sensei-venus · 2 years
“Just A Pup”(2/?)
Alpha!Daniel/Alpha!Amanda/Omega!Reader/Alpha!Johnny featuring Twins! Sam & Robby and Baby!Miguel
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(Unedited) ( Officially truring this into a Au! but I have now idea what I’m going to call it.💀) (Support Me Links🌺)
“You're more worried about the fact she is in your stupid recliner than the fact she is literally breastfeeding a pup that clearly isn't ours” Daniel’s voice was in a sharp whisper as he tried to keep it down due to the still sleeping pups in the bassinet.
Johnny shrugged as he threw his gym bag softly on the floor.
“Hey I just happen to like my chair and she only sits in it when I'm in it, on my lap, know it all. And also, from here it looks like it could be your pup Johnny rolled his eyes and huffed.
Amanda was the only one who didn't seem to be making the scene into a huge deal. Her eyes scanned over the relaxed omega who was completely laid out in the big recliner. Her eyes lazily watched the two alpha in amusement. Amanda slowly inched over to the chair, looking over the omegas arms to get a better look at the baby in her arms. She slowly sat down on the couch that was next to the chair, she leaned over the side to get a better look. She rested her chin on one of her palms as she carefully reached over and pulled the throw blanket from over the baby.
The pup detached from Reader's breast for a moment. His little hands gripped at her skin as his eyes opened slightly, big brown teary eyes. He moved around for a moment, wiggling as the warm blanket was moved.
“Their tiny...”
“I know, he's almost as tiny as Robby was when he was first born. I couldn't just let him starve.”
“The question still stands Honey.”
“Doorstep surprise? At first, I thought I got a doorbell ditch, but then I heard this little sound and looked down and found this little guy wrapped up in a ratty old blanket, dipper barely even fit him.” she smiled at Amanda as she ran a finger over the pups cheek. Amanda couldn't help but smile back as she also watched the pup.
“It's a boy?”
“Yep, I thought he looked like Daniel at first, with the black hair and tan skin. Oh, and these big brown eyes.” the two women looked down at the pup taking in all the details about him. Daniel seemed to have heard his name as he stopped his small argument with Johnny and looked toward them. Both males sighed before walking over to the two women. Both of them kneeled down on the opposite side of the recliner to look at the new pup.
“Wow he does kind look like Daniel.”
“I feel like you would say that about any Italian guy ever just to mess with me.”
“Hey, Louis looks nothing like you and you're acutely related.” Daniel rolled his eyes at Johnny. The two male alphas looked down at the pup. He blinked up at them with wide eyes as he lazily gripped at the skin of Reader's breast. He blew I tiny spit filled milk bubble from his lips before searching for Reader’s nipple again, he locked onto it and went back to feeding. Reader rubbed at his back as he started to nurse again.
“He sure is hungry, he’s attacking your tit babe.”
“Yeah, I have no idea when he last eat but I’m pretty sure it’s been a while with the way he’s going at it. When I first tried to get him to latch he wouldn’t. Now that he’s figured it out he’s going to town.”
“Lucky your a over producer.”
She hummed as she looked down at the curly haired pup. The four adults just sat in silence for a minute as they watched the pup get back into the rhythm of suckling. It wasn’t until one of the twins started to shuffle around in the bassinet that they looked over.
“Who is it?”
“Looks like Robby is awake.”
Reader sighed but smiled as Johnny scooped up the now awake baby. Sam was still sound asleep and softly breathing. Robby wiggled in Johnnys arms before making hand motions and gripping at the air. Johnny ran a thumb over the boys soft baby fat cheek, but Robby couldn’t care less as his bottom lip started to tremble.
“He’s hungry, hand him over sweet cheeks.”
Reader motioned with one hand for Johnny to pass the baby to her. Johnny quickly did that and shuffled the baby over to her.
Reader was a pro by now with shifting and handling two babies at the same time. She unlatched her other laceration bra flap and maneuvered the boy into place to start feeding. Robby’s head held firm to the side of her breast for a moment. His eyes slightly swelling with tears.
“He’s going to start crying soon because Sam’s not up with him feeding.”
“I know but I need to keep feeding-“
Everyone stopped as Robby’s outstretched arm and hand wiggled between the omegas open cleavage. Usually Sam would be up for a sheared feeding and Robby would hold onto her as they both eat.
Everyone was surprised with the curly haired boy also reached out and took Robby’s own little hand. Robby latched onto Reader’s nipple and began eating his own meal.
“I thought he was going to start crying like usual.”
They all just watched as Robby nursed without a single peep. His hand clenched the other pup's hand. The two of them fed in silence.
“.....So what do we do now?” Johnny questioned as he took his shoes off and threw them into the doorway. Reader rolled her eyes as she watches him hazard toss the ratty old sneakers into the clean hallway. Daniel clearly felt the same way as he grimaced, but started taking his own dress shoes off and placing them neatly in the hallway. Amanda's heels sat on the living room floor, waiting to be put back into their closet at some point.
“I don't know to be honest, I didn't think that far ahead. I was more worried about getting him cleaned up and fed. He needs a bath too later.” Reader slowly started to rock both pups. They both snuggle deeper into her hold.
“We call someone? The police maybe? I don't know much about this kind of stuff. Who do you call to report abandoned pups?” Daniel scratched at his head. Amanda inched over and tried to run a hand over the new pup.
She was shocked in Reader jolted away from her with a look of shock and fear.
Reader never acted like this before and it made all of the alpha step back for a moment. Not understanding what they did wrong to make her jump back like that.
Reader held the pup tight to her breast, almost like she was trying to keep it away from the others. Her eyes were wide as she held the small pup.
“Your not taking him from me and that's that.” her voice cracked, something horrible bubbling in her gut. A feeling of fear and panic that sparked out of nowhere. The sudden need to keep the pup as close as possible to her without the others even getting the chance to touch him. It filled her body with pure heat and instinct to keep him safe.
Even if it was from her own alphas.
Amanda chewed at her bottom lip, pulling her hand back to her own chest. Her eyes growing deep with worry.
