#poor baby gets absolutely wrecked but its ok cause he loves it
rosiesramblings · 1 year
i started watching ted lasso and the brainrot is soooo sosososos bad and the lack of trent tk content (and ted lasso content in general) is criminal so do you (pretty please) have any hcs about mr trent crimm the independent?
I have a confession to make... I didn't really give a shit about trent crimm the independent until like a few weeks ago. But then a combination of his thing with colin and the celebration after the game in the last episode where he is so obviously unmasking around ted for the first time that I was like oh shit ok this character is now allowed to take up space in my brain.
So without further ado:
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This man. I don't know how tall he actually is. But conceptually, in my head, he is an absolute beanpole
Obviously autistic (last ep made me go back and reevaluate every single trent scene in the show for clues) and when he's jumping around with ted and beard and freaking out about 'the Lasso way!!' it literally would be less obvious if he had a physical mask to take off lol
All that said, he has a strange relationship with touch
Most places, he's really sensitive to light touches, especially the back of his neck and his knees
Will go boneless and collapse if someone (ted) tickles under his arms
Beard thinks that's hilarious. Roy rolls his eyes but would rather trent be the victim that roy himself lol so he doesn't protest
Is a dad, and so he does have a bit of a ler side
He's terrifying like Beard in that he's a silent observer, and so he knows everyone's bad spots before he even tickles them
I think that he would hesitate to tickle the team because he is so conscious that his presence in the locker room is a privilege he doesn't want to abuse
When he does get comfortable enough to do so, it's mostly sneak attacks and acting innocent after a quick flurry of pokes
Colin is the exception in that he will absolutely wreck him with the slightest provocation
I hope you liked these anon! Anybody please feel free to add on or expand lol
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galaxychaos78 · 2 years
Loser!boyfriend Headcanons
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this is the sweetest man ever you are not allowed to disagree
he kinda floats from one friend group to the other, but when he started to notice he wasn't really "part" of any of the friend groups he was in, he just stepped away from them all.
the two of you met when Professor Iruka asked you to tutor the blonde and the rest was history. people were always whispering about you hanging around "the uzumaki loser" but you paid them no mind. soon your tutoring sessions went from studying the material to studying how to make naruto uzumaki a puddle in your hands.
you're way more popular than him, so everyone was mad confused when you walked onto campus holding hands with him one day. and when people asked what the hell you were doing holding hands "with the uzumaki guy" you'd tell em' all the same thing.
"i'm holding hands with him cause he's my boyfriend." (naruto's a blushing mess every time you told people)
he follows you around like a lost puppy, sky blue eyes always glancing about. (he's anxious and you're the only thing that soothes it).
he doesn't have a lot of money, but he makes up for it by being crazy attentive to your needs and wants. you're stressed from classes? he's cuddling with you and putting on your favorite movie. you're angry about something and need to vent? he's all ears. also knows where the good cheap eats are around town and saves up money every now and again to treat you to dinner.
gets distracted a lot, especially when you're talking to him. he can't help it, you're just so pretty.
he was insanely nervous meeting your friends for the first time & you assured him that Sakura, Ino, Gaara and Sai were really nice people. when you all got together, they all took notice at how quiet he was and Sakura was the first person to ask him questions about himself.
by the end of the night, your nervous wreck of a boyfriend was laughing and high fiving Gaara and Sai after beating the three of you in a very heated game of Pictionary.
he starts to come out of his shell, showing off the high energy and positive personality you fell in love with. (so much so that other girls start to take notice at how cute "that loser Uzumaki" is).
poor boy doesn't even realize he's being hit on half the time until he tells you about how the nice Hinata girl from his history class asked him what his favorite food was and was recommending that the two of them go out sometime, and you had to politely explain to him that she was asking him out on a date.
takes him a sec to get it, but once he does he's turning down any and every advance from any girl that isn't you. "Ah sorry! I'm gonna be late for a study session with my girlfriend so I can't go out with you!"
loyal baby 💕💖
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how this man is considered a loser, you'll never know.
Kiba didn't exactly float between friend groups like Naruto. he was just kinda of there; people knew of him but that was about it. he mostly kept to himself and, in turn, made himself kind of a loner.
the two of you met at a nearby KBBQ restaurant. your friends had flaked on getting lunch with you and you noticed Kiba sitting outside of the restaurant.
"Kiba right?" poor boy couldn't fathom that you were talking to him. "this might be really awkward and you're ok to say no...but would you wanna get lunch with me? my friends completely flaked and-"
"yes." the two of you spend hours getting to know eachother and when its time to pay the bill, you grab it before he has a chance.
"I would've paid.." he says with a pout that you find utterly adorable.
"I know, but this is on me. You can pay for our next date." (homeboy ends up looking like this😳😳😳)
another date turns into 2, then three, then soon you've got him seeing heaven everytime you stay over in his dorm.
absolutely loses his mind when you call him your boyfriend for the first time. the two of you are out shopping and you see a jacket that would look nice on him. he tries it on and you hug him from behind and say, "Man I'm so glad to have such a handsome boyfriend.."
his brain stops working and he freezes for a few seconds because holy shit he wants to kiss you so hard in this fucking department store. once y'all leave and get to his dorm, he's practically begging to hear you say it again.
"Say it again..please. Call me your boyfriend again." cue makeout session
Kiba absolutely loves cuddling with you. if he's playing a game, he's leaning back against you while you play with his hair. If you're watching TV, he's got his arms wrapped around your waist and his chin on your shoulder. even when you sleep over he wraps himself around your body and loves waking up early to pepper your face in kisses.
when you guys go out, he's always touching you; arm around your waist or holding hands. he loves being the one to hold you and it boosts his ego to see guys glaring at him in jealousy.
lets you pick your favorite hoodies of his because they look so much better on you than him. also will buy some small trinket or little stuffed animal to gift you just because it reminded him of you.
is the first one to say "I love you". he was running late for his class and as he checked his pockets and grabbed his bag, he gave you a quick kiss on your lips before muttering, "love you babe." and rushing out of the door. literally doesn't realize he said it until he's in class and blushes bright red.
he checks his phone after class and sees a text from you that has his heart skipping a beat.
(Y/N): didn't even let me say it back dummy. love you too😘💕
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quiet, mysterious and a huge loner is what people say when you ask about the black haired ponytail man that sits right beside you in your History class.
he's an interesting one; barely takes notes in class and you've caught him sleeping a few times as well. and yet, every test and report that comes back to him shows a bright red A in Professor Asuma's handwriting.
you didn't get the chance to actually speak to him until you were paired up in Professor Kuranai's photography class. you could hear a few of the guys in your class mutter and groan about not getting you as a partner, and to be fair Shikamaru didn't exactly look excited to be paired with you.
the two of you were tasked with photographing nature and, to your surprise, shikamaru knew a lot of hidden gem spots; going to the local park and taking shots of blue jays in the trees, a secret river in a nearby forest. the two of you even went so far as to take a train out to the countryside the day after it rained to get shots of the giant rain clouds.
plus, you two got to know each other really well. soon he wasn't the quiet loner that slept in your History class, but your intriguing and handsome Nara Shikamaru; the same Shikamaru who let you steal bites of his food and the same Shikamaru who gave you his jacket even though he was also cold.
calls you all sorts of pet names as soon as y'all start dating. but as soon as you hit em with a "hey babe, what answer did you get for question 4?" he's blushing and gripping his notes tight. (you really wanna make him flustered, call him sweetheart or my love)
will give any excuse to stay in bed with you. wanna go out for food? he's already ordering it for delivery. wanna go out a see a movie? he's loading up Netflix as you speak. you need to go shopping for new clothes?....well maybe he should go with you just to see how it looks.
pairs up with you for any and all projects. he'll never admit it, but the idea of anyone else (guy or girl) working with you makes him jealous. your his and that's that. he even gets you both matching rings because of it. "just...want everyone to know you're taken.."
this man absolutely adores cuddles and loves eskimo kisses even more. loves waking up to you in his arms and nuzzling his nose against yours. loves his cuddles so much that he can and will not let you go no matter what.
"Shika, I gotta pee." "Too bad."
100% has a secret notebook filled with all of your favorite things; snacks, your drink orders, your favorite food from all the restaurants y'all order from, which shops you go to for clothes.
he just really fucking loves you💕💖
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sage-nebula · 3 years
MCU right back atcha :D (Or BOTW if someone else has asked that!)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
PETER PARKER MY BABIE SON . . . I mean there are a lot of different characters that I really love also, such as Tony, Wanda, and Carol, but the one that I think about the most is definitely Peter. The fact that his life is such an absolute wreck right now and that he has lost everyone and everything kills me because I love him so much.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
THIS IS ALSO PETER TBQH . . . the first movie I saw of his was Spider-Man: Homecoming because I saw a lot of the MCU movies out of order. So my first introduction to him was that absolutely adorable vlog he made of his time in Germany, and I was sold IMMEDIATELY. Keep in mind, I went into the movie skeptical; when I heard we were getting Peter Parker's story for a third time I was so annoyed and exasperated, figuring it was going to be the same thing yet again. The fact that his story was different, and that he was so OFF THE CHARTS ADORABLE, just won me over completely, and now he's my favorite Spidey of all of them. (Garfield's is a close second though, because he is also super cute.) Holland's Peter is just a baby boy, baby. Babie son. The babiest of boys. My baby.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
You know what, FUCK the haters, I LOVE Carol Danvers AND her movie SO MUCH. I loved it the first time I saw it in theaters, and then a little while ago I rewatched it on Disney+ because I was like, maybe I was riding the high of seeing a female character on-screen that I could identify so strongly with that I didn't realize that this movie actually isn't good, maybe I should watch it with fresh eyes. Nope. The movie really was good and Carol was—IS—amazing. I love her. I'm excited for the second movie. (Super disappointed in her actress being into NFTs though. :( We can't have shit in fandom.)
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Darcy!! I don't know if she actually counts as obscure, but she's definitely a minor character, especially since she had screentime cut out of the WandaVision finale. I've loved her since the very first Thor when she saw Mjolnir and, after hearing its name, decided to call it "Myamya." I've loved her since she tasered Thor and then proudly owned up to it. I just love everything about her. Darcy Lewis my beloved.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
TONY . . . I love him, but it's an understatement to say that he's unpopular / controversial and that a huge portion of the fandom sees him as problematic because they're too busy stanning St*ve to give Tony a fair shot at anything. Peter might be my favorite, but we will always be Team Stark in this house. (And honestly, Peter himself will always be Team Stark too so it's not as if he'd disagree with this.)
