#possessive baxter
meowzilla93 · 8 months
Did someone say they wanted more Possessive Baxter?
No? Too bad.
Date nights don’t usually find Baxter and yourself in a bar, typically you both enjoy heading out to a theater, museum or just spending a night in with each other, movie playing in the background as you talked or cooked a new meal together. Tonight, however, you had found a bar that allowed for some slow dancing along-side of enjoying some drinks; Neither of you ever pass up an opportunity for a dance, so you both have been enjoying sipping on a cocktail in between taking a turn on the floor.
You had both been there for a little while, enjoying the atmosphere and Baxter couldn’t help but admire how the lights in the bar bounced off your eyes, making them twinkle like stars in the nights sky; He is always finding himself getting lost in admiring you, and he would never want for anything different. However, as the night progressed, he couldn’t help but sense that someone else was admiring what was his, and so as he danced with you, he kept an eye out to see if he was right in his intuition or whether he was overthinking things. This would not be the first time that he became protective of you, and it ended up being just his imagination, but tonight there was something more to this sensation. Almost as if he too was being observed, and that did not sit well with him at all. As he twirls you, the dress he brought for you sparkling in the glow of the dance floor, hugging to your curves in the most beautiful of ways, he looks up and makes eye contact with another man who had a dark gaze resting directly on you; An almost predatory look to him.
Baxter resisted tensing too much, not wanting you to worry about anything, but at least his instinct wasn’t wrong here. You were in his arms, looking dazzling, smiling as he held you through each step, and there was someone who thought they could try and interrupt it. So, he pulls you in closer; Were previously your bodies only just brushed against each other, now you were pressed together. His hand on your back moving to settle itself in the small of it, he tilts his head, purring closely to your ear,
“You are truly incredible, my dear. Such a shame that we are in public, the dance I would love to enjoy with you right now is not one for prying eyes,”
Enjoying the blush appearing on your cheeks, he feels immensely proud of himself for making you react in such a way. Hearing the finale of song hum in the background, Baxter adjusts his position so that he dips you just as the song ends. Watching as you stare at him from your position, he brings you in for a passionate kiss, pulling you back up and holding you to deepen the kiss further. As the you both break apart, panting at the lack of air that kiss stole from you both, Baxter admires as your eyes try to focus on him, blown out from the sudden intimate moment.
Signature smirk in place, he guides you towards your table,
“My, my. Perhaps we need to practice more often? Seems as if a simple dance has left you breathless.”
“Oh haha, Baxter. You know it was more than just the kiss.”
“Kiss? I don’t think I said anything about a kiss.”
He couldn’t help but let out a low chuckle as the red on your cheeks darken, unable to retort further. Once at your table, ever the gentleman, he pulls a chair out for you, and as you take your seat, he looks up to catch the gaze of the man from earlier. His eyes fixed firmly on you as you sat yourself down. Baxter’s eyes narrow disapprovingly; How dare someone think they have the right to look at you with such a hunger in their eyes. Something he only just recently got to finally enjoy, something he lost for five years, through no one’s fault but his own, but something he yearned for, nonetheless.  
As he pushes your chair in, keeping eye contact with the daring man, he leans down and leaves a trail of kisses along the side of your neck. Only once the stranger decides to look away did he stop, moving to sit down next to you. With a blush that was going no where soon, you looked at him with a quizzical expression on your face. Feigning ignorance, Baxter concluded his marking of you publicly with a kiss to the back of your hand, before simply holding onto it and starting a new conversation like nothing out of the ordinary had happened.
The rest of the night goes without Baxter experiencing any further nagging feeling that someone was observing you. Confident that there was nothing further to worry about, when it was time to leave, he lets you stay at the table as he goes to collect your coats. It was only for a moment, as he was eager to get you home so he could make well on his comment from earlier in the night, but when he starts to walk back to you, he sees the stranger from earlier towering over you, face much to close to yours for his liking.
With determined and quick strides, he makes his way back to you. As if his darkest nightmare was being re-enacted before him, he sees a hand attempt to caress your cheek even as you try to move away. Within seconds he is by your side, hand gripping the wrist that so daringly tried to touch you. The stranger looks at Baxter with a surprised look before it morphs into one of a challenge.
“I thought the poor thing was left behind with you so suddenly disappearing from her side. Wanted to make sure she wasn’t ending up lonely tonight.”
Dropping the hand that he was holding, Baxter straightens himself as he stares down the man,
“You would do well to know when you are unwelcome. Leave her alone.”
“Oh, but why would I do that? Perhaps she would prefer going home with me? After all, with the amount of slobbering you’ve been doing over her, maybe she is tired of you?”
Baxter heard you gasp at his side, offended on behalf of him. He could never get tired of how much you cared for him and tried to protect him in your own way. But tonight wasn’t about him, it was about you. Perhaps it was time to take things a step further.
Baxter had a slender frame to himself; However he was strong, and has a skill to be able to manoeuvre another person’s body to his biding. Dancing has given him the ability to lead another person with great precision and control, and there are times where the skill was handy off the dancefloor. With calculated movements, the increasingly disrespectful stranger found themselves inches off the floor, as Baxter moved in close and pulled them into the beginnings of a dance before tripping them into a dip, face hovering off the hardwood floor.
“Consider this a final warning. I would rather not have to ruin this night with having to deal with your obnoxious attitude any longer. Be a good boy and apologise and I’ll let you walk away with your ego intact.”
“Get fuc-argh!”
With a quick movement, Baxter lifted the man a short distance before letting them go, resulting in a sickening crack as their face hits the ground. Without taking the time to see the damage, Baxter straightens again and holds a hand out to you, as he picks up your coats he dropped onto the chair.
“Apologies for that, my dear. Shall we head off?”
You couldn’t do much else but stare at him, nodding as you take his proffered hand and make your way out, stepping around the groaning man on the ground. As you make your way toward the exit, Baxter helps you put your coat on, before he turns back to look at the poor fool who tried to touch what belonged to him. As they stared daggers at Baxter, holding a napkin to their nose, Baxter couldn’t help but throw a sharp smile their way, eyes dancing dangerously as he wraps an arm around your waist, making it obvious to all that watched the scene;
You belonged to him.
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i8i8t · 8 months
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hashbrown-motel · 6 months
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my redesigns for katie and tom so far, really liking how they look lol
anyways some notes on my redesigns because i felt like it lol:
Katie - They/She, Nonbinary, Bisexual
made them more mantis like with the extra limbs, mantis hands and bug ass
also based her off of a spiny flower mantis because they look cool
made their hair more curly so that there would be more variety of hair styles in hazbin
took alot of inspo from the crashbox character dora for a few reasons:
i love crashbox and i love its fucked up weird energy and style, which i thought wouldve been fun for katie
dora smarmy nonbinary news anchor person of the year
katie has a gay thing going on with tom
transgender and awesome
Tom - He/They, Nonbinary, Bisexual
didnt change much tbh, toms like the one hazbin design i unironically enjoy
de-twinkified and shortened because i thought itd look awesome
trench coat for tom trench aheeheehoo :^]
theyre a non-binding/no top surgery nb fella because i said so
quite yuriful with katie
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the-stove-is-on-fire · 11 months
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After School Ghost Theory 101 with Professor Fenton
Switch to light mode or Classic Blue to get the full transparency effect!
[Image ID: A four page comic that starts with Danny Fenton standing in front of a whiteboard holding up a white cat. "Question: Do ghosts purr?” 
Tucker: “Danny when was the last time you slept?” Danny: “Irrelevant.” 
