yeenybeanies · 1 year
Mermay 2023 Days 1-6
1. self portrait
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2. upside down
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3. under the docks
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4-6. star wars
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reposted from patreon!
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curawrites · 2 years
Bunny cuddles
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Young! Remus Lupin x Bunny animagus Reader
Warnings: Most likely crappy writing. Mention of werewolf transformation, injuries, food. 
Note: Bunnies can purr??? It’s called tooth purring. The start is weird but oh well-
Pain was all Remus felt as he woke up. His head was pounding, his muscles were sore, his hands and arms felt suffocated by the bandages wrapped around them, his whole body hurt. The aftermath of his transformations were always painful but the pain he was feeling right now was excruciating. 
He attempted to recall last night’s events but could only vaguely remember entering the shrieking shack with his friends, the rest was a undecipherable blur. Remus could only assume that last night’s transformation was brutal.
His entire being filled with dread at the thought of waking up, all he wanted was to fall back asleep, escape the horrible pain he was in. But his body wouldn't comply. He tried everything he could think of, counting sheep, meditating, counting his breaths... Eventually he turned onto his side, ignoring how his body screamed in pain. While settling into his pillow, his face brushed against something soft.
Taken aback, Remus opened his eyes, taking a few moments to adjust to the blinding brightness of the infirmary. To his shock the first thing he saw was a familiar ball of fluff. It was you in your animagus form, a small, fluffy, bunny. 
Your eyes widened seeing your boyfriend finally awake. Your quiet purring grew louder causing him to chuckle faintly.  
“Hi, poppet...” Remus weakly greeted, petting you with a shaking hand.
You hopped onto the chair beside his bedside before transforming back into your human form. 
“Hey, Rem... How are you feeling?” You asked, gently running your hand through his unruly hair. 
“Awful..” he rolled onto his back, quietly hissing in pain.
“I can imagine” you laughed dryly , “Last night was bloody awful..” 
“Yeah..?” he murmured.
‘‘Merlin, Rem.. I didn't think me and Wormtail were going to make it out alive- I swear Prongs almost stepped on me four times.’‘ you sighed exasperated at the mere thought of last night.
He chuckled weakly. “What time is it?” He asked.
“It’s…” You glanced at the clock, “Noon.’’ you announced.
“Noon..? Have you gone to class?” Remus questioned.
“No..” you said, laughing nervously.
“Poppet..” he sighed.
“Rem.. I couldn’t leave you all alone after last night.” You reasoned, gently tracing the scar across his nose.
Remus only hummed in response.
The sound of clicking heels could be heard approaching in the distance.
“She’s coming...” You whispered hearing the footsteps quietly getting closer.
Assuming it was madam Pomfree, you transformed back into your animagus form much to the disappointment of your boyfriend, and jumped onto the bed. Quietly, you hopped closer to his head and settled in the crook of his neck. Remus smiled and rubbed his cheek against your soft fur. 
Your assumption was correct. A few seconds later, Madam Pomfree walked into the infirmary. 
“Good afternoon, mister Lupin.” she greeted the lycanthrope, gathering some materials as she spoke.
“Hello..” Remus greeted, voice hoarse.
You stayed cuddled against Remus’s neck while she skillfully took care of his injuries. 
‘‘You’ll be right as rain in a couple of days. I expect your friends will fill you in on what you’ll miss?’‘ She said while folding a cloth. 
Remus nodded, not wanting to move much.
‘‘Good, get some rest.’‘ she stood back up and put away some things before leaving. 
Eventually the sound of her shoes clacking against the stone floor slowly faded into the distance. You stayed cuddled against Remus, to comfortable to move.
Ten minutes of blissful silence and snuggles was rudely interrupted by the approaching boisterous voices of your friends.
“Oi Moony! Waggles! We got food!” Sirius announced, walking into the infirmary.
You shifted back into a human, surprised by Sirius’s loud entrance. Both you and Remus laughed at your friend’s silliness and enjoyed the lunch oh so graciously brought to you.
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fangirlshrieks · 3 years
Mistletoe Part 2
a/n: Happy New Year Everyone!!! Wishing you all a wonderful year. I'm still processing 2020 and crying about it 😭 So I didn't get to post all the parts before the New Year, sorry for that. I hope you like it.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Word count: 3,321
Parings: Neville Longbottom x ravenclaw! reader
Warnings: some swearing, fluff, some angst I guess I'm not sure
Summary: It's your sixth year at Hogwarts and your friendship with Neville seems to become more and more complicated. You suspect that he is starting to have feelings for someone else and will only ever see you as a friend. It's not until Slughorn’s Christmas party that the truth is revealed.
The summer came and went and to your dismay your parents had made you get a summer job. You were happy to earn the money but you barely had any free time to spend at your leisure. You barely had any time to spend with your muggle siblings/friends.
You had to cancel on Neville multiple times. You apologized every time but you still felt guilty.
When the time came to go back to Hogwarts you decided to sit with your close friend Padma Patil and her twin sister Pavarti and her friend Lavender Brown. However you forgot that Padma was a prefect so you settled on sitting with Pavarti and Lavender.
Just before you got on the train however you ran into some of your other friends and fellow Ravenclaws: Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner, and Terry Boot. You soon found out that Anthony would be with Padma doing prefect duties and Michael would be sitting with his girlfriend, Cho Chang. So you invited Terry to sit with you. It would be nice to have at least a friend to talk to you while you waited for Padma. You really needed her advice on your situation with Neville.
"Do you guys think Harry will tell us what happened back at the Ministry of Magic?" Lavender asked the group. She was reading the issue of the Daily Prophet revealing that Voldemort had returned.
You were busy loading your carry on bag into the overhead. "I doubt it. It didn't seem like he was going to speak of it in the hospital wing. I don't think he'll ever want to talk about it."