Aside from Tony though, I do also love Loki. Like he's a little shit, but that's his job, so it's OK.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
There are like . . . so many who could go in the plinko in this series for me. Dr Strange goes in the plinko because he's played by Benedict Cumberpatch and so far hasn't done much but cause problems for characters I really like. Peter Quill goes in the plinko because his personality is grating and it's his fault the fight against Thanos on Titan failed. Scott Lang goes in the plinko because he is THE MOST GODDAMN ANNOYING character in the ENTIRE franchise. I was THIS CLOSE to shouting "SHUT UP" when he wouldn't stop talking while Steve and Tony were trying to figure things out in Endgame. I could probably go on, there are a lot of characters that are worthy of the plinko in this series.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
And likewise, there are so many that are worthy of superhell! Off the top of my head:
Obadiah Stane for how he manipulated, used, tried to murder, and had that very uncomfortable and creepy scene with Tony where he stunned him and removed the arc reactor from his chest
Howard Stark for being a child abuser
Quentin Beck for how he manipulated, used, and tried to murder Peter
Thanos for how he manipulated, used, and abused Gamora and Nebula, and also for being a genocidal ecofascist
And last but certainly not least, DREYKOV for creating and running the Red Room, which trafficked hundreds of thousands of little girls, abused and enslaved and experimented on and killed them, for the purposes of the Widow project
Each and every last one of them can burn.
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TUA Power HCs Part 1!
Discovered them at age 3 (He was the first)
He accidentally broke one of their nannies fingers
Had trouble controlling his strength (still does)
For personal training Reginald first made him build up his body
Because just cause he had incredible strength, didnt mean his body could take said strength
He used to accidentally break his arms when he used too much strength
They always healed fast though
As if they never broke to begin with
Baby Luther used to hide the fact that he broke/sprained/bruised his arms, legs, basically any part of his body because he felt like a failure whenever he got hurt
Later in life (maybe at 10?) Reginald discovers that Luther not only is super strong but also had super endurance
(Special Training was not fun that year, Reginald wanted to see how long he could last without food, water, air, shelter, etc.)
After that year, special training was a mix between building up his strength (weight lifting heavier and heavier objects every week) and building up his endurance (running around the room carrying a crap ton of weights, carrying a really really heavy weight and Reginald seeing how long he could carry it before his body gave out)
They first discovered his ability to breathe underwater first
Diego unlike his sibling absolutely adored bath time as a child
He would stay in the tub for hours if he could
One time his nanny had to leave him in the tub because one of his siblings was having a tantrum
She comes back to a sleeping Diego
Who's asleep in the tub
submerged in water
Was lowkey jealous of his siblings' powers while growing up
Reginald was so disappointed in him for having such a "useless ability"
Poor baby took it into heart :(
Special Training was awful before he found out his secondary power
Reginald wanted to see how long Diego could last underwater (he discovers Diego could last an indefinite amount of time down there)
He stopped liking water after that
He finds out about his secondary power at age 6
He likes to help Grace in cooking and usually cuts up the vegetables for her
He gets really good with the knife
So when Reginald demands he learns to wield a weapon he immediately chooses the knife
At first its was all stabby stabby but then one of his siblings goads him enough to rashly throw the knife at them
His aim is perfect. The knife is sailing through the air, going exactly where he wants it to be, except he wanted it to be in their head and oh god Diego panics, he didnt mean to throw that knife he never meant to hurt his siblings and he loves them and -
The knife is sailing towards his sibling's head and then it suddenly curves
Diego runs up to his sibling and hugs them and apologizes
Diego never wanted to pick up a knife after that
But then through some persuasion (Allison), he forgets the incident and picks it up again
Special training is all about accuracy and precision. All about moving targets, really tiny targets, living targets
Reginald wanted to know how much he could curve, what could he curve and all that jazz
Diego learns Physics because its an absolute must
(He learns how hard he has to throw for it to curve that much, how fast it needs to be to keep in the air even after it curves, how heavy should the knife be if he wants this specific result)
At first its hard and because he can curve anything he likes through pure instinct why does he need to learn Math?
But Reginald wants him to be as accurate as possible
(He motivates Diego by putting Mom and his siblings in situations where one false error could lead to their deaths)
He learns physics quickly
(Five and him bond over physics, Five helps him, He helps Five until Five gets too advanced and well...)
He actually gets super good and can do equations on the fly
People are constantly surprised at the amount of math needed for his powers
as a kid had absolutely no control on when her powers would activate
it would activate all the time leading to a lot of accidents
one time she snapped at Klaus to stop talking and he couldnt speak until she was able to reverse it
Reginald decided the best way for her to control it was through trigger phrases
she went through a lot of them because it wasnt cool enough for her
there was "listen up", "somebody once told me" (someone always interrupted her, usually Klaus, with the world was gonna roll me so she dropped it after like 3 uses) and a bunch more before settling on the iconic™ "I heard a rumor'
early on she learned that she had to be very precise with the wording or else the rumor wouldnt turn out the way she wanted it to
so special training was mainly focused on her wording, her pronunciation, and her learning other languages
allison is fluent in italian, french, spanish, mandarin, filipino, somali, she also can speak in a bunch of other languages but isnt super fluent
allison was actually pretty ok with special training until she was 10
thats when reggie brought in actual real life people
until that point she had only rumored her siblings (reginald actively encouraged it as long as he wasnt the one who got rumored) and occasionally the businessmen who came over to talk deals and shit
reggie was smart and only brought in people he was sure no one would miss, homeless hobos, drug addicts, people who lived by themselves and didnt have much family or any family at all
at first few meetings, she could stomach the feeling of wrongness
it was still easy for her to reason that what she was doing wasnt really wrong after all the commands she was issuing were really mild (like i heard a rumor you stubbed your toe, i heard a rumor you could play the piano perfectly)
they were just testing the reach of her powers
(could it rewrite your brain? create illusions, hallucinations? make you gain talents you never had? make you feel things?)
(reginald already knew her rumors could affect the memory, no need to test that, same thing with if her rumors could affect herself)
but then the more they pushed the boundaries the darker the rumors, the harder it was to stomach this sense of wrongness that threatened to swallow her whole
(could it override survival instincts? could it fake relationships? could it wreck relationships? can the human mind take multiple rumors at once? how about multiple conflicting rumors? how many rumors does it take to break the mind?)
its a lot easier to deal with special training when you cant remember
(but in her dreams she cant forget, she wakes up screaming, absolutely terrified and cant remember why)
at first thought everyone could see the ghosts
actually he thought they werent ghosts cos they didnt appear to him with their death injuries
realized they were dead people when he accidentally walked through them
at first the ghosts were ok (they were mostly the nannies vanya killed so they were nice) they were loud and sobbed really really loud all the time but they didnt actively seek him and so he didnt actively seek them either
he still didn't like his powers even back then when they werent as bad as they are now
since he didnt really have any interest in his powers, reginald forced him to use them more, to explore them
klaus really didn't want to talk to any ghost so Reginald locks klaus into the mausoleum for the first time
this is where everything goes to shit btw
Klaus is absolutely terrified because these ghosts arent like the ghosts in the mansion (the nannies)
these ghost were malicious and horrible and they were dead for so long that they lost any sense of self or humanity in them
this is where klaus develops his fear of the ghost and his powers
this is where klaus loses a grip on his powers and it causes horrible repercussions
he sees the way they died now
and it terrifies him even more
from ages 8 to 11 hes facing the full force of his powers whenever hes trapped in the mausoleum
every session his fear gets worse and worse
the ghosts appearance actually reflects on how he feels about them actually
thats why ben and dave dont look awful
and why the rest of the ghost do
klaus loves ben and dave
he's absolutely terrified of the rest of them
he discovers that drugs numb their abilities when one of them gets hurt badly during training and is on really heavy pain medication
maybe it Five who broke 5 ribs when sparring because luther forgot to control his strength
Five couldn't jump at all when he was on those meds and he hated it
but Klaus? the moment he put two and two together he jumped at the opportunity to temporarily get rid of his powers
he would purposely get super banged up during training just to get rid of his powers and it scared the living shit out of his siblings
they ask him to stop and he does, he doesnt like it when he scares his siblings
but the ghosts get too much and klaus is severely tempted to fuck himself up to get that sweet relief that the pain meds provide
he stumbles upon Reggies alcohol cabinet and discovers that while getting drunk doesnt exactly cut off his powers it gives him this buzz that makes it a lot more bearable
he discovers drugs when he sneaks out one night to get more booze
he starts off with weed and gets hooked
the ghosts are always worse after coming down so he scrambles to get high as soon as possible
he doesnt try anything harder until ben dies 
after ben dies he spirals
TUA Power HCs Part 2 is coming up in a bit, ask me if you wanna get tagged for it :)
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
hunty movie 1
sooo ruth and i watched the first hxh movie holla
me as soon as we’re done w/the yorknew arc: OH FUCKY ITS ANIME MOVIE TIME
i love anime movies. theyre so often Entertaining As Hell, and also Not Very Good. its a very fun intersection 
overall this movie slots pretty easily into that category. it was a good time but nothing revolutionary. which is ok! and that makes sense bc its not canon apparently 
this movie was basically the ‘killua and kurapika have Trauma(tm)’ movie lmao 
we open w/killua having a trauma dream abt illumi, rehashing the stuff we saw in the hunter exam arc....we see this a few more times in the movie, and it really drives home how killua is still rlly scared of illumi and kinda just goes into a dissociative trauma state whenever illumi is around (even fake doll illumi or dream illumi, in this movie). poor kid :( :( 
regrettably tho ruth and i agree that illumis outfit in this movie was pretty sexy 
ok that whole beginning part where kurapikas eyes get stolen happens SO fast hvbfhdjshfsk its like ok guess thats the status quo for this movie!
jesus poor kurapika. they cant catch a fuckgin break huh
also that kid was totally the kid that was alluded to by kurapika at the end of the yorknew arc...so i guess that was included in the anime as a setup for this movie? 
also apparently that stuff was based off of a short story thing the author did a while ago which is p cool
leorios terrible drawing skills is hvhbjsdfbsdfngsjkdf
also leorio is so tender w/kurapika hhhhhhh im gonna die. im gonna gay die
and gon and killua are just. tiny soulmate boyfriends ok 
ah yes i see the obligatory movie original character who befriends the protag
it kinda cracks me up how hostile killua is to retz like vhbhskhdfbaj i get that its bc of Trauma and his fear of betrayal/betraying but it also reads as killua being a Jealous Gay which is kinda hilarious 
ruth and i when hisoka shows up: [prolonged annoyed groaning and dismayed yelling]
hisoka literally just shows up to sow chaos and throw around information to stir shit up huh
of COURSE the villain is the former 4th spider thats like. easy choice lmao 
it might just be the fansubs but i feel like there were strong implications that hisoka and 4th spider guy fucked bhjdfashfdjnakn
the most unbelievable thing abt this whole thing is that hisoka didnt kill that doll guy lmao 
ohhh shit its uvo
OHHH SHIT NOBUNGA AND MACHI....its so bad but i really like the troupe members and when they show up im like !!!!!!!
machi is so cooooool
aughhhh its like....i feel bad for nobunga for having to face down uvo like this....and THEN when pakunoda shows up too :( and nobunga tells her doll ‘rest in peace now’ or something when he cuts her down....oof. but also like theyre evil murderers so im!?! conflicted?!?!