Danny info-dumps: “The answer is yes, but also no. Technically, all beings that possess a core are constantly "purring", a.k.a. Core Vibrations. Core Vibrations are a nonverbal, emotion-based communication system between Ghosts, similar to how some living species use pheromones to communicate. The exact tone of each ghost is different the same way people's voices are different. Humans can only hear these vibrations when the frequency passes through their audible range (20Hz - 20KHz), hence the 'purring' sound. When the range dips into infrasound (16 - 20Hz) it can cause feelings of fear and unease in humans that they often associate with ghosts and the supernatural. Also known as the ‘Heebie Jeebies.’”
Danny, wiping off the whiteboard: “Any questions before we move on?"
Danny’s audience consists of Wes Weston, Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, Danny’s clone Ellie, and Dash Baxter in a classroom. Wes is seated at a desk at the front taking notes. Tucker is sitting on Sam’s lap playing on a Switch, Ellie is sitting on a desk behind them. Dash is asleep at the back of the room.
Ellie, now holding the cat: “Is this Vlad’s first cat!?” Wes: "Could you tone down the floating eyes before the next part? They're kinda distracting." Danny: "What eyes?" Wes: “Please stop gaslighting me.”
A transparency trick on the last page reveals dark shadows and eyes all around Danny when viewed in dark mode. /.End ID]
An Extended Image ID is available under the read more because it’s over 1k. Side by side light and dark mode versions of the transparency trick is also available under the cut.
[Extended Image ID: The post contains a four page comic. The first page shows two comic panels with white borders. The top panel features a bedraggled looking Danny Fenton from the waist up holding a disgruntled fluffy white cat. There are bags under his eyes, his hair is messy, his arms are covered in bandaids and cat scratches, and his nails are painted black. He’s wearing a white shirt with red sleeves and a red oval on the front. In a large green text bubble he says “Question: Do ghosts purr?” A small orange text bubble under it asks “Danny when was the last time you slept?” “Irrelevant” Danny replies. 
In the bottom panel Danny is standing on the far left side of the panel in front of a whiteboard in a classroom with the cat under his arm. He’s wearing baggy jeans with holes in the knees and his classic white and red Converse shoes. The whiteboard behind him has partially erased doodles around the edges including some flowers, stars, and Phantom’s DP symbol. There are a few balls of paper on the floor. Partially out of frame on the wall behind Danny is a poster of  Einstein and above it a clock. Pointing at the whiteboard with a marker Danny says “The answer: Yes but also no” His words are written on the whiteboard. Under the words is a drawing of a stick figure and a green bedsheet ghost with a circle between them. The circle is surrounded by green squiggly lines radiating out from it. Under the circle, an arrow is drawn pointing to it with the words ‘core vibrations’ written on the board. A green text bubble in the space under the whiteboard says “Technically, all beings that possess a core are constantly "purring", a.k.a. Core Vibrations.”
On the second page there are two blocks of text, each followed by a drawing. The page background is a pale, greenish-grey with subtle scuff marks imitating the look of a whiteboard. The first block of text at the top of the page reads “Core Vibrations are a nonverbal, emotion-based communication system between Ghosts, similar to how some living species use pheromones to communicate. The exact tone of each ghost is different the same way people's voices are different.” Under the text, imitating the look of dry erase marker, is a drawing of two simple ghosts smiling and waving to each other. They both have a small green circle drawn on their chest area with green squiggly lines radiating out from each ghost. Between the two cores, two parallel arrows are drawn, facing opposite directions. Under the arrows is the text “core to core communication.” 
Under the ghosts is a second block of text reading “Humans can only hear these vibrations when the frequency passes through their audible range (20Hz - 20KHz), hence the 'purring' sound. When the range dips into infrasound (16 - 20Hz) it can cause feelings of fear and unease in humans that they often associate with ghosts and the supernatural. Also known as the ‘Heebie Jeebies.’” Under the text a red arrow points from the words ‘heebie jeebies’ to a simple drawing of Dash Baxter holding a flashlight and looking scared. There is a cobweb with a dangling spider drawn to his right and a bunch of green blob ghosts behind him to his left. In blue text the blobs say “you forgot to update your mailing address with the IRS” and “you filed your taxes incorrectly.”
The third page once again shows two comic panels. In the top panel Danny takes up the centre. He’s stretched across the whiteboard in a dynamic pose erasing the drawing of frightened Dash with a big swipe. One hand is braced on the board as he looks over his shoulder and asks “Anyone got questions before we move on?” If the image is viewed in dark mode, there are five, messily drawn eyes of varying sizes surrounding Danny. If viewed in light mode, the eyes are absent. 
The bottom comic panel reveals Danny’s audience to be Wes Weston, Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, Danny’s clone Ellie, and Dash Baxter. In the bottom left corner, Wes sits slouched at a desk at the front of the classroom with papers and an open notebook spread out over his desk. He’s wearing a red zip up hoodie with white sleeves. His hoodie is unzipped showing a green shirt underneath that matches the colour of his eyes. At the desk beside him Tucker and Sam share a chair with their focus on Tucker’s Switch and not Danny’s presentation. Tucker is sitting in Sam’s lap with her arms around his waist and her head resting on his shoulder. Tucker is wearing a red beanie with short dreads, goldenrod yellow turtleneck sweater, green cargo pants, and white shoes. Sam is wearing a black crop top with a fishnet layer over top, purple pleated plaid skirt, artistically ripped purple leggings, and black combat boots with bright green laces. Tucker has the tips of his dread dyed green and purple. Sam has streaks of purple, green, and orange in her hair. Ellie is sitting cross legged on top of a desk two rows behind Sam and Tucker. She’s wearing a cropped hoodie with the same colours as Danny’s shirt and black track pants with white and red shoes. Her hair is tied in a high ponytail and she is holding the squirming fluffy white cat up in the air. At the very back of the classroom behind Wes’ left shoulder Dash can be seen asleep slouched over his desk. Wes has one hand resting on his desk holding a mechanical pencil the other partially raised with his hand open. In a beige text bubble with red text he replies to Danny’s question with an unimpressed look on his face “Could you tone down the floating eyes before the next part? They're kinda distracting.” Under his text bubble a small blue text bubble from Ellie asks “Is this Vlad’s first cat!?” If the image is viewed in dark mode, there are three visible floating eyes off to the side of the panel. If viewed in light mode, the eyes are absent. 
The final comic page is a single, full body shot of Danny standing in front of the blank whiteboard. He’s looking over his shoulder, slightly turned with his back mostly towards the classroom and the eraser in his hand. He has an incredulous look on his face. If the page is viewed in dark mode, the background looks dark and Danny is surrounded by dozens eyes of in all different sizes. If viewed in light mode, the eyes are absent. In a green text bubble Danny asks “What eyes?” In the bottom left corner Wes replies “Please stop gaslighting me.” /.End ID]
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onyxhellebore · 8 months
What makes Poor Things so ultimately triumphant for me is the way that Bella Baxter is, despite it all, her own creation. She came into the world in an experiment that violated the autonomy of both Victoria before her and Bella herself, but she steps beyond the parameters of the experiment and into the world, to learn from it. The intentions of men may be to possess her or use her or take joy in despoiling her vulnerability, but their intentions do not determine her experiences. She decides. She explores. She looks at a world full of sorrow that could render her helpless and chooses instead to do what she can about it and then sleep easy at night. She listens to the call of her curiosity before all else, her happiness second, her compassion third. The family that she makes for herself in the end is unconventional, but it's ultimately hers and allows her to flourish as a doctor with an experimental nature and a heart of patinaed silver.
And I don't think it could be that particular kind of triumphant if the movie wasn't so fucked up.
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hootgrowlbears · 7 months
Guys, if Gorgug keeps de-leveling in Barbarian and double leveling in Artificer, he's going to get Flash of Genius next level.
