#poly daniel amanda and johnny
sensei-venus · 2 years
“Just A Pup”(2/?)
Alpha!Daniel/Alpha!Amanda/Omega!Reader/Alpha!Johnny featuring Twins! Sam & Robby and Baby!Miguel
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(Unedited) ( Officially truring this into a Au! but I have now idea what I’m going to call it.💀) (Support Me Links🌺)
“You're more worried about the fact she is in your stupid recliner than the fact she is literally breastfeeding a pup that clearly isn't ours” Daniel’s voice was in a sharp whisper as he tried to keep it down due to the still sleeping pups in the bassinet.
Johnny shrugged as he threw his gym bag softly on the floor.
“Hey I just happen to like my chair and she only sits in it when I'm in it, on my lap, know it all. And also, from here it looks like it could be your pup Johnny rolled his eyes and huffed.
Amanda was the only one who didn't seem to be making the scene into a huge deal. Her eyes scanned over the relaxed omega who was completely laid out in the big recliner. Her eyes lazily watched the two alpha in amusement. Amanda slowly inched over to the chair, looking over the omegas arms to get a better look at the baby in her arms. She slowly sat down on the couch that was next to the chair, she leaned over the side to get a better look. She rested her chin on one of her palms as she carefully reached over and pulled the throw blanket from over the baby.
The pup detached from Reader's breast for a moment. His little hands gripped at her skin as his eyes opened slightly, big brown teary eyes. He moved around for a moment, wiggling as the warm blanket was moved.
“Their tiny...”
“I know, he's almost as tiny as Robby was when he was first born. I couldn't just let him starve.”
“The question still stands Honey.”
“Doorstep surprise? At first, I thought I got a doorbell ditch, but then I heard this little sound and looked down and found this little guy wrapped up in a ratty old blanket, dipper barely even fit him.” she smiled at Amanda as she ran a finger over the pups cheek. Amanda couldn't help but smile back as she also watched the pup.
“It's a boy?”
“Yep, I thought he looked like Daniel at first, with the black hair and tan skin. Oh, and these big brown eyes.” the two women looked down at the pup taking in all the details about him. Daniel seemed to have heard his name as he stopped his small argument with Johnny and looked toward them. Both males sighed before walking over to the two women. Both of them kneeled down on the opposite side of the recliner to look at the new pup.
“Wow he does kind look like Daniel.”
“I feel like you would say that about any Italian guy ever just to mess with me.”
“Hey, Louis looks nothing like you and you're acutely related.” Daniel rolled his eyes at Johnny. The two male alphas looked down at the pup. He blinked up at them with wide eyes as he lazily gripped at the skin of Reader's breast. He blew I tiny spit filled milk bubble from his lips before searching for Reader’s nipple again, he locked onto it and went back to feeding. Reader rubbed at his back as he started to nurse again.
“He sure is hungry, he’s attacking your tit babe.”
“Yeah, I have no idea when he last eat but I’m pretty sure it’s been a while with the way he’s going at it. When I first tried to get him to latch he wouldn’t. Now that he’s figured it out he’s going to town.”
“Lucky your a over producer.”
She hummed as she looked down at the curly haired pup. The four adults just sat in silence for a minute as they watched the pup get back into the rhythm of suckling. It wasn’t until one of the twins started to shuffle around in the bassinet that they looked over.
“Who is it?”
“Looks like Robby is awake.”
Reader sighed but smiled as Johnny scooped up the now awake baby. Sam was still sound asleep and softly breathing. Robby wiggled in Johnnys arms before making hand motions and gripping at the air. Johnny ran a thumb over the boys soft baby fat cheek, but Robby couldn’t care less as his bottom lip started to tremble.
“He’s hungry, hand him over sweet cheeks.”
Reader motioned with one hand for Johnny to pass the baby to her. Johnny quickly did that and shuffled the baby over to her.
Reader was a pro by now with shifting and handling two babies at the same time. She unlatched her other laceration bra flap and maneuvered the boy into place to start feeding. Robby’s head held firm to the side of her breast for a moment. His eyes slightly swelling with tears.