"You were with them?" Pavarti asked, surprised.
"Well not at the Ministry of Magic, just in the hospital wing when they came back." You said sitting down with a book in your hands.
"What!? What happened to them? Tell us everything!" Lavender was practically jumping out of her seat. Pavarti gleamed brightly at her and then turned to you to listen. Terry also seemed intrigued.
Neville had told you everything that had happened at the Department of Mysteries in his letters over the summer. However, you didn't want to tell them everything as you were absolutely positive that Harry would hate the extra attention. So you lied.
"I don't know what happened, no one told me anything."
Lavender and Pavarti looked very disappointed.
"I thought Neville would tell you everything?" Terry asked.
"Well he didn't." You said quickly dropping the subject.
"Well how did… Ron look? Was he hurt badly?" Lavender asked, suddenly shy.
"Ron?" Pavarti and you said at the same time.
Pavarti raised an eyebrow at Lavender. "Since when are you interested in Ron?"
"Well he's grown a lot taller this year." Lavender shrugged at Pavarti. "Well…?" She turned back to you.
You couldn't believe it. Lavender was crushing on Ron. "Ron was… I don't know, averagely hurt. He has scars now from that brain thing that attacked him." You didn't really know how to describe Ron at all.
"Scars from a brain?" Pavarti asked.
"I thought you said you didn't know what happened at the Ministry of Magic." Terry raised an accusing eyebrow at you.
"I don't." You said quickly. You had let that information slip. "Madame Pomfree told me."
"Hhm" Pavarti huffed.
"Scars," Lavender said, biting her lip.
You just rolled your eyes and looked over to Terry to hopefully talk about a different subject. At this Pavarti and Lavender began their own conversation.
"So Terry, how was your summer?"
"To be honest, not great. With everything that's going on my parents didn't let me out of the house." Terry said annoyed.
"Oh…" you said quietly thinking about your own security now.
"I was bored out of my mind spending my days in my room with nothing to do." He said. "What about you?"
"Well I didn't tell my parents about what happened so I got a summer job." You said sheepishly.
"Blimey Y/N do you know how dangerous that is for a muggle born?" His eyes were practically jumping from their sockets.
"Well it's not like I make it known that I'm a witch when I'm home." You said defensively.
"It's not that." He looked over at Lavender and Pavarti to make sure they wouldn't hear. "I know you're lying about not knowing what happened."
You looked down embarrassed.
"And your friends with Harry." Terry said quietly.
"I'm an acquaintance of Harry." You corrected Terry.
"It doesn't matter. You hang out with him and Neville enough to be put in danger." Terry exhaled. "Bloody hell, Y/N you need to be careful."
"So what did Professor Slughorn want? Odd name isn't it? Sounds like some sort of creature." Luna asked Neville as they got off the Hogwarts express.
"Something about a Slug Club. But I'm not sure if I'll be asked to attend." Neville said warily.
"Slug club?" Luna said with interest. "A club where you get to study slugs. I'd like to join."
"No, it's Professor Slughorn’s name. It's his club…" Neville's voice trailed off as he saw you get off the train with Terry Boot. You two seemed to be lost in conversation.
'When did you start seeing Terry Boot?' He thought to himself angrily. 'And why is he holding your bag?'
Terry was holding your backpack along with his own. A tinge of jealousy hit Neville like a ton of bricks as he saw the frog keychain attached to your backpack that he got you for your birthday three years prior.
He saw how you got your muggle camera out of your bag and took a picture of Padma, Pavarti, Lavender, Anthony, and Terry. He wanted to go up to you but didn't want to ruin the moment you were having with your friends. He saw you and your group getting into a carriage to take you to Hogwarts. He saw how Terry not so discreetly checked out your ass as he helped you into the carriage as well.
His eyebrows furrowed with envy and hate.
"Neville are you alright?" Luna asked beside him. "You've been staring at Y/N for about 10 minutes. And she's already gone."
"I'm fine" Neville said absent mindedly.
Luna gave him a pitiful smile. "Are you going to tell her?"
Neville turned to look at Luna. He had spent a lot of time with Luna that summer and told her about his crush on you. However, Luna had already known about Neville's secret. She said it was something about the way he looked at you that gave it away.
"No…" Neville said disappointed.
During the summer Neville realized that if he ever told you he could ruin his friendship with you. He didn't want things to become weird between the two of you. And he would rather have you in his life as his friend than not at all.
"Well I think you should do otherwise," Luna said with a sigh, "but the decision is up to you."
In the Great Hall, Neville sat at the Griffendor table and watched you talk with your friends at the Ravenclaw table. Luna sat beside you and the two of you talked quietly. Neville knew that Luna would never say anything to you but he also knew that Luna had a tendency to be blunt and honest which often led her to tell people things they weren't supposed to know.
After dinner Neville went to look for you. He was excited to finally talk to you after being away from you for an entire summer. As he walked through the crowd of students going to their dorms, he spotted you still by the Ravenclaw table. But then as he appeared the spot where you had been standing just a second ago you were gone.
Neville felt slightly embarrassed to be standing there alone but then he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and was immediately wrapped in a hug.
"Neville! It's so great to see you!" You laughed in his ear.
Neville instantly felt at home in your arms. He returned your hug and wrapped his arms around you a little too tightly but you didn't mind. He secretly inhaled your scent as you hugged. "It's good to see you too!" He laughed.
You both released each other from the embrace and stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds. When it soon became awkward for the two of you, you decided to break the silence.
"So… How are you? How was your summer?" You asked with genuine interest. You also led him out of the Great Hall and the two of you walked beside each other.