The air in the room grew thick and deep with the clearly upset omegas scent. It was potent and filled the room, clearly trying to say “back off” to anyone in the room. All of the alphas promptly took a step back from her to give her space. Amanda tried to rack her brain in the moment to try and figure out what she could've said it down to upset Reader. Her eyes grow worried as she started to figure out what they said that made her so upset.
“Reader we would never take our- your pups, you know that right? We would never forcefully take them. We would never take any pup from you like that.” Amanda tried to be as gentle as possible when saying it. Not wanting to push the omega away.
Reader relaxed only a little as she slowly came back down. Her posture goes lax in the chair once again.
Both Johnny and Daniel nod.
“Shes right, we would never try and take a pup away from you. If this is about the new pup, we won't do anything to him. We won't take him from you.” Daniel slowly inches towards her again.
The curly-haired pup slowly detached from her nipple once again but this time for good. His tiny belly was filled and plump, full of warm milk. His eyes blinked as he blew another milk bubble. Robby soon did the same but closed his eyes and slowly let go of the other pup's hand, going to grab at his mama’s skin.
“Here let me burp him real quick and you get Robby.” Johnny reached out for the pup. Reader though about it and ever so slowly passed the pup off to him. He gently took the pup from her, his other hand grabbing for one of the baby towels to throw on his shoulder.
The pup squirmed around for a moment as he was lifted and placed against Johnny’s big shoulder. Johnny patted at the baby's back and waited for the small sounds of his burps. His large hand ran over the baby's back as a few small gas bubbles passed.
After a few minutes he was done, the baby all happy again and full.
“He is pretty cute now that I'm seeing him up close....” Johnny mumbled as he looked down at the pup in his arms. Big brown eyes looked up at him. Daniel stood up next to him and looked at the pup as well.
“Wow you where right, he does kind look like me. Those eyes are pretty big.”
“See I told you!” Reader giggles from her spot in the recliner. Robby had since fell into silence as he relished in the close contact of his mama. His head resting against her it as he breathed in her sweet scent, calming him and keeping him relaxed.
“I want to keep him.”
“We just had twin’s, are you sure about this? It’s another baby, another almost newborn. I feel like this could be a bit to much for you when we aren’t home.”
“What if I would have had a a bigger litter? If I had wound up pregnant with even more pups then just Sam and Robby? Would you be asking the same thing?” Reader huffed. She understood where they where coming from, but the idea of having multiples was always on their mind. When they first got pregnant. The idea of twins was already there, even the idea of triplets and so one. What was one more baby at this point.
Amanda slowly nodded.
“If you are ok with it then I am. You know I love pup’s, I would be happy to have raised another one with you any day. She places a kiss on Reader’s lips as she gently scratches at Robby’s back. She presses her head to Reader’s as she looks over at the other two alphas.
Johnny and Daniel look at the two women before looking down at the boy one more time. His eyes gaze into theirs.
“I knew bonding with you would be the end of me- now you got me thinking of having even more pups with you. And now we have three.” Johnny grunted out after. Daniel and Amanda had to stop from snoring and Reader rolled her eyes.
For a few minutes it was quiet as they all just let the new feelings and emotions wash over them and sink in.
Johnny slowly gave the boy back to Reader and swapped him for a now sleeping Robby. He put the boy back in his bassinet next to Sam who was till out cold. She shifted a little to grab at her twin. The two pups falling into a small breathing rhythm.
“Did you think of a name yet? You know so we can call him something?” Daniel said as he walked over to sit next to Amanda on the couch. The two alphas cuddled up as they looked over to Reader. The omega smiled as she brushed a finger over the now sleepy pups cheek. He grunted as he grew closer to her warm skin. Brown eyes slowly fluttering closed.
“I was thinking….Miguel, Miggy for short.”
“I don’t know, he just looks like a little Miguel too me. I was actually thinking about the name before Robby was born but then Johnny talked me out of it.”
“I know, you wanted to honor Bobby, who you should call more by the way. He's calling me all the time about coming to meet his wife.” she puffed out her cheeks. Johnny rolled his eyes but gave a knowing look.
“Miguel, Samatha and Robert.... Sam, Robby and Miggy. That sounds right.”
All four of them smiled as they peer over the blanket.
Miguel sleeping soundly, not yet understanding that he just gained a whole new family that was willing to do anything to keep him happy and safe for the rest of his life.
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scorpionyx9621 · 11 months
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Okay you know what Lesbians I get it now. I understand why you all have marked Shawnee Smith/Amanda Young as your territory. She radiates such carnal, unrestrained WlW energy it hits you like a sledgehammer to the jaw. I'm gay as all shit but I actively want her to step on me and I'd apologize to her for scuffing her shoes. She has that raw charisma and genuine talent for acting as Amanda Young pretending to have to suffer or to have to go through numerous traps and watching her genuinely spiral both makes me want to to hug and protect her and be a victim of her wrath. The lesbians and WlW's are right on this one, they are oh, oh so right. Never let anyone take this away from y'all.
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gameofthunder66 · 1 year
'Alpha Dog' (2006) film
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-watched 7/8/2023- 3 [1/2] stars- on Max
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sociopath-analysis · 2 years
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Female Sociopaths in Popular Media (Part 55)
Go here for Part 1. It provides an explanation for this list. Also, check out the master list which includes analyses of all the included characters. (Some analyses still may not be completed as of yet.) If this is the first part you’ve seen, reblog one of those two posts. Otherwise, feel free to reblog this one.
Sorry for being away for so long, but I'm back with my usual contribution to International Women's Day. Like always, I'm bringing in more sociopathic characters for your perusal. I'll be posting a bunch of female sociopath profiles this month (at least one a day from now until the end of the month). After that, I'll be ready to explain my absence and where this blog will be going after this month.
