her the name Vesna appears in folk customs related to spring, practiced predominantly in Southern Slavic states but occasionally found in other coutnries too. However „vesna” and similar forms of this word also simply mean „spring” in many Slavic languages so I couldn’t say with any degree of confidence whether we are dealing with a deity or merely a personification of spring associated with particular folk holidays (the two aren’t always the same thing). I believe asking someone from a Southern Slavic country or a person specializing in practices of this region might yield more adequate reply.
Now onto Lada/Lado and here really starts my headache. The short answer is that we don’t know what’s up with them and opinions are strongly divided.
The long answer follows. The first mention of Lado that we have comes from “Gniezno Sermons”, written by Łukasz of Wielki Koźmin around 1405-1412. He believes Lada to be one of the idols still worshipped by common people during certain “indecent” folk festivities, he lists a couple of other names too, but not ones we know from earlier, pre-Christian sources. I believe few years later the same string of names is repeated in few other publications, untill finally Jan Długosz elaborates on it in his description of pagan Polish pantheon which I have spoken about in this post.
In “Annales seu Cronicae incliti Regni Poloniae” (1455) Długosz claims that Lada is local name for Roman god Mars, so very much a male deity. However in his writings on Polish heraldry “Insignia seu clenodia Regis et Regni Poloniae” (1464-1480) he states that Lada is a goddess which was worshipped in the region of Masovia. The writings of Długosz are repeated many times by later authors with small adjustments. In 1519 “Chronica Polonorum” Maciej Miechowita equates Lada with roman Leda, making the deity female. In mid 16th century Marcin Kromer names Lado as male but connects him with the traditional matchmaking and wedding songs. Around the same time Maciej Stryjkowski mentions goddess „Leda” mother of divine twins Lel and Polel which according to him are equivalent with Castor and Pollux. In 1578 Alessandro Guagnini, Veronese adventurer who emigrated to Poland publishes “Sarmatiae Europeae Descriptio” in which he plagiarizes large parts of Stryjkowski’s work. While he includes mentions of the worship of „Lada, Lel and Polel” he equates Lada with Pluto. This particular publication becomes quite popular in the West.
XVIIth century Ukrainian “Hustyn Chronicle” describes Lado as god of marital success and merriment and connects him with Hymen, Jove and Bacchus. Modern scholars highlight that while the Chronicle contains some older texts as well, the accounts about Lado were most likely inspired by the XVth century Polish writers, Kromer in particular. The second known eastern source, Gizel’s “Synopsis” is modeled after writings of Stryjkowski and names Lada as mother of Lel and Polel.
As for modern researchers, most Polish ones whose works I’ve read are very sceptical of Lada/Lado (Bruckner, Gieysztor, Słupecki, Strzelczyk, Urbańczyk). They consider Lada/Lado to be either a term of endearment meaning „beloved/ wife/ husband” or simply a linguistic misunderstanding of traditional Slavic wedding songs characterized by ululating, nonsensical refrains (Christian writers misconstruing folk tradition as invocation of pagan gods).
Kalik and Uchitel, authors of „Slavic gods and heroes” also strongly oppose historicity of Lada, following the wedding song theory. However it’s worth noting they are hyper-critical in their approach to all supposed Slavic deities, believing them to be artificial inserts rather than genuine divinities of pre-Christian Slavic origin.
The most ardent defenders of Lada as goddess of love/marriage seem to be Aleksander Faminstyn and Boris Rybakov. Croatian scholar Natko Nodilo connected Lada with the sun and the tradition of lazarice.
In “Russian Folk Belief” Ivanits refrains from making definite judgment on the case of Lada and merely points out that Lada remains „most mysterious”, citing Rybakov’s deep belief in her historicity and Kagarov’s total disbelief.
Our dear Upyrica recently shared with us a translated piece from the works of Mykola Kostomarov in which the author equates Lado with Yarilo. You can find the fragment here.