“He’s going to start crying soon because Sam’s not up with him feeding.”
“I know but I need to keep feeding-“
Everyone stopped as Robby’s outstretched arm and hand wiggled between the omegas open cleavage. Usually Sam would be up for a sheared feeding and Robby would hold onto her as they both eat.
Everyone was surprised with the curly haired boy also reached out and took Robby’s own little hand. Robby latched onto Reader’s nipple and began eating his own meal.
“I thought he was going to start crying like usual.”
They all just watched as Robby nursed without a single peep. His hand clenched the other pup's hand. The two of them fed in silence.
“.....So what do we do now?” Johnny questioned as he took his shoes off and threw them into the doorway. Reader rolled her eyes as she watches him hazard toss the ratty old sneakers into the clean hallway. Daniel clearly felt the same way as he grimaced, but started taking his own dress shoes off and placing them neatly in the hallway. Amanda's heels sat on the living room floor, waiting to be put back into their closet at some point.
“I don't know to be honest, I didn't think that far ahead. I was more worried about getting him cleaned up and fed. He needs a bath too later.” Reader slowly started to rock both pups. They both snuggle deeper into her hold.
“We call someone? The police maybe? I don't know much about this kind of stuff. Who do you call to report abandoned pups?” Daniel scratched at his head. Amanda inched over and tried to run a hand over the new pup.
She was shocked in Reader jolted away from her with a look of shock and fear.
Reader never acted like this before and it made all of the alpha step back for a moment. Not understanding what they did wrong to make her jump back like that.
Reader held the pup tight to her breast, almost like she was trying to keep it away from the others. Her eyes were wide as she held the small pup.
“Your not taking him from me and that's that.” her voice cracked, something horrible bubbling in her gut. A feeling of fear and panic that sparked out of nowhere. The sudden need to keep the pup as close as possible to her without the others even getting the chance to touch him. It filled her body with pure heat and instinct to keep him safe.
Even if it was from her own alphas.
Amanda chewed at her bottom lip, pulling her hand back to her own chest. Her eyes growing deep with worry.
The air in the room grew thick and deep with the clearly upset omegas scent. It was potent and filled the room, clearly trying to say “back off” to anyone in the room. All of the alphas promptly took a step back from her to give her space. Amanda tried to rack her brain in the moment to try and figure out what she could've said it down to upset Reader. Her eyes grow worried as she started to figure out what they said that made her so upset.
“Reader we would never take our- your pups, you know that right? We would never forcefully take them. We would never take any pup from you like that.” Amanda tried to be as gentle as possible when saying it. Not wanting to push the omega away.
Reader relaxed only a little as she slowly came back down. Her posture goes lax in the chair once again.
Both Johnny and Daniel nod.
“Shes right, we would never try and take a pup away from you. If this is about the new pup, we won't do anything to him. We won't take him from you.” Daniel slowly inches towards her again.
The curly-haired pup slowly detached from her nipple once again but this time for good. His tiny belly was filled and plump, full of warm milk. His eyes blinked as he blew another milk bubble. Robby soon did the same but closed his eyes and slowly let go of the other pup's hand, going to grab at his mama’s skin.
“Here let me burp him real quick and you get Robby.” Johnny reached out for the pup. Reader though about it and ever so slowly passed the pup off to him. He gently took the pup from her, his other hand grabbing for one of the baby towels to throw on his shoulder.
The pup squirmed around for a moment as he was lifted and placed against Johnny’s big shoulder. Johnny patted at the baby's back and waited for the small sounds of his burps. His large hand ran over the baby's back as a few small gas bubbles passed.
After a few minutes he was done, the baby all happy again and full.
“He is pretty cute now that I'm seeing him up close....” Johnny mumbled as he looked down at the pup in his arms. Big brown eyes looked up at him. Daniel stood up next to him and looked at the pup as well.
“Wow you where right, he does kind look like me. Those eyes are pretty big.”
“See I told you!” Reader giggles from her spot in the recliner. Robby had since fell into silence as he relished in the close contact of his mama. His head resting against her it as he breathed in her sweet scent, calming him and keeping him relaxed.