Pictured above:
Yuri[1] (played by Chanya McClory) from Girl from Nowhere (2018-present[2])
Catherine "Cathy" Ward (voiced by Mariya Tse (JP) and Jamie Marchi (EN)) from Angels of Death (2015) and its manga (2015-2020) and 2018 anime adaptations
the Doll Woman from Chainsaw Man Part 1 (2018-2020)
Manaka Sajyou (voiced by Aki Toyosaki) from Fate/Prototype (2011) and Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver (2014-2017)
Khan Maykr (voiced by Nika Futterman) from DOOM Eternal (2020)
Lord Tokaguwa Harusada in Ōoku: The Inner Chambers (2004-2020)
Dee aka "Alpha" (played by Samantha Morton) from The Walking Dead TV series (2010-2022)
Captain Vadic[3] (played by Amanda Plummer) from Star Trek: Picard (2020-present[2])
Ren Pingsheng[4] from I'm More Dangerous Than You (2021-2022)
Emma Coleman[5] (played by Savisara Leela Yett) from The Woman in the House across the Street from the Girl in the Window (2022)
[1] Thanks to @nannoselliot for recommending this one. [2] Valid as of early March 2023. [3] Thanks to @donovaneagle2098 for recommending this one. [4] Thanks to @rickyriddle for recommending this one. [5] Major spoilers associated with this one.
If you wanna help me with this list, you can fact-check my profiles on the master list. I haven’t seen a lot of the things that these characters come from, so I don’t have a lot of firsthand knowledge. If you have seen/played/read any of the works that I have included, look through the profiles and see if there are any inaccuracies I need to edit.
Once I get a better flow of releasing new profiles, you suggest some characters for me to include on the list by leaving a comment on any of the posts, sending an ask, or messaging me. You’ll be credited for helping me when I include them in the gallery post. If you don’t want to be credited, just ask and I’ll leave your name off the post.
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adedarma · 2 years
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Amanda Hairstyle (Style 1)
Amanda Hairstyle (Style 2)
Amanda Hairstyle (Style 3)
Amanda Hairstyle (Style 4)
By Downloading any of my stuff you have to agree with this T.O.U.
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acrosstobear · 11 months
the albert and will tweets, it’s definitely about checo and daniel! i think it’s official…
but that CANNOT possibly be that shocking, like its been a rumour for weeks and daniel literally outqualified the man in a tractor trailer at his home race!!!!!!!!! it just does NOT seem like there's a chance that checo is still in that seat next year and it seems pretty written in the sky, so i can't imagine that guys who are in the paddock every weekend would be surprised by that??????? Albert's tweet is like. devastated. people asked him if everyone was still safe and healthy. idk it just seems BAD bad to me, like off the walls wild, and Daniel to RBR just doesn't fit the bill.
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fanficfanattic · 8 months
Word game Wednesday! *Glances around my room wildly* cool, write, window? (I like giving three, I feel like that's good odds for at least one)
You have stumbled upon gold m’dear. Five responses below the cut.
From Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency: Todd and Amanda have their first real, big fight after they’ve reconciled.
Todd is secure enough in their relationship that he doesn’t hold himself back. From another perspective, all her time with the Rowdies has eroded Amanda’s impulse control and she carries a wand.
“Amanda, what the fuck?” Todd is trying to look at his back and see if she’s given him a tail or something. She cackled at his accurate impression of a beautiful, dumb but loving golden retriever.
“Seriously, this isn’t cool. What did you do to me?”
She answered in a syrupy sweet singsong “You’llllllll seeeeeeeeee.” The satisfaction, the peace in her soul, the way her boys and Beast will roar with laughter when she recounts this later...she should have done this the day she got a wand.
1) From my constantly evolving platonic a/b/o fic, Georgie meets the gang and has a heart to heart with Ted about how long it was just her and Jamie against the world. (Also this was started before realizing that Georgie must have wanted to keep the house Jamie grew up in and they just used the right to buy scheme.) (There is also a bonus because your third word also appears in this one.)
“You know how I met Simon?” Georgie asks. She knows he doesn’t know, because before the two of them walked in, he’d only known Jamie had parents in the theoretical sense. The question itself was rhetorical, though, and if Jamie were conscious he might have something to say about all the fancy sounding words.
“When Jamie got his first few checks, he followed Pep’s suggestions to the letter. How much to save, how much to invest, what kind of early purchases were responsible splurges. Apparently everyone gets a fancy wash bag? The fuck did we know about any of that?” She snorted, hand still moving softly along her son’s upper arm. Before pointing to his crossbody bag that probably cost as much as that first bag did.
“Then he got me a fucking house. A house!!! We were in a council flat his whole life until then, and he asked what I wanted, which was for him to be secure. But he insisted, and he was going to be with me for at least 2 more years, yeah. So fuck.
And we didn’t know anything about that sort of thing, so it was Pep advising again. Which included getting all sorts of inspections and the like. After it were done, I didn’t know what kind of upkeep that means, yeah? And we were definitely the poorest family on the team, at least before then, but it weren’t like everyone were rich either. So I asked around. Couldn’t be more embarrassing than if we burned it down not knowing something normal folks do.
One of the older lads’ parents said that windows, gutters, and roofs are all things that need to be looked at kind of regularly. Which sounded mental to me, windows? But I got the number of a company and sort of threw myself on their mercy. And they sent Simon round, right?”
And Ted sort of nodded, because she obviously meant to be agreed with, regardless of how only the three of them could have known that.
“And he said to me that everything was new enough the only way I’d need to replace the windows was if I didn’t like something about the ones already there. Or wanted to remodel. We picked the damned thing out because we already liked it as it were.
But I appreciated he didn’t try to con me into something just to make a sale, and asked if he knew much about all the ins and outs of home repair. He said he did, and I offered to make him supper if he could help me write everything down so I wouldn’t miss a trick.
Had Jamie when I were only 16, so I didn’t finish school or nothing, and some men like to make you feel stupid for not knowing what they know. But not Simon. He were sweet to me. And Jamie were the only other person who’d ever had anything nice to say about me cooking. So he were two-fer-two on being respectful.
I waited about a month and then called him up to ask about plumbing or something. Can’t remember now, it was mostly just a chance to talk to him again. And we were married by the time Jamie were done with academy.”
2) And from the investigative journalist fic:
“I only had one coach I ever thought maybe I could talk to about how bad me brain sometimes got. Tried to even.”
“How did that go?”
“Said I couldn’t train cause I were hurt, guess I didn’t realize that’s not the word you use when its something inside who you are.”
“You didn’t get a chance to explain?”
“No, not really. Started yelling at me, cause he thought I were throwing a strop.”
