#poor coby
emil1863 · 5 months
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First time spending the night
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muppenthings · 1 year
Did any of your giant ocs regret being so big and want to be smaller? And how do they deal with that sense of guilt and self-loathing?
Yeah Coby, Tide, Cetus and Keiki.
Put under a read more because it got long. xD
Coby regrets being the size and form he is every second of the day. He wasn't originally so big, he was just a human. He wants to go back to normal so bad, to be able to do normal human things again. The new body isn't his. It's alien, literally and figuratively. He deals with it poorly, even if they're working on getting him used to the new body. He's prone to mental breakdowns, nightmares and panic attacks. Archer is pretty much the only anchor he's got, which puts a lot of pressure on Archer too.
Tide has mixed feelings of his size. When he was with his foster parent, he never felt too big. Ore was just like him. When he was made to join a Oceanic mer pod, that's when he started disliking it. The pod said they accepted him, that he was a part of the pod. But he knew he wasn't really, seeing how differently they treated their own kids. So kid and teen Tide tried his hardest to be useful to them, hoping that one day they would genuinely like him. He was making use of his size while also hating it. He often felt out of place, wishing he was a small mer instead. Maybe it'd be better then.
When he was a young adult, they abandoned him when he was caught by humans who mistook him for a large sea creature (a non mer, catching merfolk is illegal). They didn't even try to help him, which made him realize that he'd never be accepted no matter how hard he tried. He'd always be that "too big mer", never family or even friend.
So after his recovery, he instead used his size to steal from mers and humans. He was taking out his negative emotions about himself, and others, on others. His justification being that they don't like him by default for his size so why not just do what he want using it; they never cared about him so he shouldn't care about them either. He tried telling himself that he didn't care, but he cares a lot about what others think of him. It's a reason why he reacted strongly towards Merry when he thought they called him a "monster". Being called "ocean menace" he was ok with.
He's still very conflicted about his size, having ups and downs. There are days he wishes he could interact with Merry like any other mer. But also, Merry truly makes him feel like just any other mer. And him working on mending his relationship with mers (and humans), are going to do wonders for his self-esteem and make him better accept his size as they accept him in return. :)
For Cetus it's mostly when he wants physical contact. That's when he's frustrated because he's just too big to be fully satisfied. Freshwater mers rub their long bodies against eachother, like cats, to be affectionate. As a substitute, Cetus rubs along ships and cliffs because they're the only things big enough to handle his body mass. Even tho the ships are sent rocking and the humans do not want him to do it. Some days he's just very frustrated by the lack of contact and the humans gotta be extra calm and assertive then. He usually calms down after a session of someone petting his nose (a lot of the electroreceptors are on his nose so if the person is calm, that calm will be transferred to him by him literally sensing their calm heartbeats and relaxed muscles).
Keiki had a loving family growing up which helped him be more at ease with his size and himself. They accepted all of him and let him vent about his frustrations, and cry on the days when he felt different from everyone else. They made sure he knew he was loved, that behind the size he was still Keiki.
Most of the time, he's happy and ok with his size. It's when something happens that's directly due to his size that he gets upset and dislikes it. He is prone to cause accidents due to being clumsy (mostly due to constant sizeshifting making his brain confused as to where his body is in relation to things). So there are days when he doesn't like himself. He's surrounded by people that care about him so he's got a solid network to turn to for comfort.
He sometimes daydream about being the size of a regular mer. But then he's also reminded of how much scarier the ocean would be and how he wouldn't be able to do many of the things he does to help people out. He's saved many ships and its crews from capsizing in storms, attacking sea creatures etc. So yeah. Him reminding himself of the good things he does helps him feel good about his size. :)
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storyofwhoiam · 3 days
The door to the room they had rented in the local inn swung open and Colin, his face tight with barely contained fury, strode inside, Charlie’s body cradled in his arms, bruises stark against her skin. Marmalade, held in Coby’s arms, let out a low, unsettled meow as they entered. Behind them, Grath followed in silence, his normally sharp eyes dark with quiet contemplation, while Bobbi hovered at the rear, glancing immediately toward the corner where Ash and Amy lay. Ash rose swiftly from Amy's side, eyes narrowing as they took in the scene. Their gaze darted from the unfamiliar woman to the others.
“Found her locked up and beaten within an inch of her life,” Bobbi murmured quietly as Colin crossed the room, setting Charlie down on the empty bed. “Her wife did this.”