"Oh well there's not really much to tell, I guess." Neville said honestly. He noticed that you looked a little disappointed in his answer and tried to remember what interesting thing he did that summer. "I mean I did spend most of my time in Gran's garden. I got some new plants my uncle sent me. They're growing into real beauties. I have pictures I can show you."
"Aww I wish I could have been there to help you plant them." You said, a little ashamed.
"Don't be. I know you had your summer job. You were busy." Neville said reassuringly. "It's Ok though. I got to hang out with Luna and Ginny over the summer."
"That's good to hear." You sighed in relief. You were glad to hear that Neville got to spend time with some friends. You never liked that he was always cooped up in his house with his grandmother as his only company.
"Did you guys get into any big trouble?" You giggled.
"No, just the usual amount of trouble." Neville said with a smirk. "I have to admit that Ginny made me ride her broom. I haven't ridden a broom since first year. I hate flying!"
At this the two of you burst out laughing. You knew how much Neville hated flying because his first experience on a broom he broke his wrist. A couple of lingering students watched the two of you and wondered if you guys were a couple or not.
"Aww, I wish I could have seen that" you chuckled.
"That's not the best part." Neville could hardly contain his own laughter now. "I actually managed to break my ankle this time."
"Are you serious! Now I really wish I could have been there." Your stomach began to ache from all the movement and you began to tear up.
"Well it sounds like you had a lot of fun this summer." You said, happy for him.
"How about you?" Neville asked curiously.
"Eh… just like you said. I spent most of my time working. And when I wasn't, I was either home with my family or out with my siblings/friends. You know, now that I think about it I had a lot of fun with my siblings/friends. We went to see a movie in the theaters. I hadn't been to the movie theater in a long time. I almost forgot what it was like." You reminisced about the small moment with your loved ones.
"Movie theater?" Neville asked curiously. He sometimes forgot that you were a muggle born and had a completely different life outside of Hogwarts. He secretly hoped that he would one day be a part of both of your worlds one day.
"Mmm… it's easier to explain if I took you to one sometime." You said. Hopefully he wouldn't notice the shakiness of your voice.
"Yeah" he nodded his head eagerly. "That sounds great! I'd love to."
That's when you two ended up in the cross road to each other's respective houses. You didn't want to stop talking to Neville. But you also didn't want him to stay past curfew. Plus you didn't know if he wanted to stay and talk with you. Little did you know that he wanted nothing more than to stay here and talk to you forever.
"Cool" You said looking at the ground.
"Cool" He replied in a quiet voice.
"Uh… I'll see you later?" You asked.
"Yeah… bye" He said, waving goodbye.
Neville watched you leave until you turned a corner and were out of sight.
You rushed up the stairs to the dorms. But instead of going to your dorm you went to Padma's dorm. Unlike you, she didn't share a room with others. One of the many perks of being a Prefect.
Once you approached her door you knocked on it three times.
"Padma, it's me. It's Y/N."
You heard the sound of Padma's footsteps on wood and then the door opened.
"Hey!" Padma said, welcoming. "Come in."
As you walked in, you could see that Padma was still unpacking. Her clothes were spread out everywhere and her walls were scarcely covered with moving pictures of her friends and family.
You had just realized then that you hadn't unpacked any of your belongings yet and would most likely take all night to get settled in. But now was not the time to think about that. Now was a time to catch up.
"So how was your summer Padma?" You asked, helping her finish decorate her walls. You were currently taping a few paper butterflies to Padma's wall.
"I have so much to tell you." Padma said excitedly. She quickly grabbed her suitcase and opened a small pocket. Padma took out a pile of pictures.
"Are those pictures of your trip to Brazil!" You squealed.
"Ahh! Let me see! Let me see!" You said reaching for the photos.
Padma gladly gave them to you.
You took the photos in your hand and spread them out on her bed.
"Wow!" You said in astonishment. "It's so pretty over there."
Padma had taken pictures of the tropical environment and her family. Padma and Pavarti were mostly pictured together. Padma told you all about her trip and what an amazing time she had with her family. She had plenty of funny stories, especially of her and Pavarti. Apparently they were terrified to go scuba diving. Even though the water was clear it was the sea creatures that scared them.
Padma and you caught up on what had happened over the summer. Padma had confided in you that she was a little skeptical about going to Brazil at a time like this but she had a feeling it was because her parents thought it would be safer if they left the country until their daughters were safe at Hogwarts again. You told her about your summer job. Padma had scolded you just like Terry had on the Train.
"Y/N people are disappearing, how did your parents allow you to go out?"
"Well…" you said uncontrollably. "I didn't tell them what happened last year."
"Y/N!" Padma yelled. "Why didn't you!?"
"I knew they wouldn't let me out of the house" You said truthfully. "And I wanted to be able to go out and visit friends, you know."
You looked down at your hands as you fidgeted your fingers together.
"Well I know a friend you would have liked to visit." Padma said, raising an eyebrow. "And it wasn't me. Which hurts a lot by the way." Padma said giggling. You laughed along with her.
"So are you going to tell him?" Padma asked, her voice filled with interest.
"I'm waiting for the right moment. Don't really want to ruin a friendship unless I have to." You smirked.
Padma rolled her eyes at you as she taped photos from her summer vacation on the wall.
"Do you guys know anything about a Slug club?" You asked the group.
You were currently sitting underneath a tree in the court yard with Neville, Luna, Ginny, Dean, and Padma.
"Slug Club?" Padma questioned, a hint of disgust in her voice. "Sounds horrible" she shivered imagining the slimy little creatures.
"You mean Professor Slughorn’s club?" Ginny inquired. "Yeah I was invited to a supper party on Friday. Why do you ask?"
"Oh perfect, I was invited too and I wasn't sure who would be there." You responded.
"Wait, how did you get invited?" Padma asked. "I want to be part of the Slug Club."
