vieuxmetiers · 1 year
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Porteur de glace.
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porteurcycles · 2 years
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clairemation · 13 days
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Shit, I forgot this story has a horse in it and nobody knows how to draw one. Their form is inscrutable and their composition is unknown to science
Also, if I ever say I’m gonna do “just a quick study” and I start painting in color, one of you please come up and SMACK me in the head
Anyway, this sketch is kind of funny because in the characterization I’m giving the Torchbearer in this fancomic, he is… not a fan of horses
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sissa-arrows · 10 months
Also let’s not forget the fact that many “innocent” settlers were very fucking extremist, beating up and oppressing Algerians just because they can yknow, they knew their role in that society, they knew that no matter what it’d be the Algerian who pays the price, they’d have Algerians as their slaves and beat up actual kids (my grandfather was one of said victims as a child)
But noooooo, it’s the savage Algerians, and settlers are the victims
Like there was some good apples amongst them, but let’s be honest here, most of them did nothing but oppress the Algerians at the time, extremist settlers were as bad as the colonisers, they are colonisers, and that’s a fact and a hill I will die on
The good apples were rare and they have the status of moujahidine/shouhada like all Algerians who fought. The “porteurs de valises” are people who made the right choice even if they were rare. And a lot of them paid with their lives the fact that they saw themselves as Algerians not as “French Algerians”
Charles Geromini a doctor who made the rights decision said “I joined the Algerian revolution a year ago. Remembering the tension in my contact with the revolution (before joining) at the early stage I was scared I would be excluded. It didn’t happen. I was welcomed like any other Algerian. For Algerians I’m not just an ally anymore, I’m a brother, simply a brother, like all of them.” After the independence he stayed in Algeria. He had the citizenship like all Algerians. He didn’t even try to keep his French citizenship. He became a teacher in the medical institute to form the next generation of doctors in Algeria. His students respected him a lot. Unfortunately in 1993 he left like many Algerians did because of the civil war. The terrorists threatened him personally so he left (like all Algerians he had to go through the visa process and all). But he was Algerian even it was not by blood.
Yvon Bresson was a cop in Setif and he was horrified by the fact that his job consisted in protecting the settlers who had proudly slaughtered 45000 Algerians a decade before. So he helped the revolution as much as he could and was jailed for that. You know what he said? “I did all of that as an Algerian. I don’t feel like I betrayed France. I’m Algerian and like every Algerian I fought and will keep on fighting against colonialism. As a conscious Algerian citizen, my place is alongside the Algerian patriots. So that’s what I did.”
Those people were settlers but they are honored because they were willing to give up their status to be Algerians in a free Algeria and saw Algerians as their siblings.
If they wanna talk about innocent settlers I suggest we talk about Maurice Audin. France kidnapped him. Tortured him. And then they stabbed him to death that way if the body was found they could blame Algerians for his death. They hide his body and then pretended he escaped and left his wife and children behind. They refused to admit that they killed him. He was declared dead in 1963 without his body. His family, especially his widow, kept asking for justice and it’s only in 2018 that France admitted that they did kill him. I remember a couple years ago when his younger son, who was just a baby (2 months) when his father was killed, got the Algerian citizenship. He was so freaking happy he was holding his passport with a huge smile. In an interview he said “in France I’m the son of traitor in Algeria I’m the son of hero of a shahid”.
But as whole? Settlers were fucking monsters. They didn’t care about Algeria but about their privileges. They didn’t see our ancestors as humans either. The few good apples I named don’t change anything about it.
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fleurladari-a · 4 months
what a funny thing, beauty was. what a selective and horrid thing it was to be beautiful. to know what beauty REALLY was. perhaps there wasn't even a single semblance of true beauty left in the world. nothing worth keeping this disgusting filth, flooding his nostrils and greyscale gaze with nothing but poison. his own venom leaked through and ate away at the sickening mucus that had pierced his lips.
it was a reminder. a REMINDER of the persistent weeds. the roots that kept interlocking with the most exquisite of flowers. that latched themselves to the mouths of those in desperate need of purity; fed oil instead of water.
lysandre pressed his lips together, then tightened his teeth together, gritted. how revolving, the foul taste that never quite left him, only building atop itself. with every kindness he gave, all the willingness in the world. what he thought would he endless as the sky. these insects still sought to wriggle and fly away from the conflagration ever approaching.