“But if you’d cut him off-“
“That’s just it though. Da’ got me all trained up in that being a dangerous fucking thing to do. Interrupting a man what has power over you. When they’re already angry? So the same thing that happens when me da gets like that happened.”
“And that is?”
“Whatever makes me…me? Just slips away for a bit.”
“You dissociate?”
“Fuck, that’s the word! Me therapist used it the other day and I meant to write it down. D’ya mind?”
1) From a DGHDA fic where a boobytrap hits Todd with a curse. Within this you get to see my greatest party trick, where I mean to look something up and put a placeholder in the spot. (Also I do not remember what I was planning with the idea of Loki’s Marble because so far as I know I entirely made that concept up lmao).
He didn’t stir even a little bit while getting him into the backseat, where they had him slump against the door to stay mostly upright. At least Farah was well practice in getting a seatbelt on a passed out Dirk or Todd. Dirk would have climbed in after him, but Farah needed him to navigate them out of the forest. They were barely out of the dense forest area, back to roads that saw regular upkeep, when they heard Todd groan. Farah pulled off to the side, at a convenient scenic overlook with a little clearing for travelers to park. She and Dirk both turned in their seats to see him blinking owlishly and then put his hand to his head.
“Hey, how you feeling Todd?” Farah asked, keeping her voice low in case he had a headache.
He looked up at her curiously, and then looked out the window before whipping his head back to stare at them.
“Whe’we?” He tiredly slurred out. Farah and Dirk exchanged concerned glances. But they turned back and Dirk quietly said, “Just outside of BLANK forest.”
“Do you...not remember us looking for Loki’s marble?” He tried to keep the worry out of his voice but Dirk’s eyes were wild when he looked at Farah. She didn’t look happy but also didn’t seem quite as concerned as Dirk. But it did sound like Todd might have a concussion.
2) Also from something I just shared the other day. Season 1 Jamie exchanges himself for Phoebe’s safety and is being held hostage.
“He received this text at 7:18pm” and the screen showed a mocked up phone, enlarged, and with a click of a button, a photo appeared in the message field.
“It was from a number not saved in his phone, and traced to a woman in Poland. She has been cleared, so we suspect a skimmer was used to create a false number.”
The image was of Phoebe sitting at the dining room table of her home with Roy’s sister. It was taken through the front window into the room and had a crosshairs image over it.
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itsnotreal · 1 year
taking u off my ff bc ur not an alpha oli solider 🚫😭
🫡 you do what you must 😔
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sensei-venus · 2 years
Just a Pup- (1/?)
Alpha!Daniel/Alpha!Amanda/Omega!Reader/Alpha!Johnny featuring Twins! Sam & Robby and Baby!Miguel
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(Unedited) (Mentions of Infant Starvation, Child Abandonment, Breastfeeding, Protective Omega Reader)
Reader sighed as she finished packing up leftovers from dinner. She pressed the phone closer to her ear as she finished closing and locking a plastic container.
“I'm sorry Honey, the meeting is running over longer ger then I thought. We should have been done almost ten minutes ago but these guys just won't stop with bring up new policies. And apparently Daniel approved a whole new line of cars we are suppose to start selling on the floor and we have to go over a whole folder on how to sell them?” Amanda's voice was both annoyed and questioning on the other line. She sounded exhausted, her voice on edge and wavering.
Reader hummed as she set a few containers into the open fridge. She quickly shut it after placing the last few containers inside. Turing around she placed the phone into her hand and leaned into the kitchen island. She herself felt tired from a long day of taking care of the new twins. At three months old they where still up and about, people claimed they would just sleep all the time but the twins where nothing like that. They where balls of constant sunshine, and poop. Lots and lots of poop.
“It’s ok babe, me and the twins are fine here. I made dinner and it’s in the fridge for when you guys get home later. I’ll wait up for you, Johnny said he should be home in the next two hours, hopefully.”
“Extra training?”
“Paper work for new students and apparently one of the sinks at the dojo is messed up, he had to get into the plumbing apparently. He said it’s fine, just needed to stay a bit longer to fix it for tomorrow’s classes.”
There was another sigh on the other end of the phone which made Reader bit her lower lip.
“I don’t like the fact we are making you stay home all alone with the twin’s. It just doesn’t feel right, you should have one of your alphas there with you to help. We don’t want to run you ragged with taking care of the twins by yourself during the day.”
Reader smiled and she could feel her face getting flushed.
“I’m fine and so are the twin’s, I like taking care of them. Being by myself can be a bit lonely but at the end of the day I know you guy’s are coming home to me and that’s all I need. Plus, you guys get days off to spend at home with us, your not pushing me to take care of them alone. Don’t think like that.”
The phone was silent for a moment.
“I love you, I know Daniel and Johnny do too…” it sounded like she wanted to say more. That there was more going though her head, but she held back.
“I love you too, tell Daniel I love him. I’ll see you when you get home later.”
The two mates said their goodbye’s before hanging up. Reader looked at her phone for a moment before placing it back into her pocket and heading out of the kitchen. She tried her best to be quiet as she walked around the house. Her foot steps where light as she walked though the empty halls of the house and towards the twin’s nursery.
She quickly and quietly opened the door a crack and peered into the nursery. The twins had gone back to sleep not even a hour ago after a feeding and she hoped they would be down for a little while longer.
Walking into the room she glanced into the crib. Sam was out cold, her little chest rising and falling with every small breath. Robby fidgeted as he tried to fight sleep. His hand curing and reaching out for Sam’s. Since they where born Robby had a issue with being alone, mostly involving Sam. He cried constantly if he didn’t have her by his side or if he wasn’t in reaching distant of his twin. The doctors said that it was a pretty common occurrence in twins, it was a form of anxiety.
The two baby’s had shared a womb together for over nine months, holding each other, touching, having skin to skin contact. Then being pushed out into a scary new place, out into the world where they where no longer cramped together was to be expected very scary for them. Sam seemed to take it with ease while Robby did not.
Robby’s little hand curled around Sam’s before he finally stopped moving and fell fully asleep.