"Well unless you're connected to someone powerful or if he thinks that you're going to be exceptionally important in the future then you're pretty much out of his range of vision." Neville piped up.
That's when everyone stared at him. He had been quiet for almost half an hour before. His cheeks had turned bright pink then. "I mean… I was invited too but I don't think I'll be invited next time." He tried to explain.
Padma looked offended by his comment and turned to glare at you playfully. It was as if she was saying 'Really this is the guy that you have it bad for.' You just have her a cheeky smile in return.
"I still think he's secretly studying slugs. He might be making a slug soup for supper and having you all taste it." Luna said absentmindedly.
Ginny giggled at Luna's antics.
"Of course you do Luna" Dean said, letting out a laugh.
When the time came to pack your bags and head to class you walked with Neville to the green house for Herbology. Fortunately for you Padma was not taking Herbology.
"Why didn't you tell me you got into the Slug Club?" You asked Neville, excitement filling your voice.
"Because I didn't think I'd make it this far in the club. This is his second meeting I've been to but I think he's pretty much done with me." Neville admitted.
"What do you mean? He has to like you. I haven't even been to one meeting. But I guess he's impressed with me in Potions." You couldn't help but smile at Neville. You were finally going to be able to spend time together.
"Plus he thinks you're going to do great things in the future. It means we're on the right track, right? I mean you said it yourself. He only invites students to join his club who he thinks will be exceptionally important one day." You said hoping to boost his confidence. "And I know you will be exceptionally important one day. I just have a feeling."
Suddenly Neville felt hot and sweaty. His palms began to clam up and he hoped that there wouldn't be any armpit stains on his dress shirt later. He couldn't handle this kind of pressure. He didn't want to disappoint you when the inevitable of him being kicked out of the Slug Club would come to fruition. And of course Professor Slughorn would ask you to join his club. You were talented at Potions, a freaking genius. At least that's what he thought.
You noticed his agitated state and tried to cheer him up. "Look it doesn't really matter what he thinks? But I think you're going to be great. And if you don't get in then I probably won't get in either."
"Y/N you're amazing at Potions. He'd be mad not to ask you to join his club. I just think he's got me mixed up with someone else." Neville gave you a weak smile.
"Well if you don't get in. I'll stop going too." You said triumphantly.
At this Neville felt even more terrible because he knew you were telling the truth. You were always a loyal friend and thought highly of your loved ones. But he also knew that Professor Slughorn was connected to powerful people and he knew that the likelihood of you staying in the club would help you excel in whatever you decide to do after school. Especially because muggle-borns had a more difficult time making connections because of the close minded mentality of many old wizards. He couldn't jeopardize your future.
All Neville could do was smile weakly at you as the two of you entered the greenhouse.
Taglist: @clareissad, @josierosie2, @nevsluvr, @blulemonades, @elemental-of-magic, @nevillesimp
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toriwakes · 4 years
Insecure [Draco Malfoy x Reader]
a/n: thanks for the support on the last story!! here’s a longer one, please let me know if you have any requests :)
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harry was your best friend. you two could’ve been mistaken for siblings if you didn’t look so different. but like everyone else, you two also had differences. your main one being; you were in love with draco malfoy. draco had been your boyfriend for about 3 months. the boys bickered, but that was expected. luckily, they managed to keep it under control when you were around. speaking of you being around, you hadn’t really noticed how much time you were spending with harry. a small part of you was constantly telling you that you were too clingy and should hop off draco’s back. so, today you were going to the pitch with harry. you took a seat in the stands next to hermione. “he’s really good at this.” you said to yourself. “you just noticed? he’s been a prodigy since he was 11.” hermione said. harry was quick, grasping the snitch, but not before falling right off his room and onto the sand below. “shit!” you said, standing up. “let’s go.” hermione said, walking down the steps. his teammates were circled around him and when you reached him, he was grasping his wrist, groaning in pain. you and hermione rushed to his aid, but suddenly, you heard a familiar voice. “(y/n/n)? hey, what happened here?” the crowd opened and revealed malfoy, who had this confused look on his face. you and some other teammates helped harry onto his feet. “harry’s injured his wrist.” hermione told him. draco wanted to spit on hermione, you saw it in his face. but he bit his tongue. “well alright then. (y/n), you ready?” now it was your turn to act confused. you were standing with harry’s arm around you but you were carrying his weight. harry’s face was scrunched up; did malfoy seriously have to do this right now? “what?” you said simply. then you remembered draco wanted to take a walk by the lake today. “w- draco, no. ive got to get harry to the hospital wing. i’ll see you later.” you pushed past him, harry limping. he really did get the wind knocked out of him when he fell. you were sitting next to harry in the hospital wing, half asleep. madam pomfree said he’d be better by morning, so you wanted to stick with him until then. you were practically asleep when you heard a very faint voice. “shes with potter. she’s always with potter.” you wanted to open your eyes and find who it was, but sleep caught up to you first.