Coby deposited Marmalade beside Charlie. “We didn’t have time to do more than grab them and get the hell out,” he added, voice softening as he glanced from Charlie to Amy, unconscious and pale. “How’s Cammie?” he asked, prompting Ash's to eyes flicker with concern.
“Still breathing, but not waking up.” Ash's brow furrowed. “Wanna see if the pair of us can do something for the cleric so she can help Cam?” Coby nodded before turning towards Charlie.
"Charlie," Coby spoke softly to her, "this is Ash. Neither of us could probably do as good a job as you but we should be able to help heal up some of this?"
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Two Birds On A Wire = (B)ryanmeppo???
please please hear me out ok i was talking to my hilarious betareader/BFF @eryingsfate abt this and im going t post a damn essay now . BE WARY OF POTENTIAL SPOILER OF THE SUN AND THE SEA FIC!! alr lets do it
so lil old sunflower (my nickname) was rereading the climax chapters of VERY AMAZING IDOL @stygianhearts Sun And The Sea, a song came on my spotify ...
2 birds is so RYANMEPPO (by Regina Spektor)
heres my attempted explanation
"Two Birds On a wire; One tries to fly away" beloved meppo w/ the others going with the plan, ready to kick elijahs ass
"And the other watches him close from that wire. He says he wants to aswell, but he's just a liar." Ryan was in agony solely being there, and he was so horrified and ashamed about his past, so he couldnt tell them about it. Ryan thought of himself as a toy, something that brought pain to those who helped him or showed him love, and couldnt get over the sheer agony, which the wire symbolizes.
"one says cmon; the other says 'im tired'" Helmeppo doesnt understand why Ryan is acting so strange, and Ryan IS tired; he's tired of being hurt. tired of shying towards the light of the sun, only for it to be blotted out by clouds. (this is the point where i nearly cried writing this)
"the sky is overcast, and im sorry. one more or one less, nobodys worried." impending threat of reenslavement looming over the poor boy, apologizing because he thinks the squad will die. And one less slave, one more toy for Elijah; the government lets it be swept under the rug if their wallets heavy.
"Ill believe it all. I wont let go of your hand." meppo realizes what he needs to do to help after ryan tells him his past. his promises he made to rya
"two birds of a feather say their always gonna stay together, but ones never goin to let go of that wire." meppo , trying to prove to Ryan that hes free, that he CAN be free. ryans pain dragging him down
"he says that he is, but he was just a liar." after ryan "died", helmeppo was so angry and hurt because Ryan hadnt been able to be free; hurt he couldnt take him to the symphony, get matching tatoos, argue with him, make fun of his tiny waist again, and tell ryan how he felt.
"Two birds on a wire; One tries to fly away, and the other watches him close from that wire." Luffy, hearing Bryans heart change from being weighed down with chains into a melody of the free, the JOY of his liberation ringing out as he was shot.
"two birds on a wire..one tries to fly away, and the other..." ryan turning out to be alive, elijah & his brother getting captured, winning against the Navy with the files uncovered in the booth. the fate that was seemingly inevitable failure being forcibly changed against all odds. trailing off, it symbolizes that the bird/Ryan is free to choose what he'll do; not letting go of the wire, or taking flight.
anyways this got WAAYYY out of depth and is probably stupid with dumb connections that weren't actually in TSATS, but the idea took form of helmeppo/ryans autistic eyes and looked @ me with them so could not resist.. ty for reading <3
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my-gf-is-kazuichi-soda · 11 months
Part of a conversation I'm writing between Coby(trans masc Sonia) and Kazuichi. Hoping to finish this comic very soon.
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bq1moon · 1 month
oc information #2 - robot stuff 🫀
context here -> Masterlist
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age: 15-17
height: 5’6ft
birthday: unknown
Coby was hidden away by his mother, his birth kept a secret so he could never be modified. after being discovered and taken as a pet, he struggles to adapt to his new life. he’s never spoken to anyone but his mother, so meeting so many new people is terrifying.
he appreciates whenever he’s allowed to visit the library. although he can’t read too well, it passes the time better than anything else. he also enjoys the peace and quiet in the library. he has no friends in this strange, new place, but takes an interest in one of the doctors in the Modification Department.
