#poor izuku having his feelings revealed before talking to katsuki himself
bitchlessbkg · 2 years
tsu: i would never want feelings my friend hold dear to be revealed by someone else
afo: yeah so you’re the closest to izuku midoriya and he went fucking crazy over me stabbing you so i’m gonna kill you in order to take his power :D
bakugou: … WHAT?!
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samisnotlegend · 11 months
Katsuki wasn’t good at remembering to be mean to Izuku in middle school
This is more of a headcanon than an actual theory, but I think that there is solid ground for thinking that while Katsuki consciously disliked and was mean to Izuku, unconsciously he was fond of and even occasionally friendly to Izuku.
There may have been breaks in Katsuki’s derision, maybe even long ones, where he was able to talk and have conversations with Izuku that were totally amicable and nice. An example:
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This is right before the entrance exam. Mic has explained that Izuku and Katsuki will be in separate arenas for the physical exam, and Katsuki turns to Izuku and basically says: “so I guess we’re separated, huh?” Izuku is surprised, but answers readily enough.
Then, in the next speech bubble, Katsuki remembers himself. “Don’t look at me!” He says. But he was the one to start the conversation. He was the one to be amicable, first!
Katsuki, distracted and interested in the upcoming test, forgot to be mean to Deku for a second. Then he remembered…
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And he backtracks even more! In the first panel, he says that they’re separated so that they can’t help each other. Now it’s so that Katsuki can’t crush Izuku. A total switch in the reasoning and perspective! His expression darkens too. Is he regretting that he can’t crush Izuku, or is he berating himself for his slip-up? Hmm….
Applied, I think that this means that Katsuki’s and Izuku’s relationship wasn’t completely straight forward in middle school. Most likely there were times where Katsuki accidentally treated Izuku like the friend he subconsciously thought of him as.
Maybe they had pleasant conversations on their walk home from school sometimes. Maybe Izuku asked Katsuki for help on a question during a study period and he helped. Maybe Inko dragged Izuku over to the Bakugou’s occasionally, and maybe Katsuki didn’t feel as self conscious when it was just him and Izuku. Maybe he and Izuku could hang out just fine, actually, when it was one on one.
It makes sense, because where we are in the manga now we know that Katsuki has strong, positive feelings for Izuku. Those didn’t appear out of nowhere! They’ve been there the whole time, Katsuki had just buried them for awhile. But children, and especially emotionally-constipated ones like Katsuki, aren’t good at hiding their true feelings. They come out sometimes, or a lot of the times! So most likely, I think that Katsuki exposed his true feelings on occasion and was friendly and even fond towards Izuku.
This would explain a lot of Izuku’s behavior as well. I think many people, when they first read the manga, think: why does Izuku even care about this jerk? Well Katsuki’s good and admirable qualities get revealed over time. But also, it would make sense if Katsuki sometimes treated Izuku as a friend, and Izuku was able to not only see, but to experience, Katsuki’s good qualities.
(In some ways though, this is almost a sad theory! Because poor Izuku probably experienced some emotional whiplash before he either caught on, or got used to it.)
So yeah, I think their relationship has never been straightforward, and that they have always been weird as hell about each other.
Who wasn’t weird as hell about their friends in middle school though?
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hey-hamlet · 3 years
Hey I would give my firstborn if you could just info dump everything about the transmigrator izuku au
i love everyone who sent me these asks - i vanished to play paradice planning for an unhealthy amount of time and now im back to deliver. have izuku's no good very bad day:
If Izuku could breathe, he would be screaming. Well - maybe he wouldn't because if he could breathe, he'd have no reason to scream.
He'd always known he was going to die young - he didn't know it was going to be today at 2 am, alone in his hospital bed, freezing with the blanket having fallen to the floor with his arms being too weak to reach for it. He'd closed his eyes, wished his brother was there, and then he'd died.
And now he was here.
He didn't think there was a hell, and he also didn't think he'd done enough bad things (or just enough in general) to have ended up there, but the terrible taste in his mouth, the pressure crushing against his head, and the overwhelming need for oxygen were pretty hellish. He'd blinked open his eyes for a second before the burning sting had driven them closed, and he'd been able to make out some green-tinted light shining through whatever was trying to squeeze his body like a grape.
He could feel his diaphragm spasming, trying desperately to make him breathe, but he somehow knew if he did, he'd never wake up again. He shouldn't have woken up in the first place - he was dead - but he found himself incredibly reluctant to give up this possible second chance at life.
A muffled thud broke through the deafening pounding of his own heart. Wind pressure strong than he'd ever felt tore the strange substance from his skin and propelled him backwards. He barely had enough presence of mind to cushion his skull before impact.
The collision of his body against what seemed to be a concrete wall was far from enjoyable, but he couldn't bring himself to dwell on it, instead all but mesmerized by the figure in front of him.
Body almost impractically sculpted, with gravity-defying blonde cowlicks, a practised grin and shadowed eyes - it was All Might.
How the fuck could it be All Might.
The man was a fictional character - his favourite fictional character, don't get Izuku wrong, but fictional all the same. He had died and a fictional man had shown up and saved his life. A fictional man saved his already ended life. He was pretty sure the guy was talking, but he couldn't make anything out over a mix of pure incomprehension and what had to be sludge in his ears.
He recognised this underpass, the scraggly dandelion behind the mountain of a hero, the ripped Kamui Woods poster, the sludge. This was part of the 7th chapter of Plus Ultra - the one where Bakugo Katsuki stumbles into the murder scene of his childhood friend/current bullying victim. It was an iconic two-page spread, lovingly detailed with subtle signs of violence that the reader wouldn't understand until a few pages later when the body of Midoriya Izuku (name similarities constantly resulting in assumptions of him kinning the guy) (puppeted by the very sludge-man that had just tried to murder him) tried to murder Katsuki.
It was all very interesting, and probably his favourite early chapter of the manga, but that was all it was supposed to be - a manga. He shouldn't be here.
All Might was turning to leave and Izuku - Izuku couldn't. He didn't know what was happening and he wasn't letting go of the first person he recognised in this whole farce.
Thirty minutes, one short flight and a fractured spattering of questions Izuku had always wanted to ask about the hero’s quirk, the poor man losing control of his larger form and having a panic as his secret was revealed later, Izuku considered that he could have probably gone about all of that a little better. Suspiciously pointed questions aside, the fact he hightailed it out of there by jumping down a fire escape really hadn't helped him look like less of a weirdo. But those explosions could only be one person, and he wasn't going to allow his sudden appearance in this story to kill off one of his favourite characters.
Not that he really knew what he was going to do without a quirk, but, Plus Ultra! Bakugo Katsuki, hold on! Your not-dead not-friend is coming to help!
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bkdkology · 3 years
BKDK Analysis
part: 3/?
Disclaimer: These analysis pieces are my own opinion and in no way attempt to claim any aspect of the canonverse. I just wanna follow bkdks story.
The U.A Entrance Exam
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After the sludge incident, Izuku began a 10 month training with All Might to make his body more suitable to inherit One For All. Although his classmates and teachers continued to poke fun at his dream to become a student at U.A, Katsuki has altogether shut him out. During those grueling ten months before the exam, there’s almost no interaction between them.
Katsuki is obviously dealing with the incident in his own way. Despite being praised by the pros for his incredible strength and bravery at dealing with the sludge villain, he couldn’t get the image of Izuku trying to help him out of his mind.
It becomes painfully obvious that the reason Katsuki was bullying Izuku was because of his selfless tendencies
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By the time the entrance exam arrives, Katsuki still isn’t as invested in tormenting Izuku despite having to sit next to each other because they’re the only two from the same school that applied to take the exam.
This is an intelligently written interaction between the two that reveals an important factor in Katsuki’s growing character:
He’s more self aware than we first thought.
The bully-bullied trope is often grossly exaggerated and almost never has any useful depth to it, the bully torments the bullied because of their own insecurity and there’s almost zero nuance to it which explains why a lot of Bakugou and BKDK antis are stuck on the first ep after nearly 5 seasons of bnha. In this interaction, Katsuki is no longer actively trying to crush Izuku’s dreams or self esteem.
The difference here is that Katsuki used an outward factor (Izuku’s quirklessness) to target an internal one (selfless and self sacrifice) unlike the rest of Izuku’s classmates who only focused on the fact he was quirkless. It’s something we rarely see in a bully-bullied dynamic and adds the beautiful missing depth to their complicated relationship. If you miss this detail, you miss out on nearly ALL of Katsuki’s growth throughout the series.
You could argue that Katsuki’s bullying is a twisted way of him looking out for Izuku. Bakugou believes that power is everything, and without power you can’t win, and without winning you can’t be a great hero, none of these things were within Izuku’s capabilities as far as he was concerned.
In the anime, the actual quote Katsuki used to justify his bullying was ‘Someone’s gotta teach that idiot how the world works.’
Whatever the reason, it surely doesn’t excuse that he’s bullied the poor boy to the point that he instinctively flinches.
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In the exam results, Katsuki and Izuku are revealed as polar opposites. While Katsuki stacked his points by destroying faux villains only, Izuku earned his place by once again acting in self-sacrifice and saving Uraraka without being able to bring down a single faux villain that was worth any points.
This is symbolic of their views on heroism, Katsuki loves winning through the use of his rare power, and Izuku can’t help but want to save anyone he sees in need of it. Now, Izuku has a hold of that power, but I feel his sacrificial, martyr like tendencies were severely overlooked by All Might at the time. I also believe Katsuki played a major role in solidifying that aspect of Izuku’s personality, although Izuku was surely born with the selfless trait, Katsuki’s bullying may have contributed to turning that part of him into what could be considered an illness.
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After learning that they both were accepted into U.A, Katsuki corners Izuku to get an explanation. Izuku has a burst of confidence and stands up to Katsuki, something Katsuki finds odd. It’s the first sign of Izuku’s growth and how he slowly becomes the infamous manga Deku.
I think what Katsuki meant when he said he was surprised Izuku stood up for himself was that Izuku almost never does anything for himself, but rather jumps at the chance to stand up for others like he did when they were children. Izuku doesn’t typically talk back when he’s being personally targeted because he often thinks he’s less important than others, a pattern that will become increasingly fatal to him later.
Next: Quirk Apprehension Test then the Battle Training Arc. I wanna get to war arc already lmao. as always you can find the rest of the parts in the #bkdkanalysis tag
It’s gonna get JUICY
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weeb-stomper · 4 years
Won’t be Without You
Villain Deku x Fem!Hero!Reader
A/N: Hello! This is my first fan fiction that I’ve written. It’s completely unedited, so I’m sorry for any spelling/grammatical errors. Feel free to message me with suggestions and corrections, I appreciate any input you’d take the time to offer! 
Warnings: Kidnapping, imprisonment, violence against reader, language
     A dizzying sense of nausea crashed over you like a wave from the ocean, stirring you from unconsciousness. A dull, throbbing pain in your head made itself fully known as your head rolled forward, chin resting heavily against your chest. You tried and failed to bring your hands to your face, only then realizing that they were bound tightly behind you. Jerking your head upright, you tried again to tug your hands free. Horror swept through your mind, and an attempt to kick out with your legs confirmed that they were also well-bound to the seat you sat in. The scratchy and rough material peeled away at your skin as you struggled, a slick, wet feeling rolling down your hands and collecting on your fingertips before falling to the cracked pavement floor. The disgusting, rhythmic dripping of what could only be your own blood pounded in your ears over and over again like a drum, causing you to double down and fight harder against the restraints.
    Small whimpers and yelps left your mouth as you thrashed in a desperate attempt to free yourself for what felt like hours, only stilling when you had long since used the reserves of your strength. Only now, huffing out ragged breaths and sweat rolling down the slope of your neck, did you stop to look around the makeshift prison cell. The room was dark, a small window set high into the wall acting as the only source of light. Sounds of zooming cars could be heard faintly every once in a while, their headlights pouring into the room and bathing it with artificial yellow light before abandoning to the pitch-blackness once more. In the moments of illumination you could see the bland, red-brick walls of the oppressive room, the shapes of the barrels and crates surrounding you revealed by the streaking lights. The sound of a far-away door clicking open stopped your inspection in its tracks.
     Your head shot towards the noise, panic washing through your mind, and you could see light pouring into the room from the top of a set of stairs about 15 feet to your right. Trembling, Y/N hung your head once more and clenched your eyes shut in a poor attempt to pass as unconscious. The sounds of two distinct sets of footsteps filled the room. They approached your bound figure at a steady and consistent pace, one coming to stop directly behind you while the other took up post in front of you. A rough, calloused hand slid across your shoulder, and you couldn’t stop the resulting shudder. The ensuing chuckle was far too familiar. You jerked away from the sound, tucking your head forward against your chest in a sad attempt to create distance between yourself and Shigaraki as you bucked wildly against your restraints. The thought that those killer hands had touched you, even for a second, almost caused you to pass out right then and there. Tears pooled in your eyes, choked sobs and grunts escaping your throat despite efforts to stuff them down. A much smoother hand gripped your chin, easily yanking it up from its semi-protected position, and you froze completely when your y/e/c eyes met a nostalgic set of striking emerald green ones. Confusion clouded your already overwhelmed mind.
     A wicked smile twisted your previous classmate’s face as he stared at your grief stricken expression, his hot breath fanning across your sweat-soaked face. 
     “Surprised?” he asked excitedly, his hand sliding up from your chin to rub tears away from under your eyes. “I’m so happy to see you, Y/N. I’ve missed you so much since I went away.”
     Reeling, you took in the sight of your childhood friend. Midoriya was crouched between your knees, easily balancing on his toes as he looked at your face with melancholic adoration. He wore a crisp white dress shirt tucked into creased black slacks, a simple belt with a small silver buckle adorning his waist. A dark green tie hugged his neck, disappearing underneath a pristine black dress vest. The black leather glove on his right hand hid the thick scars that you’d always thought were so beautiful. His wild curls had been cut shorter, revealing a neat undercut on the back of his head. He looked exactly as handsome as he had when he’d disappeared during your freshman year at U.A, almost four years ago.
     “This is where you’ve been this whole time? No one’s seen you in years, Izuku, we thought you were dead!” you spat at him, turning your head to escape the affectionate touch. “Don’t touch me!” you almost screamed. “Do you have any idea what this has been like for us? For your mo-”
     The coppery taste of blood filled your mouth as you sat in stunned silence, your cheek already beginning to swell. Your head swiveled towards Midoriya slowly, as if on a post, and you looked up at him with defiant eyes. He was standing again, teeth bared in a vicious snarl as he bore down on your bound form. The tension in the air ratcheted up to an unbearable level as the stare down continued, not caring about igniting his wrath at this point. You were mad, you were hurt, and there was no way he was going to let you walk away from this either way, so you were going to let him feel the full array of the pain you’d endured during his absence.
     “You’re telling me you ditched Katsuki and I to be a villain and you still hit like a sissy?”
     He bristled at the jab, fists clenching tightly at his sides as he worked to restrain himself.
     “You’d do well not to antagonize me. I’m happy to see you, but not that happy.” he said, voice laced with malice.
     “I’ll do whatever the hell I want!” you screamed. You stilled when a weight settled onto your neck.
     A hand now gripped the base of your neck from behind, one finger missing. Anger and indignation melted into stark terror as Shigaraki leaned in close to your ear, the sound of his sickening laughter biting into your sanity and making your skin crawl. As if to solidify the unspoken threat, the black detachable collar of your hero costume dissolved into ash. Midoriya crouched between your bound legs once more, fixing you with a level stare.
     “I’ll be straightforward. I want you to join the league. Be with me again, like before.”
     Your eyes blew painfully wide, mouth falling open. “You’re joking.”
     “Don’t you remember what those ‘heroes’ did to us? They bullied us, they ignored us, they called you a villain. Kachan humiliated us almost daily and no one batted an eyelash. And now he gets to be the #1 top hero? How is that fair? Why should you dedicate your life to a society that hates you? Join us, you and I can be together again.” His hand snaked up from his side to press against your cheek again, thumb running gently across your bottom lip. “We can be together the way we always wanted.”
     Your nausea returned full-force as his fingers ghosted across your face greedily. What is he talking about? Izuku had been your closest friend. He’d supported you through bullying and family crisis, self-esteem issues, classroom anxiety, and just life in general. In return you’d done the same by answering a seemingly endless stream of phone calls about the most recent heroics from the news or glimpsed on the street or supporting him through a particularly nasty confrontation with Katsuki. But despite your closeness, you’d never been or even wanted to be involved. If he had romantic feelings for you then this was the first you were hearing of it, and it wasn’t good news. Setting that aside, you decide to press this moment of vulnerability, hoping to stir some sense of the golden heart you’d always admired.