Reader smiled before making sure the baby monitor was on and leaving the room again. She quietly shut the door behind her before retreating into the living room. The idea of going straight to the bedroom to lay down and rest before her mates got home from work. It died down at the idea of belly flopping on the tight leather couch in the dim lit living room. The cool material against her skin was nice, she let her eyes flutter close. The quiet living room was peaceful to say the least. With the pups asleep she could have some alone time to rest.
It was pure heaven for about twenty minutes until a sharp knock shook the front door.
Readers eyes snapped open at the loud knock’s, the sharp sound echoed around the house. She secretly prayed the pups wouldn’t hear it and wake up. She slowly got up from the couch and wondered over to the front door. The knocking stopped by the time she got to the door, she flipped on the outside light which lit up a good portion of the front porch and a bit of the front yard.
She pulled her phone out for a moment to check the time and to see if any of her lovers had texted her. There where no new messages and it was late. None of her mates ever knocked, it was their home after all so it wasn’t one of them knocking.
She looked out of the doors peep hole and found no one standing there. She slowly opened the front door and poked her head outside. Looking around she found no one in sight. She puffed out her cheek in annoyance, of course she would be the one to end up experience a “door-bell-dasher” in the middle of the night. She huffed before shaking her head and ducking back inside.
The sound of rustling and gargling stopped her in her track’s.
She looked back out and still found nothing but the sound of shifting and gargling continued. Finally she looked down, she gasped at what she found.
In a poorly wrapped yellow blanket, a small baby laid on her doorstep. Small hickies come from the baby’s quivering lips, signing the poor thing was about to start crying out. Little tan and pink hands poked out from the blanket and reached out, swinging and clenching for something or someone to hold onto. Reader quickly picked up the bundle and held it close. Little hands reached for her shirt and gripped it like it was a life line.
Reader looked around one more time in a hurry before bringing the pup inside with her and shutting the door. She hurried to the kitchen in hopes the kitchen light would be better then the porch light.
Sitting on one of the island chairs she opened the blanket more, fully revealing the little pup inside. And they where little, maybe just as little as Robby was when he was born, but this pup wasn’t a newborn. This pup already had their umbilical cord off and their little stump was gone, they where at least a month or so old. She checked the shotty diaper which was full and barely even fit, the pup was a little boy. His skin was a light caramel tone that almost reminded her of Daniel’s. Even being little he had a mop of dark black curls on his head.
The dirty dipper was one thing but what made her stomach turn was the sight of his little tummy. She could see the dips of his little ribs and his belly held no baby fat what so ever. Not even a bit of push.
She remembered the pack of diapers in the back of the twins closet. They where to small for the twins and she just didn’t have the pull to return them, maybe just maybe this was why.
She carefully held the small baby as she wadded to the twins room once again. She secretly wished they might be borderline awake, just enough so that she could pick them up and place them in their travel bassinet. She was in luck as both twins where slightly awake, eyes open and both of them moving around slightly.
Their little legs kicking around. She was able to get both of them into the bassinet without making them fuss or cry out, they just blinked and gargled at her. He grabbed the pack of diapers from the closet and quickly changed the new pup. He didn’t put up a fight.
She quietly rolled the bassinet from the room and down the hall, into the living room. Reader placed it next to the big recliner in the living room. The idea to thank Johnny into talking them into getting the soft recliner for the living room was scratched into her mind. She grabbed a blanket from off the couch and threw it over her and the pup as she cuddled into the soft recliner. Relaxing into it.
She took the time to study the pup up close. Feeling tears bubble at her eyes as she sniffed him. The tears where hot in her eyes, he smelled like nothing, he smelled like a pup but nothing else. There was no omega or alpha, not even a trace of a light beta scent was on him. He should have smelled of someone at this age.
No one held him.
No one scented him.
No one was LOVING him.
That made Readers hormones sky rocket. Her heart broke at the idea that no one could cuddle or scent this little baby. He was so tiny and defenseless, he should be covered in a scent of love, of care and tenderness. But he was blank.
Pressing him to her neck she cuddle him, rubbing her scent gland all over him in a attempt to sooth him and cover him in her own omega scent. He let out a small yawl before trying to rub himself against her, the nature instinct to rub his little body into her for protection. The pure instinct to be covered in a mothers scent. He went still after a few minutes.
Then he whimpered painfully.
Then a loud cry left his lips, tears spilling down his cheeks.
Reader felt they way his belly tightened and drew up in pure need of food.
No thought passed her mind as she lifted her shirt completely off and unlaced her lactation bra flap. She was quick to guide him to her breast, but he didn’t latch right away. She wondered if it was do to hunger pain or if he just didn’t understand how to feed. She cooed down at him, rubbing his back as she tried to help him. Before long he finally latched onto her nipple and started to feed. He suckled slowly almost trying to relish in the new supply of milk. His hands gripped at the skin of her breast as if she was going to move away.
She didn’t know how long they sat like that. The sound of Sam and Robby’s soft breathing and the soft grunts and sucking sounds from the pup was relaxing. Reader was slack in the chair as the pup fed. Her thumb circled on his back, her eyes half lidded.
It was peaceful.
Her eyes only fully opened when the soft click of the door being unlocked and opened followed by the sound of loud food steps and clanking of heels filled the entry way. All three of the pups where still peaceful. The twins curled up in the bassinet, the pup on her chest still softly suckling milk.
Readers chest was warm and content for once.
“What is this?”
“Who's pup is that and why are you breastfeeding it?”
“Why are you in my recliner?”
This was going to be a nightmare to explain.
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streaminn · 1 year
O Nah Twitter is a bad influence
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aiveecastillo · 2 years
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Wuju Bakery Cast from their countries:
Jeff Satur, Amanda Obdam and Bible Wichapas Sumettikul from Thailand 
Dion and Q from Korea 
Alpha and Jayson from Timor-Leste  
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merv606 · 1 year
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bubblergoespop · 4 months
My Top David Quotes
i need this man to hold me while i cry
“If I gave Milo less than a full month to plan out his outfit, I’m sure he’d kick my ass. If he could reach it.”
“This is omega shit, I’m not built for this.”
“Oh god they’re gonna pet me, oh fuck I didn’t think about that. I’m not some house dog I don’t need— [melts at angel petting him]”
“Is my Angel mad at me?”