Starting at 7th level, you gain the ability to come up with solutions under pressure. When you or another creature you can see within 30 feet of you makes an ability check or a saving throw, you can use your reaction to add your Intelligence modifier to the roll.
The first time Gorgug uses this to save his friends, I'm legitimately going to cry. Gorgug using his intelligence to care for people is everything to me. Discovering the friendship section, and using the compass in his library card to find the exact right book to find the exact thing that would cheer Fabian up. Fixing the Hangman in secret with his brand new level of artificer. Figuring out Kalina was a disease because he wanted to check in on Ragh. Hooking up his phone to his parents' satellite to talk to Zelda. Secretly making a call to Aguefort out of concern for Ayda. Figuring out they were all being cursed by dragon madness and immediately donating all his gold to the Tinkerer's Hall, bankrolling their future innovations for years to come. Healing Baxter the griffin after he was so betrayed by his possessed master. Leaving "It's Gorgug, keep going," in a stone for his friends in the Forest in case they caught up to him.
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grxmreaperx · 1 year
I just read your Mark Hoffman fic and I loved it!! Would you be willing to write something with Hoffman being a little obsessed with the reader? any further plot is totally up to you, I just need more Hoffman fics. 😩 Angst, fluff, smut (if you’re okay with that of course!)?
God, I love this request!! I’m all for men being obsessed in fics. And there’s no way I can answer this request and NOT write my first Hoffman smut (👀)
Also, you’ve all been so sweet and lovely ahhh I’m so glad I made this blog!!
You Belong to Me
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Pairing: Mark Hoffman x reader (reader is AFAB)
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: 18+!! Smut!! Kinda went off with this ngl. I had way too much fun with this. Mark being very dominant and obsessed with the reader. Praise and degradation kink. Hair pulling, spanking, cream pie. Mark being very possessive. Oral sex (m! receiving), fingering (f! receiving), p in v penetration. Every ounce of feminism left my body writing this.
Summary: Upon John’s request, you’ve been working as Mark’s secretary at the precinct in order to keep you off the list of suspects in the search for Jigsaw’s accomplice. Did Mark really expect you to not take this golden opportunity to mess with him? As much as he appreciates the tight pencil skirts you’ve started wearing to work, he does not appreciate the attention it is drawing from his coworkers.
You were driving him absolutely insane. He wasn’t sure whether to bash John’s skull in or worship him like Amanda does for placing you here. He already had a hard enough time focusing on stake outs and working on traps with you, and now you were here. In his place of work, where he was supposed to be professional, supposed to pretend he had never seen you before you had your “interview.”
Mark knew exactly what you were doing. Your first day you walked in here, friendly smile on your pretty face, pencil skirt glued to your legs, staring right at him.
“Good morning, Detective Hoffman.”
God, he was going to kill John.
He hadn’t exactly had time for a sex life since everything went down. His sister’s death, planning Seth Baxter’s fate, joining Jigsaw, all on top of his detective work. And it hadn’t really bothered him; he had more important things to think about.
Until John decided you’d be a perfect addition to the team.
You knew your plan was working exactly how you wanted.
John hadn’t tested him yet, so why shouldn’t you? The detective needed to be tested, didn’t he?
You saw how he stared at you when you walked into work each morning, spending the time before your shift picking out the perfect outfit that you knew would drive the man mad.
You had decided months ago that you tired of the tension, the pull you felt towards the man every night you spent working together. And now John, bless his soul, had given you the perfect opportunity to do something about it.
You had seen some of the other men at the station watching you, eyes hovering a bit too long on your legs and ass. It didn’t bother you much, you ignored them for the most part, they weren’t your test subject, they weren’t your detective, so you hardly even noticed.
But, oh, did Mark notice. He noticed every fucking time. And every time was a new test of his willpower. Every single time, all he could think about was what sort of trap he could devise that would be worthy of the pigs who dared look at you.
“How you doing today, honey?” You turned around in your chair and saw Henry Miller, one of the cops that was most persistent with you. You were friendly with him; he was nice enough. The only problem was he thought he had a shot with you.
“Morning, Henry. I’m doing alright, how are you today?”
“I’d be a lot better if you finally let me take you out tonight.”
You scoffed. “How many times do I need to tell you I’m not interested before it finally gets through?”
He leaned on your desk, hands resting on the table, staring intently at you from across the surface. “Cmon, baby. Just one dinner, that’s all I ask. I’m very persistent.”
“Miller, isn’t there something you’re supposed to be doing?” You recognized the deep voice instantly and had to stop yourself from grinning. This was perfect.
The smile dropped from Henry’s face when he saw Hoffman staring daggers at him. He looked like a deer in the headlights, a child that had been caught stealing candy.
“Yes, sir,” he muttered, before quickly making his way back to his desk.
“And you,” he started, eyes on you. “In my office.”
You flashed him your best smile. “Of course, Detective.”
“Sit down.”
You sat down in the chair across from him, trying to scope out the look on his face. His jaw was tense and shoulders tight. He looked like he was about to explode.
“What the fuck was that?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, sir.”
He sucked in a breath. “Bullshit.” He stood up, slowly making his way around the table. “You walk in here every day, in your tight little skirts, giving me that proud little smile, and you’re going to sit here and act like you don’t know exactly what you’re doing? I don’t think so, sweetheart.” He placed on a hand on each armrest, eyes boring down into you. “Now, let’s try again, shall we? What the fuck was that?”
You smiled up at him. “I just want to look nice for you, Detective.”
He shook his head and gritted his teeth. “Oh, you wanna look pretty for me, is that it?” You nod. “You know what would make you look real pretty? Get on your fucking knees.”
Embarrassingly quick, you sink out of the chair and onto your knees, staring up at the man. He smirks.
“Well? You just gonna stare at me? Don’t act like you don’t know what to do.”
You reach up and slowly get to work on his belt, trying to act like you still have some sort of control. Not that you minded, but it was still nice to pretend.
All resolve left you went he wrapped a hand in your hair, pulling back until your chin was pointed up at him. “Don’t do that. You’ve teased me enough. Now it’s your turn.”
You pulled down his pants just enough to reach his dick. You sucked in a breath. You had some idea of what you were in for, but fuck.
You tried to tease him a bit more, you really did, but as soon as you heard the deep groan when you took him into your mouth, you were done for.
His hand in your hair guided you, bobbing your head on his dick, feeling it hit the back of your throat each time. Each tug on your hair, each time you felt the tip of his dick down your throat, you felt a spark go straight between your legs. You looked up at him through thick eyelashes, eyes slightly teary, spit spilling over your lips.
“God, I knew it. You do look very pretty like this, sweetheart.”
You were slightly disappointed when he finally pulled your head back, dick soaked with your spit. “Get up.”
You shakily got to your feet, suddenly aware of how much of a mess you must be. His eyes roamed over your body, examining you from head to toe.
“Go on, sweetheart. Bend over the desk for me.”
You quickly complied, bending over the front his desk, legs slightly spread. You felt him behind you, placing his hands on your hips before landing a hard smack on your ass. His hands pushed up skirt, pooling it around your waist and exposing you to him. He ran a finger over your underwear, pressing lightly on your clit, before landing another blow.
“Such a little slut, aren’t you? Already soaked for me. Have you enjoyed acting like a brat?” Another smack. “I asked you a question.”
“Yes,” you said softly.
“Yes what?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Much better.” He pushed your underwear aside, running a finger through your folds. You felt your hips push back, trying to get more. More of anything, more of him. He pulled his hand away, running it over your thighs. “So desperate, aren’t you? You know exactly what you’ve been doing to me, teasing me, acting like a brat. Why should I touch you?”
“Please, sir, I’m sorry. I just wanted – “
“Wanted what? Wanted me to fuck you?”