you woke up before harry, the sunlight from the windows beaming onto your face. you stood up to stretch, all your bones popping when you did. “merlin.” you murmured to yourself. you reached for his hand, putting it in yours. “i should go.” you thought. you grabbed your bag and began to walk out of the office. halfway to your common room, you spotted draco who was also walking down the hall. he was dressed down, looking like he’d just gotten out of bed. “there you are- where were you?” draco said, snatching your wrist and pulling you closer to him. “i fell asleep in the nurses office.” you said, moving your head away from him. you were sure your breath smelled. “look at me. you spent the night with potter?” he snapped. you faced him, now backing up. “well when you say it like that, it sounds weird. he got hurt and i was worried, like any normal friend would be.” you said, shaking your head. draco let go of your wrist now, running a hand through his hair. he looked like he was holding something back. “what is it malfoy?” “you’re always with him!” he retorted. draco never told you this, but he noticed how you were recently giving harry more attention. for lunch, you sat by harry. you walked to class with harry. and now, you spent the night with him. draco had never felt so unwanted by you. “what?” “you’re always. with him. you haven’t been to my dorm in weeks. we’ve barley spent any time together because you’re always busy. and i’d understand if you were busy with homework or something worth while but it’s always ‘harry and i are going to hogsmade’ or ‘harry and i are going to visit hagrid’ the great oaf he is. that, i don’t understand.” although you’ve only been official for 3 months, you and draco had this short period of time when things were complicated. you quickly learned that when draco should be vulnerable, he was defensive and cold. you would’ve shot back at him with a quip remark but you knew what he was really trying to say. “draco..” you stepped closer to him, cupping his cheek. he didn’t look at you. “i don’t want potter. you know that. i want you. i only want you. i couldn’t imagine myself not being with you. harry is the least of your worries, believe me.” you said, all while caressing his face with your thumb. “this is gonna sound really stupid, but i’ve been hanging out with you less because i thought you didn’t want to be around me. i thought i was being too clingy. make sense?” you asked, now lowering your head. “no, that doesn’t make sense. why would i ever not want you to be around?” he said, lifting your head up with his fingers. “i don’t know...i guess i thought i was being too much of a burden? so i thought if i gave you some space it’s be good.” you shook your head. “but-“ “i know. it’s really stupid and rash. i just got insecure.” “i guess i got insecure, too.” he admitted. cracking, you flung your arms around him. he hugged back, fitting his face in the crook of your neck. “i care about you.” you said weakly. draco felt like crying. he didn’t know if it was from happiness or if it was from sadness, but he felt like crying. “do you wanna go to the dorms?” you asked, pulling away from the hug.” “yeah. i’d like that.”
you were holding draco so the side of his head was resting on your breasts, and your hands were tangled in his hair. “i really like you, draco. like, a lot.” you stammered as you said it. he looked up at you. “i realty like you too. i’m sorry i act like such an ass.” you chuckled and kissed his head. “dork.”
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pikminlover1015 · 4 years
part 2 yuna wakes up at Hogwarts to explore and meet new friends
Albus Dumbledore had vised bevelle to see yuna but she was treated badly by the nuns they did not think she was sick she was Dumbledore had tooken her from there and had pomfree to take care of the sick girl she slept good for a week alot of students questioned who was it? it would be a supersize to them
she woke up on a Monday and knew where she was. i slept like a log looking around she knew she wasn't in bevelle anymore where im i? pomfree had been watching her to wake up from the fever and feed her wile she was sleeping your in Hogwarts my dear she said yuna had looked out of the window and saw the school how long was i asleep?  a week pomfree said and checked her temperature it was normal why not go to the great hall and eat? its down hallway to the right yuna nods at her and gets out of bed and goes to the great hall. she was amazed at how big the great hall was she sat at one of the tables she sat at hufflepuff’s table. oh hello who are you? a girl with pink hair asked her. yuna was shy did’t want to say any thing so the pink hair girl introduces herself im Nymphadora Tonks i don’t like my first name call me Tonks its easier for you. yuna giggled at the name and warmed up to her and finally introduces herself. im yuna the summers kid. tonks knew who this was oh the high summers  daughter? i know about you everyone dose you’ll have a blast here when you become a student here. yuna nods at here and 2 more girls in Hufflepuff’s come to sit down whos this little kid tonks? silver hair kid asks yuna notices and calls her whitey. tonks laughs at yuna and corrects her yuna her name is chiara Lobosca and this is penny haywood there both in hufflepuff with me
i cant say name right onks im only 7 she saids its ok tonks chiara laughs and sits down across from them she can call me whitey if she wants she will get the name right someday. now long after that bill and charlie come in and recognize yuna she noticed them and ran to hug them she knew them when she was 4. will! arllie! what are you doing here? asked bill Albus tool me from bevelle and brought me here so i can explore this place he wants me to be in a safer place then the muggle world i love magic! she told them bill wanted to show her around but yuna wanted to do it by herself to know the place better on her own part 3 coming soon
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Battle of Hogwarts Alt. Ending
“And where would you like me to take them?” 
“The dungeons will do.”
The other houses erupted into cheers, as Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle and many other Slytherins started filing out of the hall.  
“No.” Came a voice. Draco Malfoy stepped out of the crowd of Slytherins, his head held high. He looked determined, and beautiful.
“I beg your pardon Mr. Malfoy?” Asked Professor McGonagall. The hall was deafeningly quiet.
“No,” Draco said, his voice firmer, “We will not leave. Some of us actually want to fight.” 
For a tense moment, Draco looked worried that no one would support him, that he’d be thrown into the dungeon anyway and be made a laughing stock. 
Harry couldn’t let that happen. 
“Let him fight.” He found himself saying.
If possible, the dining hall became even quieter. The faces of Gryffindor's, Hufflepuff's, Ravenclaw’s, and Professor's staring at him, stunned, and slightly confused. None more so than Draco Malfoy himself. 
“What are you doing, mate?” Ron whispered.
“No idea.” Harry whispered back before continuing, louder, “If Draco and the Slytherins want to fight with us, who are we to stop them?” Harry looked directly at Draco, “Right, Draco?” 
Draco wiped the shock off his face, and stared at Harry warily. He could almost see the gears turning in Draco’s head, deciding whether or not Harry was tricking him. 
“Yes,” Draco nodded, “I wish to fight.” 
“As do I.” Blaise said, stepping beside Draco.
In the end, about half of the Slytherins stepped forward to fight, the other half continued on their way to the dungeons.
“Now that that’s resolved”,” said Professor McGonagall, “Battle positions!”