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Ansel (The Saviour)
age: unknown
height: 6’1ft
birthday: unknown
Ansel pioneered Tech-Mod, and deems himself to be the god-sent saviour of humanity. he’s adored by his people, and enjoys nothing more than hearing their praise. he is, after all, the man who saved humanist from certain extinction.
he likes to feel in control, and keeping Coby by his side does exactly this. he enjoys being responsible for this helpless little boy, and is fiercely overprotective and paranoid. his identity is shrouded in mystery, and many people find themselves realising that very little is actually known about their Saviour.
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Dr. Silas Reeves
age: 42
height: 5’11ft
birthday: June 23rd
Silas is a doctor in the Modification Department, and was a physician in the Old World (the time before Tech-Mod). before working as a ‘modifier’, in the early days of Tech-Mod, he illegally modified himself out of distrust for the new system. he spared his eyes and hands as these were the two limbs he was not willing to give up.
he enjoys taking care of people, which is why he became a doctor in the first place. he despises his current job, believing that Tech-Mod is destroying humanity rather than helping it. however, a mysterious contract he has with Ansel is preventing him from ever resigning.
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picrew here:
less characters here than the post for my other story, but this one actually has more characters in total. most of them aren’t named at the moment, so i’ve just done the main three.
also please excuse my crude drawings over Ansel and Silas’s faces. modification actually looks a little more complicated than this, but i kept it simple for the sake of the art style.
let me know if you have any questions :)
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laf-outloud · 6 months
LMAO!!! Poor Coby! (But also, totally accurate for Ashley!)
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mooneln0ne · 6 months
Hello! I wonder who is the one who name their kid? Luffy or Coby or both
Also, Why ‘Salmonella’?
(First thing that comes to my mind is a bacteria lol)
it’s a funny thing, Coby wanted her name to be something normal like Mia or Catie but Luffy kept insisting of calling her Salmonella and everyone followed captain’s orders unfortunately (poor Coby 😭)
as for the reason why it’s Salmonella it’s because her hair is white like an egg and her eyes are pink like raw chicken sometimes . So Raw egg/chicken = Salmonella
(it’s a very silly name)
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aalesu · 7 months
Expectations for the One Piece Live Action according to my queer ass (unrealistic but let me dream)
In chronological order!
Please show Laboon, I'll cry if they don't
Dragon!! tell Luffy who his biological father is, poor opla fans need this knowledge
Gemme Chopper
Let me see opla Doctrine please
Sanji and Ace having sexual tension (make it as subtle as you want but I need interactions like in the fillers)
Ace being played by a trans actor (I know it won't happen but Coby gave me hope)
Navivi canon! (I beg you)
Bon Clay, please, I need him
Merry's Klabautermann
Maybe it will take 3 seasons but ⭐Franky⭐
Sogeking 🛐
Franky and Robin being cute and holsome (platonic because there's no way oda would approve this ship being canon)
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lild00td00t · 1 year
What are they like when they kiss: MARINE EDITION!
I started to maybe try to add some story to this little series, would you guys like for these to be short stories instead of imagines ? :)
Also ! I added Sengoku just for you @condoriano-67890 !!! I hope u like it <3
• His kisses are usually brief, but there’s so much thought behind them
• His kisses are surprises, and also payment for the rice cracker he just took from your hands -
• You’ll be wrapped up in his arms, and feel your feet leave the ground, his boisterous laughter filling the room as he peppers your face in kisses
• Hell poke your side and laugh when you swat at him, fighting through your defensive oscillations only to kiss all over your face, laughing in between <3
• Garp makes fun of him every time you kiss, which usually ends up in an argument, that you have to end, ah the life of a retired fleet admirals partner.. it’s hard
• Beneath the rough and tough exterior, he is the sweetest marine to ever sail the seas
• You never miss the smile you catch him donning when a group of children runs by, playing in the streets, it makes your heart swell at how soft he is with children
• When you bring it up to him later he’ll only flush, stating that they’re children, and it’s not a big deal
• So when you lean in, your nose barely grazing his, a smile gracing your face, he can’t help but smile
• The kiss you share is so soft, and loving, he dips his head down, pulling you flush agianst him while he rubs up and down your back
• He loves to nuzzle his nose with yours when you’re alone after your kisses, just another small gesture to show he loves you, even if it isn’t in his “ rough and tough “ exterior <3
• Help this poor boy. Should he kiss you first, he’ll be so insecure about how good he is
• The setting was perfect for your kiss, at a festival with plenty of activities for couples
• Hold his hand through the night, stay by his side and lean close to him, and when he talks, gaze up at him with bright eyes, let him know you’re attentive and listening
• When he’s talking start leaning in, even if he stops talking.
