#polisario front
hahahax30 · 2 days
I came back from watching a documentary on Western Sahrawi women and their fight for the freedom of their people, as well as the suffering and torture they've had to endure along the process. It was an amazing and painful documentary, sadly it's not out yet. When it is, if anyone has the means to watch Insumisas: Mujeres en Lucha por el Sáhara Occidental, then I genuinely can't recommend it more.
I don't know how far my voice will reach, but reminder that Morocco is a colonial force in 2024 and that the Western Sahara is Africa's last colony. The Sahrawis have endured great pains and still they fight for their freedom, even when Morocco purchases weapons (including high end military drones) from none other than Israel the Sahrawi people keep fighting and surviving in occupied WS, the Algerian refugee camps they've been seeking shelter in for almost half a century and anywhere else in the diaspora.
Please, keep an eye out for the Palestinian people's siblings-in-struggle, the Sahrawis. Learn about them and their history and their present and the Polisario Front (can recommend books in Spanish like Breve Historia del Sáhara Occidental though there must be others in English as well + female Sahrawi activists like Sultana Khaya or Aminatou Haidar)
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politicoscope · 2 years
Polisario Front to Accept Talk With Morocco Only for This Reason
Polisario Front to Accept Talk With Morocco Only for This Reason
The U.N. Security Council called for a revival of U.N-led negotiations on the disputed Western Sahara in a resolution adopted Thursday that expressed “deep concern” at the breakdown of the 1991 cease-fire between Morocco and the pro-independence Polisario Front whose decades-old dispute shows no sign of ending. The vote was 13-0 with Russia and Kenya abstaining. Morocco annexed Western Sahara, a…
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countriesgame · 6 months
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
If you have any fun fact about the Sahrawi Republic, please tell us and I'll reblog it!
Be respectful in your comments. You can criticize a government without offending its people.
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sissa-arrows · 7 months
This post will be in French as the space I mention will be in French and therefore you kinda need to be a francophone to understand it if you choose to attend.
Le 6 décembre à 20h (heure française) l’avocat Gilles DEVERS à l’initiative d’une plainte collective pour juger les crimes de guerre et les crimes contre l’humanité de la colonie de peuplement d’Israel sera présent sur un Space Twitter.
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Maître DEVERS est aussi l’avocat du Front Polisario.
Donc ceux qui seront dispo je vous conseille vivement d’aller écouter le Space.
Edit: Pour ce dans un fuseau horaire différent le Space sera enregistré. Vous pouvez envoyez vos questions dès maintenant si vous voulez qu’elle soit posé à l’avocat.
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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International recognition of Western Sahara
by factswithmaps
The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic was proclaimed by the Polisario Front on 27 February 1976, in Bir Lehlou, Western Sahara. SADR claims sovereignty over the entire territory of Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony; however, at present the SADR government controls only about 20–25% of the territory it claims. It calls the territories under its control the "Liberated Territories". As of July 2021, the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic is recognized by 39 out of a total of 193 United Nations member states. At different times, the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic has been recognized by 84 UN member states, but, of these, 45 have since "frozen" or "withdrawn" recognition. SADR has, at some point in time, been recognized by 43.5% of United Nations (UN) member states, 38 out of the other 54 (70%) African Union (AU) member states, 18 out of 57 (32%) Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states, and 5 out of 22 (23%) Arab League (AL) member states. Several states that do not recognize the Sahrawi Republic nonetheless recognize the Polisario Front as the legitimate representative of the population of the Western Sahara, but not as the government-in-exile of a sovereign state.
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zvaigzdelasas · 10 months
[Atalayar is Spanish Media]
The dismissal last December of former president Pedro Castillo has left Peru in an unprecedented political crisis.[...]
However, the issue of greatest concern to Congress today is the legacy of Pedro Castillo's position on the Western Sahara question. It should be remembered that the policy advocated by the former president was favourable to the Polisario Front, a political, armed and pro-independence movement in the Western Sahara. This stance led the country into a diplomatic crisis with its old ally Morocco, a crisis that did not subside after Pedro Castillo's dismissal and arrest. Congress calls on the executive to rethink its position on the SADR [...]