     “Zuku, is this really who you want to be?”
     He recoiled from your like you’d struck him, nursing his hand against his chest, and a jolt of fear ran through your icy veins. “Who cares who I wanted to be? I pined for hero society my entire life and they rejected me!” he bellowed, rising to a standing position to pace a few feet in front of the seat. “If they don’t want me the way I wanted to give myself to them then they should at least take responsibility for the person I became instead.”
     You scoffed at the delusional rant, anger boiling lowly behind your y/e/c eyes as you stared up at the shell of your friend. “That’s bullshit and you know it Zuku! We got into U.A, we made it into hero society! Hell, you were a top performer in the hero course! It was all within your reach, and you skipped out to join these guys!” The muscles in your neck twitched with exertion as you worked to remain perfectly still, a lifted finger dancing tauntingly in your peripheral vision. You took a deep breath and lowered your strained voice. “We never stopped looking for you. y’know. You could just come home with me. Walk away from all this right now and I’d never say a word.”
     Calm down. Katsuki’s probably out looking for me right now. I just have to stay calm till he turns up.
     At that, Midoriya stopped pacing. He turned to face you, a pained expression on his face. Striding forward, he waved off Shigaraki. You sagged against the seat in relief. The adrenaline that had pounded through your veins had been burned off, and all it left behind was absolute exhaustion. You were unable to resist when Midoriya ran his fingers through your hair, both of his hands trailing down your jaw to hold your face between his palms. He inclined your head towards him and pity surged through you at the glossy look in his once optimism-soaked eyes.
     “Do you still love me?” he asked in the most pitiful voice you’d ever heard from him.
     You leaned into his gloved palm, nuzzling it weakly. “Of course I do, Zuku. You’re my best friend. But...I just can’t do this for you.”
     He knelt down between your legs again, scooting as close as possible before resting his forehead against yours.
     “Please agree to stay with me. I won’t be without you again.”
     “Come with me instead.” you said, not hiding the desperation in your trembling voice. “You and I are the only ones who know you’ve been here, and I’d never say a word. We could make something up and go back to normal.”
     Midoriya sighed heavily. He stood up, pressing a light kiss to the top of your head before walking towards the door. Shigaraki followed without a word, shooting a vicious smirk over his shoulder.
     “Where are you going?” you asked, panic creeping into your voice as he drew closer to the door.
     “If you won’t agree to stay then I’ll just have to keep you here by force, doll. You’ll come around eventually, but until then you’ll just have to stay right where you are.”
    Completely drained and unable to thrash anymore, you sagged limply in your seat. Darkness enveloped you once more as the door clacked shut, and dread ate at your gut while you prayed for someone, anyone, to save you from the man you’d devoted your life to finding for four agonizing years
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polarized-here · 4 years
I hope your happy @jaded-ghoster
So @jaded-ghoster I might have written something based on what were talking about, on romance,,,,,, so It should be under the cut and yeah, I hope you like my poor excuse for love,,,,, its been kinda changed but don’t @ me >:^(
also I have like a theme song for it or smth? Like I listened to the meme song “Meteorite meme” but slowed and it- I- just vibe with me on loop with this bs like stopp being something I would 100% use for writing shit-
Meme song: here
Link to the post where we were talking abt it: here
what I wrote is under the cut
Fallen Stars (wither like ashes)
 Toyotama News articles: The blossoming romance, that dusted away.
The no. 4 ProHero Shoto Todoroki was acting like how he used to in his first year in middle school. He was the No.4 ProHero, what could make him act so cold and devoid of feelings? That was on the forefront of many of his fans, ever since The No.1 ProHero (Deku, he also went by Dekiru online) went on vacation and their social media halted in activity.Though the last thing the No.1 ProHero had done was take down the league of villains main leader, Tomura Shigaraki, the rest of the league had disappeared, nowhere to be seen.
Shoto Todoroki was also seen at an area rumored to have the dead bodies of many ProHeroes. This caused fans to speculate why? Why was one of our favorite Pro-Heroes acting strange, tired, and most of all grief-stricken? 
By the end of that year, when The ProHero Lemillion had taken up the mantle of No.1 and things were calming down, it was publicly revealed that fan’s iconic and favorite ProHero, Deku, was deceased. It was only released to the public from a conversation between the current No.2 ProHero, who is known for being loud, had screamed at the no.4 ‘That just because the shitty Deku was gone, doesn't mean he could act all mournful.’
But what hadn’t been expected was the no.4 just quipped, so fed up with months of unbridled anger and sorrow, had yelled right back at the No.2 saying ‘Do you know what it's like to like to love someone and not be able to say goodbye! OR EVEN SAY I LOVE YOU TO THEM WHILE THEY’RE DEAD’ but the damage had been done as several civilians had been in the area and had recorded the previous conversion, one of the many videos recorded can be seen here, we most humbly from the bottom of our hearts here at Toyotama News articles hope our favorite ProHero in our eyes, is enjoying himself wherever he is—
What the news article had left over in front of Shoto had been turned off seeing the familiar number of the aforementioned No.2 ProHero most likely an apology of sorts crafted from the no. 15 Red Riot or No.18 Chargebolt to try to apologize for Bakugou’s mistakes 
(He had stopped reading them a few weeks ago knowing they were all from others and not Bakugou). 
But in the background, in a familiar ProHero’s voice whispered “You shouldn’t dismiss it off, Kacchan may be rude at times, but he’s nice when you break through his hard exterior.” 
It seemed the voice was desperate and was on they’re wits end. But Shoto knew this was a figment of his imagination, trying to make himself feel how he felt when the love of his life was holding his hand and he could feel the rising blush and heat from his left side while Izuku was rambling on heroes before noticing Shoto was on fire and was panicking and screaming on how Todoroki was on fire—
But that time was long gone now, he was only feeling loss and grief at this moment in time, but his thoughts wander back to his phone and turned it on, before noticing the time was late and seeing how he still didn’t change his phone background from it showing him and Midoriya next to each other with the rest of Midoriya’s close friends, which he also has blocked but it seems for being No.2 ProHero Bakugou was making kirishima or Kaminari write as many apologies as humanly possible for him. 
But that chill in the air made him want to read what bakugou last said, even quicker before he gave up mid way on even checking the message.
(This has happened several times, all of which end with him not responding to Bakugou’s messages at all, or not even reading them—)
As Shoto was reading the message, and wanting to just drop the phone, whether or not because of this is from Bakugou Katsuki Him-Fucking-self or how Mr.I’m-just-a-petty-little-bitch was apologizing, to him, Shoto Todoroki, also known as ‘Icy Hot’ by Bakugou. “What the fuck?” was spoken in a quieted tone from how shell shocked he was.
He responded in a sort of agreement, while a bunch of messages from Bakugou being confused on why he just responded with a small agreement, and anger showing from being in all caps, only spamming his phone, Shoto smiled, for what seemed to be forever to him, he was happy, and feeling like crying tears of joy from some stupid messages from some loud rude mom friend. Maybe he could move on from what happened with Midoriya? Yeah, Midoriya would like that. Right?
Unbeknownst to Shoto a ghostly figure was watching and smiling sadly, still wearing a ripped and bloody hero costume showing off some scars from past battles with others, and his own quirk. The ghostly figure felt a bittersweet feeling looking at their, transparent body and noticing their body dusting even more and their smile turning into a grimace, if they were alive the tears cascading down their face would feel warm finally seeing their own crush being able to forget them, and understand its okay to let go, felt nice.
Izuku Midoriya was dead, but his soul was there in the background of everything, hoping to make their own highschool-post graduation crush forget about him, and maybe see him, when the right time comes.
Izuku Midoriya was finally at rest.
I hope you enjoyed! ÚwÙ :,D
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namelessthirst · 4 years
So this is straight up gonna be a compilation of gross, silly, and funny domestic moments of various characters. And of various things. If you’re easily grossed out, maybe don’t read this. I’ll try to list all yucky things ahead, but be warned. Just a snack while I work on rqs and wips!
I’m not listing every character on here like usual and you can’t make me.
3k and some change words total.
Butt zits, pregnancy, vomit, snot/sneezing, blackheads, farts, burps, poop, periods, yeast infections, B.O., Testicular cancer, pee, pubic hair, teeth goop, bad breath, and some smut.
You were shimmying your shirt on, trying to avoid staining the edges with your deodorant, when your boyfriend hurried to you from the bathroom.
"[Name], is this a blackhead or a freckle?"
You sighed as you spoke, paying little mind to Izuku as you checked the shirt's edges for marks, "It's a freckle, Izzy."
When you were met with silence, you looked up into his fervent pout.
"Don't give me that look, that's the same tone you gave me when I asked you that a week ago!"
"Just- check, please? I might have an interview later," he wheedled.
You huffed without malice, "Yeah and they're definitely going to do an HD zoom check on your pores."
"Ow owww, your nails are sharp!" For a guy who got his bones broken on the regular before, he sure did whine about little things.
"It wasn't a freckle."
"I TOLD YOU." ---------------------------------------------------
"Hi babe," you called from the living room, your voice raised over the sound of the TV.
Eijiro headed past the living room to dump his gym bag on the bedroom floor, "Heey."
"Have fun?"
"Well, you weren't there so..." His voice came through more clearly as he walked back toward you.
"Awww," You cooed with puckered lips in a mock kissy-face.
He flopped heavily down beside you on the couch, tucking his arm behind your head.
"Tetsu says hi," he notes cheerfully, leaning in to mouth at your neck.
It takes a second for the prickle of teeth to pull your eyes away from the screen and into a lidded stare, "Mmm."
You can feel Eiji nudging his leg up under yours, trying to settle you more into his lap.
The firm pressure of his thigh under your ass didn't stay comfortable for long.
"Eiji..." You almost didn't want him to stop the tickle of hot breath on your throat.
"Yeah, baby?"
"You're stinky." -----------------------------------------------
You heard your husband's feet hurried across the floor to the bed, "Yeaaaah?"
"Feel my balls."
"Are we really already past the sweet-talk phase?"
"No, really."
You sighed, seeing the wavering smile on Neito's face that tended to show up when he was worried, and sat up away from your book to cup the presented scrotum.
"Do you...feel anything?"
"I feel balls."
"No, sweetie, I don't feel anything. Why?"
"I just...thought I felt something."
With another sigh, you smiled fondly, "No baby, they feel just like they always do. Come lay down?"
Without a smug comment or cocky look, he climbed in beside you as you made room. He must have been really freaked out.
Nothing a few kisses can't fix.
--------------------------------------------- It was moments before disaster.
The calm before the storm.
The gentle hugs and rubs before movie night was rudely interrupted.
The sneeze caught you off-guard, even caught Katsuki off guard, his hand coming to your side when you jerked from the force.
When you stilled, nose still buried in your arm, he raised a brow.
"Babe, let me up."
"What? Why?"
Despite his protests you moved his arms from around you and lifted yourself up off his lap, revealing the wet spot left on his poor soft sweat pants.
He ended up following you out to change pants. -------------------------------------------- "Ow, babe, careful!"
"I'm trying! This isn't exactly a clear process."
Untangling your boyfriend's pubes was not exactly how you expected your evening of intimacy to go.
Things had been so sweet, naked and cozy in bed, gently running your fingers through the black tufts above his cock while you sucked tongue together...
And now the damn thing was in the way. His half hard dick trying to spring up with every shift while you tried to pull apart the knot.
"That’s it, I'm getting the scissors."
"No!" -------------------------------------------- Tetsu nearly ironed up on reflex when you jumped him immediately outside of the locker room.
"Whoa, babe!"
You snickered at him, comfy even with his firm grip on your biceps. "Whats with that look? Don't tell me you really got spooked by me."
"I just didn't expect you here! I'm not off duty for another few hours, y'know," He huffed.
You wiggled free of his grasp to dip your hand into the satchel on your hip, tugging out a yellow lunchbox, "Yeah, but now's about your lunchtime, right? I thought we could eat together."
He looked curiously at the meal once you'd opened the box, steam wafting out from the pan-fried spinach and egg. Little strips of cooked beef took up more of the box, along with some rice and lemon.
He was drooling with as much intensity as his heart throbbed for you.
With a relieving snort, he wrapped his arms around you, tight and firm.
You got the box closed just in time to keep his pressing from spilling the food, "I take it that's a positive response?"
"It would be stupid of me to say no," he spoke into your hair while his hands rubbed into your sides.
With his chin untucked from your head, you peered up as he leaned in for a kiss. Butterflies were still frequent, though they laid forgotten when you spotted green against pearly white.
He expected your lips on his mouth, not your thumb, picking at leftover spinach from the morning. The butterflies were well and alive in his chest. ---------------------------------------------- Your muscles ached wonderfully as you stretched out in bed. You knew you needed to get up and get going for the day soon, you had things to get done.
Waiting for Katsuki to be done in the bathroom was just taking way too long. You could feel the sog in your panties from your night-time pad. Nasty.
So off you rolled from the bed, shuddering when your bare feet touched the cold floor.
"Katsukiiiiii," you called through the bathroom door.
All it garnered was a grunt.
"Are you gonna be much longer?"
"Go back to bed!"
That was definitely a yes.
"No, I'm coming in. I have shit to do," you fussed as you opened the door. Neither of you had bothered locking the door in ages.
"So do I!" He huffed at you from the toilet.
You wheezed slightly when the brick wall of stink hit you. Goddamn his love for bowel ruining food.
He glared up at your wrinkled nose as you leaned over him to the cabinet above, tugging a pad out, "Explosive sweat, explosive attitude, explosively rank farts. A triple threat."
You squirmed when he took to nipping at your exposed belly, "Shut up."
He quit when you whacked him in the head with the pad, "Brat."
He didn't bat an eye when you stripped off your panties to free and roll up the used pad, stuffing it into the trashcan beside the toilet.
He did however rip another deafening fart with a smug grin.
You only half-mocked the gag you let out, deciding to grab your toothbrush and paste with your panties still around your thighs.
"Fuck you I'm gonna use the kitchen sink."
"Told you to wait."
"I'm gonna spit in your favorite mug." ----------------------------------------------- Candlelight danced against the walls, rolling in just the same as how your lover's hips did with yours.
The scent of them was a bit overwhelming, Izuku having dug into your stockpile and grabbing a bunch of random types.
Still, with your nose buried in his neck, most of it was drowned out.
You bit and moaned into his skin as the tip of his cock ground against your sweet spot, "God- yes! Right-Right there, Izzz-Izuku!"
He leaned back enough to lick into your panting mouth, clearly just as lost in the pleasure.
Your nails carved into his back, toes curling, as you came on his fat dick. And he didn't stop, chasing his own release while the flutters and pulses were still strong around him.
So, you were very caught off guard when a lustful groan broke into a screaming sneeze.
Usually, it was his face getting splashed on during sex.
"O-Oh my god I'm so sorry!" His hips abandoned their assault while he took the sheet to quickly wipe your face. You tried to ignore the snot trail on his nose.
So were the risks of mixing candles. ----------------------------------------------- It wasn't terrible often that you got to top. Denki was usually too restless to just lie back and take you like he should, even when he wanted to!
But tonight he moaned and keened for you so sweetly, legs spread wide and hips twitching off the bed with each suck to his taint.
"Yes, yesyesyes, god yes! Right there!"
Your fingers were a bit sidetracked, their objective to simply spread the lube and stretch Denki out forgotten once they'd found his prostate.
You let your fingers grind into that spot until Denki was fucking himself back on them. Oh, how he whined when you took them out, the pleasure leaving with them.
You gave the back of his thigh a slap, lifting it as you nudged the tip of your strap against his slick asshole.
He sighed happily when you slid it in, but you only made it a few inches before your warmup thrusting was interrupted.
His moans cut out suddenly and his eyes were wide. You were sure it must have hurt when he scrambled up off your cock and bolted off the bed toward the bathroom.
You caught onto the issue and belted out laughing, "You didn't go beforehand?!" ----------------------------------------------- These weren't exactly the sighs of pleasure Hanta expected to hear tonight, but they were pleasant all the same.
It was a lover's duty to love and care for one another, and one he was happy to perform.
"God, yes, Hanta. Right there."
When the vaginal cream appliques proved too short for his sweetheart's vagina, his dexterous and long fingers were the perfect thing to assist.
"Feel better, babe?" He asked softly.
You hummed approval, already feeling relief from the damn surge of yeast, even more so when he pressed a soft kiss to your temple before he went to go clean off his hands. ----------------------------------------------------- It felt like Eijiro's cock was in your throat with the way he had you bent. Knees up so far and hips off the bed while his thick cock stretched you so deliciously.
His breath was hot on your neck, panting and groaning against you with each hungry clench your pussy gave around him.