also the shadow beast guys that uvo killed showing up and then proceeding to do LITERALLY NOTHING was kinda hilarious
and damn so technically the troupe is on the same side as the main crew, what with all of them wanting to wreck omokages shit
also omokage looks like sephiroth lmaoooo 
ill be honest i barely know what sephiroth looks like but ruth said this and i felt in my bones that its true 
ok i gotta talk abt the kurapika backstory stuff bc OUUGHGHGHGHGH my fucking UWUS BITCH!!!!
seeing a bunch of kurta was sad....and seeing baby-er kurapika OUGH and also pairo is sooo cute and him and kurapikas friendship is so pure 
kurapika is so different :( theyre like, so much more innocent and excitable....thats so damn sad bro wtf 
pairo pulling some slick moves swapping that little potion thing - all while using his blindness as a cover - was so good...no wonder he and kurapika get along so well 
also gotta say its even more brutal that one of the main reasons kurapika didnt get Big Murdered w/the rest of the kurta is bc pairo pulled this stunt - if he hadnt, kurapika wouldve failed the test and never would have left 
also kurapika saying theyre gonna find someone who can help w/pairos eyes ;_; the similarities w/leorios backstory/motivation makes me die 
and seriously im still caught up at how innocent and pure kp is oooof ough 
tho still defs the kurapika we know....theyve seemingly always had a temper, what with the reaction to the dudes in the market 
like, kurapika did NOT hold back...even after finding out that they were just part of the test! tho i do get it bc they insulted pairo...kurapika’s love for their friends/stalwart need to defend their friends is clearly a big thing 
also the market people’s reaction to seeing kp’s red eyes is rlly interesting to me...are the kurta like, known to anybody? or are they more of a vaguely talked-about group that like, ‘probably exists’? or is it that people know abt them but not the red eyes thing? it seems like these people, if any, would know, bc this market is seemingly a day’s travel from where the kurta live....i want more kurta lore bro!!
i big love pairo helping kurapika cheat like that....such an interesting twist, and makes it obvious that theirs is a friendship of equals 
anyways i loved that flashback stuff and it just drives home how absolutely fucked up and horribly sad kurapikas whole existence is, especially in this movie w/pairo’s doll being used against them
n e ways back to the non flashback stuff
i love that gon’s super nose returned for this movie omg 
im just auhghghghgh gon and killua know each other so well uwu....
aaaand illumi (well, doll illumi) is back to fuck shit up for poor killua
ugh it still gets me how clearly terrified of illumi killua is...we dont really see him act like this any other time :( and the fact that doll-illumi was able to scare killua enough to get him to run away and leave gon behind (albeit briefly) was oof 
gon jumping in front of killua and getting his eyes stolen instead....baby boyyyy oughhh
also can i just say thank fuck they didnt replace illumis eyes w/gons bc THAT wouldve been some serious nightmare fuel lmao 
cant believe killua then ran away again and walked emo-ly on the train tracks 
and THEN he saw a train coming and was like oh well :( guess ill die :/ JESUS KID 
but gon w/his Big Sniff Powers comes to the rescue!!
it was so cute how gon told killua that killua didnt run and abandon him - they were working together to fight :’) gon understands killua so well 
i love how the squad then squads up to fight omokage...with half of them being blind lmao 
and in the half that isnt blind is leorio, who STILL doesnt know nen, and literally brings a knife to a nen fight 
i totally saw the whole ‘retz is a doll and her older brother is omokage, and retz actually died a while ago’ thing coming lol but still, not bad
all omokage does is talk abt the beauty of his dolls or w/e like ENOUGH bro 
kurapika fighting pairo and killua fighting illumi (AGAIN) was all so fucked up they shouldve switched opponents for less trauma oof 
and poor leorio is literally no help vhhvdijfhjbashkj he just gets throw around this whole time
kurapikas fight against pairo was sad bc it was such a fucked up situation...kp did gr8 tho, i liked them saying that this isnt the real pairo, cause pairo would never say/do these things. still and extremely sucky situation to be in! 
meanwhile its the gon and killua vs doll-illumi rematch...and this illumi is like, a version of illumi drawn from killuas mind/heart (or something idk, it was kinda glossed over which i understand), which means that hes extra scary and focused on telling killua how much hes just a mindless killing machine who cant have friends 
but luckily we have gon here to help snap killua out of his trauma haze, which certaintly wasnt the case at the hunter exam - so it was kinda nice to see how things went w/gon around :’) they work so well together oughhhhh....and they love each other so much broo gay preteen love real 
hisoka just fuckgin materializing in the house place to help sow more chaos....unbelievable 
me: i bet hisoka wont want to fight doll chrollo bc its not The Same as real chrollo 
ruth: no i think he will bc hes a whore 
hisoka: [fights doll chrollo] 
me: oh shit u right 
kurapika: ok omogake its time for you to FUCKING DIE- 
and then killua stops them and says that he’ll do it, be he doesnt want kurapika to kill anymore :( :( :( bro im sooo fucking sad. killua rlly b out here thinking that hes already too far gone to matter when it comes to murder, but he doesnt want his friends to end up like that, so he might as well take on that burden, because whats one more person’s death on his hands? (EVEN THO HE SAID HE DIDNT WANT TO KILL ANY MORE...but theres exceptions when it comes to saving your friend’s souls and whatnot) :( :( AUGHHH
but luckily retz comes THRU with some good ole fratricide
killua: [takes notes]
the fact that the phantom troupe just fuckgin shows up and is like oh hey its you guys. this casual enemy stuff kills me lmao i love it 
then they just fuckgin LEAVE and theyre like welllll we cant rlly fight u bc of chrollo’s state so by i guess. its NOT On Sight but someday it will be! YOU TOO HISOKA DONT THINK WE FUCKIGN FORGOT ABOUT YOU. 
dramatic house burning! and rip retz, saw that one comin tho 
when they all went thru and said their life goals and then killua was like shit i dont have a cool definitive anime goal LMAOOOO
but THEN gon said his goals should be to stay by gon’s side UHMMM???? baby gays AUGHHHHH and killua is just like lovestruck AUGHHHH 
Gays Win 
then they all peace out to resume the next arc lmaoooo
and then we see flashes of other characters, like the blonde girl (who ruth and i totally thought retz was, seeing thumbnails from this movie....we were like w8 hasnt that girl not been introduced yet??? lmao)
we also see some dude w/long hair and a hat who ive never seen before but ruth went OHHH ITS SCYTHE GUY!!! so i guess hes gonna b important?? lol 
and then we saw chrollo....still in the same place the squad left him vbhajfdjkahsbfkdjabhsukfdj CAN HE NOT GET DOWN FROM THERE W/OUT NEN OR AN AIRSHIP??? THATS SO FUCKING FUNNYYYYYY ARE YOU KIDDING ME 
general thots:
so this was very much an Anime Movie, in that they cant like, advance to plot or develop the characters much, bc its a movie. and this one is non canon
it was enjoyable but i do feel like it was much more typical shounen then hxh usually is...like, i feel like this was made by the same people who make like, the naruto movies or w/e, and w/the same sort of approach/attitude 
this isnt necessarily bad - i LIKE shounen for a reason - but it was a bit noticeable bc it wasnt quite as smart as hxh is usually, and it rehashed a lot of stuff weve already seen in this show itself 
but still i think it did a good job w/what it had, and it had some good angst, and everyone was very gay which is good
the art style was SLIGHTLY wack but it wasnt as bad as i thought itd be 
overall a fun time like most anime movies. didnt reinvent the wheel but i had a good time. im excited for the greed island arc, and im also disproportionately excited to watch the hxh musical bc that is a thing that exists and i MUST see it asap bc that sounds like the kind of hilarious wackiness that appeals to me specifically
so thats it...later! 
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pocminiseries · 5 years
Body Of Gold|3
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3. First Experience: Vimin
“You’re nervous…relax,” Jimin mumbles against her collarbone, feeling Nubia’s body tremble from their soft but calculated touches. With Taehyung standing behind her and Jimin in front of her, she wasn’t sure what to do or how to respond to being trapped in between both of them at once.
Her mind was in rambles trying to process the situation.
Realization didn’t set in until she had stepped foot inside of what she assumed to be Taehyung’s bedroom. She had stood as still as a rock while they stalked around, knowing fully well how nervous they were making her. But Nubia was too beautiful to not be admired from every angle and they made to get their fill of every asset.
“Tell us what you want,” Taehyung speaks up next, his husky tone sending a shiver down her spine. With his fingers interlocked with hers, he gave her hands a squeeze, while placing kisses along her cheek, making quick eye contact with Jimin.
“I-i don’t know…” Nubia stutters, trying her best to keep her shit together. She hated feeling like this around men she knew would never do anything to intentionally hurt her but no matter how much she attempted to pep talk herself, the result was always the same.
It was the sound of Taehyung’s deep chuckle against her ear that had her teeth sinking into her bottom lip. “Yes you do,” He smirks, watching as Jimin flicks his tongue along the top of her left breast that was exposed to him.
“Or do we have to explore every inch of you to find out for ourselves?” Jimin questions teasingly, looking up towards Nubia who visibly swallowed at his words. “Either way, I don’t mind,” There was so much that he had in mind he wanted to do to and with her, and he hoped that with time she would open up to them so they could give her everything they had to offer.
“Jimin…” Nubia finds herself croaking out of his name once her eyes met his. Those dark orbs staring back at her in the most predatory manner that she felt it straight to her core.
This shit was crazy.
“What baby?” Was his soft response as he leaned back to get the full view of her beautiful face. His eyes roamed over her features, soon finding it difficult to pinpoint which parts he liked the most. That, of course, was until they landed on her lips…ones that were so perfectly plump and inviting. He had so many fantasies of what they would feel like against his own.
Sensing her hesitancy when it was clear what she wanted, Taehyung sent Jimin a knowing look, mentally telling the younger male to make the first move.
“I see…” Jimin trails off, looking her up and down. “You want me to kiss you, don’t you?” He observes, leaning forward until their noses barely touched. He immediately took notice in Nubia’s increased breathing which Taehyung softly laughed at as he hid his face in the nape of her neck. “Am I right, Queen?”
Not trusting her voice, Nubia chose to nod her head instead. She watched Jimin smirk right before his tongue licked her lips, catching her off guard. It was unexpected…but she found his teasing action to be a sensual one.
Barely a second later, Nubia felt his lips press against hers once…twice…until he kissed her more deeply with Nubia groaning at how well their mouths worked against each other. She had thoughts of this but none of them compared to the real thing. She wanted to reach out and wrap her arms around him to pull him closer, but Taehyung refused to allow her to move, firmly keeping their fingers interlocked.
Feeling her try to tug away, Taehyung took it upon himself to nip at her neck causing her to gasp, unknowingly allowing Jimin to slip his tongue into her mouth that left Nubia feeling light headed.
The sight itself had Taehyung subconsciously grind into her backside in which Nubia surprisingly moved back against him. “Don’t do that,” He warns, his warm breath brushing past her ear but Nubia’s mind was too high above the clouds to listen.
With the way Jimin was tonguing her down and Taehyung nipping at her neck, it was all becoming too much.
Being tired of being left out, Taehyung released one of Nubia’s hands and used it to firmly grip the back of Jimin’s neck, catching his attention.
