#deltarune chapter seven
glitch-the-artist · 1 year
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The cause of the secret bosses, the one who made in contact with multiple darkeners, and showed them true heaven.
this character of sorts was inspired by the radiance from hollow Knight btw.
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forgettable-au · 5 months
Guess who just updated the Forgettable-AU Masterpost and now has names for the chapters of this comic finally....‼️
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Still not quite done with the writing but I'm getting there kind of😭👍
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buwheal · 5 months
Hey, Spamton!
Just wondering about something.... what's your relationship with the Addisons?
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post for an incredibly niche audience part 3
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in case you can tell which image is corresponding to who and whatnot
Varian - Kris
Hugo - Susie
Nuru - Ralsei
Yong - Lancer
Donella - Chaos King
Ulla - Queen
i didn’t really know who fit donella and ulla, if u have any suggestions maybe i��ll change them, but idk 😂
everyone except donnie and ulla fit their personalities perfectly and i’m so happy :]
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a-casual-dragonkin · 9 months
ok, so i didn't know about the newsletter that came out for Wallaru, but believe me when i say that i am. not too fond of the phrasing
i am fully on the side of "the young wizard is Far From Okay." (indeed influenced from @/stormbreaker101)
so to see that the writers went down the path of "the player is happy about being the hero, despite their actions" doesn't. sit right with me. it's prolly just to keep the ESRB rating to be like E10+ or whatever, but it jus. doesn't make sense to me
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fandom · 2 years
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This is Toby Fox’s website and we’re just living on it. For more than seven years, his games have cast a spell on Tumblr, stealing the hearts of fans with their winning combination of storytelling, innovative gameplay, and characters filled with heart and determination. Our first look at Toby’s world of monsters and humans came in 2015 when Undertale was released. We learned the meaning of mercy and that while talking through conflict might not be the easiest path, it’s always the right one. When the first chapter of Deltarune came out in 2018, absolute chaos ensued. We met Kris, Susie, and Ralsei and set off on a brand new adventure where you fell in love with the Undertale universe all over again.
The second chapter came as a complete surprise and was one of the best gifts Tumblr received in the past year. You immediately latched onto the continuation of some of the best lore in gaming and memed the living heck out of it. You also spammed our dashes with a tiny little man in pink and yellow sunglasses—so much so that he ended up becoming the #1 video game character on all of Tumblr this year. Spamton had a chance to become a [[big shot!]] and, boy, did he take it. 
And he wasn’t the only new character Deltarune threw into the mix. As a game with a combat system based almost entirely (if you’re playing correctly) on social interactions, its characters are key. They're relatable and make you want to root for them. Even, and often especially, for the bad guys. We can almost hear you yelling, “I can fix him!” into the void, and we believe you! Remember that one time you talked about the Deltarune villain, Queen, so much you skewed the tag data for one of the biggest bands of all time and the actual Queen of England? We sure do. And when Noelle Holiday joined the party, your team was finally complete.
This year marked the first anniversary of Deltarune’s second chapter, and you celebrated with every post type Tumblr has to offer. You survived the Tumblr Sexyman poll and the Spamton Sweepstakes, and for that, you all deserve the shiniest gold ribbon.
All of this to say that Toby Fox wins Tumblr. Undertale, for Tumblr, was a total cultural reset, and its impact is still felt even seven years later. It first appeared on our weekly video games list way back on September 21, 2015, just days after the game’s release—and it has been on every single list but one since then. So we’ve always known that Deltarune would find a loving home on Tumblr, and it truly has been so loved.
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everysongineverykey · 8 months
i think it's dangerous to forget that although the character writing in deltarune is really really good, and it's remarkable that toby has managed to set up most of the main cast as lovable and well-developed and compelling in just the first two chapters, it is still just the first two chapters. there is SO much we don't know about everybody's character and backstory yet. susie, kris, and ralsei are the biggest mysteries, sure, but noelle clearly has a lot of character exposition to get through as well before we can understand her better, as does berdly. thinking we already know characters like the back of our hand can lead to instances like the newest girl girl blog post where people were calling susie ooc just because they thought she had been unshakably established as someone who "only bullies reactively" which. no?? what about when she stomped through the dark world in chapter 1 beating up everyone in her way? what about "but susie, what if the enemy might be nice?" "yeah, there's a word for that. striking first." we don't know nearly as much as we think we do. maybe susie only bullies when provoked, but (at least in and before chapter 1) she views everything as a provocation. she was very much okay with striking first to protect herself. and kris laughing at her when she attempts to scare them would DEFINITELY have come off as a challenge to someone like that. obviously it's not okay what she said, it's massively fucked up, but everyone in this game is fucked up in some way. don't assume every character is going to be perfectly laid out in front of you like an open book in the first two chapters of a seven-chapter story.