You were giving him similar treatment, cracked moans of pleasure each time his pelvis brushed and pressed to your clit.
You could tell he was peaking, thrusts getting spastic and hurried, so you egged him on, crying his name in his ear and digging your nails into his back.
He was so close, you were sure.
You weren't quite as sure after another thrust shoved a belch out of you and into his ear.
He was snorting and laughing as he came. -------------------------------------------------- It'd been a bit since Izuku was willing to be atop you.
The swell of your belly either simply getting in the way, or his worry of accidentally pressing against it too much doing the same.
But with you laid down in the bed, Izuku's hips moving slowly above you while he dented the bedframe with his grip, you found it was a wonderful compromise.
You'd missed his cock, finding that with your positions limited, it'd been hard to get him as deep into you as you'd have liked. Especially for oral. The height wrong to simply sit on the bed and let him stand, your stomach being an issue for laying down, and you just couldn't kneel for long anymore without pain.
So finally having the weight of his dick in your throat, the taste of his skin heavy on your tongue, was a blessing.
He was still being so gentle, keeping his thrusts smooth and his eyes glued to your expression, a hand tangled in your hair. Even so, your hands were pinned to his ass, nails leaving crescents beside the freckles.
Another moan around him was all he needed to chase his peak, cock twitching as he fucked his cum into your throat a bit faster.
The next few seconds were too dizzying to be anything more than a blur.
The taste of his cum was never great; it was cum after all. But it'd always been on the better side and had the bonus of it being his. Plus, you were kind of a cumslut.
And yet, you yanked off of his cock in a blink, leaning around his thigh to the trashcan beside the nightstand, cum and some of dinner coming violently from your mouth.
Izuku panicked, climbing off you and rubbing your back as you coughed, "[N-Name], are you okay?"
He reached past you to pull the tissues closer, bringing one to your leaking nose, "I haven't forgotten to eat the fruit..."
You let him wipe your snot and misdirected vomit, "It's not that, baby..."
Apparently, you had to add spunk to the list of things your body rejected during pregnancy. ----------------------------------------------------- It was almost a quiet evening.
A satisfying dinner, and love-making a bit later even more so.
Neito had a glass of water in one hand, a book in the other, smiling contentedly as you scrolled your phone and laid your head on his lap.
The way your fingers combed through his soft curls almost made him want to go again, and he thought nothing of it when your phone fell out of view.
After a few tugs at the carpet and the distinct sensation of your hand on his dick, he moved the book aside to actually look at what you were doing.
You snickered, gently placing another fallen out pube on the tip of his cock, "Look babe, it's got a toupee!" ---------------------------------------------------- You were so cozy. It was a sunday morning, and for once Tetsu wasn't rushing off to work, or an emergency call, or to go train at the gym.
It was just you, him, and the sleep-warmed bed.
It was so quiet and calm, you didn't quite want to even roll over into your lover's arms, lest it disturb the peace and summon something to ruin the day.
At the sound of Tetsu's phone going off, you damned your thoughts for drawing the attention of the universe.
He shifted sleepily, a deep breath against your hair as he reached for his phone. You pressed back against him a bit insistently, holding his free arm tight against you with an unquiet whine.
But, instead of a groggy and admittedly pleasant sleep-roughed greeting to whoever was on the phone, you were met with silence, and his arm coming to rest back over you.
"You're not gonna answer?"
Tetsu turned toward you, rolling that gruff voice that you loved into your ear, "It'd be shameful to spoil our time like that."
His nose brushed up over your ear and at last you let yourself turn in his grasp to tangle into him properly.
"Aww, babe," You cooed.
His hair was messy, his eyes half closed and clearly ready to go back to sleep, but you couldn't help a kiss, just one to settle yourself.
The texture and warmth did just that, though the heavy smell of dry mouth and iron kind of ruined it.
At your wrinkled nose and retreat from the kiss, Tetsu huffed, "That bad?"
"Like a dying car."
"Now that's just rude," He snorted. "Guess I'll just have to do something else."
With his pearly daggers looming over you, suddenly it wasn't his bad breath you worried about. ----------------------------------------------------- Denki had been looking oddly smug all day. Since the moment he woke up, till the moment he was shucking his clothes for bed.
"Y'know, you really did me in last night."
You looked up from where you had your phone balanced on your breast, "Yeah?"
He kicked his briefs across the floor, climbing in with you to lay on his belly, "Yeaaah. My assholes been sensitive all day. If I sit wrong, I can feel it."
You snort, "Is that why you were wiggling around all damn day?"
He just gave you a sly grin, utterly pleased as he shifted his bare hips around on the sheets.
You roll your eyes fondly and lean in to play his game, bringing a hand down on his ass-cheek loudly and going in for a kiss.
"Been thinkin' about that ache all day, honey? Just couldn't get my cock out of your head?" You tease, both by word and by the fingers brushing over the swell of his ass. You tug a cheek open and let it snap back against the other.
Denki groans softly, wagging his ass against your touch.
You coo a bit of praise and lust into his ear while you slip a finger between his cheeks, running them over his well-loved hole.
"...Denki, pull your butt open for me?"
With a smile he obeys, not picking up on your less than lustful expression.
After a bit of shuffling, you click your tongue, "Yeah, that ache you kept feeling, hon?"
He hummed in acknowledgement, though it cut off into a yelp when he felt a pinch near very sensitive skin.
"Yeah, it was a zit." --------------------------------------------------- Sometimes you amused yourself with the idea that your husband's hair was made specifically for you. For your hands to grip and tug at the perfectly tall and available peaks.
But that thought is as fleeting and light as Katsuki's tongue on your clit.
It would surely be easier for him if he'd just use a hand to part you, but he really did seem to prefer merely bullying his mouth between your folds and keeping his hands pinned under your ass, rolling the flesh in his rough palms. Each time he slipped out, your slick pussy making it hard to keep inside, he'd suck noisily to each labium before diving back inside.
As soon as he took his tongue from your hole, you were using his hair like reigns to grind yourself on his tongue. Lips, nose, chin- it was all fair game when he let you use him like this.
You earned a sharp smack to your arched ass when you ground a bit too much on his nose, sure he'd be snorting your arousal for at least a good hour.
Regardless, he tucked his nose back against your clit, tongue finding its way back in to thrust quick and heavy in your entrance.
It would be your love's undoing, as another grip to your ass spurned your guts to release air.
A rolling fart, as well, one that would often leave you shifting uncomfortably for a good while as you tried to press the air bubbles out.
Instead, it slipped right into your lover's face.
He recoiled fast, coughing and wiping his face as if the smell and butt particles would merely wipe away.
An apology was on the tip of your tongue, until you remembered last week's interruption in the bathroom.
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 244: Have You Read This Book
Previously on BnHA: Deku visited his mom on New Year’s Eve and was all “here’s a new letter from my ever-expanding fanclub of adorable preschoolers whom I saved from trauma” and Inko was all, “I’M SO PROUD OF YOU IZUKU I FEEL LIKE I DON’T HAVE TO PROTECT YOU ANYMORE” because she doesn’t watch the news at all or keep track of ominous plot developments I guess. The next morning, a.k.a. New Year’s Fucking Day, while other kids their age visited shrines or sat at home watching TV, Izuku, Shouto, and Katsuki were bussed off to go be child soldiers at Endeavor’s hero agency. Katsuki was all “HEY ENDEAVOR YOU’RE KIND OF A DICK,” and Endeavor was all “SHOUTO IS THIS VULGAR AND PUGNACIOUS YOUTH REALLY YOUR FRIEND” and Shouto was all “TOO LATE DAD, YOU SAID!!” and Endeavor hmmphed and booked it out of there and the kids all followed him and there was this old dude with a beard floating around screaming about END TIMES!! and Hawks was there and, what?? Seriously does anyone actually know what’s going on?
Today on BnHA: Endeavor chases down the old man (who may in fact be an actual prophet, though? Horikoshi what games are you playing) and sets him on fire and tackles him and it’s all very violent. Hawks then appears out of nowhere and breaks up BakuDeku’s tag team effort all “SAVE IT FOR THE MOVIE YOU TWO!” and is then all “hi Shouto” and “hi, you must be Midoriya, Tokoyami told me all about you, I wanted to work with you too, BUT -- [stares off angstily into the distance].” Then, because I forgot that Hawks never shuts up, he’s all, “Hey Endeavor have you ever heard of this book, ‘Paranormal Liberation Front’? Don’t let the really dumb-sounding title put you off, it’s actually a rousing tale full of hidden clues about all the bullshit I’m actually up to. I highlighted the relevant portions if you can’t be assed to read it, well anyways, Hail Hydra.” “Well that was a strange conversation,” Endeavor thinks to himself as he stares uncomprehendingly into the void. Sob someone please help them why are they so bad at this oh god.
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity immediately afterward, and added a few ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.)
so thanks to that little stunt Horikoshi pulled two weeks ago, our chances of finding out Bakugou’s hero name any time within the next dozen chapters are slimmer than ever. probably he’ll reveal it at the end of the arc instead. it’s like he doesn’t even care about the databook. whatever I’ll have plenty of time to sulk more about it after I get to readin’
anyway the title of the new chapter is “Recommendation”, so... actually that does sound fairly promising, though? am I just eternally doomed to get my hopes up? is this referring to Shouto pestering his dad to take on his two best friends as fellow interns? what’s going on here
anyway so we’re opening with this
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I love that it’s the two supposed goody-two-shoes kids who are actually being vocal about blatantly disregarding Endeavor’s orders. Shouto is just not having it to begin with, whereas Deku at least is trying to rationalize his own reckless behavior. Katsuki meanwhile is too focused on doing this fancy kick move to switch his suitcase from his left hand to his right to bother talking right now. reminds me of him playing with the soccer ball as a youngling
also the fact that his case is number 17 and Deku’s is number 18. have I talked about this before? I think I have but it was with some other numbered thing. anyways love the symbolism of him trying to stay one step ahead of him and Deku always being right on his heels. or maybe I’m reading too much into it but anyways rivals, yay
damn Endeavor is really determined to get ahead of them though
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uh oh Horikoshi how much action did you pack into this chapter. starting to run out of time to finish all your panels again huh. you had a whole extra week! how fucking insane is this arc going to be holy shit
anyways Endeavor way to leave your brand new interns behind minutes after meeting them for the first time smdh. this is exactly how it went down with Hawks and Tokoyami
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okay so like, I know a flash fire is an actual thing, but for a second I started wondering if in this kind of context (with him speeding off), it might also be a reference to the DC hero. then I remembered that the name of Endeavor’s technique is different in Japanese and the pun probably doesn’t translate. ah well
anyways dude is fast. but I wouldn’t count the kids out yet, they’re all pretty fast too!
so now we’re back downtown with Old Man Doom And Gloom, and oddly enough it seems that this isn’t actually an out-of-the-ordinary occurrence?
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fucking quirk society. you guys are just so desensitized to the most bizarre fucking things. but I guess we in the 21st century are hardly ones to talk ourselves sigh
anyway now he’s being a bit more extra than usual and they’re starting to worry
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?? the fuck is that? that sure as hell isn’t Hawks or Endeavor lmao. IF IT’S SLIDIN’ GO I SWEAR TO GOD
or wait, is it still the old man talking? should I actually be paying attention to his ramblings, my bad
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is that a fucking Spirit Bomb
(ETA: in truth this is the most badass attack name that has ever existed or will ever exist and I should give it its proper due actually.)
so now I guess he’s hurtling it at them??
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...hold up one sec
“revelations from the universe, I have received. flee, flee good citizens. the Dark Lord’s lips curl into a wicked crescent” -- holy shit, this all tracks?? IS THIS DOOMSDAY CRACKPOT MOTHERFUCKER ACTUALLY RIGHT ON THE FUCKING MONEY HOLY SHIT. ARE YOU A WITCH GOOD SIR. DID YOU WRITE A BOOK OF HIGHLY ACCURATE AND DEVASTATINGLY WITTY PROPHECIES BY ANY CHANCE
“the end is nigh! the wicked stars are conspiring against us! we must stop them! the earth is on the verge of being engulfed by darkness! flee, my fellow citizens! I am the one who shall destroy this source of darkness! be revealed! servants of the dark lord, come forth!”
okay listen. if he’s aiming this fucking thing at Hawks, though, after a speech like that? fuck it, I’m a believer. I’m sorry old man, I wrote you off without a second thought and here you are being the only one who’s actually like “HELLO!!!? PEOPLE!!!? THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS!!?! THEY HAVE AN ARMY!!? AND NOUMUS!??! FUUUUUUUUCK”
and I don’t know where you’re getting your information, but those are some legit-ass universe revelations. fucking even talks about the “Dark Lord” specifically only describing his lips. because he doesn’t have anything else to describe nowadays, face-wise. shit that is spooky
anyway so that sure was unexpected. let’s see what shenanigans Master Roshi here is gonna get himself into next
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did my boy just get fucking flashfired. jesus Endeavor show some fucking mercy
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someone want to explain to this man the concept of a proportionate response? anyone? ...
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fucking Todorokis I swear to god. if they weren’t all so good at being amazing superheroes, they could easily fall back on a career of being dramatic bitches for hire instead
anyways when did Endeavor change his clothes. this dude was wearing a turtleneck and slacks thirty seconds ago. did he literally just burn them off. how. what. fucking plot holes left and right
lol imagine if like on the next page the interns finally catch up and they’re like holding his fucking jacket and looking peeved
-- holy fucking shit, Endeavor
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not cool, dude!! what the fuck. this isn’t a fucking Noumu for fuck’s sake THAT IS A HUMAN PERSON
(ETA: I guess he ended up being okay, but shit, for a moment it looked like we were going full blown Raiders of the Lost Ark over here. anyways the moral of this story is that Endeavor is terrifying, fuck.)
so now of course Nostradamus is trying to get the fuck out of there, because if he sticks around Endeavor apparently has no qualms about burning him alive. fuck me Endeavor, I’m still rooting for your redemption arc my dude, but tbh if Dabi happens to pop up out of nowhere here looking for some revenge I’m not gonna say no to it right now. quit burning people alive!!
so now 12/21/2012 is zooming down an alley and Endeavor is zooming after him and telling some extra with a sword to stay and lead the evacuation
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Endeavor have you flown yourself right into a trap?
oh my god what the fuck is this
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it’s like Dabi VS the Liberation Army all over again. fucking check all these motherfuckers who apparently want to get themselves deep fried. this one guy really thinks he’s going to clock the Number One with a piece of fucking PVC pipe
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LOOKS LIKE WE GOT OURSELVES A RUCKUS, BOYS! you better believe I have the Powerpuff Girls theme song playing in my head right now
-- !!!
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pour one out for these poor sobs who somehow got themselves caught up in an accidental pincer attack between the dynamic fucking duo and fucking Angry Bird here. where the fuck is Shouto btw. or is he the one that got stuck carrying Endeavor’s jacket
loool look at Hawks out here making friends
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oh my god though you guys look at this??
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1. Bakugou and Deku IN PERFECT SYNC, not even thinking about it. just effortless. that was an amazing tag team thing you guys had going on before SOMEONE stepped in and ruined it all omg. do you want me to talk to Hawks for you. I’ve been meaning to discuss some other things with him anyway so it’s not like it’d be going out of my way. can you believe this fucking pigeon blocked my number. WHERE IS JEANIST YOU BASTARD
anyways 2. “I thought Endeavor might have been in a tough spot” that’s a funny way of saying “I was lonely and missed my angry arson dad”! and fucking look at this ridiculous bantering between them. “did it look like I was in a tough spot?” I FUCKING CAN’T YOU GUYS PLEASE STOP
and 3. Shouto just watching. is he impressed by his dad? or just trying to figure out whether Hawks is his dad’s adopted son or boyfriend. I’m pretty sure it’s the former, Shouto, but I don’t blame you for being confused, Hawks just has that kind of energy with everyone
oh my god
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somebody arrest this man. I can’t fucking deal with your cheeky fucking face Hawks
is Skeptic getting all of this?? are they sitting there with bowls of popcorn back at the League of Pliff HQ trying to figure out whether Endeavor and Hawks are dating
...and shit, I just realized the League officially knows now that the disaster trio is interning with the number one. so that’s fucking great. not that it would have been a secret for long, but still, things are officially starting to get real. in hindsight, after the Kamino arc we had a nice long stretch of chapters in which Deku, Kacchan, and Shouto were not in immediate danger from the main fucking villains, so that was nice while it lasted I guess. those days will soon be behind us
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fucking shit Hawks could you be any more ominous. oh my god this arc really is going to kill me
so now we’re cutting away to somewhere. Pliff?