Forcing himself to pull away from Nubia’s addictive lips, Jimin eyed Taehyung curiously. Using no words, Taehyung worked his tongue against her neck all while keeping his eyes set on Jimin, hoping he would catch on to his hidden message.
Realizing what he meant, Jimin mimicked Taehyung’s actions to the other side of Nubia’s neck sending the poor woman into a trembling mess.
With her neck being so sensitive, every lick, suck and bite against her skin that they made, had her pussy leaking and throbbing with need. “Baby, I think you may have found her spot,” Jimin lowly comments after feeling Nubia’s body jerk against them. Her soft moans rising an octave as her free hands finds its way to Jimin’s back.
Hearing his lovers words, Taehyung teased at the area below Nubia’s ear causing her to cuss under her breath. “Stop…” She grunts out weakly, feeling embarrassed that they were about to make her reach her peak from something as childish as dry humping.
But neither men listened as they continued their assault, with Jimin squeezing her ass while Taehyung did the same to her breasts. “Please…stop…” Nubia pleads once more, realizing how close she was. “I’m going to cum…please,” She rushes out just as they both took it upon themselves to grind into her at the same time forcing her to reach her climax shamelessly.
“Aw, I think she’s embarrassed Tae,” Jimin comments after a few seconds, moving back to look her over, taking notice in the way she avoided making eye contact with him. “Don’t be. Especially now that we know how responsive you are,” He wanted to see her cum again…preferably on his dick and his tongue. “Kookie is going to love you,”
“Don’t say things like that,” Nubia whispers, dropping her arms back to her sides. “It wasn’t supposed to happen like that,” She felt an inexperienced virgin after that. How could they make her have an orgasm by doing something so damn simple?
“And why’s that? Because if anything, I want to see you react the same way when I have you bouncing on my lap,” Taehyung proclaims, placing his hands on her hips. “Now take this off,” He orders, slowly tugging down the zipper in the back of her jumpsuit.
“Don’t be so demanding Tae,” Jimin chastises, watching the way Nubia’s eyes went wide at Taehyung’s request. “Are you sure you want this?… Be honest,” He asks her in a serious tone. “If you say no, we’ll understand but if you agree, you need to know you won’t be leaving this room until the sun rises,” He explains, making it clear what he and Taehyung planned to do.
They were going to wreck her and if Nubia was being honest, she wanted to experience it all.
Licking her lips, Nubia pulled the straps of her jumpsuit past her shoulders, revealing her braless chest as she tugged the rest of the material down her legs, letting the material pool at her heeled feet. “Jesus Nubia,” Whispers Taehyung as he stands next to Jimin, who was too busy taking mental pictures of her to speak just yet.
Nubia’s body was the definition of sin and designed to be cherished, something both men planned to do until she tapped out.
“Lay back on the bed for us, baby,” Jimin instructs, forcing himself to keep his distance. If he were to touch her right now, looking as tempting as she does, he was positive he wouldn’t be able to control himself.
Nubia curiously eyed them both before doing what Jimin asked, crawling onto the bed and laying back against the pillows. “Good, now spread your legs for us,” Taehyung speaks up next, still mesmerized by the sight of her ass being on full display when she crawled up the bed. She was going to be the death of him, he just knew it.
“When you feel the need to, touch yourself…” Jimin says, grinning at her nervous facial expression. “But whatever you do, keep your eyes on us, ok?”
Nubia nodded her head, knowing exactly what was about to happen. “I wanted to do this just to tease her but I’ve missed your mouth on me,” Jimin reveals once he turns his attention back to Taehyung. “I’m starting to believe that Kookie’s needy ways are rubbing off on me,”
Taehyung released a low chuckle, pulling Jimin towards him. “You’re both lucky that I don’t mind as much as I used to,” He states right before his leans in and places a sweet kiss on his lover’s lips. A kiss that instantly turned into something filled with need and desperation, a sight that almost made Nubia feel as though she was intruding.
They kissed in the way that true lovers do, passionate and raw. And Jimin was serious when he said he was becoming needy. With their schedules keeping each of them busy, they haven’t had as much time with each other like they wanted which he absolutely hated. The quick pecks on the lips were nothing compared to this.
“Don’t…” Taehyung warns when Jimin bit his bottom lip and tugged at the soft flesh. “I swear Jimin, I’ll fuck you right here…don’t tempt me,” He adds, pulling Jimin’s shirt over his head. Jimin knew all of his weakness and exactly how to rile him up but now wasn’t the time.
“I’ll stop, simply because of Queen…” Glancing towards the quiet woman, Jimin caught her just as she tossed her panties to the floor. “But for now, touch me,” He tells Taehyung, closing his eyes briefly when he felt Taehyung’s hands rub down his chest. “Lower,”
Taehyung playfully rolled his eyes, doing as Jimin wanted by tugging down his sweats not at all surprised to see he wore nothing underneath. “The girls in your dance class must’ve been losing their minds today,”
Jimin found himself giggling, catching a hint of jealousy in his lover’s voice. “Maybe just a little but they can look…never touch,” He reminds him, kicking his sweats off to the side. “You next,”
Leaving no room for Taehyung to protest, Jimin stripped him naked and took a second to allow his eyes to sweep over him from head to toe, lingering on his impressive length. “If you’re going to stare at my dick like that, then you need to get on your knees,” Taehyung prompts, following Jimin’s tongue move across his bottom lip.
Why was he such a fuckin tease?
“In due time I will but please, Tae, touch me already,” Jimin whines, grabbing one of Taehyung’s hands and moved it towards his leaking member. “Just for a minute, then I promise…I’ll do whatever you ask,”
Although the neediness that both of his boyfriends shared annoyed him sometimes, Taehyung could admit that he was slowly finding it to be sort of a turn on. The way they craved for him always gave him a sense of pride.
“Touch you how…like this?” Taehyung teases, wrapping a firm hand around Jimin’s dick, giving it a slight squeeze causing Jimin to snap his hips for more friction. “Or maybe like this?” He questions, quickening his pace to stroke Jimin in the way he wanted, only to slow down as soon as he started. Taehyung couldn’t help but laugh at the displeased look that Jimin was shooting in his direction.
“Baby…stop toying with me. I need this…” Jimin presses, moving his hips to fuck into Taehyung’s hand. “And so does she,” He nods towards Nubia, who was trying to seem unbothered by the scene in front of her although her glistening folds was proof enough how much they affected her.
Taking in Nubia’s clear aroused state, Taehyung finally gave in and begin to jerk Jimin’s dick as he placed kisses along his jawline. Jimin’s low groans urged him on as he found his own member expand even more at the thought of hearing his cries once he was inside of him. There was just something about Jimin calling out his name when they fucked that drove him crazy.
“I know that look…” Jimin observes once he placed his forehead against Taehyung’s. “I can’t wait to feel you…” He cooes, placing a quick kiss to Taehyung’s lips before he dropped to his knees. “Queen…pay attention,” And that she did.
Nubia’s hands gripped the sheets beside her tightly, watching Jimin work his tongue along Taehyung’s dick, leaving no parts of it untouched. She paid attention to the way Taehyung’s thighs tensed when Jimin begin to suck at the head…how deep his moans become once Jimin started to bob his head up and down…the way his lust filled gazed met Jimin’s as he softly brushed his bangs back…how his jaw would clench when Jimin would pull back painfully slow and only to swallow as much of him as he could.
Everything about them was so primal and salacious.
Nubia’s finger barely touched her clit when Taehyung’s voice filled her ears. “Jimin…she needs us,” He informs Jimin with a quivering voice, finally releasing a deep breath once Jimin released his dick from his mouth.
“No, please…don’t stop because of me…” She states, feeling a bit disappointed that they stopped because she touched herself. “Keep going,”
Licking his lips, Jimin stands up with his dick slapping against his stomach. “Your pleasure will always come before ours Nubia…then maybe once we’re done and you can manage to stay awake, you can watch us while you play with that pretty pussy of yours,” He winks, reaching out to grab her by the ankles, pulling her towards the end of the bed.
Nubia gasped loudly, barely given the chance to realize what was going when they lifted her to her feet with Taehyung taking her spot by sitting down on the bed. “Come here…” He beckons, gripping her wrist as he helped her seat on his lap. She instantly grew stiff feeling the hardness of his dick brush against her sleek folds.
“Relax. We’re not here to hurt you,” Taehyung reassures her, rubbing her back up and down in a soothing manner until he felt her become less tense. “Trust us,” He encourages, pressing his lips to hers and sighed in relief. He moved against her mouth with practiced precision as their tongues intertwined in a way that had Nubia shivering against him.
“I want you to turn around and ride me, can you do that for me?” Taehyung asks once he pulled away, shifting his gaze towards Jimin who became entranced seeing them kiss.
Shyly, Nubia nodded and stood up, allowing Taehyung to move backward and further up the bed. Once he was settled, she moved towards him and got into the desired position. Placing one hand behind his head, Taehyung’s eyes were glued to her booty as she kneeled above him. With shaky hands, Nubia grabbed his length, finally feeling how heavy and long he felt. She pumped him a few times before lining him up at her entrance.
The moment she moved back and allowed him to enter her, Nubia was convinced she saw stars. She didn’t even make an attempt to stop the strangled cry that left her throat once he was fully inside of her with a snugged fit. “Oh, shit…” She drags out as she lifts herself up and sinks back down, testing her boundaries.
With her hands on his thighs as leverage, Nubia was quick to find a rhythm, rolling her hips and grinding down on to create the most delicious feeling inside of her gut. The way he filled her each she bounced on his lap had Nubia releasing the most erotic sounds, with the mixture of Taehyung’s name, creating a sound that made Jimin work his dick to match her set pace.
He stood in front of them, watching Nubia take what was hers…following the bounce of her breasts that he so badly wanted to suck. It was one of the sexiest sights to see her essence coat Taehyung’s dick each time she lifted off him. She looked nothing short of a goddess taking Taehyung’s dick like a champ…even to the point where his own moans were just as powerful as hers.
Grasping her hips, Taehyung plunged into her, moving deeper inside her heat. “Keep doing it just like that…you feel amazing like this,” He praises with a horsed voice, bouncing her on him harder. “Jimin…join us already…” He orders weakly, watching Jimin kneel between his opened legs.
Looking up, Nubia followed Jimin’s movements as one of his hands reached up and tweaked her nipple, causing her to gyrate against Taehyung. “Do you think that maybe…you can take my dick next, Queen? Will you give me the chance to fuck you hard into this mattress?” He taunts, running his tongue up her thigh once she slowed down.
Sitting up, Taehyung gripped her thighs, pulling her legs open wider. “What about having two of us at once, think you can handle that baby?” He joins in, feeling and hearing her pussy become wetter. Taehyung smiled towards Jimin while he continued to move inside of her, slowly feeling himself fall in love at the way her walls squeezed around his dick.
Nubia could only moan in response as she felt Jimin pull her petals apart to reveal her engorged clit. He kissed it before giving her one long lick, not all phased by Taehyung fucking her at the same time. It didn’t stop Jimin’s experienced tongue from tasting her and sucking on her clit to add more pleasure to her tired body.