“Call me that one more time and you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”
“If I’m not good enough then go find someone who is, see if I care. No. You know what, no fuck that. I do care. I love you.”
“What? He doesn’t even drink tea, he drinks coffee what are you talking about?”
“Your words carry weight with me, no matter how much or how little you talk.”
“I will not participate in your little gossip session. I am the pack alpha, I have to be above that kind of shit… but yes Amanda and Christian are definitely fucking and yes it is definitely going to get very awkward.”
“No I won’t be able to talk, I become a fucking wolf. I can only make wolf noises..”
“I know I can be rough and nasty. […] But I just need you to know that, no matter what, I have never regretted being with you for a second. I’m proud to call you my mate.”
“He would have loved you, you know. You would have made him laugh.”
“Alpha privileges.”
“You make him happier than I’ve ever seen him before. And he deserves that. So thank you. For taking care of him. [Asher singing in background] Is he…? Oh god, never mind. He doesn’t deserve anything.”
“That phrase is perfectly common, shut up. But… keep talking. Because I like your voice, you snot, and I missed hearing it.”
“You cannot tell when I need something… who am I fucking kidding? Yes you can.”
“I want to fuck you into this bed so hard that the frame breaks underneath us, and then fuck you into the floor even harder.”
“I love my pack but there isn’t a half decent cook in the entire group. [if you listen very closely you can hear Milo’s feral growling in the background]”
“No, I don’t like it when you hold me. Or when you nuzzle my neck. [proceeds to whimper]”
“Those sounds are for me.”
“There’s not much in this world I’d get on my knees for. But for you—always.”
“Where's the troublemaker? Out looking for a bear to fight one on one or something?”
“You’re one of my best friends, Milo. You’re family. And I’m very grateful for you.”
“You hold my heart in your hands, Angel.”
“God, you’re as bad as Ash. Sorry, don’t let me rob you of credit. You’re much worse. I love you too.”
“After all, who am I to say no to my Angel?”
“What am I gonna do with you?”
“Sappy. Yes you are. You’re my sappy, sentimental thief.”
“[scoff] You missed.”
“When I’m with you, I’m not an Alpha. I’m not a friend, I’m not a competitor, I’m… I’m David. And I thought I’d lost him a long time ago.”
“Tell me you didn’t just call that Pokemon ‘Daddy’.”
“Drive safe.”
“I want it to be whatever you want it to be.”
“Breathe. Relax into it. I’ve got you. It’s almost all the way in..”
“Tearing through clothes is fucking hot.”
“And to think, some people believe you’re nice. I like bite. And history says you do too.”
“It was worth every sleepless night. You are worth everything, angel.”
“I’m yours.”
“You’ve always had a way of being a ray of sunshine in my life, whatever the source of the darkness might be, whether that’s stuff from the outside, or stuff from inside of me.”
“Only if you do…”
“I don’t know if I should kill them or marry them.” (he chose marry them)
“You shouldn't be facing this alone. You're family. You're one of us. We love you.”
“We’ve got five minutes before the food gets here, we’ve done more with less.”
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acrosstobear · 11 months
but the Albert tweet might be about Daniel and Checo, because while it might be on our radar, its not necessarily on mainstream media, like it's been rumours primarily but nothing from a more legitimate source. I think it could be that, because I literally cannot think of something that shocking, or maybe he's making a lot out of nothing. idk
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this is from July, and im sure there's tons more where that came from, so def i think journalists on the ground have been talking about it and writing about it, the commentators talk about it literally every race unfortunately. but yeah im HOPING thats what it is, and im hoping albert is freaking out for something obvious, cause otherwise we have something absolutely wild coming our way and honestly? i just cant deal with that lol
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bigassmoonchild · 1 year
The Aftermath
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
Word Count: 2k
The first part does give context, but isn’t required for this read.
Summary: You knew the difficulty the process of being a mated Omega in the military. You understood how much you would lose, but you never thought about the difficulty in your normal life. Never thought about the panic you would have, or how much it would effect you and Ghost's personal relationship.
Content Tags: Hospitals, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, No use of Y/N, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha! Ghost
A/N: I was not expecting such a good response to Maple Syrup, and since y'all seemed to like it so much here's basically the next part. Let me know if you want anything specific, my asks should be open. <3 I'm adding a 'keep reading' link to make sure you can scroll on if you want.
Previous, Next | Headcannons, Masterlist
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Everything felt wrong. Ghost wasn't injured, but he was being held overnight in the medbay. The Maple Syrup had run its course through him, but he could hear chatter echoing in the room. He could smell you, you weren't too far from him but he wasn't allowed to see you. Price had come in not too long after the doctors had checked him over and cleared him, arms crossed as he sat in the chair next to the bed Ghost was in.
"We'll need to talk, you know," was the only thing Price had said, leaning back and relaxing in the chair.
"Is the Doc okay?" Ghost asked, looking in the direction your scent was coming from. The sickly sweet smell of heat was becoming stale, but you were on lock and key just in case any Alpha soldiers tried to come in. Price looked in the same direction, giving a faint shrug.
"I'm going to be updated once she's steady enough for the doctors to leave her alone," Price said. "Gaz is on watch outside her room," Ghost nodded. Gaz was a Beta, so it would be fine for him to be that close. Ghost still didn't like it, he didn't know how his pack was, where everyone was, if everyone was safe.
It took a few hours, it was well past midnight before any movement came from the direction of your room. The curtains surrounding Ghosts bed was moved, the Doctor gesturing for Price to follow him. Ghost had tried to listen in, but it wasn't worth it. He was still in mild pain from the mission, the place where the tranq had stabbed him still throbbed every so often.
Price walked back in some time later, looking at Ghost with a sigh. That didn't make him feel good, panic started to flow through him, thoughts of you dying flashed in his mind for a few moments.
"She's gonna be fine," Price started. "They got her heat back under control, they're just waiting for it to finish cycling through her. Outside of that, she's fine," Price sat next to Ghost. "I can't ask you about what happened. I can only tell you what will happen," he looked away.
You woke up, head foggy and throbbing with a headache. You could see a form moving next to you, checking your vitals. You gave a soft groan, your neck throbbing alongside your core. Everything hurt, but you weren't able to tell if it was everything.