As you can see the issue is a complex one and as of now Lada lacks a clearly defined place in Slavic beliefs. If you wish to learn more on your own I believe you can find some more relevant names in this article - although it focuses on the role of Lada in Lithuanian culture it mentions quite a few Slavic sources as well. Unfortunately the article is in Russian, so if, like me, you are unfamiliar with the language you’ll have to google translate your way through it.
If you wish to get more information about the XV-XVI century sources I cited earlier (and many more) you should definitely check out “The gods of the Ancient Slavs”, available freely here.
I would say Jarilo and various related characters are best attested among the trio that you named. It’s quite possible that some form of Jarilo was honored by all three main groups of Slavs, although perhaps not by all tribes and certainly not in exactly the same way.
As for your question about Russian deities: if you are looking for gods and goddesses that are only found on the territory of present-day Russia and nowehere else I don’t know of any (which doesn’t mean they never existed of course). There are some names that appear in Eastern sources but are of doubtful historical authenticity. I’d say your best bet is turning to what we understand as „Eastern Slavic” deities such as Dazhbog, Khors, Mokosh, Stribog, Simargl, perhaps also Svarog (Perun and Veles are believed to have been worshipped among many groups of Slavs even though they are only named as such in Eastern Slavic primary sources). “The gods of Ancient Slavs” linked earlier in the post will provide you with quotes from primary and secondary sources useful for further research.
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germanicseidr · 4 years
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Proto-Indo European Deities
One of the most likely theories, considering the origins of most of the Germanic spiritual practices and Gods, is that they have originated from the bronze age people who came into contact with the Proto-Indo Europeans. These Proto-Indo Europeans spread their language, traditions, way of life and spirituality all across Europe (with a few exceptions). In this post I want to name several  reconstructed Proto-Indo European deities and their etymological descendants throughout Europe, and the middle east and India.
Dyeus: At first I want to begin with Dyeus. This is the reconstructed name of the chief God of the Proto-Indo European pantheon. The name means 'brightness of the day' and is reconstructed with the help of Grimm's law and by carefully researching related languages such as Sanskrit, Ancient Greek, old Armenian and old Anatolian. All of the Indo-European languages, modern and old, seem to have a common root word for God.
The meaning of the name plus the fact that the root is still visible in every Indo-European language, suggests that this deity was incredibly important, most likely the most important of all deities. Dyeus is the sky father, associated with brightness and the skies and perhaps creator of mankind according to the Proto-Indo Europeans. There are however no written sources nor physical evidence describing Dyeus so his exact role will forever be a mystery.
If we look at the Proto-Indo-European root 'Dyeu', we can discover many deities with a very similar name and role. These deities are likely etymological descendants of Dyeus, here is a list:
Proto-Indo European: Dyeus Hellenic: Zeus Hittite: Sius Thracian: Zi or Diu Vedic: Dyaus Pittr Indo-Iranian: Dyaus Anatolian: Diu Roman: Jupiter Slavic: Diva Baltic: Deiwas Germanic: Tiwaz and Wodanaz Gaulish: Deuos Gaelic: Dagda
Perkwunos: This is the reconstructed name of the thunder/weather god of the Proto-Indo European pantheon. The meaning of the reconstructed name means either: 'the striker' or 'lord of the oaks'. Two roots are possible for this theory, the root 'Per', which means 'to strike' and perkus 'the oak'. It is also possible that both roots are actually united since it is possible that people associated high trees, like oaks, with lightning strikes.