Her broken cries filled their ears as she allowed them to move her at their own accord. All she could do was take what they were giving her, relishing in pure sexual nirvana.
The had managed to gain complete control over her to the point where they had Nubia cumming on top of cumming.
And even then, they refused to let up.
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post-itpenny · 5 years
We the Drowned
So many perspectives. @clownsgobeepbeep @grotesquegabby
There was a circus.
It is not a circus like you think.
It has secrets.
It’s workers are not human.
It’s ringmaster is most definitely not human.
But they are definitely a proud parent.
As the show goes on and the ringmaster performs their beloved is curled up asleep with two small beings.
There is a twinge, a shudder runs through her as well as the feeling that something terrible has happened.
Calliope sat up with a hand over her heart.
Magpie was dead.
She was, wasn’t she? She felt it but… at the same time she didn’t. What did that mean?
But the ache was there, regardless something terrible had indeed happened.
Calliope laid down and curled up under her blankets. Did Maggie or Vespers know?
Calliope could discern what had happened, the thing Blackwood had foreshadowed to her no doubt. Poor Magpie, Calliope could only hope she was at peace.
There was a rush of something. Two forces in combat. Moving through the atmosphere above with rapid speed.
Oh no.
Calliope jumped up. She could feel the waves of chaos echoing from one point on the edge of the city. Waves of bad luck.
She moved to get dressed only stopped short, looking at her sleeping children. So unaware of what misfortune was taking place. Calliope could not leave them, would not leave them.
Vespers was snuggled close to Cosmos and Phoebe. They had both felt it, a shudder that ran through them like something awful had happened. Outside the sky had grown frightfully dark and it seemed like everything was trying to go wrong.
Lighting struck the house, plates shattered, Cosmos at one point tripped and opened his eyes nearly making eye contact with a startled Vespers. Something was wrong, something was very wrong.
“Aunt Pie must be upset, it’s the only explanation I got.” Vespers concluded with a nod. Cosmos turned to him in surprise. “Your Aunt is doing this? She’s not even here!”
Vespers shrugged, “It doesn’t matter, she can affect anything in a couple miles. She must be having one hell of a bad day.”
Vespers pulled his cell phone out of his pocket, preparing to call his aunt when his phone started to ring.
It was Juno.
“Have you seen Auntie?”
Vespers frowned, “n-no what’s going on?”
“This town is going to shut that’s what!” Juno shouted from the other end of the line. “I just watched all the lampposts on our street rust to ruins in ten second flat! And we keep getting hail.”
Vespers started to panic, “hail? Geeze Juno where the heck did she go?”
“I don’t know! Help me dammit!”
Vespers hung up and turned to Cosmos, “I have to go find my aunt. I’m going to fix things ok?”
Cosmos frowned and took his hand, “Are you sure it’s her? Vesp I just have this crazy bad feeling.”
“I know me too,” Vespers answered with a nod. “But yes I know it’s her, Juno thinks so too. Stay with Phoebe and keep her safe. I promise it’s going to be ok and this time I’ll tell you one hundred percent everything when I get back.”
Cosmos clearly didn’t like it but gave Vespers a kiss on the cheek nonetheless, “please be careful.”
“I will, love you spaceman.”
Billy was having a bad day to say the least.
Maggie was gone, no warning no anything.
He stormed through the streets following her scent. Ignoring the chaos that happened around him.
He knew, he just knew this had something to do with whatever the plan she had mentioned was.
“Why must she be so damn reckless?!” He shouted to know one. Not that anyone could pay attention, the streets were filled with panic. Car wrecks, accidents, thefts, breakups, a woman nearby broke her stiletto heel. What the hell was going on?
Billy was glad he had left Amaranthus with her grandfather, on this night, everything seemed to be going to hell in a handbasket. He was absolutely positive a certain redhead was somehow involved. What if she was hurt? How could she just leave without saying anything?
Granted, had he not done the same just some weeks prior?
“But I wasn’t pregnant!” Billy shouted to himself in response.
“You weren’t what?”
Billy turned. Vespers and Juno looked at him in confusion. Then, both parties started questioning at once.
“Have you seen our aunt?”
“Have you seen Maggie?”
Juno scowled, “so their both gone? Fan-fucking-tastic.”
Billy rolled his eyes, “must you be so vulg-“
Above them a window shattered, glass raining down.
Billy moved to duck out of the way when a shadow crossed over him.
Juno stood with a massive set of butterfly wings unfolded, shielding both her brother and Billy. She winced in pain as glass pierced her delicate wings and exposed back. But not the smallest shard touched the boys.
She gave Billy a smirk, “You’re welcome ya damn Ken Doll.”
Billy scowled But said nothing. Now was not the time. “I take it your we’re following your aunt’s trail?”
Vespers antennae twitched, “Yeah she went this way.” He answered, pointing down the sidewalk.
Billy gave a sigh, “funny that’s were Maggie’s scent leads.”
She was falling, for how long she had no idea, she was drowning in nothing. It was so dark, the feeling of some deep and primal fear coursing through her.
Where was she?
Who was she?
What was a “she?”
Had it asked that question before?
They found the collapsed remains of a warehouse. The smell of both human and deadlight blood was strong. Billy noticed the neck fluff of both Juno and Vespers had puffed up, but then again his own nails had started to sharpen to a razor tip.
Inside was an odd mix of damage. Human remains, thorn bushes, piano strings. Why such a combination?
Juno gasped, “what the fuck?”
Billy and vespers rushed to join her. Taken back by the same sight.
There was an open door. It lead to a swirling collision of light and color, and absence of anything dust and small debris was being pulled inside. At the door stood of all things an old woman.
Billy growled, her aura was ancient and powerful. She was not human, but there was a familiarity to her. Why?
The old woman turned to the trio. She was blindfolded.
Billy gave a shout, recognizing her from description.
The old woman gave a small smile and stepped through the door. Slamming it shut behind her.
“Why is this familiar?” The thing asked itself. There was something important, what was it? There was something so, so important the thing was supposed to do.
“Protect,” answered The Void.
Protect, the thing mused. Protect something, something, something, what something?
The thing noted it’s… hand on its… stomach. Wha-
The baby!
The thing gave a shout. A bay! It’s baby, hers!
Her name was Maggie.
There was a deep sigh from within The Void, as if to say “at last”.  Maggie felt her wings grow within the darkness as she few up. She thought it was up.
“Where can I go?”
“Go?” Asked The Void.
“Help me!”
“Help yourself. You are after all ready.”
“Ready for what?!”
Maggie screamed in frustration, clawing at the surrounding darkness.
A hand grabbed hers.
“Well this is what happens when you lean towards a self-taught method.”
Maggie knew that voice.
She was pulled up through the darkness.
It was so unnerving to stand before Bridgette in person.
She was incredibly tall, something Maggie had never noticed when they conversed in her dreams. She had a scent that Maggie could not pin down. Sulfur, sugar, raspberry, seared steak-
Mmm, steak.
Bridgette frowned, “I just hauled you up for being trapped in the void that lies bet dimensions and you have the gal to have pregnancy cravings?”
Maggie blushed, how did she ... never mind. Of course she knew.
Bridgette huffed and wrapped an arm around Maggie to pull her away from the edge of the void. Shielding her from the howling winds as some force tried to drag Maggie away.
She looked up.
A black hole was surprisingly bright, you would not think it had light but it really did. And it swallowed everything. How Bridgette could withstand the force Maggie didn’t know, but she was grateful for an anchor.
Around them thousands of Time strings were sucked up. Soon there would be nothing left.
Bridgette looked so tired.
“I’m sorry,” Maggie sobbed, “I tried I really did. I just wasn’t fast enough.”
Bridgette shook her head, “you did exactly what I knew you would do. Excellent job child.”
Maggie froze, “what?”
Bridgette turned to her with a small but sad smile. “When I said you getting rid of the fixed point would help I did not mean it would stop my death. On the contrary it ensured it.”
Maggie felt her stomach drop. “What?! W-why would you do that? Why didn’t you stop me?”
“Because it had to happen,” Bridgette insisted. “Jack is being ripped apart molecule by molecule every time his body tried to reassemble. Soon this whole dimension will succumb to Magpie’s destructive force and his timeline will fall apart, and soon so shall I.”
Maggie shook her head. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
Bridgette continued, “don’t worry they flow of time will continue, this place is just a viewing platform. You should still be able to see the future though it will be much more difficult. But you are as ready as you could be child. You have grown and will continue to grow into your new roll. You will be fine. As will he,” she finished with a pole at Maggie’s stomach.
She could not process what she was being told. She had caused Bridgette’s death, Magpie was gone, the strings would be gone, all of it gone.
…. it’s a boy?!
Bridgette reaches over Maggie’s shoulder, opening a door. “Good bye.”
Bridgette shoved Maggie through the door.
Billy had been closing and kicking the door ever since that damn elder had slammed it in his face. He was not ready for when it slammed back open again, this time Maggie falling through.
He shouted in alarm as he caught her. Maggie was covered in bruises and cuts. Her skin ice-cold.
“Maggie? Maggie!” Billy screamed as he wrapped her up in his arms.
The door was starting to slip close.
Vespers moved to keep it from closing when someone shoved him aside. Maggie was ripped from Billy’s arms as the stranger and carried her back through the door which once again slammed shut.
Bridgette could honestly say she felt relieved. She was dying, her body starting to break up under the force of the black hole and destruction of a dimension that had been her everything.
It had been a mistake to turn the boy into a fixed point. Her desire to find a loophole around the one thing she could not observe had gotten the better of her and all she had created was a gluttonous monster. One that had wrecked the timelines of The Creator’s descendants and changed that of her own. Now it was above her trapped in an endless cycle of life and death. Just barely pulling together a handful of molecule last before being ripped apart again. A bittersweet end to her lifetime indeed.
“Hope you don’t mind the party crashing darling, but look I brought a guest!”
Bridgette whipped around, there stood Blackwood with Maggie in his arms. He grinned, “hello Madam Seer!”
They were in Blackwood’s “office.” The top of the highest wall in his castle. They were surrounded by stars and twilight.
Maggie had zero desire to be alone with the elder bit she needed to speak with him. Away from the others, away from Magpie.
“So up till recently she’s been trapped in a pocket dimension,” Maggie finished in her long explanation of what had happened to her guardian. “How did you not know?”
Blackwood stood up and screamed to the sky above.
The world in the space of a second bent and warped. Magpie trembled in fear as stars fell around them and stone crumbled.
As quick as it started it ended.
Blackwood stood shaking in silence. He glanced towards a terrified Maggie and gave a smile.
“I’m done little Seer, just needed to… get that out of my system.”
“What will you do? Knowing. What you now know?”
Blackwood looked away, “I’m not certain I’ll need time to think. But more pressing is the event of Bridgette’s demise.”
“Magpie will do it. She’s going to-“
Blackwood held a hand up, “Do you have a plan?”
Maggie nodded, “it’s really stupid.”
Blackwood turned to her with a grin. “So much like your elder. “Always needing a plan, always needed to know what the future holds.”
Maggie rolled her eyes, “I’m. It like Bridgette-“
“Are you certain?”