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swoodthis · 2 years
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Deltarune will have seven chapters and I eagerly await the new batch of Funny Dudes
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Okay, can we talk about how broken Kris from Deltarune must be?
Imagine waking up one day and you can't control your body. Your moving without thought, saying things you'd never say, struggling with things your an expert at without the ability to cry for help.
And people don't notice.
They actually prefer you this way talking about how mature you've become, how nice you are. You've been so lonely but the moment you aren't yourself you manage to make friends.
You're only able to be liked when you're not you.
Your own mother doesn't notice that something is off.
Why would you want to gain your body back if you're only going to disappoint everyone because of the real you?
Everyone always says "be yourself!" But what if people don't like you when "yourself"?
Imagine Kris trying to be friends with Susie for YEARS and failing, then this unknown entity comes along and does it in less than a day. Why would you even bother with trying to come back when everyone is so much happier with this replacement of you?
Even if you did somehow come back, would they miss your replacement? How can you know they aren't secretly wishing you were like them?
That you were them?
Being constantly compared to this higher entity that knows exactly what to say, when to say it, and what to do to get a desired out come when you're just you.
A boring, lonely, typical teen.
Considering there are seven chapters (I believe) this means that we will control Kris for a week and I doubt anybody would notice that much (maybe they'll notice more if you go genocide/bad ends but I digress) that must be so demoralising knowing your closest family and friends aren't concerned by your sudden personality shift and applaud it.
What will happen at the end when everybody learns their friendships were built by an imposter? Will they still stick around Kris or drift away from them because they're not us?
Kris must have a soul of determination to keep yeeting us out (causing themselves serious harm by the look on their face as they plunge their fucking hand into their chest) because I would've thrown in the towel after day 1.
Okay I'm done 🫠
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lynxgriffin · 7 months
What are your thoughts on the recent Deltarune newsletter?
If you mean the one that came out on Halloween, of course I really enjoy all of the newsletters, and this was no different! I really like that we get to see some funny new sprites every time, so I'm a little sad that potentially less newsletters means less of those.
I am super excited that we'll potentially be getting more chapters to play sooner than expected, what with just 3 and 4 being released together. Hopefully around next spring, if we're real lucky! Although I do wonder how chapter 5 will be distributed; if it's bundled with six and seven, or separately. Also not sure how payment will work for the whole game if we're only getting about half of it so far! But either way, yes, give me moooore game!!
Also, I know some folks get all antsy about "whehh just talk about the game stuff why isn't it done yet," but I honestly enjoy the extra stuff that Toby talks about, like interviews he's done with people or just stories of other things he's worked on in the past. It was so nice to see interviews with more of the team here, for example! Again, I'd be sad for less newsletters because I do like hearing those little stories and chats, he has such a funny way of telling them.
Also, I gave fairly normal answers for my name and favorite food, so I almost didn't notice the jokes in the newsletter were using those. XD
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notshuttingup · 6 months
i KNOW i’m probably not the first person to make this connection BUT idc i just thought of it.
SO there’s going to be 7 chapters for deltarune, right? and there have been secret bosses for BOTH, with spamton having the yellow soul gimmick. there’s SEVEN souls in undertale. each chapter is probably going to have a mini boss with a different soul gimmick. jevil didn’t have one because his was just the red soul.
the human souls all died in a certain order (from memory im pretty sure it’s cyan, orange, blue, purple, green, yellow, and then red is last because that’s us/frisk) and deltarune seems to be going BACKWARDS. the third chapter will probably have the secret boss use the green soul gimmick, which was undynes shield and arrow thing. which is very interesting actually…with toriel having called the police at the end of the second chapter, undyne DOES have a likelihood of showing up in the dark world…unless napstablook shows up instead (a very funny twist lol).
ANYWAY. that’s all i got. i just had this click in my head.
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noelle-holi-gay · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
heyyyy I was tagged by @snarky-wallflower for this thingy, and I don't typically do stuff like this but what the heck! This one looks fun, and I need a small break from finals.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Sixty-six! Nice round satanic number.