“I want to keep him.”
“We just had twin’s, are you sure about this? It’s another baby, another almost newborn. I feel like this could be a bit to much for you when we aren’t home.”
“What if I would have had a a bigger litter? If I had wound up pregnant with even more pups then just Sam and Robby? Would you be asking the same thing?” Reader huffed. She understood where they where coming from, but the idea of having multiples was always on their mind. When they first got pregnant. The idea of twins was already there, even the idea of triplets and so one. What was one more baby at this point.
Amanda slowly nodded.
“If you are ok with it then I am. You know I love pup’s, I would be happy to have raised another one with you any day. She places a kiss on Reader’s lips as she gently scratches at Robby’s back. She presses her head to Reader’s as she looks over at the other two alphas.
Johnny and Daniel look at the two women before looking down at the boy one more time. His eyes gaze into theirs.
“I knew bonding with you would be the end of me- now you got me thinking of having even more pups with you. And now we have three.” Johnny grunted out after. Daniel and Amanda had to stop from snoring and Reader rolled her eyes.
For a few minutes it was quiet as they all just let the new feelings and emotions wash over them and sink in.
Johnny slowly gave the boy back to Reader and swapped him for a now sleeping Robby. He put the boy back in his bassinet next to Sam who was till out cold. She shifted a little to grab at her twin. The two pups falling into a small breathing rhythm.
“Did you think of a name yet? You know so we can call him something?” Daniel said as he walked over to sit next to Amanda on the couch. The two alphas cuddled up as they looked over to Reader. The omega smiled as she brushed a finger over the now sleepy pups cheek. He grunted as he grew closer to her warm skin. Brown eyes slowly fluttering closed.
“I was thinking….Miguel, Miggy for short.”
“I don’t know, he just looks like a little Miguel too me. I was actually thinking about the name before Robby was born but then Johnny talked me out of it.”
“I know, you wanted to honor Bobby, who you should call more by the way. He's calling me all the time about coming to meet his wife.” she puffed out her cheeks. Johnny rolled his eyes but gave a knowing look.
“Miguel, Samatha and Robert.... Sam, Robby and Miggy. That sounds right.”
All four of them smiled as they peer over the blanket.
Miguel sleeping soundly, not yet understanding that he just gained a whole new family that was willing to do anything to keep him happy and safe for the rest of his life.
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gemini-sensei · 2 years
About poly Eli, Demetri and LaRusso!Reader, Daniel really just turns to Eli and Demetri and asks "why did it have to be you?"
And Demetri is just like "what did I do?"
Meanwhile, Johnny's just on the sidelines thinking shit like how Reader must get the poly thing from her parents bc that's totally how that works 👀👀👀
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zappedbyzabka · 5 months
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cspasfan15 · 3 months
Updated TDA LV Predictions
My Last predictions before tomorrow
Mini Female
Top 25- Macey Strickland, Penelope jenson, Neala Murphy, Abbey Scott, Melina Biltz, Nixie Vance, Aria McCrea, Remington Frye, Kinley Harper, Scarlett Manzel, Naomi Harper, Amanda Carpenter
Top 13- Jessica Sutton, Stella Brinkerhoff, Mikayla Isler, Belle Marie Arauz, Madisyn Rose Amos, Junie Beus, Lexie Charnstrom, Alivia Hughes, Maylin Munos
Top 4- Savannah Jackson, Tatum Self, Kennedy Marble, Lucia Piedrahita
Mini Male
Top 4- Chase Lang, Kyle Young, Brody Schaffer, Sebastian Saenger
Junior Female