• The kiss is.. awkward, his face is stiff, hands are clammy and cold, until you lean into him more, and wrap your arms around him to show you genuinely want him
• He finally gets comfortable enough to return a short kiss before clambering on through the night, his face turning 10 shades darker than his hair whenever you look his way <3
• She never initiates kisses first, unless it’s on the cheek or temple
• So when you pull her in close, you do all the romantics, like tucking hair behind her ear and adjusting her glasses. Once you cup her face she starts to change shades in the face, stammering incessantly until your lips finally meet hers
• She’ll release a surprised noise, her hands would find your shirt or hips as she melts into the kiss EVENTUALLY, she is very shy about kisses :(
• Please, keep her face cupped after you pull away, tell her how much you love her, and how sweet she is, she might just start crying tears of joy <3 <3 <3
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greyias · 3 months
Back in 2011, there was this midseason replacement show that premiered on CBS about a group of wildcard spies that relentlessly haze their newbie while being absolute chaos mongers abroad and causing many international incidents. It seemed relatively obscure at the time, even though it had the perfect recipe for being fandom catnip bait (ie: being about a bunch of white guys with varied personalities).
Every now and then, I'll suddenly remember it's existence, and then furiously start Googling to try and find any way to watch it. Legitimate streaming sites. Illegitimate streaming sites. Sketchy DVD sales that inexplicably have copies of shows long out of print/never released. And then, of course, this stupid Amazon link always comes up and mocks me:
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One can only assume the streaming rights for it are largely ignored, or stuck in legal limbo for one reason or another, and thus, it will forever remain "unavailable". Still, I have never seen a show so collectively memory holed and forgotten as my poor abandoned spy show. Heck, I was once able to track down a copy of Veritas: The Quest for a a birthday present for a friend in the early 00's, a show possibly even more obscure other than the fact that it's where Cobie Smulders got her start.
I have a nearly dead TiVo I've been hanging onto for years, meaning to extract the contents of its hard drive, because I know I have a bunch old episodes still on there (possibly the entire series because I refused to let it delete any of the episodes). I mean, they're all in standard definition because I'm a cheapo who refused to pay for cable and just got whatever I could over the air... but still.
One day I'll get to rewatch it. If I can remember how TiVo's file system format worked.
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awaitinganorphanera · 20 days
HI HEY NICE TO MEET YOU DO YOU HAVE ANY FIC RECS??? (ao3 or any platform actually)
K WOW, It's been a while since I get to answer any inbox questions so IM SO SORRY IF IT TOOK FOREVER FOR ME TO RESPOND ajshjashjash now I'm under the assumption that you're asking for CobyMeppo fanfics specifically?? if I'm wrong im so sorry 😭, but considering how you're asking me and considering how majority of the content that I post on here is exactly CobyMeppo driven then- I'll take it as a yes Well getting things straight then, I'll be breaking down the fics I'm recommending into two (with an additional third uwu) categories, with one being just shippy CobyMeppo romantic stuff and the other not necessarily shippy but implied and/or platonic ones because GOD i have an incredibly unhealthy attachment to these two
Coby/Helmeppo Fanfics on Ao3 I absolutely adore recommend (all of which are on ao3 <33):
1.) Non smut (yes this is classification i’m adding)
Words On Skin by marineduo (spiralxshock)  - The basic premise of this is that it’s set in a modern au, where Helmeppo is a tattoo artist and Koby is a hopeless romantic writer, sadly it isn't complete but goodness it's such a cute and short read 😭
To See You Smile by DamianFinch2 (DamianFinch) - Jealous and possessive Helmeppo + gushing and crushing Koby. This fic is an adorable and angst one shot, with it holding one of my favorite dynamics being  - Its short and a bit saddening for Helmeppo, but it's a commonality in the CobyMeppo community to make Helmeppo miserable 😊
Optics by The_Storybooker &
Choices by Ricky4479 - GOD I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THESE TWO FICS, ESPECIALLY OPTICS. I just absolutely adore works that focuses on Helmeppos past and what he’s gone through, with him almost always trying his best to deny his feelings for Koby its just- F—
Expression by Eloarei - This one is just an adorable one shot with Koby being an insecure flustered mess as Meppo acts all smug with him, some of these fics are more OPLA based, which I honestly prefer since the way the Netflix l.a personalized Helmeppos smugness to be more endearing and less irritating is something i’ll never get over with.