-- oh, nope, still in the same place, we just fast-forwarded to the part where the police came to haul all the bad guys away
and now the manga is being all clever and foreshadowing-y and would you look at this
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BUT IS HE TALKING ABOUT ENDEAVOR, OR HAWKS omg. or hell, he could even be talking about Deku. or AFO even though he’s not actually there. point is, you know he’s not actually wrong. but what is he actually trying to tell us ahhhhhh Servant of the Stars please reveal your secrets
(ETA: in all seriousness you guys, I’m fully down for counting this as a prophecy. it’s already canon that future-seeing quirks are a thing, so. the only problem is that this is some Game of Thrones-level ambiguity as far as who he’s actually talking about. it seriously could be anyone. anyways at least we’ve got some shiny new theory material to play around with here so that’s nice.)
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how does every single person Deku meets not greet him this way?? I sure as hell would. “well if it isn’t the kid who just. fuckin blew up his own hands on live television, multiple times. salutations”
anyways where’s Katsuki, the boy whose previous hero mentor you murdered in cold blood but he doesn’t actually know that yet. when are we gonna start in on that?
Hawks says he’s heard about Deku from Tokoyami. and he even says he would have liked to work with Deku too, wow. that’s high praise
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is this entire arc just going to consist of Hawks saying cryptic things with double meanings known only to him and then glancing sideways at the camera all broodingly omg
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Katsuki’s natural instinct to dislike 100% of newcomers on sight might work out to his advantage here. Hawks’s maxed-out Charisma stats VS Katsuki’s middling Perception stats which nonetheless have a tendency to land high whenever he performs an ability check! I might need to back off from this metaphor though before it becomes really obvious that I don’t actually play D&D
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omg Endeavor can’t a guy just drop in on his grumpy pal out of the blue to make sure he’s doing okay without having some sort of ulterior motive? why are you so sure that Hawks showing up means that plot must be happening. because you’re not wrong, is the thing. but he’s probably just being standoffish for show
holy shit and now Hawks is just pulling out the Liberation Army’s book just like that?? IS HE ALLOWED TO DO THAT
(ETA: “let’s see, what’s a subtle way I can try and clue Endeavor in on the fact that I’ve become an undercover agent in the Paranormal Villain League of Liberation Front Armies. ... ...shit I’m not good at this.”)
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and since when was this book called “Paranormal Liberation Front”?? did they change the title to match the new name?
and what’s Hawks’s game here, though? is he going to play it as though he’s secretly investigating Pliff? you know, like he actually is doing? is this some kind of hiding in plain sight thing or what
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guys. is Hawks just... actually really bad at being a secret agent. omg
so he’s all “DESTRO’S IDEALS ARE EVERYTHING WE COULD ASK FOR” and lol what. fucking look at Endeavor’s face though
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this motherfucker could use a boost of his own wisdom stats, fff
(ETA: swear to god he’s two seconds away from a Katsuki-style “hah?!”)
oh my god
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fucking fuck me. he better have highlighted a really obvious section of that book, because otherwise I’m not gonna hold out hope for this message getting across at all. at least we know what that “recommendation” title was referring to now I guess
(ETA: Endeavor: [reading the highlighted section backwards] “‘‘it’s fun to smoke marijuana’!? what in the --”)
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at least Endeavor now has some nerdy interns who fucking love to read. hell, Deku has probably already read the book. please help this dumb jock to understand his bird son’s coded message, Deku-Wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope
and that’s the end of the chapter! except that I heard there was a new poster for Heroes Rising that was released as well! how come it wasn’t included here now I have to go hunt it down
son of a bitch is this really the best quality that’s available? damn
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well all right. not really much going on here that’s a big revelation or anything, aside from the surprise inclusion of Hawks in the upper right hand corner. did we know he was going to be in this? and like, even if the anime does make it as far as his debut in season 4, will it have reached that point by the time the movie premieres in December? glad I caught up beforehand if they’re gonna start spoiling things like this
so that’s all she wrote for this week! databook is due out next week so that should be fun! we’re finally going to get Hawks’s real name from what I understand. so I can start yelling at him using his full name like a disappointed mom. I have a feeling that’s going to come in handy a lot during this arc. go to your room young man
(ETA: and just watch it be the Japanese equivalent of “Judas McMurder” or some shit. smh. y’all. we stan a shady bitch.)
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unsuccesscr · 5 years
On “Kacchan”;
I’ve had some people mention that it doesn’t make too much sense for Izuku to refer to Bakugo by such a familiar nickname when he spent so much time making him miserable, and similarly; it doesn’t make sense that Bakugo would seemingly be fine with this despite his distaste for Izuku and any of his attempts at familiarity.
I agree and I think this is partly just a poor writing decision, however, I do have my own reason/analysis as to why Izuku calls Bakugo Kacchan and why Bakugo is ok with it (pertaining to my own portrayal on @specthrum​ )
First, as I mentioned with this post Izuku, in general, has a rather childish way of speaking for someone his age. It’s a force of habit he has yet to break. We know from flashbacks that, while Bakugo pretty much always treated him poorly, Izuku used to view their relationship in a positive light. He started calling him Kacchan then, and never broke the habit.
Bakugo, during that time, does not express the distaste for Izuku that he has later in life. He’s certainly not nice to him, but his attacks are less malicious in the sense that he dislikes Izuku and more malicious in the sense that Izuku is someone to gauge himself against. The “nothing” to his “the best”
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During this time frame Bakugo may be mean to Izuku, but it’s clearly not intended as a way to push him away or get rid of him. He’s enjoying having Izuku there to compare himself to, and that’s why we see him continue to do so in times of stress after entering UA. He has a breakdown after the battle test not only because Izuku won but because he thought other students could potentially beat him.
 As a result, he makes every aspect about the sports festival about beating izuku, even if Izuku is not his opponent. Because Izuku’s always been the person who is beneath him, the person who is always trying to catch up to him. And this bolsters Bakugo’s confidence.
This is why he allows Izuku to continue to call him Kacchan without protest, because it reaffirms his status as someone Izuku admires and therefore someone who is better. It’s a reminder of all the years that he was the leader of their little group, and the top student at Aldera. (conversely, Izuku outright praising him backfires and he feels as if he’s being patronized)
So, then, back to Izuku; Why does Izuku continue to call Bakugo Kacchan even after their relationship has gone sour? Especially since, as I’ve mentioned, it reaffirms Bakugo’s status as better than him?
There’s a mixture of reasons and it’s not simple nostalgia. Izuku, upon starting UA, is under no illusion that he and Bakugo are friends. He refers to him, openly, as someone who bullies him and hates him. He says they /used/ to be friends, but not that they still are. And when entering Class 1-A for the first time, he’s hoping that Bakugo will not be there.
However, thee’s something interesting about what Izuku says/thinks during the battle test that caught my attention;
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This, along with other things he says and does gives us, the audience a clear perspective on how Izuku views people. I’ve described this before so I won’t go into much detail except to say that Izuku views people as neutral, actions are good or bad but people are neutral. This doesn’t erase the bad things they’ve done, but it does open the possibility that they can suddenly start making good choices.
Izuku also points out, before the entrance exam; that Bakugo has stopped outright attacking him since the sludge villain incident. This is short lived, however, as Bakugo starts attacking him again after the entrance exam. I think the fact that Izuku was willing to point that out, after everything, shows that he’s holding out hope that Bakugo’s behavior will suddenly change.
This also circles back to a theme I've talked about many times before; repression and Izuku’s relationship to the idea of forgiveness. In Deku vs Kacchan 2.0 Izuku reveals that he relates his feelings of aggression and competitiveness to Bakugo’s attitude; and thus those feelings make him uncomfortable.
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Now this is where the AU veers off from canon because a lot of Izuku’s thoughts and dialogue during this fight directly pertain to OFA which is, of course, not part of this blog. 
But the bottom line is because of Bakugo’s volatile personality, Izuku associates emotions like anger, frustration, jealousy, and hatred with that personality. He associates them with being cruel and mean (a standard he doesn’t seem to apply to others but what can I say his self hatred knows no bounds or logic) and thus avoids them, and pretends they aren’t feelings that he has.
Part of this is treating Bakugo the same way he always has, albeit with more of a willingness to stand up for himself. This is also why Kacchan has become Katsuki in pro hero verse, even though he still refers to Leia as Leichan. It’s because he has a healthier relationship with his own negative emotions. He doesn’t forgive Bakugo and he isn’t going to pretend he does.
Prior to entering UA; using Kacchan is also a self preservation technique, along with avoiding attention. Izuku may not know the exact reason why, but he knows Bakugo likes being called Kacchan so he does so to placate him. We see first hand during the final exam that Izuku is willing to bend over backwards to prevent Bakugo from becoming angry with him. And that’s probably a contributing factor as to how it became a habit in the first place.
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lucindadarkhive · 6 years
October writing prompts
Heyo! So, I thought I’d participate this year in the October Writing Prompts! I’m already late lmao, but I found the prompts late,,,, Anyway! Here’s the first day’s prompt!!
Day 1: Transformation
Fandom: BNHA
Words: 1205
Pair: Bakugou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki didn’t believe in myths. Most were lies based on what someone thought they saw anyway. He didn’t believe, so why was he witnessing one of those myths right before his eyes?
The night was young, the sun had just set finally allowing the full moon to shine brightly against the deep navy blue painting of a sky. Bakugou was heading home from a study session at Kirishima’s, they had a test and a presentation the next day and he’d be damned if they failed because of the red-head. With his hands stuffed deep into his pockets and a scowl on his face, he made his trek home. After exiting the train station it was only a 20-minute walk home. Not even ten minutes into his walk he ran into Izuku, the feeling of annoyance bubbled up in him.
“Outta my way, damn nerd!” Of course, at this, he’d expect the green haired boy to tense up and stutter out an apology. He didn’t. In fact, his reaction was so opposite Katsuki did a double take to make fucking sure it was really Deku who he’d been talking to. Same fucking ugly banana yellow backpack and red sneakers, same lame green hair and wolf ears. … Wait, wolf ears?! The ash blonde blinked again, taking into account that Izuku was now looking at him, a pained and frightful look in his eyes. In that instant his mind drifted to the myth of hybrids; wolves taking the form of humans and only under the light of the full moon would their true forms be revealed. Would he be his next target?
“K-Kacchan, get out of here! I-It’s not safe!”
“Haah? Who the hell are you to tell me what’s safe or not, shitty Deku?!” Katsuki, being the prideful, arrogant and stubborn adult he was marched over to the writhing broccoli haired boy. Sharp crimson bored into frantic jade, both pairs of eyes never wavering from one another.
“Don’t be stupid, Kacchan! Go before it’s too late!” Despite Izuku’s obvious pains and worry for his childhood friend, there was something in his eyes, a defiant flame that couldn’t wait to smother the blonde. The green haired boy felt another wave of pain wrack his form once more bringing him to his knees. Releasing a strangled cry his hands shot to his hair, his body was changing. It was always painful at first, even when he didn’t try to resist it, it’d only made him tired in the end and more likely for his alter to take over. However, today, at this moment he was resisting with all his might. “K-Kacchan, please! For once just-! Stay a while, Katsuki.”
Oh. That was new, he’d never heard Izuku’s voice so… menacing. Nor had he heard Deku call him by his first name ever since they were kids. It’d always been “Kacchan this or Kacchan that.”, but never Katsuki. The ash blonde wasn’t sure of his actions anymore, and that was his biggest mistake. Instead of listening to his friend he held firm, glaring down at the transforming boy. Bakugou believed himself to be scary by his own standards, not to mention stronger than someone smaller than him. If all that was true, why did he feel the need to run? Why was he feeling like he was the smaller one? Frozen in shock and fear he watched as his childhood friend began morphing into something, less human and far more feral. Small rounded ears became pointed whilst his muscles expanded, buffing him up. Nails extended and sharpened to claws, his mouth extended into a snout, canines sharpening until his fangs just barely peeked from his upper lip. The sound of bones breaking and reforming to that of a wolf left a sickening feeling in the pit of Katsuki’s stomach. He wanted to throw up, he didn’t believe in the Hybrid myth. He wasn’t one so why should he?! Yet, his childhood friend, his longtime crush was changing right before his eyes. Everything he silently aspired to be was exactly what he rejected from his mind. Once his bones had finished adjusting, fur covered his body, confirming that it was indeed not his fur that added to his muscle. Speaking of fur, it wasn’t poofy like his usual curly head of hair. The fur that covered his body was sleek like it’d been intricately brushed down piece by piece.
“Kac-suki, hah, you should’ve listened to your friend~ He’s been so restless as of late. Poor little Izuku, so tired, so needy, so… hungry” The new voice unsettled Katsuki deep in his being, staring at the bipedal beast he took into account to notice that. Even though now much more terrifying, he still kind of looked like Deku. His Deku, but he knew to better than to let his feelings get the better of him. Cautiously he took a small step back, his apartment was only a few blocks away. He could probably make it? His calculating thoughts were cut short when he heard the beast laugh, deep and gravely, it made him shiver.
“Are you really going to try to outrun me? Oh, Katsuki how cute.” Izuku hummed, lowering to all fours whilst he rolled his shoulders. “Very well, you have ten seconds.”
Bakugou instantly took off after that, his feet heavily pounding against the pavement. If he could put enough distance between himself and whatever that beast was he’d be fine. He could make it home safely! Don’t fucking look back, ever. Katsuki panted, sharp pupils focused on the path ahead. Adrenaline filled his system just as he spotted his apartment, he would make it! “Hah! Stupid Deku, you should’ve known you wouldn’t catch me!” He cackled, slowing to a steady jog, so long as he stayed ahead he’d be fine. Despite him continuing to move he felt the creeping feeling of being watched… like he was being hunted. Katsuki shook his head, ridding the thoughts as he jogged up to his front door. He pulled out his keycard only to release a shriek when the familiar figure of a wolf appeared in his vision.
“I told you, Katsuki, you can’t run from me.” He mused, shocking the blonde. A wolfish grin spread across his snout showing off many razor-like canines whilst his dark forest green eyes glinted with cruel amusement. “It was a cute try, however.” He chuckled, snatching him up causing Katsuki to squirm and wriggle in his grasp.
“Let go! Fucking let go, damn it!” He roared, helplessly clawing at the arm that held him, hostage, but deep down he knew it was futile. His nails were nothing compared to the massive claws that would probably tear him in two.
Izuku glanced back at the clawing adult, smirking at how much the man continued to fight even though there would be no escaping. He admired that about the blonde, having the audacity to persist even though deep down he knew he was finished. A cold chuckle escaped him and he continued to drag the screaming adult into the forest. Being in the dead of night had its advantages, now he truly was glad he decided to stay out later than usual. “You’re finished, Kacchan.”
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redrobin-detective · 6 years
The Long Way Around 12 (edited)
Yeah, I'm reblogging this again because a. I'm proud of it so there, b. I was seriously braindead when I posted his last night and missed some mistakes which I've now fixed and c. I forgot to credit my wonderful betas, to Suzi Q who has always been my beta and does a great job and now I have @xxgwenstacyxx to help me gage plot and flow who is has been so wonderful so far. Thank you for all the support, I'm so glad you guys are liking it!
Chapter Twelve: In His Own Quirkless Way
"Alright students, line up!" Chiura-sensei says. "We'll be heading out onto the field soon so I want you all to be ready. Yamada will be heaping praises onto 1-A but that doesn't mean you should be slacking," their teacher announces. "This is your chance, boys and girls, don't waste this opportunity."
"And here come classes C, D and E from the Department of General Education!"
"That's your cue, make your class proud," Sensei says as Izuku forces his legs to move forward with the rest of his class. This morning has passed by in a blur from waking up and getting dressed, dealing with the crowd and the security checkpoints to the quiet, hushed conversations with his friends a few minutes ago in the waiting room.
It all sped by so quickly until now, Izuku squints slightly as he steps out onto the field and into the bright sun. Izuku thinks his heart is going to give out for a second as he sees just how enormous the stadium is. It didn't look nearly that big on TV. And he was going to compete in front of these people, in front of cameras which were livestreaming the event all over the country, maybe even the world?
"Hey," Kyoshi says to his right, smiling shyly as she links their pinkies together for an instant. "Take a deep breath, it'll be fine."
"Yeah, I mean it's not like anyone is looking at us," Korudo says bitterly with folded arms as he glares over where 1-A is gathered. "I can't believe they gave that huge introduction for 1-A and the rest of us barely got a mention."
"And Yuuei's supposed to be equal opportunity, what a crock," Motome remarks in annoyance, clearly more upset by the fact that she's required to participate than anything. By the time the last class has gathered on the field, Izuku has calmed down and come to terms with the millions of eyes staring down at them. He thinks of his mother at home, undoubtedly glued to the TV trying to spot him.