We do not know how Perkwunos looks like but if we compare his etymological descendants with each other, it seems that Perkwunos might be wielding a weapon like a hammer or a club. He's not only the god of thunder but appears to be controlling all of the weather. Perhaps the Proto-Indo Europeans prayed to him when they wanted rain for their crops or when they wanted a natural disaster to stop. Here is a list of his etymological descendants:
Proto-Indo European: Perkwunos Slavic: Perun Baltic: Perkunas Vedic: Parjanya/Indra Greek: Heracles and/or Keraunos (the name of Zeus' bolt) Gaulish: Taranis Gaelic: Tuireann Germanic: Donar/Thor Thracian: Perkos Scythian: Pirkunas Nuristani (Afghanistan): Pärun Illyrian: Perendi
Neptonos: This is the reconstructed name of the God of the seas/waters. The name literally means 'Grandson of the waters' and it has been reconstructed by observing all of the sea deities of the Indo-European cultures. Since we have no image or written sources about this deity, we do not know how he would have looked like, perhaps he was holding a staff like most other sea deities. We also do not know his exact role in the Proto-Indo European pantheon but he is apparently master of all the waters of the earth. Here is a list of his etymological descendants:
Proto-Indo European: Neptonos Hellenic: Neptune Roman: Poseidon Gaulish: Nodens Gaelic: Manannán Germanic: Nehalennia/Njördr/Nerthus Vedic: Varuna Illyrian: Bindus Baltic: Bangputys
Suhul: This is the reconstructed name of the deity related to the sun. There is less evidence for this deity but it seems that the Proto-Indo European root for sun 'Suhul' is connected to quite some sun deities. Here is a list of etymological descendants of Suhul:
Proto-Indo European: Suhul Gaulish: Sulis Hellenic: Helios Roman: Sol Germanic: Sól Slavic: Dazhbog Baltic: Saule Vedic: Surya
Mehnot: This is the reconstructed name for the deity related to the moon. It is a common Indo-European tradition to have two deities related to the sun and to the moon so it is possible that they have a common root with a Proto-Indo European Moon God. Here is a list of etymological descendants of Mehnont:
Proto-Indo European: Mehnot Gaelic: Elatha Hellenic: Selene Roman: Luna Germanic: Máni Slavic: Hors Baltic: Menulis Vedic: Soma
The divine twins: Sadly it is impossible to reconstruct the name of these divine twins but it is a well accepted theory that these are either two brothers or brother/sister of the Sky God Dyeus. Almost every Indo-European religion has a divine twin riding either a horse or another animal. The role of this twin is unclear since divine twins from related cultures seem to have seperate roles. Here is a list of etymological descendants of the divine twins:
Proto-indo European: divine twins/name unknown Vedic: The Asvins Baltic: the sons of Dievas Hellenic: Castor and Pollux/Dios-Kouroi Germanic: Frey and Freya/Hengist and Horsa Polish: Lel and Polel Indo-Iranian: Nakula and Sahadeva Etruscan: Tinas Clenar/sons of Jupiter Gaulish: Divanno and Dinomogetimarus Welsh: Bran and Manawydan
Dheghom: This is the reconstructed name of the earth-Goddess. Mother earth seems to have been known since paleolithic times although we can of course not provice any proof for this theory. She's most likely the wife of the Sky God Dyeus as this is usually the case in Indo European religions. She represents growth, fertility and death. The meaning of her name is still being debated but it might mean 'the broad one'. Here is a list of her etymological descendants:
Proto-Indo European: Dhegom Gaelic: Danú Hellenic: Hera or Gaia Slavic: Maty Syra Zemlya Baltic: Zemyna Roman: Juno Thracian: Zemela Germanic: Nerthus/Jörd Vedic: Prithvi
God of the Underworld: Sadly it is also not possible to reconstruct the name for the God of the underworld but since virtually every Indo European religion has a God/Goddess of the underworld, it is very likely that the Proto-Indo Europeans also had a deity to guard the underworld. Here is a list of etymologically related Gods of the underworld:
Proto-Indo European: unknown Vedic: Yama Hellenic: Hades Roman: Dis Pater Slavic: Veles Baltic: Velinas Germanic: Hel/Holle Gaelic: Aed