Draco had been helping Madam Pomfree with the wounded when he heard the screaming.
“Harry Potter is dead!”
Suddenly, Draco couldn’t hear, or see, or feel anything. For one moment, he was blessedly numb. Then the voice came again.
“Harry Potter is dead!” 
Dropping the potion he was holding, Draco ran toward the courtyard and almost threw up at the sight before him. Standing before him was Voldemort’s army, his mother and father standing prominently on the front line, but what really nauseated him was Hagrid. Standing off to the side, the poor giant was shackled in chains, and carrying a body. 
Harry’s body.
“Now is your time to declare your allegiance to me.” Voldemort said.
Draco knew what was coming before his father even opened his mouth. 
“Draco!” Lucius hissed, “Draco, come here!” 
Draco looked around nervously. He didn’t want to go to his father, but what would happen if he disobeyed?
“Draco,” his mother said, “Come.” 
He was torn. His school or his mother? A building full of kids who loathe him or a family who abuses him? The only thing that may have made him stay at Hogwarts was gone, lying dead in Hagrid’s arms. 
Draco began to walk towards his mother, when suddenly, Harry flung himself out of Hagrid’s arms.
“Potter!” Draco shouting, running towards him. Draco wasn’t sure what he was going to do but he did know that he wanted to help Harry, no, he needed to help him. 
“Malfoy!” Harry shouted back, “Give me your wand!”
Draco didn’t even hesitate. He pulled his mother’s wand out of his pocket and tossed it to Harry not a moment too soon. Voldemort sent a barrage of curses at them, Harry just managing to shield himself and Draco before they hit. 
“Thank you for the wand, Draco.” Harry said.
Draco blushed and looked away, “Now is not the time for a heart to heart, Potter.” 
Harry was looking at him strangely, his eyes seemed to be looking straight into Draco’s soul.
“We need to get inside.” Harry said. He then grabbed Draco’s hand and the pair sprinted inside the castle, the doors closing behind them.
“Draco,” Harry said, that same unreadable look in his eyes, “why didn’t you tell them it was me?”
Draco said nothing.
“You knew it was me.”
Draco resolutely looked anywhere other than Harry. He feared that if the other boy saw his face, he would know exactly why Draco didn’t expose him. 
“You’re the Chosen One.” Draco said, “I refused to be the one held responsible for your death.” 
He heard Harry laugh, “I’ve always liked your wit.” Harry said, “and your hair.” He reached out and ran his hand through Draco’s platinum hair. 
Draco’s breath caught in his throat, “H-Harry?” He said, looking down at Harry. 
Harry smiled and leaned in, his lips ghosting across Draco’s.
“I think I know the real reason you didn’t tell them.” He whispered across Draco’s lips. 
“Oh, sod off!” Draco laughed, sealing their lips together tightly. 
Draco kissed Harry like his life depended on it, like he never would again. Knowing the boy he was kissing, never kissing him again was a very real possibility.
‘I’m kissing Harry bloody Potter’ thought Draco, ‘Voldemort could kill me now, and I would have no regrets.’
Voldemort who is still alive.
Voldemort who Harry has to go defeat.
Draco pulled away abruptly, leaving both boys gasping for air.
“What’d you stop for?” Harry whined, trying to lean back in.
Draco allowed himself one more peck, before pushing Harry away firmly.
“Go be a hero, Chosen One.”
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nourashafiq-blog · 7 years
bloodsport | noura, pomfrey, and otto
Inevitably, Amara had left Noura for Thorfinn despite the audacity of it; she had wandered around a bit aimlessly before it happened. She hadn’t had much time, forever – the odd, roundabout way of time – before they came. “They” sounded so ominous, but she had not the slightest idea who it was who could’ve interfered; no one halfway decent, that was for sure. 
“Excuse me,” She said absentmindedly as she nudged her way past a white-robed figure. Blast, was it one of those vigilantes? He must’ve mistaken her for someone else, because one crazed comment about the Dark Lord and one quickly uttered spell later, she was on the ground, her arm bloodied. Noura glanced about, rummaging in her shopping bags – she was loath to use any of her new clothes as bandages, yet the circumstances seemed to call for it.  Just as she was gazing, blanched, at one of her new articles, she heard someone approaching that seemed to be independent of the flurry of activity about her.
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@pomfree @ottobagman
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“I love all of our teacher characters so far!! They’re all so fun to see and have around! I especially giggle every time I see McGonagall”
@albxsdumblxdore @pomfree @bathshedas @fl-twicks @pomonaxsprout @minervca
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arryannanightengale · 6 years
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Ummm Professor? I think you may need to go see Madam Pomfree.
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yeenybeanies · 3 years
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height charts pt 2: tiny edition!! i generally only describe my tinies down to the inch, so i had to come up with more specific heights for them.
ox is one of the biggest tinies here & he would hunt everyone else for sport
so! in order from left to right!:
devin clarke (2in)
lusavren lace (2 1/8in)
chamber (3in)
tawl (3 3/4in)
pomfree (3 7/8in)
raleigh november (4in)
joy fredericks (4 1/4in)
oxiel serrat (5 1/8in)
cricket (6 1/8in)
human hand (7 1/2in)
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yeenybeanies · 3 years
Ooo how about G7 for Pom? They’re just the cutest
makin funny faces :3c
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gotta give them cheeks a SQUISH!!