In the end Blackwood became Plan B, should Magpie become a black hole as Maggie had foreseen.
The elder of creation set Maggie down with surprising care before looking at Bridgette. “You tried to use one of my own to clean up your mess. How sloppy of you Madam Seer, I thought you knew better.”
Bridgette backed away, the winds of the Black hole tearing at her clothes and hair, ripping off her blindfold to reveal a large crack that ran across her face, within one could see the emptiness of the void itself.
Blackwood charged at her, the two clashing in a force that gave the sound of thunder. They tore and clawed at each other. Anything Blackwood summoned Bridgette would doge. Two ancient Beings that were equal in strength.
Maggie made herself as small as possible, the force of the black hole above lifting her up.
She screamed.
The winds suddenly shifted, Maggie was set back down.
She looked up in surprise, how?
Maggie looked towards the battling elders. Blackwood was struggling to get ahead of Bridgette’s sight but the old woman was slowin down. Her body starting to fall apart along with the world around them.
Maggie looked up. The winds had such a peculiar sound to them. Like, like-
Maggie gasped in surprise. Magpie’s death had not created a back hole. She was the black hole.
“Stop!” Maggie screamed. “Stop, stop! Please!”
The winds howled but did not change.
Maggie felt tears of desperation in her eyes. “Magpie please stop. You can let go now, it’s ok!”
The winds slowed.
Bridgette gave a gasp, Maggie turned to see the elder was still falling to pieces and had fallen to the ground. She watched Maggie with a look of… pride.
Blackwood snapped his fingers.
The black hole began to fold in on itself. Releasing the atoms that made up the strings of time which inturn began to reform.
“You’re fixing it,” Bridgette whispered.
Black shook his head, “I’m ending the black hole. It’s Magpie that’s fixing everything. Using the last of herself to do so I suspect.”
Bridgette shuddered, her own end looming. “I- I don’t know what is going to happen next.”
Blackwood smiled and took her hand, “it will be alright, I promise.”
As Bridgette faded away Blackwood scooped up her lights. As he stood up-
Maggie slapped him in the face.
Blackwood stumbled back, her nails had scratched into his skin, no doubt leaving a scar. Blackwood rubbed the injured spot, they were going to have an interesting working relationship no doubt.
He sighed and handed Maggie one of Bridgette’s lights. “She would have wanted you to have it.”
Maggie looked at the powerful light uncertain, did she actually want it?
As humid sensing her hesitant the light floated up from Maggie’s hand before ramming itself into her forehead.
Maggie screamed and fell to the ground, her mind feeling as if it was melting and reshaping itself. She was drowning and yet so alive at once. She was drowning, she could see so much now.
Blackwood watched as the girl thrashed about in pain. Her feathers fall out of her head and resprouting at the sides of her eyes.
Ah, new hairstyle then.
The door opened, The trio watching in anticipation as Blackwood climbed out with an overwhelmed Maggie in tow.
There was something in Blackwood’s arms, a strange glowing mass shaped like-
Shaped like a body.
Maggie fell into Billy’s arms sobbing uncontrollably. Billy himself trying his hardest to keep together at the sight of seeing Maggie in such a state.
Juno observed the thing in Blackwood’s arms, at last catching the sighs of the deadlights that floated around in the glowing mass.
Juno screamed.
Realization flooded through Vespers as he fell to his knees. “Is- is that? Please no.”
Blackwood nodded solemnly. “It’s a bit of an explanation and one I don’t have time for as I need to get this one stable. This mass of Stardust is what is left of Magpie, now her lights are still present and seemingly aware even. I- I’ve never done this before… don’t know if I truly can… but I will put her back together. I just… I just need time. He turned to Maggie who was still in hysterics as Billy struggled to calm her down. Blackwood gave a sigh. “Tell Lady Life that the new Madam Seer will explain everything when she is able to. She’ll want an explanation as will all of you.
Vespers looked to Maggie in confusion, “Madam Seer?”
Blackwood chuckled, “oh yes. Personally I think she’s ready.”
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How I Chose to Feel Better
When your relationship with Harrison falls apart, it’s the most unexpected person who comes to your rescue
(2,750 Words)
Warnings: drinking, language, smutty smut
A/N: ok I made Harrison seem like SUCH A BAD GUY but it was the only way to make this request work lmao PLZ DON’T HATE ME
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Harrison and I were once the perfect couple. Every single day was perfect, so long as it was with him. Hell, even going to the DMV could be a blast if he would accompany me. There wasn’t a day when I didn’t picture what our life would be like: a bunch of kids, a big country house in Southwest London, and eventually growing old somewhere on a remote beach. That was all before he started prioritizing other things. The two of us would go out almost every weekend, c’mon, we were British for fuck’s sake. We would get completely wrecked, then poor Tom would have to drive us back to our apartment where we would have beautiful, loving, and filthy sex.
But when I went back to school, he started going out by himself more. I understood out first, I was home studying a lot and didn’t expect him to always stay shut in with me. But I couldn’t help but be suspicious when I would see that Tom was home on his Snapchat story, but Harrison was still out. I had asked Tom about it a few times, but he was just as clueless as I was. “He got in an uber the same time I did, did he not go straight home?” Would always be his response. Once, I tried turning the tables, telling him that I was going out with some friends. Things got so ugly so fast. Before I knew it he was accusing me of cheating on him. It was an absolute screaming match before he stormed out. He came back two days later, sobbing for forgiveness which I quickly gave him. He always blamed it on stress, but we both knew what it really was: alcohol. He had a serious problem, but bringing it up only brought more fights, so eventually I just left it be. I was especially worried for tonight. It was Sam and Harry’s nineteenth birthday and Tom was throwing a huge party for them. Huge party meant lots of alcohol and lots of boys, which also meant a very drunk and jealous Harrison. I was finishing my makeup when Harrison walked in, “Jesus Christ Y/n, you’re seriously wearing that tonight? What, are you trying to leave with someone else or something?” I was taken aback out first, but then I saw the bottle in his hand and it began to make sense. “No, I’m trying to let you have the hottest date at this party. Ready?” I asked standing up from my chair. We were walking out of our bedroom when I noticed his phone still sitting on the dresser, “Oh, babe,” I said grabbing it. The screen lit up to display a new text from a girl named Liza: you’ll be at the party tonight right? maybe we can sneak off for a while ;) “You almost forgot your phone.” I gave him a fake smile as I handed it to him,  even though my heart was breaking. Tonight wasn’t the night to start a fight like this though, the boys would be so disappointed if we didn’t show. The car ride to Tom’s felt like an eternity. He tried placing a hand on my thigh, something that used to make me beg him to pull the car over so that I could have my way with him, but this time it made me want to throw up. I simply crossed my legs, causing his hand to fall of my thigh, and continued staring out the window. Finally, we reached Tom’s. Before we went in, Harrison grabbed my arm, “listen, no funny business in here okay? I know how you can get when you’re drunk, and I know how other guys will get with you in that dress.” “Of course, babe,” I cooed, fluttering my eyelashes at him, “if there’s one thing we have, it’s loyalty.” I gave him a quick kiss before swinging the door open. He had know idea what was coming for him. Sam and Harry greeted us with open arms. I gave them both a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, but I made sure to kiss Sam closer to his ear, a sweet spot of his that he had admitted to me at a party once. I could feel him gulp at the feeling of my warm lips against his skin, pulling away I gave him a suggestive smirk. I’ll admit, it was kind of evil of me to do this to Sam, but everyone knew that he had a huge crush on me, and I was in the mood for revenge. “You look amazing,” Sam stuttered out. “Well thank you, baby. Harrison here doesn’t like my dress much. Do you?” I asked innocently. “Yeah it’s great,” he was practically drooling. “Watch it, mate. It may be your birthday but I’ll still kick your ass.” Harrison joked, but I knew the warning was more directed at me. “I’m gonna go talk to Sarah, have a good time babe.” I made sure to swing my hips a bit more than normal as I walked away from them. I quickly found my girlfriends who were already completely wasted. They were handing my shots left and right, and before I knew it, I was completely wasted as well. Every once in a while I’d glance at Harrison who was almost always on his phone. The idea of him texting Liza made me livid. Out of no where, I stormed out to the balcony. I was on the verge of tears as I realized there was nothing I could do at this stupid party that would hurt him as much as he had just hurt me. 
“Everything okay?” I spun around to see Tom. “Yeah, everything’s fine.” I stated bluntly, praying he would just leave me alone. But instead, he came and stood next to me. “How are you and Harrison?” There was such a long, awkward silence. Was I supposed to lie? Normally I would have, but the vodka in my system gave me the confidence to be honest. “He’s cheating on me, isn’t he,” he looked at me with the saddest look in his eyes. 
“I don’t know for sure, Y/N. I’m sorry, and I know I shouldn’t say this, but you deserve better.” “Yeah, I do.” I said coldly, walking back into the party. I could hear Tom sigh behind me, I could tell he felt bad for me, even he knew that Harrison wasn’t treating me properly. And that was all I needed. All bets were off. Harrison was going to pay. Somebody Come Get Her was playing as I got inside, a genius idea popped into my head. I found Sam and grabbed his arm, leading him over to my group of friends who were standing by the dining table. “I have a birthday present for you,” I whispered in his ear before grabbing a few of my friends and hopping up onto the table. Three of us were dancing on the table, specifically taking advantage of my short dress, I made sure that Sam would be able to see right up it. His cheeks were getting red, watching the spectacle. Eventually Harrison saw me, he’s never looked so angry before. He started making his way over to me, I was so focused on watching him that I didn’t realize how close I was to the edge of the table. Eventually, my heel slipped off and I fell right into someone’s arms. They had two tight grips on me as they tried to help me stand, one on my arm, and the other on my ass. I looked up to see Tom, half smiling at me, but then— “What the fuck man?” Harrison had finally made his way to the scene, and we were in an incriminating position. “Harrison chill it’s not at all what it looks—” Before he could finish his sentence, he was sent stumbling backwards from Harrison punching him. “Harrison!” I screamed at him, but I could tell he was completely blinded by jealousy and beer.
“I don’t wanna hear a damn word from you.” “You can’t just do shit like this, what the fuck were you thinking?”