"Now, now, let's play fair everyone!" Midnight announces as she saunters onto the small stage. She smiles for the crowd and strikes a little pose that doesn't leave very much to the imagination. Izuku turns beet red and keeps his eyes firmly trained on her face.
She cracks her whip and points over to 1-A. "Let's have the player rep for the first years, Bakugou Katsuki of 1-A!"
"Jerk he may be but I heard he placed first in the entrance exam," Taketsu whispers unhappily, her hair tied up in a messy bun.
"Yeah, in the Heroics exam," a girl from one of the other Gen Ed classes sneers. Korudo looks he's about ready to stomp up to the stage and give a speech himself. Izuku and Taketsu link their arms with Korudo's just in case he decides to do something stupid. Izuku exchanges a look with his friend behind Korudo's back.
"Everyone," Kacchan begins solemnly, looking up to the crowd with determined eyes. "I'm going to place first. You all are going to make excellent stepping stones." Izuku buries his face in Korudo's shoulder rather than face the utter disaster of Kacchan's speech. Around him, the whole field is alight with threats and jeers while Kacchan rudely gives them a thumbs down in response.
"Kacchan," Izuku sighs, unhappy but unsurprised.
"What an overconfident bastard!" Korudo shouts, straining from within their hold. "Let go of me, I'll show him how hard this 'stepping stone' can hit."
"He's not being overconfident," Izuku says as Kacchan walks calmly off the stage with his head high and his eyes resolute. Maybe Izuku isn't the only one who's grown up these past few weeks. "He's painting a target on his back; he wants people to throw everything they've got at him so he can prove himself the best."
"Hmph," Taketsu snorts from Korudo's other side. "I never thought I'd find something you two had in common," she says, giving Izuku a cheeky smile. Before Izuku can even think of addressing that loaded statement, Midnight is talking again.
"All right, now that that's done, we can move on directly to our first event! These are our preliminaries, a lot of our students end up choking on their tears at this event! And this year's first round of destiny is..." Izuku's holds his breath, please be something reasonable, please be- "an obstacle course!" Midnight announces, causing the crowd to launch into cheers.
An obstacle course huh, he could, maybe, do that...
As Midnight goes on about the rules of the race, Izuku finds himself seeking out all his friends. He catches their eyes and they smile back at him, it makes him think of their last discussion in the waiting area before they exited onto the field
"Good luck everyone," Izuku said with barely contained energy. "You're all going to do great."
"You shouldn't wish us luck, we're direct competitors now," Korudo remarked before clapping Izuku on the shoulder. "But I'll do it anyway, Midoriya. You'll need it more than all of us."
"Is it even possible for you to give a compliment without making it insulting?" Taketsu sighed.
"We don't have time to be arguing," Patrick said, grabbing Shinsou and Korudo by the shoulders and pulling them into one-armed hugs. "We'll be going out soon and, yeah, we'll all be trying our best to win but can we promise at least not to sabotage each other?"
"I'm going to use my quirk to pass the preliminaries so as long as you stay away from me, you'll be safe," Shinsou said before looking at Izuku. "I won't make any promises for the one on one fights."
"Aw, Shinsou, you do care," Taketsu preened.
"Stop it you guys," Izuku urged, forcing the circle closer. "Look, I just want to say that no matter what happens out there, you guys have been the best friends I have ever had. No matter who wins or loses, if we stay or transfer, you'll always be my friends."
"And you'll always be our friend, Midoriya," Taketsu said warmly. "This semester has been insane but you made it so much better. We're in for the long haul; you can't get rid of us even if you do become a big, famous hero."
"So are we ready?" Patrick asked, his skin lighting up. "Let's go beyond! Plus Ultra!"
Izuku's lungs are burning, his clothes might be too from that crazy and nearly suicidal stunt with the mines, and his legs feel like they're going to give out at any second but he can't bring himself to slow down. He can see the end of the tunnel up ahead and the thumping footsteps behind him tell him that Kacchan, the Todoroki kid and the rest of the school are right on his heels. He grits his teeth and forces himself to go faster.
This whole obstacle course was designed to test the toughest of quirks with gigantic robots, perilous tightropes and minefields. Izuku saw dozens of people being tripped up trying to accommodate their quirks to the environment but Izuku had to struggle just to survive. There has never been a quirkless kid in the Heroics department and he's starting to see why, it was nearly impossible for someone like him to succeed in this quirk-oriented world.
Lucky for him, it was only nearly impossible.
"I actually cannot believe it folks, who would have imagined this outcome when the race began?" Present Mic announces somewhere far above him. "The first one back to the stadium is..." Izuku bursts through the tunnel into the sunlight and he's absolutely stunned to see his face plastered on all the screens, no way, he couldn't have...
"Some green haired kid! Who is the heck is that boy, Eraser? I'm pretty sure he's not in any of the hero classes." Izuku is still looking around stunned, panting and wiping his brow as the other students begin pouring back into the stadium. He briefly catches sight of Kacchan's glare before he's swallowed up by the crowd.
"His name is Midoriya Izuku and he's a General Education student, this will be the first time in recent memory that a non-hero student has placed first in a preliminary."
"You heard it here first! History is happening right before our eyes. He might be one to keep your eye on, especially since he hasn't revealed his quirk yet!" Mic announces. "And here come the rest of the students crossing the finish line one after another. We'll have the results in a minute, remember, only the first 42 get to go on!"
There are people around him, slapping him on the back and congratulating him; one or two he knew from Gen Ed but most he didn't. The friendly hero girl, Uraraka, smiles and gives him a thumbs up as she leans over on her knees and tries to get her breath back. He looks around and is relieved to see Taketsu and Korudo in the crowd.
"You made it! Have you seen Shinsou or Pat-" Izuku cheers as he runs up to them before Taketsu sweeps him into a bone-crushing hug.
"You were amazing Midoriya! I couldn't believe it when they announced you came in first! I made it by the skin of my teeth at 41st." Her cheeks are bright red and she's a bit sweaty but otherwise seems fine as she releases him.
"It was close for me too," Korudo says, wiping at the sweat beading on his forehead. "I don't know about Shinsou but I passed Takamitsu near the tightrope fall and I was the 39th to get through. It's probably safe to say he didn't qualify. By the way," he gives Izuku a friendly punch on the shoulder. "Good work out there. You're tougher than you look."
"Oh no, poor Patrick," Taketsu says even as Izuku looks at the ground. He knew not everyone would qualify but the reminder of how cutthroat this competition was a bit terrifying. Yes, he did well this first round but what about the second? Izuku gulps as Midnight appears on the big screen.
"The top 42 are allowed to advance, I'm sorry for those who didn't pass but be sure to enjoy the rest of the Festival! We'll continue on to the final section of the preliminaries." Midnight says with a smile as she gestures to the screen, "and what will this final challenge be? I know but let me show you." Taketsu reaches out and grips Izuku's hand tightly.
"Behold! A human cavalry battle!" Midnight announces with a flourish. Izuku doesn't know whether to sigh with relief or vomit. It could have been worse, he supposes, but it also could have been better. "It'll function just like a normal cavalry battle with teams of 2-4 people. The only change is you all will receive headbands with points on them based on your performance in the obstacle course. Whoever has the most points at the end will win!" Izuku feels dread begin to creep up his spine, slowly but with practiced ease.
"So if you placed 42nd you get 5 points, 41st gets 10 and so on all the way up to our first place winner who is worth 10 million points! This is the chance for the low to replace those higher up, welcome to a battle for survival!"
And just like that, there are 41 pairs of eyes boring into him. 41 kids with amazing quirks capable of surpassing that hellish course all coming after the quirkless kid worth 10 million points. There was no way in hell he was getting through this intact, not to mention no one was going to want to team up with him.
"Let's team up, Midoriya," Taketsu says with a bright smile.
"Taketsu!" Izuku says with tears pouring out of his eyes as he gazes at Taketsu like she's just handed him the key to heaven. What has he ever done to deserve such good friends? "You mean it? You know everyone will be after my 10 million, right?"
"I trust you to keep our headbands safe besides, sorry to say, but no one else is gonna want to pair with you since they either don't know your quirk or know you're quirkless. Us Gen Ed students need to stick together." She says with a thumbs up. "Now we just need one more and we'll be all ready to go."
"Two more," Korudo says quietly, looking pained. "I like you Midoriya and I have nothing but respect for you but I'm in this to win and I can't place my faith in a team I don't believe in." He steps away slowly, looking uncomfortable. "I wish you both the best but I can't afford to let friendship get in my way."
"Well, shoot," Taketsu sighs as Korudo leaves. "Oh well, we'll figure out something. The teams can be 2 to 4 players," she eyes him up and down. "What do you weigh? I could probably carry you myself." Before Izuku could stammer out why exactly that plan won't work, muscular arms are pulling him backwards into a large pair of breasts.
"I knew you'd be useful eventually, First Place," Hatsume says, leaning her face down right next to his. "Let me join your team! Everyone will be watching us so I get the chance to use my babies and show them off to all the big companies. You owe me a favor for making your gear and besides," she reaches forward to lovingly stroke the gloves on his hand, "you know how useful my babies can be."
"H-H-Hatsume, yeah! We'd love to have you on our team," Izuku says, edging out of her hold with a bright blush. "If uh that's alright with you, Taketsu?"
"Beggars can't be choosers plus I'm sure she's got some crazy invention we can use," Taketsu says with a grin. "Now we just need one more."
"I'm going to be pretty much useless in this battle, you have some offense capabilities with your blood manipulation and with Hatsume, we now have access to both offensive and defense technologies." Izuku mutters to himself, tuning out the chaos around him.
"What we need is someone with a good defense, someone who can evade or defend. That should balance out the weaknesses in our group and give us half a chance at qualifying for the finals. But who would work?" Izuku thinks out loud, it's not just a problem of finding someone willing to team up with them, though that is still a significant issue. But there's not a lot of combative or defense quirks among the people he knows, he wouldn't even know who to ask.
"If I may, I would like to volunteer myself for your group," a stern voice says and Izuku looks up to see a dark haired boy with glasses. Izuku is struck suddenly as he recognizes him as the hero student who calmed everyone during the time reporters broke in.
"I am Iida Tenya of Class 1-A. I was very impressed with your performance in the obstacle course and I believe I have the power you lack," Iida says, bringing his hand down in a chopping motion. "My quirk is engine which means I can maneuver and evade quite easily which you will need to do in order to keep your 10 million points."
"Yes!" Izuku replies enthusiastically. "Yes, that's exactly what we need! You'd be a perfect addition for our team, I'm Midoriya Izuku and this is Taketsu and Hatsume." Despite the joy he feels, Izuku can't help the niggling sense of doubt. "But um why would you want to work with us? I mean, it's much more practical for you to work with another group to take our headband than to defend it."
"Ah, I'm sorry, I wasn't aware I was so transparent," Iida says, adjusting his glasses a bit. "With so many strong quirks in 1-A, I don't feel like I've had to chance to showcase my capabilities. I wasn't even there for most of the attack at USJ. With your 10 million points, I know everyone will be after you and so I want to challenge myself." Izuku hums, he wasn't exactly surprised and, after all, wasn't he also trying to prove himself?
"I understand, Iida and it's fine. Nice to meet you." Izuku says as he hears Midnight announce that they're getting ready to begin. "Ok, we need to work on our strategy. Hatsume, do you have anything that can work with Iida's speed? Ensure that we're able to move around easily?"
"Oh boy do I!" Hatsume says with a toothy smile that almost makes Izuku regret asking. But soon enough they'd worked out their plan and Izuku steps into his teammate's hands and becomes the mount, the 10 million point headband secured around his head. He warily eyes the other groups around him, keenly aware that they'll all be on them the second the battle started.
"Midoriya, I didn't get a chance to see your quirk during the obstacle course. Would you mind sharing it so we can incorporate it into our plans," Iida asks. Hatsume promptly bursts into snorting giggles while Taketsu shoots him a worried look. They only have moments before the battle begins and Izuku doesn't want to dishearten Iida before they even start.
"It's hard to explain, you'll see in the battle," Izuku responds enigmatically as Taketsu bites into the flesh of her free hand and draws blood, ready to unleash her power. "Let's stay focused; all we need to do to advance is keep this headband. Our primary goal is to protect the 10 million."
"Start!" Midnight announces and, despite expecting it, Izuku startles when most of the other teams come barreling their way.
"Okay, we need to get out of here and fast." Taketsu yelps before, suddenly, they begin to sink into the ground. The groups are closer now, close enough that someone is able to use their quirk apparently. "It's got to be the guy in the front of that group; we need him to distract him, Taketsu!"
"On it," his friend hisses as a stream of blood shoots out and strikes the kid in the face. He reels back in surprise causing his whole group to stall and, more importantly, for the ground to return to normal beneath Izuku's team. "Come on motor boy! Get a move on!"
"Hold on, all of you!" Iida shouts as he races around the oncoming groups at what may be a slow pace for him but is still well beyond what the average person could do. Izuku had braced for the speed and, with the girls wearing Hatsume's mechanized skates, they're easily able to glide out of immediate danger.
"Good job, Iida. The battle is only 15 minutes, we just need to keep this up for that long. We can do that."
Maybe, Izuku thinks with trepidation as he catches sight of Kacchan charging across the field. Endeavor's son, Todoroki, also looks like he's going to be trouble. Right now their main advantage is Iida's speed and also the fact that most probably don't know what quirk to expect from a nameless Gen Ed student.
"And look at that ladies and gentleman," Present Mic says from the commentators box. "Only 2 minutes in and already we have a melee of tumultuous proportions! As you can see, headbands are already being taken and it's fine strategy to settle for second, third or fourth and not go after the 10 million!"
"Let's slow down a little Iida, I don't know how long you can keep up this pace but I think it's a little much for us." Izuku says, starting to feel the strain from the wind and pressure. Iida obediently slows down to a normal person's jog.
"Apologies everyone," Iida announces. "I noticed Todoroki was behind us but it looks like we've put a bit of distance betw-"
"Give me your fucking headband, Deku!" Izuku turns to see Kacchan raging close by, his red eyes locked onto their group as his team rapidly approaches. Izuku's hand twitches towards the staff strapped to his back but decides against it. Not only will it be cumbersome to maneuver it but the weapon all but announces that he doesn't have a combat quirk.
"Keep moving, I've got Kacchan," Taketsu says with a dark look on her face. "We still have a score to settle." Blood flies through the air, she'd aimed not at Kacchan but at his redheaded front rider. The boy's skin hardens instinctively at the blood flying into his face. The blood can't stop him but the surprise does slow the team down long enough for Iida to race past them.
"That's quite the impressive quirk, Taketsu," Iida says sincerely as he shoots Taketsu a quick look before concentrating back on his run. Taketsu gives a weak smile in return.
Izuku practically jumps out of his skin as something pink, a tongue he thinks, shoots past his face and narrowly misses his headband. The tongue retracts and he sees that it's coming from a boy with many arms with three people protected within. A shadowy figure pops out from the shelter and dives toward them.
"That's Shouji, Tokoyami, Asui and Mineta from 1-A," Iida announces, immediately turning and going in another direction before the living shadow can reach them. "Asui and Tokoyami are dangerous with their long range attacks as is Mineta who can release adhesive balls; we would do well to avoid them."
"Thanks for the heads up, Iida," Izuku mutters, feeling paranoia beating him down from all sides. They can't catch a moment to breathe.
"And all Team Midoriya can do is run away! Not that I blame them with that juicy 10 million to protect!" Present Mic's commentary was starting to get very grating. "Seven minutes have passed and, whoa, look at those scores! Class 1-A, the Festival's darlings, aren't doing so hot and Class 1-B is really heating up!"
"You know I hadn't planned on going for the 10 million, second or third would have sufficed but you look just like a sweet little lamb that I couldn't help myself." Fingers brush gently against the back of Izuku's head, loosening the headband and panic become the only reality he knows. Izuku spins, smacking the thief's arm away and further dislodging the headband until it slips down to Izuku's neck.
"Watch out Midoriya!" Iida yells, "Monoma can copy your quirk!" Izuku almost smiles, oh no, what will he do?
The other boy, a blond with a pinched face, grins. "Thank you for giving me the chance to test out whatever quirk helped you to win the obstacle course." The wannabe thief, Monoma, raises his hand, clearly expecting something great.
"Huh?" Monoma blinks and looks down at himself when nothing happens, "I definitely touched you so why didn't I copy-" Izuku punches him hard in the face and the boy dazedly falls back and is only kept upright by his teammates. Taketsu further drives them off with blood whips. In a split second decision, Izuku reaches forward and grabs two headbands from around Monoma's neck.