“Yes,” you breathed. You felt him slide one finger in, quickly followed by a second. You bit your lip, suddenly aware of where you were and who was outside this office.
“So, you thought you’d make me jealous, hm?” he asked, fingers slowly pumping in and out of you. You nodded, rolling your hips against his fingers. As soon as he felt your movement, he pulled his fingers away. A whimper left your lips.
“Why should I make you feel good, when you’ve done nothing but tease me for months?”
“Please, sir. I need it.”
“But- “
“I said louder.”
“Please, sir, please, fuck.”
He slid into you all at once, not giving you any time to adjust to his size. You let out a loud moan, before clamping a hand over your mouth, hoping to God no one heard you.
His hand found its way to your hair, pulling you toward him, back arching. You felt his lips right next to your ear as he finally moved his hips, pulling almost completely out before pounding back in. “No, no, baby. You want to tease me, make me jealous, let these cops flirt with you? You’re gonna let this whole fucking office know who you belong to.”
He set a rapid pace, hips snapping against yours. You felt your eyes roll back in your head, legs unsteady.
Mark groaned in your ear. “God, do you have any idea how many times I’ve thought about this pussy? How many times I’ve thought about bending you over and ruining you? Do you have any fucking idea what you’ve done to me? You’re all I fucking think about anymore.”
You let out a loud moan, no longer caring who heard you two. “God, fuck.”
“Cmon baby, tell me who you belong to.”
“You, sir.”
“Louder.” His long, hard strokes made your legs weak.
“I belong to you, sir! I’m all yours!”
“Good girl.” His other hand reached around your front, fingers quickly finding your clit and drawing quick circles around it. “Now, let everyone out there know that I’m the only one that gets to make you cum.”
Your legs shook and you knew if it weren’t for his arms holding you up, you wouldn’t be able to stand. Your mind was blank, forgetting everything but his words and the feeling of his cock filling you.
Your vision went white as your orgasm washed over you, the room filled with sounds of you moaning his name and his skin slapping against yours. You felt his pace falter slightly, his breath hot on your ear as he emptied himself inside you.
You stayed like that for a moment, both trying to catch your breath, before he finally pulled out of you and slid your skirt down.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about doing that,” he said, breathless, as he pulled his pants back up.
You let out a soft laugh. “Me too.” You start to grab a tissue from the box on his desk to clean yourself up before he grabbed your wrist. He spun you around to face him, face inches from yours.
“I don’t think so, sweetheart. I want everyone to know that you’re mine. And I want to see you try and hold yourself together with my cum dripping down your thighs.” He gave you a smirk before letting go of your wrist, making his way back to his chair, and continuing his work as if nothing had happened.
He couldn’t help but smile to himself as you tried to make yourself look somewhat presentable.
Maybe your plan worked a bit too well.
Let me know if you guys like this!! I've been thinking about doing a NSFW alphabet with our lovely detective, let me know if you guys would be interested 👀
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daisytrails · 4 months
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sugar-omi · 10 months
OLBA masterpost
please let me know if any links are broken, and do not lead to the post.
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- [smut | all readers] touchy cove
- [smut | afab readers] wearing an anklet w cove’s name on it
- [nsfw imagine | all readers] spitting in cove’s mouth
- [smut | all readers] revised patreon moment
- [smut | afab/fem readers] jealous cove wanting to know he’s yours
- [suggestive | all readers] jealous/possessive cove wanting you to himself
- [nsfw] cove nsfw alphabet
- [headcanons] cove w piercings
- [smut | all readers] bottom/sub cove fighting you for dominance & losing
- [smut hc/drabble | afab/fem readers] first time having raw sex + how cove reacts to dirty talk
- [smut | afab/fem readers] trying for a baby with cove PART 1
- [smut | afab/fem readers] trying for a baby with cove PART 2- [fluff | afab/fem reader] how it is to raise your kid/s with cove
- [fluff | step 2 | all readers] cove catches you doodling a heart around his name
- [fluff + smut | fem/afab readers] you and cove go on your honeymoon to the bahamas!
- [comfort | fem/afab reader | pregnancy] cove helps you through your morning sickness
- [angst (happy ending for cove) | all readers] you leave cove for baxter, this is how your family & friends react
- [angst | all readers] you have a nightmare about cheating on cove. how do you deal with this? PART 1
- [h/c | all readers]you finally tell cove why you ran away PART 2
- [suggestive | all readers] you and cove are crushing on each other. instead of confessing, you tease n flirt with each other.
- [suggestive | all readers] you and cove are in college, the sexual tension is high PART 1
- [suggestive | all readers] you and cove are in college, the sexual tension is high PART 2
- [fluff | headcanons] dungeon & dragon headcanons for ol1+2
- [fluff | step 2 | all readers] you tell cove he’s cute in a game of hangman
- [fluff + suggestive | all readers | headcanons] hc’s about reader & cove being in a band
- [fluff | headcanons | all readers] how you and cove act when you come back from your honeymoon
- [angst / hurt/comfort | all readers] cove steps in to take care of you & your child
- [suggestive | all readers | possessive/soft yandere reader]you are jealous and possessive with cove and he loves how you claim him in front of people, like baxter.
- [ fluff | drabble | fem/afab reader | pregnancy] cove loves when you’re heavily pregnant & need his help with things
- [fluff | headcanons] dungeon and dragon headcanons for ol1 & ol2
- [fluff | headcanons] mermaid cove headcanons
-[nsfw | headcanons] mermaid cove nsfw headcanons
- [smut | all readers] cove and baxter have sex while you’re on the phone with them PART 1
- [smut | all readers] you get cove high and have sex
- [angst / hurt/comfort | all readers] baxter dies and cove steps in to take care of you + your child
- [fluff | fem/afab readers] spending your morning with the boys
- [smut | all readers] you and cove have a quickie before your anniversary party
- [smut | fem/afab reader] you’ve been a brat all day, cove has had enough
- [fluff | all readers] you and cove's first Christmas when married
 [sfw+nsfw | headcanons] transmasc (ftm) cove hc's
- [fluff | headcanons] cove's kid being a splitting image of him
- [nsfw | headcanons | all readers] spicy dilf!cove headcanons
- [fluff | headcanons | all readers] the boys with a blind or deaf MC/reader
- [fluff | headcanons] the boys as stardew valley characters
- [sfw + nsfw | fem/afab readers | headcnons/drabbles] fem!cove and reader ramble
- [sfw | headcanons] rockstar!cove + rockstar!baxter headcanons
- [nsfw] you have a low libido, so you guide cove on how to jerk himself off
- [hurt/comfort | ramble ]MC being overwhelmed by their feelings for cove and expectations for their relationships
- [angst | headcanons | fem/afab reader | pregnancy] how everyone reacts to you and cove getting engaged at 18 because you're pregnant
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- [smut | amab/masc readers] first time having raw sex w derek
- [fluff | headcanons] dungeon and dragon headcanons for ol1 & ol2
- [fluff | fem/afab readers] spending your morning with the boys
- [fluff | headcanons | all readers] the boys with a blind or deaf MC/reader
- [fluff | headcanons] the boys as stardew valley characters
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- [suggestive drabble | all readers] baxter rejoins you in bed
- [nsfw] baxter nsfw alphabet
- [nsfw hc’s | all readers] baxter sending dirty videos + getting you off in his car
- [nsfw hc’s | all readers] appreciating bottom/sub baxter
- [smut hc/drabble | afab readers] first time having raw sex w baxter
- [angst with/without happy ending | all readers] how baxter reacts when you reject his offer to date for the summer
- [hurt/comfort | afab/fem readers implied] how baxter acts with a reader who has a “jaded” view about boys & how he helps them open up to him
- [fluff | all readers] how baxter acts with a nervous reader, and how they open up to each other
- [fluff | all readers] you elope with baxter
- [angst (happy ending for cove) | all readers] you leave cove for baxter, this is how your family & friends react
- [angst (w or w/o happy ending) | all readers] you reject baxter’s offer to date for the summer
- [angst | all readers] what is baxter thinking when you leave cove for him?