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yeenybeanies · 3 years
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finally made a ref for pomfree!! the lil lad from this story! they’re a little older in this ref than they were in the story, tho, in their late teens.
they’re part of a miniature humanoid race called the Minuti (singular & plural), from a planet called Rellok that has very thick jungles with trees as tall as skyscrapers. the minuti live their whole lives at the top of these trees in tribes, and get around using various bridges, ropes, climbing equipment, and gliding suits. if any minuti were to fall too far below their living zone, it’d be a death sentence, as it’s damn-near impossible for them to climb so far back up.
pomfree here is the only minuti to have ever fallen to the jungle floor and made it back to their tribe, thanks to the assistance from a certain clone captain c:
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yeenybeanies · 2 years
Since you reblogged the bigboy hug post, who’s the best snuggler amongst your lil fellas?
li'l guy snugs? li'l guy snugs!!
we gotta use slightly different parameters to account for the change in dynamics. so for this one, we're gonna rate these boys & their hugs based on Trust, Squirminess, & Danger.
"boys" is a loose definition here, as literally all of the li'l guys included on this list are nb --w--
Chamber starting off low here. tawl is an ornery little fella with a foul attitude & even more foul mouth. they may be confident enough to talk shit to your face, but they score low in Trust when it comes to physical contact. & if they do snuggle, willingly or not, they're squirming. High Squirminess. on the plus side, though, they're not particularly dangerous. they've got a little knife, & they can bite, but beyond that they can't really cause a whole lot of damage. not for lack of trying, though. overall shit cuddling experience for everyone involved.
Tawl also an unhappy cuddler here. tawl is more willing to be handled, & they do enjoy warmth from proximity, but outright snuggling? they might tolerate it for a little bit, but they're eventually going to start squirming. no no, they'd rather just perch on a shoulder. maybe lean against a neck if they're particularly chilly. they've got some claws, an unpleasant bite, & there's a knife tucked into their prosthetic arm, but the chances of them causing serious injury are low, both from personality & physical capability. Middle scores all around.
Pomfree nothing would make little pom happier than a snuggle sesh!! pom practically jumps into friendly hands!! admittedly they can be a little nervous around new people, but, once they trust you, it's a one way trip to snuggle town. the only downside though is that, while they very much do want to cuddle, they can be a bit squirmy. it's like handling an excited kitten, only without the claws. pom has no natural weapons, as their primary defense is to glide away when there's danger. very low Danger marks.
Raleigh raleigh has potential to score highest in Danger out of everyone here, but they lack the personality to actually hurt anyone snuggling them. that being said, they don't trust super easily, so only those that they're close to can have a shot at snuggling. it'd more likely pan out that they'd rest against a neck or an arm, or lie down on a chest if they're feeling down. they're not likely to squirm much at all, though. what they might do, albeit unknowingly, is drain some energy from their cuddle buddy, but it likely wouldn't be enough to cause any fatigue or harm.
Oxiel don't do it. this is a terrible idea. he has low Trust, high Squirminess, and the highest Danger here due to his personality. ox is a feral, predatory creature that, when grabbed, will bite. and his bite is not only painful, but highly venomous. it can & will kill an adult human in less than a minute. & it's an ugly way to go. your blood vessels hemorrhage & you bleed out from the inside. all in seconds. do not try to snuggle oxiel.
so it's a pretty easy tally here! the best snuggler of the li'l guys is:
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yeenybeanies · 3 years
An Unexpected Run-in
hiiii i've been thinkin about this reunion for Decades™ & finally caught the inspiration to put Something in writing ☺️ no proofreading we publish like men star wars | rex & pomfree (oc) 1,653 words no warnings enjoy!! reblogs > likes!! patreon ✨ ko-fi
Saleucami wasn’t Rex’s favorite planet, considering his first time here he’d been shot and nearly killed, but he could understand its appeal. It was a good place for Cut and his family to live. Or it used to be, before the Invasion, and before the Empire. Now, it was getting less and less hospitable by the day. Rex imagined that the Lawquanes wouldn’t stay much longer.
He didn’t intend to stick around either. The lockdowns were bound to start at any time.
Rex adjusted his hood to better hide his face, and carried on through the market. He avoided clone troopers as best he could, either diverting his path, or averting his gaze whenever he came across any. His luck was holding up for now; he hadn’t been spotted or stopped yet.
There was something else, though. Rex couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched, being followed. He was a careful man; he was observant, aware of his surroundings. Nothing looked out of the ordinary. There were no suspicious figures trailing him, obvious or otherwise. He chalked it up to being paranoid (which he had every right to be), and used it as another excuse to make himself scarce as soon as possible.
His pace slowed at a stall in the market. The seller greeted him a little too eagerly, which he largely ignored as he perused the goods for sale. Carefully he squeezed some of the fruits, testing their ripeness. It was then that he heard something unusual: a soft, almost imperceptible thunk right above him, like something landing on the stall’s canvas. The seller didn’t seem to notice, so Rex didn’t mention it, nor did he react. He selected a few of the fruits, and handed over the appropriate credits. As he moved along, he stole a quick glance back.
It was probably one of the local avians, if anything at all. He was being paranoid.
Rex stopped at a couple more stalls to stock up on goods. Every now and again, he could swear that he saw or heard something––a quick shadow, a little noise––but, every time he turned to look, there was nothing.
You’re losing it, Rex, old boy.
But was he losing it? Another shadow darted across his path. Though he’d only seen it for a second, and he wasn’t an expert of the wildlife by any means, it didn’t look like the shape of any native flying creature he’d seen so far. Rex lifted his head, eyes scanning the tents and roofs.
A few stalls up, he saw something flatten itself to the canvas. He couldn’t make out what it was, but its small size initially made him think it was some sort of droid. He maintained his current path, keeping his stride casual. Its head tracked his movements; it was definitely watching him. As he drew nearer, he became less convinced that it was a droid. It appeared to be wearing some sort of mask and goggles, and had a puff of grey-green hair sprouted atop its head. As he walked in front of the stall, the little thing skittered to the far end of the tarp and jumped off, gliding to another roof across the path.