[An MP from Avanza País party] recalled that Morocco and Peru share a “common history” which “invites us to strengthen and consolidate ties with the Kingdom of Morocco, an increasingly important power in Africa and in the current system of international relations, and to work together to promote peace, security and respect for territorial integrity”. [...]
In her letter, Patricia Chirinos recalls that relations between Morocco and Peru have often been weakened by the dispute over the SADR. Peru recognised the SADR in 1984, “in an international context marked by the bipolar world of the Cold War”. The Peruvian MP welcomes the updating of this position in 1996, “when this recognition was suspended, thus opening up a promising new bilateral chapter between the Peruvian and Moroccan states”. [...]
In addition to the fact that recognition of Western Sahara would be a breach of international law, the Peruvian MP is concerned about “a series of new and emerging threats based, among other things, on the interconnection between states that do not respect democratic principles and terrorist organisations, separatist movements or organised crime”. In her view, “this situation poses a serious threat to the security of our countries, a threat that has increased in the Latin American region["][...]
The former Peruvian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Miguel Angel Rodriguez Mackay, shares the Congress' point of view. He published an opinion piece last Friday in the Peruvian daily Expreso, stating that his country should follow the common-sense approach adopted by countries such as the United States, Spain and Israel, which have recently recognised Morocco's sovereignty over the Western Sahara, as have the vast majority of countries in the international community.
24 Aug 23
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a-room-of-my-own · 10 days
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Je chiale.
LFI a oublié que même si la « cause palestinienne » crée une unité de surface dans le monde arabe, ces pays ont des relations qui vont de l’indifférence à la franche détestation.
L’autre gourde de Rima Hassan est allée s’afficher avec des militants du front Polisario qui veulent l’indépendance du Sahara Occidental, et qui sont vus généralement comme soutenus par l’Algérie. Voilà le résultat.
On attend le score de LFI dimanche mais si les tunisiens aussi déduisent que LFI est à la solde des algériens potentiellement on va bien rigoler.
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Events 2.27 (after 1940)
1940 – Martin Kamen and Sam Ruben discover carbon-14. 1942 – World War II: During the Battle of the Java Sea, an Allied strike force is defeated by a Japanese task force in the Java Sea in the Dutch East Indies. 1943 – The Smith Mine #3 in Bearcreek, Montana, explodes, killing 74 men. 1943 – The Holocaust: In Berlin, the Gestapo arrest 1,800 Jewish men with German wives, leading to the Rosenstrasse protest. 1951 – The Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution, limiting Presidents to two terms, is ratified. 1961 – The first congress of the Spanish Trade Union Organisation is inaugurated. 1962 – Vietnam War: Two dissident Republic of Vietnam Air Force pilots bomb the Independence Palace in Saigon in a failed attempt to assassinate South Vietnam President Ngô Đình Diệm. 1963 – The Dominican Republic receives its first democratically elected president, Juan Bosch, since the end of the dictatorship led by Rafael Trujillo. 1964 – The Government of Italy asks for help to keep the Leaning Tower of Pisa from toppling over. 1971 – Doctors in the first Dutch abortion clinic (the Mildredhuis in Arnhem) start performing artificially-induced abortions. 1973 – The American Indian Movement occupies Wounded Knee in protest of the federal government. 1976 – The former Spanish territory of Western Sahara, under the auspices of the Polisario Front declares independence as the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic. 1988 – Sumgait pogrom: The Armenian community in Sumgait, Azerbaijan is targeted in a violent pogrom. 1991 – Gulf War: U.S. President George H. W. Bush announces that "Kuwait is liberated". 2001 – Loganair Flight 670A crashes while attempting to make a water landing in the Firth of Forth in Scotland. 2002 – Ryanair Flight 296 catches fire at London Stansted Airport causing minor injuries. 2002 – Godhra train burning: A Muslim mob torches a train returning from Ayodhya, killing 59 Hindu pilgrims. 2004 – A bombing of a SuperFerry by Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines' worst terrorist attack kills more than 100 passengers. 2004 – Shoko Asahara, the leader of the Japanese doomsday cult Aum Shinrikyo, is sentenced to death for masterminding the 1995 Tokyo subway sarin attack. 2007 – Chinese stock bubble of 2007: The Shanghai Stock Exchange falls 9%, the largest daily fall in ten years, following speculation about a crackdown on illegal share offerings and trading, and fears about accelerating inflation. 2008 – Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist Mas Selamat Kastari escapes from a detention center in Singapore, hiding in Johor, Malaysia until he was recaptured over a year later. 2010 – An earthquake measuring 8.8 on the moment magnitude scale strikes central parts of Chile leaving over 500 victims, and thousands injured. The quake triggers a tsunami which strikes Hawaii shortly after. 2013 – A shooting takes place at a factory in Menznau, Switzerland, in which five people (including the perpetrator) are killed and five others injured. 2015 – Russian politician Boris Nemtsov is assassinated in Moscow while out walking with his girlfriend. 2019 – Pakistan Air Force JF-17 Thunder downs Indian pilot Abhinandan Varthaman's Mig-21 in an aerial dogfight and captures him after conducting airstrikes in Jammu and Kashmir.