“What the fuck were you thinking, huh? Dancing on a table like a little slut. What, were you trying to fuck my best friend and all his brothers? You’ll have to wait a few years for Paddy but I wouldn’t put it past you.” “Who’s Liza?” At that, Harrison’s face fell. He knew I knew, and there was nothing he could do to get him out of that situation. “Have fun with her, it won’t take long for her to find out that you’re a pathetic, cheating drunk.” Harrison stepped towards me with an indescribable rage in his eyes, and I was terrified. But luckily Tom grabbed my arm, pulling me behind him. He looked Harrison dead in the eyes. “Get out of here mate.” Harrison scoffed before walking towards the door, before leaving everyone at the party with a nice, “Fuck all of you,” and smashing a beer bottle on the floor and walking out. I was in complete shock of the actions of the man I used to love so much. “Lets go calm down,” Tom said to me quietly before leading me down the hall. He sat me down on his bed and kneeled in front of me. “Are you okay?” I just shook my head. I couldn’t even find the words. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. He has a serious problem right now, but you shouldn’t have to deal with that.” “I loved him, Tom. I really did.” “Did?” “Not anymore. You don’t even know the half of what usually goes on.” Tears started welling up at all of the horrible memories. “Hey, hey, don’t cry. No actually that was shitty of me, you can cry if you need to, I’ll stay with you.” He sat next to me and put his arm around me, letting me fall into his chest to cry. “Why are you so nice to me? Shouldn’t you be calling me a slut with Harrison somewhere?” “I love Harrison, but I love you too, Y/N. And I know who’s right here, and I know who needs me more, and that’s not him. And to be honest, I’m pretty pissed at him, I always thought he was better than that.” “So did I. God I made such a fool out of myself trying to get back at him.” “Nah, you’re fine. Besides, you really did make Sam’s birthday.” He said chuckling. “One down, three to go,” I joked. “God, can you imagine?” “Imagine what?” “If we… ya know,” I don’t know if it was the alcohol, the anger, or the sense of comfort he was giving, but in that moment, I needed him. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. He seemed startled out first, but temptation gave in and soon he was kissing me back. He let his hand rest on my thigh, the other making its way up my body to cup my face. He pushed us back onto the bed and started kissing me harder, I could feel the need behind his kiss. “I’ve always wanted this,” he whispered in between kisses. I furrowed my eyebrows, “You’ve always deserved better than him, you deserve someone who could treat you like I could.” I was certain that it was the alcohol talking, but the feeling of him latching his lips to my neck made me want to believe him. He pulled himself on top of me, situating himself between my legs. I didn’t even bother trying to suppress my moans when he started grinding against me. Each movement of his hips caused my dress to hitch up further, and soon the only thing separating us was the thin fabric of my panties. His hand barely brushed up my thigh has he moved my panties to the side, just resting on my entrance. He broke the kiss to look me in the eyes, looking for my approval. All it took was a nod for him to push inside of me. The feeling sent me reeling, I threw my head back into the bed and clawed at the sheets above me. Harrison and I hadn’t been intimate in so long, so the feeling of him pumping roughly inside of me left me seeing stars. I could feel myself getting closer to the edge, “wait, wait, wait, Tom,” his face left the crook of my neck to give me a confused look, “I want you.” I started palming his erection through his jeans, but he definitely didn’t need anymore help to get hard. I tugged at the hem of his jeans, he got the hint and began unbuttoning them frantically. He kicked his jeans and boxers off before pulling my dress over my  head. “Holy shit, you’re so beautiful.” There was a smile on his lips as they pressed against mine. Reaching between us, I stroked his length a few times before guiding him to my entrance. “You’re sure you want this?” He asked, I could tell he was being sincere, and this unfamiliar kindness made me want him even more. He slowly pressed into me, I had to bite at his shoulder to keep from screaming. I wasn’t used to being with someone as big as Tom, and I let out a loud whine when he finally bottomed me out. His abs were clenching, I could tell that all he wanted was to slide out and slam back into me, but he was waiting for my go ahead. “Give it to me,” I breathed into his ear. He shuddered before ramming into me. Damn, dancers really know how to use their hips. It didn’t take long for the first orgasm to wash over me. “Fuck, Y/n,” he moaned as I clenched around him. But he wasn’t done. In fact, the moans of my orgasms only motivated him to go harder. My nails were dragging down his back as I bit him roughly on his neck and shoulders. His grip on my hips tightened, enough to leave me with faint purple bruises in the morning. Curses slipped through his lips as his thrusts became harder and lost his rhythm. He pulled out quickly and collapsed into the crook of my neck. His hot liquid pooled on my stomach before he flopped onto his back beside me. “I’ll grab you a towel,” he chuckled before disappearing into his bathroom. He tossed me a towel before he slipped into a pair of sweats. When I got cleaned up and offered a sweatshirt which I happily pulled on, putting that tight dress back on was the last thing that I wanted to do. “There are still people in your living room, you know.” I reminded him as he laid down next to me and pulled the covers over the both of us. “Yeah, Harry will kick them out eventually, lets just stay here.” I knew I should’ve left, guilt started washing over me, but the light kisses Tom kept leaving on my cheek as we fell asleep were enough to push the guilt away.
I woke up with a start. I remembered what had happened last night, but I kept trying to convince myself that it was all a bad dream. “What the hell have I done?” I muttered to myself. Tears started welling up at the reality of it all. My light sobs woke Tom up. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” Tom asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “God, we’ve fucked up, Tom. We’ve really fucked up.” “No, we didn’t. He hurt you, you can’t blame yourself for how you chose to feel better.” It was true. What did I owe him? He cheated on me. He treated me horribly. He was the one who ruined us. I let out a defeated sigh before searching for my phone. It was nearly noon and I had a new text from Harrison: I don’t expect you to forgive me, ever. But you deserve to know that I’m checking into a rehab center tonight. I have a problem, Y/n. I see that now, and I wish I would’ve seen it sooner. I’ve ruined the one thing that mattered most to me. I love you, Y/n. Tell Tom thank you for taking care of you last night, and that I’m sorry. Maybe I’ll see you guys in a couple of weeks, goodbye. What the fuck have I done.
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iammarylastar · 7 years
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8. Day in day out.
*5 years earlier*
Honey! I’m home!“ Jack threw his keys on the board and struggled to take his leather jacket off, his hands full of the surprise he brought for Shade.
"Shade?” He called again, when nobody answered.
“Kitchen!” She yelped like a S.O.S.
Jack shrugged and smirked. She surely had planned to cook him dinner and, according to the panic in her voice, was failing miserably. How someone so skilled in weapons handling, close combat, kravmaga and hand-to-hand fight on bed could be all fingers and thumbs when it was about cooking?
Hiding the gift in his back, he entered the kitchen and was faced with a pretty upset, desperate and “what’s that sauce?” body and hair covered girlfriend.
“Jack! What’s the fuck with this blender? It threw up everything when working, it’s shit!” She pursed her lower lip, wiping a trail of some green sauce on her forehead with the back of her hand.
“Honey, you really have to close and lock the lid first.” He showed her the button.
“Give me a hand with that. I’m dirty.” She licked her fingers.
“Clean up your hands first.” He pointed a dishcloth with his chin.
“Just do it.” The smile on his face betrayed his thought.
“Ohhh it sounds like someone planned to surprise me! I’m in.” She gets rid of the extra sauce on her hands and forearms with the cloth. “I’m ready! What is it?”
“Have you been a good girl?” He asked, teasing her.
“Yes. I’m my daddy sugar babe.” She liked playing that game. They were good at it.
“Who’s the luckiest sugar babe, spoiled by the most handsome and amazing boyfriend they ever had?”
“You’re not handsome. And you ’re lucky to have me.” She came closer to him, slowly brushing her body from her boobs to her thighs languorously.
“Mmmm. You’re right sugar.” He licked his lips, bending forward to claim hers.  “I’m starving. Since your dinner had just turned into this disaster, I’m afraid I’ll have you for dessert. ”
He slowly brushed his lips on hers, adding fuel to the fire that was growing in his stomach.
“I volunteer…as an apology. I don’t want to have you hungry and frustrated."  She captured his lips and sucked them, finally releasing them in a loud smack.  "But first I want to see what you’re pathetically trying to hide from me. ”
“What will I earn in return?” He shifted on his feet, making clear he was ready for action.
“Depends on how your gift makes me happy. But you could expect to have… literally… everything… you… want…” she took her sexiest tone to turn him on even more.
“You, filthy naughty girl…” he swallowed hard.
Yelps came from Jack’s back and Shade melted, slamming her palms on her sauced cheeks.
“Don’t tell me…” her eyes filled with sparkles. Jack reached out his hands where a black puppy Labrador was licking his fingers.
“Oh my God a puppy dog!” She shrieked, startling the poor pet and wrecking Jack’s eardrums.
Shade jumped up and down, overexcited by the cuteness of the pup.  She carefully grabbed the baby dog from Jack’s hand and cuddled it against her chest, kissing every piece of its tiny head.
“Jack! He’s so cute! He’s a boy isn’t he?”
“Yes Ma'am, he totally is. He’s healthy, tattooed and vaccinated. All he needs now is a name.”
“I’ve no idea. I’ve a ton of ideas. Max, Digger, Beau, Archie, Baxter. What do you think?” She was so excited to pick up one name for this cutie fur.
“You choose.” He laughed, pretty proud of the success of his first little surprise. The next one would be more…huge.
“Digger! it fits him perfectly. Oh Jack thank you, I’m so happy!” She wasn’t lying -she never had- the smile on her face was giant and contagious.
He chuckled, his smile was as big as Shade’s.
Who knew he would be able to fall in love? Who could believe someone would love him back? He had been thinking about that for weeks, but was still doubting such a happiness could be real. His family had been such a mess for years, since he was born, maybe since his big sister Lucy was born. Forever. John -he couldn’t resolve himself to call him his father or dad- was the worst asshole the world had ever brought in and as great as his mom was, she had chosen that garbage to father him and Lucy. He always had thought McClanes would be confined in disastrous relationships, everlasting fights and wrecked bleeding hearts.
He hadn’t expected to fall so easily in love with her, deliciously getting crazy about her day after day. Which had turned into months, which had led him there.  A stupid smirk taped on his stupid mug, marveling at the unexpected love of his life, about to getting down on his knee, pretty confident she would say yes.
“Jack, what is that for? I’m not complaining but such a gift means someone wants to be forgiven for a big big mistake.” She kept laughing and hugging Digger against her face.
“Nothing huge honey. I love you. I love seeing you happy. I love your face right now.”
For someone coming from a family counting only members with disabilities in love and whatever feelings, he felt pretty blessed. He could shout his love for her from all the rooftops, without shame nor discomfort.
After they came back from their “ante-wedding honeymoon” in Paris, they had tried their best to hide their forbidden relationship from McKay for weeks.  They failed miserably, no way you could keep something secret in the CIA headquarter. Mostly when you ask for two weeks of holidays at the same time as your favorite female fellow, though you hadn’t took only one day in the last 4 years. Or when you couldn't take your sparkling eyes off of that same partner, who blushed furiously each time you whispered something in her ear. Obviously being caught red handed in the janitor room you regularly attended with the female agent, jeans pooled at your ankles, your… inside of her… in front of your boss.
After 3 days of layoff they absolutely took advantage of, they were reinstated only on condition that the two worked in different departments.
Rules weren’t written for nothing, McKay scoldedthem. Their little slippage could have jeopardized the mission, they were totally aware of that.
Shade offered to switch and became the best weapon handling and close combat instructor the CIA had ever hired.
She loved her new job and told Jack she couldn’t jeopardize her pretty face in some street fight and have Jack falling out of love with her because a broken nose or a bruised black eye.
Which was ridiculous. He would keep loving her, come what might.
“I love you Boo. We’ve been living together for months, since our mission in Paris actually. I’ve never felt so comfortable with anyone else in my life. I thought you and I would be ready for the next step.”