Rex stopped in his tracks, struck with familiarity. He’d seen tiny, gliding creatures before, native to the planet Rellok. The Minuti, they were called. He remembered one in particular helping him after he’d been thrown from his gunship in a crash landing. This couldn’t be that Minuti, could they? How could a Minuti even get out here? They were not a space-faring species, as Rex recalled.
Rex resumed walking, pace a bit quicker. The possible-Minuti glided again to another stall a bit further down. He kept an eye on the little being, and looked around for somewhere more secluded to lead them to. A quiet alleyway presented itself, perfect for what he needed. He abruptly turned the corner and pressed his back to the wall, and waited. And waited. And waited? Confused, Rex peeked out of the alley, looking to the stall roofs again. The possible-Minuti was nowhere to be seen.
Startled, Rex looked up.
“It is you!”
Just as he spotted the little being up on a windowsill, they leapt from their perch and drifted right down towards him. Rex flinched, reflexively raising his arms to catch them. Their miniscule weight hit his palm, and his fingers snapped closed around their middle.
“Rex!” They exclaimed. Even with their mask on, he could tell they were smiling. It was obvious enough in their voice. Rex stared at them with bewilderment. “Rex, it’s me! C’mon––” They pulled their mask up, revealing familiar round cheeks and piercing red eyes. His breath caught in his throat.
“Pomfree…?” He said quietly, still not quite believing it. This was the same Minuti! But how? They waved their hands at him, grinning ear to ear. Rex wasn’t quite sure what to do with them, so he brought them nearer to his face and gently tapped his forehead to theirs. They, in return, tried their best to hug him. Their little hands on his skin filled him with a warmth he rarely felt.
“I… I don’t believe it,” he said after a minute. He pulled Pom back so he could better see them, and loosened his hold so they sat in his palm. They adjusted easily, crossing their legs and making themself comfortable. Their grin was unrelenting, as was the excited twinkle in their eye. It was infectious, their joy. “Pom, you’re… you’re here. And it looks like you’ve gotten a little bigger.”
“You think so?” They glanced down at themself as if they hadn’t noticed. How long had it been since they’d seen each other? Two, maybe three years? Rex recalled that his trip to Rellok had been pretty early in the War. They’d been a youngling then, no bigger than his thumb. Now, they looked like a teenager, and stood about four inches tall. Still small, but noticeably bigger. Older. Worn. That smile couldn’t hide all the weariness they carried.
“Yeah… What, uh… what are you doing here? I thought your kind didn’t, y’know, leave the treetops.” Or the planet. He had a sinking feeling that he knew the reason, but he hoped it wasn’t true. Pom’s faltering smile made his heart drop.
“Our trees… are no more. Our forest was cut down. Our villages… our homes...” They tried to keep a brave face, but it was clear that the wounds were still raw. “It was recent. Within the past few weeks. Ships arrived in troves, and men in white armor ravaged our forests. I do not think that they knew that we lived in the canopy.” Rex felt them shudder.
“I’m… I’m sorry, Pom.” Was this his fault? They’d pushed the Separatists off of Rellok back then… but Pom was describing recent events. The Separatists were no more, nor was the Republic. This had to be the Empire’s doing, directly or indirectly. Rex’s free hand clenched into a fist. Guilt and anger warred within him. “How did you escape?”
“Some of us managed to sneak onto ships, or into supply crates. I had one of my village mates with me, but they…” Pom shuddered again. Rex’s fingers curled towards them, wanting to offer comfort, but unsure how. They sniffled and shook their head, trying to regain their composure. “We are not used to these environments. It is a tough adjustment. I have no knowledge of where any other survivors of my kind are, nor do I have any way of contacting them. As you know, we did not have technology like you.”
Rex brought his other hand up and rested a finger on Pom’s shoulder. It must have been a magnificent stroke of luck that the ship they stowed away on brought them to Saleucami, and that they managed to run into him. Any other time, Rex might be suspicious of such a coincidence, but he didn’t think that Pom had it in him to pull any sort of foul play. It was just luck. Nothing more.
“Hey,” Rex said. He used his knuckle to tilt Pom’s chin up. Little drops of moisture welled in their eyes. “I’m… well, things are complicated for me right now. And for the whole galaxy. I can’t offer you much, but you can come with me, if you want. I can at least offer you a place to stay. We can keep an eye and an ear out for more of your kind.”
For a long moment, Pom stared up at him, eyes huge. The moisture gathered into visible drops that rolled down their cheeks. Their lip started to wibble. An alarm pang shot through Rex’s chest. He was ready to backpedal on his offer, thinking he’d said something wrong, but Pom threw their arms around his fingers and hugged tight. Rex… didn’t know what to do. Tentatively he closed his remaining fingers around them, reminiscent of the “hug” they shared when they parted ways years ago.
“I… wish that we could have met again under better circumstances,” they said, “but I am glad to find you here, when I most needed a friend. Thank you, Rex. Thank you.”
Rex offered a sad smile. “I can’t promise that the road will be smooth, or particularly safe, but… well, you’d probably be safer with me than on your own.”
Pom released Rex’s fingers and wiped their eyes. Their grin returned, perhaps not quite as strong as before, but just as genuine. “I would be happy to accompany you,” they said. They clambered up his arm, to his shoulder, and slipped into his hood. It felt odd, but Rex figured it made them more comfortable to stay out of sight. He shared the sentiment.
“It’s settled then.” Rex gathered his supplies again and headed out of the alley. “Welcome aboard, Pomfree. Glad to have you.”
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yeenybeanies · 3 years
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charts charts charts charts ch
blank below!
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yeenybeanies · 3 years
ooo don't know why but im feeling Pomfree in 60-1965
love me some PALETTES!!
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i suck at lineless but it’s okay bc pom is a cutie & can carry this piece all on their own -uwu-
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