- [angst / hurt/comfort | all readers] cove steps in to take care of you & your child
- [fluff | headcanons] dungeon and dragon headcanons for ol1 & ol2
- [smut | all readers] cove and baxter have sex while you’re on the phone with them PART 1
- [angst / hurt/comfort | all readers] baxter dies and cove steps in to take care of you + your child
- [fluff | fem/afab readers] spending your morning with the boys
- [fluff | headcanons | all readers] the boys with a blind or deaf MC/reader
- [fluff | headcanons] the boys as stardew valley characters
- [sfw | headcanons] rockstar!cove + rockstar!baxter headcanons
- [nsfw | gn reader] valentines day with rockstar!baxter
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- kinktober 2023 masterlist
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keenvictory · 7 months
"Minor possessive talk, mostly he's just a clingy loser" on the Cove drabble got me so good -- could you maybe do something similar for Derek and Baxter?!
Crazy about your writing, tysm for sharing!!!!
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Synopsis: Baxter's life is perfectly, aesthetically crafted. Until it isn't. NSFW drabble.
: ̗̀➛ Featured Characters: Baxter Ward x Gn!Reader
̗̀➛ Content Warnings: NSFW, slight possessive language, very very brief angst (i mean, it is baxter)
̗̀➛  Additional notes: Continuing my loser men agenda with Baxter! I will write a separate post for Derek soon, but finishing two things in a row has me antsy to post this one separately. Theres bottom!Baxter if you squint, but i tried to write him as a switch so take it either direction as you will. Mostly he's just a loser who makes sex way too romantic. I love him.
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Baxter wouldn't deign to call himself clingy. He was incredibly independent, really. Your relationship had taken a five year break and survived, he was perfectly content by himself.
But that didn't explain the sick thrill he gets having a clingy partner. There is something so delightfully addicting about being wanted. He loved it when he woke up to you wrapped around him, heart thundering when you burrowed closer at even the slightest twitch of movement, like you were scared he'd disappear.
That was where the thread of guilt came in. Of course you had clingy moments, he'd vanished from your life once, could you really trust him not to do it again? What did his word matter, ultimately?
It was hard not to think like that. He knew his own track record with relationships, and he wanted, more then anything, to not fuck up this one too.
It's never easy to chase those thoughts away. And yet you do it so effortlessly, with just the graze of your teeth, the scrape of your nails.
Baxter is putty in your hands when you mark him up during sex. He's obsessed with the way his pale skin looks after its been ravaged by you, admiring the scratch-marks down his back after he's fucked you, or the hickies and love-bites you've scattered across his chest. He'd let you ruin his neck with sweet bruises if it wasn't shockingly unprofessional.
I mean hickies on the wedding planner, on someone else's big day? He feels a shameful tingle of pleasure he can't deny at the thought. Baxter is so put together during the day that he absolutely falls apart at night, guided by your safe and sure hands. He cries, he begs, he sniffles as big, wet tears fill his red eyes. There was some alarm, the first time he cried during sex. The whole ordeal had been put on hold to make sure he was okay, until he'd shamefully and slowly explained to you that yes, he was perfectly fine. So, so good in fact, the tears had sprouted on an especially breathy moan.
And even though he begs so sweetly to leave your mark sometimes you handle him so tenderly and gently it sparks a whole different kind of need inside him. Love-making, he thinks, with his head nestled between you thighs, moaning with every tug of his hair, is a new world of pleasure. Miles beyond just sex.
But his favorite part of it all is the minutes just after. When he stumbles out of your arms to gleefully assess the damage, take in his tear-stained face, the pink hand prints on his hips and ass, his kissed swollen lips. The sight of it all has his spent cock twitching awake.
Just a little more, he thinks, stumbling back over to you. God his legs ache in just the best way. He's already hard again, cum beading at the tip without a care for his carefully crafted, elegant persona.
He pulls you into another kiss, sweet still, before nipping playfully at your ear.
"You've positively ruined me, dear." He purrs, a shiver of glee running through him as your hands find his hips again. "Want to do it again?"
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differenteagletragedy · 9 months
How do you think "Jealous Boyfriend"?
(if Cove or Baxter is a very possessive boyfriend.)
-- I know gb patch says that none of the boys are jealous or possessive, but I don't think that is necessarily true and that is fine.
-- They're definitely not jealous/possessive in a toxic way, but I can see Cove and Baxter getting into their feelings a little bit like this over MC.
-- If you and Cove don't start dating when you're 13 (little middle school sweethearts, bless) and he likes you but can't tell you, then I think he would get jealous if other people give you atttention.
Cove: I saw you talking with [person's name] after history, are you friends with them now?
MC: Yeah, they're really nice, we've been talking some.
Cove: That's cool.
Cove's internal monologue: Does MC like them more than me, are they going to be their new best friend, what if they start dating someone and I never get the nerve to tell them how I feel, what if what if what if *combusts*
-- If you still don't confess in Step 3 and go on to be adults without sharing feelings, then he's going to keep it up.
Cove: Oh yeah, you're hanging out with your coworker later? Is it like a date? Just curious!
-- I think if you started being around/seeing someone with genuinely bad vibes, he would get more possessive, like to be protective. More hugs if you all hang out together, more inside jokes, a little glare here and there.
-- But if you found a good person that made you happy, he wouldn't fight it, he'd just sit and stew in his poor little feelings.
-- If you're with Baxter, he is yours and you are his. In a NON TOXIC WAY.
-- The guy is going to be insecure, he just is. And choosing to be with him is choosing to accept that. If you don't want to, that's fine! But friends, please remember, YOU CAN'T CHANGE HIM.
-- So yeah, if you're out with Baxter and somebody gets a little flirty, he's not going to be subtle about it. Hands hands hands, "darling" this and that, the whole thing.
-- To be honest I've talked to @meowzilla93 about this so much that I don't remember where my thoughts end and theirs begin, but preemptive shoutout.
-- But he is so HAPPY to be yours, it's not at all a "you are mine and I am mine," you belong to each other (in a sweet way).
-- Clingy clingy clingy, he's not going to get upset about you hanging with your pals or anything, but if you make friends with someone new then he's going to have his own internal monologue about it where he's happy for you, but he's also scared because he doesn't think that much of himself, but he also wants to be the kind of person who isn't jealous, but he's also kind of just not. This will all take place in his head.
-- Baxter please talk to someone I love you so much
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loveueddie · 1 month
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Pairing: Johnny Storm x Fem!Reader
Warnings: innuendo of sex, mention of sex, inappropriate language, Johnny being a cute boyfriend. Not yet reviewed.
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You and Johnny have known each other since high school, through Reed. It turns out that having a similar IQ to Reed made you his best friend, when he met Sue, you were forced to meet Johnny Storm. At first, it was annoying, you hated his playboy and womanizing ways, he was always flirting with you and you had to put up with it every single day. It got worse when he and the others took the space trip where they gained their powers, he was always showing off his flames and attracting attention. You had to put up with him every single day, again, when you helped Reed officially found the Fantastic Four. Johnny was always winking, flirting, and touching you... until you discovered that everything he said was more real than the Thing's fake wig.
Johnny changed, the womanizing side was left aside, he changed for you. He fell madly in love with you just like you fell in love with him. He was always trying to make you feel special, in his own way. Sometimes when you were angry, he would bring you flowers, when he accidentally set them on fire because he was nervous.