Pressure Treated by Anonymous  - Fics that tackle the Trans!Koby au is just so endearing to me, it's absolutely heartbreaking especially when it writes abt the gender dysphoria and crisis one feels. Helmeppo comforts Koby in this, it's heartwarming.
Careless Whisper by coralnebulas - More Trans!Koby but less angsty and more adorable and funny! Koby and Helmeppo are absolute dorks in this fic and it's so aishjasjsag
Rinse and Repeat by battybatzgirl - Helmeppo acting like a tsundere and denying his feelings for Koby, part 7267352. But yeah! It's short and cute and the characterization, humor, and writing from this author is phenomenal. 2.) MMM SMEXY STEAMY S E X
Helping Hands by leghair - Koby requests a body massage :)
Insomnia for Daddy's Boys With Repressed Feelings for Their Cute Best Friend by Xenophile45 - Meppo tries to sleep and get over his identity crisis and gnawing thoughts by letting one out for his friend 
midnight habits by battybatzgirl - Meppo tries to sleep and get over his identity crisis and gnawing thoughts by watching his friend let one out
Of shirts, sheets and new haircuts by River1848 - Meppo tries to live normally and ignore his developing feelings for Koby, lets one out for his friend and gets caught. Said friend proceeds to comfort the poor guy
all tied up and fine print by battybatzgirl - These smut fics specifically are so unique and intensely ingrained into my mind - Actually, just read all the authors works, genuinely, every single OP fanfic they write is phenomenal including their Kobylu and platonic Coby Meppo content. There's a lot from them I haven't mentioned but a lot of which are Koby centric ajijassaksaj
To be needed in times of war by RainbowNixie  - Ok, this one is NOT necessarily purely CobyMeppo, this is a Coby/Hibari/Helmeppo fic (WOO POLYAMORY) and is only read if u enjoy multi shipping or are ok with this. I do still recommend it though cuz it's amazingly written and the characterization of Helmeppo and Hibari here is so cute. - But srsly, to get into more detail, I genuinely would want anyone who's interested to check it out. This this this this is such an underrated but amazingly written fic, with the story revolving around Hibari and Helmeppo relationship dynamic w/ each other in the context of a Coby/Helmeppo/Hibari being in a polyamorous relationship. The fic focuses on Helmeppo and Hibaris doubts and feelings (SO MUCH FEELINGS) on their love and just utter care and worry for Coby. 
3.) Coby & Helmeppo fics on Ao3 I adore and recommend (platonic/ only implied romance):
a pawsitively bad day by battybatzgirl - Did i mention to read this author - Koby turns into a cat :D
in my mind like a song (in my head like a zombie) by Glitter_Lisp - It's a Modern au w/ Trans!Koby being siblings w/ sanji, him and Meppo got into a fight but make up cutely in the end
Pink by fireontheriver - A short and wholesome one shot, with Helmeppo comforting and providing platonic intimacy and affection to Koby after the events of marineford
Constructive Dismissal by Senna_B - Modern au that ships Koby with X drake, with Platonic cobymeppo being its focus.  - This one is honestly a nice read, mostly taking on Helmeppo’s pov and showcasing his feelings of inadequacy to his best friend. The characterization and writing once again is glorious, authors other works are highly recommended
As Bright as the Stars by your_dragon_just_shot_at_me - A chapter by chapter Plotty CobyMeppo adventure where they essentially just frolic around but with ✨mystery✨
Mirror by MatoMasaharu - insecure Koby overthinks and tries to stay tough as Helmeppo gets concerned in the sidelines
Hints and Glimpses by Senna_B - Probably one of my favorite coby and helmeppo centered fics that does a fantastic job in writing their friendship and dynamic, with it being a great one-shot story with an AMAZING plot regarding fortune telling and future events. Gosh the writing of their relationship, their friendship, the foreshadowing, the plot????? Good lord i ate this shit with a huge ass smile
birdsong and seafoam by literatureonhowtolose - Ok, now I know I might be overhyping a Fic up, and by all means, I most definitely am. I don’t promise that this would be any CobyMeppo fans favorite too, but it's just something that I genuinely, truly, adore and remember whenever this ship comes to mind. - Its ironic I think, that my favorite cobymeppo fic is the only fic in this list that isnt even focused on cobymeppo, and being one of the shortest - The thing I probably most liked about this fic is the writing. How much it managed to express and characterize Helmeppo and describe his thoughts with not much words. I’ll never get tired of rereading it
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maelysgriffonne · 1 year
Hey @botankirishima just continuing the one piece fusion au here, because the thread became way to long..... again X).