Pehuson: This is the reconstructed name of a deity representing nature itself. We do not know how he looked like or what his attributes were, we do know that many Indo-European deities have similar Gods representing nature. Here is a list of etymological descendants of Pehuson:
Proto-Indo European: Pehuson Gaelic: Cernunnos Gaulish: Cernunnos Germanic: Ullr/Frey Hellenic: Pan Roman: Faun Vedic: Pushan
Hausos: This is the reconstructed name for the deity of dawn or spring. She represents the rebirth of nature and warmth thus her attributes are quite similar to the solar deities. Yet again most Indo-European religions appear to have a deity of dawn/spring. Her name means 'to shine'. Here is a list of her etymological descendants:
Proto-Indo European: Hausos Gaelic: Brighid Gaulish: Brigantia Germanic: Eostre Hellenic: Eos Roman: Aurora Slavic: Zorya Baltic: Ausrine Vedic: Ushas
Here are other beings that are present in virtually every Indo European religion and thus have likely a common root in the Proto-Indo European religion:
Beings of fate: There is a very big possibility that the Proto-Indo Europeans believed in three Goddesses or beings who were able to spun or weave the fate of all living beings in the universe. They often appear as either three young maidens or three women representing the three stages of life or the three stages of time (past, present, future). Here is a list of possible etymologically related beings of fate:
Proto-Indo European: name unknown Hellenic: the Morai Germanic: the Norns Hittite: the Gulses Roman: the Parcae Baltic: Deives Valdytojos Slavic: Rozanicy Albanian: the Fatit Gaulish: The three Morrigna
The giant serpent: Almost every Indo-European religion has an epic story of a hero battling a gigantic snake/dragon/serpent. This hero is often the thunder God or another deity related to weather. Because this theme is so incredibly common, it is a very likely theory that the Proto-Indo Europeans also believed in a giant serpent/dragon and a thundergod (Perkwunos) who fought it. Here is a list of etymologically related serpents:
Proto Indo-European: Unknown Hittite: Illuyanka (slain by Tarhunt) Vedic: Vritra (slain by Indra) Hellenic: Typhon (slain by Zeus)/ Hydra (slain by Heracles) Germanic: Jörmungandr (fought by Donar/Thor) Persian: Zahhak (slain by Fereydun) Slavic: Veles (slain by Perun) The Christian/Jewish story of the Genesis: Tehom Sumerian: Tiamat Armenian: Vishap (slain by Vahagn) Gaelic: Meichi (healed by Dian Cecht)
I am so sorry for this incredibly long post but I hope you have some more insight into the Proto-Indo European pantheon and realise that all European deities (with a few exceptions) all represent the same attributes/roles/beings. The stories of the Germanic Gods are not unique but a shared story with other European and even Indian native religions.
Here are images of: Dyeus and his etymological descendants by Starkey Comics, Perkwunos and his etymological descendants by Starkey Comics, A modern interpretation of Perkwunos by Wegsetios Tekkerdes, An image depicting several Serpent/hero battles. An image representing the divine twins (Castor and Pollux),
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mrknight-bang · 5 years
SUBSONIC PRESENTA: Un trip por las Cole-inas
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Estos últimos 5 años han sido de escuchar Hip Hop mientras nos preguntamos si queremos ser libres y felices, nos cuestionamos todos los conflictos raciales y sociales que nos rodean a la par de que queremos llevar a cabo el cogimiento. Todo esto lo tiene el 2014 Forest Hills Drive de Jermaine Lamarr Cole a.k.a. kiLL edward a.k.a J Cole.
Empecemos con el contexto: el Forest vio la luz un año después del monstruo que el Emi nos describió (Born Sinner). En comparación, este disco nos entrega beats un poco más lentos, pero con más definición. Tiene un gran trabajo sobre voces, teclados, violines y sonidos de pajaritos que acompañan a las percusiones. Esto le da un sonido atmosférico que envuelve la voz de Cole y le hace justicia a su flow: cada acorde lleva a cada rima y coro de la mano. Podemos escuchar rolas como “January 28th”, “Wet Dreamz” y “Apparently” para topar esto, y también para entender cómo este disco sería el último en el que los beats hechos en Dreamville para este MC tendrían una vibra medio old school, porque lo siguiente se derivaría al trap, dejando el boom back y tirándole más al 808 (no es queja).