"You finally waking up?" The voice asked, and you could recognize it. "You've been out for a few days, you've even had Ghost trying to get in," she giggled a little. Amanda. That was her name, she was one of the nurses you'd been working with prior to the mission that went south.
At the mention of Ghost, you sat upright, vision spinning before righting itself.
"It was a really bad heat you were sent into, y'know. Took us a few hours to stabilize you, but you're doing good for yourself," she smiled, trying to lay you back down but you pushed her off of you.
"I need to talk to him," god even your throat hurt. She nodded slowly, sticking her head out of the door. You rubbed your head, headache now making you feel sick. It took a few moments, but you heard footsteps come in the room, a figure standing next to you. When you looked up, it was Price.
"There are some procedures we need to go through. I've already got some officers in, but we still need to talk about what happened," Price started, moving to sit in the chair near you. "Ghost has already spoken with them, so it'll be you, me and the officers. I think Laswell has flown in as well," you stared at Price.
With a few blinks, you looked down to think. Ghost had already spoken with the officers? You knew what the rules were like, and you knew that your career was now in his hands. It pissed you off, if you could really focus on feeling much outside of pain.
"The officers are trying to get him to make a decision on your career. I can't let you two talk about anything yet, the Adjutant Officers still need to figure things out before you'll be allowed near each other," Price looked away, your jaw tensing. You really had no rights anymore, did you?
It took another few days before you were released. The second you had clothes of your own to wear, you were gone off into your room.
Someone had been here. You could smell a stale scent, but you weren't able to place it. It was too distant to be able to decipher, but your room was exactly the same as it had been left before you were hospitalized. You didn't feel comfortable in your room, knowing someone had been here.
A knock on the door made you spin, nerves set tight. As you opened the door, a large figure came into view.
"Doc," Ghost started, before being yanked into your room and having the door slammed behind him. You turned on him, staring at him sharply. You pointed, opening your mouth before shutting it and groaning, running hands through your hair.
You kept trying to start talking before you stopped yourself, eventually kicking at the wall in irritation.
"What did you say to them?" You hissed, back still turned and facing the wall. You could hear him shift behind you, boots scuffing against the ground. You turned, storming up to him, chest to chest. "What the hell did you tell them? You gonna dismantle my career? Make me some fucking house-omega?" You were growling now, you could feel your muscles tensing.
When he didn't respond, you groaned, tossing your hands up in defeat and walking away from him. You turned, hand on your hip, waiting for a response.
"I don't want to take your career away," he whispered, finally. You barked a laugh, rubbing your wrist against your bitten gland. His hand reached out to grab you, but you moved away from him. "I don't want to make decisions for you," he added, voice growing more desperate.
You shook your head, pulling your hand away from your gland and shaking them out. Ghost reached out to you again, hand catching your shoulder before you shrugged him off.
"I don't know what to do," you whispered. "I'm terrified, because now I'm outed to so many people, and there's quite literally nothing I can do to save myself," you turned to look at Ghost.
He scoffed. "You think I'm going to ruin things for you? I've already told you, I don't want that kind of control over you," he looked away, crossing his arms. You could smell the distress on him.
"You have done shit to make me trust you!" Your voice raised before dropping, a hand running down your face. "I have zero control left, you know how many rights I have as a mated Omega?" He shook his head. "None," you glared at him.
Ghost glanced at you before looking away again. He shook his head, moving to leave before you blocked the door from him.
"You don't get to walk out when we're talking," you growled at him and he growled back.
"This isn't a conversation, this is you getting all pissy on me," he loomed over you, forcing you to take a step back. "I didn't want this to happen, I would have chosen any other way to save us, but we didn't get a choice, did we?" You looked away.
"Get out,"
He could smell the distress on you the second he spoke. Your scent left him spiraling, he was panicking. His Omega was distressed, and he was the cause. He wanted to fix it, correct the problem and make you happy again.
Ghost could do nothing when you repeated yourself.
"Get the hell out," you glared at him. Ghost opened his mouth to give you a retort, but you had turned away. He bit his tongue, turning to stare at the door.
"You know that's not what I meant," he whispered, opening the door and leaving.
Even after walking aimlessly for ten minutes, he could still smell your distress on your scent, the sour taste stuck on the back of his throat. This wasn't how he had intended to talk to you, he wanted to make a plan for when they asked him more questions regarding your career.
Ghost was pissed off, more so with himself than you, but he wanted to comfort you. Fix what he had said, take it back.
But he had a meeting to attend, and he needed to make sure he didn't say anything wrong.
You sat in the conference room, Price, Laswell and an Adjutant officer sitting across from you. This was the third time you'd gone over what had happened.
"So you say this 'Maple Syrup' is what caused Ghost to go into a feral rut?"
"Yes," you deadpanned, glaring through the Adjutant. "We've already been through all of this, there is literally nothing else that I haven't told you," the Adjutant hummed.
"We need to make sure everything is covered," he told you, looking at the paper he had been writing on for the past hour and a half.
You looked at Price, hoping he would help you in any way. He looked away, leaning further back into his seat.
"What about my career?" The room went silent, the Adjutant stopped reading, glancing over at Price who had finally looked at you. "I want to know what's happening," you whispered. The last few days had left you unsure of yourself. You wanted to confront Ghost, you wanted to apologize for snapping at him, you wanted to fix what you'd said.
None of them spoke, Laswell had opened her mouth to speak before closing it, taking a deep breath. Her fingers tapped on the table, looking at Price and the Adjutant.
She looked back at you. "You aren't allowed to make any decisions regarding that, you know," your head dropped back with a groan, wrist rubbing against your bitten gland roughly. You were terrified, you didn't know what the future was going to hold.
You had so little control and it was getting worse. You stood abruptly, going to walk out the door before Price spoke.
"Would you like to speak with Ghost?" You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. With people around, you wouldn't snap on him, but you also didn't want to see him since his last remarks. You really needed to know if you still worked here, or if he was going to force you to become a house-omega.
You nodded, turning around and sitting back down while staring Price down as he made a phone-call. A few moments later, Ghost walked in and sat beside you, but you still couldn't look at him. It was silent for a few minutes, everyone looking at each other, waiting for the first to speak.