2. What’s your total word count?
Uhhh... 1,164,238. I think I broke a million back with Dream Come True. Wild stuff! Guess that's what happens when you do this nonstop for like four years.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Deltarune these days, obviously, but I also had a wonderful time in the Splatoon and DuckTales fandoms, as well as Miraculous Ladybug, My Little Pony, and a ton of smaller ones here and there.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
Dare to Dream (Deltarune): A fun little Susie x Noelle romcom that takes place in a divergent chapter 2 timeline where Susie kisseed Noelle on the Ferris Wheel. Also the first fic in my mega-series Dream Come True, a 300,000 word epic that really kind of went off the rails. But don't worry about that! It's just a funny little romcom! Come closer!
F@#!, Marry, or Kill (Miraculous Ladybug): I am so mad that this is up here. This fic sucks. I wrote it when I was fourteen (hence my reluctance to say "fuck" in the title) and it's just the main characters of the show getting caught up in a game of Fuck-Marry-Kill that involves their own superhero identites, but nobody else knows that. It's a good way to leverage the dramatic irony of Miraculous Ladybug, I guess, but I hate that this was my most-kudoed fic for so long. I wrote it over SEVEN years ago. The only reason it got so popular is because back in 2016, the Miraculous Ladybug fandom was a sea of piranhas starved by the seemingly endless will-they won't-they of the show, ravenous for whatever scraps they could get their grimy little teeth on. Perfect example of why popularity doesn't always equate with quality.
People Write Fanfiction About Me? (Miraculous Ladybug): This one is actually good, even if it's also incredibly old. Basically, Marinette finds online RPF of her and her superhero partner that was obviously written by her superhero partner, and they get into a whole meta fanfiction war, and it gets worse from there. I like this one a lot even if it's in an outdated style: I think it's a good take on the identity reveal genre for the ML fandom.
Stealing Kisses (Deltarune): Not much to say on this one! It's a direct continuation of Dare to Dream, still part of the Dream Come True series, though it functions more as a drama than a straight romcom, which is only one of many tone shifts that this series eventually takes. It also contains Locker Biting Challenge (if you know you know), which I think is, to date, one of the funniest bits of situational comedy I've ever written, so it gets special notes for that.
Crossing the Streams (DuckTales): And this is my most popular DuckTales fic, to round out the set! It's a low-stakes / no-magic AU, where instead of going on daring adventures, the DuckTales kids stream FPS video games online, and are, like, famous streamers. I think its popularity was artificially boosted just a tad due to being in-progress when the series finale dropped, but I think it holds up! I had some good fun playing with identity, fame, and hidden relationships.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I--sometimes! Just not very often... Look, if someone asks me a question, or if I have something to actually say in response, or if the comment is particularly touching, I'll reply, but I'm just really bad at taking compliments! It feels very awkward to me to reply to every comment when I would basically just be going "Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it!" ten times in a row. That's the only reason (<-Definitely doesn't have anxiety)
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't tend to do unhappy endings. Cold Case for sure, if it were finished, lmao. Although--I guess you could argue Stealing Kisses has a very angsty ending, though it isn't actually an ending since it's just a sequel-bait cliffhanger. But yeah, I'm going to cheat a little and say Cold Case. It should be finished soon, anyway! Hopefully!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's hard to say considering the amount of romcoms I've written, but I think I'd actually have to go with the final mainline entry in my Splatoon series, Operation 24, which was The Wedding. It ends on a really sweet and poignant rooftop scene that I think is particularly uplifting, even compared to the endings of my other long-form romance fics.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Very rarely. I've gotten my share of transphobic comments -- welcome to the Internet! -- but thankfully they've been few and far between. I just delete them when they show up.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes, I have; no, you can't see it :p
10. Do you write crossovers?
I have written at least two crossover fics, so yes! I wouldn't exactly call it my genre, though. They're a little too niche and I like attention.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Oh boy. Yes, twice; the first was my Fuck Marry Kill fic for miraculous ladybug, which was ripped off and horribly butchered into a terrible version of the story by someone who IMMEDIATELY abandoned it to Orphan Account. Which is wild to me.