En cuestión de flow, aquí también encontramos un punto de quiebre en Cole, pues los versos de estas rolas tienden a ser rápidos en la mayoría de los casos, siguiendo una estructura única en cada rola, es decir, cada rola tiene su flow, pero sigue esta tendencia de antes de 2016 de rapear rápido y ordenado alternando con coros. Algo notorio en este disco son los coros, pues Cole se encarga de hacer la mayoría de ellos y, cabe destacar, este vato se atreve a hacer coros de canto melódico. Y pues sí, tal vez no sea el único, pero ¿dónde topar este desmadre? En “G.O.M.D.” aquí es donde Cole se luce con todas las de la ley ¿por qué esto es un punto de quiebre? Porque después de este disco, si bien su flow no decayó, es claro que J. Cole se tiró más a hacer rolas en triplets, siguiendo la tendencia del trap, pero dándole polel que ya se cargaba desde Cole World: The Sideline Story. No hace falta mencionar que KOD, Revenge of The Dreamers III y A Lot son prueba de ello.
Otra cosa que debo recalcar en este punto es el storytelling. Alguna vez el Emi dijo que J. Cole es uno de los mejores narradores del momento por la habilidad que tiene para contar cosas a detalle sin perder el ritmo. Y pues sí, podemos ver que en rolas como “Wet Dreamz” y “Apparently” nos cuenta ciertos pasajes de su vida con una maestría que ya quisiera cualquier cuenta cuentos del FONCA.
El Forest puede no ser un disco conceptual, pero hay ciertos motivos que se repiten a lo largo de las canciones: la cogición, ¿queremos ser libres y felices? y Cole es el rey (nocierto, no necesitamos reyes, necesitamos unión).
Empecemos con la cogición. Este motivo lo podemos encontrar, principalmente, en rolas como “Wet Dreamz” y “Apparently”. En la primera, Cole nos cuenta el foreplay que tiene con una morrita de su clase de mate antes de su primera vez. Nos cuenta a detalle todos los malviajes, sus métodos de preparación para llegar al acto y el momento en el que todo se da. Nos dice cómo miente para que la morra no se entere que no tiene experiencia, cuando ella está igual de meca que él. En la segunda rola nos habla de ello, pero dando cuenta de que está arrepentido de darle tanta importancia, porque es algo que lo ha alejado de su mamá y de sí mismo. Es algo que lo ha hecho ser un pendejo y un egoísta con lo que más quiere. Son dos posturas de un mismo asunto.
“Apparently” puede ser tomada como punto de partida para hablar del segundo motivo: ¿queremos ser libres y felices? porque es donde Cole se empieza a cuestionar si las cosas que ha hecho están bien y si está arrepentido. Y podemos notar esto en “Love Yourz”, “Note To Self”, y principalmente en el “Intro”, pues en estas rolas relata varias visiones de sí mismo, como hombre, negro y persona frente a situaciones sociales, sentimentales, raciales y demás. Nos describe cómo es el conflicto de cómo es estar vivo y cómo es ser J Cole; cómo es ser como todos nosotros ante este tipo de situaciones que nos llevan a preguntarnos las mismas preguntas que nos hace el Intro: ¿queremos ser libres? ¿Queremos ser felices? libres del dolor, de las deudas, de las medicinas, libres para amar y largarnos. Felices cuando nos damos cuenta de que a veces los sueños se hacen realidad y a veces está bien verga verlos concretarse.
