#positron puddles
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And here he is! Prunsel Deltarune!
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Some Clarification on a post I made six days ago
remember that post I made about a blog called @deltarunepositronpuddles?
Yeah that was my way of basically announcing that I am going to be sharing my own Take on how deltarune may end up playing out, tying into concepts from the deltarune dream I had. Featuring:
Some Art!
No music! (I cant compose for shit)
Titles for hypothetical music tracks!
A Chapter 4 set in the Diner!
NO GAME COMING FROM ME! (I also can't program for the life of me)
Kreapy K. Rawlie, now not a giant mass of corpses!
a Tenna thats an absolute asshole with no redeeming features at all, like god damn I thought king sucked!
So what are you waiting for? Sorry it took a while for me to clear things up.
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dumbwaystodeviate · 5 years
Nines, Connor and sixty all deviating at once because the topic of whether or not water is wet comes up. They all have differing opinions and soon in results in an argument. Now they’re all in the precinct screaming about whether or not water is wet.
There was a reputation that preceded Sixty. Most called him a trouble maker to be polite but others often referred to him as ‘that little shit from SWAT’. If he was around, humans and deviants alike knew that something was going to happen. Which meant they were reluctant to interact with him for fear of being the ones at the receiving end of his chaos but at the same time they didn’t want to be too far away and not witness firsthand the spectacle.
“Brothers!” Sixty’s arms were up as he greeted Connor and Nines, pulling his machine counterparts in for a stiff hug. “I have a question for your wise, logical positronic brains.”
He ignored the protest of androids not having such brains and instead, an arm around his brother’s shoulders, he directed them to a water spillage. They all stared at it as though it held the answers to the universe.
“Is water wet?”
Connor’s “yes” and matched by Nines’ “no” and they turned to stare at each other. In the middle, Sixty gleefully grinned.
“Connor, please explain why water is wet.”
What followed was Connor’s logic of water being a liquid and a defining feature of that was the fact that it was wet. All through his rather scientific and stilted explanation, Nines’ LED was red. Once finished and a little smile on his lips, Connor looked to Nines.
“Well then, Nines, refute that!”
There was already a seed of red in Nines’ programming. So he could opt for a physical demonstration. Reaching down, he scooped up a little water from the puddle.
“Please watch,” he said and dripped a couple of drops back onto the floor in a new patch. “The floor is now wet because there is water on it, correct?”
Sixty and Connor nodded obediently and Nines continued, “Therefore, the water makes it wet. But if I drip water onto the water, I have not made the water wet, I have merely made the puddle bigger and the floor wetter. Thus, water is not wet, it makes other things wet.”
Connor’s LED was a solid red as he took it in. He took a moment before arguing against such logic and Sixty took a step back, looking all too proud of himself. Especially when Nines retaliated, the argument soon moving from logical discussion to yelling insults about processor chip sizes and broken logic circuits.
Grinning widely, Sixty walked back to the small group huddled to watch the outcome of Connor and Nines arguing. Leaning back, he sighed happily, “ah, the beauty of deviancy.”
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goddessofgamma · 6 years
Windy Cities and Faulty Electronics, Chapter 12 (Ao3 Link)
Summary:  Loki causes problems in more ways than one, having broken into Thor’s house and now by interrogating Bruce about his intentions towards his brother.
Thor’s brother was lanky and long-haired, his eyes dark and glaring at them both as Thor tried to negotiate with the police officer to let him go.  Bruce was remaining at a respectful distance from it all, not wanting to intrude into something that wasn’t his business.  Watching from a few metres away, Bruce saw Thor get angrier than he’d ever seen before.  
From here, it was difficult to tell whether he was angry at the police or with his brother; Bruce suspected that it was a little bit of both.  Usually Bruce found himself recoiling from people when they were mad, raised voices and harsh tones reminding him a little too much of his father. He’s nothing like my father, Bruce thought of Thor.  Even when he’s angry, he’s not threatening.  The way Thor’s jaw clenched was almost endearing.
After some short words, the officer seemed to agree to release Thor’s brother, unlocking the door of the police van.  Bruce thought that now would be an appropriate time to join them.
“Loki will never do this again.”  Thor was talking to the officer, but his eyes were glaring to his brother.  “It was just a misunderstanding about what time I was due to come home.”
The officer looked wary but undid the handcuffs all the same.  
“I don’t want to hear of any more trouble from you,” he said as he pocketed the handcuffs.  “If it weren’t for your brother here, you would have been spending tonight in a jail cell.”  
“Oh, believe me officer,” Loki smirked.  “You won’t hear of any more trouble from me.”