“Awww Digger! You’re so cute!” She laughed as the pup licked her face.  “Don’t be jealous Cupcake, you’re cute too. So we are here? Raising a dog together? Sounds great to me.”
“I was daydreaming about starting a family with you. But my life is such a mess right now, between the missions and…. And we haven’t even talked about making babies yet. I’ve been thinking it was too soon. What’s sure is that we’re ready for a pup.”
Shade melted at his heart to heart declaration. “You have already planned everything, haven’tyou?”
“On the smallest details… I’d rather have a baby girl. That’s why I took a boy pet.”
She just laughed at his puppy love face and pecked his lips.
“What’s next? You’d buy me a house? Kneel down and propose to me, dug an engagement ring out from your pocket? Because I can’t handle that cutie pie and another surprise in the same day!” She laughed.
Jack gripped the jewel box he was fiddling in his pocket. FUCK!
He had to postpone his proposal, fuck it was the perfect moment. Showing his best smile and pokerfaced, he asked, pulling her by the waist:
“What do you want from me then?”
Shade playfully rolled her eyes, thinking.
“Maybe you could introduce me to your family?”
Jack chuckled and nodded his head.
“We’re not that ready.”
“At least your mom and Lucy. I know your dad is pretty special…"Shade insisted.
"Nobody is ready to meet John…”
“Ok. I’ll be happy with John Junior. Come here Junior, your speech about conceiving one day made me horny.” She winked at him. “And your gift made me very, very happy…” she teased him.
“Sounds great. A horny filthy sugar babe at my orders. Can’t wait.” Jack bended down to claim her lips, his hands cupping her bottom cheeks and squeezing them.
“Not now. Hands off. I’m dirty and I need a shower.” She slammed his sneaky hands.
“Is that an invitation? Cause I’m fully in.” Jack grinded his crotch on Shade’s waist furiously, obviously ready for her.
Jack stole her lips and moulded his body over hers, moans and grunts filling the room. He wouldn’t think they could make it up to the bathroom.
His phone chirped in the back pocket of his jeans, under Shade’s fingers which were gripping his ass. She grabbed the phone and glanced at who the fuck was interrupting their game.
“McKay.” She pouted. Shit. A call from him meant work, work, work.
Jack caught the phone and put it on the counter, letting it ring furiously.
“You’re not answering?” It didn’t seem like him.
“I can’t. I’m taking a shower with you.”
He carried her and walked them to the bathroom. No mission, no war could keep him from having some fun with his future fiancée.
A couple of days with Digger would calm her excitement down and she would be ready to listen to his proposal.
A meeting would have him back home in the middle of the night. A mission would keep him away just for few days.
He could wait. What are a few days in comparison with a whole lifetime spent with this lovely ass?
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iammarylastar · 7 years
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8. Day in day out. *5 tears earlier* Honey! I'm home!" Jack threw his keys on the board and struggled to take his leather jacket off, his hands full of the surprise he brought for Shade. "Shade?" He called again, when nobody answered. "Kitchen!" She yelped like a S.O.S. Jack shrugged and smirked. She surely had planned to cook him dinner and, according to the panic in her voice, was failing miserably. How someone so skilled in weapons handling, close combat, kravmaga and hand-to-hand fight on bed could be all fingers and thumbs when it was about cooking? Hiding the gift in his back, he entered the kitchen and was faced with a pretty upset, desperate and "what's that sauce?" body and hair covered girlfriend. "Jack! What's the fuck with this blender? It threw up everything when working, it's shit!" She pursed her lower lip, wiping a trail of some green sauce on her forehead with the back of her hand. "Honey, you really have to close and lock the lid first." He showed her the button. "Give me a hand with that. I'm dirty." She licked her fingers. "Clean up your hands first." He pointed a dishcloth with his chin. "Why?" "Just do it." The smile on his face betrayed his thought. "Ohhh it sounds like someone planned to surprise me! I'm in." She gets rid of the extra sauce on her hands and forearms with the cloth. "I'm ready! What is it?" "Have you been a good girl?" He asked, teasing her. "Yes. I'm my daddy sugar babe." She liked playing that game. They were good at it. "Who's the luckiest sugar babe, spoiled by the most handsome and amazing boyfriend they ever had?" "You're not handsome. And you 're lucky to have me." She came closer to him, slowly brushing her body from her boobs to her thighs languorously. "Mmmm. You're right sugar." He licked his lips, bending forward to claim hers.  "I'm starving. Since your dinner had just turned into this disaster, I'm afraid I'll have you for dessert. " He slowly brushed his lips on hers, adding fuel to the fire that was growing in his stomach. "I volunteer...as an apology. I don't want to have you hungry and frustrated."  She captured his lips and sucked them, finally releasing them in a loud smack.  "But first I want to see what you're pathetically trying to hide from me. " "What will I earn in return?" He shifted on his feet, making clear he was ready for action. "Depends on how your gift makes me happy. But you could expect to have... literally... everything... you... want..." she took her sexiest tone to turn him on even more. "You, filthy naughty girl..." he swallowed hard. Yelps came from Jack's back and Shade melted, slamming her palms on her sauced cheeks. "Don't tell me..." her eyes filled with sparkles. Jack reached out his hands where a black puppy Labrador was licking his fingers. "Oh my God a puppy dog!" She shrieked, startling the poor pet and wrecking Jack's eardrums. Shade jumped up and down, overexcited by the cuteness of the pup.  She carefully grabbed the baby dog from Jack's hand and cuddled it against her chest, kissing every piece of its tiny head. "Jack! He's so cute! He's a boy isn't he?" "Yes Ma'am, he totally is. He's healthy, tattooed and vaccinated. All he needs now is a name." "I've no idea. I've a ton of ideas. Max, Digger, Beau, Archie, Baxter. What do you think?" She was so excited to pick up one name for this cutie fur. "You choose." He laughed, pretty proud of the success of his first little surprise. The next one would be more...huge. "Digger! it fits him perfectly. Oh Jack thank you, I'm so happy!" She wasn't lying -she never had- the smile on her face was giant and contagious. He chuckled, his smile was as big as Shade's. Who knew he would be able to fall in love? Who could believe someone would love him back? He had been thinking about that for weeks, but was still doubting such a happiness could be real. His family had been such a mess for years, since he was born, maybe since his big sister Lucy was born. Forever. John -he couldn't resolve himself to call him his father or dad- was the worst asshole the world had ever brought in and as great as his mom was, she had chosen that garbage to father him and Lucy. He always had thought McClanes would be confined in disastrous relationships, everlasting fights and wrecked bleeding hearts. He hadn't expected to fall so easily in love with her, deliciously getting crazy about her day after day. Which had turned into months, which had led him there.  A stupid smirk taped on his stupid mug, marveling at the unexpected love of his life, about to getting down on his knee, pretty confident she would say yes. "Jack, what is that for? I'm not complaining but such a gift means someone wants to be forgiven for a big big mistake." She kept laughing and hugging Digger against her face. "Nothing huge honey. I love you. I love seeing you happy. I love your face right now." For someone coming from a family counting only members with disabilities in love and whatever feelings, he felt pretty blessed. He could shout his love for her from all the rooftops, without shame nor discomfort. After they came back from their "ante-wedding honeymoon" in Paris, they had tried their best to hide their forbidden relationship from McKay for weeks.  They failed miserably, no way you could keep something secret in the CIA headquarter. Mostly when you ask for two weeks of holidays at the same time as your favorite female fellow, though you hadn't took only one day in the last 4 years. Or when you couldn't take your sparkling eyes off of that same partner, who blushed furiously each time you whispered something in her ear. Obviously being caught red handed in the janitor room you regularly attended with the female agent, jeans pooled at your ankles, your... inside of her... in front of your boss. After 3 days of layoff they absolutely took advantage of, they were reinstated only on condition that the two worked in different departments. Rules weren't written for nothing, McKay scoldedthem. Their little slippage could have jeopardized the mission, they were totally aware of that. Shade offered to switch and became the best weapon handling and close combat instructor the CIA had ever hired. She loved her new job and told Jack she couldn't jeopardize her pretty face in some street fight and have Jack falling out of love with her because a broken nose or a bruised black eye. Which was ridiculous. He would keep loving her, come what might. "I love you Boo. We've been living together for months, since our mission in Paris actually. I've never felt so comfortable with anyone else in my life. I thought you and I would be ready for the next step." "Awww Digger! You're so cute!" She laughed as the pup licked her face.  "Don't be jealous Cupcake, you're cute too. So we are here? Raising a dog together? Sounds great to me." "I was daydreaming about starting a family with you. But my life is such a mess right now, between the missions and.... And we haven’t even talked about making babies yet. I've been thinking it was too soon. What's sure is that we're ready for a pup." Shade melted at his heart to heart declaration. "You have already planned everything, haven’tyou?" "On the smallest details... I'd rather have a baby girl. That's why I took a boy pet." She just laughed at his puppy love face and pecked his lips. "What's next? You'd buy me a house? Kneel down and propose to me, dug an engagement ring out from your pocket? Because I can't handle that cutie pie and another surprise in the same day!" She laughed. Jack gripped the jewel box he was fiddling in his pocket. FUCK! He had to postpone his proposal, fuck it was the perfect moment. Showing his best smile and pokerfaced, he asked, pulling her by the waist: "What do you want from me then?" Shade playfully rolled her eyes, thinking. "Maybe you could introduce me to your family?" Jack chuckled and nodded his head. "We're not that ready." "At least your mom and Lucy. I know your dad is pretty special..."Shade insisted. "Nobody is ready to meet John..." "Ok. I'll be happy with John Junior. Come here Junior, your speech about conceiving one day made me horny." She winked at him. "And your gift made me very, very happy..." she teased him. "Sounds great. A horny filthy sugar babe at my orders. Can't wait." Jack bended down to claim her lips, his hands cupping her bottom cheeks and squeezing them. "Not now. Hands off. I'm dirty and I need a shower." She slammed his sneaky hands. "Is that an invitation? Cause I'm fully in." Jack grinded his crotch on Shade's waist furiously, obviously ready for her. Jack stole her lips and moulded his body over hers, moans and grunts filling the room. He wouldn't think they could make it up to the bathroom. His phone chirped in the back pocket of his jeans, under Shade's fingers which were gripping his ass. She grabbed the phone and glanced at who the fuck was interrupting their game. "McKay." She pouted. Shit. A call from him meant work, work, work. Jack caught the phone and put it on the counter, letting it ring furiously. "You’re not answering?" It didn't seem like him. "I can't. I'm taking a shower with you." He carried her and walked them to the bathroom. No mission, no war could keep him from having some fun with his future fiancée. A couple of days with Digger would calm her excitement down and she would be ready to listen to his proposal. A meeting would have him back home in the middle of the night. A mission would keep him away just for few days. He could wait. What are a few days in comparison with a whole lifetime spent with this lovely ass? @kenzieam @pathybo @frecklefaceb @oddsnendsfanfics @jaihardy @bookwarm85 @beautifulramblingbrains @writingismyhappytime @sporadichologramblizzard-ed17414 @captstefanbrandt @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995
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