Being Johnny's girl was not an easy task when your boyfriend is the most coveted and most admired man by women in New York. York. Even though Johnny told you every single day that you were his girl, you couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy and possession when some random girl flirted with him, sent him letters with lipstick on his mouth, or winked at him.
But despite the jealousy, being Johnny's girl also had its good moments. All of New York knew you're the girl from the Human Torch:
Before heading to the Baxter Building for a day of work as Reed's assistant, you walk towards the coffee shop. To say the least you were late and that was never like you, the girl who was always right, punctual, intelligent and Reed's sweetheart. You blame the delay on your sister-in-law, Sue, who kept you up late showing you the wedding dresses she intended to choose for her wedding to Reed.
You enter the coffee shop, the bell ringing as you enter the place with the aroma of several different types of coffee. As soon as you approach the counter, the manager immediately smiles and says to the attendants the usual:
"Johnny's girl espresso!"
Johnny's girl. The title caught on everywhere and you loved being his girl. I mean, who wouldn't love to be Johnny's girl?
You were in the laboratory, making notes on what you and Reed could do to make HERBIE's intelligence more up to date, the robot was part of that crazy family of superheroes. You were doing it alone as Reed was busy making new installations in the Baxter Building, Sue and Ben were decorating the building with decorations for Valentine's Day.
Then your attention is taken away when you feel your reading glasses come off your eyes and Looking up, you see your boyfriend putting his glasses on his eyes and giving a charming smile.
"What do you say?" He strikes a playful pose, flexing his strong biceps through that skin-tight jumpsuit that makes you look horny just by looking at it. “Do I look smart and sexy?"
You pretend to roll your eyes and look at him, taking his glasses off his eyes. "No, you look even more stupid."
"Hey baby, that was mean of you." Johnny says placing his hand on his chest and pouting dramatically. "I'm Johnny Storm, I'm sexy and hot even if I were bald."
Johnny's smile was enough to make your legs go wobbly and you thank God you're sitting down. Johnny on the other hand, grabs your hands and pulls you up so you can stand up and he wraps his arms around your shoulders. "How's my girl?"
You smile, hands stroking his strong biceps on your shoulders. "Actually, I want to eat something."
"Really?" Johnny whispers, his brown eyes turning a darker shade and his voice full of desire. His hands, covered in black gloves, went down to your ass and squeezed lightly. "Because I'm hungry too. Very hungry."
You look at him, your eyebrow raised and biting your lip, because Johnny always had an insatiable thirst for you that happened when you least expected it and in the least expected place.
"Uh, uh." You place your index finger on his lips as he leans in to kiss you. "Last time you did this, we ended up getting laid here in my lab..."
"Yes, and it felt fucking good." He growls, biting your finger playfully.
"But it wasn't cool when Reed found out and had you wash the Fantastic Car with an old toothbrush after Ben ate nachos and burritos." You remind him and he groans in disgust at the memory.
"I'm going to ban all machos and burritos from this town." Johnny says with a look of disgust, but soon replacing it with a smirk. "But come on, we'll be careful this time. My girl likes naughty thrills."
Yes, damn, you did after you met Johnny and didn't know each other anymore. Johnny managed to corrupt Reed's innocent assistant with just carnal acts. You couldn't complain, the sex with Johnny was incredible and mind-blowing, after all, he had a lot of experiences before you.
But despite that, you deny it, maybe because Sue and Ben were walking back and forth with their Valentine's Day decorations, it wouldn't be nice to be caught by Sue or Ben.
"I promise that tonight beautiful lingerie awaits you in your dorm." You say smiling and Johnny's eyes light up like a child just getting candy.
"A lingerie, huh?" Johnny smiles. "You know, I wrote this in my letter to Santa Claus, but I didn't think I'd get the gift so soon. Any special reason?"
Typical of Johnny forgetting the dates and not noticing all the Valentine's Day decorations lying around . Sometimes he was distracted, like the last time he got lost on a car trip because he got distracted watching two ants having sex
"Today is Valentine's Day." You say, wrapping your arms around his neck. Johnny tries to hide his surprise with a smile.
"Y-yes, of course I did. I haven't forgotten. Pff, I would never forget the date of our first kiss." Johnny says. "Me? Never!"
You nod, suppressing your smile, finding his denials about not having forgotten that date cute. "Did you hear that?" Johnny says suddenly and you frown, not hearing anything. "Ben is calling me, he must have gotten stuck in the toilet again. I'll see you later, I love you!" Johnny kisses you before running out the door.
"I love you too." You say, even though he was already gone.
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It was almost seven in the afternoon and you were locking the lab to go to Johnny's dorm floor to do the who promised, you were eager to say the least. This night would be unforgettable.
Or not.
Ben runs towards you looking panicked, panting as if he had run a marathon to get to you. You look at him confused, finding his behavior strange.
"Johnny was attacked on the terrace! We need his help!" Ben says.
His words were enough for you to run to the elevator and press the button for the building's terrace several times. Once there, you look around trying to find Johnny, already expecting to see the worst of your boyfriend.
But there was nothing.
Then, the sky is lit by something strong with yellow and orange colors. You look up at the sky and see your boyfriend flying with his body full of flames, waving at you with an arrogant and passionate smile on his lips.
You can smile in relief as he slowly flies towards you and extinguishes the flames when he lands on the floor.
"Ben said...oh my god, I'm going to kill him." You say hugging your boyfriend tightly. Johnny smiles, hugging you back and placing a kiss on your forehead.
"I'm fine, I asked him to do it." Johnny says, pulling away a little to look at your face, a smile playing on his lips. "You know I've always liked a dramatic entrance."
He points to the sky and your heart pounds with love for your boyfriend when he sees the sky in flames, something he did for you, written: I love you, my girl.
"Happy Valentine's Day, baby." Johnny whispers in your ear, gently kissing your ear.
"I love you." You smile, looking into his eyes and then up to the sky where Johnny's statement was written with his flames. He lit up the sky for her for all of New York to see his love for her.
"I love you more, my girl." Johnny kisses your lips, with love and fire. His lips moving against yours, bringing butterflies to your stomach. He pulls away and puts his forehead against his. “Are you still going to wear that lingerie? Because I think big Johnny is ready for action." He points to his groin.
You laugh, nodding your head. "Yes, my love."
You're definitely Johnny's girl.
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purrassicjet · 4 months
I'm anxious to find out Sandra Lynn's fate in the finale because, as far as I can remember, the three previous moments where they are seperated are:
- Sandra Lynn is unconscious on the floor of her burning house and Baxter is fighting goons outside (Freshman Year)
- Sandra Lynn is possessed by the Nightmare King and has attacked Baxter (Sophomore Year)
- (This one isn't causation but is just a funny coincidence) Sandra Lynn sends Baxter with Zayn's grave on his back. He witnesses Fig's near death at the hands of multiple divine interventions all occuring at once (Junior Year)
So it never bodes well for them to be apart
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meowzilla93 · 8 months
well then, we did a Possessive Derek, time to look into Possessive BAXTER!
Link here for the previous post for DEREK!