Top 24- Rory Frye, Brooklyn Ward, Ella-Nani Knight, Piper Perusse, Violet Schwarz, Mika Takase, Kylie Lawrence, Mila Ayshford, Vera Escamilla, Isla Gardner, Charlotte Shinnefield, Tayah Klimuck
Top 13- Brynn Jones, Kennedy Anderson, Anistyn Larsen, Roxie Onellion, Finley Ashfield, Annabella Atkinson, Emery Duffin, Bella Charnstrom, Lilly Anderson
Top4- Aria Du, Skylar Wong, Kelsie Jacobson, Emily Polis
Junior Male
Top 4- Matthew Conway, Grayson Niemczyk, Aiden Ecenbarger, Lincoln Russo
Teen female
Top 22- Madison Ronquillo, Caroline McGowan, Katie Shinn, Kinsley Oykhman, Georgia Beth Peters, Keelyn Jones, Vivienne Mitchell, Laci Bloss, Daphnie braun, Mya Tuaileva
Top 12- Caitlyn Polis, Makaia Roux, Kamri Peterson, Stella Condie, Kira Chan, Mariandrea Villegas, Kylie Kaminsky, Ellie Duffin
Top 4- Lilly Allen, Savannah manzel, Taylor Morrison, Claire Monge
Teen male
Top 12- Justin Nguyen, Griffin Abrahamse, Daniel Tamburro, Cade Kaiser, Gabriel Kleeman, Cayman Lee, Caleb Livingston, Johnny Gray
Top 4- Logan Asuncion, Musa Fofana, Zachary Roy, Cooper Macalalad
Senior Female
Top 21- Maliah Howard, Addison Middleton, Zoe Ridge, Brightyn Rines, Madison Goulding, Ceilidh McSeveney, Gianna Mojonnier, Gianna Garwacki
Top 13- Kaitlyn Tom, Beth Anne McGowan, Lola Iglesias, Ayla Rodriguez, Isabella Jarvis, Brielle McCoy, Alexis Leistner, Caroline Skrable, Emma Donnelly
Top 4- Izzy Howard, Hailey Bills, Isabella Lynch, Keira Redpath
Senior Male
Top 10- Grayson Skarsvaag, Charlie Head, Erik Barker, Adin Pracic, Jagger Starr, Alonzo Dock
Top 4- Hudson Pletcher, Caleb Abea, Drew Rosen, Cameron kennedy
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abracazabka · 1 year
im not poly but i believe in their beliefs (carmen/johnny/daniel/amanda)
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Poly What Now?
by SweetPollyOliver
Daniel and Johnny are discussing a newly formed polyamorous relationship between Sam, Robby, Miguel and Tory when Johnny, seemingly not realising that it's a big deal to suggest this, says that they should have given that a whirl in high school. Daniel spirals.
Words: 1104, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Cobra Kai (TV), Karate Kid (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Daniel LaRusso, Johnny Lawrence
Relationships: Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence, Miguel Diaz/Robby Keene/Samantha LaRusso/Tory Nichols (mentioned), Carmen Diaz/Johnny Lawrence (mentioned), Amanda LaRusso/Daniel LaRusso (mentioned), Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence/Ali Mills (mentioned), one-sided Daniel LaRusso/Terry Silver (mentioned)
Additional Tags: POV Daniel LaRusso, Bisexuality, Pre-Poly, Post-Canon, Himbo Johnny Lawrence, Polyamory Negotiations, (of a sort), Revelations, Humor
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44536273
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mmorgan317 · 4 years
Had another Daniel LaRusso whump thought.
What if: during a sparring match with Sam, she stops seeing her father and goes back to fighting with Tory. Daniel tried to get through to her, but she doesn’t seem to hear him. She kicks him in the face (jaw or forehead - bc, let’s be honest, she’s a fracking badass) which stuns him long enough for her to take out his legs (somehow) and get him on his back where she stands on his chest to keep him from moving.
It’s about this time that the trauma from the fight ebbs, and she sees her father once again. She’s horrified at what she’s done, immediately getting off him and kneeling next to him. “Dad?” she calls, unable to believe what she just did.
Daniel, who is just as stunned as Sam, doesn’t know what the heck just happened, but he does know that his daughter needs him. So, he slowly sits up, reassuring her that everything’s okay, that he’s okay.