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revindicatedbyhistory · 10 months
I said this here once but not in English but I thought you'd want to know because a it's great story to share during family dinners. My Timorese grandfather was trained in guerilla warfare by ETA in the woods of the French Basque Country to fight against Indonesia during their occupation of East Timor ☺
In fact I came to learn from him many Fretilin (alongside some Sahrawis from the Polisario Front) militants were trained by ETA and the IRA, but my grandfather was never a member of Fretilin.
holy shit based
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traincoded · 2 years
interrupting joyous celebrations to remind myself of nuance
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immemorymag · 1 year
A War Against Oblivion by David Verberckt
On 14 November 2020, the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) president Brahim Ghali announced that he signed a decree bringing the 29 year old ceasefire to an end, citing an incident 2 days earlier in which Moroccan armed forces forcibly entered a crossing within the buffer zone that was being blocked by Sahrawi protesters, acts which the SADR considered a declaration of war. Since then the Polisario Front, the armed branch of the SADR, has been launching attacks against Moroccan positions along the 2,700 km sand wall that divides the territories controlled by Morocco since the 1991 ceasefire and the remaining 20% of the territory controlled by the SADR. Being outnumbered the Polisario Front uses highly mobile units to attack and adopts guerrilla techniques while Morocco has numerous troops engraved in bunkers along the sand berm forming the frontline. The Moroccan army has also started to use attack drones further complicating the Polisario's mobility capacity in this huge desert battlefield. Sahrawi military commander communicating with his units on the frontline near the 2,700 km long sand berm, built by Morocco, dividing the Western Sahara between the Moroccan controlled territories and Sahrawi liberated territories.
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deadassdiaspore · 2 years
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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There is a fighter race between Russia and the United States in North Africa
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 07/12/2022 - 7:36 PM in Military
Sukhoi Su-75 Checkmate Aircraft.
Tensions between Morocco and Algeria have worsened in recent years due to the dispute over Western Sahara, which Morocco calls territory, and Algeria supports the rebel group of the Tindouf-based Polisario Front. Such a confrontation leads to the fact that both countries invest heavily in their armed forces and, especially, in aviation systems that could confront each other on an equal footing.
"Algeria, as one of the world's largest buyers of Russian weapons, is likely to acquire first-class Russian technologies. It could be the Su-57 in the future or the Su-75 'Checkmate' fighter as soon as it is put into production," said Samuel Bendett, a senior researcher at the Center for New American Security and participant in the Russian study program.
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Northrop F-5E Tiger II from Morocco.
In turn, Morocco is strengthening its own aviation systems, spending a lot of money on American aircraft and helicopters.
“Both countries are striving to strengthen their military capabilities with the help of new technologies, including air forces. Given the regional geography in which both countries are located - a large territory, long distances - the capabilities of the air forces are crucial for surveillance, reconnaissance and combat operations," observes Bendett.
Tensions between the two countries persisted for years, but intensified in December 2020, after Morocco normalized relations with Israel and the United States recognized the kingdom's sovereignty over Western Sahara.
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Su-30MKA of the Algerian Air Force.