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but not to worry.
even the worst of parasites have a place in his BEAUTIFUL TOMORROW. in his paradise that he was so painstakingly intent on making a reality. a sacrifice that might take everything just for the world that should have been a given. allow him to give it, now.
providing it his way. through his eyes. whether it is willing or he has curl his claws around it and force it to change.
and those parasites--those forsaken and unworthy will be given sanctuary. sanctuary on metal tables and in glass tubes, peeled open and treated to live--to be SUSTAINED. to be collected.
to be his.
whether they like it or not.
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fidjiefidjie · 2 years
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"Le poste de porteur de presse 🗞 nécessite ..... d’être matinal, ponctuel, autonome et rigoureux."
Gif Tenor
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philoursmars · 1 year
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Nouveau retour à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 55500 photos (et des brouettes).  Plus trop loin du présent….  
2016. Arrivée à Marseille en octobre,
A la MAMA (Maison de l’Artisanat et des Métiers d’Art), Cours Estienne-d’Orves, une expo : “Porter”
- éventails - France 
- "frontière" (coiffe de front) savoyarde et coiffe bressane
- chapeaux de paille - France
- chapeaux de bergers wodaabe - Niger
- sac de porteur d'eau - Marrakech 
- calottes - Ouzbékistan 
- socques pour hammam - Syrie, Turquie
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lemuseum · 1 year
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energiologue · 3 months
Vous êtes l’enseignant de la société
. . VOUS POUVEZ ENTENDRE CE TEXTE EN CLIQUANT SUR LE LIEN CI-DESSUS . Très chers amis, Je suis ici avec une telle joie. Sentez ma joie. J’aime vous voir tous ici unis comme des frères et des sœurs. C’est cela la Terre nouvelle. Quand les gens se rencontrent à cœur ouvert, quand ils s’unissent dans un cercle comme celui-ci, quelque chose de nouveau surgit, quelque chose de beaucoup plus que…
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vieuxmetiers · 3 months
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Ara Güler, Les petits porteurs, Istanbul, Turquie, 1954.
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piftheone · 2 years
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anolis3 · 6 months
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"Le Porteur d'Espoir", by Sara Schneider.
"Le petit prince de la source claire, Ainsi que son amie très chère, Perchés sur leur rocher, solitaires, Ont vu passer dix fois la lumière. Sont rejoints par de vilaines bêtes Qui vivent au-dessous de la crête. Elles font fu rocher leur conquête. Le prince, alors, s'enfuit prestement. L'amie se dirige au ponant, Lui, part face au soleil dominant, Vers l'arbre mauve qu'il chérit tant.", from Le Porteur d'Espoir.
"La jalousie, les accès de violence ou la rage résonnent comme autant d'appels lancés à Orga. Parmi toutes les sollicitations qu'elles reçoit de la population des Terres Franches, certains voix se dégagent, plus cristallines : celles des rejetons de sa sœur. Orga ne manquera pas la moindre invitation.", from Le Porteur d'Espoir.
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eztul · 10 months
Montreal Closet Shaker
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Dressing room - huge contemporary gender-neutral porcelain tile dressing room idea with shaker cabinets and dark wood cabinets
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loveunconditionallyx · 11 months
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Lookout Basement in Montreal Large trendy look-out medium tone wood floor basement photo with white walls
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fleurladari-a · 5 months
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<- personal vendetta against geosenge specifically
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scorpiohipsters · 1 year
Montreal Closet Shaker
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Dressing room - huge contemporary gender-neutral porcelain tile dressing room idea with shaker cabinets and dark wood cabinets
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