They remained in silence, no noise but the rain as the officer went to drive away, Bruce giving Thor what he hoped was a reassuring pat on the shoulder.  Bruce was a little sad their walk had ended on such a damper, but what mattered the most him was that Thor wasn’t too distressed by his brother.
“Well, are you going to invite me in?  I know you love playing in puddles, brother, but I have a certain image to maintain.”
“Does that image include breaking into houses and being arrested?” Thor asked, bitterness in his voice but leading the way to his flat nonetheless.
“I thought that you would like the surprise.  I thought it might add some colour to the otherwise bland and grey life you’ve made for yourself.”
“Just because I don’t travel the world with some sugar-daddy twice my age –“
“En Dwi is not my sugar-daddy –“
“- Doesn’t mean I don’t have a good life.  Besides, you don’t wear anything that isn’t black, how would you add any colour to my life?”
Bruce felt out of place, hovering behind the brothers at the door.  He thought about leaving, but he wouldn’t want to go without saying goodbye to Thor, after all the time they had spent together, and with the two of them bickering, it was difficult to get a word in edgeways.
“Who are you, anyway?” Bruce snapped back to his thoughts as Loki directed a question his way.  
“I’m Bruce Banner, I’m, er, Thor’s coll –“
“Bruce is a wonderful professor at the university, do you remember the research I was telling you about, a few years ago, about positron collisions?”  Loki raised an eyebrow in response.  “He was the lead scientist on that paper.”  Thor clasped Bruce’s shoulder fondly.  “And now we’re friends.”  His eyes scored deep into Bruce’s willing him to know that he hoped that they were more than that.  “But don’t change the subject.  Why are you here early?”
“En Dwi wanted me to come ahead of him to find a hotel that he’d like.  I had thought that you’d be pleased to see me –“
“- I would have been if I hadn’t have had to receive the news that you were here from the police.”
“I’m here now, early and eager to spend some time with my older brother.  Why not be civil and show me some curtesy?”  Thor looked ready to argue back but then Loki continued. “You are entertaining guests, after all.”  He shot a pointed look at Bruce.
“Fine,” Thor conceded through gritted teeth as he finished unlocking his door.  “Would either of you like a drink?”  His voice was halfway towards friendly.
“Spearmint and Fennel tea, make sure you wait until the water is at eighty degrees before you pour it in,” Loki ordered.  Thor huffed at the unnecessary level of detail.
“Bruce?  Could I get you anything?”
“Coffee, if that’s okay.”
“Decaf black, no sugar,” Thor noted, remembering Bruce’s preferences.  Bruce nodded, chuffed that he had remembered.
Thor motioned for Loki to head to the living room, while he stayed back for little while to talk to Bruce.
“I apologize for my brother, and for myself ignoring you,” he said with earnest.
“I don’t mind.”  Bruce tried to put Thor’s mind at ease.  “It’s better that it was just your brother and not someone trying to steal from your house.  And if he hadn’t come, we wouldn’t have had that walk in the rain.”  Thor smiled at that, the water still spilling down his brow.
“I suppose you’re right. I’ll go get us all some towels.”
He walked into the kitchen, and Bruce heard the kettle a moment later.  Bruce walked into the living room, a little dubious of Loki, who was eying him slyly from the sofa.
“So, you work at the university,” Loki interrogated.
“Yeah.”  Bruce sat down awkwardly on the edge of an armchair. “Mainly in the physics department, with Thor.”
“But you don’t just work with him do you?”  Loki’s eyes narrowed.  “What exactly are your intentions with my brother?”
Bruce’s mind whirred. Until an hour prior, his interactions with Thor had been a little distant, but now he wasn’t sure how to describe what was going on between them, much less how to explain that to a disapproving sibling.
“Eh, I don’t know if that’s for me to answer,” was all Bruce could manage.
“I’ll get Thor’s side of it later, but it’s more than obvious that you both are sickeningly infatuated with one another.”  It is?  
“I… I like him.” Bruce didn’t know what to say, whether to deny his feelings to Loki, or tell the truth.  He didn’t know whether he could give reassurance that he would treat Thor well: he’d certainly try, but he didn’t have enough confidence in his abilities to say that he’d be a good partner to Thor given that he’d managed to screw up so many of his other relationships.  “I care about him a lot.”
Loki looked at him intently, sussing him out.
“What is it that you like about him?”  
“He’s kind,” Bruce wrung his hands, feeling awkward.  “And smart. We get along well.”
“That’s it?  I would have hoped that Thor would have chosen someone a little more keen on him.”  Bruce felt his blood heat at that.  He was enthusiastic about Thor, he couldn’t get him off his mind.