Baxter Possessive A Touch OOC:
It is very important to know that he will never control you, he is very respectful of you and wants what’s the best for you, but the beginning of your relationship, he just needs to make sure you are there with him
Lets be real, this man cannot stop touching you
You’ve come back into his life and all he wants to hold onto you, not wanting you to disappear like a dream
So, he will make it his life’s mission to make sure everyone knows that you are his, and he is yours
When he goes in to whisper in your ear, always nips at the shell or your lobe
If you pull away he just moves to your neck and leaves little nips until you stop moving away and can just kiss you gently – oh is someone watching? Let them
You have a work function? He went and grabbed drinks for you both and when he comes back he kisses the back of your neck/shoulder before handing over your drink. Making sure everyone can see that only he gets to hold you like that
Standing to your side and holding your waist? Sure, it's a classic. But standing behind you, towering you whilst his hand rests on your front/stomach, pressing you into him as he holds you... yeah that’s a move
Oh nobody is allowed to hand anything to you. He will take it for you. Your hands need to be free to hold onto him
We talking that if there’s little houderves being passed around, he will grab a couple for you with quick nimble fingers and feed you himself, to hell with everyone around you who is watching
No one can dance with you. You want to dance, he will dance with you all night long, every single different style you want. He will be respectful for a few, holding you where he should, but with some his hands will wander as he enjoys the feel of you moving with him around the dance floor
Mind, around people he trusts, not as much. He just seems clingier not protective or possessive – Trust is very key here
Oh but say that you need to talk to some people there, he can just go relax whilst you make connections
He is very understanding, after all work is important to you and you are important to him
He will not stay in your way
From a distance he is lounging at the bar and you have your back turned to him but he can catch the eyes of the other persona and just throws daggers and bad vibes until the guy feels off and walks away, you being none the wiser of what happened
(he swears he didn’t mean it)
(Like he just wants you to be happy but just can't stop the daggers from attacking everyone)
He can only be at a distance for so long, especially if someone starts being a little too friendly with you, maybe looking to reach out to you?
He walks up behind and hugs you from behind, throwing daggers at the person who got to had the audacity to try and be extra friendly with you
Oh is someone about to touch you? Maybe you aren’t realizing it or its just meant to be a quick tap on the arm
This man has had to deal with the knowledge that he missed 5 years of being able to hold you – how dare someone else try to have what he couldn’t
Baxter just comes in an intercepts it by either placing his hand directly where the person was about to touch, or by just grabbing their wrist firmly and just "I don't recall them saying they were comfortable with that" before releasing the wrist
Pull him up on his behavior and he bats the accusations, simply saying that he is there for you, and just wants to be with you as well
Forgive the poor guy for being so obvious without realizing
Ah but you know, if you tell him about someone at work pulling moves? Oh you can bet he is going to call you at work, come over for lunch when he can, make a statement that he exists
Flowers appearing at your desk, little notes saying how much he loves you
Lunch time phone calls or if he is the locale he will take you out for lunch
The more time he can spend with you the better
Oh my Royal Majesty, is someone making you feel uncomfortable?
Oooh he is not afraid to get behind someone and knock their knees out a little, causing them to wobble and maybe fall over and pretend like nothing happened
Perhaps someone is trying to get a dance from you and you don’t want to
Well them, he takes the offending person onto the dance floor themselves and holds them in a tight grip and he guides and twirls them, leaving bruising marks on their wrist and ribs
Just a ‘gentle’ reminder that people don’t like it when you don’t listen to what they say
You are everything to Baxter, his guiding star in the night, the bright sunrise in the morning
He will never allow anyone to make you feel uncomfortable in any way
Oh one last thing! Be prepared to never wear lipstick again
That rosy red colour your lips become after you both had a passionate kiss? Its become his favourite colour and is more than happy to contribute the effort to keep them that way
Was he maybe like this when he was 19?
Glad you asked
Yes, but he is much more RESERVED
He doesn’t deserve you after all, he is going to leave you at the end of summer, how could he consider being protective of you?
Doesn’t stop his heart from clenching whenever you are with others and they all get to hug and be merry with you as he needs to hold himself back
Oh but when its just you too, he allows himself to be a little selfish
Out for drinks, or a coffee or dinner?
Light touches here and there, just being able to have some of your heat
And when you initiate the hugs and holds, he will not let go until you do
You see someone from your school at the mall, he is not letting go
Wraps an arm around you as you talk to them, and he is being all nonchalant
It’s a subtle thing but its enough
You have someone, even if its just for now
And Baxter doesn’t share
Yearning for you from the distance, he cant help how he stares at you, and the daggers he throws at others when they hope to have a moment with you
But he knows he shouldn’t get in the way, after all, he is only there for the season and you deserve someone who will stay
But he allows himself that little bit of selfishness and holds onto you for those few short months
After all, you are the warmth that broke through the coldness of his life, and he wants to have that, even if its just temporary
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teabeexo · 2 months
Hi hi hi, I've seen you around the our life tag and I am absolutely in love with your art style, it is so lovely and it got me curious on your OCs.
So do you have any general information about your other MCs for our life? I've seen that you have a Derek and Baxter MC (very interested in your Baxter MC, they always fascinate me (ironically Baxter isn't even my favorite I just love when people have messy relationships haha)) and also a Qiu MC but do you also happen to have a Cove and Tamarack MCs? Any other side characters for your version of the game? I'd ask more in depth questions but by the look of it you seem to give your MCs a lot of thought so I will ask more in depth questions for each character in the future if you'd like <3 have a lovely day !!
AHHH, hello! Thank you so much for asking!! Knowing that people are interested in my characters makes me SO thrilled! I am more than happy to yap about them <33
To answer your question, yes, I do have Cove and Tamarack MCs! They'll be below!
My Cove MC is named Winona! Lore-wise, she follows the plot of the game, with most of the nuance lying within inward turmoil rather than outward problems.
Here's the basics (with some fun facts)!
Winona was adopted by Noelani and Pamela when she was less than a year old.
She's Korean-American by birth.
Her full name is Winona Mahina Cameron.
She begins to learn the bass as a teenager, but can fully play by the time she's an adult.
Winona's birthday is August 2, which makes her a Leo.
She sings 1st soprano and has the highest range of any of my characters.
She redyes her bangs nearly every month, often to fit with an occasion or emotion she is experiencing.
Winona has diagnosed ADHD.
Her favorite animal is a firefly!
Winona's arc mainly centers around learning to focus on oneself rather than emotionally investing completely in others. Out of all the characters, Winona has a pretty easy go of it, haha. The others have a bit more angst in comparison.
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Also, here is one of the only good digital pieces of Winona that I have!
Next is my Derek MC, Luella! Again, her story is more internal, but does have some outward elements too.
Here's some basic (and fun) facts!
Luella is Italian and German.
Her full name is Luella Bo Faraway.
Luella's favorite possession is a string bracelet that Derek wove for her while he was at a sport's summer camp one year.
She has diagnosed anxiety, as well as dyslexia.
She is extremely flexible and did gymnastics for her entire childhood/adolescence.
Luella sings alto.
Out of all my MCs, Luella is the best at drawing and has a creative eye.
Her birthday is March 18, making her a Pisces.
Luella gets all her facial piercings done over the course of time between Step 3 and 4, except for her nose ring, which she already has in Step 3.
Luella's legal guardian and parental figure is her elder sister, who was 20 years old whenever she was 13. Luella's story heavily revolves around survivor's guilt and self-worth.
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Obligatory Luella art, haha
Wooo, next one is the one and only Baxter MC, Vérène! She is by far one of the most angsty of the MCs. Baxter is in part responsible for that, but there is also some family stuff involved.
Vérène is from Nice, France and moved to Sunset Bird when she was 11 (which means she was not present for Step 1).
She is fluent in both French and English and will use either depending on appropriateness and setting.
Vérène's full name is Vérène Dominique Alcott.
This isn't necessarily a character thing, but Vérène was the absolute hardest MC for me to decide a final design for.
Vérène bakes as a hobby, and likes to chat with Xavier about it.
She was born on February 10th, making her an Aquarius.
Vérène grows up with an old cat, then as adult rescues kittens when he passes away.
Her favorite flower is a sunflower.
She is a mezzo-soprano.