"What an upset from Team Midoriya! Not only were they able to evade Monoma's copy quirk but they also managed to steal some of their headbands, putting Team Monoma down to sixth place. Does this Midoriya kid ever stop?" Izuku isn't listening to the rest of the commentary as he secures the two new headbands, 665 and 120, around his neck. He reties the 10 million but keeps it with the others to confuse any other potential thieves.
"Amazing Midoriya! I made a wise choice when I teamed up with you," Iida shouts. "How did you manage to avoid Monoma's quirk? It's very effective, I saw he used it earlier to take Bakugou's headband."
"I'll tell you later, come on, we have to keep moving. There's six minutes left and we still have everyone after us!" Izuku answers as he hones in on one team moving forward purposefully, it's Todoroki. Izuku feels his insides twist a bit as he thinks of the boy's terrifying power during the obstacle course.
"That headband," Todoroki announces once he's close enough, "I'm taking it."
"We need to move," Taketsu says quietly enough that Izuku tears his eyes off the dual toned boy charging towards them to look down at his friend. She's pale and tired looking, breathing hoarsely through her mouth. He glances down at her palm which is still bleeding freely. Between the obstacle course and now the cavalry battle, she's got to be feeling the effects of her quirk.
"Taketsu, close your wounds before you lose too much blood!" Izuku shrieks and he really isn't surprised when there's ice cold fingers at his neck grasping for the headbands.
Todoroki is driven off by a weak blood stream and Izuku's maneuvering so he only manages to get away with one headband. But, surprisingly enough, Izuku couldn't care less right now. "Taketsu please, you've done amazing so far but please don't push yourself, winning isn't worth it!" He practically begs.
"Midoriya, did he get the 10 million?" Iida demands, not seeming to care at all about Taketsu's health.
"Who cares about that when she could be bleeding to death?" Izuku shouts even as he angrily looks down at the headbands strapped around his neck. "But no, he didn't, he got one of Monoma's, the 665 point one. Not that a stupid piece of cloth matters," Taketsu squeezes his foot with her hand.
"Thank you for your concern but I'm fine, I'm just a bit weak. Having these skates has been a lifesaver. I can hold out for the rest of the battle, you just focus on getting us through." She says with a tired smile and it's hard work for Izuku to pull his eyes from her to evaluate the big players left on the battlefield.
Todoroki is still pretty close, wiping off Taketsu's blood from his arms and looking ready to attack again at any moment. Kacchan looks like he's gotten some points back and will probably be coming their way soon. Izuku sees Shinsou being carried around, but his friend has plenty of headbands and likely won't make an attempt on them. He doesn't know where Korudo went, he's probably with another group.
"Yea, you can do it, First Place! You have to get us through so I can continue to show off my babies!" Hatsume pipes up.
"Alright, let's do this." Izuku says resolutely, tugging on the two headbands around his neck to test their security.
Todoroki suddenly charges forward and it looks like he's pulled a blanket out of nowhere? What's that going to- Iida is speeding away quickly from Todoroki who electrocutes the teams nearest him before icing them in place. Izuku yelps, what kind of quirks does Todoroki have on his team?
"That's Kaminari's doing, he has a lightning quirk," Iida says in a subdued tone. "He also has Yaoyorozu who can create anything she can understand molecularly and that's Uraraka up front, her quirk is Zero Gravity so I imagine she's lightening the load of the team for maneuverability. They're a very efficient combination."
"Hey, First Place, isn't that your friend over there?" Hatsume asks, pointing over to Kacchan who's also racing towards them with deadly intent. Izuku's team is caught in a triangle between bad and worse with not many places to run to. Izuku looks at Todoroki's passive face then over at Kacchan who is practically frothing at the mouth with rage.
"I say we go for Todoroki, if we go quickly enough we can avoid the ice and the lightning," Izuku says.
"I agree, if I may point something out. Todoroki can create both fire and ice but he's vowed never to use the fire from his left side in battle. I'm not sure if that helps in any way," Iida supplies as he begins to run at Todoroki.
"Only two minutes left and it looks like it's down to three! Todoroki and Bakugou of Class 1-A and the wild card Midoriya from Gen Ed who still hasn't shown us anything about his quirk!"
Todoroki brings up an ice wall on Izuku's left, not just blocking off their only escape route but also cutting off Kacchan's advance. Honestly, Izuku kind of wants to thank him for that.
Present Mic's commentary reminds Izuku that his unknown quirk is still an advantage, if he pretends that he's bigger than he is, he just might be able to drive Todoroki off. It's a gamble but it's all he can do since retreat isn't an option anymore. Todoroki doesn't appear put off by their advancement and instead readies himself for whatever Izuku can throw his way.
Iida is careful to stay on Todoroki's left and, true to form, Todoroki keeps shifting to try and accommodate the ice on his right. Why isn't he using his fire? Is he afraid of hurting his teammates? Either way, Izuku is going to take advantage of his opponent's stubbornness.
Izuku borrows a technique from Kacchan and shifts his weight over to Hatsume, pulling his foot out of Taketsu's hand and delivering a strong kick to Todoroki's midsection. It startles the other boy enough that he doubles over, leaving his headbands exposed.
"Todoroki!" Uraraka shouts as she tries to retreat but Izuku's already grabbing at Todoroki's headbands while Iida and Hatsume struggle to keep him upright. Izuku's hand lands on Todoroki's neck but before he can grab anything, a small amount of flames bursts from Todoroki's left. It's snuffed out just as quickly but Izuku instinctively pulls back at the intense heat. Grey and blue eyes look at Izuku with something approaching horror on his face.
"Midoriya and Todoroki are right in each other's grill but nothing is happening! What's going on down there? Team Bakugou is going around Todoroki's barrier and is charging toward both teams, looking ready to launch! 30 seconds left and it's anyone's game at this point!"
"Iida, get us out of here!" Izuku shouts because Todoroki's only going to be stunned for so long and Kacchan is fast approaching. Izuku's words seem to snap Todoroki out of his daze and his arm darts forward quicker than Izuku can track.
"Hold on! Recipro Burst!" Iida shouts, revving his engine before speeding off faster than Izuku can even comprehend. The girls shriek below him and Izuku is aware of fingers at his neck. The next moment, they're halfway across the field with good distance between them and Todoroki. Kacchan is screaming as they get away again and there's a limp headband hanging in Todoroki's hand.
"I'm out, my engines have stalled. Midoriya, how are we doing?" Iida shouts, looking up at him.
"5... 4... 3..."
With shaking fingers, Izuku slowly turns the only remaining headband over in his hand and looks at it. Kacchan is close now, he'll be upon them in a few more seconds. He either didn't notice Todoroki grab the headband or he doesn't care.
"You're fucking mine Deku! You can't run away any more!" Kacchan shouts as he launches himself into the air.
"2... 1... Time is up everyone! Let's tally up the points!"
His momentum lost, Kacchan falls flat the ground and proceeds to pound his fists into the ground in frustration. Todoroki lets out a deep breath, bringing the fist holding the stolen headband up to rest against his forehead. Meanwhile, Izuku is too busy staring at the numbers on his headband.
"And in first place is, once again, Team Midoriya with 10 million points! Absolutely unbelievable, who is this kid!? In second we have Team Todoroki, Team Bakugou in third." Kacchan screeches even louder from his place on the ground at that announcement. "And in fourth is eh? Team Shinsou? When did that happen?"
Izuku bursts into a grin as the shock wears off, they made it! It was only due to dumb luck but they made it! And Shinsou did too, he'd have to congratulate his friend later!
"Taketsu, did you hear that? Shinsou made it through! I can't believe it-" Izuku begins to sway as Taketsu's grip on him loosens. Iida and Hatsume steady him while Taketsu sinks to her knees. "Taketsu!" Izuku shouts, jumping down to the ground and supporting her back before she falls over. She's even paler in the light, her hands are cold and trembling slightly. Her hair has mostly fallen out of its bun and is dusting the ground. She tries to smile at him but her lips barely twitch.
"So we made it, huh?" In the background, he can hear Iida calling for a medic but Izuku can't tear his eyes off his friend. There's no way he can lift her alone, maybe if he and Iida work together. She touches his arm.
"I'm glad. I can't go on but I kind of knew this was a one-shot deal. Quirks like mine, we have limits and sometimes they're too much," Taketsu whispers as people start to rush towards them. "But that's what's so great about you Midoriya, you don't have any limits, there's nothing stopping you from going all the way to the top."
"Please move, I need to take her to Recovery Girl," a medic bot announces.
"I'm going with," Izuku pleads, stepping back anxiously as Taketsu is loaded over onto the stretcher. Shinsou runs over and looks at Taketsu with large, fearful eyes. Izuku doesn't think he's seen him so shaken up before.
"No, stay here, both of you. You have the one on one matches, remember? I'll be fine, really, and I'll be cheering you on from the nurse's office. Good luck." And with that said, one of Izuku's best friends is rushed off the field, worn out from blood loss because Izuku hadn't paid her enough attention to remind her not to overdo it.
Around him the crowd is still cheering, hell, they're probably excited by the added drama of a student being taken away by a stretcher, and Izuku doesn't even hear it. All he can think about is victory and the high cost that comes with it.
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 213: blahblahblahSIXQUIRKS
Previously on BnHA: Baby Ochako stole the show for a few pages as Ochako thought back to her childhood and the first time she saw a hero in action and wanted to be like them and help people who looked like they were in trouble. And more recently during the Basement arc, she saw Deku struggling and thought, “who protects the heroes when they need protecting?” So with that nice segue, we cut back to the present, with Deku freaking out and Ochako trying to calm him down and eventually realizing he had no control. So she called on Shinsou to brainwash him, which he did by telling Deku he wanted to fight him again. And miraculously the brainwashing worked, and the quirk died down and retreated back into Deku’s arm. But then Deku found himself back in the OFA Happy Funky Dream Time Zone, being accosted by some beefy aggressive bald dude with goggles. He told Deku he’d gotten it all wrong, and accused him of not listening. “We told you that you’re not alone!” He said Deku’s quirk wasn’t something he could use casually while distracted any more, and told him to pull himself together.
Today on BnHA: Aggressive Bald Dude explains that the crazy new power Deku just used is actually his quirk, Blackwhip. To make a long story short, Deku can use all of the quirks from the previous wielders of OFA. Something something OFA is getting stronger, something something Quirk Singularity blah blah blah. Anyway, so Deku accidentally activated Blackwhip due to his strong feelings and his wanting to capture Monoma. Baldy warns Deku that if he wields his power in anger, it will respond accordingly, and that he needs to have control. He tells Deku he will eventually manifest six different quirks, and that he is the one who will complete One for All. Then he wishes him good luck and vanishes. Deku wakes up in the aftermath of all this strangeness, only to immediately be attacked by Monoma, who knows an opening when he sees one I guess. Everyone else from Teams A and B chooses this moment to arrive as well, and things quickly escalate into a melee battle. Shinsou challenges Deku, and we cut to the teachers who are watching nearby. A thoughtful-looking Aizawa tells the other teachers to let the battle continue.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my mostly-unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’m caught up with the manga now at chapter 224, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
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Kirishima you never told me your ancestor was a bearer of OFA
I really like this guy. what’s your name dude
(ETA: jesus Horikoshi would it kill you to name such an important character though. at least let us know which number he is. give us something)
and this conversation just keeps getting better!
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“I don’t have a mouth.” “oh shit you don’t have a mouth. well THAT IS JUST FINE don’t you worry”
so Deku can see this guy much more clearly than OFA Primo in his previous dream. and on top of that, he’s now fully aware that it’s not a dream at all
also I really like TryHarder’s face. it’s just a nice face
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he seems tough but kind
ahhhhh it’s another image of the previous 8
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(ETA: so is that really you up there, Katsuki? is a part of you “actually alive inside One for All”, deep inside Izuku’s soul or whatever? just waiting for Deku to finally figure this shit out? so you can finally pop up at a critical plot moment and be all “hah, so you can finally see me. took you long enough, you damn nerd” and then give him Mystical Advice or some shit I guess? what level of shipping is that. when a piece of character A’s soul or will or whatever is literally chilling out inside character B’s soul. honestly I still don’t even know what to think about this fucking theory, because I would lose my damn shit. it just seems so ridiculously catered to Everything I Want that even pondering it feels absurdly self-indulgent. and how would it even work. ahghghg. anyways.)
there had better be at least one more girl besides Shimura, otherwise I’m gonna go on a ranting spree just like the JP Hero Billboard Charts all over again
I wonder when Toshinori’s outline will become more visible
and also when will Deku get to talk to Shimura?? her vestige has been clear right from the start. TALK TO HER AND GET THE GOSSIP ON HER SON! YOUR DAD!!
she probably knows so many embarrassing things. this is the true reason why All Might didn’t tell him about this shit back at the sports festival
okay so TryHarder is starting to fade now and he’s like “oh shit looks like I’m on a time limit”
so he’s telling Deku to listen up
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I wonder how many people guessed this before it was revealed. Horikoshi did an excellent job making it look like his power was just out of control again, honestly. this probably came out of left field for a lot of people
since I unfortunately can’t give you a genuine shocked reaction now, let me instead try to summarize my response when I first came across this spoiler.
me: [reading through a post that didn’t seem to contain any spoilers that I didn’t already know] haha what a fine post
post: [gets to a part where it’s like “warning, spoilers” and then just JUMPS RIGHT INTO THE SPOILER RIGHT AWAY without any further ado]
me: [not understanding what just happened yet] wait what
post: blahblahblahSIXQUIRKS
me: [still hasn’t fully processed yet due to my sleepy brain] huh what. six
me: ...
me: wait WHAT
and at this point my brain finally kicked into gear, and it just hit me all at once that (1) I knew there was gonna be more OFA stuff coming up (back when I did the recap for Deku VS Shinsou way back in the sports festival arc, someone mentioned that the manga had gotten into the OFA Past Avatars shit again recently -- this was back in like September -- and so it was kind of in the back of my mind ever since then, just waiting to be remembered at a critical moment), (2) said OFA stuff would presumably consist of him learning to communicate with the Ghosts of OFAs Past in precisely the way that All Might said he couldn’t, (3) I also knew from a comment in this post that there was some power-up coming up for Deku at some point that was considered a spoiler, and lastly (4) the math added up. this last part just came to me in a whoosh. I have no idea how it all came together so quickly. but some very logical part of me waltzed in holding a corn cob pipe and was all, “you know, if Deku is the 9th OFA user and he, All Might, and OFA Prime didn’t have quirks*, that means there were six remaining OFA users who presumably did,” and I was like “NOOOOOOOOO WAAAAAAY?!” and I started freaking the fuck out. so anyway that’s how it all happened god bless
(ETA*: okay so technically Prime did, but his quirk is OFA, so. like. doesn’t count.)
anyways I really went off on a spiel there. let’s drag our focus back to the present day can we please
so TH is all “our quirks all merged with the core of OFA and have just been sitting here chilling inside it for like aaaaages”
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gotta say the visual of this helps a lot. so the quirks are in that tiny lil marble in the middle of Primo’s back, buried deep within all of those flames of power
oh shit wait, did we say “tiny lil”
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hmm. is this that quirk singularity bullshit that Seiji was talking about all the way back in the Babysitting Arc. I jump around between translations so much that I didn’t notice until very recently that the word “singularity” was being used in odd ways, and that it was also the word used to describe that phenomenon of quirks evolving until they’re beyond the user’s control
so is this. that
so TH says that One for All itself is growing. but like, look at how he says it though
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that is a lot of ominous emphasis there
and Deku’s thinking “but why? what caused this?”
which, I’m glad he thought that, because here I was thinking it was just some natural phenomenon that All Might and Shimura for whatever reason never unlocked. but just like that he’s made me realize that this might be tied in to AFO somehow. didn’t he say just a couple chapters ago that he could hear the voice of his dead bro?
(ETA: yeah, listen guys, there is some shady shit going on here. part of it is the quirk singularity stuff, I’m sure, but there’s a lot of suspiciously coincidental stuff happening. but I will tell you more about my thoughts on this in a separate post, I think, because it’s something I’ve been pondering for a while now and I think it’s better suited to its own theory post.)
oh but TH says that right before the power erupted out of him, Deku was probably thinking something like “GETTIM”
and Deku’s sweating and thinking that he was indeed thinking about capturing Monoma
yeah to beat the shit out of him for insulting your boyfriend
so presumably he activated this quirk somehow which is meant to be a capture quirk?