“He’s funny, and caring, I’m comfortable around him, he’s enthusiastic.  He’s –“ There were too many words he could use to describe Thor, but Bruce was starting to get embarrassed.  “He’s wonderful.”
Loki gave a hint of a smile.
“Good.  Don’t tell him that – it would go do his head and lord knows he doesn’t need that – but I’m glad someone like him for more than just being good-looking.”  Bruce tried to keep his expression unfazed; he certainly did like Thor’s body, but it wasn’t the only thing about him.  “You don’t seem to be the worst person my brother has ever dragged home, but if it turns out that I have misjudged you, I will ensure you don’t live to hurt him again.”  Bruce had a strong feeling that the threat was genuine.
Before Loki could detail the ways in which he would make Bruce pay, Thor interrupted with their drinks.
“Loki, if I find that you have been threatening Bruce…”
“No threats, brother, just promises.”
They continued conversation, a little lighter than before, as they drank their tea and coffee.  Loki was to stay with Thor for a week before his partner arrived.  Bruce was fairly sure that Loki’s partner was called En Dwi, but he was a bit confused by the two of them occasionally referring to him as ‘the Grandmaster’.  From what he could gather, Loki’s partner was very rich and had the eccentricity to match.
Halfway through his coffee, Bruce checked the time and realised it was only a short time before he had to go to a union meeting.  He’d forgotten entirely that he had things to do today that weren’t Thor-related.
“I’m sorry, Thor, I’ve gotta head off, I’ve got a meeting in half an hour,” Bruce told them, interrupting an in-depth discussion on the many hairstyles Thor had had over the course of his life.
Thor jumped up off of the sofa to see Bruce out.
“I’m glad we’ve been introduced,” said Loki.  “Don’t forget our conversation in a hurry, it was quite enlightening.”  That’s not a suggestion, that’s a threat, Bruce understood.
In the hallway, Thor held Bruce back just as he was about to leave.
“Bruce.”  Thor looked concerned.  “Thank you, for today.  For talking to me honestly.”  Thor held Bruce’s hands in his.  “Keeping me company.”  
“I’m glad I did, Thor. Spending time with you is…”  He trailed off, not knowing the words, but judging by his smile, Thor took his meaning.  
“Did you mean those things you said to Loki?  About me being kind and smart?”
“You heard that?” Bruce was a little embarrassed, but he nodded.  “I meant it.”
“Talking about me being funny and caring and passionate and wonderful?”  Thor’s grin was getting smugger by the second.  “Yes, I heard you.  I also heard Loki threaten you, don’t worry about him, he’s –“
“- he’s not serious, I know,” Bruce finished.
“Actually, I was going to say that he’s not usually in the country, so you won’t have to worry about it. Otherwise, I’m not certain, but he may be serious.”
“It’s good that your family looks out for you like that.”  
Thor laughed.
“That’s one way of looking at it.”  He moved his hands to brush Bruce’s wrists, moving up his arms as he spoke.  “I think after all that, I owe you a compliment or two.”  Bruce opened his mouth to object, but Thor continued before he had the chance “You are clever beyond words and have made me feel more welcome than I could have dreamed.  You put me at ease, make me smile.”  Thor drew close as his hands reached Bruce’s clavicles, his voice lowering.  “You are dashing and handsome.”  Bruce would have laughed if he hadn’t been so distracted by Thor’s lips so close to his own.
“I am?” Bruce spoke quietly, his proximity to Thor making him forget to be self-deprecating.  
Thor leant down, closing the gap between them, pressing his lips to Bruce’s. It was everything Bruce had been wishing for the past weeks, the pressure of Thor’s lips, the scratch of his beard, the scent and taste of him so close.  
The kiss had started softly but as Bruce raised himself up on his tip-toes to get closer, Thor deepened it, carding his fingers through Bruce’s hair and pushing him against the door.  Thor couldn’t help but hum in pleasure.  How can anyone feel so good?  Bruce wondered, committing to memory every press of Thor’s muscles, every stroke of his tongue.
Pulling back, Thor spent a moment breathing, catching his breath, still only an inch from Bruce’s lips.
“Thor,” Bruce breathed, dazed.  His back was still flush against the door.  “Thanks.  I’ve been wanting that since the last time we…” He trailed off.  Since the last time I kissed you and then ran off. “Thanks.”
Thor smiled his response.
“My pleasure.  I’m only sorry you couldn’t stay longer.” There was a yearning look in his eyes. “Although perhaps, with my brother around, it is for the best.”
Bruce nodded, stepping away from the door so he would be able to open it.  