Enter Johnny (always at the wrong moment, right?). He and Daniel are besties now and he’s there to pick Daniel up for some training or something. When he comes in, Sam flees to her room. Johnny then kneels next to Daniel, asking what happened and if he’s okay. Not two minutes later, Amanda comes in with the same questions. Daniel says he’s fine (he’s hurting, but fine) and Amanda goes inside to call Carmen, asking her to check on Daniel (she doesn’t want to deal with the questions the doctors would/might ask) and asks her to bring Miguel since she knows Sam needs a friend.
When Abuela is told where the other two are going, she insists on joining too. (This is gonna be fluffy, possibly with some Poly relationships going round with them all.) so, the three of them come, just as Johnny gets Daniel into the house and sitting on the couch. While Carmen checks on Daniel, Abuela fusses in Spanish over all of them, complaining they were all too thin, and goes and makes them a big meal (with Amanda, who in my mind can speak Spanish, helping.).
And...that’s all I got so far. Came up with the idea while trying to fall asleep so I didn’t get too far into it.
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ao3feed-lawrusso · 2 years
The List
by alps-writes (findmeinthealps)
Johnny takes a long sip from his beer, gears clearly turning in his head.
“So am I on your list?” he finally asks, raising one eyebrow.
He’s just saying it to tease him, Daniel knows that, but he can feel the warmth of a flush spreading to his cheeks. The whiskey was definitely a mistake.
“D'you want to be?” he shoots back before he can stop himself.
Or: Season 4, but Daniel and Amanda are poly and they're trying to seduce Johnny and Carmen, respectively (but not always respectfully). It goes about as well as you'd expect.
Words: 6159, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Cobra Kai (Web Series)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Daniel LaRusso, Johnny Lawrence, Amanda LaRusso, Carmen Diaz (Cobra Kai)
Relationships: Carmen Diaz/Amanda LaRusso/Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence, Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence
Additional Tags: Polyamory, Enemies to Lovers to Big Poly Mess, OT4 is endgame but it's gonna take a while to get there, Mild Canon Divergence starting from Season 4 Episode 3, Relationship Negotiation
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/38020462
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jossujb · 2 years
The weird thing about my preferences in Cobra Kai shipping is that genuinely quite think that Johnny/ Daniel should happen, but like, I also enjoy their canonical relationships with Carmen and Amanda.
I mean when in doubt: polyamory, but I don't think TV show writers know poly exists xDDD Besides, I'm not really into poly in this case in particular.
Both Johnny and Daniel are wrecking their relationships in record speed. Especially Amanda has suffered so much of this all of a sudden karate bullshit that if she filed for divorce, I'd be like, you had that coming a mile away. But then again,they have such a nice relationship, I've rarely seen such a believable and lovely marriage, so I kinda wish Daniel wouldn't karate chop it like a fucking idiot.
Johnny ad Carmen isn't as stable, Johnny's an alcoholic and doesn't particularly try to deal with it. In other ways however, he's lately grown as a person, and I could see that maybe he could with some effort be good for Carmen.
Just, don't make Johnny and Carmen have babies, holy shit, let Johnny fix his on going bullshit before even THINKING of bringing new people in the world to be fucked up.
But talkig in theme, Johnny and Daniel deserve each other, cos everything in their lives revolve around each other and everyhing that's not them is crushed in the event horizon of their karate rivalry.
I've been in fandom long enough to know that it's a waste of time to have REAL expectations of canon endgames, somehow it's always the one you least wanted, even in these kinda scenarios where I'd be fine with all options on the table. But you know, though experiments. I do genuinely think that the Johnny/Daniel enemies to lovers slow burn vibe can't be entirely accidental in the shows writing xDD But probably more ho yay than I am willing to admit xD
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alakeeffectgirl · 3 years
definitely here for some sort of Daniel/Amanda, Amanda/Carmen, Carmen/Johnny, Johnny/Daniel poly square thing
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Late night got me randomly thinking about the whole Poly! Alpha!Daniel/✨Alpha!GirlCock!Amanda/Alpha!Johnny.
But mostly about the babies✨
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Reader is trying to juggle all three borderline preschoolers still toddlers.
The twins, Sam and Robby are trying to do their own thing at the moment. Sam is trying to get away from her which isn’t going too well. She’s trying to shimmy her hand out of Reader’s and it isn’t going well.