In August 2021, Algeria broke diplomatic relations with Morocco after what it called "hostile actions of its most populous neighbor, with whom it has had tense relations for decades". In recent months, verbal attacks between the two countries have intensified. In January, King Mohammed VI of Morocco announced the creation of a new "eastern military zone" along the border with Algeria. A few weeks ago, Algeria suspended the cooperation treaty with Spain, concluded two decades ago, after Madrid supported Morocco's position on the disputed Western Sahara.
Experts believe that the escalation of the situation makes the possibility of armed conflict between the two states of North Africa very likely. At the same time, a large-scale war between them is unlikely both because of their limited economic resources and because they are located on the borders of southern Europe, which means that European countries will intervene to prevent such a scenario. But there is a high probability of border clashes between the two countries.
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Moroccan Air Force F-16 fighter.
According to the report of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute for April 2022, both countries spend significant funds on defense. Algeria's military spending stabilized at US$ 9.1 billion in 2021. Morocco's military budget totaled US$ 5.4 billion in the same year. The main beneficiaries of the real defense spending of the two countries are Moscow and Washington.
Russian-Algelian military cooperation dates back to the Soviet Union, but in recent decades it has strengthened. In 2006, Moscow canceled Algeria's debt of US$ 4.7 billion for the supply of weapons from the Soviet period in exchange for a promise to buy new Russian weapons worth US$ 7.5 billion in the future. When Algeria's oil and natural gas revenues increased, Algeria became Russia's third largest buyer of weapons. Now, Algeria has very modern combat aircraft and outdated Soviet equipment. Among them are the Su-30 fighters, MiG-29, the Su-24 frontline bomber and the old MiG-25 interceptor.
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Algeria has shown interest in the Su-57 Felon.
In recent years, Algeria has shown interest in buying a Su-57 fighter and, in November 2020, it became known that Algeria bought 14 fifth-generation fighters from Moscow worth US$ 2 billion, with deliveries expected by 2025. In February 2021, Russia confirmed that the first foreign order for the Su-57 had been received, but did not indicate who the buyer was.
Morocco, in turn, has bought a large amount of weapons from the U.S. defense industry in recent years. Rabat signed a contract for the supply of 25 F-16C/D Block 72 aircraft in February 2019, and the Royal Moroccan Air Force expects deliveries to begin in 2025. In addition, a contract was signed with Boeing in June 2020 for 24 Apache AH-64 helicopters, with deliveries expected to begin in 2024.
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AH-64E Apache.
At the same time, Russia and the United States are not the only arms suppliers to which the two countries can pay attention when expanding their air arsenals. Morocco is notorious for the long time of U.S. approval for the sale of weapons and the related political conditions established by Washington. There is a tendency among the Arab states in the region to look for other suppliers of advanced weapons. Countries have turned to China to provide sensitive technologies because Beijing, unlike, for example, Turkey or Israel, has no restrictions on any arms treaty with the United States.
Source: With information from Breaking Defense
Tags: AfricaAlgeriaMilitary AviationRMAF - Royal Moroccan Air Force/Morocco Air Force
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in a specialized aviation magazine in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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westsahara · 4 days
Die militärische Rekrutierung von Kindern in den Lagern Tinduf innerhalb der Vereinten Nationen in New York an den Pranger gestellt
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Vereinte Nationen (New York)–Die militärische Rekrutierung von Kindern aus den Lagern Tinduf im algerischen Südwesten auf Betreiben der bewehrten Separatistengruppe der Front Polisario ist  während der ordentlichen Tagung des Ausschusses der 24 der Vereinten Nationen, die vom 11. bis zum 21. Juni 2024 in New York stattfindet, scharfsinnig  unter Beschuss genommen.
„Die Rekrutierung von Kindern in den Lagern Tinduf ist ein Aspekt der systematischen und der wiederholten Menschenrechtsverstöße, die auf algerischem Territorium vonseiten der Verantwortlichen dieser  separatistischen Bewegung verschuldet werden“, unterstrich Herr Aabidine EL OUALI, der Präsident des „Afrikanischen Forums für Forschungsstudien in  Menschenrechten“.