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that was honest to god my first thought. look at how elegant it is when he uses it. nothing like Deku’s out-of-control Venom rampage
here. this is what it reminds me of
ah, I see. so TH says that OFA’s power has been added to the black whip quirk now, so now it’s like it’s on steroids
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ah shit. so he’s starting to fade away
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but you do exist! you’re real! you live on inside the quirk!
so you hear that, All Might? when you inevitably die your stupid fucked up tragic death that poor Nighteye foresaw and was tormented by, once you’re done ripping my heart to pieces, you can come back and still give Deku mentor advice within his mind. like Dumbledore in Deathly Hallows, only with less “sorry about dumping you on your abusive relatives and raising you to be a sacrificial lamb”
anyways the point is the two of you are bonded forever within OFA now, and that’s a comforting thought that I’m gonna hold onto for when shit eventually gets Real, however far along down the road that may be
oh okay good, before he goes he’s giving Deku advice on how to control it
he says that if Deku wields the power in anger, the power will respond accordingly
(ETA: and there’s literally a flashback panel of Monoma being all “REMEMBER WHEN BAKUGOU DESTROYED SOCIETY” lmao. just to remind everyone yet again of what exactly it was that set him off.)
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good thing he’s not an empathetic young shounen hero prone to being roused to action and acting impulsively to the point where that was literally the deciding factor that made All Might choose him. oh wait. oh shit
but TH does say that it’s fine to get angry and that anger is one source of power
wow. just let that sink in for a second. so here’s a wise old mentor ghost actually telling the hero that he doesn’t have to be some perfect zen monk all the damn time. damn. hey TH I really do like you my dude
but anyways, so “that’s exactly why you must have careful control over that anger”
so basically you can use it to power up your quirk, but you gotta keep a rein on it otherwise we’ll wind up with a repeat of what just went down
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and that was the sound of fans across the world either ragequitting or losing their fucking shit in excitement lol
but okay, so me personally, I fucking love it. I know fandom is somewhat divided on whether he’s going to be too overpowered, but look at him! he has his fucking hands full just getting a handle on this one single new quirk! it’s not like he’s gonna just master this and the other five overnight. basically this is a brand new challenge for him which will take quite some time (if not the remainder of the series) for him to get a handle on, and which will make for much more interesting and unpredictable battles from here on out. and what with All Might gone, and us having pretty much seen the limits of what Endeavor can handle now, I gotta say it seems like we’re gonna need this sooner than later
(ETA: especially with the recent reveal of just what he’s going to be up against. bad guys are not fucking around holy shit.)
and strangely, this also makes me excited as a Bakugou fan because I still firmly believe that the two of them will remain head to head as the series progresses. which means that Bakugou is going to get a hell of a lot stronger himself. I don’t know how, but I have faith in the series to make it happen, and I’m looking forward to that as well
anyway, so TH is fading away, but he really has a lot of confidence in Deku and I love it
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“you’re going to be the one who completes One for All.” fuck yeah. you hear that Deku? we all agree this is your destiny kiddo
and now we’re finally cutting back to the real world yaaaaaay
so Ochako is frantically shaking him
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her slap probably did hurt. she’s fucking strong as hell. but he’s all right
so she’s setting him down and he’s realizing that the quirk has vanished (ah yes, that’s right, he went into that trance OFA dream state as soon as Shinsou’s quirk activated, and he was pretty out of it when the quirk was receding)
and she’s explaining that they were able to calm it down with Shinsou’s quirk. thanks for the assist Shinsou!
so like is this battle still on though or what lol. I think that Deku’s team should concede and call it a day because yikes
so Ochako’s asking him if he’s okay now and he’s just now realizing that she’s all banged up too. I guess that black whip packed a punch
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also did he just snatch OFA?? I’ve been wondering for ages what would happen if he did that, and I gotta say most of my speculation didn’t end very well for him
anyways, sigh, so he’s whapping Deku with the giant bolt he just rode in there on. Yanagi’s quirk combined with Kodai’s quirk
and Deku’s stupidly shouting “Monoma!” and he’s lucky that Monoma didn’t just activate Shinsou’s quirk right there and then
and now Ochako is charging in yessssssssss!!!
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ahh but here come more giant flying objects crashing down at them
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and now Yanagi is asking Monoma if he’s all right and he’s complimenting her on her good timing
well would you look at this
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so are we just going to have a big fucking brawl right here and now then
Kodai’s using her size quirk to block Mina and Mineta’s attacks, and it occurs to me to wonder what level of acid Mina was flinging at them. you know, Mina’s someone who could be pretty fucking deadly if she wanted to. they’re lucky she’s not on the villain side; with her charisma and creativity and fucking acid quirk she could probably take over the world with ease
anyway so now this is happening
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honestly, Vlad and Aizawa, you really might as well call the fight off now lol
or don’t. because this is still entertaining
meanwhile Deku and Ochako are watching from above
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“you wanna go get some burgers or something”
lol are you gonna help your teammates out or are you just gonna crouch there all day
Deku’s thinking back on TH’s words about how he needs to be in control of his heart and how if he wields his power in anger shit’s gonna get wrecked
uh oh
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Shinsou being a sneaky sneak. but they owe him one though
lol it didn’t do much though
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you tried, Shinsou
Deku’s narrating that he’s got so much going on in his head right now he can barely think, but he knows he can’t allow himself to go out of control and hurt everyone again
and now we’re cutting to the teachers who have snuck onto the stage and are watching from the shadows
Vlad’s asking Aizawa what they should do
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Aizawa you’re so fucking hot as always good grief. I like your thoughtful face as you ponder how to address this later on, while also thinking that in the meantime you wanna keep watching and see how your protege fares against your problem child
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haha okay
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next issue has a color page yaaaay. should be the 4th popularity poll results at long last if I’m not mistaken. MIRIO’S REVENGE. or mine, if he’s not represented the way he should be
meanwhile watch fucking Hawks be in like 1st place. except he’s not unseating the big three, probably, but after that who knows. sky’s the limit, and this boy can fly, so
(ETA: motherfucker made it all the way up to 4th place lol called it. apparently I missed when the results were originally announced back with chapter 207. still not sure how. but anyways I’ll post all my thoughts about it tomorrow lol)
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redrobin-detective · 6 years
The Long Way Around 12
Here's the start of the Sports Festival! Very excited to share, this was a thrill to write so I hope you enjoy. There's a lot that goes on here so there's not too much I have to say. Let you know what you think!
Chapter Twelve: In His Own Quirkless Way
"Alright students, line up!" Chiura-sensei says. "We'll be heading out onto the field soon so I want you all to be ready. Yamada will be heaping praises onto 1-A but that doesn't mean you should be slacking," their teacher announces. "This is your chance, boys and girls, don't waste this opportunity."
"And here come classes C, D and E from the Department of General Education!"
"That's your cue, make your class proud," Sensei says as Izuku forces his legs to move forward with the rest of his class. This morning has passed by in a blur from waking up and getting dressed, dealing with the crowd and the security checkpoints to the quiet, hushed conversations with his friends a few minutes ago in the waiting room.
It all sped by so quickly until now, Izuku squints slightly as he steps out onto the field and into the bright sun. Izuku thinks his heart is going to give out for a second as he sees just how enormous the stadium is. It didn't look nearly that big on TV. And he was going to compete in front of these people, in front of cameras which were livestreaming the event all over the country, maybe even the world?
"Hey," Kyoshi says to his right, smiling shyly as she links their pinkies together for an instant. "Take a deep breath, it'll be fine."
"Yeah, I mean it's not like anyone is looking at us," Korudo says bitterly with folded arms as he glares over where 1-A is gathered. "I can't believe they gave that huge introduction for 1-A and the rest of us barely got a mention."
"And Yuuei's supposed to be equal opportunity, what a crock," Motome remarks in annoyance, clearly more upset by the fact that she's required to participate than anything. By the time the last class has gathered on the field, Izuku has calmed down and come to terms with the millions of eyes staring down at them. He thinks of his mother at home, undoubtedly glued to the TV trying to spot him.
"Now, now, let's play fair everyone!" Midnight announces as she saunters onto the small stage. She smiles for the crowd and strikes a little pose that doesn't leave very much to the imagination. Izuku turns beet red and keeps his eyes firmly trained on her face.
She cracks her whip and points over to 1-A. "Let's have the player rep for the first years, Bakugou Katsuki of 1-A!"
"Jerk he may be but I heard he placed first in the entrance exam," Taketsu whispers unhappily, her hair tied up in a messy bun.
"Yeah, in the Heroics exam," a girl from one of the other Gen Ed classes sneers. Korudo looks he's about ready to stomp up to the stage and give a speech himself. Izuku and Taketsu link their arms with Korudo's just in case he decides to do something stupid. Izuku exchanges a look with his friend behind Korudo's back.
"Everyone," Kacchan begins solemnly, looking up to the crowd with determined eyes. "I'm going to place first. You all are going to make excellent stepping stones." Izuku buries his face in Korudo's shoulder rather than face the utter disaster of Kacchan's speech. Around him, the whole field is alight with threats and jeers while Kacchan rudely gives them a thumbs down in response.
"Kacchan," Izuku sighs, unhappy but unsurprised.
"What an overconfident bastard!" Korudo shouts, straining from within their hold. "Let go of me, I'll show him how hard this 'stepping stone' can hit."
"He's not being overconfident," Izuku says as Kacchan walks calmly off the stage with his head high and his eyes resolute. Maybe Izuku isn't the only one who's grown up these past few weeks. "He's painting a target on his back; he wants people to throw everything they've got at him so he can prove himself the best."
"Hmph," Taketsu snorts from Korudo's other side. "I never thought I'd find something you two had in common," she says, giving Izuku a cheeky smile. Before Izuku can even think of addressing that loaded statement, Midnight is talking again.
"All right, now that that's done, we can move on directly to our first event! These are our preliminaries, a lot of our students end up choking on their tears at this event! And this year's first round of destiny is..." Izuku's holds his breath, please be something reasonable, please be- "an obstacle course!" Midnight announces, causing the crowd to launch into cheers.
An obstacle course huh, he could, maybe, do that...
As Midnight goes on about the rules of the race, Izuku finds himself seeking out all his friends. He catches their eyes and they smile back at him, it makes him think of their last discussion in the waiting area before they exited onto the field
"Good luck everyone," Izuku said with barely contained energy. "You're all going to do great."
"You shouldn't wish us luck, we're direct competitors now," Korudo remarked before clapping Izuku on the shoulder. "But I'll do it anyway, Midoriya; you'll need it more than all of us."
"Is it even possible for you to give a compliment without making it insulting?" Taketsu sighed.
"We don't have time to be arguing," Patrick said, grabbing Shinsou and Korudo by the shoulders and pulling them into one-armed hugs. "We'll be going out soon and, yeah, we'll all be trying our best to win but can we promise at least not to sabotage each other?"
"I'm going to use my quirk to pass the preliminaries so as long as you stay away from me, you'll be safe," Shinsou said before looking at Izuku. "I won't make any promises for the one on one fights."
"Aw, Shinsou, you do care," Taketsu preened.
"Stop it you guys," Izuku urged, forcing the circle closer. "Look, I just want to say that no matter what happens out there, you guys have been the best friends I have ever had. No matter who wins or loses, if we stay or transfer, you'll always be my friends."
"And you'll always be our friend, Midoriya," Taketsu said warmly. "This semester has been insane but you made it so much better. We're in for the long haul; you can't get rid of us even if you do become a big, famous hero."
"So are we ready?" Patrick asked, his skin lighting up. "Let's go beyond! Plus Ultra!"
Izuku's lungs are burning, his clothes might be too from that crazy and nearly suicidal stunt with the mines, and his legs feel like they're going to give out at any second but he can't bring himself to slow down. He can see the end of the tunnel up ahead and the thumping footsteps behind him tell him that Kacchan, the Todoroki kid and the rest of the school are right on his heels. He grits his teeth and forces himself to go faster.
This whole obstacle course was designed to test the toughest of quirks with gigantic robots, perilous tightropes and minefields. Izuku saw dozens of people being tripped up trying to accommodate their quirks to the environment but Izuku had to struggle just to survive. There has never been a quirkless kid in the Heroics department and he's starting to see why, it was nearly impossible for someone like him to succeed in this quirk-oriented world.
Lucky for him, it was only nearly impossible.
"I actually cannot believe it folks, who would have imagined this outcome when the race began?" Present Mic announces somewhere far above him. "The first one back to the stadium is..." Izuku bursts through the tunnel into the sunlight and he's absolutely stunned to see his face plastered on all the screens, no way, he couldn't have...
"Some green haired kid! Who is the heck is that boy, Eraser, what department is he in? I'm pretty sure he's not in any of the hero classes." Izuku is still looking around stunned, panting and wiping his brow as the other students begin pouring back into the stadium. He briefly catches sight of Kacchan's glare before he's swallowed up by the crowd.
"His name is Midoriya Izuku and he's a General Education student, this will be the first time in recent memory that a non-hero student has placed first in a preliminary."
"You heard it here first! History is happening right before our eyes. He might be one to keep your eye on, especially since he hasn't revealed his quirk yet!" Mic announces. "And here come the rest of the students crossing the finish line one after another. We'll have the results in a minute, remember, only the first 42 get to go on!"
There are people around him, slapping him on the back and congratulating him; some of them he knew from Gen Ed but many more he didn't. The friendly hero girl, Uraraka, smiles and gives him a thumbs up as she leans over on her knees and tries to get her breath back. He looks around and is relieved to see Taketsu and Korudo in the crowd.
"You made it! Have you seen Shinsou or Pat-" Izuku cheers as he runs up to them before Taketsu sweeps him into a bone-crushing hug.
"You were amazing Midoriya! I couldn't believe it when they announced you came in first! I made it by the skin of my teeth at 41st." Her cheeks are bright red and she's a bit sweaty but otherwise seems fine as she releases him.
"It was close for me too," Korudo says, wiping at the sweat beading on his forehead. "I don't know about Shinsou but I passed Takamitsu near the tightrope fall and I was the 39th to get through. It's probably safe to say he didn't qualify. By the way," he gives Izuku a friendly punch on the shoulder. "Good work out there. You're tougher than you look."
"Oh no, poor Patrick," Taketsu says even as Izuku looks at the ground. He knew not everyone would qualify but the reminder of how cutthroat this competition was a bit terrifying. Yes, he did well this first round but what about the second? Izuku gulps as Midnight appears on the big screen.
"The top 42 are allowed to advance, I'm sorry for those who didn't pass but be sure to enjoy the rest of the Festival! We'll continue on to the final section of the preliminaries." Midnight says with a smile as she gestures to the screen, "and what will this final challenge be? I know but let me show you." Taketsu reaches out and grips Izuku's hand tightly.
"Behold! A human cavalry battle!" Midnight announces with a flourish. Izuku doesn't know whether to sigh with relief or vomit. It could have been worse, he supposes, but it also could have been better. "It'll function just like a normal cavalry battle with teams of 2-4 people. The only change is you all will receive headbands with points on them based on your performance in the obstacle course. Whoever has the most points at the end will win!" Izuku feels dread begin to creep up his spine, slowly but with practiced ease.
"So if you placed 42nd you get 5 points, 41st gets 10 and so on all the way up to our first place winner who is worth 10 million points! This is the chance for the low to replace those higher up, welcome to a battle for survival!"
And just like that, there are 41 pairs of eyes boring into him. 41 kids with amazing quirks capable of surpassing that hellish course all coming after the quirkless kid worth 10 million points. There was no way in hell he was getting through this intact, not to mention no one was going to want to team up with him.
"Let's team up, Midoriya," Taketsu says with a bright smile.
"Taketsu!" Izuku says with tears pouring out of his eyes as he gazes at Taketsu like she's just handed him the key to heaven. What has he ever done to deserve such good friends? "You mean it? You know everyone will be after my 10 million, right?"
"I trust your ability to strategize and keep our headbands safe besides, sorry to say, but no one else is gonna want to pair with you since they either don't know your quirk or know you're quirkless. Us Gen Ed students need to stick together." She says with a thumbs up. "Now we just need one more and we'll be all ready to go."
"Two more," Korudo says quietly, looking pained. "I like you Midoriya and I have nothing but respect for you but I'm in this to win and I can't place my faith in a team I don't believe in." He steps away slowly, looking uncomfortable. "I wish you both the best but I can't afford to let friendship get in my way."
"Well, shoot," Taketsu sighs as Korudo leaves. "Oh well, we'll figure out something. The teams can be 2 to 4 players," she eyes him up and down. "What do you weigh? I could probably carry you myself." Before Izuku could stammer out why exactly that plan won't work, muscular arms are pulling him backwards into a large pair of breasts.
"And here I knew you'd be useful eventually, Mr. First Place," Hatsume says, leaning her face down right next to his. "Let me join your team! Everyone will be watching us so I get the chance to use my babies and show them off to all the big companies. You owe me a favor for making your gear and besides," she reaches forward to loving stroke the gloves on his hand, "you know how useful my babies can be."