Reader has a firm hold on her hand as she tries to run off into the dealership. The whole time Robby has made himself comfortable in his mama’s arms. Opting to quietly hang from his mothers side. Sitting on her hip the best he can with her new baby bump that was coming in.
They had tried to get him to stop and get out of the habit of hanging from her, but it was a ongoing learning process.
Miguel was the only one to not need any assistance. He chose to stay planted to her side as they walked into the dealership. He tried his best to not try and run to his other parent's office.
Reader groaned as she hurled Robby back onto her hip. Sam finally getting out of her hold the minute they got inside the building. She made a beeline for Amanda who was walking out of the office, Daniel and Johnny not far behind. She giggled and launched herself at the woman. Amanda was quick to bend down and grab the girl, lifting her up.
The three alphas walked over to the quickly tiring omega. Worn out from dealing with all three children along with her new pregnancy.
“ She definitely did not get that energy from me.” She sighs. Daniel laughs and Johnny chuckles. Amanda kisses all over the giggling girl's cheeks.
Miguel splits off from Reader to creep over to Johnny, wanting to be lifted up as well. Miguel was only slightly less verbal than Sam sometimes. Sometimes having a slight issue with asking for attention. Johnny was always quick to see through it and assure the boy. Johnny picked him up with ease, kissing him on the cheek while Daniel gave his dark curls a small tussle.
Robby just gave a small wave as he enjoyed having his mama to himself.
“How’s our girl doing? And our newest pup in there?” Daniel said as he walked over. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and one to Robby. She gave a small hum. His rich scent took over her and helped her to relax.
“We are doing great, besides giving me heartburn and super gnarly burps for the past two hours at least. I haven’t even been craving anything spicy.” She rolled her eyes. Her free hand came to rest on her bump. In only a few more weeks they would get to find out what they were having this time. Reader just felt lucky they didn’t have multiples again. Then again she really couldn’t definitively say anything.
This pregnancy was definitely pushing her buttons more than the first. New symptoms that weren’t there during her first were now popping up almost every other day.  Always keeping her on her toes.
“Now you promised me that we were taking the kids this week to Miyagi’s right? I don't want to go over and scare that poor man when we show up with three bouncing off-the-wall toddlers.” the last thing Reader wanted to do was show up to the poor older mana house and bother him with their energetic pups. Sam and Miguel were basically everywhere these days. Not being able to stand still for even a second. On some days Robby was just as bad.
Daniel smiled as he slowly started to usher her out. The two other alphas fall behind with the toddlers in hand.
Johnny walked a bit closer to her, shoving the other male to the side a little. Daniel rolled his eyes at the taller alpha. Reader bit back a yelp as a big hand creased ass from behind. Grabbing a hand full and giving it a hard squeeze. Johnny laughed saying huskily “Don't worry about it, Daniel made sure to set it up with the old man. We’re not gonna give him a heart attack or anything when we show up.” Amanda smirks over at them. The moment was short-lived as they finally got back to Reader’s car.
Reader huffed as they started to put the kids back into the car.
Robby was easy to shift back into his car seat. He whimpered for a moment as he was strapped in but stopped once he found his forgotten toy on the car floor. Sam and Miguel tried to fight their way out like usual.
Hating the fact they had to be restricted in a seat with a tight seatbelt. They tried to rip their way out. It didn't work as Johnny ended up putting them in, hissing at them. His alpha presents putting them in line quickly.
by the time all the pups were put in their respective seats, Reader was done.
Her back hurt and her feet ached.
Amanda noticed her clear change in posture and walked over. She was quick to kiss the omega and scent her. Mixing her thick scent with the must sweeter and more potent one of the stressed-out omega. She whispered out for a moment. A speck of relief filled her veins. 
“I'll drive, you rest.”
All Reader could do was lazily nod as she walked to the passenger side door.
The two other alphas gave them a small loving look before going to their own cars. They would be home soon, following them back to the house.
Reader slumped in her seat as Amanda drove them home. Telling the kids to quiet down in the back, that Mama was trying to sleep. Almost unbelievably, they actually did quiet down a bit. Talking amongst themselves in the back seat.