Er stellte fest, dass die Beteiligung von Kindern an den bewehrten Konflikten auf Betreiben der bewehrten Separatistengruppe der Front Polisario einen eklatanten Verstoß dem Völkerrecht und den Pariser Prinzipien entgegen darstelle, fortfahrend, dass eine Reihe von Nichtregierungsorganisationen und von internationalen Medien diesen Praktiken entgegen Alarm geschlagen haben, die die grundlegendsten Rechte von Kindern mit Füßen treten.
Diese Kinder werden von klein auf innerhalb von Militärzentren indoktriniert und der schädlichen Ideologie des Hasses und der Gewalt ausgeliefert, prangerte er an, betonend, dass es an der Zeit sei, dass die internationale Gemeinschaft Maßnahmen zu ergreifen habe, zwecks dessen diesen kriminellen Praktiken ein Ende bereiten zu dürfen und die an diesen verabscheuungswürdigen Taten involvierten Parteien zur Rechenschaft ziehen zu haben.
Er fuhr fort, dass der Staat Algerien der Hauptverantwortliche für diese Verstöße sei, die auf dessen Territorium vonseiten dieser separatistischen Gruppe verübt werden, die er unterstütze, er sie finanziere und er sie mit Waffen ausrüste, klar herausstellend, dass die Lager Tinduf das Epizentrum der Kindersoldaten seien und dass solche Missbräuche nicht toleriert werden dürften, stellte er die Behauptung davon auf.
Herr Aabidine EL OUALI forderte zum Schluss ein, dem Hohen Flüchtlingskommissariat der Vereinten Nationen dazu ermächtigen zu haben, die Registrierung und die Volkszählung der Population der Lager Tinduf durchführen zu haben.
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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Electoral Systems used for the Lower House of National Legislatures.
by u/Dry_Paramedic_9578
There are some places where I had to end up sorting them into a specific category, and this is fairly simplified, so Just an FYI that I know what the deal is with most of them. If I was dramatically wrong though on something please lmk, just so I could know for future knowledge because Knowledge = Cool.
Also yes I do in fact know Westminister elections include Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, and that this is a double standard because I used Congressional election method for U.S. States. I just decided to use the devolved parliament's electoral systems because they've been gaining more devolved power and in general shows you more of what that country's "system" is, rather than just showing Westminster. I put england as the system that westminster used because it's used in all elections there, and they don't have a Devolved parliament.
Somalia has a Parliament but it is elected in a very odd way due to the Civil War mostly consisting of a hierarchy of electoral colleges of village chiefs, etc.
The Sahwari Arab Democratic Republic elects its Legislative Council, but it's a one party state and it's mostly not realistically democratically elected and is mostly just a vehicle for the Polisario Front.
In nations like Israel or the Netherlands I considered the entire nation a multi-member district on the same level as Ireland or Poland has multi-member proportional districts, I am aware of that but to be fair it's still a multi-member electorate doing the election process.
I classified Nonpartisan Blanket primaries in several U.S. States such as Washington or California as runoff, or two round systems, because even though they aren't called "First Round" or "Second Round" and instead are called "Primary" and "General election", and even if you receive a majority in the primary you still go onto a general election, it's effectively a Two-Round system.
Puerto rico appears yellow but that's because it's a Diagonal Stripe that covered the whole island, it's a Mixed-member plurality system (except main difference is that it uses SNTV instead of PR).
I tried to make the legend and the names of the systems as clean and straightforward as possible, even if those names aren't what are commonly used to describe the system. Most people would probably describe STV as a Proportional system, and many countries simply just call it "Proportional Representation", such as Ireland, the USA, or Australia, but I called it Multi-member preferential as opposed to Multi-member proportional because I already differentiated Single-member preferential.
I classified General Ticket like Chad systems under Block voting, despite the fact that you're voting or a party and not candidates, just because it's effectively block voting through the process of parties, and it would be disingenuous to call it Party List PR.
It sorta get messy when it came to Mixed-member systems besides MMP or AMS, just because there's so many combos you can do, so that was mostly oversimplified, and the share of the body elected by each system is very different in each place.