"H-Hatsume, yeah! We'd love to have you on our team," Izuku says, edging out of her hold with a bright blush. "If uh that's alright with you, Taketsu?"
"Beggars can't be choosers plus I'm sure she's got some crazy invention we can use," Taketsu says with a grin. "Now we just need one more."
"I'm going to be pretty much useless in this battle, you have some offense capabilities with your blood manipulation and with Hatsume, we now have access to both offensive and defense technologies." Izuku mutters to himself, tuning out the chaos around him.
"What we need is someone with a good defense, someone who can evade or defend. That should balance out the weaknesses in our group and give us half a chance at qualifying for the finals. But who would work?" Izuku thinks out loud, it's not just a problem of finding someone willing to team up with them, though that is still a significant issue. But there's not a lot of combative or defense quirks among the people he knows, he wouldn't even know who to ask.
"If I may, I would like to volunteer myself for your group," a stern voice says and Izuku looks up to see a dark haired boy with glasses. Izuku is struck suddenly as he recognizes him as the hero student as the one who calmed everyone during the time reporters broke in.
"I am Iida Tenya of Class 1-A. I was very impressed with your performance in the obstacle course and I believe I have the power you lack," Iida says, bringing his hand down in a chopping motion. "My quirk is engine which means I can maneuver and evade quite easily which you will need to do in order to keep your 10 million points."
"Yes!" Izuku replies enthusiastically. "Yes, that's exactly what we need! You'd be a perfect addition for our team, I'm Midoriya Izuku and this is Taketsu and Hatsume." Despite the joy he feels, Izuku can't help the niggling sense of doubt. "But um why would you want to work with us? I mean, it's much more practical for you to work with another group to take our headband."
"Ah, I'm sorry, I wasn't aware I was so transparent," Iida says, adjusting his glasses a bit. "With so many strong quirks in 1-A, I don't feel like I've had to chance to showcase my capabilities. I wasn't even there for most of the attack at USJ. With your 10 million points, I know everyone will be after you and so I want to challenge myself." Izuku hums, he wasn't exactly surprised and, after all, wasn't he also trying to prove himself?
"I understand, Iida and it's fine. Nice to meet you." Izuku says as he hears Midnight announce that they're getting ready to begin. "Ok, we need to work on our strategy. Hatsume, do you have anything that can work with Iida's speed? Ensure that we're able to move around easily?"
"Oh boy do I!" Hatsume says with a toothy smile that almost makes Izuku regret asking. But soon enough they'd worked out their plan and Izuku steps into his teammate's hands and becomes the mount, the 10 million point headband secured around his head. He warily eyes the other groups around him, keenly aware that they'll all be on them the second the battle started.
"Midoriya, I didn't get a chance to see your quirk during the obstacle course. Would you mind sharing it so we can incorporate it into our plans," Iida asks. Hatsume promptly bursts into snorting giggles while Taketsu shoots him a worried look. They only have moments before the battle begins and Izuku doesn't want to dishearten Iida before they even start.
"It's hard to explain, you'll see in the battle," Izuku responds enigmatically as Taketsu bites into the flesh of her free hand and draws blood, ready to unleash her power. "Let's stay focused; all we need to do to advance is keep this headband. Our primary goal is to protect the 10 million."
"Start!" Midnight announces and, despite expecting it, Izuku startles when most of the other teams come barreling their way.
"Okay, Hero we need to get out of here and fast." Taketsu yelps before, suddenly, they begin to sink into the ground. The groups are closer now, close enough that someone is able to use their quirk apparently. "It's got to be the guy in the front of that group; we need him to distract him, Taketsu!"
"On it," his friend hisses as a stream of blood shoots out and strikes the kid in the face. He reels back in surprise causing his whole group to stall and, more importantly, for the ground to return to normal beneath Izuku's team. "Come on motor boy! Get a move on!"
"Hold on, all of you!" Iida shouts as he races around the oncoming groups at what may be a slow pace for him but is still much beyond what the average person could do. Izuku had braced for the speed and, with the girls wearing Hatsume's mechanized skates, they were easily able to glide out of immediate danger.
"Good job, Iida. The battle is only 15 minutes, we just need to keep this up for that long. We can do that."
Maybe, Izuku thinks with trepidation as he catches sight of Kacchan charging across the field. Iida's rival, Todoroki, also looks like he's going to be trouble. Right now their main advantage is Iida's speed and also the fact that most probably don't know what quirk to expect from a nameless Gen Ed student.
"And look at that ladies and gentleman," Present Mic says from the commentators box. "Only 2 minutes in and already we have a melee of tumultuous proportions! As you can see, headbands are already being taken and it's fine strategy to settle for second, third or fourth and not go after the 10 million!"
"Let's slow down a little Iida, I don't know how long you can keep up this pace but I think it's a little much for us." Izuku says, starting to feel the strain from the wind and pressure. Iida obediently slows down to a normal person's jog.
"Apologies everyone," Iida announces. "I noticed Todoroki had been behind us but it looks like we've put a bit of distance betw-"
"Give me your fucking headband, Deku!" Izuku turns to see Kacchan raging close by, his red eyes locked onto their group as his team rapidly approaches. Izuku's hand twitches towards the staff strapped to his back but decides against it. Not only will it be cumbersome to maneuver it but the weapon all but announces that he doesn't have a combat quirk.
"Keep moving, I've got Kacchan." Taketsu says with a dark look on her face, "We still have a score to settle." Blood flies through the air, she'd aimed not at Kacchan but at his redheaded front rider. The boy's skin hardens instinctively at the blood flying into his face. It can't stop him but the surprise does slow the team down long enough for Iida to put some distance between them.
"That's quite the impressive quirk, Taketsu," Iida says sincerely as he shoots Taketsu a quick look before concentrating back on his run. Taketsu gives a weak smile in return.
Izuku practically jumps out of his skin as something pink, a tongue he thinks, shoots past his face and narrowly misses his headband. The tongue retracts and he sees that it's coming from a boy with many arms with three people protected within. A shadowy figure pops out from the shelter and dives toward them.
"That's Shouji, Tokoyami, Asui and Mineta from 1-A," Iida announces, immediately turning and going in another direction before the living shadow can reach them. "Asui is dangerous with her tongue as is Mineta who can release adhesive balls; we would do well to avoid them."
"Thanks for the heads up, Iida," Izuku mutters, feeling paranoia beating him down from all sides. They can't catch a moment to breathe.
"And all Team Midoriya can do is run away! Not that I blame them with that juicy 10 million to protect!" Present Mic's commentary was starting to get very grating. "Seven minutes have passed and, whoa, look at those scores! Class 1-A, the Festival's darlings, aren't doing so hot and Class 1-B is really heating up!"
"You know I hadn't planned on going for the 10 million, second or third would have sufficed but you look just like a sweet little lamb that I couldn't help myself." Fingers brush gently against the back of Izuku's head, loosening the headband and panic become the only reality he knows. Izuku spins, smacking the thief's arm away and further dislodging the headband until it slips down to Izuku's neck.
"Watch out Midoriya!" Iida yells, "Monoma can copy your quirk!" Izuku almost smiles, oh no, what will he do?
The other boy, a blond with a pinched face, grins. "Thank you for giving me the chance to test out whatever quirk helped you to win the obstacle course." The wannabe thief, Monoma, raises his hand, clearly expecting something great.
"Huh?" Monoma blinks and looks down at himself when nothing happens, "I definitely touched you so why didn't I copy-" Izuku punches him hard in the face and the boy dazedly falls back and is only kept upright by his teammates. Taketsu further drives them off with blood whips. In a split second decision, Izuku reaches forward and grabs two headbands from around Monoma's neck.
"What an upset from Team Midoriya! Not only were they able to evade Monoma's copy quirk but they also managed to steal some of their headbands, putting Team Monoma down to sixth place. Does this Midoriya kid ever stop?" Izuku isn't listening to the rest of the commentary as he secures the two new headbands, 665 and 120, around his neck. He reties the 10 million but keeps it with the others to confuse any other potential thieves.
"Amazing Midoriya! I made a wise choice when I teamed up with you," Iida shouts. "How did you manage to avoid Monoma's quirk? It's very effective, he used it earlier to take Bakugou's headband."
"I'll tell you later, come on, we have to keep moving. There's six minutes left and we still have everyone after us!" Izuku answers as he hones in on one team moving forward purposefully, it's Todoroki. Izuku feels his insides twist a bit as he thinks of the boy's terrifying power during the obstacle course.
"That headband," Todoroki announces once he's close enough, "I'm taking it."
"We need to move," Taketsu says quietly enough that Izuku tears his eyes off the dual toned boy charging towards them to look down at his friend. She was pale and tired looking, breathing through her mouth. He glances down at her palm which is still bleeding freely. Between the obstacle course and now the cavalry battle, she's got to be feeling the effects of her quirk.
"Taketsu, close your wounds before you lose too much blood!" Izuku shrieks and he really isn't surprised when there's ice cold fingers at his neck grasping for the headbands.
Todoroki is driven off by a weak blood stream and Izuku's maneuvering so he only manages to get away with one headband. But, surprisingly enough, Izuku couldn't care less right now. "Taketsu please, you've done amazing so far but please don't push yourself, winning isn't worth it!" He practically begs.
"Midoriya, did he get the 10 million?" Iida demands, not seeming to care at all about Taketsu's health.
"Who cares about that when she could be bleeding to death?" Izuku shouts even as he angrily looks down at the headbands strapped around his neck. "But no, he didn't, he got one of Monoma's, the 665 point one. Not that a stupid piece of cloth matters," Taketsu squeezes his foot with her hand.
"Thank you for your concern but I'm fine, I'm just a bit weak. Having these skates has been a lifesaver. I can hold out for the rest of the battle, you just focus on getting us through." She says with a tired smile and it's hard work for Izuku to pull his eyes from her to evaluate the big players left on the battlefield.
Todoroki is still pretty close, wiping off Taketsu's blood from his arms and looking ready to attack again at any moment. Kacchan looks like he's gotten some points back and will probably be coming their way soon. Izuku sees Shinsou being carried around, but his friend has plenty of headbands and likely won't make an attempt on them. The rest of the groups are pretty disorganized and focused on each other.
"Yea, you can do it, First Place! You have to get us through so I can continue to show off my babies!" Hatsume pipes up.
"Alright, let's do this." Izuku says resolutely, tugging on the two headbands around his neck to test their security.
Todoroki suddenly charges forward and it looks like he's pulled a blanket out of nowhere? What's that going to- Iida is speeding away quickly from Todoroki who electrocutes the teams nearest him before icing them in place. Izuku yelps, what kind of quirks does Todoroki have on his team?
"That's Kaminari's doing, he has a lightning quirk," Iida says in a subdued tone. "He also has Yaoyorozu who can create anything she can understand molecularly and that's Uraraka up front, her quirk is Zero Gravity so I imagine she's lightening the load of the team for maneuverability. They're a very efficient and dangerous combination."
"Hey, First Place, isn't that your friend over there?" Hatsume asks, pointing over to Kacchan who's also racing towards them with deadly intent. Izuku's team is caught in a triangle between bad and worse with not many places to run to. Izuku looks at Todoroki's passive face then over at Kacchan who is practically frothing at the mouth with rage.
"I say we go for Todoroki, if we go quickly enough we can avoid the ice and the lightning," Izuku says.
"I agree, if I may point something out. Todoroki can create both fire and ice but he's vowed never to use the fire from his left side in battle. I'm not sure if that helps in any way," Iida supplies as he begins to run at Todoroki.
"Only two minutes left and it looks like it's down to three! Todoroki and Bakugou of Class 1-A and the wild card Midoriya from Gen Ed who still hasn't shown us anything about his quirk!"
Todoroki brings up an ice wall on Izuku's left, not just blocking off their only escape route but also cutting off Kacchan's advance. Honestly, Izuku kind of wants to thank him for that.
Present Mic's commentary reminds Izuku that his unknown quirk is still an advantage, if he pretends that he's bigger than he is, he just might be able to drive Todoroki off. It's a gamble but it's all he can do since retreat isn't an option anymore. Todoroki doesn't appear put off by their advancement and instead readies himself for whatever Izuku can throw his way.
Iida is careful to stay on Todoroki's left and, true to form, Todoroki keeps shifting to try and accommodate the ice on his right. Why isn't he using his fire? Is he afraid of hurting his teammates? Either way, Izuku is going to take advantage of his opponent's stubbornness.
Izuku borrows a technique from Kacchan and shifts his weight over to Hatsume, pulling his foot out of Taketsu's hand and delivering a strong kick to Todoroki's midsection. It startles the other boy enough that he doubles over, leaving his headbands exposed.
"Todoroki!" Uraraka shouts as she tries to retreat but Izuku's already grabbing at Todoroki's headbands while Iida and Hatsume struggle to keep him upright. Izuku's hand lands on Todoroki's neck but before he can grab anything, a small amount of flames bursts from Todoroki's left. It's snuffed out just as quickly but Izuku instinctively pulls back at the intense heat. Grey and blue eyes look at Izuku with something approaching horror on his face.
"Midoriya and Todoroki are right in each other's grill but nothing is happening! What's going on down there? Team Bakugou is going around Todoroki's barrier and is charging toward both teams, looking ready to launch! 30 seconds left and it's anyone's game at this point!"
"Iida, get us out of here!" Izuku shouts because Todoroki's only going to be stunned for so long and Kacchan was fast approaching. Izuku's words seem to snap Todoroki out of his daze and his arm darts forward quicker than Izuku can track.
"Hold on! Recipro Burst!" Iida shouts, revving his engine before speeding off faster than Izuku can even comprehend. The girls shriek below him and Izuku is aware of fingers at his neck. The next moment, they're halfway across the field with good distance between them and Todoroki. Kacchan is screaming as they get away again and there's a limp headband hanging in Todoroki's hand.
"I'm out, my engines have stalled. Midoriya, how are we doing?" Iida shouts, looking up at him.
"5... 4... 3..."
With shaking fingers, Izuku slowly turns the only remaining headband over in his hand and looks at it. Kacchan is close now, he'll be upon them in a few more seconds. He either didn't notice Todoroki grab the headband or he doesn't care.
"You're fucking mine Deku! You can't run away any more!" Kacchan shouts as he launches himself into the air.
"2... 1... Time is up everyone! Let's tally up the points!"
His momentum lost, Kacchan falls flat the ground and proceeds to pound his fists into the ground in frustration. Todoroki lets out a deep breath, bringing the fist holding the stolen headband up to rest against his forehead. Meanwhile, Izuku is too busy staring at the numbers on his headband.
"And in first place is, once again, Team Midoriya with 10 million points! Absolutely unbelievable, who is this kid!? In second we have Team Todoroki, Team Bakugou in third." Kacchan screeches even louder from his place on the ground at that announcement. "And in fourth is eh? Team Shinsou? When did that happen?"
Izuku bursts into a grin as the shock wears off, they made it! It was only due to dumb luck but they made it! And Shinsou did too, he'd have to congratulate his friend later!
"Taketsu, did you hear that? Shinsou made it through, maybe Korudo was with-" Izuku begins to sway as Taketsu's grip on him loosens. Iida and Hatsume steady him while Taketsu sinks to her knees. "Taketsu!" Izuku shouts, jumping down to the ground and supporting her back before she falls over. She's even paler in the light, her hands are cold and trembling slightly. Her hair has mostly fallen out of its bun and is dusting the ground. She tries to smile at him but her lips barely twitch.
"So we made it, huh?" In the background, he can hear Iida calling for a medic but Izuku can't tear his eyes off his friend. There's no way he can lift her alone, maybe if he and Iida work together. She touches his arm.
"I'm glad. I can't go on but I kind of knew this was a one-shot deal. Quirks like mine, we have limits and sometimes they're too much," Taketsu whispers as people start to rush towards them. "But that's what's so great about you Midoriya, you don't have any limits, there's nothing stopping you from going all the way to the top."
"Please move, I need to take her to Recovery Girl," a medic bot announces.
"I'm going with," Izuku pleads, stepping back anxiously as Taketsu is loaded over onto the stretcher. Shinsou runs over and looks at Taketsu with large, fearful eyes. Izuku doesn't think he's seen him so shaken up before.
"No, stay here, both of you. You have the one on one matches, remember? I'll be fine, really, and I'll be cheering you on from the nurse's office. Good luck." And with that said, one of Izuku's best friends is rushed off the field, worn out from blood loss because Izuku hadn't paid her enough attention to remind her not to overdo it.
Around him the crowd is still cheering, hell, they're probably excited by the added drama of a student being taken away by a stretcher, and Izuku doesn't even hear it. All he can think about is victory and the high cost that comes with it.
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