But anyways here is a list of all the fusion we created so we can remember them more easily:
Luke: Ace/Luffy
Sapphire: Sabo/Luffy
Sam: Sabo/Ace
Axle: ASL
The favorite Lucy (Lucifer): Law/Luffy
Zane: Zoro/Luffy
Raphael: Ussop/Luffy
Louna: Nami/Luffy
Orchidea: Robin/Luffy
Seb (Sébastien): Sanji/Luffy
Cotton: Chopper/Luffy
Mel: Brooke/Luffy
Freddy (lovely named by one of my friends): Franky/Luffy
Arun: Jimbe/Luffy
Senshi: Yamato/Luffy
Caranougat: Katakuri/Luffy
Anchor: Shanks/Luffy
Crow: Law/Luffy/Kid
Coffee: Carotte/Luffy
Luther: Peter/Luffy
Doc: Peter/Law
And here are some my friends created will we were in a vocal on discord:
Sher (Sherlock): MJ/Law
Devil: Monster trio
Deku: Coby/Luffy
Mike (Micheal): Zoro/Sanji
Obsidian: Shanks/Mihawk
Harmony: Uta/Luffy
Asahi: Ace/Yamato
Spiderlily: Robin/Peter
Jester: ASL + Peter
Martin (Martinique): Tony/Shanks
That all of them :).
MJ is a queen okay, Sanji can't get close to her for two reasons, one she can and will destroy him and two pouting Peter that it. Like I say goth to goth communication, Luther is the sunshine while Sher is the sunshine protector.
Everyone is just exasperated at Ace and Zane sleep competition at this point.
No no I get what you mean, Lucy the therapist will Zane is the emotional support dog and he will happily do it.
You forgot the two queen May and MJ, both of them and Luffy are the only one that can calm down Doc enough. Poor Doc having endless thought going through his mind, an a worrying anxiety level and enhanced senses, he is literally vibrating right now, somebody help this disaster of a man.
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randomrando767 · 2 years
Bounty hunter Luffy au.
Him and the Strawhats are a bounty hunting group, Luffy and Zoro will meet one year before cannon and Coby will stay with them.
Yassop with somehow find out that Usopp is a bounty hunter and he will have a double take.
Shanks will probably join him.
Garp is banging his he against a wall, because why would a kid who grew up with thieves right next to a poor country with a corrupt government ever hate the government.
Ace probably already knew that Luffy was going down that path, he's proud.
Luffy won't wear the strawhat because he doesn't believe that he deserves to.
Shanks will develop a slightly worse drinking problem over this. He just wants the anchor he knows back.
Ace will live in this au solely because I'm saying that the world government offered the bounty hunting group a warlord position.
That's how they became the Strawhats. Luffy will start wearing the hat afterwards, if Shanks gives him permission too.
Oh ya Dragon was proud of Luffy for being a bounty hunter, then not as much over becoming a warlord, then was proud again when he betrayed the world government. Even more so when he learned that Luffy saved Robin's life.
Shanks's drinking problem gets ever so slightly worse when Luffy becomes a pirate and still doesn't wear the hat.
He's genuinely shocked when Luffy gave him the hat back apologizing for going back on his word.
Anyway Luffy starts wearing the hat again after Shanks punches him and puts the hat on em.