She lives with only her mother for a majority of her life following a gnarly divorce. Vérène's story has mostly themes of overcoming old emotions, as well as abandonment issues. Forgiveness (or lack thereof) is also very prevalent in her lore.
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One of my favorite sketches of her!!
So! That's it for my OL:BA MCs. Let's move onto the two OL:NF MCs!
Let's start with Mina! As I've mentioned in other posts, Mina is Vérène's cousin. My other OL:NF MC, Maël, is her twin brother. Her love interest is Qiu. Like their cousin, Mina and Maël moved from Nice, France when they were 10.
Mina is French on her mom's side, but Swedish on the side of her donor's.
Mina is not fluent in English during Step 1, but that didn't impede her at all -- she learns a majority of her English from other kids (and one of them even teaches her some Japanese).
She learns the piano and plays it in her free time.
One of Mina's number-one passions is ice skating, and she often uses it as escapism.
Her birthday is June 23, making her a Cancer.
She has always loved mysterious and detective shows.
Her full name is Mina Octavia Linwood.
Mina is hyperopic, meaning she struggles to see things that are close to her eyes (hence her glasses).
Mina loves antique/old things and collects trinkets of that nature.
Most of her story is about self-confidence and self-denial, as well as discovering oneself. Qiu may have something to do with that, hehe.
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Mina profile practice <33
Last but certainly not least of the MCs, we have Maël! I'll spare you most of his background context because he comes from the same place as Mina, haha. His love interest is Tamarack!
Similar to his sister, he's also not fluent in English during Step 1 -- but he's much shier about it. Mina basically becomes his shield.
He knows French and English, but also ASL.
He was born on June 23, making him a cancer (hmmm, sounds familiar LOL).
Maël plays baseball during Step 2, and during that time he builds up a lot of his confidence and social status.
Similar to Qiu, Maël is lactose intolerant!
Maël grows up to be a teacher due to Mrs. Murray's influence.
He has ADHD that goes undiagnosed until Step 3.
Maël babysits for his neighbors during Step 2 (he is known to be very good with kids).
He could be very good in school if he applied himself more, but he doesn't like school environment and how homework functions, so his grades suffer.
Maël's story deals with things like comparison to others and healing harmful complexes.
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This is like... the only art of Maël that I have... featuring Tammy!
Phew! Okay. Finally, I'll quickly go over side characters that exist at the time of posting this.
I would like to stress that just because they're referred to as 'side characters', that doesn't mean I like them less than any other characters. A lot of them still have intricate lore and lives and I love them dearly -- they're just referred to like that because, through the lens of the game, that's what they are.
The entire Linwood family is technically side characters. Sonia, Jude, Beau, Raoul, and Quincy are all cousins to Mina, Maël, and Vérène. Sonia and Jude have already been written in (especially in Mina's story, and the other three probably will too, once I'm done designing them). Sonia's boyfriend Dante might also get a cameo here and there.
Otherwise, you have my OCs that are friends with the MCs.
All of my OL:BA MCs (Winona, Vérène, and Luella) are all within the same group, which consists of them and the canon characters. They don't really have any important friends beyond the ones provided in OLBA (and eachother).
BUT Mina and Maël are different. Mina's close friend group consists of Tamarack, my characters Rex, Diana, Sonia, Maxine, and my friend's OC Yuki.
Maël's close friend group is Qiu, Renee, and my characters Florian, Phoenix, and Róisín.
These characters will likely get posts of their own, and it's possible that more side characters will be developed as time goes on. Okay... I think that's all, LOL.
Thank you for asking! As always, if you have specific and in-depth questions to ask about certain OCs/MCs, their relationships with the love interests, or with each other, please feel free to ask!
Again, it's so thrilling to know that people are interested! I tried to keep this brief while also informative, but I don't know how effective that was because I tend to ramble haha!
Take care!
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acidichcl · 7 months
My babies
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Was playing around a lil with how i draw them
Anyways, im bored so below is just me rambling about my tmnt fan iteration
If ur gonna read it, be warned, it’s long 💀 i tend to yap alot. I’ll make a clearer post once i figure everything out lmao
I guess i’ll start by explaining the background of it all
Baxter stockman found a crystal near an alien crash site and he found it super pretty, he wanted to give it to april’s mom, who he fancied. At the time, he didnt think much of it. He just thought it was a regular pretty crystal that was probably formed because of the crash impact or something.
(Little comic about this) As baxter gives the crystal necklace to april for her to give to her mom, april ends up giving it to Leo instead because april doesnt like her mom and refuses to give any gifts to her. Leo wears the crystal necklace in gratitude for April and on that night, leo had something happen to him. It’s like something from the necklace is taking over his body. That something is basically the crystal’s energy getting embedded to his body, this includes a hologram being (like an AI i guess) that is part of that crystal
This hologram being is what u call a Chronix. Chronixes are blue hologram AI beings that usually take a dragon-like form. Chronix doesnt immediately show itself to Leo, as just like any other virtual assistant, it only shows up when needed. When the crystal’s energy was embedded to Leo, he just thought that it was somehow Donnie’s mischievous doing. Maybe he was experimenting with things and Leo got caught in the way. Leo quickly dismissed it and went on with his day after Donnie gives Leo a device that would help tame the energy surge.
One day, a bunch of utroms have been spotted roaming around the town. While April was still sleeping, an utrom managed to get into april’s place through an open window and climbed onto leo, causing him to freak out and accidentally spawn a holographic whip that would break April’s shelf of her beloved figurines. Leo begged Donnie to fix everything and he also tells Donnie that the device he gave isnt working. Donnie agreed to fix the issues and he tells Raph to distract April, and Mikey to help clean up the mess a bit. While Donnie is fixing up his device, Leo is sitting alone in his room, wondering what actually is happening to him.
Prompted by Leo’s question about what’s happening, Chronix appears and tells him that the energy surges he’s getting are because he’s not used to it yet. His body is not trained enough to be a container for the energy nor to gain better control of what he spawns. Chronix explains further about what it is and where it came from: The utroms have a very advanced living condition and what keeps their conditions alive is a sun crystal that powers everything in their planet. It is linked to everything there and it casts virtual assistants to serve the utroms. As they were fleeing their planet that’s about to be taken over by shredder, the utroms took the big crystal with them as its huge energy source is believed to be able to form a new world and Shredder will have his own loyal army. When the utroms fled with the crystal, they crashed to earth, causing the crystal to shatter to multiple pieces. Those who came to check out the crash site notice these crystal fragments and take them, either its for collection, or for profit purposes, or for research, whatever. Ppl just like shiny things. The utroms are trying to gather all the pieces to form the crystal whole again to restore their home planet, while shredder, and other alien invaders, are also actively trying to seek out for this crystal for power.
As Leo is one of those who is in possession of the crystal, he is now a target, hence why an utrom climbed up onto him that morning. Now knowing that he’s not supposed to be in possession of the crystal, he tries to take off the necklace but he is now bonded with the crystal so he physically can’t take it off. The crystals dont have the same effects on other living things tho. I'll tell why eventually in future posts.
To avoid any more accidents, he asks for chronix’s guidance on how to make his body stronger to contain and be more in control. Chronix tells him that he just needs to train n stuff. For better guidance, he tells his brothers. And then april, who then mentions that there’s a dojo nearby and thats where they meet casey jones and his grandpa who owns a pet rat, Splinter, who shortly gets in contact with an utrom and gets mutated. Also the grandpa’s pretty old so he passes away not very long after. Casey is still too young to continue his legacy, but splinter is now an old wise rat who knows of the grandpa’s techniques. So splinter takes the sensei role to initially train only leo and casey, but the other turtles and april also wanted to join in just to have something to do
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