Anyways, that's the map
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
[Morocco World News is Moroccan Media]
29 Jun 23
In December 2020, a month after the end of the ceasefire between Morocco and the Polisario, then-President Donald Trump declared U.S. support for Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara. The recognition contravened the United Nations’ position, which considers Western Sahara a “non-self governing territory,” a euphemism for a colony. In return for U.S. support on Western Sahara, Morocco joined the Abraham Accords, a series of diplomatic deals brokered by Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, that resulted in the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Bahrain, and Morocco normalizing relations with Israel. Since then, Rabat has gone from having covert ties with Tel Aviv to becoming its open ally, and Israel has sold at least 150 drones to Morocco.[...]
Since 2020, the two countries have implemented a long series of economic and military agreements beyond the sale of drones. For the first time, Israeli troops from the elite Golani unit participated in Africa Lion, an 18-country joint military drill in Morocco, which completed on June 18. In 2021 and 2022, respectively, Gantz, Israel’s then-minister of defense, and then-Head of Israel Defense Forces Aviv Kochavi visited Morocco and signed several military deals, including a $500 million contract for the delivery of the Barak MX missile defense system to Rabat. Early this year, one of the Pentagon Discord leaks allegedly revealed that the system was scheduled to arrive in Morocco in mid-2023. Morocco is reportedly also in advanced negotiations to receive Israeli Merkava tanks. Rabat and Tel Aviv are also cooperating at an intelligence level. Morocco has widely been reported (and accused by other countries) as one of the most eager users of the Pegasus spyware developed by the Israeli NSO Group. Meanwhile, economic cooperation is booming. According to U.N. data analyzed by The Intercept, in pre-Abraham 2019, trade between Israel and Morocco was at $70.7 million. In 2022, the figure reached $178.7 million, and Tel Aviv has declared it is targeting $500 million. From 2019 to 2022, exports from Israel to Morocco increased tenfold, from $3.8 million to $38.5 million. Western Sahara plays an important role in the love story between the two countries. In 2021 and 2022, two Israeli companies, Ratio Petroleum and NewMed Energy, obtained from Morocco rights to research and potentially exploit two separate offshore blocks in the Atlantic Ocean just off Western Sahara’s coastline. Moroccan local news also announced Israel’s Selina group would soon open a hotel in Dakhla. For Morocco, foreign investments in what it considers its “southern province” mean external recognition of its claims on the territory.[...] In March last year, WSRW reported the first shipment of phosphate rock from Western Sahara to Israel. Erik Hagen, board member of WSRW, told The Intercept that the cargo was very small, and it is the only one they observed toward Israel. OCP, the Moroccan company extracting and exporting phosphate rock in Morocco and Western Sahara, hasn’t replied to a request for comment about the episode.
1 Jul 23
[Atalayar is Spanish Media]
As part of the US Senate debate on the National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2024, a law that supports the Armed Forces, modernises the Air Force and strengthens US national security, Arizona Democrat Senator Mark Kelly proposed integrating the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces (FAR) into military exercises led by the US Central Command (CENTCOM). Part of this law states the need to assess threats in order to reduce those related to Iran's nuclear capabilities: 'It seeks to improve coordination between the United States and regional partners to counter the shared threat from Iran by supporting Morocco's integration into military exercises led by CENTCOM', as reported by media outlets such as Yabiladi and Morocco Latest News.  The operations carried out by this body seek to "improve coordination" between the US giant and "regional partners" in order to counter the threat posed by Iran to the whole. The US Central Command is one of nine unified security commands within the US Department of Defense and is responsible for US interests in 27 nations, operating in the Middle East, Central Asia and South Asia. [...] Morocco is a permanent partner of the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) and an important player in the annual 'African Lion' exercises, in which a large number of African nations cooperate with the United States to promote defence and security against threats such as jihadist terrorism and organised crime. Now, it appears that Morocco may be close to joining the US military command in the Middle East (CENTCOM), and in addition to the scheduled AFRICOM exercises, Morocco may be called upon to participate in exercises organised by the US military in the Middle East region, thanks in part to a proposal by Senator Mark Kelly. [...] With this possible entry into CENTCOM as the second African country after Egypt, Morocco, a great ally of the United States on the African continent, would thus strengthen its military and security cooperation with the US and, by extension, with other allied partners such as Israel. This privileged position gives Morocco the option of having access to an important market for weapons and technology produced by the US and Israel, which further strengthens the Moroccan military.
1 Jul 23
27 Jun 23
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