Reader smiled as she let her eyes flutter shut.
She wouldn't trade her alphas or her pups for anything else in this world. They were perfect, even if they did have some odd quirks here and there.
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gemini-sensei · 2 years
| 18+ blog MDNI | All the characters I write are aged up to be 18 or older
Requests are Closed.
Below, you will find the list of characters I write for and the things I will/won't write. Please read through this before sending any asks, otherwise it will be deleted.
Characters I Write For:
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Demetri Alexopoulos
Miguel Diaz
Robby Keene
Samantha LaRusso
Tory Nichols
Poly!Daniel and Amanda LaRusso
Poly! Carmen and Amanda
Most any poly!ship you can think of
Blue Beetle/DC Characters:
Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
Milagro Reyes
Jenny Kord
Bart Allen (fancast: Jacob Bertrand)
Character's I'm not comfortable writing for romantically:
Johnny Lawrence
Anthony LaRusso
Wills and Will-Nots (please read before sending in an ask):
The Wills:
I mostly write female readers, as it is what I am familiar with and know best. I will write AFAB and gender nonspecific readers as well, just let me know in your ask what you'd like.
I will also write plus-sized/chubby readers be default unless you state otherwise in your ask/request. If you don't want chubby reader, please be specific.
I will write fluff, angst, and smut. This includes angst without a happy ending.
I will write poly relationships, ie. poly Moon and Hawk.
I will write topics such as depression, anxiety, EDs, and other mental health topics if I'm comfortable and confident that I can write and represent them properly. If I'm not confident that I can do that, I will let you know and update this list.
I will write disabilities and sickness. I'm hard of hearing and deal with chronic pain myself, so these topics don't make me uncomfortable.
For NSFW content, I will write most kinks to the best of my ability. I will also write wlw and poly content. I'm not sure how confident I am with writing mlm NSFW content when it comes to character x character though.
The Will-Nots:
I will not write about SH in graphic detail, meaning on page. I may reference it, but it will be vague.
I will not write daddy kink/ddlg, incest, or age play.
I will not write character cheating on reader.
I don't write male readers as I am not confident in my ability to write them. My sincerest apologies.
I will not write Miguel x Reader x Robby in a poly relationship and no Kiaz under any circumstances.
If I receive an ask or request that I am not comfortable with, I will delete it.
These lists may be added to at any time, at which point I will make an announcement letting everyone know it's been updated. Thank you for reading.
Please note that this blog is a chubby!reader blog. Any asks/requests I receive will be written with such in mind unless otherwise stated in the ask. If you want an average bodied!reader or no body descriptors used, please say that in your ask.
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deanlighful · 4 years
I hate how many fics have to either bash Amanda or something because a shes a woman she deserves better and B shes so fucking supportive. (Also the slash fic writers has a bad history of this shit in the first place) Also the fucking power of Amanda and Daniel being Poly and Her just being hella supportive of Daniel and Johnny dating is an underrated trope. People out here yelling Johnny and Amanda should be best friends  Then write a poly fic like that! Amanda and johnny don’t have to be dating.  Stop bashing Amanda just because you want Johnny and Daniel to hook up.  Women don’t deserve that in fics. 
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“When you say you want to date me,” Johnny said finally. “What does that look like in your mind?”
“Well, you know. Going out together, staying in together, being important to each other,” Daniel said.
“And you think you can balance that and a marriage?” Johnny said raising an eyebrow and anticipating some kind of pat ‘balance is my thing’ answer.
“God, Johnny, I have to try,” he said instead. “If I don’t I’ll always wonder.”
A Daniel/Johnny, Daniel/Amanda poly vee fic.
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stripedghoul · 4 years
i think daniel and amanda are poly bisexuals who drag johnny kicking and screaming into their marriage
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thosemintcookies · 2 years
Literally cobra kai is a huge poly romance show about Carmen Amanda Johnny Daniel and chozen getting together and having weird middle aged dates with each other this is insane. Karate is just a funny little hobby the old guys have in common
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