“If you have any free time this week, though, I’d like to see you.”
A smug grin grew on Thor’s face.
“I wouldn’t dare waste that opportunity.”
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0 - [Not/Applicable] 1 - [Potential/Hero] 2 - [Holy/Elec] 3 - [Eye/Sea] 4 - [Thunder/Light] 5 - [Dark/Star] 6 - [Puppet/Cat] 7 - [Manipulator/Mouse] 8 - [Death/Scythe] 9 - [Noise/Master] 10 - [Null/Void]
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J33P3R5 K. R34P3R5!
considering that today's prompt is SPIDER, you all get to see some drawn attack concepts for everybody's favorite chapter 3 secret boss that uses the purple soul (CITATION NEEDED), Kreepy K. Rawley! Lucky You!
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perhaps more will be made for the inktober prompts if they fit any ideas.
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A... Schedule?
October 3rd: What lies on the path of the void?
October 6th: Questions may be fielded to the main villain of Chapter 5.
October 13th: General information about Chapter 5
October 16/17: learn about an Angel and a Demon (not THE angel).
October 20th: Chapter 4 general information (changed due to Frost)
October 21st: Nothing. pay no attention to the ones bound in Chains.
October 27th: Tenna and (REDACTED) design reveal
October 31st: P's full name is revealed, as well as a lot more about them
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... It seems like Micheal was trying to pull a fast one on me.
No matter.
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I can silence them easily.
You may continue to give questions to some of these darkners however. A list will be made shortly.
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Now, for someone different
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And here we have The Glutton, Kreepy K. Rawly! Owner of the House of Happy Haunts and an "old pal" of Kris! After you meet with them, (if you beat the other two secret bosses), you might even see the Shadow Mantle fluttering in the wind. They also speak of another friend they made called "TAL", but they don't seem to be here right now.
Kreepy's typing quirk is, as you see, Leet speak. Fitting for a plushie of a video game character, don't you think? You use the purple soul form during their battle after accidentally slicing the fabric Shadow Mantle to bits. You do have the ability to jump OVER lines now, as well as temporarily out of the battle box if you are on the farthest lines.
They are also supposed to be somewhat of an Expy of Kirby. They also know how important it is to practice SELF-CARE
Hypothetical OST tracks
Kreepy K. Rawly (the overworld track. sounds a lot like a spooky version of green greens, but still with an upbeat tone)
House of Happy Haunts (an area track for the "dungeon" you go through to meet up with Kreepy after your first encounter. Again, overall tone is spooky yet upbeat)
PHASMAGORIA (The Battle Theme when you are fighting against Kreepy and their friend, TAL. Spooky yet upbeat tone, like the other tracks. however it is a faster paced track.)
Exorsted (The "Dialtone" theme for Kreepy and TAL. Name is supposed to be a combination of Exorcism and Exhausted. plays after beating them.)
If you Kill them with kindness, you can obtain the Morphic Shroud.
If you just Kill their friend, you obtain the Galactic Blade.
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(P's concept will be revealed at a later date)
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Ah, a decision was made.
I suppose doing things a bit early never hurt an- hey what are you doing with tha-
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All of the following are just names. no actual music has been made.
Kris, where the hell are we?
Set of Dust and Dunes (The semi-abandoned “Sherrif Pine” set. Acts as the starting area of the chapter)
Sherrif (what one would expect to be a theme of a recurring character. However they are immediately launched off stage by what looks to be an off-brand power ranger)
Undyne (Undyne’s overworld theme. They are the off-brand power ranger)
Rider of Justice (Undyne’s battle theme. Oh it looks like it was a kamen rider reference not power rangers.)
Into the sunset (a post battle theme after undyne accidentally gets blown away by a barrel of dynamite.)
DON’T ADJUST YOUR SET (Tenna intro theme)
Troublesome Tenna (Tenna Overworld theme)
Cathode’s Crew (The Shadowmen’s theme)
Obvioustrap.oog (a stinger that plays when Susie falls for an obvious moss-based trap)
Getting Back Up (Toriel’s theme. Because after you have fallen down, you have to get back up.)
Green room (… Listen what do you expect me to say its GREEN ROOM we ALL know what green room is)
Sheen’s Shop (a shop theme for the green room shop run by a familiar dinosaur)
Tenna Studios Plaza (the “hub world” of this chapter. A spire of wood and metal is in the distance, surrounding the dark fountain. You are filled with the power of family and fluffy boys.)