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skelemoonz · 2 months
Can i see you draw thunderblast :33
Here's a little yabs (it's actually a long one..) about the cannon characters in transformers cybertron: finsternis rising :3
Everyone reminded as the same, but only for lori, in the au: she felt helpless when she see the auotbots in danger though she couldn't help, someday later she met a fox alike-cat named 'Eve' (who's actually sideways) and told her that she could be a magical girl to help others by making a wish. She wished to help the autobots, after she became a magical girl, hiding her true identity from the autobots and her friends, she kills 100 wraiths a day and then one day. She got sent to Miho's labyrinth, and then met eve again. Lori heard that the magical girls are here too, so she goes to look for them but no signs of them. There's still wraiths in the labyrinth so she kills them as always, Lori still think that she's helpless. She decided to find a way to get out of the labyrinth and maybe, go back to the labyrinth again. But once she find the exit. She saw the reality of being a magical girls, she hallucinated that the autobots and her friends betrayed her, she then met Morris who then told her the truth about the magical girls (Those who's a magical girls are now a zombies) and lori then just kills eve (But he's alive since he's an avatar of unicron) lori doesn't trust anyone anymore, and maybe..she doesn't trust the autobot nor, Coby and bud.
Fun fact: she got turned into her doppel twice, and Coby, bud the autobots witnessed the three heads of Lori's doppel (i used scrouge ref..)
Her doppel is a three headed shaped and can control fire and wood whips, it's extremely painful to her yet she cannot scream for help (what am i even saying 😭🙏)
Ok so the other, the autobots and decepticons, the humans got trauma in 1 sec by eve (sideways) and finsternis.. (the autobots and decepticons can turn into a wraiths too lol..)
Especially optimus prime seeing miho as his daughter figure is now basically unicron.. (miho is just a loser who have a crush on a non-human, lovely)
And megatron seeing lovely dieing 2000+ times-
I hope you enjoyed my yabs :3
Omg poor Lori 😭😭 and screw Sideways, we all hate Sideways in this house
Just all of them being traumatized 😭 poor Optimus and (I can’t believe I’m saying this) poor Megatron 💔💔,,, tbh that’s normal for Transformers tho, they will always be traumatized lol
But this was an interesting read!
And, lucky you, I already drew Thunderblast because I made a silly and low key embarrassing comic, so here ya go eehe
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Episode 4 (OPLA)
-Koby trying to help Usopp
-Nami trying to save Luffy
-Helmeppo still being a bitch
-My poor Koby being unable to help Usopp
-Usopp touching Kaya's arm 
-Usopp staying in her room after the slap (which I am glad that they didn’t change) because he is worried about her safety
-Buchi getting worried about Sham (in the manga and anime they also care about each other)
-The house chase was a very good change in the arc of Kuro, I like it more this way
-Also Nami worrying about Kaya it’s nice way to show that she is starting to have hope
-Usopp babe you gave her that tea once, it’s not your fault
-Baby Zoro doing the exact same pose that big Zoro was a very nice touch
-The father not being an asshole to her daughter it’s a nice change
-Roronoa Zoro being the dramatic goofy ball that he is
-Koby's marine sense being on point with Kuro giving him the creeps
-Coby screw you to Helmeppo
-My poor Koby getting his heart crush by the same Helmeppo
-Luffy throwing up on Helmeppo 10/10
-Nami cheering up Kaya, it’s nice too 
-More girls in the dojo is nice
-Koby comforting Lufffy meanwhile he is throwing up (your crush is still showing!!)
-”Hey haircut” then proceding to punch him
-Zoro getting lost again
-Kaya being the brave girl that we all know and love
-Usopp protecting the girls
-Luffy answering I am made of rubber to the fact that he is a very very stubborn bitch
-Kaya getting worried about Usopp and checking him as soon as she could
-”You didn’t plan for that, did ya?”
-Usopp brining Kaya down the stairs, so fucking cute
-Luffy’s look to Nami, “I won’t the bet babe”
-Luffy hugging the other two and both of them not being ready for it (also the little Zoro kick so fucking cute)
-Another complain is what happened with Merry’s body? I am fine with him being dead but he deserved more respect!!
-Kaya grabbing Usopp hands to talk with him 
-THEY KISS!!!!! WE DID IT BOYS!!!! OMG, YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! Kaya and Usopp are canon babeeee, they are so cute together I am so fucking happy!!! I have waited so long!!
-”They do know I’m the captain, right?” “Let them have this moment”
-Zoro getting himself in the hammock with his beloved sword
-Usopp doing his flag with a smaller nose, he is so precious and dumb
-Usopp and Luffy fighting over who is the captain, that poor brain cell that they share being beaten up
-Nami starting to laugh, like a real laugh and everyone following her
-Luffy and Usopp hugging each other
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