But the real creme of the crop was some kid on WattPad who copied large portions of my Operation 24 series, and then changed small and seemingly arbitrary details throughout to be more...train-centric? Like, all the characters would have strange and OOC dialog about trains in the middle of the romance. And then after a few chapters of that it did a total left-hand veer into a Thomas the Tank Engine / Harry Potter crossover that was utterly wild to behold. This whole saga is probably one of the weirdest things that has ever happened to me in my life and I'm honestly more bewildered than mad about it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Wow, wouldn't that be cool! But no, along with getting a podfic this is one of those big fic-writer experiences that has elude me thusfar.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I don't really know how to co-write outside of RP, and I haven't ever really done RP. I'm not opposed to the concept of co-writing, but I think it's sort of difficult to make work with my writing style.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
While I'd love to give the PR-friendly answer of Suselle, I think it's gotta go to Miraculous Ladybug's Love Square. That show has haunted me for seven years and is showing no sign of stopping, and the fuckery it does with its main relationship is some utterly unrivaled Shakespearian nonsense. The way the fandom has built around the relationship is also very interesting, especially the way the fanfic scene has shifted as the show develops and its audience grows up.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
If I want to finish a WIP, I will finish that WIP. The only ones that don't get finished are the ones I don't want to finish. This is the power of believing in yourself!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialog for sure--always has been--and also just, like, grammar? I do words good, as they say. I like to think I have a pretty well-rounded writing skillset at this point, though.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Definitely descriptive stuff like setting the scene. I have to really work to make sure my scenes are embodied in physical reality, and sometimes I just forget to describe new locations. It's just a fairly boring part of writing for me, so I don't like doing it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I took six years of Spanish and have forgotten all of it, so this is unlikely at best. Spanish also uses em dashes instead of quotation marks to denote speaker changes, and while that is very linguistically interesting, it is also very confusing to me, specifically.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Uhhh... the first fandom I published was Miraculous Ladybug, but I think the first fandom I wrote for was My Little Pony. My MLP stuff is on a different site, and also pretty freaking bad, but it was my first large-scale fic and it really helped me develop my skills and voice.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Easy: Dream Come True. That was a monumental journey to go on, and seeing my readerbase follow along as that story morphed and twisted and just kept going and going was such a unique and satisfying experience as a writer. It truly feels unreplicable.
I'm not going to tag anyone because I am a coward, and get horribly anxious at the prospect of @ing people. But if you see this and you wanna do it, use me as an excuse! Say I atted you! Live freely!
Okay good bye. I must return to my endless studies...
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arcticgraverobber · 2 months
I just finished: Deltarune Chapter 2!
It took me a loooooonnng time to get around to playing this, though perhaps it gave me a bit of distance to get a better feel for the game.
I played chapter 1 almost as soon as it was released, and at the time it really confused me - hot just because it originally purported to be a virus, but because I didn't really understand what it was going for: was this an Undertale sequel or not? Why are there Undertale characters here? Why does it seem to be okay to kill the enemies in this one?
Looking at Chapter 2 now I can see that it is a very distinct thing from Undertale, and fans of one could very easily not be fans of the other. In many ways Deltarune was what I expected Undertale to be before it came out, a much lengthier game with all kinds of puzzles to get around having to kill people. More of a traditional RPG experience, which I imagine possibly is what Fox wanted - and now with the funds and time to make it, is making slowly in parts with Deltarune. However - even if there are only 2 parts (out of seven, I think?) out, the games combined make a far lengthier game than Undertale was, which - unless you went for genocide - only took about 3hrs to beat.
Deltrarune doesn't seem to want to do anything super flashy, with Metanarratives and big twists like Undertale did - which is probably a very good choice, considering nothing is likely to stand up to the first time. This isn't to say it doesn't have anything like that, but the base of the game is just a good RPG - the world buidling is good, the characters are good, the puzzles and 'combat' are just good, not in some amazing new way, but they are GOOD.
I look forward to Chapter 3, and I expect I will feel very similar about to how I feel about this one and Chapter 1.
Grade: A
Significance: 1/3
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viviannesmonster · 1 month
Rouxls Kaard x Female Reader
A Deltarune Fanfiction
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[Artest thou one of my admirers?]
After going to college and getting bullied by a purple dinosaur, the both of you are tasked with finding chalk in supply closet. However, instead of a closet, you two find a portal to another world. Who and/or what is inside?
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Soon to be released
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For the Upcoming Hellspawntraveller Arcs, here's every section:
SECTION ONE: Opposites Attract. Univer's Underswap: Ruins.
SECTION TWO:Wasting Time. Mario and Luigi, Partners in time. Bowser's Castle.
SECTION THREE:Sweet and Sour. OMORI: Sweetheart's Castle.
SECTION FOUR:Fallen Forest. Underfell?'s Snowdin.
SECTION FIVE: Dualin' Dunes. Undertale Yellow: The Dunes.
SECTION SIX:Self Reflection. Undertale Anomalous:Maple Midtown.
SECTION EIGHT: The End. Gaster's Lab.
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