Terminemos con que Cole es el Rey. En canciones como “January 28th”, “Fire Squad” y “Note To Self”, Jermaine hace referencia a quién es el que está ostentando en 2014 el título de Rey del Rap. En la primera de estas rolas, en la que habla de su fecha de nacimiento, se atreve a decir que él es aquel en este pedo, incluso por encima de Kung Fu Kenny y Drake (bueno, de ese wey sí) con los últimos versos de la misma:
I ain't serve no pies, I ain't slang no dope I ain't bring no lies, n****s sang my quotes I don't play no games, boy I ain't no joke Like the great Rakim, when I make my notes You n****s might be L or you might be Kane Or you might be Slick Rick with 19 chains Or you might be Drizzy Drake or Kendrick Lamar But check your birth date n****, you ain't the God Nah you ain't the God N**** Cole the God January 28th
Nos dice que es el Dios y así. Pero sabemos que esto es pura guasa cuando en “Fire Squad” nos dice que mientras morros mecos se pelean por obtener la corona, los blancos ya se robaron el sonido. Menciona a personas como Eminem y Macklemore que se apropiaron del Hip Hop, igual que Elvis lo hizo con el Rock & Roll. Entonces nos da a entender que estas peleas, estos beefs y demás, en vez de ayudar al género, en vez de ayudar a aquellos a quienes han dado forma, lo único que hace es darle en la madre y a ellos también. Sólo los mantiene divididos, cuando deberían estar unidos y tirándose esquina unos a otros (y no sé ustedes, pero esto también puede tener implicaciones raciales/sociales, como pensando que lo que pasa en el HH, pasa en las calles).
Por último, en “Note To Self”, rola que da cierre al disco, Cole nos afirma esto cuando le dice a Kendrick “¿te das cuenta de lo verga que es estar en estos asientos? Negro, tenemos que ser el ejemplo de las nuevas generaciones”. O sea, le dice que no deben competir por ver quién es el más verga, sino ser verga en conjunto, con los suyos, para ser el ejemplo de negros que hacen HH y de los que no lo hacen, para que dejen de darse en la madre entre sí por culpa de gente metiche y oportunista.
Y pues nada, amigos, el 2014 Forest Hills Drive es uno de los discos que más me gustan por todo esto y me atrevo a decir que es uno de los mejores de la década en el HH, sólo detrás de los tres favoritos de KL. Sí es un paseo en carro por las colinas que Cole nos da en cada rola. Por todo lo que me hace pensar. Escúchenlo sin llorar.
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galacticpolewear · 2 years
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This was part of a matching pair of costumes designed for a showcase. The challenge with this was creating a pair of matching costumes, one adult size and one child size. Some of the details on the children's version were simplified. With a fitting session, any sizing corrects were sorted out easily. The bodice details were created with hand-stitched sequins. 🔗 Link in Bio #polecostume #handmadecostume #poledanceoutfit #gogo #dancer #circuscostume #sportwear #polesporting #gogodancer #poledancecanada #polewear #polecostumedesingner #Canadacostumes #poleclothes #poledancesportwear #poledancenation #poleclothing #poledance #polelive #gogogirl #poleoutfit #dance #dancecostume #poledancer #costume #dancewear #pole #festivalwear https://www.instagram.com/p/CpvGeTKAsTI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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handarmor · 7 years
Taking a look back at 2017. Heres @burdagrin with a dab of Hand Armor 💯 #MadeinUSA . #polesport #poledancing #polefitness #poledance #dryhands #antibacterial #madeinusa🇺🇸 #girlswhopoledance #strength #polesportusa #poledancer #poledance #polesport #polefitness #polefit #poletrick #poleworkout #poleart #polelive #polelove #poledancensk #poledancerussia #poleacro #acrobatic #sport #fitness #акробатиканапилоне #пилон #шестоваяакробатика #спорт (at Germany)
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robertfelixmenczel · 5 years
at Audiotalaia SummerCamp 2019 in El Polell
Quatre Miniatures (site-specific sound installation together with Diego Bermúdez-Chamberland, Chrystine Rayburn and Benn Malca)
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the-slut-verses · 5 years
fav aftershocks headcanons?
Omg aftershocks anon, I sure am glad to see ya again! Hope life's treating ya well, if not, I hope it gets better soon!