Mountain King Overture (A rearrangement of “in the hall of the mountain king” that plays in the first part of the “Mountain King” Set. Similar in tone to bergentrükung)
YOUR HOST, GRENDEL GNOMOID (The overworld theme for the main antagonist of the “Mountain King” set: A deranged game show host who is an old garden gnome that Asgore left behind by accident.)
Set of Gardens and Games (Another rearrangement of “In the hall of the Mountain King”, but more upbeat and similar in tone to “It’s Showtime”)
SUSIEZILLA (after being shrunk down by magic liquid, you face off against Susie, who was just told this was a monster movie set)
We used to have a stealth section, but it sucked so here are minigames (A sped up 8-bit version of “Sneaking” that plays in what was very clearly meant to be a stealth section that is now an arcade where each minigame you beat gives part of a key that opens the door to the next room)
THEY OPENED THE DOOR, KNOCK THEIR SOCKS OFF BOYS! (A chase variant of Cathode’s Crew that plays after you unlock the arcade door and run to the next section)
HeroesReunited.oog (A quick jingle that plays after you finally meet back up with susie.)
SPIN THAT WHEEL (you are given a chance to win, and that chance is spinning that wheel)
SetComplete.oog (a jingle that plays when you beat a set)
Green Room Movement (So the green room acts like the willy Wonka elevator, did I mention that?)
Set of Sales and Shadows (the theme of the shopping network set, where the gimmick is there is no gimmick)
Cornered! (the theme that plays when the Cathode crew attacks during the end section of the shopping network set)
A Grim Grinning Ghoul (Kreepy’s Introduction theme. After beating two of the sets, if you have the shadow crystals from Jevil and Spamton, You can see them standing behind a rusted gate)
Set of Cosmos and Calamity (The theme of the space set, which you must go through with Susie. Keep the audience happy.)
Cosmic Commander Roulx (Oh shit he’s back. he’s gonna be in every chapter, isn’t he?)
INTRUDER ALERT (Plays when the Cathode Crew board the ship)
Set of Baking and Brutality (the theme of the cooking set, which forces you to bring along toriel. Hope they like snail pie)
Well, there’s your problem: too many snails! (plays when the Cathode crew somehow gets the snails to revolt)
Crew Crusher (the slowed down rude buster, plays when you FINALLY actually fight the Cathode Crew)
GRAB AND DASH, BOYS! (a VERY sped up rude buster that plays when Toriel gets kidnapped after beating the final set.)
Mansionkeyget.oog (a jingle that sounds similar to the Kirby 1-up jingle that plays when you obtain the mansion key the Cathode Crew dropped when kidnapping Toriel. They only seem to drop it if you have encountered Kreepy before.)
Off the Beaten path (a distant sounding version of Tenna Studios Plaza. Plays on the path towards the House of Happy Haunts.)
It’ll Come right back to Ya! (the “overworld theme” of Kreepy K. Rawly. You never exactly see them unobscured until the fight however)
House of Happy Haunts (A song that one would expect to play in a funhouse. While upbeat, something about it just sounds… off. It uses the Dialtone/circus motif)
Mirror Mania (A chase theme that plays in the Hall of Mirrors when a distorted reflection chases you)
The one who pulls the strings makes It ring (the song that plays just before Kreepy’s fight when you accidentally destroy the shadow mantle)
HAUNTED BY YOUR PAST (Kreepy K. Rawley’s battle theme. Has a variant that plays whenever TAL is on the field)
Exorcised by your future (Kreepy K. Rawley’s post fight theme.)
Tenna Towers (The castle theme of the chapter)
Tenna Talk {starring tenna} (a talk show section)
THE RIDER OF JUSTICE RIDES AGAIN! (a pre-undyne rematch theme)
BUT WITH A GUN THIS TIME! (Undyne rematch theme)
Should have been more careful with that thing (Didn’t she know she could shoot an eye out with that?)
Freedom Fountain (An ambient theme that plays right before Tenna’s final fight)
FRIDAY NIGHT DEATH SLOT (The Chaos King/attack of the killer queen equivalent)
Fade to Light (the theme that plays when everybody wakes up)
My Funky Town (it’s My Funky Town.)
Crystal Corner (Where all the secret bosses hang out after you beat/spare them!)
A Weird Deal (Do you really want to take it? Only plays if you have done snowgrave in the same save file)
Chap4Weirdrouteunlock.oog (…You took the deal. You monster.)
The edge is getting thinner (The end chapter theme. Credits do not roll after this chapter).
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Apologies for any delay, there was some slight difficulty reaching where this file was stored
ERROR! Due to file corruption, the Colors of this image were unable to be recovered.
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If anyone wants to make music or anything related to these concepts, go nuts. just make sure to tag this account.
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