"You still have a job here," Ghost spoke up. "I didn't let them remove you, but they won't allow you on missions anymore," he added the last part quietly. You nodded.
You could hear Price and Laswell ushering the Adjutant Officer out of the room, the door closing with a click behind them. Neither you nor Ghost talked for a few minutes, you could smell a certain level of stress on him.
"Thank you," you whispered, glancing quickly at him. He was staring at you, eyes watching your every twitch and shudder. "I'm... sorry, for the other day," you fiddled with your fingers. "I didn't mean to snap at you."
Ghost shook his head, hesitating before grabbing your hand, pulling it close to him and in turn tugging you towards him. You finally turned to look at him, and his eyes visibly softened.
He looked down, then back up to you. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said what I did. Not in the way I did," he tugged you even closer to him, nuzzling into your gland. "I don't regret having you as my mate now, but if I could've changed what I did, you wouldn't be stuck with me making decisions for you now," you leaned in to him, pressing your face into his chest.
It relaxed you, his scent, and allowed you to think much clearer.
"I'm just so scared,"
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n30nwrites · 6 months
Shake (Shifter! TF141 x Male! Reader)
Chapter 5
Good Doggy Masterlist
Warnings - Being Drunk, Lighting a fire, Glitter
Beta Reader: @letmelickyoureyeballs i appreciate you so much.
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You walked Soap and Gaz  to his house, convinced that he would follow you into yours if you didn't. You were greeted by Ghost. He opened the door on your first step onto the porch. "Get in." He tells both Soap and Gaz. "Price needs to talk to you." He looks at Gaz specifically.
"Tell your Alpha to control his pack." You say, "I've been with Soap for 6 hours."
"Tell him yourself."
You nodded, still looking at his mask. You didn't like looking at his eyes, it made your body feel strange. Ghost could be considered attractive, build-wise. He was wearing a black tank top and sweatpants. He had a multitude of scars covering his body, and a large burn covering the left side. His chest was large, distractingly so.
“Why do you have glitter on you?” 
"...," You look down at your chest, it was a strange thing, to glow again. Or more like shimmer, but it did remind you of your old self, just a smidge. "Bye."
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So why did you have glitter?
It was near the end of your shift, you had done your side work, cutting up the fruits needed and stocking everything. The club was slowing down, people still being here was a slight surprise, but you guessed it was just that type of town.
Sad drunks, desperate for something, an adventure.
Soap was still with you, which you were surprised about. You thought he would leave a few hours ago, but he just sat in the corner, staring at you.
It was creepy.
"Bartender, another Whiskey Sour!" She's pretty, she has stars drawn on her face along with small hearts, bold makeup, and a small dress. Body glitter everywhere, which made you recall when Maya thought to do that one night.
Since that night, glitter has been banned from your house.
"The bar has been closed down Ma'am." You tell her, making her water. She seemed out of it, enough for you to look around for someone, a friend that could've brought her here. "Drink this."
She drinks it quickly, like it's a shot almost. "Give me another." She coos, "tastes so good."
"Where are your friends?"
"They left." She moaned, "I love this song."
No music was playing.
"We're closing. It's time for you to get an Uber."
"I'll walk." She slurs her words, confident in herself as she chugs down another water. "You're much cuter than the other bartender."
You rub the bridge of your nose, adjusting the sunglasses you had on your face slightly. You felt sad for the pretty girl, her name could be Amanda or Mila.
Really you were just pulling these names out of your ass from actresses you can remember.
She stumbles a bit. Her purse slips off her shoulder and crashes to the floor. She doesn't even seem to register it, nor does she seem to be there herself. 
You clock out, and go around the counter. Soap seems to notice as he follows behind. You pick up the purse and she looks up, her eyes unfocused. You grab her wallet and find her license. "Alright Sierra, you seem to live around here so let's get you home.”
“You sure you’re not gonna kidnap me?” She leans on you, stumbling to the side and you grab her. All you can think about is that this glitter is going to stay forever.
“Not the plan.” Soap seems to glare at this girl, “Pull up the directions for her house.” You hand him the ID, watching as he gets on his phone reluctantly. 
“She’s 5 minutes fae 'ere” He says, tucking his phone back in his pocket before grabbing her purse and putting her ID in. “Are we taking your car or mine?”
“You’re joining me?” You ask, not surprised at the idea, just surprised he had the balls to ask. 
“Of course, gotta make sure you’re safe.”
“Protective doggy…” You tease slightly, “I was just gonna carry her, I don’t have a car.” Soap gives you a confused look, he could’ve sworn you were at the driver side of a Jeep when you first arrived, he didn’t fully understand it but he knew that if he had asked, you wouldn’t have given him the truth.
“Put her in the back.”
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You realize you had to make a decision, and you were tired so that decision wasn’t the brightest one.
Which is probably why you were most comfortable standing naked outside in your backyard, with all your clothes in a barrel that was on fire. You were staring at it, the embers reminded you of home, but it wasn’t warm enough. The fire was inviting in a way, but if you kept staring you knew that your father would attempt to contact you, and you didn’t want to deal with that right now. So you turned away and grabbed the hose, turning on the cold water and rinsing yourself off, scrubbing with an unused cleaning sponge as your skin turned a darker shade from how hard you were scrubbing.
Anything to not bring glitter into the house.
Good thing the back door was unlocked.
You woke up at 1 p.m. still naked from the morning. You didn’t have an alarm clock, just trusted yourself to wake up before your shift. You shuffle out and grab some boxers from the floor, pulling them up and washing your face before brushing your teeth.
It was your breakfast time. 
Walking out of your bedroom, your dog greets you. He laid right outside your door, the only reason he wasn’t in your bedroom that night was because he was lying with Maya and you didn’t want to wake her up. 
He stood up immediately and you bent down to pet her, she smiled, which some have described as a murderous smile but that’s just cause shes all fangs. You stand back up and she follows after.
You can hear noises in the living room, voices that make you wary until you hear Maya’s. You trust she can handle herself. She was top of her class after all.
That is until you see who’s in your living room.
“Well, I could’ve put more clothes on.”
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