To answer your question, I always pictured Ryan as dying his hair pink, cuz I associate the name Ryan with eos 10 Ryan and ppl always draw him with pink hair so aftershocks Ryan also has pink hair. Also I imagine him as being really tal and lanky like an anxious bad polel, like at least a head taller than Elliot
As for Elliot, I imagine that they're short, like 5'3. And they're totally rocking an undercut with the top long enough to tie, kinda like Gwen from into the spiderverse. Also I imagine that they have various colored streaks in their hair, and they're the one that helped Ryan dye his hair pink. Also I picture them with dark brown skin, to be more specific, I see them as Filipino-Mexican. Also Elliot totally doodles on their skin when they're bored, and at the end of the day both of their arms are covered with absolutely gorgeous drawings and they're considering getting a tattoo when they can
I think Riley has long blonde hair and she's very good at styling it into all sorts of fancy braids. And I'm projecting that like she braids when she's bored cuz that's stimming for her cuz I'm like that. It keeps her grounded and focused And Elliot and Ryan like getting their hair styled by Riley
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leanpick · 4 years
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Castle looks to expand Meekatharra gold footprint ASX-listed gold explorer, Castle Minerals, is set to expand its Polelle gold project footprint in WA’s Meekatharra region having made nine prospecting licence applications, which the company says encompass extensions to prospective structures.
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galacticpolewear · 2 years
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This dance costume was designed for a client to use for performance and competition. The challenge to overcome with this design was creating a cohesive, layered look that could be removed piece by piece, seamlessly during the performance. I accomplished this with strategically placed snaps and helpful feedback from the client during rehearsal. 🔗 Link in Bio #polecostume #handmadecostume #poledanceoutfit #gogo #dancer #circuscostume #sportwear #polesporting #gogodancer #poledancecanada #polewear #polecostumedesingner #Canadacostumes #poleclothes #poledancesportwear #poledancenation #poleclothing #poledance #polelive #gogogirl #poleoutfit #dance #dancecostume #poledancer #costume #dancewear #pole #festivalwear https://www.instagram.com/p/CpidgRWAee1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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garpski · 4 years
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Very vocal at critic si mama pagdating sa pagkain pero itong longganisa mo Polel, unang subo pa lang napa, "Mmm, ang sarap!" siya without asking for her opinion! Hahaha! Oh di ba? Saktong sakto yung timpla plus may kick of spiciness! Dahil hindi nga kami mahilig sa matamis na longganisa, okay na okay siya sa amin! Sulit daw sabi ni mama! Tapos bagay siya sa kimchi rice na niluto ko using Ely's Kimchi na gawa nila Earvin at Liezl! Ang sarap papakin nung kimchi! Tamang tama yung timpla at anghang! As in nabitin ako, dapat ata yung 1kilo ang inorder ko. Hehe! At salamat nga pala sir Raymond, alam mo na kung anong ambag mo sa sausage! 😂 #pagkaingpinoy #whattoeatph #panlasangpinoy #pinoyfood #kainpilipinas #filipinofood #lutongpinoy #foodiesph #filipinocuisine #wheretoeatph #pinoyfoodporn #homecooking #foodporn #foodph #eatpilipinas #foodgrammerph #chibogtayoph #foodphotographph #instafood #pinoyfoodie #lutongbahay #letseatph #foodbloggerph #filipinofoodmovement #foodstagram #foodinfluencerph #ulamideas #homecooked #foodtrip #maryananggarapones https://www.instagram.com/p/CDDkpd8Agy5oAjMgacnyQZcLtpfaS-svcc96Js0/?igshid=p0xcvabm6p4f
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robertfelixmenczel · 5 years
at Audiotalaia SummerCamp 2019 in El Polell
performance together with Diego Bermúdez-Chamberland and Lianne Van Roekel
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baptistseminary · 4 years
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Verse of the Day (July 3, 2020) Verse of the Day (July 3, 2020) #BMSeminary - The verb תְּרוֹמֵם (téromem, translated "exalts") is a Polel imperfect; it means "to lift up; to raise up; to elevate." Here the upright dealings of the leaders and the people will lift up the people.
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